My MyDay story is kinda funny lol. I had a roommate who was into kpop and the only song that stuck to me was Shoot Me by Day6 but I didn’t think too much about it until I lived with a different girl who was a kpop dance instructor in her home country. She taught a group of us the basics of Whistle by Blackpink and it made me remember that one song I had liked a few months before, and I decided to listen to a shuffle of their other songs on spotify and oh boy I was Hooked. I was raised on 80s/90s rock and I felt like these day6 guys had that same passion that I was missing in a lot of modern pop.
I was just going to listen to them casually but then actually. lol. Wonpil’s voice initially bugged me so bad that I just had to know who he was. After that I wanted to match faces and names to voices so I started watching day6 content like jae6 (may the channel rest in peace 😔)
Jae was kind of my first bias because he was just so accessible as a brand new English-speaking fan, but then I thought that Dowoon was so dorky and adorable so I sort of gravitated to him. I ended up permanently falling for the one and only Mr. Park Sungjin when he started his Bob Sungjin twitter account (may it also rest in peace 😔 stupid hackers) and I saw all the effort he made in his roles as a leader, songwriter, vocalist, and musician, and how down-to-earth he was after all of it. That guy is passion embodied even though he’s quiet about it sometimes and it was just so attractive to me. Still is haha no need for the past tense I suppose
I did end up slowly getting into other bands and regular kpop groups and even though sungjin isn’t my ult anymore he’s still a veeeery close second 🥰
—Rachel <3
ohh that's quite a journey haha! my best friend made me listen to hi hello and it was such a soft song (i barely listened to any 'soft' songs at that time) and i thought it wasn't my taste but then i couldn't get it out of my head. and yes, wonpil's voice was what made me listen to it again and once i started listening to their other comebacks, i was done for. i was also listening to a lot of rock when i was little so day6's sound has a nostalgic value for me.
jae attracts fans, yes! he was my first bias too honestly i'm more ot5 (like sungjin at top and the rest right after LOL) but his sense of humour and his relatable personality did it to me. jae6 was my fav thing ever too and sungjin's account 😔😔 i miss that time a lot
the day6 fever never stopped honestly there's always a day6 or a day6's member's song in my playlist. i only listened to a few bands after (the rose and onewe, really good discography both of them) but i discovered day6 at a low point in my life so they're always going to be my comfort group 🥰
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chooseid · 3 years
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whoamikiding15 · 4 years
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stay-trash-2017 · 5 years
BuzzFeed: how many marshmallows can Dowoon fit in his mouth?
Dowoon: 15
Wonpil: you're a hazard to society
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Jae: Wtf Wonpil just threw a milk carton at me how dairy
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neomuni · 4 years
I think it's great that Jae speaks out and that netizens are paying attention and calling attention to it
but at the same time I can't help but worry that Jae getting JYPE 'bad publicity' like this is going to backfire and give JYPE an excuse to cut him off or otherwise mistreat the band even more than right now
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iamtiredandstressed · 4 years
I was excited to discover that I actually share personality types with a few idols! I'm INTP so I didn't think there would be any. But Jin (BTS), Jae (Day6), and Hyunsik (BTOB) are all INTP!! My day is made 😋
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jae-bummer · 5 years
Take One for the Team
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Request: Day6 Jae + prompt no 1 please? Have a nice day 💕    
1) ”Here’s a concept…me and you…married.” 
Pairing: Day6 Jae x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Stretching your leg across the bed, you subconsciously searched the sheets for any source of warmth. It was freezing in your apartment, and surely your pet was somewhere close. It wasn’t uncommon for you to sponge off of his tiny warmth, so when your foot didn’t touch fur, you became more determined.
With your eyes still locked shut and your head pounding from the incoming hangover, you rolled across your mattress until you finally halted at the small creature you were looking for.
Humming happily, you nuzzled your face into a pillow, and sighed. Pushing an arm out, you wrapped your arm around him, but furrowed your brows.
This was not your pet.
