#kirby rivers x win lewis
thefatedthoughtofyou · 2 months
Whiskey Shots And Cheap Cigarettes
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Kirby Rivers (oc) x Win Lewis (oc)
♤ Summary: Kirby brings Win a bottle of whiskey and they get to know each other a little bit.
♤ Warnings: oc x oc pairing, trans/nonbinary oc, Kirby uses he/him, drinking, talk of drug use, smoking, pre relationship, mentions of Gator Tillman, pre ot3.
♤ A/N: suprise! @jozstankovich some getting to know you stuff with our babies. I just feel like he would 100% reach out to her! I hope you like it! 💖💖 oh also, the title comes from the Green Day song Before The Lobotomy, one of my faves. 💚
The door swings open and Kirby smiles up at her. She immediately smiles back, leans agaisnt the doorframe.
"I brought libations!" Kirby sings, holding up a bottle of Whiskey. His back arching a bit as he leans back.
"You're eyes are so red oh my god." Win laughs, shaking her head.
"It's been a good day." They lower their arm, shrugging, lazy smile on their face. Win leans forward a bit, eyeing the driveway.
"I walked." Kirby says, still smiling, blinking slowly.
"Can I?" He nods toward the door.
"Oh. Yeah. Of course, come on in." She steps away from the door, letting him pass, he gently hands her the bottle as he goes.
"That's for you. Not much of a drinker myself." Kirby says, absently, shrugging as he looks around her front room.
"That's a shame. I bet you'd be fun." Win says, twisting the cap as she walks to the kitchen.
"I'm always fun." Kirby says over his shoulder, then turns to her.
"Though there was one Halloween involving a very interesting acid trip that some people may argue I wasn't. But I had a good time." They smile when she laughs again, pours a bit of whiskey in a glass.
"Sure you don't want any? Not even a shot? Two shots?" Win asks, shaking the bottle gently above the counter top, eyes wide, waiting. Kirby crosses his arms.
"Are you trying to get me drunk Ms. Lewis?" Their head tilting, hip popped out a little, Win digs her teeth into her bottom lip as she looks at him, grinning.
"Drunk? Never. Cross faded, maybe a little bit." She nods, Kirby laughs, shakes his head.
"I will do two shots. And no more. Just cuz I'm stoned doesn't mean you can take advantage of me young lady." He points at her, walks over to the little half wall, bar window, type situation she's standing by, and watches her pour him a shot. She smiles wide when she hands it to him slowly.
"Hmm. I already regret this. Just so you know." He tilts his head at her, takes the shot, throws it back, and immediately starts coughing. Win laughs at him, head thrown back, and then takes the shot glass and refills it.
Kirby coughs into his elbow a few more times and then wiggles his fingers at her to give him the glass. He takes it, throws it back, and hacks and coughs again for a minute. Their eyes watering when they finally stop.
"Good right?" Win asks, still smiling.
"Oh yeah." He croaks, coughs again,
"Just the best." Kirby wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, smiling at her when his eyes finally stop watering.
"So, watchin doin' here? I assume you knew Gator wasn't here with me." She sips at the whiskey in her glass, walks to the living room, twitching her head for Kirby to follow.
"Yeah his truck kinda sticks out like a sore thumb, now that I know it." Kirby shrugs, follows her to the couch and plops down at the opposite end.
"And I dunno, kinda got a lonely vibe from you when you were at the garage the other day. Thought maybe you'd want some company." He shrugs again, lets his head fall back against the couch, his hands laced together on his stomach.
"You think I'm lonely?" She asks, taking another sip,  her eyes on him. He doesn't look at her, their eyes shut as they breathe slowly.
"Mmm. Maybe not always. Just... this town's pretty lonely when you're an outsider." Kirby glances at her, smiles, closes his eye again.
"I know a little something about that. Figured I could help a friend in need." Their shoulders move again, just slightly, before they sink further into the couch. Win pulls her legs up, arm wrapped around one knee, whiskey glass resting on the couch near her foot.
"Are we friends?" She asks, quiet. Kirby turns his head, opens his eyes.
