vulpixelates · 5 days
💩 and 🌼 for Caerellia and Romy
💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
(nsfw 🤫) this isn't really a headcanon but one of the most ridiculous things about my process for designing caerellia was that i needed to make her horns optimal for having her face sat on. sorry, not sorry! it was a high priority!
almost everything about romy is at least a little bit ridiculous OIFJAWEOIF i think one of the most ridiculous ones was that she and her best friend met on campus at med school bc her skirt was tucked into her undies after using the restroom and her future-bestie not only was the only one who told her but then mooned everyone to make them laugh at her instead. claire is A REAL ONE, even if she is in fact an icky girl who smells like hot dogs. they will both make absolute fools out of themselves for the sake of the other.
🌼 for a happiness headcanon
caerellia is happiest on a beach or in the water. her whole life she'd desperately yearned for her home city to be close to water and never thought that would be the case - but luckily for her, through the power of an ancient butch goddess hottie, the ocean came back after hundreds of years. her jumping into the new water in her fancy dress, a big smile plastered on her face, and splashing around with the gremlin orphans she helps take care of always lives in my mind.
romy is also an ocean girl, having grown up surfing in california. early summer mornings on her board are when she's at her second-most peaceful. sometimes when i'm sad, i think about her and two of her future wives (ambrose and tane) teaching their kiddo(s) how to surf on a sunday morning until they get called in for sunday brunch 😭 naga-blackthorns MY BELOVED COMFORT LESBIAN POLYCULE
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vulpixelates · 5 days
⌛for Rosario and Caerellia
⌛for a sleep headcanon
rosario sleeps best when she's out in the wastes, barely a tent keeping her separate from the night sky and the dirt and the grime.
caerellia on the other hand must be sleeping in the comfiest spot always or she canNOT fall asleep and will make it everyone else's problem. priss!
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vulpixelates · 5 months
glance, stillness, night, footwear, favorite, alternate for rosario
thanks for the ask, wife 💖
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
rosario has a very imposing silhouette when she's in her standard "uniform." big hat, big coat, dual pistols - classic duster-clad gunslinger. her eyes definitely also stand out when she's using psionics, as they get glowy and swirl with bright blue psionic energy through the shadow cast over her face by the brim of her hat. very dramatic.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
psionics have SO much energy constantly that rosario is definitely a fidgeter. when she's standing "still," she's probably always bouncing back and forth on her heels unless she's uniquely focused on something. i imagine she also stims on a certain texture on the handle of her guns too, so there's this worn section from her thumbs rubbing on them on both.
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
i feel like rosario usually sleeps in her armor, honestly. the wastes are dangerous and you can never be too careful, even when you have luck on your side. on the very rare occasion that she's not in her armor, she probably fell asleep naked.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
big ol' boots. she has two pairs: her sturdy but worn cowboy boots and a nicer pair for non-combat situations.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
despite being long estranged from them, rosario keeps a family memento that she keeps on her at all times, though she doesn't wear it: a necklace, a simple golden one with a delicate chain and a cross. it was passed down throughout the generations on her mother's side of the family, from mother to eldest daughter, even before they ended up in the bunkers. she's sure that her mother curses her every day for the fact that she took it with her when she left but she likes the reminder of where she came from and why she left.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
oooooo in a fantasy setting, she'd definitely lean into clockwork steampunk artificer vibes! i think it would be similar (long duster, gunslinger vibes) but add some fantastical steamwork instruments and an extra af toolbelt with mechanical bits and bobs. that would be really fun.
honestly, her au would look VERY similar to the wlw west set up we had been talking about forever ago, even down to having a similar vibe as the character i'd made for that game aoeijwfaoi what can i say? i love a gunslinger...
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vulpixelates · 7 months
🧁🌶 🔥 for Ollie, Virtue/Des, and Caerellia
thanks for the ask, wife 💖
🧁 What's their dream date place?
Ollie: ollie pretends to be uninterested in romance but i think she secretly really wishes someone would take her on some kind of romantic picnic date or something like that, like in the movies.
Virtue: somewhere far, far away. i feel like she constantly daydreams about whisked away, especially to places with a lot of greenery.
