#kenna x annelyse
onefernecito · 5 months
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Did I replay the entire thing for these scarce moments between them? Bet your ass I did. They're precious and Annelyse deserved better.
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cassiopeiacorvus · 2 years
The great thing about your writing is whenever you write, you drop a chestful of gems!
A Lesson In Sources: Hands down my favourite part was Liam giving his reasoning for why he prefers to view Annelyse as Kenna's spouse, and speaks about how important peace and prosperity are to any kingdom. Also that little banter Tzi and Liam have about Olivia arguing with a PhD scholar over the veracity of Zenobia's claims lol. There are so many amazing lines - esp among the kids - that I'm spoiled for choice but William being stubborn about the Kenna x Val ship and Corrine's obsession with dragons are standouts 💖
The Liam-Tzipporah Cover Story: Oh God middle-aged Liam and Tzi are so adorable in this piece and my absolute fave was them coming out and telling the truth about Connie's orchestration of the conspiracy. It was done so well and with the gravitas of two people who have had to keep this a secret for such a long time.
Truly love your art and meta...and can't wait to see more of your fics in the future!
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Thank you, Lizzy! I really love writing the royal sibs in particular because I went out of my way to give them vastly different personalities. Corinne, especially when she's young, is the most fun to give dialogue to because she has no filter whatsoever.
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sunshineandviolets · 3 years
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I love them 🥰🥰🥰
I know we saved the kingdoms and thats great... but they are gonna be wives!!
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made-me-deep-blue · 4 years
life shining across the years.
Book: The Crown & The Flame, The Royal Heir
Pairing: Kenna Rys x Annelyse Adair, Riley x Hana
Prompt: Memories
Words: 1088
Rating: Fluff, a ton of fluff
Tags: @choicesmaychallenge @kinda-iconic
“Hey, do you believe in reincarnation?”
“Why do you ask?”
“I believe that everyone who fought evil and died for a better world...was reincarnated into a happier life.”
Kenna was reading one of the Cordonia Royal Library’s histories books, buried under a massive pile of the history collection in a secluded corner. It was a habit whenever her mothers would come to pay Uncle Liam and Uncle Drake a visit, and she would always have her own getaways whenever the adults discussed politics during the royal council meetings.
“Queen Kenna of Stormholt then delivered a final blow to Luther Nevrakis...with the son of the King himself, Diavolos Nevrakis…” Kenna muttered to herself. “...that’s really...a lot for his own son to slay him like that.”
Kenna never really asked her parents who she was named after, not because she wasn’t really interested in knowing, but it was until a couple of royals and foreign dignitaries mentioned the legendary queen, who was Uncle Liam’s ancestor, whenever Kenna attended events. So one day, she decided to ask her mothers, Duchess Riley Silverlake and Duchess Hana Lee of Valtoria, about it.
“Who were you named after?” Riley said. “Well, we name you after the legendary queen herself and for the fact that she was Liam’s ancestor…” She looked to Hana, who had her head on Riley’s shoulder.
“But also because we knew that you were going to be a fierce warrior, just like how we busted Anton and his narcissistic jerkface, and how Queen Kenna managed to slay the evil Empress Azura and the treacherous King Luther.”
“I’m still not over that story by the way,” Kenna chuckled. “And you guys managed to attend your wedding again in one piece? That’s on a whole another level of awesomeness.”
“I know, I know,” Riley flipped her hair behind her shoulder in an attempt to look cool. “We’re awesome.”
Kenna rolled her eyes at her mother, but couldn’t help but smile at her humour.
“Kenna, sweetie!” She heard Hana call her from the entrance to the library. “We’re heading home! Your girlfriend’s coming to visit, remember?”
Kenna perked up at the mention of her girlfriend, Annelyse, and smiled gently at the thought of her visiting the Valtoria Palace. She closed the book in her lap and shouted back. “Coming, mom!”
Later in the afternoon, sure enough, Kenna waited at the palace entrance for Annelyse to arrive. Riley and Hana secretly watched their daughter from their bedroom window, snickering to themselves.
“You know,” Riley gave Hana a hip check. “If Kenna had a tail, it would be wagging right now.”
Hana failed to hold in a laugh at that comment.
Kenna got up from where she was sitting at the steps when she saw a Mercedes car pull up. As she got to the door and opened it up for Annelyse to exit, her father bowed his head slightly. “Your Highness.”
The princess bowed in return. “I’ll take care of her well, don’t worry.”
When the car drove off, Annelyse beamed at Kenna, her grey eyes glittering under the afternoon sun. “Hey, you.”
