#kinda anti river song actually sorry
toocabaret · 2 years
you know what i’m actually pissed that i had to sit through so much bullshit with river song and the constant confirming and reconfirming of her relationship with the doctor, the not-quite-platonic nature of ALL previous female companions with the doctor and the frequent pulpy lampshading of doctor who’s flirting relationship with sexuality only to have 13 be completely sexless. it is so obvious that they were terrified to put a foot wrong with the first woman and so gave her nothing so no one could criticise them, without realising that distinction would read as so infantilising and sterile.
It’s actually worse than that because they explicitly gave her a romance subplot, but were too cowardly to see it through. i don’t think i should have to sit through so much overt romanticism with previous male doctors to have a canon wlw doctor baited and then abandoned at the last minute. it undermines all the other positive messages of the show in my opinion
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music-obsess · 4 years
The holiday-Mark Lee
1.1k words
Wattpad repost(my work)
Might make part two??
Not my GIF credit to maker
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Written in 2019***
Every summer me and my brother go somewhere new. This summer we're going to Seoul South Korea. He's in love with kpop or better say, BTS, and few other groups so he is dragging me along to Seoul with him.
"You know they're on tour you won't see them here." I tell my brother.
"I know! But still it's fun to be here. And I'm not just here to go celebrity hunting. I'm here to film the music video to my new song." He says.
"Mira Yoandri, I love you but we both know you picked Seoul because you wanted to go celebrity hunting. And besides why didn't you bring Ivan, I haven't seen him in while. And he actually speaks Korean." I say looking out the window of our hotel room.
"I didn't bring him because his busy and besides you speak Korean. now come one let's go site seeing before it gets too dark. And then we can go have dinner to this place Ivan told me about."
We take our bags and walk out the room. My bad have my portable charger, my cameras, Polaroid and digital, my wallet, and my headphones.
We take a cab to a shopping center and walk around for a bit. We hear screaming coming from outside the store we are in and soon the doors a closed.
"What happened?" I asked Yoandri
"I don't know, but we should look around and see. I don't want us to die." He says. I roll my eyes at him and walk around the shop. We see a few people and by a few I mean like 12 people.
"I think there was two people looking around when you guys came in. Would you like for us to look for them we could take them out?" The lady at the counter said
"No, if they're shopping let them. We're doing the same." One of them says.
Me and Yoandri pick out the shoes and sweaters we wanted and go to check out.
"It's NCT. The people that are in the store are NCT127." Yoandri whispers in my ear.
"NC-who?" I say looking at him.
"You really don't know anything do you?"
"No, you're the one thats friends with Ivan. You guys are the ones that know kpop."
"Yet tu hablas coreano."? We start talking in Spanish and i look around with him.
"Okay. I just realize, our Spanish is soo bad." Yoyo says. I let a small laugh out and say "yeah, I don't think I've ever been this bad at being Latina. I can't even speak Spanish properly. What use is speaking four languages if I'm losing the most important one. I'm so ashamed I don't think I should be considered Cuban." I say in a disappointing tone.
"Don't be. It sucks when you start to forget words in your first language but if you know more than one then you should be proud it not ashamed for forgetting a few words." A voice says from next to me. "I'm Mark Lee"
"I'm Y/n Cabrera, and thank you. It means a lot to hear words like that." I say back. He smiles at me and takes a second before asking "So what are you doing in Seoul? I mean I heard your from Cuba but just curious."
"Well I'm from Miami, my parents are from Cuba. And me and my brother visit a different country every summer, it's kinda our tradition. This summer he picked Korea and just as a plus I'm helping him film his new music video." I say. He looks at me and smiles.
"Sounds fun, wait music video?"
"Yeah, He was in the tv show, well I guess it would be a survival show for you guys, where a band of 5 was made and he came in 6th place. He didn't make the band but got quite a big following from it. He does his own work and stuff. We're supposed to film by the river tomorrow." I say
"Really? Which bridge?" He asked
"Um Yeongdongdaegyo. A friend of mine said it was nice." I say.
"Which Friend? Sorry I'm being nosy." He says
"It's okay I enjoy the conversation anytime  to not talk to my brother about KPOP really."
"You don't like kpop?" He asked. I could hear the worry in his voice given he is a kpop idol and here I am doing anything to not talk about kpop.
"It's not that I don't like it. I just like listening to it on my own accord. My brother and his friend Ivan listen to it a lot and the few groups I liked they killed by over playing. Don't worry Mark Lee I'm not an anti, my favorite llama plays SM artists music once in a while." I say
"Favorite Llama? You know Amber?" He asked as we keep walking around the store.
"Yeah, Ivan met her through her sister then me and Yoandri met her at a party Jackie had. She saw I felt out of it so she talked to me and we ended up becoming friends. There might be a lot of people in the world but it's a small world Mark." I say. Me and Mark hear our names being called I turn to might right and he turns to his left. Our faces were inches apart. I back away blushing and walk over to Yoandri.
"It was nice meeting you Mark Lee" I say walking backwards so I'm still facing him.
"You too Y/N Cabrera." He says as one of his members comes up from behind him.
I turn around and walk out of the shop with Yoandri and go get ice cream.
"What happened back there?" He asked as we wait for our taxi to go back to our hotel.
"Nothing, I was just talking to him." I say.
"Okay" He says. We get back to the hotel and up to our room. Yoyo gets out his laptop and FaceTimes Ivan. I swear their friendship is something to envy.
I lay in bed and go on YouTube. I look up NCT and start watching some videos. To my surprise Mark is in almost every video.
Yoandri lays next to me and sees my phone.
"Mark Lee, Pro at debut. He is in half of the NCT units now. He was in all of them but Way V debut and he graduated from Dream last New Years. Nct the group with unlimited members." He says. I lock my phone and look at him.
"I thought you only knew BTS stuff." I say raising an eyebrow.
"I know more than just BTS. Okay okay let's stop talking about nct and watch a movie." He says. He puts his laptop on his lap and I cuddle into him. Half way into cars I fall sleep on his chest.
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horsechestnut · 4 years
Of course you ship Thasmin and hate Moffat and River Song. Things make finally sense now. Could you please not tag River Song if you're going to hate on her? Other people enjoy her character.
I don’t hate River Song, I actually think she’s a really fascinating character, and Alex Kingston does an amazing job playing her. The concept of her is amazing, and I do actually enjoy the tragic romance between her and the doctor. I can’t remember where exactly it is, but at one point there’s a scene where they kiss, and Eleven get’s really flustered and is like ��there’s a first time for everything” and as he walks away the camera zooms in on River and she very softly responds with “And a last”, and it’s absolutely heartbreaking, I tear up just thinking about it.
The issue I have is with the plots that are usually surrounding her. This is an over arching issue with Eleven’s (and to some extent Twelve’s) stories, where they seem so focused on being clever or coming up with a cool plot twist that they don’t think about what actually makes sense. Unfortunately for River she tends to be at the center of these arcs.
I love River. I think she’s one of the most interesting characters ever put on Doctor Who, I think her romance with the Doctor is the perfect mix of cute and tragic, and Kingston does an incredible job in every scene. Which is why it kills me that she’s given such awful plot lines to work with and they seemed more interested in creating fun twists with her then giving her a good solid story arc.
That being said, yeah I kinda hate Moffat. Especially the way he writes women. How Ten treats Donna in Silence in the Library is a prime example of how bad it is. Not really sure what that has to do with shipping Thasmin though.
Sorry about the tag, but I really didn’t mean it to be anti-River Song, more just annoyance that they kept giving her nonsensical storylines. 
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comradeocean · 5 years
what do we do with a problem like Maria!!!!!
I am getting deep in my investment of this iteration of the character and it's kinda breaking my heart!
like, one of the biggest changes in the reboot is switching up the composition of the co-conspirators. that's fine! there are different stories to focus on besides the discovery + trickle down disclosure/coming out + wider aftermath throughlines. grief, fate, trying and maybe failing to get the fuck away and out of some kind of originary trauma. good stuff.
but with none of the aliens or humans particularly united amongst themselves (or even on regular speaking terms yet, now more than 10 episodes in???), rather than a baseline humans vs podsquad dynamic that then get complicated as the season picks up, so far the humans have each* gotten paired up w an alien for the bulk of their character+plot interaction/development.
