#ken is a TA hehe
keithphobic · 1 year
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college out for the summer 
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(he walks into the café, holding a small box with a sheepish grin)
... ah, i'm not here because something bad has happened or is about to, for once, i swear. just to... give you this.
(holds out the box- it has a slice of lemon drizzle cake inside.)
... ta-daaaa!! me and one of the younger mes baked this the other day. hehe, might be slightlyyyy more lemony than an average one as the littler me is rather fond of the fruit~
[Ken gives a chuckle.]
Wow… Thanks, Rui. I’m sure it’ll be delicious either way.
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hamsterkcal · 10 months
Fui ver o filme da Barbie no cinema e gente Ryan Gosling entregou um ótimo Ken roubou a cena real kakakaka eu amo a Margot ta mas e q o Ryan lembra o meu namorado demais hehe
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kyghq · 1 year
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Você já ouviu falar sobre o YOSHIDA KEN? Ouvi dizer que é uma pessoa… interessante. Ele estuda lá no Departamento de Música, acho que tá no 1º ano, vai fazer 21 anos, mas acho que não faz parte de nenhum grupo. Ainda não sabe? Bom, não sei muito mais sobre. Elx realmente tem um rosto pra fama, até se parece com aquele Asahi, do Treasure. Ah! Acho que tenho o twitter dele aqui, é @kygken. Às vezes, quando falamos assim, eu penso que queria ser uma formiguinha porque morro de curiosidade para saber como foi a entrevista dos outros. Você consegue imaginar?
Como você já deve saber, na Kyonggi University prezamos conhecer bem e manter uma relação próxima com o nosso corpo estudantil, então por que você não me conta um pouco de como você chegou aqui? Começando por seu interesse pelas artes. Você descobriu esse interesse sozinho, tem familiares no ramo, teve alguma influência? Algum professor, colega…
“Ah-… Tudo bem! Meu nome é Yoshida Ken, tenho 20 anos e sou do Japão. Cheguei aqui depois de me inscrever no 'Escrevendo o Mundo', o programa de intercâmbio que vocês abriram há uns meses atrás. Enviei meu vídeo de inscrição cantando Rocketman do Elton John e tocando umas músicas do Debussy no piano!
Certo, meu interesse pelas artes… É até complicado de dizer quando começou! Mas posso dizer que começou desde quando meu cérebro era desenvolvido o bastante para guardar memórias [risos].
Meus pais são músicos, sabe? Música sempre fez parte do meu dia a dia, de forma direta ou indireta… Sempre recebi muito apoio pra me dedicar ao piano quando estava na escola, já que eu fazia parte da Orquestra Sinfônica Juvenil do Japão!”
E como você acabou aqui hoje? É um desejo próprio? Um sonho, talvez. Ou você quer sair correndo por essa porta agora? [risos] Não se preocupe, você não seria o primeiro artista que sonhava em ser advogado, por mais estranho que isso soe.
“A ideia de estudar numa universidade de artes é um lance quase que surreal pra mim, porque quando se é… Sabe-… Um artista… A gente precisa de um ambiente imersivo pra conseguir desenvolver as nossas competências. Pra mim, Ken, como um potencial estudante, também acho que associar isso às pesquisas de base do campus e o fato de eu integrar um programa de intercâmbio, são dois grandes bônus para as minhas habilidades serem desenvolvidas a curto, médio ou longo prazo…
Eu juro que não decorei nada disso! Sério! [risos]
Mas, ó, antes de me inscrever no programa de intercâmbio, li sobre a universidade, sobre as atividades de extensão, as linhas de pesquisas dos professores e até mesmo a dinâmica de ensino no primeiro ano! Senti que isso era exatamente o que eu precisava mesmo, ter contato com outras culturas, conhecer gente nova e quebrar meus muros de habilidades sociais [mais risos].
É-… Eu sei que falo bastante, mas-… Juro que geralmente, sou muito tímido! Só gosto de falar assim quando me sinto bem a vontade, hehe.”
Certo, certo. E você já teve algum treinamento profissional, ou a Kyonggi será sua primeira experiência? Somos um ótimo lugar pra começar, você sabe, vários dos nossos alunos chegam até nós apenas com seus talentos brutos. Você diria que é natural no que faz, ou do tipo que precisa de muito esforço, ou uma mão forte para te guiar? Como você descreveria sua personalidade, no geral?
“Tive sim! Comecei a tocar piano com a minha mãe mesmo, ela é engenheira de som na Universal Music Japan, mas pouco tempo depois comecei a receber tutorias até ficar apenas no Conservatório de Música do Japão. Minhas experiências no palco foram majoritariamente por lá, ainda que na escola eu tentasse, sei lá-… Ser um artista pop nos eventos internos, sabe? [risos] Ué… Sério que mais gente por aqui relata uma experiência parecida?!
Enfim… Pouco tempo depois comecei a me aventurar mais por sonoridades mais experimentais, até começar a construir meu próprio portfólio!
Mas, não… Não sou nada natural no que eu faço… Beeeeem longe disso, na realidade. Meus pais me ensinaram muita coisa, meus professores também… Eu num seria nadinha sem eles! Ainda tem muito espaço pra aprendizado dentro de mim… Tô aqui pra isso, né?!
Ah-… E sobre minha personalidade, eu diria que sou quieto, sensato e… sensível. Meus amigos também falam que sou divertido pra se ter por perto em qualquer situação! Tenho minhas inseguranças também e em sala de aula ou até perto de outros músicos, fico mais numa postura observadora mesmo… O único lugar que fico a vontade de verdade é pela internet!
Mas, sobre mim… Acho que isso deve resumir bem! Muito obrigado pela entrevista, aliás.”
Tudo okay então, candidato. Essa fase é mais uma conversa do que um teste em si, só para te conhecer melhor, perceber onde você se encaixa na nossa instituição. Temos espaço para todos, de qualquer forma! Nós vamos nos encontrar novamente, fechado? Te vejo nos palcos!
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aoabmur65 · 1 year
Gapu ta inyuso ni kompad ti balikas a kabet, sagutanka man iti bukodko a bersion a luto nga inawagak iti "es kabet-se[ng] galunggong," este, ES KABECHE[NG] GALUNGGONG [Fried Layang Scad] gayam. Hehe!
Simple lang dagiti naisagana a laok ken panemplana: adda kamatis, bungat' tarong ken kardis, adda pay uggot ti ilay-sanglay [alugbati]; sangkatedted a suyo, maysa kutsara a ginisa mix wenno chicken boullion. Ngem segun ti 'like' ti kayat a templa.
Ala 'maykan ta ramanan man ti kabetsek, karruba!
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
A3! SR Azami [Wishing Upon The Paper Cranes] Backstory
I’m back, this time with the translation for June Bride 2020 Azami’s Backstory. I have been wanting to translate this story for awhile but I was kinda distracted with some things. But here it is, so enjoy!
Azami is helping Ginsenkai folding paper cranes and somehow the whole Autumn Troupe gets involved.
I am referring to this card this time~
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He looks so good here, also if you have seen the bloomed version, he looks even cuter. I tried so hard to get this card and there’s no regret. Enjoy the translation below~
A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
Ginsekai-style Wedding Item
Translator’s Note: Origami is a Japanese art of folding papers. Azami called Sakyo as Kuso-Sakyo and I don’t know how to translate it properly. Most translation goes for Damned Sakyo, but it can also be things like Smelly Sakyo, Annoying Sakyo, Asshole Sakyo, or whatever you want him to be. But the point is, it’s Azami’s expression of annoyance to Sakyo. Kaichou is referring to the Ginsekai’s clan leader.
(I only have one more paragraph left for my work, I guess I’ll take a short break)
A-chan, look, look~!
Hm? This voice is……
Taichi-san, you’re really fast at folding Origami papers.
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What are you guys doing right now?
Ah, Director-sensei!
We’re making Paper Cranes!
Paper Cranes…… Are you going to use it for something?
Ah…… Actuallly --
I’m home.
Yo, bocchan.
Do you come here to see Kaichou’s face?
You’re wrong.
I just need to get something.
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Well, if you have some time, you should go and say hello to Kaichou as well.