"If you wanna be. Yeah." He shrugs again, easy smile on his face. She smiles back, nods a few times.
"Okay. Friends. But I don't know anything about you." She says, eyeing him over her glass as she takes a sip. His eyes fall closed again, his hands rise off his stomach, palms out.
"What do you wanna know?" He asks, dropping his hands again. Win snorts.
"What, you wanna play twenty questions?" She asks, taking another sip. He groans.
"God no. I couldn't think of twenty questions right now if I tried. But you can ask twenty if you want. Or more. However many. I don't mind." Kirby smiles, his eyes fall closed again. She smiles at him, though he can't see her.
"What's your favorite color?" She asks, watches him smile, his eyes still closed.
"Hmmm... orange I think." He hums, raising a hand and rubbing at his nose before dropping it back to his stomach. Win watches him, watches his chest rise and fall under his thin, ratty t-shirt.
"Favorite band?" She asks. His face scrunches.
"That got so hard so fast." He mumbles, laughing as he pushes himself up a bit, eyes still closed.
"Iiiiii.... fuck I don't know. I listen to a little of everything. It depends on my mood I think. Been listening to Motely Crew a lot lately, though I wouldn't call them my favorite." He shakes his head, opens his eyes.
"Got any easier questions?" He cocks his eyebrow at her, smiles when she grins at him.
"Sure yeah. You single?" She drags her teeth over her lip through a smile and takes another sip of her whiskey. They huff a laugh, sit up a bit more, tuck their legs up onto the couch, knees pulled to their chest, facing her now.
"In this town? Yeah. Pretty damn single." He nods, pressing his lips to his knee.
"In this town." She repeats, gives him a look. He nods, glances at the window.
"Guy like me. With my... reputation." He wiggles his eyebrows at her, his hand on his chest. She grins.
"And what reputation might that be?" She asks, raising her glas to her lips.
"Oh ya know. Trans guy in a town like this? I'm sure you've been around enough to know people aren't exactly fond of anyone too different." He shrugs, gives her a small smile. She gives him one back.
"Yeah. I've noticed." She downs the last of her whiskey, sets her glass on the small table behind her.
"Thought you might have." They nod, rest their chin on their knee and then wave her on.
"Alright c'mon. More questions. Easy ones." He warns, points at himself.
"I got a lot going on over here so just, take it easy." He rubs at his red eyes with his knuckles and waves her on again. She laughs, shakes her head, and asks another question.
A few hours, and about thirty questions later, Kirby yawns, loudly. He moves his feet off the couch and stretches like a cat, back bowing as a ridiculous moan escapes him.
"Jesus. Okay." Win chuckles, stands, stretches herself, though silently, and grabs her glass off the table.
"You want some water or soda or somethin?" She asks, heading for the kitchen.
"What kinda soda ya got?" Kirby asks, patting at the pockets of his baggy black cargo shorts.
"Mainly Mountain Dew right now." She snorts, watches Kirby's face scrunch as he thinks.
"I'll take a water this time. Thanks. Hey can I smoke in here? I'll sit by the window, open it up." They look at her, their eyes wide.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll join you actually." She walks over, hands him the water. He tucks it under his arm, reaching for his pocket but stops when he sees Win tap her pack of cigarettes on her palm. His eyes lingering.
"What?" She huffs a laugh as he stares at her.
"That your brand?" He asks, nodding toward the pack.
"Well, yeah. Unless I'm feeling fancy. Then I get the Djarum Blacks." She doesn't take one out, just looks at Kirby, looking at her.
"Alright the cloves are nice, I'll give you that. But, these? Babes. C'mon." He taps her pack. She pulls it away from his reach, acting offended.
"What is wrong with these?" She looks from her cigarettes back to Kirby.
"They're little cheapy smokes. C'mon." He tilts his head, his nose scrunched. She rolls her eyes, can't help the thought that he's adorable that crosses her mind.
"You ever had a home rolled one?" Kirby asks, reaching for his pocket again.
