#ken fordham
mychameleondays · 11 months
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David Bowie: Pin Ups
top: RCA Victor RS 1003, 1973
2nd: RCA International NL 84653, 1983
3rd: EMI EMC 3580, 1990 (Gatefold, bonus tracks)
Originally released: October 19, 1973
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longliverockback · 1 year
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David Bowie Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars Motion Picture Soundtrack [50th Anniversary Edition] 2023 EMI ————————————————— Tracks LP One: 01. Intro 02. Hang on to Yourself 03. Ziggy Stardust 04. Watch That Man 05. Wild Eyed Boy from Freecloud 06. All the Young Dudes 07. Oh! You Pretty Things 08. Moonage Daydream 09. Changes 10. Space Oddity 11. My Death 12. Cracked Actor 13. Time
Tracks LP Two: 01. The Width of a Circle 02. Let’s Spend the Night Together 03. Suffragette City 04. White Light • White Heat 05. Medley: The Jean Genie • Love Me Do • The Jean Genie 06. Round and Round 07. Farewell Speech 08. Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide —————————————————
* Long Live Rock Archive
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cinearche · 2 years
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THE WANDERERS. Dir Philip Kaufman, 1979.
Sinopse: The Wanderers é uma gangue italiana de adolescentes do Bronx, Nova York, em 1963. Eles entram em confrontos com outras gangues. Drogas e armas não são coisas bacanas. A vida adulta os espera. (fonte imdb)
Tenho revisitado alguns filmes com temáticas voltadas a juventude americana e fiquei surpresa ao deixar passar o filme The Wanderers, no Brasil com o título de “Os vagabundos de Nova Iorque” de 1979 dirigido pelo cineasta Phil Kaufman. Baseado no romance do autor Richard Price. A história se passa no ano de 1963, sobre os Wanderers, uma gangue de adolescentes italianos que residiam nos subúrbios do bairro Bronx em Nova York, o confronto com as outras gangues rivais, os Fordham Baldies, sobretudo os temidos Ducky Boys (gangue de jovens misteriosos e conservadores) . Em um primeiro olhar trata-se de uma típica comédia de adolescentes, contudo o filme de Kaufman se apresenta mais do que isso e, por essa razão levou-me a refletir a sua entre linhas, ou melhor o seu entre planos, a fim de examinar essa relação estabelecida no filme: a dureza da juventude, as expectativas e incertezas em uma sociedade que passava por transformações, principalmente no campo político.
O filme começa com a provocação do Wanderers aos Baldies, sobretudo a preocupação do personagem Turkey (Alan Rosenberg), da gangue dos Wanderers com o seu futuro; preocupação que o leva a raspar os cabelos e se tornar um dos “Baldies” e toda a sua busca por ser aceito pelo grupo rival liderado por Terror (Erland van Lidth), ao lado de sua namorada Peewee (Linda Manz). Poderia elencar outras cenas do filme neste texto, porém destaco uma cena peculiar que me chamou a atenção: a notícia do assassinato do Presidente Kennedy e, as transformações culturais dos anos 60, o que culmina com o descortinar das expectativas de uma geração, na cena em destaque pressupõe um limiar de configuração entre dois tempos: as expectativas consubstanciadas em mudanças relacionadas a uma nova Era Kennedy até o seu fatídico assassinato em Dallas em 1963; na película é notória essa divisão, como igualmente na história do país.
Em uma publicação de 1979 no The New York Times, com o título de 'The Wanderers, ' a Bronx Gangs Story¹ há uma referência ao apontamento em questão, porém ressaltando a ambivalência dos conflitos raciais; como observado ao percorrer os corredores do colégio, a pluralidade de grupos de jovens de diferentes culturas coexistindo e, claro separados por grupos de rapazes durões identificados por suas jaquetas com o nome de sua respectiva gangue; ademais na cena em questão, dentro da sala de aula o professor propõe uma dinâmica de confronto entre negros e brancos, uma alusão ao “Brotherhood Week” a “Semana da Fraternidade”, a cena se torna cômica ao primeiro olhar, onde grande quantidade de apelidos jocosos é proferida mutuamente entre grupos, entrepostos por uma imagem de Abraham Lincoln ao fundo.
Pois bem, em uma estrutura narrativa como lembra Jean-Claude Bernadet -“filmar, então, pode ser visto como um ato de recortar o espaço, de determinado ângulo, em imagens, com uma finalidade expressiva. Por isso diz que filmar é uma atividade de análise.”²A partir desse pressuposto cabe um olhar com acuidade, uma observação pormenorizada da cena apresentada na película que retrata a notícia do assassinato do Presidente Kennedy e seus elementos ideológicos. Embora nesse tocante a análise pode se tornar mais abrangente o que descabe nesse argumento, afinal como descrito é um filme de comédia sobre a juventude americana na década de 60.
Desta maneira, The Wanderers se constrói através das transformações provenientes da contracultura enraizada no estado mental daquela juventude. E dentro dessa configuração destaco a notória cena onde o personagem Richie (Ken Wahl) caminhando pelas ruas é surpreendido com a notícia do assassinato do Presidente Kennedy; o plano foca em ênfase os semblantes preocupados do personagem, em conexão com o som de “stand by me” de Ben E. King. Onde o refrão se dilui com as imagens do Presidente na tela do televisor, assim como a esperança de quem estava inconsolável diante da vitrine; a música repercutiu o drama psicológico, porém com a esperança onde devemos permanecer fortes e otimistas.
