An Opening
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@ravenfan1242​  I had been meaning to write your WallyRae - this is finally done! I never wrote an AU like this or for Kid Flash/Raven. I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for the lovely Valentine’s Day WallyRae fanart!!!
Prompt List
@ravenfan1242​ WallyRae Fanart 
A disembodied arm sprang open an office, and stole the living wits straight out of the occupant, who until that moment, was lunching alone. A plastic spoon hovering within range of an agape mouth. “I thought I smelled something delicious.” Her shocked cobalt blue examined the intruder who then asked, “what’s on the gourmet today?”
“Um…soup.” Raven said to the bowl tightly. “Just soup.”
“I like soup.” The redhead remarked, holding the door frame above and angling his body towards the desk. “Did you make it?”
Sprinkles slid off the spoonful steadily. “Microwaved it.”
“Close enough, right?” He grinned. The kindness of his blue-green eyes shone even in the sparsely lit room, its single window covered in slats.
“Right…” She mumbled. A limp noodle nose-dived off the cutlery and plopped back into the lukewarm pool. “Cooking adjacent.” Which was as close to the act as Raven was willing to stand.
A wide breadth was generally best.
“Exactly what I always say.” He agreed. “Although… it certainly smells homemade, Raven.” Why was she blushing? Why was his mention of her viscous broth - located somewhere on the borderline between piss and dishwater - making her forget how to think straight? The lull was disturbed when freckled fingers rapped on her door in a rapid staccato. “I’ll see you later?”
She nodded weakly. “Later.” With that, he went whistling on his way.
With bright smiles and even brighter hair, Wally was unreal. Whether he stopped by her office unexpectedly, saw her in the kitchen, or spotted her in passing, he had this tendency or - compulsion - to talk to her. Even if it meant he had to race over to her and abandon someone mid-sentence, he would find his way to her side. Though he only started weeks ago, he had a presence that elicited eagerness, instead of her general indifference.
The day they met, something strange happened - she forgot to bring in her thermos of tea to work. She stopped in the kitchen on each floor, before she went up a total of five flights - to the sole coffee machine in operation. The machine beeped scarlet - angry accusations; it demanded to be cleaned before servicing anyone else. A not-so-office-friendly phrase threatened to slide from her lips at the sight of a hand swiping the final steaming cup of liquid - the proverbial straw.
“Just my luck.” She sighed to herself. An office building without a working coffee machine was one with cruel working conditions.
The new owner of the wax paper cup turned to her. “I’m sorry, did you need coffee?” Perhaps he was sympathetic, but likely he heard the desperation in her voice, the sheer panic of taking on Tuesday without a cuppa.
“No…tea.” Raven corrected the redhead. “Coffee doesn’t do it for me.”
“What a coincidence!” 
She believed it.
Apparently, he already had a superabundance of energy. A voice that was less jarring, explained. “Coffee makes a bit hyperactive - or more so.” His lips turned up cheekily. “Would you like mine? It’s herbal. Mint.”
“Really, I couldn’t.” But the man didn’t hear of it, he grabbed another paper cup and unloaded an even amount.
“We’ll share - you can make it up to me by telling me your name and department…” He could see she was befuddled. “I’m Wally West - I’m new.” His skin radiated charges through the handshake, it lingered on the cup he passed to her.
“Raven Roth… Human Resources.” On a typical day, she had few direct interactions with others, but she wanted to interact with him.
That week, they spoke every day. She tried to put her finger to the pulse of it, but couldn’t surmise.
It was easy to attribute her attraction to the dashes of freckles, flaming tresses, and feistiness, but it was more than that. There was a gravitational pull drawing her to the western hemisphere. It was saturated with sun. It was offbeat and unique, and…fun. With that chance encounter, work life changed for the better. So even though Raven hardly ever did herself, the days of routine nine to five took their own, well-deserved time-off.
Office parties and happy hours. These were social situations that had persisted through time, even though cocktails and coworkers were not meant to commingle.
And it was why, Raven didn’t know why she was attending this one. Frankly, she would much rather be in her own company than that of her tipsy boss and drunk coworkers, and other wasted strangers in the lowly lit bar. It was the most awkward thing in the world to witness their behavior while they bummed booze off the company dime.
The true reason she was here - it was mandatory. A mandatory, holiday party, the intention of which was to spend time socializing with coworkers in a low-stress environment. The aim was to avoid getting sloppy. Working in HR, she was aware. Though, others seemed to forget, they tended to get rowdy. Especially before their vacations.
Speaking of which.
“Man, you’re usually faster.” Pre-party rum was affecting speech patterns of the recent arrivals. “Happy hour awaits!”
“I know, we’re already so late.” That was definitely pre-party rum from someone’s cubicle closet.
There were other divisions here. Teams that were not as straight-laced as her own.
“Wally, you need to relax and get a drink - or two.”
