#baron rta
lazlolullaby · 2 years
Lost Royal Eugene Plot Bunnies~
hot takes and plot ideas on Eugene and his royal heritage being significant to how he ended up as a thief...because the brainworms are wriggling again
Normally in these kinds of fantasy stories, there’s a letter, or an item, or even a caretaker that stays with the Lost Royal and reveals the truth either when they’re old enough or when the chips are down.
Eugene doesn’t have that. He didn’t have that at all.
It can be argued in the movie (if he knew) he didn’t mention it because -
A (the letter): he just met Rapunzel 2 days ago, she’s not getting everything at once. Plus if he has proof his family abandoned him, even for good reason, it still hurts.
B (Royal item): he’s got a family heirloom that’s stashed somewhere that he can’t sell because he’s sentimental. May or may not know where it came from. Backed up by: the entirety of Tangled and also: the engraved comb and the scrapbook of wanted posters from RTA.
C (caretaker): He’s proudly a Thief, and a New Adult, who wants to tell their parental figure what they’re actually doing for a living??? This is assuming that they’re a Decent Person - if they were abusive and Eugene paralleled that with the Gothel situation - hoo boy now that’s a rabbit hole filled with plot bunnies~
The only thing Eugene ever had in his possession that hinted to his Royalty was a two-headed coin. That’s it. I suppose that was part of Edmund’s master plan - keep him as far from the Royal Line as possible so he would never find the Moonstone at all.
But he was carried away as a baby - he had to have had a nursemaid at least to feed him.
So in canon. We’ve got a gap between being sent away as a baby and being a “employed” by the Baron as a teenage thief.
I’ve uhh...got a theory.
The world isn’t kind to immigrants. Even in a lighthearted "never say die”, fantasy world, it’s going to be rough. The nursemaid (for funzies, let’s call her Claire) tries to support herself and baby Horace. And some people are kind enough, but there’s people that see Horace as a meal ticket, an obligation or a trade for a later reward when he’s King.
So Claire changes their names and runs, further than anywhere anyone she’s known has ever been. Claire throws herself into maintaining an orphanage in Varadaros, essentially hiding orphan Eugene in a stack of orphan needles.
Meanwhile, a Princess is stolen and a King tries to eradicate every criminal possible. The unlucky who are accused of more than what they're guilty of flood Varadaros.
The panic creates a power vacuum and one man rises to the top of the dust heap ; a man who styles himself as royalty, mimicking their manners and excess. The Baron.
Plague happens and there's no magical Flowers to save anyone. Claire dies when Eugene is around five, young enough to vaguely remember her voice but not her face. Claire’s possessions are gone through and divided.
The letters for Eugene are read. At first they think it’s a joke - ah, of course her favorite kid is a Prince! What a funny family joke! But the more they talk to others - they realize that he does line up with the facts.
Word gets out. Sure, it’s not the Lost Princess, but it’s something.
The Baron hears about it. And the one thing he wants that he can’t ever have is a Royal Title. So he shows up at the orphanage. Talks to them real gentle-like. Tells them to look the other way when he brings Eugene over to his gang.
They refuse.
Baron puts the pressure on the orphanage, threatening them and cutting off their supplies. And - in an effort to save everyone else - they relent. Baron gets the Royal item and the letter. It’s lucky that Stalyan takes a shine to Eugene - they could legitimately marry and cement the title in their family. If he doesn’t work out - he still has the letter, he could pass off another kid as Horace. It’s not like there’s a shortage of brown eyed kids anywhere.
And that's the story of how Prince Horace was swindled out of his destiny for the first time.
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skysophes · 1 year
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I am having too much fun with this
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nerdasaurus1200 · 11 months
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With arm strength like that, no wonder Eugene’s so afraid of the Baron. Oh god he probably saw feats of strength like that as a kid
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romancemedia · 1 month
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starsfic · 2 years
Tangled AU Prompt : AU Where Rapunzel is kidnapped and kept imprisoned by The Baron instead Gothel. Deathtly ill Baron who uses healing magic in Rapunzel's hair to keep himself alive.
Flynn Rider rarely came down to the Baron’s dungeons. They were spooky and creepy and not something you wanted to poke around in.
Of course Lance got himself thrown in here.
Okay, so maybe they went a little heavy with the wine. It was Flynn’s 18th birthday! The Baron had called for a celebration of his favorite thief and you couldn’t say no to that! Maybe he could, especially since Stalyan had been sulking after their fight earlier that week and had been making eyes at the new guy-
There. Someone was hunched over in that cell.
“Lance, seriously-” Flynn leaned against the cell. “You really need to-”
“Go away.”
That wasn’t Lance.