Destaque para a cinematografia de Michael Chapman (Taxi driver, Raging Bull) que expõe o detalhe do plano: diante da vitrine de uma loja de televisores, senhoras vão às lágrimas com a notícia; é uma desolação coletiva; poderia considerar a cinematografia em consonância como todo aquele momento, uma ficção que se opera a partir da realidade histórica; como ensina Susan Sontag - “As fotos mostram as pessoas incontestavelmente presentes num lugar e numa época específica de suas vidas; agrupam pessoas e coisas que, um instante depois, se dispersaram, mudaram, seguiram o curso de seus destinos independentes.”³ Porém cinema é imagem em movimento, mas através da cinematografia nos enseja a significar todo esse conjunto. E diante de significações se estabelece o ponto de divisão do filme e consequentemente na história americana.
No que tange o universo fílmico, sobretudo para o personagem de Richie, sua vida passa por mudanças significativas ao engravidar sua namorada Despie (Toni Kalem) a filha de um italiano mafioso e, se vê diante de um compromisso diante do futuro sogro: casar com a sua filha. A partir deste limiar os personagens se transformam diante das incertezas da vida adulta, e a tônica juvenil se subverte. Um pesar recaí sobre Richie diante de uma pia de louças do restaurante em que trabalha, arrefecido diante do compromisso de se casar, da incerteza à sujeição.
The Wanderers é um filme que inspira nostalgia, afinal se passaram mais de quarenta anos, merece ser revisto. É genial como o diretor Phil Kaufman em sua visão construiu sua retórica de um tempo, realmente levou a refletir sobre as interlocuções do cinema com a história e seu papel na ambivalência da montagem cinematográfica.
©Pattie Carrán/Cine Arché.
¹“There is also an amazingly tasteless reference to the John F. Kennedy assassination, with a rock song played over footage of the killing, plus some uneasy attempts to demonstrate that race relations in the neighborhood are implausibly strained and friendly at the same time.”
MASLIN, Janet. 'The Wanderers, ' a Bronx Gangs Story. The New York Times, July 13, 1979. Disponível em: https://www.nytimes.com/1979/07/13/archives/screen-the-wanderers-a-bronx-gangs-story.html
² BERNADET, Jean-Claude. O que é Cinema. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2006. (Coleção Primeiros Passos;9).
³SONTAG, Susan. Sobre Fotografia, Ensaios. Companhia das Letras. 2004.
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manelyec · 1 year
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Graduates Honored, Dr. Fordham Remembered at 7th Annual Ag Gala
The Emmanuel Agriculture Department graduating class of 2023 was celebrated and local farm families were honored on Tuesday evening in the Shaw Athletic Center as more than 250 members of the local community attended Emmanuel’s 7th Annual Founding Farmer’s Gala.
The event served as a thank you to the members of the Northeast Georgia community who have been instrumental in the early success of the Agriculture program.
Event sponsors included Springer Mountain Farms, Pinnacle Bank, and Bar-H BBQ.
Emmanuel President, Dr. Ron White presented Springer Mountain Farms with the Excellence in Agriculture award. Representing Springer Mountain at the event was Broiler Manager, Ken Martin.
Agriculture Program Chair, Owen Thomason, Wayne Randall, John Shealy and Melissa Webb  then recognized the 2023 graduates of the program. Graduates include –
Hope Smith of Toccoa
John Dean Daniels of Camilla, Ga
Jaylyne Ward, Stoneville, NC
Kimberly McCall, Lavonia, Ga
Kollin Smith, Bowersville, Ga
Kody Varner, Bold Springs, Ga
Max Owen, Newnan, Ga
Mary Keener, Elijay, GA
Zoe Walraven, Hartwell, Ga
Zoe Walraven was selected by the Agriculture instructors and  presented with the Outstanding Agriculture Student award. This award recognizes a student who has shown leadership, personal growth and dedication to the Agriculture Department. Zoe has been the Colligate FFA President for three years, recruited for Emmanuel College at the National and State FFA Convention and participated in community service events.  
Madison Nimmons received the inaugural Dr. Leslie Hart Fordham Scholarship. The endowed scholarship was started in the Fall of 2022 after the passing of Dr. Fordham. She made a huge impact on the students and college during her teaching career. Randy Fordham presented the scholarship and spoke about how Madison Nimmons wrote about her “passion for agriculture”. He talked about how, Dr. Fordham had that same passion and the two had that in common.  
At the event, a silent and live auction took place to raise money for the scholarship fund and provide more opportunities for students to study agriculture at Emmanuel. Many local businesses and craftsmen donated items to the event. The program appreciates the support of the local businesses. Wayne Randall supervised the auction and helped to find items for the sale.
“The huge outpouring of support for the program and graduating seniors was a testament to the strength of pride our community has for the students and college. It has been truly an honor to work with these men and women and I know that they are going to continue to make an impact on the agriculture industry and our world. Our past graduates have already laid the path of success for these students. Over 90% of our past graduates are engaged in the agriculture industry today.”
VP for Advancement, Brian James spoke about the continued growth of the program and how it wouldn’t be possible without the community’s support.
2022 Diversified Agriculture Degree recipient and alumnus, Wyatt Hargrove spoke at the program by sharing what Emmanuel and the Agriculture program meant to him.