Your brain was groggy with a mix of sleep and possible alcohol poisoning as you patted the warm area feverishly.
Warm, soft, human skin.
Your eyes flew open to assess the man laying beside you.
There was a stranger.
In. Your. Bed.
Holding your breath, you slowly pulled the blankets up to gaze down at your body. Loosening that breath, relief flooded through your anxiety ridden chest as you confirmed you were still wearing the clothes you had gone out in the night before. You left the comforter off of your body as you began to slide across the sheets and away from the guy stationed on the opposite side of the bed.
“Who are you?” you murmured, furrowing your brows. You tried to search desperately through your memory, but were only met with fuzzy recollections. Most of the night had been a blur from drinking, but you didn’t realize you were THAT intoxicated.
Swallowing your pride, you reached for your cell phone on the nightstand, and heaved yourself off of the mattress. On top of having some creep snoozing beside you all night, you also felt like someone beat you with a baseball bat. Struggling across the bedroom, you finally eased out of the door, and into the living area. Dialing your best friends number, you swore you could count your heart beats in between rings.
“Mmm?” she grumbled into the phone.
“What in the frickity frack happened last night?” you hissed. “And please tell me you know the person currently in my bed.”
“Ehehehe,” she chuckled, still drowsy as well. “You actually went home with him?”
“Correction,” you sighed. “He went home with me. And before you get excited, no, we didn’t sleep together.”
“I mean, you did technically,” she laughed.
“By the pure definition of the term, yes, it appears that we slept beside each other,” you muttered, keeping a cautious watch on the bedroom door. “But nothing more happened than that. Now who is he?”
“His name is Jae,” she said through a yawn. “He showed up shortly after you started drinking. Once you became thoroughly smashed, you couldn’t shut up about how cute he was.”
Lifting your brows, you shuffled over to the bedroom, and cracked the door. Peering inside, you assessed the man quietly. He looked thin, a bit lanky, but had a cute face. Strong jaw and strong cheekbones were the perfect frame for his sleep-ridden smile. You tilted your head as you continued to look at him, only stopping once your friend began to speak again.
“Y/N? Are you there?”
“Yeah,” you grumbled, backing away from the door. “He’s okay, I guess.”
“If only you could ask the you from last night what you thought about him,” she hummed. “You were smitten.”
“And that was enough for you, as my friend, to give him the green light to go home with me?” you groaned.
“We have mutual friends,” she sighed. “They said you’d be fine.”
“But what if I wasn’t,” you hissed, more than annoyed. “You let me go home with a stranger. I could have been halfway across the country in his trunk by now.”
“You should really stop watching true crime shows,” she clucked.
“And you should watch more,” you grumbled. “How do I get him to leave?”
“I dunno,” she muttered. “Get back into bed and pretend you’re asleep. If you’re asleep long enough, surely he’ll see himself out.”
“What if he wakes me up,” you muttered, biting at a nail. You had never been in a situation even remotely like this before, and frankly you were surprised with yourself.
“Then you kindly ask him to leave,” she sighed. “Can I go back to sleep now?”
“I guess,” you groaned, eying the door to your bedroom again. You swore you had heard a cough. “Thanks for the update. It’s been illuminating.”
Without uttering another word, your friend hung up, causing you to roll your eyes.
Taking a deep breath, you attempted to encourage yourself to step back into the bedroom, but found something holding you back. The reality of the situation had exhausted you while you were already feeling less than your normal self. If you asked him to leave, was he the type to get angry? Would he expect more from you than what you were willing to give? You didn’t know anything about him, and the assertion that you had mutual friends who said he was “okay” was not comforting.
You balled your fists and let your cuticles create half moon circles in your palm. This had to happen sooner or later, so time to pull off the band-aid.
Tilting your head, you attempted to catch sight of your target before allowing your body in the room. Nearly choking on your breath, your eyes grew wide as you noticed the boy who was previously asleep was now very much awake.
“Well hello,” he croaked, his morning voice attractive enough to stop any thought process you were attempting to verbalize.
