#killing max or hopper is too silly (I’m pretty sure)
heavencasteel420 · 2 years
Okay, so these are the worst endings I can think of for each character (within the universe of what I think is even slightly probable—there’s some characters I don’t think they’ll kill, and some character assassination they won’t stoop to):
Joyce: She continues to act as a sidekick to Hopper, but she doesn’t even have comedic material to work with because it’s the last season and everything’s serious. We continue to learn nothing about her past or her interests. She has minimal interaction with Will, and somehow none with El or Jonathan. One or two of her kids die and she seems only a little sad. She goes out on the note of making a New Start with Hopper and the remaining kid(s). They also make her more of Traditional Good Housewife for some reason.
Hopper: They really double down on making him a renegade cop who solves all problems with violence. He has not learned shit since Season 3. His interactions with Joyce and El are underwritten, and no one ever really acknowledges that he’s close to being Will and Jonathan’s stepfather. He has some interaction with Mike but spends more time validating Dustin or Steve, which is nice but why is that the focus?
Murray: he shows up, flails around yelling at people to kiss, shares a very heteronormative and not very revealing back story (college girlfriend killed by a wheat thresher?) that we don’t really have time for, and dies.
Jonathan: he is forced to play the Romantic Comedy Fiancé in the dreaded love triangle, and is framed as and vilified for thinking that he’s better than Steve. Nancy gives a speech about how Steve has changed so much while Jonathan hasn’t. His history of trauma and poverty is either ignored or presented pretty unsympathetically as stuff he needs to get over. For maximum ill effect, his real problem is that he needs to forgive his father. He has minimal interaction with his family and none with anyone else. He dies saving Nancy and/or Steve, and is therefore redeemed for his heinous crimes of smoking pot and not fellating Steve. Will’s pretty sad; Nancy and Joyce are lightly misty.
Nancy: She ends up with Steve, and all of her character development throughout the show is framed as the misguided actions of a scared little girl. Now that she’s over her trauma, she’ll no longer need to date a person not of her social class or seriously pursue a career or pick up a gun ever again. She has “matured” enough to realize that life on the cul-de-sac is actually great if your man is good enough. This is presented as her being at peace, but it comes off as very sexist. The last shot of her has her riding beside Steve in an RV with a couple of kids in the backseat. It’s 1995 but her hair is very 2023. Steve is also a cop in this scenario. She doesn’t interact much with anyone outside the love triangle, especially not her own family.
Steve: he loses all his brain cells and devotes all his non-action screentime to mooning over Nancy, even ignoring Robin and Dustin. He gets to look badass in the action scenes from time to time, but he suffers from Late Game Jon Snow Syndrome, where he’s presented as a super-competent guy but all his plans are bad. Outside the action scenes, he’s either comically stupid or everyone acts like he is. He does not figure out anything about himself, and there’s no delving into anything psychologically interesting (is he at all fucked up from the events of past seasons? What’s his family like?). He dies saving Nancy. She, Robin, Dustin, and maybe a few others mourn him, but the way they talk about him sounds suspiciously close to the way you’d eulogize the family golden retriever.
Robin: she’s completely reduced to comic relief and cheerleading Steve, and all the characters act like she’s annoying. She’s extremely inept at all things, to the point that it seems like the show is engaging in mean-spirited mockery of a disabled young adult. She mentions Vickie once and otherwise might as well not have a sexuality. She becomes really hostile towards Nancy for “breaking Steve’s heart,” and overall is much more invested in Steve’s love life than her own. It becomes clear that Maya Hawke has opted to portray her this season by doing a Phoebe from Friends impression the whole time. Her hair is also very 2023.
Argyle: he’s just not there, and no one ever mentions him again.
Mike: he spends most of the season getting dumped on for being a bad boyfriend to El and a bad friend to Will and the rest of the party, in a way that would kind of make sense if he was a thirty-five-year-old man but is pretty ridiculous in light of him being a fifteen-year-old boy. He “redeems” himself by sacrificing his life for El’s. We never get to find out what his whole deal was; the whole thing is vague enough so that it feels sort of homophobic but we’re not exactly sure why. He does not interact with Nancy.
Will: he is tempted to join forces with Vecna, and finally succumbs specifically because he’s jealous of El’s relationship with Mike. He’s saved from himself at the last minute by El, in a way that feels pretty impersonal; she’s doing it less because she cares about him specifically and more because she’s the hero. Breaking away from Vecna costs him his life, however. Joyce pretty much tells El that she’s a replacement for Will. The other characters honor his memory but in kind of an infantilizing way; they either don’t know about or awkwardly ignore his sexuality.
Dustin: he becomes embittered and volatile following Eddie’s death, but, instead of this being a sympathetic problem for him to deal with or a generator of conflict within a group, it becomes a source of comic relief. It’s a running gag that the other characters will turn around and see that Dustin has fucked shit up in a fit of rage. He also becomes subtly crasser and more sexist. He dies fighting against Vecna, and his friends honor his memory, but also in a pretty infantilizing way.
Lucas: he’s reduced to being quietly sad about Max and acting as a bland voice of reason within the party. He apologizes to his friends onscreen for trying to do an extracurricular activity that they weren’t into last season. He gets minimal interaction with Erica, and there’s no delving into his traumas or family life or interests. Ultimately he sacrifices himself so that Max can wake up from her coma or otherwise be saved.
El: she sacrifices herself in the fight against Vecna, after expounding at length about how she’s too damaged to live a normal life or have a relationship. It’s kind of implied that she and Vecna are, in a sense, getting married on another plane of existence. Her friends and family memorialize her, but in an infantilizing way—lots of Eggo and superhero references.
Max: she survives her coma but is visually impaired and/or can’t walk, and the show doesn’t handle her disabilities well at all. In a retrograde reprise of the previous season, she pushes Lucas away because she doesn’t want to “burden” him. He protests, but no one actually points out that people with disabilities can have full, happy lives. The defeat of Vecna magically cures her, but Lucas is dead so she has to be all Titanic about it.
Erica: the show doubles down on her jingoistic streak and also makes her a fan of “enhanced interrogation techniques.” She’s basically an evil baby genius by the end of the show. More grounded moments, like her interactions with Lucas and Dustin, are nowhere to be seen.
If any of these happen, I get a treat, to console me about the awful writing.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
i needed to lose you to love me (Bakugou Katsuki X Reader)
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Summary: Bakugo sucks at apologizing, but knows that he owes you one. Big Time.
WARNING: THERE IS SOME MAAAAJOR AAAAANGST AND STRANGER THINGS 3 SPOILERS IN THIS CHAPTER.  LIKE… MAJOR... I might have to actually make an alternate ending... sure I personally think this one has a happy ending too but... have ya’ll HEARD Selena Gomez’s new music video and song? It’s heartbreakingly beautiful but important about self-love so... here ya’ll go! Warning it’s also pretty lengthy... I also alluded to American Horror Story in here too.
Taglist: @i-love-bakugou​, @soseoky​, @random-username-101​
The Long Awaited Part 2 of ‘Dump His Ass’ here: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186316524474/dump-his-ass-bakugou-katsuki-x-reader
And Thank You All Might: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/186833600249/thank-you-all-might
If you haven’t seen Stranger Things 3 year and don’t want any spoilers… this one has HUGE spoilers so… read at your own risk…
You promised the world and I fell for it... I put you first and you adored it
It’s been at least a couple of months and yet you found yourself still upset over the newfound sadness that plagued you as you put away an empty glass of water in the sink, sniffling a little bit. Unable to help but let some tears stream down your face as you could only think about what you had lost.
Why did it have to be him?
Yes, he was a huge jerk but he had a good side after all.
It wasn’t just you, many others had to see his nastier sides and witnessed him beat up some innocent people. And many, including yourself had thought there was no way such a jerk could ever have any sort of redeeming qualities, and the only good trait about him was that he was good-looking and badass.
He acted like he was so big and tough and bullied others just to show off his power, but even he had a soft spot that he buried deep down inside.
And you lost him.            
Now all you could do was cry as you grabbed a tissue to wipe your face, not wanting to go to school upset over such a silly thing. Plus, you already embarrassed yourself in class not long ago by crying in front of everyone, so it was time to just get over it…
But you missed him…
“(Y/N)?” You nearly perked up as soon as you heard a familiar voice that belonged to the person you had been avoiding for the past months. Your ex-boyfriend…
Bakugou wasn’t a patient guy, and had been trying to bug you for the past couple of months but you stopped letting him and he had reluctantly put up with your silent treatment and cold shoulders. However, he couldn’t ignore your tears, he fucking HATED seeing you cry and he fucking HATED knowing that he was responsible for them…
Set fires to my forest And you let it burn...
He tried to get close to you, but you never let him, except this time he wasn’t going to let you just push him away. “Oy. What the fuck’s the matter…?” Despite his coarse language there was gentleness as he closed in towards you and looked you in the eyes.
“H-He’s gone…” You didn’t want to really see him, but you decided to just answer his question and his eyes slightly widened, “Who’s gone?” His concern grew when he thought that someone important to you might have died or disappeared.
“B-Billy… Billy’s gone… Hopper’s gone too… a-and so is Alexei…” You wiped your tears away with a napkin and swallowed hard to try and not get so emotional over the beloved characters you grew attached to.
But Bakugou could only blink in befuddlement, only for that to turn into pure and simmering annoyance, “Seriously?! Are you talking about the characters from that show?! I thought someone actually died!” He quickly shouted as you put your hand over your mouth to quell a snicker, as sad as you were over losing Billy, Hopper and Alexei, Bakugou’s anger was so amusing.
Yes you had been rewatching Stranger Things 3 ever since it came out because it was THAT good, you finally watched all of it with your friends and it was the BEST season thus far. Yet, it still didn’t cease to break your heart with the way it concluded this year.
“Yes… I am… oh yeah… Billy’s dead… and Alexei’s a new character that everyone fell in love with, Hopper’s also PROBABLY dead and Eleven… moved away from Hawkins can you believe it…?” With a small smirk you told him everything that you were sad about and you were actually really shocked to see his eyes go wide in the slightest bit of outrage as he yelled.
“Well I wouldn’t have to tell you what happened if you had just sat your ASS DOWN that night and watched it with me.” It was your turn to be harsh as you used a sharper tone that almost scared your ex as he looked at you in shock. He was not used to this side of you at all because you were usually his cheerful if weird and kooky girlfriend.
Bakugou knew you could be tough, but being on the end of it was… scary to witness.
“Now you care about the show?” You chuckled and shook your head when you recalled all of the times when he mocked your taste in shows and repeatedly said that Stranger Things was unoriginal and stupid. Well, actually at first you were okay with it because that was okay and it wasn’t anything personal, but then he started mocking other things that you liked knowing that you liked them and then mocked you for liking them. Why did you put up with all of that?
Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours...
“Because you made me watch it! You’re the idiot that got me invested in that dumb show in the first place!”
“Okay, maybe I was a LITTLE bit pushy but… did it kill you to watch something with me every now and then you jerk?” You had calmed down a little bit, and instead put your hands up just to stop this pointless argument, much to Bakugou’s slight surprise as his scowl had lessened.
“You know what? Nevermind… I’m not going to argue about a freaking show… and I’m not gonna waste yours or my time… I forgot how much you value your time.” Shaking your head, you grabbed your bags to get ready to leave soon. Maybe you were giving Bakugou the guilt trip, but in your defense he called you fat and accused you of being lazy, and you were starting to realize that he didn’t give you a whole ton of respect during your relationship as he insulted things you liked, didn’t spend a lot of time with you, brushed you off when you tried to help him, blew you off at times and again, he called you fat. Something he swore that he would NEVER call you, and he broke that swear.
