erabundus · 1 year
@kikun &&. replied... pours milk, dumps wheaties, slams bowl down. enjoy your meal, your highness.
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his  bowl  runneth  over  —  quite  literally,  in  fact.  ordinarily  he  would  be  one  to  gripe  and  grumble  ad  nauseum  —  yet  for  once,  ren  pays  little  mind  to  the  MESS.  he  has  his  priorities.  precious  cereal  (  part  of  a  complete  breakfast  )  paired  with  that  elusive  dairy-ambrosia,  for  even  he  isn't  so  ludicrously  self-loathing  as  to  attempt  choking down  wheaties  UNLUBRICATED.
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as compensation aki will enjoy sweet silence on his behalf for approximately however long it takes him to finish eating. do try not to waste it basking in awe of his incredible generosity.
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mmriesoftvat · 1 year
@kikun: all i hear is cowardice
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"not a coward, just don't feel like fighting either of you. it's much more entertaining to watch you two wipe each other out."
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
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"imagine giving childe a healing bonus artifact."
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abyssin · 1 year
steps on you. squashes you like a bug. shoves you in a rat trap. tosses you into the sea shackled to a ball and chain. sends you to space without oxygen. throws you into the sun.
"well." the world rolls over his tongue to break the hovering silence. perhaps not quite the best way to respond to his own assassination, a hand through his stomach. still, with a cough, he manages to speak, the lilt of his tone ever playful despite the graveness of a limb impaled across his stomach. "that's not very polite of you to do is it, scara?"
dying, childe imagines, isn't much of a humorous affair. the world ends with him, where the stars die out, the ocean retreating into depths, the earth left to dust. a puppet, no matter how hard he will thrive to be more than he is, is nothing without his strings. a boy, no matter the blades he will wield and the lives he will take, is barely a warrior without his roots.
and perhaps it was about time for a reality check. still, he imagined death to look less mundane than a co-worker. if not scaramouche, it would have likely been one of his superiors. still... the thought makes him wrinkle his nose, staring down at the shorter man who seems to be waiting for a more fulfilling response.
childe stares down at his body, amazed by arm pierced through his organs. the pain sears childe inside out, the blood dripping from the gaping hole in his body, but childe cannot bring himself to care. he has been in this stage many times before. the human vessel is soft and vulnerable. he notes that scaramouche's quick work of him is a much more precise hole, with little jagged edges. but of course. he knows what it is like to be void of things.
"are you empty too? is that why you've hated me, all this time?" gloved fingers bury themselves into the balladeer's cheeks, as if trying to pierce holes into scaramouche too. a rough flick of his wrist to raise scara's chin. dull blues meeting violets. artificial as he is, scaramouche does well to mimic humanity. "i could have shared this body with you."
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a tilt of his head, eyebrow raised in mild curiosity. "you don't want to admit it? then i will." his lips bloodstained / his voice quivering into the winds / his smile wide, his teeth stained in red. godkin be damned, tartaglia dares to grab his shirt and draw him close, laughing into his face. "balladeer, it is here we always return to: to nothing, to the end. we are nothing."
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momijiba · 1 year
@kikun we could hear your inner thoughts :)))
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defiedlife · 1 year
Sumeru is lovely, though considerably warmer and more humid than the environment Childe is accustomed to. As far as they can tell, there seems to be some kind of festival going on; crowds upon crowds of people milling about in the streets and special booths scattered around the city, plus all the chatter amongst the locals over some kind of championship.
The latter, of course, catches their attention immediately. What better way to pass some time in the nation of dendro than to have a little friendly competition?
After a few inquiries made to passersby, however, it becomes clear that this particular competition isn't something they can participate in. Though disappointed, Childe's curiosity is still piqued nonetheless—the contestants who can participate must have been chosen for a reason, after all, and one rumored "Hat Guy" in particular stands out. The name alone makes them giggle, just a little, and it could be fun meeting someone so willing to go by such an...interesting moniker.