[*except Kyle and maybe that's why he's so watchable!]
in some ways it worsens the problems the original Roswell had of Liz and Maria's lives narrowing to completely revolve around their alien boyfriends. but! because there's more plot this time than whoa aliens exist, everyone has more story than alien paramour: murdered (by aliens) sister, sick (bc aliens??) mother, abusive aliens-hunting military dad, dead (bc aliens??) ex-sheriff dad, you know, the usual.
but it does mean the individual story lines are basically siloed off from each other. and... with the showrunner's choice to make the alien experience an allegory for whitepassing Muslims experiencing Islamophobia post 9/11... the corresponding casting decisions lead to a situation where until now the (racialized) humans* mostly interact with the (white) aliens, and not so much each other.
[*again, except Kyle. guys I think I cracked it. the main character of Roswell is actually Kyle Valenti]
and like, just as women exist beyond the male gaze... people of colour exist beyond the white gaze. hard to believe but we're out here living thinking talking without white people around, yes, sometimes even with each other.
I actually love the changes that made her closer to Rosa than to Liz! that she and Liz weren't exactly bffs! and that because of this whole eccentric wild child / goody two shoes tension, they have trouble being real with each other!
and while fandom loves the be whole her own saviour thing (I mean, it's a good line. I dedicated a whole song on my mixtape to it) as people have been pointing out in the tags, it's still playing on an anti-Black trope - the characterization of Black women as less needing (and thus deserving) of care. also lbr, fandom loves it insofar as it's not a threat to their ship. Maria being her own saviour in Texas was drunken karaoke + fucking around in the desert w angsty smells like a river cowboy motherfucker. but come the cold light of realization in Roswell, it's back to being everyone's saviour and backing the fuck off, her own feelings be damned.
and I'm not ready for that????! for Maria to be pre-preemptively heartbroken AND occupying the most oblivious corner in that mess of a Roswell NM Venn diagram of who knows what about who AND struggling on her own with Mama Deluca
like I'm not gonna pretend I'm not gunning for starry galactically predestined slow burn Michael + Alex = 4ver. the showrunners know my rotten little melodramatic fanfic loving heart too well. they set it up that way! Carina Adly Mackenzie came up through fandom. she knows exactly which buttons to push!! it's kryptonite! I can't resist the ship
but I also can't handle Maria angst with almost certainly no payoff! the goofy love-to-hate vibe is /so/ good. catching feelings after years of Never again one night stands. two outsiders stuck in a town that hates their guts. Maria's whole judgement-free you gotta do what you gotta do zone.
whomst the true multishippers among us??????
sorry this turned into shipwar kindling at the end.
[and oh just to get it out of the way, in no way do I think representation, especially in terms of media products and properties, sufficiently heralds any kind of liberatory politics. so miss me w the cynical deployment of identity to defend why so-and-so boning is better than so-and-so-else]
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analogscum · 6 years
HARD ROCK ZOMBIES (1985, d. Krishna Shah)
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Human ambition is a funny thing. It can lead to great triumphs, but also great tragedies. Without human ambition, we would not have rock n’ roll, the most vital of American art forms. On the other hand, human ambition also lead the Third Reich to exterminate more than six million Jews, Catholics, homosexuals, physically and mentally handicapped, and Romani people. How does this tie in to today’s film, Hard Rock Zombies? Well, for now, let’s just say that it is a testament to both sides of the coin of human ambition that the sickos who made Hard Rock Zombies said to themselves, we’re going to make Hard Rock Zombies…and then actually went out and made Hard Rock Zombies. I’m honestly not sure if I mean that as a compliment or not.
We open on two metalheads riding a T-Bird convertible down a winding desert road. Lo and behold, they stumble upon a buh-buh-buh-baaaaabe hitchhiking. What are they gonna do, NOT invite this bodacious blonde into their sweet ride? We now cut to a dwarf with an eyepatch and a troll dancing around with a guy holding a camera by a river. You read that right. The metalheads and the blonde pull up on the other side of the river, strip down to their skivvies, and do a little skinny dipping. Suddenly, she drowns each of them one by one! And also does something else, because the water turns blood red, but I have no idea what that could be. The camera guy takes pictures of this gristly scene, while the dwarf and the troll celebrate the carnage. They chop off one of the victims’ hands, blondie picks it up and sings “I wanna hold your hand.” Again, you read all of that right.
Cut to: our heroes, the band, whom the movie never bothers to name (seriously, this band has no name), rockin’ out before a sold out crowd. Right away, we’re confronted with the major problem of all of these 80s metal horror movies: these guys just do not sufficiently rock. I mean, they have a synth player, for cryin’ out loud! This was not too long after Van Halen risked losing their metal fanbase by adding synths to “Jump,” because synths were pop, and pop was for pussies. But seriously, these guys make Billy Joel sound like Napalm Death. Oh well, at least the crowd of roughly 12 people seems to be having a good time.
Backstage, the band strip down to their banana hammocks, and their manager, Ron, tells them that they have to have their photos taken with a bunch of groupies. None of the dudes in the band, especially the lead singer, Jesse, seem to want to do this. They’re incredibly ambivalent about potentially sleeping with these women. Which of course is par for the course for 80s metal bands. Most of Motley Crue’s autobiography, The Dirt, is about the dudes politely sipping Earl Grey tea and discussing Nietzsche. We soon get an idea as to why Jesse is not interested in all of these women who want to ride his mullet, and believe me, you’re not gonna like it.
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As he’s escaping all of these annoying women who wanna show him their boobs, Jesse runs into Cassie. Now, the movie is not entirely clear on how old Cassie is supposed to be, but let’s just say she’s young. Like, teenage. Like, below the age of consent. She warns Jesse to stay out of the town of Grand Guignol (subtle), where the band is scheduled to play the next night. Jesse instantly falls in love with her, because this movie hates you, and we’re treated to white hot, sexually charged flirting such as this:
Jessie: You're neat.
Cassie: No, I'm not.
Jessie: Yeah, ya are.
Cassie: ...shakes head...
Jessie: Yeah, ya are.
Guys, it’s rare that I make a point of writing down dialogue in these movies that we talk about, but Hard Rock Zombies left me with no choice but to slam that pause button and record some of these lines, because holy macaroni, peep this screenwriting magic:
“I got it from a book. You know, a boooooooook?”
“You guys ready for the show? The loud show? Loud music show? Rock and roll?!?!”
“Oh bullshit, young stupid!”
“You suck, mister! I know it and everyone knows it!”
Eat your heart out, Aaron Sorkin!
So the band arrives in Grand Guignol, and wouldn’t you know it, they pick up the same hitchhiking blonde, who invites them to stay at her family’s mansion. The family is pretty normal, you’ve got blondie, the photographer, the dwarf, the troll, the groundskeeper who, um, is that a Swastika armband he’s wearing, and grandma and grandpa, who speak in thick German accents and we meet them while they’re in the bone zone and the dwarf and the troll are watching them. Oh, and by the way, they’re secretly Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun, and Eva Braun is a werewolf. I PROMISE THAT ALL OF THIS IS TRUE.
As it turns out, everyone in Grand Guignol is a backwards rube who thinks that rock n’ roll is the devil’s music that will lead to “physical sex” (again, actual quote). So they get super duper outraged when the band engages in some antics that wouldn’t be out of place in an episode of The Monkees. They skateboard around, do silly dances, and mug for the camera. The sheriff throws them in jail, the town council cancels their concert, and outlaw all rock n’ roll in general, leading to a scene where everyone throws their records and tapes in a pile and destroys them (again, subtle).
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Meanwhile, Jesse and Cassie keep running into each other and falling deeper and deeper in love, and the movie keeps rubbing our faces in their obvious age difference, because apparently the overt Nazi imagery wasn’t cringeworthy enough. Just wait until we get to the song he writes about her, because you’ll have to go to jail once you hear it. They practice at the creepy mansion, and the family tries to electrocute them. That doesn’t work, so instead they murder the band members one by one overnight. The drummer is stabbed in a terrible homage to the Psycho shower scene, the keyboardist is felled by werewolf Eva Braun, I don’t remember what happens to the guitarist, I think he falls out of a window or something, and Jesse is crucified and disembowled with a weed hacker by the groundskeeper. This means Hitler is finally ready to turn California into the fourth reich…here we go…no turning back…complete with gas chambers. Which come into play later. THIS IS ALL FROM A REAL MOVIE THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
Luckily, before he croaked, Jesse gave Cassie a tape he made of a bass lick that can raise the dead. Look, just roll with me here, ok? You’ve made it this far. So Cassie plays the tape at the band’s grave, and they rise from the dead, ready to get revenge on Hitler and Eva Braun and co. In zombie form, they all sport weird mime makeup that kinda looks like KISS in the early days before they figured out their image, and they walk around as if they’re doing a combination of the robot and the Macarena. These are both choices that the filmmakers made. So they pretty much instantly murderize the Hitler clan with no problems, but whoops, they don’t stay dead for long, because now they’re zombies too, and they’re attacking all the hicks in town, which makes THEM zombies. Now we’ve got Nazi zombies and redneck zombies running around, which is not an ideal situation to say the least, but for now, the band have to go play their big gig.
