#kinda reminds me of harvey from stardew valley
stardew-shitposterino · 7 months
Most to least likely Stardew Valley Bachelor to be lovey dovey in a relationship
Ok peeps, I’m in the mood for some random posting. Since some of you enjoy it, I’ll commit to it ! Why not 🤷🏼‍♀️so let’s goooo✈️
Oh and btw: a bit of NSFW again because I’m a degenerate lol. Soz to the minors 🫣
1. Elliott:
-Elliott is the obvious choice, isn’t he ?
-this man has no chill when it comes to showing you how much he loves you
-he isn’t huge on baby talk, but he’s huge on medieval Shakespearean reenactment to show his love to you
-you might not always understand where his play on words come from, but it sure as hell makes you blush like a mess
-whenever you and him have a sleepover, he leaves a note on your table that reminds you of how much he adores you! So cute 🥰
-flowers, romantic dates, evenings spent at the pub sitting on his lap while he caresses your hair, marvelling at it with a slightly drunken gaze and red cheeks 😫🫡😍😏
-…I just know that guy eats you out like no other…I said what I said 🥸
2. Sam
-ok hear me out! Before you come for my throat, I think he is more likely to be very love drunken than some of the other choices. It’s a close call for the second place, but I believe he deserves it
-overused but I don’t care: he has the golden retriever energy. Maybe it’s his ADHD, but regardless, he’s a pure boy
-he might be a little anxiously attached to you because he won’t leave your side during your honeymoon phase
-he wants to hold your hand or touch you in some way all the time. He just loves having you close 🥺
-expect him to kiss you senseless whenever he can. Preferably in private because he doesn’t want his mum to find out through bystanders, that would be embarrassing. Other than that, he wouldn’t care for the life of him. If he can pepper your neck with little kissies, he will
-speaking of kisses: he’s generally a huge fan of intense make out sessions. He prefers them over sex any time. Not that he doesn’t like the other stuff, but to him, it just hits different
-imagine that blushy, heated face when you pull away 😳 eyes hazy and hair even more disheveled than before, just adoringly gazing back into yours and smiling ever so slightly (😩😭🫨)
3. Alex
-“still no Harvey?! What’s wrong with you!?”
-I know I KNOW. I know that Harvey is a sweet boy in the game who tells you a lot of cute stuff, but idk. Something about Alex makes me believe he will be more likely the kind of partner to be sweet and a bit cringe yet adorable when it comes to the person he loves
-he might not be a poet, but he shows his adoration in other ways
-back 👏🏻 hugs 👏🏻
-generally hugging you? He will do it all the time. Any time. He will climb through your small living room window to hug you at least once a day if he has to
-for some reason, he likes kissing your arms. Don’t ask me to elaborate, he just does. Like kissing them up and down. Oh and your thighs 👀 it doesn’t even necessarily lead to anything explicit, he just loves them so much
-he will tell you how you’re the love of his life and how he cannot wait to see you two grow old together. He will lay in bed with you, maybe just watching tv and randomly blurt out something like this: “wow, who would have thought that we’d end up like this, meeting in this tired town. Having you by my side, I might be the luckiest guy to ever exist.”
-Alex frequents the beach to talk to his deceased mother. It’s kinda sweet in a way because he will talk to her about the things happening in his life. Pre-dating as well as in the midst of your relationship, he tells her so much about you, wishing she was still alive to have met you as you are the best thing that has ever happened to him 😭
-Alex is a hunky boy, but he loves bathing with you :3 something about it just makes him feel extremely euphoric 🥰 but he will cup your boobs the whole time lmfao (no matter what kind you have). That might also lead to him kissing your neck the whole time till both of you are in the mood 😶‍🌫️👀
4. Harvey
-Harvey at forth ?! HARVEY?! COME OOOON
-yes, I know. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t cute and affectionate with you ! This ranking is pretty close as all of the bachelors have their qualities that make them good partners 🥺 it’s just based on my own headcanons or assumptions about what they might be like
-ok so Harvey is a little anxious mess but LOVES to be a real gentleman when he’s in love
-I’m talking putting on his finest Jazz and dancing with you in your living room, slow dancing while just enjoying each other’s closeness 👀😍
-Harvey shows his affection mostly through everyday things. Like making you coffee in the morning or cleaning up for you. Not to mention peppering you when you’re sick as well as doing small gestures that show you that he cares and wants to make the effort for you
-Harvey LOVES to put your foreheads together while holding you close. Since he’s way taller than you, he has to crouch a little in order to make it work (it’s so cute omfg 😭😤🥰😍💀🫣🫨😫)
-forehead kisses too 😭👏🏻😫 he’s all about soft, sweet affection
-there are many headcanons about spicy Harvey and I get where this is coming from, but I do believe that his sweet, pure side is predominant. Like yes he will want to sleep with you, you’re a couple and he’s not asexual, so why wouldn’t he want to do that 🤷🏼‍♀️
-speaking of this, he loves to lay in bed with you in your post-coital state. Like of course he enjoys the deed, but what he enjoys even more is the after math that consists of laying together, skin to skin, just talking or laying there in silence and enjoying each other. It gives him the feeling of being one with you, of growing even closer than before 🥺
5. Sebastian
-Sebby can be a really cute guy once he lets his guard down, but I don’t think he is the most obvious in love even when he is very infatuated with you
-he just isn’t that kind of guy, you know?