Yet as they snicker to themself at the thought, a voice nearby stops them in their tracks. It's almost as though cryo energy were used to freeze them in place for a second, and they stop and listen, struck by an uncanny sense of deja vu and confusion. That voice sounds so familiar for some reason, and they can't place why. Though they try to recall where they might have heard it before, or why, or even just from whom, to put a name or face to that voice...they can't.
Their brow furrows in confusion, and they weave through the crowd of locals and other visitors to the city, following the sound of that voice as quickly as they can. Their eyes search for the source as they go, eventually landing on a figure dressed mostly in blue—likely in the style of someone from Inazuma, if they had to guess—and wearing a rather large hat.
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Even with a face to put to the voice, as well as the presumed name if that hat is any indication....something still isn't adding up. The voice still leaves them with a nagging sense of familiarity, as does that face, just a little...but it's as though memories going any further than that are just barely beyond their grasp. Naturally, they want answers, and there's only one way to get them as far as they can tell. They approach, giving a little wave in greeting.
"....Ah, excuse me. This might sound like an odd question, but have we...met before?"
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iudiex · 1 year
flicks his feather
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                       swats   him   out   of   the   sky   like   a   fly   but   like.   gently.
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kiiyunz · 5 months
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⠀⠀  (  2:33 Ꮺ  )  ⠀while it’s still not exactly a home away from home, when kihyun’s with WAYV he feels just as able to let loose and let himself have the fun he wants as when he's with 127. they might not the very first place he’d turn if he was in trouble, or needed help (although he has gone to them for it a few times in the past), but they are one of the first people on his mind for when he feels like going for a night out to let loose, or to mess around in the studio for a few hours and see what beats they can pull out of thin air, sampling any and everything they can find. if DREAM are kihyun’s unbreakable bonds, and 127 are the pillars of support he never knew he needed, then WAYV are sort of a mix of both, as well as kihyun’s.. well, enablers, in a way.
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錕 & 기현⠀───⠀KIKUN
kihyun attached himself to kun the second they met and refused to let go—figuratively, of course (although he has done it literally a few times in the past, and will likely do it again). he felt a similar sort of instant connection as he had with johnny, or niko, or mark. he admired and looked up to his vocal ability as much as he did taeil’s, but for some reason felt a little more comfortable to let loose around him, to mess around and make jokes and be as clingy as he liked without worrying if he was being annoying. kun was just someone who made him feel comfortable instantly, an easy air around him that then-trainee kihyun needed every once in a while to let all his worries about debuting or not debuting and all his shortcomings during the various lessons they were put through get to him too much. when he was with kun they could just talk music, or play card games, or on occasion the older vocalist would give him a mini magic show and then attempt to teach him some tricks afterwards. there was a little bit of a struggle with the language barrier, as there was with most of the WAYV members, but they made do most of the time, finding they enjoyed spending time with another even if they didn’t fully understand everything the other was saying all of the time.
the younger vocalist considers himself one of kun’s biggest fans, point blank. everything he does (and did, back in the day and over the years) is met with the upmost support from him, both the things he’s allowed to share with the public & the projects he keeps to himself. if there was one member to rival the amount of personal merch and photocards he owns of the DREAM members, it would undoubtedly be kun. he just thinks he’s so.. cool. talented in everything he does, and making it look easy in the process. there isn’t a singular thing he’s been featured in that kihyun hasn’t reposted or talked about on social media in one form or another, not one piece of group content where he hasn’t done a running jump at the WAYV leader and clung to his arm for the next five minutes at the very least. kun shares the same sentiment with kihyun, even if it’s not to the same physical extent. he’s supportive in everything the younger does, and is always ready to help with anything he may need if he asks.
their friendship is one that’s mostly stayed the same over the years—growing stronger, if anything. kun is one of the top people on his list he’ll call if he needs a second opinion, if he wants a little help, or if he just wants someone to get a meal with. it’s always easy when they’re with one another, never having an uncomfortable or awkward moment between them even if they’re just sharing silence. they’re a relatively rare duo to see on camera during official content, and are usually more brought up or seen (and occasionally featured, on live) on their own personal feeds. they’re another pair that have expressed wanting to work with one another officially in the future—and have already played around with some unofficial things together in their free time too.