This is where we finally get to hear Jesse’s love ballad to Cassie in it’s entirety, and, well, here it is…
“I’m so in love, but you’re so young.” BARF BARF BARF BARF ETERNAL BARF. Anyway, see ya in jail, which is where I live now because of this song!
I’m really loathe to talk about the rest of the movie, because at this point, it takes a turn into goofy comedy, and just completely falls flat. Not that their satirical bits about the PMRC and anti-metal hysteria were all that biting, but at least they were trying to say something, whereas these Zucker brothers-lite groaners are just insufferable. There’s a gag about a girlfriend who’s so possessive of her boyfriend that she won’t let any other women get near his severed head after a zombie rips it off, which the filmmakers obviously thought was beyond hilarious, but is really torturous. Then there’s an even less funny gag where some Pointdexter is like, hey, since zombies are brainless, they must be, like, allergic to brains? So if we all walk around with these giant cardboard cutout heads, they’ll leave us alone? Huh? And of course it doesn’t work, and of course the zombies just eat everybody, and as he’s being devoured, the Pointdexter yells, “Don’t believe everything you read!” Ugggh, read this: you suck, movie.
OK, there is one running gag from this section that I liked: after the troll becomes a zombie, he just eats his own body until he’s a burping skull. I happened to think that was charming and great.
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Eventually the townsfolk try to sacrifice Cassie to the zombies, because they read that if the undead feast upon a virgin, then they’ll rest for another hundred years. Whatever. So Cassie is totally about to be gang banged and devoured by zombie Hitler and his gang (wow, what a sentence), when luckily the band shows up, and lures them away by playing that resurrection riff that Jesse learned from a book (you know, a booooooook?!?!) And where do they lure them? Ugh, sorry…here goes…they lure them to the gas chambers, where they’re all gassed to death. You know, like in the Holocaust? I have nothing more to say.
The film ends, in perfect fashion, by spelling co-writer/director Krishna Shah’s name wrong in the credits. Fantastic.
When a movie looks particularly bad, I often like to say that it reminds me of a fake movie meant to play in the background of a real movie. Well, as it turns out, that’s the actual origin story of Hard Rock Zombies. Originally, the film was supposed to be 20 minutes long and featured as the movie the characters in another Krishna Shah production, American Drive-In, go to see. Apparently Shah decided at some point that he could double his profits by turning Hard Rock Zombies into its own feature film. This begs the question: is this where all the Nazi stuff was added? Because it’s easy to imagine characters in a movie occasionally checking in with the drive-in movie and seeing a bunch of rockers rising from the grave, but that Hitler subplot is just so bizarre and so incongruous that I can’t help but think it was tacked on.
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Hard Rock Zombies is the craziest film I’ve seen in awhile. It approaches Demonwarp and Spookies levels of what the hell am I watching madness. You genuinely will not be able to predict where this movie is gonna go from scene to scene. However, the tacked on nature of that madness keeps you at arms length a bit, and eventually it just becomes tiresome once you realize it’s not going anywhere beyond mere shock value. I mean, this movie is nearly an hour and forty minutes, and ends with a scene in a goddamn GAS CHAMBER. So, by all means, show this one to your friends, just don’t blame me if they never talk to you again. You may be right, they may be crazy, but in the end, it’s still rock n’ roll to me.
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kahran042 · 4 years
More of my favorite YouTube comments
(in response to Musical Hell's review of Legends of Oz: Dorothy's return) "There's no way you're going to make a rainbow look threatening to anybody but a FOX news anchor." Allow me to offer some counterexamples. Prism Justice, Disgaea 2. Sonic Rainboom, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. All of the light-elemental attack spells in Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. Depending on how you interpret its appearance, Prismatic Spray, Dungeons and Dragons. And many more, I'm sure.
(in response to the educational video Social Acceptability) If I were writing this, it would probably end with Marion, Clara, and Pete starting a revolution and eventually overthrowing the clique, er, "cleek".
(in response to Off Camera Secrets | Pokemon Snap - Boundary Break) I know it's probably a coincidence, but I found it interesting that you said "The Rapidash that GALLOP behind the scenes," since Gallop is Rapidash's Japanese name.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze) Searching for keys in an underwater maze as a mammal with a limited air supply while awesome music plays. Now, am I talking about Shoal Atoll or practically every level in the Genesis Ecco games? :)
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Super Mario World) "Who wants to eat dolphins?" The Vortex Queen, for one.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden II) Random fun fact related to the Jowy gender issue: I actually had a female friend in high school who sort of looked like Jowy.
(in response to SlimKirby's Let's Play of Sonic CD) Sonic: "I'm outta here!" Kids in the background: "YAY!"
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All) Other commentator: Is yours and Maya's priorities being similar/the same a good thing, or a bad thing? :) Me: If we knew that, we'd probably know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.
(in response to Shoot for the NBA! 10 cats obsessed with Basketball) Air Bud...WITH CATS! =^_^=
(in response to SlimKirby's Let's Play of Sonic Adventure DX) It took you two minutes to find One Piece? That's pretty impressive - Luffy and his crew still haven't found it after like 800 episodes. :)
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Donkey Kong Country Returns) World 2 boss: We Bare Crabs.
(in response to Eye of Sol's review of Family Guy) "Esoteric"? Sol, Family Guy is not a food. :) Seriously, though, it's nice to see a non-negative review of this show.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden) Say what you will about Tesla's "Albert" disguise, he at least knows not to use his name and portrait in his text box when using it. :)
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations) Other commentator: So for those that remember Phoenix being in the hospital earlier on, I think we can conclude that the guy is legit invincible. Chewed and ate glass/metal that had poison kept in it, been punched on two separate occasions by massive dudes, threatened by gangsters, attacked with a 600,000 volt stun-gun, hit over the head with a fire extinguisher, and has now fallen into a river infamous for having bodies that end up in there never turning up. Phoenix is hacking the game so hard it's unreal. Me: And, worst of all...eating Jean Armstrong's cooking!
(in response to Resulka's Let's Play of Ultima VII: Serpent Isle) The fact that Voldin is the senior member of the royal council should be proof enough that the city of Fawn doesn't banish people just for being ugly. :)
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Duke) Look on the bright side: at least you aren't a solid gold lion. :)
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Duke) Other commentator 1: You know this movie doesn't sound all that enjoyable. Me: That's like saying the Pacific Ocean is moist.
(in response to Failous' review of Beauty and the Beast Bevanfield) So...wait. You don't hate the 17th century, or you don't know why you hate the 17th century? :)
(in response to Failous' review of Cricket on the Hearth) Other commentator: Old Man makes every movie better. Me: Let's agree to disagree.
(in response to Failous' review of Anastasia (Golden Films)) Other commentator: The only credit I give to goldenfilms that they at least know about the tsar tragedy and didn't sugarcoat they're tragic deaths...While those 3 godawful  crappy animated films of titanic took a crap on the tragic deaths of the million of people whom died on the titanic............etc...... Me: How can millions of people have died on a ship with a maximum capacity of 3547?
(in response to BCSBuster's Let's Play of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time) Maybe it's just me, but those eyespots on the back of Ruto's head are pretty disturbing.
(in response to BCSBuster's Let's Play of The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time) Counterpoint: The Deku Tree is dead, so how's he going to stop you from going inside? :)
(in response to Lewtoons' review of Beauty and the Beast) This is automatically better than Phelous' review on the ground of containing 100% less Phelous.
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Swan Princess 5 & 6) Other commentator: Elise should probably be more grateful for her princess title and being adopted by the unrealistically nice royalty, considering she, you know, came from a family of wood cutters? Me: Agreed. After all, Derek and Odette didn't kill her parents and destroy her village, only keeping her alive so that she could tell them where the village's secret treasure was kept.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Katamari Damacy) My personal theory about why people don't notice katamaris is that they generate SEP fields.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Katamari Damacy) What would the "hunk" constellation be, though? I picture it being Hercules or Orion.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Other commentator: Bacula is the son of Dracula from Phoenix Wright. Explaining why Bacula has the Edgeworth voice. Because Bacula is Edgeworth. Edgeworth is part of the Phoenix Wright trilogy which has three games. Triangles have three sides. Illuminati has a triangle shaped symbol with three sides. Bacula is Illuminati. Me: And my brother is my sister and my sister is my mother and Sakunoshin is my sister and Akai Homura is a woman!
