#kes and worf and wesley
lostyesterday · 7 months
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I was curious about which Star Trek shows had the most human vs non-human characters, so I made this graph. I counted all major characters plus characters who were in at least 10 episodes of each respective show (with a few exceptions for incredibly minor characters who are technically in more than ten episodes but have barely any/no lines). A full list of characters included is below the cut.
Part/Non-Human: Spock
Human: Kirk, Mccoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov, Chapel
Part/Non-Human: Data, Troi, Worf, Guinan
Human: Picard, Riker, La Forge, Crusher, Wesley, Yar, Pulaski, O’Brien, Ogawa
Part/Non-Human: Kira, Odo, Quark, Jadzia, Rom, Nog, Garak, Dukat, Worf, Weyoun, Martok, Leeta, Ezri, Damar, Female Changeling, Winn
Human: Sisko, Bashir, Jake, O’Brien, Keiko, Kasidy, Ross
Part/Non-Human: Torres, Neelix, EMH, Tuvok, Kes, Seven (part Borg counts as not entirely human to me), Seska, Naomi, Icheb
Human: Janeway, Chakotay, Paris, Kim
Part/Non-Human: T’Pol, Phlox, Soval, Shran
Human: Archer, Reed, Tucker, Sato, Mayweather, Forrest
Part/Non-Human: Saru, Tyler (debatable but I’m counting him as partly non-human), L’Rell, Book, T’Rina, Nhan, Rillak, Linus, Zora, Adira (again, debatable, but they’ve got a symbiont so they’re not entirely human to me), Gray
Human: Burnham, Stamets (complicated case but I counted him as still human), Tilly, Culber, Lorca (mirror universe characters are still human, I think), Georgiou, Detmer, Owosekun, Rhys, Bryce, Cornwell, Airiam (she’s still human), Pike, Jett, Nilsson, Pollard, Vance
Part/Non-Human: Picard (for part of the show at least), Elnor, Soji, Narek, Seven, Laris/Talinn (I am just pretending they’re the same character for simplicity), Jack (I guess???)
Human: Musiker, Jurati, Rios, Adam, Riker, Crusher, Shaw, Sidney
Part/Non-Human: Tendi, Shaxs, T’Ana, Barnes, Kayshon
Human: Mariner, Boimler, Rutherford, Freeman, Ransom, Billups
Part/Non-Human: Dal, Gwyn, Zero, Rok-Tahk, Jankom, Murf, Hologram Janeway, Diviner, Drednok
Part/Non-Human: Spock, Una, Hemmer
Human: Pike, La’an, Uhura, Chapel, M’Benga, Ortegas
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foone · 8 months
So if Threshold happens to different Trek crews, who gets who pregnant? Voyager is one of the few shows where it makes heterosexual sense, (for lack of a better word, "sense" not being the word anyone would use to describe threshold)
So for Voyager, it being Paris (pilot) and Janeway (captain) makes sense through that lens. Paris, sure, because he is a pilot. We could pick a Science Guy to do it, but then it might be B'Elanna who does the flying fast, and then who is she going to kidnap for Lizard Sex? Harry? ... Yeah it'd be Harry. Anyway once you've picked Paris, you've got to figure out which woman is funniest to have him abduct into Lizardry. B'Elanna? No, not funny enough. She'd be a Klingon lizard and beat him up instead of mating, even if they did get married later. Besides, what if she evolves into a super-advanced Klingon, not a lizard? *claps* PUT TUVOK ON THE SHUTTLE. Kes? No, they already did a Tom v Neelix episode. Seven of Nine isn't on the show yet, so Janeway it is.
Ok so for other shows, we gotta pick a pilot or science guy (who might be screwing around with transwarp, and thus get Lizarded) and someone they could turn into a lizard to have babies with. The show is assuming heterosexual pairings here, but we know about things so we are not so limited.
The original series: as much as I'd love to say Sulu and Uhura ("I'll save you, fair maiden!" "sorry, neither"), I think TOS was much less of an ensemble than later Treks, so it'd need to be Spock. Spock is doing some science stuff, he gets hyper-evolved, and he picks someone else to hyper-evolve and turn into his lizard bride. As much as I want to say "Kirk", I think it's more likely that he runs off with Uhura and then Kirk has to rescue them. Kirk was always about being the one who rescues people, having the Enterprise come rescue Lizard!Spock (is that antisemitic?) and Lizard!Kirk and it's called commanded by McCoy? Nah.
TNG: the direct analogy to VOY would mean we have Wesley and... Picard? No, no, and no. Sorry. Frankly, we already had this plot on TNG (Genesis), and canonically the answer is Worf and Troi. The problem with it being a pilot thing is that Wesley is a child and Data (the official science guy) is an android, so he can't really be hyper-evolving. We could go with Geordi, the other Science Guy, but then we've got the image of a black man kidnapping a white woman. Uhhhh no. We already did that episode and it is an example of Deep Shame for the show. So Worf and Troi it is.
DS9: so this is what inspired me to make this post. We all agree Sisko would be a damn good father to his lizard babies, but would it be him? If so, with who? You could have it be Dax, and she lizards first and kidnaps him, which makes some sense given that she's a Science Guy. But you also have to consider Weird Guys. Every Trek series needs a Weird Guy so that whenever an ancient alien artifact turns the whole crew into Muppets or whatever, they can be the one who isn't affected and can thus solve it. This is all to say, Odo/Kira could be done. We've had a few episodes where he's been shown to do very extreme things out of his pining for her, so it makes some sense. Odo/Quark would be funnier but given how the DS9 writers handled Profit and Lace, I really don't want to see them do a gay mpreg episode.
