#kihyuns biggest fan
astroyongie · 1 month
Monsta X Things They Do That Makes You Feel Like Receiving Princess Treatment
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its probably because of his height but he loves to wrap you like a burrito. He loves to do that during chilly days, having you pressed against him while he kisses you softly
would always put your needs before his own thats for sure. Shownu is always considering your wants and needs before making decisions about anything. you come first
its a ritual thing but whenever you guys go to bed he has to tuck you in. he is making sure you are comfortable in bed, tucking you in with soft blankets before he joins you
he loves to show his physical strenght and for that he is always picking you up. he would carry you when you are feeling tired or just to be playful since it makes him feel in charge
Minhyuk is the type to give you gentle forehead kisses to show tenderness and care and he would do it in public without a ounce of problem
he would turn himself into your biggest fan, cheering you on in public and attending events that are important to you while providing the manly support one can need
he never lets you carry your own bag or your own stuff. and Kihyun will be insisting on carrying your bags when they’re heavy, so you don't have to, but the true is he does that with anything your carry, even your smallest purse
he loves to give you jewelry. but his favourite is when he gifts you personalized jewelry engraved with something meaningful. usually its his name or special dates
whenever cold season is here he will be ready for your. Kihyun is pre-warming your jacket and even your blankets during the cold weather so when you use them its warm and nice
he is your personal doctor whenever you feel sick. Hyungwon is taking his own day off, taking care of you when you are unwell, making sure you have your medicine, soup, and comfort. he ain't living your side until you feel better
he also shows a lot of his appreciation through words. he would regularly telling you how much you mean to him, verbally and with actions as well, giving you pretty much anything you want
its a basic things, but he is always holding your hand both in public and in private. it helps you feel secure and loved by him, as his thumb rubs over your knuckles
he is always the one who takes the lead on planning date nights and special days out so you dont have to do it. he likes to be in charge of the smallest things and let you relax and not worry about a thing
Jooheon offers a lot of comfort on his own way. he likes to rub your back for no particular reason but physical contact but also playing with your hair when you are stressed or upset.
he would transform himself into your sanctuary. he would be a peaceful, non-judgmental space where you can always be your true self without feeling judged or ashamed which provides a lot of comfort
he does this more often than he wants to admit, but occasionally sukuna is bringing breakfast to you in bed, making sure to choose your favourite food and even completing it with flowers on the tray.
his quiet self doesnt express love like others. he would bring you flowers randomly, for no reason other than to see your smile. it makes you feel loved and it makes him feel happy
your success is his biggest flex and he would throwing you mini celebrations for your achievements, no matter how small they are as long as it makes you happy
Bonus Wonho
He loves to dance with you to be honest. Wonho would randomly pull you into a slow dance, even if it’s just in the kitchen without music on. he will put you on top of his feet and do the moving while kissing your lips
he is always leaving notes for you. leaving cute love notes in your bag so you can find it during the day, on your mirror in the morning or in unexpected places like your jacket and shoes
he likes to keep memories of you as well and he does that pretty much always. he keeps a journal of your best moments together before offering it to you
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kiiyunz · 5 months
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⠀⠀  (  2:33 Ꮺ  )  ⠀while it’s still not exactly a home away from home, when kihyun’s with WAYV he feels just as able to let loose and let himself have the fun he wants as when he's with 127. they might not the very first place he’d turn if he was in trouble, or needed help (although he has gone to them for it a few times in the past), but they are one of the first people on his mind for when he feels like going for a night out to let loose, or to mess around in the studio for a few hours and see what beats they can pull out of thin air, sampling any and everything they can find. if DREAM are kihyun’s unbreakable bonds, and 127 are the pillars of support he never knew he needed, then WAYV are sort of a mix of both, as well as kihyun’s.. well, enablers, in a way.
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錕 & 기현⠀───⠀KIKUN
kihyun attached himself to kun the second they met and refused to let go—figuratively, of course (although he has done it literally a few times in the past, and will likely do it again). he felt a similar sort of instant connection as he had with johnny, or niko, or mark. he admired and looked up to his vocal ability as much as he did taeil’s, but for some reason felt a little more comfortable to let loose around him, to mess around and make jokes and be as clingy as he liked without worrying if he was being annoying. kun was just someone who made him feel comfortable instantly, an easy air around him that then-trainee kihyun needed every once in a while to let all his worries about debuting or not debuting and all his shortcomings during the various lessons they were put through get to him too much. when he was with kun they could just talk music, or play card games, or on occasion the older vocalist would give him a mini magic show and then attempt to teach him some tricks afterwards. there was a little bit of a struggle with the language barrier, as there was with most of the WAYV members, but they made do most of the time, finding they enjoyed spending time with another even if they didn’t fully understand everything the other was saying all of the time.
the younger vocalist considers himself one of kun’s biggest fans, point blank. everything he does (and did, back in the day and over the years) is met with the upmost support from him, both the things he’s allowed to share with the public & the projects he keeps to himself. if there was one member to rival the amount of personal merch and photocards he owns of the DREAM members, it would undoubtedly be kun. he just thinks he’s so.. cool. talented in everything he does, and making it look easy in the process. there isn’t a singular thing he’s been featured in that kihyun hasn’t reposted or talked about on social media in one form or another, not one piece of group content where he hasn’t done a running jump at the WAYV leader and clung to his arm for the next five minutes at the very least. kun shares the same sentiment with kihyun, even if it’s not to the same physical extent. he’s supportive in everything the younger does, and is always ready to help with anything he may need if he asks.
their friendship is one that’s mostly stayed the same over the years—growing stronger, if anything. kun is one of the top people on his list he’ll call if he needs a second opinion, if he wants a little help, or if he just wants someone to get a meal with. it’s always easy when they’re with one another, never having an uncomfortable or awkward moment between them even if they’re just sharing silence. they’re a relatively rare duo to see on camera during official content, and are usually more brought up or seen (and occasionally featured, on live) on their own personal feeds. they’re another pair that have expressed wanting to work with one another officially in the future—and have already played around with some unofficial things together in their free time too.
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เตนล์ & 기현⠀───⠀TENKI
ten was interested in kihyun from their very first meeting, both in wanting to get to know him and also in seeing if there was any way he could be of help with his dancing. and while he wasn’t a mentor as such, kihyun thinks he owes a lot to ten for helping him in their trainee days—both by correcting him on the smaller errors that their teachers didn’t pick up on, and also for never making him feel bad about his mistakes, always reassuring him that he himself sometimes slipped up too. dance was the main thing they bonded over, slowly growing closer as ten did his best to support kihyun wherever he could & kihyun attempting to return the favour by sneaking the older dancer a few extra snacks from when he snuck out, or reciprocating every bit of affection he received tenfold. while they slowly began to not see each other as much as it grew closer and closer to the first official NCT debut, they still tried to keep in touch & contact each other whenever they could, and kihyun made sure to cheer him (and the other five, of course) on the hardest he could.
even after it had all calmed down after the release of THE 7TH SENSE, they didn’t get too much time to go back to hanging out, as not long afterwards kihyun was preparing for his own debut in DREAM. he was caught up completely in focusing on being the best he could be, and again their contact was scarce—save for the few phone calls they shared, and the sparing evenings where ten would catch him staying in the practice room long after all the others had left, and run through the CHEWING GUM choreography with him a few times before making him go get some rest. it took a while, but when everything had really slowed down a little, they made sure to go out for a long meal and catch-up all in one, taking a detour to a noraebang on the way back to sing their lungs out and collapse into helpless laughter over things that weren’t really all that funny together like they’d been wanting to for a while.
as much as he looks up to him, kihyun doesn’t really feel the age gap between him and ten. the older dancer treats him exactly like he treats kun, or johnny, or taeyong, and kihyun reciprocates in kind. banter and conversation and jokes come as easy as breathing between them, but also whenever one of them needs help the carefree mood between them can just as easily be dropped in place of a more serious one, where they try their best to offer help or support in any way they can. whenever they see each other for group content they’re sure to be seen stuck to each other’s sides at least once, deep in conversation about a new routine, or when they should next get dinner together, or whatever other odd topics come to mind that they can spin a conversation out of. they’ve always been close, and will continue to be far into the future.