Caerellia: 1) a cozy private library where they could go back and forth between kissing and reading or 2) thanatos, land of lesbians, where she can laze around on beaches with her bush out without a care in the world and escape all her problems
🌶 Where have they almost been caught having sex? And what were they almost caught doing?
Ollie: almost certainly in weird places like behind the "abandoned" hangar factory or something. she probably lost her virginity back there OIAJOEIFJ
Virtue: she and faith are extremely careful because they can't really allow themselves to get caught up in the heat of the moment, given their circumstances. but her and justice probably have way too much sex in the bathroom at the night club she escapes to and have almost certainly been caught and nearly kicked out.
Caerellia: caerellia is far too private with any aspects of herself that might be able ot be used against her. i think the closed that she would come to this is the bacchanal, but i don't think participating in orgies counts as getting caught 😂 (edit: nvm she and zariel get caught having the down and dirtiest sex in literally every corner of hell lmao, i feel like zariel gets so under her skin that she loses all composure and any sense of "oh i really shouldn't" when zariel is involved)
🔥 Do they get turned on by strange things, such as fire, chaos, blood, etc?
Ollie: surprisingly (given her general demeanor), not really. i think she's mostly attracted to people who a) are gentle or b) give her any ounce of positive attention 🙃 but people who are too chaotic scare her away a bit
Virtue: chaos and blasphemy really get virtue going. i feel like the first time that she saw faith do something against their families' creepy cult religion was the first time she was really attracted to her, and for justice i feel like her very existence and gender presentation are enough to make her family faint so she loves it.
Caerellia: lmao, yeah. give her a big (read: god-like) butch covered with blood after watching her rip someone apart with her bare hands or something and she's a happy woman. i think she is turned on equally by the order/justice of lilith and the chaos of zariel, though; she kind of views it as two sides of the same coin. for volusena, she loves seeing her covered in dirt after a hunt/fight.
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vulpixelates · 1 year
glace, bling, favorite, change for Liss :)
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
if she has her big 'fro out, probably that. next is her smile, though - i imagine her as having a very distinct smile, maybe a little crooked with a gap between her front teeth. she is almost always smiling brightly or cockily.
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
though she doesn't wear it around her neck because she's nervous about it falling off or getting lost, she keeps her (now deceased) mother's necklace on her at all times. she probably has some other jewelry of hers as well that she'll wear on special occasions, but the necklace was probably one that her mother wore every single day and she likes the reminder of what started it all.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
she wears sturdy, "stompy" boots all the time she isn't working at her day job. they've never failed her in terms of practicality since she got them (i can't imagine how many nice shoes or sneakers she'd lost to Gunk while monster fighting :/) but her giant knife also fits in at the ankle for easy access :) which is very important to her
other than that, her casual outfits almost always contain a flannel that has been stolen from one of her masc exes or friends. i literally made a d6 chart to roll on every time she's wearing one in a scene bc it's hilarious to me.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
hmmm, probably not! liss isn't prone to sudden changes, and she's been growing her hair out since her mom died because it was how she always wore it. she probably doesn't have any big tattoos but she's got a few small ones.
change is okay from the outside, but for her personality, she is pretty stable.
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vulpixelates · 1 year
arms, texture, change for Tatjana
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
tatjana does not leave home without at least two knives on her person at any time. her mainhand weapon is a rapier (though i'm thinking of changing this to something more Fun). but she conceals them all in her giant coat for the most part so they aren't visible at first glance.
texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
nothing too scratchy, it makes her paranoid. she's a little bougie, so soft silks are probably her favorite, but she's a leather girlie too.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
tatjana is almost certainly prone to periods of depression where she will lop off her hair and start over, but things like her wardrobe will always be the same because she hates change - so she definitely regrets her impulsive hair-chops almost as soon as she's made the first cut lmao
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vulpixelates · 4 months
⚠️, 🌊, 🌱, 📓for Iris, Liss, and Talia!
thanks for the ask, wife 🥰
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be?
iris: "Prevent Your Death! Go No Further!"
liss: "Danger: High Voltage"
talia: "Slippery When Wet"
🌊 - Does this oc have a secret or repressed desire?
iris: computer keys go clicky clacky :(
liss: she so desperately wishes that she could just tune out everything going wrong at all times like other people seem to be able to, and let go of all of that responsibility.
talia: lmao. all of them until like, two years ago.
