#king liam and OC
tessa-liam · 5 months
Turning the Page
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Come Back to Me  Chapter 12 
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
AAll characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will contain crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 3331 
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Come Back to Me, Chapter 12 
Chapter Summary: As Liam and Riley’s visit continues in Lythikos, they are joined by guests from the Capital. 
Music & Title Inspiration: Come Back to Me, David Cook 
A/N1: A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
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‘...and when you see what you need to see 
When you find you 
Come back to me 
...and I hope you find everything that you need 
I’ll be right here waiting to see 
You find you 
Come back to me...’ 
Lythikos, Cordonia 
Liam and Olivia sat together in the cozy sitting room of Nevrakis Chateau, their hands wrapped around steaming cups of dark roast Cordonian coffee. Through the large bow windows, they could see gentle flakes of snow falling from the sky, blanketing the landscape in a soft, pristine white. 
The room was adorned with rich, dark wood furnishings, plush sofas and armchairs arranged around a crackling fireplace that emitted a warm glow. Paintings depicting scenic landscapes, adding to the ambiance of comfort and luxury tastefully decorated the walls.
Mischa and Zeus, Olivia’s malamutes, were vigilantly sitting at their mistresses’ feet as she and Liam conversed in hushed tones, their voices blending harmoniously with the peaceful surroundings. Occasionally, the king and duchess would pause to gaze out at the snowfall, admiring the beauty of nature's quiet spectacle as they awaited the arrival of their guests in the early morning.
"I appreciate you taking the time to spend with Riley." Liam smiled warmly; his cup of coffee half raised. 
"Of course, Li ... after every obstacle she has had to overcome since arriving in Cordonia for your social season, she deserves validation of her worth.” 
"She is struggling, trying to find her place here again.” Liam shook his head, the guilt once again overwhelming him. 
"She'll find it.” Olivia observed her friend closely. Olivia sighed and put her cup down. 
"Liam, I'm going to tell you something.” 
"Okay.” Liam lifted his gaze from his hands in response with hesitation. 
"I've never been good at saying these kinds of things, so I'll make this quick.” 
"Go on, Liv.” 
"You are my best friend, and I care about you. And I know that Riley is the woman for you. I've known that for some time now.” Olivia exhaled deeply. “Even though ...” Olivia twisted her fingers in her lap. “Even though, I wish it were me that you chose.” 
Liam listened attentively to Olivia's words, his expression a mix of understanding and empathy. He reached out and gently placed his hand over hers, offering a reassuring squeeze. 
"I value our friendship more than words can express, Olivia," Liam spoke with sincerity. "You've been by my side through thick and thin, and I cherish every moment we've shared." 
He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "As for Riley, she's an extraordinary woman, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have her back in my life. Our connection is deep and meaningful, and I believe she's the one I want to build a future with." 
Liam's gaze softened as he spoke. "I understand your feelings, Olivia. You have always been a constant source of support and understanding for me, and I value that more than you know. I hope that you will always remember how much you mean to me, regardless of who I'm with romantically." 
Olivia nodded, a small smile touching her lips. "I do know, Liam. And I'm genuinely happy for you and Riley. You both deserve all the happiness in the world." 
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of barking. The guests had arrived, and Liam and Olivia exchanged a knowing look, their unspoken bond of friendship and mutual respect stronger than ever after their confessions.
"Thank you again, Olivia.” Liam said as he stood to greet the guests. 
"And if anyone tries to get between the two of you, I'll be right there by your side.” Olivia smirked. 
"That's good to know, Liv.” Liam chuckled. 
“By the way, have you heard from your ex-wife?” 
Liam's expression changed, the lines around his eyes deepened, and his jaw tightened. 
"Not a word.” 
"You know I can personally locate her, right?” 
"I have no doubt, but it's not necessary. I have assigned Damien to personally lead an intel team to track her.” 
"Okay, but ....” 
"She's not going to come between Riley and me.” 
"Good. Because if she does, I will personally handle her.” 
"You know, I have a feeling you're enjoying this more than you should." 
Liam chuckled as he turned to watch Riley with Willam walk hand in hand down the grand staircase. 
"Good morning, love." Liam smiled as he bent down to kiss her cheek and reached down to scoop William in his arms.
"There she is...there is my little blossom!" Maxwell cried, running towards Riley engulfing her in a bear hug, lifting her off the ground. Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie followed greeting Liam and Olivia.
"It's good to see you too, Max. You look well." Riley laughed as he spun her around in the air. 
"I'm not letting go until you promise to never leave me again." 
"Alright, alright, put me down!" Riley giggled, feeling the warmth and affection of her Cordonian best friend. “What are you guys doing here?” 
“We came to say hello, silly.” Maxwell winked, as Bertrand walked up to Riley to place a kiss on her cheek. 
William tugged on Liam’s pants, "Who's that?" William gestured towards the little boy holding his mother’s hand. 
"That's Bartie, buddy. He is Maxwell’s little nephew." 
"Hi." William beamed as he waved to Bartie. Damien stepped forward in anticipation to follow the crown prince. 
“Hi.” Bartie returned the greeting with a smile. 
“Lady Riley, you look well.” Bertrand stood beside Savannah and Bartie. 
“It's so good to see you both!” Riley moved up to hug Savannah and accept a kiss on the cheek from Bertrand. 
"Bertrand, it's so good to see you." 
"Likewise, Lady Riley. You are a welcome sight." 
"Aww, thanks, Bertrand." 
"And this must be William.” 
Bertrand bowed to the crown prince. 
"Yes. William, this is your uncle Bertrand.” 
"Hello, William.” 
"Hewwo." William shyly greeted him, hiding behind Riley's leg. 
"Oh, my. This is awkward. I'm not very good with children." Bertrand said nervously. 
"It's okay, Bertrand. Just be yourself.” Savannah gently pushed him forward 
"Very well. I, ....um, brought you a gift." 
Bertrand held out a small box. 
"Aww, thank you, Bertrand. That is not necessary."  Riley answered.
"Of course, it is. It is only proper etiquette. William is the crown prince of Cordonia." Riley grinned, shaking her head. “I stand corrected.” 
Under the gently falling snowflakes outside Nevrakis Chateau, William and Bartie ran through the snow-covered gardens, their laughter echoing in the crisp air. Maxwell’s cheeks were rosy from the cold, and his eyes sparkled with childlike delight as he tried to catch snowflakes on his tongue, trying to impress his nephew. 
Liam, scooping up snow to build a snowman with William, laughed heartily as he watched his son splayed on the ground creating a snow angel. His normally composed demeanor gave way to playful enthusiasm as he encouraged William's creative ideas for their snowy adventures. 
Riley, with Savannah stood by with a smile, capturing the joyful moments with her phone. Her eyes glowed with happiness as she watched Liam and William further bond over the simple pleasure of playing in the snow. 
Their guests, a mix of friends and family, joined in the snow-filled festivities. Laughter and good-natured banter filled the air as everyone engaged in snowball fights, built snow forts, and created snow angels together. 
As the day progressed, everyone gathered around a crackling fire inside the chateau, sipping hot cocoa and sharing stories. The warmth of the fire contrasted with the cold beauty of the snowscape outside, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. 
....later in the evening...
Surrounded by snow-peaked mountains, ensconced in romantic candlelight, Liam grasped Riley’s hand and led her to submerge down into the thermal waters of the outdoor hot tub of the Royal suite. 
Riley sank down to let the warm water wash over her. "This is perfect, Liam.” 
"It is.” 
They sat in silence for a few moments, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the moment. 
"What's going on in that sweet, beautiful mind of yours, Riley?" 
"I was just thinking about how much time we've lost." Liam could see the hurt in her eyes mixed with unshed tears starting to form before she looked down, unable to keep eye contact with him.  Liam reached over to gently lift her chin, as she became emotional.
"We'll make up for lost time." 
"How, Liam?" 
"By spending every moment together, cherishing each other, and never letting go." 
"That does sound nice." 
"It does." 
Liam reached forward and brushed a strand of hair away from Riley's face. 
"I promise you, love. I will do everything in my power to make you happy." 
"I know, Liam.” 
"So, are you ready to talk about the future now?" 
"I am." Riley breathed in.
Liam paused, gathering his thoughts. 
"I want us to be a family, Riley. A real family. 
"Me too, Liam. But, how do we do it?" 
"We start by taking things one day at a time. We spend time together and get to know each other again. We take things slowly and enjoy the journey."
Liam looked at Riley with adoration, his eyes filled with love. 
“Je veux t’emmener a Paris.” Riley quickly turned her head to look at Liam. 
["I want to take you to Paris”] 
“Il y a tellement de belles choses que je veux partager avec vous la-bas.”
["There are so many beautiful things I want to share with you there."] 
“Okay, okay ... I caught the words, ‘Paris’ and ‘beautiful’.” Riley giggled and then waved her hand in the air. “Everything else went way over my head.” 
Liam smiled wide and shook his head. “I want to take you to Paris and share the beauty with you.” 
“The Eiffel tower was breathtaking.” 
“There is so much more to Paris than the Eiffel tower.” Liam lifted Riley’s hand to his lips and turned her wrist over to gently kiss. 
“Je dois montrer a l’amour de ma vie a quel point elle compte pour moi. Te revoir dans ma vie n’a pas de prix.”  
[“I need to show the love of my life how much she means to me. To have you back in my life is priceless.” ]
Liam tugged Riley’s arm and pulled her onto his lap. 
Cupping her cheek, he met her lips in a slow, sultry kiss, his tongue coaching her to allow him to take her breath away as his tilted her head to deepen the kiss. 
Riley more than willingly let Liam take the lead. She missed the thrill she felt when he would take control and melted into his embrace.
Liam’s hands moved down to her waist pressing her body down against his, as Riley wrapped her arms around his neck she felt his impressive length as she could not resist grinding her hips down. 
"Let's take this inside," he whispered huskily. 
"Mmmhmm." Riley purred. 
Liam rose up from the tub and lifted Riley up as she wrapped her legs around him. Dripping water and leaving a trail of wet footprints on the floor, Liam carried carried her inside to the bedroom.
With one arm supporting her, and the other opening the doors, they made their way inside. 
"I've missed this," he whispered, kissing her deeply. 
"So have I," she replied, her eyes half-closed, reveling in the feeling of his body pressed against hers. 
They moved further into the room, stopping at the bed. Liam lowered Riley down onto the mattress, his body following hers. 
Riley ran her fingers through his wet hair, pulling him in for another heated kiss. 
"I need you, Riley," he whispered, his voice low and husky. 
"I'm yours, Liam," she whispered back, her body responding to his touch. 
Liam kissed down her neck, his hands roaming over her curves, exploring every inch. 
"Liam," Riley moaned, her body aching for more. 
“William ...” 
“William is comfortably sleeping in the next room.” 
Liam paused,  as he kissed his way down her body, his hands caressing her breasts, his lips teasing her nipples. 
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. 
"I'm yours," Riley replied, her voice full of desire. 
Liam kissed his way down her stomach, his hands caressing her hips. He parted her legs, his lips trailing over her inner thighs. 
Riley could feel her heart pounding in her chest, her body aching for his touch. 
"Please, Liam," she whispered, her voice a plea. 
The world seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in each other's embrace. It was if time itself had paused, allowing them this moment of reunification after so long apart. Their hearts beat in unison, a rythym of longing and desire that had been suppressed for too long.
They collapsed on the bed, their bodies entwined, their breathing heavy. 
Riley’s fingers traced the lines of Liam's face, memorizing every detail as if afraid this moment might slip away.
Liam, with a gentleness that belied his intensity, cradled her face in his hands, his eyes searching hers as if trying to convey a lifetime of unspoken words.
"I've missed you," Riley whispered, her voice barely audible above the rush of emotions between them.
Liam nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "I've missed you too, more than words can say."
"Stay with me," he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion. 
"Always," Riley replied, her heart full of love. 
Riley snuggled closer to Liam, their bodies fitting perfectly together. 
"I love you," she whispered, her heart finally feeling complete. 
"I love you too," Liam whispered back, his love for her shining through his eyes. 
"This is perfect," she sighed, her body completely content. 
"You're perfect," he murmured, his arms holding her close as he kissed her forehead. 
The next day at Nevrakis Chateau in Lythikos dawned with a gentle warmth that matched the newfound closeness that returned between Riley and Liam. As they woke up entangled in each other's arms, the sunlight filtering through the windows painted their room in a soft golden hue. 
Riley stirred first, her fingers tracing patterns on Liam's chest as she watched him sleep peacefully. She couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of contentment she had not experienced in a long time. With a gentle kiss on his cheek, she whispered, "Good morning, my love." 
Liam blinked his eyes open, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he saw Riley's loving gaze. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, pulling her closer for a lingering kiss. 
"Riley," Liam began, his voice filled with affection, "I have a special arrangement for William today. I thought it would be wonderful for him to spend the entire day with Bartie, Maxwell, Savannah, and Bertrand." 
Riley's eyes lit up with delight at the thought of William having a day filled with fun and adventure with his friends. "That sounds fantastic, Liam! I'm sure they'll have a great time together." 
Liam nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "I thought it would also give us a chance to have some uninterrupted time together, just the two of us. We can explore more of Lythikos, enjoy a quiet lunch, and simply cherish each other's company." 
Riley leaned in, her eyes sparkling with affection. "I love that idea, Liam. Spending time with you like this is truly special." 
They shared a tender moment, savoring the anticipation of a day filled with shared experiences and cherished moments. Liam's thoughtful gesture to arrange William's day with their friends allowed them the opportunity to reconnect and deepen their bond in the enchanting surroundings of Nevrakis Chateau and Lythikos. 
After a leisurely morning together, they decided to explore more of Lythikos. Liam had planned a surprise outing for Riley, eager to show her some of his favorite spots in the picturesque region. 
They ventured out hand in hand, enjoying the crisp morning air and the breathtaking views of the mountains surrounding them. Liam took Riley to a secluded spot overlooking a serene lake.
"I used to come here often to clear my mind," Liam shared, his eyes reflecting the tranquility of the place. "It's peaceful, away from the chaos of the palace." 
"It's beautiful," Riley whispered, leaning into him as they watched the gentle breeze upon the water's surface. 
As they talked and shared stories from their past, Riley felt a sense of belonging she hadn't felt in a long time. Being with Liam in such a serene setting, away from the pressures of their responsibilities, allowed them to connect on a deeper level. 
After spending a blissful day together, they returned to the chateau in the evening, where a romantic dinner awaited them. Liam had arranged for a Michelin star chef to prepare a gourmet meal, complete with candlelight and soft music playing in the background. 
Over dinner, they talked about their hopes and dreams for the future. Liam expressed his desire to create lasting memories with Riley, to travel the world together and experience new adventures. 
"I want us to live fully, without any regrets," Liam said, his eyes locked on Riley's. "I want you by my side in every journey, every moment." 
Riley's heart swelled with love, feeling overwhelmed by the depth of Liam's feelings for her. "I want that too, Liam," she replied, reaching across the table to take his hand. "I want us to embrace life together, to cherish every moment." 
As the evening progressed, their conversation turned lighter, filled with laughter and playful banter. They danced together in the moonlit courtyard, lost in each other's arms, their worries and doubts melting away in the magic of the moment. 
Eventually, exhaustion caught up with them, and they retired to their room, cuddled up in each other's embrace. With a whispered "I love you" and a tender kiss, they drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the future held for them, united in their love and commitment to each other. 
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Thanks for reading; please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from this series.
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havenroyals · 2 months
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GQ | Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Back | Next
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kristinamae093 · 27 days
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Here Comes The Sun Chapter 21. (Expected later this week.)
Liam let out a forceful huff of air. “Whatever animosity you hold with my father is with him. Kyla wasn't involved and she's done absolutely nothing to you! She's trying to be your friend but you're engaging in high school drama — it's petty, juvenile, and it needs to stop. We are fucking adults.”
Riley sighed, her face mimicking the color of a ripe Cordonian ruby. “Do you really not get it? He accepted her like it was nothing, yet I —”
Liam held up his hand to stop her. “Do you not get it? He was a different person then and acted on an impulse driven by fear. Had you come at a later point in life, maybe things would be different, but that wasn't our destiny. We are both exactly where we're supposed to be.” As the statement left his mouth, he smiled; in the past, these ‘what if’ scenarios drove him crazy, wondering what could have been if the circumstances were different. Now, the only thing flashing through his mind was Kyla and a bright, vibrant path forward.
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Ghosted Chapter 13, Family Ties. (No ETA)
“No, you — you’re not my father, not anymore. You threw my mother in my face so much, but look at you! What you’ve become would disgust her!” Liam seethed. “I should banish you right now for lying and betraying your own flesh and fucking blood. Do I mean anything to you?!”
“You mean everything to me, son.” Constantine held his hands up in surrender but remained calm as a cucumber. “And I understand your anger, but I need you to listen to me for a moment—”
“Fuck. You.” Liam growled. He got into Constantine’s personal space within an instant and grabbed the front of his shirt, yanking him to his feet. “I hope you rot in hell, you spineless piece of shit.”
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wrylu · 7 months
guys guys doodles !!!! doodles of the sillies
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lovely babies are @liamthemailman's ocs 💐💐 (I LOVE THEM SM.)
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notmeagain6 · 7 months
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Satisfying my curiosity for the possibilites around Black Maiden with OCs while Takei takes his sweet time.
If Jeanne made that sacrifice to keep her from becoming a killer I think Jeanne's wish would be for her to be forgiven, as a sort-of mirror to Jeanne's own guilt and her understanding that Black Maiden is also being used. But BM has caused harm and there's little point in asking the people she's hurt the most to forgive her, so I wanted Liam to be one of the few who'd actually be willing to listen to her reasons and her past, since he's not Jeanne's direct family but as Lyserg's son he'd have some understanding of Jeanne's history.
I also think BM's drive to do anything for revenge is very similar to a certain someone...
TBF I don't think Black Maiden would react kindly to it but Liam's strength is his patience.
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justcallmefox89 · 1 year
The Royal Romance: Cinderfella’s Adventures in Cordonia - Chapter Sixteen
An AU of The Royal Romance with a male MC and a bisexual prince.
It all comes out...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
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“You said ‘don’t give him the same speech you gave me’,” I murmur.