Flynn blinked and peered into the cell. As his eyes adjusted, he realized that the ball in the corner was too small to be Lance. He could make out golden hair and fine blue clothing-
A plate smashed against the cell and Flynn yelped, jumping back like a startled cat. “Go away!” The ball had uncurled, revealing to be a teenage girl. Her arm was still extended in the throw, what remained of what looked to be pudding sliding down.
Flynn instead pressed himself forward.
She was pretty. Soft blonde hair was braided back, framing a soft face with freckles dotted across her cheeks. Green eyes were glowering in her anger but it didn’t stop him from staring into them. He felt his heart skip a beat as he stared. He couldn’t help it. Her beauty, dressed in a fine blue gown, shone in the dimness of the cell.
“Ugh!” The girl whirled around and plopped herself down, crossing her arms and glaring at the ceiling. “If you’re gonna stick around, leave me alone! Otherwise, the Baron’s gonna get really mad at you!” Despite the anger there was a hint of warning.
“Why- Who are you?” Flynn leaned closer. “Why would the Baron get mad?” Was she an important hostage?
She groaned. “I’m his Songbird.” She glanced back and her brows furrowed together with her deeper frown at whatever dumb expression he must be making. “You know? The reason he’s alive?”
That shook Flynn from his stupor. “Wait, what? What does that mean?”
The girl glared at him. “He nearly died when I was a baby, but I healed him. The healing doesn’t last long so he keeps me here.” The words didn’t make sense. Although, Flynn had heard a story about the Baron being poisoned a few years back and nearly dying.
That didn’t make sense. Flynn had seen the Baron last night. He had been toasting everyone in a boom, moving and sounding years younger than his age suggested. He had been the picture of health. He opened his mouth-
“Ah, Flynn. I see you met my Songbird.”
Well, speak of the devil.
Flynn whirled around. He heard Songbird squeak and what sounded like her flattening against the wall, but he didn’t look back. Now that he had seen the Baron, he couldn’t.
This...couldn’t be the same man from last night.
The Baron was still dressed in sleep clothes and, yet, looked like he had spent the night sleepless as a faceless grunt supported him. He was pale, green veins running across his skin. The worse was his mouth, which had turned a strange gray color. Weasel stood next to him, looking grossed out.
Something in Flynn’s brain sparked. “Baron, I- Uh-”
“Well, normally, I would kill anyone who sees me like this,” Baron huffed. Weasel nodded as he pulled out a golden key. “But I like you, Flynn. I think I can trust you with this.” Weasel shoved roughly past him and slid the key into the cell’s lock.
The door creaked open.
Songbird stood without command, the anger fading. Instead, she looked closer to despair. She moved past Flynn silently, her green eyes meeting his.
She looked alone.
Still, she knelt next to the Baron. She undid her braid, allowing what had to be a few good feet of golden curls fall loose, like liquid sunshine. She grabbed a chunk and wrapped it around his wrist. When it was done, she looked hopelessly at him.
The Baron stared evenly back.
“You know what to do.”
Songbird nodded weakly before she took a deep breath.
“Flower, gleam and glow,” Flynn, once again, found himself skidding back as her hair began to glow. “Let your power shine...” It moved softly, wrapping around his skin. “Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine...”
As the song faded, the glow faded.
The hair was pulled away and Songbird began to braid it back up. The Baron straightened. He grinned, no longer looking sick.
Oh, f-
“Thank you,” he said. “Now, have we learned our lesson?” Songbird simply looked down and nodded. “Good girl. Come along.” Setting a hand on her back, the Baron turned and led  Songbird down the hall. He paused and glanced back. “And, Rider?” Flynn grunted at his name. “Keep this to yourself.”
Flynn nodded, unable to say a word.
“Yes sir.”
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the-writer1988 · 3 years
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This is a man who is absolutely terrified of his ex-girlfriend. It was not a loving relationship. She was abusive (slapping him in the face); he is terrified to hear her voice and see her.
This is the reaction of a man who never wanted to see his ex again. He is resentful. Even Lance looks terrified to see Stalyan again because he knows exactly what Stalyan put Eugene through years ago. He's terrified not just for himself but for his friend as well.
And of course...
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And this is the face of a man who knows he is loved.
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And, finally, this is the face of a man who is utterly besotted and in love with Rapunzel. He knows he can always rely on her.
You can bet that Eugene never looked at Stalyan the way he looks at Rapunzel.
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
Another crazy headcanon from Lingering in the Golden Gleam:
The venomous Kai spider that bit Lance and the Baron sort of found its way into Stalyan’s hands, possibly after she brought her dad to safety and managed to get him stabilized (ish). Having tried and failed to kill it but finding it surprisingly intelligent, she brings it along with her as a sort of companion on her own travels. It turns out to be very helpful, if a bit of a chatterbox. It also has something of a god complex due to being both a bringer of death and completely unsquishable, and just won’t leave her alone.
