#kh 'those that remain' au
yankaze · 2 months
KH OC week 2024 - Day 2: Past What was your character creation process like?
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this one will be morally difficult for me 😭😭
I didn't find much old art to show, but I think these ones will say a lot.
Hajime as a character has existed since 2016. In March 2016 (I was 13 uuum 13 ehem) I learned about KH and somewhere around the same time I came up with this, at that time - eh, I don't know- at least unoriginal character who was literally a goth Roxas (I didn't knew about the existence of AUs idk, and Roxas is already ''emo boy'', but 2007 was almost here idkkk, we can joke about it for a very long time actually, but the fact remains a fact).
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His name changed many times and there was no special meaning behind them (Sea, Syon), I just liked the way they sounded. I can answer the question why I named him ''Hajime'' right now. Internet says: ''Hajime (Japanese: はじめ) is a Japanese name meaning "beginning" (初め, 始め)''. I liked the way it sounded and its meaning and it gave me a hint where to move the character's story now.
+ in the Hajime's story he chooses this name for himself, because obviously no one gave name to him, but he needed a word to talk about himself and (i'm not sure about that) in the book he finds this name and I can say that it was chosen by him randomly.
He had a terrible written story on the basis of some other AU (???) and without сorvalol I can’t read it, even though it’s stored somewhere in my old dms from those years, I still don’t want to show it 😭
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Around 2017 and up until 2019, I tried to make... something... out of him. It feels more like I just periodically returned to KH in a fit of baseless nostalgia and I really wanted to shove a “piece of myself” into this universe (which was already tired of me lmao).
2019 reminded me about KH in the form of KH III release and... this character again (+ my friend's kh oc- Jun).
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I think that for a long time I didn't wanted to fundamentally change his concept (which was literally just that he exists and somehow travels around the worlds) because I was emotionally attached to this character. In essence, he was not just a character for me, but also memories that were triggered by each repeated hyperfixation on this universe.
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It seems to me that the most obvious indicator of how I jumped back and forth into the KH universe is noticeable by the fact that it gave me the opportunity to look at one of my redraw series with this character through the years.
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From 2020 to 2023 there was a long lull with this character.
2023 has been jUiCy in rethinking from the start because the long break gave me the opportunity to finally stop give in to nostalgia (or at least less) and loosen my emotional attachments to unworkable concepts. Therefore, this character now has the opportunity to finally become something better than a copy of another character.
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However, this epic attempt was quickly abandoned as soon as the hyperfix ended.
We've reached the present time (mid-2024).
I slammed my fist on the table and decided to finally play through ALL the Kingdom Hearts games (that was therapy for my soul) and finally my understanding of KH universe became kinda complete (I still don't understand everything, the plot is very complex u'know). From what I began to understand, I decided to give this character another chance and close this damned gestalt.
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This story is still ongoing, but I told in general details everything that happened to this character all these 8 years. This actually shows not only how the character changed, but also how I changed as an artist. Even my ''psychological problems'' can be seen through this story, and what amazes me the most is how over the years, using Hajime as an example, my drawing skills improved.
At such moments, you understand that you are not standing still and thoughts about "I have no progress in my art" no longer arise.
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yodepalma · 18 days
Surprise self-rec time! Pick 3 of your favorite things you’ve written and share them here, then put this in the inbox (anonymously or not) of your fellow writers to spread the positivity and help celebrate already written fics 💞
I spent a ridiculously long time overthinking this, primarily because I literally could not choose a favorite of my Kingdom Hearts fics. So I'm cheating! I'm basically picking 3 fics from 3 different fandoms, just so I can be indecisive about KH.
Final Fantasy XV
1. At the top of this one I'm going to have to put Hardest of Hearts. This is purely because it was my first foray into the crackship that would end up eating my life, and I have to thank it for its service.
2. Equally well-loved is Sir Stabby and Friends. I had so much fun creating little robot friends for Prompto to make! And the unexpected OT4 was a nice bonus.
3. And a VERY close second to those is going to be Jewel of the Sea. I love soulmate fics SO MUCH y'all don't even understand, but I very rarely end up writing them. And despite it being another rarepair I feel like it really helped me flesh out my voice for Prompto and Dino.
Fullmetal Alchemist
1. This fandom is significantly easier, though I do have to do bonus cheating for this. Number one is Ruin the Sky. You will pry my scifi AUs out of my cold, dead hands.
2. Next is going to be Nine Lives Cafe. This one was just fun to write! And there was a surprising amount of thought put into it in the background, although I'm sad to say I'm sad to say that I lost my notes for continuing it several years ago and it's doomed to be ""completed"" as is.
3. And finally the part where we double cheat: the Dragon Scars series. It is the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written in my life. Mark my words, one day I WILL finish writing this bitch.
Kingdom Hearts
And finally, the reason for the cheating: I literally can't pick a favorite of these three.
1. Time of Your Life. Listen, 99.9% of the stuff I write is fluff or at least has a happy ending. And some sort of AU. This stupid crackship fic is a tragedy, entirely canon, and I am actually very pleased with the pacing of it. And, seriously, it's the only thing I ever finished that doesn't have a happy ending. I can't help but love it.
2. The Song That No One Sings. Another one for the crackships, but otherwise the polar opposite of the above. It's just a soft, simple urban fantasy romance. I do wish I'd actually fully fleshed out the worldbuilding for this, but we can't have everything.
3. The Forest. Not for any particular reason, I'm just still very fond of the fairy tale style writing I did. But I'm still sad that this remains my least read/liked fic for this fandom.
(And I'd also like to throw out honorable mentions to The End of the Beginning and Crumpled Memories, the two Good Omens fics I don't entirely hate. As well as Best Friends, a deeply unserious Ronin Warriors fic that basically wrote itself.)
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saunteredserpent · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤️
hiii Jenna thank you for sending this in 🩷
I would say,, my personal top five fics I've written would have to be, in no specific order of absolute favorite, would be:
Fair Day
Whatever I Had, I Finally Sat Alone
Andante, Andante
We Can Speak In Flowers
And Maybe, Just Maybe I'll Come Home
ngl I'm for some reason actually lowkey nervous about the fact that these are all only kingdom hearts fics and that I haven't written and posted nearly enough for any of my other fandoms (looks at my good omens florist!Crowley au I started writing a few months ago and posted the first chapter of but that I still have yet to update. sweats.) but. I'll give a brief synopsis for these fics, as well as my personal thoughts and feelings regarding each one, below the readmore:
Fair Day was a sorikai request fluff fic I got a few years ago, and to this day I still think it turned out really cute and fluffy for sure. essentially, the plot for this one is Kairi breaks her leg and is bored/frustrated being cooped up at home while in recovery, and the boys decide to cheer her up by taking her to the Destiny Islands' yearly fair. cute and fluffy shenanigans ensue.
WIHIFSA is a post-DDD, pre-III Sora character study fic I wrote for a now former friend, and even though I'm no longer friends with that person the fic itself is one of the pieces I'm still proud of having written ngl. I wanted to tap into Sora's headspace and emotions regarding... pretty much everything leading up to that point, and I feel like I might have done a decent job? I mean, I did give the poor kid a lowkey anxiety attack in the fic itself, but. y'know. he deserves to have those moments where he breaks down, and I will not take criticism or questions on this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Andante, Andante is the post-kh III terraqua fic I wrote back after the game came out. it remains to be both the first ever kingdom hearts fic I ever wrote and the first one I ever posted, and it's one that as a result of this will forever hold a special place in my heart tbh.
We Can Speak In Flowers is a Kairi and Leon friendship piece I actually wrote as a gift for a roleplay partner of mine (who ofc writes Leon/Squall where I write Kairi), and is by far in my opinion quite possibly one of the BEST fics I've written, even for being a oneshot. I had a fun time researching flower language and flower symbolisms for the fic itself and while I was admittedly also somewhat anxious about how I portrayed Leon for this one, I feel like I managed to pull off his characterization decently enough.
and finally, last but not least: And Maybe, Just Maybe I'll Come Home is another one that just. honestly remains to hold a special place in my heart forever. it's an au I wrote after watching the DreamWorks Sinbad movie and thinking to myself 'okay, but what if this plotlime but polyamory and sorikai 👀'
but yee!! if anyone is interested in going to read these, y'all have my permission and you're more than welcome to comment or kudos or however it is you wish to engage with them after doing so!!
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somena-libra-dawn · 3 months
The absurd KH theory that will never happen so I keep it as headcanon instead was...
The MoM's apprentices + the Leaders + Strel's murderer were sort of a replica. No reason, just because the mom + his students + the leaders + strel's murderer = 13 people. His students unfortunately don't attain appearance despite gaining their characters. (Basically they remain faceless behind those masks or hood. In nutshell: "At least Xion has an identity... unlike them.")
But then Elrena shows up, and Demyx and Luxord's somebodies were theorized to appear in ux back then, I dropped the idea and reduced them into headcanon and au.
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nobodies-png · 11 months
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Hello, hello!
Welcome to the blog, we're still around!
The main focus is Kingdom Hearts, including the mobile games, but we also take asks for TWEWY/NEO and FF15. As usual, it's yours truly -Mod Demyx- running things around here, feel free to use any pronouns and nicknames when addressing me, it's all chill!
If you'd like to follow me outside of this blog, here are my other accounts!
@jabberwockprince (main blog)
@jabberwockprinceart (art blog)
@vasito-de-leche (multifandom writing blog)
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I won't write: matchups, anything regarding rape or self-harm, pregnacy, explicit NSFW.
I will write: Yandere and other dark content, AUs (here's a little list of media I'm familiar with for specific AUs!), platonic and romantic interactions. Continuations of previous works, in-depth analysis of characters, etc. Basically, free real estate!
Feel free to ask if you're unsure about your prompt! Under the cut, you can find the full list of rules and masterlists!
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Askbox will always remain open! You're all welcome to drop by for chitchat, to drop prompts, theories, heartcanons... And remember, this blog is not spoiler free! Asks are not answered in order, I generally go straight for those who catch my eye and delete those I don't want to reply.