The two friends freeze in place.
“Were you together?”
My words hang heavy in the air, the tension around the three of us so thick you can practically see it crackling in the air.
“Answer the question,” I demand.  “Were the two of you in a relationship?”
Drake and Liam glance over at each other guiltily.
“Look at me, not each other!” I snap impatiently, running my hand through my hair in agitation.  “And tell me the truth or I am walking away right now, and this time I will not look back.”
“We were… together, yes,” Liam admits haltingly.
I grit my teeth and pinch the bridge of my nose to ease the pain of a rapidly oncoming headache.  “For how long?”
Drake mumbles something under his breath and I glare at him, knowing that he’s trying to avoid telling me.  “Five years,” he repeats, loud enough for me to hear this time.
“Five years…” I stupidly parrot his answer.  “Five years?!”
“Callum…” Liam takes a step towards me, reaching out to take my hand.
I slip away from him, holding up my hands to keep him away.  “No.  No, no, no, no, no.  No kissing or sweet talking your way out of this one, Liam.”
Drake smirks and huff out a laugh, quieting instantly when I scowl at him.  “You’re not home free either Chuckles, so don’t get all giggly just yet.”
I pace back and forth, trying to arrange my racing thoughts.  “Ok, so you guys are exes and still best friends.  That’s fine, I can work with that; I can deal with that.  When did the two of you break up?”
The pair avoid my gaze, staring at the ground and shuffling their feet.
“Oh, let’s not all go talking at once now.”  I cross my arms and give them my best disappointed schoolteacher look.
“A few weeks before we met you,” Liam finally answers, still not able to meet my eyes.  “The social season made it impossible for our relationship to continue.”
My mouth drops open.  “Run that by me again, big man?”
“We broke up a few weeks -”
“I fucking heard him the first time!” I shout, interrupting Drake.  “What I require some clarification on is why neither of you thought that this little nugget of information was something I should have been told about!”
“And another thing!”  I take a few steps towards Liam, poking him in the chest with my index finger.  “What the fuck is your damage?  Why did you need to have a social season if you were already with Drake?  Is my Brat not good enough for you, huh?  Or is he not good enough for your father?”
Liam’s eyes harden at my mention of Constatine.
“Oh, did I hit a nerve with that one, Your Majesty?”  I poke him again.  “Little Liam, always doing what daddy wants.  But I’m not sure why I’m surprised; ditching me was easy enough for you, of course you didn’t have the balls to stand up for Drake either.”
His face flushes with anger, he steps closer to me, close enough that now his chest is lightly pressed against mine.  I can feel him through the thin fabric of my dress shirt, feel the heat radiating off of him and every labored breath he takes as he tries to control his temper.
“Things are never as simple as you want them to be, Callum.  I have commitments, responsibilities to the people of Cordonia-”
“Fuck them!”  I throw my hands up in frustration.  “There, I said it.  Fuck the people of Cordonia.  Fuck your commitments to your family, to the monarchy, to the absolutely insufferable asshats that make up the Cordonian nobility.  Fuck ‘em all!  What about your responsibilities to me?  To Drake?  What about us?  The men who loved you, who wanted to build a life with you!  What about us, huh?”
Liam freezes in place, staring up at me with wide, brown eyes.  “You loved me?” he whispers, his voice quiet and pained.
I take a step back as I feel my cheeks heat up.  “What… no, what?  This is… no, we’re not talking about me right now!  This is about you and your… your inability to… to…”
“You loved me,” he says again, this time a little louder.  “Do you still love me?”
I glance over at Drake, telepathically promising him the best blowjob of his life if he will just get me out of this situation.  He stares back at me, one eyebrow arched, seemingly just as interested as Liam in my answer to the question.
I begin to pace in a tight circle, flapping my hands in front of myself in an effort to wave away the two men’s searching looks.  “No.  No, this isn’t fair.  I’m pissed off and I'm horny and you can’t expect me to answer a question like that when I’m like this!”
“I’m sorry… you’re what?” Liam asks, struggling to keep a straight face while Drake snickers.
“You both kept a huge secret from me!  I’m fucking pissed!  And it was a sexy secret… Like people probably have written fanfics about the sexy Cordonian prince and his dark and broody best friend and you’re telling me that you two banged like a screen door in a hurricane for real?!  For five fucking years?  My imagination is in hyperdrive right now…”  I link my hands behind my neck and take a few deep breaths.  “I need a drink.  Or five.  Don’t you dare follow me.”
I storm off to the elevator and smash the ‘DOWN’ button, tapping my foot impatiently as I wait for the elevator cab to reach the rooftop.  I look back over my shoulder to see Drake and Liam watching me with forlorn looks on their faces.  I turn back and resolutely stare at the closed steel elevator doors, determined to ignore them. 
I will not go back, I will not go back, I will no-
“Goddamn it,” I groan, turning on my heel and stomping back to the two best friends.
“Callum?” Drake’s eyes widen in surprise.
I wrap my hand around the back of his neck and jerk him towards me, causing him to stumble a bit.  “Shut up.  I’m mad at you.”
I crush my mouth against his in a rough, aggressive kiss.  Drake’s lips part beneath mine in instant obedience, and his tongue tentatively brushes against mine.  My hand moves from back of his neck to tenderly cup the side of his face while I ravage his mouth, drinking in his taste like a man dying of thirst.  I bite his lower lip, hard enough to make him whine, soothing it with a flick of my tongue before finally pulling away.  Drake sways forward, chasing my lips, his cheeks red and eyes half-lidded.  I smirk at his dazed expression before pressing one last firm, but chaste, kiss to his lips.
Liam awkwardly shuffles next to us, but the interested look on his face says he’s not entirely unaffected by watching Drake and I kiss.  I turn towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him flush against me.  Liam tips his face up, meeting my lips in a kiss that’s been over a year in the making.  There’s nothing hurried about our kiss; Liam takes his time, his tongue languidly sliding against mine in a slow rhythm causes me to softly moan into his mouth.  I feel him smile as we kiss, pleased with my reaction.  I pull back just a bit, til our lips are only just touching. 
“Of course I still love you, darlin’,” I murmur.  “I never stopped.  Insulted you even had to ask, to be honest.”
Liam giggles softly, his lips brushing against mine.  “I’m not sorry… not if it gets you to kiss me like this.”
“And you.”  I turn and point directly at Drake.  “Before you get any silly ideas in that pretty little head of yours… You should know that fucking I love you too.”
Before either of them can respond a ding sounds from behind us and the elevator doors slide open.
“Fucking finally,” I mutter, stalking into the elevator cab and frantically and repeatedly jabbing the ‘DOOR CLOSE’ button.
Drake and Liam stand next to each other in complete silence, watching the elevator doors close behind a clearly frazzled Callum.
“What just happened?” Drake asks, stunned.  
Liam slowly shakes his head.  “I honestly have no idea.”
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queenmiarys · 2 years
Good day people, I hope you all had a wonderful start to your New Year and it continues. I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my work, and thanks to all who like it. Please excuse any typos or grammar mistakes
Book: TRR
Summary: Aliania returns to the Palace and she and Liam spend time together. The newcomer confesses her feelings to Drake.
Pairings: Liam x Aliania (mc), Drake x Riley (oc)-kinda
Word Count 3, 025
All characters belong to pixelberry, but Aliania Perez belong to me
Warning: Strong sexual content, Drinking and deception. This content is for persons over the age of 18 and older. You are advised not to read if you're under the age of 18
Song inspiration for Liam and Aliania
I would like to thank @dcbbw for pre reding and doing some editing for me and giving me some good ideas, I really appreciate it.
Song inspiration for Liam and Aliania
Song inspiration for Drake and Riley
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Blinded Lines, Part 2
Liam and I were in a weird place:Two days after making love, he announced that he was looking for a wife; he ended our relationship, saying that I needed to give Drake a chance. I can hardly look at Drake without feeling super guilty. I tried to be a good girlfriend to him, but I can't when another has my heart.
It’s been almost two months since the last time I was at the Palace. Drake and I were walking down the hall, and there he was looking all good. It looked as if Liam had been working out more or something. He stood with a dark headed woman named Riley, Drake told me as we approached them, whom I avoided speaking to. It seemed as if time had stopped. I couldn't breathe.
"Please, can someone get me some water?'' She said just before passing out.
Drake went to fetch the beverage, while Liam stayed with Aliania. He asked Riley to get Bastien.
"Aliania are you okay?”
"Thanks but I got it. Enjoy your little date."
"We need to talk, meet me in our room later? Please, Aliania.” before she could answer Riley and Bastien emerged.
"Are you okay Ms. Perez?" Bastien asked
"Yes, I think I just need something to drink, although I haven't eaten anything today. Oh, there's Drake now."
"Sorry it took so long, I got you something to eat and drink. I know you, Perez; when you are stressed you don't eat.”
Liam let Drake take over, after all she was Drake's girlfriend. He got up and walked over to Riley, wrapping his arm around her. My blood was boiling, I closed my eyes so I wouldn’t see them
Drake and I made our way to his room, where I laid down for a while after I ate the food he got me; when I woke up, at 9pm, Drake was watching me sleep.
"Oh my God, Drake! I slept from 3pm until now?" Omg Liam, he probably thought I stood him up.
"I need some fresh air, I'm going for a walk. "
"After your episode today do you really think that's a great idea?"
"I'm okay."
"I can come with you." She placed her hand on his arm."
"Drake baby, while you’ve been amazing today, I just need some space please don't take it personally. "
I wandered down the hall, and as I reached the east hall, I took a deep breath as I got closer to the door. I opened it, and there Liam sat shirtless, I must say he looked so sexy his muscles were more tone then before.
"Hey, my love, I didn't think you'd come. We need to talk.” He was wearing my favorite Creed cologne, while smooth jazz played softy in the background .
"Are you okay? Or did you just want get me away from Riley? He smirked
"I am okay as long as I got the job done, she's not really into you.
"How do you know she's not?"
"I'm pretty sure the way she looked at Drake when he returned says it all."
"Really? So you're not just jealous over her liking Drake?"
"I'm not, because I love you and only you."
"Can you stay with me tonight?" I haven't been able to touch you in almost two months! Please stay? I need you."
"I will, I miss you so much, let me just text Drake and tell him I went home."
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Riley sent Liam another text but still no response
She made it down to bar to see Hana and Maxwell already there.
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It was late, and Drake found himself at the bar. Not alone; Riley and Maxwell and Hana were all there. Drake smiled a greeting to the others, feeling happy he had a chance to see Riley again
"So, where's Li?”
"I'm not sure,he's not answering my calls or text.
"So no Aliania tonight?" Max asked.
"She went home."
"Are you sure?" Max asked
"Beaumont, what do you mean?"
"I saw her car outside, that's all."
Maybe she took a cab." He didn't say anything to the others. but he had a feeling that his girlfriend was lying about something.
He tapped her a quick text
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"You like what you see?" Liam asked with a chuckle. "That's the third time you’ve looked at me like that."
"Well I must admit, you looking damn good." She smiled.
"Honestly, I been hitting the gym extra hard for last few weeks now." I try my best not to think of you and Drake and no matter how hard I try,all I see is him touching you and doing other things and it drives me crazy. "
"Honestly we only been together once since the last two months, I ended up stopping him right in the middle, you had announced that your looking for a wife, I had to really process this
"I love you too, but are you sure? I mean, I know you don't want to ruin my relationship with him, but I made this bed. I gave in to loving you, so I must face the consequences of losing my best friend."
"I believe he'll be mad, but there is a certain person who can pull him through, I'm telling you Riley really likes him, she likes you but it's not the same as Drake."
" It's okay, I don't have feelings for Riley meeting her in NY, I mean for most part it was to try to get over you, I didn't know Maxwell would convince her to come here."
"You really have no feelings for her?
"Aliania my love, honestly I only have eyes for you, I know what's expected of me but I don't know if I can do it if your not by my side.
"We've been here for over an hour. I'm hungry, how about you?"He asked.
"I could eat something. I want scallops, roasted potatoes, and mixed greens”. He looked up at her and smiled.” What? I didn't eat much today."
Someone brought the food up.
Riley watched from a corner of the hallway.
She remembered when Maxwell gave a tour, he said no one stayed in that wing of the Palace, but she was curious to whom was using it. Making sure no one was around, she pressed her ear to the door; she made out Liam's voice, but she barely heard the female's voice. Riley hung around the doorway for about 20 minutes until she saw a guard walking the wing’s hallway. He asked her what she was doing there.
She replied she had gotten lost, which wasn’t a total lie. When the guard led her to her room, she saw Drake was knocking on her door.
"There you are Brooks, don't tell me you got lost again. Well, you'll learn.”
"Yeah, I was for a minute, but Spencer showed me the way.Thank you Spencer."
"So do you want to go get some real food? I heard a new American restaurant just opened up in the Square. It’s called Wayne's Chicken and Waffles.
"Sure,I’d love to. I really haven't ate much, because a certain someone stood me up for dinner." He won't even answer my calls or texts."
"It's something you might need to get used to; I mean, if you marry him he is the king and gets very busy at times."
"Do you think he's seeing someone?"
"Why would you ask such a thing?"
"It might be my imagination, but he seems kinda distracted. I don't have his full attention."
It crossed her mind when he changed. Liam was getting to know her, but today he cut their date short as soon as Aliania came around. But that couldn’t be the reason because Aliania was with Drake.
How could she choose him over Drake? Riley thought.
She and Drake ate, then went to the beer garden where they spotted Maxwell with a female.
"Drake, can we speak?" Max asked
"What's up, Beaumont?"
"What the hell do you think you're doing with little Blossom?
"What? We’re just friends, nothing more."
"Are you sure? I believe she likes you. I caught her checking you out the other day."
Drake tried not to look excited about Riley checking him out.
"Beaumont why don’t you and your date join us, you'll see for yourself nothing is going on. "
After a delicious dinner, Liam and Aliania watched a movie before falling asleep. Aliania woke up around 2am. Liam had been watching her sleep for about an hour, sitting in a chair next to the bed. "Hey, why are you over there?"
"Just watching the most beautiful woman in the world sleep.I couldn't sleep with so much on my mind lately, especially you my love."
She smiled. "You've been on my mind as well. I can't stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I try. I had a dream that you married someone who wouldn't let you see any of your friends. This lady was so evil towards you. Drake woke me, saying I was cursing in my sleep. Don’t look at me like that, we didn't sleep together. He just thought I would sleep if he was there, and I did for a minute but after he woke me I couldn't go back.For weeks now this social season has been bothering me."
"I'm sorry to worry you, it's just I need to marry and have an heir; it would fulfill my duties, but what I feel for you is not just a duty, I'm actually in love with you." You consume my every thought. "Enough about that, let's focus the rest of our night on us."
Come here my love?" I miss everything about you, no other can compare."
She sat in his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her while caressing her breast. He moved his mouth, kissing her neck and nibbling her earlobes a whimper escape her, he continued to get her worked up, She felt her body relax under his touch. He scooped her up and took her to bed. Her eyes closed as he dipped between her legs.
It had been almost two long months of not touching her, seeing her; he wanted to make her never want anyone else but him. He worked his tongue before inserting his finger deep inside of her; he worked his finger making her come multiple times.
He knew what he was doing.
He smiled as she came a fourth time.
"Shit, Liam! You are an amazing lover. I want to taste you, please?"
Aliania wrapped her lips around him, stroking him up and down. She loved satisfying the man she loved. Liam looked in her eyes as she took him all in.
He was now ready.
He pulled her up and flipped her over, licking her from the back before he slipped inside. "Damn baby, you're so wet and you feel so good."
"Yes, my king! Oh yes! I missed you too.”
He had her lay on her back as he entered from the side. She loved every inch of him.
He pulled out and rolled off the condom. " I want to feel you, If that’s okay. I have another condom if you say no.”
"Yes, My king she said almostout of breath. I've been wanting to feel you.”
He slipped back in and she wrapped her legs around him. He pulled himself into standing position while holding Aliania in place,he could feel himself getting harder, he started lifting her up and down they both could feel every inch of each other, she closed her as his movement because more rapid and faster, he was definitely in the zone, she tried to protest saying she was too heavy, but he just laughed." My love, do you know I lift weights heavier than you? He said a little out of breath.
He walked the room while pumping inside her a few more times before he could feel his own release coming, Both collapsed on the bed after Liam laid her down. After all, Liam was 6'4 and she was only 5"3.
"That was incredible." Liam praised.
"Yes, my king it was."
"My love, please don't feel guilty. I can tell you that you do."
"Sorry, but I can't help it, my king. I mean, what we're doing is not right yet we can't stay away from each other.You can't stand to see me with him, and I can't stand to see you with any other woman. We need to tell him because I want to just be yours."
"I'm only yours, my love. I've tried to move forward, but as long as you're around I don't see that happening. I only see us getting married, us having children, us together forever."
Riley and Drake returned about 4 am, both tipsy but not too drunk. Once they got to Riley's room, she stood for a minute.
"Thank you, Drake. My date abandoned me, and you came to my rescue. I know at first you hated me, but I hope we're good now."
"Brooks, why do you believe I hated you?”
"Well you're so mean sometimes Drake, I just assumed.”
"Look Brooks, I'm sorry if I made you feel any kind of way. I had to get to know you first. See, the world I lived in for all my life wasn't the best, so my walls are always up.”
She took Drake's hand. "Please don’t get mad at what I'm about to say?"
"What's that?"
"Ali doesn't deserve you, she's not good for you. How could she have a man as incredible as you, and not value you." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
" But you just met her, Riley. You don't know her."
"I don't need to know her.I know plenty of women like her, and she doesn't deserve you.”
Riley stood on her tiptoes and kissed Drake; he pulled back. "Brooks, you know I have a girlfriend."
She let out a sigh. "I know, but I can't help how I'm starting to feel for you. I mean I've tried to fight my attraction to you, I've tried giving Liam a real chance. But honestly, his heart is somewhere else. It seems like he forces himself to spend time with me."
"Brooks, what are you talking about?"
"Well Liam is sweet, but he only kisses me on the cheek. I went to kiss him and he pushed me away, like he’s keeping me at arm's length because he's waiting on someone better to come along. He's canceled a lot of dates he's planned with me. It's like he's sabotaging finding a wife."
