#killjoy imagines
mr-malumm · 7 months
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Stayed gone but vox narrates his passive aggressive insecure ass scrolling text from the bottom of his broadcast 👊💥📺
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hollowbutcanlove · 1 month
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.2
TW: foul language
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suburbanblkgirll · 5 months
I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND THE TWEET ANYMORE but someone posted how their grandma brought their sibling skibidi toilet merch and grandma was like “I brought you skibidi toilet merch!! 😊” and all im thinking about is how that’s literally Jet Star and Missile Kid NDJSJANSJAAJ
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can-u-not-14 · 4 months
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Lets collectively make fun of Bob
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Look alive sunshine!
109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit
You're here with me
✨️Dr. Death-Defying✨️
I'll be your surgeon
Your proctor
Your helicopter
Pumping out the slaughtermatic sounds to keep you alive
a system failure for the masses
Louder than god's revolver and twice as shiny
This one's for all you rock and rollers
all you crash queens and motor babies
*Radioactive by Imagine Dragons starts playing*
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divinegrey · 2 years
Jealousy HCs with some of the Valorant ladies?
Hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself 💜
- Knockout Anon 💜
sure thing!! hope you're taking care of yourself too!!
agents listed: astra, fade, jett, killjoy, neon, raze, reyna, sage, skye, viper
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Astra isn't much of the jealous type. She's reassured by the fact that you chose her as your girlfriend, and she lives by the standard that unless she has any reason not to, Astra trusts you implicitly. That and you're both very excellent communicators with each other. You know each other's deepest fears, worries, regrets... there isn't anything you don't know about Astra. Jealousy isn't too much of a concern here.
Fade can be jealous at times, but only out of fear that you'll find someone better than her. Her radiance has always given her trouble, and the nightmares target her as much as they target everyone else. If she sees you laughing with someone else, Fade might be a little jealous, but some reassurance and quality time with you will quell that jealousy in no time.
Jett gets jealous, for sure. As someone who's always trying to prove herself to be worthwhile, Jett will get jealous if someone else is garnering your attention. As a result, she'll become extremely cocky and brash to try and prove herself to you again, which becomes an issue on the battlefield. You're worried about her and the numerous injuries she collects, and though you reassure her time and time again that you're hers, Jett is still prone to insecurity and jealousy.
Killjoy isn't much of the jealous type, but with you, it's entirely different. She cements herself very quickly as an important person in your life, and though she tries to see the best in everyone else, she does get insecure, wondering if you want someone 'better' than her. Killjoy's jealousy results in her locking herself away, but you know the access codes to her labs. Killjoy needs plenty of reassurance to know that she's safe with you.
Neon gets pissed when she's jealous. If someone else flirts with you, Neon slides right up to your side and lays a fat kiss onto your cheek to make it very clear to the other person that you are, in fact, taken and unavailable. Too much flirting from outside parties will result in Neon overclocking her radiance and becoming an electric bomb. Neon is working on it, but she's so protective of the people that she cares about that it's hard to avoid. You love it, though.
Raze doesn't get jealous. Why would she? She's the life of the party! Raze knows she's great, and that translates into a very secure relationship with you. However, she does get feisty when other people try to flirt with you. Raze is protective of you for a dozen reasons, so she'll make it obvious that you're hers by giving you personalized artwork on jackets, and also generally being loud about her love and affection for you.
Reyna gets jealous. God bless the souls who even dare try to flirt with you, because the moment they do, Reyna is descending down from the shadows, eyes alight with power and her skin shimmering with her Empress form. Every part of you is Reyna's, and that's something she takes immense pride in. You chose Reyna as your girlfriend, so Reyna is going to protect that, even if it means murdering someone in their sleep. At the end of the day, Reyna is yours, and you are hers. Nothing will change that. Nothing.
Sage gets jealous, but only when she has an actual reason to be. If you're getting closer to someone and starting a new friendship, she might be a little jealous, but when you return to her every night to sleep in the same bed, her jealousy goes away. Proper communication and open feelings makes for a very easy relationship with Sage, so keep it up!
Skye herself isn't jealous, but her animals sure are. If someone is openly trying to get your attention and making moves, a Tasmanian tiger and two hawks are going to annoy the shit out of that person until they leave you alone. You know that Skye's jealousy comes from her need to protect her pack, and since she's your girlfriend, you're included in that. Her animals help keep everything under control and help everyone know that you're happily taken.
Viper is... a control freak at best. She'll know the exact moment someone is trying to take you away from her, and she'll cut it off at the wrist. Literally. Viper's jealousy comes from her overprotectiveness over her territory. Once, Chamber tried making a move on you, and it went very poorly for him once he realized what was waiting for him in the shadows. Needless to say, he needed a double dose of an antidote to feel better after that. Viper will do everything to keep you hers, and honestly, you like it.
~~~~~ A/N: thank you for reading! I really like these easy prompts that I can do for all of the agents, so thank you for requesting!!!
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fadeslover · 1 year
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babe wake up fadeslover just posted🔥🔥🔥
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l0serloki · 2 years
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Valorant Valentine Headcanons!
