#kenneth G. Walter
screamscenepodcast · 2 years
A monster by any other name would spook as sweet... it's THE MANSTER (1959) aka SŌTŌ NO SATSUJINKI aka THE SPLIT from directors George Breakston and Kenneth G. Crane!
An American/Japanese co-production, this schlocky-titled film is anything but as it tackles themes of masculinity and alcoholism.
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 10:15; Discussion 29:07; Ranking 45:17
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grandhotelabyss · 7 months
What are your favorite essays/collections of literary criticism?
Some favorite single essays:
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "A Defence of Poetry"
Ralph Waldo Emerson, "The Poet"
Herman Melville, "Hawthorne and His Mosses"
Matthew Arnold, "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time"
Henry James, "The Art of Fiction"
Sigmund Freud, "The Uncanny"
Walter Benjamin, "Franz Kafka: On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death"
T. S. Eliot, "Tradition and the Individual Talent"
Viktor Shklovsky, "Art as Technique"
Mikhail Bakhtin, "Epic and Novel"
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki, "In Praise of Shadows"
G. Wilson Knight, "The Embassy of Death: An Essay on Hamlet"
Simone Weil, "The Iliad, or, The Poem of Force"
Jorge Luis Borges, "Kafka and His Precursors"
Ralph Ellison, "The World and the Jug"
James Baldwin, "Everybody's Protest Novel"
Leslie Fiedler, "The Middle Against Both Ends"
Iris Murdoch, "The Sublime and the Beautiful Revisited"
Flannery O'Connor, "Some Aspects of the Grotesque in Southern Fiction"
Gilles Deleuze, "On the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature"
George Steiner, "A Reading Against Shakespeare"
Derek Walcott, "The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory"
Toni Morrison, "Unspeakable Things Unspoken: The Afro-American Presence in American Literature"
Louise Glück, "Education of a Poet"
Camille Paglia, "Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders: Academe in the Hour of the Wolf"
Michael W. Clune, "Bernhard's Way"
Some favorite collections:
Samuel Johnson, Selected Essays
Oscar Wilde, Intentions
Virginia Woolf, The Common Reader
D. H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature
George Orwell, All Art Is Propaganda
Susan Sontag, Against Interpretation
Kenneth Rexroth, Classics Revisited
Guy Davenport, The Geography of the Imagination
Cynthia Ozick, Art and Ardor
V. S. Pritchett, Complete Collected Essays
Gore Vidal, United States
Joyce Carol Oates, The Faith of a Writer
Tom Paulin, Minotaur
J. M. Coetzee, Stranger Shores
Michael Wood, Children of Silence
James Wood, The Broken Estate
Edward Said, Reflections on Exile
Gabriel Josipovici, The Singer on the Shore
Clive James, Cultural Amnesia
William Giraldi, American Audacity
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kpwx · 5 months
Lo vertiginosamente rápido que se me ha pasado este otro año refleja lo monótona y poco emocionante que es mi vida. Pero esto, que puede parecer un poco triste desde afuera, es algo que en realidad me gusta: no vivir «tiempos interesantes», como dice la apócrifa maldición china (los «eventos canónicos» de hoy en día), y carecer así tanto de momentos especialmente buenos como malos me produce el sosiego que mi forma de ser necesita. Sea como sea, el punto es que se han cumplido dos años desde que comencé a escribir aquí, y dos años no es precisamente poco, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que lo hago con frecuencia. Incluso las cosas que se disfrutan exigen algo de esfuerzo y dedicación, por lo que no puedo evitar sentirme contento por haber logrado mantener otros 365 días la constancia que me propuse.
En lo que respecta a las lecturas me siento como siempre: satisfecho e insatisfecho a la vez. Varios libros que tenía ganas de leer los he leído, pero otros muchos, ya sea por falta de tiempo o por no haberme sentido capaz (mayoritariamente esto último), no. La vida, sin embargo, —y como también escribí en la publicación del año pasado— continúa: mientras no me abandone el ánimo y la salud, las oportunidades de hacerlo estarán. Manteniendo la costumbre, los tres libros que más he disfrutado leyendo este año han sido El asilo y otros relatos de lo extraño de Robert Aickman, La naturaleza de Lucrecio y Carta de una desconocida de Stefan Zweig; los que menos, Oso de Marian Engel, Sor Monika de E. T. A. Hoffmann y La felicidad de la familia de Osamu Dazai. Aun en los casos en que la experiencia de haberlo leído haya sido lo único rescatable, no hay libro por muy malo que sea que no deje algo, por lo que guardo gratitud por cada uno de los autores.
La lista de los libros de los cuales hice un comentario es la siguiente:
· Piero Della Francesca, de Kenneth Clark
· La prueba del laberinto, de Mircea Eliade
· Fragmentarium, de Mircea Eliade
· Jesucristo, ¡vaya timo!, de Gabriel Andrade
· Ocultismo, brujería y modas culturales, de Mircea Eliade
· El juego del escondite, de Wilkie Collins
· El maestro de los cinco sauces, de Tao Yuanming
· Por qué no soy musulmán, de Ibn Warraq
· Los cuarenta y siete ronin, de Shunsui Tamenaga
· El vértigo, de Eugenia Ginzburg
· El gaucho Martín Fierro
La vuelta de Martín Fierro, de José Hernández
· Pequeños cuentos misóginos, de Patricia Highsmith
· Diarios y cuadernos 1941-1995, de Patricia Highsmith
· Suspense, de Patricia Highsmith
· El talento de Mr. Ripley, de Patricia Highsmith
· El infierno de los jemeres rojos, de Denise Affonço
· El latín en Chile, de Walter Hanisch Espíndola
· La gran hambruna en la China de Mao, de Frank Dikötter
· Águilas y jaguares, de Carlos Alfonso Ledesma y Raymundo César Martínez
· El Talmud, de César Vidal
· Regreso de la URSS, de André Gide
· Viaje a la revolución. Teoría y práctica del bolvechismo y otros ensayos, de Bertrand Russell
· Literaturas de Anáhuac y del Incario, de Miguel León-Portilla
· La matanza de Katyn, de Thomas Urban
· Beethoven contado a través de sus contemporáneos, de O. G. Sonneck (ed.)
· El evangelio de las anguilas, de Patrik Svensson
· Poemas del río Wang, de Wang Wei
· Cicerón, de Pierre Grimal
· Yo, comunista en Rusia, de Ettore Vanni
· El silencio de la luna, de Javier Martín Ríos
· El Terror bajo Lenin, Jacques Baynac
· Por qué la teoría de la evolución es verdadera, de Jerry Coyne
· Túpac Yupanqui, de José Antonio del Busto
· Poesía completa, de Joan Salvat-Papasseit
· La Biblia contada para escépticos, de Juan Eslava Galán
· La vida cotidiana durante el estalinismo, de Sheila Fitzpatrick
· La vida enmascarada del señor de Musashi, de Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
· Epigramas (volumen II), de Marcial
· El fraude de la sábana santa y las reliquias de Cristo, de Juan Eslava Galán
· Jesús no dijo eso: los errores y las falsificaciones de la Biblia, de Bart D. Ehrman
· Trece poetas del mundo azteca, de Miguel León-Portilla
· Nerón: la imagen deformada, de Pilar Fernández Uriel y Luis Palop
· La pagoda blanca. Cien poemas de la dinastía Tang, de Guillermo Dañino (ed.)
· El pensamiento arcaico, de Jesús Mosterín
· La filosofía oriental antigua, de Jesús Mosterín
· La filosofía griega prearistotélica, de Jesús Mosterín
· Aristóteles, de Jesús Mosterín
· Las redes del terror, de José María Faraldo
· La tragedia griega: una introducción, de Ruth Scodel
· Las primeras poetisas en lengua castellana, de Clara Janés (ed.)
