#kind of—it's their designs but i'm not sure they'll even fight when mac has the tail on the green armor tbh
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Zero Motorcycles SR/S
It's pretty pricey for a cheap motorcycle and basically it is cheap and they're asking for $20,000 the price of a decent sedan and we looked at it and said why are they asking so much they think electric is still a novelty ours is about 8,000 but it has all sorts of doodads on it that work and is very efficient and effective motorcycle and it's self-charging I'm already driving it's about 6 00 miles per charge at about 20 per 100 if you are including the self charging add-on which makes it about $700 or 800 miles per charge and that's kind of like I take a gas but it takes an hour and a half to charge still but if you have the extra battery that CAA always talks about you can drive almost indefinitely as it charges one while you're driving and you just switch back to it and the gas tank if you get the add-on doubles as a second giant battery and a lot of you don't care about all that you want storage and it sounds ridiculous because it is some people are like him and kind of cautious to ask if it is safe and it doesn't cause cancer so humidity radiation all that's not true in our bike it's shielded if something happens it would go a different direction it does not emit radiation because of the shielding and we actually specifically decided to collect emissions that are casting in that direction and at all and there aren't any and you don't understand that the bike is cheap I mean this one zero is a piece of junk and it's designed to make you not like electric bikes cuz it doesn't drive very far and doesn't do what it's supposed to I'll stop speed is about 200 mph and it can go faster if you wanted to you have a performance package you can add for about two grand it's as fast as one of the fastest super bikes that you people make that are gas which is very fast about 500 miles an hour and it'll go just as far no not at all it'll go a lot farther even it almost top speed it'll go 10 times as far as the gasoline bike will and you're ridiculous the technology is within your grass you just don't want to use it.
So we are and we're Mass producing them and if you want tons of them out there we'll get him a bike but our people say we don't want that many out there because we don't want you zooming all over the place without having to pay some money and go somewhere that we can keep track you with so sit there and suck on it because you'll never do it even that would be really miraculous idea for you but you're dumb rather have him sit there staring at you trying to figure out how to get rid of you when she keeps doing and he's really good at it. In other words you're not buying our electric bike it has this very high capacity and we can't really put how many miles it can go and that might be it because you don't understand what the capacity for miles is for charge but we should say is at maximum performance in max speed you need to charge every 1500 miles because that's about how many and we can put a power usage chart up once you understand that and we can put both and retarded people might have a little difficulty figuring it out and they'll lag behind no matter what you tell them I believe
Thor Freya
It's very simple corking company and screw Trump is just advisor and I expect something from you and you're not doing that badly in this department even though your wacko I want you to go out there corks I don't need to buy a million of these in area today and if you don't believe what Hera has said then stick it with the sun don't shine because our advertising is always truthful and you're going to have a bike that you can just drive around and not have to spend money on gas and it's very efficient and hardly needs to be fixed ever it's complicated technology and you guys need to sit down and look at it cuz you have no idea how most electrical things work of this nature and you need to know because not only are we selling it which is ridiculous but we're selling something that captures electrical radiation and puts it back in stores it or discharges it and that's exactly what you need for Galactus and even though Thor doesn't have confidence ull buy it I think you will
As most of you don't have money to go around buying gas all the time and stopping to gas up as a pain in the ass because everyone's a pain in the ass to you and you'll fool Thor by buying them. And your full mark because you should buy them because the technology is something you should learn about and it's more advanced than what Mac is doing in public and really it's something they're not good at and will and Bill looked at it and said wow that's quite a bike and it's his design for my primarily it is his bike and I copied it and I made one and Thor and I and Apollo and Arianna Nuada and others perfected it, and yes it's a racing bike and yes there is an electric racing bag circuit and yes it is acceptable bike and if you bought a ton of them you could clean up on the circuit or at least you'd be racing us and you leave Mac behind and you can get the high performance package and it goes just as fast. It's a stock Super bike race. Hera added the last two sentences but I want to see you guys out there pronto Green mountain boys and I want to see you with these electric bikes because you can afford them and it's a status symbol if you have more than mac they're going to sale sorts of stuff but they're not going to have these bikes that really are fast and they're quiet too by the way makes a whirring sound it's very quiet compared to a superbike and it doesn't burn any gas and I'm not doing any favors cuz you'd be investigated by us and of course we try and figure out who's buying them and so forth but I just think that someone has to show that you're smarter than someone else and these bikes are smart buy these bikes are smart buy because if the gasoline in your area goes out and you can't afford gas so you can't buy it you can use solar and charge these or you don't have to charge them you see can you buy a few spare batteries you don't have to charge the means if you go around at 100 mph all day long or less you won't have to charge it at all ever if you go around at 500 mph all day long you'll be going only 1500 miles then you'll have to charge it or you find a hill to go down and Hera says yeah you can start up again and go 50 miles an hour for 2 hours and you be fully charged.
Zues Hera
So we're in awe because he says he can sell it to us and it makes sense and we do understand it at a certain energy output the energy input is great enough that it can charge the battery and you can switch to the second battery if the output is too high you drain both batteries down and or the first battery and the second battery is how it really works and we do get that so we're starting to understand something it's very technical but it's not extremely hard to think of except if the other motorcycle companies were still around and we do understand something that this is going to be dominant in the market and the attack bike might take over but right now bja is proving that we need this one and so it's a big selling point you can use them off planet too and you can fly around on the moon or as it looks like we're going to have this fight up and one of the moons I think it's earths and no oxygen is required for it to work so are consumed is interest because he says we just have to put some sort of heat and cooling system on it make sure that the motor and the battery didn't freeze or heat up too much just like you are spacesuit and other than that you would have a machine that speed and accuracy is unbeatable off planet because of the nature of the motorcycle being able to traverse rough and difficult and impossible terrain versus a full four-wheel vehicle so we found the bike and he said this is impossible you could ride around the planet 10 times and a lot of is probably with and do nothing but just keep riding around it
Cork and bja
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