#killer is third wheeling but hes happy about it surprisingly enough
dilutedconfusion · 4 months
Damn, these bitches in love…good for them though, good for them….
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yanderedbdimagines · 4 years
Hey there! Would you do some headcannons of how (The Wraith, The Doctor and The Trapper) would treat their darlings after they abducted them and how they would react if s/o try to fight back? (Sorry for any grammar mistake, my english is sucks)
Haha don’t worry! Your English is just fine if I can assume that this language isn’t your native tongue. It isn’t mine either. That’d be Dutch, if you are curious. And even if it was I wouldn’t mind at all. We all have our vices.
Anyhow, I like this ask, and I believe it’ll go as I’ve written below.
PS: I made the so a crush.
 The Doctor
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* He’ll watch and observe you closely for the first week after he’s given you the freedom to roam around in nearly all of the rooms and hallways of the hospital. You’ll only be allowed outside if you stay close to him and within arm’s reach so that he can keep a close eye on you.
* Eventually, he’ll pull you into different kinds of conversations in order to pick apart and understand your mind for as much as he can- documenting them for future use and trying to get a good grip on everything that will either displease you or make you happy when confronted by it.
* He’ll also try to perform simple tests on you without trying to hurt you for whereas possible, which includes a sudden blood draw, eye examination and a sudden tap against the knee… You are the only test subject he can’t ever fathom to lose since you obviously are more than that to him, so he’s unbelievably careful with your body… Unless you would ask him to do otherwise, of course… Oh boy…
* Like mentioned before, he’ll do almost anything for you. Just try and listen to him in return and remain genuine to your words, no matter how difficult it will be with a psychopathic killer like him.
* He’s a rather difficult and unpredictable man to understand and this includes the type of feelings he’d prefer for you to develop for him, although he isn’t very picky. He obviously want you to love him, first and foremost, but he definitely won’t complain if your love would be mixed with you hating him in your own unique way as well. It’d only show that you aren’t afraid to hide your true feelings for him, like many yandere’s would normally demand from you.
* Do know that if all you feel for him is resentment instead, which also includes you trying to fight against his overall advancements… Well… He’ll dislike that immensely and he’ll turn to draconic measures instead in order to *fix* that and try his chances there. This includes trying to find a way to brainwash someone under his control like what he’s always been trying to do for years now. For your sake, I can only hope for you that he won’t ever complete his lifelong goal if you’d ever want a chance of escaping him.
 The Trapper
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* He’ll be calm, distant and surprisingly understanding with your feelings. Some of his actions and word choices on the rare moments he does speak are going to be very rough around the edges, but he’ll be very tactical in his general approach of trying to win over your affections.
* You can say that he’ll try to think carefully about his own actions and attempts to adjust himself to your liking like a proper psychologist would do when dealing with a new client before slowly edging himself closer to you physically as mentally for as far as you’ll allow it. This way, he’ll hope to get you to fall for him on the long run.
* With half of a certain amount of time he isn’t around you or within a trial, however, he’ll patrol around his territory more than usual and place more beartraps*1 around the border than he usually would. An unintentional giveaway to other killers and possibly survivors that the Trapper currently has something underneath his wing that he’s very protective of and doesn’t want others to get close to… Something he’ll easily fight to the death for if it’d ever come to it.  
* With the other half of the time, he’ll work on his blade and his contraptions and try to keep the estate in working order. Those machines won’t oil and maintain themselves as they are basically needed for him to do his job properly. Yes… Besides trials, this now also includes your *protection* from any outsiders.
* He won’t be fazed at all anymore if you’d ever try to fight and distance yourself away from him. At least, not now that he has you exactly on the spot he wants you to be, which is in the MacMillan estate. If needed, he’ll let a classic case of Stockholm syndrome do the work for him. Even years from now, you’ll eventually have to break underneath his advancements if he’s the only one you can freely interact with…
* If you do finally become his S/O, he’ll mellow out dramatically and he’ll loosen up the security around the borders quite a bit since he’ll have faith in your loyalty to him and how to keep yourself out of trouble. He won’t even care if you’d start up a relationship with anyone else out there, or bring them back as a third wheel. As long as you remain within a relationship with him, no blood will be shed.
1) Yes. He’ll  most definitely have notified you about them since he prefers for you to remain unscathed. An unspoken warning if you’d ever try to escape him, though… Although they are so more used to keep killers, rivals and potential rescuers out instead of deliberately keeping you inside the borders. A security measure with extra benefits, funny enough.
