#kiribaku abo
anime-rambles · 2 years
Safe with Us: Part 1
Pairing: Alpha!KiriBaku x Omega!MidoriyaTwinReader
Type: Angst, hurt, forced scenting.
Word Count: 3500+
A/N: Thank you all so much for the support and love for my work, I have been super busy at the moment in my personal life and haven't really ad a moment to breathe but I do have this finished and wanted to share with everyone. Part 2 coming soon. I have a new taglist form follow the link below and it will bring you too it. Much love as always, Tiff <3
Summary: You were Midroiya's twin, Bakugou's mate but life isn't easy and one day you were kidnapped, stripped from everything you know. Many years have passed, Bakugou has moved on but only now have you been able to escape, to return to your family. A family that has moved on.
Permanent Tag List: @jasmine2042003 @jazzylove @amypop122 @misssugarless @plutounderbridges @butterscotch-babie @backoftheletter @gojosslvt @himi-yuu @ebiharachan @black-rose-29
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There were many things in your life that you thought was unfair, for one, living with your father away from your twin, having a quirk without your twin and being an omega and not being allowed to be an omega. You know nothing of your omegain side, only that it was something to be ashamed of. That you were merely the lowest of the low and even alpha’s, your destined alpha would tire of you and seek other mates, and you had to be okay with it. 
Your father brought you to this group of alpha’s, you never knew why but one thing was for sure they were villains. When the time came for your first heat, that was the last time you saw your father. He had sold you to them, and left you behind. For many a year the villains took care of you, but not for free, you cooked, cleaned and just about did anything that was expected of you. There was one alpha in the group, a new guy, who took a shine to you. He often would tell you he would find a way to get you home, to trust him, that you will know when the time is right. 
There was an explosion in the compound, it had knocked you straight off your feet. The door to your room, which was more of a cage, unlocked and the door opened slowly. You could hear screams in the distance and you knew it was time to run. A red feather floated into the room and flew around you, pushing at your back towards the door. It is definitely the sign you’ve been waiting for.  So you ran, ran as hard as your feet would take you. Your destination? Unknown. You had nothing, no money, no shelter, you were scared of what would happen now, you could embrace your omega. You could hardly remember your mother, or even if she would take you in, your twin on the other hand… 
You ran to the nearest phone booth, putting some coins you had found in your pocket and dialing the only number you could remember, hoping he never changed it. 
“Hello?” A voice croaked out from the end of the phone.
“Izuku” You whispered, tears already filling your eyes. 
“Yes, who is it? It's the middle of the night.” His voice sounded impatient.
“Zuzu, I ne-”
“Y/N, YOU’RE ALIVE, whereareyouareyouokaystaythereillcomeandgetyoudontgoanywhere..” Izuku interrupted you and tears flowed down your face, more happy tears than anything. 
“So, you’re telling me, Izuku has a twin, that we’ve never met, that you knew of, that your alpha chose and never thought to mention it to me?” Kirishima stood in front of Bakugou with his arms crossed trying to wrap his head around this new information. Bakugou dropped his bag that he was packing and turned to Kirishima. 
“Look, I'm sorry Eiji, what do you want me to say? We both thought she died? she disappeared around the same time Izuku dad went missing and we know how that turned out, she was young and already showing as an omega, and yes my alpha chose her, she was my mate,  but she disappeared, my alpha disappeared with her and then you came into my life and woke him up again, waking him up with that big stupid grin of yours, and my alpha claimed you as my mate too.” Bakugou made his way to Kirishima and placed his hands on his face. Kirishima smiled up at him, not really bothered about the omega, Kirishima knew that if Bakugou’s alpha had already chosen the omega as a mate that his own alpha would do the same. Kirishima had a lot of love to go around. Often the pair would add an extra member during ruts but no one ever felt right for the red head to let them stay around. Kirishima was actually quite excited to meet her but he wants Bakugou to talk about it, to open up more. Kirishima lent forward to kiss Bakugou. 
“I know bro, so manly you are” Bakugou pulled a face and stepped away from Kirishima. 
“What did I say shitty hair, stop calling me bro when you are touching or inside me” Bakugou picked up his bag again and Kirishima just laughed smacking Bakugou ass as he left his room and walked into the main area of the den. 
Everyone in the pack lived there and had their own rooms, Kirishima also had his own room but barely spent time in there anymore since him and Bakugou began courting. Bakugou could see Midoriya pacing at the door, with Todoroki at his side trying to calm him down. 
