#kind of a tense moment
sbzbrainrot · 1 year
One More Thing
Al-an was only humoring her. As much as he desired that same hope that Robin seemed driven by, to allow himself to become enveloped in it like it enveloped her, it never came. Instead, he was faced with a grim reality.
Robin had suggested that they go and make a replica of the cure before they left for Al-an’s homeworld. Robin had argued “it could help you make amends”. According to what they synthesized, it wouldn’t be too difficult to locate and deconstruct the various flora the antidote called for. So, Al-an had agreed.
What he hadn’t told her is that he’d already considered that. He’d already had that thought mull through his head a thousand times - but each time he was hit with a wall.
If his people were alive, they would surely already have a cure by now. By the time he was infected, their efforts were already tireless – there was no other point of focus within the Network, they needed an antidote.
More likely, however, his people were no more.
Throughout their explorations, they had discovered, scanned, and dissected every piece of Architect technology they had come across, and yet Al-an had gotten nothing definitive about his Network at all. All he had been able to derive from it all were useless threads that, no matter how long, had always dissipated and left them empty-handed. The only thread that remained led them through the Phase Gate, the gateway to his homeworld. A daunting task.
So, perhaps that’s why he decided to go along with Robin’s idea, didn’t argue his point - he was scared. Not that he would ever admit it, but… it felt far too easy. He’d battled a millennia for these answers, and now suddenly they were so close. The anxiety of finally being one door away from finding out was almost as drowning as the anxiety of not knowing whether or not he ever would be able to.
And maybe, just maybe, an even smaller part of him was dragged under that blanket of hope Robin was under. The soft, warm embrace of it seemed impossible to evade, no matter how statistically unlikely this hope was. And truly, ‘lying down and giving up” as Robin had said would be a much worse inefficiency by far than holding onto this belief, no matter how unlikely.
So, maybe that’s why he was looking through the trees of the glacial basin with Robin for something he thought fruitless. Even if he was sort of worried she was freezing her ass off.
“Robin, it seems unnecessary that we search now. It is almost night and I predict we are experiencing the start of a blizzard.” There was an edge of urgency in his voice, but he kept his tone gentle.
“What? You cold?” Robin grinned and shot him a look - though her teeth were chattering so much she could barely get the sentence out. She rubbed her gloved hands together and held them close, shivering.
Al-an let out a noise akin to a sigh and approached her with an elegant stride, standing between her and the direction of the snowfall.
“I am resistant to more drastic temperatures than you are. I have far more energy within me to regulate my internal temperature and my tissues are very insulative.” Al-an led one of his mechanical arms towards her and grasped her in his anti-gravity beam. He placed her on his back. Gently, he added “I am not cold.”
Robin, honestly freezing, immediately wrapped her arms around Al-an’s waist, enjoying the warmth radiating off of him. “Okay,” Robin said through clenched teeth, “since you’re cold we can go back to base.”
Al-an produced a hum of disapproval but was pleased that he had managed to convince her so easily. “As you wish.” he offered, noting the way she leaned into him. She must be tired, he considered. They had been searching since early morning.
“Brace yourself.” Al-an warned as he steadied himself, preparing to blink across the land.
He hadn’t carried Robin on his back before and it was a slightly uncomfortable sensation, the pressure of her weight was unknown to him. He took Robin’s tightening grip as a sign she was ready and began to make his way across the land.
At first, things were okay - but they took a pretty drastic turn when Al-an blinked right in front of an emerging ice worm.
Stumbling back, Al-an tried to find his footing over the shaking ground, but Robin had already lost her grip and fallen off with the momentum.
She sat on the ground, stunned from the sudden change of pace. Night had already almost fully enveloped the sky and visibility was low - Al-an frantically calculated how to evade the situation, putting a foot forward to snatch Robin out from the ice worm’s trajectory.
However, he was not accounting for Robin’s scream and attempt to roll out of the way - which caused him to miss her as he blinked towards her. Al-an dug his heels into the snow and turned around, but not quick enough.
The ice worm simply followed its plan of attack and lurched forward, smashing into Robin and burying itself in the ground in front of her. And that was it. It was gone. And all Al-an did was watch helplessly.
He cursed himself as he blinked back over to Robin and crouched down in front of her to get a better look at her injuries. She was panting and biting her lip, gripping her outer thigh.
“Robin,” Al-an hurriedly moved her hand out of the way and felt a wave of guilt crash over him as he saw fresh blood leak out of the open wound.
“Its skin was like sandpaper,” Robin informed him, face clenched as she tried to suppress the pain.
But Al-an wasn’t paying attention. He grabbed a first aid kit that had fallen from her bag and opened it, quickly handing the roll of gauze within it to one of his mechanical hands. He muttered an apology as he used his claws to open a water bottle and flush the wound with the cold water, which garnered him an unhappy groan from Robin. He used the roll of gauze to wrap her thigh and just like that, in 45 seconds, he had her up in his anti-gravity beam and was blinking towards their base at a rapid pace.
He went up through the moon pool and lowered her onto her bed, crouching down again and using his mechanical hands and scanner to look her up and down for any more injuries. Fortunately, it seems he had managed to evade her going into shock by staunching the blood loss quickly and she only had mild scrapes on her lower leg and arm, but her protective wetsuit was utterly torn. He went to work removing it from her but she yelped, “Al-an!”
Al-an froze and looked at her. In the position he was in, they were eye level with each other - something they certainly didn’t often experience. Robin protectively held onto her clothing. “Al-an, you can’t just strip me naked just like that -“ he cut her off.
“Robin, you are injured. I’m tending to you and to do this I must remove your wetsuit.” Al-an had a breathless sense of seriousness in his voice and he spoke quickly. “It has been breached. I must remove it, assess your other injuries, and disinfect them.”