Isn’t it Azami!
Ken-san…. Err, what are you going to do with that large amount of Origami?
One of our members will be having his wedding ceremony!
They’ll be used for that.
To fold cranes and scatter them, it’s the standard way to celebrate in our clan right.
Ah, the Paper Crane shower, last time you also did a similar thing.
This is really a lot~
I should start folding soon, otherwise…
Then, I’ll also help you with the folding.
That will be a great help, thanks, Azami!
As usual, bocchan is weak to Sakoda, huh.
….. Leave me alone.
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<Back to Mankai Lounge>
So it’s like that, and we divide the works among the clan members.
Then, I’m also helping out after I heard about it!
Is that so. If that’s the case let me help out too.
That’ll help.
You can use any one you like from these Origami papers.
I’m done~! Ta-daaaah!
Woah, amazing!
They also have legs!
It’s certainly amazing, but the difference will make the whole thing quite messy isn’t it.
Isn’t it fine!
Well, maybe it will be fine if it’s only one.
Hehe! Then, next!
What color should I go for next~
Even choosing the paper for Origami is a fun thing, huh.
Which one should I choose, I wonder……
Ah, there’s a gold color Origami.
The gold color ones, since there’s only a few of them it becomes a rare item!
During elementary school, I used to fight for those with my friends~
Let’s keep it precious till the end then.
Eh, I wasn’t really concerned about that.
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<Short Time Skip>
Eh, this part, how to fold it again……?
You’re wrong. You fold a valley on this part.
After that, here, it will look better if you fold it until the edge.
Choice 1: I see!
Choice 2: Origami is surprisingly hard.
I see! As expected of Azami-kun.
You’re good at guiding other.
The paper cranes that you fold have a very beautiful shape.
You can easily see that it’s carefully folded.
Since we make it, might as well make it looks beautiful right.
…… What.
I was thinking that you really pour your heart into folding these Paper Cranes.
…… Not really, this much is normal.
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Origami is surprisingly hard.
I already forgot a lot of things too.
Well, you don’t really have the opportunity to fold them before.
But, if you master it you’ll be able to fold things like crocodile and gorilla too!
Taichi-san is at a totally different level.
Ahaha, true that.
Well, regardless, to have Paper Crane shower as a custom…… Somehow, it feels so innocent.
A very homely Yakuza!
What is that even.
<Shifts to Road>
Ah, A-chan you’re going home now?
Let’s go home together!
How is it? Everything well with the Paper Crane folding?
Not really…… It’s still not enough.
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Then, I’ll help out today too!
My bad, that will really help.
Taichi-san is really good at folding Origami, you’re fast as well.
I’m glad that I can put my special skill to good use.
By the way, Director-sensei will be helping out as well isn’t it?
She brought back some Origami paper with her that time!
Yeah. Somehow, she started  folding Origami in her free time.
I won’t lose to Director-sensei as well!
What kind of competition is this.
<End of Part 1>
I’m home!
I’m home.
Welcome back. You’re with Azami today.
We coincidentally met each other on the way back!
Wash your hands properly.
No need to say, I’ll do it perfectly!
Guh, kuso Sakyo……
What kind of reaction is that.
Then, let’s start making them immediately!
What are you guys making?
Paper Cranes!
We’re in the middle of helping out Ginsekai~
Even though it’s the clan’s business, sorry to make you help out with it.
I also try to do it in my freetime but……
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No problem at all! I do it because I like it.
Eh, then let me help out too.
Thank you, Omi-san.
Kuso Sakyo too, help out if you’re free.
…… I know.
Then, I’ll leave this much to you.
…… Oi, it’s obvious that mine is too much.
Don’t be such a loser.
Ah, I’ll help out too.
Let’s all do it together.
Why do I need to go back together with you.
We came back from the same place, there’s no other choice.
Ban-chan, Juza-san, welcome back!
Tch, you were walking so slow in front of me.
You were the one following me.
Don’t anyhow, I was just walking behind you.
Eh, they weren’t listening!?
Haha, it’s this kind of scene as per usual.
They sure don’t get tired of it every single time.
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Anyway, as an actor you should be more aware of your surroundings.
Walk far away from me.
Damn you, I don’t need to be told such thing.
Haa? I was so nice to give you an advice, what the hell is that attitude?
You guys, you just came back and you’re already so noisy!
Uwah, Sakyo-nii just striked them madly.
The Cranes are crying.
Sigh, if you have time for pointless thing, might as well you help with this.
…… What is it?
Paper Cranes?
Yeah, we’re going to use it for a wedding ceremony of Ginsenkai.
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Juza-san, Ban-chan, let’s do it together!
It will be fun if everybody is doing it!
…… Alright, I’ll do it.
Since when did you guys do Origami.
Banri-san too, you seem to be dexterous with your hand.
That useless dexterity of yours, might as well put it to a good use.
…… Well, Ginsenkai’s members have taken care of me before, so I’ll do it.
Juza, do you understand how to fold the shape?
<Short Time Skip>
It’s done.
It’s an interesting looking Crane.
Even though it’s just a crane?
Well, it’s fine to have one with a personality, isn’t it.
What’s with that distorted Crane?
If you fold it normally, it should like this right.
Oh! As expected of Ban-chan, it’s perfect!
…… It’s not much different from mine.
Are you blind! They look totally different.
But, we have accumulated a lot them.
Looking from this pile, the color seems to be too contrasting.
Then, I’ll fold this one this time.
Ah, the gold color Origami!
Looks neat.
It’s a waste of gold paper if you fold it with that sucky hand of yours.
Just leave it and fold the weird flyers over there.
It’s fine however isn’t it.
Gold doesn’t suit you, bastard.
I took it first.
Are you guys elementary school kids.
This kind of argument, it  sure happened a lot in the past.
So nostalgic!
But, you shouldn’t fold a celebratory Crane using a flyer.
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Azami-kun, I finished the Origami share I took yesterday.
Are there more…
The flyers are enough for you.
What a persistent bastard.
You can use the flyers instead.
…. What kind of situation is this?
Ban-chan and Juza-san are trying to take the gold-colored Origami!
As usual, it’s just a low level argument.
(Even for Origami they become like this……
I guess it’s as expected of  Autumn Troupe……?)
<End of Part 2>
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galaxymagick · 5 years
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I Ken do it~~~!!>< My lovable subscribers~~ Ta-da! How are you guys doing~?? I was quite busy these days(T T) with doing the musical <Dracula> and some other schedules but I am doing great~~ The weather has been so cold (freezing) and hope you guys take care of yourselves! It’s been so long since I updated my last video... I know I am late but I will upload video soon, so please wait~~~>< hehe Also, please write a comment that something you want to see in my daily life or something that you want me to challenge it for you! I will check your opinions and upload what you guys want! Thank you^ㅡ^
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Pretty words: Yui Komori oneshot
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A boy from class tries to reach out to Yui, despite her recent melancholy. After going through so much torment and hearing every vile word whispered into her ear, the one that breaks the camels back is a simple ‘she’s ugly.’
Set after More Blood Kou’s Ecstasy 02 scenario (you don’t need to know it to read) this was another writing commission for @s-e-kwan
If you’d like to commission me, please send a PM!
Drama, 1,000 words
OC x Yui vibes.
Pretty words~
Unless it was exam season, the library remained mercifully quiet during free-period at the start of the semester at night school.
After finding herself left alone one lunchtime, Yui sat within its echoey structure, tiredly pouring over a textbook. Her glassy, rose-pink eyes could hardly focus on the words, trying to get Kou's latest jabs off her mind.
"Miss Komori?"
She blinked up at a young man with light brown hair. Kenta, she remembered. A boy from class who tended to be a bit of a well-meaning busybody. For some reason though, his gaze seemed filled with quiet vehemence today. Yui opened her mouth to croak out a greeting, clearing her throat. It was probably still thick from her latest crying episode earlier.
"You know you can call me Yui, Kenta. Most people in class go by first names now," she smiled.
His cheeks heated slightly. "A-ah, well, thank you," he adjusted his glasses. "The reason I'm here, miss...Yui, is because of what I overheard yesterday. Involving you and...Mr. Mukami."