-Sebastian loves to cuddle with you in bed, especially while playing video games. His room is his safe space and sharing that space with you while doing something he enjoys, it’s just perfect to him
-he will show you how much he likes you by taking you on small adventures despite being a homebody. He didn’t fix up that motorcycle for nothing. Just you and him outside, discovering new places. It’s something he doesn’t offer to just anyone
-in public, he’s very reserved and doesn’t feel comfortable showing his affection, but at home? He latches on you and won’t let go. Of course he needs his space every once in a while, but it’s not rare for him to try and crawl under your shirt with you just to feel your warmth (he’s very cold most of the time)
-he loves touching your tummy. Ok ok I know this one is controversial but he just loves it. When you’re a little soft and he can grab onto something soft and warm? Oh boy, he will….he will 👁️ he also loves kissing your abdomen. Again, don’t ask me, I have my reasons
-when it comes to intimacy, he surprisingly prefers giving over taking. I have a feeling he prefers non-penetrative sex more ? At least speaking of “traditional” straight sex. Again, don’t ask, I cannot explain. So I imagine when he’s in a relationship with an AFAB farmer, he will want to either eat them out or finger them senseless because it brings him pleasure. It’s very specific I know but it feels right🤷🏼‍♀️
6. Shane
-you all know by now that I have a mild obsession with this guy, but yeah…I gotta admit he isn’t cutting it in this ranking
-it’s not that he isn’t capable of giving a lot of love, but he has his barriers that keep him from showing his love freely
-he will get there eventually, but before that, he’s very…well…tense ? He has a hard time initiating romantic gestures or telling you nice things
-again it’s not because he doesn’t want to, it’s that he is in his own head too much that he cannot garner the courage to do so. You’re dating but he still suspects it’s all a tasteless joke on him
-in those moments when Shane beats his inner critics, he can be such a sweetheart omfg
-I’m speaking kissing you behind your ear, caressing your waist and whispering sweet nothings in your ear. He isn’t very eloquent most of the time, but when the moment is right, he just knows what to say to you to make you feel loved
-Shane is the type of person to show his affection through mild bullying and joking around. He might be calling you a dwarf or giant (depending on your height difference) make fun of little things you do that he notices, but it’s never in bad taste. He always makes sure you know it’s just silly banter that usually ends in you two fighting playfully and then tumbling on top of each other, laughing and kissing 🥺🥰
-this man, this man loves when you sleep on his chest. On a lazy Sunday watching tv or just when he wakes up in the morning, noticing your head’s weight on him. It makes him feel useful, like he can protect you (let’s ignore that the farmer slays monsters as a side hustle, k). He will kiss your head ever so softly and whisper how much he loves you while doing it 😌
-if you want him to be the kind to hold your hand in public or kiss you, you’ve set your money on the wrong horse (rehab was supposed to be a fresh start), because he is not that kind of man, sorry 🤷🏼‍♀️ he will start to do it once he gets comfortable enough with you, but it’s not that much. PDA just isn’t in it with this guy 😤
-his spicy side? He has plenty spice, but when he’s in the mood for some romance, he likes it slow and sensual. It’s a bit out of character for him, but sometimes he just wants to enjoy your presence and the slow build up of excitement and arousal. Expect him to enjoy guided self-pleasure. Picture it like this: he sits behind you, taking your hand and guiding it through the process of what you’d do to yourself 🫣 while, again, whispering hot stuff in your ear (yeah my version of him is into whispering lmfao). That’s the good stuff 😫
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babiebom · 3 months
would you maybe write something with some of the SDV bachelors + farmer/reader who has vaginismus? thanks!!
A/N: fun fact I had to Google what this was. It’s actually VERY interesting and kinda sad. Like I think if sex isn’t important to you it would be easier to live with this (idk if it can be….fixed or made better or not) but like if you’re a person that likes and wants sex I think this could be terrible. Obligatory I have no experience with this(I am a virgin) so take everything in the view of entertainment. Also this is written in headcanon format!!
Tw: nsfw content, cursing, female bodied reader,
Bc: I have no idea at least 5 to 10 for each
Stardew Valley Masterlist
I think that in the moment he finds out like the rest of the headcanons it would be in the heat of the moment while trying to have sex even if you’ve known of not doesn’t matter in this situation because I don’t think you’d engage if you didn’t want to
That he would just freeze and stare. I think his way of thinking is like he has to take a second to let everything sink in
But I also think this would give you immense anxiety
Like wow he’s literally just staring and not moving he must be upset
But right after he finishes processing he proceeds like nothing happened.
Like not going on with the sex, unless you want to and only doing sex that doesn’t require penetration
But right after he’s like do you wanna talk about this? Have you thought of treating it? Do you want me to help or do anything? Like a good loving boyfriend
Is worried but more for you and less about y’all’s sex life
Like there’s plenty of ways to have sex without him putting his penis into your vagina and so he doesn’t care
Just wants you to be happy
Probably doesn’t really understand until he looks it up
Hesitates on asking Harvey and would probably prefer to go outside to one of the bigger cities for an obgyn.
More mature about it than I think people realize he would be
I think he does enjoy sex so would ask if there’s anything you both could do about it after a couple of moments when everything has calmed down
Does probably panic and try to say that sex isn’t all that’s on his mind and that it’s not more important than you
But like wonders how everything will work with this happening
Like you get horny he gets horny what’s supposed to happen then?
Would probably look it up rather than going to Harvey because he doesn’t want you to be embarrassed or have anyone know that you don’t want to know.
Because of you haven’t talked about it with Harvey yet then that means you don’t want nor do you need him to know
But he also gets worried when it comes to your period because obviously it makes tampons hard to insert and if you don’t like pads and go through the pain of still trying to use tampons he doesn’t like that you’re in pain at all
Actively helps you but also willing to give you space to work on it yourself if you don’t want his help
Is actually very chill about it after you both get over the initial shock and embarrassment.
I think out of all the bachelors that Shane wouldn’t change anything about it unless you actively needed and wanted to
Like I don’t think sex is that far up his needs list
Especially since he needs to better his own mental health to be a good boyfriend
So unless you want him to help you he won’t complain or be upset at you about it
And is fine with just hand and mouth stuff
Does actively help though if you want him to
Like reminds you to do your exercises every day
Is there when you need a shoulder to cry on
Actually very comforting because he knows just how connected physical and mental health are from first hand experience
Won’t even make a big deal out of it either
Is just like oh okay, guess that won’t work right now oh well.