"Interesting, Brooks. Li is usually a smooth operator."
Drake laughed out loud. “Look, it's almost 5; I’d better be going. Get some rest okay?”
"Okay, I will and thank you for a good time. I wish we could have gone further." She winked before disappearing into her roo.
The wheels in Drake's mind started turning: The way Perez reacted when she saw Riley with Liam; how she had been behaving the last month. She had definitely been keeping him at arm's length. Since Liam’s announcement two months ago, Perez hardly wanted to be bothered.
He found himself at Liam’s door. Drake knew Liam got up around 5am, but no answer. He was still standing in front of the door when the maid arrived to do her morning cleaning.
"Good morning Estelle?" "Is Li having a meeting this morning?”
"I'm not sure, Mr. Walker. His Majesty did not stay here last night; I came earlier and his bed was not slept in.I just went to get a few things; since His Majesty is not here, we will deep clean his quarters.”
"Oh okay, I'll let you get to it."
It didn't make sense, Liam not in his suite.
Riley was with me, that's the only woman he's showed any interest in.
Perez had disappeared.
Max said her car was still here. She said she took Liam asked someone to take her home after what happened earlier
That explanation came through in a text that she had sent Drake after he texted her about her car. He got to his room, and crashed down on the bed, for a few minutes before taking off his clothes. He fell asleep, forgetting to shower.
Iit was now 5:30.
Riley on the other hand, couldn't sleep. All she could think about was who Liam was with.She also thought how nice it would have been if the kiss she laid on Drake had been returned. She thought of how good Drake must be in bed.
He was so fine. She could see his ripped chest through his shirt he wore.
Riley got up and made her way to east hall; this time when she got to the room, she was in luck. That was most definitely Liam leaving the room. But, she wasn't prepared for what she saw next.
Stunned and in shock, Riley stood with her mouth open in disbelief.
Aliania came to the door with a very revealing nighty on; there was no mistaking that they were indeed involved with each other.
Author's note: hello everyone I would like to ask what Riley's next move should be?
Confront Liam or Aliania?
Confront both?
Go to Drake?
If you don't like any of those ideas please, tell me your opinion of what Riley should do next you can inbox me or leave a comment.
@bebepac @shewillreadyou @mom2000aggie @tessa-liam @ao719
32 notes · View notes
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Liam - New Little King's Story
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tessa-liam · 9 months
Turning the Page  
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Home is Where the Heart Is -8-
Choices, The Royal Romance, AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist 
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who belongs to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M🔞Warnings - Series will contain crude language, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 2501 
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Home is Where the Heart Is – 8 
Chapter Summary: Madeleine reveals her threat to the Royal council, while Liam makes initial preparations to bring Riley and William home to Cordonia. William, with Riley’s help, decorates a gingerbread house for his father. Liam arrives in New York on Christmas Eve. 
Music Inspiration:
Bless the Broken Road, Selah, Melodie Crittenden 
All I Want for Christmas is You, Mariah Carey 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
A/N2: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Week#64, prompt #2 - “I’m not in the mood for a lecture.” 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesflashfics, Holiday Prompt #82 - “The only thing I want for Christmas is you.” 
A/N4: My submission for @choicesdecember2023, prompt, Food and Feasts - ‘Gingerbread House.’ #choices monthly challenge 
A/N5: My submission for @choicesholidays, Winter Holidays 2023 prompt event, Week5 – This is the best Christmas ever! @angelascribbles  
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Brooklyn Heights, New York City 
As Riley carefully placed the gumdrops on the roof of the gingerbread house, William stood nearby, watching her intently. “Mama, put red one there,” pointing to the chimney top. William was serious about the details of the house. For him, everything had to be ‘just right’. 
Riley softly smiled. William wanted everything perfect for his Christmas gift to his father. 
"Mama, can I help?" 
"Of course, honey." Riley handed him the bag of candy, and William began to place them on the house, giggling as he did so. 
"You're doing a great job, LiLi. Your Daddy will be so proud of you.”  
"Look, Mama! It's finished." 
"Yes, it is ... almost. We just need a few more pieces of candy and we should put more ‘snow’ on the roof." 
William squealed with delight as Riley handed him the piping tube of frosting to hold, as they began to finish the roof together. 
Just as they were finishing up, Riley heard the front door open, and she turned to see Matteo coming into the brownstone, a large bag of Chinese take-out food in his arms. 
"Surprise! We thought we'd bring dinner." Daniel announced while Matteo nodded his head to the royal guard standing next to the entrance. Daniel followed, stomping the snow from his boots. 
"Thanks, guys. You're the best." Riley carefully moved the house to the counter to set, to make room for dinner.
"Unca Dan Dan! Unca Matty! Look what Mama and I made." William tugged at Daniel’s coat. 
"Wow, that looks so cool, LiLi." Daniel squatted down for a mini fist bump. 
William beamed, "It's a gingerbread house for Daddy. He's going to be surprised." 
"He will. I'm sure he'll love it." Matteo placed the bag of food on the table and pulled out his phone. "We should take a picture." 
Riley nodded, "Good idea. Come on, everyone." 
They all gathered around the gingerbread house, smiling as Matteo snapped a few photos. 
"Perfect. Thanks, guys.” 
"We got your favorites, Ri. Orange chicken, vegetable lo mein, and fried rice." 
"You know me so well." Riley smiled appreciatively. 
“Ummmm ... Ri?” 
Riley looked at Daniel, noticing he was moving his head toward the Royal guard. “Do we need to feed ‘Lurch’ over there?” he whispered. 
Smirking, Riley shook her head ‘no’ and asked, "What's the special occasion?" 
"Just a quiet night in. It's been a long week of travelling." Matteo sighed. “I am beat.” 
"Well, we have three days here before we leave for Greece," Daniel shimmied over to kiss Matt on the lips as William climbed into his toddler seat. 
"What's happening in Greece?" Riley asked, puzzled. 
"Matty’s corporate New Year's Eve party is being held at a private estate this year in Athens," Daniel answered. 
"Wow. Sounds fancy." Riley grinned, setting plates on the table. 
"It will be.” Matteo winked at Daniel. 
“Speaking of fancy ... and what about you, Riley?  What has Liam planned for you and William this Christmas?” 
Riley glanced at the royal guards standing near the entrance. She knew Liam would be returning in a few days, knowing that the guards received the King’s itinerary this morning. "Actually, I'm not entirely sure, yet." 
"Maybe a romantic dinner up in the Hampton’s," Daniel suggested, waggling his brows at Matteo. "The man owns a private jet, Dan. The sky’s the limit." Matteo added. 
Riley giggled, "Who knows? I am just thrilled he will be here with us," mussing William’s hair as he returned her smile. 
"So, how are things with you two?" Riley asked, changing the subject. 
"Good. Great, actually" Daniel replied with twinkling eyes. 
"Couldn't be better, Daniel is right. The change of scenery has been fantastic," Matteo agreed, giving Riley a wink. 
"Uh, ha," Riley chuckled, suspiciously. "Okay ... what is it?” Riley laughed, knowing her best friend all too well. 
"We might have some news." 
"Daniel ..." Matteo shook his head, "Not until after we formally announce it." 
"Spill. You can't just say something like that and not give details." Riley demanded., chuckling.
"Okay, okay. I cannot keep it a secret any longer. We're getting married!" 
Riley gasped, "Oh my god, Daniel! Oh! You guys! Congratulations!” 
"Thank you, Ri.” Riley stood up and gave Daniel a huge hug. Matteo smirked, knowing all too well that Daniel could not wait to tell his best friend the good news. 
"I can't believe you're getting married. That is amazing.” Riley gushed hugging Matteo.
"We're really, really happy, Ri. And we could not have done this without you. If you hadn't encouraged us to take a chance, we would have never realized how perfect we are together." Matteo gazed lovingly at Daniel. 
"It was all you two,” Riley countered. “You both just needed a push in the right direction.” 
"We're so glad you were the one to push us. This is the best Christmas ever!”, Matteo grinned. 
"So, when's the big day?" 
"We haven't decided yet. But we're thinking sometime in the spring," Daniel squeezed Matt's hand.
"That sounds lovely. I can't wait." Riley paused ... “Oh, I mean ...” 
"Neither can we. Riley, would you do me the honor of being my maid of Honor?” 
"Oh, yes! I'm really, really happy for you guys. You deserve all the happiness in the world. Yes! I would be honored.” 
"Thanks, Ri. That means so much to me." 
As they sat down and began to eat, Riley could not help but feel a tinge of sadness. She knew that the wedding would be beautiful in Greece, and she was happy for her friends, but ... she could not help but wish that she and Liam were engaged, too, and planning a future. 
"Mama, can I have some chicken?" William asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. 
"Of course, honey." Riley placed a piece of chicken on his plate, cutting the piece into bite size portions. William dug in, grinning. 
Standing up from the table, Riley's eyes were filling with unshed tears as she excused herself from the table, turning towards her bedroom. Needing a chance to breathe and have some space, she walked into her room and clicked the door closed behind her. Riley bowed her head, wiping the tears now flowing freely down her cheeks, and slid down to the floor. 
It was hard not to think about all the ‘what-ifs’.
What would have happened if they could have found Tariq in time to stop the wedding?
What if Liam had chosen her the night of his coronation instead of Madeleine?
What if Liam had chosen her, scandal be damned? As she sat on the floor, more memories surfaced.  
A memory of her and Liam together in the blue grotto in Italy, when Liam mentioned abdicating the throne as a way of moving forward. 
'There's this thought I can't shake off ... what our life could look like together. You and I. Without the court and the Crown.' 
'What does it look like?' 
'The parts I know? We elope and get married in a small, private ceremony...' 
Riley wiped her tears. knowing that this was in the future for Daniel and Matteo, but not for her. 
‘But you can't abdicate, Liam. You wouldn't be happy if you gave up the throne and... you wouldnt be you. In your heart, you know that.’ 
’If I do marry Madeleine, can you go on like this? Stealing moments, meeting in secret?’ 
"Mama?" William’s little voice sounded outside her door, interrupting her thoughts. 
"Yes, LiLi?" Riley softly spoke, standing up and wiping her tears away. She opened her door to see William looking up at her. 
"Are you sad, mama?" William pointed to her eyes. 
"No, honey. I'm just happy for Uncle Dan and Uncle Matty." 
"They marry?"  
"Yes, they are. Isn't that exciting?" 
"Mama, are you and Daddy marry, too?" 
Riley took a deep breath and put her arm around William, "someday, maybe." 
“We can be a real family." 
"We're already a real family, William. No matter what happens, you and I will always be together." 
"...and Daddy too?" 
Riley closed her eyes, her hands trembling as she tried not to break down. She was unable to speak and was trying to catch her breath. 
"Mama? Why crying?" 
"I-I'm sorry, William. I'm just feeling a little sad. It has been a long day.” 
Overhearing William, Daniel pushed open the bedroom door.  
"Hey buddy, go see Uncle Matt and finish your dinner." 
“Okay, Dan Dan.” As William went back into the kitchen, Daniel sat down beside Riley and hugged her tightly. 
“Riley?" Daniel questioned his friend. 
"Y-Yes. Everything's fine." 
"Doesn't look like it." 
"I'm just...it's hard, you know? To watch my best friend, get married when..." 
"I know, Riley. It is difficult. But remember, you and Liam are in a good place, now. And who knows? Maybe someday, you will be the ones getting married." 
Riley’s breath shuddered as she looked at Daniel, searching his eyes, staying silent. 
"I understand this is hard, but you can't let the past hold you back. You and Liam have come so far. You just have to take things one step at a time." 
Riley's cell pinged with a message. Picking up her phone, ‘Liam’ appeared on the screen.  
Cordonian Royal Palace 
Olivia, standing in for Liam, and standing for the Royal council, sat at the King's desk. Rashad and his father, the Crown’s personal legal counsel, sat on the sofa next to Liam’s large ornate desk. Madeleine's heels could be heard clicking down the hallway, stopping outside of the study door. Madeleine cleared her throat before Bastien opened the door and allowed her to enter. 
Entering the King’s study, her face was impassive. 
"Where is Liam?" 
"The King is occupied with important matters. He's asked me to represent him in this meeting." Olivia coldly, but politely answered the ex-queen of Cordonia. 
Madeleine’s glare turned nasty as she looked at Olivia in disdain. 
"Keep it up Madeleine. As the King’s representative, you will deal with me and answer all the questions I am looking for. Is that understood, Madeleine? I am not your subject.” Olivia sat back confidently. 
"I am not in the mood for a lecture," Madeleine scoffed.
"Very well. I am here to discuss the matter of the succession of the Crown. I trust the council has brought you up to speed?" 
"Indeed, they have." Olivia responded. 
"Good. Then there is no need to waste time. Let's get down to business." Madeleine said with a smirk. "As you know, the King has yet to select a queen, and secure an heir to his throne. Given his indecisiveness, I propose that the council appoint an heir, should Liam not produce an heir by his thirtieth birthday." 
"We're well aware of the succession laws, and I assure you, the council will make the necessary decisions, should the time come." Olivia rebutted. 
"The King's appointment must meet the established criteria. Should the King choose an heir that does not meet the qualifications, the council is authorized to remove the heir from the line of succession." 
"Your point being, Madeleine? I am sure that you understand that you no longer have any sovereignty in Cordonia." Olivia confidently countered. 
"My point is, is that if he fails to produce an heir, then the council has the authority to choose an alternate. I propose that the council select my unborn child to be named as the heir, since the child was conceived while our marriage was valid. My child meets the requirements, and should the King fail to produce an heir, the council would have no choice but to appoint my child." 
Rashad's eyes narrowed. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, Madeleine. The law is quite clear. A child cannot be appointed as an heir, unless said child is adopted by the monarch first." 
"...and Liam could adopt my child,” Madeleine seethed. 
Rashad continued, “that would require the child to live under the guardianship of the monarch, which is not possible, given the circumstances. Your residence is in Morocco, not Cordonia. as per the marriage dissolution filed legally." 
Olivia nodded, "The council will consider your proposal. In the meantime, Liam's position is still unchanged. He is free to choose his own heir, should the need arise.” 
Madeleine stood up from her armchair and turned toward the bay window overlooking the gardens, contemplating her retort her arms crossed.
"Madeleine, you cannot expect the King to simply appoint your child, when he has another option." Olivia rebutted, knowing that Madeleine was aware of William. 
Rashad added, “again the law is quite clear. A child who is conceived by the monarch while married or not, has the right to a place in the line of succession, even if the parents are not together." 
"Even if the child is a bastard? He was conceived outside our marriage.” Madeleine spat, frothed with resentment. 
"Yes. As was your child," Rashad reminded her. 
"This is absurd. We are done here....guards!” Olivia summoned, as Madeleine was escorted out of the study by the Royal guard. 
Liam, Leo, Drake and Bastien watched the entire exchange virtually from Liam’s personal quarters. 
"Do you think she's capable of harming Riley?” Drake wondered aloud. 
"Yes, I am sure of that. If not herself ... her father. Liam sat back in his chair, his hands steepled in front of his mouth, annoyance etched on his face.
"I think that she is desperate and will do whatever she can to get what she wants.” Leo added supporting his brother. 
“Bastien, begin the surveillance protocol on the countess and her father, Liam commanded. 
“Consider it done, your Majesty.” Bastien confirmed, standing to leave the room. 
"Do you think it’s wise to bring Riley and your son back to Cordonia?” Drake questioned. 
"It's the only way, Drake.” 
"What if Riley doesn't want to come back to Cordonia?" 
"Then I will support her decision, but I have to at least try.” 
Liam stood, walking to his private chambers, with phone in hand.
‘Hello Riley!’ 
‘Liam, hi! How are you?'
‘I'm well. How are you and William keeping?’ 
‘We're doing great. We miss you, though.’ 
‘I miss you both, too.’ 
‘I have a proposition for you...’ 
‘How would you and William like to come to Cordonia and stay with me at the palace after Christmas?’ 
Riley blinked, not sure how to respond.
‘When I go home after spending Christmas week with you...come back to Cordonia with me.'
'Liam, you can't be serious.'
'I'm quite serious, love.'
'You want me and William to come to Cordonia and stay with you in the palace?'
'Yes, I want you both here with me.'
'Li, I don't know. That seems like a big step.'
'I understand your hesitation. But please, just consider it.'
'I will see you in a couple of days, love. We can talk more then.'
'OK, I am looking forward to seeing you, Li. William made something special just for you.'
Liam smiled, 'I look forward to seeing it, but love, the only thing I want for Christmas is you.'
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Thanks for reading!
📌All fics & edits: @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @busywoman @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @kristinamae093 @charlotteg234
📌Liam x Riley, MC/ OTP: @jared2612 @irisk12 @thesvnsins @walkerdrakewalker
📌Liam x Riley, OC: @emersyn-in-cordonia @mainstreetreader @belencha77 @walkerdrakewalker @iluaaa @mysticalfangirl @queenwalton @bascmve01 @umccall71 @choicesfrog @amandablink
📌Liam x Sophie: @charlotteg234
📌Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesflashfics @choicesdecember2023 @choicesholidays
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evntualities · 1 year
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what a guy✨
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havenroyals · 7 days
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GQ | Chapters | Back | Forward
Tagging: @nectar-cellar  @lynzishell  @citylighten  @authorspirit @riverofjazzsims
@mydramasims @death-by-glitter @stargazer-sims @spnmoosejerk @empiredesimparte 
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@sweetsummersim  @simsbyjo  @thagoddessdemi @invisiblequeen
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kristinamae093 · 11 months
Trick or ... Treat?
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Everything else can be found here.
Book/Universe - TRR
Pairing - Liam x OC (Kyla) (not much is going on here though lol).
Summary - Constantine and Kyla enjoy Halloween... at Liam's expense.
Word Count - 2500
Warnings - language, Constantine shenanigains.
A/N 1 - I am participating in @choicesflashfics with prompt number 3, which will appear in bold. I don't think this qualifies for any of the other various Halloween prompts (not the ones I looked at, anyway.)
A/N 2 - Thanks for giving me a little confidence boost about this @ao719! 🥹🫶
Please excuse any errors.
Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
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Liam awoke after a restless night’s sleep, tentatively opening one eye to search the area. Constantine enjoyed messing with Liam any day of the year, but a few held special significance for mischief; April Fool’s Day and Halloween. Much to Liam’s dismay, the date was October 31st. 