He tipped his head, as spotted her by the bar. His steps were clumsy, eyes watery from the alcohol. At last, freckled cheeks, with their rosy halo freckled, wiggled out a hazy smile. The orange and blue bulbs above had gone paces past ambient lighting, to delve deep into clubbing territory. They were outside of work and outside the standard, watts of fluorescence she had grown accustomed to seeing him under. The palpitating in her chest appeared to agree. Raven didn’t know whether it was the drink she had been nursing, the thumping bass of played-out pop, or him in his gray button-down, with its rolled up cuffs showing forearms, tanned and strong.
“I hoped - you… to - night -” The shock of red bobbed, invitingly. Raven squinted and motioned to her ear. Oh - right! Wally mouthed. He pointed to a stool, Raven shrugged. She sipped quickly to hide her smile as he plunked down at her right.
And now…
At least five songs had gone, but Wally hadn’t left her side. Their bodies were tilted towards one another in the backless seats. He had given up shouting over the music to whisper directly into her ear canal. Each syllable was slow and slightly slurred - deep and deliberate.
“You look very nice.” Wally was referring to her black sheath dress. Though work-appropriate, it was tight and clingy. An unintended positive of the unseasonably warm weather, Raven had foregone tights. And Wally West clearly noticed.
“You know I’m in HR - that could be misconstrued as flirting,” She jabbed him with her straw. “But, you’re alright with me, Wallace.” When they were alone here with alcohol in the air she felt emboldened. To call him Wallace and scoot closer in her seat - to flirt about whether or not they were allowed to flirt.
“Misconstrued…?” His grinned went lopsided with nausea for a moment. “Oh - boy that booze.”
For a second, she placed a hand on his shoulder in a gesture that hopefully was innocent to any onlookers. “Wally, are you alright?”
“Yeah.” He swallowed, shakily. “I just… don’t drink - like ever.”
“Really - not ever?” The ink eyebrows shot up. “Why not?” Her upturned nose twitched.
“Ever run hungover?” Run? A pale hand’s push slid their glasses out of sight. “I run - marathons… One’s coming up next weekend, so I’m in the middle of training for it.” Wally chuckled pathetically or painfully.
She fingered her ebony tresses thoughtfully. Then she whispered, while leaning forward so her mouth brushed the pink, freckly orifice. “So then why…did you drink?”
Wally spoke near her cheek, the sharp, spiced-sugar whisked Raven’s nose. “Because I wanted a little liquid courage.” His queasiness had dissipated. “I… want to dance - will you dance with me?” He asked, as though it had only occurred to him moments ago.
Suddenly, she glanced at her surroundings. “Um, I…” They were alone, but not truly. And even if they were, this was still a work party. She sneaked a peek behind them. The darkened room was thinned out, over half the people had left. Those that remained were drunker and louder than the last. Could it be that it was safe after all?
“Raven?” Wally was following her line of sight. “Are you…looking for an out?”
“No,” She promised and placed her palm in his. “Let’s do it.”
“Do it?!” Wally gasped. “Why, Raven, I’m appalled!”
“Don’t you dare…” Her voice had suddenly gone dry.
“I thought you were in HR.” Wally continued. “Can I report someone in HR - to HR?”
She sighed into her smile. “Your jokes are still decent when you’re wasted.”
Right or wrong, it was best to be cautious. Raven felt more at ease when he took her to a secluded corner in the back. Her and Wally danced restlessly, waiting, with their bodies a ways apart. Unspoken, until they were the last ones left.
At last.
Turning in aimless circles, with her arms draped on his neck and his hands tight to her waist, they drew closer. With the party over, it was harmless. She and Wally had morphed into two individuals out on a Friday at the bar.
The bar where booze laden blood overheated their bodies. Raven’s cardigan was torn off and the first three buttons on Wally’s shirt had come undone.
One song melded into another and another and another. Until one that played for their ears alone - it was one where rules of Human Resources, policies, and holiday parties could fall away like layers fallen between them.
Raven clicked open another email. One day was unending lull only for the one that succeeded to be filled with a billion urgent emails that all required her attention.
Today was one of those days.
Open Skype.
That was it. No subject. No greeting. No signature. And it was from one Wally West.
An involuntary smile began to slide across her skin as she clicked, wondering what this could possibly be about.
WW: 30 minutes. Me and you.
RR: I’m busy. What is this about?
WW: You’ll see. I’m signing off - so you can’t say no.
Wally appeared in her doorway no less than five minutes later. “Raven - up!” He commanded.
She shook her head violently. “I have a ton of work to do today. I can’t -”
Wally persisted. “Up. Up. Up!” He went around to pull her out of the chair. It made her remember their dances. She had to breathe carefully to calm herself. “You can squeeze in an hour for lunch.” Raven opened her mouth. “Microwaved leftovers or calcified bags of nuts from your desk drawer are not lunch.”
“Wally, please…” Raven she begged. She had to at least attempt a last ditch effort. “I should get this done.”
His red hair flopped over his face. When he straightened back up, he gave her a soft smile. “Trust me, it’s only an hour, and you’ll love it.”
“Okay.” She couldn’t say no to that - or to him.