He treated you like garbage so now, like Max had said, it was time to treat HIM like garbage.
And so far the guilt-trip was working and Bakugou hated that it was. Every time you reminded him of the things he said, this knot in his chest would build and it would make him SO angry and yet so fucking guilty.
“Dammit (Y/N)… will you just listen? I know I said some stupid-shit but-“
Uh-uh, you didn’t want to hear it and you quickly put your fingers in your ears and started to sing, “Lalalalala~! I can’t hear you~! I respond to nothing Katsuki~!” You sang outloud and that just made the already frustrated Bakugou even madder, “CUT THAT OUT! (Y/N) YOU MORON STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING KID!!”
“I’m sorry? But I can’t understand you Katsuki… cuz you’re a human… and I’m a pig, remember? Pigs can’t understand humans… there’s a language barrier. Oink, oink.” Your eyes were wide in fake surprise which REALLY shocked but also REALLY infuriated your ex.
“Do NOT call yourself that! You’re not a pig! Come on I didn’t MEAN what I said all right?!” You couldn’t be serious; you couldn’t have taken his words to heart THAT much could you? He really hoped not, because it just made him regret what he said even more.
However, you weren’t listening to him and just continued to ignore him as you tried to walk away, but Bakugou wasn’t going to let you. He didn’t like this feeling, he didn’t like it at all…
I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted 
“Hey! Goddamn it (Y/N) stop ignoring me!” Bakugou wasn’t used to you ignoring him at all, because you always, always gave him your attention, sometimes a little too much but he got used to it. And he liked that...
“Katsuki, you SERIOUSLY hurt me… I’ve told you this… the damage is done… you know I had a hard time growing up because of that… and you and Izuku were the only ones who never called me things like that when everyone else did…” Your voice cracked yet again as you quickly turned away and walked away as fast as you could, not giving Bakugou the chance to try and reach out for you the second he thought you were going to cry again.
Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn
“Argh! (Y/N)!” Bakugou called your name, but his guilt kept him rooted to where he stood as he let you walk off. But his eyes slightly widened when Mina and Yaoyorozu had been around and came just in time to walk with you and give warning glances to Bakugou so he didn’t try to come over to you. Mina even made sure to glare at him as the girls put their hands on your shoulders as the three of you walked away and left your ex alone.
“Dammit…!” He exclaimed to himself with his fists clenched. God he really fucked up; his classmates were giving him the stink-eye and you probably hated him. He couldn’t have that.
Well, Bakugou still really didn’t give a shit about what the others thought about him, but maybe, just maybe he didn’t want you to hate him. Even if it was his own fault. The more he reflected on what he said to you, the worse he felt…
You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah...
You held back a yawn at the last class of the day, resisting the urge to go to sleep when Aizawa droned on and on about something you didn’t really care about. Well, it wasn’t that you were sad or anything, you were totally over everything that went down the last couple of days. Frankly, you had better things to think about and deal with than your dumb ex-boyfriend.
Like the new Zombieland! Now that you watched Stranger Things 3, it was time to get into something new. And you finished Big Mouth season 3 too so… you needed something else to focus on that wasn’t related to your ex or school. You giggled a little bit at the thought, maybe you should have been focused on studying for upcoming tests but at the same time it felt like everyone had been working too hard.
So the minute it was time to go you quickly went over to Izuku to see if you could drag him to the next showing.
“Hey ‘Zuku c’mere I got a plan…” You kinda grabbed his arm, making him jump a bit in surprise as he yelped a little bit. “A-Ah! Oh! H-Hey (Y/N)-chan… s-sure…” You thought he was so cute even though you two had been friends forever and he STILL got nervous whenever you touched him.
However, Bakugo didn’t find it cute AT ALL. Why the hell were you touching Deku?! What the hell were you doing with Deku?!
You didn’t notice this though as you just lulled him away to whisper, “Hey I’m like super hyped for the new Zombieland cuz it’s been getting some pretty good reviews despite the fact that it’s been like 10 years since the last one so… wanna go see it with me? I’m gonna invite some other fun people with me~.” It was a bit of a sudden, spontaneous idea but you thought ‘fuck it’ you wanted to go watch an awesome zombie movie with your friends and get school off your mind for a little bit.
Wasn’t that one of Columbus’s rules after all? Rule 32: Enjoy the little things. Yes you memorized some of the rules, some of them were good rules!
“Zombieland? Oh, that’s right! They made a sequel… sure…! I think that would be kind of nice…” Izuku wasn’t exactly a movie buff like you were but he liked spending time with you and watching movies or TV with you, and he liked the first Zombieland too.
“Great! Give ourselves a goddamn break ya know? I think we’re all kinda stressing out so yeah! Let’s go for it dude!” You gave him a big grin as he couldn’t help but blush quite madly, but he was happy that you seemed a bit happier as of late. Given the drama that occurred after you and Bakugou broke up and the mini depression you went through afterwards that lessened somewhat with the help of him, Shinsou and All-Might.
Did you still get sad? Of course. Depression and a low self-esteem don’t just go away, but your friends had been helping you through that, and you even still talked to All-Might whenever he and Izuku were training together or discussing something together.
“Actually that’s… not a bad idea at all. I suppose we have been a little busy lately...” He took note of what you were planning, and thought that a break could be good for him and his friends. “YEAH! Totally! I’m gonna invite Hitoshi! And Mina, and Tooru, and Denki, Fumikage, Yuga, Tsu, Momo, Eijirou, Hanta…” You listed off a few people you planned to invite since those were the ones you felt oddly closest to. It was a pretty big group but hey they could pay for their own tickets right? Besides the more the merrier!
“I think they’ll really like that (Y/N)-chan.” He thought outloud as the two of you walked out of the place together and headed towards the dorms, unaware that a furious Bakugou overheard EVERYTHING.
You were inviting THOSE losers to see a fucking movie but not him?! What the hell?! Now you were full-on ghosting him?!
That’s what it certainly felt like as he discreetly followed you and the damn nerd back to the dorms and you cheerfully skipped over to your room to get some good clothes on and get your things altogether so you could prepare for the upcoming time-slot at 6. You still had 2 hours but you liked to be ready before then.
And you quickly started to text to your friends. 
‘Hey Toshi, let’s go see Zombieland 2! I hear it’s really good so lets go C it bro!’ 
You texted Shinsou first though since he was the other friend you considered your closest.
‘Sure. Liked the first one, looking forward to this one.’ 
He quickly texted you back and was certainly up for it as you grinned and decided to tease him just a little bit. ‘HOORAY! And it’s a movie made just for you!’
His text was very sarcastic but just as playful as yours as you snickered a little bit before you started sending the other texts to your friends.
‘LET’S GO SEE ZOMBIELAND 2 YA’LL. We need break, let’s go laugh it up at the movies!’
Was the text you sent via group messaging to Mina, Hagakure, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Sero. And you were met with numerous replies.
‘Oooh I’m so excited for the sequel!’
‘Oh yeah! Now that’s an idea (Y/N)! Let’s nut up or shut up!’
‘I will never turn down an offer to see a zombie movie.’
‘Yes~. The first one was amazing, the second will be just as good~.’
‘I did like the first one, I’d like to see the second one too so that sounds like it would be fun (Y/N)-chan.’
‘Oh that comedy horror movie? Sure! The first one you showed me was good!’
‘OH HELL YES! I love that movie! It’s a yes (Y/N)! Thank you! I’m so up for that!’
‘Sure! I freaking loved the first one, dunno how this one’ll do without Bill Murray tho.’
You snickered at someone of their replies, finding many of them cute and funny at the same time. Looks like you had a party to go see this movie with, and you couldn’t be happier. You really needed this, since the past months hadn’t been easy since you were admittedly still getting over Bakugou. And you thought about what All-Might said, how you had to believe that you were beautiful and that you deserved love.
Of course, you still had a hard time believing that because it wasn’t just something you could drill into yourself and expect it to stay there, but at the same time you made sure to keep reminding yourself that and set your inner saboteur at bay. While at the same time, trying to not let what Bakugou told you dictate how you saw yourself.
You loved Bakugou, you really did, but he was mean to you, even though you knew what you were getting into, it ended up hurting you more than you ever thought it would when he just kept saying things that hurt and got into arguments with you whenever you wanted him to just spend a little time with him. He hurt you, and it was something you couldn’t quite just let go of, even though you weren’t exactly upset at him anymore, part of you still was.
And the love you still had for him didn’t leave you, but you kind of hated him too for being such a jerk to you, to Izuku and to Shinsou too for that matter. You hated him and you hated all the terrible things he said to you, because his remarks made you realize that no, you didn’t deserve any of that. Sure, you knew that maybe he really did love you at one point, because he kept trying to apologize so that meant he had to have still loved you right?
Or was it just his pride trying to win you back so he didn’t feel like a loser? You weren’t so sure, but deep down you knew that he did love you and did it because maybe he did feel really bad for what he said.
Dammit you wanted to hate him, but dammit you fucking loved him too. And damn, dammit it wasn’t good for you. You couldn’t just take him back after all of that, but you would at least know that he wasn’t a bad guy, he did have a heart, and that he did love you, and you loved him too…
But you didn’t deserve to have him treat you the way you did either. You loved him, but you were learning how to love yourself too.
You sighed as you got in your clothes and got everything you’d need from your wallet to your purse as you left your room. Making your way to the common room to hang about until it was a good time to leave.
“So Zombieland 2 huh?” Shinsou surprised you by suddenly speaking and popping up right behind you as you let out a shriek and jumped. Dammit he really was like a cat after he started training more. Hell he was so good you didn’t even detect that he was there since he was like a ninja learning how to subdue any obvious aura that you could sense.
“Good God man you’re going to need to start wearing a bell or something!” You whined a little bit as he couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at your expense and the light flush on your cheeks.
“But yes… Zombieland 2… Double Tap. What the fuck am I right? I looooves me some zombie movies! Add a little comedy to it and you get one hell of a flick!” However, you went from surprised to cheerful as you happily shook your firsts in giddy anticipation.
“Heh… yeah you got a point. The first one set the bar… might as well see if these guys still got it after 10 years…” He thought outloud as you gave him a nod and a thumbs up. “It was actually my first rated R movie.” Shinsou then decided to share as you perked up a bit with a gasp. “For reals?”
He smiled and nodded as a grin came to your lips, “Nice… that’s a good start to the world of R rated movies. I’ve been watching so many R rated movies at a young age I forgot my first one…” You KINDA bragged but you weren’t lying, you’d gotten into R rated movies at a pretty early age, but Shinsou was actually somewhat impressed as he gave you a smirk.
“Oh yeah? You’re not the only one… I just have a better memory.” And he kinda poked fun at you as you laughed and playfully smacked his shoulder. “I’ll give you that…” Still you decided to own up to that because yes, you didn’t have the best memory unless it came to movie lines, character quirks or memes.
“Well… it’s a good idea, and I’m into it so… I’ll just go put on something that’s… not my uniform.” Shinsou’s smile looked almost coy as he scratched the back of his neck as you smiled back at him, “Take your time, movie don’t start for another hour and a half.” You said as he gave you a polite wave that you happily returned.
Yeah, you couldn’t wait to see the movie now. Especially with Shinsou, Izuku and all the others, they were so great. Shinsou and Izuku were so great… Shinsou was great…
You couldn’t help but think as you made sure you had everything, and some candy you stored away and would sneak into the theaters as you put the treats into the secret pockets of your purse. However, you paused momentarily when you definitely felt someone else’s aura in the room, no one other than Bakugou’s. You knew what his aura felt like, it was always so vibrant, bright and almost hot whenever you came so close as you could always see it flickering and blazing. Only this time, it was subdued, akin to a small candle.