“God Katsuki hurry up, she’s lost and alone, andprobablythinksweveforgttenaboutheragaingodwearesuchbadexcudsesforalphas..” Midoriya rambled on, and Todoroki tried once again to calm his mate down, he was failing…badly. 
“Let’s go nerd” Bakugou grabbed Midoriya’s collar and pulled him out the door with his pack behind him wishing them luck. Bakugou grabbed his car keys on the way out and threw his and Midoriya’s bag in the boot of his car. 
Once both alpha’s were settled in the car, Bakugou began to drive to the airport, you weren’t in Japan anymore. Midoriya sat ringing his hands together not speaking, he was afraid and unsure what you would think. His alpha had missed you all these years, his baby omegain sister. Both of you had dreamed of becoming hero’s together but when he had not developed his quirk and you had, you promised him you’d still make his dream come true. Then you disappeared leaving him all alone, Bakugou and him grew very distant, and the alpha’s hate grew and grew and the next moment they were both in UA, constantly fighting each other for no reason. The pain of losing you, almost killed both of them. It was only after both nearly losing each other in villain attacks, was what brought them back together and formed their clan with the rest of the class. Midoriya wanted to talk to Bakugou, he wanted him to say something but he could barely read Bakugou’s emotion right now so he thought it was best to stay quiet. 
Bakugou could sense Midoriya wanted to talk but what could he possibly say at this moment. Everyone thought you had died. Mr Midoriya’s body was found years ago and you were nowhere to be seen. The hero’s and police all deemed you dead, as you were an omega without any protection whatsoever. Bakugou blamed himself that he left you all alone, even though there was nothing he could have done, he did not know what Mr.Midoriya was planning on doing. Since that day, the emptiness had taken over Bakugou, his alpha disappeared along with you. It took many hard years of Kirishima constantly working and helping Bakugou that his Alpha came back, but there was always a part missing, that part belonged with you. 
It was like any other day, you were in Bakugou’s house learning how to build a nest which you decided needed to be in his room and Bakugou allowed this, he thought it was adorable watching you learn how to be one with your second gender. It was a lot easier for Alpha’s to join with their second genders, where omega’s had a lot of learning to do. They only join fully with their omega when they go through their first heat. Then Mr. Midoriya arrived and he never saw you again. Bakugou rubbed on his neck, on your mark you left on him. The both of you had not joined sexually as you were both young but you both decided to mark each other early so that if something was to happen to either of you the other would have something to hold onto, one last hope. Bakugou hated the idea at the time but went along with it, and now he was so thankful for your brain for thinking about it, as it was all Bakugou had of you. The nest you had built had been taken by police as evidence and any belongings he had or Midoriya had all gone to some police station somewhere. 
Bakugou’s auto pilot had brought the pair straight to the airport and by the time Bakugou’s brain caught up with his body they were boarding the plane. Bakugou turned Midoriya who looked like he was going to pass out. He grabbed his hand and they locked eyes. 
“She alive, and were bringing her home, that is all the matters, the past is the past,” 
Midoriya nodded at Bakugou and the plane departed on its journey to you. 
Your father took you far away, to some little town in a European country with the plans to marry you off for a quirk marriage to create strong children. You inherited your father fire quirk and you were quite skilled at creating objects with fires and if you concentrate hard enough you could even make bombs but it took too much energy and often left you dizzy and breathless so you promised Bakugou you would leave all the exploding to him. 
Bakugou, you could hardly believe after all this time of hoping and wanting, you could go back to him. Sometimes you would be able to sneak away and see the news, you could see him and Izuku sometimes. You’d often get punished for watching tv but it was worth it, seeing them. You had this longing in your chest to be with Bakugou, a voice inside, telling you he was safe but you didn’t understand what that voice was. All you knew was that you were an omega, that's it, nothing more. Nobody would tell you anything else. You would've been used when you were younger, something about a heat? But you never had one, the alpha’s had said it was because you were already mated to an alpha as you had his mark, that you were only useful to a dominant alpha to break the mark or they could always kill the alpha that marked you but you never told them who it was. You always said it was a nobody, that someone attacked you and they believed you, well all but one alpha, his name was Dabi. He had tried multiple times to get close to you and even one time tried to burn off your mark but it was no use, you had a fire quirk and his flame did nothing to you. After not having your heat because of your joining with someone, they opted to wait for it to come naturally. This would take time. If you were focused to be with an alpha now, the up would not survive, that was also not an option with how powerful your quirk could be. 