· Una historia natural de la curiosidad, de Alberto Manguel
· Obras completas, de Epicuro
· El cuarto gris, de Eden Phillpotts
· Lina Prokófiev: una española en el gulag, de Valentina Chemberdjí
· Las maravillas del mundo antiguo, de Valerio Massimo
· Epicuro, de Carlos García Gual
· Chuang-Tzu, de Octavio Paz
· Apología del taoísmo, de Giuseppe Tucci
· El epicureísmo, de Emilio Lledó
· Las pseudociencias, ¡vaya timo!, de Mario Bunge
· Epicuro, de Walter F. Otto
· Epigramas funerarios griegos, de María Luisa del Barrio Vega (ed.)
· Cantos de amor y de ausencia, de Xu Zonghui y Enrique Gracia (eds.)
· Reflexiones contra la religión, de Mark Twain
· En el país de la mentira desconcertante, de Ante Ciliga
· Una curiosa historia del sexo, de Kate Lister
· El dragón del estanque, de S. S. van Dine
· ¡Que los dioses nos ayuden!, de Néstor F. Marqués
· Cajal: un grito por la ciencia, de José Ramón Alonso y Juan Andrés de Carlos
· La muerte de Montaigne, de Jorge Edwards
· Cuadernos (volumen I), de Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
· El instante de peligro, de Miguel Ángel Hernández
· Consolaciones. Apocolocintosis, de Séneca
· El patio, de Jorge Edwards
· Ingenuos: el engaño de las terapias alternativas, de Vicente E. Caballo e Isabel C. Salazar (dirs.)
· El whisky de los poetas, de Jorge Edwards
· Cartas desde el gulag, de Luiza Iordache Cârstea
· Filosofía para médicos, de Mario Bunge
· Velázquez. Vida, de Bartolomé Bennassar
· El misterio del pabellón rojo, de Robert van Gulik
· Tratados filosóficos y autobiográficos, de Galeno
· Ficciones filosóficas del Zhuangzi, de Romain Graziani
· Jesucristo Superstar. Ópera rock, de Marta García Sarabia
· Gulag, de Anne Applebaum
· Core: sobre enfermos, enfermedades y la búsqueda del alma de la medicina, de Andrzej Szczeklik
· Martín Rivas, de Alberto Blest Gana
· Las hermanas, de Stefan Zweig
· Catarsis: sobre el poder curativo de la naturaleza y del arte, de Andrzej Szczeklik
· El cristianismo al descubierto, de Holbach
· El sueño de la historia, de Jorge Edwards
· Tratados hipocráticos (volumen I), de Hipócrates
· Filosofía de la cirugía, de René Leriche
· Historia curiosa de la medicina, de Pedro Gargantilla
· Poesía completa, de William Shakespeare
· La lámpara roja, de Arthur Conan Doyle
· El asilo y otros relatos de lo extraño, de Robert Aickman
· Las infinitas vidas de Euclides, de Benjamin Wardhaugh
· Bajo la sombra del Vesubio, de Daisy Dunn
· Franklin Evans, el borracho, de Walt Whitman
· Caballero Jack, de Anne Lister
· La felicidad de la familia, de Osamu Dazai
· Breve historia de las batallas navales de la Antigüedad, de Víctor San Juan
· El mito bolchevique, de Alexander Berkman
· Dos años en Rusia, de Emma Goldman
· La cerilla sueca y otros cuentos, de Antón Chéjov
· Lucrecio. La miel y la absenta, de André Comte-Sponville
· Pensamiento estoico, de Eduardo Gil Bera (ed.)
· El estoicismo, de Jean Brun
· Cinismos, de Michel Onfray
· Historia de la mujer convertida en mono, de Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
· Figuras de la historia de Roma, de Theodor Mommsen
· Mi viaje a la Rusia sovietista, de Fernando de los Ríos Urruti
· Yatsuhaka-Mura, de Seishi Yokomizo
· Mi vida, de Girolamo Cardano
· Ante todo, no hagas daño, de Henry Marsh
· Asesinato en el honjin y otros relatos, de Seishi Yokomizo
· Historia de O, de Dominique Aury 
· Antología de la poesía china, de Juan Ignacio Preciado Idoeta (ed.)
· Así es Rusia, de Johann Philipp
· Sor Monika, de E. T. A. Hoffmann
· El tesoro de Franchard, de Robert Louis Stevenson
· Robert Louis Stevenson, de G. K. Chesterton
· Los traficantes de naufragios, de Robert Louis Stevenson
· Bajamar, de Robert Louis Stevenson
· Vivir: ensayos personales y autobiográficos, de Robert Louis Stevenson
· Audición, de Ryū Murakami
· Conversaciones con Arrau, de Joseph Horowitz
· El monasterio encantado, de Robert van Gulik
· El pabellón de oro, de Yukio Mishima
· Breve historia de Jesús de Nazaret, de Francisco José Gómez
· Vida de una geisha, de Mineko Iwasaki
· El problema final, de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
· Cantares de Ise (anónimo)
· El fantasma del templo, de Robert van Gulik
· Tres cuentos chinos, de Robert van Gulik
· La vida sexual en la antigua China, de Robert van Gulik
· Un puñado de arena, de Takuboku
· Retrato de Shunkin, de Jun'ichirō Tanizaki
· Poesía completa, de Li Qingzhao
· La confesión de Claude, de Émile Zola
· La palabra arrestada, de Vitali Shentalinski
· Como un espectro. Miao Dao, de Joyce Carol Oates
· El médico y el enfermo, de Pedro Laín Entralgo
· La naturaleza, de Lucrecio
· ¿Fue él?, de Stefan Zweig
· Ardiente secreto, de Stefan Zweig
· El amor de Erika Ewald, de Stefan Zweig
· Los ojos del hermano eterno, de Stefan Zweig
· Mendel el de los libros, de Stefan Zweig
· Carta de una desconocida, de Stefan Zweig
· Castellio contra Calvino, de Stefan Zweig
· Magallanes, de Stefan Zweig
· Jeremías, de Stefan Zweig
· La bestia debe morir, de Nicholas Blake
· Hombre lascivo y sin linaje, de Ihara Saikaku
· El nuevo libro de Sonia, de Michael Innes
· 533 días, de Cees Nooteboom
· El ala y la cigarra, de Juan Manuel Rodríguez Tobal (trad.)
· Japón, un intento de interpretación, de Lafcadio Hearn
· Oso, de Marian Engel
· La historia de los fantasmas, de Roger Clarke
· Filosofía de la medicina, de Cristian Saborido
· Historia de la filosofía romana, de Adolfo Levi
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African-American and Caribbean-born military pilots who fought in WWII. They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Forces. The name applies to the navigators, bombardiers, mechanics, instructors, crew chiefs, nurses, cooks, and other support personnel.
All African American military pilots who trained in the US trained at Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field, and were educated at Tuskegee University. The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force and one pilot from Trinidad. It included a Hispanic or Latino airman born in the Dominican Republic.
March 22, 1942 - The first five cadets graduate from the Tuskegee Flying School: Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. and Second Lieutenants Mac Ross,
Charles DeBow, L.R. Curtis, and George S. Roberts. They will become part of my the famous 99th Pursuit Squadron. List of Tuskegge Airmen.
Paul Adams (pilot)
Rutherford H. Adkins
Halbert Alexander
William Armstrong
Lee Archer
Robert Ashby
William Bartley
Howard Baugh
Henry Cabot Lodge Bohler
George L. Brown
Harold Brown
Roscoe Brown
Victor W. Butler
William Burden
William A. Campbell
Herbert Carter
Raymond Cassagnol
Eugene Calvin Cheatham Jr.
Herbert V. Clark
Granville C. Coggs
Thomas T.J. Collins
Milton Crenchaw
Woodrow Crockett
Lemuel R. Custis
Floyd J. Crawthon Jr
Doodie Head
Clarence Dart
Alfonza W. Davis
Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (C/O)
Charles DeBow
Wilfred DeFour
Gene Derricotte
Lawrence Dickson
Charles W. Dryden
John Ellis Edwards
Leslie Edwards Jr.
Thomas Ellis
Joseph Elsberry
Leavie Farro Jr
James Clayton Flowers
Julius Freeman
Robert Friend (pilot)
William J. Faulkner Jr.