 The Wraith
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* He’ll be over the moon with your presence alone, and he’ll show that through drawn signs and his overall actions seen that his ability to speak is nonexistent. In fact, the very first thing he did was giving you an hotel bell. One which came from the Mount Ormond Resort… A sign of his good trust and his promise to you that he’ll protect you from any dangers in and outside of his territory…
* His animalistic growls and rattled breathing will sound softer than what you’re used to, his piercing gaze set firmly on you as his head is stuck in its ever distinctive tilt. He loves watching you, and he’ll follow you to almost anywhere and everywhere when not in a trial. It can be a bit overbearing during those times, really.
* He’s actually very peaceful and submissive when he’s with you. In a sense, you have the leash on him instead of the other way around. Yet, that doesn’t mean he won’t show his metaphorical teeth to the people he considers his rival if they ever land in his field of vision.
* He will lose his mind, however, if you seem to feel threatened by their presence as well. He’ll also act similar to this if you’d ever try to run away from Autohaven wreckers with someone else by your side. Do know that this anger won’t ever be focused on you. He loves you too much to do that. The sight won’t be pretty when he catches them, so you best turn yourself away/run faster when he tries to kill them in the most brutal way he can think of at the time.
* If you’d ever try to fight back whilst captured or after you’d got caught after your failed escape attempt, he’ll let you.  He understands you need to vent your frustrations, but you have to understand; he just can’t let you go. You’re too precious to him. You’re his lover after all.  
* Like a puppy riddled with guilt, he’ll eventually bow down and lower his head as he tries to offer up his hand to you as apology for anything he might have done wrong(even though he might not fully understand why you didn’t like what he did on some occasions). His heart will break if you won’t reciprocate, but he won’t lash out. If anything, he’ll stick even closer to you than he did before whilst trying to smother you with small gifts and pamper you in any way he can until you finally do have to concede to his affections in one way or another. Or so he hopes…    
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mor3tti · 5 years
Boy Wonder & The Young Goddess -Part Four-
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Dick Grayson (titans) x Reader
(Dick Grayson GIF not mine)
Uhhhhh, surprise? I’m back, I think.
I owe each and every single one of you an explanation for my absence. When I finished and posted the third chapter I thought I was going to be able to keep caught up with the oncoming chapters but the problem was that they weren’t written yet. I kept coming back to try and write the next chapter and with each try I fell out of the motivation to write it. After how many months and FINALLY finishing my exams I am now back and ready to go. Love you all, I missed Dick Grayson.
This will be a series! So stay tuned for more chapters to come!
The plot: When Y/N gets a sign from the gods to go after a troubled girl, she stumbles upon and reconnects with a dear friend from her past.
Warnings: the use of the word ‘fuck”
Taglist: @nightshade7117 @yetitty @affection-rabbit @drabby-abby @caitsymichelle13 @caswinchester2000 @peterunderoos96 @sataninsatin @chewie-redbird @bad-bitch-khaleesi @peqchynero @bookish-and-shy @kokofri14 @bluexangels @multifandoms916 @blue-and-yellow-jjk-pjm
Some usernames didn’t work so I’m sorry! You might have changed your username without me realising!
Masterlist for Boy Wonder & The Young Goddess
Even as an Amazon you still somehow got migraines, and yeah if you’re wanting to know they’re still a mega pain in the ass. The tea session with Gar had sparked some suppressed emotions which is probably a positive thing but damn did they mess with your head, literally. The best option was to swallow yourself in the mattress that was very much calling your name. Your knees were close to your chest as you tried to wait out the pain. Surprisingly in an apartment full of vigilantes there were no painkillers, then again Dick is more of the ‘brooding and ignoring the pain’ type of guy. 
Another bolt of pain shot through your temple as your fist grabbed the sheet which followed with the rest of your body clenching in pain. A quiet “fuck” left your lips as you smacked the bed trying to get the frustration out without blasting out the windows with an energy tantrum. As the storm moved from where Dick was in town it settled over you and surrounded the tower with a hollow shower of rain, thankfully no lightning and thunder. The calming rhythm of the droplets gave you something to focus in on instead of the pressure that was clouding your mind.