ENT: the series with canon mpreg! Direct translation of would be Mayweather/Archer. Mmm. Probably not. I think it's gonna be a rarepair: Trip/Hoshi. Trip/T'Pol is too canon to be funny. The next best option is Archer/T'Pol and that's just kinda bleh. It makes sense but it's just the kind of thing they'd do and it'd be bland. We can do better. Honorary mention: Trip and Reed.
I've not watched enough of the New Treks to have an opinion there. Maybe SNW: Ortegas and La'an. Don't ask why.
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Name meanings of Star Trek main characters
James - Supplanter; Holder of The Heel
Spock – I don't know
Leonard - Lion Strength; Descendant; Lover
Nyota – Stars
(Bonus - Uhura – Freedom (crafted from the Swahili word uhuru for the show))
Mongomery - Mountain Belonging to The Ruler; Man Power
Hikaru – Radiance; Light
Pavel - Small; Humble, Modest
Christine - Follower of Christ
Jean-Luc - God Is Gracious; Bringer of Light
William - Resolute Protector; Will, Desire; Helmet, Protection
Data - Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis
(Bonus - Soong – Grandson, Descendant (it's a Chinese surname))
Deanna – Valley; Devine; Goddess; Church Leader
Beverly - Beaver Stream, Meadow
Geordie - Land-Worker, Farmer
Worf – I couldn’t find anything for either his first or last name
Tasha – Christmas Day, Birthday (Of Christ)
Wesley - Western meadow
DS9 –
Benjamin - Son of The Right Hand, Son of The South, Son of my Days
Kira - Mistress, Lady; Beam of Light; Black; Glitter, Shining
(Bonus - Nerys – Noblewoman; Hero)
Jadzia - Princess
Julian - Youthful; Jove's Child; Downy Bearded
Odo – Nothing [Cardassian meaning] (The following is extracted from the ST Wiki -  "Odo's name stemmed from the Cardassian word for "nothing", Odo'ital, which was the loose translation of the "unknown sample" label in Bajoran on his laboratory flask. After he was discovered to be sentient, the scientists began jokingly referring to him as "Odo Ital", in a similar manner to a Bajoran name, which eventually got shorted into simply "Odo".)
Odo - Wealthy; Inheritance; Richness [Human meaning] (Because apparently it's also a human name!)
Quark - I couldn't find anything
Miles O’Brien - Soldier; Who Is Like God?; Merciful
Elim - Place of Strong Trees
(Bonus - Garak – To Sojourn, To Dwell. Check this article out for more information)
Jake - Supplanter; Of Jacob
Nog – Agriculture (it’s a Chinese surname)
Ezri – Helper, My Help
Voyager –
Kathryn - Pure
Chakotay – Man who walks the Earth but only sees the Sky
Tuvok – I don't know. (There probably is someone who knows the Vulcan meaning of Tuvok and Spock out there.)
B’Elanna – (Belanna is an actual name) A noble woman who is beautiful
(Another bonus - Torres - Towers)
Tom - Twin; Innocence
Harry – Home Ruler
The Doctor – The name Jason means Healer, so I sometimes think of that as his name
Neelix – It was created for the show
Kes – I couldn’t find anything
Annika (Seven of Nine) - Grace; Favor; Gracious; Elegant
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spacefinch · 1 year
Star Trek characters as Octonauts characters AU: an update:
TOS crew:
Kirk: Golden retriever.
Spock: Black cat.
Bones: North American River Otter. An old friend of Ranger Marsh, with whom he shares similar opinions about technology.
Uhura: African Grass Owl.
Scotty: Scottish Wildcat.
Sulu: White-tailed Deer.
Chekov: Eurasian pine marten. I originally had him be a Siberian Lynx (since he’s from Russia) but it didn’t quite work. Chekov needs to be a small lanky boy and that is not what lynxes are. Pine martens, however…
Chapel: Tawny Owl.
TNG crew:
Picard: European River Otter
Riker: Alaskan Malamute dog
Data: Still an android, but in this version, he’s modeled after a short-eared owl. His brother Lore is modeled after a long-eared owl.
Tasha: Black-tailed jackrabbit
Geordi: Serval cat. Born blind, but uses a high-tech visor to see. Best friends with Data.
Beverly and Wesley Crusher: Red foxes. Wes has darker, almost brown fur.
Worf: Fisher. (A type of mustelid.)
Deanna: Spotted Owl
DS9 crew:
Ben and Jake Sisko: Swamp rabbits— same species as Tweak and Marsh. The Siskos have dark brown fur, rather than green.
Jadzia: Red Salamander
Garak: Lizard (doesn’t matter what species)
Major Kira: Gray Fox
Odo: Still a Changeling in this AU. Usually assumes the form of a beige-colored cat.
Ezri: Spotted Salamander.
Bashir: Sea Otter
O’Brien: European Hare
Quark (and all other Ferengi characters): Fruit bats. With gigantic ears.
Voyager Crew:
Janeway: Red Fox
Chakotay: Canada Lynx
Tom Paris: Dog.
Harry Kim: Sea Otter
Neelix: Fishing Cat
Kes: Brush Rabbit
Seven of Nine: Cat, with cybernetic implants.
B’Elanna: Badger.
Tuvok: Spectacled Owl
The Doctor: Hologram, takes the appearance of a penguin. (Which looks a lot like Peso’s species.)
Connections to the Octonauts and Octo Agents:
Scotty is an old friend of Shellington, and even recommended him for the position of the Octopod’s head scientist. Barnacles invited Scotty to be Chief Engineer, but Scotty declined the offer. After all, he’d seen Tweak’s work firsthand. The Octonauts would be in good care with her as its engineer.
Similar to Barnacles, Chekov was an old student of Professor Natquik. He’s always boasting about how everything great was invented in Russia.