For reasons partially to do with admiration and partially to do with spite, she names the aforesaid venomous and seemingly indestructible spider Rapunzel.
Nobody ever brings it up.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 3 years
Post about A:TLA: A show is only as good as its filler episodes!
Me, also an RTA fan: Heh. *slides Rapunzel's Enemy under the rug* That's absolutley right! *stuffs No Time Like The Past and Flynnposter into a drawer* The filler episodes really do make the show! *backs against the closet door so that Goodbye and Goodwill and Freebird don't fall out* I love shows with good filler episodes!
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tangledinraps · 4 years
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“beyond the corona walls” aired 2 years ago today ❤️
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coralcatsea · 4 years
My dad: Is that Shaquille O'Neal? Is that General Custer?!
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polymathart · 5 years
Oh poor Cap. Someone give that dude a medal
Seriously I counted like seven other guards in that room
The fuck has Baron been eating
Seriously he can take on Gregor Clegane
Eugene is so fucking hot in red
I’m annoyed at Lance but also fairly entertained
Varian jumped off the balcony on his feet. BABY BOIT LANDS ON HIS FEET LIKE A CAT
Red and Angry always welcome
They need better roofs
Of god the crab thing was adorable
Happy trails, Brock
Why can’t Rapunzel just keep her tiara in her room
Captain’s room is actually a lot nicer than I thought. Heck he even has windows
Someone save a screenshot of Baron’s arrested face
The precious old puppy didn’t mean any harm
Headcanon headcanon: That precious old man is actually the one who helped make the merch being sold during the Wedding
Wait even after he announces his retirement, they STILL CALL HIM CAPTAIN?!?!?! Fuck it. Captains real name is “Captain”. Cap. Captain, Retired Captain of the Royal Corona Guard
God Blown-Up Varian never stops being adorable
Lance this episode: WHAT?????
Speaking of which, Quirin was watching TV with Ruddiger this whole time. You cannot change my mind
Stalyan x Brock???
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casstheguard · 5 years
I’m still laughing that the Baron recognized Eugene by his fragile ego.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 3 months
Baron: Didn’t we just kick you out?
Rapunzel: Oh no, you threw out Rapunzel der Sonne. I’m Cobra McBloodpuncher
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romancemedia · 5 years
Who Has Taken Control of Corona?!
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Everyone’s minds are buzzing with excitement after FINALLY receiving news on the third season of Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, but now so many questions have risen particularly, who took over Corona while Rapunzel and her friends were away?
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My top primary suspect is... the Baron. He seems like the likely choice since he did succeed in taking over Vardaros in the past. I sense that he may have taken over Corona to get back at Rapunzel and the others for stopping him in Beyond the Corona Walls. He has the knowledge, he has the men and he has the power to take over a city and I bet a kingdom would be a no brainier for him. The last time the Baron was seen was when he was bitten by the poisonous spider in the last season premiere and carried away by Stalyan to find a cure. Since then, the Baron has not been seen or mentioned, not even when Stalyan returned in The Eye of Pincosta. However, if the Baron did survive, my theory stands that he may have decided to take over Corona to get revenge against Rapunzel and Eugene for stopping him and taking away his rule on Vardaros.
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However, I won’t lie when I say, I did suspect Varian. He was my second primary suspect since he has the motive, skills and opportunity to strike back against the kingdom, especially since he has proven himself a dangerous foe after his actions in attacking the kingdom and kidnapping Queen Arianna in Secret of the Sundrop. He was a highly possibly suspect since he has continued to feel rage and betrayal over everyone’s refusal to help him rescue his father and with his skills in science and strategy, he was a potential suspect. However, it seems unlikely since a year has past since the season one finale and it has been highly stated by @tangledbeforeever that Varian would have gotten the help he needs to realize and see the error of his ways by King Frederic.
Overall, the Baron is a highly potential suspect, but you never know... it could very well be the Separatists of Saporia for all we know.
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sarcassm-tts-rta · 5 years
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moltenhair · 5 years
... This post doesn’t really have a purpose other than to remind everyone that the Baron does have a home in Corona. Or at least just close enough for Lance and Eugene to sneak away, break in and get back in only a couple hours maximum. 
This is probably where the Baron was living during the time of “no time like the past” where Eugene is talking about wanting to take Stalyan out. Since clearly he hadn’t been in Vardaros until after Eugene and Lance were already grown because they had no idea he was there or what had happened in that town. Eugene probably took Stalyan on dates in Corona’s restaurants... or tried to before running from the guards.
So all that stuff with Eugene being with Stalyan, getting engaged and running from the wedding happened right in Corona.
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