Dabi was chosen to be your minder and breaker, you either stayed in your cage or in his room. They hoped that with Dabi’s pheromones your omega would choose him. You spent many nights forced into Dabi’s neck breathing him in, his scent made you sick and just the thoughts of him made your skin crawl. Dabi had also brought you to Japan a few times in the hopes you would be able to point out this alpha, one way or another you eventually would be his. But the hero’s always appeared and attacked him which was getting on Dabi’s nerves so he stopped bringing you. It was too risky. 
You're not really sure how you escaped. You knew the alpha with the red wings, Tango, he called himself but you felt deep down he was lying. You also knew he was behind it but you were never really sure why he helped you but you were grateful. You were finally going home to Izuku and to Bakugou. You knew after all this time the pair of them had probably stopped looking for you, there was no reason to believe you were alive so you couldn’t hold that against them. You also knew that so much time had passed, you were in your twenties now and Bakugou probably found himself another mate, you made a bargain with yourself that you would take all the comfort you could from him, until he mentioned his mate, then you would back off, it was only fare to whomever his mate was. 
You could feel something inside you come alive, but you were unsure as to what it was. There was a deep hunger inside and you started to heat up. Maybe you had caught a cold while running away from the compound. Izuku has mentioned an airport and you had managed to find a way to it, one or two hero’s had helped you along the way. They were friends of ProHero Deku, which you found so hard to believe that your quickless brother was a hero. That his dream came true. You were sitting outside the arrivals section of the airport afraid to go in, you knew no matter where you were standing Izuku would find you. 
The main doors opened and a group of people existed. You looked at them, in the back you could faintly see a mop of green hair and blonde hair. Your heart sped up and you panicked, your brian telling you to hide for some reason, that you didn't deserve to be safe and home. So you hid behind a tree, you could hear your name being called and it was getting closer and closer to you but you stayed behind the tree. 
Bakugou could see your arms sticking out from behind the tree. He knew you were scared, he could smell it in the air. Midoriya was already crying, he nudged Midoriya in a way to tell him to pull himself together. Both alphas reached the tree and stood still, they could hear your whimpers. 
“y/n, there's no need to be afraid,” Midoriya said in a quiet tone. Bakguou placed the bags on the floor. 
“Zuzu, Kats, is it really you.” They could hear the tremble in your voice and could smell your fear in the air. Midoriya motioned to his neck, Bakugou understood immediately and started to pump calming pheromones into the air to try and calm you. Even though Midoriya was your brother, your mate would be able to calm you down more. You started to calm down slightly and peaked at them from around the tree. 
“There she is, we're here now ‘mega, nothings going to happen to you ever again” Bakugou stared deeply into your eyes, he held out his hand to you and so did Midoriya. You took a cautious step towards them, looking around the area for the villains, for Dabi. They had often used the boys' images to trick you in the past to bring your heat forward but something deep inside was telling you it was them right here in front of you. You held out both of your hands and grasped both of them. You released the breath you were holding and looked at the two, both alpha’s had tears in their eyes but neither moved a muscle. 
“You’re both really here” You sobbed and threw your arms around their necks pulling them into you. Both alphas used their arms and held you tight breathing you in. 
“It’s been so long, an-an-d I tried so many times to sh-show you I was ali-vvv-e but they stopped me”You sobbed harder into them. Bakugou and Midoriya both pumped out pheromones to try and calm you down but it was no use, Midoriya could hardly breathe himself as he was crying just as hard. 
“Y/n, I failed you, I’m so so sorry” Midoriya fell to his knees, and sobbed into his hands. You pulled away from Bakugou and joined Midoriya on the floor. 
“Hush now, let's not live in the past, right now all I want to do is go home and I want you to tell me what it’s like being heroes. I’m so proud of you both right now.” You said and held onto Midoriya, once his crying had stopped he pulled you both to your feet. Midoriya let you go and grabbed his and Bakugou’s bag, giving the two of you a minute. You looked up at him and his eyes stared deeply into your eyes. 
“Hello you” You whispered, and made your way to stand closer to Bakugou. 
“Hey ‘mega” Bakugou wrapped his arms tightly around you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. He tucked your face into his neck and you could feel his pheromones were much stronger here. Something inside you said you should kiss his glands, you could see his mark on his neck, the same one you had placed on him all those years ago, binding you both together. At the time it was just you being sappy, what you had not realized was that it was that sappiness that actually saved you all these years. 