Voyager’s Doctor was modeled after one of Peso’s many cousins. Despite being a program of a social species, he does have trouble actually socializing.
Jadzia is one of Dashi’s friends from school.
Ben Sisko and Ranger Marsh have been friends for a long time. And their kids get along quite well! Tweak is older than Jake by quite a bit.
Bashir is one of Shellington’s old classmates. The two of them bonded over their love of science and their sea otter heritage.
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andromedaa-starss · 3 years
is this star trek name for your dog, cat, or horse?
aka i had too much free time so i started listing out this shit. this is limited to dogs, cats, and horses (except for certain cardassians) bc im too lazy to incorporate hamsters or anything like that.
kirk: horse
spock: dog/cat
scotty: dog
uhura: dog/horse
sulu: horse
chekov: horse
picard: horse
riker: dog/horse
crusher: dog
deanna: horse/dog
worf: dog
geordi: horse
data: cat
tasha: cat
wesley: cat
guinan: horse
lwaxana: idek
sisko: horse
kira: cat
dax: cat
julian: human
miles: dog
keiko: cat
odo: cat
jake: dog
jadzia: cat ig?
ezri: idek
kassidy: horse
nog: horse?
quark: cat
rom: idk
garak: lizard
dukat: lizard
damar: cat
vic fontaine: cat
janeway: horse
chakotay: horse
tom paris: cat
harry kim: human
tuvok: horse
b'elanna: uh, cat, if you insist?
neelix: cat
kes: dog
seven of nine: car
the doctor: applies to any animal honestly
archer: dog/horse
t'pol: horse
trip: dog
malcolm: human
travis: human
hoshi: dog? idk
phlox: denobulan
shran: cat if you insist
well this certainly devolved into shitposting. idk everyone from lower decks, discovery, or picard, so im not listing those out
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deepspacedukat · 3 years
Characters I Will And Won’t Write For
If you don’t see a character you want to request a fic for, please message and ask if I write for them. Chances are, I just forgot to put them on my list. I’ll add a section at the bottom of this post for characters I absolutely won’t write for so it’s a little clearer.
❤️ = Fave characters. Receiving requests for these characters will make happy, undignified, giggly noises come out of me which I will later deny making.
Characters I WILL Write For:
AOS/TOS (Specify AOS or TOS, because I default to TOS): - James Kirk (Plz specify TOS or AOS) - Spock ❤️ (Plz specify TOS, AOS, or SNW) - Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Sulu - Chekov - Nyota Uhura (plz specify TOS, AOS, or SNW) - Scotty ❤️ - Christine Chapel (plz specify TOS or SNW) - Sarek (TOS only)
TNG: - Jean-Luc Picard ❤️ - William Riker - Data ❤️ - Worf (Specify TNG or DS9) - Tasha Yar - Geordi LaForge ❤️ - Beverly Crusher - Reginald Barclay - Deanna Troi - Lore ❤️ - Gul Macet ❤️ - Miles O’Brien (Specify TNG or DS9) - Glinn Daro ❤️ - Gul Madred - Taurik - Captain Satelk ❤️ - Centurion Bochra ❤️ - Commander Tebok ❤️
DS9: - Benjamin Sisko - Kira Nerys - Odo ❤️ - Dax (Specify Jadzia or Ezri, because my default is Jadzia) - Worf (Specify TNG or DS9) - Miles O’Brien (Specify TNG or DS9) - Gul Dukat ❤️ - Elim Garak ❤️ - Julian Bashir ❤️ - Quark - Rom - Damar ❤️ - Weyoun (plz specify a number if you have a preference) ❤️ - Keevan - Various Jem’Hadar (please specify) - Brunt FCA - Solok ❤️ - Senator Letant ❤️ - Senator Vreenak ❤️ - Colonel Lovok - Chairman Koval ❤️ - Yelgrun - Ambassador Lojal ❤️ - General Velal - Gul Evek - Martok ❤️
VOY: - Katherine Janeway - Chakotay ❤️ - Tom Paris ❤️ - Harry Kim - Kes - Neelix - Seven of Nine - The Doctor ❤️ - Vorik ❤️ - B’Elanna Torres - Tuvok - Rekar
ENT: - Jonathan Archer ❤️ - Malcolm Reed ❤️ - Travis Mayweather - “Trip” Tucker ❤️ - T’Pol - Phlox - Hoshi Sato - Thy’lek Shran ❤️ - Keval ❤️ - Kov - Mestral ❤️ - Soval ❤️ - Koss ❤️ - Krem - Talok ❤️ - Kolos ❤️
SNW: - Christopher Pike ❤️ - Spock (plz specify TOS, AOS, or SNW) ❤️ - La’an Noonien-Singh ❤️ - Erica Ortegas ❤️ - Nyota Uhura (plz specify TOS, AOS, or SNW) ❤️ - Una Chin-Riley - Christine Chapel (plz specify TOS or SNW)❤️ - Dr. M’Benga - Hemmer ❤️❤️
Non-Star Trek: - John Reilly (Castle Freak) ❤️ - Anton Mordrid (Doctor Mordrid) - Crawford Tillinghast (From Beyond) ❤️ - Herbert West (Re-Animator) ❤️ - Dan Cain (Re-Animator) - Poly!Danbert (Re-Animator) - Milton Dammers (The Frighteners) ❤️ - Andrew Paris (The Phantom Empire) - Sumner Cavic (Urgency) ❤️
Characters I WON’T Write For:
- Wesley Crusher - Dr. Pulaski - Jake Sisko - Nog
***Also: I won’t write for any characters from “Discovery”, “Lower Decks”, “Prodigy”, or “Picard.” I’m not familiar with the shows, and thus not equipped to write for their characters.***
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tag list :)
posts on this blog are tagged by show/movie and character name. if one doesn't show up here that means i haven't posted them yet. one-off characters aren't listed here. posts without any characers in them are tagged #misc. to see posts sorted by most popular go to #aesthetic trek
spock, james kirk, nyota uhura, montgomery scott, christine chapel, leonard mccoy
spock, sarek
the search for spock
spock, james kirk
data soong, geordi laforge, deanna troi, beverly crusher, jean-luc picard, will riker, worf, lwaxana troi, guinan, wesley crusher, ro laren, mr homn, q, keiko o'brien, miles o'brien, spot, reginald barclay, gowron, alexander rozhenko, tasha yar
odo, worf, elim garak, kira nerys, jadzia dax, julian bashir, benjamin sisko, miles o'brien, nog, damar, dukat, weyoun, jake sisko, female changeling, winn adami, rom, quark, kasidy yates, lwaxana troi
kathryn janeway, b'elanna torres, chakotay, tuvok, kes, harry kim, tom paris, emh
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shranstan · 3 years
Percentage of aliens vs humans in main cast of live-action Star Trek shows
Based on my own judgements + Wikipedia lists of casts. 