“I truly thought COVID-19 would end the Emmanuel experience for me,” he said. “Agriculture and online learning don’t go hand in hand, but this program came out of the darkness with flying colors. If you don’t believe me, look around the room – we’re prime examples of it. 9 graduates, we’re constantly growing.”
Wyatt, who now works as a salesperson for AgriMed Pharmaceuticals is confident that Emmanuel’s Agriculture program helped prepare him for a successful career.
“From Livestock Evaluation to Ag Processing and Marketing, each course provided useful information,” he said. “Not a day goes by that I don’t use something I learned here.”
He closed by giving a piece of advice to the graduating seniors.
“One of the things that makes your job the best is if you love it,” he said. “I encourage you to find a career you love. Expand your knowledge and put it to good use because it will help you over time.”
For more information on the Agriculture program or on how you can partner with us by making a contribution to this worthy program, visit www.ec.edu/ag or contact Owen Thomason at [email protected].
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tctmp · 2 years
Documentary  Music
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duranduratulsa · 4 years
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Hornblower of the day: Ken Fordham (David Bowie) #kenfordham #davidbowie #saxophone
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mitjalovse · 4 years
I would say the cover albums tend to get a bad reputation more often than usual. I'm unsure about the reasons, but maybe the truth remains in the answer some of these platters find their musicians phoning the entire enterprise. I mean, Bowie's Pin Ups, for instance, should be seen as a solid record, yet the context caused a lot of problems for this collection of tunes. Had he done something of similar quality during the 80's, everyone would have praised him. However, he did this in the 70's, so the LP became a victim of being surrounded by an incredible run of disc. Sure, Pin Ups falter in comparison to his early 70's blockbusters, but they do show his eclecticism, because the selection of his replays presents us with someone who has his own taste and who's not afraid to admit this.
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stevepotterwrites · 3 years
The Wanderers Folk Club Scene. The Times They Are a Changin’
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I've always been happy with being a Goodwill store for people's unwanted sports cards. It gives me stuff to sort through which makes me happy and frees up space in their house. I've had two friends recently make contributions to my collection that were incredibly generous and intriguing. Sadly though, not all of the cards made the trip to Coventry in the best shape. A few days back I brought the first installment of the Sisky Series down to Westerly to meet their maker in the famed Simone Fire Pit. So without further ado, here is the initial members of the Sisky Series for the Continuous Cardboard Fire.
-1998 Collector's Choice Ken Cloude (The second time this card has been burned, first of five from this set covered in an odd dried liquid...no, not that)
-1998 Collector's Choice Juan Encarnacion
-1998 Collector's Choice Orlando Cabrera
-1998 Collector's Choice Tom Fordham
-1998 Collector's Choice Javier Valentin
-1993 Upper Deck Rondell White
-1999 UD Choice Bobby Abreu
-1998 Collector's Choice Scott Erickson (He escaped the grossness, but not bending)
-1991-1992 Upper Deck Haywood Workman
-1995-1996 Upper Deck SP Dana Barros
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ninewheels · 5 years
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Buffy Summers - 2630 Angel - 2008 Willow Rosenberg - 1258:15 Xander Harris - 1067:30 Cordelia Chase - 1038 Wesley Wyndham-Pryce - 840:15 Rupert Giles - 820:30 Spike - 760:30 Charles Gunn - 575:45 Winifred “Fred” Burkle - 480:15