I think he would’ve probably found out the first time you two are engaging in anything sexual.
Is super surprised and wants to help but I don’t think he would know how
Tries to make it seem as if he isn’t doing this for sexual gratification
Like he might be but it’s not his own gratification that he’s after.
If you don’t want to treat it for any reason he won’t make you, is fine with hand and mouth stuff
But he wants you to feel pleasure and not pain, that’s what’s most important to him
Is kinda dramatic about it ngl
Like actually takes you out of your head from how he acts and it somehow calms you down
Might talk to Harvey with your permission to see what the two of you can do.
He’s a doctor so best believe he is the best equipped to handle this sort of thing
Is the most likely to push for helping you manage and treat it
Not because he’s that big on sex and that he wants to have penetrative sex with you that much
But because he knows that it’s painful and wants you to be able to live as pain free as possible
Like from what I’ve read about in in the 30 minutes I’ve spent looking it up, it can make things like putting a tampon in painful and difficult
And the pain can be worsened by uti’s, bladder infections, yeast infections, and more things so like it’s super shitty
And I think he would want to make it go away as much as he can and would help you try as many things as you want if you want to try.
Wouldn’t push too much though because of you don’t want it he won’t force you!!
But does look at it through a medical lens rather than a romantic relationship one.
Understands the least out of the bachelors but believe me dude is not dumb at all
Would probably panic at you being in pain especially if it’s the first time the two of you are going that far
Does not want to hurt you at all, so doing this is actually a nightmare for him
Would probably try the least to treat it, simply because I don’t think he thinks that you can
Would be extra gentle around you after that.
Like I think I’ve said previously guy is lowkey misogynistic but not in a negative way is just like women should be treated with care not roughness
So he would probably pamper you without thinking that he can treat it so you can have penetrative sex like oh jeez she’s in pain I have to take care of her
Would also ask Harvey or at least look it up if you say you want to find ways to treat it.
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radioisntdead · 7 days
Hello......... It is I......... The enjoyer .......... HARVEY X READER FIC PWEAAAAAASE!!!!! As your best friend I need it or I'm going to lose my mind. THANK YOU BOOKIE
Howdy folks! Introducing the infamous Moony! Say hi, I made em' read a couple of my fics during our sleepover and this is the result, not my best work since this is my first time writing for Stardew valley and I cannot write medical stuff, my apologies for any OOC-ness!
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Harvey x reader
Warnings: Harvey gets called wife, reckless mining endeavors, reader gets injured, this was supposed to be angst but fluff prevailed, the reader is very Moony coded.
Song used
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You arrived in stardew valley with nothing but a couple of bags filled with your belongings and 500g to your name, no one was sure what to expect from you, especially Harvey.
I have a question
You scared him a little at first when you waltzed on into his clinic, eyes bright, cracking jokes and a frozen tear lodged in your arm, it hadn't even been a full week since you arrived!
It might seem strange
You'd pop into the clinic twice a week after that, just to chat with him and bring him a steaming cup of coffee, or something else you thought he'd like.
How are your lungs?
Sometimes you'd be dragged in by Linus, Marlon or by a friend who ventured into the mines to drag your sorry behind out, injured and woozy, still cracking jokes.
Are they in pain?
You'd offer to buy him a drink or dinner when you'd run into him at the Stardrop saloon, dropping a cheesy pickup line or two.
'Cause mine are aching
Eventually the two of you drew closer, him showing you his plan collection, you freaking him out with Zombie movies or games.
And eventually you purchased a lovely colorful bouquet of flowers from Pierre's and matched right over to the clinic to give them to Harvey, he was ecstatic.
I Think I know why
After that It wasn't uncommon to see him coming out from your farm instead of his clinic, or you waltzing out of said clinic with the confidence only a farmer who's dating the town's only doctor can have.
I kinda like it though
The two of you would have coffee dates, or curl up watching a horror movie that'd scare him or a historical documentary that bore you half to death.
You wanna try?
Not that you minded, you'd scroll on your phone while laid against him since it didn't peak your interest.
Oh, would you be so kind, As to fall in love with me
Who would've thought the Town doctor would've end up with the new farmer?
You see, I'm trying
During the flower dance, he'd dance around with you, admiring how charming you looked in your white dress or blue suit.
I know you know that I like you, but that's not enough
You lit up Harvey's life, gone were the nights he'd be alone eating microwavable meals, instead he was with you, eating something from the saloon, raw vegetables or actually cooked, you nearly burned down the kitchen once.
So if you will, please fall in love
Gone were the days he'd watch historical documentaries alone, you were there with him, with raw vegetables.
I think it's only fair
Harvey did have some concerns about you, with how you had the remarkable ability to end up with bruises or with another crystal imbedded in your arm, that'd he have to take out.
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere wanna share?
Did not help that he was reminded of your injuries since you put your arm crystals up on a shelf for display.
'Cause I like you but that's not enough
You did get temporarily banned from the mines a couple of times but that didn't stop you, you just switched from the local mines to skull cavern in the desert.
So if you will, Please fall in love with me
Not to mention you were somewhat loose with an axe, sure you hadn't had an incident with them yet but you never know!
He'd hate for you to come into the clinic with an axe in your shoulder or worse!
Let's write a story
He hadn't mentioned it to you but he had nightmares of you coming into the clinic, bloodsoaked, limp and unresponsive.
Be in my book, you've got to join me on my page
You spent a good majority of your time in the mines, so it was a possibility that his nightmares could come true no matter how much you reassured him it wouldn't and that you would be fine.