TOS: - 6 humans: Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Chekov, Sulu - 1 alien: Spock Spock is technically 0.5 human however he doesn’t look like a human so I’m not giving him any human points TOS total: 1/7 = 14.3% aliens
TNG: - 5 humans: Picard, Riker, Geordi, Beverly, Wesley - 3 aliens/non humans: Guinan, Worf, Data I’m giving Deanna 0.5 human and 0.5 alien - she does look like a normal human but she also has alien abilities. I’m also giving Lwaxana and Q 0.5 appearance points for being reccuring characters in multiple seasons. TNG total: 4/9.5 = 42.1% aliens
DS9: - 6 humans: Sisko, Jake, Julian, Miles, Keiko, Kassidy - 11 aliens: Odo, Quark, Nog, Rom, Dax (I’m counting all Daxes as 1 being), Kira, Worf, Garak, Dukat, Weyoun (also counting all Weyouns as 1), Leeta Characters I’m giving 0.5 appearance points to: Damar, Molly, Morn, Eddington, Martok, Ziyal DS9 total: 13/20 = 65% aliens!!!!
VOY: - 4 humans: Janeway, Chakotay, Tom, Harry - 4 aliens/non humans: Neelix, Tuvok, B’Elanna, Kes Seven of Nine and the Doctor both get 0.5 human and 0.5 alien/non human points on account of their ‘base’ being human, but they obviously aren’t quite human. VOY total: 5/10 = 50% aliens
ENT: - 5 humans: Archer, Hoshi, Trip, Travis, Malcolm - 2 aliens: T’Pol, Phlox I’m willing to give Soval and Shran 0.5 appearance points each because they’re reccuring characters in multiple seasons ENT total: 3/8 = 37.5% aliens Discovery: - 8 humans: Burnham, Tilly, Stamets, Culber, Georgiou, Detmer, Owosekun, Reno - 2 aliens: Saru, Book I’m okay with giving Adira and Gray 0.5 appearance points each (Adira human, Gray alien) Discovery total: 2.5/11 = 22.7% aliens Picard only has 1 season so far so I don’t think it’s enough of a sample. In conclusion: Part of what I personally find disappointing about Discovery (and what I love about DS9!!) is the ammount of aliens in the main cast. I want to see a clash of cultures! I wanna learn about new species/dive deeper into ones we know and love! This is why Saru is my favourite Discovery character. I’m hoping Book will keep on having development! 
I do not like the Adira-has-a-symbiont plot, because it places a human as the catalyst for a different culture. Why couldn’t they be some other humanoid species. Bajoran? Vulcan? Betazoid? I’m listing these two because they do not require extensive makeup like say, a Cardassian does.  I’m really hoping s4 will give us more alien regular cast members. I was rooting for Rys to become one, alas.. With the s4 trailer showcasing many once-again-federation species, I will go feral if we do not get any aliens!!
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startrekroleplay · 4 years
StarFleet Uniform Alterations
For those of you trying to determine whether or not your character would reasonably be allowed to alter their StarFleet uniform, I’ve compiled a list of instances in the series where an individual did just that.
(This will ignore common variations such as the skant uniform, the wearing of lab coats or engineering vests, captain’s variations, etc.)
tl;dr - uniforms can be altered for the following reasons:
to accommodate anatomical differences
to accommodate medical needs
to respect cultural and/or religious differences
at the captain’s discretion
Uniforms can be altered to accommodate people and races that are unable to wear the traditional uniform.
In TAS, the three-armed and three-legged alien Arex wears such a variation.
Also in TAS, the Caitian officer M’Ress presumably has an alteration to allow for her tail. (Though it’s possible that it simply sticks out from beneath her skirt, as it’s rather short.)
Additions can also be made to a uniform for medical reasons.
There are maternity uniforms for pregnant officers, seen worn by Alyssa Ogawa in TNG, as well as Samantha Wildman and B’Elanna Torres in VOY.
Benzites such as Mendon in TNG require a breathing apparatus while in an oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere. This is naturally permitted on duty, and their uniforms are slightly altered to accommodate the devices.
The Elaysian officer Melora in DS9 is accustomed to much lower gravity. Because of this, she uses a wheelchair and cane, and wears braces across her arms, chest, and legs to assist her movement.
Officers can also make additions to their uniforms for cultural and/or religious reasons. This is often at the discretion of their captain, but most tend to allow them as long as they are within reason.
Worf wears a Klingon sash over his uniform, which displays his Klingon heritage as well as his house.
Nog wears a Ferengi headdress behind his ears that appears specifically made to match his uniform.