Anya Jenkins - 379:15 Dawn Summers - 376:45 Lorne - 281:15 Faith Lehane - 256:15 Riley Finn - 241 Connor - 231:45 Tara Maclay - 211:30 Daniel “Oz” Osbourne - 181:15 Joyce Summers - 164:30 Darla - 154:45 Lilah Morgan - 153 Allen Francis Doyle - 132:30 Lindsey McDonald - 128:30 Harmony Kendall - 123 Andrew Wells - 122:45 Drusilla - 97 Det. Kate Lockley - 88:45 Jonathan Levinson - 79:15 Jenny Calendar - 65:45 Principal Robin Wood - 65:30 Warren Mears - 56 Illyria - 55 Kennedy - 54:30 Daniel Holtz - 51:30 The Groosalugg - 50:45 The First Evil - 50:15 Glory - 50:15 Mayor Richard Wilkins III - 44:30 Eve - 41:15 Jasmine - 41 Anne Steele - 38:45 Principal Snyder - 38:45 Gwen Raiden - 38 Amy Madison - 34:15 Justine Cooper - 32:15 Holland Manners - 30:15 Forrest Gates - 29:45 The Master - 27 Ben Wilkinson - 27 Kendra Young - 25 Nina Ash - 24:15 Adam - 22:30 Amanda - 22:30 Sahjhan - 22 Rebecca Lowell - 22 Skip - 21:30 Gavin Park - 21:15 Caleb - 21 Prof. Maggie Walsh - 20:45 Linwood Murrow - 20:30 Buffy-Bot - 20:30 Parker Abrams - 19:45 Bethany Chaulk - 19 Knox - 18:30 Ethan Rayne - 18:30 Graham Miller - 18:15 Sam Lawson - 18:15 Mr. Trick - 17:30 Virginia Bryce - 17:15 Halfrek - 16 Marcus Roscoe - 15:30 The Beast - 15 Rona - 15 Inca Mummy Girl - 15 Roger Wyndham-Pryce (doppleganger) - 14:30 Trish Burkle - 14:30 Roger Burkle - 14 Ted Buchanan - 13:45 Rondell - 13:30 Clem - 12:45 Vi - 12:45 Dana - 12:45 Quentin Travers - 12:30 Marcus Hamilton - 12:15 Billy “Ford” Fordham - 12:15 Jhiera - 12 Molly - 11:45 Holden Webster - 11:45 Veruca - 11:30 Numéro Cinco - 11:30 Barney - 11:15 Owen Thurman - 11 Melissa Burns - 10:45 Jinx - 10:30 Kathy Newman - 10:30 Judy Kovacs - 10:15 D’Hoffryn - 10 Merl - 10 April - 10 Gene Rainey - 10 Cassie Newton - 9:45 Trevor Lockley - 9:45 Tina - 9:45 Richard Straley - 9:30 Olaf - 9 Larry Blaisdell - 8:30 Gio - 8:30 Gwendolyn Post - 8:30 Katrina Silber - 8:15 Silas - 8:15 R.J. Brooks - 8:15 Willy the Snitch - 8 Cyvus Vail - 8 Alonna Gunn - 8 Harriet “Harry” Doyle - 8 Penn - 8 James - 8 Nancy - 8 Rack - 7:45 Samantha Finn - 7:45 Dracula - 7:45 Jack O’Toole - 7:45 Justin - 7:45 Landok - 7:30 Natalie French - 7:30 Collin, the Annointed One - 7:15 David Nabbit - 7:15 Luke - 7:15 Drogyn - 7:15 Jo - 7:15 Doc - 7 Scott Hope - 7 Marcus - 7 Dr. Ronald Meltzer - 7 Catherine Madison - 7 Lee Mercer - 6:45 Nathan Reed - 6:45 Murk - 6:45 Russell Winters - 6:45 Ryan Anderson - 6:45 Hank Summers - 6:30 James Stanley - 6:30 Billy Blim - 6:15 Shannon - 6:15 Paige Anderson - 6:15 General Gregor - 6:15 Debbie Foley - 6:15 Sweet - 6 Prof. Oliver Seidel - 6 Prima Ballerina - 6 Dr. Angelman - 6 Seth Anderson - 6 Magnus Bryce - 6 Sid - 6 Billy Palmer - 6 Grace Newman - 6 Archduke Sebassis - 5:45 Jesse - 5:45 Chloe - 5:45 Anne (William’s mum) - 5:45 Gage Petronzi - 5:45 Doris Kroeger - 5:45 Pete Clarner - 5:45 Chao-Ahn - 5:30 Dr. Kriegel - 5:30 Sheila Rosenberg - 5:30 The Valet - 5:30 Menlo - 5:30 Tom Warner - 5:30 Sunday - 5:30 Collins - 5:15 Spider Monster - 5:15 Razor - 5:15 The First Slayer - 5 Dr. Sparrow - 5 Wo-Pang - 5 Orlando - 5 Ken - 5 Kyle DuFours - 5 Rhonda Kelley - 5 Tor Hauer - 5 Heidi Barrie - 5 Chris Epps - 5 Coach Carl Marin - 5 Wilson Christopher - 5 T’ish Magev - 5 Lee DeMarco - 5 Zachary Kralik - 4:45 Lyle Gorch - 4:45 Mr. Maclay - 4:45 Vyassa - 4:45 Sam Ryan - 4:45 Jenoff - 4:45 Weatherby - 4:30 Cousin Beth - 4:30 Vanessa Brewer - 4:30 Daryl Epps - 4:30 Devon Macleish - 4:15 Principal Bob Flutie - 4:15 Lissa - 4:15 Nikki Wood - 4 Olivia - 4 Deputy Mayor Allen Finch - 4 Uncle Enyos - 4 Percy West - 4 Smith - 4 Maude Pearson - 4 Old Man (Hell’s Bells) - 4 Eric - 4 Morgan Shay - 4 Richard Anderson - 4 Vocah Demon - 4 M’Fashnik Demon - 4 Female Oracle - 4 The Judge - 3:45 Kit Holburn - 3:45 Caridad - 3:30 Whistler - 3:30 Gronx - 3:30 Cain - 3:30 Dante Chevalier - 3:30 Cameron Walker - 3:30 Zack - 3:30 Tony Harris - 3:15 Male Oracle - 3:15 Izzerial the Devil - 3:15 Dalton - 3:15 Janice - 3:15 Eddie - 3:15 Lorne’s Mother - 3 Senator Helen Brucker - 3 Liam’s Father - 3 Dreg - 3 Donny Maclay - 3 Balthazar - 3 Philip - 3 Lydia - 2:45 Nigel - 2:45 Hus - 2:45 Det. Stein - 2:45 Ed, Grand Potentate of the Fell Bretheren - 2:30 Sandy - 2:30 Lorraine Ross - 2:30 Kakistos - 2:15 Laurence - 2 Jessica Harris - 2 Teeth - 2 Merrick - 1 Numfar - 1
That’s a lot of damn characters. Counted by and rounded to the nearest quarter-minute.
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mychameleondays · 1 year
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David Bowie: Aladdin Sane
top: EMI EMC 3579, 1990
2nd: EMI 7243 4 99463 1 6 (The Millennium Vinyl Collection)
Originally released: April 19, 1973
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tikkisaram · 5 years
Elizabeth Bishop — An Actual Bishop?