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เตนล์ & 기현⠀───⠀TENKI
ten was interested in kihyun from their very first meeting, both in wanting to get to know him and also in seeing if there was any way he could be of help with his dancing. and while he wasn’t a mentor as such, kihyun thinks he owes a lot to ten for helping him in their trainee days—both by correcting him on the smaller errors that their teachers didn’t pick up on, and also for never making him feel bad about his mistakes, always reassuring him that he himself sometimes slipped up too. dance was the main thing they bonded over, slowly growing closer as ten did his best to support kihyun wherever he could & kihyun attempting to return the favour by sneaking the older dancer a few extra snacks from when he snuck out, or reciprocating every bit of affection he received tenfold. while they slowly began to not see each other as much as it grew closer and closer to the first official NCT debut, they still tried to keep in touch & contact each other whenever they could, and kihyun made sure to cheer him (and the other five, of course) on the hardest he could.
even after it had all calmed down after the release of THE 7TH SENSE, they didn’t get too much time to go back to hanging out, as not long afterwards kihyun was preparing for his own debut in DREAM. he was caught up completely in focusing on being the best he could be, and again their contact was scarce—save for the few phone calls they shared, and the sparing evenings where ten would catch him staying in the practice room long after all the others had left, and run through the CHEWING GUM choreography with him a few times before making him go get some rest. it took a while, but when everything had really slowed down a little, they made sure to go out for a long meal and catch-up all in one, taking a detour to a noraebang on the way back to sing their lungs out and collapse into helpless laughter over things that weren’t really all that funny together like they’d been wanting to for a while.
as much as he looks up to him, kihyun doesn’t really feel the age gap between him and ten. the older dancer treats him exactly like he treats kun, or johnny, or taeyong, and kihyun reciprocates in kind. banter and conversation and jokes come as easy as breathing between them, but also whenever one of them needs help the carefree mood between them can just as easily be dropped in place of a more serious one, where they try their best to offer help or support in any way they can. whenever they see each other for group content they’re sure to be seen stuck to each other’s sides at least once, deep in conversation about a new routine, or when they should next get dinner together, or whatever other odd topics come to mind that they can spin a conversation out of. they’ve always been close, and will continue to be far into the future.
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昀昀 & 기현⠀───⠀WINKI
kihyun is jokingly referred to by many as one of the only members winwin can stand. while he does still treat the older dancer with as much affection as he does his other hyungs, he’s a little more toned-down about it—not as over-the-top as some of the other members, but at the same time no less genuine. they share a bond much like kihyun & yuta: quiet and not always noticed, but still very much there. they got close around the same time as him and yuta as well—it was nearing the end of the EMPATHY era, and kihyun walked into a practice room winwin was occupying, witnessed him dancing, and almost immediately afterward (despite the fact he’d barely held a full conversation with him prior to that evening, just sticking to polite greetings when they saw each other) fell all over him asking to be taught how to do what he did. winwin, a little overwhelmed, finally managed to ask for kihyun to stop trying to jump on his shoulders for just a minute, and then maybe they’d talk.
winwin didn’t feel like he was much of a help to kihyun, but the younger thought the complete opposite. even if all he did was correct him on a small footwork error, kihyun practically fell over himself in thanks every time. he said on more than one occasion that he considered winwin as much as a help as he did ten. whenever the two were in the same room it was guaranteed kihyun was going to ambush him at one point and ask for a whole load of new tips and tricks to implement into his own technique and help him grow. other members joked a few times that the younger DREAM member held ten & winwin to a higher regard than he did any of their actual dance teachers, to which kihyun just shrugged (and never necessarily denied any of their claims). while they didn’t hang out all that much in settings where it was just the two of them, kihyun felt like he didn’t really need to sit down and have a one-on-one meal with winwin in order to truly get to know him. he felt like he was sort of learning more and more about him through dance (even if chenle said that made no sense).
as of the most recent years, their bond has generally remained the same (although they have shared a few meals together since that time). on the off chance he’s feeling a little more lively when they see each other then kihyun will be all over the older dancer like he was the first time they met, calling him ‘boss’ and ‘teacher’ and firing things off a mile a minute about new routines and tips and covers and anything else he could think of, all while winwin stands there and just tries not to let it knock him off of his feet. most of the time he’s tempered down, though, simply greeting winwin with a hug and quietly catching up instead of going full-out. he’s always in the older dancer’s comments, always supporting him in any of his solo endeavours, and altogether the friendship they share is a sweet one.