“I’m fine! I can tend to myself!” Al-an was acutely aware of how her heart rate was increasing and adrenaline was pumping steadily through her veins. He did not want her going into shock now, he already stove it off the initial injury and wasn’t about to allow it to enter now.
Despite his worry, he spoke gently. “Robin, I can more accurately tend to you than you could yourself. I have more equipment at my disposal and there is an inherent flexibility in myself being separate from you. What’s wrong?” Al-an removed his mechanical hands from the zipper of her wetsuit and removed his touch from her.
“I- just-“ Robin took a breath to steady herself, breathing in and out. Al-an watched her self-regulate and waited patiently for her response (though, if it were up to him, he would NOT be waiting so long to properly tend to those wounds - the bleeding was staunched but the longer time untreated meant increased risk of infection. But he also recognized the psychological needs presented.) “You can’t just strip me naked just like that. I’m fine, really. It’s just a few scrapes.”
“Are you worried about me seeing you unclothed?” Al-an tilted his head and if he had brows, they’d definitely be furrowed. It seemed like a pretty moot issue at this point in time, and as much as he wanted to understand her, he was at a loss. “I feel the risk of infection is far greater than whatever risk myself seeing you ‘naked’ brings.”
“Yeah,” Robin huffed in annoyance, “Then leave so I can tend to myself.” She closed her eyes before continuing. “It’s really, really not okay to see someone naked in most human cultures unless I’m literally incapacitated or dying and it’s a huge emergency. And I’m not dying.”
Al-an was at a loss for words. Seriously? That’s what she was worried about? When he had questioned her, he was unsure that he was actually hitting the nail on the head - but apparently he had.
He said nothing as he stood up and slowly walked out of the room. He found himself in the observatory, staring out in the direction of where they had just come.
He should not have placed her on his back, at least not without the support of his anti-gravity beam. If he had put in the care to carry her with that instead of relying on his physical form, she wouldn’t have fallen off. He would have been able to blink across the ice worm’s path and they wouldn’t have been stopped. She wouldn’t have gotten hurt.
Al-an watched a school of bladder fish swim by. He was supposed to protect Robin while they were there - she’d spent the entirety of her time with him in her head protecting Al-an and now he’s allowed her to get hurt under his watch, mere days after becoming autonomous again. He couldn’t go a few days without Robin getting hurt?
The guilt he felt was palpable and he considered if her overreaction was a result of her anger towards his negligence rather than what she had presented was the case. He walked around unclothed and she had never complained - perhaps it was a more severe issue than he had assumed? Was he making her uncomfortable?
He sat there for a while, absorbed in his thoughts as he watched the world outside.
Robin exhaled a shaky sigh as she unzipped her wetsuit. She stripped it off carefully, making sure not to take the gauze off with it. Al-an had tied it on tight, which was thankfully helping stop the bleeding, but it felt uncomfortable.
She slid off the side of the bed and put pressure on her good leg, hobbling (with the help of furniture) off to the bathroom.
She opened the medicine cabinet and extracted a bottle of iodine and some more gauze. She carefully unwrapped her leg and applied a generous amount of the substance onto it, hissing at the sting.
As she worked on re-wrapping her wound, she thought.
She shouldn’t have snapped at Al-an. He was only trying to help, and to be honest, it would’ve been easier to deal with if he was taking care of her right now.
But… she didn’t want him to see her naked, injured, and vulnerable. That wasn’t who she was.
And it only complicated her thoughts further as she cut the gauze and tightened it around her leg, considering how she would’ve reacted if a doctor was the one taking her clothes off and treating her. She wouldn’t have reacted so explosively, so then why would it matter more that it was Al-an? She trusted him. He had been in her head, she was sure he’d seen her in more vulnerable positions than now.
She applied iodine and bandaids to her smaller cuts and scrapes down her side, arm and calf.
She looked at herself in the mirror. Kind of beat up, but she’d be back in business in no time!
She forced a smile. It didn’t help.
She hobbled her way back into her bedroom and made her way over to her closet. She picked out a comfortable shirt and leggings, slipping them on.
Robin sat on her bed and looked out her window into the expanse of the night. Part of her felt guilty - she wanted to call Al-an back and talk to him right then and there about what had happened.
But the other part of her was embarrassed. She didn’t want to make it seem like she was being unreasonable.
She could talk to him in the morning, she concluded. She pulled her blanket up and slid under it, pulling it over her shoulders.
Although the lights dimmed, she stayed wide awake for hours, contemplating. Reasoning. Formulating apologies.
