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“It’s just you and me on Christmas, pretty nice, eh?”
@killaers​​ liked for a christmas starter
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hawkinsburnout-a · 2 years
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closed starter for @killaers
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"so  i  got  a  job  at  that  new  grocery  store.  the  hinky  dinky.  what  the  hell  kind  of  name  is  that  anyway?"  
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rebelliousfamily · 2 years
“don’t do that. don’t shut me out.”  / jamie to nance !
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Nancy let out a little sigh and sniffled. "Jamie... I get too close to people. And then they die." She told her. "I don't want to see what happened to Barb, happen to you. I would never forgive myself."
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vegaprose · 2 years
10 for Spotify wrapped / whoever for whoever !
[ @killaers / sound of silence by disturbed ]
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SILENCE   was   deafening   between   the   pair   of   them   lately   ,   though   the   vampire   had   tried   as   best   he   could   to   refrain   from   allowing   it   to   reach   this   point   .   There   was   an   unreadable   expression   on   his   face   when   he   spared   a   glance   in   her   direction   ,   the   waves   of   red   hair   the   first   thing   that   came   into   sight   and   then   ,   a   shift   .   .   he   could   only   smile   and   think   back   fondly   of   the   times   when   they   had   been   more   present   with   one   another   .   Time   had   gone   by   so   quickly   it   did   not   feel   like   almost   a   lifetime   already   ,   the   pair   of   them   consistent   in   one   anothers   lives   ,   though   they   didn't   share   the   same   living   spaces   .   As   often   as   their   individual   lives   allowed   ,   they   came   together   and   it   was   almost   as   though   they   had   never   been   apart   at   all   ——   but   lately   ,   things   were   very   distant   between   them   both   .   It   was   upsetting   for   the   vampire   ,   because   he   cared   so   deeply   for   Salome   that   time   apart   meant   very   little   in   terms   of   his   affections   toward   her   ,   but   still   there   was   a   distressing   sense   of   detachment   .   ❝   Salome   ,   I   cannot   keep   up   with   this   .   .   separation   between   us   .   I   miss   you   ..   I   need   more   of   you   .   ❞
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bouncehousedemons · 2 years
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I’ve blocked/cropped out all personal information, as I’m not an asshole.
This is what Tumblr user Killaers sent to my husband. I don’t know them, but they claim to know me. I’ve been informed by others that they are bandwagoning onto perceived drama by other Tumblr users in order to get attention. Apparently, they have a track record for this type of behaviour.
This person is so depraved that they have sought me out online, found the name and contact information of the business that my husband and I run together, and sent this email! It went directly to my husband and, understandably, he is furious and has called up just about every legal favour that he has available to him in order for us to pursue this.
If you’re reading this, and I know you are, now is the time for you to stop. Passing off someone else’s trauma (miscarriage) as your own is sickening. What you are doing is not normal or healthy behaviour. I don’t know you. I have no wish to. If you are genuinely being stalked, then I am sorry, but look to lay the blame elsewhere. It does not belong at my feet. If this is normal behaviour for you, I’d dare say you probably have more than a few people after you.
I want nothing to do with you. Get over your obsession and move on.
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entangledmuses · 2 years
Are you aware of what Killaers has done? Look at @Freydis-tyrsdottir pin post and the posts on @outingfemmecaedes
First.. don't involve me in petty ooc bullshit. Second.. who? I don't rp or interact with any of them!
There's the door, please close it on your way out
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caeruleums · 2 years
@killaers stalked and bullied @bouncehousedemons so badly that Bouncehousedemons had to get a lawyer involved. Look at @Freydis-tyrsdottir pinned for proof.