This blog takes requests for all KH games! But please, specify which version of the character you'd like for me to write, such as using their proper names (ie: Isa, instead of Saix) and from the specific game (ie: BbS Isa, KH3 Isa). Otherwise, I'll write for their most recent versions! You're also welcome to request for TWEWY/NEO TWEWY, plus Final Fantasy 15! I've decided to drop FF7 and it's remake due to lack of interest on those games from my part.
Reader based prompts will always use gender neutral pronouns and be as vague as possible, so that everyone can feel included. The only exception to this are LGTBQ+ prompts (ie: Larxene comforting a dysphoric S/O, Sora reacting to you coming out as a lesbian, etc) Any requests asking for general female or male readers will be ignored and deleted!
When requesting a specific type of reader, please refrain from using characters from other media as reference (ie: a reader who acts like Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa). I'm not in every fandom, nor I know every character ever, or what traits you're hoping to see - it's much easier if you describe exactly what you're looking for! Don't be afraid to send two asks if it's too long.
You can request up to 6 characters per ask! The only exception to this is the Organization XIII, because I love them to death! The length of the post varies and depends on inspiration and number of characters!
You're free to send in your own [Heartcanons] - a cute term for KH headcanons about the game and characters. To diferentiate them from general chitchat, make sure to add [Heartcanon] at the beginning of the ask! These will be queued and post on Mondays, if there's any left around in the askbox! I also invite people to go feral discussing, rambling and even adding to our posts with your reblogs or in the replies! It's so fun to get together and talk about these blorbos!
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That's it for now! Rules might update as I see fit!
You're also welcome to translate my work if you'd like, with proper credit. Just don't repost it to different sites!
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REQUEST SPREADSHEET (last updated, july 2022)
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Can you please elaborate on the Kingdom hearts Sonic au? I want to hear more of your ideas!
Ah, I would love to! I apologize it's taken be a bit to get to this ask, anon, but I need you to know that it made my day when I got it🥺❤️
Okay, so as I mentioned in this post, it starts out with Sora and Riku being Sonic and Tails respectively. I must confess that this au is more or less an excuse to microwave in my brain scenes of Sonic and Tails taking the place of Sora and Riku in certain Soriku moments™, so it’s not fully fleshed out yet 😂😅
But! I'd be happy to share some of my au thoughts/plans (under the cut) with you, anon😊
Character Placements
Though I haven't fully figured everything out yet, I have figured out certain character placements and ages. The following are those that I have planned already:
Sora – Sonic (Age 16 as of kh1)
Riku – Tails (Age 15 as of kh1)
Kairi – Sally (Age 15 as of kh1)
Naminé – Elias (Age 16 (physically)/Age 1 (chronologically) as of kh2)
Roxas – Shadow (Age 17 (physically)/Age 1 (chronologically) as of kh2)
Xion – Surge (Age 17 (physically)/Age 1 (chronologically) as of kh2)
Axel/Lea – Manic (Age 27 as of KH2)
Olette – Nicole (Age 17 as of KH2)
Demyx – Rouge (Physical age not yet determined)
Larxene/Elrena – Jet (Physical age not yet determined)
Ienzo/Zexion – Kitsunami (Age 18 as of KH2)
Even/Vexen – Starline (Age 51 as of KH2)
Ansem the Wise – Eggman (Age 63 as of KH2)
Xemnas – Infinite (Age 31 (physically)/Age 11 (chronologically) as of KH2)
Ansem – Zero (Age 30 (physically)/Age 10 (chronologically) as of kh1)
Xehanort – Mephiles (Age 81 as of BBS)
Vanitas – Metal Sonic (Age 16 (physically)/Age 4 (chronologically) as of BBS)
Ventus – Charmy (Age 16 (physically)/Age ??? (chronologically) as of BBS)
Terra – Knuckles (Age 20 as of BBS)
Eraqus – Silver (Age 81 as of BBS)
Vector (Haven't picked an age or a time period yet but he will most likely be traveling in the way Uncle Scrooge does just. Not Mr. Moneybags by any means)
General AU notes
The following are misc notes about the au, my intentions/choices with it, and disclaimers of a sort:
Canon events from kh are subject to change, just based upon the personalities and motivations of the Sonic characters put in specific positions. I do not know how divergent this will be yet, but it will be divergent.
The FF and Disney characters/worlds will still be present, I just cannot promise the exact worlds or their order will stay the same as in the original. Because Sonic doesn't line up 1 to 1 with Sora, logically the worlds are going to have differing themes overall comparatively.
Just because I placed a certain Sonic character as a certain KH character does not mean this Sonic character is gonna line up 1 to 1 with them. I'm hoping to balance making them reminiscent of their kh counterparts in ways while also distinctly making them them. So some characters will be more like they are canonically, shifting the narrative accordingly, and others will be more shaped by their placement in the narrative.
I love kh so much but as I am not constrained by audience or by corporate choices there will be some specific personal changes for this au. An example of this is that the characters taking the places of Ven, Terra, and Aqua will likely be aging rather than staying the same ages (assuming they end up in similar placements).
I think if you've read this far in the post you already know, but I should make clear that this au is just as much about crafting a Sonic with the Sonic characters within the kh story as it is about Sontails. This is not to say that the entire focus of this au at all times is Sontails, but (much like Sora and Riku's relationship in kh) it is very much baked into the core of it.
Sadly, I am still yet undecided whether the Sonic characters should remain as Mobian, but I am leaning towards keeping them mobian at this time.
Now, while canon Sonic is a special hedgehog, there's just something a bit interesting about "just a guy" Sonic to me. In this case, someone who is not inherently born to be some chosen one. In this au, he isn't the fastest thing alive, but he does have some natural speed, making him naturally fast compared to some peers. It's a skill that can be improved with practice, but it’s nothing supernatural
Au Ideas
The following are some of the ideas I've been spinning in my head since this au's conception, meaning it's a mix of things that could be in the proper au, will not be in the proper au, will not go the same way in this au, or ideas that could still make their way in in some form:
Knuckles (as Terra) bequeathing the keyblade to Tails (as Riku):
Tails is also a bit more cautious of Knuckles and is less confident in his presentation of himself compared to how Riku was, but he ultimately can't contain his curiosity and approaches Knuckles.
Originally, I imagined this scene simply with the characters in the au filling it out, not considering exactly how this scene would play out in the context of this au. So it's fairly close to the original scene. It starts out with Sonic the Hedgehog, 6 years old, and Tails the Fox, 5 years old. His uncle takes him and Tails out to what he and his friends will later dub "the play island". The hedgehog and fox have known each other practically their whole lives, and they go to the play island together as often as they can (after all, Sonic’s uncle can't take them all the time).
Aside from the obvious differences in how characters speak and hold themselves, I imagined Sonic running ahead while Tails lags behind around the time he notices Knuckles at the shore. While I imagine Sora did this either because it took a moment to notice or because he was excited he was beating Riku in the race (or a mix of both), Sonic does slow down briefly (when he realizes Tails is no longer running). However, his philosophy is that even though it's "no fun" if Tails isn't trying too, he's not gonna just slow his role or stop the race just cause Tails is moving so slow. Perhaps there's also some part of him who thinks that Tails will pick up the pace if Tails sees him ahead.
Like Riku at this time, Tails wants to become stronger. He wants to be cool and strong like Sonic, and strong like that one person who he heard left for other worlds and found strength there. However, Tails doesn't simply want to be strong like Sonic. He wants to be strong enough to protect the things that matter in the same way Sonic can.
What I'm trying to say is that despite not yet being able to put the words to it or to explain all that he feels and wants to do, Tails is just starting to become frustrated with the state of things. So wanting to be strong and wanting to be like Sonic and admitting he has things he'd like to protect is...only the beginning of his growth.
And so Knuckles bequeaths the keyblade to Tails not only because of the great light he sees within him, but because of his conviction. Tails is only a kid, but Knuckles can see how genuinely serious he is about his wishes to become stronger and to "protect the things that matter". Knuckles cannot only relate, but can respect this.
??? (as Aqua), telling Sonic (as Sora) to take care of Tails.
This is another one I'm not sure will go the same way in the proper au, but I have had semi-vivid imaginings of my Aqua stand in saying something akin to canon Aqua's speech, only for Sonic to be all "Pfff of course I will!" like there's no question he'd stick by Tails and watch out for him and that it's laughable ??? (Aqua) even said that the way they did.
In canon, it was definitely sweet when Sora was like "Of course I like him! He's my best friend!", and I don't doubt that Sonic could admit he likes Tails at this point, but he is still Sonic. Which...pretty much means that he's going to be at least a bit rude in this interaction and not fully take it seriously😂
Meanwhile Tails probably feels nice about Sonic admitting or implying in some form that he likes having him around.
The necklace theory
Because of Sonic and Tails' placements and ages, things cannot just play out as we theorize they do in canon. Or, to elaborate, it's unlikely that the way this would progress in this au would be Sonic crying about shooting stars hitting the islands and Tails proclaiming he'd protect him. Rather, I think I have some ideas drawing from some of Naminé's fake memories.
My main idea is that after a particularly scary thunderstorm (while Sonic and Tails are sleeping over on the play island), the two happen to be present for a meteor shower just afterwards. Tails is still shaken from the thunderstorm, and so Sonic attempts to make him smile (both because Tails is watching something he'd doubtless find beautiful or fascinating usually without any enjoyment, because Tails being sad makes him uncomfortable because he doesn't know how to handle it, and to sort of fill the silence so to speak). He stands up on the paopu tree as the stars fall and begins to talk "what ifs" aloud about the stars.
And so Sonic starts talking about what he'd do if the shooting stars hit the islands, confidently talking about how he'd knock them back and fend them off with his wooden sword. And then as he goes off about what ifs (like "what if the stars were actually spaceships and 'aliens' were to attack", and stuff like that), about how he can defeat anything that comes his way (all showing off and talking himself up), he ends by telling Tails that he doesn't have to worry about anything like that, because he (Sonic) would handle it.
