#kill muder violence murder violence kill screaming
honeyboyfelix · 2 years
we,,, are about to be hit by a hurricane,,,, right before were supposed to move,,,,
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herculanos-notebook · 2 years
The Man Across the Field.
By Thomas Savage.
Hail the Land, and Hail the Flag.
Across oceans men grow up with flags on their walls, and ideas in their minds.
Us and them, animals and men.
Look to the flag, look to your leaders.
Fed violence, fed anger.
Blood and country coiled together.
Your life, tied to the ground you walk on.
Taught that men fight,
eating images of glory and gore.
Here today because of blood spilled yesterday,
and soon it's your turn.
Move, and crawl the war machine lumbers,
supplied with bribe and blood.
Across seas these men won't die for land
but for despots, rich in corporate coin.
Vassals of the new feudal empire.
Every cause has its roots and their roots grow in golden soil,
Laying seeds in your consciousness.
Fight and kill, us and them.
Real men kill, real men are blind.
Muder for murder, Life for Life, Life for wealth.
Enter his country and take him from it,
two minds poisoned with the same lie.
Two people locked in the same fog.
Two men willing to die.
For when you hear the agonized screams,
bellowing out in a painful final howl.
He will be a man.
A man who loves his country, a man like you.
With human thought and in human blood, we pay.
Through bloody mouths and final breaths, we say.
Hail the Land, and Hail the Flag.
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Joker saving a girl from bad guys
This one was requested by hausofbaloons on twitter. I hope you will like it :)
Warnings: Violence and sexual harassement (not graphic but still)
I couldnt sleep. This town wouldnt let me close my eyes.
The sound of the traffic, the traffic lights before my windows. It was all too much. Gotham was so noisy yet so dead when you took a closer look to it.
I didnt even knew what got me here. All I knew was that I couldn`t afford my old apartment in my hometown anymore, so I moved in this very bad neighborhood close to Anderson Ave.
Finding a new job here was difficult,too. I was lucky enough to find one that at least would make enough money to pay the rent. The place was called HAHas. They rent party clowns. I didnt even knew anything about clownery, how they called it. I lied when I told Mr Hoyt that I have experience and hoped he wouldn`t notice. Not until I found a "real" job. I really didn`t wanted to end up as a clown.
They said it would take them a few days to get some clown clothes that would fit a girl. Which made me nervous. It seemed like I would be the only girl working there. But for the moment I just had to eccept this situation. Some day I would hopefully get back on my feet.
Watching out the window made me feel  disconnected to the world. Its funny how a new place can change your point of view about so many things. Some places consume you in such an short amount of time. That`s how I felt about this town since the day I unpacked my things and slept in my new bedroom for the first time. Everything felt...wrong. It felt wrong being here, sleeping here, existing in general felt like a chore. Amd looking at these people out on the streets, they must feel the same. My eyes were focused on a little girl with her mother. How aweful it must be to raise your kid here. To grow up here. I just wanted to leave already.
I drank the last sip of my tea and got dressed. Deep down I knew it wasnt a good idea to go out at 10 pm in the evening. At least not here in Gotham, I´ve heard that some alleys are really dangerous to walk through. But I didnt knew which ones, so I tried to avoid all of them. Which wasnt possible all of the time. I left the house, freezing a bit. It was colder outside than I thought. At least the radiator was working. All these streets looked the same. I didnt even knew where to go, just wanted some fresh air, get this tiredness out of my bones.
I wish I had something to be passionate about again. Passion was something I seemed to have lost somewhere along the way. Some days I felt like a robot, only functioning for others. I did things but I havent FELT them for years. It makes a huge difference if you just keep on doing things or if you really feel them.  I wasnt sure what made me stop feeling myself anymore. It just happened. Failed relationships, friends you lose along the way, working,... all these kinda things that consume you, leaving nothing left but the shell of you. I guess this town would`t help.
Walking this neighborhood felt lonely, even while being surrownded by people. But at the same time there was proof that I wasnt the only lifeless zombie in this universe. There were other robots, just like me. The walking dead. Shouldn`t this make it hurt less? Shouldn`t this be comforting?