"You are talking about cigarettes right? Not weed?" She teases, watches him pull a small tin out of his pocket.
"Yes. Tobacco. Not Marijuana." He smiles, pulls out a little white cigarette.
"My grandpa used to home roll. But I was too young then. Hadn't started smoking yet. But I always loved the smell." She tells him, takes a step closer. He holds the cigarette out to her, close to her nose.
"The fresh tobacco." He nods, understanding, as she leans the little ways too it and inhales. She sighs, nods.
"Yeah. That's it. That's the smell." She concedes. Kirby smiles, lowers himself to the carpet, crosslegged, his head just above the windowsill. Win lowers herself down next to him.
"Shall we then?" He asks, head tilted again.
"We shall." She smiles, watches him flip his zippo open and light it. Watches his cheeks hollow as he takes a drag, handing it to her as he exhales toward the window.
The first drag is heaven. The smoke curls in her mouth, down her throat, into her lungs. That slight burn following it. She smiles at the memories, lets the smoke fill her lungs and then sighs it out toward the window as well.
"Shit. You deal this too?" She asks, handing it back. Kirby laughs, a good laugh, head tilted back, hand on his stomach.
"Not typically. But for you? I could definitely hook you up. For sure." He chuckles, takes another drag.
They sit there, smoking, in silence for a while. Listening to late autumn crickets through the window. The chill in the air blowing through the screen, moving Win's hair against her cheek.
"Thanks for comin over." She nudges Kirby's knee with the back of her hand.
"You were right. I do get lonely sometimes." She admits, eyes on the floor as she takes the cigarette again.
"Anytime. You can always come to mine too ya know? Any time you want. I'm almost always there." He shrugs, smiles at her as she blows a few smoke rings.
"Good thing about working were I live. No rush hour traffic. Just me and my fight with my alarm everyday." She laughs at that, it echoes through her quiet house, hands the cigarette back.
"I might take you up on that. I'll bring Gator sometimes too. If you want?" She asks, voice cautious, glancing up at Kirby through her lashes. He looks at her, watches her watch him for a moment, and then nods. The corner of his mouth twitching as he takes a long drag, the last, its tip burning close to his fingers.
"That's fine." Is all Kirby says, his voice thick, like he wants to say more. But they don't.
Win gets up, grabs her ashtray. Kirby follows, stubs out the cigarette and wipes his hands down his shirt. It's a habit he has, from working on cars, always wiping something or other on his clothes while he works.
"Fuck me it's like, two in the morning." Kirby whistles, looking at the clock. Win's eyes follow his, suprise on her features.
"Wow. It doesn't seem like you've been here that long." Her brow furrows.
"That a bad thing?" Kirby asks, stepping slowly toward the door.
"No. Ya know what they say about time, and flying." Win assures him with a shrug, follows them to the door. He stands there, swaying a little, hands clasped behind his back as he smiles.
"Well. Thank you for the hospitality Winifred. I'll get outta your hair. Let you get to bed." He lets his head fall back, opens the door and steps through it with a little lazy twirl. She laughs at him, holding it open as he takes a few steps away.
"Thank you, for the whiskey. I'll come get in your hair sometime. Make a day of it." She crosses her arms, shrugs, nonchalant as she smiles after him.
"Sounds good. I'll have the cigarettes ready for you!" He calls, still walking slowly backwards away from her.
"Be careful walking home!" She calls.
"Im always careful!" He calls back, his foot hitting a rock, making him stumble, he shoots back up, points in her direction.
"That was a fluke!" They say, kicking the offending rock into the steet. Win laughs, shakes her head at them.
"Have a nice night Win!" Kirby calls, almost disappeared into the dark now, waving over his shoulder as he turns.
"You too Kirby!" She calls, waits til she can't see them anymore, and closes her door. She shuts the window, puts the bottle of Whiskey away and goes to grab the ashtray off the table. She stops in her tracks, picks the ashtray up, and smiles. Setting on the edge is a cigarette, home rolled, brand new.
She picks it up, tucks it behind her ear, and walks to her room. She sets the ashtray down, sets the cigarette back in it, and gets ready for bed.