And so Tails (who's begun to calm down and has uttered a laugh a few times over these last minutes), asks Sonic semi-seriously and semi-jokingly what he would do and how he would handle it if shooting stars hit the islands and they began to sink.
To answer, Sonic starts by going off about how it's impossible because (again) he'd totally fend off those shooting stars, but in the impossible and highly unlikely instance this turns out to happen...
Sonic turns his head, shooting a smile down at Tails, as he admits (all matter of factly) that of course Tails would be there.
Even if the islands began to sink, he could trust that Tails would be there to hold onto him, to keep them both above water
This causes Tails to smile too. Perhaps in his heart he's conflicted, emotions both positive and negative and confusing are swirling within his heart, but he knows it makes him happy that Sonic trusts in what is true (that Tails always plans to be there with him, and to do what he can to help him). In this moment, his heart beams, no matter his confusing feelings.
And then, perhaps, as Sonic sleeps and Tails lies awake after the meteor shower, as Tails ruminates on this all, he wishes more than ever that he could be as confident as Sonic was. He wishes more than ever that he could confidently protect Sonic the way Sonic does for him.
He knows that he's not there yet, that he isn't like Sonic, but he makes an oath to them both in the silence of the night.
Sonic knows (or should know by now) of the charm Tails always keeps in his pockets. It was something he's had since he was a young kit, and it's always been his good luck charm. It's importance to him cannot be overstated.
As Sonic sleeps, Tails loops his good luck charm around his neck, clasps it end to end, turns it into a necklace. He makes an oath to become stronger, to become Sonic's equal, to become strong enough to keep Sonic safe also, and he prays that until he can fulfill this oath, his good luck charm may keep Sonic safe for him.
Sonic is confused to find it looped around his neck when he wakes up, but when he expresses his confusion (essentially "why would Tails give me this thing that's so precious to him he wears"), Tails doesn't elaborate much. He only insists that it's a gift, that it's Sonic's now.
And so Sonic (not quite understanding) shrugs. After all, who'd deny a gift like that?
But...what makes this particularly special is that Sonic chooses to keep wearing this charm always. I'd like to think that even when others on the islands growing up try to give him trinkets and bracelets and things, confess their feelings with wearable gifts, or anything like that, he refuses to accept or to use them just to spare someone's feelings. So it means something that he becomes unconcerned with the idea of wearing Tails' special charm and just casually wears it always. I think it means a lot, even if Sonic most likely didn't think too hard about why he would turn wearing the thing into a habit.
Tails gave it to him, it's special to Tails, and Sonic seems to like wearing it, so it’s that simple. What reason would he have to give it back to Tails or throw it away?
The Dark Margin Scene
Tails starts out inherently believing in the good in people, but as he grows up, as he watches, and through the events of kh2, he becomes a bit more cynical (sort of like Nine). He wants to believe that everyone has a glimmer of "goodness" so to speak in them more than he truly believes it. And so though Sonic's sense of freedom, his nonchalance, the way he casually inspires people begins to annoy Tails as he progresses to his worst point during KH1 era, he ultimately is jealous of Sonic. He does admit to Sonic that he's jealous during the dark margin scene.
Not just because Sonic was always cooler, stronger, and just out of reach, but because Sonic can be so carefree in following his heart.
As annoying as it can be and as it was during those past moments, he envies how Sonic is able to take on anything that comes his way even when he seems to not be taking those things seriously. And while not meant to be an insult here, he sometimes envies that Sonic doesn’t quite think very much. He envies the way Sonic can just do things without being trapped in his own head.
Idk honestly I just think a lot about this piece.
I'd like to think that (like with Riku), Tails' desire to have the ability to protect Sonic sort of becomes warped first by his desperation for Sonic to need him to keep him around as a constant, and then warped further during kh1 era as he becomes so desperate to have the strength he desired that he simply needs to prove he's stronger than Sonic. I can definitely see this leading to moments between kh1 and kh2 where Tails does sort of have an act of being better than Sonic in certain moments, so it would be humbling for him to admit here that while there was a time he'd thought himself better than Sonic, ultimately he has always admired and envied him.
The end of DDD
While in canon there are many times Sonic saves Tails, I do think it's funny to imagine Tails saving Sonic in a big way this time around (saving Sonic from becoming a vessel). And while it logically wouldn't go the exact way as in kh canon, I do think it would be cute if Tails is just glad to see Sonic alive but bewildered by Sonic's excitement over him finally being awake. I also just like the thought of DDD/KH3 era Tails finally achieving his goal and filling the role of partner for Sonic rather than side kick
The child of destiny vs the regular kid turned hero
As I mentioned earlier, while he does have natural speed, I did want Sonic and Tails to fit a similar dichotomy to Sora and Riku when thinking up this au. While all in all they're both special in canon, Sonic is very often upheld as this hero who performs feats no one else can, making him stand out against others. And so what I aim to do here (partially for my own amusement) is to present a Sonic who is just a kid who has his own talents. Sure he's admired and he's faster than the bulk of his peers, but he's ultimately just a regular kid. But because he's the guy everyone expects to be a special hero while everyone expects to see Tails by his side as the sidekick, I love the idea of Tails being the one who's not like the other kids (who's possibly a different being they cannot imagine). Even if he doesn't seem like the hero, Tails as the child of destiny, the one projected to be a force of nature one day.
And so I think it hits harder (since Sonic has more "protagonist energy" so to speak) with the reveal that none of these things he gained were meant to be his. Sonic isn't a chosen hero, he just so happened to inherit the keyblade from Tails. He stepped into a hero's role that was likely not designed or destined to be his.
But like with Sora, he doesn't simply have all the things he does only because he inherited it from someone else (the idea of not actually having anything by his own merit), he actually works to grow and become stronger.
Idk something interesting to me about Tails being "the true chosen one" while Sonic is just some kid
Some first meeting musings
The following were some of the first words I wrote for this post:
"Growing up, Tails had always been enamored by Sonic. He'd taken to following the hedgehog around, even as Sonic avoided making connections with anyone else on the islands and tended to run ahead. But then...Tails' presence sort of became an inevitability. Wherever Sonic went, he would follow close behind, one of the only ones ever willing to to keep trying to keep up with him.
And so now they're here. Sonic had never officially said they were friends back then, but Tails liked to believe it anyways. After all, whenever they needed partners in class, Sonic always picked him. Whenever Sonic wanted to go to the play island, he'd take Tails along. Whenever Tails would show up at Sonic's house with some new contraption, Sonic would be excited to see what it did (as long as it wasn't boring of course). He was the only one seemingly allowed to follow Sonic around everywhere, even when the hedgehog was in a particularly bad mood.
So, yeah. Sure, Tails would find out that Sonic could be a jerk, or was a bit vain, but even at Sonic's most bored or annoyed moments, Tails could place solace in the fact that Sonic must consider him something of a friend. He liked his praise and kept no other company but him."
While it would doubtless take some fleshing out and a bit of reworking, I do imagine combining their canonical first meeting with the whole "growing up like normal kids" thing, and I think Tails would already be a bit interested in Sonic to begin with, but I still like the idea of him becoming more enamored after Sonic fends off his bullies.
Sally filling Kairi's role
Just to be clear, it isn't 1 to 1. Sally is going to be more proactive by default, and I don't intend to barely touch upon her existence or to solely make her revolve around Sonic. However, there were a few reasons I originally decided Sally would fill this role.
The first being that I would like to depict a comphet narrative surrounding Sonic and Sally, where they ultimately grow very close, but they're under that societal pressure, believing that the end goal of their relationship can only be as lovers if they intend to still be close, which begins to clash with the reality of the situation. After all of the Sonic media I've consumed, Sally felt to me like the only candidate that Sonic would genuinely like to keep as a close friend, but could still struggle over the true nature of his feelings and the kind of relationship they should have. I can genuinely see him believing he must like her romantically due to their close bond before eventually having to come to the conclusion that he doesn't actually want to change their relationship into a traditionally romantic one. I also feel like she's a good candidate for Tails to become jealous of. I can't really explain why, but I feel this.
The second, but simple set of reasoning is that she is a princess in the canons she appears in and ultimately fancies herself a force of good, so making her the secret princess of heart is funny to me. I also think it will be fun to inflict on her an adversion to change
The third...yeah honestly she was the only female character I felt could fit this position and could be an important person to Sonic growing up while also fitting into my desired narrative
Idk if you can think of a soriku moment I probably stuck Sonic and Tails in those spots and imagined it. Sonic asserting that Tails could never truly hate him or turn against him save me. Sonic and Tails being content just being together, especially now that everyone else is safe save me. Sonic and Tails growing up together as childhood friends save me.
One final idea I came up with for this au that I'll leave you with
As a kid, Tails liked to read stories and fairy-tales of fantastical places, of knights and magic. Of course, everyone wonders what's out there (what other places could possibly exist outside of the islands they grew up on), what one could find if they just set sail one day, but sometimes he'd dreamed he'd be thrust into these types of stories. He'd envied the subject of that local myth (idk somewhere between myth and rumor) who left the islands and found a whole world out there and great strength.
Perhaps Destiny Islands never really felt like home to him—at least, not until he met Sonic. Perhaps, as he grew older and a bit more bitter and he feared losing his place in Sonic's life, he wished again more than anything to leave this place, to see the worlds, and to create a new home with Sonic for the two of them.
I do thank you for the ask, anon! I have more thoughts in me, but I hope what you've seen thus far satisfies you, and I hope to deliver more detailed and solidified concepts at some point in the future that people will enjoy as much as I do😊
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tis-i-bi-oxirito · 1 year
Ok ok, so I have a (possibly bad) theory that isn’t really a theory but more my brain trying to figure stuff out
So, ever since Kingdom Hearts III, I’ve kinda been wondering, in the back of my messy, messy mind, why Ephemera helped (? I’m guessing he was the one leading the fallen kids, at least) Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard.
I mean, I get why, big heartless storm, xehanort being xehanort, xehanort being Ephemera’s descendent (that was kinda confirmed right? I don’t remember for sure) which kinda makes him his responsibility a bit, yada yada yada.