You practically knew those mines like the back of your hand!
At least take a look
It was a good day, a little rainy but a normal good day nonetheless.
Oh, where are your manners? you need some time?
You waltzed in carrying a thermos of coffee, one singular pickle and a container of espresso cake.
Let's swap chests today,that might help you decide
You called him your wife, dropped off the goods, gave him a smooch on the cheek and then left.
Oh, would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?
He should've asked you to hang around the clinic for a little while, it wasn't like they got patients every single day, and maybe it would've changed the outcome of what transpired that day.
You see, I'm trying, I know you know that I like you
It was the local mines, it wasn't the skull caverns or anything, it was supposed to be a easy day.
You weren't expecting for group of slimes to ambush you at the top of one of the ladders
but that's not enough
You weren't expecting to fall a several levels, a blooming pain spread out throughout your body as you fell onto the cold cave ground.
So if you will, please fall in love
You didn't know how long you were down there.
I think it's only fair
The last thing you could recall was Marlon peaking down and calling out your name.
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere wanna share?
You were lifted up, put on a stretcher, and taken to the only doctor in town, Harvey.
'Cause I like you but that's not enough
It was like it came straight out of one of his less terrifying nightmares.
So if you will, please fall in love with me
You were limp on the stretcher, thankfully not super bloodied you just had cuts, slight burns and bruises scattered across you, you were semi-conscious but limp nonetheless.
Oh, do me a favour, Can your heart rate rise a little?
You weren't cracking any jokes, no goofy grin, no cheesy pickup lines.
Do me a favour, Can your heart rate rise a little?
You gave a small grin as he ran over to the stretcher.
Do me a favour, Can your heart rate rise a little?
"My wife, Hi!" You sputtered out between labored breathes.
"What happened to you?!" He asked as he rushed over to you.
"You took my breath away." You said with weak finger guns.
Do me a favour
He didn't take your breath away infact, you had a broken rib that was making it hard to breathe.
Along with a sprained arm and other small injuries.
Oh, would you be so kind, as to fall in love with me?
In Harvey's eyes there was so much that could've gone wrong, what if your broken rib had pierced one of your lungs? Or what if you broke your spine or anything else? What if Marlon never went to check up on you? What if he never saw you again? Or what if you died that day? A million unfortunate thoughts flashed through his head.
But thankfully none of them happened.
You see, I'm trying
You were patched up, put on one of the clinic beds and given painkillers to relieve the pain.
I know you know that I like you but that's not enough
And subjected to Harvey scolding you because your injuries could've been so much worse! You got lucky! Not to mention how much he'd be charging you for the medical bill, you don't have health insurance.
So if you will, please fall in love
You were stuck in the clinic, left with a couple of books, sketchbooks and drawing supplies, they kept you entertained for the first few days but you eventually got bored.
I think it's only fair
You yearned to go back into the mines but alas you were still injured and had nearly a month to go before you were healed,
you glanced over at Harvey who was sipping on his tenth cup of coffee that day.
With that you made a decision.
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere wanna share?
"Hey Harvey? Can you do me a favor?"
"Of course, what is it?" He asked looking in your direction,
"Can you hand me my bag I just remembered something."
"Of course Hun."
Harvey got up and fetched you your bag, handing it to you with a smile.
'Cause I like you but that's not enough
"Thank you! also I have a question," you said as you dug into your bag feeling around for the object you were planning on giving to the object of all your romantic affections.
So if you will, please fall in love
"Of course, what is it?" He asked as a grin spread throughout your face, you held the mermaid pendant in the cup of your hands.
Oh I like you but that's not enough
"Marry me?"
You were causally proposing to Harvey in his clinic while recovering on a hospital bed, truly the most romantic setting.
"I accept! I'll set everything up, We'll have the ceremony once you've fully recovered okay?'' Harvey said with the sweetest smile one could have, he adored you and he couldn't wait to marry you.
Unfortunately for you though, marriage would not stop him from charging you medical bills related to your cave related injuries.
So if you will, please fall in love with me.
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Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed, with this I will be slowly pushing out more Stardew valley content along with my normal hazbin stuff!
As always thank you for tuning in, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening!
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emgene · 11 months
Stardew Valley with Enhypen
bc I can't think of anything else to post
requests are open for both enha and skz
Heeseung is a miner 100%. Screams whenever he's fighting a monster and "dies" constantly, but he's a miner. He doesn't delve much into the story of the valley, he just wants money. He also constantly forgets to bring food with him to the mines so he just kinda... passes out. A lot. He's the sole reason why Harvey is still in business. He's the type to go for Abigail or Emily. But I feel like his goal would be to date as many villagers as possible without you noticing.
Jay likes fishing, no matter how frustrating it is in the beginning. He's really good at remembering the villager's birthdays and has a specific chest with their favorites. I can see him really liking Penny for some reason, though he would prefer to marry you instead of her. He's good at saving your money and only gets a little mad when you impulse buy the tree of the winter star.
Jake loves the game. He really likes taking care of all the farm animals, but he Hates going in the mines. That's your job, sorry. He's probably friends with Alex tbh, and he might try to date Haley if not you. He loves the island, he and Leo are best friends. He tries to find all the golden walnuts and he's actually really good at it???
Sunghoon doesn't like the game very much tbh. He plays it with you because you find it fun and he likes seeing you happy. His foraging skill is really high and he goes fishing a not. Sometimes he'll go into the mines, but he prefers not to. He always reminds you to go out and get seeds when the crops are harvested.
Sunoo is confused by the game at first, but ends up loving it. He's best friends will all of the villagers and knows All the lore. He's really good at remembering the villagers favorite gifts. He and Elliot are best friends, along with Jas and Vincent. I can see him marrying Shane tbh bc he gives me "I can fix him" energy. He tries making his farm cute... but it's not very functional.