“Hey, yourself.”
“So, what’s the itinerary for today?” 
Kenna laced her fingers with Annelyse’s and shrugged. “Anything that you wanna do?”
Annelyse immediately tugged Kenna towards the palace’s garden. “To our favourite place then!”
The two ladies found themselves in the same position whenever Annelyse came to visit the palace; under the shade. Against the wall. On the steps. Kenna’s temple pressed against the top of Annelyse’s head with their fingers interlaced, with Kenna’s earphones plugged into Annelyse’s right ear and Kenna’s left, listening to the mixtape that they made together.
“Say, Annelyse, can I ask you a question?”
“Do you believe in reincarnation?”
Annelyse removed her head from her favourite spot to look into Kenna’s hazel brown eyes, the colour accentuated under the afternoon sun. “Mm, I have always found that concept interesting, but...why do you ask?”
Kenna shook her head, smiling softly before looking up at the clear blue skies. “I was reading one of the books from Uncle Liam’s history collection in the Royal Library when we went to the Cordonia Royal Palace this morning, and I read about Queen Kenna. At one point in the book, I saw your name in it.”
Annelyse hummed to herself. “Queen Annelyse Adair of Stormholt and Aurelia, the Gilded City?”
“Yeah, that’s her,” Kenna nodded. “And it got me thinking if we were their reincarnations, and we are living in a happy life that they envisioned for us.”
Annelyse’s expression turned contemplative before she joined Kenna in viewing the blue expanse over their heads. 
Both of them would have ever known if the sky was every this blue after the war ended back then. Even if the present evil was defeated, there could be another one rising somewhere else. For two strong women to marry out of love and usher in a prosperous new generation, that might have meant something for her and Kenna to be open about their relationship like this.
“If we are,” Annelyse said, breaking the stretched, comfortable silence between them. “We’ll carry on our own memories together for them, even though we can’t exactly remember theirs. Their happiness together is carried on through generations differently, and we’ll just have to carry them on for the next. Don’t you agree, darling?”
Kenna sighed, her eyes crinkling as she smiled at the woman beside her. “Well said, Lady Annelyse.”
The raven-haired woman bumped her shoulder against hers with a huff of laughter.
“Your Highness, Miss Annelyse,” Gladys, the palace’s major-domo, walked around the corner to greet them. “Duchess Riley and Duchess Hana had the chefs prepare lunch and await your presences in the dining hall.”
“Got it, we’ll be there. Thank you, Gladys.”
Gladys smiled and bowed, before disappearing around the corner.
Kenna got up to her feet, and held a hand out for Annelyse to take. “Shall we, my queen?”
Annelyse’s face flushed at the title (and the possibility of it happening) but decided to play along with the banter. “Yes, let’s.”
As the two made their way back into the palace, somewhere further in the garden, were two women; a legendary hero and queen dressed in armour, the other lined with gold, the ruler of a Gilded City, smiling lovingly at the young couple. 
Both of them gazed into each other’s eyes with a huff of gentle laughter and interlaced their fingers. They walked together, fading into the sun’s rays peeking through the trees. 
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queenzoeywade · 4 years
The only character I forgave after she betrayed me.
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
29 and 41 for annelyse x Kenna w a jealous annelyse
Aurelia’s not only known for its riches, it has also gained a reputation as a kingdom that knows how to throw a party. It’s the perfect place to celebrate the upcoming nuptials to unite Aurelia and Stormholt in holy matrimony.
Annelyse smiles as she watches her subjects rejoice, drinking and dancing with merriment. Her smile falters somewhat as her eyes land on Raydan and her beloved Queen Kenna.
Whenever Raydan speaks, it seems as if he’s flirting. It’s truly one of his charms, one of the reasons she hired him. But it is decidedly less charming when it’s her fiancé in the cross hairs.
Annelyse glides over, dancing her way though the crowds. She wraps her arms around Kenna from behind, dropping a kiss to her neck. She playfully sticks her tongue out at Raydan. “Stay away, she’s mine.” She teases, but the look in her brown eyes alerts Raydan to the fact that there is underlying jealousy and anger behind the words.
He bows. “Of course My Majesty, and my other Majesty.” He directs to the pair, slinking away.
Kenna turns so she’s facing her beloved, placing a quick kiss to Annelyse’s painted lips.
“I can’t tell if you’re joking, or if you could actually possibly be jealous of Raydan, of all people.” Kenna teases.
“Not jealous.” Annelyse denies. “But every so often I just have to pull rank. Remind him that I’m in charge here.” She pulls Kenna in for a longer kiss. “And that you belong to me. Can’t have him forgetting that one.”