It’s more like, why didn’t he do it before. Like, it’s not the first confrontation against old man Xehanort chronogically in the series. Why didn’t Ephemera help at the confrontation at the end of BBS? I mean, Ven was his friend, surely he’d want to help him not, you know, die or even just get turned into a weapon of mass destruction? (I gotta mention: Vanitas gets helped by the fallen kids’ keyblades during that confrontation iirc, so was that because of the darkness? Because he used to be part Ventus so he kinda counts as a union leader? Why wasn’t Ven helped by the keyblades then? Did Ephemera try to help Ven but accidentally chose the wrong one (oopsie teehee, oh well, better luck next time)? Anyways that’s weird and has always bothered me ever since I knew whose keyblades those were)
One of the explanations I can see for Ephemera no helping then is that Xigbar was running interference or something. I guess he didn’t interfere in KH III because of the Book of Prophecies or something, idk. Maybe Ephemera also didn’t act because of something in the Book of Prophecies, idk, I’m just trying to find some explanations
(Actual theory under the cut ahah)
But yeah, anyways, my bad theory
It came to me, as I was eating tortellini in the dark at 11:30 PM after taking a longer-than-planned 5 hours nap, what if… Sora was Ephemera’s reincarnation? Ok ok that’s a really shaky theory, I’ll admit it, but I don’t control was goes on in that brain (ahah, Brain) of mine
In any case, back to what I was saying, tortellini, 5 hour nap, Sora is maybe Ephemera’s reincarnation, ok, right, yes, back on track. So, Ephemera totally, very definitely died, right? It’s been like, a couple of centuries most likely, so he is either super dead, some kind of ghost just haunting the Keyblade Graveyard, or he’s the world’s oldest grandpa. From what we’ve seen in khux, when someone dies (or at least a keyblade wielder) for realsies (kingdom hearts death tends to be, ha, ephemeral), they either become a dream eater or they go in the reincarnation cycle or whatever (from what I remember at least, it’s been a minute). So either Ephemera turned into a cute colourful animal that 100% deserves a pet, or he went on to reincarnate, ya know?
(He could have also said ‘fuck you rules of the universe, I never liked you anyways’ and created a third option for himself out of sheer will. If anyone could, it would be him)
But yeah anyways, that could explain why he only shows up, cool red scarf swaying in the wind anime style, to Sora. Like, maybe a small tiny part of his soul (heart?) remained
It could also explain why Sora’s heart healed Ven’s at the beginning of BBS. There’s the reason that Sora’s heart was a newborn one of course, but if he was Ephemera’s reincarnation, then it’s not hard to believe that he would be drawn in by Ven’s presence.
Also, Ephemera has an association with the color red due to his scarf. You know who else is usually associated with red? Sora (and Lea, whose entire existence is red, but this ain’t about him)
(I have also thought of the possibility that Sora is maybe Ephemera’s descendant instead, but that would mean that he’d be related to Xehanort which is wild, but I do think that that theory is even more shaky than the reincarnation one. Tbh, I think that Riku being Ephemera’s descendant could be more likely, which, again, would make him related to old man Xehanort. Omg i just had an idea for an AU where Riku is actually Xehanort’s son/grandson, but that’s a story for another day i guess)
So, yeah, here’s my bad and unlikely theory. This is my first time making a post of this kind and I still don’t know how tumblr works so I’m very sorry if this looks like an incomprehensible mess. Thanks for reading though :)
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bunsuuu · 6 months
[ KH AU // Dark Plague : Patient Zero]
(This is gonna be long, bear with me / kind of an infection AU but not generalized/it's not like a pandemic or epidemic, it simply exists lmao)
[Dark Plague]
It is a condition born out of an experiment gone wrong. It does not spread as a virus would. The only way for it to spread is through the touch of a stage 4 creature. The plague can be cured or slowed down if the affected person keeps a dazzling stone or shard from one on them at all time as the light they contain helps keep the darkness at bay. People at either stage 3 or 4 cannot be helped and should be eliminated. There is no record of other affected people but patient zero and one unknown individual.
[Patient Zero]
Patient zero's name is Angelic. She is permanently stuck on stage 2 but has shown that she is able to reach a final form. She has full control of her final form. The girl's form is composed of claw / bone like structures all over her waist and on her arms. Those growth tend to move on their own, digging their claw like ends in the girl's flesh. She also has eyes growing on some places of her body, potentially from absorbing Shadow heartless. She was found unconscious in Hollow Bastion, nobody knows where she comes from. She carries two dazzling stones that she says were given to her by a close friend. She cannot name or describe said friend.
[Stages 1-4]
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[Stage 1]
• Healthy looking, no visible mutation or discoloration
• Personality remains the same; no erratic or aggressive behavior, people will not notice a change
• Mostly psychological effects; voices, urges to turn to the darkness, beginning of a hatred / irrational fear of the light
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[Stage 2]
• Visible skin decoloration and mutation; dark spots slowly appear and spreads on the affected person. Eyes slowly turn into a lighter hue of their original color. Some people can have less spots / decoloration. Some people can also be permanently stuck with stage 2 condition (will not progress to stage 3 or 4)
• Slight personality changes; may get moodier / sadder by moment, not necessarily more aggressive or violent but might seem more snappy or mean. Some people do not change until stage 3. People stuck on stage 2 permanently do not live through personality or behavioral changes
• Effects start getting physical + psychological for people about to progress into stage 3; the voices get louder, the urges get stronger, their fear of the light gets worse / some people get paranoid because of it, the body's core temperature starts going down, their vision starts getting blurry. They may also get memory losses
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[Stage 3]
• Very visible physical changes; discolored skin and hair, additional spots / pre existing spot spreading faster, sclera turns yellow and iris remains a pale hue of their original color. People generally have an almost corpse like appearance at this stage.
• Extreme personality / behavioral changes; people on stage 3 are extremely volatile. They are strong, violent and have no sense of mercy or humanity. They will attack as any heartless would out of their newly found survival instincts. The paranoia and fears are gone for the most part, their minds are numb and gone, they only live to steal hearts.
• The effects are relatively the same as stage 2. They have no special abilities and are often compared to Shadows because of that fact. In some cases, people may start absorbing the darkness from smaller heartless. This is not a voluntary action, it is unknown as to why the people affected are able to do so.
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[Stage 4]
• Final form. The whole body blackens, the irises disappear and the eye becomes completely yellow. A vast diversity of mutation may develop during stage 4; claws, antennas, bone like structure growing out of certain limbs, etc. Some mutations may be based on what heartless the body has absorbed ( assuming it absorbed any]
• They are animalistic predators. They are one with the darkness. Their minds are completely gone at this point. Stage 3 and 4 are points of no return. They cannot be helped in any way.
I'm sorry not sorry, I needed / wanted to indulge in an idea I had :'))
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daybreaktower · 1 year
MoD (long overdue) update
hi everyone, Mod Ienzo here. it's been. A while.
I'm sure you're all wondering where we've been, and the truth is... Well, anywhere but here. Mod Vani and I have both been busy with irl and neither of us had the time to update the blog.
To give you a quick rundown on important updates:
The sequel to Everything Has Its Price is on hold indefinitely, and so are Mod Vani's other AUs. Mod Vani has been busy with other projects that don't belong on this blog, and has had no time to work on their KH AUs.
I haven't been on tumblr a whole lot in general lately due to a lack of time, and while I do still check in occasionally, because of my absence I've been slacking on updating this blog. Also a combination of irl being irl and a lack of creative inspiration gave me the worst case of writer's block I've had in years, but I'm finally getting over that and slowly picking up writing again.
Speaking of, how are my own AUs doing? Well, they sure are doing! I'm reworking my previously established AUs, have started not one, not (Axel voice) two?!, but THREE! new AUs (Light help me I need to update the Floorplan and I don't even know what I'm doing with some of these AUs), and am juggling all of these as well as various oneshots and a few other projects at all times. I sure have been keeping busy!
Other projects? Yep, other projects. I can't reveal more about those yet, as they're still in development and I'm not quite ready to seriously start working on anything, but things are coming. Eventually. For the time being, I'm focusing on a few oneshots that I would like to finish and post sometime this year.
On behalf of Mod Vani and myself, I apologize again for the radio silence. We will most likely end up falling silent for an indefinite period of time again as we work on projects and sort out ideas, but we will be back eventually, we just can't promise when that will be. In the meantime, our askbox remains open, feel free to ask questions about our AUs, I check our askbox regularly.
-Mod Ienzo
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kayura-sanada · 5 years
Speaking of the KH Novels, what's your thoughts on the KH Manga series? I used to own Volume 1 of KH1 and KH2 before I lost them.
I see the manga as an accepted Canon AU. Mostly because events, while many remained the same, were slightly altered. The novels kept to the code of canon compliancy, altering nothing. So while one can discuss the manga as its own canonical universe, it usually can only be compared and contrasted with the original games, not added on.
The manga did a better job with Kairi, though, specifically because of that. So  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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gotmilk5101520 · 2 years
An old Troll that whacks Jim? Who is this Troll and they do that to Jim? Also what is the au they (and apparently other oc) are from? Is it one of the four au you talked about or a new one?
These oc (and the old Troll that I'm going to talk about) are from The Battle of Arcadia au. But I only have two that I can talk about. I will talk about the other oc later. In the meantime, here's the old Troll.
Name: Harken.
Age: Very old (Let's just he's an old friend of Vendel's grandfather Kilfred)
Height: If he was standing starght, then he would be as tall as Blinky.
Appearance: I'm bad at this, but I will try to best explain. Think of Master Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts (Any KH fans here?) Harken is bald, but he has a goate. He's hunched over like Xehanort and has his hands behind his back. He walks fine, but he also carries a cane.
Personality Harken can be goofy at times. He said he's like this due to old age and living alone for centuries. But despite his old age, Harken was able to build a cabin for himself, cut wood, go fishing, carry two buckets full of water, etc. Harken bears a hatred towards the Amulet and Merlin, but not to the Trollhunters. Though he can be a goofy old Troll at times he does give good advices. He lives in a cabin in Switzerland where he's far from humans and trolls. In his basement there is a gyre station which he takes to go places to get supplies. Harken doesn't eat socks, cats, or even humans. Instead he eats what he can make and learn from humans. Harken is a troll that lives like a human. He dreams to see the beauty of the dawn.