Ro Laren wears her Bajoran earrings, which have religious significance -- although originally Picard orders her to remove them, he relents on the issue. Kira Nerys does the same during her brief time with StarFleet.
And at the captain’s discretion, some crew members don’t need to wear their uniform at all while on duty.
In TNG, Deanna Troi often wears civilian clothes while on duty. The in-universe reason for this is unclear, though it seems that only Captain Picard permits this. When Captain Jellico assumes command, he requires her to wear a standard uniform.
Also in TNG, Wesley Crusher wears civilian clothes while on duty as an acting ensign. Once he is promoted to a full ensign, he switches to a standard uniform.
In VOY, Neelix, Kes, and Seven of Nine wear their civilian clothes, despite being members of Voyager’s crew. However, this can be excused as they do not receive a field commission and are not considered members of StarFleet.
In ENT, T’Pol wears a jumpsuit while serving aboard the Enterprise NX-01, as she is not a member of StarFleet. However, after receiving a StarFleet commission, she often continues to wear the jumpsuits. The in-universe reason for this is unclear.
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lostyesterday · 4 months
Initial poll results from the TNG, DS9, and Voyager polls I posted last week.
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star-trek-odyssey · 5 years
This is my Star Trek’s imagine blog, you're welcome!
I will write the Reader Insert and also normal pairings (when I like them, so I won't write every pairing). I can write also general Headcanons for the single characters and how they would react to the situations you request or how they would react to their S/O doing something particular. 
My characters limit is 4 
I write both SFW and NSFW things!
Deanna Troi
Lwaxana Troi
Jadzia Dax
Ezri Dax
Lwaxana Troi
The Doctor
Tom Paris
Harry Kim
No Illness and any mental disease because I am not informed about them and I don’t like to talk about these arguments without the proper knowledge and delicacy. I have never studied psychology so I cannot argue about this subject.
I don’t write about pregnancy or pregnant women.
I don’t write about underage sex or pedo topics.
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Star Trek Crews as Hogwarts Houses
Kirk – GryffinPuff
Spock – Ravenclaw
Bones – Hufflepuff
Uhura – Gryffindor
Scotty – Gryffindor
Sulu – Slytherin
Chekhov – Hufflepuff
Chapel – Hufflepuff
Janice – Gryffindor
Picard – Slytherin
Riker – Gryffindor
Deanna – Ravenclaw
Beverly – Gryffindor
Data – Hufflepuff
Geordie – Hufflepuff
Worf – Gryffindor
Q – Slytherin
Wesley – Ravenclaw
Tasha – Gryffindor
(Bonus -
Lwaxana – Slytherin
Alexander – Hufflepuff
Spot – Slytherin
Barclay – Hufflepuff)
DS9 –
Sisko – Gryffindor
Kira – Gryffindor
Dax – Ravenclaw
Julian – HuffleClaw
O’brien – Gryffindor
Odo – HuffleRin
Quark – Slytherin
Rom – Hufflepuff
Nog – Hufflepuff
Jake – Ravenclaw
Garak -Slytherin
Voyager –
Janeway – Gryffindor
Chakoytay – Ravenclaw
Tuvok – Ravenclaw
Tom – Gryffindor
Harry – Hufflepuff
B’lanna – Hufflepuff
The Doctor – Slytherin
Neelix – Hufflepuff
Kes – Hufflepuff
Seven of Nine – Ravenclaw (I think?)
I've only seen the 1st season of Voyager, so if I got anything wrong, that's why.
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There are lots of good parents in Star Trek, Sarek is the exception Id like to think O'Brien and Kekio manage to juggle being two very important people on a space station and raising two kids the Rozhenkos managed to raise a Kilingon child (an acomplishment in of itself) with a strong sense of his cultural identity as a Klingon, Sisko is a single dad and a captain and raises a very indepdent, decent kid. I'm running out of words but you get my point, Sarek is the exception, go Good Trek Parents!
I dunno about that, I think Trek has somewhat of a history of people having bad or strained relationships with their parents. Off the top of my head, this is what we know about main character’s parents/kids in TNG, DS9, and Voyager
Captain Picard - Seems to have a bad relationship with his family in general
Commander Riker - Hadn’t spoken to his dad in years
Counselor Troi - Don’t talk to me about Lwaxana
Commander Data - Noonien ‘My son needs a dick but not emotions’ Soong
Geordi La Forge - He seems to have a good relationship with his Star Fleet parents
Doctor Crusher - Her and Wesley have a good relationship
Worf - Is a shitty father. His parents are great, he is rubbish
5/7 have bad parent/child relationships
Captain Sisko - Best Trek Father. Hands down. What a guy. Gets on with his dad too. 
Worf again - I’m counting him twice, because he sucks
Major Kira - Has trouble dealing with the fact that her mother was a collaborator
Doctor Bashir - Parents genetically engineered him, and then hid the fact for years
Jadzia Dax - Don’t think we know much about them?
Ezri Dax - Bad relationship with her mom
Chief O’Brien (And Keiko) - Good parents
Odo - His ‘dad’ tortured him
Quark - Awful relationship with his mother
Nog - Rom is a pretty supportive dad in fairness
6/10 have bad parent/child relationships
Captain Janeway - Don’t think we have any info here really
Chakotay - His dad ultimately approves of his want to join Star Fleet. I think? That’s a boring episode tbh
Tom Paris - Bad relationship with his father
B’elanna Torres - Her dad can’t deal with her being Klingon
Harry Kim - His folks are fine
Tuvok - He’s a dad and a half. Good Vulcan Dad to Sarek’s Terrible Vulcan Dad
EMH - His ‘dad’ thinks he’s inferior
Seven of Nine - Her parents took her to investigate the Borg. Not my definition of Good Parents.
Neelix - Not enough info?