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Elizabeth Bishop is not a poet we read for her versificatory virtuosity or marvelous musicality; one need only take a look at The Fish to see that her poems — admittedly not without exception, but overwhelmingly — exhibit less poeticality than many writers' prose. No, her appeal lies not in the traditional qualities we would associate with poetry, but rather in her treatment of the subjects of her poems. She is a poet of incredible empathy, attentiveness and ability to wonder, a poet who exhibits admirable goodness and compassion — acting consistently as per the teachings of the Bible.
Perhaps the best example of Bishop's compassion and empathy is The Prodigal — her retelling of Jesus's parable of the Prodigal Son.1 She conveys sympathy through her detailed description of the son's suffering — an incredibly vivid "brown enormous odor" surrounds him; the sty in which he lives is "plastered halfway up with glass-smooth dung"; his mental state is no better than his surroundings as he is plagued by "his shuddering insights, beyond his control,/ touching him." Bishop focuses on the bestialisation of the son to show him being shunned and ignored by society, dismissed and offered no help. Ken Stone points out the "recurring tendency to disparage humans recognized as different or other (whether on the basis of gender, race, nation, class, or any other marker of difference) by animalizing them, turning them into beasts who then can be treated in ways that we routinely allow ourselves to treat animals."2 This tendency is seen elsewhere in the Bible — for example, Jacques Derrida reads the story of the Garden of Eden as linking animal difference with sexual difference and the boundary between humanity and God3 — and in this case it is made stronger by the fact that the Jews believed pigs to be unclean animals. The animal is associated with the other — Ellen Armour, in a theological essay on Derrida’s Le Toucher, refers to the "fourfold" of "man and his others: his racial and sexual others, his divine other (God), and the animal."4 Armour suggests that modernity is characterized by "a certain configuration of these four elements" in which ‘man occupies the center while the animals, God, as well as man’s raced and sexed others, constitute a network of mirrors that reflect man back to himself by supposedly securing his boundaries."5 This begs the question: why is the son set apart from the rest of society? Perhaps it is simply that his choices led him to poverty and that made him looked down upon. It would not be unreasonable, however, to argue that his situation is the product of prejudice — likely due to homosexuality or other queerness. Nonetheless, this is not the place for a queer reading of The Prodigal (another blessay, perhaps?) — what is important is that Bishop, for one, refuses to shun the son and treats him with an admirable degree of empathy, exemplifying Jesus's commandment "Love your neighbour as you love yourself."6
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The Fish is another poem that can be read in light of the Bible. The most obvious link is the ending: "And I let the fish go," which shows empathy and reflects Jesus's teachings: "Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them!"7 What is perhaps more interesting is that Bishop describes the fish at length as being extremely ungainly and repulsive — "Here and there/ his brown skin hung in strips/ like ancient wallpaper"; "He was speckled with barnacles,/ fine rosettes of lime,/ and infested/ with tiny white sea-lice" — yet seems to value it highly despite its seeming worthlessness. This parallels the Bible once again:
The stone which the builders rejected as worthless    turned out to be the most important of all. This was done by the Lord;    what a wonderful sight it is!8
We see more of Bishop's ability to see the smallest of things as wonderful in Filling Station. It is similar to The Fish for its oddly sympathetic descriptions of ugliness — "oil-soaked, oil-permeated/ to a disturbing, over-all/ black translucency"; "a set of crushed and grease-/ impregnated wickerwork" — but focuses more on the work done in the background by "somebody" who "loves us all". Her focus on efforts which would generally go unnoticed is once again consistent with what Jesus sought to teach us: "Whoever wants to be first must place himself last of all and be the servant of all."9 Bishop elevates the 'servant' to an almost God-like entity that encompasses us all with love.
An extension of Bishop's empathy is her ability to put herself in the mindset of someone else, especially a child. Many of her poems are written from the perspective of herself10 as a young girl, and she masterfully captures the unique way of seeing the world that children are gifted with. First Death in Nova Scotia shows a childhood mentality employed to confront death; a vivid imagination conjures wild explanations to try and come to terms with what is happening. The ending in particular combines fantasy and fairytale with logic in a way that is typical of young children — Arthur was invited to the royal court, but how can he go if he cannot open his eyes? Sestina is a more unusual example because the narrator is an omniscient entity, not a child, but despite employing an adult vocabulary it focuses on a child's mindset — the surreal image of little moons falling off the pages of the book; the characterisation of the almanac as "clever"; the "marvelous" Marvel stove. These examples bring to mind the words of Jesus: "I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven."11 Bishop's ability to take on an innocently immature persona is yet another example of her sympathetic, empathetic nature.