I was so lost in my thoughts I didnt even payed attention to where I was heading to. Most streets still remained unfamiliar to me.  I hestitated when I realized that I  didn`t knew where I was anymore. All this garbage, the bad smell. I felt something on my foot and screamed. A rat. The biggest rat I have ever seen in my life. This place was aweful. I really had to go and find some place nicer a few blocks away from here. The sun went down hours ago, everything started to look the same. I felt tired. Insomnia really had me in its arms.
Whispers. In the corners of the streets. On the sidewalks. I wanst sure if my mind was only playing tricks with me. Being alone in a city like this, at 9 pm in the afternoon could do that to you. I should have stayed home in my bed. The bed that didnt felt like mine anymore.
The whispers got louder and I was convinced that it wasnt my mind playing around as I satrted to hear steps behind me "Hey doll ! Where are you heading?"
The voice of a young man and another one laughing right behind me. I felt fear crawling up my insides. I didnt even had any with me to defense myself. I grabbed my keys, so I could scratch them with it if they would attack me. My hand was shaking while I reached down in my pockets.
"Hey, baby. Stop. We are talking to you!"
I didnt knew what to do. Should I run? Should I stop, trying to calm them down by acting friendly? My hand so close around my keys I hurt myself. It was already too late to run away, one of them grabbed me by the arm. So firm I couldnt move it to use the keys anymore. That was it. Only some weeks in Gotham city and I was already dead. I should have known better.
"Take her stuff!" the other one yelled. He sounded obvously drunk. "I will" he hurt my arm again "But... I think there is even more we could do besides taking her stuff..." he grabbed my bag, hew it to the other guy and pushed me against the wall, violently. With his alcoholic breath. I felt my eyes watering. "Don`t cry baby doll. i`m sure you`re gonna like it".  The other one was laughing, while he took my money and cards. "Oh, you can have her. I already made out with the other girl an hour before" more laughter.  "Good" he yelled into my face "More left for me". Hands on my chest. Hands everywhere as he started to pull up my shirt. A whimper. it was mine. I started crying. "Stop crying you stupid bitch!" I tried to stop but i couldnt.
And suddenly a shot fell. And another one.
I still felt his firm hands around my arm as he hesitated to take a look around. thats when I saw the other guy lying face down on the ground. Blood tripping from his body. He wasnt moving anymore. "What the fuck?"  he let go of me, running to his buddy.
Thats when I looked the other way.
There was someone standing inthe alley with us. It was dark but I still could make out the color of his suit. It was red. And he was holding a gun in his left hand.  He came closer as the guy who wanted to rape me was yelling at the dead body on the ground.
His face was painted like a clown. A red nose, a big smile and blue around his eyes. His hair was slick back, slightly curly and green, almost reaching down his shoulders. He looked intimitating. But for some reason I wasn`t afraid of him.
"Are you okay?" the clown came up to me,touching my shoulder very carefully."Yeah...I guess I am".
I was still in shock. I just witnessed murder. This guy just shot someone in front of my eyes. He walked up slowly to the other guy.
"You shot my best friend!" the guy yelled.
"Get up!" the clown said
The guy was getting up. It felt like watching a slow motion scene.
"He didnt deserved to live. He was about to watch you raping her."
"So what? Maybe I can`t have her today. But there is always a tomorrow."
The man in the red suit took a step towards him
"You think so, huh?"
"Of course" the drunk guy said, looking at me with his hungry eyes "I would make her scream and..."
Another shot.
And after that. Nothing but silence and his  gentle hand upon my shoulder again "They can`t hurt you anymore". He lit himself a cigarette, sucking the smoke in like nothing just happened. The two dead bodies lying in front of us.
"Thank you for saving me from these guys...but....you just SHOT them !" my voice cracked.
He blew the smoke out "I know. They would have found another victim. These kinda guys never stop." He pulled my shirt down. It was still up from all the grabbing. "I just hope you`re okay. You`re shaking." There was somthing so comforting in his voice. I felt so torn between being shocked and being reliefed that someone saved me from what was about to happen.
"I`m still... in shock I guess. He tried to..."