Background: Harken was friends with Kilfred back in Glastonbury Tor Trollmarket. Vendel calls him Uncle Harken and Harken calls him Little Vende. Harken use to be alright, but not very sure about the Amulet. That is until his own child was chosen (I'm going to let you decide which Trollhunter Harken was the father of. Hell make your own Trollhunter if you want) When Harken's child fell, he went into a state of depression. Harken later came to hate the Amulet and Merlin for taking his child from him. However he doesn't bear those same feelings towards the Trollhunters cause he sees them as poor victims that thinks it's an honor and not think of the consequences of being one.
Harken doesn't take part in the Battle of Killahead Bridge cause he isn't fighter. When the Trolls are about to leave for the New World, Vendel asks Harken to join them. But he declines and tells Vendel that he chooses to live like a human. After the Trolls leave Harken moves to Switzerland and builds a cabin in the middle of nowhere so no human or troll can find him.
One day Harken finds Jim, injured and out cold, and brings him to his cabin and treats his injuries. When Jim wakes up he's shocked that he ended up here and that Harken, a Troll, lives here and is living like a human. Harken reveals that he knows Jim is the Trollhunter (And the first human Trollhunter) he asks Jim where the Amulet is, which Jim explains he doesn't have it and explains why (The reason is spoiler reason) Harken tells Jim it's a good thing cause if Jim had it, then Harken would've destroyed it. He explains his hate towards the Amulet and Merlin, which Jim understands the hate towards Merlin, and about his child. However Harken only has one year left. Jim, feeling bad for him and the fact he's lived here alone for so long, decides to stay for his remaining year until he passes on.
Harken calls Jim "Sonny" and Jim calls him "Mr. Harken" out of respect. There is one thing about Jim that Harken criticizes about. He thinks Jim is too "skinny" to be the Trollhunter and tells him to "Put some meat on those bones!" After learning what Harken does around the house, Jim decides to take over some of the work. However it's really hard to Jim, yet easy for Harken. Jim can't cut wood thinking the axe is too old, yet Harken can do it easy. Jim has to go to the lake and fill two buckets with water. It takes five minutes to get to the lake, and five minutes to return. But for Jim it took five minutes to get to the lake, but the buckets of water are so heavy it took him nine hours to return. Harken can take both buckets full of water easy.
Harken ends up becoming a sort of therpest to Jim. When Jim tells Harken about what he's done since becoming the Trollhunter. However when Jim explains things like going into the Darklands, becoming a Troll, becoming a Beast, and many other sacrifices he's done, Harken would grab his cane and starts whacking Jim and call him stupid.
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This is how it goes.
Eventually Harken's body begins to give out and he becomes bedridden for his remaining days and leaving Jim to fully take over everything.
And that's Harken. My favorite oc, and the therpest Jim should've had in the beginning. I know he would whack some sense into Jim and give Merlin hell. If anyone wants to draw him then please do. I would love to see him.
Well next time I will talk about another oc, who is the main antagonist of this au and just the main villain of the whole series. All I can say about him is this. Fate and Destiny were the true enemy.
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kh’s story snippet celebration sendoff, entry #6
God, what do I even say about this piece? It's so old - the timestamp from my FF.net import says 2012 - and I don't remember much about it. I almost left it out of this collection after cringing my way through a re-read of the first paragraph. Then, I made myself reframe the narrative.
This piece needs to be here; it shows how far I've come as a writer.
Don't let anyone tell you that fanfic is a waste of time. Just look at this piece compared to my recent projects! I'm living proof that fanfic is every bit as valid for honing your craft as traditional written media
Fandom: Naruto Pairing: Sai/Sakura Haruno Word Count: 2931 Genre: canon-divergence!AU Rating: T Warnings: canon-typical violence
... [ hypocritical ]
The dull throb of injury greeted Sai as his consciousness reluctantly returned to him. This particular circumstance perplexed him greatly. Had he not been merely put to sleep? Sakura's loyalty was steadfast and her medical skills knew no equal but that of their esteemed Hokage, of this much he was certain. Therefore, the probability that this harm was inflicted by her drug, hastily administered though it was, seemed highly unlikely. No, this feeling was not akin to that of being poisoned. Nor did it seem to come from any external wound; a quick scan of his person negated that possibility. Yet, it was still very clear to him that all was not right or as it should be. His throat felt unbelievably tight, the sensation bringing to mind scenes of Naruto shoving complete bowls of ramen down his throat in a singular motion. Sai's heart raced uncontrollably, palpitating to a foreign rhythm, and his insides quaked. There was something wrong with him internally.
Nearby, his companions began to stir. As they also scanned for injuries, all the while cursing Sakura for her heroic stupidity, it became clear to Sai that he alone suffered from any malady. He rose gingerly, taken aback by how easily he could still function in spite of all his present symptoms, and questioned Kiba for his teammate's last known trajectory. The best course of action, for now, would be to find Sakura before his symptoms got worse. With but a nod, he left his temporary workmates and headed out in search of the pink-haired kunoichi.
Sai dashed through the woodland at breakneck speed, something as of yet unnamed urging him on. Something about the whole situation unsettled him. He should have anticipated Sakura's actions and been ready with a countermeasure. Becoming her victim was irresponsible and now his comrade could be engaged in a treacherous encounter with that traitor, possibly without backup; whether or not Kakashi had caught up to her in time remained to be seen. Her tenacity, even with her insane strength, would be no match for the Uchiha prodigy. It was as clear as needing air to breathe. Surely Sakura herself could see that. She had proven time and time again over that her intelligence was more than adequate. Why then would she willingly engage in actions where death was not only possible but the most probable outcome? The shinobi's stomach lurched, forcing him to stall his forward progress in favor of retching in the forest undergrowth. He had no time to waste now, his symptoms now progressing.
Another half-hour of hurdling over branches did little to ease his discomfort. A cold sweat, unrelated to his current exertions, came over Sai making his hands unnaturally clammy. Barely perceptible, yet uncontrollable shaking started to take a hold of him. His body was starting to go into shock. He would need to find her soon.
Sai lost all track of the distance he had traveled, the trees and thickets becoming but a verdant blur in the peripheral. It was of no consequence anyway. His mind was too clouded to focus on those kinds of details anymore. Instead he focused what was left of his cerebral capacity on what he considered to be his mission objectives: to find and determine the condition of one Sakura Haruno, and to have her administer a thorough health examination on his person. As Sai mentally rallied around these precepts, her chakra signature finally came into range. The worn shinobi redoubled his efforts. His reward finally came into view, accompanied by silver and gold and black, and Sai dropped from the sky with a resounding thud.
"Took you long enough to catch up." A weary, whiskered grin greeted him. "Sakura sure knows how to pack a punch, huh? And not just with her fist."
Sai merely nodded. His exertions had taken a toll on him and for the moment he was finding it hard to catch his breath. Non-verbal means of communication would have to do for the moment. And so his black eyes became intent on catching the attention of a pair of viridian ones. It did not take long.
"Sai? Are you okay?" Sakura gave her blonde teammate her half of their current burden, a half-dead kunoichi, and rushed over to Sai with healing chakra at the ready. "You look awful. My sleeping potion shouldn't have had any adverse effects. Were you attacked?"
The moment she touched his damp forehead, the symptoms began to ease. His heartbeat slowed to a near-normal pace and the tension in his muscles started to give way. "No. I... I don't..."
"I can't find anything wrong with you," the kunoichi replied after letting her chakra probe his entire form, puzzlement showing clearly on her face. "Talk to me, Sai. What's going on?"
"I woke up in pain, but I couldn't locate any wounds. It has to be something internal. I think my body started to go into shock. But..." Though his expression remained stoic, his eyes reflected confusion.
"But what?"
"I do not understand. You haven't treated me, but the symptoms are subsiding."
"Sakura," their tired sensei spoke up. "Check his tongue."
"Okay?" Sakura turned back to her patient. "You heard the man. Open up. Now, what am I looking for?"
"A seal. Danzo placed one on every member of Root. It was supposed to keep them quiet, but I have a feeling it sealed more than just their words."
"Are you sure, Sensei?" The pink head turned towards Kakashi for confirmation. "There's nothing here."
"The seal must have broken when Danzo died." The older man scratched his head. "Normally seals don't work like that. They stay in place even after the one who placed it there gets killed."
"I don't get it." Naruto chimed in. "Then why would Sai's seal be gone?"
"Well, his methods were questionable at best, but he was loyal to the village." Kakashi sighed. "My initial guess is that Sai has some information that Danzo thought may be of use to us in the event of his death. I doubt there's anything wrong with Sai. He's probably just feeling the after-effects of the seal being removed."
"I see. Then it could be possible..." She turned back to Sai, a sudden realization dawning in her eyes. "What were your symptoms? I need all of them in the order in which they appeared."
"Constricted airway, heart palpitations, a dull ache in my abdomen, nausea, shaking and cold sweats."
"Okay. You probably felt your throat, heart, and stomach first, right?" The girl tapped her cheek as she sorted out her theories.
"The nausea came later?" His nod confirmed some suspicions, so she continued with her line of questioning. "What were you doing when it came? Were you thinking about something?"
"I left the others to resume my mission. I..." The words left his mouth slowly, reluctant to be heard. "I was thinking that only a stupid kunoichi would drug her teammates so she could run into a suicide mission alone."
"Sai." His name fell softly from her lips and his eyes became glassy. Her lithe arms lifted to embrace his neck. "I'm sorry I worried you."
The warmth of her body against his was strangely comforting, so Sai chose to mimic her posture. "Did he hurt you?"
"Yes." The word came out as a sob and Sakura squeezed him just a bit tighter. "But I'll be okay."
"Good." Sai closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then detached himself from Sakura. "An injured medic is of no use to her team."