“Hi,” you whispered, remaining stationed in the doorway.
“Not to be awkward, but this is awkward,” he grinned, running a hand through his already disheveled hair.
You nodded. “Thanks for bringing light to the obvious.”
“I think it’s healthy to address when things get weird,” he chuckled. “Not that you’re weird. Just this situation...is a little weird.”
You nodded again, unsure of what to say.
“So...you come here often?” he grinned.
Trying not to roll your eyes, you shuffled into the room, and sat on the edge of the bed. “Look, I don’t want to give you the wrong idea, but-”
“Let me guess,” he hummed. “You don’t do this often?”
“I don’t!” you gasped, instantly getting annoyed.
“I’m not trying to suggest you do!” he laughed. “Sorry, just trying to cut the tension a bit...I don’t do this either.”
“Listen, Jae, I’m sure you’re a nice kid-”
“You remembered my name,” he smirked.
“Not technically,” you sighed, feeling heat creep up your neck. Talk about embarrassing.
“I was wondering who you were talking to in the hallway,” he nodded. “Calling around to figure out who’s in your bed?”
“For someone who hasn’t done this before, you sound awfully seasoned,” you grumbled, crossing your arms.
“For someone who hasn’t done this before, you sound awfully defensive,” he smiled.
“Is now a bad time to ask you to leave?” you groaned, already done with this exchange.
“And here I was, considering we could be soulmates,” he laughed. “But I can tell when I’m being dismissed.”
“Such acute skills in self awareness,” you muttered. “Not as if I already asked you to leave.”
“Before I go,” he hummed, pushing himself from the bed and tugging down at his clothes. “Here’s a concept...me and you...married.”
“Please leave,” you winced.
“Can I at least get your number or something?” he asked. “I mean, certainly you did like me at one point.”
“Probably before you started talking,” you sighed.
“So, is that a yes?” he asked, holding his phone out before him.
Rolling your eyes, you extended your hand, and took his phone. For a moment, you considered putting in a fake number, but a subconscious part of you may have still had a little hope for him. Handing his phone back, you motioned toward the door wordlessly. 
“Y/N,” he nodded, glancing at the screen. “I was wondering.”
“You didn’t know my name?” you choked.
“Don’t be offended,” he laughed. Pushing his heels into his shoes, he glanced over his shoulder with his hand on the door knob. “It’s not like you knew mine either. I do prefer to know who I’m kissing though.”
“We kissed?” you nearly screeched. He could remember that, but he couldn’t remember your name?
“If you need me to jog your memory,” he grinned. “You know how to find me.”
You held your face between your hands and stared into the coffee cup before you. It had only been a few hours since you had opted to abandon your apartment for the privacy and quiet of a cafe.
You weren’t sure if you were mortified or irritated at the exchange that had occurred between you and Jae, but you couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Or him.
He had so easily gotten under your skin, but admittedly, you had allowed him to. You were so worried about how he perceived you, that you hadn’t stopped to realize that you were in the same position. He had gone home with a stranger just as you had. If he were going to pass judgement on you, he deserved just as much.
But that was the thing...he hadn’t passed judgement. Maybe that was why you were so thrown off by your interactions with him. You expected him to find you easy. You had expected for him to continue to try to find a way into your pants.
Which he may try to do in the future now that he had your number...
but honestly, he didn’t seem like the type.
Glancing to your phone, you heaved a sigh. Surprisingly, you had almost expected him to text you by now, but maybe he didn’t want to press his luck.
And furthering the surprise, you were kind of disappointed he hadn’t.
“Fancy seeing you here,” a familiar voice bellowed from above you.
You had been stationed at the cafe for a few hours, working on emails and generally daydreaming about the events of that morning. It seemed like a safe place to hideout from friends and potential love interests until you had heard that voice.
You had seriously considered that your daydreams had taken on a life of their own, but as you glanced up through your lashes, you had almost forgotten how to breath.
“Do you have my location enabled on your phone?” you gasped, furrowing your brows.