🌱 - Share one of this oc’s early memories.
iris: as a young child, she can remember lying on the carpet that she would one day steal from her omma before getting the hell out of dodge, and eavesdropping on her dad doing nefarious business practices on the phone before getting caught and getting the talk about the family business
liss: a lot of her earliest memories are playing basketball in run-down courts with her other friends from the marrow and then running home to help out her grandma and father at the corner store
talia: handing evelyn her wrench while evelyn told her all about her car-fixin' project 🥺
📓 - Do you associate any quotes or lyrics with this oc?
iris: "even through the darkest phase / be it thick or thin / always someone marches brave / here beneath my skin"
liss: "i'm not afraid of a little bloodshed, baby / i was born in war"
talia: the entirety of "temptation" by raveena
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vulpixelates · 5 months
Road, roots, wardrobe, favorite, and alternate for Caerellia
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
caerellia is bougie as fuck in her actual traveling gear, but she does tend to tone down her clothes when traveling so she doesn't draw any unnecessary attention to herself. these are the usual outfits of hers that i have on her pinterest board for
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roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
a lot of her fashion is very ancient grecian inspired due to the country she's from, but she also has. so much couture fashion on her board haha. i think she feels more comfortable in flowy garments than the very fitted couture ones, but the high fashion ones are basically her uniform for when she's in high profile situations. she has appearances to keep up, after all.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
too big. she is constantly having new clothes made for her, but she's made her seamstress agree to repurposing old clothing often so it's less wasteful.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
lex gifted her an ornament for her horns that makes it so that even gargauth can't look in on her thoughts, so probably that. she wears it at all times these days.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
my FAVORITE au idea for her is cyberpunk scifantasy, where the asperanases are these creepy evil information brokers and she wears cybergoth garb
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vulpixelates · 5 months
💯, 🐉, 🤍, 🥪, 🍛 for Stevie
thanks for the ask 🥰 ily
poppin' this under the fold bc it got long oops
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
since this is my first official post about her, i'll use this as an opportunity to go over the basics 😤 it's def more than three facts but whatevre
persephone "stevie" vega is a journalist and otherwise artsy type who always has at least three projects going to bounce between and completely drop when she gets wrapped up in a case
she was adopted by her two moms on the west coast and then spent most of her life in a crunchy lesbian commune that her moms founded outside of a small town in vermont, though she did go to public school and interact quite a bit w the local community
she had a whoopsie baby when she was ~16/17 and ended up keeping her and naming her after herself (a la gilmore girls but w supportive parents) who everyone calls percy
when she was in college, she met her future wife, enzo; enzo and percy are very close and not long after they got married, enzo adopted percy
stevie and enzo got divorced last year after their careers and some personal crises drove them apart and they decided it would be best for percy's sake to separate
fast forward to the present, her moms have now decided that they want to retire from the commune living and have moved to a bigger town in maine, so stevie moved herself, her kid, and her (reluctant) ex-wife to join them
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
stevie is a phoenix girlie. i imagine she is the type who chose a favorite when she was like fourteen, got a tattoo of it at eighteen, and it's stuck with her ever since lmao
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
she is stubborn as hell. this CAN work in her favor when she's hunting down a story like a dog w a bone, but sometimes it causes trouble in her interpersonal life.
she says that she doesn't believe in all of the hippy new age stuff that her crunchy crystal moms believe in, but sometimes she finds herself leaning into it, almost like a superstition.
look, she's wise. she's got sense. she knows herself. but she can also somehow convince herself that all of her projects are good ideas. she bought this whole fixer upper bc her ex-wife is a contractor and she helped her a bunch on projects, so she's convinced herself that she's going to be able to renovate the whole house in less than a year. BY HERSELF.
🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
lunch is the meal that most often falls by the wayside for her, at least when she's by herself. midday is usually the time where she's getting really into whatever project or story she's working on, so unless someone reminds her that food exists, she doesn't realize what time it is until percy is coming home from school or someone distracts her long enough for her to realize that her stomach has been growling since 11am.
however, when she does realize (or if it's a weekend/holiday where percy is home all day), she makes a spread. lots of different things, especially snacky sides like cut up fruit and veggies with dips and sauces. she eats a lot of fruit and veggies bc that's just how she grew up eating bc of all the farming on the aforementioned lesbian commune. bonus points if it's in a smoothie. extra bonus points if that smoothie is basically a milkshake.