Jungwon loves the game, he loves farming and tending to the animals. He and Caroline are good friends, and he doesn't really like Pierre or Clint. He doesn't really have any goals in the game, he just likes playing for fun. I'm not gonna lie though, he often forgets to feed the animals or pet them so Please make sure you either remind him or do it for him.
Ni-Ki's main goal is to 100% the game, but he gets bored easily and won't play the game for months, then restarts a different world. It's a surprise if he even makes it to winter of year one. There was a time that you tried gifting him the diamond ring to marry him, but he said no and ran away. For the next in-game week, he kept running away from you and even gifted you trash. Also blew up your crops more than once. Love him tho.
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blu3st4rzsysbl0g · 1 month
5/10/24 (5/11 at the time of writing this) Friday
school went as it usually does, which is basically not anything noteworthy, Marcie started this account after getting Ashton to approve of it so that's fun and cool I (AL) was fronting for most of the idea, Marcie kinda popped in last night after we had a bit of a meltdown so i've been getting to know her a little...she's fun, gives me cool older sister vibes (might just be because she's older than me)
most notable bit was it was Friday so we got pizza for lunch, ate alone per usual while watching a kurtis conner video on yt lol, did some drawing for Marcie's intro as well as my own that i'll probably get to tomorrow...idk we'll see ig, we also had a huge assemble today so we had to deal with that, got really blurry in the crowd while listening to the teachers scold the middle schoolers (i dont see why we had to be there since we're in highschool) lucky its the last assembly of the year, since our school has all school (k-12) meetings every month
Sock's sibling is home from college for the summer! they came to pick us up from school, so it was a fun drive catching up with them, let Sock front for that mostly, it's been around three weeks since I've seen him pop up, life's been too miserable for him ig, still front stuck (around 140 days atp) so that's great...maybe Marcie figured i was going insane being here for so long, who knows!
got home to our mother's house and got to talk to her for a while, ride there was fun too getting to talk to both our siblings, Sock fronted for most of that but walked off once dinner started (i barely even noticed him leave tbh..)
after dinner i drew some more art, Normal came into front because he heard about the blog..said he wanted to make an intro so I drew him a faceclaim, usually we could use fanart since he has a source (Normal Oak from Dndads) but since we're doing the intros I think it's more fun to actually draw him, especially since i like drawing his source anyway
Ashton was in the front room hanging around for a while eating mental-mcdonalds, idk why, but Normal started talking to him, said he reminds him of his uncle i guess? Normal is a pretty nice but kinda sad kid...it was something to witness. Norm's also got some daddy issues and Ash is a pretty prominent father figure...kinda like Joel from the Last of Us tbh...Sock and him have had a kinda father-son relationship since he formed back in 2021 (Sock wants me to add that they think its funny that there's a weird phenomenon in the system where all the teen alters tend to annoy the hell out of him lol...notably i dyed our hair three times w/o consulting him or anyone so i wouldnt say im exempt from this observation)
anyway, Sock called some of our friends for a bit (after practically ghosting them for like a month lol) played on my Stardew Valley file, thirsted over Harvey (Sock's aroace...idk what's wrong with him /aff) he had told our friends abt my little front stucky situation, (they're convinced i lost my mind because of how many times i changed our appearance drastically in the time ive been here...i dont deny this accusation) Sock also got Ash to try a Baja Blast for the first time, "It tastes like a heart attack, jesus christ..." is what he had to say...it was the zero sugar kind? idk im kinda addicted to them so
we've got a doctor's appointment fairly early tmrw...we've been having a lot of joint pain lately, our Mom thinks it's arthritis? we're not sure, she's not a doctor so...getting checked out finally! we'll see how that goes, also checking up on some meds stuff...
- AL 🍁 (She/They/He)
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Thoughts on Elliot from stardew valley?
He's my third favorite among the guys (Shane, Harvey, Elliot in that order). I find him to be quite sweet and he kinda reminds me of myself. I was very surprised to find out that some fans find him to be pretentious. He didn't give me that vibe at all.
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emeraldhazeart · 2 years
For the farming sim game: 🥔, 🍋, 🍅, aaaand 🍐 for FoMT and Stardew! (I had a hard time picking questions lmao these are all really fun)
Aww, thank you 💕 I'm glad people are enjoying them.
🥔(Potato) - Favourite non-romanceable character
Is it any surprise that I pick Harris? 😅 He was just another NPC to me originally, but over time I've really grown to love this big Teddy bear.
If Harris was a bachelor, though, then I'd choose Barley/Mugi. He's such a sweet, kind old man. I want to adopt him as my grandpa, please.
Nearly everyone in Mineral Town feels like family to me, at this point 😅 I love (almost) all of them.
Kinda hard to choose just one, tbh. I like a lot of the side characters. Linus is a sweetheart, and Clint reminds me somewhat of Harris.
But I think I like George the best. Grumpy old man who warms up to you gradually as you show him kindness? Check. Tragic backstory? Check. Genuine heart of gold beneath his gruff exterior? Check.
🍋(Lemon) - Least favourite character
I'm sorry, I just don't like Won/Huang. His first event - where you meet him at Zack's, and he ogles Karen and gives her preferencal treatment because she's pretty - just left a really sour taste in my mouth. And it doesn't help that he's quite arrogant and so obsessed with money.
Does Morris the Jojamart manager count? 😅 No? OK, then.
Probably Mayor Lewis. He refuses to settle down with Marnie, even though she clearly wants to, because he's "worried about his reputation"?! Big red flags there, Marnie! And besides, what kind of mayor uses town funds to commission a golden statue of himself instead of putting that money back into the town through, say, repairing the bus service to the city?!
🍅 (Tomato) - Favourite and least favourite festival?
Since I've already talked about the Animal Festivals and the Horse Races, I'll mention another event I really love: the Harvest Festival.