Bishop may not have actually been a bishop12, but she was probably a better person than a good deal of them. One needs only to look at the news to know how often the latter seem to completely ignore the teachings of the Bible and do utterly terrible things.13
Luke 15:11-32 ↩︎
Ken Stone, 'Judges 3 and the Queer Hermeneutics of Carnophallogocentrism' in The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field, edited by Yvonne Sherwood and Anna Fisk (Oxford University Press, 2017), 264. ↩︎
Jacques Derrida, The Animal That Therefore I Am, edited by Marie-Louise Mallet and translated by David Wills (Fordham University Press, 2008), 101. Cited in Stone, 'Queer Hermeneutics of Carnophallogocentrism', 265. ↩︎
Ellen T. Armour, ‘Touching Transcendence: Sexual Difference and Sacrality in Derrida’s Le Toucher’, in Derrida and Religion: Other Testaments, edited by Yvonne Sherwood and Kevin Hart (Routledge, 2005), 353. Cited in Stone, 'Queer Hermeneutics of Carnophallogocentrism', 263. ↩︎
Ibid. 358. ↩︎
Matthew 22:39. All Bible quotes in this blessay are from the Good News New Testament, Today's English Version. ↩︎
Matthew 5:7 ↩︎
Matthew 21:42 citing Psalm 118:22 ↩︎
Mark 9:35 ↩︎
'Someone else' and 'herself' are not contradictory here; the fact that her mindset as an adult is radically different than that of her as a child justifies the separation. ↩︎
Matthew 18:3 ↩︎
Not that this has been conclusively disproven. ↩︎
Not to go off on a tangent yet again, but here are some examples. ↩︎
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bearterritory · 5 years
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Men’s Rugby 5/28/2019 1:45 PM | By: Cal Athletics
Cal Competes For Championship At CRC 7s
Golden Bears Back To Philadelphia Saturday & Sunday
BERKELEY – The Golden Bears compete this weekend at the Penn Mutual Collegiate Rugby 7s Championship in Philadelphia, where California joins the six-pool, 24-team field at Talen Energy Stadium. Cal takes on Indiana at 11:10 a.m. ET to begin play in Pool C Saturday, followed by Colorado at 1:30 p.m. ET and Life at 3:15 p.m. ET. The Bears' first and last matches of pool play are on ESPN+. Other pools at the CRC include Clemson, Lindenwood, Temple and Virginia Tech in Pool A; Notre Dame, Penn State, St. Bonaventure and UCLA in Pool B; Boston College, Iona, Kutztown and Wisconsin in Pool D; Arizona, Fordham, Saint Joseph's and Saint Mary's in Pool E; and Army, Dartmouth, Navy and South Carolina in Pool F. The six pool winners from Saturday's matches will be joined by the two next-best teams in Sunday's championship bracket, culminating with the championship cup final at 4:30 p.m. ET. Television coverage Sunday is on ESPN2 and ESPNEWS. Cal, five-time national 7s champions from 2013-17, has won all three 7s events it has entered so far this year and comes into the 2019 CRC with a season record of 17-0 in the Olympic form of the game. The Bears carry with them an all-time 7s record of 169-18-0 (.903), including an all-time mark of 43-3 (.934) at the CRC. In its pool, Cal has seen Life four times before at the CRC and won them all, beating the Running Eagles in the 2012 bronze medal match, 22-12; the 2013 final, 19-14; the 2015 semifinals, 33-5; and the 2017 final, 19-0. The 2019 CRC will be the first 7s action for the Running Eagles since last year at the same event, when Life went 4-1, beating Notre Dame and Air Force, and Penn State twice, including 12-5 in the quarterfinals, before falling to eventual champion Lindenwood in the semifinals, 17-7. The Bears are 3-0 all-time vs. the Buffaloes in 7s but will be facing them for the first time at the CRC. The Buffs most recently went 3-0 at the Rocky Mountain 7s after advancing to the final of the Las Vegas Invitational 7s in February, when Colorado upset Kutztown, 19-17, in the semis following shutouts of Saint Joseph's and Clemson. Cal bested Indiana in both their previous meetings in 7s, winning in the 2017 CRC semifinals, 29-14, and in pool play at the 2018 USAR 7s, 34-14. The Hoosiers enter the 2019 CRC coming out of the Big 10 7s series this spring, highlighted a 4-2 showing at the Northwestern 7s. Indiana most recently competed at the USAR College 7s, where the Hoosiers' highlights were wins over USC, 27-10, and Arkansas, 15-12. The student-athletes selected for Cal's CRC campaign are led by senior captain Nic Mirhashem, a member of Cal's 2017 CRC championship team as a sophomore. Senior Troy Lockyear, a 2018 All-American, is set to compete in his first CRC, as is senior Elliot Webb, whose brother Russell is now an international player for Hong Kong after captaining Cal's 2017 CRC championship team in his final season. Selections from the Bears' junior class start with Sam Cusano, MVP of the 2017 CRC (pictured above), and continue with Christian Dyer, set to make his second trip to Philadelphia. Ken Kurihara, who contributed three tries and six conversions to Cal's 2018 PAC 7s title, will play in his first CRC. Half the Bears' squad is comprised of frosh-sophs, from sophomores Sam Golla, Adam Roeske and Marcus Shankland, to freshmen Henry Poon, Sam Walsh and Jason Severance. All members of Cal's most recent PAC 7s championship team, they will be playing in their first national 7s postseason with the exception of Shankland, who competed at the 2018 USAR College 7s. "It has been a long season, but this always an exciting way to wrap things up," said head coach Jack Clark. "Half of our 12 players have never participated in the CRC, which results in us being overall inexperience for the task at hand. This said, the team is looking forward to the challenge. A member of the U.S. Rugby Hall of Fame, Clark leads the Golden Bears with a fellow Hall of Famer in associate head coach Tom Billups. Together, they have coached the Bears throughout their nascent 7s history and all five of Cal's national 7s titles. Cal's first CRC championship team in 2013 included future USA Olympian Danny Barrett, who excelled on the international stage at the 2016 Summer Games in Rio and is poised once again to represented the United States at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