“So you’re going to see that movie huh?” There it was, his low, raspy voice that you had fallen in love as you turned to see him looking so oddly calm. Bakugou wasn’t known for being calm at all, and yet he was here looking strangely cool.
You had to admit, although you kinda wanted to still treat him like garbage you were starting to feel kind of guilty about it too. So you decided to be more civil this time as you smiled, “Let me guess… Denki and Eijirou told you?” You asked politely as he scoffed and rolled his eyes, “Duh. Those two don’t know how to keep their traps shut when they’re excited…”
Maybe you could invite him? You thought, sure he was probably going to turn it down but… no, it probably wasn’t a good idea.
“In their defense, it’s been 10 years since the last one showed. The actors are all kinda old now, and we’re interested to see if they still got that thing ya know? If they can hold a candle to the first one, not sure you remember it but it was hella funny.” You said with a smile, and Bakugou couldn’t help but feel somewhat at ease.
The smile was real and it’s been a LONG time since he’s gotten a smile from you, it almost hurt seeing you smile because he remembered the times when you and him were together, you were always smiling. But this time, you and him weren’t together, and yet you were smiling now. Of course, Bakugou wanted you to be happy, but were you happy without him…? He almost didn’t want that… he wanted to be the one to make you smile because he was never, EVER going to say the stupid shit he said ever again.
“I remember.” He said gently and you were KINDA freaking out, was this even the real Bakugou? You were a little concerned, but you knew you shouldn’t have been since the calm aura was still as orange and red as ever, the red drowning away the orange as you saw a flicker of pink in there. Was that love? Or was that guilt? It had to be guilt. You knew Bakugou at his most vulnerable, and you adored that side of him too, but things have been so awkward between you and him that you didn’t know what to do…
You sighed a little bit and nodded as you moved from the refrigerator to go and sit at the couch, “I always thought you were prettiest like this.” But you stopped before you could sit as you perked up at his sudden comment though, and you looked over at him in shock. Did he just say you were pretty?
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me
A chuckle left you, turning into a snicker as you shook your head and you saw more of your Bakugou when he narrowed his eyes at you in annoyance, “How so…? I’m… not really dressed up.”
“Well that’s why!” He raised his voice a bit, and you honestly smiled because now he was kinda back to being himself and being honest. However, he didn’t want to yell at you anymore or make you feel worse so he calmed himself down, “Just regular clothes, no make-up, messy hair… no fake, colorful shit, just your style.” Okay, now you couldn’t be so sure, but dammit he wasn’t lying, it was all in his aura, his tone, and the way he was moving closer to you.
He really was trying, wasn’t he? You wanted to forgive him, you really did, and you were still trying to but… you weren’t ready for that.
“Heh… you’ve got weird taste in girls Katsuki.” You were still self-deprecating, just like you had been in your relationship, but Bakugou always made you feel better about it, and told you that you WERE beautiful and how you never ceased to turn him on.
Only this time, the words he said to you came back, and the things you told yourself came back and reminded you that no, you couldn’t fall back into his arms. No matter how close he got as he slowly came behind you. “Stop saying shit about yourself like that… you’re beautiful…”
God you loved the warmth that radiated from his powerful physique as his arms came around you, a shudder going down your spine at the familiar feeling. No, no, no you weren’t going to fall back into his arms, dammit… you couldn’t…
It was a pleasurable torture when he put his arms around your plump waist as he caressed your sides, and gave you a gentle kiss to the side of your head. Hoping that you could forgive him as you didn’t resist his advances until you decided…
You wanted to, but knew that you couldn’t right now as you grabbed his hands to pry them off of you, “No Katsuki, no, no…” Shaking your head, you were surprised that you managed to get his hands off you as you heard a low growl resonate in his throat as he gave you a soft glare, but he knew that… he couldn’t do anything because you said ‘no’. And Bakugou was taught very early on by his bitch mom that no meant no…
“Sorry I just… I don’t… I’m not... I can’t do that…” You shook your hand and raised a hand as you averted his gaze and instead you went back to go and maybe get other things from your room, but the truth was you just wanted to escape this awkwardness, it was too much for you. And frankly you were terrified of falling back into his arms again…
This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah...
Bakugou accepted that you said no but he was pissed off as he clenched his fists and trembled with hurt and rage. For a moment he almost thought you were doing this on purpose, and pushing him away for good. Why didn’t you forgive him? He apologized (a lot), he’d been trying so hard to apologize and take back everything he said to you.
Grinding his teeth, and barely holding it in, he angrily marched over to take out a minuscule of this fury on the nearby dishes on the table and shoved them off as they loudly shattered and cracked upon making impact with the floor.
He finally shouted with all the pent-up frustration, his booming voice drowning out the shattering glass as you gasped and backed away in slight shock and fear at his sudden outburst.
This reminded you of something you saw in a movie, he was so pissed and even yelling at you and honestly it did scare you, but Bakugou wouldn’t hurt you. Physically at least, you knew that much, but you weren’t going to back down
“Of COURSE, I’m still kind of pissed off! And for the record I am NOT punishing you, you narcissistic asshole, I’m TRYING to think about how I should forgive you for the things you swore to NEVER call me! Or if I even should forgive you! W-What? You want me to j-ju-ju-just… make out with you like its old times?!” You exclaimed with the same vexation that you had been keeping at bay ever since the two of you broke up, not seeing Bakugou’s narrowing eyes and shaking figure as he seethed when you once again, reminded him of the big mistake he made with you.
“I... I mean I... I can’t even look at your face Katsuki! Without… thinking about and hearing the words you said to me and the expression of anger and disgust on your face when you said that I was just some fat pig who was wasting your time!” Emotion nearly choked you up as you wiped your eyes when tears started to cloud them and you couldn’t see just how aggravated and distressed Bakugo was as he clutched his hair out of frustration.
“I FUCKED UP!! How many times do I have to say that I fucked up?! How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?!” 
Throwing his hands up, he shouted that he had indeed screwed up, louder than before, frustrated with everything, with you, with himself, with the fucking guilt that just started eating away at him again.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me, yeah...
“You can say you’re sorry all you want! I just… I can’t ignore the fact that you would stoop so low to say the same things the people YOU protected me from would say to me. Why did you do that?” You had to ask, even though you were still mad as hell.
“ARGH! Dammit! I don’t fucking know! I was pissed off! I had shit I was dealing with and I took it out on you but I shouldn’t have! I admit it!” Bakugou wasn’t denying it anymore, he knew he royally screwed up and that he couldn’t use his anger as an excuse for it, but you still weren’t having it.
“Oh. Oh so that’s what I am huh? Something for you take it all out on? Well your bad temper is not an excuse Katsuki and I’m done listening to you use that as your excuse for almost everything… you can’t even put it aside to think about me or how that must have seriously hurt me. Did you ever even think about how I felt during those times? Did you ever stop to put yourself in my shoes? Did you ever feel awful and useless when you couldn’t make your partner happy? Or... d-did, did you ever dread going to school because people were going to comment about the way you look? Did you go home feeling horrible about yourself because people called you ugly and fat? Did you spend nights crying all by yourself, bored and alone and feeling like you were going to be alone for the rest of your life because everyone else made you feel so worthless? Did you ever feel like maybe it was your own fault? Did you ever think that you had to have been the worst partner ever because it seemed that no matter what you did, you couldn’t get your partner to spend time with you? Did you ever feel like maybe you really were worthless because you felt like you just couldn’t do anything right and then spend every day hating yourself?!” 
You barraged him with all of these questions that broke his heart as he hated the emotions swimming in his furious crimson eyes but that’s not what you were talking about as you glared at him with hurt, darkening red aura barely visibly radiating from you. He couldn’t even say anything because deep down, he knew that he was probably one of those people now after you broke up with him because of what he said…
“I just… god… here’s my real question… why are you such a fucking asshole to me?” That’s the real question you wanted to ask him, and Bakugou couldn’t help but look shocked, confused but even more pissed off than before. He was an asshole to everyone, but you were hellbent on this little spat because of what he said, that was it wasn’t it? You were still mad because of something he said…
“For God’s sake I said I was sorry for what I said all right?! I’ve said it a million goddamn times! I’m SORRY (Y/N)! I didn’t mean what I said to you! I want to take it all back because it was the worst fucking thing I could have ever said to anyone! Especially you!” He shouted his apology, the angry tears threatening to spill but you shook your head at this.
“I’m not talking about what you said, I’m talking about everything! Ever since we got together you’ve still managed to treat me like shit! Even before we got together you still treated me like shit, and yet it got worse when we became a thing! You hardly spent anytime with me, pushed me away when I tried to help you, made fun of what I liked, insulted me and called me other names for what? Cuz I’m a geek like Izuku, cuz I like geeky things and like to watch TV and eat sweets and say dumb puns and hang out with Izuku and Hitoshi, well I’m sick of it Katsuki! I’m fucking sick of it!” 
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me…
You didn’t realize the tears dripping down your chin, or the sudden wave of blue aura that your sadness triggered and emitted from your form and rushed towards anyone in the vicinity as Bakugou cringed as the tears automatically streamed down his face in response to your quirk. Damn your quirk… but he’d be lying if he said that it wasn’t just your quirk making him cry…
Neither of you noticed that some of your classmates Izuku, Shinsou, Kirishima and Hagakure instantly backed away from being seen by you or Bakugou. They heard the screaming, and they were hella uncomfortable as they gasped quietly when your quirk hit them and immediately brought tears to their eyes as Izuku and Kirishima covered their mouths as huge tears well and dripped down their faces and made them quietly cry. Shinsou shut his eyes tightly when he felt your quirk make unwanted tears pool in his eyes as he tried so hard to blink them away but couldn’t stop some from falling. Hagakure on the other hand whimpered and had to keep her mouth shut though the boys couldn’t see anything other than moisture streaming down her invisible face.
She didn’t focus on them though, instead she was just thanking the gods for making her invisible because hearing two people scream at each other was scary…
However, the screaming died down once Bakugou heard you out, and apparently everything else that became clearer to him the more you said it. He knew he wasn’t hardly a good boyfriend, aside from the more intimate times you and he shared but it couldn’t make up the bad times either. Hell, even he knew he was a pretty shitty boyfriend, but now he felt like he’d been a really shitty boyfriend after you finally said all of it. All the shitty things he’d done before and after your relationship…
You sighed, closing your eyes as you looked away from him and didn’t see the look on his face. Remorse, shame and subdued fury all etched throughout his features as he furiously wiped his face to get rid of the tears he couldn’t stop. He wanted to comfort you, but he was the one who hurt you, and now he was hurting too, all of the hurt that he caused you to feel.
You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it...
“I’m just… I’m going to go now… sorry I just… I have to go…” But you didn’t want to be around him right now, you had a movie to go see with your friends. And the worst part is he was letting you, he wanted to follow you and just keep saying that yes, he was an asshole to you and that he just wants to take it all back so you could forgive him.
Dammit why the fuck wasn’t he moving?! Why the fuck wasn’t he saying anything?! 
All Bakugou could do was stand there, stunned in silence and growling quietly, rubbing at his tearful eyes more harshly as he watched you go. No, he couldn’t just leave it like this, it couldn’t end like this right?
No it wasn’t, he couldn’t just let it end like this, but he couldn’t bother you right now, he knew that much at least no matter how much he just wanted to go with you so he could at least be close to you after spending these past few months alone.
Yet he’d be kind enough to let you go with your friends as you spent the next hour just preparing yourself and drying your tears so you could go to everyone and say that you were okay. But of course, you weren’t okay, they knew that all too well.