(Chamber, Sova, Fade, KJ)
CW : Eating (Chamber), cliches, not fully proofread
A/N : I’m somewhat back from the dead! Wooo! I mashed my foot earlier in the month and had to deal with dentist stuff, as you all know. Then someone I knew as a kid passed away and other stresses came up. I am doing better now though! I hope you enjoy these blurbs & you all had a great Valentines day. Sorry it’s late!
Chamber : 
He will ALWAYS spoil you. It’s not subjugated to just Valentines!
You wake up to a nice breakfast and kisses across your cheeks. After all, it is the day for love!
You best believe that he thought out every gift as well. You mentioned a shirt you wanted? It’s there. Stressed with work? You guys are going on a trip!
The day is lovely and the dinner.. Spectacular. Like the meticulous planner he is, everything is in place.
“My my dear, if I didn’t know myself I’d say you love me.. Heh. Of course you do.”
“W-What?” Your eyes creaked open, the morning light blinding you. Chamber’s sweet chuckle warmed your heart.
“Good morning, my dear. Happy Valentine’s Day.” The mans lips danced across your forehead as you attempted to wake up. You stretched your back, humming back to him. 
A board was shuffled towards you, Vincent dropping it on your lap. You raised an eyebrow before looking down. To your surprise he had made you breakfast in bed! As stereotypical and cheesy as it was, you weren’t complaining. Vincent’s cooking was always the best. The thought of him waking up early to surprise you only made you more keen to eat.
You leaned over to give the man a kiss, mumbling a thank you. Valentine’s Day would definitely be wonderful!
Sova : 
He would take you to a museum!! I like to think he enjoys learning about history/art in his spare time. Not to mention sharing & hearing what you have to say!
After this he would be sure to take you to the closest cafe and pay for your meal. He insists! After all, you’re his biggest present on Valentines! <3
You two walk down the streets just talking & reliving memories together! He is so happy to call you his.
“Reminds me a bit of home.” Sova said as the two of you looked at a painting. It was serene, the snow fading onto the ground. His arm wrapped around your shoulder as you two made your way down the halls. The paintings flooded your view, memories expanding in your mind. It was nice to see Sova so relaxed, not letting the team and his duties get to him. 
“This is nice, no?” He grinned, lips meeting yours for a quick peck as you made your way out. 
“Yes, a nice break away. Obviously this is the best Valentines yet for you. You’re blessed with me now.” You elbowed the man, watching as his face contorted in laughter. 
“Of course. And to many more, my dove.” 
Fade :
OMG. She is such a sweetheart.
Expect handmade gifts! She wants you to know how much you mean to her & what better way than making you stuff! It’s more meaningful.
She will be super affectionate too. Be kind, she’s so happy to have you. You’re her daydream in a world of nightmares <3
If you’re okay with it, she would love to go on a picnic date! It’s a bit cliche but she loves being able to set it up, eat, and spend alone time with you.
Please just spoil her!! She deserves all the love she can get!
“Y/N.. Happy Valentines Day. I love you.” Fade’s hand brushed your cheek, leaning in to give you a quick peck. You could only grin at your girlfriend, pulling her into your embrace.
“Thanks, honey. I love you too!” You squeezed her frame, wishing nothing more than to stay this close. Her hands rubbed circles against the flesh of your back, breath tickling your neck. Much to your dismay, she stepped back to look at you. A small smile found its way upon her face. 
“As much as I love these moments, I made you something!” 
Fade hands you some knitted goods, smiling as your eyes widen in surprise. She was truly talented! Your heart thumped as you thought of all the time and effort she must’ve put into them. All those visits with Omen made sense!
“Love, these are beautiful..” You leaned in to give the woman a kiss, showing all your bustling feelings. 
Killjoy :
KJ tries her best.. Really!
She made you a few electronic cards, even some cheesy photo books too!
We won’t talk about how she almost burnt the kitchen down in attempts to make you food.. It’s the thought that counts?
She would prefer to stay home and cuddle, but she will gladly do anything you like!
Indulge her in a lot of hugs and kisses and all will be fine with her!
“Y/N! Get up, the day has started!” KJ pushed at you, pulling a groan from your tired form. On days that she wasn’t in her nocturnal schedule she felt the need to wake you up. You turned, meeting eyes with said woman.
“Good morning!” She leaves kisses down your cheeks, head cuddling into your neck. You rubbed your hand through her hair, adjusting so she could be more comfortable. She was like a golden retriever always looking for attention. 
“Mmm good morning, love.” You snorted at her yawn. So much for waking you up.
Her breaths became shallow as she started drifting back to dreamland. She was always ready for a nap.
“Maybe another hour or two and then we can go celebrate? I love you..” She mumbled into your skin as she dozed off. You shook your head, whispering your adorations back to her. She was truly something else.
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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today is mission x day. in which Ghoulie must suffer through billing BL/ind forms to this post-apocalyptic worlds government~🎃
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mezzy-1 · 11 months
@eviethelesbian once again thank you for the Headcanon List. Also shoutout to @darthladyofillusions because I included ur OC :)
Harbor is a history professor dating Astra, the archeology professor.  Both of them met on a trip to a site in India
Both of them reached for the same the brush at one point and they laughed it off later
Both of them are excellent teachers in their own way.  Varun has a habit of going on tangents about stories and is super nerdy about his subject.  Efia’s classes are fun and her energy is infectious
Cypher has a family and does cyber security for the University.  Nobody knows his actual name.