i think killaers has a crush on bouncehousedemons
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fatestricken · 2 years
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fyi   that   any   asks   you   may   get   from   my   old   urls    (    femmecaedes   ,   grlkills   ,   killaers    )    and   also   brandilovett   ARE   NOT   ME .     i've   been   trying   to   get   the   urls   back   since   i   noticed   this   happening   ,   but   tumblr   won't   let   me   bc   it   hasn't   been   long   enough   since   they   deleted   after   sending   everyone   hate .     you   can   ask   any   of   my   friends    (    i   wont   mention   any   of   them   here   but   @arcaneprophesied   bc   i   dont   want   them   to   be   stressed    )    and   they   will   tell   you   that   i've   been   dealing   with   this   for   too   long .     so   many   people   have   seen   this   firsthand .     my   stalkers   have   a   little   clique   of   attack   dogs   that   will   do    /    say   anything   they   want   them   to   and   they   actively   lie   out   of   their   assholes .     that's   why   they   all   have   the   same   story .     they're   FRIENDS .     they   PLOTTED   this   bc   they   want   me   and   leith   to   k*ll   ourselves .     also   ,   yall   really   gonna   believe   this   shit   that   says   "hi   sweetie   ,   it's   fatestricken"   when   it   aint   COMING   FROM   MY   BLOG   ?     YALL   FOR   REAL   ?     eat   shit   ,   stupid   asses .     i'm   done   being   nice   and   letting   ANYONE   walk   all   over   me   ,   stalker   ass   clown   or   not .     if   you   don't   have   the   balls   to   come   and   ask   me   about   it   like   an   adult   ,   you   need   to   evaluate   yourself .     not   feed   the   trolls   and   smear   my   name   in   the   process .     the   only   thing   i'm   guilty   of   is   being   a   victim   of   stalking   and   starting   a   case   on   said   stalkers   with   the   uk   police   force .     grow   the   fuck   up .
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
youre absolutely fucking insane if you think she faked those screenshots. i think you're just afraid to take accountability for the fact that you're being malicious, but you'd rather blame someone else for shit you've said. honestly your behaviour is disgusting and you have no reason to be putting yourself into this when it didnt involve you in the first place. you're acting like you're a child. you and kingsnack are the same kind of person; you're both unable to actual sit down and see how you've fucked up. also posting her screenshots from the call out just proves you're stalking her. and you both have these sheep who mindlessly believe anything you say and will defend you to the grave. it's really sad NEITHER of you can stand your ground without other people.
grow up. maybe talk to her about shit before you start acting like this. you both never spoke to her about a single thing. you jumped the gun and started perpetuating drama. i can already IMAGINE you're gonna 'clown' this because you're fucking 'doing something'.
Firstly, lets be real here if you think the two weird ass american as fuck written comments came from me you're the insane one. they're faked, badly so, they're not even the same font as tumblr, but whatever. you believe whatever you want to believe, and tbh you know they're faked since you made them. The only one comment i made about the whole thing was on your friend Nik's post, and granted yeah, it was petty of me, I will admit that, but i am a virgo, petty is what we do.
As far as 'me and kingsnack being the same kind of person' yeah we are, we're both done with this fuckery and wish y'all would move on to the next drama you'll inevitably create. I don't have mindless sheep that mindlessly believe me, I'm not in high school babe, I don't need a 'clique' I will happily and have always happily stood my ground again bullies (newflash, that's what y'all are) you talk about a 'smear campaing' while faking screenshots of things i didn't say. it's pathetic and childish and a level on unhinged i have never encountered my entire tumblr career. I have been on this hellsite since 2010 and have never been involved in drama in all that time, so i think that speaks for itself about who i am as a person. you have a DNI longer than my reading list, and call out post circulating every news cycle.
i suggest you go outside, get some fresh air and maybe call your therapist.
p.s. i don't call people 'nasty bitches' if i wanted to insult you i'd call you a cunt babe, i'm scottish.
don't bother sending anymore nonsence, or do, i really don't care. but this is the only anon i will be answering on the topic. if you wanna wear your big girl pants and stop hiding behind a grey face, go ahead, but i doubt that since you're a coward.
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“You look so beautiful under the Christmas lights.”
@killaers​ liked for a christmas starter
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wontgodowninhistory · 2 years
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yeah robin we know she’s hot @killaers
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serpcnt · 2 years
Lovett called the police and filed a report on you.
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@killaers what
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rebelliousfamily · 2 years
“Are you okay?” / jamie to nance !
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Nancy nodded. She might not have been overly truthful about it but, she didn't want to start pouring her heart out. She knew that if she started then she wasn't going to be able to stop. "I'm alright J."
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familybyerstm · 2 years
❪ 🌺 ❫  ───  What are older sisters for? / jamie to will ! @killaers​
         “They are the same as older brothers who need to take good care of their little brother.” Will chuckled. “What do you say going out for food today, spending the day together?”
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godpact · 2 years
@killaers stalked and bullied @bouncehousedemons so badly that Bouncehousedemons had to get a lawyer involved. Look at @Freydis-tyrsdottir pinned for proof.
um... i don't know who this is...
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persephonyed · 2 years
@killaers stalked and bullied @bouncehousedemons so badly that Bouncehousedemons had to get a lawyer involved. Look at @Freydis-tyrsdottir pinned for proof.
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