You stretched your hand out from under the pillow and held it above where you and Dick once laid this morning, slowly lowering it onto the still crumpled bedding. It was an odd feeling. The bed felt uneven without him even though your whole life had been balanced this entire time. You couldn't start wanting him now, especially after the mini lecture you had given him this morning about Kory and putting her first. You sharply retracted your hand and slid it back to the pillow before anyone noticed, even if the apartment was just about empty. 
As you were settling in bed Gar was settling into the corner of the couch watching the rain fall. He thought that he might as well take this moment for granted. There was no one after him, no one currently fighting their way into the apartment and especially no one to interrupt him. It was just a silent conversation between his open thoughts that still danced around your prior conversation and the rain’s simple song of serenity. Unknown to him, that serenity wouldn’t last long. 
Kory and Rachel were ahead of Dick as he finished paying for the small lunch they had. His hand was struggling to fit in the tight pocket as he was desperately trying to push the coins away somewhere. As he looked up from the change dilemma he noticed how far ahead the others were and jogged to catch up. The concrete was still covered in a thin film of water as it released the remaining smell of rain and the city noise around him cut into his ears. You would be surprised at how deafening the city can be but as his phone bleeped a passing car honked. His phone rattled around in his jacket pocket as the screen lit up with a stoic message from Donna.
Donna-Received at 12:48pm
I’m coming to the apartment. Don’t be alarmed if you hear a knock at the door.
The screen slowly dimmed and got ignored as the notification got sucked away by the soundtrack of the city streets.
Sure, Dick hated how loud the city was but after this he would loathe it. Soon the cars and busy people would be replaced by your screaming and tears.
The screen close to the door lit up with a message of ‘intruder’ which caught Gar’s attention. The tiles were cool against his feet when he turned to go wake you, motivated by his state of panic. As he reached for the doorknob he pulled himself away biting his lip as he tossed up whether he should wake you or not. The alert rang through the apartment again but was interrupted as the elevator doors slid open. As Gar’s eyes made contact his stomach dropped. This wasn’t good. And it wasn’t bad. His calming afternoon quickly turned into a nightmare. A pair of leather boots stood in front of him with a very particular rope attached to their hip. 
“With that look on your face I’m betting you didn’t know I was coming?” Her smile pressed into her dimples as she flicked her dark hair from her eyes. Gar got caught back to the situation in front of him and coughed out a chuckle trying not to look at your bedroom door in hopes of keeping your presence a secret. 
Rachel had bounced into the passenger seat as she gulped down the remainder of her second coffee of the day. She went to jam it into the cup holder but it was occupied by Dick’s phone. He was too focused on trying to see the oncoming traffic as the car pulled out so she grabbed it and played with it. She missed having a phone, having some form of property other than her clothes. She tapped her boots together as she threw the thought around of trading her boots for a walkman but it was interrupted with an ear piercing siren coming out of the phone’s speaker. 
“I SWEAR IT WASN’T ME!” Rachel screamed as she tried shutting the noise off. Dick’s head whipped around to see a red flashing notification come across his screen. It was a security camera image with the word ‘intruder’ pasted along it. There stood Donna looking up at the camera with a disgruntled expression across her face. He slapped the steering wheel and pushed the gas pedal down as Kory and Rachel sat confused and alarmed. 
“You know it’s just Donna right? Not some psycho killer maniac.” Kory pitched in as she leant forward to see just how angry Dick was but she didn’t see a face of anger. She saw a face that was caught up in the many flashes of childhood memories between the two of you, a face laced with fear. She lowered herself into the back seats and knew it involved you.
Really? As soon as she steps into the city Donna has to show up. Here we go again, around the twist. Two Amazons in the same apartment, wonder if it’ll even be standing by the time I get there. “Fuck!” This launched out of Dick’s mouth without his intention. Two pairs of eyes met his but he knew he had to focus on getting back to you before Donna did something to ruin it all, again.
Plan of attack: keep Donna in the lounge room and keep it quiet. If one of you knows you’re here then I’m stuck dealing with two Amazons. TWO!!! 
Gar wanted to squeal and rip his hair out but he knew he had to try and keep a calm facade for the fate of this building. He had explained that they didn’t have phones so there was no way of Dick letting him know she would be coming, she just shrugged and agreed on how having no phones was probably their best bet at not being found and captured. That’s one topic off the checklist. Donna had taken the same position he had earlier on the couch as he offered her a tea which she gratefully accepted. His breathing had become shallow as he was silently praying for Dick to get his ass home now. 
