#kipper tweedy
feathersandfarmers · 25 days
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A page from my sketchbook!
I glued a few stray art pieces into my sketch book and used a piece of wrapping paper as my background!
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Little 4 year old Kip in her pyjamas! I looked up old fashioned children pyjamas to give me ideas!
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Rocky looking up curiously at something...
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For the crying Ginger I wanted to experiment with drawing tears/a character crying...and I used Ghibli movies as my inspiration! Ghibli characters always cry these huge,globby tears!
Ginger:"what-what do you mean you took the last cookie, Rocky?!"
Meanwhile,Molly is just happy to be here :)
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
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I did a thing!
Teenage Kip with her family! Kip would be around 16 by the 2nd movie's timeline so I really wanted to update her appearance!
I might update Kip's design eventually...since i think i'd like to change the colors up a bit...maybe change up a few things... but this is my design/colors for now!
Okay so! Kip is 16 years old in Dawn of the Nugget's timeline. She mainly lives on Willard's farm, and helps out with the new apple farm! She'll go visit her aunt Melisha and her new "goofy-ass boyfriend" (Dr.Fry). Very often, she'll swing by Chikin Island to see her other family! A.K.A the chickens! (oh and the rats too!) Molly is always overjoyed to see her "Auntie Kip!"
As a teen, Kip is still the loveable, curious, and kind goofball she was as a child. She's more confident, more articulate, and a lot more responsible.
A bit about her design: I wanted her to look enough like her child-self...but grown up! (duh) Her hair has gotten neater (Guess she discovered what a comb is) and she had gotten her aunt Melisha's tall genes.
She now wears she red bandana around her head...i wanted the ends to stick out at the top of her head so it would resemble Ginger's comb (this is to symbolize she's part of the Rhodes family! hehe)
The orange stripes on her shirt also symbolize her affiliation with Ginger. The blue stripes, as well as the blue bell-bottom jeans, are to keep consistency her the blue overalls she wore as a child!
(I'd like to draw a full-body artwork of teen Kip, but she'd be wearing yellow shoes...again! reminiscent of her yellow galoshes from childhood....but also to have "yellow feet" like Ginger and Molly do
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feathersandfarmers · 2 months
I have more stuff to add to my Kipper timeline/AU! yeehaw!
Kip is around 4 years of age when she gets taken in by the Tweedys.
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(Here is the whole page!)
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Here is Kip at 4 years old! At this point, she's timid and hardly speaks a word when she meets her aunt and uncle for the first time. Slowly over time, she does warm up to them, and her playful and kind personality finally shows through! Sadly, my timeline starts when she is separated from her mother who is sick in the hospital. While her mum receiving treatment, Kip is sent to live with the Tweedys, (her only living relatives) on their farm!
I love drawing Kip at different ages, it allows me to experiment and gets me thinking about what she is like at different stages of her life!^^
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Who did this affect?? The chickens on the farm of course!!
Bunty huffed and crossed her arms as they caught a glimpse of the small child coming out of the farmer's old lorry.
Ginger, a teenage hen, pointed upwards. She used the wing that wasn't injured to point at the red-headed girl following the farmers into the old farmhouse. "Look! who is that?!" She cried.
"Good grief, Bunty grumbled, now we've got a bloomin' THIRD human to watch out for now!"
Babs peeked over Bunty's shoulder with an innocent grin spread across her face. You would have thought she was pleased with the whole situation.
"Perhaps she's just here on holiday!" Babs suggested, peering at the stranger.
Mac adjusted her glasses and simply stared off as the three humans entered the house and shut the door behind them. "Hope'fulleh, Mac added, sheh wun't be much av' o' thrat, bein' just a wean"
The four friends knew this wasn't good. Another human to look out for?? How difficult were their escape plans going to become?? And just who was this child, and what was she doing on the farm??
(I did my best here to make everyone look younger, hopefully, they are still recognizable enough! I imagined Ginger being more or less a teenager at this stage and being rather accident-prone, hence all her bandages..she's not quite good at being an escape artist just yet!)
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Again i tried my best to make Willard and Melisha Tweedy look younger!! haha This is Kip, seeing them for the first time. ;v;
Not fully sure for this part of my story yet,,,, but The Tweedys would travel from the Dales to pick their young niece up to live with them. Mrs Tweedy, obviously is not thrilled with the idea...not wanting an extra problem to deal with on top of all the work there is to do on the farm! Mr.Tweedy, on the other hand, is quite excited about it, he always wanted to be a dad.