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昀昀 & 기현⠀───⠀WINKI
kihyun is jokingly referred to by many as one of the only members winwin can stand. while he does still treat the older dancer with as much affection as he does his other hyungs, he’s a little more toned-down about it—not as over-the-top as some of the other members, but at the same time no less genuine. they share a bond much like kihyun & yuta: quiet and not always noticed, but still very much there. they got close around the same time as him and yuta as well—it was nearing the end of the EMPATHY era, and kihyun walked into a practice room winwin was occupying, witnessed him dancing, and almost immediately afterward (despite the fact he’d barely held a full conversation with him prior to that evening, just sticking to polite greetings when they saw each other) fell all over him asking to be taught how to do what he did. winwin, a little overwhelmed, finally managed to ask for kihyun to stop trying to jump on his shoulders for just a minute, and then maybe they’d talk.
winwin didn’t feel like he was much of a help to kihyun, but the younger thought the complete opposite. even if all he did was correct him on a small footwork error, kihyun practically fell over himself in thanks every time. he said on more than one occasion that he considered winwin as much as a help as he did ten. whenever the two were in the same room it was guaranteed kihyun was going to ambush him at one point and ask for a whole load of new tips and tricks to implement into his own technique and help him grow. other members joked a few times that the younger DREAM member held ten & winwin to a higher regard than he did any of their actual dance teachers, to which kihyun just shrugged (and never necessarily denied any of their claims). while they didn’t hang out all that much in settings where it was just the two of them, kihyun felt like he didn’t really need to sit down and have a one-on-one meal with winwin in order to truly get to know him. he felt like he was sort of learning more and more about him through dance (even if chenle said that made no sense).
as of the most recent years, their bond has generally remained the same (although they have shared a few meals together since that time). on the off chance he’s feeling a little more lively when they see each other then kihyun will be all over the older dancer like he was the first time they met, calling him ‘boss’ and ‘teacher’ and firing things off a mile a minute about new routines and tips and covers and anything else he could think of, all while winwin stands there and just tries not to let it knock him off of his feet. most of the time he’s tempered down, though, simply greeting winwin with a hug and quietly catching up instead of going full-out. he’s always in the older dancer’s comments, always supporting him in any of his solo endeavours, and altogether the friendship they share is a sweet one.
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肖俊 & 기현⠀───⠀XIAOHYUN
the pair of them met at slightly an awkward time. dejun was new to the company as a whole, a complete stranger to most and feeling a little like an outsider thrown in the middle of a tangled web full of people who’d already known each other for years, already developed connections & relationships and were completely comfortable with one another, and kihyun was seventeen and just starting to feel restless in himself, his usually ever-cheerful mood just beginning to fray around the edges. needless to say, their first introduction consisted of a stilted ‘hello’ and an exchange of their names between them, and then kihyun was turning around and leaving and dejun was left to feel all the more awkward. they barely talked after that, swapping little more than quick nods or looks of acknowledgement if they passed each other in corridors or ended up sharing the same practice rooms, and it went on to stay that way for a good year as kihyun fell all the lower down into the hole he was digging for himself, and dejun got caught up in everything he needed to do for WAYV’s official debut.
the way they only really got to know each other properly wasn’t exactly in the best of situations, either. it was early 2020, a month or so after the release of RELOAD, and after a night out kihyun didn’t exactly feel like he could face his fellow DREAM members, and so asked if he could crash at the WAYV dorm instead. and dejun really didn’t mean to run into his sort-of dongsaeng in their kitchen at an unearthly hour in the morning while the younger was half-asleep and half-hysterical, smelling slightly of cigarettes and soju, but that was just how things turned out to be. dejun kept him company until kun got back from whatever convenience store he’d booked it to, and in the meantime kihyun just sort of.. let everything spill, a little too drunk to realise fully what he was doing. by the time the leader had made it back he walked into the dorm kitchen and found a now fully-asleep kihyun hunched over the countertop while dejun walked paces up and down the tile ranting and raving about how the people the younger dancer was hanging around with were really no good, none the wiser as to how his only listener was stifling his snores in the fabric of his hoodie.
kihyun was a little mortified the next morning, when he woke up and it all (mostly) came back to him, but decided to take it on the chin and use it as a chance to try and actually make friends with the older vocalist. they had another long talk that day, got to know each other a little better, and even if the younger made no promises as to breaking things off with the crowd he’d found himself in amongst, he did promise that he’d try and look after himself a little better. from that day onward they were far closer, kihyun always making sure to give dejun a visit whenever he was over at the WAYV dorms and making sure to keep in contact over the phone as well. they might not seem it on-camera, seeing as the more heartfelt conversations they share they usually prefer to have when they’re not being watched, but they really are a strong pair of friends.
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亨德里 & 기현⠀───⠀HYUNDERY
debut was coming closer and closer by the time hendery first joined SM,  so they didn’t have all that much time for conversation past introductions and civil greetings when they passed each other in the hallway,  but kihyun definitely wanted to get know hendery better,  and a couple months after everything had calmed down he made sure to approach him and ask him if he wanted to go out for a meal sometime.  hendery agreed,  they skipped practice one night so kihyun could show him one of his recently-discovered  (and quickly rising in the ranks of his favourites)  barbecue joints,  and they sat down and talked about everything they could think of until the owner was shoving them out of the door so he could shut up shop,  and it was so dark they could barely find their way back to the company building even with the help of the streetlights to guide the way.
their bond was something of an easy one to simply fall into after that—they’d hang out in person whenever they could and talk over the phone when they couldn’t,  making hours-long conversations over the most mundane of things and never getting bored of each other.  they shared inside jokes that would leave whoever else was with them more than a little bewildered when they brought them up and proceeded to burst into laughter,  and easy affection that could go from quiet and comforting to intentionally irritating over-the-top hugs and aegyo-filled voices as they squished cheeks and danced around with one another.  whenever kihyun’s at the wayv dorm,  it’s guaranteed that he’s in hendery’s room—and vice versa,  on the odd occasion the older rapper makes a visit to the dream dorms.  if one of them are out and about,  the other is most likely with them, if one of them posts, the other is most likely in the comments spamming compliments and teasing remarks and the like—and the list goes on, really. if one half of the pair is doing anything, then the other is sure to be around somehow.
over time their bond has only gotten stronger,  brought them closer together.  they’re simply..  kihyun and hendery.  a package deal,  even if they’re in different units.  a duo much like chenle and jisung,  or jeno and jaemin.  it’s not a proper kihyun vlog if hendery hasn’t suddenly appeared  (even if it was for as little as a couple shots,  or simply kihyun thrusting his phone before the camera to show messages from the older rapper),  and it definitely isn’t a piece of whole-group content if the two of them aren’t messing around together—by putting on shows of over-the-top recreations of the latest drama they’re watching,  or treating all the other members present to live performances of songs either from whatever album they’re promoting or just shared favourite songs in general, or even play-flirting up a storm.  their one joint goal is to try and get some sort of official duo content up and running,  but for now it’s still a work-in-progress.
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扬扬 & 기현⠀───⠀KIYANG
much like with hendery, yangyang became a trainee too close to DREAM’s debut for him & kihyun to get properly introduced, and so it just.. never happened. but unlike with hendery, kihyun also never got around to trying to properly get to know him, and so they just sort of stayed at the half-awkward and half-acquaintances stage for the following years. it was somewhat frustrating for the younger vocalist, because he definitely did want to get to know yangyang better, it was just that he felt that he’d left it too long to start a conversation that lasted longer than passing greetings or brief small talk, or invite him out for a meal without it sounding awkward, and so he just carried on leaving it for a later date, for when he could muster up some more courage to actually talk.
it took renjun practically dragging him by the arm in the break between filming on the RESONANCE set for them to finally strike up a proper conversation, and even then kihyun left it feeling like he’d been stilted and awkward the whole time. they were closer after that, but still not a whole lot. he wasn’t so sure if he was intimidated of yangyang, or just thought he was cool (much like his feelings towards renjun in their trainee days before he got over himself and struck up that first conversation)—or maybe just a mix of both—but what kihyun did know was that he was determined to actually strike up a proper friendship with yangyang. soon. how soon, he didn’t exactly know, and he gave jeno a harsh punch on the arm when he relayed his dilemma and the older told him he was just putting it off again because he was scared.
skip forward a few years, and kihyun is glad to say there has been some progress. they’ve talked more, and bonded over music, mostly, but also video games as well (which, admittedly, kihyun got most of his knowledge of from jeno and then pretended he’d been a gamer for years when speaking to yangyang. to this day he’s terrified of gaming alone with him, though). a meal shared between just the two of them has yet to happen, but kihyun is again determined—and it’s something of a well-known fact that when he has his mind set on something he’s unlikely to let off until he gets it done. he’s still a little miffed yangyang is something of the only member he doesn’t really feel like he knows, but that only makes him all the more fired up to make sure they get closer than close in the coming years. the unreasonable amount of joy he gets when the older replies to his messages (or sends them to him first), or likes his posts, or mentions him in a conversation where he isn’t present, is immeasurable, and the DREAM members (jeno and chenle, mostly) have fun by comparing it to a child with a crush—to which kihyun firmly denies with red ears every time.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Catches Another Idol Staring At You ~ Winner Reaction
“Is everything alright?” You asked Jinwoo, taking a seat beside him as you noticed him sat at the table all by himself, distant from everything.
“I guess,” he hummed, trying his best not to seem bothered beside you, but at the same time, unable to switch his brain off.
The feeling of a hand against his leg finally made him look across at you, “you know that you can say if something is on your mind, don’t you Jin?”