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肖俊 & 기현⠀───⠀XIAOHYUN
the pair of them met at slightly an awkward time. dejun was new to the company as a whole, a complete stranger to most and feeling a little like an outsider thrown in the middle of a tangled web full of people who’d already known each other for years, already developed connections & relationships and were completely comfortable with one another, and kihyun was seventeen and just starting to feel restless in himself, his usually ever-cheerful mood just beginning to fray around the edges. needless to say, their first introduction consisted of a stilted ‘hello’ and an exchange of their names between them, and then kihyun was turning around and leaving and dejun was left to feel all the more awkward. they barely talked after that, swapping little more than quick nods or looks of acknowledgement if they passed each other in corridors or ended up sharing the same practice rooms, and it went on to stay that way for a good year as kihyun fell all the lower down into the hole he was digging for himself, and dejun got caught up in everything he needed to do for WAYV’s official debut.
the way they only really got to know each other properly wasn’t exactly in the best of situations, either. it was early 2020, a month or so after the release of RELOAD, and after a night out kihyun didn’t exactly feel like he could face his fellow DREAM members, and so asked if he could crash at the WAYV dorm instead. and dejun really didn’t mean to run into his sort-of dongsaeng in their kitchen at an unearthly hour in the morning while the younger was half-asleep and half-hysterical, smelling slightly of cigarettes and soju, but that was just how things turned out to be. dejun kept him company until kun got back from whatever convenience store he’d booked it to, and in the meantime kihyun just sort of.. let everything spill, a little too drunk to realise fully what he was doing. by the time the leader had made it back he walked into the dorm kitchen and found a now fully-asleep kihyun hunched over the countertop while dejun walked paces up and down the tile ranting and raving about how the people the younger dancer was hanging around with were really no good, none the wiser as to how his only listener was stifling his snores in the fabric of his hoodie.
kihyun was a little mortified the next morning, when he woke up and it all (mostly) came back to him, but decided to take it on the chin and use it as a chance to try and actually make friends with the older vocalist. they had another long talk that day, got to know each other a little better, and even if the younger made no promises as to breaking things off with the crowd he’d found himself in amongst, he did promise that he’d try and look after himself a little better. from that day onward they were far closer, kihyun always making sure to give dejun a visit whenever he was over at the WAYV dorms and making sure to keep in contact over the phone as well. they might not seem it on-camera, seeing as the more heartfelt conversations they share they usually prefer to have when they’re not being watched, but they really are a strong pair of friends.
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亨德里 & 기현⠀───⠀HYUNDERY
debut was coming closer and closer by the time hendery first joined SM,  so they didn’t have all that much time for conversation past introductions and civil greetings when they passed each other in the hallway,  but kihyun definitely wanted to get know hendery better,  and a couple months after everything had calmed down he made sure to approach him and ask him if he wanted to go out for a meal sometime.  hendery agreed,  they skipped practice one night so kihyun could show him one of his recently-discovered  (and quickly rising in the ranks of his favourites)  barbecue joints,  and they sat down and talked about everything they could think of until the owner was shoving them out of the door so he could shut up shop,  and it was so dark they could barely find their way back to the company building even with the help of the streetlights to guide the way.