"Oh hello, little Kipper!, Willard Tweedy greeted sweetly, last time i saw you you were only this big!" The young man made a small shape with his hands, indicating his last encounter with the child was when she had been a baby. Kipper, shy and frightened by having to go live with these strange people, remained silent, staring up at them.
Mrs Tweedy sniffed, looking down at her young niece with very mild interest. That red hair and those freckles...so familiar...and those blue eyes?...she knew them too well....
More thoughts struck her: Another mouth to feed...ugh...She didn't know anything about children...AND she didn't know a thing about being...*gulp* a mother..Hopefully, Kipper's (what a stupid name) stay wasn't going to be for very long and she'd be outta their hair in a fourth night.
"Come along" Melisha Tweedy called out, leading her husband and niece over to the lorry to make the drive home.
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feathersandfarmers · 1 month
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"Sit there and don't make any noise, Melisha Tweedy snapped, and don't touch anything!"
She pointed with a stiff finger to the kitchen table across from her office desk. Her small niece obediently complied, much to the woman's pleasure and she turned away to begin working on her book keeping duties.
Young Kipper, peered nervously over at her Aunt Melisha as she absent-mindedly drew with her crayons. She was sure to keep the noise to a minimum, not wanting to anger that short-tempered woman who was oh-so scary and mean!
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Every so often, Mrs Tweedy would exclaim unhappily, making young Kipper jolt in surprise.
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Melisha was busy with the accounts, getting more and more frustrated with the results she was getting.
She was unhappy (uncomfortable) at having to watch her little niece that afternoon. Mr. Tweedy was usually the one who looked after Kipper, since he actually enjoyed having the little twerp stay over with them...he always wanted children...
However this afternoon, Willard Tweedy was busy operating some heavy machinery outside and it was safer not to have the little girl underfoot during the time.
Therefore, Melisha Tweedy kept Kipper indoors with her...thankfully, quietly coloring at the other end of the room and not pestering her.
Yeeehaww, another piece to Kipper's origin story! SO this would happen very early on in Kip's journey, maybe a few days into when she first started living with the Tweedys.
Kipper doesn't know the Tweedys very well so you'd have to imagine, being four at the time, how shy and frightened she must feel! Especially with Melisha not being the warmest host to her .
Being kind and friendly, I can imagine Willard quickly taking Kip under his care and absolutely adoring being an uncle! Knowing his wife is uncomfortable with the whole ordeal, Mr Tweedy would mostly look after Kip throughout the day...while Melisha does her own thing undisturbed.
It's bringing me a lot of comfort to draw Little Kip! with the Tweedys. Especially Kip getting used to life on the farm with her eccentric aunt and uncle haha
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feathersandfarmers · 2 months
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Look who's all grown up!
This is Kipper Tweedy (or just Kip) as a teenager! I've made some adjustments from the past postings I displayed here, and I think I more or less have a design that I like!
So it's confirmed that Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget, takes place in 1961! So Kip would indeed be 16 years old for the events of the sequel! (Ginger tears up, seeing her dearest Kip all grown up ;w; )
I used a lot of references of 60's clothing to help me come up with Kip's design. She's rather hippy, as you can see here haha
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feathersandfarmers · 1 month
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Made this :)
Kip and Ginger together, besties forever!
Kip and Ginger have a loving friendship, and are very close.
Ginger appreciates how Kip takes care of all the chickens, and protects them at all costs. The hen is charmed by Kipper's innocent and positive outlook on life, and being friends with the child reminds her how important play and imagination is.
Kipper looks up to Ginger and sees her like an older sister or even like a maternal figure. Ginger helps Kip to feel brave when she's sad or scared. The young chicken is always ready to let Kip give her feathers a good pet when needing comfort.
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
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Yeah...so this idea popped into my head randomly yesterday and I knew I just HAD to do it! .................
Yeah, I always wondered what Kip would look like if she were a chicken like the rest of the gang! So I came up with this!... The comb was a little hard to design. I wanted to look like Kip's human hairstyle but in chicken form. I didn't want to make the comb too long, otherwise I felt it looked too masculine/like a rooster.