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shyrlight · 3 years
Reflection: A Lea Salonga Biography
by Ken Shyr Garcia The curtains are now open as we explore the life of a West-end, Broadway, and Disney Legend Maria Lea Carmen Imutan Salonga or simply, Lea Salonga. On February 22nd of the year 1971, Feliciano Genuino and Maria Ligaya welcomed their daughter, Maria Lea Carmen in their humble home. Feliciano, an engineer, and owner of a shipping company, and Ligaya, a homemaker and manager. Salonga’s childhood were far from the usual playing games outside as she made her first professional stage debut at the age of seven in 1978 in The King and I. Her childhood career on stage was as steady as her pitch, appearing in musicals such as Annie and The Sounds of Music. Later, she then recorded her very first album, called Small Voice, at the age of ten. Ever since childhood, Lea showed her love and admiration to Broadway. She was inspired by the-one-and-only, Barbra Streisand. During the 1980’s, she also had several television projects where she worked as a child actor. Following the success of her first album, she hosted Love, Lea, her own musical television show and became a cast of German Moreno’s That’s Entertainment. She also acted in films and received an award for the Best Child Actress from Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences (FAMAS) and three Aliw Awards for best child performer in three consecutive years. Despite the continuous success from her career, Salonga also devotes on her studies. She finished her secondary education in 1988, the same year when she released her second album, at the O. B. Montessori Center in Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila. She also attended the University of The Philippines College of Music’s extension program aimed to train the musically talented children in music and stage movement. In college, Salonga studied Biology in desire to pursue Medicine at the Ateneo de Manila university. It was the same year when she auditioned for Miss Saigon. Later in New York, she took two courses at Fordham university’s Lincoln Center Campus. The year 1989 was a remarkable year in Lea’s international career on Broadway, she was selected to play Kim in the debut production of the musical Miss Saigon in London. For her audition, the 17-year-old, Lea Salonga chose to sing Claude-Michel Schonberg’s “On My Own” from the classic, Les Misérables. She was later asked to sing “Sun and Moon”, that impressed the panel of judges. The song On My Own hold a significant part on Lea’s life and the starting point of her international career.  The following year after her international debut in West End, Salonga won the 1990 Laurence Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical, becoming one of the youngest winners of the said award. When Miss Saigon opened on Broadway the following year, she again played the role of Kim, winning multiple awards such as the Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle, and Theater World awards, and set another record as becoming the first woman of Asian to ever win a prestigious Tony Award. Salonga played the role of Kim multiple times in different nations, she then went back to Broadway in 2001 to close the production. Salonga was also the first Asian to play Eponine in the Musical Les Misérables where she sung the famous “On My Own” at the Les Misérables: The Dream Cast in Concert in 1995. She also returned to the beloved show in 2006 to play the role of Fantine. Many fans also recognized her crystal-clear singing voice of two Disney princesses, Princess Jasmine of Aladdin and Mulan from Mulan and Mulan II. Her portrayal of the beloved Disney princesses was honored by the Walt Disney Company as they bestow her with the honor of “Disney Legend” In 2004, Salonga married a Japanese Chinese Entrepreneur named Robert Charles Chien. Sooner, their love resulted to the birth of their only child, Nicole Beverly Chien. They settled in Philippines and continued their peaceful and happy life together. Lea Salonga brought so much pride to the Philippines for her overwhelming achievements and accomplishments in the industry of Broadway and Theater. Despite her international stardom, Salonga remained patriotic and continued to appear on various Television Show in the country like The Voice, The Voice Teens, The Voice Kids, as one of the coaches. Lea recently appeared in the critically acclaimed Sony musical-drama Yellow Rose in Netflix. She also appeared on different classics in the name of Broadway and played major roles.Aside from her wonderful voice, she also has a pure heart. During the pandemic outbreak, Lea released her single “Dream Again” with all profits donated to charities aiding the COVID-19 relief around the world. Now, the 51-year-old legend, is currently living her successful life in the Philippines and recently announced her return to the United Kingdom for a tour in 2022. Her pitch perfect and clarity voice opened various opportunities that led to the success that she has now. And with that, may it be ten or twenty years from now, Lea Salonga will remain the West End, Broadway, and Disney Legend that she is now.   With my love of Broadway and Musicals, I personally admire the legend Ms. Lea Salonga. She may not be the most famous person in the Philippines, but she is a huge star shining internationally, I admire her talent that brought so much inspiration and pride to our nation. And despite her massive success worldwide, for me, her most important deed was the act of helping others. If I would be given a chance to replicate her life, I would go with it. Just like her, I wanted to be appreciated with my talent and I wanted to use this talent to help others as well. Nevertheless, no one will ever top her Shing, Shimmering, Splendid success that made her become the legend I truly admire.
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worldlee1 · 4 years
Christmas Without Tears 2020 Full Show - EXTENDED Version from Steve Lee on Vimeo.