“I think I’d have to get into your phone to be able to do that,” he grinned, sliding into the chair opposite you. “No, this is just a happy accident.”
“For who?” you grumbled.
“Both of us I’d say,” he chuckled. “I know you like me, even if it is against your better judgement.”
You rolled your eyes and leveled him with a stare.
“I’m guessing you’re not responding because it’s true?” he grinned. “This lanky nerd with a heart of gold has totally caught your interest.”
“How can you have so much confidence for a blonde praying mantis?” you muttered.
“Because I’m an adorable blonde, praying mantis,” he chuckled. “And for the record, that one stung a bit.”
“Because truth hurts?” you smiled.
“If it’s true, what does that say about you?” he hummed. “You’re attracted to this praying mantis after all.”
“It says I’m an entomologist with bad taste, I guess,” you smirked.
“I’ve never had someone simultaneously insult me and hit on me,” he sighed. “I have to admit, I’m kind of in to it.”
“Only kind of?”
“What do you say...” he murmured, his voice suddenly softer as he leaned forward. “We actually go on a real date?”
“Perish the thought,” you grinned, clutching at your chest in feign shock.
“You don’t have to tell me it’s revolutionary,” he chuckled. “An actual date? In the twenty-first century?”
“Go on.”
“We’ll go to an arcade, and I’ll buy us soft pretzels,” he nodded. “Afterwards, we’ll split a chocolate milkshake and I’ll even let you have the cherry.”
“So chivalrous.”
“And then, I’ll remind you that I’m a fantastic kisser, but only if it’s consensual.”
“Consensual affection, very sexy,” you smiled.
“We’ll finish up with me walking you to your door because I know where you live, which sounds very creepy outside of our previous history,” he hummed. “And I won’t expect to be invited into your bed.”
“Good because you’re not,” you laughed.
“Good,” he smiled. “So...will you go on a date with me?”
You nodded slowly before continuing quietly. “No one has ever formally asked me on a date before.”
“Seems like I’m the first for you in a lot of ways,” he smirked.
“Keep comments like that to yourself if you want me to say yes.”
He laughed, his smile growing wider. “So?”
“So?” you echoed.
“Do I have to ask again?”
“It would be nice,” you grinned.
“Will you, Y/N the misguided entomologist, please grant me the pleasure, of going on a real date with me?”
“I guess so,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “If I have to.”
His grin only grew wider with your words. “Someone has to take one for the team.”
You nodded, biting your lip. “Might as well be me.”
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jukkaettda · 4 years
2020.08.26 eajpark ig story
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maximura · 4 years
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“If you want to succeed in music, you don’t have to be good at singing. You just have to mean what you sing.”
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What a solid mood
Don't forget to stream LA TRAINS and Otherside on his Jae6 youtube channel and Soundcloud!!!
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whoamikiding15 · 4 years
My bae out there doing the lord's work and making 2021 a better year like
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randomwordthings · 5 years
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jisungs-tummy · 5 years
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☆Fall/Sweater Weather Jae Wallpaper/Lockscreen☆
Like or reblog if you save!
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nubnubblr · 4 years
If You Do. 28 Still Detoxing...
We got to his house, I hadn't actually been here before, probably because of the whole Shawn also lives here thing. Doobin closed the door behind us as I heard footsteps thudding through the house. Seconds later a large grey husky ran directly towards him. Needless to say, the way he was with animals made him more attractive.
"Oh my god," I cooed over the puppy.
"This is Ookami," he introduced patting his dog on the head.
"Awe," I sat down on the floor and patted him.
"What are you doing? I thought we were going to bone?"
"That was before I knew you had a puppy," I retorted without looking away from Ookami.
"Can't we just leave and come back tomorrow?" I sighed.
"No Thea," Shawn sighed.
We had already been sitting here for an hour an half and I still hadn't even gotten an x-ray. Apparently, everyone had decided that today would be the best time to hurt themselves.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when a message from Charlie came through.
ChaCha: WHy didn't you tell me Doobin had a puppy?
