#king sheram sharm
larebiscornue · 7 months
AYO??? Heavy season 4 spoilers discussion under the cut
Sooo that blogpost about eva's past mentioning her living as a kid with her mother, father and Cleophée, and then getting sent to train as a sadida bodyguard, with no indications of her and cleo not necessarily having a tough family life.. (and unrelated I think the dad? rode a dragodinde. Sorry I had no clue where to write this vital fact)
Are now effectively obsolete.
I wonder if the rest of blog stories (such as that about az having a lil adventure before even hatching, or getting the closest to a kind of a rough estimate of armand's age (afaik) as he was a teen when amalia was a young kid (also their mother's spirit watched over them thanks to the tree of life I think?. That was so sweet :'( ) are obsolete too.. I don't think they necessarily need to be.
I'm watching the toross episode, and while I am obviously sad the cra sisters had this sad background, part of me is kinda glad cause while happy, the little blog perfect family was a bit underwhelming when compared to.. everybody else's family quirks
It seems all guilde des murmurs members were family but not all were cras (or at least they were rare not bow using cras which would be neat) which does make sense worldbuilding-wise.
HOOO THE SADIDA KING BEING ONE OF THEIR MOST LOYAL CLIENTS THOUGH OGHHHH GASP. I thought he was fully "good" but this adds a new depth and moral greyness to the king, as many krosmoz esp royals do in the franchise which is an exciting addition! Now I'm not saying he's like. Secretly evil, but instead of an always good-presented king, it's heavily implied he hired assassins against his enemies. VERY frequently at that. We don't know if his enemies were truly evil but still this is quite a surprise and layer! IF AMALIA N ARMAND LEARN ABOUT THIS I WILL LOSE IT... Dunno if the queen was a part of this, she was more laissez-faire on royalty stuff. Not that means she was a BAD queen, as far as we know for now she was good and loved, but much as her daughter, she loved to sneak and go on adventures. Maybe the king stopped his merc-hiring thing time ago and repented about it, he changed his ways, but, yeah this adds more depth and a twist.
Did the king always plan having eva as a bodyguard for amalia since he might have guessed she had a great potential as per her kin does? I don't necessarily think so, again, not going on the EEEVIL KING REAL tirade. For now we have no proof. Eva seemed to regard the sheram sharm family well. I wanna think the reason why madagaskane chose the king wasn't fully out of his loyal client or king status, but because he supposed he could be caring.
Of course if you wanna go gritty you can imagine eva getting picked as a bodyguard was deliberate, that the slightly older, talented with the bow kid was a good helping hand for the king's youngest child. Armand probably had his own bodyguard(s). And this could help build loyalty to the princess but... Too cynical for me, really.
Wonder if, going by this though, cleo not getting picked was cause of her less standing talent compared to eva or her being more childish n clashing w amalia. Idk. That's my last addendum.
Also I'm sooo glad they explained why eva and cleo have always had this extraordinary bow talent even for a cra. Don't get me wrong I'm the biggest hater of "oh there was not any hard job only magical talent" situations, but, aside from talent not being equal amongst the sisters, I feel it's a question of hard work. We can see it imo in Evas training ethic with Flopin. She has always tried to teach him hardwork.
So, I believe Eva is quite talented, perhaps even quite talented for a regular guilde des murmurs relative's standards, but she for sure has and keeps quite working on her abilities too
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moths-are-better · 5 months
A butterfly and her moth
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Thinking about @vinillain latest fic on ao3 which you should totally check out
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geekgirles · 2 months
Julith, Bakara, and Amalia: History Repeats
If you think about it, Amalia's arc in the webtoon is eerily similar to both Julith and Bakara's roles in Dofus Book 1: Julith.
Like Bakara, she holds a very deep and personal grudge against her sister-in-law partly because of the role she played in her brother's death; that is to say, Aurora and her family's inaction during the Necro War factored in Armand having to sacrifice himself in order to protect the Sadida Kingdom. Meanwhile, Bakara blamed Jahash's death solely on Julith because she was raised to believe she had caused everything in the first place.
