#kickin is probably the most questioning about catnap out of all of them
happi-dreams · 6 months
Very happy that all of you guys think my eepy lil things are indeed eepy :D
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c0zy-fluff · 5 months
Uhhhhhh- new StarStudent hc if (based off the new PPT book that literally released a day ago I think-)
Sooo, y'all probably heard abt all the boys in the Smiling Critters group (mostly CatNap and DogDay) being thrown shade at, right? Wellllll, stumbled across these two bios according to the book regarding Kickin n Bubba
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Apparently Bubba's getting ignored for his explanation (probably being thought as annoying/boring?) and ofc, Kickin having a 'tough guy' facade to cover up his scared lil mind (I feel so bad for all of the boys- /gen)
Sooooo, hc time! This time, split into two! (for both sides to be comforted 🥹)
Bubba telling ppl knowledgeable stuff, but no one wants to hear it :(
Whenever Bubba is telling someone some new information and they're ignoring him, he feels like he's only just annoying them at that point cuz they don't seem to care about what Bubba's 'nerdy facts' have to say. Bubba would most definitely feel bad about this, so he'd cut himself off in the middle of an explanation, when he notices the person he's talking looks like not listening at all and they feel like they're being tortured by a lecture, apologize for wasting their time, and then walk off. Bubba would probably then sit in a corner and his face would be buried within the pages of a book as a way to try and distract himself.
Kickin, who's walking around aimlessly, would notice that Bubba is all alone, sitting in the corner, and face buried within his book. He'd then question Bubba why he's sitting all alone and in a corner and Bubba would look up from his book and tell him that he was just 'annoying people again for the umpteenth time with 'boring' facts no wants to listen to' and that he'd just want to take his mind off what happened. Kickin realizing that Bubba feels ignored and like he's annoying, he wants to make Bubba feel better, but he doesn't know how to.
Then an idea strikes him. He then turns to Bubba and then asks him something trivial like "Why is the sky blue?", "Why do people's hands feel cold when the weather/season isn't even near cold?", etc. and Bubba would then look at Kickin for reassurance that it's okay if he can go off on his explanations and facts and then Kickin nodded. For every word that Bubba said, Kickin listened; he never looked annoyed, he never told Bubba to stop mid-sentence, and he didn't feel like he was being tortured by Bubba's fact lectures. He just wanted to listen to Bubba. And that nod was all that Bubba needed to reassure himself that he's not as annoying as he thinks he is.
Kickin feeling like his 'cool guy' facade is starting to fade/crumble to his feet (basically he scared :( )
Kickin was most likely bullied as a small chick before he met anyone in the group, which is most likely the cause of why he's doing this facade. Kickin would feel like that if he doesn't have any confidence or even self control in himself, he'll have to go through being bullied all over again, hence why he'd act like he was one of the coolest members of the group. Bubba saw through this facade of Kickin's, but never publicly spoke out about it due to not wanting to start a fight w/ Kickin or potentially shatter Kickin's ego, in front of everyone.
Until one day, Kickin was running away from his own fears and those fears unfortunately engulfed him in a storm of thoughts such as "You're not as cool as you think", "This is all fake", "None of this is real", "Get over yourself", etc. This was starting to make the chicken reach his breaking point and his facade slowly started to crack open and tears start to break out from the brink of his eyes. So, Kickin ran into a forest filled with plenty of fresh air from the trees and tried to look at anything to keep his thoughts down.
Bubba noticed Kickin running into the forest and wondered what he was up to this time. Unfortunately, he noticed that the chicken was in distress and up against a tree. Although he knew it was a facade to keep his cool, he didn't expect this side of Kickin to be THAT bad. Bubba then spoke out to Kickin and then Kickin flinched at the sudden noise and looked in the direction of Bubba. But Kickin then looked in the opposite direction before Bubba could properly take in the stressful look on the chicken's face and attempted to scoot away in hopes that Bubba didn't see him like how he looks now. Bubba took a seat on the grass next to Kickin and asked him what was wrong, but Kickin refused to answer; not like this. After a few moments, Bubba spoke up again and said that he can't help Kickin if he doesn't explain himself first.
So, Kickin took a deep breath and then went on about how he feels like he has to wear this mask while being known as the 'cool kid' cuz if he doesn't, then he assumes that if he lets out his true colors, he's going to experience the same pain that he felt as a chick. Bubba takes note of this and tells Kickin that he and the others would never do that to him, no matter what he acts like; cool kid or not.