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lilybug-02 · 8 months
CT Comic Speedpaint - Page ??? (Part 25) I’m not keeping track 😔
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13eyond13 · 1 year
I think the moment Light's crush on L first smacked him in the manga (like when it finally rooted and started blooming in his guts) was when L was like "you're my first ever friend" whilst smirking into his teacup. And not because Light fully believed he was being sincere about being friends, but because he KNEW L was slyly teasing him and speaking to him on more than one level at once. Nothing more unexpected funny flattering and intriguing than that for him right then
#im thinking about this specifically because of that post about the girl getting a huge crush on her enemy that saved all her threats#bc that's basically that moment for light i think#light tries to squash all positive emotions towards others at all times when he's kira if they interfere with his plans after all#but if L does something like this to him then it forces him to think about his feelings in a strategic preparation sort of way#nay dare i say it basically is giving light permission to do so#he can now hold off on completely stamping out those feelings as soon as they arise#almost (he thinks) as a way to study his enemy and see how full of shit he may or may not actually be about such things#this moment probably starts a shift in light where he can allow himself to acknowledge that he maybe has a bit more than just#enemy feels for L you know#bc maybe L also is having other kinds of feels about him??#whether or not it's true it would impress him as a bold move#and kickstart him having to analyze what he actually does sincerely feel for L#and maybe start reframing and recontextualizing a lot of their tense ambiguous interactions up til that point secretly as well#heck we basically see him doing that when hes like lounging at his desk going HAH if it's friendship he wants then by god it's friendship#he will get#and this game of chicken with L about saying theyre friends keeps him from being able to completely avoid confronting#any complicated feels#like he otherwise probably would#because he legit cant back down from preparing for another battle of the wits with L#both because of his competitive pride and his genuine need to protect himself#would he call it a crush to himself yet#no probably not#i feel like that came later much later#he def would have acknowledged it as such by the end of the story tho#essentially L found a way to create a little wedge to ram in the door to Light's feels#and that is a smart enough move to probably have made Light start developing a crush on him even if he didn't have one already#l lawliet#light yagami#lawlight#p
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not-equippedforthis · 2 months
i binged 2 seasons of mob psycho in as many days and from the glimpses ive seen im not emotionally prepared for season 3. ive known these stupid little guys for 48 whole hours and if anything happens to them im buying a grenade launcher even if its with tears in my eyes. itching to watch s3 but being utterly incapable because i dont want it to end. i need to see reigen drive that fucking car. i need to see mob laugh. i need to see the surprise birthday celebration. i need to see tome's episode. people need other people and society is built on the foundation of kindness. can anyone hear me
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rubyfunkey · 4 months
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playing with colors and brushes that ive never used so i re-drew a scene from thrown hurt
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alteredsilicone · 6 months
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Loid is this in his head at all times around Albrecht, and Albrecht doesn't even know
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einstetic · 11 months
i'm not tired, i'm exhausted
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bluteamplural · 1 month
been blurry & dissociated practically all day, feeling doesn't abate after 2nd round of auditions, get home. new guy shows up. what the fuck
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honorthysalad · 11 months
The unuki being less like Hell itself and more like Prometheus, a being that wanted nothing more than to help humans and was imprisoned for encroaching on the “gods’” territory in order to do so.
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they-call-me-hippie · 10 months
Guess who almost died in a car crash
#It's meeeeee#Ok but no it wasn't that serious just tense for a moment. You end up shaky for sure#Can't help but think about that tweet now like 'I'll be in an accident and open Twitter first thing'#There was a snow mound on the road that was too high and my stepdad drove over it and we started. SWERWING#It went back and forth between the two sides of the road twice and in those moments#I was almost prepared that we would hit the metal banister or topple sideways but we had the best possible outcome for the circumstances#And drifted one more time instead onto the snow-covered patch of a hill on the other side of the road but turned a 180 degrees#When thinking it over we were lucky to get off the road because in any other scenario I think we would have been hit by a car behind us#And end up actually hurt#I thank the snow for giving us the first fully white Christmas in years#But now that I think about I should have gotten a picture (hard to think about when you were almost in a serious accident)#It's strange the kind of acceptance you have over events like this I knew I could do nothing about the situation except shut up#And the strange thing is that it felt like a scene out of a movie. The front shield of the car gives you only a frame to view out from#But you were looking at it from a first-hand perspective yet thinking of it as if from seeing yourself from behind. Just a bit blurred#Just. Either we crash or we make it but be prepared.#I could tell he was shaken afterwards though. He managed to save us at least#And well. Given the familial circumstances it would have almost been ironic. As if a purposefully placed timing#The strangest coincidence was that my stepdad's neighbor just happened to be driving a taxi right behind us#So he stayed with us to help us dig the car out of the snow. And drove us to get more gas after the car ended up askew on the hill#People were at least kind enough to look up on us and ask if we were okay#Anyways. I'm going to bed now
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broadwayfangirl222 · 2 years
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I know compared to other moments for Dean this is smaller but I feel like this should be brought up more in Dean meta
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dmclemblems · 2 years
if it's alright, can i ask why you like dimi/claude so much? like, the particular reasons you like them lol hope that doesn't come off as "how the hell do you like them" kind of thing
Yeee, tis fine! I feel like I’ll probably miss some of the reasons why I love them so much, but I’ll try to cover everything.
uh oh it got beeg
Things from the game itself:
I like that they hang out together sometimes (in the main story and in the DLC), when the lords don’t usually hang out together in their free time. Out of all the combinations of them, only Dimitri and Claude hang out together (with a story based exception during the DLC with Dimitri and Edelgard that never gets touched upon again even though it’s actually important and story relevant). There’s also the implication that they train/spar together in GD, with Dimitri saying “as ever” he has proven to be no match for Claude. During the “going to GM cutscene”, they’re walking together and talking together (a theme that Nintendo uses in their official art in almost every official of the three lords lmao).
Claude’s crest symbol is a moon, and Dimitri’s route is called Azure Moon (which is also coincidentally the only route they’re able to ally in because Dimitri dies in VW)
They’re a package deal in the game and in official art from Nintendo! Cipher promotions? Both of them got plastered on it together. The 2019 happy holidays artwork? Sitting down together while Edelgard is standing up (with Dimitri ??? staring at Claude with this oddly happy and dreamy look??? hey, Nintendo???). the artwork of Edelgard turning around while the lords are walking, but she’s behind the other two who are both walking together and talking? And... so on.
Another instance of “damn, how much time do you actually spend together where we aren’t aware of it” is Dimitri referring to Claude as his “friend” in the DLC to Aelfric. That point of the game is still very early on, but Dimitri doesn’t just toss the word “friend” around with everyone. He uses other terms like acquaintance, companion/companionship, etc. Rather than use any similar words for Claude, he just outright uses “friend”, and he doesn’t use that term unless he really believes it.