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Terranigma) And, of course, part of the path to becoming two-legged was to become a rabbit with the face of a cat.
(in response to Musical Hell's review of Peter Pan Live) I believe in coyotes and time as an abstract.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Spoiler alert: Rosebud was Charles Foster Kane's sled.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Other commentator: Aaaaaand Hifumi's dead. Yeah, no big deal. Seriously though, I still can't help but feel bad for the guy. A murder is a murder, after all. And he was a funny dude in his own way, so it's kinda sad because of that, too. Me: I officially lost any sympathy I might have had for him once he started creeping on Alter Ego. Sorry, but that's just how I feel.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of D*ng*nr*np*) Multiple killings with hammers...it must be Maxwell Edison! I know he used a silver hammer and these ones are wood, but you take what you can get.
(in response to Children's Film Riffs' commentary on Why Did The Bus Stop?) Why did the bus stop? Because it crashed. Why did the bus crash? Because Jimmy was driving. Why couldn't Jimmy drive? Because he didn't have any arms or legs. Why didn't Jimmy have any arms or legs? Because he was a potato.
(in response to Movie Nights' Mary Kate and Ashley Triple Feature #1) Say what you will about this, I do like that one twin's black tank top with the gold dragon or whatever.
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Legend of Frosty the Snowman) Karen doesn't need Frosty anymore because right after the first movie, she fell off the roof where Santa left her and died instantly.
(in response to Thomas the Riffed Engine and Friends' review of Fiery Flynn) "It would only make sense for Thomas the Tank Engine to have a fire engine character..." By that logic, it would only make sense for Fireman Sam to have a steam engine character to teach about railway procedure.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of StarTropics, specifically the My Country 'Tis of Thee/God Save the Queen snippet) Let's just split the difference and say that it was the anthem of the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen. :)
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Nutcracker: The Untold Story) In a world of living toys, I'd say that, yeah, toys ARE the worst things you could burn.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice) Too many glands...so he's the anti-Zucotti Manicotti?
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Equestria Bound) Other commentator: You know, as much as Mother 3 was a good game, I am still completely frustrated by its ending.  Was it a happy ending?  A dark ending?  I still have no idea. Me: It's whatever kind of ending you want it to be. Personally, I like to think of it as a happy ending because Lucas deserves one, dammit.
(in response to Top 10 Worst RPG Dungeons - PlayStation Edition) The Kislev Sewers is, indeed, the pits - literally and figuratively. :)
(in response to Miss Nightmare's review of Gumby: The Movie) I haven't seen the actual movie, but I have seen Bobsheaux's review, and you are right about the song being a total earworm.
(in response to a video of the Ritual of Fire going wrong in Ultima VIII) Other commentator: Lol in Ultima VII I would take items from dungeons and it would be "stealing," guards would come etc lol. I remember in Ultima V the best way to get good items is to steal magic keys from the merchant in Minoc then raid British's basement. I think the only thing bad it does is make the mage in Trinsic not tell you the mantra of Honor. I wish getting rich was that easy in real life! Hey could you do me a quick favor and tell me if you are able to watch my uploads or if they are blocked Me: And, considering that the mantra of Honor never changes... ;)
(in response to Lucahjin's review of D*ng*nr*np* 2) Other commentator: Remember when Lucah was so mad about Mahiru's murder? And really anxious to find the culprit? I guess we know just how much she actually cared for her. Let's not forget in our rush of sympathy that Fuyuhiko murdered a girl while in high school with a baseball bat. And that Peko murdered Mahiru. They might love each other but that does not make them good people. Me: I actually like Peko more because she murdered Mahiru. Good riddance.
(in response to Lucahjin's review of D*ng*nr*np* 2) Let me be frank: I'm mostly just watching these for the executions these days, and that last one was pretty weak. Not exactly heartbreaking, but definitely disappointing.
(in response to the Cinema Snob's Let's Play of Christmas with a Capital C) Personally, I favor Happy Boxing Day Eve. :)
(in response to MihariofMabinogi's Let's Play of Chrono Trigger) I think that those people talking about how Robo speaks were referring to the fact that in the Japanese version, he speaks in kind of a weird mix of hiragana and katakana. The closest English equivalent would probably be having him put emphasis on the wrong syllables.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Pony Fantasy VI) I like to think that the ghost isn't so much "unwilling" to help after that point as "unable" - the Train's influence prohibits it from proceeding any further without being taken over by its consciousness.
(in response to Treble0096's Let's Play of Mother 3) Another mole cricket fact: They're apparently edible. If nothing else, I saw them listed in an article on strange canned food in Uncle John's Ahh-Inspiring Bathroom Reader.
(in response to Treble0096's Let's Play of Mother 3) Who would make wallpaper look like a filled bookcase? Probably someone pretending to be an intellectual.
(in response to Golden Book Video Killers XXV) The song that you said was about slavery clearly wasn't, because it mentioned Jenny being paid, with the implication that she could be paid more if she worked faster.
(in response to Autumchild's Let's Play of Breath of Fire III) I recently had a dream about using the dolphin's battle form as transportation in another game.
(in response to His Theme from Undertale: The Musical) I'm not normally the type to cry over fictional characters, but this song can come pretty drat close to making me do so.
(in response to SlimKirby's Let's Play of Lemmings) Me: If I'm not mistaken, I think almost every level without a unique tileset gets remixed at least once. SlimKirby: you are mistaken. There are definitely some levels that are unique beyond that classification. Me: That's why I said "almost". :)
(in response to Musical Hell's review of Happily Ever After) "There's only one Shadow Man!" (referring to Dr. Facilier) I'm guessing you've never played Mega Man 3, then?
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of The Swan Princess 2 & 3) Other commentator: I think all of these characters’ mothers were hamsters. Me: But did their fathers smell of elderberries?
(in response to Laws Broken: Dark Knight) Can Batman use self defense? Yes, because he's motherbleeping Batman.
(in response to Lucahjin's Let's Play of Suikoden II) Ah, Coronet. Jowston's leading producer of cheesy educational shorts.
(in response to MasaeAnela's Let's Play of Banjo-Kazooie) Clanker's Cavern is definitely the worst level in the game, but at least that means that it can only get better.
(in response to Top 6 Worst Characters from Good Cartoons) I know it's weird, but there is no South Park season 20. It just goes right from 19 to 21. Kind of like how there's no Leisure Suit Larry 4, I guess.
(in response to Bobsheaux's review of Miracle in Toyland) Other commentator: There is a woman with the word Nazi In her last name? Me: Ironically, Eskenazi is actually a Jewish surname. If you don't believe me, Google it.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Final Fantasy Tactics) If you're using Brett, better watch out for stray bullets. :)
(in response to The End of Time from Chrono Trigger: The Musical) "Unless time gets very desperate, in which case you could risk it." Anyone else have a feeling that this is foreshadowing?
(in response to the Media Hunters' review of Titanic: The Legend Goes On) Other commentator: The uncut version is somewhat better but that’s not saying much Me: Which is like saying that Death Valley is somewhat cooler than the surface of the sun.
(in response to the Cinema Snob's review of Gotti) Looks more like Ingeni-theta-us to me.
(in response to Phoebe Kalinowski's Let's Play of Illusion of Gaia) You say never to trust a man named Edward, but what about a blue engine named Edward?
As before, they literally are my comments unless specified.
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pellaaearien · 7 years
never have i ever meme: river song/other moffat era companions ?¿
Well I’m actually kinda sorta working on a fic where canon River is confronted in the Library by a telepathically bound (though still separated) Doctor and Rose and I think that is the only time I would write a canon River. I’ll probably change her for Locum Tenens. 
As for other Moffat era companions, I can’t see myself writing any of them at all. I’m not a big fan of the Moffat era in general and none of his characters really interest me, if they’re not inherently problematic for me in one way or another. I could write something that fixes Clara as the Impossible Girl (in the way that I thought it was going) but tbh it doesn’t really appeal. Sorry! I guess I’m just too anti-Moffat to want to spend time around those characters.
