#king amidias
cutechickdgaming · 1 year
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birb (Youmu) and old man (Permafrost). their relationship essentially
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bonus pipefish monarch
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ljdrawss · 4 years
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npc gang...
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lilaxthegreat · 2 years
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Updated (Official) Calamity Mod Reference Pieces of the SEAHOE Sea King Amidias, The DILF Archmage Permafrost, and the THIEF Bandit. These are like *several years* overdue lmao, especially the Bandit.
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tzawa-1y · 3 years
I love terraria so
One theme that you associate with kiku please 👉👈
VOID (Void Leviathan theme) - Universe
Winged Umbra (Eclipxie theme) - turingcomplete30(?)
sanctuary (Sunken Sea theme) - DM Dokuro
I'm definitely not picking Void Leviathan because of Leviathan.... I thought it was funny lol. also the sirens noise, made me think of her for some unknown reason.
Winged Umbra -- I really wanted to do a Polarities track (i love it & it looks sO cool) and had a few options I considered (and still am cough polarities theme) but I thought this one was ultimately a better fit.
and sanctuary is stretching my rule of two but I wanna include something less big bad theme because kiku is a lovely lass with a very tough quirk. Lore pick -- Sunken Sea was formerly not sunken! just a sea kingdom, which the king Amidias ruled. but then Yharim got mad one day and sent Calamitas to scourge the whole thing, and it only left the dry desert above. A lovely kingdom hidden behind a harsh place, which is how I feel Kiku is given her quirk. She's super kind and caring for other classmates (broad statement but she's absolutely very much a caring person for her classmates) but others would find her quirk scary, and makes her seem scary 😔✊
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goldenhydreigon47 · 3 years
I have returned with more Rebel Hearts Infodumping™. This time, we'll focus on the triplets of Cal, Cat, Cataclysm, and Dev.
So first up are the triplets. Their birthnames are Calamitas, Catastrophe, and Cataclysm. However, they each have different preferred sexualities and preferred pronouns, as well as preferred names. First up is Cal. She is usually pretty quiet and reserved, but open up easier around her allies, especially her siblings as well as Dev and Mariko. She is also a pyromancer, much like in the official canon. Cal is demigirl, uses she/her pronouns, and, much like the official canon, is aroace. She is 20 when Rebel Hearts takes place. Catastrophe's preferred name is Cat. Why is it Cat? Well, for one thing, he found it easier for him and Cal to shorten their birthnames to make a preferred name. The other reason is, in Cal's opinion, he has the most, "cat-like," personality, appearing calm and unfeeling, with some skittishness, but is super loving when around his siblings or friends (Fun Fact: In Rebel Hearts, Cal, Cat, Cataclysm, and even Mariko all purr and wag their tails [yes they have tails in this story. I saw one of my friends draw the siblings with tails {hi Juno :)} and I've always had Mariko with a tail]). Cat is demiboy, uses he/him pronouns, and, much like his sister, is aroace. He is 22 in Rebel Hearts. Finally, the youngest of the three at age 18 is Cataclysm. Their hair is a floof in my story and they are the most upbeat and adorable of the three (Also, all three of the siblings have English accents. Cal has an English accent canonically, so it seems appropriate for Cat and Cataclysm to have English accents too). Cataclysm is non-binary, uses they/them pronouns, and is pansexual, quickly ending up in a relationship with Mariko.