In the game itself, the start of it is Edelgard almost being killed and Byleth protects her, but with the other two nowhere to be seen for... some reason. When Edelgard is safe, suddenly they both come running up together and smile at each other like “lol sorry we got distracted by each other’s beauty but hey glad you’re both safe uwu”. Listen, it’s a tiny thing but WHEN IT ADDS up...!
Very cute moment for me when, if you’re playing GD, Dimitri takes a keen interest in Claude’s “schemes”. Most people consider his supposed schemes to be a bad thing and dread it openly. Dimitri is just out here like ooo tell me more, I wanna know! 
During the mock battle, Claude tries to tease him and fails miserably. By the time of the actual Battle of the Eagle and Lion (and Deer, wah wah), Dimitri is used to Claude’s teasing and jokes with him! Instead of a deadpan response where he just doesn’t know Claude well enough to know how he behaves, this time Dimitri is used to him and responds to him with a more “lol okay Claude” vibe. It’s much more apparent in the JP dialogue that he’s aware Claude is teasing/joking, but he goes along with it.
There’s a bit more of a rivalry between Dimitri and Edelgard, oddly. Even this early, he’s seeing her as more of an adversary (maybe to foreshadow, since the BotEaL had a boatload of foreshadowing) and seeing it as a more serious competition. With Claude, he’s much more relaxed and seeing their battle as more of a test of skill and mutual gain to learn from. He says he will “happily” battle Claude and urges him not to hold back. In contrast, he tells Edelgard that the thought of fighting her is “troubling at best” and is bothered by her “joke” (Claude jokes with him too and he’s much more receptive. Edelgard’s “joking” was more foreshadowing, but he doesn’t take well to it and that same joke/response happens again after the battle too). The direction of both conversations is the polar opposite, and he doesn’t feel at ease when fighting her.
Following that, his relationship with Edelgard is tense, and it’s a huge contrast to how he feels around Claude. That is, notably, whenever him and Edelgard interact there’s a wall between them (such as when she’s walking by with Manuela, going to their mission, and her and Dimitri have a misunderstanding that ends in a tense ending to their conversation) Due to their circumstances, their relationship is pretty rocky even during the first half of the game in BL. Throughout the first half of the game, this aspect of their relationship is static (until of course he finds out her identity as the Flame Emperor and it just goes downhill from there). Then we have him and Claude, where starting at the mock battle, Dimtiri misses Claude’s silly behavior and is more serious about the battle as mentioned before. Over time though he’s obviously learned what Claude is like, and during the official battle you can clearly see a difference in Dimtiri’s overall attitude when he hears Claude joke with him. This time he knows what to expect and is receptive to Claude’s behavior, going along with it and being glad to have this battle with him. His demeanor toward Edelgard, however, doesn’t change at all. He still doesn’t like the idea of fighting her seriously, nor takes well to her “jokes” and  yet seems to see her as more of an adversary to overcome. Around Claude, Dimtiri has more friendly vibes in both their routes and is pretty open to learning about Claude and talking to him casually.
Kind of a small instance but with a little more meaning to me?: them fighting side by side at Garreg Mach when the Empire invades. Dimitri was in his Very Nutty state, and even more so if you’re playing BL. He’s so out of it that Dedue has to direct everyone in his place. Due to the BLs knowing what he’s going through, you’d think at least one of them would be keeping an eye on him during the battle. Instead, it’s Claude he’s fighting alongside! Dimitri was very expressive about wanting to be the one to reach Edelgard in that battle, but the cutscene shows him with Claude, rather than rushing for Edelgard.
Gronder! Even though Dimitri gives out his famous, stolen-from-Miklan-because-Miklan-said-it-first-and-apparently-inspired-Dimitri-to-use-it-later-in-life line, “kill every last one of them”, his actual dialogue with Claude is very different from that (on both routes). All he says is that he wants Claude to move and has no time to talk. If he meant it that he really wanted to kill people from the Alliance or didn’t care about Claude as a person, he would have tried to run him down for getting in his way. Claude even said he wouldn’t budge, which normally would prompt Dimtiri at that point to attack him and kill him to get him out of the way. In AM Claude retreats when defeated, but Dimitri lets him escape and doesn’t mind at all that he’s fleeing. Because of that you can specifically clarify that Dimitri doesn’t think of him as an enemy, because he chases enemies down and kills them at that point (remember all those dead soldiers we were hearing about early into the timeskip?). When Edelgard tries to escape, Dimitri doesn’t just let her go without attempting to follow her. This clarifies that he sees her as an enemy, because again, he’ll chase down anyone considers his enemy. When Claude left, even though he can intentionally stand in Dimitri’s way, Dimitri won’t kill him even though he probably could.
When Claude requests aid, he doesn’t ask for Byleth’s help. He doesn’t ask for Seteth or the Church’s help (which is working with Byleth/the Kingdom and the direct enemies of the Empire). He asks for the Kingdom’s aid. This Dimitri centric view continues through all of chapter 19, with him specifically believing in Dimitri and his mentality.
Hurray Failnaught! Normally characters give their Relics to Byleth (for game mechanic/convoy purposes), but Claude gives him specifically to Dimitri. Since he plans to leave Fodlan and return to Almyra where they don’t fight with these weapons, he likely feels he has no reason to bring it with him. Instead, he leaves it with someone he trusts both with his family heirloom and Fodlan itself. Claude doesn’t trust easily, but he had faith that Dimitri would finish the war and restore Claude’s second home.
