#kill jair bolsonaro! andrew minyard would not miss the stabbing!
mrsdallway · 2 years
aftg as faroeste caboclo
this one is very special to me and i put a lot of thought into it. hugs and kisses to all brazilian aftg stans. fora bolsonaro.
non-brazilians: this is your daily reminder that usa is not the only country in the world! fuck europe! fuck usa! latin cultures have SO MUCH to add to our silly little fanfics
maria lúcia and joão being nathan's parents, poc from the northeast's hinterlands that migrate to the capital in search of a better life for themselves but when joão meets criminal organizations there he starts creating his reputation. in the 60s/70s, brazil's capital (brasília) is inaugurated and a lot of people are migrating like joão but also people like the moriyamas who had been in são paulo fighting against the military dictatorship and are now trying to extend their power to a new center. consider that maria lúcia's son (nathan) is actually joão's and not jeremias' so, before all of them dying, jeremias had already figured it out… yes, jeremias, deeper in crime than joão, gave nathan to the moriyamas. so nathan gained a new surname (wesninski) like foster kids yk (andrew being andrew doe). let's say this happened at the end of the 60s. the moriyamas raise nathan surrounded by blood and nathan wants to honor his father, joão, so eventually he goes to são paulo's favelas (slum?) to fight the military. but when he is finally 17 (like middle-80s if my awful math is right), japan grows stronger aaaand an USA ally in the cold war so the moriyamas receive the opportunity to allocate in the USA and nathan thinks WELL WHY NOT LETS FUCKING GOOO. nathan still has roots in the moriyama family and they make him a deal: they will help him to consolidate in the other country AND with his own people/gang if nathan keeps doing their dirty job. some months after this, they make another deal offering mary hatford, a rich wife for nathan and a british alliance for the yakuza! in 1988, neil happens. but nathan sees himself in the boy so it just increases his fury and he gives neil what the world gave to him in his childhood and entire life. he remembers the corruption he saw in brazil and takes revenge using the same poison. he thinks of maria lúcia protecting him when mary runs. he thinks of joão's father dying with a soldier's shot when he is arrested. he thinks of jeremias and thinks that a gun is a coward's weapon, so he chooses blades that are capable of cutting anyone and are always straightforward. and at each cut he smiles. and then he is the butcher. moriyamas' empire grows and nathan is always by their side. and he regrets nothing.
bonus: tetsuji and kayleigh created exy in japan but the idea came from brazil's peripheral communities and shantytowns games! bonus2: stuart hatford is miliciano (i really dont know how to explain this but br people will probably get it)
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