lovewinona · 3 years
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iKON - 'I'M OK'
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#BinHwanderful10Years FMV
Many things happened and we dont know what will come in future, but let's treasure good memories. Because, we love you.
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thousandstars2021 · 4 years
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Jinhwan ; iKON
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bunnylove218 · 4 years
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ANGEL'S POETRY (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/IVflLCNh2ab stop saying ~ do it. don't keep it ~ kill it. #Angel #Story #experience #fantasies #dream #reality
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cleoxmagnet · 4 years
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You never fail to amaze me @shxxbi131 #executivedirector . Just a couple of weeks from now and you will be the same age as me but you've already reached such great achievements and experiences. May you continue walking on your right path even when you wander - you'll always come around, anyway. 😅😄😄 As you have said, "The word happiness is a vague word but I hope you find life worth living everyday." Kim Hanbin, fighting! #iKonic #iKON #131label #kimhanbin #kimjinhwan #kimjiwon #songyunhyeong #koojunhoe #kimdonghyuk #jungchanwoo https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrUbPWFwbm/?igshid=19nn6rxtnwjor
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random7kon-blog · 5 years
hanbin: here kids, this is the road to get out from yge
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bellanism · 6 years
Ju-ne is really in love with Jinani. No doubt
My JunBob heart cries a river
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xbloomingflower · 5 years
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minjiwritesstuff · 6 years
Accidents Aren’t Always As Bad As They Seem (pt2)
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Pairing: Jinhwan x Reader
Genre: Fluff, little sad I guess, Romance
Summary: Your actions have consequences but in the end, everything turns out perfect
Words: 2k+ (I was really inspired for this)
[part 1]
It began no long after that. It started by a few little signs like headaches, tiredness and the obvious one, you missed your period. At first, you thought it was only stress because of the university but your friend highly suggested you take a pregnancy test. You listened to her and went to buy one. Hopefully, for you, you were alone at home today. Your brother was out with his friends, your sister was at school and your parents were working. You walked to the bathroom and did what you have to do. You set the test on the bath and waited, sitting down on the floor, your phone beside you as you were texting your best friend at the same time.
You're gonna be ok
I sure hope
She sent you a heart and you sighed, waiting. It felt like the longest minutes in your life but yet when you saw the result, you weren't ready for it. Those two lines were attacking you with reality. You were pregnant, and the father was your best friend. You knew it because last time you did it with your ex was too long ago. Your best friend knew how long you had to wait so after the time was over, she sent you a text, asking for the result. You didn't answer. You weren't ready yet to accept you were pregnant. You wouldn't stop thinking about how your family was gonna react, and most importantly, how will Jinhwan react. You didn't have much time to think because soon enough you heard the front door close.
- (y/n) I'm home! you heard your older brother say.
You quickly hid the test in the back of your jeans, covering them with your shirt. You opened the door of the bathroom only to see Yunhyeong waiting in front of you.
- I was about to knock, he said with a big smile.
You smiled the best you could and looked at him.
- What do you want? you asked.
- I wanted to know how my little sister was doing, he said still smiling.
- I'm fine, but do we really have to talk in the bathroom?
Yunhyeong chuckled and shook his head.
- No of course not, but I need to use the room so I'll have to kick you out.
You nodded and moved so he could enter. As he closed the door, you quickly made your way to your room to hide the test somewhere. You then came out of your room as if nothing happened and walked downstairs. Yunhyeong never suspected anything and you felt bad for lying at him but you didn't have the choice. You just couldn't tell him the truth. You knew that you'd tell him when the time was right.
But it took some time before the right time arrived. It took three months. You were four months and half pregnant and you succeeded to hide it until today. You were hanging with Jinhwan at his apartment like you normally did but today was different. You didn't feel good, you were sick ever since this morning and couldn't keep any of the food you ate.
- Wanna go to the restaurant? Your best friend asked you.
- I'm not hungry enough to eat, you said hoping he wouldn't question too much.
Jinhwan nodded.
- Then I'll order myself something and if you're hungry you'll just have to take some.
You nodded at your turn and it stayed like that. In the evening, you didn't eat anything and your best friend was worrying.
- You should eat something, it's not good to starve yourself, you know it, he said.
- I know, I just don't feel pretty good today.
- Then eat a bowl of soup, it will help.
You shook your head.
- I'll be fine Jinhwan.
He looked at you and came closer.
- What's wrong? You can tell me you know, I'm your best friend.
- Yeah... I know that, you said in a sigh.
- Are you still thinking about him? He asked.
- No that's not it.
- Then what is it?
- Nothing important, I feel like that probably because I caught the flu, you lied.
Jinhwan nodded and handed you a blanket. You thanked him and put it on you, laying your head on your best friend's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you and his hand rested on your side, close to your stomach. The problem is that you started to show a little and if you paid attention you could feel your bump. So knowing that he could feel it at any moment made you worried.