"I know. Thats why I took care of it. People can be aweful. Especially here in Gotham city. You should even be out here on the streets alone".
His eyes pierced me. It was hard to not be attracted to him. Maybe it was the shock. I flt like a compleate freak, feeling save talking to someone who just shot two guys in an dark alley while waring clown make up. He obviously wasnt a cop or something. He must  have been some kind of criminal himself. I shouldn`t  even keep talking to him. "Do you live far from here?" he grabbed my stuff that was still lying on the ground, made sure to collect it all together and handed it to me "Sorry for the blood on it." There was something so careless about him, after mudering two men. And yet he seemed to care so much about if i`m okay.  I wondered if it was the first time that he killed someone.
I took my purse and the rest of my things "Um....no not that far. Maybe a 30 minutes walk. But I just moved here and lost track of the streets. It was so dark and I`m not sure how to find back home anymore."
He threw the last bit of his cig aon the ground "I could walk you home if you want. Which street is it?"
I didnt wanted to tell him my exact adress "Near Anderson ave".
"You`re kidding, right? I lived in Anderson ave all my life. I mean...I still do actually". He put the gun back in his pocket.
"Oh so you know the way back?"
I thought about this for a minute. Wasn`t this insane?
"Look, you don`t have to. I can go now" he said "I just wanna let you know that I wouldnt ever hurt you. i just killed those guys because they wanted to do bad things to you and they also said they would do it again. Its okay if you don`t trust me. Just let me know if I should walk you home. I dont mind eighter way."
His voice was so soft. I couldnt stop staring at the way he was using his hands while talking . They seemed to floath through the air. The way he moved was graceful. His slender body in the red suit makde me feel something. I was just very drawn to this stranger.And even though he did something bad. He only did it to save me. I decited to let him walk me home.
"No. I belive you. You can walk me home"
"Great" it almost looked like he was dancing as he turned around, smirking.
I was walking right next to him.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Why are you wearing clown make up?" i pointed at his face.
"I used to work as a party clown"
"Thats funny. I just got a new job here at Haha`s. "
His face immediately darkened. Did I said something wrong.
"At Haha`s, huh?"
I didnt dared to say answer. His face expression changed in between seconds.
"I know that place."
"Do you.... work there too?
"Not anymore"
I nooded. this subject didnt seemed to be a good choice for conversation. So I remained  silent. He didnt said anything anymore eighter. Everything about this felt weird but being around him was indeed very exciting.
"So this alley leads to Anderson ave" as we arrived at my block.
"Oh, I know the way from here. I don`t know how to thank you..."
He smiled. It was more of a smirk really. Behind all the make up. I was wondering how he would look like without the face paint. His facial expression was so interesting. Still intense behind all of this clown make up.
"No need to thank me" he said while his eyes kept piercing me. I wasnt sure how I should say goodbye to the one that just saved me. Maybe my life even.  So I just offered him a hug. he leaned towards me and let me hug him. His hands oddly lying on my back, barely touching me. He seemed kinda shy, which was very surprising.  For a brief moment I felt his cheek on mine. I even felt the softness of the white face paint upon my skin. Shivers running down my spine. I coulnt help it. Feeling him letting go of our hug almost hurted me. What was happening?
"So, since you dont live far from here, maybe I´ll see you around?"
He reached down his pocket, pulled out a pen,a piece of paper and started writing "Here is my number. I mean, just in case someone is bothering you again. Or following you.  Just call me when something feels wrong."
A card is falling out of his pocket. He pickes it up, looking at it for a little bit too long. I couldnt tell what it said but it must have been something important to him. He seemed nervous as he put it back "Not this one." he mumbled.
I once again told him how thankful I was before we said our goodbyes.
Heading back ome after all of this felt surreal. Did that really happen? I turned around and he was still standing there, lightening another cig.
I looked at the piece of paper he gave to me.
That was his name.
A beautiful name.
Just as beautiful as he was.
As soon as I got home, I hoped into bed. Once again I wasnt tired. How could I`ve been tired after this? I was more awake than ever. That face. I put his number on my bedside table, lying on my back. i just coulnt stop thinking about how his bare  face might have looked like. Would I even be able to notice him on the streets without his costume and make up? His green eyes and the smirk haunted me all night long. Arthur. He forgot to put his last name on it. Or was that onpurpose. Eighter way I had his number.