Kes - Not enough info?
Basically, Star Trek uses the strained parent relationship a lot.
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star trek ages
tos (circa 2265) kirk: 32 spock: 35 bones: 38 scotty: 43 uhura: unknown (nichols was 34) chekov: 20
tng (circa 2364) picard: 59 riker: 28 data: 26 troi: 28 crusher: 40 la forge: 29 worf: 24 wesley: 16
ds9 (circa 2369) sisko: 37 kira: 26 dax: 28/351 julian: 27 odo: 32 o’brien: 41 quark: 36 jake: 14 nog: 16
voy (circa 2371) janeway: unknown (mulgrew was 40) chakotay: 42 tuvok: 107 paris: 24 b'elanna: 25 harry: 22 emh: technically 0 (activated in the pilot) kes: 1 neelix: 34 (according to beta canon)
ent (circa 2151) archer: 39 t'pol: 63 hoshi: 22 trip: 30 reed: 34 phlox: unknown (over 51) mayweather: 25
disco (circa 2256) michael: 30 (+ later ages 1 year where the rest of the crew doesn't) saru: unknown, over 18 (arguably 36) tilly: 23 tyler: 28 georgiou: 54 adira (circa 3189): 16 (booker, pike, lorca, owo, detmer, stamets, culber, & etc all have unknown ages)
pro (circa 2383) dal: 17 gwyn: 17 jankom: 16 rok-tahk: 8 zero: unknown (presumably also a teenager)
no major lower decks character has a confirmed age! the trend towards that with new trek is probably 
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Star Trek: Discovery - Which characters will survive to see Season 2?  (Plus a compelling fan theory)
Warning: Spoilers ahead for the first five episodes of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.
We are just five episodes in, with ten to go.  Only four more before the Christmas break.  It’s probably a little early to be predicting the show’s second season - we don’t even know if there’ll definitely be a second season!  But it’s always fun to speculate.
So, this is my question - which of the main cast will still be main for the second season?
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Historically, there aren’t many changes in the main casts of the Trek series.  In the Original Series, Deforest Kelley (McCoy) was promoted to the opening credits for the second season.  The Next Generation had the most changes, along the way losing Denise Crosby (Yar) and Wil Wheaton (Wesley) and firing Gates McFadden (Crusher) after the first season, only to reinstate her in the third.  For Deep Space Nine, Michael Dorn (Worf) was added in the fourth season, and after Terry Farrell (Jadzia) left in season six, she was replaced by Nicole deBoer (Ezri Dax) for the final season.   Voyager suffered just a straight exchange, replacing Jennifer Lien’s Kes for Jeri Ryan’s Seven of Nine.  Enterprise, however, stands as the only Trek series to leave it’s principal cast unchanged over it’s run.  Rumours that Jeffrey Combs’ Andorian Shran was to be promoted in the fifth season were sadly never realised.
But here, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY is a different kind of Trek.  We’re now in 2017, and the writers are very aware of popular series, where the trend is not to save your main cast, but to constantly put them in jeopardy.  Adventure is all the more exciting when you don’t know for certain if your favourite characters will make it out alive.  Series such as 24, THE WALKING DEAD and GAME OF THRONES, relish in killing off several main players each series… and the fans lap it up.
Apparently, we can expect the same from DISCOVERY, but only time will tell just how brave the writers are going to be.  I mean, we have had a number of deaths already, but they were- mostly - signposted…
Captain Philippa Georgiou.
Let’s be honest, did we think Michelle Yeoh’s character was ever going to survive?  Billed as the commanding officer of the USS Shenzhou, the fact she wasn’t the captain of the USS Discovery itself didn’t point to a happy end.  As predicted by many, Georgiou was killed in the second episode.  Now, her name was on the opening titles, but with the billing of ‘special guest star’, longevity wasn’t really wasn’t on the cards.  She has made an appearance since, via a holographic message, and we can expect future appearances - presumably in flashbacks, but possible also as part of the mirror universe(?).  The fact Georgiou was eaten by the Klingons (EATEN!!!!) Yeoh is never going to be a regular on the show.
Ensign Danby Connor
Actor Sam Vartoholomeos was announced early on, and it wasn’t clear whether his Ensign Connor would be a regular character or not. Sadly, one of the trailers actively showed him being killed, which took away the surprise when it happened in the show.  At least Ensign Connor can claim to be the first 'speaking role’ to be definitively killed off in DISCOVERY.
The cult leader, aiming to bring together the twenty-four houses of the Klingons.  Chris Obi was deemed to have a very important role… but T'Kuvma was killed by lead Michael Burnham just after killing Captain Georgiou. I’d say this was probably the first actual surprise death of the series.   But still, he wasn’t on the opening titles, so the chances of his longevity was already in doubt.
Commander Ellen Landry
This is an interesting one.  Not a particularly surprising one… other than how quickly Landry was dealt with.  Like the majority of the Discovery crew, she wasn’t introduced until the third episode.  The Chief of security (and I’d guess at second officer judging by her closeness to Captain Lorca), she wasn’t the nicest of people.  There’s was something shady about her.   Again, considering she’s the first crew member of Discovery we’re introduced to, and seemingly pretty important, with a bridge crew role, the fact she wasn’t included on the opening credits implied she wasn’t going to be around for too long.  Add to that we knew Shazad Latif’s Ash Tyler was coming in to be a security officer, and his name IS on the credits… the ONLY surprise, I guess… is that she died in only her second episode?!  Possibly a waste of Rekha Sharma, but a crowd pleasing moment - I don’t think Landry had many fans.
As noted, the above four characters are all missing from the opening titles.  Realistically, in all series, recurring and guest stars can be seen as cannon fodder.  A brave series will not shy away from killing off those named as main cast.   Which is why I’m going to predict which of the six DISCOVERY main players will survive until the show’s potential second year.