Joseph Gomer
Alfred Gorham
Oliver Goodall
Garry Fuller
James H. Harvey
Donald A. Hawkins
Kenneth R. Hawkins
Raymond V. Haysbert
Percy Heath
Maycie Herrington
Mitchell Higginbotham
William Lee Hill
Esteban Hotesse
George Hudson Jr.
Lincoln Hudson
George J. Iles
Eugene B. Jackson
Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.
Alexander Jefferson
Buford A. Johnson
Herman A. Johnson
Theodore Johnson
Celestus King III
James Johnson Kelly
James B. Knighten
Erwin B. Lawrence Jr.
Clarence D. Lester
Theodore Lumpkin Jr
John Lyle
Hiram Mann
Walter Manning
Robert L. Martin
Armour G. McDaniel
Charles McGee
Faythe A. McGinnis
John "Mule" Miles
John Mosley
Fitzroy Newsum
Norman L Northcross
Noel F. Parrish
Alix Pasquet
Wendell O. Pruitt
Louis R. Purnell Sr.
Wallace P. Reed
William E. Rice
Eugene J. Richardson, Jr.
George S. Roberts
Lawrence E. Roberts
Isaiah Edward Robinson Jr.
Willie Rogers
Mac Ross
Robert Searcy
David Showell
Wilmeth Sidat-Singh
Eugene Smith
Calvin J. Spann
Vernon Sport
Lowell Steward
Harry Stewart, Jr.
Charles "Chuck" Stone Jr.
Percy Sutton
Alva Temple
Roger Terry
Lucius Theus
Edward L. Toppins
Robert B. Tresville
Andrew D. Turner
Herbert Thorpe
Richard Thorpe
Thomas Franklin Vaughns
Virgil Richardson
William Harold Walker
Spann Watson
Luke J. Weathers, Jr.
Sherman W. White
Malvin "Mal" Whitfield
James T. Wiley
Oscar Lawton Wilkerson
Henry Wise Jr.
Kenneth Wofford
Coleman Young
Perry H. Young Jr.
#africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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wutbju · 1 month
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Two lengthy articles here. One is typical Division of Music information, and the other sounds really odd in retrospect.
BJU Student Rank High On National Tests
Bob Jones University students have gained an enviable record in making unusually high scores each year on the National Teachers Examination and on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants examination.
Last year the average mean score of the BJU students on the accountants examination was 25 per cent above the national average, and one-third of them scored above the 80th percentile. One student, Kenneth Burch of Fowler, Colo., ranked in the 96th percentile. Mr. Burch has accepted a position as a junior accountant with the New York office of Price, Waterhouse and Co., an international public accounting firm.
Kenneth Eugene Burch is a member of the Class of 1967. He married Jean Anna Hicks, a Home Ec major from the Class of 1968 in the Spring of 1968.
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According to Dean Laurence Lautenbach of the university's School of Business Administration, BJU students have taken the test for the past six years, and each year their scores have been well above the national average. The test is the form E, level II, 2-hour senior accounting examination.
Two BJU seniors ranked in the top one percent of the Nation on the National Teachers Examination last year, according to Dr. Walter G. Fremont, dean of the university's School of Education. Sixteen BJU students ranked in the top 10 per cent of the nation on the test.
Students scoring in the top one percent were Paul A. Loder of Flint, Mich, and Miss Laura J. Hadley of Cherry Creek, N.Y. Both were awarded graduate assistantships at BJU and are presently pursuing graduate degrees.
Paul Allen Loder was a Bible major but was scheduled to teach Math the next year. He married Sandra Gehman in June 1967.
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Loder did teach one year at BJU, and he now is at Indiana Baptist College.
Laura Jane Hadley was a Christian Education graduate in 1967, and she did teach for two years. And I can’t find her after that.
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This is the 17th consecutive year seniors in the School of Education at BJU have made scores higher than the national average on the NTE. The past year's average for the BJU seniors was 632, ranking them in the 60th percentile. The national average score was approximately 612.
Last year 96.6 per cent of the 116 students who took the test made scores sufficiently high for a grade A teaching certificate, according to the scale ot standards adopted by the South Carolina Education Department.
Similarly, on the advanced test in education of the graduate record examinations, BJU seniors majoring in this field consistently make an average score above the national aver-age. Last year the education students ranked above the 73rd percentile with an average score of 473 compared with the national average of approximately 418. Twenty-one students scored in the top 10 per cent in the nation.
In the past eight years, more than 1,000 BJU graduates have been certified and have taught in at least 42 states.
Music Teachers of S. C. Plan Meeting at BJU
The eighth annual convention of the South Carolina Music Teachers' Association and the Southeastern regional convention of the National Association of Teachers of Singing will be held Nov. 24 at Bob Jones University. In conjunction with these events. the South Carolina String Teachers Association will hold its annual meeting and workshop.
David Gibson, chairman of the piano department of Furman University, is president of the Music Teachers' Association; and Virgil Smith, chairman of the music department of Coker College, is first vice president and program chairman for the convention. John McCrae, chairman of the opera department of Converse College is president of the S. C. chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing; and Dr. Gail Gingery, chairman of the division of music, Bob Jones University, is program chairman for the meeting of the teachers of singing.
Many distinguished musicians will participate in the three-day events. Bruce Symonds, professor emeritus of Yale University, will serve as piano clinician, and will judge the piano auditions and play a recital in the Concert Center at 8 p. m., Nov. 2. Loren Withers, chairman of the piano department at Duke University, will present a workshop on modern methods in teaching piano technique.
Of special interest to pre-college teachers will be the work shop presented by David Carr Glover of Portsmouth, Va. Mr. Glover is considered one of the most successful composers of piano teaching material in the United States today. He will be assisted by two teachers from the Glover School of Music and Creative Arts in Portsmouth.
Dr. John Boda, professor of composition and theory at Florida State University, will present a theory workshop with emphasis on compositional devices in contemporary piano literature.
The National Association of Teachers of Singing will conduct regional auditions at all levels for the students of members. On Saturdav, Nov. 4, the regional competition for the singer of the year contest will be held. The finals of this contest will be held in Chicago in December. A nationally known vocal authority will be present as workshop consultant for the sessions to be held on Friday and Saturday.
On Friday evening, Nov. 3, the convention banquet will be held in the university's Dixon-McKenzie Dining Common when the speaker will be Dr. Maurice Hinson of Louisville, Ky., president, Southern Division, Music Teachers National Association.
More than 300 are expected to attend this convention, which is considered one of the outstanding events of the musical year in South Carolina and will draw delegates from the surrounding area.