their bond was something of an easy one to simply fall into after that—they’d hang out in person whenever they could and talk over the phone when they couldn’t,  making hours-long conversations over the most mundane of things and never getting bored of each other.  they shared inside jokes that would leave whoever else was with them more than a little bewildered when they brought them up and proceeded to burst into laughter,  and easy affection that could go from quiet and comforting to intentionally irritating over-the-top hugs and aegyo-filled voices as they squished cheeks and danced around with one another.  whenever kihyun’s at the wayv dorm,  it’s guaranteed that he’s in hendery’s room—and vice versa,  on the odd occasion the older rapper makes a visit to the dream dorms.  if one of them are out and about,  the other is most likely with them, if one of them posts, the other is most likely in the comments spamming compliments and teasing remarks and the like—and the list goes on, really. if one half of the pair is doing anything, then the other is sure to be around somehow.
over time their bond has only gotten stronger,  brought them closer together.  they’re simply..  kihyun and hendery.  a package deal,  even if they’re in different units.  a duo much like chenle and jisung,  or jeno and jaemin.  it’s not a proper kihyun vlog if hendery hasn’t suddenly appeared  (even if it was for as little as a couple shots,  or simply kihyun thrusting his phone before the camera to show messages from the older rapper),  and it definitely isn’t a piece of whole-group content if the two of them aren’t messing around together—by putting on shows of over-the-top recreations of the latest drama they’re watching,  or treating all the other members present to live performances of songs either from whatever album they’re promoting or just shared favourite songs in general, or even play-flirting up a storm.  their one joint goal is to try and get some sort of official duo content up and running,  but for now it’s still a work-in-progress.
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扬扬 & 기현⠀───⠀KIYANG
much like with hendery, yangyang became a trainee too close to DREAM’s debut for him & kihyun to get properly introduced, and so it just.. never happened. but unlike with hendery, kihyun also never got around to trying to properly get to know him, and so they just sort of stayed at the half-awkward and half-acquaintances stage for the following years. it was somewhat frustrating for the younger vocalist, because he definitely did want to get to know yangyang better, it was just that he felt that he’d left it too long to start a conversation that lasted longer than passing greetings or brief small talk, or invite him out for a meal without it sounding awkward, and so he just carried on leaving it for a later date, for when he could muster up some more courage to actually talk.
it took renjun practically dragging him by the arm in the break between filming on the RESONANCE set for them to finally strike up a proper conversation, and even then kihyun left it feeling like he’d been stilted and awkward the whole time. they were closer after that, but still not a whole lot. he wasn’t so sure if he was intimidated of yangyang, or just thought he was cool (much like his feelings towards renjun in their trainee days before he got over himself and struck up that first conversation)—or maybe just a mix of both—but what kihyun did know was that he was determined to actually strike up a proper friendship with yangyang. soon. how soon, he didn’t exactly know, and he gave jeno a harsh punch on the arm when he relayed his dilemma and the older told him he was just putting it off again because he was scared.
skip forward a few years, and kihyun is glad to say there has been some progress. they’ve talked more, and bonded over music, mostly, but also video games as well (which, admittedly, kihyun got most of his knowledge of from jeno and then pretended he’d been a gamer for years when speaking to yangyang. to this day he’s terrified of gaming alone with him, though). a meal shared between just the two of them has yet to happen, but kihyun is again determined—and it’s something of a well-known fact that when he has his mind set on something he’s unlikely to let off until he gets it done. he’s still a little miffed yangyang is something of the only member he doesn’t really feel like he knows, but that only makes him all the more fired up to make sure they get closer than close in the coming years. the unreasonable amount of joy he gets when the older replies to his messages (or sends them to him first), or likes his posts, or mentions him in a conversation where he isn’t present, is immeasurable, and the DREAM members (jeno and chenle, mostly) have fun by comparing it to a child with a crush—to which kihyun firmly denies with red ears every time.