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sandstone72 · 7 years
Top ten favourite songs tag thing
I was tagged by @oreiyaw to do this so here we go. I saw your post earlier, but was busy at the time, so sorry for finally doing this a bit late. Because my favourite songs change all the time, this probably won’t even be accurate in a few weeks. Unfortunately, I’m kinda obsessed with Bastille and Imagine Dragons at the moment, so variety will not be present here.
- Write your top favourite songs
1. Blame by Bastille (I dunno, It’s just a really good song)
2. Whatever it Takes by Imagine Dragons (The bridge of this song is really stuck in my head at the moment, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the song isn’t great)
3. Glory by Bastille 
4. I Don’t Know Why by Imagine Dragons (Ironically I actually know why I like this song, the beat is just really good)
5. Icarus by Bastille 
6. Laura Palmer by Bastille (I know the songs inspired by Twin Peaks, and even though I don’t watch the show, I still really enjoy this one)
7. Mouth of the River by Imagine Dragons (I relate to this song quite a bit)
8. Tiptoe by Imagine Dragons 
9. Of the Night by Bastille (A cover of Rhythm of the Night and Rhythm is a Dancer)
10. My Demons by Starset (What, a song by someone other than Bastille or Imagine Dragons!? I decided I needed at least one other song to mix things up, It's a song thats on my Anti/Dark playlist, so it appeals to that interest of mine. Also, that cello/bass part at the end is pretty sweet)
Well that’s it I guess. Like I said, there's not much variety in the list at the moment, but oh well. There were lots of other songs I wanted to add, so it took some time to narrow it down. As for tagging 10 others to do this, I don’t really want to bother anyone by tagging them (me being the total introvert that I am), but if any of my mutuals or followers (or anyone really) wants to do this, they are more than welcome to do so. I’d love to see if you do, so feel free to tag me!
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togcpi · 7 years
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?it’d be weird because i’m ace but i wouldnt mind tbh
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? we’re close friends. it was a recent kiss so?
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? like heroin or meth? probably. but like pot or smth idc.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? yes. its seven letters.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? drunk
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? every conversation i have hahahaha
7. What does your last received text say? miss u too
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? fuck if i know
9. Where was your last kiss at? my bed
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? don’t have a sister
11. What do you drink in the morning? typically an energy drink
12. Where did you sleep last night? the extra bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard? yeah, but the right one is worth it, IF you can make it work
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? yeah, i’d probably make myself more clear
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? nah, we’d have a lot of fun
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? warm and thunderstorming
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? nah. i know a lot of people with elise as their middle name and i knew a girl who’s first name was serenity, but no one’s got the MIDDLE name serenity
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? sweatpants
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? damn hopefully
20. Does anyone like you? i think so
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? ya.
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? yes lmao
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? there are a couple
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? i have two and i’m working on saving up for my third so yes
25. In the past week have you cried? i’ve gotten teary eyed but i havent cried cried in like a year lmao
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? on tv: pitbull. irl: whatever the fuck my weirdo mutt is
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? out of
28. Have you ever kissed a football player? nah
29. Do you think you’re old? nope im a baby
30. Do you like text messaging? yes cause then i can ghost if i need to
31. What type of day are you having? it was fine
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? i have my septum pierced and i’ve had my nostril so yes
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? warm
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? oh yeah, my two best friends are both dudes
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? my ace ass? take a guess.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person? depends on the day
37. What song are you listening to? i’m watching homeward bound
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? yes, i rarely apologize without meaning it 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? lmao nah.  40. What made you start liking the person you like now? idk she’s funny as hell. fucking gorgeous. she reciprocated. she’s always been too good for me, and that just made me want to be good enough for her all the more.  41. When did you last receive a text message? 11:37 pm (an hour and 13 minutes ago) 42. What is wrong with you right now? lmao i’m stuck on someone who loves me but isn’t healthy enough to be with me. it’s a fucking mess. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? pretty well! we dated. we’ve gotten closer since we broke up. there’s a lot i don’t know, but we tell each other things we don’t tell anyone else. 44. Does anyone disgust you? lmao yah 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? bitch yes 46. Are you in a good mood right now? not really i have a headache 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? my brother i think 48. What color shirt are you wearing? a grey redford shirt (support your local psp by checking out our signature brand of dog food, comparable to taste of the wild and blue buffalo but at a more affordable price :~)) 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? nah not really 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? i’m fucking trying 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? no. i’m in love with her ass.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? ......... 53. Do you like rain? yes 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? considering i’m not a controlling, abusive piece of shit, no lmao 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? nah i usually end up telling the person 56. Do you like to cuddle? yes on a good day. i actually prefer to have my hair played with tho 57. Are you shy? nah 58. Do you get along with girls? yes  59. Have you dated the person you texted last? yes 60. What do you carry with you at all times? my cell phone, my wallet with my keys, my smile :) 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? fuck yeah. i got loans to pay off shit 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? with the right person, yes 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? oct 31, yah 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? FUCK yes 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? i mean my cat’s been chillin and that’s always cute. love ha.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed? 18, 19, and 19
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? if i have money to spend, pay to get em done    68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? neither the fuck 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? i had a “stop bigotry” anti trump sticker but someone stole it :(     70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? neither     71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iphone     72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? a couples weeks ago    73. Do you like diet soda? FUCK no. the saccharine is just as bad for you as the sugar and it makes me jittery AND it tastes disgusting    74. What color are the walls in your room? green. ugly.    75. Are you 16 or older? yes    76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? no    77. Do you have a job? yes      78. What are your initials? esb    79. Did you ever have braces? nah    80. Are you from the south? im from va which is technically south but i dont count it :/   
81. What does your last status on facebook say? let’s MCFREAKIN LOSE IT (about my mitski concert tickets)    82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? kinda but not really. we talked about trying to date again but then she disappeared off the face of the planet lmao    83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? used to be dad, but i haven’t seen him since like feburary cause he’s a mess. so its mom.    84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? no    85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? get out i think. or rogue one. whatever came out later.    86. Do you smoke? socially    87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? flip flops     88. Is your phone touch screen? yah    89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? however it combs out (wavy ish)    90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? no my mom dgaf if i leave    91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? pool. i do not fuck with bodies of water other than the ocean, pools, and bathtubs.     92. Have you ever made out in a car? yes    93. …Had sex in a car? no    94. Are you single or in a relationship? who the fuck knows.    95. What were you doing last night at midnight? idr the fcuk     96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? probably fourth of july last year     97. Do you like the camera on your phone? yeah its fine     98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? no    99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? no    100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? idts    101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? yeah but like a fake one. i thought it was divine conception or whatever. i’m a lesbian lmao    102. Name your favorite Kesha song: tik tok    103. Do you have any tan lines right now? nah idts    104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? for money or laughs, yes probably  
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lyricanalysis · 8 years
the ryden song (FAKE)
okay, so we were realizing that for some of our analysis of v&v, we need to set the scene. so here we go. time to get a loot of hate. i’m also going to mention a couple other songs. also bear with me. my thoughts on this are a little wild and this is going to be a long analysis. it’s also a long song so..
anyway, i’m just gonna start off with the fact that this song, lyrically, had a lot of confusing parts and this was a pain in the ass to try and translate into something that made sense. (also, why is this the ryden song ??? this, to me and my opinions, is soooo not romantic) ALSO DISCLAIMER. this blog is something I’m doing for fun, i have 0 confirmed facts besides the things that i am taking within my own context. this doesn’t mean i have solved the puzzle and you are more than welcome to disagree.
and we’re getting right into this shit show. i guess i also need to point out, if it’s not obvious from my analysis on always, i’m not a fan of ryden. i just never saw the chemistry and i’m also really far up dallon weekes’s ass that i can’t function, so, just roll with me, please.
ALSO SIDE NOTE, i’ll mention it when i talk about the lyrics but certain lines are going to have the “..” in it. ALSO AGAIN, i believe this song is written solely by ryan so, just, ya know, mindsets and shit.