So, backstory time for them. These three lived deep in the mountains with their parents, but sadly, their parents died shortly when Cal was age 6 (Cat was 8 and Cataclysm was 4). Enraged and saddend by their parent's deaths (their parents were mistaken for two other wanted criminals and shot by some mercenaries in this story btw), Cal swore revenge on humanity. Cat agreed but didn't really want to, hoping to drag Cal out of this whole "vengeance" thing, and Cataclysm was too young to know what was going on. This rage inside of Cal manifested into her pyromancy skills, specifically her brand of fire: Abyssal Fireballs. Cat's cryomancy and Cataclysm's electromancy wouldn't develop until a few years later. After about two years, Cal found and burned the very souls of these mercenaries. Her wrath was exploited, however, as she was lured to a jungle temple, along with her siblings. This, of course, led to her brainwashing by Yharim, who also brainwashed Cat and Cataclysm, awakening their powers. From that day forward, Cal and her siblings proved to be Yharim's most powerful soldiers, killing players multiple times. Her greatest feats were burning down Mariko's village, despite the regret she held in constantly ever since, even apologizing about it to Mariko in a letter she wrote a year after she first met him, an apology which Mariko accepted, and burning the entire ocean kingdom of Amidias, who held no ill will towards Cal for the incident, as he only blamed Yharim for this. She was so great, an inferior clone was made of her and her siblings. She continued to take command from the tyrant without conflict, until 8 years later, when they met Mariko. After her slowly defeated them in battle, Cal asked Mariko to finish her and her siblings so they may join their parents. Mariko, who was 18 at the time, told the then 18 year old Cal that he too had lost his parents, and wished for death to come to him as well. However, he saw that life was worth living and knows that everyone can have a second chance, except for Yharim of course. He then fully healed Cal and her siblings, much like he did to Dev a few months prior (we'll get to that) and told Cal that he saw good inside the hearts of her and her siblings, before flying away. It was here that Cal saw more good in humanity. However, her torture at the hands of Yharim grew more intense after she failed to kill Mariko. Her siblings were also tortured. She had begun to see what Mariko was talking about, how Yharim was irredeemable. After they were freed from their torture chamber by Dev, Cal's best friend, the four began to plot escape plans. Eventually, after two years, Cat and Cataclysm escaped after their brainwashing "juices" ran dry, telling Cal and Dev where they went so they may follow. Upon escape, Cat and Cataclysm bumped into the former Sea King, Amidias. Upon recognizing who they were, Amidias, a former father figure himself as he raised his late daughter alongside his late husband, decided to care for Cat, now 22, and Cataclysm, now 18, while they waited for Cal and Dev to join them. Mariko even made frequent visits to check up on the three, which is when his friendship, and eventual love relationship, with Cataclysm kicked into high gear. After about a month and a half, the brainwash "juices" in Cal and Dev ran dry, and the two escaped, following directions to get to Amidias' place, whom they affectionately called "Ami." Dev and Cal bump into Mariko, explain what's they're doing, Mariko approves of their decision to escape from the tyrant while also reiterating that he holds no grudges or hatred to Cal and Dev for eliminating his village while brainwashed, the trio make it to Ami's, reunite with Cat and Cataclysm, and thus, the initial five members of Rebel Hearts are founded.
And now, we move on to Dev. Dev is also enby and uses they/them or he/him pronouns. They're permanently 19, even after they were "born", and is asexual. Dev was born on another entire planet, but sent to the Terraria Calamity mod planet (I seriously don't know if it has a namd or if I should just name it Earth) to stay fed, as their home planet was dying. Upon emerging from his space pod, he was quickly "rescued" by Yharim and brainwashed by a robot made by Draedon. It was here Dev met their best friends, Cal, Cat, and Cataclysm. Dev was always the most rebellious of the four, constantly defying Yharim's demands, and thus, was tortured quite often, usually by being denied food. This just caused his inner hatred towards Yharim to grow, and it would only fuel his want to escape with Cal and her siblings. The torture would only cause Dev's hunger to grow, now wanting to feast on the essence of living beings or deities, especially Gods and Goddesses. In an attack on the Brimstone Crags by Yharim's troops, Dev encountered, killed, and devoured Providence. Sure, she would revive because of Mariko, but that's what would drive Yharim to make the biggest mistake of his life: Sending Dev to attack Mariko. Upon seeing Mariko, Dev knew he wasn't a God, but would feast upon his essence regardless, especially since he knew this was the same "weakling" Yharim found when Dev and Cal decimated Mariko's village while brainwashed. However, surprising Dev, Mariko defeated him in his much more powerful worm form. Now back in their humanoid form, which they took on more often, he tried to off himself out of disgracing Yharim, but Mariko knocked the weapon out of Dev's hands. Mariko then told Dev that he saw good in their heart, healed them, gave them a large amount of food, and told them that Yharim was irredeemable, unlike them, Cal, and her siblings. Now fully enraged at Yharim, he tried to kill Yharim, only to nearly get killed himself. After being healed by Draedon, the next two years saw Dev continue to defy Yharim's orders, even more often than usual, even refusing to battle the newly revived Providence. Yharim tried to have the brainwash "juices" put deeper into Dev's brain, but their headstrong nature just pushed the juices out by themself. After two years of torture and manipulation, Dev finally grabbed Cal and escaped. Cue the two of them bumpung into Mariko, going to Ami's, reuniting with Cat and Cataclysm, and Rebel Hearts beginning.