Kenna smirks, shaking her head softly. “I belong to my subjects, our subjects soon. Don’t try to pull rank with me darling.”
Annelyse blushes, thouroughly chagrined at her possessiveness. But then Kenna kisses her again, letting her future wife know that she is not at all mad.
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postingaboutstuff · 5 years
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little remarks like these make me giggle, gaaah so cute.
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shreyamistry · 5 years
Loveshed on the Battlefield - Kenna x Annelyse
Pairing: Kenna x Annelyse
Prompt: “I would honestly die before I let anything happen to you.”
Word Count: 1.9k+
Summary: The battle against Azura ends differently for Kenna and Annelyse, altering the entirety of their lives and relationship. While their worlds crumble, they have to deal with the aftermath of emotions.
A/N: @glowinghelena (-: protect your heart !
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Thanks for reading! Hope you like it!
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Annelyse lays on a lone mattress inside the medical wing of the castle, her body limp and lifeless in her private room away from the mass medical area. Her thick black hair lay messy and dirty on her pillow, her skin dangerously pale, and her breathing shallow enough to think she wasn’t. The battle won, but every win comes with a price and Annelyse bore the price on her shoulders. Her gold dress and accessories traded out for a simple nightgown still flush with gold coloring.
Kenna sits on the edge of the mattress, her hands buried in her face with tears etched onto her cheeks staining her skin with the pain she’s felt the past for nights since they’ve won the war. People cheered in the street for their win, while those close to Annelyse mourned and cried. Raydan nearly impossible to find and the warriors of the queen’s homeland lingering in the wake of the accident unable to bring themselves to leave their queen and report the sorrow news. Kenna brushes her hair out of her face turning to look at Annelyse, her face slacked and unmoving leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.
Kenna can’t pry her eyes away hoping every second Annelyse will wake up her eyes noticing the caked-on dirt from the war, remembering Annelyse on the forefront when all hells broke loose before slipping away with soldiers to bring them to the infirmary. She’d trade everything in the world to be in that moment, spare Azura, concede, anything to get her to save Annelyse’s life as she’s seen her do before. Suddenly feeling swollen with rage at the thought of Annelyse saving lives only to come to the edge of perishing in battle, she pushes herself out of the bed marching into the hall to find the first servant she could.
“You there!” She yells taking in the sight of a young man with brown hair and tanned skin, “Why hasn’t Annelyse been properly cared for? What reason is there for her face being dirty and her hair starting to matt and tangle?” Kenna folds her arms over her chest, her statue tall and resilient against the emotions stirring in her chest.
The young man begins to explain, “Whitlock-”
“I don’t want your excuse, bring me a washcloth and her favorite brush.” Kenna demands, “In the small box in my room, she left it with me before the battle.“ Guilt swell inside her, glancing down at the floor.
“My queen, I urge you to hear me-”
“I gave you an order.” Kenna throws her hands in the air leveling a glare at the young man before her, who shakes with fear. “When she wakes up and realizes herself to be dirty that will cause more distress than almost dying.”
“Yes, my queen.” The man nods, turning to rush down the corridor towards the main part of the castle. Kenna takes a deep breath, before turning around and marching back into the room in which Annelyse rested. Leaving the beautifully trimmed architecture behind while the man fetched her belongings.
Kenna waits a few moments before footsteps are heard outside the room, the rapping off knocks on the door before someone pushes the door open. Her mechawolf pup rounding into the room with excitement, running in circles yelling for Kenna happily. Kenna turns her attention to Whitlock who carries a bucket of water with the other supplies Kenna asked for a solemn look gracing his features. The pup brushes against Kenna’s leg before scattering under the bed his eye caught by something underneath.
“Whitlock, I care not for a lecture. Please.” Kenna traces her hand down Annelyse’s shoulder taking in the state of her lover yet again. She fights with memories and emotions that try to grip her and take control of her mind. She needed to stay within reason, push them away, and be there for her love while she could.
“Kenna, I know you’re hurting,” he says stepping into the room closing the door behind him, “But yelling at those helping Annelyse will not wake her up faster.” He places the bucket and the towel with her brush wrapped inside on the table near the door. He unwraps the brush, before placing the cloth towel into the bucket.
“Blue Lady, why is she sleeping?” Sparky asks from the floor, his face flooding with curiosity.
“Not now,” Kenna says to the wolf patting his head, “Whitlock, I wouldn’t need to lash out if her face wasn’t dirty. You all need to treat her like a queen and care for her the way she did for us.” Kenna’s tone defensive even though there were no reason for her to act that way, the event leaving Kenna lost and confused constantly.