She climbs under her sheets and gets cozy, runs her finger slowly along the pretty white paper of her small gift, and turns out the light. Smiling into her pillow thinking about her new friend, how easy it was to talk to them. How easily he made her laugh. She hugged her pillow tight and thought maybe this town wasn't so bad. Even if it was just her, Gator, and Kirby. Maybe that was enough to make it not so bad.
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mrprettywhenhecries · 2 months
take me out
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Gator Tillman ✗ Win Lewis (oc) ✗ Kirby Rivers (oc)
✗ wc. 2.5k words ✗ warning(s)/tags. oc / oc / canon pairing, trans/nonbinary oc, Kirby uses he/him & they/them, drinking, talk of drug use, smoking, minor violence, transphobia/intentional misgendering, poly relationship intro ✗ a/n. for my lovely @babydollbaron & their oc, Kirby 🥺💚
When Win finds out about the girl that outed Kirby to the whole town, she lets her anger get the best of her, and the three end up drunk and high and have an important relationship defining moment.
[ masterlist ]
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Win happened to glance up from the bar when the door opened, Gator striding in with Kirby at his heels and her mood lifted instantly.
“Hey, there’s my favourite guys!” she called, grinning as Gator leaned across the bartop to steal a kiss while Kirby hung back, climbing atop a vacant barstool nearby, his gaze carefully averted like usual when PDA became involved.
“What are you two up to?” Win asked, already reaching for an empty pint glass and filling it with Gator’s draft of choice.
“Knew you were gettin’ off soon and couldn’t wait any longer to see ya,” Gator drawled, winking at her as he accepted his beer.
“Uh huh,” Win murmured doubtfully.  “You just wanted a free drink.”
“I can’t believe you’d think that!” he gasped and Kirby let out an amused snort.
Win laughed as she rolled her eyes, reaching for the bottle of whiskey behind the counter.  “Yeah, yeah, I still love you though,” she teased before turning her attention on Kirby.  “I hope you, at least, are here to see me,” she chuckled, flashing him a playful grin. 
She could tell he was uncomfortable, their eyes darting around the half crowded room as they fidgeting in their seat, uncharacteristically quiet.
Win couldn’t think of a time she’d ever seen her friend so subdued, not even when he was high, not like this.
At her words, however, Kirby huffed a laugh and rubbed the side of his nose before leaning atop the bar conspiratorially, a grin tugging at his lips.  “Well, let’s just say I’m not here for the drinks,” he joked, sharing Win’s smile.
“See, at least Kirbs has their priorities straight,” she taunted, giving Gator a wry look before turning back to Kirby.  “Don’t worry, I’ll make it weak,” she assured him as she mixed a whiskey cola.
“You’re an angel, Winnie!” they exclaimed, once more quieting as they brought the glass to their lips, his eyes darting around the room as their shoulders hunched.
Win frowned, following Kirby’s gaze and she noticed Gator tense, his own gaze turning sharp as he peered in the direction Kirby was, silently searching for trouble before his eyes met hers for a moment, speaking volumes.  They both knew why Kirby didn’t go out much.
“Hey Lewis, you’re free to go,” Frankie, the owner, grunted as he rounded the bar to take her place and she nodded, untying the small black apron around her waist.
“Thanks Franks, can you mix me one?” she asked, joining Gator and Kirby on the other side of the bar.
“Comin’ right up.”
Frankie poured her the same drink she’d just made for Kirby, but considerably stronger.  “There y’go, darlin’,” he said, sliding the glass atop the bar to her before heading away to see to another customer.
Win took a sip and sighed, finally relaxing.  “That’s more like it,” she murmured, leaning against Gator’s side.  
“So, what’re the plans for tonight, fellas?” she asked, waiting for Kirby to respond.  Instead they let out a sharp gasp, followed by a groan as they shrank in on themself, their head snapping back to the bar top.
“Actually, can we maybe, kinda, get outta here?” they asked in a hushed voice, forcing a humourless laugh as they checked over their shoulder once more and ducking back down.