EDIT: I FORGOT A VERY IMPORTANT CATEGORY: stake out lunches! stevie takes percy out on stake outs sometimes so she's gotta make sure they get fed. those lunches are definitely giant bags of fast food that are bigger than either of their heads.
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
her moms and their friends were all very multicultural so she probably cooks food from all around the world, and she strikes me as the type who likes to show her love through food. also, i imagine she took a nutrition class or two when she was younger to make sure that she wasn't going to like, accidentally give percy the gout or something.
dinner is usually the main meal of the day that she plans out ahead of time so she can go all out. lots of the time, it's something she preps in the morning or the night before and throws in the slow cooker or something - stews, curries, soups, some meat that will be fall-off-the-bone tender in six hours, etc. plus any extras that might be needed.
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vulpixelates · 7 months
self-efficacy, wisdom, authenticity, appreciation, and prudence for Ollie, Logan, and Caerellia now plz
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
all in all, ollie is much more likely to blame herself than those around her (unless the other person in question is her mother) because you know, it's usually her fault, so why would this time be different? she can be very temperamental in her decision-making but it's less "the ends justify the means" and more "what would make me feel better right now?" however, she does try to keep an eye out for the people she cares about.
logan is extremely goal-oriented, so sometimes the ends do justify the means for her as long as she's not harming her family or her community. when she was younger i think she often shifted blame onto others before herself but mostly in a self-preservation way - she always had to be better than everyone to "prove" her "worth" to her family so i think this made her pretty defensive. though it might have been a long road to get there, she's cooled down quite a bit in that regard as an adult.
caerellia will do whatever it takes to get her way by any means necessary, the tricksier the better. there are a few groups who she won't trample over but the rest had better watch out. she has to practically delude herself into being entirely certain that what she is doing is the best for everyone in order to do so, but y'know. desperate times and all that.
[popping the rest of this under a read more bc i got VERY wordy 🙃✌]
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
while ollie tries not to look back too far behind her, she recognizes when other people know more about things than her and will lean on them/listen to their advice before moving forward. in times of difficulty, mostly her head is just a repeat of "jesus fucking christ i have GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE."
logan has enough sense to know what she knows and what she doesn't, and understands the importance of learning from her past errors. especially now that her oldest daughter is a teenager and she realizes how much her youngest picks up on everything, it's so important to her to model emotional intelligence like this. in difficult situations, she will take about 10 seconds to panic (or a few minutes to hit someone w her shoes if the situation calls for it) and then jump immediately into problem-solving mode.
caerellia is also very aware of her abilities - and where her weaknesses are. she isn't the wisest person but she has grown up around someone who is (volusena, probably the only voice of reason in all of artana tbh) and learned the benefits of listening to others' perspectives. acknowledging past mistakes is definitely a point of contention though; she is very convinced that she can't show any weakness and being wrong is one of the biggest weaknesses to her, something that she would take advantage of in a millisecond if any opponent were to do. so that's definitely an area she needs to grow in. maybe some of lilith's temperament will rub off on her.
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?
this one is tough for ollie. i've touched on the fact that she has trouble letting people in, so i think she definitely puts on a facade for the world: she's tough, she's hard, nothing can break through her shell and hurt her. her friends can see glimpses of this though, especially people like jo, billie, and maude but especially maude. who understands a weird lesbian with trauma better than their high school art or english teacher?
to logan, i think above everything else is being a wife and mother. she became that at such a young age that it has become a huge part of how she identifies, though i wouldn't say it's a bad thing in her case. she is a person outside of it still, with a clear identity - her wife and children are just such huge parts of how she sees herself. parenthood shaped her; being gentle and loving to her children in ways she had never experienced healed her. it isn't about who she is to others or what she can do for them, it's about how she sees herself. making other people feel seen and loved is one of her favorite things.
i have answered similar questions about caerellia often so i'll give myself a pass on this one given the length of all of my other answers aoiejfaoi. tl;dr, caerellia wears a mask around almost everyone (literally) and has so much trouble taking it off that it takes her a lot of soul-searching to learn who she really is and what she wants to be.