“Missed you, a part of me died when you weren't here, never letting you out of my sight again, I’ll die without you” Bakguou whispered into your neck. You hummed for a moment, letting the comfort take over.
“I'm here now, Kats.” you closed your eyes and just breathed in his scent, you hummed again and let it take over. Bakugou giggled into your neck. 
“You purring ‘mega,” 
“Wait what, that's not you making that sound” You pulled slightly in his arms to look at him. He smiled at you. 
“Nope, that’s your omega sweetheart, she’s calling to my alpha, her mate.” Bakugou kissed your forehead, you let out an uneasy laugh. Bakugou could read you in an instant. 
“Don’t worry, I help you learn about your omega again, don’t expect you know a lot bout it, stupid kidnappers, and beside it’s my job as Alpha to teach you.” Bakugou’s brows creased and you lent forward to kiss them. He stopped all movements which caused you to giggle. 
“I trust you Kats, now let's go home yeah?” you asked as you wriggled out of his arms and made your way to Midoriya taking his hand in yours. 
Many many hours later you were back in Japan, sitting in Bakugou’s lap while Midoriya drove you home. On the flight home you learnt all about their pack, and den. You learnt basically everything you had missed over the years. Midoriya told you about Allmight and what happened, how he’s a hero now. Bakugou filled you in about everything else, the little things you might have missed in Midoriya’s mumblings. The boys pushed you to talk about your time but right now you couldn’t process anything about it without panicking so they stopped asking and decided to wait until you were ready. 
Midoriya pulled into the driveway of the house, and some of the pack members were already outside waiting. You looked up at them and started to panic, your head screaming at you that this is where you lose Bakugou, that his new omega is up there. Bakugou could sense your panic and asked Midoriya to get the pack inside and he’ll bring you in, in a minute. Bakugou watched as Midoriya ushered everyone inside and he locked eyes with Kirishima who was smiling like a dork to him.
Bakugou pulled you to him and kissed your forehead. “Come one ‘mega, what's going on in your head of yours.” You took a moment to breathe and pulled back to look at Bakugou and spoke. 
“I can’t do it Katsuki, I made a deal with myself that I can have you until we made it back to your pack, and I would give you back to your omega but I can't do it , I can't do it, I can't do it.” You sobbed into Bakugou. He released some pheromones and when your crying had slowed down he began to speak. 
“Y/n, I never took another omega, you’re the only one for me” Bakugou wiped your tears away. “But, b–ut, Kirishima? You mention him very differently. I assumed he was your new omega.” Bakugou took a breath, “I really didn’t want to do this so soon, but only recently did I start seeing Kirishima, he brought my Alpha back but sweetheart, Kirishima is an alpha and the pack alpha and I love you both so much, in my heart something clicks with it being us three, but we’ll give you time to heal okay, Kirishima agreed to stay away to help.” Bakugou rubbed your neck as he spoke, you stayed quiet. You weren’t quite sure how to react, were you happy? Yes. Were you mad? No. Something inside you was very excited to meet this new alpha, and you could faintly smell something new on Bakugou but you just imagined it was someone from the clan but now everything made sense and you started to smile. 
“Let’s go meet everyone then” You smiled brightly at Bakugou and kissed his lips. Bakugou’s smile joined yours and he released the breath he was holding.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 14 days
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guardian-of-da-gay · 2 years
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#subtopkrbkweek Day 7 Be Mean (Baku would say ‘Be Responsible’)
When your alpha boyf is in rut but you still got an organic chemistry test in the morning--cue lofi hip hop radio - beats to get h*mped/study to
See it uncensored on Patreon~
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ladysunamireads · 6 months
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emmafoxglove · 1 year
“I think you’d like my grandson,” she said. “He’s loud and passionate, like you.” Kirishima couldn’t help but smile. “I’m sure he’s a great person, if he’s anything like his grandmother.” The healer hmphed at that. “He’s wild and full of himself. But he’s determined and knows what he wants in life. Many alphas find that intimidating.” “What does he want?” “The same thing everyone wants,” she said. “To be admired and respected for who he is.”
Nobody has every courted omega Bakugo Katsuki. He's too much; sharp tongued and aggressive, with a habit of putting himself in risky situations. But to a certain lone alpha from up the mountain, these are just the beginnings of Katsuki's charms.
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nutella0mutt · 2 years
Chapter 19 posted of Alpha x Alpha!