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houndfaker · 1 month
Ngl you successfully infected me with Kikuno brainworms cause I think about her a lot nowadays (honestly. More than I think about the P4 cast lol)
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aanother beautiufl win for kikunation
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gemkun · 7 months
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alias / name : gem birthday : december 20th zodiac sign : sagittarius height : 165cm hobbies : writing , reading , watching anime and shows in general , scrapbooking favorite color : red favorite book : no longer human by osamu dazai last song : 醉梦前尘 by 林志炫 ( shoutout to my mdzs fans ) last film / show : film = the grand budapest hotel / show = love is blind ( do not judge ) recent reads : house of leaves by mark z. danielewski & the setting sun by osamu dazai ; i will be starting tgcf , mdzs and svsss soon ( hopefully ) inspiration : too many to list but heavily relies on media that delves into darker themes story behind url : runa came up with kikun to match with her heikun ( i adore these names forever ) for my previous blog that featured wanderer from genpact and when i decided to make a multimuse i wanted to continue the theme so i chose gemkun fun fact about me : i once watched a movie ( nightcrawler ) everyday for an entire month so i could analyse details that i didn't notice in the first place   tagged by : @todestochter tagging : @ephemyrals , @celesticlnstcrs , @raytm , @eldkitch , @oneireth , @avgiin , @hindblight , @gonguji , @theircurse , @clown-demon , @serosanguine , @prodigls , @effigist , @jueying , @cloudhymn , @caelune , @ruinlost , @starspurn , @defiedlife , @ninebow , @memoryextrction , @fallcnsorrow & anyone else who wants to ! ( sorry if you've alr been tagged )
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voyage-inferno · 1 year
What are you seeking?
"i wish i could say i am a light that never goes out, but i flicker from time to time."
// oh, little one, you have burned for so quietly for so long, haven't you? burnt yourself out trying to give others light? wishing, desperately, that they would notice the way your hands shake or the wildflower bruises under your tired eyes. but they never have, have they? and so, it obviously wasn't bad? right? you had more to give, didn't you? how much could you pour yourself out before they noticed? it is all you've ever known, after all. help, help, help, help. (are you providing it, or begging for it?) but you've given too much, spread yourself too thin, didn't you? you are so heavy, so tired. you have spent your life carrying for others the way you wished someone would care for you. but you're worried, aren't you? that if you can't be what they need, if you can't be the pillar for others to lean on, they'll leave you. what you seek is home, a safe place to rest and be taken care of. and little light, you deserve it. you have earned it. you are worth more than what you can provide for others: you deserve the same care you so freely give out. they will love you all the same, honey. set down the world, and rest that weary heart of yours
Tagged by: @erabundus
Tagging: @curiouskinetic, @kikun, @cryoexorcist, @frozenambiguity, @ironbloodcd, @wendeiwisp, @electric-ecclectic, @risingsol, @the-wayward-snowflake, @touchofdawn, @outridera, @abyssmalice, @freshsprout, @fxmiliarity, @viatrixmoons, @narvvhal, anyone who wants to!! (Sorry if you've already been tagged)
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v4llk · 11 months
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laaye osupa kikun!
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missmyloko · 2 years
Hi Justine, I'm glad you are fully recovered by now, many thanks you very much for your kind answers, were really helpful:) thank you very much.
Today I have another one, following the recent mishedashi of hanafusa okiya, could you please give us some information about their foundation, history and current Okasan?
And also who else whore that famous kimono that you point out in the mishedashi post you did?
Also could you talk us about their formers geikos. kikuno, kikutsuru and kikumaru, who had great careers and were really popular but "recently" quit a few years ago, you can also mention please their famous onesan? (I can't remember the name but read. Awhile ago she was a very successful one that took this as their last little sisters.
About the ones that I mentioned we can see them appearing in the Kikuyu's documentary back in 2005, and they can also be seen in some videos of the Miyagawacho odor, bs there is even a interview with kikumaru just before she retires, but they were not very public so they remind still kind like. Mystery. As well is quite interesting how this okiya hasn't debut any maikos or geikos In so long, I believe they take their time on it because each of their girls requires a lot of work to be that popular as they are and maybe, is quite admiring in my opinion
Before I go, has been a kikutshino there?