He enjoyed the 'holiday'; the royal family spent a few hours where they stood atop the front steps of the palace passing out candy. It was a tradition Liam intended to start alone, but Constantine and Regina both liked the idea and wanted to engage. He didn’t dress up but still enjoyed seeing all the costumes the public wore. 
However, he never knew what the day could hold for him. He could handle most of it, but the part he didn’t enjoy was the jump scares; perhaps it was a bit of PTSD, but it made Liam’s soul vacate his body every single time. Constantine took this with a grain of salt; at least on those two days a year, Liam could expect nothing but chaos. 
With utmost caution, Liam sat up. He patted around the mattress to ensure there wasn’t something hidden in his sheets, but there wasn’t. He got up and made his way to the bathroom to relieve himself, and while he did, a brief flicker of relief shot through him; perhaps this year would be different, given the circumstances had changed. Last year Constantine wasn’t sick, but now he didn’t have nearly as much energy. Liam hoped that just this once — that would work to his advantage. 
Liam groggily made his way into the shower. He turned the water on with a yawn and closed his eyes as the soothing heat cascaded down his chest and legs. He submerged his head and ran his palms through his hair; when he opened his eyes to reach for his shampoo, he realized the water was — red. 
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Liam shouted as he stumbled backward. His back slammed against the wall as he tried to get away. He scrambled out of the shower, leaving the water running behind him. 
When he made it out, Liam was in such a frenzy that he slipped; in a moment of desperation, he grabbed onto a shelf but ended up taking that tumbling down with him. 
A moment later, a frantic knock sounded on the bathroom door. “Sir? Are you alright?” Bastien hollered. 
Liam quickly reached for a towel to cover himself and answered, “NO! Get in here!” 
Bastien came barreling inside; his eyes widened as he saw Liam lying on the floor, surrounded by a pool of crimson liquid. He immediately rushed over and crouched beside him. “What happened? Was someone in here?”
“The shower!” 
“... Pardon?” 
Liam narrowed his eyes. “The fucking shower, Bastien!”
Bastien cautiously approached the glass door with one hand on his holstered weapon. He glanced inside and noticed the colored water coating the floor, but also noted the discoloration of the tub; Bastien knew immediately this substance was not blood. 
He reached in and turned the knobs off; as he did, a sweet aroma filled his senses — fruit punch. Bastien took a wild guess regarding what happened, and as he detached the shower head and popped it open, he realized he was correct. 
Bastien exited the shower, laughing to himself. Liam paced the area but grew irritated at Bastien’s lack of panic. “What did you find? Should we call an exorcist?”
Bastien chuckled. “No, sir. It’s not blood, I assure you.” He held the opened shower head to show Liam the inside. “It would appear as if someone packed this full of a red powder; if I had to take a guess, I would say it’s Kool-Aid.” 
“Kool-Aid?” Liam mimicked in disbelief. “... You’re joking.” 
Bastien nodded, trying to keep his composure as he scanned Liam’s appearance. “I’m afraid not, sir. And unfortunately — it stains.” He motioned to the mirror behind Liam. 
Liam turned around with furrowed brows, but his mouth fell open as he took in his appearance; his face and chest had a noticeable red tint, and his hair a pink hue. “Oh dear God…” 
“It’s not that bad, sir…” 
“What do you mean not that bad?” Liam mocked. “I look like a sick crab! What the hell am I going to do?! I’m supposed to be in a meeting in less than an hour!”
“Perhaps you could tell them it’s a sunburn?” 
Liam narrowed his eyes and let out a huff of air; judging from how his morning started, it was going to be a long day, indeed. 
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Further in the afternoon, Constantine and Kyla were finishing the last touches on their concluding prank. Knowing that everything they did throughout the day was constructed for Liam, Kyla felt a sense of guilt. However, she didn’t have the heart to tell Constantine no; when his eyes lit up, she found it hard to resist his child-like elation. She only hoped Liam would forgive her, and appreciate that she kept things much more minimal than Constantine originally intended.
Constantine encouraged Kyla to dress up; the only requirement was that she couldn’t wear scrubs. She looked online and came across a cute Santa outfit and decided that would be her selection; complete with festive tights and black ankle boots, she was the holliest, jolliest person in Cordonia. 
Constantine opted for something more — unconventional for a former monarch. Since the opportunity presented itself, he wanted to be a cowboy; he wore jeans, a flannel shirt, the wide-brimmed hat, and carried a lasso. He’d never dressed up before, but considering this would be his last Halloween, he wanted to experience the full effect. 
“Perfect! Now, stay there and wait, boy,” Constantine ordered Trent. 
Trent gave Constantine an unsure expression. “Are you sure about this?”
“Is it your job to do as you’re told?” 
“Yes, but–” 
“No more malarky; you’re already in costume, and you will not waste all of Kyla’s hard work. Wait until Liam comes, then—” Constantine paused for dramatic effect. “—you know what to do.”
Trent gave a weak salute, nearly knocking his hat off. Constantine slowly drove his scooter away, Kyla strolling beside him.  “You did a marvelous job today, dear. I have to tell you, this stuff is much easier with you around.”
Kyla dipped into an exaggerated curtsy. “It’s my pleasure to serve.” 
Constantine howled with laughter. “I suppose we should give Liam his treat.” 
Kyla shuddered. “You’re seriously doing this?” 
“What? It’s not poison; he’ll be fine.” Constantine waved her off. “It’s funny, and if I can figure out how to work the camcorder on my cellular device, I intend to videotape everything to show Leo; maybe I’ll upload it on that clock webpage the kids use.” 
Kyla furrowed her brows. “... You mean — Tik-Tok?” 
“Yes! That’s the one! Come along, now; it’s time to begin our last operation of the day.” Given that this would likely be his last Halloween, Constantine wanted to go out with a bang. The dynamic duo concocted the perfect scheme to scare Liam’s socks off. Constantine handled the set-up, Kyla advising the punch-line; together they produced a glorious mix of pandemonium and humor — for Constantine, anyway. 
Constantine and Kyla made their way to Liam’s office with their — treat. Constantine knocked on the door with a smirk; as he did, he handed Kyla the box and whispered, “You should probably be the one to give him these. Tell him you made them yourself and make it believable.” 
Kyla’s eyes widened. “What?! Why me?!“ 
“He will know if it comes from me; you need to do it. Don’t worry! It’s Halloween — we’re exempt from punishment today.” 
“I don’t think that’s how that works–” Kyla was cut off as the door crept open. As it did, neither she nor Constantine could control the shrieks of laughter that escaped them at Liam’s appearance; the evidence of their opening prank shined brightly, contrasted to the natural hue of his skin they were used to. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Liam grumbled. “Laugh it up. Thanks to you, I’ve had three meetings looking like this today.” He spoke to his father. 
“I don’t know what you mean, son.” Constantine feigned innocence. 
Liam grasped Constantine’s hand, flipping it over to look at his palm and noted the tinges of discoloration. “So… you running around red-handed is just a coincidence?” 
Constantine pulled his hand away. “No, it’s a part of the costume; cow people work hard — these are farming hands.” 
“What about the fake mice in my fridge? Or the trash bag stuffed to look like a body? The clown stickers on my mirrors? Or the air horn under my chair?” Liam walked behind his desk and pushed down, a loud honk thundering through the room. 
“Okay, you caught me. But it’s Halloween, Liam.” Constantine gave Liam sad, pleading eyes. 
“You know the expression is trick or treat, not trick or trick–“ 
“I’m aware, William.” Constantine subtly slid his eyes over to Kyla. “If only someone had a treat for you…” 
Kyla realized that was her cue; she presented the box to Liam with the warmest smile she could force, praying he didn’t see her trembling hands. “Actually, I have something for you…” 
“You do?” Liam sought with an arched brow. 
“Yeah,” Kyla returned as she opened the container. “It’s chocolate — balls… I made them myself and even used white chocolate since you prefer vanilla…” 
Liam alternated his gaze between the offered delicacy and Kyla; he couldn’t decide if he could trust her or not at that moment. Any other day he would, hands down; today was different and as much as it pained him to admit, he knew Constantine couldn’t have pulled the day’s shenanigans off on his own. 
He slowly reached into the box and grasped a treat; he experimentally sniffed it first, noting the heavenly aroma invading his nostrils. As he took in Kyla’s innocent smile, Liam shrugged and popped it into his mouth; when he bit down, what he tasted was not sweet as expected, but disgusting. 
“Ugh,” Liam shuddered with a scrunched face. “Wha tha hec is tha?“ He got out as he tried his hardest not to jostle — whatever it was inside his mouth.  
Kyla gave him an apologetic expression. “It’s, uh…” 
“Chocolate-covered brussel sprouts!” Constantine proudly exclaimed as he held up his phone, centered on Liam. “I know how much you’ve always loved your veggies. Oh, and say hello to Leo, son.” 
Liam gagged; he lunged for the trash can and opened his mouth, the mangled ball rolling out with ease. He smacked his lips together, trying to rid himself of the awful taste, but it wouldn’t vacate. When he stood, he used his hands to scrape at his tongue, but that didn’t help either. In a moment of desperation he bolted to the bar cart, only to find it empty. He groaned, but by doing so elevated the horrible sensation. 
Liam rushed out of the room, intent on reaching a bathroom or somewhere with some water. As his thunderous steps made it around the corner, a presence suddenly jumped out at him. It cackled and grasped his arms, sending Liam into an instant state of panic; he only saw their green flesh, the large nose, and glowing red eyes. 
Liam leaned on his body’s natural reaction; with a high-pitched wail, his fist connected with the attacker’s throat, sending them tumbling backward. As the person hit the ground Liam stood over them glaring down, prepared to strike again; they waved one hand, the other cradling the spot of impact. 
“S-sir… Please–” Trent spat out through wheezes. 
“Trent?!” Liam gasped with wide eyes. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t—” The sound of Constantine’s laughter interrupted him. “Dad, this is not funny!”
“Oh, calm down. It’s just Trent; the boy could use some roughing up, anyway.” Constantine answered from behind his phone. 
“Put that down!” 
Constantine rolled his eyes but complied. “Fine; I suppose the good part is over, anyway.” 
Liam released a deep, steadying breath to keep his composure. It’s nearly over, he thought to himself. “Trent, go visit the physician and take the rest of the day off… And tomorrow.” He softly spoke as he helped him stand. Trent nodded, still cradling his jugular, but made his leave. 
An extended period of silence passed, but Constantine finally broke it. “Trick or treat?” Liam growled and opened his mouth to retort, but Constantine quickly added, “Not to put a fine point on it, but this will most likely be my last Halloween…” 
Liam sighed and his eyes softened; all day, he’d fixated on his worries for what was to come, but Constantine was right. He felt guilty for not embracing the day as he should have, instead of wishing the time away. 
Constantine noticed Liam’s expression shift and felt instant remorse. “I apologize, Liam, I didn’t mean to–” 
“I know what you were trying to do, but — you’re right. I hadn’t thought about it like that, and now I feel terrible for not spending the day with you.”
“But if you were with me, who would the target be?” Constantine expressed, earning him a playful eye roll from Liam. “Listen, life must continue. I’m dying; technically, so are you. Every breath you take is one step closer to the grave. Just because I don’t have as far to go changes nothing. I refuse to spend my time fixated on what’s coming, and I surely don’t want you to, either.”
Liam sharply sniffed and nonchalantly cleared his throat. “Right…” 
“But — given that it’s a holiday, perhaps you could end your day early; hang out with Kyla and me until the candy gifting begins.” 
“Does that mean the pranks will stop?”
“Against you, maybe.” 
Liam smiled. “I’d like that.” 
“But you must be in costume to be seen with us; sorry, it’s a rule.” 
Liam furrowed his brow. “You realize I’m the King now, right?”
“You sure like to remind me of that, son.” Constantine laughed. “I’ll go to the boutique and pick out an outfit for you.” 
“The chances of me wearing whatever you’re thinking are–” 
“Aaaand he’s gone,” Kyla spoke as Constantine sped away on his scooter. 
Liam shook his head. “I’m almost afraid to even think about what he’s going to find.” 
“Should’ve come prepared like the rest of us.” Kyla playfully elbowed his side. 
“Trueché…“ The pair shared a laugh, but as it died down Liam added, "You look cute." 
Kyla brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and ducked her head, trying to hide her flushed cheeks. "Thank you." 
"You're welcome." He smiled at her. “I need to thank you…” 
“Making my father's time special. I’m figuring out he didn’t act alone today, but I’m glad he’s got someone to be the Thelma to his Louise.” 
“I’m happy to do it; I love it when he gets excited.” 
“I do too.” 
“He’s taught me a lot about how to relax and enjoy the little things; to make every second count.” 
Liam stared at Kyla with a grin, warmth blossoming in his chest. “Me too.” 
They locked eyes but Constantine quickly re-appeared. "Oh, Li-am…"
"I don't like that tone… or that face you're making…"
"I found you a costume." Constantine answered as he held a garment up. 
Liam stared into his basket and saw the remaining pieces of the getup and shook his head. "I'm not wearing that." 
"Oh, come on! A cowboy needs a steed to wrangle, son! Have you not seen a western film?"
"But I don't want to be your horse!" Liam protested. "What if I wanted to be a superhero or something?" 
Constantine pursed his lip with pleading eyes. "Liam…" 
Liam held his stare for merely a moment before he rolled his eyes. "Fine." 
Constantine's face lit like a Christmas tree but he was quick to shove the garments at Liam, insisting he go get dressed. As Liam disappeared, Constantine gave Kyla a knowing look. "... What did I tell you?"
"I can not believe that worked." 
Constantine snickered. "I never planned on being a horseless cowboy."
"He probably would've done it anyway if you asked him…"
Constantine snorted. "Where's the fun in that?"
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HCTS tags - @ao719 @queenrileyrose @angelasscribbles @tessa-liam @kingliam2019 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @bascmve01 @busywoman @belencha77 @mysticalfangirl @nestledonthaveone @lovingchoices14 @lunaseasblog @malblk21 @sfb123 @emersyn-in-cordonia @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @choicesflashfics @eadanga
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beigetiger · 1 month
This will probably be my last post about Murder Drones ever, but I really do love that the message of the finale is basically just…we should do more cringe things.
Liam Vickers is out here making a silly little robot show with no particularly deep or existential message (which half the fandom was expecting) and is instead smashing his characters together like dolls, making them anime fight with nightcore music in the background, and giving them fucked up to the point of ridiculousness character development/trauma, with the message that this is fun and lighthearted and that we should kill cringe culture and instead do more of what he’s doing.
And honestly? Go off king, that is a GREAT message to spread and a delightful subversion to what everyone was expecting for the finale. We SHOULD spend more time doing cringe things and making fanart and pop culture references and edgy OCs. You’re so correct that not everything needs to be deep or meaningful.
I know a lot of people are going to hate the finale for the lack of story, but honestly this show is just here to have fun and I’m rolling with that. Go be cringe and weird and free.
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notmeagain6 · 3 months
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Making up Diethel family drama wholesale because Takei is taking too long to update.
The Diethel twins have vastly different approaches on how to help their parents and uncle bring Jeanne back.
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Hello! I'm so happy I found your blog! I like your story, the way you write it! And it’s so easy for me to imagine my OC with your story, because our OCs are a little similar, only my character is something like a god/demon of death, a little more cold and his pets are snakes))
Sooooo... Sorry for taking a lot of time with my character 😅 the request for headcanons is haulian x reader and how will Xie Lian and Hua Cheng react if the reader feels like the third wheel in their trio and become a little bit distant because want to give them some space? (I have the idea in my head that the reader is basically like your OC, i like him soooooo much)
Sorry if it's not clear, English is not my native language. And if you don't like the idea, just ignore it))
Closing The Distance
Hua Cheng x M!Reader x Xie Liam
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I'm so happy you like my writing and I love to hear about your OC so don't worry. I'm happy our OC's are so similar 🥰🖤
I like writing stories with my headcanons soooo bare with me, bear with me???
You've been distant. Well you've never reached out to people before this either, but you're more distant than usual.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng noticed immediately.
How you start declining things, how you just sit to the side, you don't talk much, You let them sleep alone, eat dinner alone.
You stop being near them. The kisses you give dwindle down to nothing and the words "I love you" have been reserved.
They haven't a clue why. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have tried to think of every reasonable possibility but don't know why
Why would you want to be alone when it's supposed to be the three of you together?
It gets to the point where they have to visit you instead of the other way around. Paradise Manor, and Puqi shrine is all of your homes but you don't show up to either one anymore.
You're hiding away at your own place and they just don't know what to do
It really breaks Xie Lian's heart because you've been by his side all these years why do you want to leave now?
Hua Cheng is equally devastated. He would do anything for you and Xie Lian but you're pulling away.
The two can only think that maybe you just don't love them anymore, maybe you're tired of them?
You would never do that though
Xie Lian doesn't like it and neither does Hua Cheng. They intend to get to the bottom of it because they love you.
They would try to give you space but when it seems to only make it worse they don't stop bothering you
That's what it seems like you need, to be bothered.
Xie Lian keeps asking, and caring for you
Hua Cheng gets insecure. He knows he's good that Xie Lian loves him but do you? You aren't disgusted by him are you? Contrary to popular belief ghost kings get insecure too
You are pathetic, at least you feel like you are. Hiding away like a bug under a rock. You don't know when it started and you couldn't control it when it got out of hand. It's nothing against Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, you love them dearly. But the problem you have feels like a problem you can't even bring up. You don't want to hurt them.
Would you hurt them more by bringing it up or staying hidden?
So you've been... Lying here. Bed rotting. If you can even call it that. You're actually just lying under a rock. Very literally. You're hanging out in a small cave. It's nothing you aren't used to you used to do it with Xie Lian all the time.
You could've gone to the heavens and hidden up there but you don't have friends. You have Feng Xin, and Mu Qing but you know they would snitch on you if it came to Xie Lian. So here you are under a rock. Overthinking.
You always overthink, it's why you left in the first place. You also felt selfish. It's hard to see Xie Lian and Hua Cheng together. You love them both, honest! But what do they even need you for? They look perfect without you, like they were made to just have each other. You felt like you were getting in the way, or like a third wheel.