I decided to keep her shirt collar and red bandana around her neck. The blue spots on her body represent the blue of the denim overalls Kip is always wearing. And of course, the red spots on her face are her "freckles"!
If Kip were a chicken, I can imagine her getting called "Sticky Kippy" since she'd pretty much be glued to Ginger all day long, following her around lol
Can you imagine Mrs.Tweedy's face if she were to realize her niece has been turned into a chicken??
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feathersandfarmers · 5 months
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fast sketcheroo ( dont have it in me today to make anything polished) of something I've wanted to do for a long ass time. I'm not happy with it, it's kinda uggo ...but it's the feeling behind it that prompted me to make it.
This is Kip Tweedy (my Chicken Run OC) with her chicken(and rat) family! Kip is very precious to me, she kinda represents me in a lot of ways, and I put a lot of love and care into creating her!
I don't feel very good about my own family ngl. But Chicken Run and all its great characters bring me a lot of joy. When I think about it all, it brings me a lot of comfort and i always wished the characters could be my real family sometimes.
I'll surely make a nicer drawing someday when my head is more into it...but in the meantime, here are the chickens and rats giving Kip some love...Kip's eyes fill with tears as she takes all of it in!
EDIT: just realised i forgot Mac oops! (shows my head wasn't into it today)
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feathersandfarmers · 3 months
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Haven't drawn Kipper and Ginger together in a long time. So I had the urge to create something, quick-quick!
For those who don't know who Kipper Tweedy is, she is my Chicken Run OC. She is Mrs.Tweedy's niece. She can talk to animals and is an ally to the chickens!
Kip and Ginger are very close friends. :)
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
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Kip Tweedy again! mwahaha!
I've been going through stressful times, and so much is changing for me. I feel lonely through it all too. Lately, Chicken Run has been bringing me so much comfort and peace. I love these movies and all it's characters with my whole heart. When i created Kip, it was like putting a character that sort of represented a child-version of me that could interact and enjoy life with the characters from chicken run! Coming up with these stories or scenarios helps me feel a little better through hard times
I decided to draw Kip and Ginger laughing together. In my timeline, Ginger and Kip are very close and love each other very much! Of course, all the chickens love Kip! But Ginger and Kip's relationship is extra special <3
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feathersandfarmers · 6 months
Kip Tweedy headcanons (Or facts, since she's my character??)
(even if no one asked) (For those who don't know, Kip is my Chicken Run OC. She's a human character, but is an ally to the chickens! She can talk to animals, which is a special power only she has!.. In the events of the first movie, Kip would be around 10! For the sequel, she'd be 16!)
-She is related to Melisha Tweedy, but she has Willard Tweedy's last name because the Tweedys adopted her. They are Kipper's legal parents, but she'll still refer to them as her aunt and uncle.
-Kip loves rainy weather! She enjoys taking calming nature walks in the rain because the air smells so fresh.
-Kip is quite multi-talented. She's always been good at arts and crafts, for example! However, she learned her cooking skills from her Aunt Melisha! Melisha (obviously) wouldn't ever really "play" with her young niece. Instead, Melisha would teach Kip skills and that is how they'd mainly bond with one another.
-Kip also learned a lot of "handyman" skills from her Uncle Willard. Yes, Kip loves learning about tools and repairs. When she was little, she'd "help" Willard by passing him hand tools as he would fix something that had broken (that is how she learned what all the tools were called!). As she got older, Mr.Tweedy taught Kip how to use tools safely and efficiently. She's quite good at it. When she reaches high school, she's the only girl to sign up for any woodworking class and is better than most of the boys! (Bonus info: Mrs Tweedy was always nervous about Kip getting hurt, and Willard being too stupid to protect Kip properly, so she was never a fan of her niece messing around with power tools...until she became good at them and could fix things around the house!)
-Her first friends on the farm (when she first moved in with the Tweedys) were Nick and Fetcher! The rats were raiding the house for food and junk, and Kip would always catch glimpses of them from the corner of her eye...maybe she'd leave out snacks for them to take?? (I haven't come up with all the details yet) But I'm imagining Kipper sneaking downstairs at night and chilling in front of the fridge with the rats as they have a late-night snack together in secret. They'd introduce themselves, and become acquainted. A few days later, the rats would thank Kip for the food with a small toy they found on their journeys!