Yui's hand absentmindedly touched her mouth where he'd smeared blood over her lips the day before. Like the finest lipstick, he'd smiled.
"Miss Nakahara was also there," Kenta went on softly. "She's quite an adamant supporter of Kou. She said something to you, didn't she? I know the other girls have been uh, prickly lately, due to your relationship with Mr. Mumaki-"
"There's no relationship," Yui cut in quietly.
Kenta didn't seem to belive her, but that was nothing new. Kou often dragged her out of class and pressed his lips to her neck in the hallway. It'd been a surprise his fangirl's hadn't ripped her to shreds.
"I'm fine though, really," she tried to wave off, but was yet again greeted by a sceptical look.
The young man took a seat beside her, looking patient. Yui dimly remembered he'd been trying to get a position as class president, maybe that was why he was talking to her. You can't obtain anything without giving something first, Kou had said.
"I..." Yui didn't know. She couldn't form the words. "She just called me ugly is all," a strangled noise like a laugh escaped her. When Kenta didn't share her wobbly smile, Yui looked down at the blurry textbook, firmly holding back tears. "I don't know why it got to me. I've been called worse-" had far worse done to her body. The pale skin lurking under her blouse littered with bite-marks felt hot, stifling and worn thin with overuse like sandpaper. "Maybe it's like the straw that broke the camels back, huh? Or maybe it's because Kou values looks so much."
Or because he'd made it clear the only thing that mattered wasn't her face, but her blood. She was just a vessel.
"B-besides the other girls are very pretty, fashionable and up-to-date with their appearances, so in comparison, I'm just plain and-"
Something warm touched her head, petting. Yui blinked hard and fast, the closest she came to flinching these days.
Kenta looked at her gently in a way that shook her heart. "You're a good person," his lips curved. "You know, you shouldn't compare yourself to them, miss Yui. You've got a lot of admirable traits, you're super smart, kind and the way you carry yourself..." he trailed off, suddenly realising how he sounded as he removed his hand. Yui mourned the loss. "I-if I had to put it into words, I guess you have pride?"
Pride? Me?
"So, don't let go of those qualities! Fight on!" He blushed, making a fist and nodding enthusiastically as the light caught his glasses. Yui blinked, slowly smiling and relaxing at the cheesy speech. Somehow, her heart felt a little lighter.
Dinner at the Mukami's started out in its usual way, with Kou and Yuma bickering over equal shares while Azusa practically inhaled spicy food and Ruki ignored them all except to intervene and stop the fighting. In the subsequent silence, Kou zeroed in on Yui's cheery disposition.
Leaning his cheek on a palm, he sighed. "You know, M neko-chan, he probably only said all those things to get you to vote for him."
Yui's glass paused half-way to her mouth. "Huh?"
Kou's cat-like eyes gleamed sadistically. "Ken-ta~" he sing-songed. "What was it again? Oh yeah. 'You're super smart, kind and the way you carry yourself..." he paused dramatically, putting a hand to his heart. "'If I had to put it into words, I guess you have pride!' Hehe, what pretty words. He doesn't know you too well, does he?" His velvety voice slipped into a lower, playful one. "He hasn't seen you writhing in agony and begging me for more, has he? Should I send him a recording over the phone of your true self, kitty? Mewling for me. That kind of cute, stupid girl doesn't have prid-"
Yui slammed her glass down on the table with a loud clatter, causing the vampire's gazes to snap to her. Trembling with anger, Yui stood, gritting blunt teeth. "I don't care," she grit out, and then louder; "I don't care! I-I have pride! Even if you treat me poorly, insult, or debase me, I still have pride. I'm...I'm fine with how I am, what my 'container' looks like," she snapped, straightening her spine. "No matter what reason he did it for, selfishness or not- I was happy to hear those words. If that makes me a cute, stupid girl, then I guess that's what I am."
Turning, she then padded out of the room, leaving silence in her wake. Kou watched her go with wide eyes.
She knew she'd be punished for such big words. For once though, survival wasn't on her mind, Yui lapsed into a small, exhilarated smile. The feelings welling up inside her would hopefully tide her over until the next lapse in confidence brought about by Kou's skilful, jaded tongue. For now though, she silently resolved to vote for Kenta to be class president as her sincere way of saying thanks.
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jaehwanday · 4 years
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200101 Ken YouTube Community Update
I am KEN, a cute member of VIXX!!
Musical Actor KEN!!
Singer KEN!!
Wow... You guys know that I always say this one is Spectacle Spectacle.
but this one is real spectacle unbelievable two thumbs up video!!
Do you remember the special episode of Coin Singing room~??
I asked you to write a comment that you want to hear full version of the song~!!
The song that you guys wanted to hear the most was Park Hyo Shin’s Goodbye~~!
So! I know it’s been late but I covered Hyo Shin bro’s Goodbye~!
He is my idol since long time ago (before my debut) and I always respect him~~!
It is such an honor to cover this song TT
I know that I am not good enough TT but hope you guys like it~ hehe~
Happy New Year ~~~~~!!!!!!
Ahhhh! I forgot it!!
Actually I recorded Goodbye before the Into the Unknown!! LOL
I wanted to show you ASAP but I uploaded other contents faster than this one...
Also I was quite busy these days and I lost the timing TT
Thank you all and See you guys soon!
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fortilfeldig · 4 years
Day 2/Hari 2
Hari hari karantina selama merebaknya wabah corona
18 Maret 2020
Hari kedua di karantina. Karena jam produktifku tiba-tiba tertukar jadi malam hari (memang diri ini mencoba adaptif), aku memanfaatkan pagi dan siangku untuk - merapihkan lemari dan menjahit. Sebenarnya lemariku selama ini sudah rapih (lantas kenapa aku rapihkan lagi?), tapi metode yang aku gunakan adalah cara melipat yang konvensional, yang biasa diajarkan Ibu dan Wanek. Setelah pulang dari laundry, baju-baju itu biasanya aku lipat 2 lalu kutumpuk. Tapi hari ini aku penasaran dengan sebuah metode yang sudah sejak lama aku pelajari. Yap, konmari dan teknik lipat ala salah satu mahaguru minimalis dalam hidupku, Marie Kondo (Sensei - sebagai tanda penghormatan dariku) yang rasanya sangat efisien. Akupun tertantang untuk melipat baju terlebih dahulu, dan karena raknya di bagian paling atas juga sih. Selain baju, ada pakaian dalam juga yang aku tempatkan di rak. Hasil akhir bagian baju menjadi sangat rapih, menghemat tempat, dan aku sangat suka. Aku percaya bahwa teknik lipat ini akan berhasil. Kemudian kedua adalah section jaket, kerudung, dan kaos kaki. Bagian kedua ini tidak terlalu banyak berubah karena ternyata sulit mengakali jaket yang tebal dan besar. Susunan kemarin, yang bersampingan dengan kerudung dilipat segiempat juga dirasa paling menghemat ruang. Dan bagian ketiga adalah celana, handuk, dan perlengkapan sholat. Wah, bagian ini ternyata sangat menantang. Tapi alhasil aku dapat menatanya menjadi 3 barisan bertumpuk yang terdiri dari: celana motif formal di bagian bawah, celana casual bahan di bagian tengah, celana panjang untuk tidur di paling atas. Kemudian space di sebelah kanan aku berikan untuk celana jeans (karena tebal) dan celana olahraga (dimana ini memuat celana panjang maupun pendek). Terakhir di sebelah kiri, aku menumpuk barisan handuk, perlengkapan sholat - yang dirangkum dalam 1 tas, dan oh ya - menempatkan kardus berisi totebag dan pouch. Setelah selesai dan mencoba melihatnya dari jarak luar bukaan lemari, ternyata oke juga ajaran Marie Kondo sensei dan hal ini membuatku sangat senang, membereskannya saja seperti spark joy, hehe.