You know they love you too but... It feels so difficult to be included. When Hua Cheng first showed up he immediately was able to take Xie Lian's side and help him with missions. Which was fine you guys needed the extra help anyways but then you learned their pasts. They're just so intertwined with each other
Hua Cheng built temples for Xie Lian, released 3,000 lanterns, built statues, fought in war, challenged 33 gods, cut out his eye, and died 3 times for him, and broke his shackles! What could you possibly add to the relationship. No one could care for Xie Lian better than Hua Cheng.
Xie Lian saved Hua Cheng when he was a child, and stayed with Wu Ming. Gave him a coral pearl, and red string. What have you done?
All the heavens talk about is Xie Lian and Hua Cheng. The ghost realm is the same. You were never a prominent figure so people forget you're even there. They don't even know you're their lover too.
So yes it's hard, and maybe it's selfish that you want to feel more included when they already spoil you when anything you could ask for. Which is why you're hiding in a small, dumb cave. You eventually fall asleep to the pitter, patter of rain.
When you wake up you aren't under a rock anymore. You're in bed. In red sheets, in a red room, red, red, red. You're at paradise manor. You wouldn't mind that if you weren't actively avoiding your lovers. You sit straight up in bed and before you can tumble out Xie Lian is at your bedside. He's frowning and has this worried look in his eyes that makes you feel guilty.
"Where have you been, y/n?" You look away and shrug. "In the cave you found me in" your lips wobble a little. You don't know what to say. What excuse could you use this time? You pick at a loose piece of thread on the blanket and notice that Hua Cheng isn't in the room with you two. ". . . Where's San Lang?"
"A-Lang" Xie Lian interrupts you and his hand finds yours "You've always called him A-Lang"
You want to crinkle under his piercing gaze. "Where's A-Lang?" You whisper glancing back at the blanket.
"Standing outside the room. Baobei why have you been avoiding us?" Xie Lian turns your gaze back to him.
"I-I just was dealing with my own issues" Your hands fist in the blankets and your eyes get watery just thinking about how selfish you've been.
Xie Lian's hand caresses your cheek, "Our issues. We can help you if you tell us."
You bite your lips and bring your hand up trying to wipe your tears before they get the chance to stream down your face. "It's selfish" you spit, venom covers your tongue. "It was a pathetic reason, really. I just was overthinking and I felt like. . . A third wheel. It's not a big deal though" You glare at the blanket. Your anger of course isn't directed at them but at yourself. Xie Lian knows this too.
"A third wheel, how come?" He runs his fingers through your hair. Him and Hua Cheng have tried everything to include you so how could one feel left out?
"It's my own fault, I just don't feel like I have anything to add. I've nothing to offer. I've done nothing compared to you two" You're completely useless like always.
Xie Lian's questioning is interrupted when the door slams open. You both jump when Hua Cheng storms in and grabs a hold of your face. He would never hurt you, you all know this. "Nothing to offer? Just who are you talking about right now?" He frowns at you with furrowed brows. "I don't think we're seeing the same person." He doesn't let you divert your gaze keeping you there.
Hua Cheng knows what you're feeling, your insecurities stemming all from feeling useless. He knows how it is. "You have everything to offer and even if you didn't we would love you anyways. You don't have to add anything y/n, you can just be" he frowns and sits on the bed.
"I think you're going blind in your other eye. I really don't have anything" you blink away tears. "This one offers so much and he doesn't even know, he's done so much for the two of us and doesn't remember. Right gege?" Hua Cheng looks at his other husband for approval and Xie Lian nods.
"This one is a heavenly official. You have to work hard to become a god in the upper court" Xie Lian adds. You scoff though. "That's not what I'm talking about, I-I haven't done anything for the two of you"
Hua Cheng wants to shake you in a jar. "You have though!" Now he's yelling and Hua Cheng doesn't yell only when it comes to the two of you. "Who's rayed by Xie Lian all these years protecting him when I was lost? You did! Who took care of Hong er when Gege's other servants wouldn't dare touch him? You did. Who gave a mongrel child their family heirloom because he had sympathy and was kind? You did!" Hua Cheng holds your face in his hands still.
"You work so hard, and have gone through so much just like the rest of us and yet you still worry about others still!"
"every night this one takes care of us and helps Gege make dinner. Every day this one protects us, every day this one thinks of us and gives his best for us!"
Hua Cheng gives endless reasons small to large. You're crying in his hands and Hua Cheng wipes them away for you.
"No one is allowed to insult my lovers, even if they're doing it themselves" Hua Cheng finishes and kisses your forehead. Xie Lian is smiling and he kisses your forehead too.
"Don't run from us anymore, you can tell us what you're thinking anytime. Me and San Lang have no problem giving you the reassurance you need" he hums and joins you two in bed. All three of you cuddle for the rest of the night and the two practically suffocate you, not allowing you to leave bed. But you love them and would gladly lie here tangled in their limbs.
I hope y'all like it! Also ignore my grammar mistakes guys I always have some. 🖤
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goddessofeternity · 2 years
Love Amidst the Darkness
Chapter 19: Moments of Bliss
Althea twirled her pen between her fingers with anticipation as she stared at her bedroom door every few minutes. She was currently being fitted for a dress for her visit to the Chowa empire, but she could not focus knowing that the mail carrier could arrive any minute. She was glad to learn that she could send letters to the army and even better she would get responses from everyone! The war had been raging for over a month now and she couldn’t wait for everyone to come home. She was worried most for her mother though, she had been working herself incredibly hard since her father and the armies left. Althea could not convince her to take a break and rest. It took Althea writing letters to her godmother to finally convince her. Now, Althea and her mother were getting ready to spend a few days in the Chowa Empire with their close allies and friends.
“Althea…how would you like to wear your hair today?” Althea perked up as she smiled at Marina briefly before looking at the door again. “The mail carrier will be here soon.”
“I know…I just wish he would arrive faster. I would like my hair tied up please. I just hope this trip will be good on my mother…”
“I’m sure that it will be. She just misses your father terribly and is worried for him.” Marina sighed sadly as she brushed through Althea’s hair. “You just have to continue to be here for her and rely on each others strength.”
“I know…you’re right…”
“We should head downstairs…your mother is probably already waiting for us. I can’t wait to spend some more time with you again. It has been far too long since we enjoyed each others company.”
“Yes I know…we get to experience a new land and spend time with each other again.” The pair made their way through the palace and Althea could not help the sigh that escaped her as she frowned at her mother. The queen was sitting on a bench once again signing and looking over her paperwork. She ran a tired hand over her eyes before getting back to it.
The queen kept her writing up, not quite hearing her daughter call out to her. Althea walked to her mother and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. The queen jumped slightly and looked at her daughter with a confused glance.
“Yes, my love?” 
“We have a long trip ahead of us mother…we really should get going. Someone else can look over things while we have some time to relax.”
“I can’t relax…this must all be done. I don’t want your father working on anything when he comes back. Our friends know that we are coming…if we show up a bit late they will understand…”
“They will worry about us. There has been so much danger that it will fill their hearts with fear…”
“….” The queen considered the words of her daughter before she sighed and closed her book. “You’re right…I’m sorry my sweet rose.” 
Althea smiled as her mother finally joined her side and they climbed into the carriage and the knights packed their bags up. Marina sat beside Althea and gave her an encouraging nudge before she began to read a book. Althea wrung her hands together before she looked at her tired mother.
“Mother…I miss him too…” The queen flinched hearing the sadness in her daughter's voice. “We have barely spent any time together since he left. I know there is always work that needs to be done, but I still need my mother…I hate seeing you overwork yourself so hard…”
“….” Hestia stood and kneel in front of her young daughter and held her cheek. “You are absolutely right…I…I haven’t been the best mother at the moment and you deserve me at my absolute best…”
“I know…”
“So…when we get to the Empire you will have me at my best. Plus, I hear that the empress has many exciting things to show us. Despite my mood, I do hope that you are excited to see a new place.”
“As long as we are together…I’ll absolutely enjoy it!”
The queen and princess held each other in a tight and warm embrace and enjoyed some small talk, while Marina smiled behind her book, happy that he pair were able to talk to each other again.
Althea and her mother looked out their carriage with wide, but excited eyes. The Chowa empire was nothing like either of them had ever seen. All of its many colors were vibrant and the architecture was unique and beautiful. Althea looked at the people and noticed that it was not just the empress and Liling, but all the residents had animal like features. There were so many different smells in the air and the young princess was excited to try them all. She hoped to learn some new things to cook for her family and friends. The carriage soon arrived at the imperial palace and they were greeted with an entire staff of maids. 
“Greetings, Queen Hestia, Princess Althea and Lady Marina. We will be your caretakers while you are staying in our lovely country. The empress is awaiting you in the gardens. We will handle and put away all of your belongings.”
“Thank you…I hope that we didn’t take too long in getting here.” The group ascended the stairs and their head maid smile kindly at them. 
“Oh not at all. You arrived right on time. The festival is tomorrow and we only need to get your measurements for your hanfu. The empress had told me that you favor golds and reds, while the princess loves blues and purples.”
“Yes…it is traditional wear that is worn for such special occasions. The empresses…wife…has been spending the last few weeks preparing the finest silk for you both.”
Althea frowned and found herself uncomfortable with how she addressed Liling. Liling was such a wonderful and sweet person. She hoped that the older woman didn’t have to hear such things from the people meant to serve her. Glancing at her mother, Althea was not too surprised to see her mother sporting an icy glare at the back of the woman’s head. The flames of the candles in the room slightly flickered harshly. 
“Is this common behavior in the empire?”
“Hmm?” The maid looked over her shoulder and almost tripped when she gazed at the queen. “W-What ever do you mean, Your Majesty?”
“Is it common to speak in such a tone about the ruler of your empire? To clearly disrespect them in front of guests from another nation? That is an act of treason and shows weakness in the country…”
“I-I…that woman isn’t-”
“That woman” is the empress as well and she will be ruling over you and ensuring that things in the empire are running smoothly. She is making sure that you still have work and have a roof over your head. You live a good life because she has made the empress happy…so keeping such a tone about her love is not something you should continue to do.”
“Yes…such a thing would be foolish to continue.” 
Althea and her mother looked toward the throne as they had finally made their way further inside the palace. The maid had failed to realize that the empress was standing by her throne, and she was wearing a glare that could freeze oceans. The maid looked ready to cry and with a snap of her fingers, several guards stormed into the room and snatched her away.
“Y-Your I-Imperial Majesty! Please! I meant no disrespect! Have mercy on me!” The empress ignored her pleas with a roll of her eyes before she smiled at Althea and her mother. Althea looked at the retreating woman for a bit, before she realized that she probably shouldn’t stare. 
“Your Imperial Majesty…” Hestia nodded at her fellow royal as Althea and Marina dropped into curtsies. Hestia gestured for her gifts to be brought forward and the empress raised a brow at the sheer volume of them. “I thought it would make up for years of communication and meetings that were missed. I also thought some wedding gifts were in order.”
“Thank you for the gifts. I’m sorry that you had to experience the…personal feelings of my own subjects. Ever since we came back after the wedding…it has been…difficult…”
“Well…” Hestia approached the empress and grasped her hands tightly. “I do hope that this fades soon and you both can be happy. I hope that our presence here will bring you both some comfort.”
“Thank you…I really have appreciated your friendship over the months. Come…why don’t we head to the gardens. Liling has been setting up all day for your arrival.”
The group arrived at the gardens and Althea found herself once again taken aback by the stunning architecture. A large tree with branches took up most of the garden. Its long and sweeping branched were almost making a natural shade over the area. A small pond with flower petals floating in its waters was teeming with aquatic life she had never seen before. She took notice of General Honghui helping Liling set up the table that was at the base of the large tree. Walking over to the pair, Althea looked at another larger pond with an intricate bridge running over it to another section with interest. It seemed that some construction was happening.
The stone pathways were designed almost like a chessboard with their black and white colors, but every other stone had dragons etched into them. Althea was never one to really take notice of architecture but she was about to. A shrine was attached to a small gazebo to the northern part of the garden and the smell of incense filled her senses, the loveliest scent of…roses?
“I see you like the gardens princess.”
“Oh!” Althea flushed as everyone was looking at her with a smile. She didn’t realize that she was staring so much. “It’s very beautiful here…it’s so different from the types of gardens that I have seen. I also didn’t expect to smell roses her either.”
“Well…trade has proved quite lucrative and Liling used the roses you let her have to their fullest.” The empress smiled and held her wife’s hand when she walked up to them. “I didn’t realize that she had such a green thumb.”
“Well neither did I…I thought it would make you both feel more at home to be surrounded by the scent of roses.”
“That is very kind of you…thank you Liling.” Althea was about to thank her as well, but feeling something against her legs she looked down and was quite shocked.
“Lyna? What on Edrion are you doing here?” Althea knelt as the lioness licked her palms and rubbed against her.
“Surprise!” Althea and her mother both snapped their heads back to the large table as empress Yvette appeared from behind the tree. Matteo made an immediate run for Hestia, who knelt quickly to scoop him into her arms. “I thought I would visit too since I heard you both were coming.”
“Yvette!” Hestia rushed to her friend and engulfed her in a tight hug, but pulled back to glare harshly at her. “You should be home resting! I’m always glad to see you, but your baby could be born soon!”
“Oh I still have another month…besides…I…I couldn’t bear staying in the palace much longer with Klein out there…it’s too much on my heart…”
A noticeable and harsh silence fell over the group at her words. It was surprising that emperor Klein had joined the war efforts with king Kyros and Zacharias. He had been very concerned about his wife’s pregnancy and was never far from her. Their empire had also had a terrible storm and was in the process of being rebuilt. Althea imagined he left for the same reason everyone else did…to ensure the safety of their loved ones. Emperor Klein was going to be a father again and she could only imagine that the empress was more upset than she let on. 
“We are more than happy to have you in our home and would love to visit while the war is still going on.” Liling offered with a kind smile, but Althea didn’t think her smile matched her words. Everyone was tense and worried about the war right now. It was a hard thing to worry and wait on news for. Althea did her very best to keep her spirts up, but the only thing really keeping her going was the letters she received. The only problem was that the mail carrier didn’t arrive before they had left. 
“Let’s eat and we can discuss plans for the festival tomorrow.”
The collective agreed easily as they sat around the table and began to converse. Everyone fell easily into their conversations. It was friendly conversation, but it was also so very forced. No one wanted to talk about the war, but it was the only things on their minds. Althea wondered if it would be like this the entire campaign. Hushed conversations, restrained feelings and frantic hearts had suddenly become the norm, and Althea desperately wanted things to go back to the way it was.
Althea sighed as she walked through the halls of the palace and wished that she was in a better mood. It seemed the week in Chowa had done little for her and her mother. They were only going to stay for three days, but her mother insisted that they stay longer. The festival was fun, but she honestly could not really remember it, despite how beautiful it was. Her mother had seemed to grow more and more quiet as time went on.  Despite their conversation on the way to Chowa, their ride back was silent except for Marina occasionally striking up conversation.
Her mother often was in meetings or would lock herself in her drawing room. Althea had to continue her lessons, but she barely paid any attention. She probably wrote an entire book with her recent thoughts she had been having. She had gone through two books at this point and the mail carrier had still not shown up. She was beginning to fear that something had happened to him, or worse something had happened to the armies. The knights and other nobles were even becoming restless and anxious as the days passed without a word.
Althea wrapped her robes around her body tighter as she walked the halls, occasionally greeting the odd knight here and there. It was hard for her to sleep at night, so she found walking to be the best remedy for it. She was surprised by her own bravery at doing such a thing. The incident with Lord Derrick was often in her mind, but she had more control of her fire and that gave her more confidence than ever. Finally resting, she sat by a window as she looked up at the full moon.
“Gods…please…whoever is listening…let my father and my friends come back home safely. I want nothing more than to see and hold them again. It has only been a month and a half…but I fear that without word my mother and I will worry ourselves sick and I…” The young princess looked over her shoulder to make sure no one was around before looking back at the moon. “I wish to hear news from my love…I want to know that he is safe and doing his best. I wonder if he thinks about me as much as I think about him. I…I long for his touch…for his kiss…
Holding a hand to her heart, she prayed with every ounce of feeling in her heart. Surely word would come to them soon and they could breath a sigh of relief. It was very optimistic, but she hoped that news of the war ending would come sooner rather than later. It would be good to push such an awful thing as far from their minds as possible. The distant sound of banging metal made her jump, and she squinted in the darkness of the palace as several knights came into view.
“Y-Yes?” No sooner had she thought about Lord Derrick…now there were knights approaching her in the cover of darkness. It brought back awful memories, but she held firm as one of them stepped forward.
“We would like to ask for your assistance in regards to the queen.”
“What? What has happened to my mother?!” Althea sprang to her feet and rushed to her parents bedchambers. The knights were close on her heels as they hurried along. “Is she ill? Why haven’t you taken her to the doctor?”
“No princess…she is…” They had reached the door, but when Althea went to grab the handle she paused just shy of it. Her heart sank to her chest as she heard the very distinct sounds of her mother crying her heart out. From the sounds, she was trying to mask her cries into one of her many pillows, but it was clear all the same. Looking at the knights, they all looked saddened as they looked towards the ground. The knight who asked for her assistance stepped forward again.
“She has been crying every night since you both returned from the Chowa empire…”
“What? Why have I just been informed of this?”
“She…she usually stops after about an hour…but she has been crying for well over three hours at this point. We did not want to disturb your rest before princess. We just figured that she was upset about the war and the king…since there has been no word for awhile.”
Althea clenched her hands tightly before she looked back at the door. Her heart broke hearing her mother so sad and heartbroken. She quickly dismissed the knights before readying herself and quietly opening the door. Holding a small ball of fire, Althea was surprised by the state of the room, it was covered with half painted canvases and ones that had been torn to shreds. Pillows were thrown all over the floor and it looked as if her mother had burned some of the paintings. Looking towards the bed, Althea felt her heart sink more as her mother had her face buried into a pillow.