As he turned from facing the kettle back to the rest of the apartment he scanned the area for any remnants of you being there. It was a bit of a saviour that your armour melted back into you even though it was entirely weird and kinda gross. No belongings means no clues. He crossed his arms up and smiled to himself at what could be a successful plan of attack but as he stared out the windows his smile wavered. Donna wasn’t exactly paying attention to him but that damn calm facade had to stay up. 
Looking back at him was your sword in all its glory lying along the outside coffee table. He heard you out there last night with Dick, talking and silencing the giggles you shared. You would definitely kick yourself later for leaving it out there. The kettle was reaching its boiling point and so were his ideas.
As the water settled from its boiling point so did his momentary worries. If she can’t see it then she won’t know. New plan of attack. Distract. Gar rushed and made her tea as he smoothly asked if she would want to sit at the kitchen island bench, his excuse? It was right under the heater. Her face twisted and she hummed but came over to him anyways. Lucky for Gar his suspicious attitude was overrun by what she thought was a boyish charm. 
The elevator doors couldn’t open fast enough as the trio stumbled into the apartment with all the groceries immediately hitting the ground. The clambering footsteps alarmed them both as they were met with three other huffing faces. There was no fire. No damage and most importantly no you.
“Okay, what is going on around here? First the apartment doesn’t let me in and then you guys act as if you’ve seen a god damn ghost!” Donna’s voice was raising higher as the seconds passed by. Gar stared past Donna’s shoulder right into Dick’s eyes. I know. Dick’s eyes twitched as he read what Gar’s face was saying, but the reality was that he didn’t actually know the truth. 
You shifted beneath the covers as your senses came to, immediately hearing a full apartment. Hey, more food in the house makes me happy too. As you got up off the mattress you listened in and it wasn’t exactly joyful talk, you could feel the anxiety in the household. 
You flew across the room and swung the door open, nearly ripping off the hinges. Your fists were glowing ready to fight but you were met with something much worse than a fight. You heard Dick sharply inhale a breath as Kory got in front of Rachel. She didn’t know your history but she knew two Amazons in the same apartment meant trouble.
“What the he-“ She turned from facing the elevator and her frame shuddered. Donna’s sentence got caught in her throat as she stared at you. Her chest was crumbling and you could feel it. She tried swallowing her breath but her dry throat wouldn’t allow it. Instead it came out as a single sob. 
Your stance hardened as her gaze turned cold, glazed over. You knew if you fought her that you would win either way. Each muscle slowly relaxed as you returned to a standing position. This isn’t a time to fight. 
“Donna just listen don’t start jumping to any of the ideas going through your head.” Dick was stepping towards her trying to settle anything, something to stop this. There was an eerie silence filled only with the sound of breathing. Her eyes didn’t stray from yours.
Dick looked as if he was trying to approach a wild animal with his hands up and a calm but shaking voice. His boots squeaked against the tiles and it all broke as if a pin had dropped. 
A gold stream of light ripped through the apartment. “Y/N!” There was immediate screaming as everything broke loose. It was as if the sun had entered the room, light was streaming everywhere as they had to shade their eyes. Dick shut his eyes, trying to get through to you with his thoughts knowing you’d be able to hear them, pleading for you to stop. He had the wrong impression. 
Inside the ball of light wasn’t a battle. Every strike Donna threw you blocked. This isn’t a time to fight. You would let her beat you to a pulp, pummel you into the ground but you wouldn’t lay a hand on her. Another blow came but it burnt. You back jolted as her heel came into contact with your chest. The fibres from the rope dug themselves into your neck as your knees dug into the floor. The light faded but the rope continued to glow. 
Rachel gasped and clung onto Kory as the air was withering it’s way out of your lungs. She had you trapped with the rope around your neck and everyone sat there watching you choke. Now the tables have turned and you look like the intruder.
This isn’t a time to fight. Your hands came up to tug the rope and pull her closer to you. Her boots skidded against the floor and as you looked up to her eyes, they were no longer cold. Instead they reflected you in the pool of tears. Another sob worked its way from her chest and her body struggled to hold it together. She was shaking her head not being able to process who was in front of her. Dick could feel her betrayal and confusion from the other side of the room.
As you tugged the rope again she came that one step closer. A hushed sentence came from her trembling lips. 
“You’re alive?”
As her breath left her body you left the building in a spark of light and her rope puddled on the floor. She couldn’t take her eyes off where you once were as everyone else kept still in the remaining silence.
It was as if she’d seen a ghost.
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