"You stupid..." Sakura paused mid-punch. The faint track of a fallen tear graced his tactless cheek. Breaking his face no longer held any appeal, so she contented herself with a measured thump to his shoulder. "Whatever. Let's just get home."
Chapter 2: reclamation
Running without sparing the slightest moment to turn back, determination and desperation lent their power to her limp limbs. In a maze of ever-growing darkness, she wandered. Alone. The silence filled her soul with dread, its death toll ringing in her ears. How long had she been running, been searching? It felt like countless fathoms of time with the quiet, suffocating loneliness contorting her senses. But onwards she ran just the same, hoping beyond all hope that something, anything would change this state of purgatory in which she found herself. Just what had she been searching for? It had been so long, even she forgot. All that was left was to go on. And though she knew to do so bordered heavily on the side of insanity, on she went. And on. And on. Always running. Always moving forward. She was hurtling herself headlong into her destiny and the outcome, she remembered only as it became too late, was always the same. The electric blade, crackling with some emotion between love and hate, ravaged the recess that once held her heart and ended her struggle. She was caught in the red.
Sakura awoke in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. Her hands came to her chest of their own accord, trying in vain to cover the ache of betrayal that now resided there. It was becoming a morning ritual. It took but a moment to collect her faculties, the shock value of such torturous nightmares dulling with each successive night that they had been endured. It had been ten days since her brush with death at the hands of her most beloved and Sakura was no shrieking violet.
The first night had been the worst. In her panic, she had roused the rest of the team and their prisoner with her struggling. When the spell of the nightmare finally broke, thanks to a sound slap from their venerable sensei, Sakura whispered her fake assurances and rearranged her bedroll. She could feel the knowing eyes of the scarlet prisoner on her for the rest of the night. Contempt for her own weakness, rather than that of his discarded pawn, ran through Sakura's veins under the scrutiny of that gaze. Sleep would continue to elude her.
The next few days were but a blur. Arriving at the village, handing in mission reports, and reporting for duty at the hospital were second nature enough that she could perform these tasks on autopilot. She had joined the ranks of the walking dead. It took a couple of days, but eventually, her friends staged an intervention. It took another bit of friendly violence, this time supplied by an indignant Ino, to set her straight, but it was effective. She went to plotting. After all, one should play to one's strengths and Sakura had always been known to have an intelligent head on her shoulders.
It took a couple more days for her to realize that there were holes, numerous and large ones, in the scheme she was cooking up. Like it or not, Sakura was going to have to call in some back-up. Invitations went out and she lost no time in starting preparations. Time would be of utmost importance; some of the major players could not be counted upon to stay in the village for any length of time.
One by one they arrived, exchanging smiles and civilities before being seated at the kunoichi's small dining table. Sakura did a fair job of hostess duties, pouring tea and filling plates with second and third portions, in between fielding off-color comments between the two younger males attending. When the eating and drinking and carousing seemed to slow, she smiled and began clearing the used dishes.
"It was a pleasant meal, Sakura." The silver-haired shinobi seated at the head of the gathering handed over his empty plate. "But what are we really here for?"
"Observant as always, sensei." The girl added his plate to the pile growing near the sink. "I think it's time we discussed what should be done about Sasuke."
"Sakura." Her name came across Naruto's lips as an impatient growl. "There is nothing to discuss. I already promised you that I would bring him home to you. I don't go back on my promises."
"I'm not asking you to. I'm just asking how we intend on doing it." Sakura spoke carefully, making eye contact with all there as she did so.
"We?" The blonde stood up, knocking the chair out from under him as he did so. "Oh no! I don't think so. You're not going anywhere near him again! It's my responsibility. I'll bring him home."
"We've already discussed this." A sigh came from the direction of their sensei. "Sasuke is my responsibility. He was placed in my care."
"No, sensei. It's me he wants and I'm..."
The table between them splintered, a feminine fist having smashed through it in frustration. "Shut up both of you!" The furious kunoichi bit out. "Have you forgotten what happened the last time one of us tried to take him on by ourselves? Huh?  Huh  ?" Sakura paused to look at them. "Well, I do. I see it every single freakin' night in my nightmares. He was going to kill me. And he was going to enjoy it. Now when I say 'we' that's exactly what I mean. So   we   had better start coming up with a plan so   we  can deal with this once and for all the next time we see that traitorous bastard. Understand?"
"Fine. I get it." Naruto gave his sulky consent.
"You know he's not going to come quietly." The reminder came from Kakashi. "It will be easier to kill him than to capture him."
"But Kakashi-sensei!"
"I know, Naruto, but he might not give us a choice."
"It's fine," Sakura spoke up. "If we have to kill him, it's fine. There's nothing left of our Sasuke in there anyway."
"Come on, Naruto. We're deluding ourselves if we think that we'll bring him back and everything will be just fine. He wants to destroy the village and everyone it! If we don't do it, the powers that be will just execute him. If he has to die, I'd rather it be by our hands in the manner we think is best. I only see three choices. We kill him, they kill him or he kills all of us. And if I have to pick one, I pick the one where we get to have the most say." For the first time in days, Sakura gave in to the desire to break down.
"No." A soft, monotone voice cut through the discussion. Three sets of eyes turned his direction in wonder. "You are wrong, hag. There are four choices."
Sakura wiped her wet face with the back of her hands. "Sai, I don't understand. What other choice? Do you actually want to try to save him? Is that the choice you're talking about? Why would you? He's nothing to you."
"Please do not misunderstand me. This is not out of compassion. It is just the opposite actually."
"Yeah, I don't get it either." Naruto scratched his cheek in puzzlement.
"He has rejected the bonds he created with all of you. He has caused you pain. Even now, he makes the hag cry." Sai paused to rub his chest. "He does not deserve death. That is too light a punishment for his transgressions."
"What do you suggest?" Kakashi leaned forward, resting his elbows on what was left of Sakura's table.
"There are things worse than death and we will give those things to Sasuke." The smirk he gave them instead of his usual smile seemed genuine, laced with just a bit of malice. "I have a plan."
The rest of Team Kakashi eyed each other, looking for the unspoken cues as to what each was thinking. Each saw what they felt mirrored back at them, but no one wanted to speak up. No one wanted to be the one to confirm their resolve to do whatever it takes. They were about to change the rules. Sakura would regain her heart by first breaking it. Naruto would leave his childhood behind once and for all. Kakashi would learn to put the needs of the many above his own selfish wishes. They would do what their mentors could not. They would be the ones to break the cycle. They would rain retribution upon one of their own.
"Fine. But if we're going to talk nefarious plans, let's take it to the sofa. I'd rather not get splinters." The kunoichi glanced back at the other half of her team. "Oh, and you two owe me a new table."
"But Sakura..."
"Of course. It's no problem." Kakashi covered the blonde's mouth with a firm hand until the girl turned away. "Don't worry, Naruto. Yamato owes me."
"I can hear you guys, you know."
Darkness invaded her dreams once again. She was running, always running. Desperate and determined. Always moving on. Always moving forward. Again, not a person was in sight, but she did not feel alone. The inky air that enveloped her did not frighten her anymore. It felt... alive. She felt the familiar burn of her overexerted muscles. She knew where she was going. She was meeting her destiny. It was unavoidable. She could hear the lightning closing in, causing the hair on her neck to stand on end. But this time as her destiny hit critical mass, the collision with her heart imminent, the crackle of the electric blade was drowned out by a soft trickling of black liquid. The sound grew and grew until it became palpable, swallowing the chidori in its entirety. The red receded and refused to return.
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Let's assume some KH characters (which ones are your choice also I'm not setting limitations here) go hunting monsters together with the Scooby gang from BTVS (not tying this to any season btw, so build your Scooby Gang however you want or just pick your favorite season). How does it play out?
Oh my gosh... So, I think I’m going to use Sora, Donald, and Goofy for this to make things easier. And let’s just... pretend that this is an AU where the gang has never seen anything Disney related--or Disney doesn’t exist--so they aren’t like, “Donald and Goofy are those Disney characters!”
But no one is too weirded out by Donald and Goofy. They’ve seen stranger things, I mean. But they might think they’re demons or something... And sadly, SDG never really correct this idea because they have to protect the World Order.
Sora, of course, ends up showing off his Keyblade, and everyone thinks it’s pretty cool. Buffy in particular. So she and Sora probably bond over being chosen ones. And yes... there are probably some legends about the Keyblade that Giles finds.
I might keep the earliest Scooby Gang from this to keep it easier... but Willow would def be trying to learn spells from Donald.
And Goofy and Xander would probably bond about being the surprisingly wise comic relief.
Goofy and Oz might also somewhat bond, for that dog solidarity. XD
...I feel like Angel probably doesn’t interact with Sora, Donald, and Goofy that much, because he’s unsure of them and doing his aloof thing. But if he ever thinks that Buffy’s in danger from them for some reason, he’d be there in a heartbeat.
Cordy thinks that Donald and Goofy are really weird, and doesn’t want to be around them--and complains about it a lot--but she still ends up helping out, anyway. She also probably thinks that Sora having a Keyblade is suspicious... and it reminds her of Slayers a bit (because chosen one), and she maybe tries to insist that Buffy was lying to seem special, and there are a ton of other supernatural police than just her.
Anyway, everyone goes to fight demons together (except for Giles. Who is back at the library and staying with the books, in case they need to know anything from them. Sora being able to call him on the gummi phone is a great help).
Sora and Buffy are killing it, of course, and are a great team. Goofy also aids a lot.
Donald would be doing a lot more, if he wasn’t somewhat trying to train Willow--who’s spells are sort of a disaster at this point. And Donald often has to step in to keep them from getting out of hand--but it is what it is.
Cordelia is probably being bait again, to try and get the vampires to come out and attack her... but she and Xander just end up making out a lot, when he saves her from vampires a few times... leaving everyone uncomfortable. Especially Sora, who does’t know if he should be doing that kind of stuff with Kairi now or not.
Oz probably has some epic line, like, “You know... you don’t have to be sucking face all the time to prove you like each other. Look at me intently listening to Willow’s speeches all the time, while I remain laconic.”