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monriatitans · 4 months
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2023 Wrap-Up
Artist Shout-Outs Shared
Current AI ‘art’ is created on the backs of hundreds of thousands of artists and photographers who made billions of images and spend time, love and dedication to have their work soullessly stolen and used by selfish people for profit without the slightest concept of ethics. – Alexander Nanitchkov
Shout-Outs Total: 140
January: 14
February: 12
March: 9
April: 14
May: 10
June: 9
July: 15
August: 12
September: 13
October: 11
November: 12
December: 9
Times a Shout-Out was asked to be Removed: 2
2023 Causes – Trigger Warning
National Black Business Month Quotes of 2023
QUOTE 1: Jeffrey G. Duarte
QUOTE 2: Madam C.J. Walker
QUOTE 3: Aliko Dangote
QUOTE 4: Rosalind Brewer
QUOTE 5: Vernon Jordan
QUOTE 6: Marjorie Joyner
QUOTE 7: Oprah Winfrey
QUOTE 8: Kenneth Chenault
QUOTE 9: Russell Simmons
QUOTE 10: Richard Parsons
QUOTE 11: Lena Horne
QUOTE 12: Wilma Rudolph
QUOTE 13: Sheila Johnson
QUOTE 14: Tyra Banks
QUOTE 15: Best Ayiorwoth
Library Sign-Up Month Quotes of 2023
QUOTE 1: Sarah J. Maas
QUOTE 2: Lemony Snicket
QUOTE 3: Walter Cronkite
QUOTE 4: Ray Bradbury
QUOTE 5: Catherynne M. Valente
QUOTE 6: Dwight D. Eisenhower
QUOTE 7: E.B. White
QUOTE 8: Terry Pratchett
QUOTE 9: Gail Honeyman
QUOTE 10: Stephen Fry
QUOTE 11: Ta-Nehisi Coates
QUOTE 12: Robin Sloan
QUOTE 13: Mark Twain
QUOTE 14: Roger Zelazny
QUOTE 15: Carl Sagan
ADHD Awareness Quotes of 2023
QUOTE 1: Albert Einstein
QUOTE 2: William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA
QUOTE 3: Jesse J. Anderson
QUOTE 4: ADDitude
QUOTE 5: Anna Whateley
QUOTE 6: Sylvia Mercedes
QUOTE 7: Holly Smale
QUOTE 8: Richard Pink & Roxanne Emery
QUOTE 9: Sasha Hamdani
QUOTE 10: Sari Solden
QUOTE 11: Jenara Nerenberg
QUOTE 12: Emma Thomas
QUOTE 13: Rebecca Solnit
QUOTE 14: Shayne Neal
QUOTE 15: Shannon L. Alder
Adoption Awareness Quotes 2023
QUOTE 1: Eleanor Brown
QUOTE 2: Sarah Sentilles
QUOTE 3: Charlena E. Jackson
QUOTE 4: Kristen Howerton
QUOTE 5: Nitya Prakash
QUOTE 6: Diamond Mike Watson
QUOTE 7: Christina Rickardsson
QUOTE 8: Joyce Maynard
QUOTE 9: Lisa Wingate
QUOTE 10: Janine Myung-Ja
QUOTE 11: Nicole Chung
QUOTE 12: Steve Pemberton
QUOTE 13: Celeste Ng
QUOTE 14: Liz Tolsma
QUOTE 15: Rachel Hollis
TW – Human Trafficking Awareness Quotes 2023
QUOTE 1: Asa Don Brown
QUOTE 2: Jeremy Harding
QUOTE 3: Bob Mueller
QUOTE 4: Dillon Burroughs
QUOTE 5: Gladys Lawson
QUOTE 6: Aberjhani
QUOTE 7: Blue Campaign
QUOTE 8: Blue Campaign
QUOTE 9: Blue Campaign
QUOTE 10: Department of State
QUOTE 11: Department of State
QUOTE 12: Department of State
Poems Shared
Poetry of 2023
Art Theft Haiku
Communication 101
Public Policy
Lies of P
“Not All Men”
Small Talk
“Attention Seeking”
Communication 102
For the Future
For all poems, click here.
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drfabiosiqueira · 2 years
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Comemorando o 150º aniversário da Shriners International Em 1870, no Knickerbocker Cottage, na cidade de Nova York, treze maçons participaram de um almoço de discussão que acabaria por impactar a vida de milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo por muitos anos. Naquele dia importante, esses homens, incluindo Walter M. Fleming, MD, e o famoso ator de teatro William “Billy” Florence tiveram uma ideia para formar uma nova fraternidade de maçons. A primeira reunião oficial que estabeleceu nossa amada fraternidade, Shriners International, foi realizada há 150 anos hoje, em 26 de setembro de 1872. O que começou como um pequeno grupo com o objetivo de trazer mais diversão para a Maçonaria, rapidamente se espalhou pelo país e, eventualmente, pelo mundo, e evoluiu para algo muito mais do que nossos fundadores poderiam imaginar. Cento e cinquenta anos depois, temos MUITO o que comemorar. Como Shriners, sabemos que os laços de fraternidade formados entre os Nobres são fortes, significativos e transcendem as amizades comuns. Compartilhamos valores fundamentais e, por meio de nossos clubes e unidades, desfrutamos de interesses e atividades comuns. No entanto, são nossas diferenças que moldaram e aprimoraram nosso grupo de irmãos espirituosos. Temos diferentes origens, perspectivas e experiências de vida, mas o que nos une é uma irmandade que só os Shriners podem realmente entender. Celebrando a filantropia É impossível contar as incontáveis ​​horas que os Shriners dedicaram ao voluntariado, angariação de fundos e alegria na vida das crianças. Desde 1922, nosso sistema de saúde melhorou a vida de mais de 1,5 milhão de crianças e suas famílias e continua trazendo esperança e cura para nossos pacientes todos os dias. Celebrando nosso futuro Precisamos lembrar nosso passado, mas também precisamos olhar para frente e preparar o caminho para as futuras gerações de Shriners, incluindo nossos próprios filhos, netos e sobrinhos. Celebrando VOCÊ VOCÊ é parte de algo muito maior do que você. Você é um SHRINER. Kenneth G. "Kenny" Craven Potentado Imperial (em São José do Rio Preto) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-myAxu6u3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moodboardmix · 4 years
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Lake Oswego Retreat, Oregon, United States,
Designed by Kenneth G. Walter of Edmundson, Kochendoerfer, and Kennedy Architects and Engineers of Portland in 1963,
Emerick Architects Renovation,
Jeremy Bittermann Photography
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michigandrifter · 5 years
The Last Train From Gun Hill 1959
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spiderandthesims · 3 years
1880s Names
Abel, Abraham, Adam, Addison, Adelbert, Alexander, Alfred, Aloysius, Alphonse, Ambrose, Amos, Anderson, Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Anton, Archibald, Art, Arthur, Aubrey, August, Augustine, Augustus, Avery
Ada, Adelaide, Adele, Adeline, Agatha, Agnes, Alice, Alma, Almeda, Alta, Anastasia, Angeline, Anna, Annabelle, Anne, Arizona, Augusta, Augustine, Aurelia, Aurora
Barney, Benjamin, Bennett, Bernard, Bishop, Bradford
Beatrice, Bernadette, Bess, Bessie, Beulah, Birdie
Carlton, Carson, Casper, Cassius, Cecil, Charles, Chauncey, Chester, Christian, Christopher, Clarence, Claude, Clement, Clifford, Coleman, Conrad, Cornelius, Curtis
Camille, Caroline, Catherine, Cecilia, Celestia, Celestine, Celia, Charity, Charlotte, Christine, Claire, Clara, Clarice, Claudia, Clementine, Conception, Constance, Corda, Cordelia, Cornelia
Dallas, Daniel, Darius, David, Dennis, Dewitt, Dorsey, Douglas, Dudley, Dwight
Daisy, Delia, Della, Delphia, Docia, Dollie, Dolly, Dolores, Dora, Dorcas, Doris, Dorothy, Dove, Dovie, Drucilla
Early, Edmond, Edward, Edwin, Eldridge, Eli, Elias, Elijah, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsworth, Elmer, Elton, Elwood, Emerson, Emery, Emil, Emmett, Enoch, Ephraim, Erasmus, Erastus ,Eric, Ernest, Ervin, Erwin, Eugene, Everett, Ezra
Edith, Edmonia, Effie, Elaine, Elda, Eldora, Eleanor, Elise, Eliza, Elizabeth, Ella, Elma, Elnora, Eloise, Elsa, Elsie, Emily, Emma, Emmaline, Era, Erma, Erna, Ernestine, Essie, Esta, Estella, Estelle, Esther, Ethel, Ethelyn, Etta, Eudora, Eugenia, Eula, Eulalia, Eunice, Euphemia
Felix, Ferdinand, Francis, Franklin, Frederick, Fredrick
Fanny, Fay, Felicia, Fern, Fidelia, Flora, Florence, Florida, Francis
Gabriel, Garrett, General, George, Gideon, Giles, Golden, Gregory
Geneva, Genevieve, Georgia, Georgie, Goldie, Grace, Gwendolyn
Harmon, Harold, Harris, Harrison, Henry, Hollis, Homer, Horace, Howard, Howard, Howell, Hugo
Harriett, Hattie, Henrietta, Hester, Honora, Hope, Hortense
Imogene, Indiana, Iona, Iris, Isadora
Jack, Jackson, Jacob, James, Jasper, Jeremiah, John, Jonathan, Joseph, Josiah, Judson, Jules, Julian, Junius
Jane, Josephine, Judith, Julia, Julie, Juliet, June
Lawrence, Lawson, Leander, Leonard, Lewis, Lionel, Logan, Lucien, Lucius, Luther, Lyman
Lacy, Lillian, Lilly, Louise, Lucia, Lucille, Lucinda, Lucretia, Lucy
Major, Malcolm, Marcus, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathias, Matthew, Maurice, Maxwell, Michael, Miles, Milo, Milton, Monroe, Morgan, Mortimer
Mabel, Madeline, Magnolia, Marie, Mary, Matilda, Maude, May, Melinda, Mildred, Millicent, Millie, Minerva, Minnie, Miriam, Missouri, Mollie, Mona
Nathan, Nathaniel, Neil, Nelson, Newton, Nicholas, Noah, Noel, Norman, Norris
Netta, Nettie, Nevada, Nona, Nora, Norah, Norma
Oliver, Oren, Orson, Otis, Otto, Owen
Odelia, Odessa, Ola, Olive, Ona, Opal, Ophelia, Ora, Orpha, Ottilie
Patrick, Percival, Percy, Peter, Phillip, Pierce, Pleasant
Pansy, Parthenia, Patience, Pearl, Penelope, Permelia, Philomena, Phoebe, Polly, Priscilla, Prudence
Raymond, Richard, Richmond, Robert, Rodney, Roger, Ross
Rita, Rosalie, Rose, Rowena, Ruby, Ruth
Samuel, Seymore, Sidney, Silas, Simon, Solomon, Stanley, Stephan, Sterling, Stewart, Sylvester
Samantha, Sophronia
Thaddeus, Theodore, Thomas, Thorton, Tillman, Timothy, Tobias, Truman
Tennessee, Thelma, Theodora, Theodosia, Theresa, Tillie
Valentine, Vernon, Victor, Vincent, Virgil
Vera, Verona, Vesta, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Virginia, Vivian
Walker, Wallace, Walter, Warren, Watson, Webster, Wesley, Wilber, Wilbert, Wilbur, Wiley, Wilfred, Willam, Willard, William, Wilson, Winfield
Wilda, Wilhelmina, Wilma, Winifred, Winnifred, Winona
Zella, Zora
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pulpsandcomics2 · 3 years
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“Doc Savage Magazine”    June 1934      cover by Walter M. Baumhofer
The King Maker by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent)
Rawhide Wrath by Don Lawrence
Jungle Doom by G. O. Mack
Shark Men by Walter Wayne
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kpwx · 8 months
Personajes y vidas interesantes.