The queen was trembling as her cries rocked her body. Only a thin sheet covered her lower body as her left hand gripped the pillow tight. Her other hand was tightly clenched around the sheets on the other side of her…where her husband should have been. Althea finally found her courage and stepped towards the large bed. “Mother…”
The queen gasped as she shot up from under the pillow. Althea almost cried as she saw how red her mother’s face and eyes were. The queen quickly wiped at her eyes and cleaned off her face as Althea climbed into the bed. Clearing her throat and conjuring her own ball of flame, the queen gave her daughter the weakest smile she had ever seen. It was hard to fake any other emotion when she looked the way that she did. 
“My…my sweet rose…what on Edrion are you doing up so late? You should be in bed and resting…you have lessons in the morning.”
“I can’t sleep that well at night…I’ve been taking walks throughout the halls. The knights were concerned and asked me to check on you…mother you…you don’t have to be alone in your sadness. I’m here too, let me be here for you.”
“….” The queen released a tired and sad breath as she looked at her daughter. How strong she seemed to become over the course of this year….where had the time gone? Flipping back her blankets…Hestia gestured Althea forward and the young princess climbed in beside her mother. Hestia reached over to hold her daughter, but Althea surprised her again by grabbing her instead.
“We don’t have to be sad, mother…father and the armies will be back. We just have to have faith in them. We have the toughest men and women fighting beside him. If you ever get sad…we can go out riding or you can teach me how to paint and I’ll show you how to cook.”
“….” Her mother remained silent before she buried her face into her daughter's chest. Althea held her mother tighter as she felt her nightgown get wet. “Thank you, Althea…”
“I’ll always be here for you mother…”
“You miss Duran terribly too, don’t you?”
“Everyday…but…I know that he’s going to be ok. I have to believe that…it’s the only thing I can do.”
“….” Althea continued to hold her mother tight as her sniffles started to fade. Figuring her mother was falling asleep, Althea moved away to let her rest, but she was surprised to see that her mother was wide awake and wearing a look of intense thought.
“Mother? What’s wrong?”
“Have I ever told you about how I met your father?”
“You haven’t actually…it is a story that I have always wanted to hear though.”
“Mmm…well it is quite the tale…so get comfortable my sweet girl…”
“We have to do something!”
“Obviously you fool! Who knows what could happen if we don’t act quickly!”
“How could he even do something like this?!”
“Silence you fool!”
The collective group of council members all glanced at the end of the long table. The young prince was silently writing and signing papers in deep concentration. A boy of only seventeen, but he carried the true poise and strength of a royal twice his age. The council had been apprehensive about talking around him, but they were getting restless and so were the citizens. 
It had been over eight months since king Rasvan disappeared. The kingdom had since been in a state of panic at the loss of their ruler. It had been silent the first couple weeks, but the information had been leaked to the public. A panic had ensued over it, but the army had managed to keep things in order. Although, it was only a matter of time before they were riled up again. 
The young prince had said not a word since his father disappeared. No words of worry, anger, fear, nothing. He simply dressed himself and went to collect his fathers work. He fell into this routine for the past eight months without complaint. Those around him often worried about his mental state, but he was diligent in his work and the kingdom had fallen back into order slowly…but there was steady progress. 
“We should be more considerate of his highness…” One of the councilmen whispered to his peers. “This is his father we are talking about…”
“The boy does not care! It’s been months since he left!” Another councilman growled back, throwing his arms in the air. “We need to discuss how the king didn’t leave anything to help!”
The young prince sighed deeply as he leaned on his hands and looked over his foolish council. He had finished his work a while ago, and now he just listened to the useless prattle of tired old men. They failed to notice his gaze so he just waited and drummed his fingers on the table. He glanced to his left and smiled at the woman in the corner.
“Should I get their attention?” She whispered amused at their arguments.
The prince smiled and shook his head. Their constant prattle was humorous at times. He needed to rest his writing hand anyway. They would stop their bickering soon enough he hoped. It was a full fifteen minutes before he yawned and caught the attention of one of his councilmen.
“Prince Kyros! I see that you are finished with your paperwork, excellent!” The young prince resisted the urge to roll his eyes as the men looked over the documents with satisfied expressions. “We have looked over some potential candidates for a wife and we have some very good options!”
Kyros winced at the prospect of “shopping” for a wife. He considered the whole thing pretty barbaric and he didn’t really see the need to be married. Sure he liked women, but the only reason they wanted him to have a wife was to have heirs and secure the bloodline. Something else that wasn’t really needed. Ever since his…ever since the king left, the council had been frantic about everything. Many kept up the search for the fleeing king, but Kyros didn’t really see the point. 
He kept silent about it though, if he had to hear them whine anymore and he’d lose his mind. “I think that I’ll rest for the day…I’ve been signing things all morning.”
“Your highness-“
“He’s tired…he needs his strength if you want him to lead this country. We will convene again tomorrow.” Kyros smiled at the annoyed faces of the men around them, with a firm nod he left the room quickly.
“Thank you…I have no idea how the king dealt with them after all these years…”
“He didn’t really…he often ignored them and only paid attention when he was bored.”
“Yeah…that sounds right…” Hearing the bitter tone in his voice, the woman placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. “How are this annoying afternoon though?”
“Well…just looking after the young prince who has not been very happy lately. I would have hoped that after so long, he would finally show me his wonderful smile.”
“Heh…I have to much to worry about right now…this whole wife business is pissing me off. I just want to make sure that the kingdom prospers and is safe for the future ahead.” 
“I see I see…so when will your happiness be at the forefront of your duties?” The young prince looked away at her words, knowing that she was right. His head maid had a way of reading him, but it was to be expected since she raised him when his mother left. He often wondered at times if she teased him just because she could. Many whispered behind their backs if something was happening under the surface, but both of them just ignored such things.
“You should get some air…it will be good for you…maybe you could have a nice flight?” He thought about her suggestion, not really wanting to take a break, but he probably did need one. “Go on…shoo…I had better not see you in here for a few hours.”
“H-Hey!” He groaned as she pushed him through the hallways, a small giggle escaped her lips. “I’m going already! You are so pushy, Ms. Boulviere!”
“Have fun!” She gave him a parting smile before she slammed the palace doors in his face. Scratching his head, he looked around the garden quizzically. He was not often in the large gardens of the palace that he had lived in for so long. The scent of the roses were sweet as he walked through their thorny bushes, and sat beneath a tree. 
“Ugh…maybe she was right. I hope that those idiots in there can handle not being alone without me for awhile.” The young man sighed as he leaned his head back against the tree, preparing to take a short nap. That was the plan, but it seemed that fate had something else in store for him. Hearing something rustle above him, Kyros opened one eye as leaves started to fall from the tree. Fully opening his eyes, he stood and narrowed his eyes as a large mass moved in between the branches.
“What the?”
Hearing a distinct snap, the weight of whatever was in the tree finally gave way, but Kyros saw the last thing that he had ever expected to see. With a startled yelp, a young girl fell from the branches right on top of him. The pair groaned at the rough landing and when he sat up, Kyros was met with a girl with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. The pair blinked at each other before the girl blushed, or he think she did, it was hard to tell with her messy appearance. He was about to say more, but a fist to his face was not what he expected.
“Ow! What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“Fuck you! You’re nothing but a pervert feeling up on me like that!”
“You fell from the tree you stupid girl! I had to catch you!”
“You call that a catch!? You felt up my ass!” 
“I did not!” Kyros blushed a deep red at the insinuation. “Why would I want to feel up on such a dirty girl like you anyway!”
For the second time that day, Kyros received a fist to the face from the girl. He fell back on the ground and held his nose as he looked up at her in anger.
Queen Hestia chuckled in embarrassment as her daughter looked at her in horror. “I was…quite the angry young lady.”
“I thought a young lady wasn’t supposed to use such language either…” The queen smirked at the sassy remark from her daughter.
“Yes…well I didn’t have such a great upbringing like you do, my love.” She rubbed her daughter’s cheek tenderly. “I thought that your father was an insufferable brat.”
“How did you know about all the other things that happened that day?”
“Your father recounted everything that happened that day to me. It is something that I could never truly forget.”
“Well continue! I want to hear more!”
“Alright alright…now where was I?”
“She punched me…right in the face! Like some some…animal! Ouch!” Kyros looked at Ms. Boulviere when she slapped his shoulder. She rolled her eyes before she twisted another tissue into his nose. “What was that for?”
“She is still a young lady…you should at least go and apologize to her.”
“Apologize! She punched me in the face! Even if I wanted to, I can’t! You ran off after she punched me in the face.”
“Kyros…” He winced when she gave her “mom” voice. Despite being the heir and in charge of her, she had raised him, so he was awfully weak to her when she got mad at him. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, because she would just scold him again. “You go find her right now and apologize to her.”
“Alright alright!” Removing the tissues from his nose, he marched to the stables to retrieve his horse. A few knights accompanied him, but he didn’t see the need for it. Although, he suspected that it was he didn’t run off like the king did. He wouldn’t abandon his responsibilities like he did, he loved this kingdom and its people. He would never let anything happen to them if he had anything to do with it. So, now he left the comforts of his home to search for a girl that was not really worth his time or energy. She was rude and had barely even let his say anything, some “young lady” she was.
The young prince grumbled to himself as he went through the woods with his knights in silence. It was not often that he ventured out to the forest by the kingdom. He only really traveled when visiting the allied nations. Speaking of which, he would have to do that very soon since it looked like the king was not coming back.
“Stupid old man…”
“Your highness, I think we need to rest the horses for a bit…” Kyros shook himself from his thoughts and dismounted his horse as the men took a break. Peering through the trees, he couldn’t really see the palace anymore. Looking back at the knights, he decided to just keep walking on foot for a bit. They would be alright for a while.
Once he was sure they weren’t paying attention, the prince disappeared into the brush. He continued walking even as he heard the panic from the knights. He gave them some credit for noticing that he was gone so quickly. Ignoring them, he continued ducking and weaving through the thick bushes. 
“I can’t believe that I’m doing this!” He grumbled and slapped a branch away, but failed to realize it, returning and hitting him in the face. “Damnit!”
Hearing a giggle above him, he looked up and held his nose to see the dir-…the girl up in the tree and smirking at him. She was lounging across it so leisurely and he wanted it to break again so she would fall on her face. 
“Glad to see that my pain is enjoyable for you…”
“It is actually…nothing like seeing a little pervert get some karma…”
Kyros’s face flamed a bright red as he jumped to his feet. “Stop calling me that! I am not a pervert! Ugh! Look…I…I’m sorry. If I accidentally touched you inappropriately…I did not mean it.”
She made a surprised noise at his apology before she leaped from the tree and landed easily on her feet. She walked up to him and he tensed up, alert and ready for another possible punch. She was his height so he was sure he could take her, but it wouldn’t be right to do that.
Although with how hard she hits…she might as well be a man.
“I didn’t think the prince knew how to apologize…fine I accept your apology…now shoo shoo…I was having a nap.”
Ignoring her tone, he glanced up at the tree and noticed she had made some sort of makeshift bed. Several articles of clothing were strewn about the various branches as well. It seemed that she had been living here for some time.
“Gonna make fun of how I live now too?”
“What? No no I…I’m just curious…how long have you lived out here?”
“Oh…my whole life.”
“Huh?! How old are you?”
“That’s rude to ask me my age.” She huffed and rolled her eyes at him. “If you must know…I’m nineteen…”
“Oh alright…” Now Kyros found himself at a loss for words. He had come to do what was asked of him, but now face to face with the strange girl again…he was unsure of his next course of action. “Right…goodbye then.”
The girl waved her hand dismissively as she climbed back up her tree. Kyros watched her the entire time before he turned to find his frantic knights. The trip back to the palace was as silent as the trip there. Although she was rude and annoying, he could not help but feel bad for her. A young lady really shouldn’t be living in the woods in a tree.
The rest of his day was consumed with thoughts of the tree girl. He barely ate dinner that night and no one could rouse him from these intrusive thoughts. He laid in bed that night thinking more and more before he finally had enough. Throwing off his blankets, Kyros marched to the kitchens, skillfully avoiding the night patrol.
Peering into the kitchen, he quickly went around and gathered some food into his robes. He thought about grabbing some utensils, but she probably didn’t care about that. Just as he was about to sneak back out, he jumped in fright seeing his head maid staring at him.
“Gods…don’t do that! How did you know I was down here?!”
“You have a compassionate heart…that’s how I knew you were down here. It isn’t in your nature to leave someone in need alone.”
“What? No I…I’m just getting a late night snack…”
“In your boots? With a cloak to match? Also sneaking around the knight rotations?”
With a heavy sigh and chuckle, she walked around him and found a large basket and began to fill it with food and some blankets he didn’t realize that she was carrying. She really did know him well and figured he would do this.
Clever woman.
“Now make sure that you stay safe…I want you back here in bed in no more than two hours.”
“Yes yes, thank you mother…” He had said it in a joking manner, but he caught the soft look in her eyes all the same.
“Go on…” She pushed him along towards the stables and quietly shut the large doors behind him. Holding tight to the basket, Kyros went back to the woods with haste. The knights would occasionally check to make sure he was sleeping, but hopefully they wouldn’t check on this night.
Seeing the familiar tree, Kyros dismounted his steed and conjured a flame to his hand. The forest was a much more frightening place under the cover of darkness. Every sound made him more and more on edge. Finally reaching the tree, he glanced up trying to see if she was asleep.
“Psst! Psst! Hey you!”
“That is not my name…”
“Gods!” Kyros jumped at the voice behind him, the basket soaring through the air. The girl caught the basket easily and peered inside curiously. “Why would you sneak up on me like that!”
“I thought it would be funny…and I was right.” She laughed at him and his face grew red. This girl was going to be the death of him. “Having a picnic in the dark?”
“No, you blasted woman! I brought that for you!”
“Huh?” She looked down at the basket and then back at him before looking at it again. “Yeah…I don’t want this…”
“What? Why not?”
“I really don’t want you pity…or whatever this is kid…”
“Kid?! I’m only two years younger than you! That hardly makes me a child. Just take the damn basket!”
“Ugh!” Throwing his hands up, the young prince stormed in a circle in agitation. Such a difficult and stubborn woman! She was so annoying! He could see why she lived in the woods…who would be able to stand her! He sure wasn’t going too! So with that all set he stormed off back to his horse.
“Hey! Wait!” Ignoring her, he grabbed the reins of his horse and was about to mount, but she pulled hard on his arm. “I’m sorry…I’m only teasing…”
“Listen I…I really appreciate this…you really didn’t need to do this though…”
“Yeah well…apparently I’m a compassionate person…even to crazy tree women that punch me in the face…”
She giggled and he found that she had a nice smile…only nice…it wasn’t extraordinary or anything. She reached into the basket and nibbled on some of the bread and her eyes sparkled in delight. She really did have beautiful eyes though. Coughing awkwardly, he looked away from her as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
“So…I’m gonna go now…”
“Oh please…you came this far, you might as well join me and eat. So sit down.”
The young prince grumbled at her commanding tone, but sat down anyway. He bit into an apple she tossed at him and they both sat in a comfortable silence. He glanced at her every few minutes and watched her eyes light up every time she ate something. She must not have had anything fresh to eat in a very long time.
“Why were you at the palace?”
“Huh? Oh…well…I’ve never been to this area of Edrion before…and I wanted to explore.” She twirled a strand of hair around her finger, suddenly becoming quite shy. “I’ve never really been around many people and I thought about going to the marketplace…”
“If you wanted to meet people…camping in the tree in my garden was not a great choice.”
“Yeah well…” She huffed and sighed as she looked at the bread on her lap. “I thought…I thought the palace looked pretty. A sweet smell was also coming from over the wall, so I wanted to see it.”
“Oh yeah…you’ll notice that a lot. The scent of roses is strong throughout the kingdom.”
“I don’t think I’m staying much longer…”
“Huh?” That was not what he expected.
“I’m not very good around other people and this is all I know…”
“You would really rather be out here…just because your social skills aren’t up to par?”
Her casual shrug bothered him. It bothered him more than it should have and he just couldn’t fathom why. Despite her aggressive nature, she did not seem to be any real trouble…
“I think you should stick around…my cooks at the palace are really good…I could bring you more food…”
“I don’t want your pity…”
“It’s not pity! I swear I just…I could help you with your people skills I mean. Perhaps you could visit the marketplace. I also…I don’t really have anyone close in age that I can speak to…so…yeah…”
Her sudden giggles made his face burn up and he was ready to change his mind immediately. This was truly the most infuriating girl he had ever met, and he met the princesses from across the seas! Now that was an annoying bunch of royals.
“Aww…how sweet of the little pervert…fine I’ll stick around for a bit, but it won’t be for long.”
“Enough you annoying woman!” Kyros rose to his feet angrily as his face turned as bright as a tomato. “My name is Kyros! Learn to use it!”
“Oh? What a strong name your parents gave you…too bad it’s wasted on you…”
“Oh shove off, you crazy tree woman!” Despite his rising attitude and anger, she laughed at him. Her giggles filled the still air and Kyros found himself enamored with the sound. It definitely didn’t fit such a wild animal.
“My name is Hestia…I look forward to giving you hell.”
“You were awful…”
The queen burst into laughter at her daughter's deadpan expression. It was so much like her father’s face in his youth when she teased and did such wild and wicked things. The princess was completely floored by the story that she was hearing. This sounded nothing like her calm, collected, poised and graceful mother. This girl in the story sounded truly unhinged in her mind.
“Oh my rose…I knew that this story would surprise you. I can assure you, this is a true story. I was a wild child and your father had no idea what to do with me half of the time.”
“So…how exactly did he fall in love with you?”
Hestia smiled as the memory rushed back into her mind. A love story for the ages is what it was called. A brave and strong prince, and the wild girl that managed to capture his heart.
“Alright…I’ll tell you the rest…”
It was not long before a deep friendship formed between the two new friends. Kyros had come to enjoy her company and so did Hestia. He would often travel to the forest and the pair would explore and talk. He would tell her about everything that happened in his day, and she would talk about her time in the forest. He was always fascinated by the things she would experience pass the palace walls. Before he knew it, the days become weeks, and the weeks became months, and before long a year had passed. Months had passed and Kyros was the happiest that he had been for a long time. 
Ms. Boulviere was incredibly happy to see him so filled with joy. He would often come back to the palace and talk about his adventures with the young lady. She often wondered if something more was brewing under the surface between them. Even if they weren't…it was nice to see him having a friend to spend time with. She worried for him though, the council had been getting more and more pushy with their “suggestions” and it was starting to bother the prince. He was good at hiding his feelings, but he couldn’t keep them from her. 