Bubba then tells Kickin that he and everyone else in the group like him the way he is and that they genuinely care for him, whether it be under his cool guy facade or if it's Kickin actually being soft w/ others. Kickin understands Bubba and gives him a big smile and puts his arms out to wrap Bubba in a nice, comforting hug. Kickin thanks Bubba cuz he really needed to hear that due to the overwhelming thoughts he had a few moments ago, before Bubba came in to help him out.
Bubba returns the hug and welcomes Kickin, saying that he's great the way he is and he tells Kickin that doesn't need to change a single thing or worry about his cool guys facade cracking, just as long as he's being himself. Just as long as Kickin's being Kickin.
(im almost done w/ the tiny wip i just released a few hours ago btw)
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ccycloneblogging · 6 months
How has player/angel been doing sinch they become a smiling critter?
And how has the other react and treat player?
Okay, so I really want to draw this when I get the time to - but hear me out.
I think Angel would handle it poorly - depending on how it happens. I've gotten some fun ideas through some asks that I intend to make some quick drawings for (Thanks again!!!)
But if Angel was suddenly changed, they would mourn their previous life. I mean, yeah. In this AU, Angel's life isn't great, but they wouldn't love the idea of essentially dying and being reborn as a critter. They had a home, though it is empty.
They have memories, though a good portion of them have been tainted with regret.
The only way Angel would adjust quickly is if they simply didn't remember their human life. What fun that would be~ Just playing with the idea of DogDay, forced to play this cruel game of convincing Angel that they've always been a part of the smiling critters.
Ah - but I think I'll work on that angle a bit more later
As for how the others react?
DogDay - he loves them. They saved him as a human, so he would continue his vow of keeping them safe. He'd accept them with open arms, regardless of what they were. He'd keep close and comfort Angel when he could, but most importantly? He'd try to make them smile.
CatNap - He would have mixed feelings. He owes his savior, and so he will allow such a wild change outside of his comfort zone. He'll accept them as a fully fledged Critter - but that doesn't mean he won't occasionally bicker with DogDay about it. Eventually, he would reach a point where it feels as if Angel has always been there with them. When that day comes, I think CatNap would be the most protective of the critters.
Bubba - He'd be the most cautious. After all, this is uncharted territory. He was well aware the company intended to make the toys (and toons) human, but not the reverse. He is also aware of how the humans intended to scrap CatNap and replace him, which puts Bubba even further on edge. However... It's hard to be doubtful of anyone who has the official DogDay seal of approval. It takes a while, but he would warm up to them
Kickin' - Perhaps he'd be the first one to accept Angel - no questions asked. Okay. Some questions asked, but this rooster can roll with the punches. I think his biggest concern would be Angel's temper, but after that? He'd befriend them quickly.
Hoppy - No doubt about it, this girl would probably adore their new honey badger friend. As far as she sees it, she gets a new sparring partner, and gets to hear some of Angel's adventures. This girl would adore Angel and quickly accepts them into their group.
Bobby - She'd be a little hesitant at first, but once again - it's hard to be frightened by someone that DogDay is vouching for. She'd probably spend the most time with Angel - aside from DogDay. She'd want to know all about their new friend, though... She accidentally would cause Angel to remember some of their more unpleasant memories. However, a few apologies and some snacks would at least ease that pain.
Picky - Neither enthusiast nor apprehensive, Picky is simply neutral at first. She has her doubts, especially after all the horrors they've seen. However... She finds herself admiring their new friend's tenacity. I can picture her inviting Angel over, just to talk and/or bake.
Craftycorn: Perhaps the last one to accept Angel. It's nothing personal, of course. Crafty has always been shy and adding a new friend - and a more aggressive one at that. I can see her keeping her distance for quite some time, only warming up to Angel after quite some time has passed.
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heart-n-sol-critters · 2 months
Even though I'm a Craftyday/Sun flower shipper I do really like this ship and have a couple of headcanons that I would like to share with you! :D
• Their ship name is either Sunkiss, Sunnycuddles, or Puppylove
• They have tons of sleepovers together
• Once every 2 weeks they go on a date
(It's always something really cute like- going to the museum, having a picnic, baking together, going roller skating, picking flowers, watching the fireworks together, going to the beach, going to the carnival/state fair etc..)