Antón Chéjov, de Natalia Ginzburg
Magallanes, de Stefan Zweig
Robert Louis Stevenson, de G. K. Chesterton
Mi vida, de Girolamo Cardano
A la sombra del Vesubio: vida de Plinio, de Daisy Dunn
Velázquez: vida, de Bartolomé Bennassar
Cajal: un grito por la ciencia, de José Ramón Alonso Peña
Nerón: la imagen deformada, de Pilar Fernández Uriel y Luis Palop
Túpac Yuanqui, de José Antonio del Busto 
Cicerón, de Pierre Grimal
Piero della Francesa, de Kenneth Clark
Vida y obra de Ramón Llull: filosofía y mística, de Joaquín Xirau 
Lina Prokófiev. Una española en el gulag, de Valentina Chemberdjí
Séneca, de Emily Wilson
Erasmo de Rotterdam: triunfo y tragedia de un humanista, de Stefan Zweig
Isaac Newton: una vida, de Richard S. Westfall
E. A. Poe, de Walter Lennig
Hipatia de Alejandría, de Maria Dzielska
Autobiografía, de G. K. Chesterton
Carlos Gardel: su vida, su música, su época, de Simon Collier
Baudelaire: juego sin triunfos, de Mario Campaña
Montaigne, de Stefan Zweig
Andrés Bello: la pasión por el orden, de Iván Jaksić
Confesiones inconfesables, de Salvador Dalí
Yo, Asimov. Memorias, de Isaac Asimov
El marqués de Sade, de Guillaume Apollinaire
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milescpareview · 3 years
Shouldn’t You Be Studying Accounting?
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That’s really not how I would like to put it together.
Sadly accounting does rank as the ‘fifth’ most boring job according to Emolument, a salary benchmarking site.
Wait, first accounting is difficult and now it ranks amongst the topmost boring jobs, and yet you are asking us to believe in you, why?
Well let me put it this way, what you have heard and what you might perceive might not be true. And it’s probably the wrong perception that got us to believe that we accountants really do not enjoy our work. When accountants are at work they can be true superheroes saving organizations from fraud, rescuing properties, and looking after the public’s financial safety.
The accountants might not uptight suited heroes that we see on the television but are saviors in disguise. What I really believe is the lack of awareness among the young about the pros of having an accountant career. If you ask me about how I decided to be an accountant, well the story goes something like this.
One happy day, everything was going quite well, until my father was back home, really worried and mother came asking what’s the matter is all about. Though I was too young to understand, it was something about income tax and there were some issues related to it and there was a huge sum of money involved and my father was clearly worried about the pay-off. The situation took an unexpected turn, when a tax consultant actually came and sought things out, my father’s smile was back, I felt so relieved. It was that moment when I decided to become an accountant.
While accounting isn’t typically portrayed in media during a bombastic or over-the-top light, there are still many things the uninitiated tend to urge wrong about the work. We’re here to assist clear up a number of the confusion.
Here are a few of the accounting superpowers that only accountants can relate to-
1. Accountants are absolute Math Maji
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\It’s true but not so true, we should rather call them Excel wizards, and a number-crunching routine gives a real good workout for our grey cells. Accounts are those rare geniuses who can square a circle in the most unappealing ways. And they don’t mind repeat work, as they satiate with lengthy datasheets.
2. Accountants won’t let you get taxed
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- I surely can relate to that baby Jedi situation, consider handled. Accountants are the ultimate tax liberator and make sure you are on good terms with your tax consultants. If you treat them well they can trim your tax liabilities to a minimum.
2. Accountants never lose their cool!
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Accountants are great survivors and perseverance is what helps them to skate through the painful tax sessions. Thank an accountant next time, if they had worked extra hard to spend their leisure time evaluating your relatively simple W-2s and receipts.
4. Accountants are one of a kind!
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Accountants might not get the joke that you share at Whatsapp groups, but they are amazing in their own ways. They too can break free of the monotony and show off that X-factor. And here is the list of some amazing persona you would love to learn about-
Bubblegum was invented by an accountant, Walter Diemar in 1928.
Mick Jagger, Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin, and comedian Eddie Izzard are just a few of the famous names who worked in accounting before their showbiz careers took off.
Kenny G: Saxophone superstar Kenny G (born Kenneth Bruce Gorelick) is well-known for his music — holds a degree in accounting from the University of Washington, where he graduated magna cum laude
The list has not even started and there are many from who you can get inspiration.
5. Accountants have a third-eye vision
Accountants take pride in their abilities and are frontiers of business administration. Not only they make excellent leaders, but they also keep a robust knowledge of what are fine-tunings need that can be helpful to buckle up for calamity.
This all for raising up your spirits and for the actual solution to lift you up the slump and a few accounting certifications or specializations to get going. In case you wondering where or why, you can always check out Miles Education, a premier CPA/CMA training. To know more, register for a free one-to-one conversation with your skilling consultants Today!.
Miles Education is a premiere skilling & training institute for finance & accounting professionals to earn US CPA/CMA credentials. The focus for Miles Education has always been to up-skill students and professionals to help them be future-ready and enable their career progression through the US CPA/CMA qualification Committed to achieving this goal, today, Miles is India’s largest and #1 CPA review course! It has been instrumental in building the CPA/CMA ecosystem in India holding offices in 9 cities and partnerships with 100+ MNCs, including all of the Big 4s. Miles Education provides student/professional-centric services while keeping concept-based learning at its core which has helped it climb to the top ranks when it comes to the US CPA/CMA certification in India.
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takemeout2sea · 4 years
white silence is VIOLENCE..
they are more than just a hashtag.