- Don't take it personally but did you gained some weight? You heard your best friend ask you.
- What... Hum... No, no. Why?
- Forget I asked. Hey, want some wine?
- Oh, hum, no thanks, with the flu I better not drink, you said.
- Just one glass can't kill you, flower. Come on please, he said at his turn, looking at you.
You sighed and looked down, closing your eyes. You knew you had to tell him. After all, it was his child too and you couldn't keep lying to him.
- I... I can't drink, Jinhwan. Not before a while, you said hoping he'd understand right away.
- Oh, why that? Taking some new pills?
You shook your head and looked at him with some tears in your eyes.
- Hey hey, what's wrong? He said taking you in his arms.
- I've been lying to you... And I'm sorry.
Jinhwan looked at you and wiped your cheeks.
- Tell me the truth then, I'm sure you had a good reason to lie. And don't be sorry, you know I can't be mad at you.
- Yeah but this time it's not a little lie... I've been lying to everyone, including my family. I just couldn't believe it and I didn't want anyone to know.
- What is it? Your friend asked.
- I'm pregnant, you said on a small voice.
At this moment, you didn't dare to look at your friend. He was probably mad or something.
- I'm the father, right? He asked on a sigh.
When you nodded, he looked at you and raised your chin with his finger.
- I'll be there for you. Whatever it costs or means, I'll support you in whatever decisions you'll make. If you want to get an abortion, I'll pay for it and I'll come with you. If you want to keep it, I'll help you buy everything and I'll be there with you when you give birth. Just don't worry ok..? He said while holding one of your hand on his.
Jinhwan had tears in his eyes and seeing them made more of your own tears fell down on your cheeks. He brought you to him again and you both cried together in each other's arms for a few minutes before you were able to speak.
- I... I want to keep it... you said on a shaky voice while wiping your tears.
Jinhwan looked at you and nodded.
- Then we're becoming parents, he said with a little smile to reassure you.
You looked back at him and nodded some. Just the thought of becoming a mother scared you but with Jinhwan on your side, you knew you could do it. You knew that you could both do it.
- Did you tell your family? he asked you.
- No, not yet, I don't know how to break the news.
- You should tell them soon, the sooner you tell them the better it will be
You nodded again and Jinhwan smiled.
[4 months later]
You were now really close to your due date and you honestly couldn't wait. Your feet were constantly killing you, so was your back. The baby wouldn't stop moving and kicking. You literally had no breaks. Your nights were really short because of it so you were more than exhausted. Hopefully, you were done with school. It was now summer so the weather was unbearable.
- Want something to drink? your brother asked you as he entered the living room.
- Do we have lemonade? you asked in a sigh.
- Yeah, I just made some, Yunhyeong said.
You smiled widely and started to get up.
- Don't, I'll get it for you, he said with a smile.
- Thanks, oppa, you said smiling too.
He nodded and went to the kitchen to pour you a glass of the cold drink. When he came back, he handed it to you and you took it, immediately taking a sip, sighing in satisfaction.
- Gosh, that feels great, you admitted.
- Of course, it does, you're pregnant and it's more than hot outside.
You chuckled some as your brother sat beside you. He laughed too and you both started talking. After some time, you felt a wetness in between your legs and you didn't need to say anything because Yunhyeong saw it.
- Oh gosh, your water broke, he said in a panicked voice.
- Yeah, I noticed, you said.
- I'll get your bag, call Jinhwan, he said getting up rushing to your room.
You did as he told you, even if you didn't need his help for that. The phone rang a few times until you heard the voice of your best friend.
- Hey, flower, he said.
- Hi, could you meet me at my house? you asked him.
- Hum yeah sure, why?
- Simple, my water broke.
- Oh shit, I'm coming right away, don't move a muscle.
- I won't Jinnie.
- Good, see you.
You didn't have the time to answer that he already hanged up. About fifteen minutes ago, he showed up and helped you to his car. He then drove you to the hospital where the nurses got you in a room.
The first few hours were fine, the epidural kicked in and it was ok. But when you looked at the clock and saw you were in your 10th hour of laying in bed without anything happening, you started to get annoyed.
- It's long, can't this baby just come out already? you whined.
- Just relax, it's gonna happen soon, Jinhwan said.
- It's been already 4 hours since you told me that so it's not what I call soon.
Jinhwan smiled and took your hand in his, giving it a little squeeze. You smiled some and closed your eyes a bit, trying to not think about the time.
It took about two more hours before you could actually start pushing your baby out. At this time, you were tired and all you wanted was to go home with your baby in your arms, not in your belly. Since you were tired, you were easily crying. It hurt a little but not much due to the epidural but still, you were emotional and tired so all you could do was cry and push.
- You're doing great, keep going, Jinhwan said as he held your hand.
- Come and push at my place, we'll see if I'm doing great.
Jinhwan put a hand in your hair as you squeezed his hand.
It went on like that for two hours until you heard the doctor telling you to push one last time.