Thea: Because, attractive guys having animals and raising them right it like 100000000 times more attractive to you.
ChaCha: I see your point.
Thea: Have you seen Lexi yet?
ChaCha: Who is Lexi...?
Thea: Shawn's princess
I replied as they finally called my name. Austin one side of me and Shawn the other helped me up and assisted me in walking over to where I needed to go.
"You looked stressed," I commented waling into the bar. BM looked like he was on the verge of pulling his own hair out.
"Just a little, do you need something?" He asked not looking up from the paperwork in front of him.
"No, but it seems like you might, what's up?"
"I fired Austin this morning,"
"About time," I nodded.
"So now there is no one to cook and we open in ten minutes," he vented.
"Why did you fire him without having someone to fill his place?" I frowned.
"It was a heat of the moment thing, I wasn't really thinking it through,"
"Why don't you ask Thea to come and cook?" I suggested. He just looked at me with an 'are you serious?' expression.
"I know you're not really talking to each other right now but she will drop everything to help you out and you know it," I shrugged.
"I don't need her help," he stated flatly.
"Can't your kitchen hands cook the food? I mean it's not like they weren't already carrying the entire workload of the kitchen," I pointed out.
"Technically for today that will work," he sighed clearly not thinking of that option.
"Well then do that for today and then you have time to work out what you're going to do for tomorrow," I stated.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Doobin asked casually slipping a pair of pants on.
"I could eat," I shrugged catching my breath. I wasn't so sure Thea's theory was going to work, but it was fun trying to find out.
He didn't reply, he just smirked at me and left the room. I was so entangled with DOobin that I had forgotten that Shawn could come home at any moment, I wasn't worried about Koosung I know he had classes all day. In a slight panic, I messaged Thea.
Charlie: Are you still with Shawn?
Theo: Yep.
Charlie: How long do you think you can keep him busy?
Theo: Probably the rest of the day, don't rush, we're stuck in the hospital.
Charlie: When you said you would keep him distracted I didn't think that meant you would injure him.
Theo: He is perfectly fine, I didn't do anything to him.
Charlie: ....Did you fall over?
Theo: Why don't you just focus on getting Doobin in and out of your system? I'll message you if Shawn leaves.
Charlie: I'll take that as a yes...
Theo: I faked a fall to distract Shawn who was coming to find you, you happened to be in a room with his brother and no supervision, so you're welcome.
Charlie: Oh so you're fine and wasting their time at the hospital?
Theo: Just go get laid and leave Shawn to me.
Charlie: Nk.
I rolled my eyes stretching out my already relaxed muscles. I slid on my underwear and threw on a shirt making my way out of the room. a small kitten ran across the lounge room towards the kitchen where it stopped at Doobin's feet. It sat down next and looked up at him then meowed.
"Meow," he cooed down at it, I leant against the bedroom door frame and watched the kitten circle his feet. He pulled a piece of whatever meat he was frying in the pan and set it on the bench as the kitten meowed at him again.
"It's hot, you have to wait," he told it softly. It meowed at him again, a little louder this time.
"Did Shawn forget your breakfast this morning?" he frowned setting the spatula on the edge of the frypan and walking to the pantry. He pulled out a small tin of cat food and emptied the contents into the little pink bowl on the floor next to the counter.
"Jesus," I let out a sigh when he noticed me standing there.
"My bad," I smirked.
"I think you're the one that should be wearing the bell," I stated.
"Is that a kink of yours?" I raised an eyebrow pushing off the door frame and making my way over to the kitchen.
"Wouldn't you like to know,"
"Mature," I shook my head.
"So who is this?"
"That's Lexi, she's Shawn's kitten. She only loves me when he's not around,"
"Or because you have food,"
"I can have food when he is around and she doesn't even want to come near me, I swear Shawn thinks I'm mean to her when he's not home," Doobin frowned down at her. She'd finished her food and was back at his feet purring and rubbing up against his ankles for the chicken he had set aside to cool.
"You just attract all kinds of cats, huh?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Seriously?" I sighed.