“It’s stupid,” he tried to tell you, “but all night I’ve just been noticing Minhyun looking nowhere else around the room other than where you are?”
“You’re not jealous that he’s staring at me, are you?”
“Only I should stare at you.”
A chuckle came from you as your head rested against Jinwoo’s shoulder, “it’s sweet Jinwoo how protective you are sometimes.”
“I don’t like it at all Y/N,” he reiterated, “it must kill him knowing that he can only look at you from a distance, not like me.
“You’re the lucky one who gets to be right beside me.”
“And I’m very lucky too.”
“Are you even listening to me?” You snapped at Seunghoon, waving your hand in front of his face to try and get his attention back to you.
“Sorry, w-what were you saying?” He stuttered, reluctantly turning away from what had caught his focus and moving to look at you.
The expression on your face made him stand tall, smiling weakly at you. “I’ve been talking to you for ages and you’ve not listened to a single word of it.”
“I am interested,” Seunghoon protested, “but it’s hard to focus on you when I know when I look away that Jeonghan is staring at you from behind me.”
“There’s no way that he would be staring at me Seunghoon.”
“I bet that he fancies you too.”
Your shoulders shrugged as Seunghoon began to stress himself out again, “and is it him that I fancy, or is it someone else?”
“Someone else,” Seunghoon murmured, catching your smile as he began to figure out what the point you were making was.
“So, who do you think is the one you should stare at?”
“You, the answer is definitely you.”
“You want to go?” You quizzed Minho in surprise, feeling his whisper linger against your ear, asking if you were ready to head home with him.
“I can’t settle here,” he confessed, catching Sehun out of the corner of his eye once again, looking across in the direction of you.
Your brows knitted together as you studied Minho closely, “are you going to tell me what’s wrong or am I going to have to break you down to tell me?”
“Sehun keeps staring at you,” Minho informed you, keeping his voice quiet so that no one else could hear, “I just feel like I need to watch him all the time.”
“And you’re going to let him ruin our evening together?”
“He’s really annoying me Y/N.”
You leaned across and pressed a kiss against Minho’s cheek, “I can think of something that might make you forget about that.”
“If distracting me means getting more of those kisses, you won’t hear me complaining,” Minho joked, “I could be swayed.”
“Shall we head somewhere that no one else can see us?”
“I like the sound of that a lot.”
“What has gotten into you?” You asked Seungyoon as soon as the two of you found a couple of moments to finally be alone together.
“He won’t stop staring at you,” Seungyoon mumbled underneath his breath in reply to you, “does he really think that you’ll pay attention.”
Your eyes turned around, soon noticing Kihyun sat across the room and staring at you. “Just ignore him, you’re giving him what he wants right now.”
“I can’t ignore him,” Seungyoon sighed, “I won’t settle Y/N until it is absolutely clear to him that you’re taken, and that he won’t be getting near you.”
“And is by being loud the way that you’re going to do that?”
“I don’t even know right now Y/N.”
You took a step forward, holding onto Seungyoon’s hand. “Whatever you’re doing isn’t working, maybe you should ignore him.”
“I guess you’ve got a point,” Seungyoon admitted, his voice trailing off, “but I still don’t like the guy very much, at all.”
“I’m sure he’s not your biggest fan either you know Yoon.”
“Yeah, but he’s just jealous of me Y/N.”
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pajarinwrites · 5 months
directory | general masterlist
✨ favourites
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pretty screaming my name @iibonniee 1.4k unprotected, size, nakadashi...... i can neither deny nor confirm the rumours that these are some of my biggest kinks. pls stop asking.
torture @wasteitonserendipity 0.7k sub!hyunwoo; personally, i think we should start a petition to get a fleshed out version of this; who are you torturing?? me?? (pls give me more)
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nothing yet
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Human anatomy and physiology ✨ @iibonniee professor!minhyuk, i'm always a slut for professors; and blowjobs; and teasing men; this might be my favourite out of all the mx fan fiction i've read so far
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the best part @frenchkisstheabyss 0.9k i am once again asking you to make their stupid good fics longer oh my lord pls
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morning daze ✨ @irregular-idol-imagines 0.7k another one on the ever growing list of MONBEBE-FOR-THE-LOVE-OF-EVERYTHING-GOOD-AND-HOLY-WRITE-A-WHOLE-FIC-PLEASE; its way too short, i wish hyungwon was ogling me much longer than for 700 words, love the way he's charaterised in this
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nothing yet
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(in)convenient ✨ @sluttywonwoo 4.4k fakeeee datiiiing with iiim changkyuun, AHHHHH, i swear carats are just better writers than anyone else, the shit i find for svt (and for other groups by ppl with carat handles) never disappoints?? what is up carats??, this was posted in 2022 though so i don't know if i can hope for the continuation :(((, one of my fave lines: "What was wrong with you? Literally what the fuck was wrong with you?"
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hwangyeonjun · 2 years
hwangyeonjun’s wip list
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i understand that similarities can happen but i do not allow copying my ideas in any way, shape or form.
this is purely for my own motivation and if there’s something you want to see first, let me know, i’ll try and prioritise it.
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sugar | nakamoto yuta | fluff, smut, neighbour au
summary: it’s embarrassing how many times you had to knock on your neighbour’s door to ask for sugar until one day he gives you something sweeter.
the breakfast club | choi san | angst, fluff
summary: five lost souls, five dreams, five regrets, five ex-bestfriends and one detention.
who do you love? | lim changkyun, yoo kihyun | angst, smut
summary: is it him or me? or alternatively, what happens when your best friend finally confronts you about playing with his heart.
run away | hwang hyunjin | fluff, smut
summary: when you made a huge mistake by saying yes to a proposal, there’s only one person that could save you on your wedding day.
stay alive (?) | jeong jaehyun | angst, fluff, smut
summary: after finding out the truth about your relationship, jaehyun is determined to save you.
will you marry me? | choi beomgyu | fluff
summary: your best friend beomgyu always has the craziest ideas, one of them is proposing to you.
everything i didn’t say | unspecified idol | angst, maybe fluff?
summary: it’s crazy how one day you have the person that you love with your whole heart right beside you and then the next day you’re left with only memories of them and letters that keep coming every day with no return address.
behind closed doors | jeon jungkook | angst, smut, fluff
summary: the captain of the football team with the cheerleaders team captain, like straight out of the movies. the perfect relationship that everyone wants to have, the perfect couple that everyone wants to be but little do they know what happens behind closed doors.
love the way you lie | unspecified idol | angst
summary: all the times he lied to you and that one time when he finally said the truth.
paper hearts | unspecified idol | fluff
summary: you always leave pink paper hearts everywhere you go: the coffee shop, the library etc. surprisingly, he’s the one who always finds those hearts and wants to find who’s the culprit.
rocky | jung wooyoung | fluff, smut
summary: being one of the biggest boxing fan, you don’t miss any tournaments and when a certain boxer who goes by name “rocky” notices you, he couldn’t help himself but to approach you.
wrapped around your finger | bang chan | angst, smut, fluff
summary: you never thought you’ll ever going to see him again; but here he is, trying his hardest to push his way through back in your life.
please don’t stop the music | chae hyungwon | smut
summary: the dj shows you how good his fingers work in other places.
[i really suck at summaries, it’s embarrassing]
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kimseokjin2024 · 2 years
The Secretary General of KMCA talks about how Jin is a "complete idol" after analyzing the male idol releases in 2022
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OK-Pop, a Youtube channel run by Circle (Gaon) chart, released a video analyzing the performance of male idols' releases in 2022. The analysis was presented by the Secretary General of KMCA (Korea Music Content Association) and Circle (Gaon) Chart, Choi Kwang-Ho.
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He was demonstrating the graph of the physical sales and chart performance of male idols (soloists and groups together) in the second quarter of the past year. The Y-axis was demonstrating the physical sales in the first 4 weeks and the X-axis was showing the unique listeners on MelOn in the first 30 days. Choi Kwang-Ho paid attention to every single group and idol, talking about the possibilities of growth for each.
The mentioned groups and soloists got divided into a few categories:
Fandom-type (high physical sales due to the big fandom support): Ateez, Enhypen, Stray Kids.
Public-friendly (unique listeners on MelOn): Highlight, Zico, RM, Winner.
Unclassified: DKZ, Tempest, Ph1Harmony, SF9, Cravity, CIX, Oneus, Xiumin, Super Junior, Xiumin, J-hope, Kihyun, Key, Treasure, The Boyz.
Completed idols (strong in both - physicals and unique listeners): Jin, Seventeen, NCT 127, NCT Dream.
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As you can see, Jin is the only soloist who made it into the list of "completed idols". Choi Kwang-ho said that Jin's solo debut received lots of attention and it's seen in his album sales and chart performance in Korea. He proved himself to be a soloist who has strong physical and digital results. "Jin was really successful", - Choi Kwang-ho said. The Secretary General summed up the commentary on Jin by saying that his solo music was very well-favored and the artist is definitely going to come back with even better music after his discharge from the military.
