#blame Terry
songthursh · 10 months
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Alright, I will start with this one then - everything starts with the glorious revolution and everything starts with the night watch 🌸
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macksartblock · 3 months
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i'm working at 'em lol remember to vote Terry
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"You could have helped people," said Brutha. "But all you did was stamp around and roar and try to make people afraid. Like...like a man hitting a donkey with a stick. But people like Vorbis made the stick so good, that's all the donkey ends up believing in."
"That could use some work, as a parable," said Om sourly.
"This is real life I'm talking about!"
"It's not my fault if people misuse the--"
"It is! It has to be! If you muck up people's minds just because you want them to believe in you, what they do is all your fault!"
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
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David Tennant asking his arch enemies to run away with him since 2007
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risetherivermoon · 2 months
god i fucking love terry jr hes soooo awkward i love him, relistening to season 2 is just making me love him more hes so stupid and wet cat coded i love him
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I want to take this space to apologize to Michael Sheen, whom I chose to try to draw a face
I would show you, but I couldn't live with it and deleted it without recording it in any way
This is an atrocity that will happen again
And it's entirely Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's fault for creating something so beautiful that it was able to motivate me to want to draw
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ghastmaskzombie · 2 years
saw a post once about how sam vimes is an urban witch and ankh-morpork is his stead, and now i’m reading a hat full of sky for the first time and a lot of it is sounding vimesian. stuff about how a witch tells the land what to be and the land tells her who she is. about how being a witch is like being a cop because when people are in need they don’t see you, they just see the pointy hat and know the person wearing it can Help.* about how it’s not really about magic, it’s about knowing how people think and how things work and doing what’s needed. and i don’t think you need to know me at all to guess how my trans self feels about strict gender roles, however cool they may be, so yeah. sam vimes is a malewitch. deal with it.
*my opinions about actual cops notwithstanding
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kilfeur · 2 days
Vous savez j'apprécie comment Rayllum et Clauderry s'opposent l'un à l'autre. Ce qui a rendu la relation entre Callum et Rayla solide c'est qu'ils se rendent compte que leurs idées préconçues et leurs préjugés étaient faux. Et qu'ils ont pu apprendre à se connaître et s'apprécier en forgeant eux mêmes leurs opinions sur ce qui les entoure. Ainsi que leurs principes et leurs valeurs sont défiés tout au long de leur voyage. La scène où justement Rayla défend Callum devant Sol Regem montre justement à quel point leur relation leur a aidé non seulement à grandir mais aussi à changer.
En revanche Claudia et Terry ne changent pas, ils ne sont pas vraiment défiés concernant leurs points de vues concernant les elfes et les humains par exemple. On a pu le voir avec Claudia que même si elle aime Terry, elle a quand même un certain dédain envers les autres elfes. On sait pas exactement l'avis de Terry concernant les humains mais il ne semble pas les détester non plus, ce qui est déjà un bon point. Quand Claudia a annoncé qu'elle a un petit ami, j'avais plus l'impression qu'elle essayait de combler un vide avec Terry. Et il a toujours cru que tout ce que Claudia avait ses propres raisons pour agir ainsi. Terry a été une influence positive pour Claudia mais ça ne dure jamais très longtemps. Les interventions de Terry envers Claudia l'empêchaient justement d'aller trop loin. Il a été comme un ancre pour elle mais elle finit peu à peu par se rouiller. Et je crains que dans la saison 6, Terry ne va pouvoir atteindre Claudia cette fois ci.
You know, I like the way Rayllum and Clauderry oppose each other. What made Callum and Rayla's relationship strong was that they realized that their preconceptions and prejudices were wrong. And that they were able to get to know and appreciate each other by forging their own opinions about what surrounds them. And their principles and values are challenged throughout their journey. The scene in which Rayla defends Callum in front of Sol Regem shows just how much their relationship has helped them not only to grow, but also to change.
Claudia and Terry, on the other hand, don't change; they're not really challenged about their views on elves and humans, for example. We saw with Claudia that even though she loves Terry, she still has a certain disdain for other elves. We don't know exactly what Terry's opinion is of humans, but he doesn't seem to dislike them either, which is already a good point. When Claudia announced she had a boyfriend, I felt more like she was trying to fill a void with Terry. And he always believed that Claudia had her own reasons for doing so. Terry was a positive influence on Claudia, but it never lasts very long. Terry's interventions with Claudia prevented her from going too far. He's been like an anchor for her, but it gradually becomes rusty. And I fear that in season 6, Terry won't be able to reach Claudia this time.
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bloodwrittenballad · 2 years
daniel larusso vs having homoerotic tension with all of his rivals
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I find the idea of all Daniel’s enemies and former enemies wanting to sleep with him except for Kreese funny because imagine Kreese thinking it’s just a normal rivalry and then he finds out that literally everyone wants to sleep with Daniel and he’s just like “wtf” lmao
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cornertheculprit · 1 year
listen dahlia's actions in bridge to the turnabout are another story but i gotta say i think her actions in turnabout beginnings are perfectly excusable. like if i was fourteen years old and living in an absolutely loveless family and my twenty one year old tutor started fawning all over me and calling me his "teen angel" i'd fake my own death and start a new life and let him be put on death row in the process as well. and manipulate him into drinking poison i'd do that too
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recklessbucket · 11 months
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CupFortress 2 Cuphead x TeamFortress 2 Since I'm into team fortress 2 now. It doesn't have to make sense (if you know the tf2 lore and stuff) this is just for fun!
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bonsai-btches · 2 years
fuckin love the dynamic of “you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look like an idiot” Daniel has with literally all of his karate ex-rivals.
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
"Gosh, I'm sorry," said Nijel, as the guards seemed to realize that the entertainment was over and closed in for the kill.
"Don't blame yourself--" said Rincewind, as Nijel reached up and tried unsuccessfully to free the blade.
"Thank you."
"--I'll do it for you."
Terry Pratchett, Sourcery
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blue-deneb · 1 year
major dndads s2e36 spoilers
picturing teenage terry jr thinking about how he almost killed his stepdad before he learned to love him by letting vampire terry sr into the house and being so glad he didn’t succeed
picturing adult terry jr realizing that scary had let a monster loose (willy) and would succeed in killing her stepdad before she learned to love him
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danlarussc · 2 years
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Cobra Kai | 5.10
I don't give a shit what he fights for. I'm gonna knock his ass out. And then you're next.
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