"I'm afraid so," the doctor nodded.
"I hate my life," I mumbled.
"I told you," Shawn stated.
"There is no need to rub it in," Austin frowned at him.
"I'm just saying, she wanted to go home and ignore it,"
"Can you two bicker outside? The doctor is trying to speak," I shook my head.
"Sorry," they both mumbled.
"As I was saying, it's a fairly fine fracture but the placement is the issue. You're going to have to wear a moon boot and keep all weight off it for the next 4 weeks, then we'll talk about gradually putting weight back on it. So for the time being, moon boot and crutches, and stay off it,"
"You want her to sit still for 4 weeks?" Shawn raised an eyebrow.
"That's what she needs to do," the doctor nodded.
"She's going to go stir crazy," Austin commented.
"Would you two shut up?" I sighed.
"So, how is this mystery girl going? Are you dating yet?" Jessie asked.
"Not yet, we've only met a few times in person," I shook my head.
I wasn't sure she wanted to even date me anyway, she didn't seem to be looking for something serious and I wasn't interested in something that wasn't monogamous. She was a great person and given the chance I would definitely date her but at the end of the day, we both have to want a relationship for that to be possible.
"So? You're just taking it slow then?"
"We're getting to know each other, we haven't talked about dating yet," I tried to shrug the subject off but she didn't seem to want to let it go.
"Is she crazy?"
"No, she's a great girl, a little bit unpredictable when she's drunk but who isn't? We're just testing the waters so to speak to see if we both want the same thing,"
"Well, if you don't then I'm sure there's a girl out there who shares your values and wants the same thing as you do," she gave a small smile.
"This is stupid," I huffed sinking into the couch.
"It's also necessary," Shawn stated.
"Oh yeah? Would you sit still and not do anything for 8 weeks?"
"He said 4,"
"He said for to 6 no weight-bearing but 8 to 12 for a full recovery and don't change the subject," I frowned.
"Seeing as dancing in my livelihood I wouldn't really have a choice, if I didn't stay still it would just get worse," he pointed out.
"You're annoying me," I huffed again.
"You're just in pain," he shrugged my attitude off.
"You're a pain," I retorted.
"Chill little lady, we'll just hang out and watch movies, eat junk food, and wait for Charlie to get home," Austin sunk in next to me.
"Did you just call me little lady?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Not if that means you're going to hit me," he gave an apologetic smile.
"Fine, but I want clinkers," I sighed.
"I'm on it," he jumped up from the couch, probably more to retreat from me than to actually volunteer.
"You stay with her and I'll get supplies," Austin took SHawn's keys out of his hand.
"Why does everyone steal my car?" he shook his head.
"Because your keys are always accessible," I shrugged.
He didn't respond, he just sat down next to me. I wasn't going to lie, I enjoyed the company, I mean I if I am being completely honest I wanted my dad, but I usually did when I hurt myself and was in pain. I'm not really sure why it was my dad and not my mum but that's the way it's always been, every time I got hurt when I was a kid or when I was sick I just wanted my dad.
"Charlie should be home soon and then you can kick me out," he stated when I let out a sigh.
Really I was just bored and annoyed at myself, there were so many other ways I could have distracted Shawn and instead, I chose a fake fall which resulted in an actual injury which is going to take weeks to recover from.
"I don't want to kick you out," I stated, I didn't really think that Charlie was going to be home anytime soon, and the longer Shawn stays here, the longer she stays with Doobin and can hopefully get the temptation for him out of her system.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Can you please pass me my phone?" I pointed to the cabinet next to the door.
"Seriously? I meant like getting you a glass of water, or something not in this room," he teased.
"I can get it myself if you like," I started getting up.
"Don't even," he frowned at me getting my phone.
"Am I that boring that you need your phone?" he raised an eyebrow.
"I want to ring my dad," I rolled my eyes at him.
"Really?" He frowned at me.
All I really did was complain about my dad, I mean don't get me wrong I understood where he was coming from but he was always going the wrong way about it, in his defence her was used to giving orders rather than suggestions.