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Jin sold over 700k albums in just 7 hours in South Korea and demonstrated a stable performance on the local charts; even debuted on MelOn in the first hour after the release, which is nowadays impressive for a male idol.
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Choi Kwang-ho also mentioned that Jin's enlistment made him very sad.
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Jin's solo performance with "The Astronaut" was indeed amazing, not only locally, but globally too. He has just debuted as a soloist, but Choi Kwang-ho already put him in the category of "completed idols." Moreover, Jin's promo period lasted for a very short time, and he didn't do any fansign events in Korea, nor did he attend any musical shows. And fans are still complaining about Hybe not making any report regarding Jin's sales in the USA and Europe. However, after releasing only one song, Jin is already owning 7% of yearly Hybe's sales.
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On a global scale, Jin is the record-owner of the highest first appearance on Billboard Hot 100 in K-pop history. The artist achieved the biggest debut sales by a K-pop soloist on the Global Billboard 200 in history - 62k. Made it to the Top 5 of Digital Sales Debut Weeks in the US in 2022 (#6 in the pure sales list). "The Astronaut" was charting on the Billboard Worldwide Digital Songs Sales chart for 7 weeks. Jin is the highest-peaking K-pop soloist on the Billboard Hot 100 in Japan this decade (#4) and the first foreign artist to top the Oricon Sales chart in the past 11 years. He became the first soloist to get a gold certificate for a single album on Circle (Gaon) after becoming a million-seller there. He also received an RIA certificate in Japan after surpassing 104k sales in a single day.
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You can check the analysis of your favorite idols' releases too:
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Source: Allkpop
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jemosha · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Hello, GOOGLE.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ MOSHA LIM.
Name ⠀ : Jedaiah Mosha Lim
Nickname ⠀: Mosha
Gender ⠀ : Male
Birth ⠀ ⠀: Seoul, 1 June 1995
Nationality : Korean
Ethnicity ⠀ : Asian (Korean-Indonesian)
Belief ⠀ : Catholic
Languageㅤ️️️ : Korean, English, Japanese, Bahasa
MBTI ️️ ㅤ️️️: INTJ
Zodiac ⠀ : Gemini
Blood Type : B rhesus +
Sexuality ⠀ : Heterosexual
Height ️️ ㅤ️️️: 5'10"
Weight ㅤ️️️ ㅤ: 132.3 lbs
Primary ㅤ️️️ : GIFS, South Korea
Junior High : GIFS, South Korea
Senior High : GIFS, South Korea
ㅤ️️️ ㅤ️️️ ㅤ️️️ ㅤ️️️ The Rumg’s Hall, Jakarta
College ㅤ️️️ ㅤ️️️:
⠀ Bachelor of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia
⠀ Pharmacist Profession, University of Indonesia
Occupation : Actor, model, businessman
Years active : 2000-present
Affiliates ㅤ️️️ : Hoshka Lim Agency (HLA & Co.), Skèenosia
Household : The Lim (임)
⠀ Father ⠀ ⠀ : Jeremiah Lim
⠀ Mother ⠀ : Inggrid Carmelita Lee
⠀ Sister ⠀ ⠀ : Gabrielle Theodosia Lim
⠀ Brother ⠀ ⠀ : Cornelius Joe Lim
Early life and education.
Jedaiah Mosha Lim was born on April 24, 1995, in Seoul, and grew up in there. He moved to Jakarta in 2011 due to personal reasons and so he work both in South Korea and Indonesia under the same agency, HLA & Co. Jeremiah Lim, his father, is a Canadian-Korean chef who runs restaurants in several countries. Inggrid Carmelita Lee, his mother, is an Indonesian-Korean. The first born of Lim, Theodosia Lim, is a business woman who owns a beauty brand Skèenosia with the help of Mosha Lim as co-owner and the brand ambassador. His brother, Joe Lim, is an editor for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
He is a multilingual speaker. He communicates in Korean, English, and Bahasa Indonesia. Yet he stated that he is not fluent in Bahasa Indonesia¹.
Rise to prominence.
Mosha is a South Korean actor under Hoshka Lim Agency (HLA & Co.). The issue was raging because his name was similar to the agency and people started calling him Nepo Baby. Yet the agency released their statement that Mosha is a self made-up actor who built his reputation from scratch.
He began his career as a kid in television productions, appearing in the drama series Run Away in 2000. In 2004 he made his film debut in the comedy drama How to Be Gangnamian and appeared in Jo Kihyun’s romance film Should Be You as Lee Yoo. Mosha came to international attention with the lead role in Brigitta Kim’s film What Mommy Should Do (2006), earning him a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actor. Alongside supporting roles in Monica Gerwig's films To The Bone (2007) and I Am You (2012), he took on starring roles as drug addict Denny ‘Sinting’ Yang in the Indonesian movie Kapan Kapok? (2015), Joe Kim in Henry Leigh's fiction film Memory (2020), and a romantic horror film Three of Us (2022), which he also produced.
Public image and fashion.
Several media publications consider Lim to be among the most talented actors of his generation.Remarking upon his performance, Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times wrote that “he might be the male actor of his generation”. In 2018, he appeared in Forbes’s 30 Under 30 Hollywood & Entertainment list.
Off-screen, Lim has been described by the media as a fashion icon, with his looks highlighted as his trademarks. Vogue named him the most influential man in fashion in 2019, writing “those fashion choices are all the more impressive considering that Lim styles himself”. In 2020, GQ ranked him as the best-dressed man in the world.
Personal life.
Lim splits his time between Seoul and Jakarta. Despite significant media attention and public interest, he rarely discusses the romantic aspects of his personal life.
Lim is an avid sports fan; in his youth, he aspired to be a professional swimmer. He enjoys hip-hop music and considers rapper Kid Cudi to be his biggest career inspiration.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ the transient
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ . ⠀ . ⠀ .
This is REIGN-LIM speaking as the writer of Jedaiah Mosha Lim, a FICTIONAL CHARACTER created by me. As are the other characters, events, locations, and others mentioned aiding in character development. Both Mosha and I have no ties with the real Kim Hanbin a.k.a B.I and any other parties. This account was created solely for roleplaying purposes, and all media belongs to the rightful owner(s). These are some things to obey so you won’t get lost:
English and Bahasa Indonesia are used for writing and interaction. It’s worth noting I’m not a native speaker of either language, and thus please expect grammatical and spelling errors.
Without my permission, god-modding and meta-gaming are prohibited. However, there would be an exception if permission had been sought first through DM.
I am open to any relations or plots offered as long as they remain in line with Mosha’s storyline and the writer is willing to commit to writing and brainstorming together. Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact me through DM for further discuss.
This account is labeled Not Safe For Work (NSFW) and is somewhat selective in terms of following other accounts. So anyone who wants to follow this account or simply read a written story should exercise caution. To be safe, I will still include a content warning (CW) or trigger warning (TW) in some stories. Additionally, several marks² will appear on this account.
¹ For ease of interacting with others, he will use Bahasa Indonesia more frequently than English and other languages he speaks. Please do understand.
² Several marks such as:
⠀ … / “…” ⠀ ⠀: In Character
⠀ ℳ. / &&. … : Out of Character
⠀ REIGN-LIM. : Writer’s Talk
0 notes
Murderer: Come out.
Murderer: Good to me, good to me-
MX, from under their beds: AYAYA!
59 notes · View notes
theday · 7 years
12) omg i had a hamster too but then it died and i cried for literally 3 days straight i just want a dog i have no pets my mom said once i live alone lmao omg school sounds stressful art!!! i wish i could do art i am not artistic at all like zero nothing never its ok im bad at my mother tongue too sadly but i can still survive lasjflsj THATS MISS CRYPTIC THANKS FOR TUNING IN ON 5.14 UR DAILY RADIO STATION I HOPE U HAD A GOOD TIME
DHDDHJ I DIDNT CRY WHEN MINE DIED I dont think i can cry that easily rip :^( even when the monstas got their first win i didnt shed a single tear feelsbad but im still really proud of them!!! 
JFDJJSJS TUNING  IN ON 5.14 THATS SO CUTE.... thats very wonho of u and my day has been good i think?? maybe im gonna finally update the stuff on my tumblr pages and then ill uhhh do other stuff hopefully i managed to reply to ur asks quickly today which is always a plus but that doesnt mean you have to respond just as quickly!! take ur time!! 
i love you and have a good day!! 
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kiiyunz · 5 days
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posted⠀by⠀junjiie⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀1Oth May,⠀2O24.
Alright, alright, I know it’s a little late. I got distracted! A human error. From a human. But anyway, I’m back with the promised rundown of KIHYUN’s NCT U eras—but I’m ditching the rankings this time around, as the majority (up until UNIVERSE in 2021) took place in and around KIHYUN’s BAD eras. Everything else is the same, though, so.. Have fun!