George Floyd Breonna Taylor Tamir Rice Michael Lorenzo Dean Eric Reason Christopher McCorvey Steven Day Christopher Whitfield Atatiana Jefferson Maurice Holly Jordan Michael Griffin Nicholas Walker Bennie Branch Byron Williams Arthur Walton Jr.   Channara Tom Pheap Patricia Spivey Stephan Murray Ryan Twyman Dominique Clayton Isaiah Lewis Kevin Leroy Beasley Jr. Julius Graves Marcus McVae Marzues Scott Bishar Hassan Kevin Bruce Mason Mario Clark Jimmy Atchison D’ettrick Griffin George Robinson Andre Horton William Matthew Holmes Jesse Jesus Quinton Anthony Antonio Ford Mahlon Edward Summerrour Charles D. Roundtree Jr. Chinedu Valentine Okobi Charles David Robinson Antone G. Black Jr.   Darrell Richards Botham Shem Jean James Leatherwood Devin Howell Joshua Wayne Harvey Christopher Alexander Okamato Cynthia Fields Rashaun Washington Herbert Gilbert Anthony Marcell Green Antwon Michael Rose II Robert Lawrence White Thomas Williams   Marcus-David L. Peters Terrance Carlton Aries Clark Juan Markee Jones Danny Ray Thomas  Stephon Clark Trey Ta’Quan Pringle Sr. Ronell Foster Corey Mobley Arthur McAfee Jr.   Geraldine Townsend Warren Ragudo Thomas Yatsko Dennis Plowden Jean Pedro Pierre Keita O’Neil Lawrence Hawkins Calvin Toney Dewboy Lister Armando Frank Stephen Gayle Antonio Garcia Jr. Brian Easley Euree Lee Martin DeJuan Guillory Aaron Bailey Joshua Terrell Crawford Marc Brandon Davis Adam Trammell Jimmie Montel Sanders DeRicco Devante Holdon Mark Roshawn Adkins Tashii S. Brown Jordan Edwards Roderick Ronall Taylor Kenneth Johnson Christopher Wade Alteria Woods Sherida Davis Lorenzo Antoine Cruz Chance David Baker Raynard Burton Quanice Derrick Hayes Chad Robertson Jerome Keith Allen Nana Adomako Marquez Warren Deaundre Phillips Sabin Marcus Jones Darrian M. Barnhill JR Williams Muhammad Abdul Muhaymin Jamal Robbins Marlon Lewis Ritchie Lee Harbison Lamont Perry Bill Jackson Julian Dawkins Terry Laffitte Jermaine Darden Marlon Brown Kendra Diggs Deion Fludd Clifton Armstrong Fred Bradford Jr. Craig Demps Dason Peters Dylan Samuel-Peters Russell Lydell Smith Willie Lee Bingham Jr.   Clinton Roebexar Allen Charles A. Baker Jr.   Anthony Dwayne Harris Donovan Thomas Jayvis Benjamin Quintine Barksdale Cedrick Chatman Darrell Banks Xavier Tyrell Johnson Yolanda Thomas Roy Lee Richards Alfred Olango Tawon Boyd Terrence Crutcher Tyre King Levonia Riggins Kendrick Brown Donnell Thompson Jr.   Dalvin Hollins Delrawn Small Sherman Evans Deravis Rogers Antwun Shumpert Ollie Lee Brooks Michael Eugene Wilson Jr.   Vernell Bing Jr.   Jessica Williams Arthur R. Williams Jr. Lionel Gibson Charlin Charles Kevin Hicks Dominique Silva Robert Dentmond India M. Beaty Torrey Lamar Robinson Peter Wiliam Gaines Arteair Porter Kionte DeShaun Spencer Christopher J. Davis Thomas Lane Paul Gaston Calin Devante Roquemore Dyzhawn L. Perkins David Joseph Wendell Celestine Jr.   Antronie Scott Peter John Keith Childress Bettie Jones Kevin Matthews Michael Noel Leroy Browning Miguel Espinal Nathaniel Pickett Cornelius Brown Tiara Thomas Richard Perkins Jamar Clark Alonzo Smith Anthony Ashford Dominic Hutchinson Lamontez Jones Rayshaun Cole Paterson Brown Jr.   Junior Prosper Keith Harrison McLeod Wayne Wheeler Lavante Biggs India Kager James Carney III Felix Kumi  Mansur Bell-Bey Asshams Manley Christian Taylor Troy Robinson Brian Day Samuel Dubose Darrius Stewart Albert Davis Salvado Ellswood George Mann Freddie Blue Johnathon Sanders Victo Lorosa III Spencer McCain Kevin Bajoie Kris Jacksons Kevin Higgenbotham Ross Anthony Richard Gregory Davis D’Angelo Reyes Stallworth Dajuan Graham Brendon Glenn Reginald L. Moore Sr.  David Felix William Chapman Norman Cooper Darrell Lawrence Brown Walter Scott Eric Courtney Harris Donald Ivy Phillip White Jason Moland Denzel Brown Brandon Jones Askari Roberts Bobby Gross Terrance Moxley Anthony Hill Tony Terrell Robinson Naeschylus Vinzant Charly Leundeu Keunang DeOntre L. Dorsey Thomas Allen Jr.  Calvin A. Reid Terry Price and countless of hundreds of others have lost their lives to systemic racism and police brutality in the united states. THIS MUST END. “normal” shouldn’t be citizens afraid of those charged to protect them. “normal” shouldn’t be weapons banned in wars used on peaceful civilians. “normal” shouldn’t include the continued abuse of those who are treated as less than by the system. WE HAVE THE POWER TO INACT CHANGE. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD AGAINST RACISM AND POLICE BRUTALITY.
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winsonsaw2003 · 3 years
I’m Looking For Descendants Of  John Anderson of Stroquhan (1795-1845)
John Anderson,Acting Resident Councillor of Penang,Malaysia from(1829-1830).He was born 1795 in Stroquhan,Scotland.Son of Robert Anderson.He married to Mary Alison Carnegy.He died 1845 in Euston,England. His issue:- i)Mary Alison Anderson(1819-1903)married Robert Stirling Graham. ii)James Carnegy Anderson. iii)John Reid Armstrong Anderson(1823-1866) married to Martha Tatham Hitchins.Their issue:- ai)Mary Martha Anderson(1857-1955)married Robert George Iremonger. aii)John Hitchins Anderson(1859-1896) married Kate Symes. aiii)Mabel Ida Anderson(1861-1957) married Talbot Monckton Milnes Griffiths.Their issue:- bi)Theodore Ralph Houghton Griffiths(1886-1964)married 1stly Elsie Christabel Burridge and 2ndly Vera Ellen Charlotte Justice.His issue:- ci)Robert Francis Houghton Griffiths(1914-1938)married Florence Mary Theodora Bosanquet. cii)John Stuart Griffiths(1916-1945). ciii)Mary Emilia Griffiths(1934-1986). bii)Vera Gwendolen Leila Griffiths(1889-1975) married John Limner. biii)Beryl Frances Griffiths(1890-1976)married Lewis Davies.Their issue:- ci)Eric Davies(?-1941). biv)Rupert Hildebrand Griffiths(1891-1981)married Evelina E Maddison.His issue:- ci) Charles M Griffiths. cii) George E T Griffiths. ciii)Celia Noreen Griffiths(1919-1994) married George M Blake. bv)Eric John Mortlock Griffiths(1892-1975)married Joan Heron.His issue:- ci)Joan Margery Griffiths(1921-1988). cii) Ethel Marion Griffiths. bvi)Charles Groyn Griffiths(1894-1895). bvii)Noel Stewart Griffiths(1896-1982)married Mary Blackburn.His issue:- ci)Patricia M Griffiths married Roland M Robitaillie.Their issue:- di)Carolyn V Robitaillie married Jean-Louis Ramon. dii)Elizabeth Robitaillie. diii)Sophie Amanda Robitaillie born in 1965.She married Fernagu. aiv)Albert Robert Anderson(1864-?) married 1stly,Caroline Alice Wollaston & 2ndly,Viola Ellen Haughton. His issue:- bi) Viola Helen Anderson iv)Jane Anderson(1824). v)Robert Patrick Anderson(1824-1898)married Henrietta Hildebrand.His issue:- ai)Robert Hildebrand Anderson(1854-1936)married Louisa Jane Laing.His issue:- bi)Robert Charles Hildebrand Anderson(1881-1884). aii)Hilda Mary Anderson(1857). vi)Margaret Lilias Anderson(1827-1909)married John Gray MacCowan Glen.Their issue:- bi)Robert Nelson John Glen(1871-1898). vii)William Henry Anderson(1829-1849). ix)Helena Adelaide Anderson(1830-1905) married Major