Even Shinsou and Izuku held their tongues when they were all leaving with the motley crew of classmates that often didn’t hang together but were nonetheless friendly with each other.
“Ya all right there girl?”
“Is there anything you need (Y/N)?”
“I’m okay… honestly guys.” Kaminari and Kirishima were the first to ask if you were okay. “He didn’t say anything mean again did he?” Kirishima made sure to ask about Bakugou though, sure he was practically his best friend but even he wasn’t standing by him after the things he said to you. What he said was NOT cool, did he give him emotional support? Definitely, he’s the one who even told him that he should apologize to you, but he was sad that it didn’t seem to work.
However, he knew you weren’t obligated to forgive Bakugou, no matter how much everyone wanted to see a happy ending for you both.
“No one would blame you if you didn’t forgive him (Y/N). What he said was pretty cruel given you guys’ history together.” Tsuyu spoke what she thought, but she at least hoped nobody would. Some might have thought you were being unreasonable and unforgiving but Tsuyu wasn’t going to blame you if you didn’t take him back.
“She’s right. Or at least… they shouldn’t blame you. Although… I at least hope the two of you can reach better terms…” Yaoyorozu had a BIT more compassion though and sincerely hoped the best for you both and you couldn’t help but smile because that’s exactly what you wanted to.
While you and Bakugou didn’t have a pleasant conversation, you did want to at least go back to him later and say that it’d be great if you and he could at least be friends.
“I do too Momo… thanks Tsu. Thanks you guys… I’m still working on the forgiveness part but for now… I do want to get on better terms with him at least.” You smiled sadly at your sympathetic friends who all gave their nods and smiles of agreement as they seemed to approve.
“The decision is yours (L/N). There’s no obligation for you to return.”
“Yeah like, if it wasn’t healthy then you shouldn’t go back to it… sure sometimes toxic relationships can be cleansed but… Bakugou’s got his own stuff to work on too.”
Despite their less than stellar grades in school, Tokoyami and Sero were wise in their own ways, as what they said made you feel better and it made a lot of sense. And you appreciated the hell out of them for that.
“That’s right!”
“Uh huh! We’re with you with whatever choice you make too!”
“Of course my friend~.”
And it helped when Mina, Hagakure and Aoyama backed you up by giving the same endless support they had been giving you for months as you couldn’t help but tear up and laugh. “Dammit you guys… thanks… but please… enough with the mushy stuff I don’t wanna get all emotional again…” Your amused tone earned smiles and small laughs from your dear friends as Shinsou and Izuku stood by you.
“Sure… you’ve probably had enough of that huh?” Shinsou knew it’s been an emotional roller coaster for you, and he was certain that you could only handle so much mushy gushiness. “Y-Yeah… but I appreciate it… shows how much ya’ll care about me.” You had to admit that though, you loved how much all of your friends had done so much to help you.
“Anything for you (Y/N)-chan.” Izuku gave you one of his sweet smiles that you found irresistible as you smiled back at him. Something about him always made you feel so cared for; he was a good guy. He and Shinsou were such good guys.
They made you remember to actually love yourself too. They certainly loved you, and the rest of your friends loved you too. And you were starting to love yourself a little bit more too.
“Wait! There’s like 10 of us! How are… are you paying for all of us…?”
You snickered and couldn’t be happier to hear Kaminari’s comical but logical question as it broke the ice and lightened the mood. “Oh actually I also invited Shouto!” And you suddenly announced that, grinning as soon as you saw the dual-haired boy coming your way with a small smile as he watched you wave.
“Hey Shouto~!” You greeted him cheerfully as he joined in with your group.
“Hello (L/N). Hello Midoriya.” He returned the greeting politely, still giving you one of those rare little smiles that you were happy to see.
“Todoroki! (Y/N)-chan invited you too?” Izuku was especially elated to see his friend there, albeit he was surprised since you waited til the last minute to invite the fire and ice user. “Yes. She showed me the first one last week, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I’m interested to see how this second one will go.” Todoroki’s been slowly converted to your way of pop culture as you introduced him to several films like Disney and Marvel, but especially classic old movies like The Breakfast Club, Jennifer’s Body and Zombieland of course.
“Yeah you go bro! That’s my dude!” You were ecstatic that he was willing to come along though, and it showed. “Besides… I was able to take 10000 yen from my old man’s wallet so everything is on me.” His smile turned into a small smirk as you gasped and laughed, clapping your hands happily.
“YES! That’s my Shouto! Rebelling against daddy~!!”
Okay, maybe you kinda gave him that idea since you didn’t have a lot of money yourself, but Todoroki did, and he was more than happy to pay for you and his friends especially since it was so accessible thanks to his bitch father.
“All right~! Let’s go~!!” You exclaimed cheerfully, throwing a fist in the air as you lit up a bright, cheerful pink aura that radiated throughout your friends which made them all perk up a bit as they felt your happiness and were just as excited as you were now.
Kirishima, Mina, Sero and Kaminari were especially excited as they were your more extroverted friends, but everyone was smiling along with you as they gladly followed you to the movie theater to see this long-awaited sequel of the first beloved movie.
Everyone was happy. You were happy too, you were especially happy now despite what happened with you and Bakugou.
The same unfortunately could not be said for Bakugou, who was far from happy, but he was glad that you were at least happy. He just wishes that he could have been happy with you, and that he could make you happy.
But he didn’t make you happy anymore.
“That was fucking INCREDIBLE!!” You exited the theater EXTREMELY happy and almost wishing the movie didn’t end because Zombieland 2 was THAT good a movie and you were SO happy that you got to see it with all your friends. You SWORE you heard Todoroki laugh too, so that was something you were never forgetting.
“I KNOW! HA! Not bad for 10 years later!”
“I freaking loved Madison!”
“I did too! She was the funniest one!”
“Oh yeah, she was pretty much the best part of the movie.”
“Hell yeah! She was really sweet too, I liked her! She was tons of fun!”
Naturally, the Bakusquad (plus Hagakure) was as cheerful as ever as they all loved the movie they just saw, and were extremely happy that they took up your offer today, because it was money well spent. Well, Todoroki’s money but still!
He thought so too, he rather liked the sequel and found it amusing, he actually smiled and tried to not laugh at some of the dumber things that Madison girl said during the movie. “I agree, it was… amusing. I see why you go here often (Y/N).” Todoroki made sure to compliment you though, he wasn’t the best with emotions but he knew you had been kinda unhappy lately so he tried to be kinder to you.
“Thanks Shouto! I know right?! It was AWESOME! I’m SO glad I decided to just come over here~. It gets an A+ from me~.”
“One of the rare moments where the sequel is just as good as the first movie, if not better.” Tokoyami even pointed out something you highly agreed with because it was THAT good. “Exactly! You don’t get that with every movie… sequels tend to suck…”
“The new additions were good ones too, sometimes adding new characters is actually what kills the movie. Not for this one.” And Tsuyu gave her input that almost everyone here agreed with, but couldn’t choose a new favorite.
“My favorite is that Madison girl~. She knew how to dress and be the cute one~.” Aoyama had his favorite, but everyone near unanimously agreed that she was the funniest one. “But she knew how to survive too for all those years.” But Yaoyorozu pointed out that despite Madison being a cliché dumb blonde character that she STILL survived the zombie apocalypse by herself.
“An excellent point Momo! She ain’t that stupid…” You giggled a little bit alongside your best guyfriends Shinsou and Izuku. “No she was actually… oddly smart… kinda like you.” But Shinsou poked a bit of fun at you as you laughed and slapped him on his shoulder playfully. “SHUT UP TOSHI! NO… I’m not that thick I’m smart too!” You exclaimed but cheerfully as he tried his hardest to not snicker or grin at you.
“You are smart (Y/N)-chan… coming here to see this movie was smart, I liked it, I liked it a lot! It was actually better than the first one.” Izuku was the sweetheart though as he gave you a bit of a sweeter compliment, much to Shinsou’s slight annoyance.
“Thank you Izuku~.” You sang-songed cheerfully as you beamed at the blushing boy who instantly turned bashful at your smile, much to MORE of Shinsou’s annoyance. Always trying to be the ball of sunshine that guy…
However, all that mattered is that you were ecstatic and everyone else clearly had a good time and loved the hell out of the movie. And you were smiling again, Shinsou hadn’t seen you smile as much as normal so seeing you smile the way you were was very nice.
You were smiling the entire time you went back to the dorms, just laughing with your friends and re-quoting the funnier lines from the movie and discussing some of the funniest parts until all of you had to go your separate ways and return to your rooms. Especially when other classmates came into view, you didn’t wanna spoil it for anyone after all.
“Hehe… well guys I think I’m just gonna stay up a couple of more hours and go to sleep or at least try to.” You said to your friends as they each smiled and nodded before they all said ‘okay!’ ‘sure’ and ‘that’s a good idea, good night to you (Y/N)’ and you made sure to happily return the polite ‘good night’ back to them.
Now it was just you and Izuku and Shinsou, you were still just happily chatting to them, but that’s when Bakugou decided enough was enough. He heard all of the other idiots just laughing and talking about a movie he hadn’t seen it yet and now some of it was fucking spoiled for him but that’s not what mattered right now. What mattered is that he didn’t like the way he left things with you a couple of hours ago, and now he had to talk to you again.
“I’m telling you, I could totally make Zombie kill of the week if we were in the Zombie apocalypse.” You were trying to brag to Izuku and Shinsou who were just chuckling at your enthusiasm.
“That would require some elaborate way of killing them, some people get really creative with that…”
“Oh yeah? You don’t even know how to use some weapons (Y/N)…”
Izuku had more hope in you, Shinsou was just playing with you though and God Bakugou fucking hated it, especially when you laughed with them.
“Oi. Deku, Eyebags, get the fuck out of here.” Before you could reply Bakugou suddenly made his appearance and immediately told the two guys to get out, “Ah! K-Kacchan I uh…” Izuku knew how jealous Bakugou could get though and his first instinct was to try and reassure him that he wasn’t trying anything with you or anything.
“Beat it you damn nerd!” But Bakugou didn’t wanna hear him and a very scared Izuku quickly rushed out with a very frightened ‘Okay!’ as your smile instantly turned into a frown as he forced your friend out, but Shinsou wasn’t budging at least.
“Get lost Eye-bags, I need to talk to (Y/N). ALONE.” He roughly demanded the brainwasher to leave, but Shinsou had his arms crossed and stood where he was.
“I’ll go when I want to.” He shook his head and refused to leave even though Bakugou was only getting madder when Shinsou dared to tell him ‘no’, but you didn’t want there to be a fight so you raised your hand.
Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus...
“It’s okay Hitoshi… you don’t wanna be here… me and Katsuki DO have to talk and I’d rather you not be around to see it so… it’s okay…” You gently convinced him to leave you and your ex be for the time being and although reluctant, Shinsou sighed and complied. He knew you knew what you were doing so he got up to go, not before whispering a ‘see ya later’ as he left and he and Bakugou exchanged glares as he walked away.
You didn’t approve of how he just broke you and your friends up from a fun conversation, but you supposed that this had to be done since you and he didn’t really leave on a good note earlier today, or this morning.
No more fighting. You were done with it, you just wanted to stop fighting with him.
Except… it was easier said than done. The two of you stood in the living room for what felt like forever because none of you could find the words to say and it was beyond uncomfortable. “So… did… Kirishima and Kaminari already spoil the movie for you?” You decided to ask a lighthearted question and Bakugou ALMOST snickered.
“Yes… I’m going to kill those morons…” He didn’t really mean it but he knew how much you enjoyed those two movies and he really, just really wanted to see it with you since he loved seeing the first one with you even though back then he pretended like he thought it was stupid. But no, he liked it, and now some of it was spoiled for him. Maybe he’d go see it with you again since he knew you never minded seeing another movie twice.