Nobody knows him that well but when he comes out of his office he’ll say hello to anyone nearby.  He goes home quickly though and usually avoids working late.
Cypher’s office is full of pictures of his family, drawings from his daughter, screens, and the scent of imported Moroccan teas
He and his wife and kid see the students off when they graduate, and all of the students are amazed to realize that this guy has such a good family life.  (They thought he was a no-life kinda guy)
Liam ‘Brimstone’ Byrne is the university’s Dean and basically runs everything as much as possible for the good of the students.  Tariq and him are the brains and guiding hand of the university
He retired from the military after he was given an educator’s license and became a professor of tactics at a military academy.  He then took his skills elsewhere and turned the college into what it is now
Liam keeps the students at the forefront of any policy changes and takes an interest in professors that are considered brilliant but difficult to work with.  He’s an expert of recruitment and reining in the right people
Has snacks in his office for students but they can only get them if they complete a pull-up on an pull-up bar he has in his office.  One arm only.
Sabine worked at R&D at a pesticide company but is the only Organic Chem teacher that the Valorant U could get.  Somehow is a good professor despite hating students and no general teaching
She doesn’t really hate them but it isn’t a good idea to get on her bad side.  It’s rumored she poisons the students she hates.  
Stared daggers into the first person (Jamie), to make a Breaking Bad reference and since then nobody brings it up
Classes with her are pretty tense but if a student actually tries and gives their all, she’ll notice and be kinder to them.  Especially students who study chemistry.  Double for O-Chem.
Sabine’s style of teaching could use work, but when she tries to explain complex ideas she’s genuinely in her element.  She once explained how tetrodotoxin and nerve ion channels worked to Zyanya’s little sister 
Zyanya is a professor for sure, probably the best Spanish teacher ever.  Beyond terrifying to new students
She will not let students forget proper accents and grammar, and god help the people that do.  Somebody once forgot their homework and Zyanna was literally this close to killing them
Her Spanish is specifically Mexican, and that extends to the class through some of the words she teaches.  Especially bits in culture and authenticity
Zyanya’s idea of testing people is borderline an interrogation.  10 minutes of extensive and stern conversations and multiple pages of writing.  People say it feels like their souls have literally been drained
Students come out of the classes fluent or scarred for life
Ling is a professor of medicine and completed her PHD around the same time Viper completed hers.  They were amazed to see each other teaching
She does Tai Chi for relaxation but did at one point learn Kung Fu while living abroad in a monastery for a couple of years.  She once broke a board in front of her class just to prove it
Hosts meditation hours during finals week and her office hours are always super useful for all of the medical and nursing students.  Calming as hell to anxious people
Tala got a scholarship via cross country and another from basketball, and wants to major in physical therapy.  She also got a job doing late night shifts at the library as security.
Hazal is in a band called Nightmare.  Her and several other introverts got together and started one.  Only perform in the most obscure venue.  She can play bass REALLY WELL
Tala found out and now shows up to every performance the band has.  If it weren’t for the lights flashing red and blue, you could see Hazal blushing when she spots Tala in the crowd
That’s how she met Hazal.  Tala was approached by her because Hazal wanted to study late and the two became acquainted
Both of them love the late nights that they share and Hazal is always at one of Tala’s games.  Tala picks her out of the crowd every time, and at the end Hazal always kisses her 
Mateo is a veterinary student and is everyone’s friend.  Except Iselin because some of his patients got into her office once and trashed her latest project model
He keeps fish, dogs, lizards, cats, and nearly everything else.  At one point he was in charge of a project that kept some monkeys around at one point 
The animal counterparts are a chameleon (Dizzy), a Chinese High Banded Shark (Thrash), a bullfrog tadpole (Mosh), and an Axolotl named Wingman
He has a crochet version of his (radivore) crew, courtesy of Omen being bored one day
Mateo is a Gen Z kid, and his vocabulary beyond salvaging
Jamie is an English major, I mean, obviously
Everyone likes Jamie, he brings a certain energy to everything he does and it resonates well with people.  His writing has a level of power and rhythm that makes it both easy to listen and layered
He is a songwriter, and poet, and even has a collection of published short stories.  His mums are proud.  His scripts are also incredible and his goal is to get his own musical to Broadway 
When Jamie is in a play, it’s usually as the protagonist or the main antagonist.  It is wonderful to see him on stage, especially because he’s trained as a Shakespearean actor
Tayane is THE art student and the reason most of the faculty drinks.  And also the reason why most of the students drink too
Absolute ragers getting thrown anytime Tayane is involved.  This woman does not stop until the sun is up
Her graffiti portraits are inspired, colorful, and almost always on government property or university property.  Brim started commissioning her in order to stop her from painting everything
The commissioned murals are a lot better for her, and gave her legal access to make huge projects on some of the older buildings
One of the walls is a silhouette of a woman with big circular glasses, geometric pink and yellow patterns around her, and surrounded by flowers
Vincent Fabron is the art teacher and Viper HATES him.  He’s also that one teacher an unreasonable amount of people of have a crush on
He was a tattoo artist while taking art lessons in France, then moved into high class art.  His gallery pieces gained a lot of attention and he gained a lot of money from them.