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RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC just over a week after his seventeenth birthday, the first whole NCT album was both a somewhat-old (he’d been promoting for a good two years by then, after all) but still refreshing experience for Kihyun. Participating in BLACK ON BLACK, GO, and BOSS, the vocalist threw every part of himself into it as usual—and maybe even a little more so, reinvigorated by the fact he was collaborating with members from the other unit (and ones from an upcoming one) that he’d only ever trained with in the past. He enjoyed the more mature feel of the teasers for GO, as well as the music video and the song itself—it was during this era (although it would only really become more apparent during WE GO UP promotions in September of that same year, and during EMPATHY he kept this thought mainly to himself) that he was starting to feel like the whole childish concept was something he wanted to be rid of, that he wanted to trade in for something different; and GO fit that vision perfectly. He had a notable amount of fun on the set of the music video, and slated filming it as the ‘best thing he’d get to do all year,’ despite the fact they were only three months into said year.
Due to the would-be unspoken rule of Kihyun only making an effort to have any sort of online presence when he wasn’t the biggest fan of an album’s concept or music, he was fairly offline during this era—the only actual content fans ended up getting was in the official music videos & the behind-the-scenes and dance practices for said videos. They made the most of what they were given, choosing firstly to poke fun at what they’d styled him in—one of his outfits included a horrendous rip-off Gucci jacket that was noticeable from a mile away—and secondly to enjoy the interactions he had with the members of 127 (the EMPATHY era showcased his bond with members like Johnny, Jaehyun, and Jungwoo to the public for the first time) and members like Ten and Kun, who hadn’t yet found their place in a permanent unit—although it wasn’t long in the making, as would be proved by WayV’s debut the next year. This was most prevalent with the behind-the-scenes of the BOSS music video in particular, a clip of Kihyun and Jaehyun chasing each other around dangerously close to the literal circle of fire featured in one of the later scenes while Mark watched on on the obvious verge of panic going quite viral online.
Kihyun getting a little too ambitious while balancing on the metal of the train tracks and nearly falling flat on his face, much to the delight of Chenle and horror of Jeno—who ran over to see if he was alright, and then proceeded to nearly trip himself up also. The nearly-fall didn’t deter him in fhe slightest and he continued to walk down the line, Jeno steping up behind to follow along (he noticeably wobbled more than a few times, but still stuck with it if only to give Kihyun some company). Chenle got bored of watching—or, as Haechan called it, ”Got FOMO,” and it didn’t take long of observing the other two before he was running over and trying it out for himself also. Him and Kihyun were walking on parallel sides, with Jeno in the middle after having given up on the whole balancing shtick; watching as the two in front of him reached out to hold on another’s hands and intercepting so they were both grabbing hold of one of his instead. Mark cooed, Haechan pretended to throw up in his mouth.
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IN THE MIDDLE OF running around and getting up to many a scandal with someone that was, really, doing him more harm than good, NCT came back together as a full group to release RESONANCE PT 1. For the album he traded his newfound clubhopping hobby for what’s considered by some fans as one of his best (although criminally short, what with him only participating in VOLCANO and DÉJÀ VU—something that many suspect was a sort of punishment for the bad press he’d been bringing to both Dream and, by proxy, the group as a whole by that time) performances in the entirety of his career thus far. During VOLCANO he gave listeners a few seconds of rap lines, a skill of his that had previously been rarely utilised, Kihyun’s voice taking on a raspier edge that he later mentioned off-handedly as being his “Taeyong impression,” which was met with both positive and negative reactions—as is the same with most things any idol says or does while they mention another. DÉJÀ VU saw him back to his standard vocalist position, but many slated his lines as being their favourite, or his tone standing out amongst the rest in a certain moment. Altogether, despite his public image still not being anywhere close to being fully repaired, at least he wasn’t being accused of being talentless to add fuel to the fire.
What was adding fuel to it, however, were the leaked photos of him with a shiny silver flask halfway to his mouth on the way to a taxi. It was after hours, hardly being able to be accused of drinking on the job (but with a job like being an idol, it would be a little difficult to blame him for doing so), but it still sent a few people into an outrage—and Kihyun’s response didn’t help matters either, the simple ‘whoops’ he sent on Bubble enough to prompt some into showing their truce stance on Kihyun and his situation as of late (that being, of course, fhat they hated him). Most took it in good humour and laughed along with him, seeing as those photos and content put out by the company were all they got to see of him for the whole era. Even his moments in things such as behind-the-scenes videos were frighteningly scarce, only appearing for a scant second or two before he was being whisked off by another member or the camera had decided to abruptly cut away in the middle of his screentime where in the past it most likely would’ve lingered a little longer. It was sort of a tug of war between the good and the bad things throughout the whole promotion period.
It was almost like a miracle, the day Hendery logged into the NCT account and decided to start a live—and with Kihyun, no less. They were a little drunk, and didn’t care if the people watching realised that. In fact, them being tipsy probably played a part in the decision to go live, so maybe it was really something they should be thankful for. The majority of the time on live was spent by the pair taking turns scrolling through the filters and laughing themselves into hysterics, so much so they could barely get a word out between their fits. When they’d finished filter sampling they held an impromptu karaoke session, despite the fact their voices were cracking a minimum of twice for every line they belted out into the empty company room they’d holed themselves up in (and, when Hendery tilted the phone to show viewers their set up, it almost looked like they were camping for the night—there were a few pillows and a blanket they’d hoarded from somewhere, snacks galore, bags and a few empty bottles and one singular shoe). Beggars couldn’t be choosers in the Kihyun-content regard for this era, but it just so happened that the one thing they did get (or rather, most of them got, as some missed the notofication and had to watch clips elsewhere) was something they could hold dear.
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STILL RUNNING AROUND, still not the fan favourite he once was he once was, most were expecting much of the same treatment during RESONANCE PT 2 as Kihyun got during PT 1. However, to the surprise of all of them, he actually received a little more screentime this promotion period around—most likely because of his involvement in the tracks 90’S LOVE and WORK IT, where the was far more extra content to go alongside just the music (as well as RAISE THE ROOF, although that didn’t receive a music video like the former two), but most fans decided to take it as the plus it undoubtedly was. He looked happier than he had in months skating around with Mark and Jeno, catching up with Ten, cracking easy jokes with both Shotaro and Sungchan in his attempts to get to know them better despite the slump he’d been in for most of the year thus far, and of course messing around to his heart’s content with Johnny and Hendery on the WORK IT set. His normal full-of-energy self was back—not that it had ever left, but he’d seemed far more tired, almost lifeless, in the months running up to the dual albums—and to see him so sunny again seemed to brighten the mood of a few of the members he was particularly close to in tandem. 
As was beginning to become the (unfortunate) norm, hardly any extra content atop what the company gave the fans came from Kihyun himself—no lives, no posts, barely any messages on Bubble, the list only went on. Some said he was simply following his own tradition of staying quiet if he liked the music making uo the album he was in the middle of promoting, but most people were still under the impression that it was due to the scandals and articles and countless rumours that had completely taken over his public image with fans—decidedly for the worse, seeing as it ended up getting so bad once that people were left wondering if he was going to be kicked out of NCT on the whole. The mood was beginning to dip again, fans taking his complete lack of presence it wasn’t company-mandated to mean that they were going to be seeing even less of him in the future. Until—a post from Kihyun, a simple selca on their Twitter account of him in his 48 hockey jersey from the 90’S LOVE music video, the two simple words ‘lucky number’ as his only caption. You’d think he’d just dropped a movie-length vlog from the amount of people celebrating his (brief) return, the words ‘HE’S BACK’ trending for a few hours or so as most of his fanbase frantically changed their profile picture to the aforementioned selca.
No one was happier to see Kihyun than Johnny, and that fact was apparent from a mile away. They were attached at the hip the second the cameras stopped rolling, always visible in the background glued to each other’s sides even if they didn’t get much time talking to the camera for the BTS video. When it was finally their turn to give their small interview (or rather, when it was Johnny’s turn, and he dragged Kihyun along with him by the arm) Johnny was resting his head atop Kihyun’s and buttoning and unbuttoning the blazer he was wearing for that scene while he spoke. Kihyun even cracked a smile or two at the jokes that had obviously only been told for the sake of his reaction, and contributed a few words here and there. Another moment from the video widely loved was from the scene on the wide open field, where he was captured sprinting away from Jungwoo giving chase, Jaemin and Johnny close behind, wide grins on all of their faces and the faint sound of laughter being picked up. Jisung was standing and watching with a small smile, with the rest making bets on who was going to trip over their very-much-not-made-for-running shoes first.