If all our life is but a dream
Fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me
so this first line i’m not really going too in depth on. it seems kinda blunt, honestly. though i am exchanging ‘life’ for ‘relationship’. basically, if all of our relationship (ryden) is just a dream (for the future, please keep the wizard of oz in mind). then it goes into fantastic posing greed. this is going to seem like a bit of a long shot cause i haven’t dived into the rest of the song. but anyway, again, as i’ve said a million times, i think ryden was one sided on brendon’s part. i think to ryan, it was just sex. he didn’t want a romantic relationship but boy did brendon. i think ryan led him on for a lot of the time that ryan was in panic. so this is coming to me as kind of a break up song in a sense. a warning break up song? he’s kind of saying that when brendon gets greedy (when he asks for ryan to love him) it’s over. now, sue me, it seems a little fucked up to say that, don’t you think? brendon has been led on, he thinks that they have something that’s just, for the time being, unofficial. brendon isn’t wrong to ask for love if this relationship has been happening for awhile which i think it has. so ryan could be calling it fake greed. ryan is saying that brendon is being greedy but i think even ryan knows that its not really greedy to ask for such a thing, it’s really just normal. i mean, you can’t force somebody to love you but at that point you should leave, right? it’s kinda like brendon is asking do you or don’t you. the posing could also be ryan trying to make it more obvious it’s him. he’s faking it. if he was very blunt that he wasn’t in love, i think that it wouldn’t have ended so dramatically, ya know? if ryan wasn’t lying and.. wait for it.. posing, things wouldn’t have hurt brendon so much.
now on that note, i’m gonna bring in a different song. ryan’s new band is called the young veins and they have a song titled ‘cape town’ and we’re all wondering what happened in cape town. in case you don’t already know, that was the last show ever played before ryan and jon left the band. so the lyric:
Woke me in the morning
Asked me if I meant it, I didn't
now, screw off, i’m not analyzing that whole song so fuck the rest of the lyrics. but this is kinda how i envisioned things ending. it also goes back to the greed. fantastic posing greed was kind of a warning for the future. ryan was saying, when you start getting greedy, when you finally ask me to love you, this is 100% over and that could be what happened in cape town. they’re laying in bed together after a wonderful night of sex (cause, remember, i’m theorizing that this relationship was sexsexsesexeesx). brendon woke him to beautiful rays of sunshine and he smiled, he asked ryan if he loved brendon and guess the answer? no. ryan admitted that he didn’t love brendon and it broke brendon because he’d been trying to believe for a long time that they were in love.
anyways, back to panic. he says that they should feed their jewelry to the sea. now, i can’t give you a 100% estimate or anything but this isn’t something that happy couples do. my sister mentioned that in divorces (not like it’s a practice but some people, also breakups, people who are extra), they throw their wedding rings into the ocean, sea, lake, river, body of water. i also remember in decoy bride (fave movie) the main character (and this is gonna sound wild but it’s soooo worth the watch and like,,, spoilers i guess sorry) went through a fake wedding with the other main character. she wore the ring and then all the old ladies thought she was really married. anyway, shit happens and he leaves her. she still has the ring and this rock these old ladies painted to look  like a bride. (also this takes place on an island) so she’s sad that he went off and married his real love and left her cause she fell blah blah blah. she’s leaving the island on a boat and throws the ring (or the rock i can’t remember) into the ocean. so,,, personal experience. ANYWAY, END OF RELATIONSHIPS, YA KNOW? it’s not something that she did when she was happy, nor will it be happy for ryden.
then the thing about diamonds and broken glass. broken glass is useless. you drop a glass on the floor and you sweep it up and throw it away. he’s comparing that to a diamond which is commonly used on engagement rings and wedding rings. so essentially, he’s saying that marriage is pointless between him and brendon. there’s no point to him because he’s not in love with brendon and he never will be.
GOD, that one fucking verse was wild, i tell you.
And then [s]he said [s]he can't believe
Genius only comes along
In storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes, and flooded lungs
Northern downpour sends its love’
okay, this is another one that stumped us for a long fucking time. so i put brackets around the ’s’ in she because i don’t think that ryan is actually talking about a she. since this is the (anti) ryden song, it only makes sense to bring it down to he. he said he can’t believe. so i think that brendon was blinded by love (i’m gonna bring this up again in just a sec). brendon is essentially putting ryan on this pedestal because he’s so in love. you know that feeling where you’re like ‘they can do no wrong, they are perfect in every sense’ and then you break up and look back like ‘wtf was i doing they’re fucked up?’ that’s what brendon is doing. brendon is calling ryan a genius and ryan is saying, no, he isn’t because he’s not being a good person to brendon. a good person would have ended things when he realized brendon was in love (cause it was probably painfully obvious). a good person wouldn’t use somebody for sex the way ryan is. ryan is saying he isn’t a genius and lowkey saying he’s a bad person. brendon doesn’t believe him though. brendon can’t believe that a genius only exists in fairytales.
so just, breaking down that lyric so it’s easier to understand. fables are fairytales. i usually hear fables being used when it’s not like a common american one if that makes sense. like i have a story book on norwegian fables, you see? also makes sense why it’s foreign tongues because fables would originally be spoken in a different language. so again, brendon is saying that he can’t believe that genius (ryan) only exist in fairytales.
so now, this is fun. i say that every time don’t i? so i know i keep pushing answering questions and things back but like, just roll with it. i already said brendon was blinded by love but i want to amend that real quick. he was high on love. so i’m gonna have like 20 paragraphs on weed at the end of this so it’ll make sense later on but i’m going to be talking about a very specific strain of weed (yes, there are a lot of different kinds and types of weed) (*side eye emoji*).  anyway, i wanna save the name of this for later cause spoilers but, this specific strain when you first smoke it, users say that you first feel it behind your eyes and also temporal lobe. so, fun fact. also, high on love. when you’re high (personal experience?? i’ll never say), you don’t see things right. you really, really don’t. especially if it’s a hallucinogenic. weed is not a hallucinogenic but hasn’t panic already admitted that they wrote one song while on shrooms (WHICH IS A HALLUCINOGENIC)? so with that, we’re going with the fact that ryan is saying he’s not seeing things properly, it’s affecting his mind (COUGH COUGH drugs). because of this, he doesn’t see the downpour.
now, there was a post on tumblr that was saying this song was about seattle washington (and did you know i’m a Pacific Northwest (PNW) native???) which is kinda cool for me cause the PNW is *mainly* oregon and washington but i think it might be a lil of idaho (maybe? idk. washington and oregon for sure though). so anyway, rain and downpour are basically what the PNW is known for. and we can’t count my opinion here cause i actually love the rain. i think it’s beautiful. but then again, i’m a native and it’s super common for me. but people who aren’t from around here often categorize rain and clouds as depressing. you wouldn’t believe how many times i have been asked if i get depressed cause it’s always so gray here and rainy. i’m very quick to defend the PNW because i love the greenness of the trees but that’s irrelevant. so, i know just cause it says north doesn’t mean that it’s seattle or PNW related but i’ll explain that also later (GOD admin why can’t you hurry?).
SO ANYWAY, a lot of the rain that we get here comes from the…… north. northern downpour. hmmm. also, finishing that lyric, what could northern downpour sending it’s love mean? if we’re going with the common thought that rain is depressing, northern downpour would be like mass depression, right? now, i know you’re asking why i skipped flooded lungs so, here we go.
a lot of people have categorized that being depressed feels like you’re drowning. i’ve felt that way. you can’t breathe and it’s a lot terrifying. so the downpour of depression, ryan is saying is going to kill brendon. when brendon finds out, the depression is going to kill him. (not saying suicidal but,,,). i’m also just going to bring this up real quick. people say that when you’re drowning, right before you die, you get a moment of bliss. now, if ryan is saying that downpour is coming when brendon finds out it’s fake (remember, this song is a warning so it hasn’t happened yet. that’s cape town AFTER pretty odd has been released) then the moment of bliss is happening right now. brendon is drowning but he just doesn’t know it. maybe the drowning is anxiety (which i will touch on, you guessed it, later). HMM HMM HMM.
