#king edumund tangled
lazlolullaby · 2 years
Lost Royal Eugene Plot Bunnies~
hot takes and plot ideas on Eugene and his royal heritage being significant to how he ended up as a thief...because the brainworms are wriggling again
Normally in these kinds of fantasy stories, there’s a letter, or an item, or even a caretaker that stays with the Lost Royal and reveals the truth either when they’re old enough or when the chips are down.
Eugene doesn’t have that. He didn’t have that at all.
It can be argued in the movie (if he knew) he didn’t mention it because -
A (the letter): he just met Rapunzel 2 days ago, she’s not getting everything at once. Plus if he has proof his family abandoned him, even for good reason, it still hurts.
B (Royal item): he’s got a family heirloom that’s stashed somewhere that he can’t sell because he’s sentimental. May or may not know where it came from. Backed up by: the entirety of Tangled and also: the engraved comb and the scrapbook of wanted posters from RTA.
C (caretaker): He’s proudly a Thief, and a New Adult, who wants to tell their parental figure what they’re actually doing for a living??? This is assuming that they’re a Decent Person - if they were abusive and Eugene paralleled that with the Gothel situation - hoo boy now that’s a rabbit hole filled with plot bunnies~
The only thing Eugene ever had in his possession that hinted to his Royalty was a two-headed coin. That’s it. I suppose that was part of Edmund’s master plan - keep him as far from the Royal Line as possible so he would never find the Moonstone at all.
But he was carried away as a baby - he had to have had a nursemaid at least to feed him.
So in canon. We’ve got a gap between being sent away as a baby and being a “employed” by the Baron as a teenage thief.
I’ve uhh...got a theory.
The world isn’t kind to immigrants. Even in a lighthearted "never say die”, fantasy world, it’s going to be rough. The nursemaid (for funzies, let’s call her Claire) tries to support herself and baby Horace. And some people are kind enough, but there’s people that see Horace as a meal ticket, an obligation or a trade for a later reward when he’s King.
So Claire changes their names and runs, further than anywhere anyone she’s known has ever been. Claire throws herself into maintaining an orphanage in Varadaros, essentially hiding orphan Eugene in a stack of orphan needles.
Meanwhile, a Princess is stolen and a King tries to eradicate every criminal possible. The unlucky who are accused of more than what they're guilty of flood Varadaros.
The panic creates a power vacuum and one man rises to the top of the dust heap ; a man who styles himself as royalty, mimicking their manners and excess. The Baron.
Plague happens and there's no magical Flowers to save anyone. Claire dies when Eugene is around five, young enough to vaguely remember her voice but not her face. Claire’s possessions are gone through and divided.
The letters for Eugene are read. At first they think it’s a joke - ah, of course her favorite kid is a Prince! What a funny family joke! But the more they talk to others - they realize that he does line up with the facts.
Word gets out. Sure, it’s not the Lost Princess, but it’s something.
The Baron hears about it. And the one thing he wants that he can’t ever have is a Royal Title. So he shows up at the orphanage. Talks to them real gentle-like. Tells them to look the other way when he brings Eugene over to his gang.
They refuse.
Baron puts the pressure on the orphanage, threatening them and cutting off their supplies. And - in an effort to save everyone else - they relent. Baron gets the Royal item and the letter. It’s lucky that Stalyan takes a shine to Eugene - they could legitimately marry and cement the title in their family. If he doesn’t work out - he still has the letter, he could pass off another kid as Horace. It’s not like there’s a shortage of brown eyed kids anywhere.
And that's the story of how Prince Horace was swindled out of his destiny for the first time.
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tangledbea · 5 years
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1-3 “heres a few more of Lance saving the day! Except for the one where Pascal saves him”
4-5 “That moment Adira crushed on Lance! My boards from this weeks tangled!”
6-9 “”Heres more boards I done for the Tangled finale!” ~via @t-caulfield on Twitter
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justaghostingon · 4 years
Dark Kingdom Refugee Au
Note: finally caught up on tangled the series, and this is the result.
After the dark kingdom’s fall, all the brotherhood and its people decide to stick together...kinda.