Now he teaches art, and has done graphic design for many upscale companies.  His own business card has won awards from design and art societies though
Omen is a guy in a scarf and hoodie that is somehow in everyone’s classes.  He crochets in the back sometimes.
Texts notes at 4am to anyone who needs it and is incredibly nocturnal.  He doesn’t need sleep he needs friends
Students never remembered or learned his name, so they just started calling him Omen after the laptop brand he uses
Erik ‘Breach’ Torsten is a coach they brought in and actually manages a paralympic team.  May have criminal past according to some of the athletes he manages
He will scream at people in Swedish during games, practice, going over strategies, and if he sees them in public.  Friendly but so loud
His prosthetic arms were a courtesy of the university’s science program.  They were partially a gift and partially a test to see what they could do.  Erik made sure that he could flip people off with the arms
Iselin the professor of Industrial Design, and she is the most stern professor ever.  At times she works for a wilderness recreation company and does product design for them.  
She is very organized, and her lecture presentations are always available, she lists the pages to read, dates for every assignment are posted a month in advance
Iselin’s a professional and rarely eases up, but the few times she’s been out with the other faculty she’s been surprisingly fun.  Especially with Ling for some reason
Kirra is a Biology professor that has so many plants in her room.  Has a parakeet, dog, and fish tank at home too.  Does wildlife photography on the side.  
Kirra protested in college and was arrested once for sabotage.  So she is totally chill with people missing class for stuff, and gives extra credit for students involved in causes
Goes on wilderness expeditions with some students for a class and memorized several survival books worth of information and knows every plant, animal, and fungus she comes across
Klara is an engineering major and Tayane just comes to those classes because she can.  It usually results in the equipment being plastered in stickers and paint.
They met when Tayane decided to tag the garage that Klara was keeping her final project in.  Both of them sort of caught feelings as soon as they saw each other
Klara fell so damn hard, and realized this while Tayane was doing a kegstand.  Klara whispered ‘she’s perfect’ mindlessly and then realized Sunwoo was right next to her
Sunwoo finished what was in her cup, patted Klara on the back, and said ‘good luck’ before walking away and pretending she didn’t hear
Her final project has been her ‘Lockdown’ which is basically an EMP crossed with a massive DDOS hack.  It went off once and downed the college’s internet for a week.
She’s going to switch it to something a little less destructive at this point, and Tayane is helping her brainstorm.  Currently it’s a robot but she’s trying to figure out what to make it do
KAY/O is Tariq’s gamertag.  The man is a CS:GO fiend and has crazy flashes due to muscle memory
Liam and him are MARRIED.  I’m not budging on this one and you will find me dead in the ground before I let this go
Tariq’s good at a lot of random stuff and doesn’t help out too much at the college but is well-known as the ‘guy who Brim allows to help grill things’ because nobody else is allowed
Helps Liam plan out things for the students and assists in any sort of set up that he can do
Ryo is studying Japanese History and works as a mechanic at a chop shop.  It is shady as hell over there but Yoru will hook people up if needed.  They definitely steal parts though
He takes business classes and there’s a real chance he might double major.  His business acumen and aggressive nature would make him the ultimate CEO
Sasha is the professor that most students simp for, and he teaches Russian Language classes.  Throws things at students that don’t pay attention and rarely misses
He has an owl nesting outside of the window to his classroom, he named it Matrioshka after the nesting dolls.  It had owlets so it seemed fitting.
His babushka lives out of the country but gets a continuous stream of gifts from him
Sasha is that one professor that has a weird story for everything in his room.  The bow he has? killed a grizzly bear with it.  Glass eye on display?  It was a gift from a glassmaker that was caught with illegal firearms.  Weird rock?  It was at the sight of a historic battle and has a bootprint in it
Has SO MANY books from Russian writers he reads in his off time.  Also does archery at a cabin he has in the woods.
Nobody could handle Novikov at the cabin, the sheer hotness of him splitting firewood, bow hunting, and chopping trees would send people into a simp coma
At the end of the year, he writes each student a short note in Russian telling them something worthwhile.
Sunwoo is an amazing sprinter and also amazing at darts.  Loves adding photos to the corkboard she has in her dorm
She isn’t really sure what she wants to study at the moment or even if she wanted to go to college.  Gotta love families pressuring college on their kids right?
It isn’t as depressing though, she shows real talent and enjoyment in studying Business but surprisingly is leaning towards learning Journalism as well
She writes stuff for the school paper, a blog, and even has a (somewhat inspired by people around her) science fiction story.  She hasn’t thought of a name yet.
It’s about secret agents that fight against an alternate dimension that tries to steal a powerful crystal from them.  It’s quite popular with the people who she let read it and people are constantly asking for updates
Sunwoo is trying, and hopefully she’ll manage to find somewhere she can feel comfortable
Kayra is studying botany, and started a garden in one of the common areas.  At first it was small but cute, then after a few weeks the flowers and bushes spread outside of the garden and overtook the common area.