He chatted with her animatedly for all five blocks until they arrived at a little bistro Raven had never been to, despite it being so close.
“Two tomato soups and two grilled cheeses, please.”
Simple, but classic, it was her favorite comfort food. When the waiter disappeared, Raven playfully shoved him. Wally grinned, appreciating how well he knew her.
True to his word, it was the best lunch at work she had ever had.
And after, they ran, with full-stomachs sprinted, arm and arm in their pea-coats. The uncooperative weather wafted their condensed breath out into the ether. The chill snapped their cheeks and noses, outlining them in pink as they raced on. He had vowed to get Raven to her office before an hour elapsed. But before they rounded the corner to the building, he stopped.
“Wally, come on.” Raven panted. “We have to get back - before -”
The experienced runner was hardly winded. His voice didn’t waver when he told her, “Raven, I don’t… Have to get back.”
“No. We all have an hour.” She exhaled, glancing at her watch for the time. “That’s the rule.” Her tone dropped a decibel, she conspired, pinching her forefinger and thumb. “I mean I’m supposed to say that, but you can push it a little…”
“Raven, I’m an independent contractor.”
Faintly, she wondered why he needed to mention that. “Meaning? You have a stricter deadline than I do -” He brushed a raven lock, tenderly gazing at her as he did so. “Wally…! What if someone sees you…”
“Today’s my last day, Raven.”
“What?” The pale girl ripped away, violently. “No." She bit out. Raven tried to slow and soften the harshness. "I… don’t understand.”
“My contract ended.” Wally explained. “And they decided not to extend it.”
“But,” She argued, knowing it was futile. “Surely there’s something we can do, or I can do.”
After all, what was the point of working in her department all these years? What was the point if she couldn’t help a friend?
“Raven, don’t worry about me.” He slid closer. “It’s alright, I’m needed elsewhere.”
“So that’s it.” Raven lifted her head.
“I’ll be packing up tonight…” Wally continued in a normal register. She wished he wouldn’t. “If you wanted to help…”
The wind picked up, night colored tendrils blew back in frigidity. The ice in the air surrounding her body was as cold as the ice overcoming her heart. It was painful enough that he was going. Leaving her. Helping to carry out the process would be cruel. “I don’t think I can do that, Wally.”
“I understand… But now, I can do this...” He eyed her closely. His bluish-green eyes memorized her face, at last, her lips. With enough films and sappy television in her repertoire, she knew what was next.
Two parted pillowy lips advanced, angling downward. Raven stood on her tiptoes, stretching her body to sun. His warmth drew her nearer to his atmosphere. This was it. The moment she had only dreamed of… She shut her heavy lids, just as his mouth, stung by the chill, veered…into her forehead.
“Let’s go back… to the office.”
The cool wind whistled and Raven was stung.
All over again.
“I’ll - meet you up there.” She stepped back. “I need a moment.”
As soon as he had disappeared out of sight, Raven started to walk. The other way. To the train. To go home. She felt sick after all.
A half day only seemed appropriate.
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xaphrin · 9 years
Bruh, I'm always up for some dirty kfrae. Just saying. That is if you are still doing requests
I aim to please. NSFW.- - -
Their moments were always stolen between battles and moments with the team. There was never anything romantic about them during the moment, it was always hot and heavy against the wall - quick, fast, sinful, needy - there might have not have been love behind it at first, because they were so desperate for release. Raven needed someone who wouldn’t ask her questions, and Wally needed someone who wouldn’t whisper his secrets to their friends. 
And so, their first encounter had her pinned against the bathroom counter, bent over the sink as the both watched their reflection in the mirror. Raven’s breath was coming out in short pants, fogging up the mirror, and Wally was practically fascinated with her eyes, the way they darkened and called out to him from behind her lashes. He loved watching the unrully passion sink into her veins and take over her soul - it was different and new. 
Their sixth encounter was a little less needy, and a bit more slow. They lay under the stars, watching fireworks explode in the darkness of the sky above them, and Wally hitched her legs over his shoulders as he drove deep into her waiting body. She tightened around him, gasping and murmuring as he gave her everything she needed from this stolen moment, and it wasn’t until days after that he realized she called out his name for the first time.  
Their tenth encounter was completely different. It was more about his pleasure, and in the middle of a crowded restaurant, Raven crawled under the floor-length table cloth and sucked him clean and dry. And when he was done, she swallowed him whole, her eyes watched him from a sliver of space under the table cloth. She grinned easily and went back to her dinner as if nothing had happened, leaving him confused, his heart beating wildly in his chest, even long after their dinner. 
It wasn’t until their thirteenth encounter that they took things slow. Wally made love to her, slowly, softly, his eyes never leaving as he watched her come again and again and again. It was not something he had ever seen before, and there was something about it that called out to him. He wanted to keep it close, wanted to keep that soft whisper, his name, those dark eyes… he wanted to keep them all to himself. And so, for the first time, he allowed himself to mumble it against her skin as they both came together. 
“I love you.”
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