The ink is running toward the page
It's chasin' off the days
Look back at both feet
And that winding knee
“I missed your skin when you were east”
You clicked your heels and wished for me
back in the old days when people used ink to write and ya had to dip it, imagine spilling that. like you dip your quill or whatever in the bottle and bump the ridge of the top as your pulling your hand towards the page to write. the ink is going to fall towards your notebook, not away. now, that shit probably splatters and ruins the page quickly. just for this, we’re going to imagine all of that in slow motion since when this song was written, their relationship (read relationship as fuck buddies and brendon hoping that ryan loves him) doesn’t end until cape town which is after they’ve toured for this album. so the ink is running towards the page. the page is their relationship. ryan is saying that when brendon starts asking too much, when he realizes, is when the ink ruins the page. their relationship ends because you can’t fix something like that, really. it’s chasing off the days is just saying what i already did.
now this was a challenge. i say that about everything but just fuck it all. when you’re standing you don’t like, turn your head and look at your feet, it doesn’t work that way. my sister was the one who first kind of inspired the final thought. she was saying, so imagine like, ryan is leaning forward. now the way it is in my head isn’t plausible but just, imagine. like 45* angle at his ankles. the past is where their relationship is, where his feet are, his head is in the present. ryan’s head isn’t in this relationship. there’s no love, no affection (you can also read head as heart). but his dick, which is farther back than his head and heart, is farther back. so anyway, that was what inspired my thought.
what if they’re in bed. since i’m saying that their relationship was purely sexual. now i’m going to try really hard to avoid sex positions in this because the whole argument over who tops is a thing (maybe?? idk ryden stuff). so anyway, i don’t know about you but like, if i was laying on my stomach in bed (which is commonly where you have sex), i don’t crawl out of bed ass first. if i do, i would love (BAAAACK) to where i’m going. he’s looking back at his feet. backwards is also a metaphor for the past. now this is a little confusing i think and you might say I’m contradicting but just, hopefully i can write this out. when you enter a friends with benefits situation it’s usually like, agreed that no feelings will happen. i don’t think that’s how they started though. i think that when this first started ryan might have had like a crush on brendon or thought that hey, MAYBE i could love him. i think that’s how things started but then quickly changed into, hey he’s good at sex but fuck no, i could never love him. i just think that ryan knew that if he told brendon that there weren’t any feelings anymore then the sex would stop. lot’s of artists have said that relationships are hard on the rode because of the lack of intimacy. ryan wants the intimacy of sex but if he tells brendon that he can’t love him, the sex will stop.
so again, he’s looking back at the past when he thought that there maybe would be something. but now, all that’s left is a winding knee. WITHOUT NAMING TOP AND BOTTOM, one person is on their back and they wrap (wind) their legs around the other person’s hips. it’s missionary position, the most intimate (romantic) of them all. i think brendon probably liked this one. so anyway, the current relationship is just the winding knee because the love that ryan might have felt is long since in the past.
now, you might have noticed that ‘i missed your skin when you were east’ is the first lyric to get the “..” that i mentioned. the reason why it got that is i think this is ryan mocking brendon. i don’t think this is ryan saying that he misses brendon when brendon is gone. i think that it’s ryan pretending to be brendon (since he knows that brendon is in love with him) and saying that when ryan leaves, when they’re on break from tour, brendon misses him. this ties into the next line.
when ryan is gone, brendon wishes for him.
i mentioned earlier (about the dream) to remember wizard of oz. this is why. ‘you clicked your heels and wished for me’. in the movie, dorothy clicks her heels and makes a wish. correct me if i’m wrong since it’s been awhile but when dorothy makes her wish, she wakes up from her dream. like ryan comparing their relationship to a dream. when brendon starts wishing for more (time, more something) with ryan is when the dream is over, their relationship is over. It can also be taken as Ryan telling Brendon that he is everything Brendon has dreamed of. As far as we know, Brendon never had a real relationship with anyone before Ryan, but he wanted someone. He wished for Ryan and Ryan knew.
i’m also just going to mention a couple other things from the movie. first off, the plot is them going to the emerald city which is going to be of more importance (or maybe just a coincidence and i’m crazy) a little later. but seattle is called the emerald city. just another chin scratching moment.
Through playful lips made of yarn
That fragile Capricorn
Unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
I know the world's a broken bone
But melt your headaches, call it home
okay, this first line leads into the third so it’ll come up again but anyway. playful means sex. and yarn means words. basically, this means, words said during sex. now, subconsciously, maybe a little consciously, brendon can tell that it’s one sided but he thinks that if he keeps having sex, if he pleases ryan sexually, then ryan will love him. capricorn, yes, is a zodiac but i looked it up and nobody is. capricorn, though, does symbolize hard work. so we’re going with brendon having this mindset that sex=love. his fragile hardwork is all of these words and attempts that he’s making to try and essentially convince ryan to love him. ryan calls it a fragile attempt because he knows it’s not going to work. he’s tearing down each attempt in his mind because he doesn’t want to love brendon. he just wants good sex. now going into the next line. unraveled words (also actions) is ryan tearing down these advances. remember how i said that the yarn was words? words form sentences, paragraphs, books, yadda yadda. yarn forms scarves. also, moths eat holes through old clothes and things in attics that sit there for years. so he’s saying that ryan tearing down these advances is ryan being a moth. he’s eating through brendon’s attempt to make a romantic relationship.
so here’s where people really start hating me. ryan told brendon to pay special attention to this line. he told them that this meant a lot. tons of people take this in a loving way but i don’t think so at all. now, going back to the beginning. remember how i said that brendon couldn’t believe that ryan wasn’t a genius? that kind of thinking leads me to believe that it was almost like brendon worshipped ryan to an extent. that ryan was his world. so i think this is ryan being straight up and blunt. also, broken bones can’t really be fixed. once the bone is broken, it will never go back to being perfect. it heals, yes, but they’re essentially deformed. there’s a build up where the break was. something that is no longer be looked at as perfect can be taken as being shitty. that’s the easiest way for me to make this make sense. here’s my translation:
“i know that i (ryan) and a shitty person”
and the next line honestly bothers. me.
so without assuming things about people, just knowledge, chronic headaches and migraines are kind of unavoidable. you can take pain medicine but you can’t prevent them 100%. i know people who have these sort of headaches and they can be literally debilitating. my sister knows someone who, during school, is on the verge of tears because the pain is so intense and things like that can’t just be willed away. there are headaches that your brain is like ‘hey, take care of yourself’ but those are lesser in pain, just a ‘pay attention to me right quick’ sort of thing. so the way he says this is kind of.. odd. melt your headaches? as if you can just get rid of chronic headaches, just will them away. fun fact guys, you can’t. the way this comes out to me is just ‘get over it. deal with it’. if we put the two lines together it comes out as this.
“i am a shitty person so get over it.”
kinda rude, don’t you think?
also, pointing out things. “i know the worlds a broken bone, but melt your headaches, call it home”  is where brendon broke down on stage. maybe realizing what it actually meant? the only other song that he’s broken down while singing is casual affair and, well, didn’t i mention that this was a casual affair to ryan? oop.
so pre chorus time.
“Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down”
again, in the “…” cause this is ryan mocking brendon. so first, i’m going to bring in two songs.
“when the day met the night” by panic at the disco off of pretty odd. THIS SONG seems more like a ryden song than northern downpour:
When the moon fell in love with the sun
so this song to me, is written by brendon for ryan. this is brendon’s i love you to ryan. now before we go on, ryan is the moon and brendon is the sun. i could go on about personality traits and why specifically but i’m just not gonna right now.
“stall me” by panic at the disco off vices & virtues (i think it was like a bonus or pre order extra).
Why would you bring me in if you knew what you'd become?
So curse everyone and everything, even the sun
so i know that it doesn’t say moon but i’m pretty sure this is about ryan. now mind you, this came after pretty odd. this is after cape town, after his heart has been broken. this is basically brendon asking why ryan would lead him on if he knew that he would never love brendon. then brendon says fuck everyone and everything (common when you’re upset and pissed off to hate everything). what kills me is he says ‘even the sun’. brendon is the sun. he says fuck himself for falling and trying to believe.
anyways, those are two more examples of the reoccurrence of the sun and moon theme. unnecessary i guess.
so if we’re back to the hey moon part, i said that it was ryan mocking brendon. so mythology and stuff, not going too in depth (if you want me to then like, send an ask and i can do like a hardcore analysis on context of sun and moon vs relationships). the sun and the moon can’t be in love. day and night cannot be in love. one dies while the other survives and they are never together. as the sun is setting the moon is rising, ya know? what brendon is asking of ryan (the moon) is for him to not go away when the sun rises in the morning. he asks for ryan to forget to fall down, don’t go down. ryan is mocking brendon’s attempts to ask for ryan to love him (through sex). ryan knows that they can’t be in love so he’s mocking brendon because brendon still has hope.
i would also like to point out that in the live at chicago version (free on spotify for your listening fun), ryan acknowledges that he is the moon. duh, since he wrote it. but it just proves that if i am wrong about literally all of this, i got at least who the sun and moon is right. when they’re singing ‘hey moon don’t you go down,’ ryan ad libs “never will”. and i get that it can be taken as ryan saying ‘i’ll never go down, i’ll wait for you’ but this song doesn’t lead me to believe that’s what he meant. i think that ‘never will’ is more towards when “brendon” is asking him to forget to fall down. so basically, the way i see it, ryan is saying he’s not going to forget to go down, he will go down because he is the night and he has to. ALSO, in that live version, the never will isn’t like, super pumped and happy or even passionate. it’s kinda bland. doesn’t sound very in love to me.