In the same chapter, Claude... somehow knows a LOT about Dimitri. Obviously he learned everything offscreen and we don’t know how or why, but not only does he know that Dimitri can still be reasoned with (Teach will talk and he’ll listen), suggesting that he’s aware that the person Dimitri was is not gone despite the meeting they had in Gronder, but during the “here have my family heirloom” scene, he tells Dimitri that the dead cling to them without regard for their own/the living’s lives. During the Academy phase we don’t have any indication that he knows what’s going on with Dimitri... but then, I recall them fighting side by side during the invasion of the monastery, so perhaps Claude started to put the pieces together if he was able to see the state Dimitri was in. Canon? Not necessarily, but it’s something I consider when I want to answer why Claude knows this stuff about Dimitri when Dimitri didn’t tell him about it.
Yes, Teach will talk and he’ll listen, but by then Dimitri had already  made the decision to help the Alliance- er, well, Claude. The Alliance itself? Hm. Claude? Yes, let’s go help Claude-- er, the Alliance, he means! The Alliance! But... but also Claude! Okay, I’m kind of joking. Kind of. A lil bit. By which I mean, Dimitri is very vocal about saving Claude more than he is the Alliance. Leave the latter part to Lorenz, I guess. It’ll make him happy and that would make me happy!
So, on the topic of him already making the decision to go aid Claude, not only was Claude correct, but Dimitri literally went to begin their march to the Alliance the next day after they recaptured their own capital. They celebrated and then the very next day he’s like “uh yeah sorry for this guys, but Claude wants our help so we’re leaving. Now. Pack your things. If you’re not ready in ten I’m leaving without you. Claude needs help.” I’M JOKING. Mostly. A lil bit.
They reach the battle destination and Dimitri is uh, very specific that “they will not let Claude die”. He only recently came out of his nommy nom, chewy enemies state, and he’s already over here like hell nah we ain’t lettin’ Claude die. I didn’t spare him at Gronder for nothin’. Let’s go, let’s go!
Claude, who he doesn’t know nearly as well as the BLs, “crosses too many dangerous bridges for his liking”. For sure, Claude does some risky things, but he’s not someone who is within Dimitri’s immediate friend group. All the same, Dimitri worries about him (a lot in this chapter, too) and expresses that he doesn’t like Claude taking these kind of risks (that could endanger his life).
“This must be one of your jokes”. Not sure Claude was ever really one to often make jokes that we know of? The way it’s phrased, “one of your jokes”, sounds like more of an inside thing? As in, “I know you well enough to know you behave like this”, kind of thing. Doesn’t sound like much, until I start adding up all the times they’re together/talking to each other. For reference, times such as ones I’ve mentioned in this post (walking to GM with Byleth between them and Edelgard, if you’re playing GW Dimitri implies he’s sparred with Claude and uses “as ever” as if to say it happens often enough that it’s a familiar result, them hanging out during their free time after the mock battle, them fighting side by side during the invasion of GM even though Dimitri insisted he was going to basically rush the battle and ker-slice Edelgard’s head off and show up at Enbarr with it in hand...) Suddenly it doesn’t seem so odd that they might know each other a little bit more than the story that we get to see lets on. Even if it was small talk, enough of that and enough sparring/fighting alongside each other would add up enough for them to start learning things about each other.
Kudos to Dimitri for being the only person in the game that gets a pet name from Claude. Teach is just a casual way of saying “professor”, and “princess” is literally what Edelgard is. Princeliness is... Quite A Title I Guess. “Princess” is dropped and Claude refers to Edelgard as just Edelgard in the timeskip, but Dimtiri gets a nickname update! Now he’s “Kingliness” instead!
Some Hopes ones (I shipped them way  before Hopes was a thing but these made me happy!):
Background similarities! In Hopes if you play AG, they talk very early on (before the timeskip) about Dimitri’s life after the Tragedy. To sum it up, he was being targeted by his own family with murder attempts and he was very isolated (one NPC describes it as nearly being like house arrest with how isolated he was). Even if you don’t consider Hopes to be too much canon with its character background lore, the isolation part checks because in Houses, Dimitri says he didn’t have any friends left after the Tragedy. He only had Dedue for companionship after that in the castle itself, unable to see his other friends as often due to them living in different territories.
Another similarity from Your Hopes Truly is Dimitri being paranoid on expeditions. As he puts it, he “can't help but peer over his shoulder lest an assassin lodges his blade in his back”. He’s literally paranoid of assassins... a lot like how Claude sleeps with a knife under his pillow. :’( They both worry a lot about having to be vigilant because they could die at any time. Even though Edelgard is also royalty, her trauma expresses itself differently and she doesn’t worry about assassins as outwardly (possible also because she has Hubert around, who would be more likely to catch assassins lurking around than the people around Dimitri and Claude). I’m sure she knows people will be after her because she’s royalty, but she doesn’t worry about it in the same way.
This one is more recent and Hopes based, but in AG the game decides to be Big Dumb and is like “nobody in the BL house trusts Claude... for some... reason...” but Dimitri is gung ho adamant that they can trust Claude. His portrait even switches to his smiling portrait! “I’ve never known him to be a liar” despite how little time they had together at the Academy in this game is a big amount of trust imo.
On the same note, AG is like a mirror of AM’s chapter 19! Claude trusts Dimitri and that he will show up to help. In AG, they need the Alliance’s help and Dimitri trusts Claude to show up without question. When the Alliance shows up and Claude isn’t there, he wonders where Claude is, and when Claude does show up being the smart little sneaky not-literal-bastard-because-he’s-actually-a-legitimate-child bastard he is, Dimitri is like :D I knew you would come no matter what. This man literally implicitly trusts Claude. Sounds like someone had a crush when they were younger... Now his crush is helping them and he’s all bubbly and excited inside... uwu... uwu... UWU...