The whole town getting together to cook a giant potluck, with everyone bringing something along, has such a warm, homey vibe for me. I really get a sense of community from this festival. I love it, and all its variations across the games.
Least favourite is probably White Day/Valentine's Day. It's a non-event if you're not high enough with anyone. And if you're high enough with enough candidates, you have to hang around on your farm most of the day waiting for them to arrive. I want to get on around town and the mountain on my daily routine, not sit around at home waiting all day.
I think the festivals are sadly lacking in this game, especially after all the interesting events that HM/SoS has to offer.
My favourite of the few available is the Stardew Valley Fair, because you can interact with a lot of the stalls, and because its the only festival where your farming actually comes into play.
My least favourite is probably Spirit's Eve: after you've done it the first year, there's really nothing to do in subsequent years.
🍐(Pear) - Favourite rival pairing (Canon or non-canon)?
Karen x Rick is a brilliant pairing. So is Gray x Mary. Both of them feel like they complement each other really well.
Non-canon: I'm really growing to like the idea of Ann x Kai. I feel like they'd have some really good chemistry.
SV: No rival pairs in this game, alas, so we'll have to go with non-canon.
I think Harvey x Penny would be a sweet couple. Probably extremely traditional and low-key, but I think they'd work well together.
I'll answer your other ask separately, since this has gone on quite a bit 😅
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sdvsideblog · 2 years
I'm on my seventh stardew valley save and can't decide who to marry because i already picked the nicest people on my other saves and it feels weird to repeat. So i decided to make a list of best and worst marriage candidates because why the hell not
Best (in no particular order):
Harvey (he cooks and takes care of you!)
Elliott (he says such sweet things i go red irl)
Maru (she's the smartest person in town and I'm impressed and want to give her all she needs to build her robots and be like 'honey you're so smart i don't understand half of the things you say to me but tell me more')
Sam (he's just sweet and i feel like he's a friend from the start)
Sebastian (FROGS)
Emily (i just realized i forgot about her as a marriage candidate because i thought about marrying her once like two years ago and then forgot about it until this moment. I like her but this is not the vibe i'm going for right now)
Haley (idk gotta admit she kinda grows on me because of the fan content but still meh)
Shane (i can't deal with his dirty room and his addiction, hits too close too home)
Abigail (she's concernedape's favourite and it shows and she reminds me of someone i know and i just can't bring myself to like her)
Penny (the wheelchair incident. Enough said)
Alex (i just hate this idiot and always have the least hearts with him because i just can't be bothered. He's the worst)
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 years
Tag Tuesday - First Fic
I thought it was only fitting that the first Tag Tuesday should feature the "My First Fic" and its related tags.
I think, in retrospect, writers tend to look back on our first works and cringe, but I also think there is a lot of love, joy, enthusiasm, and beauty to be found in first fanfics. The whole process back then was new and exciting, and I remember having a kind of almost manic energy and excitement while writing my first fic that I've never been able to recapture since then. So lets take a moment to shed some love on some of the fandoms' first forays into writing fanfiction!
Was your first fic in the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons universe? Send it our way! We'd love to see them!
Hey, see me after class? - by bluebird_lamentation; A New Beginning; >1k; Complete, 1/1
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M
Relationship: Neil/Rod; Characters: Neil, Rod, Allen, Felicity
Additional Tags: Fluff, Friends to Lovers, One-Shot, May add more chapters idk, first fic, Modern School AU
Summary: Neil asks to see Rod after class, it may be better than what he expected...
A Chance to Start Again - by ChewyGirl12; Friends of Mineral Town; 2k; WIP, 2/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Claire the Farmer, All Residents of Mineral Town
Additional Tags: cursing, Daily life of a farmer, Collection of events and stories, ongoing, Really just a way to practice writing, Maybe some drama, This is a Teen up but there is cursing and some mature themes so be advised, Just a happy story of life in a small town, Multiple chapters, Some Romance, Rival marriages are a thing with the correct pairings, You can date either gender in this game!, This is my first fanfic and time here
Summary: After news of her grandfather’s death, Claire receives his old farm in the will. Bored of the city life Claire packs up and heads over to Mineral Town to start her new life as a farmer. Hard work and many happy moments await her as she makes her living and meets new friends along the way. Although Claire is not exactly the sociable type, the residents of Mineral Town still find their way into her heart as she establishes new relationships in this small town, whether that be friendships or perhaps one day love among the many potential romantic candidates among her. This series will be an ongoing tale of a new farmers life in Mineral Town and those in it.
Refuge - by Genderfluid_Writes; Animal Parade, Tree of Tranquility, Stardew Valley; 8k; WIP, 3/?
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Multi
Relationships: Chase (Harvest Moon)/Elliott, Shane/Original Character(s), Renee | Lina/Toby | Tao, Anissa | Anise/Jin | Won, One-sided Chase/Owen, Candace/Emily; Characters: Chase | Chihaya, Elliott, Shane, Original Non-Binary Character, Renee | Lina, Toby | Tao, Anissa, Jin | Won, Owen | Ose, Chloe, Candace, Emily, Harvey, Kent, Lewis, Gus, Jas, Vincent, Luke, Bo, Pascal
Additional Tags: Assume the usual cast is here, My First Fanfic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, M for Language and Themes, will I ever write smut? who knows, Crossover, Unrequited Love, First Love, Non-binary character, POV Multiple, no beta cos im a lazy coward, Fluff and Angst, May or may not be character deaths
Summary: With news of the Gotoro Empire closing in, a handful of residents from Waffle Island make the perilous journey over the sea, armed only with a friend of a friend's supposed assurance that they'd be welcome in Stardew Valley. For most, it means leaving family behind, but Chase only had unrequited love to run away from. However, reluctantly saddled with his best friend's young cousin and the informal leadership of the group, he has no choice but to get involved with life in let another backwater town. With the others missing their home and worrying about their families' safety, will he be able to stand with them in solidarity, or will he turn tail and run back to his old life? What if he misses the island more than he thought? What if these displaced souls find new life in a horrible situation? First fanfic I've ever written, let alone publicly shared. Hope its not too terrible. Also there's no beta-ing atm, beware of mistypes.