“Hehe… well… it was good so… if you ever feel like seeing it, I recommend it.” You said gently with a little smile as Bakugou leered at you.
“What I want… is to just say I’m sorry for… being such a fucking asshole to you, for being the worst fucking boyfriend and… everything… I’m... I’m sorry (Y/N)... I’m so fucking sorry everything, I can’t say how sorry I am...” Bakugou shamefully blushed as he apologized to you because he was never good at doing that. Hell, he very rarely said the word ‘sorry’ at all, but lately he’d been using that more and more when it came to you after he realized just how terrible a boyfriend and friend he had been to you.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to hate you to love me, yeah 
You were shocked but also touched that he was doing this for you, you knew how hard it was for him to apologize so you were touched and kind of happy. “Thanks Katsuki… it’s… okay… I think I’ve been mad at you long enough so… it’s okay… we’re okay.” You gave him a smile that actually gave him hope as his eyes slowly widened.
“We are…?” Bakugou asked you somewhat nervously, because he started to see some doubt in your eyes as you sighed, “Yes… we are okay but… not… in the way you think…” His heart was racing, but it wasn’t from excitement because you didn’t look like you were happy.
“Look… Katsuki… I mean you no ill will. I still care about you, and I still love you but… I really, really don’t think you’re a good boyfriend…” You said a little bluntly but made your voice soften as he gasped quietly.
“You’re not a bad person… but you’re not a good boyfriend either… and I don’t really think that I can really return to a relationship like that… sorry…” Sighing heavily you finally did it, you told him that you didn’t want to go back to the relationship but seeing his expression broke your heart.
“I know I wasn’t! But… look just… dammit (Y/N) I’m not going to say any of that shit to you ever again! I won’t fuck up like I did last time I swear!” He sounded desperate, as if he was pleading to you as he moved closer and you fought the tears starting to build in your eyes when he grabbed your hands. He would beg if he had to, he just couldn’t lose you.
“I love you.” 
He said calmly and yet sincerely, out of pure impulse but that’s what he truly meant. He loved you and he just wanted to hear you say the words back to him. He knew you did…
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me...
“See that’s just it… I know you love me… I love you too… but… I thought you loving me was enough, at least… until… you said the things you did… now I know you’re sorry... and I don’t doubt that you do love me but… I started hating myself again when you said those things and it made me realize that... I need to love me too, I need to start loving myself… and I didn’t love myself when I was with you. I let you do that for me, and… I can’t do that anymore. It’s not fair to you, and not good for me.” You loved him, you truly did love him but at the same time you needed to give yourself time before you could go back into a relationship, especially with him.
Bakugou was an extremely flawed person and although he was honest and you believed every word he said, you didn’t think it was a good time to go back to him.
And he knew it, but it didn’t stop the tears from coming but he stubbornly willed them back as he swallowed hard. He tried so hard and he wasn’t giving up yet, but he knew that you didn’t want to get back together with him. Worse, he made you hate yourself for a moment because of what he said and what he had done to you too, so… maybe you were better off without him. He’d rather you love yourself first because you were the best thing he’d ever had.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah
“Fine then…” He tried to sound bitter, but he was just miserable and he did understand even if he was really hurt right now and knew that this was nobody’s fault but his. “I don’t fucking deserve you anyway… you’re… too good for me…” Bakugou muttered as he forced back all the emotion until he felt you kiss him suddenly on the cheek, making him gasp a bit.
“It’s okay… we all make mistakes. We’re human, that’s what we do. So… don’t beat yourself up.” You said to reassure him although it didn’t make him feel any better as he pulled you into a sudden, tight hug as you closed your tearful eyes and hugged him back, feeling his tears on your shoulder as your arms tightened around him so you and he could savor each other’s warmth just one more time
Neither of you truly wanted to pull away, it was almost too painful but you knew that it was for the best. You had started learning how to love yourself more, and you had to put yourself first more, and he knew that. And Bakugou also knew that he needed to work on himself too, and maybe he’d be a better boyfriend to you someday.
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah..
“Good night Katsuki.” You said quietly to him as you pulled away with misty (E/C) eyes as he glumly looked at you, cupping his cheeks to wipe the tears away from his red eyes.
“Good night (Y/N).” He said as calmly as possible, and refused to cry in front of you (again) as he watched you slowly walk away. The two of you shared a small wave before you turned away, inhaling and exhaling deeply as you walked away for good.
You and Bakugou would at least be friends, and that was good enough for both you and him, even if he did rush over to his room to sob into his bed afterwards now that he had officially lost you. 
He loved you, he still loved you...
You loved him too, you still loved him, but you needed to love yourself too. Even if it meant losing him.
And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us...
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panharmonium · 4 years
stranger things 3, a visual summary:
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more coherent thoughts under the cut, because wow.
......okay.  that was a Trainwreck.  an absolute mess.
i remember when my coworkers were watching S3 (and still urging me to start season 1) and they were saying how amazing the latest season was, and honestly i think there must just be a difference in people who watch tv just to be entertained and people who watch tv and automatically evaluate the story (aka fandom veterans and English majors, lol - cue Me twice), because WHO could watch this critically and praise it that way?
it's honestly hard to know where to even begin; i've been sending frustrated notes to @brambleberrycottage ever since episode three and now that i'm done with episode 8 there's just......so much more to say
first, good things:
erica is a great character.  she's what max should have been (aka, uh.......interesting!)  i liked the realization moment where dustin was like "you're a NERD!"
that entire sequence where will is so upset with lucas and mike for not being engaged with the dnd game was very well done, especially the conversation he has with mike out in the rain.  i loved that moment where mike asked him "did you think we were just going to hang out in my basement playing games forever?" and will said, "yeah.  yeah, i guess i did."  i really felt that.  [edit, now that i've finished: this was never resolved.  will giving away his dnd books at the end was not an actual resolution to this conflict.]
steve is still a good dude, and robin was pretty cool.  i'm down for them being super friends.  but i'm still mourning the steve+nancy+jonathan trio that was a thing for like 5 seconds and then never returned.
i loved how genuinely excited steve was to see dustin when dustin came back from camp.  that was adorable.  "HENDERSON!!!!"  "how many children are you friends with?"
and uh. yeah.  i had more problems with this season than praise-bestowing moments, so.  here goes that bit.
1. keep it simple, stupid
remember in the office when dwight quoted the above advice to ryan as michael's rule for making a sale?  the same advice applies to storytelling.
season 1 of stranger things is so simple.  there is One Monster.  that is the danger.  and somehow, that single monster manages to be a thousand times more terrifying than all of these new "bigger, scarier, more epic" threats crammed into the second two seasons.
how goofy is the stranger things season 3 plot, seriously?  russians are blackmailing a small-town mayor so they can buy up land to steal power from the town while operating a secret lab under the mall to open a gate to the Upside Down (WHY?), while simultaneously a remnant of the malevolent force that was "defeated" last season has reanimated itself and is making people scarf chemicals (WHY?), and then it possesses one of them and uses that person to possess a bunch of other people in order to build itself a body made out of melted people, in order to kill el, whose only story this season is breaking up with her boyfriend, and we have to infiltrate this russian base in order to close the gate (same endgame as last season - BIG NO-NO) to kill the goo monster, except last time the "mindflayer” survived the gate being closed, so why would this even WORK, and -
the fact that there are so many "round-up/info dump" scenes where characters summarize what's going on and make implausibly accurate connections/guesses about what it all must mean is a red flag.  the characters shouldn’t have to tell your story to the audience.  if it's too complicated for us to keep straight on our own, it's too complicated.  
the amount of energy that goes into trying to lash together a Chaos Plot with too many shaky legs leaves nothing left over for nuanced character development or mood establishment.  you're constantly running to catch up to your own flimsy story before it collapses on top of itself.
2. the horror!
S1 of stranger things was the scariest thing i'd ever seen.
granted, i don't watch a lot of horror, because i don't like it.  i get scared too easily and then i legitimately can't sleep.  i watched a horror movie five years ago that i still think about every time the lights are off in my house.  but still, ST1 was something i had never experienced before.
it wasn't creature horror, and it wasn't just suspense.  it was the UNSETTLINGNESS of it all.  it wasn't really about the monster.  it was about the Upside Down.
the reason ST1 is so successful is because of how much we don’t know.  it's the horror of not understanding what is happening, and the terror of knowing that nobody thinks it’s real.  feeling like you're going crazy and being cut off from all assistance.  the conspiracy and the cover-up.  and the sheer unsettlingness of the whole parallel worlds things just tipped me over the edge - the idea that you can take one wrong step and then be suddenly and without warning completely off the map, simultaneously right next to the people you want to get to and also utterly beyond their reach.  that was fucking scary!!!!  
and they do it all with so little.  i have literally never been more scared in my life than when i would see those christmas lights start flickering.  and they're just LIGHTS!  yes, we see the monster later, but it's the uncertainty that's most frightening.  we don't understand how it arrives in our world, and we don’t know where it will show up next.  it could be right next to you - on the other side.  you could be standing on top of it.  you just don't know.  it’s like what jonathan says to nancy in her bedroom - “it can’t get us in here.”  and she says, “we don’t know that.”
the later seasons of stranger things, by comparison, did not scare me at all.  season two was like a zombie movie - hordes of weak enemies that you can just shoot with a gun.  and season 3 was even less frightening - upping the ante and making things gorier, more explosive, and bigger just isn't the vibe they set in S1.  i'm not scared of that giant goop monster.  it's like godzilla.  it's not horror; it's just a lot of noise.
the unsettling, "creep" factor that made season 1 so effective was gone.  it just turned into a regular old monster movie, and i didn't find that particularly interesting.
3. illogical, captain
a while ago there was a wave of pushback against people complaining about plot holes, but you know what?  there is, in fact, an appropriate place for us to talk about plausibility, as well as the point at which our suspension of disbelief collapses.
ST3 is a bona fide plausibility disaster.  i did not believe half of the story, because it was not unfolding in a believable way.
half of the plot points in this season would not have happened if the characters had been behaving with any kind of sense.  it is absolutely impossible for me to believe that none of these children IMMEDIATELY went to joyce or hopper the minute they knew something weird was going on.  it makes no sense.  after the shit they've seen?  it makes sense in season 1, because the kids are still so young that they have that kind of magical thinking that makes all of this seem kind of like an adventure.  but they're teenagers now, and developmentally, they’re past that stage.  they know the evil creature is back and they're pretty sure it's possessing billy?  for some unfathomable reason, they don't go to an adult, but try to trap billy in the sauna and just see what happens.  the other group has actual proof that russian soldiers are up to something shady in the mall?  they don't tell an adult; they send a TEN YEAR-OLD in through the AIR DUCTS to investigate the secret room guarded by MEN WITH GUNS.
this is ridiculous.  none of this should have happened.  none of this WOULD have happened.  it breaks the boundaries of disbelief.  it completely sabotages the audience’s engagement with the story - joyce and hopper's whole detour with alexei and murray is so dull, because its entire purpose is to bring hop and joyce up to speed on something that we, the audience, already know.  the other characters already found out this stuff, but did not communicate it - the gate is being opened again in a russian lab underground.  there's no suspense for us.  nothing new is revealed.  we're just waiting for them to hurry up and finish finding out so we can move on to the next thing.
moreover: there are so many other problems besides just "these characters would have talked to each other."  why on earth would murray, whose sole characteristic is extreme paranoia, take alexei wandering around the festival for hot dogs and carnival games.  why would hopper be so virulently against the possibility that weird shit might be happening again?  does he remember the past year or what?  how on earth would the kids be able to fight off that massive monster with an ax and a hunting rifle?  it's made out of dead guts and bones; why does it care if they shoot it?!  how in the WORLD is this russian facility so penetrable?  i'm sorry, it's just - beyond believable.  it doesn't have cameras?  the russians guards really can't tell that murray isn't a native speaker?  they don't check his id when they don't recognize him?  joyce and hopper really just got that lucky, to be asked a question and have “smile and nod” be the right answer?  nobody ever got shot?  it's silly.  it's just silly.  so many things - erica uses the "Open" button to open the elevator door in order to let steve and robin and dustin inside, but once the elevator is at the bottom of the shaft, robin explains the door's inexplicable non-opening because......you apparently need a keycard to use the buttons????  THAT MAKES NO SENSE; ERICA JUST USED THE BUTTONS A SECOND AGO.
even the entire endgame of this season is a contradiction!  if the mind-flayer survived el closing the gate last time, it doesn't make sense that closing the gate this time would kill it.  literally the entire plot of last season was "we need to get this thing out of will, because the creature will die once the gate is closed, and we want to make sure will doesn't die with it."  but apparently the creature didn't die upon closing the gate; it just got trapped in our dimension.  but now apparently it WILL die upon closing the gate.  for whatever fucking reason.
i'm sorry, but that’s a mess.  that’s a bona fide mess.