APPRECIATION– What kind of accomplishments do they recognize? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
for other people, ollie is very (and secretly) impressed especially by academic and social accomplishments/traits. like, she's so fucking jealous of people who are able to be vulnerable and authentic with others so easily, or people who work their ass off to do cool things. she is really attracted to people who know who they are and what they want. and as an artist/photographer, i think sight and touch are her most joyful senses to engage with.
logan is the type of person who just loves to see people around her succeed, no matter what they're doing or if others might think it's just a small thing. she's the #1 hype woman. as for attractiveness, her type is all across the board but she heavily prefers dating butches and studs; she feels the most authentic in romantic/sexual herself when in relationships w them and i think she especially loves the romantic side of taking care of them when usually people expect them to take care of others. as for senses, god, that's a hard pick, but probably a tie between touch and taste? so much of her life revolves around food but she's a touchy-feely and tactile kinda girl too.
caerellia is most impressed by feats of power and talent, especially if it's natural. effortless. nothing is sexier to her. bonus points if there's a secret soft side, or a not-so-secret one. for senses, she'd probably chose sight, which is ironic given the profession she almost went into.
PRUDENCE– How far ahead do they plan? Are they able to strategize future potential factors? Do they go out of their way to ask for clarification, or simply assume they know what they’re doing?
ollie does not often plan ahead, at least for her own future. she definitely thinks a lot about how things could go wrong though which will surely come in handy in the days to come, and she'll definitely always ask for clarification if it's a situation where she feels comfortable.
logan is a PLANNER. she has to be with her ADHD and how busy she is, or else she'd always be running around like a chicken w her head cut off lmao. (it should be noted that she has gotten these habits primarily from her oldest daughter, who is an organized, planning queen.) i think planning is also a major source of comfort for her, though she is always ready to switch gears if something goes awry. she isn't the type to ever assume and doesn't have any ego about asking for help or clarification when she needs it.
caerellia is very similar to logan in this way: she's a chaotic ADHD girlie as well but in her situation, she has to stay on top of everything so excessive planning is how she copes. however, i think she's less adept at adapting in the moment if something goes not according to plan. despite the chaos, she's strung a little bit tightly at times. in regards to asking for clarification, often she'd rather eat her own boot than to admit that she doesn't know everything around someone she doesn't trust, harkening back to the answer for wisdom. but she grows up a bit eventually.
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vulpixelates · 1 year
venus for character bingo
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vulpixelates · 1 year
liss for character bingo
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vulpixelates · 1 year
nelinha and thatch for character bingo plz
ooooo not-my-ocs edition!
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vulpixelates · 1 year
caerellia for character bingo ho
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vulpixelates · 1 year
motion, stillness, road for Caerellia
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
i imagine caerellia as being extremely gracefully, not by virtue of dexterity but by virtue of practice and charisma. she has spent her entire life honing her appearance in every possible way, determined to have her mask glued firmly on in public settings. her clothing is also definitely a part of it - sweeping, flowing gowns that add to the powerfulness of her walk, glittering jewels that draw attention to her when she enters a room.
when she was younger, she was probably a little clumsy, though. she cared more about books than moving around. but starting weapons training with her mother probably helped her hone her physical control and aid in flexibility and coordination.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
in public, she never shows signs of emotion other than perhaps happiness or smugness when the time is appropriate. but in private, she will happily stim on things - especially the fabric of her favorite clothes, or the leather spines of her favorite books.
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
caerellia is usually travelling under the radar because most of her travel time is for antiquarian purposes, searching for relics and such, which isn't something she necessarily wants to draw attention to. so she wears concealing cloaks and hides or disguises her gear, all of which is the best money can buy, of course. without disguises, she'd be a clear target for robbery or suspicion.
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vulpixelates · 1 year
🌠 for Caerellia
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
caerellia's first friend, someone who actually saw her and no mask or magic disguise, was volusena. they have been close since they were kids and i think volusena might be one of the only people who ever truly understands caerellia for the first two decades of her life. volusena just listens and doesn't judge, just gives advice and is there.
they lost contact after their teen years when volusena was shipped out for her huntmaster duties by caerellia's disapproving father and caerellia misses her all the time she's gone, whether she'd admit it or not.
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