Saat siang, langit menjadi sedikit mendung dan aku memutuskan untuk menjahit kancing di kemeja yang sudah melemah dan membuat tatakan gelas dari sisa kain kebaya yang aku adaptive reuse. Hari itu juga, tatakan gelasnya aku pakai dan kemejaku kembali bersatu dengan lipatan baju-baju setelah selama ini terpisah (sebagai pengingat bahwa ingin dijahit). Sore pun aku tinggal memanaskan makan untuk malam yang tadi siang dibuat yaitu tumis tauge, buncis, sawi putih dan crabstick dengan telur dadar dan tahu goreng (disclaimer: aku bukan sok sokan vegetarian). Ditambah abon, kecap dan kerupuk punya Ipeh (iya, minta), aku makan. Setelah itu aku menyiapkan minuman air putih yang diberi perasan lemon dan 3 sendok madu. Biasanya aku menggunakan air hangat dan menambahkan kayu manis juga tapi karena dispensernya rusak - iya teman teman semua, terungkap bahwa yang menyebabkan korslet dan mati lampu adalah kabel dalam dispenser yang putus - makanya aku tidak pakai air hangat. Setelah mempersiapkan minum dan kembali mengerjakan denah, jam 21.30 aku kembali telfonan bersama dengan teman-teman (tapi tidak semuanya sih, karena Ken sempat muncul tapi mau makan, Adin juga mau makan, Raka mau ke minimarket beli kuota, ujung ujungnya cuma Riz yang muncul di video call, sambil makan dan minum teh sepertinya). Kemudian tidak lama setelah itu aku tidur
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offtoljubljana · 4 years
27. Happy Black Friday!
En nee, ik heb het niet over de mega grote kortingen in de obag store, maar over Black Friday, de nieuwe horror-comedy musical van Team Starkid.
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In deze tijdzone wordt Black Friday pas uitgegeven om 8 uur ‘s ochtends op 1 maart, maar ik kan nog wel wachten.
Om de release te vieren, luister ik naar mijn Team Starkid playlist. Niet alle nummers van Starkid zijn op Spotify, wegens copyright (the Potter musicals) of omdat ze het niet wilden doen (The Guy Who Didn’t Like musicals en helaas ook de geweldige Starkid Homecoming).
Alleen geen idee waarom Me and My Dick niet op Spotify staat. 
(Nu zijn we bij Twisted’s Twisted. Ik wist niet dat Twisted ook op Spotify was. Ik kwam er 5 minuten geleden achter.)
Ik heb Black Friday al een tijd geleden gezien. Starkid zet dus alle musicals in het geheel op YouTube. Het is in HD en met goede audio en editing. Starkid weet dat ze daarmee inkomen mislopen, dus daarom proberen ze op andere manieren inkomen te krijgen (zoals de nummers niet meer op Spotify zetten, maar wel op iTunes). Eén van die manieren is door een digital ticket te verkopen. Dan kan je een best wel slechte single-camera opname van de musical zien voor drie dagen. Serieus, ik heb boots gezien van betere kwaliteit, maar het is niet heel erg.
Maar ik heb dus wel 3 maanden moeten wachten voor deze officiële HD release. Eindelijk! Morgen kan ik de absolute banger genaamd Deck The Halls of Northville High weer eens horen. Santa Claus is going to high school, baby! Working Boys 2.0!
Man, ik hou van Starkid. Mijn Starkid 10versary enamel pin is ook aangekomen in Nederland, maar ik kan het pas in het echt waarderen in juli. 
(Holy Musical B@man (HMB) Rogues Are We is beter live.)
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Oké. Het wordt dus nu een beetje een gewoonte om elke blogpost met iets totaal ongerelateerd aan Slovenië te beginnen, maar hey, nu weten jullie ook wat me bezig houdt in mijn vrije tijd.
Dit zijn mijn nieuwe soort thee-reviews?
(Firebringer’s Paint Me is leuk om te zien, want Racheal beeldt allemaal bekende schilderijen uit.)
Maar zoals ik zei: obag store! Barbara en ik gingen om 11:00 richting stad. Ik was al eerder wakker geschrokken, want ik had gedroomd dat ik me had verslapen en dat Barbara boos mijn kamer in was gekomen. Toen ik haar dat vertelde, moest Barbara wel even lachen maar ze verzekerde me dat ze dat nooit zou doen.
Barbara wilde dus ook wel een tas voor die prijs. Ik had haar wel uitgelegd dat het leegverkoop was, dus dat ze mis kon grijpen. Same for me. Maar ja, we kwamen aan en vanaf de glazen deur zagen we dat de tassen die wij wilden er nog waren. Er waren nog 3 bordeaux rode basissen en nog 2 licht roze bassisen.
Ik pakte meteen 2 van de 3 bordeaux rode basissen (die zijn dus niet zo gewild? Hoezo? Het is een geweldige kleur!), maar we kwamen er snel achter waarom niemand de roze wilde. Eén roze was beschadigd en de andere zat onder de blauwe vlekken.
(Eén van de bekendste nummers van Trail To Oregon (TTO) is Wagon On Fire. Het is een goed nummer en Joey klinkt geweldig, maar ik snap de hype niet. Het is wel een geweldige Act 1 closing song.)
Nou, bummer. Verder waren er geen andere kleuren, maar er waren wel nog veel basissen voor de normale grotere obag. Barbara zat te twijfelen tussen de groene die mam ook heeft en een blauwe, maar ze koos de blauwe.
(Firebringer’s Finale (Make the Most of It) is mijn favoriete nummer van Firebringer! We Got Work To Do who idk her? Nu ben ik er dus achter gekomen dat dat nummer niet Work Song heet. Iedereen noemt het altijd Work Song...)
Uiteindelijk heb ik 12 producten gekocht en mijn caissière (als ik haar zo kan noemen) was er weer. Ze moest lachen toen ik “Yeah, I’m back!” zei. Ik wist het dat die van gisteren niet dezelfde was, maar ze lijken zoveel op elkaar! Maar die van gisteren heeft mega mooie blauwe ogen en gisteren dacht ik al: “Die ogen zou ik herinneren”, maar ik wist het niet zeker, maar nu waren ze er beiden en I KNEW IT.
Herinneren jullie wat ik zei? obag moet me aannemen! Nu weet ik het zeker. Aangezien ik die winkel inmiddels uit mijn hoofd ken, heb ik Barbara alles zitten wijzen, want Barbara was helemaal nieuw. Hierdoor gingen zelfs andere klanten mij vragen stellen. (”Does this fit on my o City?” “Are there for the mini?” “Where can I find handles for this one?”)
obag, hit me up and I’ll send you my resumé. I’m very very qualified.
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Barbara zat buiten op me te wachten, want het duurde wel even. Het was ook weer eens mega heet binnen. Ik weet niet waarom ze daar de verwarming altijd zo hoog hebben staan.
(Oh, ja. Starkid Homecoming staat niet op Spotify, maar hun eerste twee tours wel. Nu begint Apocalyptour’s Going Back To Heaven During These Days Of Summer. Dit is een mash-up van drie nummers van drie verschillende titels, vandaar de rare titel. Clark heeft echt veel gedaan voor deze shows.)
Daarna was het voorbij. Dit is de laatste trip. Ze gaan over een paar uur officieel dicht. Barbara en ik liepen weg en Barbara vond het jammer van de roze tas. Ik vertelde haar dat ze het nergens zo goedkoop zou krijgen, maar dat ik ook wel begreep dat ze het niet ging doen. Ik weet niet hoe moeilijk het is om die blauwe vlekken eruit te krijgen.
Ik ging daarna naar huis. Barbara moest nog wat winkelen. Ik wilde eigenlijk hand sanitizer kopen, maar ik had ook geen zin om met die mega grote tas rond te slepen, dus Barbara en ik maakten een deal: zij zou ook voor mijn hand sanitizer kijken en ik zou haar mega grote tas meenemen naar huis.
Zo zat ik op de bus:
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Ik nam twee stoelen in beslag. Op een bepaald moment probeerde ik één tas bij mijn voeten te zetten en één tas op schoot, maar dat was mega oncomfortabel. Ach, het was toch druk, dus ik nam weer 2 plaatsen in.