4. watch your tone
i honestly think the tonal change is the thing that made me the most frustrated about this season.  it's possible to have a terrible plot and still stay relatively true to your characters - you'll still have a bad season, but at least you didn't bastardize your characters in the process.
i had issues with S2 and i definitely was not as impressed with it as i was with S1, but at least in S2 joyce and hopper were recognizable.  in S3, i felt like i was watching strangers.  the tonal shift was bizarre and off-putting, more so with hopper than joyce, but it affected both of them.  
even as early as the very beginning of this season, i was feeling weird about how often hopper was being used for comedy.  and as the season progressed, this trend only became more pronounced.  almost every scene we had of him felt silly - and not like there was just something funny in the scene for me to laugh at, but like the audience was almost being asked to laugh AT him.  like he was constantly the butt of the joke.  
this really bothered me.  from that incredibly sincere and heart-wrenching portrayal of him in season 1, when they kept him rooted in the trauma of losing his daughter and the breakdown of his marriage, and then how that same trauma made him so driven to save will and protect the kids - what a change.  even in season 2 i was frustrated how the throughline of his daughter wasn’t touched again until the very last episode, and now in season 3 we’ve left that part of him so far behind that he's just there for us to laugh at.  we're supposed to laugh at scenes of him being drunk and a mess.  every scene he's in is either him arguing with joyce for comedic relief or being way over the top with alexei or the mayor.  he was like a caricature of himself, and i didn't recognize him.  
joyce suffered from the same thing, just by virtue of proximity.  she spent almost all of her time in this season with hopper, and virtually all of that time was taken up with silly shenanigans or comically overblown arguing.  what a departure from the desperate mother of season 1, who was maligned by everyone in town and only taken seriously by the audience.  now it’s the audience who are supposed to be chuckling at her.  
i dunno.  the tone shift was very dramatic, very obvious, and it impacted the entire season.  are we supposed to be taking this seriously or is it supposed to be a joke?  a little bit of humor to break tension can be a good thing, but when it's constant, it confuses the mood.  
and i personally don't think it was appropriate or respectful to either of these characters, in this case.
this show has 100% hit maximum character saturation.  by the end of this season there were 13 core characters onscreen at the same time, in the same scene!  it’s too many people!  they cannot reasonably develop that many people in the space allotted.
i still am not interested in max.  i don't feel anything for her.  she doesn't feel real.  i don't hate her, but she's just an empty vessel, and i really do think she's superfluous to this show.  i think you could remove her with very little reworking and the show would be stronger for it.  (they TRIED to do something interesting with billy, and i might have cared if we had been given literally any reason to care about him previously, but there was no investment earned there.  they didn't do the front-end work to make him somebody we were interested in.)
weird relationship sunderings from previous seasons.  i felt very strange about jonathan barely even seeing will this entire season.  i felt very strange about steve having almost zero contact with nancy.  i felt very strange about joyce hardly ever interacting with her kids.  all of these were core relationships - the characters were BUILT on those relationships, and they don't feel real outside of them.  not seeing these characters devote time to these relationships makes it feel like i'm watching a slightly different show.
the VIOLENCE.  apparently this is a beat-em-up now???  i really felt like every other scene somebody was getting beaten to a bloody pulp.  there was SO much smashing and bashing and throwing people into walls and fistfights and head trauma like - first of all, i find that stuff pretty boring, and second of all, all of these people should be in the hospital.  
the GORE.  other people’s mileage may vary, obviously; i just didn't like that.  i looked away at the scene with the rat, and all this...goopy dissolving human shit, and the stabbings, and just...general grossness level - season 1 managed to be bloodcurdlingly terrifying without any of this stuff.
i know this borders on nitpicky, but yet more medical malfeasance - another example of someone receiving an injection via the mysterious 90 degree angle neck route, plus - was anyone else losing it at the fact that steve and robin “puked up” a drug they received……..via injection??????  IT’S NOT IN THEIR STOMACHS, FOLKS!  THEY CAN’T PUKE IT UP!  IT DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT!
the complete lack of follow-up to last season.  the whole S3 plotline (such as it is) feels like a weird side quest.  last season seemed to be furthering the mythos and setting us up for "there are other children like el/brenner is alive" - but this season, that fact appears to have been forgotten by everyone (even el!!!) and has nothing to do with the story that we're given, which is a goofy and redundant story about russians opening a secret lab under the mall which requires us to solve the exact same problem as last season (closing the gate).
this show's inability to keep certain throughlines in its headlights/keep things visible on the periphery instead of dropping them completely and then bringing them back whenever they feel like they need it again.   i already talked about hopper’s daughter as an example of this (done well in S1 and poorly in S2 and S3).  another example is that scene with nancy and her mom - it’s such a good scene, and yet it misses out on so much resonance, because they completely dropped the plotline of karen feeling locked out of her kids’ lives and desperately wanting to connect with them.  if they had continued to reference that throughout season 2, then this scene would have been so much more powerful.   as a third example, season 3 starts with a clear context/premise, and it’s INTERESTING - the town landscape changing because of the mall, business slow to non-existent, small town discontent over big corporations moving in, hopper pressured to break up the protest against mayor kline when he should have let it proceed - and then the show just drops that entire context.  you expect season 3 to stay rooted in the "our small town is being strangled by this mall" and then to eventually deal with the revitalization of hawkins, but nah.  it's never mentioned again.
i'm not really gonna get into hopper "dying," because he's, like...clearly not dead.  but the whole situation was stupid and contrived (i was so sick of that arnold schwarzenegger lookalike by the last episode, god that whole thing was so dumb) and it's even cheaper knowing that he'll obviously be back.
what i AM gonna say is that i was livid that they brought back that peter gabriel cover of "heroes" to end this season.  their use of that song in S1 blew my mind - it had me stunned with how GORGEOUS it was and just, the way it worked in that particular scene - absolutely incredible.  floored me.  gave me chills.  to recycle it at the end of such a poorly constructed season made me so mad.  yOU CAN'T MAKE ME FEEL THINGS JUST BY REUSING THIS SONG.  I REFUSE TO HAVE EMOTIONS JUST BECAUSE YOU PULL OUT THIS BEAUTIFUL TRACK THAT YOU ONCE USED TO GREAT EFFECT; YOUR STORY WAS STILL TERRIBLE THIS TIME AROUND; DO NOT TRY TO TRICK FEELINGS OUT OF US THAT HAVEN’T BEEN EARNED.  
and that's it.  i’m sure later i’ll think of other things i neglected to mention here, but...yeah.  i was not impressed.  
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stockwellarchives · 4 years
Have you watched all the “must-watch” picks and want to see more? Want to have more fun watching his stuff? This list is what I’d consider good or fun to watch, but not great. The catch is, either I only like certain aspects of the film/episode or I don’t think it’d be everyone’s cup of tea.
List below cut:
Home Sweet Homicide: the other comedy Stockwell did as a child. It’s pretty fun to watch, but the humor is way more in the dialogue and doesn’t have a mix of physical comedy like The Happy Years does. 
Deep Waters: I think the shots of Maine in this film are gorgeous. Also, Stockwell played quite a few orphans or misfit children as a child, and this is one such role. And as usual for many films from his childhood, the focus is more on the grownups than on his character.
Cattle Drive: Stockwell plays a little shit in this movie, and it’s great. He’s this spoiled rich kid who accidentally spends too much time away from the train, and ends up traveling with a bunch of cowboys for a while, learning not to be so spoiled along the way. I’ve seen it described as a Western version of Captains Courageous- it’s a shallow plot, but it’s fun.
Any of his Wagon Train episodes: Stockwell delivers some pretty good performances in all four of them, including a pre-Compulsion episode which is impressive. In particular, look for “The Will Santee Story,” since that’s the only thing he starred in with his then-wife, Millie Perkins, and I think that’s the best of the four.
Sons and Lovers: Stockwell loves D. H. Lawrence and was willing to be paid less than usual since he also loved the book this movie was based on. Also, for fun, you can see him play another Oedipal role pre-Battlestar Galactica.
Alfred Hitchcock Presents “The Landlady”: Glasses! Stockwell almost never wore them in roles when he was young, so this is a rare treat. I also like the Roald Dahl short story this was based on.
Dick Powell Show “The Geetas Box”: This was a pretty silly episode (sure, knock out the vault guys just to steal their truck and break in), but it’s a fun one to watch.
The Twilight Zone "A Quality of Mercy": Stockwell is fine in this. Let’s get that out of the way. What’s not fine is the yellowface part. Controversy addressed, it’s also interesting to see him sort of Quantum Leap long before playing Al.
Burke's Law (1960s) "Who Killed Lenore Wingfield?" Stockwell is only in a few scenes, but he’s playing a comedic role- a pre-1980s rarity, even if his character’s an idiot. This one is harder to find, unfortunately.
Rapture: Do you want to see a young Dean Stockwell soaking wet and vulnerable in the rain? Do you want to see him looking extremely pretty? Are you willing to overlook that he’s befriending and romancing a teenage girl even though he’s in his late 20s? Then you should go watch this!
The Dunwich Horror (1970): This movie is terrible, but I love it for Stockwell’s performance. Being a Lovecraft fanboy, he went all out for his performance. He had an artist friend paint on him, taking four hours, for one scene and copied some occult gestures from another friend, just for this movie. Beware: do not, I repeat, DO NOT watch the 2009 version. I regretted it.
The Werewolf of Washington: Another “bad movie, good Dean Stockwell.” The director had no idea what he was doing, but Stockwell dedicated himself to his role and it absolutely shows. 
Tracks: I group this, Human Highway and Crash together as “the plot is meh-to-weird, but you get to see Dean Stockwell hanging out with his friends, and it’s really different and/or something else compared to anything else he’s been in.” Well, Crash isn’t that different, but Tracks is still the best thing he’s been in with his best friend Dennis Hopper, other than Blue Velvet.
Greatest Heroes of the Bible "Daniel in the Lions' Den": I’m not going to lie. I love this for Stockwell’s costume, and the extra glittery black costume alone. That is all. (Plus he gets fed to a lion!)
Banzai Runner: Stockwell plays a rare leading man role, and he’s great as the cop who chases down banzai runners drag-racing down the highway (which was apparently a legit issue in early 1980s California).
Nowhere Man "You Really Got a Hold on Me": Stockwell basically takes over the episode. His character is a more cynical version of Al, but he’s great to watch.