And then out of the sudden I realized that I haven`t thought about the fact that he might get caught and locked up for killing two strangers on the sidewalk. Panic was spreading inside of me like a tumor. If he would get caught it would be my fault. He killed them to save my life. I could have never forgiven myself that.
My heart told me I should get up, grab the phone and call him. Asking him how he would try to not being caught. If there was any plan or... This was ridicilous. What could I possibly say to him? I guess he was aware of what he just did. I started sweating and opened my window. More noises of people yelling at each other.  What an aweful city. He seemed like the only nice person I have met since I moved here. With his face and voice in my mind, I was finally able to FEEl something again. The sensation of having strong emotions was something I thought I lost. And all of the sudden I imagined this stranger in my mind. Someone I knew nothing about. But he made me feel something. It was like awakening from a long, dark sleep. Maybe my heart wasn´t dead yet. Maybe there was a spark left inside of me. And he lit it. Not only because he saved me. It was his presence. The way he looked right though me. His cheek against mine. Those hands. Images of fresh memories started to floath my mind and I enjoyed it. I finally enjoyed something again. It was like I felt my own heart beating in my chest. I havent felt that for years. Sometimes I didnt even knew if it was still beating anymore. And now it was so loud. A competition to the traffic outside.
And after hours of thinking about him I finally fell asleep to the sound of the traffic.
Red painted lips.
A fake smile covering a real smile.
I put one figer on his upper lip. I can feel a scar.
Pressing it softly, before his face comes closer.
He leans in before I feel the softest kiss upon my lips.
I woke up, rubbing my eyes, realizing that I just dreamed about kissing this total stranger. He really managed to get into my mind. I still felt his lips on mine. I thought about his hands. I took a close look to them when he was holding the gun. They looked so gentle. I caught myself thinking about how it would feel to be touched by those hands. To hold them.
I got up, made a coffe and got dressed. I had to go to the pharmacy to get some sleeping pills. I just couldnt do this anymore. Lying awake all night drained the life out of me.
Gotham looked the same way at daylight as it looked at night. Just as dark and depressing. Hopefully the sleeping pills would help me find some rest again.
After I arrived the pharmacist asked me if I had experience with sleeping pills and told me about all the side effects. i just wanted to get out of ther for gods sake. Two minutes laer she was still taking to me, not even realizing I wansnt listening anymore, someone else entered the room. I was glad because she was alone there and had to  serve the other costumer now. But she still kept talking.
Suddenly a voice from behind interrupted her "No, the other ones are actually better. And you can get them without a recipe,too."
"Excurse me?" the lady said "The ones on the left" a tiney looking man with brown curls was coming up to us. He pointed at the meds, looking at me "Belive me. You want those. Not the ones on the right. They will give you bad nightmares."
"Oh. Okay thank you, Mr." I looked at the pharmacist "So, I want those, please" she gave me a look and told me how much they were. I payed, taking another look to the man beside me, as he put different receipes on the counter.
There was something about his facial features. His eyes. Those piercing eyes.
The lady gave him an annoyed look "As usual, Mr. Fleck?"
"Alright. Give me a minute to get them"
He nodded.
His hands.
"Arthur?" I wasnt sure if I was out of my mind but he reminded me of the clown who saved me last night.
He immediately faced me when I said his name. IT WAS HIM.
"Its you right? You were the..... " I whispered "The clown that saved me last night"
He smiled in a very shy way, he lowered his voice "I was".
That feeling. There is was again. I didnt knew what was happening to me. I just fell for this man. His bare face even more beautiful than I imagined.
The sales woman came back, handing him out three bottles of meds.  He hesitated to put them into his pocket, like he was afraid I might get a closer look to it. I finally took my sleeping pills,too. Still staring at him.
"I thought about you last night" saying the words out loud I just realized how it sounded like "I mean...not like that. Oh my god this is embarrassing. I`m sorry."
You don`t have to be embarrassed.. what was your name again?"