Here’s another chance to see a very virtual EXTENDED ‘Christmas Without Tears’, with amazing bonus performances that missed the first cut! And this time it’s donations only. It’s the perfect antidote to a Covid Xmas, that also helps support our struggling music community. Enjoy and share.. J�� ❤️ Christmas Without Tears 2020 Holiday Variety show fundraiser for USA and UK music community. gofundme.com/CWT2020
Bonus guest artist video appearances from
Cathy Richardson with Anne Harris Maureen Lipman Célia Marissal with David Blenkhorn Tommy Foster and Scott Nesbit Evan Christopher with David Torkanowsky Miss Hope Springs Topsy Chapman & Solid Harmony Howard Levy Davell Crawford
With: CWT Credits
Many thanks to the artists who performed on CWT 2020…
Harry Shearer Judith Owen Mistress Christmas CJ Vanston Julia Fordham with Colin Ryan Richard Thompson Topsy Chapman & Solid Harmony Mario Cantone Paul Shaffer David Blenkhorn Beth Nielsen Chapman Clinton Baptiste The Stanton Moore Trio Chris Difford with Melvin Duffy Donald Fagen The SongBirds (Gaby Moreno, Erica Canales, Dannielle DeAndrea) Doña Oxford Jeff Goldblum Classical Kicks (Lizzie Ball, Meghan Cassidy, Gabriella Swallow) Steve Lukather (featuring Ringo Starr) Jon Cleary Amy Engelhardt Howard Levy & CJ Vanston Leland Sklar Catherine O’Hara Davell Crawford John Goodman Arianna Uniboobolos with Jeffrey Young Kermit Ruffins & David Torkanowsky Phil DeGruy Trixie Minx Bryan Batt The Orion Orchestra Pedro Segundo Fred Willard
Thank you – Lawrence Leathers Neal Caine Joe Pusateri Cynthia Carle Meghan Cassidy Mary and Hope Willard Filmed by: Matt Mindlin Additional NOLA Filming by David Torkanowsky and Tom Roche
Editor - Ken Webb Additional Editing - Tom Roche Thank you:
Pam Halstead Steve Lee Kate Hills Doug Nixon Serena Westwell Arkanjel Productions – Steve Hillyer and Tim Marback Wink Music - Susie Winkworth
I-Design - Brian Porizek Republic Media - UK - Sue Harris David Burns PR - UK Jensen Communications - USA - Michael Jensen, Erin Cook PTD LLC - Jennifer Martin
Jake Samuels / Evanston SPACE Music Venue Trust UK - Mark Davyd, Beverly Whitrick, Toni Coe-Brooker Help Musicians - UK - Renata Pucci New Orleans Musicians Clinic - Kari Elgi, Michael Lamendola, Erica Dudas National Independent Venue Association - Rev. Moose and Stephen Sternschein
Nugs Net - Jeff Gorman, John Reefe, Brad Serling, Arya Jha Go Fund Me - Alexandra Richards
Aretha and Franklin - The 2020 Christmas Puppies.
and to all of you watching and supporting Christmas Without Tears.
See you in 2021
Wear Mask, Wash Hands, Socially Distance.
In memory of Fred Willard and Lawrence Leathers P&C 2020 Christmas Without Tears / Rupert Mania Inc.
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caremobile · 4 years
To Manhattan Institute, and Colleges -- and University of Pennsylvania, EPA (an Perelman JBO) School of Medicine and Policy
CC: Rice University 
To: Andrew Wheeler and Scott Pruitt
And Dr Leebron
For Immediate Release --CNN FOX CNBC MSNBC
With regards to my partners at Shao Lions Den and my partners at Alpha Delta, who are ex-Delta Force and our partners at Unified Control, Frank, an LLM at Fordham, and ex-Delta Force and member of our Alpha Delta force team, and Ken, a fellow at Penn and Bren Geo sans JBO, I will  seek, audit status for them, as an head emerita of RAND and head Emerita of the School.
And as head emerita of Manhattan Institute with ESU Class, Manhattan Institute and Colleges and Rice, I will ask for peer review and vote amiti, for Frank, an ex delta force officer of shao lions den, who is my partner  at Alpha Delta, for a PhD/Licenciate in  Policy Studies, with an LLM from Fordham, I am trained by Frank as an Alpha Delta leader at Shao Lions Den systems, and our systems manage the leadership and generalship and flow with which we exercise and administer the range of orders in the form of pacer and quarter master in our tactics as we fight whether or not, we are in the physics of being in the heat of pressure under massively outgunned and outweighed and outmassed --yet, willing to find the will to overcome. First, it is such a system of pace, and shao, and finding submissions, which we are patient about, and using physics methodology while understanding, we cannot go too far, and understanding our limitations, yes, understanding our limitations in physics and pacing and physics, allows us, to be Shao as well, and I am asking for the vote in peer review to allow these two, as fellows -- at Manhattan Institute and Colleges an Rice with Audit capacity at Perelman an JBO/ EPA School of Medicine and Health Policy --
PhD of The Study of Policy 
at Rice.
con amor y abrazos, por favor, toma grande consideracion por los humilde missionare torturado del los delta en la grande luchar por le fin viernes estacion -- the winter years
Shall ask for a vote at Manhattan ESU, Senior Board, for Frank Juarez Shamrock and Ken Shamrock, for our Alpha Delta members -- at peer review at a duly appointed time ASAP, for board of governers, 
I am hopeful about Rice and PENN --
Rene Justin B Ocampo
Head Emerita -- Manhattan Institute and Colleges, an Rice and Rand
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