Max Rose: Stockwell’s character is hinted at throughout the movie, and he has one scene towards the end that he’s really good in. Otherwise, the movie overall isn’t as good.
If you’ve seen and liked “Annabel” and/or “The Programming of Charlie Blake,” here’s more disturbed roles Stockwell was good in:
Johnny Staccato “Nature of the Night”
Checkmate “The Cyanide Touch”: Stockwell seems more on the edge of disturbed in this one, but it’s still fun.
Paper Man: It’s a computer-centric science fiction horror movie. Not bad for 1971!
The F.B.I. "End of a Nightmare": Stockwell’s character is a little silly in the beginning, but he’s great at the end. 
The Twilight Zone "Room 2426"
Stargate SG-1 "Shadow Play"
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Memories (4-?)
Parings: steve Harrington x reader, Jim hopper x daughter! reader, nancy wheeler x platonic! reader, Jonathon Byers x platonic! reader. (Future Billy Hargrove x platonic!reader)
Prompt list
tags: @bandsandanimefreak @fortheloveoflamp @naomiiiiiiiiiii04 @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah
warnings: bad writing, all over the place, Russians, language, going off canon.
(y/n): your name
(y/n/n): your nickname
(y/h/c): your hair color
(y/e/c): your eye color
(Y/N) was a smart girl, she picked up Russian in a matter of weeks, learned how to act sick to get more food, and was able to escape through a crappy planned ventilation system. Although it sounded easy, there was a trick; sneak out of the cell, take out one of the guards, take their uniform, act like one of them, and learn what the hell that scream was from. Of course with her luck, the base she was located at was in the mountains, fuck. 
As she walked quickly across the halls trying to look through any and all cells to find out who or what that scream was from. She was hoping with every fibre in her body it was just another cellmate and not what she dealt with in the past two years. She came across a giant cell with high ceilings and electric bars she saw it, that grey slimy beast with countless rows of teeth that caused her to have night terrors. That awful creature made by the devil himself to torture Will and Elven.  No wonder they were in the mountains... but if this thing was here then that meant that they have a gate open. ‘Shit, h-how could this happen?’ She saw it closed! She has to get out of here. It took her a few months to get enough money for one plane ticket. She has to tell the others. She was too worried about telling her friends and family she forgot that it's been a year since they've seen her.
She has changed a lot since Hawkins, she has seen gruesome things happen to innocent people. When she got on the plane she started to think about her dad ‘has he been okay? is he taking care of El?’ as her mind wondered she thought of Steve ‘did he move on? Did he find someone to take my place? Did he forget about me?’ of course she shouldn't be mad if he did move on, they all thought she was dead, but that didn’t stop the raging fire festering in her.
At this point in (Y/N)’s life, she is no longer phased by anything out of the ordinary. She fought weird alien-like creatures, almost died, has a sister with superpowers, been captured by Russians, best friends with children, and now sitting in the basement of her best friends house being pelted with questions.
“So you're telling me that the Russians, the big ugly guys, Alexie’s co-workers, took you right as that machine was destroyed?” Hopper being frustrated was an understatement. He was furious, not at his daughter, but the things she had to deal with, with the Russians taking her away. “Yeah, but that's not what we should be worrying about. They have a gate in the mountains in one of their bases. The Demogorgon is back” Steve was pacing around the room not even bothering to look at El, Hopper, or even (y/n). 
Steve should be worried that there is another Demogorgon on the planet, but his mind was occupied with the thoughts of ‘has she moved on?’ It was a silly thought. “Steve, I know you love (y/n) and all but now is the time to make a strategy if they come back to Hawkins,” Max said looking at the boy who finally looked up. “How do we know that they'll come back to Hawkins?” Steve said looking at (y/n) with sunken eyes. 
“We don't. But we still need to be prepared. While I was there I found that it was very difficult to keep the Demogorgon alive, sure it was below freezing, but it didn't have a strong enough power source there. Only Hawkins does, they've tried opening gates in other areas of America but they didn't work correctly. If I am correct, and I usually am, the gate has a strong magnetic field that can change compasses north as well as demagnetize anything. In that area, there was no demagnetization, nor did the compasses change.” The girl said looking at Dustin, Lucas, Mike, El, and Will. Ignoring the looks from Steve, she saw his date that night, she was pretty; completely different from herself. She was jealous but now is not the time.  
“You have dealt with this before, is there any way that the Demogorgon can feed off of electricity or anything that's not meat?” she said as the five kids looked at each other. “I'm not sure... it could be possible. In the upsidedown, there weren't any animals at all, but then again it's interdimensional. But there was some power, the lights would flicker but that's it.” Joyce said as Hopper sighed. 
“Whatever it is, I'm not having you go back out there and fight it.” He pointed a finger at his eldest. “Dad it was one year. I survived one year without supervision also have you forgotten that we fought a literal meat monster that would not fucking die!” She glared at her father. 
“I agree with your dad on this (y/n/n), we already lost you once. I don't want to lose you again.” Steve said pleading with the girl whos looks could kill. “oh really? Well, Steven, apparently you didn’t lose much did you?” It was wrong to be angry at him, it was stupid. Yet she felt betrayed, did he even try to look for her? Did he even wait to move on?
“What does that mean?” El whispered to Max. The young girl shook her head and mouthed later. The tension in the room was unbearable, side glances from the kids, Joyce and Hopper silently talking amongst themselves.
“If you want to continue this conversation I’d advise it to be private. After all we have worse matters to deal with.” Jim finally broke the awkward silence. It was heart breaking to see Steve’s eyes flash from relief to sadness, and to see (y/n)’s turn from happiness to betrayed. The couple has had fights before, but they were petty fights going from “you are my last ice cream sandwich” to “that’s not how you play the game” but this was much worse. It wasn’t because of some silly popsicle, it was about trust.
“Well if you excuse me, I’m going home to sleep.” She tried to walk away before Mike ran infront of her, blocking her path to the stairs. “You can’t just waltz out of here! People think your dead! And not just the “got lost in the woods” type of dead! It’s been a year with no sign of you coming back until two days ago.” He had a point. This wasn’t like two years ago where they could convince everyone to think Will got lost in the woods for a month.
“I’ll pull my truck around and you can sneak in that way.” Her father said walking past her. “Kids, I think we should leave (y/n/n) and Steve alone so they can catch up.” Those were the first things Robin has said all day. Probably in shock from all of this. She didn’t know (y/n) that well, but she did think of her as a friend.
As everyone was leaving El slipped Steve the ring he gave her a year ago. (y/n) turned to face Steve, unsure what to call him. “So you saw me at the movies” he scratched his neck awkwardly as she stood infront of him with crossed arms. “Sure did.” She said shortly.
“Ya know I-I didn’t stop looking for you until this month, I never forgot you. I mean hell I never stopped loving you.” He sighed as she rolled her eyes trying to hold back tears. “Then why did you move on?” She asked softly. “I didn’t, I never did. She asked me to go to the movies and Dustin kicked me out of his house the minute I told him.” He walked towards her slowly, hopping she won’t move away. “I was lonely Steve, there were times I- where I thought I would die.” She finally broke, sobs pouring out of her lips as he embraced her.
“There wasn’t a day where I didn’t watch your family tapes, I’m pretty sure Hopper is tired of me going to his house for dinner every night and falling asleep watching those videos” he laughed sadly rubbing her back. She laughed at the thought of him passed out on the couch.
“Hey! Don’t laugh at that! It’s pathetic!” He scolded pulling away from her as she looked at him. “Oh so loving me is pathetic now?” She teased, a glint of mischief in her eyes as a smirk played on her lips. “Never.” He smiled at her. They were both close enough where their breaths mingled, one inch closer and they’d be kissing. They were moving closer together about to kiss when El walked in the room.
“Dads ready.” She smiled to herself when she saw the two jump apart as blush spread across their faces.
(Part 5)
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wellamarke · 5 years
i finally saw stranger things 3 and i have thoughts that i will break down by character ((they are not very deep thoughts, they are mostly love)) 
first, the kids
1. my beautiful son, will byers, for once did not have a hell ride of a season and got to smile a couple times. he took a bit of a back seat really, and i feel sorry for noah schnapp for all the ‘neck scratching’ memes he’ll be buried in now that it was basically his signature move for 8 episodes (and not even a particularly useful one) but anyway... the destruction of castle byers was one of the most heartbreaking scenes and i would have liked to see more fallout from it, but we can’t have everything. mike’s ‘it’s not my fault you don’t like girls’ line? eiiiish can we get some follow up in s4 please. (it might not be your fault mike but you’re involved lmao) so anyway. glad will got a breather season, but man when he was crying so much in the goodbye scene, i felt that. could not cope. 
2. lucas!!!!!!!! my treasured son!!!! i love him so much. he was such a hero this season! he is always down to fight with his catapult and i adore him. i love what a terrible casanova he makes. i wish there had been some kind of glimpse of him looking after max after she watched her brother die, because that’s a complicated thing for those two. but s4 awaits. i would love to see lucas take a more central role in s4, incidentally. in terms of the boys, s1 was mike’s time to shine, s2 was will’s, s3 was arguably dustin since he got the most time away from the group? s4 lucas please and thank you 
3. my angel daughter max, i love her, she’s so brave and brilliant, and she is such a good friend to el, and although billy-as-he-was didn’t deserve her, she was a good sister, too. i worry about her a lot. lucas and max better be the front and centre couple of s4, i swear. it’s their time. let them. i guess i was a little confused at first at how much max’s style changed between seasons, but i support her always, and her clothes now are so happy and cute. she’s adorable. now somebody please make sure she’s alright. where is her mom 
4. dustin, light of my life, he is a good child and i am proud of him! i have always related to dustin’s position in the friend group lmao so to see him off with his own little crew was very adorable. i love him as both steve and robin’s child and steve and robin’s parent. he is so resourceful and i love that they finally utilised gaten’s angel voice! i was so glad suzie turned out to be real and plot-relevant (kinda), please can she come for a visit in s4? thank you. 
5. eleven, my daughter, my small small child, she broke my heart so much this season and i am so proud of her for finding herself. her s4 arc of regaining her powers will be very interesting and i’m excited for her and joyce’s relationship to be developed more, because i love them both. i really appreciated them going for the angle of ‘eleven needs to exist outside of mike’, partly because the way they were behaving at the beginning of the season did seem to make sense for kids their age with a connection like theirs, and it is healthier for them to.... not. at least sometimes. el is so hardcore, i love how her dialogue is still written a little stilted while still letting her express herself. she had so many iconic lines. i can’t believe they took hop away from her. also i’m a little disappointed (but not surprised) that there was no kali.
6. mike, my child, my gangly and adorable son, he was a joy this season (even when he was whinging). you know what killed me? how TALL he was when he hugged his mother at the end, especially compared to the s1 scene after will’s “body” is found. logically i know that these are actors who are growing up but it feels like an assault every time they flashback to their tiny s1 selves, and mike is just a giant now. bless him. he is a good boy who is trying his best. i don’t really understand why he didn’t tell el what hopper had said much earlier, but he’s a silly teenage boy, so, you know. it’s like that. 