General Horatio Nelson Davies.Their issue:- ai)Eveline Honoria Nelson Davies(1851-1934) married John Evelyn Barlas. Their issue:- bi)Evelyn Adelaide Isabella Barlas(1882-1885). bii) Ernest Douglas Montague Barlas(1885-1952) married Elena Georgina Matilda Kenyon-Slaney. His issue:- ci) Richard Douglas Barlas(1916-1982) married Ann Porter. His issue:- di) Robert A Barlas dii) Christopher Richard Barlas married 1stly,Elizabeth M Cruse & 2ndly,Rosemary A Russon. diii) Gavin James Barlas married Alison M Dibble. His issue:- ei) Joanna Claire Barlas cii) Robert Malcolm Barlas(1918-1940). ciii) John Alexander Barlas(1921-2003) married Pamela H Coutanche. His issue:- di) Honor J Barlas dii) Shena R Barlas married Timothy R Austin aii)Mary Adelaide Horatio Davies (1856-1946) married William Graydon Carter.Their issue:- bi) John Leslie Graydon Carter(1886-1932)married Edith Constance Browne.His issue:- ci)John Noel Graydon Carter(1917-1943) married Mary Grace Mefanwy Madoc. bii)Cyril Rodney Carter(1888-?)married Celia Ellen Alexia Cowie.His issue:- ci) Nicolette Anne Carter married Frederick Peter Perhat. Their issue:- di) Robin Frederick Perhat(1953-1971). dii) Eileen Jennifer Perhat diii) Celia Geraldine Perhat married Barrington Lloyd cii)Derek Guy Carter(?-1942). ciii) Peter Carter. biii)Capt.Eric Nelson Carter(1888-1958)married Kathleen Norah Liardet. biv)Adelaide Muriel Dorothea Carter married Capt.Roland Peto Johnstone Mitchell. bv)Mildred Lilian Carter(1891-1970). bv) Eyleen Graydon Carter(?-1949) married Reginald Magnus Trail.Their issue:- ci)Mildred Eyleen Trail(1924-1932). aiii)Thomas Arthur Harkness Davies(1857-1942). aiv)Helena Amy Davies(1859-1887). av)Helen Maud Davies(1860-1926) married Major Francis Ventris.Their issue - b) Charles Peyton Ventris(1887-1965) married 1stly,Madeline Harrison & 2ndly,Beatrice S M Nother. His issue:- ci) Anthony Peyton Ventris (Strachan) (1918-1942) cii) Ian T Peyton Ventris(1919-?) ciii) Jack Peyton Ventris(1922-1999) civ) Doris R Ventris married Raymond T Garnham. Their issue:- di) Roger C Garnham married Amanda French or Bale. dii) Barry R Garnham married Nancy E Andrews. His issue:- ei) David Barry Garnham cv) Daphne J Ventris married Reginald N Rowland. Their issue:- di) Ian M Rowland. dii) Peter A C Rowland bii)Edward Francis Vereker Ventris married Anna Dorothea Janasz.His issue:- ci)Michael George Francis Ventris(1922-1956) married Lois Elizabeth Knox-Niven.His issue:- di)Anthony Nicholas Ventris(1942-1984) married Irene N Frick. His issue:- ei) David Bjorn Ventris married Rebecca J Clarke. His issue:- fi) Matthew Nicholas Ventris. fii) Anna Grace Ventris. dii)Anna T Ventris married Nicholas G Clarke. Their issue:- ei) Michael William Clarke. eii) Saffron Jigme T Clarke biii)Mona Fairlie Ventris(1894-1977) married 1stly, Philip Macdonald and 2ndly,John E S Goss. Their issue:- ci) Carlyl Macdonald(?-1982) married 1stly,Walter Joseph McCartney & 2ndly,Robert Joseph Garden. biv) Alan Favell Ventris(1897-1915). bv)Agnes Madeline Ventris(?-1995) married Patrick Clavell Blount. Their issue:- ci)Francis G Clavell Blount married Wendy F Parsons. His issue:- di) Caroline Jane Clavell Blount dii) Alan Robert Clavell Blount cii) Christopher M Clavell Blount married Rosamund Wild. His issue:- di) Anthony Clavell Blount (1971). dii) Philippa Clavell Blount married Frederick Hiscox. Their issue:- ei) Kitty Lucy Hiscox. eii) Sienna Rose Hiscox. eiii) Harry Duke C Hiscox. diii) Annabel Clavell Blount married Joseph H A Wadsworth. Their issue:- ei)Caspar Alastair Wadsworth eii) Poppy Clavell Wadsworth avi)Horatio Nelson Kirkpatrick John Davies(1862-1886). avii)Henry Holme Davies(1863-1924) married Caroline Mary Taylor McLaren. His issue:- bi) Kenneth Graham Holme Davies(1892-1985) bii) Cecil Alvin Nelson Davies(1895-1946) married Jemima Eva Andrews. biii)Ian Henry Nelson Davies(1899-1983). biv) Charles Francis Kirkpatrick Davies(1904-?) bv) Erina Carolyn A Davies(1908-?) aviii)Albert Horace Maingay Davies(1863-1952)married Aruna Grant Still.Their issue:- bi)Nelson Edward Davies(1888-1970). bii)Helena Adelaide Davies(1890-1918). biii)Horatio Chalmers Davies(1892-1969). biv)Harold Allen Davies(1895-1973). bv)Thomas Albert Davies(1898-1990). bvi)Elva Birma Florence Davies(1900-1984). bvii)Albert Horace Maingay Davies(1905-1997). aix)Phayre Hilda Margaret Davies(1865-?). ax) Nelson Richard Ralph Davies (1869-1870). axi)Isabel Nina Florence Davies(1871-?) married Charles Kirkpatrick Anderson.Their issue:- bi)Robert Nelson Kirkpatrick Anderson(1897-1954) viii)Thomas Carnegy Anderson(1832-1869) married Isabella Catherine Herklots. ix)Albert Anderson(1835-?). x)Marion Agnes Anderson(1841-1842). xi)Graham Anderson(1843-?). Contact me at - [email protected]
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Jack Holt.
- Salomy Jane (1914) como un vaquero que juega al solitario en el salón (sin acreditar)
- La llave maestra (1914, serial) como Donald Faversham
- La moneda rota (1915, serial) como Capitán Williams
- Joya (1915) como Nat Bonnell
- La tonta de Portici (1916) como Conde
- Corazones desnudos (1916) como Howard
- Liberty (1916, serial) como el capitán Bob Rutledge
- Salvando el apellido (1916) como Jansen Winthrop
- El cáliz del dolor (1916) (sin acreditar)
- La oveja negra de la familia (1916) como Kenneth Carmont
- Juana la mujer (1916) (sin acreditar)
Patria (1917, serial)
- El costo del odio (1917) como Huertez
- Sacrificio (1917) como Paul Ekald
- Dando una oportunidad a Becky (1917) como Tom Fielding
- El santuario interior (1917) como vizconde D'Arcourt
- El pequeño americano (1917) como Karl von Austreim
- La llamada del este (1917) como Alan Hepburn
- El juego secreto (1917) como Maj. John Northfield
- Las perlas ocultas (1918) como Robert Garvin
- La garra (1918) como Maurice Stair
- One More American (1918) como Sam Potts
- Rumbo al sur (1918)
- Ámame (1918) como Gordon Appleby
- El honor de su casa (1918) como Robert Farlow
- La ley del hombre blanco (1918) como Sir Harry Falkland
- La garra de hierro (1916, serial) como Maurice Stair
- Un cortejo del desierto (1918) como Barton Masters
- Ojos verdes (1918) como Pearson Hunter
- El anillo de matrimonio (1918) como Rodney Heathe
- El camino a través de la oscuridad (1918) como Duke Karl
- El hombre de Squaw (1918) como Cash Hawkins
- Tramposos tramposos (1919) como Tom Palmer
- Un romance de medianoche (1919) como Roger Sloan
- Para mejor, para peor (1919) como Crusader
- La mujer que me diste (1919) como Lord Raa
- Una oportunidad deportiva (1919) como Paul Sayre
- La mujer casada con Michael (1919) como Michael Ordsway
- The Life Line (1919) como Jack Hearne, el Romany Rye
- Kitty Kelly, MD (1919) como Bob Lang
- Victoria (1919) como Axel Heyst
- La mejor de las suertes (1920) como Kenneth, Lord Glenayr
- Crooked Streets (1920) como Rupert O'Dare
- En poder del enemigo (1920)como el Coronel Charles Prescott
- Los pecados de Rosanne (1920) como Sir Dennis Harlende
- Locura de verano (1920).