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Which made both young women see Aurora and Julith, respectively, as nothing but traitors. Because even if Amalia never outright calls the Osamodas as such, it is made pretty clear throughout several points in the story that's what she really thinks of them, as she repeatedly pointed out their abandonment of the Sadida at the Necros' hands.
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It's also worth pointing out that what sets Amalia apart from Bakara is the fact that the former has a legitimate and justified grievance against Aurora and her family, unlike Bakara's grudge against Julith, that turned out to be nothing but a ploy orchestrated by a third party. Because, even though the Osamodas weren't responsible for directly harming Yugo, they did betray the Sheran Sharms and their kingdom by going against their word and not sending help while Aurora actually fled from the fight, whereas Julith never betrayed Jahash and was even trying to save Bonta before she was attacked.
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And, on the other hand, like Julith, now that she's lost so much (her father, her brother, part of their forests, so many innocent lives at the hands of the Necros...), there is nothing Amalia isn't willing to do for the sake of what she holds dear—her kingdom and Yugo. Just like Julith abandoned all morals in order to reunite with Jahash and try to rebuild their lives with their son, which led to her abandoning all qualms about making others suffer after what she herself went through.
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And it's precisely the possibility of losing Yugo and her people at the hands of someone she knows doesn't care about them, and whom she thinks are capable of anything to achieve their goals, that causes Amalia to lash out and brutally attack the Osamodas in retaliation for their perceived involvement in her husband's poisoning, not unlike how Julith forewent all empathy after losing Jahash, perfectly willing to sacrifice hundreds of lives for his own.
In a way, what all three women have in common is that their most morally questionable actions are a direct result of being hurt and betrayed in the past, and the deep love they feel for someone and/or something propelling them to take those actions in the first place.
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I guess this all comes to show that Julith's involvement in the webtoon makes more sense than I originally thought, at least, if they intend to prove me right and draw more parallels between her and Amalia in the future. But more importantly, it shows how love and hate are extremely volatile emotions, two sides of the same coin that can lead to terrible consequences.
(Credit to @cocogum for their screenshots of the webtoon).
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nautiscarader · 6 months
Bug (Yumalia, T), spoilers for s4 e13
inspired by @billythsquid
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Hundreds of people watched as Princess Amalia Sheram-Sharm and King Yugo of the Eliatropes walked towards each other, from two sides of the palace, only to be joined at the wedding aisle.
Heroes and commoners, nobility and servants - there were no privileged seats when love was in the air.
And as the royal couple walked towards the balcony, drenched in orang shine of the setting sun, a loud sniff could be heard.
"I'm s-shorry", Renate cried, "It's just so beautiful…"
One of princess Amalia's closest servants blew another handkerchief.
"I still remember when she was so young and small…"
"Yeah…", Canar, the other trustworthy confidant grunted back.
"Something's wrong?"
Canar took a deep breath.
"Okay, I'm gonna say it, because it will literally bug me for-ever. It is weird that Yugo is tall now."
Renate blinked.
"I mean… he is the king now."
"Yeah, but he looked so cute with his enormous Enutrof hat. The ears drooped to the side… Now they are upright, he looks like a wabbit"
"Oh my gosh, I literally cannot unsee it", Renate gasped, "I hate you".
"How did it happen? He was still a sweet small bean a week ago."
Renate shrugged.
"Freaky Eliatrope magic?"
"Yeah, probably."
And as if on queue, the now-married royal couple fell through the portal in the ground, causing a series of gasps and whispers to spread.
"Whe-where did they go?" Renate asked,looking around the spacious room.
"And where do you think a newlywed couple WOULD go now they are officially married? He is big now."
"Oh.", Renate realised the implications,"They could've waited after the dinner".
I spent a non-zero amount of time googling variations of "wakfu two gay servants of Amalia" before I remembered I had all the episodeson my hard drive so I can find their names.
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emeraldtart · 1 year
The Warrior of Five AU
In this AU Yugo, Adamaï, Tristepin, Evangelyn and Amelia are all incarnation of their respective races' greatest warrior. The Twelve (technically thirteen) Gods of the World of Twelve sensed something sinister is threatening the world, they are unable to interfere directly, so they reincarnate their greatest warriors to put the world back in balance.