And Sora chimes in and agrees with that, suddenly feeling better about not being so touchy-feely with Kairi.
And Buffy, who’s pretty much been forced into an asexual relationship with Angel at this point, might agree with Sora and say that if you really love someone, just being with them is enough... They’re probably getting distracted here.
And while everyone did a great job and killed most of the monsters, they probably missed someone or something that got away, that will now lead to an apocalypse. And now Sora and friends have to stay longer to help out. -shrugs- I don’t know.
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kessielrg · 4 years
[DA+KH] Com-plee-ment-airy
Summary: An unofficial part of @chibi-mushroom‘s Dragon Age AU for the Kingdom Hearts series. I wrote this in a blind fury for no particular reason than because I could, which means they had no idea I was writing this. Thankfully, it’s set so far in the past and doesn’t involve any actual world building lore that it can easily be ignored. But it was a cute idea, darn it, and I had to write it!
Rating: K
Word Count: 1,066 words
[Found in a ruined house at Lothering]
To Stefan and Meran Amell,
I am likely not allowed to do this, but I wish to impart upon you a story. A true one, I assure you, of two little girls taken from their homes at a very young age.
The first of these girls is one you may find yourselves familiar with. She was a beautiful little thing, with blue hair and even brighter blue eyes. Some would say that she took most of her looks from her father. But this little girl had more power in her pinkie finger than others three times her age. For that, she was taken away, locked inside a tower said to protect and trap those of similar nature.
This girl with blue hair was still new to her tower home. She found herself lonely, despite being surrounded by a few close to her age. But, I assure you, the gap could be very wide in the tower. Due to this girl's abilities, she was often paired with those five or more years older than her. She always felt so small, so forgotten in this new world.
But one day, something changed.
There was a commotion on the lower levels of the tower that day. The girl with blue hair only happened to notice out of the corner of her eye. Her heart leaped when she did- there, being escorted by the keepers of the tower, was another girl.
This new girl was quite a bit smaller than the blue haired girl. If one could guess, there was only a year's difference between them; the new girl being the younger. The new girl looked around in confusion with light green eyes. Her short pink hair clung to her face from the confused tears she had likely shed. The girl with blue hair could not look away- this moment likely being encapsulated within her memory for the rest of her days.
There was some amount of luck that their paths crossed once more at bedtime. It was more than common for those of similar age to share rooms at the tower. Many could hold more than 30 to 40 other tenants without much crowding. The girl with blue hair noticed the new one out of the corner of her eye. And when she did, you could almost bet that she sped across the room just to greet the other.
It took a moment for the girl with pink hair to notice the one with blue hair. When she did, she jumped. Her eyes widening with a faint fear.
“My name's Aqua!” the girl with blue hair happily declares, holding her hand out for the pink haired girl.
The pink haired girl flinched- as if expecting to be angrily slapped. It was likely that she was, at some point, during her journey to the tower. Not all were fortunate to have the same guidance the blue haired girl did.
“You're supposed to shake it.” the girl with blue hair said when the other did not respond. She gave a little tilt of her head, a frown tugging at her lips. Did she overstep somewhere? Did this new girl not know the common tongue? Maybe she had a certain aversion to touch?
But, no. This new girl, she was a cautious one at first. It was with small movements that the girl with pink hair raised her arm to gently take the other's hand. The girl with blue hair smiled- it was a smile so wide that the pure joy she felt transferred to the other girl.
“What's your name?” the girl with blue hair then asks. Her voice was filled with a genuine curiosity and interest she had not shown until then.
“Anora.” was the small answer. If the eldest as not purposely listening for it, then she would not had heard it at first.
The smile on the older girl's face only grew wider. She repeated the name, “Anora,” with wonder. She placed her hands behind her back, and started to rock back and forth on her feet. “That's a pretty name.”
There was not an immediate answer from the girl with pink hair. Instead, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. The girl with blue hair noticed this, once more tilting her head to the side in thought.
“You're shy, aren't you?” she mused. “But that's okay. You don't hafta trust me right away. It can be pretty scary when you're new.”
Again, the girl with pink hair remained silent. After a moment of silence, the girl with blue hair decided to say, “We're going to be friends.”
This got a reaction from the younger girl; a small motion, like a skittish jump. So the older took it as the time to explain herself.
“See, look!” the blue haired girl told the younger. “You have pink hair and I have blue hair, we are com-plee-ment-airy. Isn't that inter-resting?”
The pink haired girl looks up at the blue haired girl. She gives such a lost looking expression that it makes you wonder if she was even aware of what she looked like.
“And our names!” the oldest started ramble. “They both start and end with 'A'! We rhyme!”
The face on the girl with pink hair contorted. You could not easily tell if it was one of displeasure, or amusement. As the youngest tried to open her mouth to give an answer, the bell sounding for curfew rang throughout the tower. This bell meant that the blue haired girl had to return to her bed. But she was far from done.
“Let's have breakfast tomorrow.” she suggested, taking the younger girl's hands into her own. “Together.”
It took several moments for the girl with pink hair to think this over. She fidgeted slightly, wishing to get to bed before someone came to yell at them. She had no reason to trust this stranger. She could have even shouted and got the other in trouble. But she did none of those things.
For the first time, the girl with pink hair looked up at the girl with blue hair and smiled.
That is the end of my tale for now. I do not know if this story will have a happy end or not. But it is one that I will definitely monitor for you if you'd like.
Best of wishes,
Templar Campbell
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pi-emme-gi · 5 years
LONG RANT WARNING SO PLEASE BEWARE. @bungodheart You're advised but I hope you'll read it. If you don't, I understand, and I'll bring you a cookie.
A premise. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is probably my most favourite game ever, it plays au pair in my heart with some titles of the KH saga. I've played the main route at least ten times. Still to this day I listen daily to the OST and the many remixes that exist out there (I've collected like 15 versions of Dialga's Final Fight to the Finish!). In these very days I was planning to write a sort of fanfic of the story, with the main plot identical to the original and some addictions, in my style. Not further than ten days ago I took back my DS and I played again Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, because I forgot the story (last time I did it... Ten years ago maybe?). So let's be clear: I've desired a decent sequel to these games for a lot of time (don't count Super MD).
You can imagine my hype when I saw the screenshot of today's direct. But then I saw the rest of the trailer and recognized all the plot points I just played in the original game. And I was really just... Disappointed. Because the new Mystery Dungeon won't at all a be new game. And it won't even be the best one.
From what we can see in the trailer, this game will be just a port of Blue Rescue Team and let's put it directly - it isn't so beautiful. Blue Rescue Team was a big challenge for Chunsoft/The Pokemon Company in 2006 because it was one of their first games ever on DS, and it was a totally new type of game. It was a challenge in economical terms, and from a gameplay point of view. Of course they spent a lot of time on the game structure and less on the plot. They sketched it, really: there are many plot points which don't go anywhere, the whole meteor thing is thrown quickly in the game at the last minute, your partner is very moody and absolutely not realistic. The escape part was quite scary (for a 10 yo) and technically difficult, but the story behind it was too simple for someone who isn't a 10 yo. Again: the potential problems where definetly others, and the target public was still very young, so it's all excused. But then Explorers of Sky (Time/Darkness, before) came. The game concept, structure (dungeon crawling), gameplay et cetera are practically the same: the thing that changed, apart from the IV gen implementation, is the plot. It's simply beautiful. All those seeds that Blue Rescue Team planted had now fluorished and grown in the prettiest flower. The plot is well paced and more clear, the characters well-designed and defined (even the lesser ones, thanks to the extra episodes), the overall game time for the basic story more than doubled.
What I'm trying to say is that Blue Rescue Team has a purpouse of existing because it was their first time, and helped both the public and the dev team to reach the peak of beauty we saw few years later. We needed, no, we still need more like that. We don't need a remake of something that doesn't function so much. It has no sense. It goes nowhere. We need new seeds. Or, if you really just want to update the graphics and sell more, then update Explorers of Sky. Why would you choose anything older? Of course this game is not just aimed only at who, like me, has remained within Game Freak over 15 years. It's for the new generations. But those generations deserve better. They deserve a path of growth like ours. Or, if you just want to show them a relic of the past, at least choose the best one you have. By doing this you're just profiting their money, because of course once you'll see if Mystery Dungeon still sells, you'll do a new game or a new remake. The latter being a way of gaining money without spending time in creating new stories.
I really hope I'm wrong. I will definetly see gameplays of this new game, and decide then if I'll buy or not a Switch for it. But for now I'm just disappointed and melancholy and if you need me you can find me, as always, at the second floor downstairs of the guild, in the last room.
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kyouminaine · 4 years
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Frankly, this doesn’t even really belong on this blog, but it coincides with my decision to exclude any new plot from that reality into my portrayal. Yes, I’m talking about the Remake. Yes, I’m calling it a “reality.” Now before anyone starts hissing about me being a purist, I’m going to break down why I cannot and will not use material from the Remake (abbr. 7R) in my writing.
(Spoilers under the cut. Beware long post.)
And let me make this clear: 7R was a good game. It was not a good story.
What 7R did well was create a new system that combined SE’s past experiences from the KH series and previous FF games (I see a lot of influence from XIII). It provided a challenge --- whether good or bad is partly dependent on RNGesus favoring you or not --- and created an environment and interrelationship between characters that gave the gamer a chance to connect with the world and understand the repercussions of certain actions. It gave gamers a chance to develop feelings for certain characters that previously had no strong standing in the original. This was good. (I first played on Normal and got a decent challenge out of it during certain boss fights, particularly during endgame. Currently I’m running through Hard mode and utterly regretting my life choices, so the challenge is certainly there.)
As someone who played the original and delved into the rest of the Compilation over the years, it was enjoyable to see nods and easter eggs to those plotlines. A story I didn’t think would have any part in 7R somehow made its way in. People I thought would be skipped over were brought up. It was nice.
But here’s where it fell apart: all these nods and the expansion of the world (yes, we’re only experiencing Midgar, but I’ll still label it as a “world” since that is the extent that the gamers are exposed to) were haphazardly applied to the main plot, and not only that, when it came down to the endgame all those little nuggets ultimately didn’t mean anything.