(SPACE Tour’s Granger Danger. Niet de beste versie van Granger Danger, want dat is de Starkid Homecoming versie, maar om eerlijk te zijn is Granger Danger altijd goed. Oh fuck me, vorig jaar zong Darren Criss (die het nummer geschreven heeft) dit nummer met Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina, in glee) en het was zo onverwachts en geweldig! Je vindt het op mijn YouTube playlist met allerlei verschillende versies van Granger Danger. Yeah.)
Thuis besloot ik om de bon te markeren. Dat deed ik eerder ook al om bij te houden welk stuk voor wie was en toen kwam ik erachter dat ik iets miste, namelijk een ketting hengsel voor een o Pocket. Ik haalde alles uit de tas en ik telde alles na. 11 spullen maar. Ik keek ook eventjes in Barbara’s tas, maar er was niets. Het was wel raar, want er stond iets voor de o Pocket van twee verschillende prijzen op de bon.
Dus ik appte Barbara die nog in de stad was en ik stuurde foto’s van de bon en van de producten en zij ging het navragen.
(TTO’s Naked In A Lake is... raar, maar leuk. Dit nummer is ook beter live. De Starkid Homecoming versie was geweldig.)
Toen kwam ik erachter wat mis was. Ik had wel alle producten, maar het goedkopere ding was een extra leer stukje dat wel in de tas zat, dus ik Barbara weer snel geappt. Blijkbaar waren ze gewoon vergeten om een hengsel af te rekenen en mee te geven, dus die heeft Barbara weer gekocht. Bless her.
Barbara: “You really love this brand hehe”
Girl. You have no idea.
Ik denk dat ik zo maar ga opzoeken hoe ik dit het beste via post kan versturen, want het is onmogelijk voor mam en pap om dit allemaal mee te nemen in april. 
(Oh fuck me, het is Starship’s Kick It Up A Notch. Dylan klinkt geweldig in dit nummer. Hij klinkt altijd geweldig tbh.)
Dit is nu wel even genoeg shopping. Nu ga ik verder met sparen voor Animal Crossing. Nog 21 dagen y‘all!
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[08 - Still the Same as Ever]
“That kid reminds me of you.”
“It was like seeing another Daisuke, but that V-mon didn’t look like me. It gave me the impression it’s not an usual digimon.”
“What are ya talkin’ about V-mon? That kid cannot be me, we ain’t alike! Heh, I’d say he’s part of the goody-two-shoes group.”
“But they aren’t bad people, you know. They share the same desire as you.”
“If they did, then why would they accuse me of doin’ something bad!?”
“... Please, look at the situation you’re in.”
“They have the same desire as me…?”
He was at the balcony, admiring the view. That memory of what V-mon had talked to him before he and Ken left the Digital World caused confusion inside him.
“Why can’t they see what I am trying to do…? What Ichijouji and I are trying to prevent from happening again?”
Was it right, though?
“... I need to see that kid again.”
[Daichi’s World, year 2027]
Kiyoko mysteriously got a message from her brother saying he would stay at some friend’s home for a few days and to tell their mother to not worry about. oddly, the message came at the morning, so she had to explain things at the breakfast.
Miyako accepted that, just like her. and after leaving home for work… Kiyoko started to investigate her brother’s whereabouts.
“Daichi, where the heck are you? I told you were at Mitsuki’s house, but I just asked him and he said you didn’t see him yesterday. Whatever you’re doing, stop hiding stuff and let me help you doofus.”
She typed that while reading it with a quiet voice. When she hit the ‘send’ button, Kiyoko heard someone knocking on the front door aggressively.
“What? I didn’t expect him to return that quickly…”
She went to open the door, and after that… Someone stepped in very quickly and closed the door. She shouted and tried to use her phone to call for the police but…
“No wait, it’s me!”
“Ta… Taisuke!? Why are you wearing shades and a facemask!? Wait, your hair is… Down?”
“Argh, don’t ask me questions!” he snorted “No wait, I can answer that. Someone is… Following me!”
“Following you?” she frowned “Like, a digimon or a person?”
“I don’t know!” he took the shades and mask off “I was going to meet Eiji and suddenly I heard a ‘click’ ‘click’ and then…!! I had to go home and try to disguise myself!”
“You don’t know…” it wasn’t a good answer, but could her give him a hand at this hour? “If there’s someone following you, how about telling officer Ichijouji to investigate it?”
“It’s not… It’s not a police’s case! It’s some paparazzi!”
“I still think you need to tell officer Ichijouji about it.”
“How!? It keeps following me everywhere I go since yesterday! And my uncle is busy with the case of that attack on the theater event. A-and he might tell my dad about it!”
“So you want to hide it from them, to not let the adults know some creeper is following an innocent child-- Wait. I think I know who’s that creepy paparazzi following you.”
“D-do ya know!?”
She noticed someone very familiar outside right now through the window. Oh no, it’s him.
“It’s you Junya, am I right?” she opened the window “You jerk stop scaring my friends! I told you they’re NOT part of some conspiracy theory involving the legends!”
“Wait, what?” Taisuke blinked.
“Oh Kiyoko, I was passing by hehe--”
A teen revealed himself -- Spiky hair and with the same color as Motomiya Jun’s haircolor, holding a phone and now looking at her from the distance.
“If you bully my friends again I swear I gonna punch you to the outer universe!” she shook her fist “Now get outta here! Shush!”
“Wait, you know that person!?”
“He’s my cousin” Kiyoko answered unhappily “He’s a cool guy but he started researching for the Tale of the Chosen Children and ended up cooking some dumb theories. He said ambassador Yagami is hiding the truth from the world, that he knows those stories are real.”
“O-oh… Wait, what have I do with it!?”
“I’m sure he wanted to investigate your daily life, and perhaps make you spill the beans. Don’t worry, I know those are stories for children and that your dad isn’t hiding stuff from anyone else.”
“That’s illegal I think.”
“Yeah I know, I will fight him if he does it again. Let me know please?”
“Thanks” he sighed.
  [Parallel world, year 2002]
Daichi waited the end of the school activities on the next day so he could catch Daisuke and finally ask a few questions. It still bugged him that the Daisuke of that world wasn’t friends with the Chosen Children, and that Ken was also one of the enemies. Those made no sense! How in the world would two gentle and caring people could be completely the opposite of their counterparts from his world?!
They were on the other side of the street, watching carefully from there. Ulforce Chibi had been on Natsu’s arms, while Daichi kept his eyes on the school’s entrance, and checking it out the clock. Oddly, his digivice had adapted to that world’s time from all of a sudden.
“It’s almost the time-- Huh? Someone’s coming”
“Oi, kid!”
They wasn’t expecting him to be already there! And to be the first to leave minutes before the school’s ring bell rang.
“Can we talk for a bit?” he was smiling? That seemed suspicious.
 “So… You have a digimon right?” they were walking on the sidewalk, with no idea where they were going. But Natsu assumed to be back to the Motomiya household “That lil’ plush here is your partner?”
“Yes, he is” Daichi replied, still unsure if he could trust Daisuke or not. The fear from yesterday was still present in his voice “B-but why do you ask it?”
“Look, sorry for… Attacking you? My friend does not like to get people messing with his plans. We’re doing something for the people.”
“Enslaving digimon won’t solve anything” Natsu replied with a cold tone.
“Geez, why do you think we’re enslaving them?” Daisuke seemed uncomfortable with that wording “Ichijouji and I are just makin’ them unable to evolve. The digimon caused damage to this world three years ago.”
“It still makes no sense!”
“N-Natsu please…” Daichi tried to calm her down “I’m aware of what happened, the Chosen Children told me.”
“But did they tell you WHAT the digimon actually had done to us!? They invaded this world, kidnapped children, took everyone in town as hostages. And, another incident changed Ichijouji’s life.”
Natsu wasn’t aware of the last part. Maybe it was… An event from that world?
“His brother, ol’ Osamu, was hit by a car which was damaged by the digimon interference. He survived, but he can’t walk anymore.”
Wait, what!? Ichijouji Osamu survived in this world!? Natsu was shocked by that reveal. Because, in Daichi’s world Osamu is…
“But mr. Motomiya, you can’t simply condemn all the digimon for those incidents!” Daichi tried to be reasonable with him “There’s good digimon too! The Chosen Children’s job is to protect the worlds, not to take control of an entire world to protect the other!”