Infodump on Cal, Cat, Cataclysm, and Dev complete. Yharim, Draedon, Yharon, and Sunork infodump coming soon.
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term3itmedia · 5 years
FMP Research - Lore
Lore is a block of knowledge that is used in old literature and most video games to give a backstory on a certain part, mainly characters and areas that they have taken control of or destroyed.
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Lore is typically given in the past tense as it references to events that have apparently happened long ago. For example, in the lore pictured above, you can see how a certain character has led himself to cause a global catastrophe by having complaints thrown their way after trying to protect an area.
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Lore can also used to give life to whatever it is written in, whether it’d be a movie, game or literature. For example, in a Terraria mod called Calamity, there is an area called the Sunken Sea, which, according to the lore, is actually what is left of a sea which was evaporated by a powerful being:
“When the Sea King, Amidias refused to partake in the forbidden ritual to awaken the Moon Lord / The Dark Lord from his slumber and imprisonment on the moon, the Jungle Tyrant King Yharim had the witch Calamitas evaporate all of the seawater with fire and brimstone.“ (source: https://calamitymod.gamepedia.com/Desert_Scourge#Lore)
This is what makes a game have interesting areas like this, since it gives us a story as to how it happened and why. Some games and movies that do not have a lore may not have sold very well due to their lack of life.
Lore is also told via a flashback within a show/movie, which gives us a reason why a character has a certain trait, or why a locked off area is completely disabled. For example, the elevator in The Big Bang Theory is completely out of order due to an experiment gone wrong:
If you have ever wondered why something the way it is, there is always a reason behind it. Things don’t just happen out of nowhere. For example, there is a story as to how the Titanic sank. There is a story as to how the Leaning Tower of Pisa got it’s tilt. EVERYTHING has a story. Lore. It exists.
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ljdrawss · 4 years
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‘do you understand that we will never be the same again?’
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cutechickdgaming · 2 years
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Live Amidias reaction to your Calamity Mod “search history”
Your family is okay. You aren’t.
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goldenhydreigon47 · 3 years
And now, to finish the Rebel Hearts Infodumping. This will focus on the main villains of Rebel Hearts: Yharim, Draedon, and Yharon.
Name: Yharim
Age: ??? (Likely somewhere between 20 and 35)
Gender: Male (No pronouns, only wants to be called master or your new ruler)
Sexuality: Straight
Backstory: Born in a volcanic village, the elders of this area could see the darkness in his heart and sacrificed him as a way to appease the Goddess of the Sun, Providence. Yharim was dunked in lava, resulting in most of his limbs melting off and him losing an eye, being replaced by a nasty and terrifying burn scar covering roughly half his face. Noxus unknowingly revives him after seeing him be wronged but wants to give him a chance to become a hero. This proves to be a HUGE mistake. To get revenge, Yharim destroys his own villages, killing his own parents and his older brother, Ignalius, in the process and stealing his younger brother's (Yhagrim's) dragon egg, which would later hatch to become Yharon. Upon destroying his village and essentially killing every resident not named Yhagrim, whom he just told to run away and never return, he trained in dark magic despite never being a prophet of Noxus. He also trained in melee combat, developing his own, albeit somewhat mediocre, sword. Upon Yharon hatching and pledging supreme loyalty to him, he goes full megalomaniac, kidnapping several people to brainwash into becoming foot soldiers while manipulating others, namely Cal and Dev, to become his slaves via manipulation, brainwashing, and torture. He also kidnaps and freezes Permafrost into Cryogen. He then quickly conquered most of the land, badly injuring Providence and burning Amidias' ocean, killing most sea life not named crabs. Upon declaring himself the new ruler, many resistances sprung up to try, and fail to stop him. Seeing this, he sent Cal, Dev, and Yharon on multiple missions to destroy certain villages, most notably Mariko and Akira's villages. Tasks like this and kidnapping Mariko so he could be tortured are what drove Cal, her brothers, and Dev away from him. Now faced with the most powerful force yet, should he get his way, Yharim will have these "traitors" decapitated by his own sword.