“Kenna we all cared for Annelyse and still do, stop shutting yourself away. Have you even considered what will happen if she doesn’t wake up?” Whitlock asks, “With respect my queen, this isn’t you. I know you’re frightened by the possibility, but let us help you and be here for you. You couldn’t have changed the outcome.”
“Kenna, you couldn’t.” Whitlock steps to her. “You did everything you could for Annelyse. Now let us do everything we can for her and for you.” Whitlock approaches her with the wet washcloth, her slick with wet tears threatening to spill, her lips parting to find words that never come. He brushes the cloth over Kenna’s face, cleaning her own dirty face and wiping away some of the dried tears. Instead of thanking him, she wraps her arms around Whitlock smaller frame crying into his chest. Whitlock stiffens at first, before holding her back his mind flooding with thoughts of Hex and how he felt when he thought he lost her and knew he should comfort her the way he wished he was. He rubbed her back as the mechawolf pup jumps onto the bed brushes against Kenna’s body digging his face into the embrace to coat her face with sweet kisses.
Kenna absently strokes him with one hand, the other arm holding tightly onto Whitlock, her mind falling back to the fateful night three days ago that has left Annelyse on a constant brink of life or death. Her body stiffening as the thoughts overwhelm her, throwing her into the memory without letting her look away consuming her no longer being able to run from the horrid memory.
Kenna stands with her blade in her hand, blood running down her lip looking directly Azura. Her eyes wicked with hate and pride as she pushes Kenna to her breaking point, the warrior queen still had fight in her, but she felt no match for Azura in the moment. Kenna huffs and puffs, her breath heavy in her chest as she watches the lightning queen snicker at her, how she couldn’t wait to wipe that look from her face.
“Well, Kenna Rys, are you done?” she draws her hand back building up energy inside her fist. “Or would you like me to end your life?”
“I will never concede to you, witch.” Kenna growls, before spitting her blood onto the ground, tightening her grip of the blade that Annelyse gave her back in Annelyse’s home when they rushed in to stop dragon Dom. “You will never have your hands on the Five Kingdoms as long as I breathe.”
“Then, let’s put an end to your breathing.” Azura smiles. She moves to let loose her electricity when a blade connects with her back pushing through her body her hands instantly moving to the wound as she crumples onto the floor her eyes burning with hatred. “What?” Blood spills from the wounds as she touches the blade in her side.
“Annelyse?!” Kenna yells, Annelyse stands with blood on her skin as she draws the ornate blade from the lightning Queen’s body, dropping the blade onto the floor her mouth opened in shock looking to Kenna and back at the dying woman. Light erupts from the queen as Kenna yells, “Annelyse!” Dashing forward to protect her, put herself between Annelyse and the lightning Queen’s wrath. The blow, however, strikes too late. A small dagger controlled by the lightning queen’s magic plunges into Annelyse’s stomach before clattering to the floor with a metallic clink splattering red blood onto the floor as it comes to rest. Blood flowing freely from her wound, Annelyse crying out in pain her eyes glossing over. Annelyse doesn’t have time to register the blow completely before Azura’s magic engulfs her, Annelyse flies into the wall her body smashing against the brick with intense force as Azura holds her wound in one hand the other towards her Annelyse. Annelyse screams in agony as she falls onto the floor trying to push herself up to no avail.
“Your beloved will fall with me.” Azura gasps, “You will not win without the same lose as I have suffered. You can steal my daughter, my home, and all I have fought to preserve. If only you had joined me, Lady Kenna.”
Kenna rushes her, her blade drawn striking Azura with a final blow, her body falling limp to the floor pooling her corpse with her fresh blood. Kenna rushes past the avenged queen, rushing to Annelyse’s side, instantly taking the wounded woman into her arms, her tears sting her eyes as she looks down at her form. “Annelyse, why?”
“I would honestly die before I let anything happen to you, Kenna.” Her frail voice shattered Kenna’s heart in her chest, trying to hold back the tears that continue to burn in her eyes. She takes Annelyse’s hand kissing her kiss. “Kenna, I don’t have much time.”
“Annelyse,” Kenna sobs her hands tightening around her body, her skin purple with bruises from impact against the brick wall and her hold weak against Kenna’s hand, tears linger in Annelyse’s eyes as well. “You...I... Annelyse…Please don’t say that, someone will come and we will heal you.”
“The safety of The Five Kingdoms and you mattered more, my love,” Annelyse coughs, “Tell ...tell Raydan he is to watch over our home. My last wish as queen of Aurelia.”