“I agree, but… Takeru and his mean friends keep accusing us from being bad people! I’m not a villain!”
“If you’re not, then stop pretending that that does not affect the others!” Natsu hissed “If you’re a hero you need to stop Ichijouji Ken!”
“If I stop him… The digimon will invade this world again!”
“Do ya think we’re evil!?” Ulforce roared “If the bad digimon invade, then the Chosen Children will protect this world just like before!”
“mr. Motomiya,” Daichi said with a frown “mr. Ichijouji might be confused as well and if you’re the only person he cares about, you’re able to make him understand that.”
“... I don’t think if they… If Hikari and Taichi… Would accept me after all the damage I’ve caused to them.”
“They will! After all, mr. Hikari doesn’t seem happy fighting her friend. In fact, she seems hurt by it.”
Daisuke glanced at him in silence, so there is hope. The hope to fix the wrong choices he had taken.
“I will talk with him then. Maybe if I explain things… No, could you lend me a hand, kiddo?”
“Yes, I can try. Also, I’m Daichi and these are Natsu and Ulforce.”
“Well you can call me by Daisuke then” he chuckled “... Thanks for giving me a reason to do the right thing, Daichi.”
“So you knew what you were doing was the wrong thing…?”
“Eh, kinda of…” he laughed nervously “Every time I tried to talk with Ichijouji he… Seemed pretty distant from me. I stayed with him because I couldn’t stand seeing him alone. And he’s still hurt by what happened to ol’ Osamu.”
“Despite of everything… You’re still the same” Natsu muttered.
“I’m glad you heard me, mr. Motomiya” Daichi smiled “This shows that you’re a good person after all, just like mr. Takeru and mr. Hikari think about you.”
“They… They think that about me?”
“Yes, they do.”
“... Thanks.”
  [Daichi’s world, year 2027]
“Their information is correct,” Ken told Taichi via phone “I had been informed of a suspicious activity in the Digital World.”
“Is that… ‘Roar of Freedom’ they mentioned?”
“Yes, I think they’re connected to that incident from 2025.”
“... What do you need?”
“Nothing at the moment, but if I’m right about this… We might find him.”
“Sir!” an officer opened the door of the room “S-someone invaded and… And…”
“What?” Ken turned to look at the woman “I will call you later, I need to go now” he told Taichi and hung up “What happened?”
“The Strikedramon brothers… They had been… Deleted.”
“Deleted!? How!? The security of this building is…”
“We don’t know! All we got was… This.”
She gave him a paper with something written in Digimoji.
“... I will handle the case. Please, check the cameras and check if you can find something suspicious.”
“Yes sir.”
“Wormmon,” he looked at the digimon playing something on a tablet “Can you read this for me? I need to call the others” and he passed the paper to Wormmon.
“Um, let’s see” Wormmon took his reading glasses and examined the paper.
“Hello? It’s Ichijouji. Could you gather the rest of the group for me? I know we all are busy, but this is important. Ok, I will wait.”
Wormmon started to type the translation on the tablet. 
“I need a gathering of all ten as soon as possible. No, it’s indeed important so that’s why I’m trying to reunite all of us. It also about him, I think I got a clue. Can’t tell that yet, and what I want to discuss is about--”
“One sec, Wormmon was translating something for me.”
“Here,” Wormmon handed him the tablet and Ken read it aloud:
“... ‘You won’t win this time, Chosen Children. I know who all of you are.’ , huh?”
“That’s concerning…” Wormmon frowned.
“I think we have to reunite everyone right now. I got a message addressed to us.”
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goldengoateee · 5 years
may 20 2019
Last episode of game of thrones, the finale. Eto na yung finale ng GOT na hindi ka hype hype, nice. E kase naman ang daming spoiler.
Okay, so gumising ako around 10am may muta may dry na laway at gutom na gutom. Gusto ko puntahan si Jang kase kukunin yung clearance para mag pa sign sa arki. Kaso nga lang tulog pa sya or nag bolong sya with her family kase andyan din si Chato and family from davao. So I decided na antayin sya magising para malaman ko if ano ba talaga gagawin. Im shy kasi na mag go dun and tulog pa si Jang.
Nagising na si Jang and I started na mag ready maligo and all and magbili whiskas for her baby juancho, her cat btw. Dumating ako dun and nakita ko si Jang nasa store. Nung nakita ko sya akala ko naligo na sya nun and nka pag ayos ng sakto. Kase gandang ganda ako sa kanya nung nakita ko sya that time. I mean nagagandahan talaga ako sa kanya man pero di ko lang sinasabi sa kanya kasi ayaw nya maniwala??? ewaann di ko alam ee  if maniwala ba sya or not pero nagagandahan talaga ako sa kanya, I swear. Bahala na kayo di maniwala na si maganda si jang mukhang suwang kayo ni thanos. Okay so, pagdating ko nag bantay kami sa store with reymar yun kasi dumating din sya pra manood ng GOT fucking finale. Theeeeen yung papasok na sana kami sa bahay kase tapos na mag duty si jang. Timing andun umupo si kuya Ken sa labas ng store which is asawa ni Diche/Chato ate ni jang. Gusto ko talaga makipag chika2 sa kanya, so thats the right timing.
Okay fast forward. Nanood na na kami ng GOT and fast forward again namatay si Dany, wow watta story. Annndd nakita ko si Jang umiiyak na. Dun palang namatay si Dany naiiyak na ako and nakita ko pansi Jang iyak ng iyak mas nagiging water eyes ko, sheet. Pinigilan ko lng self ko and nag try ako mag comfort kay jang pero tinaymingan ko lang ang hawak, kase andun si kuya Geh andun si miko andun si rey andun si Inoh, like baka ano isipin nila ._. (di na ako mag explain kung sino2 yan sila)
And right after nun natapos yun 6pm plus siguro tapos nag paalam na kami ni rey umuwi. fast forward umuwi na ako lagpas na ako ng footbridge, naglakad lang yun ako that time kase wala na  masyado bike ganung oras din. Bigla nag chat si Jang na balik daw ako sa kanila para mag eat, sabi ni Diche tapos nagulat ako kasi first time yun na umuwi na ako tas ipabalik ako, ako nun like wow na touch yun ako sa moment na yun. (shet naiiyak ako i mean atm while typing this hahahaha) So ayun nag isip ako if babalik paba ako kase nahihiya talaga ako. Btw pina tikim ni kuya Ken yung bbq na gawa nya before ako umalis, grabe ang sarap. Back to the topic, nahihiya talaga ako kasi, pero ayaw ko mag decline sa mga offers sa family ni jang din. Kasi ang reason is makahiya nga nag offer ang tao and idecline mo so just grab it nalang diba and I enjoy ang moment.
So bumalik ako going kila Jang yung andun na ako aa road papasok kila jang, mix feeling yung na feel ko @@ like shet ano gawin ko entrada pagbalik ko ano sasabuhin ko right after pagharap ko dun sa store, ichachat ko ba si jang para lalabas sya? para sunduin ako? And di lang yun ang nasa isip ko. Pumasok sa isip ko na namiss ko talaga family ko na kumpleto kami, that moment na naisip ko yan naiiyak ako palapit sa gate nila Jang. Like naiiyak ako na totouch ako and all and feeling grateful kasi tanggap ako ng family ni Jang and it means a lot para sa akin. (shet umiiyak ako now btw).  Like di ko yan na feefeel sa sarili ko na family dito sa zamboanga sa side ni papa feeling ko si ako tanggap. Yan sarili ko na kadugo di ko lang man na feel na napaka open sa akin di same sa na feefeel ko sa family ni Jang, kaya napaka grateful ko talaga it means a lot sa akin. So yun watery eye ako nung andun na talaga ako sa harap  ng store ang ginawa ko is "Buuuweeenas" with smiling face pero umupo ako sa bench agad pinahid ko  watery eye ko. Like shet, no dont cry Jowzef naiiyak kana kanina nakita si jang naiiyak nanaman ako ulit that moment aa labas ng store and ngyon naga type sa mga words nato umiiyak na talaga, aaaahhh im just so happy. Yung pumasok ako sa store nag chika kami ni jang and naiiyak ako bigla nung na realize ko na ang bait ng ate ni jang, like 1st time kasi yun nangyari na umalis na ako and pinabalik ako para mag dinner, like happy talaga ako. Di yun normal dinner lang din kasi kasi andun si Diche and family nya and family ni jang and mga kasama pa sa bahay like feeling ko kasama din ako sa bahay na yun feeling ko member din ako ng family, like im so happpyyy super. Like nag lalakad yun ako pauwi sa bahay naiisip ko, okay back to solo flight sa bahay, pero no pinapabalik ako para mag dinner kasama ang parang second home ko na, yes second home yan na feefeel ko pagnasa kila jang ako feeling ko nasa bahay lang din talaga ako. And yun after ng kainan is nag kwento ako with kuya geh and mama ni jang. Like yun ang pinakamatagal na chika namin sa mama ni jang kasi nahihiya talaga yan ako sa mama nya. Like grabe the way magsalita mama ni jang is parang close lang kami ba :<<< like happy talaga ako. Then dumating papa ni jang nag expect ako na may sasabihin sa akin pero wala naman. Natuwa naman ako dun na wala syang sinabi i mean gusgo ko mag kwento kami  pero okay na yun wla sya sinabi. natatakot kasi ako sa papa nya *insert nervous laughter* hehe. Tapos hinatid ako ni kuya geh pauwi. 