"Yeah," I nodded. He just shrugged and got me my phone.
"I'm going to make a coffee, do you want one?" He asked as I dialled my dad's number. I just shook my head and waited for dad to answer.
It kept ringing, I thought he might be at work and wasn't going to answer but on the last ring, he answered.
"Hey baby girl, can I call you back in five?" He sounded rushed.
A second later he hung up. I had been handling the pain fairly well up until this point, but him hanging up even though I knew he was going to call me back in a few minutes seemed to smash through the emotional block I had been holding and I started to cry.
"Thea?" I heard Shawns voice seconds after I reluctantly let out a loud sob.
"I'm fine," I choked out.
"What's wrong?" he frowned at me from the lounge room door.
"Nothing," I tried to wave him off, but he just walked over to me which didn't help me stop crying, it just made the want stronger. He sighed placing his cup on the coffee table, sitting down next to me he pulled me into a hug.
"I brought snacks!" Austin burst into the room, holding bags full of whatever he had just bought, up in the air.
"Dude, I was gone like 15 minutes, what did you do to her?" Austin frowned dropping his hands.
"Nothing," Shawn defended himself.
I stretched out, even with my eyes close my room was way too bright. I frowned, my room was never bright, I peered through one eye and looked around, I shot up when I realised that I wasn't in my room, I was still in Doobin's room, and it was the next day.
I wasn't really sure what to do, what if Shawn was home? I couldn't just walk out there, how would I explain that? I looked for my phone but couldn't find it, I wanted to slap myself when I remembered I left it on the kitchen counter. What if Shawn was home? Isn't not like my phone case wasn't recognisable, it was bright pink with an alpaca phone ring on the back.
I wanted to kill Doobin, why would he let me fall asleep here? Why wouldn't he wake me up? I almost groaned out loud, instead, I froze when I heard Doobin talking. I felt like I wanted to throw up, how was I getting out of here without getting caught? The door handle turned slowly and I panicked ducking under the covers, I'm not sure how that was going to save me from this situation but at least if it was Shawn checking on his brother he wouldn't know what girl was in his bed.
"Are you awake?" I heard Doobins voice, I didn't trust my own and I was scared that Shawn would recognise it, so I just made a noise.
"You can stop hiding, Shawn is still looking after Thea and Koosung didn't come home last night, he won't be home for another couple of hours,"
I hesitantly pulled the blanket down, peering over the top of it I saw Doobining wearing nothing but boxer briefs and a smirk, holding a cup and a plate with what looked like jam and cream covered scones.
"What is wrong with you?" I frowned at him getting out of bed, looking for my clothes.
"Good morning to you too, you're welcome for the tea and breakfast," he didn't seem to be affected by my attitude.
"Good morning? You let me sleep here, what if your brother had of come home? Or Koosung? You think he knows how to keep a secret?" I started getting dressed.
"Relax, Shawn texted me saying he wasn't coming home and that Koosung was visiting his mum, not long after Thea text you telling you Shawn was staying there and that she would explain today. Besides that I tried to wake you up, as you can see I failed," he shrugged.
"Clearly you didn't try hard enough,"
"Or I tried to hard which is why you were so tired," he smirked.
"You're unbelievable,"
"I've heard that before, so, morning sex?" he offered. taking a bite of the scone.
"Did you bake those?" I frowned, please say no.
"Yeah, fresh this morning," he nodded, I dropped my shirt on the floor instead of putting it on.
"Fine, but then I'm going home," I sighed.
"What did you do?" Charlie frowned at me walking into the lounge room, I smirked at her, it was almost 2.30, which meant she either slept in, which I doubt, or she got laid again this morning.
"What have you been doing?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Stayed at a friend's, had some breakfast, I couldn't say no to fresh scones," she shrugged.
"Did she bake them herself?"
"Yep," was all she said dropping her back by the door.
"Well, now that you've got someone to supervise you, I'm going to make sure my unsupervised brother hasn't destroyed my house," Shawn stated, getting up from the couch where I had been made to stay since I woke up this morning.