"I`m Y/N"
"Hi Y/N!" he offered me his hand. HIS HAND! The one I dreamed about last nicht. Fantasized about being touched by it. His skin was even softer in reality. We got out of the pharmacy together, standing in the middle of the crowded streets.
"Arthur, I have to thank you once again and I was woried about you. Umm..You can imagin why. "
His arms hung down on him in a weird way. A body languare so differently from last night. So shy, intimidated even. By what? By me?
"Don`t worry about me Y/N. I always get back on my feet."
"Yeah well " my heart was racing in my chest while looking at him "You were the only one here that was ever nice and taking notice since I moved here. I`m always alone since I`m a citizen of Gotham city"
He lit a cig "I can imagin. I`m alone since the day I was born"
Why would he say that?I noticed how sad his eyes were, behind his stare, behind the piercing look of his green eyes, there was so much sadness. I had a better look into them now in the daylight. His beautiful face looked kinda tired. Tired of life.
I knew that feeling. I wanted it to fade from his face. I wanted his eyes to light up. And I wanted to be the reason for that.
"Arthur, do you want to go out with me? Like... for a coffee?"
His hand started to shake a little "You mean like a date?"
"Um..." I felt myself blushing "I dont know....if you want it to be one."
He smiled "If YOU want it to be one."
We headed to the next coffee shop, not saying a word as our hands touched slightly ,but our smiles said it all.
Maybe we both were alone.
But now it was time to be alone together.
@impulsiveclown @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokerownsmysoul @missjoker96 @arthurskitten @lynnesm @nonnymousse @jokerhoe @gwynplaine89 @damnrightobsessedwithim @sgtsavoytruffle  @duhliriouss @sadjesterautumn @therealjokerking10 @flowerglitterwoman @thirstforfleck @spookyhome @iartsometimes @downtoclown-around @you-cant-cry-in-here @bustafatclownnut @jokerismyhubbie @jokerflecker @casiaregina @check-out-this-joker @mrsjfleck @darknessisafriend @bring-your-holy-water @nicoleverse @mdme-rosary @arthurhappyclown @yami-rhs @mrsjfleck @cmollica @mollyxlyla-rosex @widkkfowpqpsnanq @rhokie @neon-umbrella-for-stella @queenie70 @casiaregina @missmayx @these-written-reveries @cherrymoon75
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ukendeavour · 4 years
Fusilier Lee Rigby was murdered on the 22nd of May 2013 in London.  He was murdered by two terrorists who determined that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time as he left his barracks to head home. These murderers were subsequently arrested and faced trial and got a whole life sentence is something that is very rare in the United kingdom's criminal justice system. To show you how rare this actually is within the UK system,  only 75 prisoners at present have whole life sentences. This is out of a prison population of approximately 83,618 prisoners which works out at about 0.126% of the population Lee was murdered by terrorists. They had an agenda they knew what they were going to do and they did it to create terror. This is shown from the mobile phone footage that is still circulating to this day of Lees murder. However we should not be using Lee’s murder in this all lives matter agenda yes all lives do matter however that is not the fight that is currently being fought what is happening across the UK and the US is a deeper seeded in rooted problem let me just give you some examples.
 Let's look at the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Stephen Lawrence was a young black teenager who was born on the 13th of September 1974 he was hanging out with his mates at a bus stop. When he was brutally murdered on the 22nd of April 1993. The Metropolitan Police Department did not go looking for any suspects what they actually did was arrest Stephens best friend who happened to be another black teenager. He was completely innocent it turned out that Stephen had been murdered by a group of white individuals who would run off from the scene. It would take 17 yes for them to come to justice it wasn't a simple we'll go and arrest them it took 17 years to round up these teenagers to be brought to justice for the murder of Stephen Lawrence . During this time the McPherson report concluded that the Metropolitan police were institutionally racist. What does institutionally racist mean? It means that the Metropolitan police at the time were more likely to stop a black person than a white person. They were told to change and in the public perception that's what happened however you are still more likely as a black young male to be stopped and searched by the police under the police powers of PACE. it should never have taken 17 years for Stephens murderers to be brought to justice and when they were brought to justice they were then tried as teenagers even though they were adults because when they committed the crime they were teenagers which meant they did not get whole life sentences justice was not given to Stephen Lawrence.