Then fast forward, like atm. Sinulat ko to kase gusto ko to ikwento ni jang pero di ko alam paano annnd isang reason is na badtrip sya sa akin. like dun ako nag start naiiyak na like kanina lang before ako nag sulat neto. Naiiyak ako and na guiguilty kase na sasad na nga ang tao dumagdag pa ako ba. I could have done better ba. Sa mga words ko :< 
Sinabi ko sa kanya kanina na ang ganda ng day ngayon pero pangit talaga nangyari before kami matutulog. 
Aannd thats it. First time ko gumawa ng ganto like ganto kahabang kwento so yun, thats it na.   
Ang title dracarys is because dany died, big deal din yun so dont bother na to fight me sa title kase, thats her favorite GOT character. HER. wala na ako ibang HER, si Jang lang, kaya dont fight me.
Fuck you suwang ni thanos.
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aoabmur65 · 2 years
Adda nagpauraga iti karne ti baka ken pinulpogan ti kudilna. Dagus a nayatak ta manmanoda nga agpulpog no kasta nga agpartida. Maysa a banag ti nagrehistro iti panunotko, kaliente. Mapausanak nga agsida iti kasta a pannakaisagana ti taraon. Wen, kaliente [caliente]. Sida wenno pupus, mayat latta! Ngem panagkunak, napimpintas nga ipareha iti serbesa, hehe.
*CALIENTE [Kaliente]--napulpogan a kudil/lalat ti baka
[Ilocano Cow or Carabao Skin Salad]
Wen, bukod a bersion ti kaliente. Bukod a templa
ken panagraman.
'Maykan, karruba!
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luckystar-- · 3 years
August 16, 2021
chinat ko si joseph. ito contents:
huy joseph, good morning. di naman ako nasusura, hindi talaga. pero di ko to kayang panindigan. tingin ko mabuti kang tao, kakatuwa mga sinasabi mo. thank you sa comment/advice mo nung magshare ako, nakatulong talaga. susupport pa din ako sayo, dyan sa film at kanta mo, support talaga ako sa mga ganyan. pero friends lang tayo. wag mo na ako gawing crush. hahaha sa iba ka na lang maginvest ng time. sorry, thank youu.
Lord sana tama. Lord thank you sa pagbigay mo sa kanya sakin kasi yung advice nya noon okay talaga. Pero kung bigay mo nga sya, ayan po ni let go ko na. sorry po.
nadidistract po ako
iniisip ko ang irereply sa kanya.
ayoko masyado magreply kasi di ayoko na lumalim
pero nagtanong ako.
nagtanong dn sya.
pinahaba ko.
normal kong pakikipagusap yun
ayaw ko kasi mawalan ng paki
kasi mabuti naman pinapakita nya.
pero ayan tapusun na lang.
wala pa nararamdaman ako nararamdaman
pero okay yung mga advice nya.
pero wag nya na langa ko maging crush.
parang tama lang to.
ang iniisip ko lang pano kung dumating time na may magustuhan na ako. tapos same situation. naging unfair ba ako kay joseph?
pero pano naman mangyayaring same situation, kung ibang panahon na. baka mas matanda na ako nun if ever.
or baka sigurado na ako sa tao if ever.
baka sigurado na dn ako sa sarili ko.
alam mo yun din okay kay joseph. open minded sya. hindi sarado isip nya. kaya siguro kaya ko dn sabihin sa kanyang tama na.
oh my. naglet go ba ako ng balloon (ref. himym, si ted naglet go balloon nung bata na di nya na daw makukuha ulit)
so bakit ko pinatigil?
nadidistract ako
wala pa ako nararamdaman talaga
gusto ko kilalanin
pero pag lumalim mas mahirap na umalis
baka maging awkward. wag na lang
may gusto ka bang iba?
wala naman totally
si ken ba nagustuhan mo?
hindi, okay. si sir gene nga crush ko haha pwro di konna nga sya naiisip.
si ken, hmm wala.
kawork ko na magaling dn at mapangasar at mas bata sa akin. at nakakainis. pero mabait. haha nagrecommend ng himym. ayun lang sya.
kung sabihan ka nya gusto ka nyq, magiiba ba?
i think ayoko magstart sa sasabihin sa akin agad na crush ako siguro.
siguro magkakilalan na lang muna kami kung sino man ang future partner?
tama ba? ano kaya gusto ko shet.
o basta ayun. itong kay joseph. ni let go ko na.
bago pa lumalim.
totoo yung nadidistract ako. kasi inaabangan ko chat e. tas nagiisp ako ng sasabihin. ayoko sabihin agad lahat ng nasa isip ko. alam mo naman ako.
plus chat eh hindi in person.
okay ulit, bakit tinigil?
nadidistract ako
wala pa ako nararamdaman
pero okay sya. mabait sya as a person walang kulang or mali sa kanya.
di ko na kayang panindigan.
mas okay na wala na lang
para di na ako nagiisp
dont know if this would be the same kung hindi chat at in person
or if di nya sinabing crush nya ako.
i know di ko pa sya nakilala nang buo. pero baka okay na ganito.
para di na nga lumalim.
ano ga paulit ulit hahaha.
para kasi next time pag tinanong ako bakait. dapat may sagot ako. ayun.
kasi di ko kayang panindigan, nadidistract ako, wlaa pa ako nararamdaman. okay sya as a person, pero wala pa ako nararamdaman at wag na lang muna talaga kasi di ko kayang panindigan.
diba pauli ulit talaga. kuu. haha. ge. pero thank you talaga sa kanya kasi open minded sya. mabait sya.
feeling ko kung may nawala sa akin is yung opportunity na makakita ng new perspective. may makausap na ago ang comments sa life. same thpught aan, iba ang delivery and okay yung sinasabi nya pramis.
sabi nya nung may new project ako for gt uk pero di ako niletgo ni miss mari cause feu tas sabi ko may namissed ba akong opportunity:
"hindi mo namissed darating ka din dun .. masyado ka alng naexcite kasi bago nga diba.. ganun naman kapag bago eh
kung ano man tinatapos mo tapusin mo mapapunta ka din dun"
meron pa sya "lahat naman ng tao magulo" lm mo ga yun. ka-open.
tas happy lang sya. na may deep thoughts din. alam nya gusto nya.
ayun good points nya.
pero wag na lang talaga. mas okay walang kachat. mas maginhawa buhay ko. okay na to. mas okay to.