More Hopes stuff despite the bad writing moments. In SB, Claude confronts Edelgard because they were so focused on locating Rhea that they didn’t even consider Dimitri’s motivations for being part of that battle. His portrait is even his upset portrait for them “not even sparing a thought for Dimitri’s motivations”, in his exact words. He’s not all too happy that they were so determined by their goal that they didn’t consider Dimitri, specifically.
Similarly, if you get the Arval chapter, Dimtiri worries for Claude’s safety if Claude tries to take the Church out of power. Despite that Dimitri lists off reasons why That’s A Really Fucking Bad Idea, he also includes that he doesn’t want Claude to be in danger, and their discussion ultimately ends with Claude saying “you really are too good for me!”. Claude, that’s sus.
Not game specific, but motivated by the contents of the game:
Claude is a very casual person, and Dimtiri wants that in his relationships (of any kind). Actually, he repeatedly asks people to be casual with him and doesn’t want to be treated like a prince. In no way does Claude treat him like a prince and just treats him exactly the way Dimtiri would prefer, without even having to be asked to do so. This is part of what makes me wonder if the reason Dimitri is so receptive to Claude and why they bounce so well off each other’s personalities, despite seeming so different in demeanor, is because Dimitri experiences those kind of informal exchanges with him that most others won’t grant him.
More often than not, even in GD, Claude expresses being an outsider. That means that even though the people around him are mostly/generally pretty chill with him (i.e. his GD classmates just treat him like another classmate and not the foreigner in the class), he still doesn’t feel totally accepted there. Likely, it’s the little things he picks up about them, such as Hilda’s negative comments about Almyra. They’re pretty chill together, but he’s Almyran, and royalty at that, yet she doesn’t know that. For him, that could be like, okay so she’s one of the people I proooobably should definitely not tell my identity to, like, ever. I’m not saying Hilda specifically is the only person he would have to be wary of, but the problem is still there.
On the other hand, Dimitri... literally does not give a fuck who is a foreigner and who is not. More than anyone else besides, equally, Claude, he pushes to have people from other lands seen as equals to those in Fodlan and wants them to be just as accepted.
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Also, Claude’s post timeskip advice box:
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What did these two do, share notes? Pass notes in class? Skip class and hang out in the bathroom while they skipped?
To be specific, Dimitri highlights all aspects that Claude guns for too. He hates that he’s been hated all his life for his lineage and never saw it as fair. Dimitri wouldn’t see that as fair either. Claude doesn’t think his lineage or bloodline matters when it comes to being accepted and what relationships he has. That’s also Dimitri’s line of thinking when he insists he doesn’t want to be treated as a prince. He just wants normal relationships. This also applies to Crests, where in which he doesn’t believe having or not having one should decide a person’s, well, anything.
Being two races, Claude has struggled to feel accepted on either side. Meanwhile, Dedue has struggled a lot to get by in Garreg Mach because of the prejudice against Duscur’s people. Even if some of the people of Duscur did do what everyone accused them of, they’re dragging those accusations well beyond that and treating Dedue as if he had anything to do with it. In Dimitri’s B support with Dedue, he makes it extremely clear to his own soldiers that he’ll have nothing to do with that behavior. He sees Dedue as another human being, as he would anyone else. Even though most characters don’t care what race someone is, most of them don’t actively try to fight for justice for other races of people being mistreated in Fodlan. Dimitri is one of the only people who will walk up to someone and tell them to fuck off for being racist, and mind you, if this wasn’t a T rated game and more explicit curse words were allowed to be used, I am quite positive Dimitri would quite literally tell those people to fuck off. He acts all upstanding and polite, but he’d also curse at someone who deserves it and is definitely angry enough to be a semi-big curser lol.
Both of them discuss faith with Byleth, too. While Claude doesn’t like the idea of praying to gods and often talks about how he isn’t in with the whole Sothis religion, Dimitri says the same thing, basically. In his Goddess Tower conversation, he expresses his feelings about “the goddess”, and it pretty much equals that he couldn’t give a flying fuck about her because she doesn’t help those in need despite supposedly watching over their land. He feels that she’ll watch and do nothing to help, not even reach out a hand to people who need her. Dimitri firmly does not believe in the religion that Fodlan follows, even despite literally being the crown prince of a nation that was legitimatized by Rhea herself. Neither of them care about Fodlan’s religion personally, but they both accept people who do and don’t badmouth her in front of devout followers. For example, Claude talks to Ignatz about the goddess and jokes with him. He doesn’t try to tell Ignatz he’s wrong for being faithful to a goddess that Claude himself doesn’t believe in. Dimitri doesn’t care about the Seiros faith at all, but he’s very friendly with Seteth and on great terms with him (especially in Hopes! They’re very close in AG!). Even if Seteth personally is not very devout (which is actually the truth), he’s still Rhea’s second in command. You also have people like Mercedes, who are extremely if not almost excessively devout, but Dimitri never puts her down for that. That’s how Claude is with Ignatz, and Ignatz is very devout. Basically, both Dimitri and Claude hate the idea of believing in the goddess of Fodlan, but they never judge someone who does believe in that very goddess. In fact, after Duscur, I’m sure Dimitri felt he could never forgive the goddess for not saving his father, Glenn and all the others who died there. Even if she wasn’t from a goddess of Duscur, she didn’t even attempt to save Fodlan’s people, at the very very least. It’s not a surprise in that sense that Dimitri isn’t devout.