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ao3feed-bnha-rarepair · 4 months
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 14 days
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guardian-of-da-gay · 2 years
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SWITCH Krbk Week 2022 Prompt 3: “A/B/O”
Two alphas make ruts twice the fun!
See it uncut on Patreon~
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The Omega Prince
The omega prince by Sharkofchaos
Despite his love for the omega he grew up with, Bakugou Katsuki is betrothed to Prince Izuku. The omega prince seems kind, but factors are in play that neither of them can control.
Words: 2089, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Alpha Shinsou Hitoshi, Omega Kirishima Eijirou, Alpha Bakugou Katsuki
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47866621
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 months
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Viridian Eyes
Viridian Eyes by SAL3
Shouto's blood boiled the moment he saw the scratches on her face, the marks on her body, and let alone them dragging her into the courtroom. And yet, vibrant viridian eyes stared back at him defiantly, unbreakable.
Words: 847, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta
Additional Tags: Female Midoriya Izuku, Prince Todoroki Shouto, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Todoroki Shouto, Omega Verse, Omega Midoriya Izuku, Omega Uraraka Ochako, Omega Kaminari Denki, Omega Kirishima Eijirou, Dragon King Bakugou Katsuki, Good Parent Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Supportive Bakusquad, Why Did I Write This?, Midoriya Izuku is Not Okay, Knight Iida Tenya, Knight Todoroki Shouto
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46546081
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emmafoxglove · 2 years
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My newest project, Unnamed KiriBaku Red Riding Hood Fanfiction, is in the last stages of being written! It’ll be my first My Hero Academia fic and I’m really looking forward to sharing it with ya’ll. 
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yndrgrl · 6 months
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"please don't go, i love you so, my lovely"
[welcome] to my blog! how are you feeling today? i am the owner of this blog, feel free to call me whatever you want! i go by all pronouns, but people mostly use she/her haha. my specialty is yandere (obviously) but i do love me some good cutesy romance! when i'm not writing, you can find me on a mat wrestling, lifting weights at the gym, or at my desk journaling :)
[warnings]: i will say that my yandere works are fairly soft compared to other yandere interpretations, but i will warn you that i typically write obsessive behaviors, stalking, & smut. any other warnings you should be aware of are included in the fanfics themselves.
[masterlist]: all my fics are located below :)
"i think about you all the fuckin' time" -> link
your classmate, yandere! bakugou, has a major crush on you. nsfw.
"so tell me, if you feel the same" -> link
bakugou had a glowup during summer break. sfw.
"i want you. all of you" -> link
new bf! bakugou helps his bunnygirl gf, you. nsfw.
"you think you're all that?" -> link
yandere! bakugou uses you to get to your friend but falls for you instead. nsfw.
"you're just our type" -> link
you gym crushes, yandere! kiribaku, finally make a move. nsfw.
"you know, it's rude to stare, y/n" -> link
your new job is to nanny yandere! aizawa's cute kid. nsfw.
"i'm busy fucking! " -> link
you are promoted to assistant for your boss, yandere! bakugou. nsfw.
"just swallow your pride & ask like a good girl" -> link
your enemy, yandere! bakugou, is possessive over you. nsfw.
"you think you're so clever, huh?" -> link
your mission, as a spy, is to bring mafia boss, yandere! dabi. nfsw.
-more coming soon... <3
"an idiot" -> link
bakugou has a crush on you, & you're dense. sfw.
"oh, how i adore you, y/n" -> link
you & bakugou's relationship dynamic. sfw.
"no one calls me sweet, like... ever" -> link
you believe that bakugou is too sweet for you. sfw.
-more coming soon... <3
"you better stfu or else you'll be in so much trouble" -> link
step bro! bakugo x step sis! reader. nsfw.
"tell me you're mine forever, baby girl" -> link
dilf! bakugou x barista! reader. nsfw.
"wonder how far you'll go to stop us" -> link
bullies! kiribaku x reader. nsfw.
-more coming soon... <3
[i will not write] the traditional yandere x darling stuff where the yandere tortures their darling. i also do not write heavily forced nsfw content & heavily unwilling reader because i want my fics to be indulgent, not traumatic. i also refuse to write homophobia, racism, any sort of hate towards a group of people, p3do shit, necrophilia, scat, urine, & feet (it freaks me out haha).