Gator’s eyes scanned the room to see who Kirby’d been looking at while Win frowned, setting her glass down.  
“What’s wrong?” she asked, leaning in closer, her hand coming to rest against Kirby’s hunched back, rubbing soothing circles.
Kirby grimaced and shook his head.  “Nothing!  Nothing, I’m just, uh– I just wanna get this fun evening started, that’s all!” he exclaimed, trying to sound cheerful.
“Oh no, I know that tone,” Win said, not budging.  “Who do I need to fight?”
Kirby looked down at the half empty glass in their hands and let out a long breath before nodding toward a girl at the other end of the bar chatting up some guy.
“So, that girl, she and I had a thing, or I thought we could,” he murmured, his voice hushed.  “She was really into me, we started making out, but she uh, got a little too handsy before I could explain the whole no penis thing—“
They shrugged, rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly.  “She freaked out, turned into a massive bitch about it and basically told the whole town I’m a freak,” he explained, keeping his eyes carefully on the bar top, his face heating with embarrassment.
“So there, now you know—“
Before Kirby could say another word, Win threw back the rest of her drink and stalked off with purpose, squaring her shoulders as she made her way to the other end of the bar, red filling her vision.  Striding up to the girl Kirby’d pointed out, she stepped between her and the guy she was in the middle of talking to, cutting them off.
“You the one that outed my friend to the whole town?” Win asked, ignoring the girl’s outburst, her jaw flexing.
“What?” she asked, confused, til she glanced past Win to see Kirby sitting at the bar and trying to shrink into their seat as much as possible.  “Oh, you mean that freak that pretends to be a guy to trick women?” she scoffed.  “Yeah, I had to warn the other girls in town, so they wouldn’t fall for her sick tricks,” she sneered.
Win merely flashed her a tight smile, her anger boiling to the surface before she closed her hand into a fist and decked the other woman straight in the nose.
“Oh shit,” Gator hissed, jumping up from his stool.
“You fucking bitch, you broke my nose!” 
“You’re lucky that’s all I broke,” Win spat, feeling Gator’s arms circle around her, lifting her easily to drag her away, still spewing a colourful string of expletives.
“C’mon, let’s go,” Gator said, catching the collar of Kirby’s shirt as he passed, pulling him toward the door as Win struggled in his grasp.  Once outside, he hustled both of them into his truck despite Win’s protests, Kirby crawling into the cramped backseat as Gator pulled out of the parking lot.
A tense silence fell over the truck as Win stewed, slowly calming down when Kirby finally broke the silence, taking a deep breath and huffing a laugh, their lips stretching wide.
“That was so fuckin’ hot!”
The words hung in the air for a moment before they all began to laugh, Kirby’s amusement infectious.
“The look on her face was priceless!” he exclaimed, wiping at the tears that had gathered in their eyes from laughing so hard.
“You’re such a little spitfire,” Gator chuckled, looking over at Win before glancing back at Kirby, his grin lingering for a moment before tearing his eyes away and back to the road.
“I couldn’t help it!  I couldn’t just let her get away with that!” Win cried, the aftershocks of her laughter still clutching her.
“C’mon, let’s get our drink on, firecracker,” Gator snorted as he parked in her driveway.
“You got any of that good grass with you, Kirbs?” Win asked, craning in her seat to look back at them.
“Why yes, madam, I do,” he replied, ducking his head to hide a grin as he slipped out the back seat.
It wasn’t long before the three of them were high and drunk and lounging together on the couch, Win growing more affectionate with each drink she finished, pulling Gator’s arms around her and leaning her head on Kirby’s shoulder.
“Hey, seriously though, Winnie, I wanted to thank you,” Kirby said, rubbing at his heavy lidded, bloodshot eyes.  “No one’s ever stood up for me like that before.  It really means a lot, though—“ they let out a huff and ran their fingers through their mess of bleached hair.  “I’m afraid your reputation may have just gotten worse,” they added wryly, their lips twisting apologetically.