Michael Burnham
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The producers have admitted they found it very difficult to cast Burnham, and were lucky to get THE WALKING DEAD star Sonequa Martin-Green.  Originally Bryan Fuller’s plan was to make an anthology series, with each season taking place in a different time period.  That would have been exciting, and I wouldn’t have minded that at all, but at the same time, it’s nice to build up a familiarity with the cast, watching them grow, both as individuals and as a team.  Anthology series miss that. Show bosses decided to veto that idea and a second season of DISCOVERY will see characters follow on… I have no real doubt that Burnham will still be the lead.  Too much as been made of the fact she’s a black female lead, to have her side lined.  Even if the series becomes more ensemble focussed, I’m sure Burnham will be a strong part of it.   I presume she’ll be entirely redeemed from her 'Mutineer’ status, and expect her to be reinstated, with a new rank and position. Whilst I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up as a Captain in time, I think the second season will be a little soon.  Maybe Executive Officer?  Maybe the Science officer?  Depends on who the commanding officer is (see below).   The only thing, and really the only thing, that could get in the way of Burnham’s presence in future seasons is that pesky word 'canon’.  She has never been mentioned anywhere else in Treklore… and whilst that’s understandable (Discovery hadn’t been created yet!) the writers might feel the need to keep her a secret from the record books… I don’t think so, though.  I predict Burnham will be our lead for as long as the series runs… be that one, two or seven seasons.
Captain Gabriel Lorca
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In every other Trek series, the commanding officer has been our lead, the audience entry point into the story.  Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway and Archer, all heroes.  DISCOVERY is unique in that the main character is a lower level Starfleet officer. This mean’s the commanding officer can be… something different.  Captain Lorca is definitely something different.  Shrouded in mystery, already his attitude and actions are questionable and unlike those commanding officers names above. I like it. Lorca is interesting.  We don’t know what his motives are, not really.  He can keep secrets from us in a way the others couldn’t.   Jason Isaac’s doesn’t have a habit of playing heroes, more likely a villain.  Is Lorca a villain?  Or is Discovery playing with shades of grey?  Probably the latter, but that doesn’t discount the former.   Isaac’s has stated that he didn’t sign on until he was told Lorca’s entire arc.  I’ll say that again - entire arc.  To me that suggests Lorca won’t be a regular character come the show’s second season.  I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the last episode of season one, see’s Lorca, fully revealed as a villain and ultimately his demise.   However, I’d like to suggest something else.   I don’t know if we’ll ever fully know, or be able to call Lorca a 'hero’ or 'villain’.  He might be justified in his actions.  Or at least, justified in himself, even if not to others.  I do not see him continuing as a regular, certainly not as the commanding officer of the USS Discovery.  What I’d like to see, is Lorca to 'do a Krycek’.  In THE X FILES, the second season introduced a new partner for Mulder in the form of wet-behind-the-ears agent Alex Krycek.  He turned out to be a villain, but rather than kill him off, they had him run off and become one of those interesting rogue players, out for himself, shifting loyalties as he saw fit.  He’d pop up over future series, and you’d be guaranteed  that if the credits featured actor Nicholas Lea, the episode was going to be a big important one.  That’s the kind of role I’d love for Lorca.
Commander Saru
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Actor Doug Jones has stated he’d love to see Saru’s homeplanet, or more people from his species in the second season.  That sounds like Saru might be around for it!  In some respects, I think Saru is the safest character for a return.  He’s the show’s only regular alien.  They created him from the ground up, and they’ll likely want to keep him.  If not for those reasons alone, then because Saru is already becoming a fan favourite, despite limited screen time.   We’ve already seen him promoted from a Lt. Commander science officer, to a first officer, and his relationship with Burnham is… complicated.  Complicated is good.  Whilst I have no doubt Saru will still be alive, what his function will be is less clear.  If I’m right about Lorca moving on/dying, Saru is the next in line to be the commanding officer.  We’ve already seen him in that position after Lorca was captured by the Klingon’s. In theory, Saru could become our first regular alien captain.  (Spock didn’t become a captain until the movies). That, in turn, would allow for Burnham to be installed as his first officer. An interesting way to continue their relationship. However, I predict something else. I reckon the showrunners will bring in a new captain.  Maybe with another 'name’ in the role, to get in new interest?  I predict a new captain, with Saru continuing as the first officer.  This would also keep Burnham further away from the captain’s chair, which is possibly the best thing for the series at this point.  
Lieutenant Paul Stamets
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Stamets’ is a tricky one.  He’s a science officer, not an engineer, but is essentially the chief engineer on the USS Discovery. That’s because the ship was built entirely around Stamets’ work on the spore drive.  Now, we know that the spore drive is doomed to failure.  We know that because if it was a success every ship made after it would use it.  Enterprise’s D & E, the USS Defiant, the USS Voyager… but none of them do.  That says it all.  Discovery will likely be the only ship (RIP the USS Glenn) to use the spore drive… and we’re not entirely certain how long it will be able to continue to use it.  Either way, Stamets’ role is very linked to it.  No Spore drive, and probably no use for Stamets.    Episode 5 saw Stamets link himself to the drive and something odd has happened to him.  He saw the universe, and our last image of him was his 'delayed’ mirror image.  This might well tie in somehow to the mirror universe, but might be more personal to Stamets. I have no idea what Stamets’ storyline will be from here on in, and that makes it hard to predict whether he’ll stick around for season two.  I’m going out on a limb and say, yes.  I think the Discovery will continue to use the spore drive in future seasons, or a version of him.  Maybe with Stamets 'plugged in’… but I believe Stamets will continue in his Engineer/Science role.  They could shift him to a more straight forward science position of course, but I’ll edge away from that.