Lord tulungan mo na langa ko magfigure out ng sarili kahit wala na comments ng iba. sayang yung perspective nya. or yung matutulong nya na gumaan loob ko. pero okay lang kqsi nadidistract tlaga ako dhail iniisp kk pa reply ko.
hirap sa chat.
naku paulit ulit. basta ayun. sige . good morning.
p.s. bat ako paulit ulit? iniisp ko ngayon kung pano mya cocommentan tong mga sinulat ko feeling ko sasabihin nya "siguro tinatry mo kasi iprove yung point mo kaso di mo maconvice sarili mo kaya ka paulit ulit"
ala ewan ko na. basta okay na yun. habang wlaa pa talaga. sana di awkward. hehe.
tsaka pangit pa ugali ko talaga. di pa ako mabuting anak. sobrang selfish ko pang tao. kaya wag na muna.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Duong tat, team ganh thanh 1 phong ham sau
Doc spell full time
Ko on. Phai phong cai thoi doi cay
Zhou mi anh chiu nghiep gium 1 tieng toi da nha.
Mat vai phut a.
Phong ganh team lam fairy queen chet neu phan boi. Trong luc phong
Hu toi.
Het do roi. Huhuhu
Kris de anh noi cho zhou mi nghe. Shit Tao ko phai nguoi trung dau.
Nguoi Mong Co goc
Tra loi may anh team trung
Nguyen than nghi con nguoi phai it quan tam toi xung quanh thi moi song tiep duoc, chi it la vay.
Shit lac day rm do huhu
Zhoumi and Henry em co ban trai chua
Jerk nam co roi
Jerk nam sao anh thua jerk vu nay vay
Nguyen than vi tinh anh vay
May anh choi voi em co thoi la doi may anh do lai roi
2 app mp3 voi tumblr con ngon
Fb papa mark tu bao tri nha
Nguyen than tra loi 3 schools
I'm ner ching goc. Hehe toan li thuyet ko ca day.
Ko biet tai sao dung nua haha
Tra loi jerk voi jerk nam hoi nay
Hoi nay do 2 igs hien hon ve noi a
Ko thoi em cung banh luon roi
Moi co thoi ma banh roi, hihi
Team trung khang dinh luon. Ma, hai con igs ma con ghen duoc nua. Bo tay
Tra loi hai ma soeu ghem va nhung nguoi con lai kiep truoc toan lam con trai ko a; co vai kiep lam hoang hau ma chet som co myou may tuoi chet roi; co kiep lam tu hi bi mat la 21, 2 may do. Tu tu chet; uong thuoc doc roi niem chu chu mang em lon wua ai hiet dupc fau. Huhu
Team trung hoi con nguoi giut duoc wua co sao ko
Nguyen than tra loi, con nguoi ma giut wua, thi se lo het tinh xau ta mgoai
Nguoi vuot wua duoc cieu do trong 800 nam, se thanh địa tiên.
Nguyên thuỷ thiên tôn, người sáng lập ra nhà Chu.
Co si ngoai rm khong ha.
Shiy cac. Va em. Huhu
Vay em co sang lap ra dao ko ha
Jerk nam hiu richte gium tai cung thich nghe
Dao duoc tao ra nho lay 213,3 nam dai dang dang cua con tam trong nhong lam chieu dai thuoc do lich su.
Sau do dung tam cua no de det len cai ken.
Nguoi o trong do chinh la dao.
Dao chi co ta, chu ko co thien. May me ganh ke ca shit cac deu vay.
2 ma nay la em cuu ra ne, co rm thót khoi no tu lic moi sinh bang chieu em bu s chua chinh shit cac a. Haha
Cuu ra lau chua ha?
Zhou mi de anh tui may dong loi qua huhuhu
Nguyen than tra loi, jerk moi ra hoi dang. Jerk nam tu luc ki hiep uoc voi rong de nhot shit cac vo do. Thay em hay ko. Thuong cho jerk voi jerk nam ne
Tra loi 2 godfathers
Song nhu địa tiên co gi vui ko ha?
Toan xai tips ko a, deo biet vui la gi.
Noi it, hieu nhieu ha.
Hai ma di oo gium em cai. Huhu.
Zhou mi again huhu
Song voi may dua song loi vay co uc che ko rm?
Huhu. Nho no loi em moi thoat nan may bay hom nay do. Di chung voi fam o my.
Mai di xe nha may ma. De me nam lai. Me kia nhoi im gium.
Ngoi im ko duoc ha? Me nam la ko duoc roi do. Ong lai tot hon; ma va cot dirn.
Rang id ma. Haha noi hium
Em lai duoc ko ha? Lau roi ko lai. Ganh team qua toan lai sai luat ko a. Mac cong dong phat. Gio jerk ko co vai ve gi trong xa hoi roi
Em co coi trong vai ve cua Zhoumi ko ha?
Ba anh la trum mafia noi cac o Macao ma. Chi biet vay thoi. Hihi, ma luc nhin anh thi ko co de y toi gi khac ngoai anh. Ai hoi thi em moi gio sach su ra coi thoi.
Zhoumi, dao em song duoc vay toi gio, trong the gioi chinh tri day hiem ac?
Nguyen than tra loi, Truong Luong la mot vi du dien hinh cho de tu cac fake etc cua Nguyen than. Nguoi tao ken.
Do chunh la chieu dai lich su, di ke may nguoi nhu vay la co o dy che cho a.
Dung vay, ko guo sach lich su ra coi.
Kyuhyun va Kris moc hong gium, o du cua rm dong wua ha.
Nguyen than tra loi, toan Khong Cac, Truong Cac eyc chu sao ko dong. Nguoi tao krn trong kich su chi co theo nguyen than thoi.
Zhoumi, sao em biet nhieu vay con di hoc lam gi, lay smh cho toi?
Nguyen than tra loi, cung muon lam, ma ko biet dao ko lua chon dieu do nua. Luc duoc phong dia tien cung bat dau co o du.
A, hieu roi. Huhu, doi phu wi a.
Nguyen than tra loi, haha.
Sao em ko ghe tom may nguoi gay ha?
Nguyen than tra loi, la mot nguoi co long tu trong, nhung ko song sai duoc.
Jerk va nam cac toi trinh may snh roi
Cung ly nao (cheers tieng anh cho Zhoumi; thing dich vien ma hoc loi thay me haha).
Can ma jerk ghen de song tiep hom nya. Kiss moi anh team trung cho khoi co chuyen. Jerk nam hai csi, coi nhu hue vu kai.
Em thich liss ai nhat ha?
Zhoumi a. Jerk nam la kieu nghi thuc. That long do. Jerk ghen di.
Sao nay co kiss that long duoc mo?
Haha, song trong o du da lau, nguyen thanxin tra loi, Nguyen than muon Zhoumi duoc song lau va lanh lan voi Nguyen than.
Zhoumi muon lam tieng chim hot trong bui man gai.
Nguyen than xinn tra loi, Zhoumi noi kieu nghi thuc hay khong, Nguyen than deu biet ma. Nguyen than xin ghi nhan. Haha.
Team trung ung ho Nguyen than voi Zhoumi ke cs jekr nam.
Nguyen than tra loi, vat doi dao doi. Minh frn voi nhau thoi. Zhaomi.
Zhoumi hoi, Nguyen than buet Xhoumi may tuoi ko?
Nguyen than xin tra loi, dang search Google. Cong 16 tuoi len. La dung bang hom nay.
Huc mung sinh nhat, Zhoumi.
Mot cai ket qua dep cho chinh hung ta.
Chers, team trung.
Zhoumi hoi, Xhoumi gia vay, Nguyen ko can bf gia de xa ha?
Nguyen xin tra loi, ko can.
Xhoumi hoi, Nguyen than co so Zhoumi ghen ko?
Nguyen than tra loi, so thay me.
Zhoumi hoi, Zhoumi chet truoc, Nguyen than co chiu xa ko?
Nguyen than xin thau, never.
Zhoumi hoi, Nguyen than dao ko can, ma ko can gi ca?
Nguyen than tra loi, Nguyen than la nguoi phi thuong.
Zhoumi noi, Zhoumi gia roi, cuoi Nguyen than so mat Nguyen than lam.
Nguyen than cung vay. Ma deo lam gi duoc. Zhoumi ko cuoi nguyen than song toi 76 tuoi a. Cuoi roi len 108 tuoi, dung ngay hom nay 58 nam sau moi chưt. Nguyen than chet luc Zhoumi 128 tuoi.
Nguyen than co thich gi tren doi ko ha. Khong.
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