It's now her favorite place to get away from people because trellises were added in and nobody can see through the vines.  There’s a chance she keeps patio furniture in the garden too
Has been living in an apartment with Hazal.  Tala has been the only one in there and says its overrun with houseplants and hanging lamps.
(@darthladyofillusions I hope this is accurate to some extent)
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zeezelweazel · 2 years
Valorant| Going against your omega double|
I'm so obsessed with the women in this game even though I won't ever touch it :)
Characters included : Jett, Neon, Killjoy, Raze
• Jett •
This was brought up in conversation many times before and Jett had always boasted about how she's going to be totally unaffected.
"Pfft what? Why would it matter if it has my girlfriend's face? It's still an enemy from omega earth. And not my girlfriend at all. There's no way I'd fall for something like that."
Now the time has come for Jett to regret her words.
It's her responsibility to push forward and clear a path for Killjoy so she can defuse the spike while Sage is covering their back. And thank god Sage is there because everything went south really quickly.
It went horrible so fast not even Jett herself could react. One moment she had shot enemy Neon with one of her kunai and the next she was tackled into the ground.
Your double had her pinned using their hips as they pulled out a knife to stab her. Jett's hands were completely free and yet she didn't do anything with them. She was truly frozen, lamely laying there, waiting to get stabbed.
Thankfully for her Killjoy had sent one of her bots to help out. Your double wasn't expecting it so they got defeated with one shot.
Jett is pretty embarrassed by the hole thing, she never wants to bring it up, not even to you.
Also she might be a little shaken up. Just a little.
• Neon •
Much like Jett, Neon didn't think this occasion would affect her at all. She's very confident in her abilities in battle and she trusts herself to get the job done no matter who she has to fight to achieve that.
She forgot that you even had an omega double by the time it happened. It had been so long since you started dating, even longer since she joined the protocol, and yet she's never seen your omega double on a mission.
But today you were on a mission, all right.
You had practically obliterated their entire squad, reaping through their defenses and heading for the site to plant the spike. Before she even knew it, all of her teammates were out of the equation.
It was you against her.
Now, you and Neon had had your fair share of training sessions together so she knew how your powers worked. She also had a basic idea of your advantages and disadvantages but this wasn't you she was fighting.
It may look like you but Neon knows this isn't her girlfriend she's facing.
And yet...
When it all came down to it she hesitated. She had a clear shot, you hadn't even seen her coming but when she looked at your face Neon couldn't bring herself to shoot. Thankfully a half dead and limping Reyna was there to finish the mission. Neon winced when she locked eyes with her mentor.
She was in for one hell of a lecture.
• Killjoy •
The german genius has thought of every possibility and outcome imaginable when it comes to the protocol's missions. She knows very well the possibility she might have to face you in battle is very real.
Even though Killjoy is aware of the chances she still has no real way of preparing and that's what scares her the most.
Will she do it without a problem? Will she hesitate? Will she freeze? Will she kill you and then die of guilt?
She truly can't predict the outcome of such a meeting.
The next mission was the fateful one and the worst part was that both your double and hers were there.
At first everything was fine. Her bots were able to do their job and the situation appeared to be controlled by the other agents. It was only after you injured Yoru that things started to shift and before she knew it they were loosing the fight. That's when she understood what position that left her in. It became necessary for her kill you.
Killjoy was moving towards you as mechanically as her bots and managed to shoot you in the lungs. All was fine until she heard her own voice panicked and shaking, calling out for you. She peaked over the crate she was hiding behind to see her double cradling your injured form in her chest. Tears were clouding her eyes as she desperately called for Sage.
Killjoy couldn't bare to see this, fully knowing that she could be in her double's position. When she returned from this mission you noticed Killjoy was more clingy that usual but you didn't dare ask anything.
• Raze •
Raze was the one who voiced her concern over a predicament like this. You were quick to reassure her but it did little to ease her worries.
Every time she stepped into battle she let out a breath of relief at your absence.
It's not like Raze feels any sort of sympathy for the enemy. It's just different when it comes to you. No matter which earth, you still look the same. Same beautiful eyes and undoubtedly soft hair. How can she be expected to kill you?
In the midst of the battle, Raze would not hesitate.
Turns out that even though she had worries they never stopped her from doing what needed to be done.
She was going to defuse the spike even if you're the one she has to kill to get to it. The fight wasn't particularly easy. It fascinated Raze a little. How even though you look the same and you sound the same and you have the same powers you're a totally different person. Raze has never seen you use your abilities like this in battle. Your omega double had a completely different fighting style.
Of course this didn't faze her at all. She still came out on top. Spyke defused, mission complete. Easy.
Until the adrenaline rush came to an end and she actually thought back to the battle. Her brain had decided to torture her by constantly replaying the memory of her shooting you in the head.
Raze would need your support after this encounter. She knows she's being childish but it can't be helped. She just killed someone who looks exactly like her lover so give her a break.
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blood-injections · 7 months
Ohh my god I don’t know how this just now crossed my mind but. Guys. There’s totally zones biker gangs
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shegxox · 2 years
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special halloween episode | valorant protocol
how you spend some time with your colleagues throughout the spooky season.
c.w: swears, not proofread, written on the spot lmao, will edit soon
w.c: 3,095
a.n: happy halloween, everyone! here's a special episode for you all– it'll be hc's + oneshot scenarios, enjoy!