Win shrugged, waving the thought away.  “That girl was a bitch,” she grunted, setting her empty glass down on the coffee table.  “Besides, she clearly doesn’t know what she’s missing out on.”
Kirby lifted an eyebrow at her.  “Oh yeah?  And what’s that?” he chuckled awkwardly and Win pouted in response.
“Well, you’re super sweet for one, and two, you’re attractive as hell—“ she said, her words slurring slightly.
“Tell us how ya really feel, why don’tcha,” Gator snorted and Win swiveled to fix him with a pointed look.  “You know how attracted to you I am,” she huffed, poking her boyfriend in the side.  “Am I not allowed to find Kirby sexy too?”
“Sexy?” Kirby repeated incredulously, sitting up straighter, their eyes darting to Gator and away again quickly, clearly not wanting to step on any toes.  “I’m flattered, truly, but Win—“ 
Before they could finish politely telling Win that they didn’t feel comfortable getting in the middle of her and Gator, she was already leaning in for a kiss.
“Ope!” Kirby yelped, quickly turning his head to avert crisis, Win’s lips harmlessly finding their cheek instead and her pout deepened.
“You don’t wanna kiss me?” she asked, peering at him through her lashes and Kirby squirmed in his seat, his face flushing hotly.
“It’s not that–!” they exclaimed, swallowing thickly, his eyes darting to Gator as he wet his lips.  “I–You’re–dating Gator, and as much as I like you, I’d never do that to you guys,” he explained, raising his hands and dropping them back to his legs helplessly, almost deflating, but Win merely looked thoughtful, a mischievous grin stretching her pink lips.
“What if we both kissed you?”
For a moment Kirby’s mouth fell open and they blinked at her, sure they’d misheard.
“Huh?” was all he could get out, looking between his two friends in confusion, their stomach flipping almost hopefully.
“Would that make it fair?” Win asked, raising an eyebrow, her lips curled like the cat that got the cream.
Before Kirby could protest on Gator’s behalf, trying to explain to Win that her boyfriend wouldn’t want to do that, she stopped him, silencing them with a finger to his lips.
“I’ve seen the way Gator looks at you, I’d say he’s interested.”
At her words, Kirby turned to gape at Gator, now completely flabbergasted.  Of course they knew that Win had noticed their attraction to her boyfriend, but he hadn’t actually thought that their attraction would ever be reciprocated.
Now it was Gator’s turn to turn red, his gaze darting away as he shrugged, fighting for nonchalance.
“I mean, I can see the appeal,” he murmured, his hazel eyes hesitantly turning back to Kirby.
“Wait–just to clarify here, because I’m extremely stoned here and I wanna make sure I’m hearing this right–you’re okay with this?” Kirby exclaimed, fixing Gator with an incredulous look.
“I said I was, didn’t I?” he replied, the tips of his ears burning.  “So let’s do this before I lose my nerve,” he muttered and Win’s grin widened.
Slipping from his side and into Kirby’s lap, she took hold of his face and leaned in, giggling softly against his lips as she kissed them, slowly at first.  “This okay?” she whispered, pulling back just enough to check on them, Kirby nodding breathlessly before pulling Win back in, his hands squeezing her hips as they explored her mouth with their tongue, Win boldly reciprocating, moaning into Kirby’s mouth before once more pulling back to let Gator have a turn.
When his mouth met Gator’s, Kirby squeezed his eyes shut, just waiting for the other man to pull back in disgust, but he didn’t.  
The kiss was much more hesitant than Win’s, but felt just as right, and Kirby let Gator set the pace, his breath hitching when Gator’s tongue swiped against his lips, slowly testing the waters before delving deeper.
When Gator finally pulled back, Win beamed at the pair of them, grabbing Gator by the scruff of his neck for their own passionate kiss.
As Kirby watched them, his heart pounding in his ears and his head swimming, they couldn’t quite be sure if they were dreaming or not, but when Win claimed his lips again, Kirby decided if it was a dream, it was a damn good one.