7. erica my precious daughter, oh my goodness, i enjoyed her immensely. i’m so glad she’s properly part of the crew and is beginning to embrace the nerdy part of herself. icon. priah ferguson is an entire gemstone. when nancy etc graduate to the adult storylines and mike and co are the resident teens, erica will be the lynchpin of the new generation and i couldn’t be happier about that. 
now, the teens
1. nancy was so iconic this year, DAMN. this girl never rests and i love her. i’m glad the romantic drama was minimised, just enough to keep them interesting but not so you really worried she was going to pingpong back to steve or anything silly like that. nancy is such a role model truly. she’s so brave. my life, when billy’s car was hurtling towards her and she just stayed shooting. that’s my girl. (also, she’s so gorgeous. i feel like 80s fashion happened mainly so that natalia dyer could recreate it)
2. STEVE my sweet sweet son. again, an icon. i can’t believe they actually kept him in that sailor suit the whole season. what a national treasure. when he slammed billy’s car! i cheered. i’m very proud of the person he has become and his friendship with robin is just adorable. so glad that they will be able to discuss pretty girls together now that they work at the arcade. also, maybe he could make it to the end of s4 without cutting up his face, but that’s probably too much to ask, isn’t it? 
3. robin is my entire heart, i can’t even express how much i love this girl. she’s so clever and brave and wonderful and i can’t wait for her and will to share a scene (because cOME ON the solidarity!!!). i love her sarcasm and wit, and how she just jumps into the madness and gets stuff done. a queen. welcome to the family, robin. 
4. jonathan my boyyyyy, he was lovely this season, i was so proud of him when he took the situation in hand with el’s injury (even if she ended up doing the surgery herself!) i am excited for him to be el’s big brother as well as will’s (side note: el and will are sure to be the cutest siblings) and hopefully he and nancy can continue to navigate the stormy sea of being the teen flagship without too much on-again-off-again. we get it, they’re meant for each other. loved their moment with the scar at the end. 
5. oh, billy. i will admit, i felt bad for him a couple of times, and he certainly suffered enough, not that his treatment of lucas in s2 will ever be excused. dacre montgomery really gives the most, which makes billy weirdly watchable. i will never understand why they chose to bring back the karen wheeler stuff, brrrrrrr, but, yeah. i’m glad they didn’t exactly “redeem” him, but managed to kill him off while still adding depth. (he tried to save el and good on him for that, but in the end it was joyce who stopped the mindflayer, so). 
aaand the adults!
1. murray was a complete delight, and i was thrilled to have him along for the ride. i’m heartbroken that murray/alexei will not rise, because that had potential.
2. joyce was wonderful and hilarious and brave and heartbreaking and perfect, of course. i can’t believe they’ve now killed off BOTH her love interests (as far as she knows, anyway). that poor woman. i hope she can continue in her role of best mother ever, now that she has an extra traumatised child on her hands. joyce is the true mvp. the moral strength that woman has. the brains. the curiosity. she’s a way of life. 
3. hopper, where do i start. i actually didn’t like him much at the start of the season. i get that he hasn’t had a teenager before, but he seemed to take a little too much delight in petrifying mike, especially since he knew how much it would genuinely hurt el. that seemed a bit extreme for the sake of not wanting to give a corny speech. but anyway. this man is a true trooper. so many fight scenes. and we’re supposed to assume he’s not actually dead, right? the post-credits scene in russia was almost entirely pointless (big deal, they got a demogorgon) apart from the line, ‘no, not the american’... i mean, surely that’s hopper? surely? murray is unaccounted for in the time jump, i suppose, but no way he was captured and not joyce. both or neither. man, imagine the reunion with el and joyce, if hopper really isn’t dead. i’m going with he’s not dead. we never saw any remains. kudos for still making his apparent demise pack a whole punch, though. that letter destroyed me. 
other things:
1. the turning-people-into-goo stuff was so horrifying, how do you even go about creating those visuals 
2. some of the fight scenes i kind of let happen without really watching, and just came back to see who was still upright by the end, how do people watch this stuff
3. joyce didn’t decorate her house :( in fact the magnets undecorated themselves, as a forerunner to the entire house being stripped.... wow....
4. mr clarke is an absolute beaut and i love the way he was used (although it was strange not to have dustin included!)
5. i love love love how this show operates, with different teams finding different parts of the mystery and piecing it together under fire. i love how none of them ever go, “hey, we should tell the other people who are usually involved in this stuff, chances are they’ve got themselves into it this time around.” 
6. the byers’ dog is still unaccounted for 
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flippyspoon · 6 years
Note: Just another version of a ficlet I’ve already written at least 3 times lol.
Dear Billy,
If you’re reading this, I’m dead.
Steve was not much of a letter writer. He wasn’t much of a writer at all. But once demogorgons made a reappearance in the form of a goddamn army and a few months after he made love to Billy for the first time, Steve decided to write a letter for Billy’s sake. Just in case.
If I’m dead I’m pretty sure you’re gonna think it was your fault because your dad was always blaming you anytime somebody close to you got hurt. But screw that. Whatever happened, I know it wasn’t your fault. Because you’ve become this man who’s brave and fights for the people he loves. Because you became this guy I fell in love with. And God, I fell soooo hard.
“Max, you get El and you get back to Billy-”
There’s rocks raining down on them. They’re far below Hawkins where the monsters are. Somewhere Billy’s helping lead Hopper’s charge at The Gate. He had to be dragged away from Steve.
So if I’m dead, I figure I can have a few dying wishes. So my wishes for you are that you go keep trying to be a good man. I know you’re going to be sad. I’m sorry, baby. Don’t let it make you angry, don’t let it make you like your dad. I know you won’t. Take care of Max. Let people care about you. Remember how we loved each other. But don’t be afraid to love again. Promise me.
“What about you!” Max’s eyes are big. The boys are dropping the line of charges along the tunnels. They girls have to get out of here or they aren’t going to win.
“I’m gonna hang back,” Steve says. He’s shaking. This is it. Well, at least he’s going down a hero, he supposes. His left ear is still ringing. He has to hold a hand to his side, he’s bleeding so badly. He’s probably going to die anyway. Maybe. Oh well. “I have to work the detonator manually. The remote doesn’t work. It’s the only way.”
“Shut up shut up,” Steve mutters. The caverns are dark but there are flames coming up, there’s lava for Christ’s sake. Well, there’s going to be a lot more firepower in a minute. “I want you to give this letter to Billy.” Steve reaches into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out the envelope he’s been carrying around for two months and presses it into her hand. “Just get Billy this letter after…”
“No!” Max shakes her head. “Steve, no! It’s stupid!”
“TAKE EL AND GO!” Steve shoves her hard and she’s crying, grabbing El who’s trying to force as many demogorgons back as she can with the strength of her powers, blood gushing from her nose. But she can’t hold them all back. They need a miracle. Or the explosion. An explosion from a detonator that’s not working remotely. He figured this out ten minutes ago.
He watches her walk away. He holds the detonator in his shaking hands. He has a few minutes. The army of monsters is coming.
This part is for me. I want you to know what I was thinking about before I died. If there was some shit going down and I knew it was coming, here’s what I was thinking about:
The first time I touched you when I knew I wanted you and I wasn’t afraid anymore. I touched your cheek, that was it. And just from that, you looked like I handed you a few million bucks or something. I remember being surprised your skin was so soft under my fingers.
Steve hears caves collapsing and hunches in on himself. He figures it was always going to end this way. He figures he knew since junior year when he stood at his car looking back at the Byers’ house with its terrifying flickering lights and its monsters and thought: I can’t leave them alone, I have to help.
I was thinking about the first time you talked about Max like you were proud to be her brother. After she won the science fair and you puffed on your cigarette and said that of course she beat all those boys because she’s like a genius or something. I’m thinking about how you took her and Lucas out for floats and she rolled her eyes but she looked so happy that you were acting like a good brother. I couldn’t believe it. I was thinking about how that was when I thought I might fall in love with you.
Steve starts singing to himself, tapping the button with his twitching finger. He’s singing Electric Light Orchestra. It was playing in his car the first time he kissed Billy.
“I get a strange magic…”
I was probably thinking about how you went from ranting about the Pacers, all cocky and pissed, to this shy lover the first time I kissed you. “Strange Magic” was playing. That’s how I felt about it. It felt like magic. You looked like you were gonna break apart. You tried to cover, act like it was no big deal, but you kept dropping your cigarettes and I tried not to laugh.
“Oh what a strange magic��� Okay. I’m ready.” He closes his eyes and thinks of Billy’s arms around him.
I know I was thinking about your arms around me in bed, your lips and tongue. Your happy whispers when you said all the things you could only say like that when it was just the two of us alone right after… I love you. I died loving you. Take it with you. Don’t let it ever hold you back but don’t ever forget it. I love you always, Billy Hargrove.
Everything is dark and everything hurts. Steve groans. Or he thinks he does. He’s sure trying to.
“Shut up, Max. He knows what he did!” Billy’s voice cracks. He makes some kind of sniffing honking noise like a stuffed up elephant. “Goddamn…”
“He tried to save everybody.” That’s Dustin. He sounds really hoarse. Steve hears all the kids start talking all at once about Kali’s gang showing up and lab kids and-
Steve groans again. “Mmm….Billy…”
Steve hears something like a strangled sob, Billy he thinks, and Max is saying, “It’s okay, it’s okay, Billy. He’s alive, right? It’s alright now.”
Billy mumbles, “Fuckin’...” That elephant noise again.
Steve attempts to open his eyes but the lights seem impossibly bright.
Lucas is saying, “C’mon guys, we’ll come back. Let’s leave em’ for a minute...” “Yeah, c’mon…” That’s Max.”
A familiar calloused finger is stroking Steve’s cheek.
I’m dead, Steve thought. Or he was supposed to be.
Steve manages to open his eyes and make sense of the world. Billy is looming over him, looking like a human disaster. His hair is a mess, he’s got a couple of big bandages stuck to his temple and his jaw. He looks like he’s been sobbing for hours, like a wrung out rag. He’s waving the letter around.
“You-you just!” Billy stutters. “You! I! Fuck!” He plops down in an orange chair and sinks his head in his hands. “Jesus Christ, you’re alive. Fuck. I hate you.”
Steve reflexively blurts a laugh at that and it hurts like hell and brings on a coughing fit. His ribs. Christ.
Billy pops up again. “Be careful! God. You gotta get better. I’m going to kill you.”
“I love you too,” Steve mumbles, smiling a little.
“I know,” Billy murmurs, waving the letter again. “I mean I knew you did, but I didn’t know you… I mean I thought… You know what I mean.”
“That’s why I had to write it,” Steve rasps. He coughs again and clears his throat. “Should’ve given it to ya either way. So you’d know. How much I love you.”
Billy presses his wrists to his eyes and takes a breath. “Do you know how much I love you?” His voice is so thick, like he’s talking around a rock in his throat.
“Mmmm….” Steve smiles, pretends to think. “A lot?”
Billy snorts at that. “Fuck you.”
“A lot a lot?”
“Yeah sure, that covers it,” Billy mumbles, sniffing. Steve doesn’t press. He knows how much. It’s so much that it overwhelms Steve sometimes in the best way. He didn’t know anyone could love him that much. “Listen, asshole,” Billy says. “I die first!” 
BIlly grabs his hand. “No, just shut up. I’m not saying I want to die. There was a time when I really didn’t give a shit either way but I do now, okay? I’m just saying whatever happens, I get to die first. Then you do whatever you want. Even if we’re like a hundred years old. Deal?”
Steve sighs and hopes they will be a hundred. “Fine. Deal.”
“Okay.” Billy nods, looks weirdly appeased by that silly promise and Steve doesn’t want to think about it now that they’re both alive. Billy grabs Steve’s banged up hand and kisses his knuckles. “Thanks, baby.”
“Well, you should’ve said something before,” Steve says lightly. “Wouldn’t be in this bed.”
“I really hate you.”
“I know. I think it about it all the time. Now are you gonna kiss me or what? I almost died for Christ’s sake.”
Billy shakes his head, chuckling now, and kisses Steve and kisses him again and doesn’t stop until Dustin’s pounding on the hospital room door.
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