Question/Theory.  Whilst everyone is suggesting Stamets may now be something to do with the Mirror universe, I’ll just pose the question… do we know how the Q Continuum was created?  Could Stamets be the start? He has access to the entire universe, after all… (If he is, then no, I doubt he’d be a regular in season two… but it’s a fun question to ask).
Cadet Sylvia Tilly
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Ah, Tilly.  The first character in Trek to drop the F-bomb.  Her place in History is now secure.  She young, and unsure… but she has ambition.  She might be annoying to a few, but to many she’s a comedic character, adding light to the shade.  She is supposedly a talented engineer and this is something to watch out for.  I believe she might end up the chief engineer should Stamets move on… or, and this is what I predict, she’ll work with Stamets to sort the spore drive - for the time being, anyway.   I did consider she might have been put in to win the audience over, be the ultimate likable one, before getting killed off by Lorca or something to cement an 'aww’ factor.  But the more I watch, the more I think, we’ll see Tilly change, and grow.  We’ll see her progress through the ranks.  I’m expecting Ensign Tilly to head up the Engine room with Lieutenant Stamets in season two.
Lieutenant Ash Tyler
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Our last regular character… but one which is surrounded by a very interesting fan theory.  One I’m totally behind.   I, like many, believe that Tyler is in fact the Klingon Voq, surgically altered to look human.  There’s so much evidence to support this… both in the story, and in real life/behind the scenes.  If this is true, then expect Lorca’s pet tribble to out his cunning plan in the last third of the season… and that mean’s Tyler’s role will be done.  I don’t see Voq/Tyler continuing into season two. Probably killed by Burnham in the season one finale.
Haven’t heard the Tyler/Voq theory?  Behold the evidence:
In episode 4, L'Rell (Mary Chieffo) offers Voq a visit to her matriarch or spies but it’ll cost him… 'everything’.  Episode 5, Tyler has been in a Klingon prison cell, on L'Rell’s ship, and look’s surprisingly spritely. She also has a thing for him.  He’s been on the ship for seven months.  But we know (from the previous episode) she’s been with Voq stranded on T'Kuvma’s ship for the first six months of the war.  The story doesn’t check out.  In real life, actor Shazad Latif (who has been credited on the titles since episode one, but has only just appeared in episode 5) was originally announced as a Klingon back in December.  Months later he was reannounced as Ash Tyler.  We know he was about for filming back in the early episodes (he was out on the town with co-stars… check their social media).  The description of his character was a protégé to T'Kuvma - a description that certainly fits the Voq character.  His character may have been named Kol, and we now know Kenneth Mitchell plays Kol, and opposing Klingon presence… and finally, you try googling the 'actor’ credited for Voq. You will only see one credit, and it’ll be Voq.  Basically, Shazad Latif plays Voq, has been there since the beginning, and this explains a lot. 
It’s actually quite clever, and I think many fans will welcome this plot twist if we’re correct. It works on many levels.  We know, in the TOS era, Klingon’s should look human, but there was no real way for a 2017 series to 'do’ one of those Klingon’s.  But look at Latif.  The colour of his skin, the black goatee… he’s a pretty good fit for a modern take on the Human looking Klingons.  It also gives a practical explanation for the new look Klingons.  The new mask-type makeup on the Klingons allow a complete change of identity.  You can’t tell what the actor looks like under the Voq makeup.  Imagine the character with Worf-style makeup.  You can clearly make out actors… such as when Avery Brooks and Tim Russ have 'played Klingons’.  For this plot twist to be pulled off, Klingon’s needed a bit of a redesign.  If the theory is right, maybe as fans we can cut the show some slack.
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So there we are.  To answer my question - which of the regulars will still be regulars come season two?  Burnham, Saru, Tilly and possibly Stamets.  I don’t believe for a second that either Lorca or Tyler will continue on. 
Furthermore, I think we’ll get a new Captain in… maybe a female one?  I wouldn’t be surprised if Wilson Cruz’ Dr. Culber gets upgraded to regular.  Right now he’s only a supporting player.  This could mean he’s got a bullet with his name on it.  But he does play one half of Trek’s first ever gay couple.  That might be enough to keep him alive, unless Uber-Stamets somehow kills him off in season one? I predict an upgrade though.
What do you think?  Do you believe the Tyler/Voq theory? Will Lorca survive the season?  What’s going on with Stamets?  Will Saru receive another promotion?
Let me know!
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colonel-kira-nerys · 7 years
Fuck, Marry, Kill: Star Trek Edition
Send me a number! Feel free to reblog and play the game with your followers. Also, feel free to mix and match names. If there's a character you want that's not listed just add it yourself! There are no rules when it comes to this. 1. Spock, Kirk, McCoy 2. Chapel, Uhura, Rand 3. Scotty, Sulu, Chekov 4. Picard, Riker, Data 5. Troi, Beverly Crusher, Yar 6. Geordi, Worf, O'Brien 7. Number One (Majel Barret), Pike, Kirk 8. Sisko, Kira, Jadzia Dax 9. Odo, Quark, Rom 10. Garak, Bashir, Keiko 11. Janeway, Chakotay, Tuvok 12. Torres, Paris, Kim 13. Seven of Nine, Kes, Doctor 14. Neelix, Borg Queen, Seska 15. Archer, Tucker, Reed 16. T'Pol, Sato, Mayweather 17. Phlox, K'Ehyler, Amanda Grayson 18. Dukat, Kai Winn, Female Founder 19. Kahn, T'Pring, Pulaski 20. Wesley Crusher, Jake Sisko, Ezri Dax 21. Lwaxana Troi, Christine Chapel, Number One (Majel Barret)
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