Here You Come Again - by SeasonSuite; Trio of Towns; 58k; WIP, 14/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M
Relationships: Female Farmer/Wayne; Minor or Background Relationship(s); Characters: Farmer, Wayne, Frank, Lisette, Ford, Ludus, Trio of Towns ensemble
Additional Tags: Crushes, Falling In Love, Love, farming, Fluff, dolly parton references, Friends to Lovers, cowboy aesthetic. idiots to lovers, Day At The Beach, Flowers, Romance, My First Fanfic, Bonding, Feelings, Humor, Slow Build, Did I Mention Fluff
Summary: On the first day of her new life, June meets a handsome, smooth-talking postman. Caught between his seemingly earnest words and his philandering reputation, she writes him off as bad news. Over the year, as June struggles to build her new farm, Wayne proves her wrong—then right—then wrong again. or, Westown's charming postman is known for being perfect, and he's usually happy to play the part. But when a new farmer tries to get to know the real him, Wayne learns that to be loved, he has to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known. Trio of Towns made me FEEL a lot of things so here's a sappy romantic love letter to my favorite bachelor. Slow burn Wayne x Holly, fluff and romance and drama. Background ships and more to come. New chapter Fridays or your money back!
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; Animal Parade; 18k; WIP, 15/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Category: F/M
Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke
Additional Tags: first fic, Slow Burn, at least molly and chase are, oh god how do you tag fics, beginning is kinda rough, angela chapters tend to be shorter, mentions of eating disorders, ya girl was making it up as she went along, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers
Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
Lady Of Grasstrail Farms - by FromADenOfBeasts; Pioneers of Olive Town; 43k; WIP, 34/?
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M
Relationship: Female Farmer/Lars; Characters: Original Female Character(s), Female Farmer, Lars, Laura, Angela, Clemens, Damon, Jack, Emilio, Reina, Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jesse
Additional Tags: My First AO3 Post, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, spoilers obviously, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Supportive Big Brother, honestly the best big brother ever
Summary: Pioneers Of Olive Town AU where Lars is single. That's not all that happens but it is the reason I wrote this. A young woman named Vallon quits her job and follows her heart to Olive Town, where her family has roots deeper than she ever thought. Now she has to contend with new neighbors, ancient magic, and getting the hang of farming a wild land. Can she cope on her own, or can she at least find someone to share it with? Formerly titled "Why Not, Lars?" (Please note that this AU was planned so that absolutely nothing has occurred between him and Beth.)
Siblings - by teamBLAZE; Harvest Moon (Friends of Mineral Town, Island of Happiness/Sunshine Islands); 6.3k; Completed, 6/6
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Other
Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Cliff; Chelsea/Mark
Additional Tags: Family, Hurt/Comfort, Reunions, My First AO3 Post
Summary: Left with only a photograph to remind him of the past, Cliff lives with the hope of seeing his sister again. Years later, a certain girl appears at Verdure Island with the task of reviving the other islands, wishing she would see that somebody once she accomplishes it. Will they find what they have longed for? An experimental fic based from a confession.
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swingxilly · 3 years
I did the thing! I sent my friend @euryalex who doesnt know Stardew Valley pictures of the characters and they told me what vibes they think they have!
Sam: hm anime hair. not sure how i feel. his face says friend :) but his hair says evil fuckboy
Leah: Molly O'Shea's in stardew??? anyway i love her. im in lesbian with her. she is pretty and i love her. i wish to smooch her
Harvey: looks like a mentor kinda guy from the 70s. tells lame dad jokes but is very good w kids and always shows interest in their hobbies
WIFE MATERIAL 10/10 i love her she is very very pretty
Alex: angery :( but looks like the boy next door if that makes sense?? like he'd throw pebbles at ur window so you'd open and he'd stand there w flowers :) or you'd look out your bedroom window and see him w a notepad telling you 'Hi!'
Penny: Oooh looks like she'd own a bakery? she looks very sweet and wise like you'd sit in her bakery and she'd give you advice and if you're feeling down she'd like. give you a free hot chocolate or donut or something
Elliott: He Has A Vibe I Cannot Describe.
He looks vain, like he takes care of himself. He is very cocky but not in a rude way, not necessarily? Idk how to describe it!! he just. HES LIKE. ANNOYING BUT IN A NAIVE WAY????? IDK???
Haley: she looks like the typical popular high school girl in a nickelodeon/disney show but she actually has a very sweet face that would remind you of sunshine and rainbows. probably volunteers at dog shelters in weekends but doesn't brag about it bc she does it to be nice
Shane: I Do Not Like His Vibes 😡
he looks like a villain. His hair reminds me of River from Winx Club who i dislike but also his face!! evil!!
Maru: Hmm she looks like she was a 'not like other girls' kinda person at least once in her life but grew out of it and has embraced that it's not bad to be like other girls. Probably has a weird interest but in a nerdy cute kinda way
Sebastian: I'm sure this isn't the one you like but he looks like your type
emo boy. looks like he has a tough exterior but is actually a cinnamon roll :) takes a while t o befriend but remembers your favourite snack and gives you some like. out of nowhere :)
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roguetatertot · 5 years
I’ve been playing Stardew Valley lately, and I’ve come to romance all bachelors and bachelorettes in the game. But I can’t decide who I want to marry!!!
My initial plan was to marry Leah, but now that I’ve seen all the candidates’ 10 heart events, I’m in a quandary. I need to break it down for my sanity.