So, she figured it was time to bring the mystery girl to the palace after so long and see who had captured his attention. What she didn’t expect…was that the knights took the retrieval a bit too seriously.
“I’ll cut your damn eyes out! Let me go right now!”
Kyros was busy talking with the council, so she thought it would be a nice surprise to have the young lady brought in. If only the knights could be gentler with her, they were really giving her a bad impression. 
“Ow shit!” It would seem that she still liked to punch people as well.
“Guards…you can let her go! I will take care and watch over her.” Hestia growled low in her throat at the guards before looking at the older woman warily. She seemed to be the woman that Kyros seemed to always rave about, but that meant little to her. Those guards showed up to her home and just dragged her away! Where the hell was Kyros!?
“Where the hell is the prince? I want to see him right now!”
“I’m terribly sorry about how the guards brought you here…the prince is busy at the moment and once he is done I will bring you to him.”
“What purpose do you need me here for?” The tone in her voice made the elder woman pause. It was filled with a worried type of strength. Her eyes darted to the knights warily every time one of them even shifted his weight. She was on edge and seemed ready to bolt at any second. “I would rather talk to him outside.”
“He doesn’t know that you are here.” Hestia visibly flinched at that and she slowly backed up to one of the large doors. “I brought you here as a surprise for him…his birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to ask you to join the festivities.” 
“His birthday?”
“Yes…it will be the first one without his father. I thought having a friend come would make him feel better about it.”
“I once again apologize for the way the knights brought you here…if you don’t wish to-”
“No no…I…I’ll come…” Hestia fingered her hair for a bit before looking at Ms. Boulviere. “I…I don’t have anything…t-to wear…”
“Oh sweetheart…you won’t have to worry about that! If you would follow me, I can get your measurements and we can show you how to dance if you’d like…”
It was at this moment that Hestia really thought about what she was agreeing to. She would be around a lot of other people. It would be nothing like when it was just her and Kyros in the forest. Important people would be around her, and they would judge and probably laugh at such a dirty forest girl. Although…she really wanted to see Kyros. He had been busy for the last week and he assured her that he would be back soon…but she really missed his company. This was completely out of her comfort zone, but she would face her fears, especially if it meant more time with him.
“I…I can do that…ma’am…”
“You can just call me Ms. Boulviere. Come along…we have much to do it a short amount of time.”
Kyros wanted to burn the entire palace down at the moment. His stupid council had invited everyone across Edrion to his birthday ball. They had even conjured up a ridiculous story about the king being sick, so he couldn’t make the ball.
“Not like he would care or show anyway…” He grumbled under his breath and glanced around his ballroom, confused that Ms. Boulviere was not around. He had seen her earlier in the day, but she had since vanished from his sight. She would be able to keep his mind clear of all these intrusive thoughts and feelings. All the noble daughters and princesses would piss him off, but he would have to be courteious and friendly, because one of them could be “his future wife and queen”.
“They just want the pretty dresses and the chance to bear my child…disgusting…”
If he was to be truly honest with himself…he wanted and wished for only one thing. He would love nothing more than for Hestia to be here with him. She did not need pretty dresses and jewels, it did not matter to him what she looked like. She was real and she was funny and when it would slip through her cracks, she was kind and gentle. He leaned his chin on his hand as a maid shined his shoes, glancing out toward the forest, he resolved to sneak away to see her. He longed to hear her laughter more than anything, it was the only present he wanted. She was not like most of the girls in his life, she was much much better.
“Your highness…it is time to greet your guests…”
“Alright…here I come…” With a tired sigh, the prince threw his cloak over his shoulders and marched down the halls, the sounds of merriment and music soared into his ears. He couldn’t find joy in these parties anymore. It was just another event to him, and it was event he wanted to wrap up quickly. Ignoring the fanfare, he went straight to the princesses and after a brief chat, he took one by the hand and let her have the honor of the first dance. 
“You look rather dashing tonight, your highness.”
“I’m honored that you would choose me to dance with…I heard that your favorite color was blue…is that what drew your eyes to me?”
“Ahaha! Oh I knew that you would!” The princess laughed obnoxiously and looked at the others, who were fuming in the crowd. Kyros had forgotten her name once they made it to the dancefloor. He was looking everywhere except at her. He wondered what Hestia would think about balls…would she think they were silly? Or would she enjoy them? If he could bring her he would ask her…and the sight of her in a dress made him smile. She would look so silly…
“Oh I knew you would find that funny!” Another obnoxious laugh made him look at the princess, tearing him from his thoughts. Was she always this close to him before? She was pressed against him quite close. 
“Right…” He would have to finish this dance quickly, and maybe he could find some way to slip away. Holding her waist, he almost rolled his eyes at the purr that came from her lips. He twirled her around the room, and he caught the council nodding approvingly. It was at that moment he caught Ms. Boulviere at the top of the staircase in the back of the room. He kept up his dancing, but kept looking at her highly confused. She was beckoning someone to enter the room, but he could not see who. 
He slowly danced closer and dipped the princess and just as he looked back up at the staircase he froze. In his stunned state, he dropped the princess and she cried something fierce but he could not focus on her. He slowly stood straight as he looked at the stunning creature at the top of the stairs. The sight was unlike anything he had ever witnessed, and in his opinion nothing could ever compare to it either.
Hestia stood at the top of the staircase with a burning red face. The ballroom grew quiet as everyone looked to see who had captured the attention of the prince. She was a vision in a deep red dress that perfectly hugged a figure that Kyros didn’t even think she had. A light dust of makeup accented her surprisingly delicate features, her gorgeous eyes seemed to pop, and that alone rattled his heart. She nervously tugged at the fabric of her dress as all eyes were on her. The thing that really surprised him was her hair. Her hair was always a mess and it was so often riddled with dirt and grime, he thought she was a brunette, but no, she was so much more.
He could only describe it as the color of moonlight. It was not white, but it was definitely not fully blonde. It was like the rays of the full moon had trapped itself in her hair. Roses were entwined in the strands that cascaded down her back, and even from this distance, he could smell her sweet perfume. She was…he just had no words. He did not care that he was staring like an idiot up at her, she was magnificent. 
 This was the scariest thing she had ever done in her life, and she had fought monsters before! So many people were staring. Did she look bad? Did she still smell bad? She had been bathed and scrubbed with various oils over ten times! She wanted to run away, maybe everyone would forget that she ever showed up if she left quickly! Already starting to back up, a firm hand on her back stopped her.
“Dear…you look so beautiful…it would be a shame to waste such a pretty dress.” Hestia looked at Ms. Boulviere as she whispered to her. 
“I look foolish! I should go…”
“Do you really? How about you look at the prince?”
“Huh?” Looking at her pointed finger, Hestia’s face burned up as she locked eyes with Kyros. She had not even seen him standing there! A much prettier girl was on the floor pouting under him, and she almost laughed at her pitiful face. Her body did go stiff having his gaze on her, but she found that she liked to have his undivided attention. She could be brave…yes, she could do it! It was just her and Kyros…that was all she had to imagine in her head…she could do this!
“Hestia…” Hearing him call her name, made her heart skip a beat. He had stepped over the girl and was holding the railing of the stairs, with his hand outstretched to her. His gaze was gentle and his smile that was across his face was even more so. It was in that moment that everyone around them seemed to disappear. Holding the skirts of her dress up in one hand, she slid her other down the railing as she slowly descended the stairs. She slipped her gloved hand into his, and he led her down onto the floor. Their eyes never parted as the crowd separated for them. The two of them were in their own world and nothing could break such intense eye contact.
Remembering what Ms. Boulviere said, Hestia quickly dropped into a deep curtsy. “H-Happy birthday, your highness.”
Kyros frowned as she curtsied to him, it just did not feel right to him. She should never have to bow to him. He pulled her back to her feet and laid a gentle hand against her waist. She sharply inhaled a breath as he pulled her close to him. His lips were right at her ear as they moved across the ballroom floor. “Never lower your gaze from mine again…you are not beneath me Hestia. You are…so much more to me than that…”
Her heart was ready to leap from her chest as she leaned her head against his shoulder as he held her ever closer. She could not let him see her red face, she could not let him see how much that meant to her. He did not see her as less than him, even though she was. She was nothing, she had no one. Her own mother left her for dead…she didn’t deserve to feel…happy. She didn’t deserve to…to love him. It was something that she refused to acknowledge, but she could not deny it no longer. She loved this stupid kid and she didn’t know what to do about it. 
Had she always been this delicate?
Holding her body against his, he was reminded of just how much smaller she was than him. It was not by much, but she just felt like it. She was also very soft…wait was that inappropriate to say? Now, his face was taking on a red hue as they danced. He wondered if she thought he looked handsome tonight. He did not really pay any attention to his looks, but now he wished that at least glanced at a mirror, but how was he supposed to know she would come! Looking like this no less! A ray of moonlight gifted from the Gods themselves. 
“Kyros…” Her voice against him made shivers go up his spine. “Everyone is staring…”
“Are you nervous?” He whispered back to her, sending glares over her head at the council staring hard at her. “You don’t need to be…just stay by my side…”
“Ok…” He left out a breath as her hand tighten against his shoulder. As they continued their dance, she opened up more and soon they danced to a more upbeat tune. The other princesses were getting more and more angrier at the pair. They did not care about the glances from the other occupants of the room, they only had eyes for each other. 
“You…you look very beautiful.”
“Oh…t-thank you Kyros…”
“I didn’t think you had it in you. Here I thought you would be the crazy tree girl forever…didn’t think you could clean up so well-”
It had been a while, but there was something familiar and kind of comforting to feel her fist crack his nose again. He fell back on the floor and looked up at her flaming face as her fist shook in anger. He had said it to get her riled up, but he didn’t expect a punch. It was a comforting and he loved her fiery personality. All he could do was laugh as he held his nose and stood up. The collective were gasping and whispering amongst themselves, but he could care less.
It was not long before she joined him in his laughter, and hearing her laugh was the final missing piece in this surprisingly perfect night. It was what he wanted to hear the most, and he loved it.
No, he just loved her. He loved her in all her imperfections. He would love her when she couldn’t find things to love about herself. He would do it all for her. She deserved the world and he would make sure she would have it.
The months seemed to fly by and any thoughts about the king had left his mind. He only thought about her and that was enough for him. They were never vocal about their mutual feelings, but those around them could see it clear as day. The council were not happy about this new development one bit, they could not stand to see such a rough girl in the palace walls. Ms. Boulviere had been showing her the ways around such high society and it had been rough, but she was getting the hang of it. Kyros was surprised to see that Hestia seemed to like the pretty dresses. So Kyros would often leave them for her as gifts. He didn’t tell her they were from him, but maybe he would one day. 
Hestia loved that she had her own room in the palace. The bed was comfortable and she had the best sleep she ever had in her life. She would have delicious food, nice clothes, and she was around the person she loved. It was not how she expected her life to take this course, but she was grateful for it regardless. Her lessons were infuriating though, but after a while she came to enjoy them. It was fun to learn about the world and its inner workings. Those old men on the council seemed to hate her, but she really could care less about them. Ms. Boulviere had been so kind to her, and Hestia wondered if that was what it felt like to have a mother.
Kyros was lucky in that regard.
“Hestia?” Ms. Boulviere peeked into her room just as she was jumping on it. Hestia quickly sat down, embarrassed to be caught. “Oh don’t be embarrassed dear…Kyros did the same thing when he was young. Now…he would like for you to join him on a ride into the forest. He thought you would like to visit your home again.”
“Oh! I would love too!” Any time to spend with him she would take it. A cough soon caught her attention and she turned back around quickly. “Are you still sick? The doctor said that you should be resting…”
“Oh no I can’t…I have too much to do. I always get sick when the seasons change. You run along now, Kyros is excited to head out. He should be by the stables.”
“Alright…but you should drink some tea!” 
After getting dressed, Hestia quickly went to the stables. A happy and excited smile gracing her lovely face. The knights smiled seeing her race by, despite the council expressing their dislike for the girl, the knights and common people had quickly taken to her. She was a breath of fresh air after the kingdom had been in disarray of the king disappearing. So they all welcomed her, despite knowing that she probably would not stay forever. Marriage proposals had been flooding the palace ever since the prince’s birthday ball, and it was only a matter of time before he choose a bride. 
“Hestia! Over here!” The young prince was completely smitten with his love. She might not know it, but he sure was. He helped her mount his horse and the pair set off for a quiet ride through the forest. Hestia held him tight around his waist and rested against his back. She loved listening to his gentle breathing and strong heart, she just felt safe when he was near.
“How come you didn’t let me ride my horse?” She had been ecstatic when he surprised her with a horse for her birthday. He had showered her with gifts but nothing she said had deterred him from getting her things. She had just learned to roll with it really, there was nothing to be done about it. 
“I thought it would be better this way…besides I wanted to talk to you about something…”
“Oh? Well you sound serious…”
“Yeah…I am…” He reached up and held her hand that was around his waist, she blushed but squeezed it back as they continued to travel. 
“You know you passed my tree some time ago right?”
“Yeah…I just wanted to go further into the forest.” It was not long before they dismounted, and Kyros held his hand out to her and intertwined their fingers as they walked. Although he suggested it, Kyros found himself incredibly nervous and shy at the moment. Hestia felt exactly the same as they traveled onward. “So…you come out here often?”
“Oh shut up!” She shoved his shoulder and he playfully shoved her back. It was not long before she pulled his crown from his head and held it away from him. “Come and get it, your highness!”
“Oh no! I need that back, you crazy woman!” He lunged for it, but she jumped out of the way. She stuck her tongue out at him as he jumped at her. “I’m going to catch you Hestia!”
“I don’t think that you will!” The pair laughed as they chased each other through the woods. It was the most carefree that either of them had felt for a long time. Hestia felt like she finally belonged somewhere and Kyros could actually show his true smile to someone other than Ms. Boulviere. The trials and tribulations brought about by the king had fled his mind. None of it mattered anymore, he had Hestia and Ms. Boulviere and that was all he would ever need. He could finally know what true joy and happiness felt like. 
Hestia had managed to avoid and evade him for longer than she thought. Stopping to catch her breath, she fixed his crown on her head and peered into a creek. “Hmm…not bad…”
Glancing over her shoulder, she expected to see Kyros at any second. After a few minutes, she realized how quiet it seemed to be. “I guess he got lost…”
Trekking through the woods, Hestia started to get worried as she traveled deeper into the forest. There was no sign of him. “Kyros! Kyros where are you?! You can have your crown back…you’re scaring me…”
After another fifteen minutes, she finally had found him. Letting out a deep exhale, she smiled as she walked over to him. “Kyros…I was calling you. You can’t not say anything…scared me half to death…Kyros?”
He wasn’t saying anything as he looked down at a small pond in front of him. She could not see his face, but the tightness of his shoulders and his clenched fist worried her. Stepping forward, her heart leaped into her throat, as she looked upon a body floating face down in the pond. His head had been separated from his body. The pond was a bright red as his blood filled it to the brim. It did not take a genius to realize who it was. The regal clothing, the crown, the same dark hair as the prince. They had found the missing king. She looked at Kyros and her heart broke seeing his expression.
There was nothing.
The light seemed to have faded from his eyes. He just stared at the body of the king like he was a foreign object. There was no type of attachment, no anger, no sadness, there was nothing there. He said nothing as he stared.
“Kyros…” She slipped her hand into his and squeezed it, but there was no response from him. “Kyros…I’m sorr-”
He tore his hand away from her and just walked away. She looked back at the body and then the retreating form of Kyros before she ran after him. He had already mounted his horse and just waited for her. She silently climbed on and he took them back to the palace. She barely could say two words to him before he disappeared into the depths of the palace. Hestia was at a loss for words as the days flew past her.
The funeral for the king was silent and the kingdom mourned for their king, but the prince said nothing. He gave no speech, he shed no tears, and he didn’t even look at the coffin. He was there when the body was buried and then retreated into the palace. Hestia had stayed behind, but Ms. Boulviere had encouraged her to check on him, and so she did. The palace was quiet as she tried to gather her thoughts on what to say to him. It was hard to console someone when someone died, but she hoped to comfort him somehow. 
As she drew closer to his room, she heard the distinct sounds of crashing and banging. Rushing to his room, she threw open the door and ducked as a vase flew at the door. Kyros had torn his room apart and was a disheveled mess. His crown was stuck in a mirror and his clothes were a mess. His fists were red and bruised and she saw the other mirror in the room was smashed. “Kyros! Kyros please stop!”
“Bastard!” Hestia flinched as he threw another vase against a wall. “Why am I not surprised that he did this?!”
“Did what?”
“This!” Kyros threw his hands in the air as he paced around his room. “He never wanted the responsibility of the kingdom! He never gave a damn about anything! He sure as shit didn’t care about me!”
“I was only born to throw this kingdom onto! My mother didn’t care about me either! She just wanted the kings cock and money! Fucking bitch! Fuck the both of you!” He punched the mirror and blood flowed from the wound as he angrily looked into its broken shards. “He never cared about me…he ignored me my entire childhood…I was just his replacement. My birthdays didn’t matter to him…his people did not matter. He just wanted to drink and lounge around. The kingdom almost collapsed in on itself if I didn’t care so fucking much!”
Kyros collapsed to his knees as he laughed humorlessly and weakly hit his hands against the mirror. “He never loved me…I was nothing to him. I did not matter. He always made sure that knights were everywhere I went…that was the only way he “cared”.” He couldn’t let something happen to his precious asset. The king never cared about his prince…his son. He left once he realized I…I could do it…nothing left for him here. Fucking coward!”
Hestia held her hand against her heart as Kyros poured his emotions out. It was heartbreaking to watch and she often felt that way about her mother. Her mother had left her when she was young and had never looked back. She was grateful for the elderly woman who looked after her, but she couldn’t replace her mother. It was a temporary feeling, but it was just not enough. She had held onto the fact that her mother would come back, so she never really got attached to the old woman, but her mother never did return. It was a hole in her heart that she thought she would never fill…until she met Kyros.