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WELL ON THE WAY to being fully back to his normal self again (despite it being a couple years in the making), UNIVERSE saw Kihyun far happier than the previous two promotion periods, almost reaching his mood during the EMPATHY era. Participating in songs UNIVERSE (LET’S PLAY BALL), OK!, BIRTHDAY PARTY, and of course BEAUTIFUL, it wasn’t as if he was at a loss for things to do. He admitted it was tiring, but also that it was fun—because with the more songs he got to work on, the more time he was given the chance to spend with members not in his unit (namely Hendery, Xiaojun, Johnny, and Jungwoo—although he did talk a little more with Shotaro and Sungchan also, stating proudly to the camera on one occasion that they’d been thinking about going out for dinner one night in the future). He also found it fun because he enjoyed every track on the album, even if he didn’t make an appearance on most of them. Despite the hate some of them got from the fanbase (BIRTHDAY PARTY in particular) he held firm and even sent a few Bubble messages defending them in earnest, complete with angry kaomojis and one (not really) accidental swear. Kihyun saw UNIVERSE as his chance to prove he was ready to be a proper representative of the neos after his nearly-two-year-long slump, and was truly giving it his all.
Like the mood maker he’d always been, this dramatic change for the better in his mood affected everyone’s around him also. A few member’s smiles always seemed a little wider now that Kihyun was nearly back to normal, after they felt far more confident in the hope he’d bounce back stronger than ever, and benefit all of them—Dream members in particular, of course—while doing so. UNIVERSE was also an era in which Kihyun put his extrovert nature to work and gave fans interactions with members they’d barely been allowed to see him share one word with—the main ones being Doyoung, Kun, and the most surprising to a fairly large amount of fans, Winwin. Despite only appearing with the latter on BEAUTIFUL (as it was a whole-group song), once things like the jacket BTS began to be released, they were made witness to the bond the two of them shared; far closer than apparently most had ever dreamed of them being. Kihyun was as affectionate with the Wayv member as any other person in the group, but as he only did with a few of them, Winwin was reciprocating—a returned hug here, tolerating a little handholding there. He wasn’t exactly matching the boundless enthusiasm the acts of affection were performed with, but no one was really expecting that anyway. It just went to show that Kihyun could pull most people into his orbit, even if it was just for a moment or two.
Placed into a group with Johnny, Hendery, and Shotaro, Kihyun was having the time of his life. He went to lengths to include the newer member in all of his conversations, light-heartedly prodding at him like he’d known him for years, and even making an effort to slow down his usual break-neck pace of speaking so that Shotaro would have a better chance of understanding him fully—the ribbing could’ve gone a lot worse if the latter thought Kihyun was actually poking fun at him, but thankfully Shotaro took it well and even gave it right back on a couple of occasions, which made all four of them burst into laughter. For his pulls, Kihyun received a Kun photocard (he couldn’t have ripped off his phone cast fast enough, with enough force that he nearly sent both it and the HOT SAUCE era Jeno that was still inside flying across the room), a Johnny poster (which the 127 member was delighted about, and demanded to have a picture sent to him later of said poster tacked up on Kihyun’s wall), a Jaemin postcard, and a Mark sticker—which Kihyun immediately stuck on his phone case also.
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HAVING MOVED FAR PAST all that weighing on his mind during previous whole-group slbums, Kihyun went above and beyond for GOLDEN AGE. Featuring in INTERLUDE: OASIS, THE BAT, ALLEY OOP,and obviously GOLDEN AGE, he made sure to throw more than he’d ever thrown before into recording. He was fully aware that the past years hadn’t been his best, and despite already making amends during UNIVERSE, he still wanted to prove his worth all over again. Everything was fully behind him, and it showed in the sparkle in his eyes and brightness of his laughter that came alongside every appearance of his in any piece of behind-the-scenes content. Always smiling, always energetic, always wanting to make whoever he was laugh, even if it was just for a second. Although he did stick to his usual (and very obviously favourite) members—Mark, Jeno, Chenle, Johnny, Hendery, Niko—he did make sure to wrap all of them in a too-tight hug and hang off of them while they talking to other members or giving mini interviews to cameras at some point or another. ‘Spreading the love,’ he called it, to which Chenle beside him, through poorly contained snickers, quipped that he was also probably ‘spreading diseases,’which earned him a punch in the stomach.
Kihyun even made an effort to show up (often unannounced) to sets of the track videos he wasn’t involved in—namely PADO and KANGAROO. There he enjoyed himself thoroughly, poking at Jaehyun’s hair, dragging Donghyuck off to who-knows where, and making fun of Hendery’s outfit on one set, and latching onto Renjun’s back, avoiding small talk with Yangyang at all costs with red ears, and cooing obnoxiously loudly at Jisung on the other. He opened his copy of the album on a live with Jungwoo and Mark, and pulled a Xiaojun photocard which, as per, he immediately stuck over the face of ISTJ Renjun and patted with horribly contained smugness (he then remarked to the camera that he barely pulled Xiaojun in any of his WayV albums, and so it was practically a miracle). And apart from the live, he was very online in general—once again breaking his rule of staying quiet if he was happy with it all. He posted on his Instagram, he was sending messages on Bubble at least once every week instead of monthly at best, he was going live with just about every member of the group (there was a lot of karaoke, a lot of giggling of stupid filters, and a lot of radio hours mish-mashed with fit checks mish-mashed with impromptu fashion shows). Overall—a very happy time for Kihyun, and everyone around him.
He’d never made any attempt to hide his love for Mark (like most of the group, really) but during GOLDEN AGE it felt like he was turning it up to eleven. During the fit checks and fashion shows on live, sometimes Kihyun would be decked out in full Polo Ralph Lauren—laughing all the while he showed it off, but wearing it all the same; no doubt because of a certain someone’s connection to it. He even bought a flat cap, and had great delight in showing it off to anyone who wanted to see it. Mark’s music taste also looked like it was rubbing off on him. Suddenly he was sharing Justin Bieber songs (mid 2010’s era Justin in particular—the PURPOSE album if you want to be extra specific), doing dance covers, almost to the point where it felt like he was trying out a new era of being a mini-Mark—which, when brought up to him on a fancall, set Kihyun off into uncontrollable laughter for so long his and the fan’s time nearly ran out because of it. It was there, quickly trying to cram all of his explanation in before he was made to hung up, that he told them that it was his penalty that came out of a bet with Chenle that Kihyun had evidently lost. What the bet was had yet to be determined, but all inquiries after that were met with a secretive smile and a finger to his lips. Mark did appreciate the fanboying, though, despite it not being entirely genuine—he posted a selfie on Bubble of him and Kihyun in their matching caps and argyle sweaters with an abundance of hearts coming afterwards.
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blu-joons · 2 years
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Whilst he didn’t like to pay too much attention to you, Kihyun would almost certainly at least glance at you every now and then when the two of you were in the same room but not stood side by side with one another.
Sometimes the two of you could bicker all day long if you were left to your own devices, other days the two of you wouldn’t bicker if it was the last thing that you could do in the world. It very much depended on how you both were feeling if the two of you bickered or not, usually if you were in a childish mood or not.
It was no overstatement for you to describe Kihyun as a bit of a rock for you whenever you needed comforting. He always managed to make you feel like the most important thing in the world when you needed comforting, it didn’t matter how busy Kihyun was too, he’d never let it get in the way of being there for you.
The two of you knew each other incredibly well, you knew exactly when something could potentially start a disagreement between you both, and unless one of you was feeling particularly petty, you’d stop yourselves from saying it. For the two of you to start a disagreement with one another, you’d know that something else must be going on, making sure that the other was alright and not stressed by anything.
It took a little bit of time for the two of you to get to know each other, but once that initial awkwardness had passed between the two of you, you got on like a house on fire. You found yourselves feeling as if you’d been friends for years, when you had only known each other for a few months, relying on each other more than you ever imagined that you would end up relying on one individual.
Kihyun’s family were huge fans of yours, seeing how kind you were to Kihyun was enough for them to know that they adored you. His mum especially took you under her wing, seeing the twinkle in her son’s eye whenever he talked about his best friend let her know just how special you were, with her giving you the biggest hug every single time you saw her, and asking you how you were as soon as you sat down too.
Most of the time the two of you tried to do as little as possible when you hung out, your focus was usually just on catching up with one another. You’d usually find that it was almost time for the two of you to say goodbye by the time that you caught each other up on everything anyway to make any other plans.
The two of you had a habit of forgetting about other plans that you had because you’d pencilled stuff in with each other. Kihyun often missed rehearsals or meetings at work because he forgot about them, accidentally double booking himself, but choosing you every single time and not thinking about work.
Most of your inside jokes were because one of you had ended up saying the wrong thing and confusing your words, leaving the other in stitches. Kihyun’s favourite one was when he took you to a fancy restaurant once and you completely mispronounced the dish that you wanted, leaving the waiter perplexed.
There was only ever one instance when Kihyun would get jealous of the fact that you had other friends, and that would be when he was away from home and on the road. He was mainly jealous because your other friends got to spend time with you whilst he was stuck thousands of miles away from you and only able to speak to you on the phone if you were lucky enough for your time zones to align together.