Eventually the brotherhood manages to convince King Edumund to leave the dark kingdom, and only check up on the moonstone every year.
So he leaves, and picks up Eugene at the orphanage, who is very shocked to find out he has a father.
Skip ahead, and not much changes. Except Eugene has a large extended family of weirdos who occationally visit.
Eugene is still a thief who uses the moniker Flynn Rider, because Edmund has no idea how to get a job, and is kinda crazy.
Eugene doesn’t like to explain exactly how he’s getting the money to support them, but Edmund, whose spent his whole life in a palace, doesn’t really notice some items are to expensive for them on their budget anyways.
Adira knows though, and she does not approve. Eugene tries to plan his heists for when she’s not home.
Adira is a wandering adventurer, seeking the sundrop, which none of the brotherhood realize is a person.
Hector’s gone all animal/nature commando, and lives mostly in the woods. He does visit on occation, and is surprisingly ok with the future prince stealing. He’s even come to his rescue riding on a rhino a few times, but Eugene was more embarrassed than impressed.
Quirin is the only normal one. Who settled down in Old Corona, got married and had a kid. Everyone will crash at his place from time to time. Eugene will use it as a place to stash King Edmund if a heist looks like its gonna take a while, Adira uses it as a place to rest between searches, and Hector will stay if the winter is to cold. Quirin is not happy, but he’s in the brotherhood, so he took an oath not to complain.
Varian loves it when everyone comes to visit. Having other weirdos makes him feel less weird. He also thinks Eugene is the coolest thing since sliced bread, and frequently bugs him for new tales of Flynn Rider.
Every year, everyone journeys to the dark kingdom for a family vacation of doom. Eugene hates it. Varian was super jealous he got to go, because Quirin didn’t bring him along, claiming he doesn’t want his son in the brotherhood. Eugene insists that Varian got the better deal, as its mostly just everyone sitting around and talking about the moonstone...blah, blah, blah.
It bothers everyone in the brotherhood, except for Quirin, that Eugene doesn’t take his position as Prince seriously. Eugene likes to point out he’s not really a prince if the kingdom doesn’t have people or land. He needs to focus on the now, and keeping them all alive.
He later regrets his complete dismissal for all the stories and heritage, when he meets and falls in love with a woman with powers and he has no idea how she got them.
The only real difference in the movie is that Eugene is one hundred percent madder at Gothel when he realizes she set up Rapunzel, because he knows exactly what its like to have a slightly crazy parent, and they don’t treat their kids like that.
After he dies he makes a mental note to thank his Dad for never being that bad.
All the brotherhood do not hear about Eugene’s adventure until much later, and boy are they mad he got arrested and literally killed.
Eugene introduces his father to Rapunzel pretty quickly. But he doesn’t introduce him to the king until he certain the king isn’t going to turn on him for Flynn’s old crimes. (Eugene rarely shows it, but he is very protective of his ‘mad’ dad).
When Rapunzel gets her hair back and the rocks appear, Eugene starts to get worried, because those have always been stationary in the background of the dark kingdom, and he doesn’t know what changed.
He doesn’t go on the annual trip to the dark kingdom that year, because he doesn’t want to leave Rapunzel. This is also why he doesn’t check on Varian and Quirin, because he believed they were on the trip.
He kicks himself for it after Varian has his break down. Also now Varian is mad at both him and Rapunzel. Its a good thing King Edmund went on that journey.
He does not let Varian live down the reputation of wizard when Cass seeks him out. He finds it hilarious.
Adira is not pleased when she comes back from her very long quest and discovers that Eugene didn’t recognize the sundrop or realize what it and the black rocks meant.
She spends every day she is with them on Rapunzel’s quest passive aggressively complaining about it.
Hector finds the whole thing hilarious, but also has a problem with them going there, in part because Edmund fears the consequences if his son comes now and has his loyalty tested against Rapunzel. So he puts up a show to stop them “for their own good”
He also has a problem with Cass due to Eugene’s constant complaints about her the last time they talked.
Every year, the family has a big Thanksgiving like meal at Quirin’s after they come back from the dark kingdom.
Basically, Eugene with a large, fairly useless crazy family he is just stuck with.
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