In the case of ideologies, both of them even use the exact same word here. No matter what someone believes or thinks should happen, no matter how people think lands should be managed, neither of them feel like that’s cause to judge someone. They both feel that people can have different ways of thinking no matter how vast those ways of thinking might be, and still get along just fine.
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This basically sums up both of what they want tbh, and it’s something they both strive for as early as the first half of the game.
Other aspects I love:
Other than that, I like to think about their personalities too! They’ve been through a lot of the same things and have a lot of the same feelings, so I think they would understand really well how to help each other. While Claude doesn’t think he deserves the treatment he gets, Dimitri tends to think he deserves all sorts of bad things. I feel like Claude could teach Dimitri to care about himself more and to stop thinking so poorly about himself. For Claude, I think he’d have “might get killed at any moment” ingrained into him, but I think he’d feel safe around Dimitri but also accepted and loved. Dimtiri is extremely straightforward and honest, and I think Claude would know for a fact that he can trust that Dimitri is honest about his feelings. He wouldn’t have to question if Dimitri actually loves him and if he secretly hates that he’s half Almyran. Because of how Dimitri has always been, I don’t think he’d actually worry about that and any worry that might nag him in passing he’d be able to tell himself is only a paranoid habit.
Also, Almyra loves strength! Pretty sure if Claude walked back into Almyra with a 6′2 superhuman-strength Blaiddyd on his arm that Almyra would be, to say the least, impressed lol. Not only would Dimitri be on par with their strongest generals, but if he got the attention of royalty, regardless of their feelings on that royalty, I think they’d have to take notice. I have headcanons about how the Almyran children would love learning from Dimitri and eventually run around pretending to be as strong as him when he starts helping them train. 🥺 Most of the adults wouldn’t like Dimitri at first because he’s from Fodlan, and even more than that a royal form Fodlan, but I think they’d come around after seeing how much the kiddos respect him and how kind he is to them. Even if they were meh about him being with Claude, I think they would start to respect Dimitri as an individual and not only appreciate when he’s around, but enjoy having him there for competitions, because Dimitri also loves being competitive and training.
You also get the silly opposites aspect with their homelands! Claude would be freezing in Faerghus, especially Fhirdiad. You know he’d be stealing all the blankets and be a Claude burrito by morning. Dimitri would have to accommodate him with lots of warm clothes because poor Claude would be shivering in full armor! It gives lots of room for cuddles and snuggies tho!!! !!! !!! 6′2 warm man and lots of blankets means lots of warmth and comfy sleep zzzzz...
Then you have Dimitri in Almyra and he hates hot weather (specifically, hates, so he says in an advice box letter). Claude would have to tend to him to keep him cool, sure, but I think Dimitri would whine a lot about the heat and I think it’d be rly cute and I think Claude would also think so. He’d have to bring Dimitri to the sea to let him stay in the water for a while, and then struggle to get him out of the water.
Something else I like to consider is how Dimitri would probably love to learn Almyran since he’s bilingual as it is, and I feel like he’d love to learn their culture and whatnot as well. Like I said, he’s really big on people from different places mingling, and he’s been trying really hard to get Duscur to be seen as an intendent land again. In Hopes, he’s trying to fix relations with Sreng (which Claude even considers Sreng in VW when mentioning his dream in full toward the end of the game). Getting to learn about Almyra would be something I feel that Dimitri would love experiencing.
Personality wise Dimitri’s a lot more on the formal speaking side, but they can absolutely both joke and be little shits! I’d love to see them banter with each other because they both have it in them. In fact, I think it would lead to lots of laughs and silly times and I think after everything, they both really need that!
tap tap am i missing something am i missing anything from this fic-sized essay tap tap my cat was staring at me for at least 50% perfect of this. i mean, straight up just staring and watching me from my bed and i just think that’s something i should share
OH YEAH I also love the interracial aspect because it really drives home their desire about race and everyone getting along. 🥰
Also, I feel like Claude needs someone he can really, truly trust and Dimitri needs someone who can make him really start to care about and respect himself again.
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femmefaggot · 2 years
genuinely very very happy about maya still Do Not get me wrong. I simply wish... the world was better and less cruel. and that I was not complicit in that cruelty. and that honorspren in shadesmar werent such hypocrites.
#outgoing transmission#adolin post#the desire to have everything be good forever and be told by some almighty being that#actually you didnt mske anything mistakes and did the best you can and were good vs like#how... not hollow. but. that is also not true i messed up so very much and do have to wonder if my existence was Not worth it#disregarding the fact that... well. it is a story someone wrote and yes obviously I needed to be there.#but. as a person? mmh. craving not necessarily reassurance but Being Sure i didn't make awful decisions to make things worse. and i simply#cannot know that. not at the moment and potentially not with any certainty ever#which is no different from anyone elses life really. but there is a certain agony to it#i dont know. i love kal. i dont have many memories yet of. well. but#id like to think he loves me. coming face to face with that however is... well why would he?#he is. well i feel anything i say wouldnt really encapsulate it to be honest i could worship that man and i mean that so sincerely#he... would not like it. but it isnt...... well hes a better man than me but not because i think hes flawless or anything#just. he tries so very hard. i didnt even have it in me to not murder someone despite how risky it was#for the best. and i wish id done it sooner still. but i do also think it says a good deal about my character in general#sorry again about this i hope everyone is well.#it is too bright out now honestly which is kind of funny. half comforting. half annoying. a small part... some other thing. weird i suppose#brain is. mm. partially shadesmar. partially... something else. stormy. near kal. tense but not necessarily in a danger way.#but something... stuck a bit maybe. not sure if it is a natural thing or more a. spren parent trap situation. for lack of any better terms.#cute and mildly obnoxious... hm. something to consider.