-All Soul's Eve (1921) como Roger Heath
- Patos y dracos (1921) como Rob Winslow
- El romance perdido (1921) como Mark Sheridan
- La máscara (1921) como Kenneth Traynor / Handsome Jack
- Después del espectáculo (1921) como Larry Taylor
- El comediante sombrío (1921) como Harvey Martin
- La llamada del norte (1921) como Ned Trent
- Comprado y pagado (1922) como Robert Stafford
- Al norte del Río Grande (1922) como Bob Haddington
- Mientras Satanás duerme (1922) como Phil
- El hombre invencible (1922) como Robert Kendall
- En alta mar (1922) como Jim Dorn
- Making a Man (1922) como Horace Winsby
- Nadie es dinero (1923) como John Webster
- La garra del tigre (1923) como Sam Sandell
- Un caballero del ocio (1923) como Robert Pitt
- Hollywood (1923) como él mismo
- El tramposo (1923) como Dudley Drake
- The Marriage Maker (1923) como Lord Stonbury
- No lo llames amor (1923) como Richard Parrish
- El lobo solitario (1924) como Michael Lanyard
- Wanderer of the Wasteland (1924) como Adam Larey
- Manos vacías (1924) como Grimshaw
- North of 36 (1924) como Don McMasters
- Eve's Secret (1925) como duque de Poltava
- La manada del trueno (1925) como Tom Doan
- La luz de las estrellas occidentales (1925) como Gene Stewart
- Mesa de caballo salvaje (1925) como Chane Weymer
- La carretera antigua (1925) como Cliff Brant
- La colina encantada (1926) como Lee Purdy
- Caballos de mar (1926) como George Glanville
- La diosa ciega (1926) como Hugh Dillon
- Nacido en el oeste (1926) como 'Colorado' Dare Rudd
- Río abandonado (1926) como Nevada
- El hombre del bosque (1926) como Milt Dale
- El jinete misterioso (1927) como Bent Wade
- La tigresa (1927) como Winston Graham, conde de Eddington
- La advertencia (1927) como Tom Fellows / Coronel Robert Wellsley
- The Smart Set (1928) como Nelson
- El pionero en fuga (1928) como Anthony Ballard / John Ballard
- Corte marcial (1928) como James Camden
- El pozo de agua (1928) como Philip Randolph
- Submarino (1928) como Jack Dorgan
- Avalancha (1928) como Jack Dunton
- Sunset Pass (1929) como Jack Rock
- El asunto Donovan (1929) como Insp. Killian
- Padre e hijo (1929) como Frank Fields
- Vuelo (1929).
-Venganza (1930) como John Meadham
- La Legión Fronteriza (1930) como Jack Kells
- La isla del infierno (1930) como Mac
- The Squealer (1930) como Charles Hart
- El último desfile (1931) como Cookie Leonard
- Dirigible (1931) como Jack Bradon
- Subway Express (1931) como Inspector Killian
- Hombros blancos (1931) como Gordon Kent
- Cincuenta brazas de profundidad (1931) como Tim Burke
- Un asunto peligroso (1931) como el teniente McHenry
- Maker of Men (1931) como entrenador Dudley
- Detrás de la máscara (1932) como Jack Hart, también conocido como Quinn
- Corresponsal de guerra (1932) como Jim Kenyon
- This Sporting Age (1932) como el capitán John Steele
- Hombre contra mujer (1932) como Johnny McCloud
- Hollywood Speaks (1932) como él mismo
- Cuando los extraños se casan (1933) como Steve Rand
- La mujer que robé (1933) como Jim Bradler
- El demoledor (1933) como Chuck Regan
- Maestro de hombres (1933) como Buck Garrett
- Whirlpool (1934) como Buck Rankin
- Luna negra (1934) como Stephen Lane
- La defensa descansa (1934) como Matthew Mitchell
- Lo arreglaré (1934) como Bill Grimes
- El mejor hombre gana (1935) como Nick Roberts
- Tormenta sobre los Andes (1935) como Bob Kent
- El extraño indeseable (1935) como Howard W. Chamberlain
- El despertar de Jim Burke (1935) como Jim Burke
- El rebelde más pequeño (1935) como el coronel Morrison
- Aguas peligrosas (1936) como Jim Marlowe
- San Francisco (1936) como Jack Burley
- Crash Donovan (1936) como 'Crash' Donovan
- Fin del camino (1936) como Dale Brittenham
- Al norte de Nome (1936) como John Raglan
- Problemas en Marruecos (1937) como Paul Cluett
- Madera rugiente (1937) como Jim Sherwood
- Forajidos de Oriente (1937) como Chet Eaton
- Atrapado por G-Men (1937) como G-Man Martin Galloway, haciéndose pasar por Bill Donovan
- Bajo sospecha (1937) como Robert Bailey
- En los titulares (1938) como el teniente de policía Lewis Nagel
- Vuelo a ninguna parte (1938) como Jim Horne
- Reformatorio (1938) como Robert Dean
- El crimen toma vacaciones (1938) como Walter Forbes
- El extraño caso del Dr. Meade (1938) como Dr. Meade
- Enemigos susurrantes (1939) como Stephen Brewster.
-Atrapado en el cielo (1939) como Major
- Fugitivo en libertad (1939) como Tom Farrow / George Storm
- Poder oculto (1939) como Dr. Garfield
- Fuera del límite de las tres millas (1940) como Agente del Tesoro Conway
- Pasaporte a Alcatraz (1940) como George Hollister
- Fugitivo de un campo de prisioneros (1940) como Sheriff Lawson
- El gran robo del avión (1940) como Mike Henderson
- La gran estafa (1941) como Jack Regan
- Holt del servicio secreto (1941, serial) como Jack Holt / Nick Farrell
- Thunder Birds (1942) como el coronel MacDonald
- Northwest Rangers (1942) como Duncan Frazier
- Gente gato (1942) como El comodoro
- Eran prescindibles (1945) como el general Martin
- My Pal Trigger (1946) como Brett Scoville
- Vuelo a ninguna parte (1946) como el agente del FBI Bob Donovan
- The Chase (1946) como Cmdr. Davidson
- Chica renegada (1946) como Maj.Barker
- La frontera salvaje (1947) como Charles 'Saddles' Barton
- El tesoro de la Sierra Madre (1948) como Flophouse Bum (sin acreditar)
- El guardabosques de Arizona (1948) como Rawhide Morgan
- The Gallant Legion (1948) como Capitán Banner
- La fresa ruana (1948) como Walt Bailey
- Pistolas cargadas (1948) como Dave Randall
- El último bandido (1949) como Mort Pemberton
- Brimstone (1949) como el mariscal Walter Greenslide
- Task Force (1949) como Capitán Reeves
- Desierto rojo (1949) como Deacon Smith
- Las mujeres de los Dalton (1950) como Clint Dalton - Mike Leonard
- El regreso del hombre de la frontera (1950) como Sheriff Sam Barrett
- Trail of Robin Hood (1950) como él mismo
- Rey del látigo (1950) como el banquero James Kerrigan
- Across the Wide Missouri (1951) como Bear Ghost (papel final de la película).
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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