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jett , phoenix , yoru
oh boy, this trio.
they knew you were one who's easily startled and gets scared easily and they just had to take that chance this halloween season.
pheonix usually tries to scare you but would often get just a jump or flinch.
"oh, phoenix! didn't see you there, sorry."
made the man upset cause you think he wasn't trying to scare you
jett and yoru points and laugh
"guess you're not as scary as you think you are, huh, pretty boy?"
jett and yoru were like tag team partners
they scared you so bad one time at least three other agents rushed to where you guys were.
"Uhm, hello?" You laughed nervously. "Who's there. . ?"
You just switched the lights off and saw a silhouette by the end of the hallway, it was just standing there eerily and that immediately started your heart pumping fast.
You switched the lights on again and your eyes widened and jaw dropped down to the floor.
The figure just disappeared and the hallway was empty.
You looked around your surrounding with disbelief written across your face. Placing a hand on your mouth.
Calm down, (y/n).
Maybe you were just seeing things? You didn't get a full night's rest last night so maybe your mind was playing tricks on you?
Yeah, yeah that must be it.
You swallowed thickly before testing out your conclusion.
Closing the lightswitch off again, you felt your heart drop, the figure was there, but it seemed. . . closer.
"So-Sova!" You cried out for your help. "Sova get in here!"
You unintentionally switched the lights off again and gasped, seeing the empty hall once again.
You looked around the room once more, it was just you, usually Sova would come walking in right after you called him but. . .
"Fuck, Sova, where are you." You could feel your heart beating hard against your chest and an eerie chill sent shivers down your spine.
"S-Sova. . .?" You called out once again, your eyes not leaving the hall as you held against the lightswitch.
You swallowed thickly, you wanted to leave, but at the same time, there was this stupid curiosity on what would happen if you turn down the lights again.
And you did.
A blood-curdling scream broke through the air and alerted agents that were nearby.
Sova– who was being held back by Jett earlier to enter the room came in first, his face full of worry and fear from that terrifying scream.
As soon as Jett let him come inside, he immediately saw you still screaming with your eyes shut tightly and hands on either side of your head with thorny vines sprouting out of your hair. In front of you was Yoru with his mask on.
The second agent to come in was Reyna, her eye orb was out and was ready to kill anything on sight.
"What is it, what happened?!" She demanded.
And the third agent was Brimstone, who immediately recognized your scream–dropped his coffee, and came busting through the door in panic.
"Gaia?! Kid, what's wrong?!"
Ah, let's just say that Brim wasn't too happy about the two scaring you off and the two received quite an earful from the captain.
Sova got you some ice cream and played barbie on t.v
Also– Cypher got it all on video.
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cypher , kay/o , neon
after your previous scare, these three thought it might be a good idea to do it again.
originally, neon was against the idea but fell victim from cypher
surprisingly, the same goes for kay/o
neon just wanted others to experience it as well
it felt unfair that the hacker fucker got her
unfortunately, the unlucky victim was you
you just got in the lounge area together with chamber
the three knew chamber wouldn't be fazed by the scare
but you?
"C'mon, try it!" Neon said with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "It's a very easy game."
You raised an eyebrow before sitting down infront of Cypher's laptop.
"Is it like a maze game?"
There was a simple maze on the screen, you assumed you just needed to get the dot to the other side and so you did, prompting the new maze to come up.
"Oh wow, this is easy."
Cypher nodded, "Yup. It's an old game I scavenged, apparently, it was made years ago."
"So is it like vintage?"
"You could say that."
"Just make sure you don't let the dot hit the surfaces of the maze, otherwise you lose." Kay/o informed.
"Ah, so it's like that wire game?"
Neon nodded, "Exactly."
Chamber, could already tell where this was going, he knew what was going on a mile away and was about to break the news to you but Neon elbowed his side pretty hard and gave him a sharp look.
The next maze had narrower surfaces, so when you accidentally hit the dot to the side. . .
You flinched terribly together with a screech as a scary image flashed in front of the screen, making you lean back to 'get away' from the monitor and throw the mouse wherever.
Ah, poor you.
The three started to laugh at your reaction, but when you suddenly raised your hand to cover your eyes, a vine erupted from the ground and pierced through the laptop's screen.
The three fell silent and looked at you in nervousness.
"You guys are so mean!" You whined, hands still covering your eyes. "I almost had a heart attack!"
The three still gaped at you, wondering when you'll realize that you just broke the laptop.
Chamber let out a handsome laugh, helping you up from the chair, and soothed your back.
"Hush now, nevermind them, ma chérie." He gave the three a stern look, squinting his eyes, "Trust me, it'll come back around."
The three looked at eachother, before simultaneously thinking the same thing.
Cypher lost his hat the next day and found it again with cat ears stitched on top of them– whenever he'd remove it he'll lose it again before finding it in the same situation as before, Neon would often fall victim to jumpscares from "random" videos that would be sent to her by "someone", and Kay/o received broken toasters in front of his room for at least three days.