The Bachelors:
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I avoided him at first, seeing as how he was into Haley. I’m not a fan of the jock attitude, and I’m fairly sure the dude’s never read a book in his life before, but I mean.....he’s pretty damn cute. But I feel like he’s still in high school, and me being in my thirties, I feel kinda creepy if I were to choose him.
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The fact that his hair is prettier than mine was the first turn-off. He struck me as pompous at first, up until the Moonlight Jellies came and he conveyed his dismay over how humans treat the oceans poorly. I was like “OKAY there’s more to him than his hair.” The fact that he’s a writer actually turned me off, but his dedication to his craft is commendable. He’s studious, and hey, he can play piano! Not only that, but the dude actually fixed up a rowboat just to take me out on an ocean date! That’s more than any real man has ever done for me lol
Dr Harvey
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SWIPE LEFT ON THAT MUSTACHE. But swipe right on his sweet and caring nature. He’s got his shit together, being a doctor and having his aircraft hobbies. He’s a little dorky, and despite his fear of heights, he hitched up his pants and took me out on a hot air balloon ride (which is something I’ve always wanted to do IRL). But I just can’t get past his sprite!! I really don’t like the way it looks. I mean....LOOK AT IT.
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I can’t say that I’m too into the Super Saiyan look. 15-year-old me would’ve loved the Vash-the-Stampede-esque hair, but 34-year-old me doesn’t exactly dig the skateboarding, “I’m in a band”, still-living-with-my-parents-and-kid-brother vibe. The dude had me sneak in through his window and hide in his bed when his mother came into the room for Yoba’s sake! I’m looking for a spouse, not a manchild!
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Oh dear, where do I begin with him. He is an enigma to me. I’m a little too old for his woe-is-me-the-world-sucks bullshit, but I’ll be damned if I don’t find him attractive. I think it’s because he reminds me of Cloud Strife....if Cloud Strife smoked and lived in his mother’s basement, sleeping in until noon. He was actually the last one I maxed out to ten hearts because he was always holed up in his bedroom on the computer all day! I was like GET A JOB.....but come to find out he was actually freelancing that whole time....haha
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Shane....oh Shane......sigh. He and I got off on the wrong foot immediately. It was his birthday, and I ran into him in the saloon, chugging away next to the fireplace. I had a can of Jojo soda in my inventory, so I gifted that to him, thinking HEY THIS DUDE LOOKS THIRSTY BY THE WAY HE’S GUZZLING THAT BEER. Boy was I wroooong. He hated me for giving him “trash” on his birthday. So after getting to know him, I had a soft spot in my heart for this suicidal alcoholic. But.....I’m not here to be anyone’s keeper, or to fix anyone. He’s getting his shit together slowly, sure, but I’m not so certain he’s husband material. HOWEVER. Look how freaking cute he is with his chicken, Charlie.
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The Bachelorettes:
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She was the first person I asked to dance with at the Flower Dance festival, but of course she said no since I had no friendship built up with her. But as I got to know her, I really started to dislike her. Much like Alex and Sam, she strikes me as being in her early teens with her behavior and childish attitude towards her parents so that makes me want to stay far faaaar away from her as a marriage candidate. 
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I found it especially hilarious that during the Stardew Valley fair, she remarks that she always thought she’d make a good clown, because she sure looks like one to me. I don’t know what it is about her....maybe the pale skin and the red lips with blue hair....but she looks ridiculous to me. I like her carefree disposition, and the camping date we went on was adorable....yet I just can’t get past her design.
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Beneath that pretty girl vapid exterior lies.....a pretty girl vapid interior. While the photography date with her was cute, I just don’t find substance in her at all. I was hoping for more with her character development by the time we reached 10 stars. I was very disappointed. I do appreciate her passion for photography, though.
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Ah yes, my girl Leah. She has her shit together more than any other NPC I feel. Here was a woman who lived in a big city with her significant other, but decided to break up due to conflicting goals. She made her way to Stardew Valley, bought her own cottage, and pursued her dream of becoming an artist even though she has trouble paying her bills sometimes. She’s self-sufficient, mature, resourceful, and a go-getter. She is spouse material in my mind. I would totally date her IRL if I could. Plus, she’s a redhead which is an absolute turn-on for me.
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I have tried so hard to like Maru, but much like Abigail, she strikes me as being in her teens or early twenties or something. I feel like a creeper considering her as a marriage candidate. I love her zany ideas and her dedication, but she’s too childlike for my comfort.
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Another gorgeous redhead. I’m so conflicted with Ms Penny, because I want to whisk her away from her alcoholic mother and bad home life, and treat her like a queen on my farm, but I can’t shake the feeling that she would be marrying me for all the wrong reasons. There were a few bits of her dialogue here and there that struck me as desperate. Of course I don’t blame her and I think she would make a wonderful wife, but I feel like she should grow as an individual and make her own way in life before becoming anyone’s housewife. I’d hate to see her go from being her mother’s slave, to being tied down with more of the same domesticity. But I mean, if that’s what she truly wants, then who am I to stop her? 
I feel like I’ve helped to narrow down my choice through this break down analysis: Bachelors: Harvey or Shane Bachelorettes: Leah or Penny
I find it funny that both Harvey and Leah seem the most put together and stable, while Shane and Penny are sympathy cases/”fixer-uppers.” I think it reflects my current real state of being 34 and tired of dealing with people’s bullshit, of wanting to find someone who’s capable and steady, while also wanting to be that way myself. Then there’s a part of me that I can’t ignore...the truth that I AM a sympathy case currently, but despite that, I also have a sense of wanting to help others as I’ve been helped in my life thus far. 
Who knew this silly little game could be this telling of my own nature? 
.....epiphany aside, I still NEED TO MAKE A CHOICE.
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