S/O: None because he's a narcissistic asshole
Preferred Style: Melee and Mage
Preferred Weapons: True Tyrant's Ultisword (usually enhanced by Yharon's flames or one of Draedon's elemental turrets) and Yharim's Crystal
Preferred Armor: Auric Tesla
Height: 9'0"
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Yellow
Name: Yharon
Age: Immortal (reborn as an egg in a different location if killed)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: ???
Backstory: Yharon is a phoenix-dragon hybrid. This makes him essentially immortal and gives him intense over flame and heat control. Because of this, he is often nicknamed, "The Burning King." Upon hatching from the egg Yharim stole from Yhagrim, Yharon swore complete and utter loyalty to Yharim, never betraying him or arguing against his judgement. With his wings, he can fly at speeds of up to 120mph and his flames can reach heat levels similar to Providence and Cal's flames. He can also make the air grow warmer around a large area, usually a radius of up to 200 meters. Because of his immortality, he can never truly die, only respawning as an egg and swearing loyalty to whoever finds him. However, when on Yharim's team, he has never been gravely injured. He is the one behind the burning of Akira's village and also tried to kill Yhagrim, but couldn't locate him. Despite this, Yharim always compliments him and treats him like a loyal pet due to his undying loyalty and dedication.
S/O: Irrelevant 
Preferred Style: None (fights like a normal dragon or phoenix)
Abilities: Immense fire and heat manipulation, incredible agility in the air, and can regenerate health and stamina very fast, especially when hit by fire attacks that aren't Cal's Abyssal Fireballs
Preferred Armor: None (Uses fire manipulation to create a fire aura to protect himself from most melee attacks that aren't ranged as well as some magic attacks)
Length (from tailtip to beak tip): 25'0"
Wingspan: 65'0"
Feather and Scale Colors: Primarily red and orange.
Eye Color: Yellow
Name: Draedon
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Backstory: Draedon was a well known and popular mechanic in his home city, often creating armor, weapons, or machinery for anyone rich enough to afford them. When Yharim rose to power, seeking power for himself and wanting to become the next tyrant, Draedon went on a killing spree, obliterating his entire city by himself to prove himself worthy to the tyrant with full intent to betray him if Yharim was seen as weak. However, he hasn't seen this yet and fully believes he will remain loyal to Yharim till his final breath. He is responsible for creating the brainwash juices that manipulated Cal, her brothers, and Dev for so long. He also experimented on himself to become fully robotic, massively increasing his speed, defense, and attack.
Preferred Style: Melee but usually relies on his machinery to help him massively during battle
Preferred Weapon: Exoblade
Preferred Armor: Auric Tesla but due to being mostly robotic already due to experimenting on himself, can take lots of punishment even without armor.
Height: 11'0"
Eye Color: Cyan (glow different colors to show different emotions, cyan is just the default)
Hair Color: N/A
And that should be everything for infodumping. The screenshots showing snippets of the actual story, starting with snippets from Part 1 of Chapter 1, will be shown soon. Hopefully, you like these infodumps and will enjoy the snippets of each chapter :). Until then, farewell.
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