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raze , killjoy , omen
two words. movie night.
probably the chillest moment you'd have this spooky season
the three of you would have a sleepover on the lounge area since sleeping over in another agent's room was prohibited.
so Brim granted the lounge area instead.
planned to binge all horror classics and slasher films
it was originally just you, raze and kj
omen suddenly came in and the three of you invited him over
Now there's the four of you
omen was pretty intrigued with the movies
"So do you kids think you can survive a horror movie?" You asked with a small smirk as you ate your popcorn.
"Ooh, I don't think I could survive the nun." Killjoy answers before Raze gave her a look.
"The nun? Girl, you don't even go to church! How could you even be in that situation?"
"Oh right." The three of you shared a laugh.
"Okay, okay, but honestly?" Killjoy said. "I think I won't survive the ring."
Raze nods eagerly in agreement. "Now that makes sense."
You let out a laugh, "Oh that's so true, you're so nosy in the internet you'd probably watch the video till the end."
"Actually!" Killjoy laughs along before throwing back the question to you.
"How about you, Gaia? Oh! Do you think you'd survive It?"
You thought for a moment. "Probably not, I'd come running to him myself if the It is Bill Skarsgård."
"Ah, the titan's greatest fall. A man." Raze shook said in a playful tone, shaking her head. "Couldn't be me."
"Oh please!" You giggled, "You're saying you won't go running to the predator out of invetor's curiosity?"
"Ah, touché"
"Oooh what about Omen?" Killjoy raised and the three of you looked at the man on the couch, knitting before looking up from his work.
"I think the killers and ghosts altogether would be running away from him." You joked.
To this Omen tilted his head, "That could be fun."
Raze laughs, "Freddy kreuger has nothing against our Omen."
"I'm sorry, Michael Myers who?" Killjoy giggled.
"The devil could never!"
"They're all fools." Omen added. "Both the victim and attacker."
"Ah, to that we say Amen, my friend."
It was a pleasant night for the four of you, and when you, kj, and raze eventually fell asleep. Omen carefully covered your bodies with blankets and closed the television before placing his knitted products next to each of you. He made Killjoy a knitted frog, Raze her killer roomba, and you–
Omen gazed down for a moment at your sleeping face. You were the one who invited him to come and join your group earlier and he was thankful. You made him feel like he's apart of something and treated him normally like he was. . .well, a human.
It felt nice.
Omen then placed a knitted totoro next to your head.
"Thank you."
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sova , chamber , sage
surprise surprise, brim decided to have a halloween dinner party within the protocol.
you volunteered to make the food
and sage too
it was going well and smoothly
until chamber peeked into the kitchen
"Be grateful, ma chérie. The best cook has arrived to aid you."
you could say that the feast later on would be diverse
now there's three of you
chamber is hella graceful in the kitchen, what the hell
this man is literally just cooking and yet he had such poise and. . .elegance in him.
chamber with his sleeves rolled back?
oui, please
you couldnt help but stare in awe at times
of course, he'd catch your staring and smirk
"focus now, eyes off me."
you'd playfully answer back to him
"but I can't, mon cher. you look absolutely irresistible."
you wink, and he'd shy away from your view. your comebacks are definitely something he doesn't expect. probably because you're the only one who plays along with it.
sage points and laughs.
"chamber, are you blushing?"
". . .mind your cooking."
It was finally time to bake, your favourite part. You caught your reflection from a glass and you sighed.
"Ugh, I look terrible." You uttered. "But at least the food looks good."
"To that, I agree with you, Gaia." Sage expressed as well, and as you turned to look at her, you let out a soft giggle.
"You have flour on your nose." You point
"Oh!" Your fellow colleagues' cheeks went red, laughing sheepishly. "Sorry."
You shook your head, "It's no problem, come here, I'll wipe it off."
Taking a clean paper tissue, you wiped the tip of Sage's nose.
"There, all good." You smiled
"Thank you. . . " Sage tucked a hair behind her ear, peeking at you through her lashes.
"Is everything going alright over here." A new voice entered and the three of you looked at the door.
It was Sova, adorably peeking his head to the side– at least from your perspective.
"Sova!" You beamed. "We're doing alright, but come!" You gestured him to come inside and he obediently did.
"Do you need any help?"
"Actually, I do."
the two of you looked so domestic as you worked, it was making a certain one irritated within the kitchen.
you forced the russian man wear a frilly pink apron
he doesn't seem to mind as soon as he saw your bright face
man tied his hair in a bun and you short circuited for a sec
oh no, he's rolling up his sleeves as well
you steal some respectful glances to him at times
chamber a little salty
"so did you just come here to help her?"
sova would chuckle as he mixed something in a bowl, "The best cook doesn't need my help, no?"
you gave chamber a sly look
"aww, chamber. are you jealous that Sova's helping me and not you?"
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It was finally the dinner party, Brimstone made a rule that everyone must strictly wear a costume, and most of the protocol happily obliged.
The common area is where the party was being held, raze and killjoy absolutely did a wonderful job in decorating the place.
"Alright, that's twenty." Yoru smirked mischievously as Jett hesitantly handed him money.
They were betting on what the agents would wear, and Yoru just won for betting that Sage would dress as a witch.
"I hate your face." Jett slumped against the chair, arms crossed. She's dressed as Aang, a cartoon character from an old show called Avatar.