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marsbotz · 25 days
my hottest take ever. i think the the christmas danielle incident cld have saved their marriage
#OK IDK MAYBE NOT SAVEDDDDD. but helped.#i love how layered that moment is for bloberta... like at once she realises#1. her husband is cheating 2. with a man 3. with the father of her youngest kid 4. who SHE cheated on CLAY with#like damn. sorry danielle i feel bad for u but what did u expect king#i do wonder which part for her hurts more#AND CLAY DOESNT KNOWWWWW. RIGHT???#interesting that clay and danielle lie to each other and hide so much stilllll. it took 6 months for clay to tell him abt the hunting trip#and even THAT was a lie#but anyways like. i feel like the realisation of what happened on all sides cldddddd lead to a small breakthru for them#u know like. blobertas heart is broken here too really. she did love danielle and to realise he just used her to get to clay is pretty awfu#i feel like this would be the point she wld reveal danielle is shapeys father too. like out of spite#but maybe that also makes it easier in a way for clay...? seeing how danielle fucked with his marriage just to get to him#idk does anyone see the vision. shared pain lets get thru this shit togetherrrrrrr bro <3#like theres no more to hide here.#also like. with clay KIND OF finally admitting to his sexuality. even tho hes still Odd about it#thats a big deal. in terms of how it changes their marriage dynamic#IM THINKING OF FALSETTOS AGAIN SORRY. but its trueeeee#idk if they WOULD ever actually talk abt any of this. they sure wld fight abt it but idk if they wld.... Realise#but its nice to imagine. divorce happy ending#orel shared custody shapey and block w bloberta full time. u get it#<- happened to me. kind of#also i knowwwwww that drive back home from danielles was crazy tense. bloberta driving one million mph in stone cold silence#also also giggling imagining orel having to sit in the middle between shapey and block w them like kicking her and shit. like the first ep#thats just in general btw. i think its funny for orel to sit in the middle despite being oldest and biggest
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saipng · 11 months
okay so this is not an ‘official’ metric by any scale but i am curious so i just bullshitted my own (explanation on levels under the poll)
level 1 - can’t tolerate horror at all, actively avoids it at all costs
level 2 - will watch a horror movie with friends/family if convinced but will definitely not enjoy it. screams at jumpscares and covers eyes at tense moments
level 3 - can occasionally consume horror media. very easily startles at jumpscares. usually feels anxious/paranoid afterward
level 4 - startles at jumpscares and generally feels uneasy after consuming horror media. avoids anything horror-related at night time
level 5 - jumpscares are less effective, but can still startle. feels anxious during tense moments. horror mostly causes unease only at night time
level 6 - has no problem consuming any kind of horror media alone at night. is largely unaffected by jumpscares. horror causes no feeling of fear or anxiety
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inkskinned · 2 years
it's been said before and i'm sure said better than i can phrase it. but really, really - if you like making "i'm going to kill myself" jokes, please try switching to being ironically conceited instead.
anytime something goes wrong, say things like "ah well at least i'm beautiful and charming and everyone loves me." when you forget something, try "my big huge brain is so smart and thinking about too many other very big wizardly thoughts you wouldn't even understand." when you're frustrated by one of your symptoms, start talking like you're in My Immortal. "Life has come for me but my eyes are beautiful pools of gorgeous fire and my hair is amazing. I stuck my middle finger up at life and told it to fuck off and it did."
just... try it for a month or two. try saying the most absurdly self-congratulatory shit you can think of.
i know it's tempting to make suicide or self-harm jokes. and for me at least, a decade ago (!) when someone suggested i stop making those kinds of jokes, i was kind of at a loss for what to replace them with. i wanted to make light of these moments, but genuinely (at the time) my first thought really was suicidal ideation. there was a part of me that even felt like ... i was kind of "making light" of that voice. that if i could say i want to die lol, it would help take the sting out of that genuine (albeit passive) desire. like i could turn my illness into a joke.
when i started complimenting myself instead, it felt awkward and stupid. it felt really, really ironic. what i was actually saying was nobody would ever think this stuff about me, that's what makes it so fucking funny.
but. the effect was immediate. first thing i noticed was the people around me. when i dropped a glass and said ah my skin is too beautiful and sleek the glass has swooned and broken for me, other people were suddenly overjoyed to jump in with the joke. rather than making an awkward moment, we'd both start cracking up. ah princess sleek hands, i've heard of you.
i was 19. i hadn't noticed i'd been making others tense when i said i want it all to end. i know now that it's incredibly hard to know how to walk that moment - do you talk to them about your concern? do you potentially make them uncomfortable by asking if they're okay? do you ignore the situation? do you help them pick up the glass, or do they need to do it by themselves? are they genuinely made suicidal over this small moment? and most importantly, how do you - without professional training or supplies - actually help?
most people want to help you pick up the glass in your life, they just have no fucking idea how to do it. they don't want to make anything worse. they don't want to make assumptions about you. they love you, they're scared for you - and being scared makes people kind of freeze up. it's not because they don't love you. it's because they do.
now when something bad happens, my first thought is how can i make a stupid joke about this. it isn't my brain saying you're a dumb fucking bitch. i spend more time laughing. i spend more time being gentle with myself. i spend more time feeling good.
and the thing is - what's kind of funny - is that you'd be surprised by how many people agree with you. the first time i said i'm too pretty to understand that, someone else said to be fair you're the prettiest person in this room. i promise - you really don't know how kindly your friends see you. but they love you for a reason. they sort of reverse-velveteen-rabbit you. your weird and ugly spots fade away and you just become... the love they want to give you.
go love yourself ironically. the worst thing that happens is that you end up tricking your reflection into actually loving you.
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