 Now let's look at what is happening in the US and the UK at present with the movement of black lives matter. Black lives matter is a movement against violence and racism towards black people. Black people are losing their lives to people who are supposed to protect and serve them we are looking at a totally different way of living. George Floyd should never have been murdered.
 George Floyd died unnecessarily at the hands of a police officer he was held down and knelt upon while screaming that he could not breathe the 8 minutes and 48 seconds he was held down gasping for breath. Where was the officers duty of care? If this was a white person would they have got up yes that is a simple answer yes they would have moved they wouldn't have even held him down in the 1st place. George Floyd's murder was unnecessary which is why all of the black lives matter protests have re begun this is not a new cause it has been going on for a while we are not yelling from the rooftops that all lives matter because yes they do but your argument fails on the fact that black people are being murdered unnecessarily by police officers. I am not saying that all police officers in the US are racist they're not. However there is a large number of racist members of the force who are now being exposed this is the way it should be. George should not have been killed he was innocent of any crime he was going about his daily business and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We all saw the footage of him being knelt on telling the officer he could not breathe no one should go that way.
 George isn't the only black person who has been murdered by police more and more storys are emerging such as the young woman who was murdered in her own apartment when they shot through the window killing her in her bed when it was the wrong apartment she was a young black woman and her name is Breonna Taylor. Another young life lost unnecessarily there was no need to shoot she was in bed. The brutality we are now seeing is not right.
 No one is saying that black lives matter is more important than everybody else's lives however what is being said is that black people should not be afraid to walk the streets, should not be afraid to see a police officer, they should not be afraid to lose their lives in the worst way possible because somebody is racist. this movement is everybody versus racism it is that simple.
 Lee Rigby was murdered by terrorists. There was no need for us to riot or protest. We respectfully said goodbye to Lee and we have made sure that the people responsible for his murder have gone to prison. I am not saying that Lee's life didn't matter because it did.
 Terrorism is something that we live with if you live in the UK you've been living with terrorism for years, we've had it since the IRA. You can't protest against terrorism the act of terrorism is causing terror by a violent act . Whether it is driving a van into crowds or trying to knife people on Westminster bridge or murdering a soldier in the street. terrorism is there to cause terror and it succeeds.
 The protests that are currently happening in the UK and in the US are happening because it has become apparent that racism has once again become institutionalised within the criminal justice system. It never left the criminal justice system here in the UK we see the figures year in year out where more people of ethnic minority backgrounds and black people are stopped more than white people
 In the US you are 2.5 times more likely to be stopped by police if you are a black male then if you are a white male. The prison system has a high disproportionate number of black individuals. I'm not saying they all shouldn't be there however there is a good chance that some of them are innocent of the crimes that they have been arrested and then later found guilty off.
 As a white person I know I am very lucky that I can walk the streets, I can be as safe as possible and I’m not gonna get stopped and searched by the police or I’m not going to be beaten up by the police. In the US as a black person you cannot say that. You are highly likely to be stopped searched, handcuffed and possibly beaten. We are all walking together and protesting to say black lives matter because racism should not have a place in society. It does which is disheartening and when it happens to be institutionalised into the criminal justice system we see racism rising.
 As humans we should all come together we should all stand together. we are trying to stand together to say that racism is not acceptable. Any form of racism is not acceptable. I stand with the black lives matter movement I believe black lives matter.
 I ask that you stop using Lee Rigby's death which was not a act of racism but was an act of terror to prove a point that all lives matter it doesn't prove anything . Lees own mother has asked people to stop using his image towards all lives matter.
 institutional racism is still rife and that is why we March full stop that is why thousands upon thousands Are marching and protesting.
 I don't agree with the rioting or the looting, but I do stand with all the protesters. Especially the peaceful ones they have took two kneeling down and seeing some of the images of police officers who aren't racist and aren't involved in that institutional racism kneeling with them
 thank you for taking the time to read this rant Please remember black lives matter.
 Leila Poole
BA (Hons) Criminology
MsC Criminolgy and Criminal Justice.
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