"I thought your arrow is the only thing that's supposed to be blue, why the face too, hm?" Yoru relentlessly teased.
"Think you're gonna win this huh?" Jett sat up properly, puffing her chest. "We still have more to go!"
Yoru pulled up a smug expression.
"We'll see about that."
Raze went as Frankenstein with colored patches of green and stitches drawn artistically on her skin, whilst killjoy went as Frankenstein's bride. Having drawn stitches with two locks of white hair extension on either side of her hair in an updo as well as a short whited puffed dress.
Sova surprisingly went as Dracula, clad in all black together with the high-collared cape and had his beautiful blonde hair down, Chamber walked in dressed in a black suit with a long coat hung over his shoulders, golden rings decorating his fingers; apparently he said he was the Don of the Mafia.
Next came Omen who literally only had cat ears on, then Cypher who dressed as a plague doctor, Phoenix came as prince Naveen from a Disney movie called The Frog Prince – not gonna lie, the royal clothes and crown suited him very well and lastly. . .
"Man, let me join in the bet!" Phoenix complained after hearing about the bets that jett and yoru were having.
"Sure," Yoru agreed with an overconfident smirk. "I like being rich."
"No fair, you called dibs on the easiest guess." Jett groaned. "For sure, Gaia is gonna dress up as a fairy."
"A fairy?" Phoenix questions. "Nah, I'm calling goddess, she'll dress up as a goddess for sure."
Yoru nudged his head to Jett. "Your guess?"
The agent hummed thoughtfully, her hands pressing on her temples.
It was kind of predictable on what you might dress up as– that's just judging based on what they're used to seeing you wear which is pastels. Something magical or fantasy-related, or perhaps something "soft."
"I'm gonna say. . ." Jett squinted her eyes before deciding on her answer. "Angel, possibly an angel."
As soon as those words left Jett's mouth, you arrived just in time to the room.
"Sorry I'm late!" You apologised as you entered, "I had no costume in my closet so I had to improvise."
All eyes fell on you and the room went silent for a moment.
"What the. . ." Phoenix's mouth went agape as he saw what you came in as.
"Oh my gosh. . ." Jett uttered under her breath whilst Yoru almost dropped the cup he was holding, looking at you in shock.
There you stood in a long black silk dress that hugged the shape of your body beautifully with spaghetti straps and a high slit on the side that exposes almost all of your right leg. Sheer black gloves adorned your arms, and your hair was styled in messy waves flowing on your back. On the corner of your mouth was fake blood dripping down to your throat and chest.
You went as a vampire.
This was probably the first time the protocol saw you in a such revealing outfit, you usually had yourself wrapped around in your comfortable oversized fit or pyjamas, and like earlier said, often wore pastels.
Who knew you looked so ravishing in black?!
You definitely gave them a new side of you that they will probably never forget.
"Why are you all staring at me like that?" You questioned awkwardly, before pointing to your mouth "This is fake blood okay?"
That seemed to snap them out of it.
"Gaia, you look spectacular!" Sage complimented as she approached you, followed by Astra, then Killjoy and Raze, all of them showering you with compliments.
"This may sound crazy but I don't even mind that I lost. . ." Yoru comments, still in a daze after seeing you.
"Yeah. . . Same here. . ." Jett replied, rasing her cup shakily as the aftershock dawns upon the agent.
"That was eerily divine. . ."
As the ladies finally left you alone, you sighed in relief. You honestly didn't expect that reaction considering you were just panicking moments ago about what to wear. You were so preoccupied in the kitchen that you forgot that you didn't have anything to dress up as, but thankfully it all worked out in the end.
"Gaia." You hear your call sign and you turned.
"Sova." You smiled before noticing his costume. "You dressed as Dracula???"
The man chuckles softly, "Indeed."
"Oh my gosh, we match!" You exclaimed gleefully as you gaze into his eyes.
"A wonderful coincidence, no?"
"You look beautiful." You complimented.
"As do you." Sova gave you a warm smile. "You're breathtaking."
Another voice suddenly joined in.
"Funny, I was about to say the same thing."
You turned and saw the french man.
"Chamber," You greeted with a smile. "You clean up nicely as always, monsieur."
The man smirked before taking your hand with his.
"You flatter me, mademoiselle."
Leaning down, he placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "But my looks must yield to you tonight, you look exquisite, ma chérie."
You rolled your eyes playfully, taking your hand from him.
"Always the smooth talker, Chamber." You scoffed with a smile. "You should try that line with Viper, who knows, you might get a date." You joked before turning your body to the side.
"Anyways I'm gonna go get candy before Jett stashes the sour patch."
"I'll go with you." Sova offered.
"Oh sure, you have big hands. Help me stash them before Jett does." You giggled mischievously. "Happy Halloween, Chamber."
The two of you went your way but not before Sova gave the Frenchman a quick glance, and to that, Chamber could only chuckle to himself.
"Happy Halloween indeed."
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camzverse · 3 months
apologizing in advance for the person i will become when the next pjo show season comes out
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can-u-not-14 · 4 months
Gerard signing copies of Mother Panic for Day 54:
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I need to read more comics
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sylvianartist · 1 year
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my killjoy oc cleaning up party poison after they got hurt is this anything 💔 💔 💔
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