Thank you in advance Justine
my best regards
To be honest, I don't know too much about the history of Hanafusa, beyond that they've been open since at least the 1980s and their current okasan is former geiko Kikumi. Kikumi is the biological mother to Kikusana, so one day we may see Kikusana take over Hanafusa. Nearly every Hanafusa maiko has worn that famous kimono at one point or another, whether it was for their misedashi, Shin Aisatsu, or Setsubun. It really stands out, so you shouldn't have a problem finding photos of it (just search for individual geimaiko's names). Kikuno debuted first of the three girls in 2000, followed by Kikutsuru in 2002 and Kikumaru in 2004. Kikumaru debuted directly as a geiko, so she didn't have a maiko period. All were the imōto of Kikuryū (菊柳). After Kikuryū retired her three imōto would then be onesan to the next bunch of Hanafusa girls, including Kikuyū, Kikune, and Kikuyae for Kikuno, Kikusana for Kikutsuru, and Kikushino for Kikumaru. Girls tend to come in waves for okiya, so it's not unusual for them to have many debut in a couple of years and then have none for a long stretch. It's just how the karyukai goes ^^
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abyssin · 1 year
snips off your ahoge.
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now you done did it. you snipped off his violence detector. what will he do now ):
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cryoexorcist · 1 year
when @kikun actually listens to me for once just for a bit
i was framed.
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davidsoto666 · 1 year
"Madre Oshun, diosa del río dorado,
protectora de la maternidad y del amor,
con tus aguas dulces y tus brazos cálidos,
cuidas de las madres y de su nuevo amor.
Eres la reina de la fertilidad,
la que hace crecer la semilla en el vientre,
la que da vida a los hijos con amor y bondad,
y los protege como una madre valiente.
Con tu gracia y belleza, llenas de luz,
brillas en los corazones de los que te aman,
y en los momentos de dolor y de angustia,
eres la fuerza que sostiene y acompaña.
Madre Oshun, diosa del río dorado,
eres la madre de todos los seres,
y tu amor y protección nunca han faltado,
en las alegrías y en los padeceres.
Que siempre seamos dignos de tu amor,
y en la maternidad sigamos tu ejemplo,
para que cada hijo nazca con tu dulzor,
y cada madre tenga tu amor eterno".
"Mother Oshun, goddess of the golden river,
protector of motherhood and love,
with your sweet waters and warm embrace,
you care for mothers and their new love.
You are the queen of fertility,
the one who makes the seed grow in the womb,
the one who gives life to children with love and kindness,
and protects them like a brave mother.
With your grace and beauty, full of light,
you shine in the hearts of those who love you,
and in moments of pain and anguish,
you are the strength that sustains and accompanies.
Mother Oshun, goddess of the golden river,
you are the mother of all beings,
and your love and protection have never been lacking,
in joys and sufferings alike.
May we always be worthy of your love,
and in motherhood follow your example,
so that each child is born with your sweetness,
and every mother has your eternal love".
"Oshun ọmọ mi, Ọya ilẹ ọla,
Ogboju aye ati ifẹ ọmọ mi,
Pẹlu awọn omi tutu rẹ ati ọkan miiran,
O gbe wa ni ilera ati ifẹ titi diẹ.
O ni ipo ọrun ti ibukun,
Ti o ṣe ni gbogbo omo ni iṣẹgun rẹ,
O si ni ojuẹwẹ ati onisowo fun ibeji,
Ki o wa ni idunnu bi abiyamo alaafia.
Pẹlu alaafia ati alaabo rẹ,
O si ni iwaju awọn ọkunrin ati awọn obinrin ti o fẹ rẹ,
Ati ni awọn ọjọgbọn ti o dara ju,
O si ni kikun ati alaabo ti o fi tẹ ẹsẹ nla.
Oshun ọmọ mi, Ọya ilẹ ọla,
O ni ọmọ gbogbo eniyan ni ọmọ mi,
Ati ifẹ ati ilera rẹ ko fẹẹ fi owo wa,
Ni awọn ọrẹ ati awọn ofẹ to dunju.
Ki a to si ni iranlọwọ ninu ifẹ rẹ,
Ati ni ifẹ rẹ lati ranwọ sinu ifẹ rẹ,
Fun ki gbogbo ọmọ le wa ni ifẹ rẹ tutu,
Ki gbogbo abiyamo le ni ifẹ rẹ nigba kan fun".
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