• Kickin and Hoppy LOVES to tease Dogday by impersonating Bobby's voice and saying things like "Oh Dogday you're so strong and handsome!" "I just wanna hug and kiss you all over!" "Carry me away your arms!" and laugh as they watched Dogday's face turns as bright as a strawberry from embarrassment
• He think that Bobby's beauty is a complete UNDERSTATEMENT. He thinks that she's the most beautiful girl in the entire world
• Despite the fact that Dogday is allergic to chocolate, that isn't stopping him from getting a box of chocolates just for her
(he usually just gives it to her while wearing gloves and a mask)
• Dogday loves to surprise Bobby by giving her a big beautiful bouquet of flowers out of nowhere
• Bobby loves to surprise Dogday by jumping out of nowhere and smothering him with kisses and hugs
• Whenever Bobby is wearing lipstick or lip gloss, she'll leave hundreds of tiny little kiss marks all over Dogday's face
• Dogday will often make heart-shaped pancakes for Bobby
• Their favorite activity is making friendship bracelets together
• Dogday lets Bobby do his makeup and nails
Bobby: "Hey Sunshine"
Dogday: "Yeah Babe, what's up?"
Bobby: "I have a question..."
Dogday: "Well what is it?"
Bobby: "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Dogday: "Uhmmm.... Yeah, sure!"
Bobby "WAIT REALLY??!!?"
Dogday: "Well yeah! I'd probably keep you in a cage for your safety and I would probably let you move around my hand"
Bobby: "YAAAY!!"
• Dogday is VERY protective of Bobby to the point where the other critters have started calling him "Bobby's guard dog" WHICH IS VERY TRUE, because whenever someone tries to be mean or belittle Bobby, he'll get all up in their face and act 10x more aggressive than they were to Bobby
• If someone makes fun of Bobby, she'll cry. BUT If someone made fun Dogday and made him cry OH MAN IT'S GOING TO BE A LIVING HELL FOR THEM. IT WOULD BE A BLOODBATH
(she wouldn't kill them. she would just give them a severe ass whooping while screaming at to never mess with Dogday ever again. (they're just both very protective of each other)
• My headcanon for Bobby is that she has separation anxiety and abandonment issues so, when Dogday found out about it PRIVACY WAS NO LONGER A THING. HE WOULD CLING ON TO HER LIKE A KOALA AND SHE LOVED IT. THEY STUCK TOGETHER LIKE SUPER GLUE, IT HONESTLY IMPRESSIVE HOW CLINGY THEY ARE
• PDA IS THEIR WHOLE THING. They'll hold hands, hug, cuddle, kiss each other, and even nuzzle their noses with 0 SHAME WHATSOEVER.
• Catnap, Bubba, and Kickin are Dogday's wingmen and Craftycorn, Picky, and Hoppy are Bobby's wingwomen
• Bobby has a A03 account and secretly writes fanfics about her and Dogday
(the only ones you know about are Crafty and Hoppy)
• Their favorite outdoor activities are going on the swings, playing tag, and playing fitch
• They have tons of karaoke nights
• They both love the fireworks but Dogday HATES how loud they are so whenever they're watching the fireworks together Bobby will cover Dogday's ears whenever a big firework is it about to explode
• They'll often play board games and video games together
Kickin: "Hey, Bubba"
*Bubba looks up from his book to see that it's Kickin*
Bubba: "Hmm? Oh hi Kickin, what's going on?"
Kickin: *point at Bobby and Dogday who are currently on the floor and look very angry while also being on the verge of tears* "What's up with them?"
Bubba: "Hmm? Them? Yeah, they just got into an argument. Don't worry about it"
Kickin: "Okay? If they just got into an argument, then why are they holding hands?"
Bubba: "Because Kickin, they get sad whenever they get into an argument"
• PDA IS WHOLE THING. They'll hold hands, hug, cuddle, kiss, they'll even nuzzle there are noses with 0 SHAME WHATSOEVER
• They're very much Barbie and Ken core
(Specifically from Life in the Dreamhouse and not the Barbie movie. if ykyk.)
• Dogday is such a gentle man to Bobby like- He'll open the door, clear her chair, and just be a straight-up walking green flag
• Dogday will pick Bobby up and spin her around just like how Disney prince does to his princess
• Whenever they're apart from each other for more than 5 minutes they'll become super sad and miss each other
Bobby:*sighs* "I miss my boyfriend"
(don't get me wrong, Hoppy does care about her best friend's happiness however, when she hears about her talking about her boyfriend ALL THE TIME. she does get a little tired from it)
That's all I have for now! I hope you like it!! :D
these are all so good !! :D
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