conanaintslick · 4 years
Top 5 dc characters. top 5 mk characters. top 5 dcmk characters :3
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brotato-chibs · 5 years
(sexy) Cop Kaito with one of those extending police baton things in his hands? Or maybe taking his glove off with his teeth -
Kimmy ily
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…But I can’t draw sexy for shit 
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jacquesthepigeon · 5 years
Marinette looked adorable with the glasses ⸜(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝
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mrshenrybolet · 4 years
Renete Stoller and Dierdre Shannon!!
Wooo thanks!
Renate Stoller | Tell us the best story you’ve got: I deeply appreciate the ask but I am thoroughly terrified to share my writing publicly! SO I will refer you to Louisa May Alcott, Charlotte Bronte, and Jane Austen, who have written some of my favorite works and are beautifully powerful women writers and storytellers.
In lieu of a story, I will share one trash poem I wrote recently:
How tragically dull in must be
Inside the barren wasteland you carry where your heart should be
Completely devoid of a single budding sprout of passion
When mine was lush with rolling hills I was willing to die on for you
Deirdre Shanonn | Do you get jealous easily?: It depends on the situation, but generally speaking yes. I do my best not to let it show when I do, though!
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thehakubatsaguru · 5 years
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
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           “Losing those who are important to me, of course but I think that is common for most people. So I would have to say that the supernatural and paranormal tends to make me a bit jumpy. My gran was a firm believer and would tell me all kinds of stories and superstitions when I was little. Now its just made me a bit wary.” 
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sagurus · 5 years
kimmy-kouhai replied to your post: anybody have any advice on how i could dress more...
rust colors, messy hair
ah hell yeah i love rust colors and i HAVE messy hair
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humanimalgam · 5 years
yall coming for people's emoticons now? smh xD
i don't care either way i'm just in awe that it hasn't been beat out of them yet
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grumpycakes · 5 years
kimmy-kouhai replied to your post “WELL THAT’S NOT AT ALL CONCERNING”
You guys are getting notes???
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kaijoucorp · 5 years
Kaijou.... ace attorney.... a crossover.... it's 2am whaddup
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“It’s time to publish a doujinshi. Kaiba-Kun can be Mitsurugi and Jounouchi-Kun can be Naruhodou~!”
With a soft chuckle, the boy would slump into his chair and gather his tablet and stylus. 
“Or do NaruMitsu meet KaiJou? A battle against the ultimate couples?  Hmmm.”
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my-star-shine · 6 years
kimmy-kouhai replied to your post “I did a bad and bought a new fish tank and fish =A= ”
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:D His name is Zuko. 
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lunephased · 5 years
🌼 is my blond boy peter :D here to find ur boy in suffering :D
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So this is what happens when you go off track and start falling for the local waiter. Tsuki had been coughing for the past week or so, and at first, he thought he was coming off with a cold. But then, he had coughed up some petals and knew then and there that he was royally screwed.
It was getting worse and worse at time went by. He wondered if he stopped thinking about Uruyu, maybe the disease would go away but... It was hopeless. He was helplessly in love- and he couldn’t bring himself to forget.
Wobbling on his feet, he eventually fell to his knees and coughed up yet another batch of flowers. When he peered up, he saw someone familiar approaching. 
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brotato-chibs · 5 years
Heiji and Shinichi role swap? maybe smol Heiji begs Kazuha-nechan to take him to visit his rival in Tokyo :3
Omygod xD
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Hope this will suffice ( *´︶`*)
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mrshenrybolet · 4 years
Elisabet Grimursdottir!
100% did not expect any asks hooray!
Elisabet | Are you a cat or dog person: Dog person through and through. I am also very allergic to cats but appreciate their existence nonetheless.
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sagurus · 5 years
1, 18, 26!!
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
- I spent most of yesterday listening to Sleepwalk by Forrest Day.- The Moss by Cosmo Sheldrake is a bop I’m enjoying lately- I’ve been listening a lot to Autoheart’s new song, Wretch- Jackrabbit by San Fermin is just kind of a constant- As I Roved Out by Loreena McKennitt (the cello solo tho!!! and the way she says ‘with me’)- Bloodstream by Transviolet (HELLOOOO Sagukai!)
Anyway am listening to so many different things all the time constantly, so there’s more where tht came from.
18: Do you believe in karma?
I do think that the universe acts to achieve balance, and I do think in general, what you do and how you live can invite more of the same. I suppose it would be best to say I loosely believe in karma. I wouldn’t swear by it or insist upon it, but in general I tend to live with the understanding that things that are off balance will be returned to a balance later, and I’ll just do my best to put good out into the world in the meantime.
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I’m still becoming. I can’t decide what version of me I like so I’m constantly changing. There’s a lot of key things that haven’t changed that I’m solidly ok with, and there’s a lof of things about me that I’d really like to iron out. Rough spots, ugly bits. But I’m doing my best. I think this person I’m shaping into is someone I like, and would like to see grow more.
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occultsister · 6 years
🍃 for a starter where our muses go out on an autumn walk! @vacantvessel
Amane sighs and stretches her arms up “This is so nice, finally a day where I’m not sweating bullets.” She loved this time of year when the leaves changed colour and the temperature became more bearable and was no longer hot and humid.
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redeyesblackjou · 6 years
2, 3, and 11 please! 😉
2.”I like it rough and soft.” ;)
3. “Sex in public places and bondage.”
11. “White boxers with baby dragons on dem Black silk boxer-briefs.” 
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