-Kip is scared of needles! She has a hard time handling medical stuff in general
-Her best friend, however, is Ginger! She gets along well with Babs and Mac too. Bunty wasn't a fan of Kip at first because Kip is human and the hen distrusts her. Eventually, Bunty grows fond of Kip when she sees examples of Kip's goodness.
-Kipper is Molly's favorite aunt (Auntie Kip!) and will be overcome with joy whenever she comes over for a visit. When Kip stays for a few weeks, Molly will want to spend each night over with her auntie and her cool tent. The two will listen to music together, eat candies and chips, and maybe even draw pictures together!
-Kip's favorite food are french fries!
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(Adding an old drawing of Kip for reference! hehe)
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feathersandfarmers · 2 months
Ginger knew something had been off about Kip for a while. Freedom had been won, and the chickens had found their precious island away from that wretched farm. It had been heartbreaking to fly away on that plane, leaving Kip behind on the farm temporarily...but as planned, the child knew to follow the direction of the big green hill and they were all happily reunited after a few weeks time. Kip would bounce between homes...spending some time back at the farm, and spending the rest of the time on the new found island in secret.
Kipper's most recent visit proved that something was wrong in the child's life...Ginger just knew it and was deeply concerned. Kip didn't seem to want to play...she barely smiled..and she seemed a little moody, which was very off for the normally cheery girl. Something must have happened.
Ginger caught Kip alone and finally asked her...
"Kipper...what's wrong,luv? You don't seem yourself..."
Kip hesitated and it took some coaxing..but she eventually let it all out, through floods of tears
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Her aunt and uncle were separating. A divorce. And Kip was heartbroken that they weren't going to be a family anymore. Mrs Tweedy was recovering in the hospital after having the barn door fall on her, and that only worsened Kip's feelings because she was so worried for her aunt.
"I didn't want to tell you because I know how the farmers treated you chickens and I'm sorry about it...,Kip sobbed, I was afraid you and all the other chickens wouldn't want me anymore because...I still love and need my aunt and uncle"
The chickens escaping had been the best day in the young girl's life...but it unlocked new fears...what if her beloved flock didn't want or need her anymore now that they were freed? What if being associated with the Tweedys made it too risky to be friends with her now that the chickens were in hiding? Was she betraying the chickens by still loving the farmers/her aunt and uncle?
She couldn't lose anyone..not the Tweedys,who had raised her as their own child...not the chickens who were the best friends she could ever ask for.....her second family!
Ginger sat close to her young friend and squeezed her arm affectionately...shuddering at the mention of the farmers..but understanding the girl's pain and swallowing that fear.
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"Kipper...that indeed sounds difficult..but your aunt and uncle still love you even if they don't love each other anymore...,Ginger said warmly,and no matter what happens..I'll always love you...all the other chickens will too"
Ginger had to be strong for Kip, she knew this was a complicated situation...she knew that love could be very complicated too.
"You're part of the flock, you always will be" Ginger assured young Kipper, as she looked kindly into the child's wet eyes. She wanted Kip to know there would always be a place on the island for her...that she was family.
Things were going to be hard for young Kipper Tweedy...but with her chicken family by her side, she knew at least she wasn't going to be alone through it all.
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feathersandfarmers · 1 month
What if Kipper Tweedy met Wallace and Gromit, as well as Wendolene Ramsbottom and Lady Campanula Tottington?
-Wallace and Gromit: Kip would get along with both very well. Both Kip and Wallace, being autistic coded, loving cheese, and being very imaginative. Kip would love Wallace's cheery nature and appreciate his optimistic outlook on life.
As for Gromit, Kip would love him (obviously) because she adores animals. I just wonder if she'd be able to hear him speak? Or is Gromit just a mute character? Hmm....
Wendolene: I think they'd be fine with each other since both are chill characters. I could imagine Kip going to visit Wendolene's wool shop to pick up a few items to gift to Babs!