"I'm sure he found a way to occupy himself, and I don't need supervision," I frowned realising what he had said.
"Seriously, what did you do?"
"Minor injury," I shrugged.
"She broke her foot, she's not allowed to put weight on it for 4 weeks," Shawn dobbed me in.
"How did you manage that?"
"Dancing," I shrugged.
"I'm off, I'll call you later,"
"Bye, thank you," I called after him.
I waited until I heard the car before I spoke again, once I was sure that he was gone I smirked up at Charlie who just rolled her eyes at me.
"Have fun?"
"Clearly more than you," she retorted.
"Did you bone all night or did you take a break?"
"I fell asleep,"
"Damn, remind me to high five the kid,"
"Don't call him a kid," she frowned.
"Because I just spent the last 36 hours boning him,"
"Clearly not the whole time if you fell asleep,"
"What did you do to your leg?" she changed the subject.
"Nothing, let's go back to talking about you boning a kid," I huffed.
"I gather from your avoidance that it was embarrassing," she laughed.
"I did if covering for you,"
"Shawn was going to come looking for you, I had to do something, I had just seen you and Doobin go into a room together, so I faked a fall," I shrugged.
"Faked a fall,"
"The fake fall resulted in a real injury," I muttered.
"I can see that, but to be fair there were plenty of other things you could have done to get his attention," she shrugged.
"Like what?"
"I don't know, taken your shirt off?"
"In the middle of a class?"
"Wouldn't be the first time,"
"That was a sports class and some hoe had just attacked me with juice to try and embarrass me,"
"She should have known you were more than capable of doing that all by yourself,"
"I'm going to shower,"
"You should probably wash the smell of child off of yourself before people come over,"
"What people," she paused.
"Well, considering I'm stuck here, and it would be irresponsible of me to go out anywhere I thought that I would invite Jackson over," she shrugged.
"But he's bringing Mark," she tried to mumble.
"Ew, why?"
"I don't know, maybe he feels weird about sitting alone with two girls," she stated defensively.
"Do you want me to see if Jae and Sam want to come by too? We can turn it into a game night ro something?"
"I'll call them,"
"Just tell them not to bring BM," she mumbled.
She didn't mean it though. This was the longest the two had gone without speaking, actually, I think it was the only time in the history of their friendship that the had actually intentionally not talked to each other. Maybe getting them both together in one room would actually help, they would be forced to at least acknowledge each other.
"Yo," Jae answered his phone pausing the tv. I frowned at him, we were literally in the middle of the good part of the movie.
"Dude," Sam sighed.
"What? Oh right, he dies," he waved us off.
"Dude!" Sam and I frowned simultaneously.
"Well he does," Jae shrugged.
"We should know better than to watch a movie with him, he's managed to see them all before we get to them," Sam stated.
"No, I just have Tumblr and twitter,"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening," he rolled his eyes at whoever was on the other end of the phone.
"I'll ask, but I'll be there. Yeah, like that will happen, kay, later," he hung up.
"You up for a game night at the girls?" Jae asked, he was looking directly at Sam which gave me the impression that I wasn't invited.
"Well, it's not like there's a point in watching this movie anymore,"
"Oh, you're not invited," Jae shook his head at me.
"Seriously?" I frowned.
"Have you apologised yet?" Sam asked.
"For what?"
"And that's why you're not invited,"
"Well go on then," I rolled my eyes.
"I didn't say you couldn't come, I just said that you weren't invited, I don't care if you come or not, I would actually prefer if you did come along," Jae shrugged again.
"Why? So I can drive?"
"Well that too, but it's highly entertaining for me and I want to see how long it takes for Thea to stab you,"
"She won't stab me,"
"Right, she doesn't stab her friends like someone I know," he smirked.
"Dude," Sam frowned.
"Too soon?"
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smittenbyschmidt · 5 years
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park jaehyung & white for @korean-memes-for-the-seoul ☁️
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