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The next morning, Kirby stirred, their eyes still shut as they came to, at first noticing how warm they were before realizing they were pressed between two bodies.  Their eyes snapping open, Kirby froze at the sight that met him–Gator asleep facing him, their legs entwined and his hand resting on Kirby’s neck, while snuggled up behind him was Win, her face pressed to his shoulder and her arm slung over his middle, her hand snaked under his shirt.
“So, it wasn’t a dream,” they murmured, unsure exactly what to do–torn between not wanting it to end and wanting to make sure the others didn’t regret what had transpired the night before, now that they were all sober.
Win began to wake before Kirby could decide on a course of action, snuggling closer with a sleepy moan, her arm around their middle tightening.
“Mornin’ handsome,” she breathed, her voice muffled against Kirby’s back.
“Uh, morning,” he replied, breathing out a nervous laugh.  “You know I’m not Gator, right?”
Win lifted her head, propping her chin on Kirby’s shoulder.  “I know.”
“Oh, okay.  Uhm, that’s good,” they murmured–at least Win didn’t seem phased, but Win wasn’t exactly the one he was worried about.
When Gator’s jaw cracked in a large yawn, his eyes fluttering open, he let out a soft groan before clearing his throat, and Kirby offered him a nervous half smile.  
“Hey,” Gator answered, a little bewildered, though his lips twitched slightly.
Kirby pulled in a deep breath and sat up, pulling his knees to his chest as he looked between his two friends.
“So… as much as I enjoyed this–” they said, gesturing to all of them.  “–I think we should probably have a little conversation.”
Win rolled to her back, stretching through a yawn.  “I don’t see what there is to discuss,” she said, rolling back to her side and propping her head in her hand.  “The truth came out last night, it seems we’re all into each other.  So, let’s do this,” she suggested.
“Is that even… allowed?” Gator asked, his brows furrowing in confusion, til Win barked a laugh and took his hand. 
“Of course it is.  We can do whatever we want,” she answered.
“You sure?” Gator asked doubtfully, and it was Kirby’s turn to grin, shaking his head ruefully. 
“As long as you want to,” they agreed, holding their breath for his answer.
Gator shut his eyes for a long moment before opening them again, his gaze drifting from Kirby to Win and back, the corner of his mouth finally lifting as his expression softened.
“I think I’d like to give it a try,” he decided, his face dusted pink.
Win let out a cheer before piling on top of both of them.  “Finally!” she exclaimed, pulling Gator and Kirby closer, snuggled between them.  “Now, can someone make me some eggs and toast to help get rid of this hangover?”
“I can help with that,” Kirby chuckled, their heart fuller than it had been in a long time.
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smokeandcherrysoda · 2 months
SFW 1 & 10 + NSFW 11 for Riverbaron! SFW 4 & 14 + NSFW 3, 4, 9, 12, & 13 for Lewrivman? 👀
Yyaaayyy my first ask on here wooo! Thank you lovelllleeyyyyy!!!
1. Who cooks?
I think they would take turns. And whoever is home first would probably always have something ready when the other gets home.
10. Any pets? Plants?
If taken in raccoons count as pets. Then they have those from time to time till they can take them to a rescue. Kirby has definite cat vibes. So i think he takes on strays as well. And he does have house plants too! Regular ones and pot ones. 🤣🤣
11. Favorite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
Baron's favorite thing is eating Kirby out and if he's not holding their thighs open he's holding Kirby's hands while he does it. Sometimes he just lets Kirby's thighs squeeze his head while they squirm, their fingers laced together as Kirby comes apart for him.
4. Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
I think Kirby definitely fixes most of them. But it might depend on the house? If it's his house he definitely fixes it cuz "there's a knack too it i got it!!" But i do think he would team up with both the others as well. I feel like him and Win would work well together in fixing things. But with them and Gator it could go either way. Like sometimes they 100% argue while they fix things cuz Gator won't fucking listen. But sometimes Win comes home and finds Kirby on Gator's shoulders, Gator holding his legs, as Kirby reaching up to whatever needs fixing and getting it sorted.