Sugarcane in the easy mornin'
Weathervanes my one and lonely
OKAY THIS WAS MY FAVORITE. so there was a lot of research about this first fucking lyric and i’m sorry that i’m going to pull so many facts out but, this shit had me on the edge of my seat.
so at first, my sister was saying that sugarcane was weed. this whole album was written while high, i bet my life on it. brendon’s also said that he smoked while in high school and openly fucking admits to smoking weed currently so this isn’t a stretch in my opinion. now, my sister saw sugarcane and went ‘plant’ and was like wow, must mean weed. i wasn’t so convinced. i told her to look up strains of weed that had to do with candy. turns out there is a strain of weed called kandy kush. a little more digging by the 14 year old wonder and we found something even better. you can probably guess it’s name. sugar kush. now these next paragraphs are just gonna kinda seal my theory, alright? feel free to skip if you’re that bored of my rambles but, this shit was wild. connections up the wazoo.
now, fun fact. sugar kush is actually a cross between kandy kush and hash plant. which honestly had me laughing at the whole fucking everything, i dunno. a lot of the affects of sugar kush are relaxation. brendon has said that he’s ADHD which, i’m sure you know but still, means hyperactive. the boy can’t be still for more than a second. so sugar kush is commonly said by users to be ‘couch-locking’ which, from my understanding, is kinda like ‘i’m so fucking high that i can’t get off this couch’ or ‘i’m so fucking relaxed..’. now, since brendon is a hyperactive person, i don’t think that the couch-lock, will happen to him. i think that since he’s on a higher level than someone like me, it would bring him down to feeling like someone without ADD/ADHD rather than the couch-lock. it’s also common that sugar kush makes people happy and euphoric. now, just saying, sex doesn’t usually happen if you’re depressed. it’s hard to get your dick hard when you’re crying, alright? happy makes the dick hard. bluntest (BLUNT LOL) way of saying this.
now, there were a couple different webpages so i’m not gonna say this brief section is like a done deal. this was ‘most popular in:’ and one of the places listed is albany, oregon. which, heyo, is in the PNW.
so anyway, there was a description of the sugar kush. what type it is, who made it, things like that. then, i shit you not, (also, feel free to ask for links if you want, i’m not gonna do it here but i can answer that in an ask), “Sugar Kush nuts are emerald green” and did i not fucking say the shit about wizard of oz and seattle and the emerald city. like, shit, this is a big coincidence. moving on with the description, it’s recommended for more experienced users because of a high THC content (THC is the feel good high stuff). we all know that  brendon is an extremely experienced user. i’m also going out on a limb that during pretty odd, the whole band was experiencing a lot of weed.
type of high was a little interesting. enough so that i’ll quote it. “Sugar Kush marijuana strain induces uplifting cerebral euphoria, energizes the mind, uplifts mood, relieves stress…” it also mentions that it relieves eye pressure which i found a little curious since tripping eyes… hmmMMM.
anyway. this next part is very, i don’t know, subjective? this isn’t like a 100% correct thing but it’s just another things that just fit SO WELL. users that typically like this strain are, a lot of times, male. they’re also between the ages of 20-40. not to say that people under or over can’t enjoy it but, guys, when they wrote this album they would have been right around 20. also, it mentions which zodiacs like this kush which is an odd thing to put in but, hey, cool i guess. the zodiacs were scorpio, but more so than that, virgo. unfortunately for me, brendon is not either of those. brendon is an aries. but do you know who issss a virgo? ryan fucking ross. also i believe jon walker but he’s irrelevant to this song. fun facts with admin. the similarities to this band just kinda make me laugh.
anyway, back to places. the ones that stood out to me as places of importance. portland, oregon, seattle, washington, tacoma, washington, and las vegas, nevada. las vegas is only here because that’s where the whole band is from.
for those of you who aren’t super familiar with OR/WA geography, portland, seattle, and tacoma are all super close. also gonna mention albany again. seattle and tacoma are neighboring cities. literally the worst traffic i’ve been in back to back. it sucks if you’re trying to get to B.C. canada. anyway, those both are about like 2-3 (depending on traffic and such) away from portland. in the scheme of things, that’s not really far apart. i’ve done that drive a lot. also, albany was said to be into sugar kush a lot. albany is about like an hour away from portland. so they’re all really close honestly. the farthest apart being albany to seattle and even then that’s like 5-ish hours? that’s 100% doable in a day.
just again pointing out that seattle found a way to be relevant to this song.
then we get to a section with ‘makes you feel:’ and ‘helps with:’
so in the makes you feel section it says it makes you feel attentive, and for real, did you mean brendon urie? it also mentions sociable but that’s kinda in and out on being relevant. then helps with. it says arthritis and muscle spasms and those don’t quite fit but what does fit into things i’ve mentioned, HEADACHES. guys, like, i wish i could make up these amazing coincidences. STILL NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT BRENDON, but the fact that headaches is coming back up and not only that, it was listed under migraines. like i said before, migraines are the type that are unavoidable, you can’t just drink more water and cure them. those can be extremely debilitating. so the fact that this specific strain helps with that is just.. mind blowing.
this part is a users testimony to it. this isn’t the same for every single person but it was interesting. “very sugary” is the very first thing he says (with a typo, damn stoners). remember, this is all has been in relation to the one fucking line ‘sugarcane in the easy morning’.’ then he says that when you first smoke this, the first taste you get of it tastes like cane sugar. which, sugarcane, cane sugar, do you get my point? he also says that it has, after the sugar, a lil fruity taste which is just slight. what he does say is that the sugar taste is really in your face. don’t take this as a dig at brendon, but he can be seen as a little in your face at times. i don’t think it’s bad but it’s just curious to point out. also, he says that the sugar flavor lasts a few seconds even after the smoke is gone.
so, with all that in mind, sugarcane in the easy mornin’ is literally just wake and bake. sugarcane is the first thing they taste when they wake up aka sugar kush. easy aka relaxing. thank you. give me a judges gavel so i can slam it on a desk.
the next line is weathervanes, my one and lonely. going back to seattle (though this could be literally anywhere that gets stormy so..) if you don’t know, a weathervane is an instrument, really. you see it on tops of houses, USUALLY a rooster but can be anything. it tells you which direction the wind is coming from (north, east, south, west. now, during a storm, the rain and wind go the same way. we’ve already concluded that the rain and the downpour are depression coming for brendon so this line is just ryan making fun of him.
my one and lonely is a play on the romantic phrase, my one and only. it’s cute, okay? so ryan has known for probably a long time that brendon is in love with him but up until cape town, brendon never asks if it’s returned, he’s just been hoping privately. who wants to put money on the fact that brendon has referred to ryan as his one and only? it’s been said that he slept around in high school which leads me to believe that ryan could be brendon’s first love. we all know our first love seems like the only love we’ll ever have. so this is kind of ryan making fun of him. ryan is going back to the northern downpour with the weather vane which is pointing in the direction of where the depression is going (at brendon). then he says my one and lonely because brendon is going to be lonely. brendon’s one and only isn’t ryan, it’s depression when ryan finally admits he didn’t love brendon and goes. so this line is kind of just him laughing. fuck you. i have no idea how this can even be turned romantically like ???
so the chorus is repeated a lot with the pre chorus and this whole song is kind of beautiful. it sounds like a love song but it really really isn’t. it’s done with soft instruments and soft voices and it makes you feel happy. ryan brings up the hey moon again. refreshing your mind after all that weed, is “brendon” asking for ryan to fall in love.
so then, the chorus changes a little at the very end.
“Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down”
You are at the top of my lungs
Drawn to the ones who never yawn
this is the very last thing we hear. the first two lines don’t change. it’s still mocking. the last two though, man. ‘you are at the top of my lungs’ really reminds me of moaning somebody’s name. like, when you’re about to orgasm and the first thing out of your mouth is their name. then, it’s saying that that moan is drawn to the ones who never yawn (replace that with sleep). this is all just ryan being really fucking blunt in his secretive subtle way. did anyone else notice that those two lines are very sexual? like.. their relationship?
the first two lines are brendon, asking for ryan to fall in love. the last two lines are ryan’s response. he says no, i don’t love you. i am here for sex.
again, ryan wrote this as a warning, all of this was ryan saying that it won’t last, that he’s not in love. i’d just like to mention tripping eyes again and the fact that brendon didn’t understand the meaning of this song. he took it as ryan’s way of admitting love. he was blinded yet again by his own naivety.
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