Kihyun got a kick out of seeing you excited, he loved seeing you pumped up and ready to give something a go. He was beyond fond of your smile and loved watching you when you were proud of yourself, it didn’t happen too often, but when it did, he was there as your hype man to boost your mood too.
He loved being with you, Kihyun just felt happy when he was able to spend time with you. He never failed to appreciate having you as a best friend, no matter what it was that the two of you were doing. Whether you were messing around with each other, or whether you were helping the other out when they were having a bit of a rough time, the time that he spent with you was always valued by Kihyun.
The two of you first met when you were hosting an event that Kihyun and the rest of the boys were working at just after they debuted. You took them under your wing and showed them the ropes which Kihyun especially appreciated, deciding to ask for your number after the end of the event for the future.
Nothing made him smile more than just being him, and you definitely gave him the space to be able to do that. Sometimes all he needed was a moment of crazy to forget about things, which was time that he had with you.
Kihyun was obsessed with your attitude and tried to follow you a lot. He was inspired by how positive you were and how you always looked for the good which was a motto that he tried his best to live by too.
The times when the two of you got to work together were always Kihyun’s favourite times. You still hosted a few things that the boys worked on after your first meeting, and seeing you host, and him perform meant that you both got to cheer for each other which was Kihyun’s favourite thing for you to do together.
Both of you were pretty confident that you knew each other like the backs of your hands, and so if something didn’t seem right, you’d ask the other how they were, and usually be correct in guessing something was up.
One of the things that you did that you knew always annoyed Kihyun was when you stole things out of his wardrobe. He’d lost count of how many times he opened up his wardrobe only to find what he wanted missing, knowing exactly who had helped themselves to whatever it was without even having to think.
He loved having you supporting him, Kihyun tried to have you at as many things as possible as it always made him feel better knowing that you were there. When he knew that you were working at an event that he was going to be at, Kihyun couldn’t help but get excited knowing that his best friend would be there too.
Whenever the boys went on the road, Kihyun always wanted to know what days you had off when he was away so that he could try and arrange for him to come to at least a couple of cities and see him perform.
The two of you had the kind of friendship that others were quite envious of, they wished they could be as close to someone as you to were.
When he had some time off, Kihyun would often stop by your place and see how you were getting on. If you were working, then he’d sit nice and quietly and wait to talk to you once you were done with everything.
He tried his best to always offer you the most helpful advice, Kihyun only ever wanted to support you and try and help you out.
At times the two of you were affectionate, other times you were. It very much depended on the time and the place for the two of you as to whether you hugged each other and were physical with one another.
You were his rock, Kihyun relied on you more than you ever realised he did.
The two of you tended to meet earlier in the day as you knew your meetings could last for a long time, so you’d try and end things at a reasonable time so that the two of you could both get home safely.
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fyi-memestax · 7 years
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What is this ?????? Kdkwkxndjsokslskxnx
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lovenee · 2 years
Pair your mutuals as skz,svt,mx,etc members 💕
omg I've arrived ™
okay okay based purely on VIBES
@essentiallychaotic is mx minhyuk shinee taemin skz lee know she is!!! the most caring and warmest gremlin she's never once judged me or made me uncomfortable but she has absolutely nerfed me so hard that I had to sit down
@banderasmoothie is svt minghao ateez seonghwa skz felix she!!! is so comforting and gentle and KIND despite despite despite and I want things to be nice for her always. She's a warm blanket!! Talking to her feels like being at a sleep over
@butts-of-the-barricade is skz jeongin svt jeonghan ateez jongho she bullies me bc she loves me but also she is so kind and silly and quick to laugh and my oldest friend<3
@sinatserendipity is mx changkyun ateez san skz hyunjin she is HOT GIRL SHIT she is a pretty girl boyfriend she should charge to be so funny and pretty but she does it for free this qualifies her for sainthood *twirls hair* her vibes are like, so pretty
@junmail miss c junmail MY BELOVED huihuitual is,,,,,junhui but LISTEN it's not bc of the url she's just so kind and silly and playful like!! the same star that fell to earth to make wen junhui made miss c junmail<3
@abunnycotton exo baekhyun mx kihyun nct yuta she's a Scorpio Venus if you KNOW you KNOW
@strayberryminho skz chan KIND GENTLE SWEET SOFT worlds biggest lee know fan <3
@taeminbrainrot kt is wayv sicheng and not bc they share a birthday its just her VIBE
@senor-hoberto listen it's NOT bc of the url it's NOT but miss vane is bts hobi she is!! sunshine!!! literal sunshine!!!
@hosnack *yoongi voice* JHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE rin hosnack my beloved is bts yoongi she has the chillest old man soul and im obsessed w her ENERGY
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
> The Favourite Child <
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Basic Info | Group Dynamics | Friends | Relationships | Style
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Faceclaim: Eunha
Name: Kim Sunhi
Stage Name: Sunny
Positions: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Birthday: July 7, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Height: 163 cm (5ft4)
Weight: 46 kg
Blood Type: O
Representative Emoji: 🌻
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Instagram: always.sunny.in.seoul
Twitter: amour_pledis
Weverse: 선니 (Sunny)
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Sunny was born in Busan, South Korea.
Because her parents where busy with their own company, she spent most of her time with her grandparents and usually only talks about them.
She has an older brother (born in ‘94).
She used to take part in school talent shows and after a lot of convincing from her home room teacher to audition for a label, she did and auditioned for Mystic Story in 2013.
Sunhi got in after her second audition and started training there, but left the company after one year due to intense stress and anxiety.
After getting better, she decided to try again but was told that the company wouldn’t accept someone who already was a trainee once before, so she went to KWS Entertainment after seeing an ad for them in a newspaper.
She got in and started training with the Amour members right away. Sunhi was the last member to join in 2016.
During her trainee days, she continued being her quiet self and started struggling with anxiety again. But with the help of her members, she managed to get through it and debuted with them in 2017.
Sunhi is the only member to have taken a hiatus (February 2018 - November 2018) and was threatened to get thrown out of the group if she wouldn’t get better.
After the “disbandment” in 2020, she almost moved back to her grandparents, but decided to stay with the members, believing in something good will happen eventually.
During that time, she got a job as a florist and enjoyed it a lot. She still visits them frequently because her coworkers and the owners of the shop were always very nice to her.
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It was very bad for her and her anxiety during their time off in 2020 when neither one of the members knew what the future would hold. With the trust she had in their leader, she managed to get through it though.
With her grandma, she used to watch a lot of Opera and got her love for singing from these.
Her grandparents are ‘till this day her biggest supporters.
She’s one of the least forgetful members.
Within the group, she’s definitely the quietest and holds back from talking, but the members encourage her to speak up more. Yoona is usually the one who makes sure that she doesn’t move to the back that much.
Even though she might look innocent, the older members have outed her to watch a lot of “erotic” movies and TV shows like Euphoria and Bridgerton.
Sunhi shares an Instagram account with her brother. They post pictures of their dog.
Because of her held back nature, the Unnie-Line of Amour calls her their favourite child, but also says they don’t have a favourite, but also they that she’s their favourite.
She loves American TV shows and Yerim has been teaching her a lot of English so she can watch them without subtitles.
Used to wear glasses, has now switched to contacts
She unexpectedly broke the camera lens during archery at ISAC, but the others were so bad at it that they didn’t even win a medal… Cupids on Twitter went WILD that day😂
Can play the harp because her grandma used to have one in her house from her youth.
And yes, she did audition with the harp.
Nicknames: Sunshine, Pretty, Holly (international fans have said that she looks like a Holly)
She can speak Korean and basic English.
People she looks up to: IU, Monsta X’s Kihyun, and Girl’s Generation’s Tiffany
To the question ‘what would you do if you weren’t an idol’, she answered, “I would’ve loved to become an artist in any kind of way. I paint a lot in my free time, so I would’ve hoped to make something with that.” Yerim said that she could imagine Sunhi running a little painting or pottery shop, which the younger girl agreed on.
Sunny‘s ideal type: just someone who loves me for me. I don’t think you should expect too much from other people, so just love me :)
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minzbins · 2 years
i was tagged by @suengwoo and @jinniebit (thank you 💞) to answer these questions
favorite time of year: spring & autumn, the season’s when it’s not too cold but also not too hot
comfort food: don’t think i have a specific one, but i like sweet things!
do you collect something?: kpop groups 😭
favorite drink: apple cider 💚
current favorite song: way too many.. but if i have to pick one i guess i’ll say if with u by monsta x
favorite colors: green & orange
last song: rain by kihyun
last series: love, victor, s3
last movie: everything everywhere all at once (10/10 recommend it!)
sweet, savory, spicy: i’m not the biggest fan of spicy, so i guess i’ll say savory with something sweet after
craving: a lot of things sdkjfhsgjhll
currently working on: mxrevival and trying to do the make me choose i have left
tagging: @bangzchan, @hanjesungs, @loversmore​ and @wistfulocean​, if you wanna do it 🧡
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 21
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Brief mention of abuse.