Lady Tottington: They'd bond over their love of animals! Lady Tottington would probably believe Kip as she describes her adventures with the chickens...maybe even going as far as believing Kip when tells Totty that she can speak to animals...(but in her own poetic way not deliberately.. "Oh yes, I too believe animals can speak if we take the time to truly listen...maybe not through words but in their own special ways.." ) And Kip would shrug at this "eh, good enough...you got the right idea"
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
Also, What is Kipper Tweedy’s relationship with her aunt is like in between the first Chicken Run and it’s sequel Dawn Of The Nugget?
hmm...I haven't given it too much thought since it's a bit hard for me to see how Kip could fit into the sequel with it making sense. So for now I have limited ideas! but I can jot down a few loose ideas I have in mind:
I feel Kip would love her aunt no matter what....but things would have gotten a little more complicated between the two since life had changed so much. Since Kip would be roughly about 16 in the events of the second movie, I feel she'd be able to stand up to Mrs Tweedy a lot better and defend herself (meaning she'd talk back if she felt her aunt crossed a boundary.).
Perhaps, since Kip has always been "different", we'd see Mrs. Tweedy make occasion snide remarks about how her niece has never grown out of her weirdness....maybe even some passive-aggressive comments whenever Kip mentions her Uncle Willard.
This one's pretty tragic, but since Kip's aunt and uncle are no longer together (and probably divorced after the events of the first film)Kip, who'd have been around 10, would have been devastated about this news. She felt the three of them wouldn't be a family anymore, and it caused her to be quite depressed for a while to deal with all the changes. (I'm actually thinking about making a drawing or short comic about Ginger comforting Kip about this) Maybe it would still make her sad no matter how old she got, but she'd just learn to live with the pain as she grows. (this one pains me because I went through this, and I don't want to hurt Kipper so badly)
Another idea is that Willard Tweedy would turn the farm into an apple orchard! He'd grow apple trees all across his land, and have people come and pick apples in the fall. Kip would help her uncle run the business: she'd give rides on the haywagon to children, make posters to advertise their business (Kip is a great artist), take care of the trees, greet guests, and hand out buckets for them to put their apples in, etc. So when she's not at Chikin Island, or with her aunt, she'll be helping out at the apple orchid.
I have a rough idea that Mrs.Tweedy would try and get Kip to help out with the new nuggets business in some ways, and Kip, wanting to save the chickens, would act as a double agent. (I'm just not sure how). I'd certainly want Kip to do something heroic in the sequel..maybe an arc where she's too scared to drive at the beginning of the movie, and she tells the chickens how she failed her driving test again,...then maybe she's the one to bravely drive the truck out of the factory, off the draw-bridge and back to safety? not sure
anyway, these are all very rough ideas that I'm not even sure i want to commit to. The Chicken Run movies are already so good that i don't want to change them with my character, so this is just for fun! (lemme be cringe in peace) If i ever get more ideas, i'd like to write them on this here blog!
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
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You haven't heard the last of my Chicken Run OC, Kipper Tweedy!
I wanted to entail some headcanon..Nick and Fetcher are actually Kip's first friends when she goes to live with the Tweedys. She was only 4 years old and had no one to play with (she's related to Mrs Tweedy btw). The chickens at first kept their distance, not being able to trust humans, not even a child. Kip spotted the rats inside the large Tweedy house! Well, instead of telling her "Auntie Lisha" and Uncle Willard about them, Kip would leave out snacks to help the rats out! (bits of cheese, the crusts of her peanut butter toasts, leftovers she'd hid in her napkin after dinner). Soon, Nick and Fetcher caught on that this little human was an ally! Eventually, they wanted to thank her so they brought her a little toy car as a gift!
Here is little Kip! :3 With Nick looking smug, and Fetcher feeling joy that Kip likes the gift!
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feathersandfarmers · 2 months
Which two British voice actresses will voice your OC Character called Kipper Tweedy for the First Chicken Run and it’s sequel Dawn Of The Nugget?
Honestly, I haven't given much thought as to what Kip would sound like... I know nothing about celebrities or actors, so I can't confirm who I would 100% go with....
HOWEVER I did think about The movie WolfWalkers and the character Mehb. Eva Whittaker, who voiced Mehb when she was only around eight years old, did a marvelous performance IMO. I just love her Irish accent too. I feel her energy could match Kip almost perfectly.
Clip from Wolfwalkers as an example.
And honestly, since Eva is still into acting, she'd probably voice Kip as a teenager as well. Kip would be 10 in the first movie, and 16 in the sequel so not much of a time jump. I found a recent clip of Eva, with her voice having matured a little more..and I feel it works for teenage Kip.
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