Kneeling beside him, she touched his shoulder and he finally looked at her and her heart shattered. Tears were running down his face and she wiped his tears. “Hestia…please…don’t leave me too…”
No more words could be said, she would never let him feel such pain again. Seeing his tears were too much to bear on her heart. He deserved love, they both did. The world had been cruel to them and it was high time that they truly grasped their happiness. Her body had moved on its own as she kissed his tear stained cheeks and he pulled her close as he kissed her neck. Their bodies moved as one as they kissed each other. The kiss was salty from his tears, but Hestia did not care…she would take in all of his tears. He didn’t deserve this pain, she would accept it too. She would accept all of him. 
Their bodies moved across the room as their clothes left their bodies. Desperate to love the other, desperate to make the pain go away. It was not their imagined first time, but despite the situation, it was theirs. It belonged to them and they cherished it, and they would continue to love each other, even during the rough times, the sad times, but especially during the happy ones.
“Oh you…you just stopped…”
“Well…it was getting to be a bit much. I never thought that I would tell you this story without your father here. It wasn’t always such happy times for us in our youth, but thankfully, we still found each other and now…now we have you…the ultimate testament to our love.”
Althea smiled as her mother caressed her cheek. She never knew much about her grandparents and now she could see why. It was probably hard to talk about them. She was glad that her parents loved her as much as they did. She was also glad that she had Duran…someone that she could love and who loved her back just as much. 
“The story is almost over, my sweet rose. Once it’s done…we can have a nice long rest.”
“Ok! I can’t wait to hear more!”
The council was not happy when Kyros informed them that he intended to marry Hestia. They had no real say and he was ready to torch them all. It had been six months since his father had died and the pair were planning their wedding. Hestia had been drilled in many many things that were to be expected of a royal and she took them all with a grace that surprised him. It was a happy time for them, but the kingdom was facing a crisis. A sickness had overtaken it, and many people were dying from it. He imagined that the council was too worried about this than his wedding, and he was selfishly glad for it. As the princess consort, Hestia had taken her new duties seriously. He suspected after what happened with his father she wanted to help as much as she could. She really did have a kind heart under her tough exterior. It was not all good news for the happy, but busy couple.
Ms. Boulviere had contracted the illness and she seemed to grow worse and worse as the days dragged on. The doctors weren’t any close to finding a cure, and Hestia could see that this fact was killing Kyros. He visted her everyday and made sure she was comfortable and Hestia would visit her and read her favorite books to her. It kept her happy and that was enough for her. She was happy that Kyros was not going to be alone, but he hated when she talked like that. The days were blending together and Kyros finally received the news that he was dreading.
“This is unacceptable! Where the hell is that other doctor that I sent for?!”
“He said the same thing, your highness. She doesn’t have much longer…you…you have to prepare yourself for the worst…”
“I don’t have to do anything!” 
“Kyros…” Hestia placed a hand on his arm and he visibly relaxed, but he was still a bit tense. With a heavy sigh, he took her hand and the pair left the room. “I…I know this is scary,..but we should speak with her…see what she wants…”
“....” Kyros hesitated outside her door and Hestia patiently waited for him to open the door. After a good ten minutes he pushed open the door. Ms. Boulviere was sitting up and staring out the window, but hearing the door she turned and brightly smiled at them. 
“Oh! Hello…I thought you both had a meeting to go to…”
“...” Kyros just looked at the ground, so Hestia stepped over to the bed and took a seat as she grabbed her hand.
“We did but…we don’t have good news…”
“I’m dying aren’t I?”
“Don’t say that!” Both women looked at the prince in surprise. The candles in the room burned bright in his anger. “You won’t die! Just let me heal you!”
“Kyros…I have accepted that this is my fate. I will not fight it…”
“You can! This is ridiculous! I can’t lose you!” Hestia looked between the pair with worried eyes. Kyros could not accept that she just wanted to let nature take its course. Hestia did not wish for ir either, but she had to respect her decision. Kyros was essentially losing his mother and he couldn’t take losing that connection. 
“Come here…” She held her arms out to him and he reluctantly sank into her embrace. “I know that you don’t like this…but it is my decision. I already am quite old…this would become reality soon enough. I won’t live forever like you will my sweet boy. This is the reality that you have to accept. Now I know that its not fair, but this life. You have a new chapter of your life that you are going to embark on with Hestia. A life filled with love and happiness. I want you to enter that life joyfully and wholeheartedly.”
“I…” Hestia walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder with a warm smile. Her smile once again was powerful enough to give him strength. He would need that when…when she was gone. “Alright…I…I respect your decision….:
“Hmm…thank you…now I just hope that I can make it to see your wedding…” He let out a sad sigh and Hestia had a brilliant idea.
“You can still make it…we can move the date up!” The others looked at her in surprise, but she just nodded excitedly. “You deserve to be at the wedding! We can do it in three days…that way the nobles and other royals won’t be so upset and can maybe make it.”
“Hestia…my princess…are you sure that you want to do that?”
“Of course…don’t fight me on this! You know that you won’t win!”
Once again, the council was not happy about the wedding being moved up, but their words mattered little to the young couple. They only had eyes for each other that day. Nothing would sour their moods on this joyous day, especially not some irritating old men. The pair married in the gardens surrounded by thousands of roses, and despite the ongoing illness in the kingdom it was a beautiful and loving day. Ms. Boulviere had made it and she could not stop crying watching the prince marry the woman he loved more than anything. The coronation would take place in another month, the couple wanted time to enjoy being newlyweds for a bit, and Kyros wanted to spend as much time with Ms. Boulviere as much as he could.
It seemed that life was against him though, for it was only after the wedding that she grew sicker and it was reaching the time for goodbyes. Hestia stayed by his side the whole time as he held her hand. Ms. Boulviere smiled at him and rubbed his cheek as her coughs grew worse. Hestia quickly fetched her water, and helped her drink it as she tried to speak up.
“No no…save your strength…” Kyros was putting on his bravest face, but his voice kept cracking and his hands were shaking as he held onto her frail hands. “You don’t…you don’t have to say anything…”
“No I…my Kyros…I just…I’m so happy that you found your other half…” Kyros grasped both of her hands as the tears finally fell from his eyes. “You have been…such a wonderful light in my life…my sweet boy…I just hope…wished you never have to feel this pain again…but Hestia…she…”
“Ms. Boulviere…” Hestia knelt beside Kyros and touched her hand. “He will never know the pain of losing me. I…I was going to tell him later, but…I am also a phoenix. I will love him until the end of time.”
“Oh! You…how wonderful…” Kyros looked at his bride in surprise, and she shrugged and smiled sadly at him. He always thought the time would come when they would part, but he didn’t have to fear that anymore. She would be his forever, but he couldn’t even enjoy that now as Ms. Boulviere grew weaker and weaker. She didn’t have the strength to grasp his hand anymore, and the light was fading from her eyes. “Kyros…”
“You…you were always more than my maid. I want you to always remember that! You…you mean everything to me…I can never thank you enough for raising me. I love you so much…thank you. Thank you for being my mother…Althea…”
“Thank you for letting me…love…you…thank…you…for letting me be…you..r…mo..th..er…” With her last words, she finally closed her eyes for the last time. Hestia held Kyros close as he cried against her, her own tears fell down her face as the woman who had raised him, and her own mentor had left this world.
Her funeral was a solemn affair, but Kyros had Hestia by his side, so he was able to make it through, but his heart still ached. It was another few days before he was in a better mood. He wanted to be alone in his grief, and Hestia had respected that, but she was still close by if he needed her. A few nights later, he joined his wife on their balcony as the sun started to rise on a new day.
“So…a phoenix…”
“That is quite a secret to carry around, dear wife…” She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her back against his chest. “I guess…that means that we have forever…”
She smiled warmly at the thought as they swayed back and forth in each others arms, before she turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Yes Kyros, forever and always…”
The two lovers of fire kissed with a passion that would burn away despair, ignite hope, and in those ashes would a kingdom be reborn, into a legacy that lasted over four millennia, and that would only know love and hope.
Althea found herself at a loss for words as her mother finished the story. It was a lot to take in, it was a fantastic tale, and she wished that she could have witnessed it. Her parents had gone through so much, and she imagined that her mother left out some details. Althea leaned into her mothers arms and Hestia smiled as she held her beloved daughter tight.
“Thank you…for loving me as much as you do mother.”
“Hmm…thank you for allowing me to be a mother and loving me as much as you do.” Hestia squeezed her daughter tight and Althea giggled.
“I didn’t know that’s where my name came from…”
“Oh yes…we were always planning on telling you some day. I thought we would do it together, but plans do change. When we found out that I was pregnant, your father was hoping that you were a girl. We both knew that we wanted to honor her if our baby turned out to be a girl. A beautiful name for a princess and the wonderful woman who raised the king.”
“Father will come home mother…I know he will…” Althea yawned as she settled against her mother. Hestia rubbed her back as she pulled the blankets around them both. “He definitely will come back…”
“Yes…yes he will.”
The queen and princess drifted into a peaceful slumber, one filled with hope and anticipation. Hestia resolved to keep her spirits up and pray for the best. Although no more letters came, Althea and Hestia wrote several. The pair kept busy and soon enough, when the war campaign reached its third month, a familiar sound rang throughout the kingdom. Althea burst from her bedroom and the queen was not far behind as she raced from her study. The knights were tripping over their feet to catch up to them.
Althea and her mother stood outside the palace, looking over the fields and the trumpets blew. The two waited with bated breath, and then, finally over the far hill, the army arrived. Being proper about their return was the last thing on either of their minds. It seemed that most of the kingdom felt the same. People were rushing towards the army as they drew closer and closer. Althea heard the all too familiar sound of people crying and mourning the ones who didn’t make it. Her heart stung but she had to believe they were ok.
Her father should have been in the front of the army, but he was nowhere to be seen. She raced through the army with her mother, but her mother spotted the knight commander and they stopped, breathing heavily from their sprint.
“J..Jeremiah…where…where is my husband?” Hestia tried to keep her shaky voice still, but not seeing Kyros terrified her. “He…he should have been in the front…”
“The king is alive, your majesty.” Hestia let out a breath and almost collapsed if Althea wasn’t holding onto her. “Some knights were struggling in the back, so he stayed back to help them along…he should be coming over the hill now.” 
Althea and her mother turned just as the king rode over the hill. He was messy and tired, but he was in one piece. Tears sprang to their eyes as they raced across the fields. The king seeing them coming dismounted his horse, and just as his feet touched the grass, he was tackled to the ground by his wife.
“Hestia omph-” She crashed her lips against his and he held her tight as they shared a desperate and happy kiss. They parted for only a second before their lips met again and again. Sitting up, he held her face and wiped her tears. “I told you I would come back…”
“Yes! Yes you did…” She sniffled and laughed as he kissed her forehead. He went to kiss her again, but another tackle, courtesy of his daughter, took him down. 
“Father! Oh I’ve missed you so much! I’ve been counting the days since you’ve been gone! I love you! I love you! I love you!”
“I love you more rosebud…I could never leave you and your mother…” He pulled his girls close and the family just drank in the feeling of each other. So much needed to happen, but not now. Now, it was their moment and they would cherish it. So many had lost their lives, but so many had made it back to their beloved kingdom. “Oh Althea…your friends have all made it back. They should be right behind me…go ahead and see them.”
“I…but father…”
“Go ahead…I will see you in the palace.” Althea glanced at her mother who nodded her head. Gathering her skirts, the princess took off and she indeed saw Liam and Honora battered and bruised, but they were alright. They saw her and waved and she tackled them in a strong hug. She had missed them terribly and she never wanted them to leave again.
“I knew that you would be alright! I just knew it!”
“Of course we did! Honora and Duran are monsters on the battlefield. I had nothing to fear.” Liam puffed out his chest and Honora just punched him in the gut. He quickly deflated and Honora hugged Althea again.
“Duran is waiting at the usual spot…” Honora whispered into her ear and Althea felt the butterflies in her stomach start to swarm. She was definitely going to fly back to her room now! Once she made double sure that Liam and Honora were alright, she took to the skies. She was glad that she left her window open. Landing in her room, she didn’t have to look far as Duran appeared and took her into his arms, kissing her deeply and passionately. It felt like heaven to be able to hold him and kiss him again.
They were both breathless when they finally parted and Duran kissed her tears away. She was shaking, but she was also laughing as she touched his face and kissed all over it.
“M-My knight…you came back to me…”
“Always, my princess. Always.” Althea wanted to spend more time with him, but he needed to see his family and she needed to see her own. A celebratory victory would be held in the coming days, but Althea did not find herself caring much for it. She would much rather have something smaller and intimate with her family and friends. She had a lot of time to think about what she wanted in her future, Duran was never far from her mind and it only made sense to her what she wanted to do next.
It was easier said than done for what she had in mind. The celebratory victory had lasted all week and it was hard to spend time with her friends, espcially with Duran. Her parents were attched at the hips, but Althea gave them their space, and her father made time with her every second he could. Duran had been with his family and was doing patrols around the kingdom. So, she had only seen him a few times since he returned. She was determined to get some time alone with him, and she would have it!
Or else, she would lose her courage and let the moment pass.
In a rare stroke of luck, she finally spotted Duran near the palace gates. He spotted her and waved, she bit her lip gently before approaching him. He raised a brow at her as she leaned against the wall. “Something I could help you with princess?”
“Well…I was wondering if…we could meet at the usual spot?” She whispered low as some knights walked by. Duran made sure they were gone and looked back at her.
“I think I can tonight…”
“Could you stay for awhile?”
“I…yes I probably could…”
“Great! I um…great!” She awkwardly laughed and backed away from him before full sprinitng to the palace. Duran watched his love sprint away with a smile and a shake of his head. She was such a silly girl, but he loved her all the same.
Althea paced around her room as she waited for Duran. She had made some food, but it had gotten cold, and she tried to heat it back up, but she just bruned it.Sighing, she looked over her attire with a wary glance. 
“This might be too much…”
“Althea…sorry that I’m…” Duran clmibed into her window and when he looked at her, his breath caught his throat. Althea blushed a deep red as she fiddled with the ruffles on her nightgown. It was a light blue and transparent. She had run a brush through her hair over a hundred times. This was a big moment for her, and she was rightfully nervous. “U-Um…did you want to put on a robe?”
“N-No! I…I did this on purpose…” She bit her lip as Duran looked away from her. Did he not find her appealing? Or was he just being respectful? It was sweet of him…but she wanted him to see her.
“Um…Althea…am I missing something?”
“No Duran…could…could you sit on the bed please?” He quickly sat down and Althea giggled before she took a breath and sat on her bed. “L-Look at me please?”
Duran turned to look at his love and his face burned a bright red. She was wearing so little, but he kept his gaze on her beautiful eyes. She looked like a perfect angel as her face turned redder and she looked nervous. Did she want to…?
“Duran…I…I can’t possibly imagine my life without you in it. It was so clear to me when you were gone and my heart ached. I didn’t know what could have happened to you…and well…tomorrow is nver promised. I don’t want to wait and not love you to the fullest so…I…I…I hope…I want…I…” Althea fisted her hands tightly into her nightgown as she looked down at her hands. “I…I want to…m-make l-love…w-with you…”
She refused to look at his face and he was glad that she wasn’t. His entire face was red, all the way up to his ears. He felt lightheaded hearing her say that. He knew that someday down the line they might make love, but he didn’t think it would be so soon. He wanted to love her, but this was all happening so fast.
“Althea…” He tilted her chin up and her sparkling eyes entranced him. “I want to make love to you…but is now the right time? Are you sure that’s something you want to do now? We can always wait…I’m in no rush.”
“No I…you never know what could happen in the future. What if we never get the chance to show our love for each other? I…I don’t want to wait to love you in that way…”
Duran released a deep breath seeing how serious she was about it. How could he deny his princess when all she wanted to do was love him? She was right…you could never know what would happen. He just never imagined that she would initiate this. “Althea…you know that…being together for the first time…it will hurt…”
“I know, but I trust you more than anyone.”
“If…if it hurts, you have to let me know. I don’t want to hurt you, and let me know if you get uncomfortable! You can hit me if you want! O-Or um…”
“Duran…I trust you…” His face lit up as she touched his cheek. She moved closer to him and he held her close as they kissed. It was a sweet kiss, but it ignited a fire in them both. It was not like their other kisses, this was a kiss filled with desire and passion. She worked off his shirt and she marveled at his tone body. “Oh…wow…”
“Hmm…I’m glad that you approve…” He slowly reached out and touched her waist, she jumped slightly and he quickly backed off. “I’m sorry!”
“No no…your hands are just a bit cold…” He sighed in relief before he held her close and kissed her leaning her down against the bed. He laid kisses down her neck, and her sudden moan turned him right on. He could feel himself getting hard in his pants, he wanted to make sure she really understood what she asked of him. So, holding her waist gently but firmly, he pressed himself against her.
“O-Oh!” Her body jerked in his hands and he smiled as he continued to kiss her neck. “T-That…it felt…g-good…”
“I’ll make you feel even better love…” Althea blushed even more when he pressed himself against her again. It felt good and she wondered how it could possibly feel better than this. Sitting up, she grabbed the straps of her nightgown and slowly pulled it down. Before he could really see them, she held her arms over them.
“I-I’m sorry…s-sorry if they aren’t very…large…” She looked away from him and he gently took her chin to look him in the eyes.
“Althea…I love you for more than your body. I love you for who you are. Our relationship is built on more than just looks. It’s built on love and trust. I don’t care if they are big or small. I care that it is you…” He caressed her cheek as she smiled and he wiped a stray tear. “I love you Althea.”
“I love you more, Duran.”
The young couple joined in a night of bliss and fiery passion. Nothing more mattered to them in that moment than each other. They were together at last, and they would always be together. Love was powerful, love was raw, and for Althea and Duran, it was what kept them going. It was what they hoped to continue for a lifetime. As they laid in each others arms, all doubts and worries for their future evaporated. Duran had the courage to tell the king how he felt about his daughter, no matter the outcome, and Althea would face them right by his side. 
For love was strong, love was true, and it was the most powerful thing in their world.
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/702903234974679040/love-amidst-the-darkness-chapter-20-end-of-the?source=share
Previous: https://at.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/love-amidst-the-darkness-chapter-18-final-hours/uo92z3naqtvg
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