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When Yoongi woke up the next morning, the first thing that he realized was that you were already awake and scenting him with your nose pressed against his scent gland. 
“Baby?” He called out questioningly and you just hummed in reply. “You ok?”
“I can’t just scent you?” You murmured.
“Of course you can, it just seemed a little random,” he chuckled deeply. “And you usually ask first.”
“I missed you a lot, even though it was only a day,” you confessed as you pulled your nose away and looked up at him. “You didn’t smell like me anymore and that makes my Omega uncomfortable.”
“Well, scent away,” Yoongi said as he lifted his neck to expose his neck and you dove back in, taking your time as you dragged your nose along his skin.
“You’re gonna have to go and talk to my brother,” you whispered and Yoongi just sighed heavily. 
“Do I really have to?” He huffed. “He almost killed me, Y/N-ah.”
“Joon could never kill anyone, unless provoked,” you told him as you sat up and looked down at him. “And yes, you have to go talk to him since he technically cast you out of the pack but all you have to do is tell him exactly what you told me last night.”
“And he’ll let it go?”
“My brother can be a dick but he can also be pretty understanding so I think so,” you nodded. “And even if he doesn’t, I’ll have your back.”
“Fuck, fine,” Yoongi relented and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. 
After the two of you showered, got dressed, and ate, you led him across the territory to the Head Hall and up the stairs to the second floor where Namjoon’s office was located.
“I see everything worked out between you two,” Taehyung smirked when he saw the two of you walking up to his desk, hand in hand. 
“Don’t be so smug about it,” you rolled your eyes. 
“I’m guessing that you’re here to speak to Joon hyung,” Taehyung guessed, and you and Yoongi both nodded in confirmation. “Well, lucky for you guys: he just got out of a war strategy meeting with Hobi hyung and he looked pretty pissed off.”
“Gee, thanks Taehyung,” Yoongi grumbled, making Taehyung laugh out loud.
“He’s free right now, so go ahead in,” Taehyung said as he waved towards the door of Namjoon’s office.
“Uh, give me a sec,” you told Yoongi and he nodded before pressing a kiss to your cheek and walking over to wait in front of the office door. 
“What’s up?” Taehyung wondered as he looked at you.
“I just, uh, wanted to say thank you,” you said. “For figuring out that something was amiss and going to find Yoongi.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Taehyung shrugged with a smile. “It was the right thing to do. He makes you so happy Y/N-ah, and I wasn’t going to let Seo-hyun fuck that up for you.”
“You know, I think Joon and I are very lucky that Mom and Dad fought to keep you,” you told him, which made him grin widely. “Joon and I would be a pair of bumbling idiots without you.”
“Mom said you two would need me,” Taehyung puffed his chest out proudly. “I love you Y/N-ah.”
“I love you more Tae,” you cooed, leaning over his desk and gently kissing his cheek before pulling back. “Now wish us luck.”
“Good luck,” he smirked knowingly and you turned around and walked over to the door, joining Yoongi who had been patiently waiting. 
“Here goes nothing,” you sighed as you reached up and knocked on the door three times. 
“Come in,” Namjoon’s muffled voice called out and you opened the door, poking your head inside. 
“You free?” You asked and he nodded his head. You then stepped inside, pulling Yoongi in behind you as well before shutting the door. 
“Ok, now before you start yelling,” you began before Namjoon even had the chance to start talking. “Let me explain.”
“I’m not gonna yell Y/N-ah,” Namjoon chuckled as he sat back in his desk chair and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Nope,” he replied. “Taehyung came and explained everything to me yesterday. He woke the girls up from their naps and pissed Hyo off in the process, but he told me nonetheless.”
“Of course he did,” you laughed in disbelief. 
“Yoongi, I’d like to apologize,” Namjoon said as he looked over at Yoongi. “I didn’t allow you the opportunity to explain yourself and for that, I was wrong.”
“It’s ok,” Yoongi shrugged. “I know that as Pack Alpha, everyone’s safety is your main priority so I don’t blame you.”
“It’s also a part of my job as Pack Alpha to trust my pack members, just as they trust me to be able to lead you all,” Namjoon explained. “So, I would like to invite you, formally, to become a permanent member of this pack.”
“I’d love to,” Yoongi grinned widely. 
“Great,” Namjoon smiled.
“Congratulations baby!” You exclaimed, leaning over and kissing him firmly. “Tae’s gonna flip!”
“He’s probably listening at the door so he already knows,” Namjoon said. 
“I resent that!” You heard Taehyung scream through the door, which made all three of you laugh. 
“Um, I wanted to ask you something,” Yoongi said as he looked at Namjoon. “Is the fight still on?”
“Yes, it is,” Namjoon sighed. “We have five days until Seo-hyun said that he was going to be back.”
“I’d like to fight with you all,” Yoongi announced, causing both your and Namjoon’s eyes to widen.
“What?” You questioned.
“Yoongi, you don’t have to do that,” Namjoon told him. 
“Yeah, you don’t,” you agreed.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Yoongi asked. 
“For one thing, you’ve never fought in a war from what Taehyung told me last night,” Namjoon pointed out. “And for two, you’d be fighting against your former pack. I know that they treated you terribly but it still will probably be hard for you.”
“That might be true but this is my pack now,” Yoongi stated firmly. “And I want to fight to protect it.” A few seconds of silence passed over the room then before Namjoon spoke up again.
“Alright, fine,” Namjoon relented. “We’ll have to get you in training right away.”
“Alright,” Yoongi nodded before turning to look at you. “Don’t be mad at me please.”
“I’m not,” you assured him. “But we can talk more about it later.”
“I love you,” Yoongi cooed and you smiled at him.
“I love you too,” you replied. 
Later that night, after going to training with Namjoon, Hobi, Jungkook, and some other Alphas and Omegas, Yoongi was out amongst the trees at the edge of the territory. After the (albeit shirt) amount of time that the two of you were apart, you still weren’t the biggest fan of being away from him so he had decided to chop some more wood for your place before meeting you back there. 
As he was doing so though, he was shocked when he heard rustling from beyond a cluster of trees.
“Who’s there?” He called out, pausing in order to listen better. When he didn’t receive an answer, he gripped onto the handle of the ax that he was holding tighter. 
“I’m Prime asshole, so think about your next steps very carefully,” Yoongi warned and a shadowy figure stepped out from behind a tree and when they stepped closer, Yoongi couldn’t believe his eyes. 
“Yeah well, tell me something that I don’t know,” the man laughed and Yoongi just gaped at him in disbelief.
“Kihyun?” He called as the Alpha walked closer to him. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Well, I was hoping to receive a better greeting than that from one of my closest friends,” Kihyun joked and Yoongi just laughed before launching himself at Kihyun, hugging him tightly. 
“What are you doing here?” Yoongi repeated as he pulled away from the hug. “You would’ve been detained or killed if anyone else caught you.”
“I know but I had to come and see you,” Kihyun replied. “After Seo-hyun came back and announced that you were still alive, I had to see it for myself.”
“That was really dangerous and stupid of you Kihyun,” Yoongi told him. 
“I’ve spent the last six months thinking that you were dead,” Kihyun shot back. “You can’t blame me.”
“Yeah well,” Yoongi shrugged. “How have you been though? Everyone been treating you ok?”
“I’m fine hyung,” Kihyun nodded. “I see that you’re ok too.”
“Yeah, the Kim Pack took me in,” Yoongi said.
“I hope that doesn’t mean that you plan on fighting with them in a few days.”
“Actually, it does.”
“Why would you do that?” Kihyun wondered. “You can’t fight against your pack.”
“They’re my old pack and if you remember correctly, they left me for dead,” Yoongi pointed out. “This is my new pack and I am going to fight to protect it from Seo-hyun because I don’t want him doing the same thing to them that he did to our pack.”
“Seo-hyun just wants us to be strong,” Seo-hyun tried to say.
“And he has to abuse people and try to take over other packs in order to do that?” Yoongi demanded to know. “Kihyun, I love you. You’re the person that kept me sane all of those years after my parents died and I’ll always appreciate you for it, but you can’t seriously believe that what Seo-hyun is doing is right.”
“....I didn’t come here to argue with you hyung,” Kihyun finally said after a few moments of silence. “I just wanted to come and see you.”
“Despite everything, I am happy to see you kid,” Yoongi smiled gently. “Even if it was dumb.”
“I love you hyung,” Kihyun said before hugging Yoongi again. 
“I love you too,” Yoongi responded before letting go of Kihyun. “Be safe.” Kihyun nodded and just as quick as he had appeared, Yoongi watched as he disappeared back into the trees. 
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit @min-yus @cheysjimin @to-the-joon-and-back​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire @icycoldbeanieweanies​ @barbikatherine
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