So among The Twelve, the Dragon God, Iop God, Cra Goddess the Sadida God are picked to reincarnate their warriors.
However, something went wrong in the process. The Dragon God's greatest warrior are his sons, a pair of twins whose mother is the Eliatrope Goddess. The twins are unable to exist without the other since their souls are stuck to one another, and as a result, the one extra soul messed up the ritual.
The warriors ended up separated from one another, in a younger form without any memories of their mission. Luckily, the Tofu God (also known as the Messenger God, a minor god) has an idea. He used the Tofu birds to give the young warriors a message when they appear; when the time comes, go to Emelka.
In this AU, Alibert finds Yugo and Az in his stroller as usual.
One day, when Yugo was about a year old, Alibert was running his inn as usual with Ruel visiting him.
Alibert gives Ruel his usual meal, but before the older Enutrof could dig in, it was immediately stolen by a little kid.
Ruel manages to cut the kid off, so they immediately runs upstairs.
Alibert follows suit because he's worried about Yugo. When he arrives upstairs, Yugo was wide awake, safe in his crib, and is laughing and smiling at something under the bed.
Ruel grabs the kid from under the bed and saw that it was a young Iop who has a mouthful of his stew in his mouth.
Alibert feels sorry about the kid and offers to remade the stew for Ruel if he let's the boy go.
After the Iop kid gets his fill Alibert asks him where he comes from.
The boy doesn't remember much, except that he got a message from someone urging him to go Emelka and find an inn.
Of course, Alibert and Ruel are confused, but they can't leave a kid all alone without their guardian in sight. So Alibert takes the kid in.
Ruel warns Alibert not to get too close with the Iop kid while he search for his parents around town, because Iops are one of the races that became very hostile if their young is threatened.
The moment Ruel returns and came empty-handed Alibert gains another son.
Meanwhile, in the Sadida kingdom, King Sheram Sharm came face-to-face with a toddler who suddenly appear in his throne room.
He asked everyone whose child was missing, and when no one came to take the girl he takes her as his own.
Fast forward a couple of months later, Amalia came running to her dad with a young Cra in tow.
Again, King Sheram Sharm can't find her parents, but he can't just adopt the Cra girl like he did with Amelia due to very complicated reasons, so he assign the girl, now named Evangelyne, as Amelia's lady in waiting.
Fast forward 11 years later, the group finally met and when they do, they finally remembered about their true origins. It's basically the Spider-Man meme. They pointed at each other and shouted, "IT'S YOU! Where the hell have you two been!?"
Ruel was confused, how did Yugo and Pinpin knows these two girls?
So yeah, the whole journey is basically Ruel being confused while the other four tries to find a way to jog their memories while to Oma Island and prevent whatever catastrophic event from happening.
Adamaï, upon meeting Tristepin felt competitive. He's far behind in his ranking of best bro in Yugo's list.
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danidoodles124 · 7 months
it's physically insane how buzzy my brain gets after watching the new episodes and having a thousand thoughts about them
heres to hoping madagaskan gives the percedal family some story lines (no more gods.. 🙏)
heres to hoping that goddess eliatrope does have good intentions (I'm so afraid)
heres to Armand being a good brother!
long live king sheram sharm :(
someone talk to me
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moths-are-better · 6 months
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They would be utterly flabbergasted
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moths-are-better · 5 months
being an yumalia fan is so painful since I can’t go a day without imagining Yugo sitting at the base of Amalias tree and there’s nothing anybody can do to comfort him
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moths-are-better · 5 months
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While I am terrified beyond belief for them we can still enjoy this moment
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moths-are-better · 4 months
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Trying to get used to drawing them again
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moths-are-better · 5 months
Sometimes I think about Amalia having to grab Yugo with vines so he doesn’t get hurt
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moths-are-better · 6 months
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Yay drawing is fun again
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moths-are-better · 6 months
EXTREMELY messy thing
This is definitely how it went
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