- Alright, let's go you can do this, I know you can, Jinhwan said rubbing your arm softly.
You nodded some and when the doctor told you to, you pushed as hard as you could, squeezing your best friend's hand kinda hard. You felt the baby come out and you heard the cries fill the room.
- Here he goes, the doctor said as he held your son in his hands, putting him on your stomach so the nurse could cut the cord.
Jinhwan smiled and stared at your son.
- Look at him, he's so small! he said in an excited voice.
You smiled softly and nodded. The nurses than wiped him and handed you your son. You took him and tears filled your eyes. Jinhwan looked at his son and couldn't help but cry.
- I'm so proud of you, you have no idea, he said.
You looked at him and smiled even more. Then the nurses took your son so they could check on him, making sure he was healthy and all, leaving you and Jinhwan alone in the room.
- I'm really happy we did that even though we're not together.
You smiled at your best friend and nodded.
- Yeah, I'm happy too, you said truthfully.
Jinhwan smiled and kissed your forehead softly. You smiled more and closed your eyes for a few seconds. A few minutes later, the nurses came back with your son and gave him to you, saying he was in perfect health even though he was born two weeks earlier. You thanked them and they left. You stayed awake for about half an hour, simply staring at your baby in silence. Your eyes slowly started to close themselves but you fought, not wanting to sleep now that you could finally hold your son.
- Sleep, I'll take care of him. Get some rest. We'll both be there when you wake up, promise.
You smiled some and nodded. Jinhwan smiled too and took your son carefully to not wake him up. You quickly fell asleep and your best friend looked at you for a few seconds before looking at his sleeping baby. He sat down in a chair and simply stared at him as you did earlier.
About an hour later, you started to wake up but you kept your eyes closed. You could hear some soft talking but didn't really mind it until you heard your name.
- You know, Jinki. Your mother and I are only best friends, but I love her so much. She's so caring and gentle. She's the best person I met in my life. At first, I thought that I would've been able to stay only her friend, but the more the pregnancy went, the more I fell in love with her. To see her carrying you was so beautiful. She was so pretty with her bump and her glowing eyes. I wish I'll ever have the courage to tell her what I'm telling you now, buddy. But I don't want to break our bound.
Jinhwan said that with a big smile on his face and you smiled as you heard. Of course, you loved your best friend too but you honestly never thought that he loved you back. A part of you wanted to stay silent and fake your sleeping, but the other part wanted to tell him you loved him too.
- You won't need to, you said on a little voice.
Jinhwan looked at you and you looked back at him smiling. He looked down at Jinki and you chuckled slightly at his shyness.
- So you love me huh? you said teasingly.
Jinhwan blushed and looked back at you.
- Come here, you told him, extending your hand.
He got up and walked to you, grabbing your hand. You squeezed his hand softly and he brushed his thumb over your skin.
- I love you too Jinhwan, you said smiling.
He blushed even more and smiled widely. He brought your hand to his mouth and he kissed it softly. You smiled again and he looked at you.
- Will you be mine then? he asked.
You nodded and he smiled again, kissing you. After the kiss, he looked at you and handed you Jinki. You moved some so Jinhwan could lay in the bed with you and as he did, you rest your head on his shoulder. You guys stayed silent for a few minutes before your now boyfriend said :
- Accidents aren't always as bad as they seem, they sometimes are pretty good, like this one.
You looked at him and smiled before nodding.
- Yeah, this one is the most perfect accident that could happen to us.
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anachavez1397 · 6 years
En honor a que ya es tío (? @withikonic @bobbyindaeyo @chan_w000 @shxxbi131 @sssong_yh @gnani_____ @juneeeeeeya @_dong_ii #Runaway #텐데 #LeanOnMe #내게기대 #LoveAndFall #사랑을했다 #LoveScenario #아이콘 #iKON #진환 #JinHwan #김진환 #KimJinHwan #송윤형 #SongYunHyeong #바비 #Bobby #김지원 #KimJiWon #김한빈 #KimHanBin #김동혁 #KimDongHyuk #구준회 #KooJunHoe #정찬우 #JungChanWoo #YG케이플러스 #YGEntertainment https://www.instagram.com/p/BpdoydwALtX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ruoc2odob2mv
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igot7---biases-blog · 6 years
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He's beautiful 💖
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pim-pim-teyshee · 6 years
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Our Love Journey (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/ESzUN5c3jS Jae In had just undergone an awful divorce and been kicked out because of some misunderstandings with her husband, Jungkook. She went to a club to ease her mind. On the other hand, Jinhwan had just broke up with his fiance. He also went to the same club that Jae In went. He took some shots of whisky and throw out on a girl's breast. It turned out…
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maknae-lenna · 6 years
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fictional-em · 6 years
Killing me got it’s first win and I’m so proud of them <3<3<3<3<3<3
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gdtopdream · 7 years
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ntljeanette · 7 years
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this is the sexiest and cutest thing I saw today
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