Why? Because of the new plotline that was introduced. It’s been speculated and the general consensus is that 7R is a different reality. You can call it a sequel, AU, whatever. It’s a different plot altogether, particularly with how the ending unfolded. The Whispers / Watchers of Fate / Arbiters of Fate are what everyone has summed as being a physical manifestation of what fans expected to happen, or what the creators tried to preserve over the years through the many works that elaborated on the original VII storyline. Because the characters in 7R have destroyed the Whispers, this essentially has ripped apart the expectations that old (and new) fans had for the Remake series. We don’t know how many installments there are for 7R, but it’s pretty clear from the ending line that there’s going to be another part. (Hell, you still have to fight Sephiroth again... or something. Or maybe he becomes your ally. Who knows...)
Which makes a lot of mental gears grind, heads tilt, and plenty of frustrated fans raise their voices. The Deus Ex Machina concept is nothing new. A “do-over” plotline is not unique either. (Doubt me? Go look at all the fanfics that have been circling the internet since the day the original game came out.) Taking the original VII plotline and conjoining it with a “do-over” plotline is... well, it’s bad.
There are ways to make something like that work. Ways to rewrite history and attempt to make it right. There are people who speculate that 7R considers the original VII as the “bad ending” --- as if this is a dating sim and you picked the option where Lover C decides to murder you instead of marry you, so now you wipe your save file and change all of your choices so you get the happy ending with Lover C. The major plot events are the same, but now you’re alive and Lover C never goes apeshit on you.
I can understand the desire to get a “good ending.” This just isn’t the smartest way to go about it.
So with that in mind, we are now on that separate save file trying to make all the “right” choices. No one knows what will come of it, no one knows if it even is a “good” ending that awaits us. So what does that mean?
Quite plainly, it means everything we knew, every relationship that was built upon in the original, even all the work that was put into the other games and that particular reality, are all dumped in the trash. 7R is an AU scum save game file that tosses out the original values and lore that were taught to us and the characters too. In an ugly way of explaining it, 7R is spitting in the face of all the other pieces of the Compilation and what lessons came out of them.
These are lessons of the value of life, the value of relationships, the gravity of truth and the price of lies, struggling with flaws and shortcomings, change, love, and personal growth. These aren’t new or unfamiliar tropes, but their weight of worth still remains. (I won’t call VII to be the greatest game in existence, but it did create a strong connection with its audience through the story it told.)
What 7R does in face of these lessons is push them all aside for what is basically fanservice. Wish fulfillment. People who are dead in the original may/may not be alive in 7R. People who are alive in 7R are supposed to be dead in the original. 7R’s reality robs the audience of a chance to experience those values and struggles in a new yet familiar way. Fans who have no idea what happened in the original or only have a vague grasp of the plot will not have the same connection that old fans do. Yes, new fans can still understand that Aerith’s death was supposed to be a sad event. Yes, Sephiroth is a meteor summoning cockroach. (He has a bad habit of resurrecting.) However, they don’t have the firsthand experience. They did not personally go through the journey.
There are heavy hints of it in 7R, but the experience isn’t the same. And now considering that the Whispers are defeated, there probably isn’t even a reason to go through the original content anymore. Just open up a wikia and get the most basic summary, because what lays before us in the 7R series is uncharted territory.
The story of Cloud’s past and who Zack is will most likely still be introduced and explained, but how? Will it still hold the same meaning? Will fans be able to experience the same joy and pain, not knowing how big of an impact Zack had on the story particularly on Cloud’s, Aerith’s, and even Tifa’s lives? They made a whole game with him as the main protagonist; that was how big of an impact he made on those around him, and how much fans thought he deserved more screen time than what was given in the original VII.
Though the ending cutscenes of 7R implied that Zack may still be dead and his survival is probably in a completely different reality outside of both VII and 7R, the idea that it is possible for him to live takes away the meaning behind his death. It takes away how he made such an impact on those he met. Is it sad to always have him die? Certainly. But that’s the point. You, the gamer, and those in the game itself feel the weight of his presence and his loss. Him living diminishes it. Perhaps not completely, but it does stick a knife in the tapestry that wove together this important and surprisingly strong bond between even the most minor of characters.
The same can be said about Aerith’s death. I do enjoy that in 7R Cloud and Aerith got to interact and you could see more of how their personalities played off each other; I enjoyed Aerith’s portrayal in 7R. Yet, with the speculation of her possibly surviving and maybe being omnipotent (or dimension hopping, take your pick), we don’t see how strong of an impact she made on those around her. We don’t see how her death changed the cast, became a driving point of their mission. Particularly for Cloud, she became a pivotal part of his growth. Regardless if you consider their relationship to be friendship or love, it’s undeniable that she made a strong impression and her death hit Cloud like a sack of bricks to the face. The value of her life was so great in his heart, she became one of the major reasons he was so hell bent on fighting Sephiroth. She wasn’t the only reason, but she certainly was fighting to be at the top of the list. Even in the sequels that followed, she was always on their minds. She taught a priceless lesson that still sticks with gamers today. People still weep over her death.
So let me bring it up again: 7R spits at VII. Not just in the lessons it brought, but the lore as well. The introduction of Whispers, Aerith’s unexplained new powers, Sephiroth’s early appearance and his ability to cut through the veil of reality... It all brings about the question of Gaia and how she works as both a habitable place and sentient entity. Gaia had WEAPON --- colossal creatures that were meant to safeguard the planet. When Gaia perceives herself to be in danger, she brings out the giant no-no stick. (This is mainly in response to the threat of Jenova, but it is plausible that WEAPON will tear apart every major threat and hit the big reset button on everything. Otherwise, why did Ultimate attack Mideel? There’s no Jenova there, unless you count Cloud. But that’s a different topic for a different day.)
There is speculation that the Whispers that meld into the Harbinger of Fate / Whisper Harbinger is another WEAPON. This is a theory to take with a fat grain of salt, but the point is this: what did the Whispers uphold, and how does that alter the rest of the lore of the game? Do we consider the Whispers to be beings completely exempt from the rest of the lore? Are they some kind of god? Are they related or unrelated to WEAPON, and do they have their own agenda or do they also work to safeguard Gaia? No one knows, and there are a bunch of videos that try to tackle these questions.
I don’t have the answer. What I do have is a major side-eye at the whole concept of the Whispers existing and how they interact across the different realities, and how in turn they alter the overall lore of VII. Vague telling of the main plot points from the original are present, yet there is a giant question mark as to how much of said plot points will remain present in future game(s). Is there even a need for WEAPON anymore? Is Aerith not the last living Ancient/Cetra? Is Sephiroth blood kin to her? (Anyone remember that old concept?)
What about Holy? The lifestream? Hell, you can create summon materia now, not find godly creatures slumbering inside giant marbles scattered throughout the planet. Can Meteor be created too, or is it still hidden in the Temple of the Ancients and deemed too dangerous and the magic too great for anyone to handle? Do I even want to touch the subjects of Project G and Deepground??
That’s too many questions that don’t need to exist in the first place. What 7R created was a large stew of wtfery. I don’t just say this out of saltiness, it really is a giant “wtf” where almost every fan doesn’t even know where to start when they try to deeply analyze what happened in the game.
Personally, I believe the “do-over” plot that was introduced in 7R was a mistake. Not only did it mess with the lore of the world and open up a rotten can of worms that no one knows how to decipher, it took away from the value of certain actions from different characters, whether main cast or secondary. (I feel cheated. Tifa’s tears were practically wasted because Biggs is apparently alive, Jessie is probably just comatose somewhere, and Wedge probably survived too despite being tossed out a skyscraper.)
What I expected, and I believe what many frustrated fans expected, was not a “do-over” plotline/reality but a retelling of the same familiar story we have come to love over the last few decades. Whether some fans picked it up as soon as it was first published on 3 discs, or played it later down the line on PC, or even waited until it got ported to PS4, we came to enjoy that original plot. The original reality that has been told and retold, and adored even across different games with cameo appearances from the main cast. Flesh out the world, make it bigger, make it grander, show me Cloud in a fugly purple dress and Tifa in a miniskirt, show me Sephiroth’s Vidal Sassoon flowing silver locks, show me Jenova’s eye nipple... but keep the rest the same. By all means incorporate plotline from the other installments of the Compilation --- tell me more about the Turks, the original/main faction of AVALANCHE, Rufus and his relationship with his dad, other perverted projects Shinra had hiding under its mako skirt, the full story behind the failed rocket launch, the Wutai war, Nanaki’s youth, Zack’s early years in Shinra/SOLDIER, all that --- but don’t suddenly throw all that work, all those relationships and stories, all those valuable lessons out the window.
7R had plenty of potential and even if I take away the “purist” expectations I wanted from it, the game still managed to be disappointing.
Coming back to the topic of why I won’t use 7R in my portrayal, it is because of all this. Because it takes away too much from VII and warps it into something it shouldn’t be. My idea of Cloud sits strongly with the Compilation (namely the original game with some minor inspiration from the other materials). His hardships, his pain, his personal growth... I will hold onto those because they make Cloud who he is at the end of the game. They are why Cloud leaves such an impression on people. Yes, recent adjustments to his features have really ramped up how handsome he is (especially in 7R, though I’m salty about his hair being wrong) and that sticks with people. Everyone swoons over how he looks in that crisp HD. It’s his journey that is more worthy of noting though.
I expect that there will be people who are not/less bothered by these details. There are plenty of people who embrace 7R and what it introduces --- I’ve heard people say they’re tired of the same old formula and a “do-over” plot is fresh and exciting for them --- but I’ll stick to what I’ve come to learn to love throughout my life. Because there are plenty of people who favor 7R, the door is open for people to head that way. This isn’t me kicking anyone out. This is me firmly establishing where I stand and why.
TL;DR --- 7R is a high dollar AU fanfic and I don’t appreciate that. (But I’ll still snag icons and reblog gifsets of the cutscenes because I’m opportunistic that way.)
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