“Annelyse,” Kenna gaps, “It won’t be your last.” She rests her forehead against Annelyse’s own, stroking her cheek with one hand. The tears roll down her cheeks as she leans down kisses Annelyse on the lips, her movements gentle against her injured lover. Annelyse kisses her back with the final ounce of strength she could muster, her hand still holding Kenna’s tightly as she could. “Please don’t leave me. I can’t lose you Annelyse, this war will mean nothing without you beside me.”
“I love you, Kenna.”
“Annelyse? Annelyse?! ANNELYSE?!” Her hands shake Annelyse’s shoulder earning her no response, her tears falling loosely as she holds her body close to her. “HELP! SOMEONE! HELP!” She musters her weak strength to help her brace Annelyse’s weight in her arms, her body heavy with soreness from the battle with queen moving out of the throne room to find her people. “HELP!” Her cries going unheard as she runs with Annelyse’s body to find help.
Kenna gasps the memory leaving her as she holds tightly onto Whitlock still, Sparky in her arms nuzzling against her face to comfort her. Her heart falling in her chest, taking a look at Annelyse’s form on the bed, her chest rising and falling with shallow breaths. Wake up Annelyse, wake up.
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krishu213 · 5 years
Are we getting a book after tc&tf ???
Hiii their all blog post they mentioned that we may might get a book like after tc&tf !!!!well I m really excited for it I missed Kenna and Dom so much!!
Also we are getting a pirate book, abook on ressiance court era, a wedding planner themed book most probably , another historical fantasy book.. and a motherhood book(well I m really shocked at this last one but I m ready to explore it)
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lilywoood · 6 years
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Choices Books as Netflix shows : The Crown & The Flame Book 2
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herdecisions · 6 years
Another one
Remember this? (If you haven't, check it out.)
Now I give you this..
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I see you pb 👀
Was thinking of posting this a lot earlier, like last 1-2 weeks ago?? Right after we first met Fatima.. but procastination got the best of me pffft 😂😂😅
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i-beg-your-parsons · 6 years
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We love a woman who has her priorities straight
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noitsbecky127 · 6 years
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forgottenl0v3r · 6 years
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stayfallentasticc · 6 years
Can you please make a HC about jealous Annelyse whenever Kenna is around anyone? (:
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Annelyse just kinda does this thing with her mouth where the corner of her lips curl up in a tiny snarl.
Her eyes are filled with such malice, but she can quickly change her facial feature (years of practice) where it looks like she’s not pissed off at all. She is a queen afteralll, and queens don’t fret right? So why is she a tad bit nervous and unease. 
Annelyse calls for one of the servants to fetch her a drink, her voice light and oh-so-kind. If it’s one thing she knows, it’s how to fake that she’s calm and collected. 
She finds herself pouting, one hand curled around the goblet and the other pressed against her cheek. She twirls the goblet around, insecurities flooding her because she’s so weak compared to Kenna. 
“Wearing a mask can be so exhausting.” 
Death becomes of her at the horrid thought that maybe Kenna is tired of her and finds her not as worthy as the others who are pursuing her. 
She feels her grip on the goblet getting harder, cheeks flushed red, before she lets out a soft sigh. 
She really shouldn’t have invited anyone remotely attractive to her party, they may sweep Kenna off of her feet. 
“Hm? I look upset? Is that so? It must be this lighting” 
Annelyse lightly touches her cheeks. She dismisses herself from the table. She walks towards Kenna with such eloquence and in no rush whatsoever, one would think she was fine. 
She really wasn’t fine.
She presses the back of her hand against Kenna’s back, a sweet smile plastered on her face. Kenna raises an eyebrow, Kenna knows when Annelyse is faking a smile. 
Annelyse politely asks the guests if they could excuse them both, as she needs a word with her queen. Her queen.  
“He’s lucky blood is so hard to wash out of silk. I would’ve punched him in the jaw.” 
She can’t help it, it’s like word vomit at this point. Annelyse has tried to suppress her ‘jealousy’ and, well, she couldn’t any longer. Kenna just shakes her head 
“Oh, darling. Stop staring at me like that, they deserved what I was about to give them. My hands can get a little dirty, if it’s for you.” 
Annelyse bats her eyes playfully before tugging at the collar of Kenna’s dress, drawing her in for a kiss. 
“Would hate to see your pretty dress get torn, so we’ll have to save that for tonight. Now, shall we go say say hi to our guests together?”
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matronblackbeak · 6 years
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blanca padilla as kenna rys b&w aesthetic
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