14. Who is the highest maintenance? Do the others mind?
Gator 100% is the highest maintenance of the three. I think Win comes after him. And then Kirby. But i don't think any of them would really mind either way. Though Win and Kirby definitely tease Gator about it from time to time, especially when they're running late and he's STILL not ready.
3. Any kinks they clash on?
The only thing i can really think of is that if Win and Gator enjoy rough stuff he'd kind of step out and let them have fun on their own. A little bit of rough stuff is fine, but anything more than like, being held down, they really don't enjoy. Definitely no hitting of any kind. Growing up in the places be did really just makes him uncomfortable with it.
4. Oddest places they've had sex?
I feel like for Kirby and Win it's probably out in his garage, cuz we know she cannot keep her hands off him when he's messy and dirty from work. If its all of them, i wouldn't even know??? But I'd guess maybe in the bed of Gator's truck somewhere. Maybe after the fair that night we talked about! Pulled off onto a dark field somewhere on a backroad.
9. Quickest turn ons? Immediately turn offs?
Kirby being dirty i think would do it for both Win and Gator. They fucking just, pounce on him when he's done after work.
Gator being efficient, like him being good at shooting, like if they go to the shooting range. And his over all efficiency with things. And how smart and observatant he can be. He's not overly vocal about it i don't think, but he sees things and will act accordingly and i think those actions in response to problems would really make Kirby and Win feel seen and loved by him and make them feel a bit feral.
With Win i think her boys seeing her play with her band would make them absolutely feral. Gator likes watching her drive her beautiful fucking car. And Kirby for some inexplicable reason loves watching her bartend. Loves the way she moves so fluidly behind the bar when she's moving and mixing drinks.
And i think on another level, when they're all high and cozy and feeling safe at home, that saftey and warmth that none of them have really felt before, kind of makes them all feel fuzzy and needy sometimes.
Kirbys turn offs are really just the hitting or violence. I honestly think Gator would only like roughness every now and then, and maybe wouldn't even like being the person doing the roughness. Unless he had a bad day maybe and just needed to get some stress out. I'm not sure about Win, i feel like she could go so many different ways. And it would really depend on her mood.
12. How are their afterglows?
I think they're very aligned in this and all get super sleepy and cuddly. Gator maybe the least cuddly, especially if it's just a quicky, but if its bedtime sex then its all cuddles all night. They just turn into a tangle of limbs and fall alseep.
Oh! And Kirby laughs a lot after sex i know that. Especially if its really good. Like the first time Gator makes Kirby cum he thinks he did something wrong cuz Kirby just starts laughing. But its good laughter. Just genuine happiness and bliss bubbling out of him.
13. Who's loud? Who's quiet? Does anyone try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Kirby's pretty quiet. Whimpers a lot. Little breathy laughs and sighs. I think Win and Gator would BOTH try and get them to be louder, probably by teaming up and doing all the things they know he likes. It works every now and then but he generally just starts whispering "fuck fuck fuck fuck" and other curse at them. In the rare cases he IS being too loud, putting something in his mouth shuts him up, usually a couple of fingers does the trick.
I think Win can be quite when she needs be but is naturally pretty vocal. Anytime Kirby uses their mouth on her though she has trouble staying quiet. A skill he teaches Gator. I think keeping her quiet would just be shoving a hand over her mouth, which i think would actually make her enjoy it more so its like, double edged sword type deal.
I think Gator forces himself to be quiet. Especially since he lived at home for so long and there was always SOMEONE around. So he had to be quiet. But i think with enough encouragement from Win and Kirby he would get louder for them. Especially if the encouragement was sweet words and gentle touches. He'd go a bit feral for it i think. For them. Both of them. As for keeping him quiet. I reallllyyy enjoyed the whole panties in his mouth thing you wrote!!! Thats definitely top notch silencing. I think Kirby would use their fingers in his mouth. Or just kiss him breathless when he's being loud until Gator is just whining into his mouth until he's finished.
Aaahhhhh i hope this is okay im not... i didnt wa a pressume about Win's wants and likes in the bedroom so i feel like i didn't write enough for her but i tried!!!!! 💖💖💖💖
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