[i do write] dark romance, bdsm, degrading & praising, somnaphilia, dom/sub dynamics, power play, voyerism, abo stuff, other au's, & reasonable age gaps (teacher/student, boss/employee, etc). i will write coercion & light unwilling-to-willing reader. if i didn't mention anything, but you want me to write some other kink, feel free to message me & i'll let you know if i'll write it or not :)
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imaginarylungfish · 11 months
My Hero Academia fic recs
alright, this is the fandom i have the read the most fanfics for (and for which the ships i read for have expanded the most). they are organized by ships and sfw/nsfw. enjoy! and thank you fanfic writers!! (my favorites in purple. and my absolute favorite in pink.)
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
The Color of Love: short 600 middle school AU fic where izuku and shouto do homework together
Keep Me Warm (It's a Cold Night): 1K fic about pro-heroes and husabnds Deku and Shouto cuddling after a long day at work
Morning: 1,100 cute fic where shouto asks izuku a question
Heart on Your Sleeve: 2,200 established relationship emotional hurt/comfort
It's Always Been You: 2.6K fic where izuku is avoiding shouto based on rumors of him having a boyfriend
The Idiot's Guide to Realizing You're in Love (...And Doing Something About It): 4K fic in which shouto realizes his feelings for izuku. background erasermic
Authored by WillWorkForSoba: 4K fic where shouto becomes a fanfic writer to cope with his feelings for izuku. featuring todobaku friendship [related to Smaller_Might Left Kudos on This Work!]
Smaller_Might Left Kudos on This Work!: 6K fic where izuku reads some tododeku fanfic and likes a specific fanfic writer in the process. background kiribaku and momojirou [best to read Authored by WillWorkForSoba first]
A Good Start: 5,500 fluff and angst with happy ending. (shouto doesn't like bakugo in this one.)
Rainbow: almost 7K fic where shouto comes out with the help of kirishima and kaminari's face paint
All According to Keikaku...........: 8,800 fluff and getting together
The Right to Be: 10K fic where enji accepts and advocates for shouto's relationship with izuku (mostly enji-centric)
If I'm Being Honest: 26K fic where shouto is hit by a truth serum and some classmates take him to mcdonald's and figure out his crush on izuku. some background kiribaku
That Feel When Your Quirk is Also a Sexy Eldritch Horror You Can Only KINDA Control: almost 3K fic where izuku's blackwhip just has a thing for his boyfriend shouto
Got an Issue? Here's a Tissue: almost 3K fic where shouto has a hard time controlling his quirk because of izuku
But You Went to Fight Off Your Genetics: 3K abo fic where beta izuku needs some emotional support from his boyfriend shouto
Hit Me With Your Sweet Love, Steam Me With a Kiss: 10K quirkless college au with pining shouto and camboy izuku
Ten Years, One Torch: 40K fic where pro hero izuku returns to japan after working in america and realizes he is not over shouto. background class 1a friendships and kiribkau relationship progression
The Roots that Clutch: 296K pro hero slow burn (i'm talking 46 chapters, friends). highly recommend but damn, be ready for some heavy angst.
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Deserving: almost 3K fic where kiri gets hit with a mind-reading quirk (with some homophobia from mineta)
Authored By: GroundZero420: 3,500 fic where bakugo realizes his feelings for kiri through finding and subsequently writing fanfic [related to WannaRi0t Left Kudos on This Work!]
Not Yet: 4K oblivious bakugo realizing his feelings
WannaRi0t Left Kudos on This Work!: 5,400 fic where kiri reads some kiribaku fanfic and finds a specific fanfic writer he likes [best to read Authored By: GroundZero420 first]
Why Fucking Not?: 6K fic where bakugo has acute amnesia and thinks he and kiri are boyfriends
Sweaty Palms and Swollen Knuckles: 3,700 poetic aged-up friends -to-lovers fic
So Spend Some Time With Me (I Really Like Your Company): almost 9K quirkless college au where bakugo and shouto go to hooters and bakugo is interested in a certain hooters waiter (kiri). background tododeku.
More Than I'd Like, More Than You Do: 25K fic where katsuki reunites with kiri after a year and things progress
Look At Me, I Hear You: 59K quirkless au with deaf bakugo and blind kirishima as roommates at a boarding school. the two realize their feelings for each other and learn how to navigate their relationship together. just lovely.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Souvenirs: short 500 fic where aged-up katsuki finds souvenirs for his boyfriends after a trip to new york
When You Know You Know: 1,400 of tododeku pillow talk fluff while squished next to katsuki on the bed
Accompanied by City Lights: 1,600 pro-hero established relationship fic where izuku has insomnia and his boyfriends try to get him to stay home and go to bed
This Love is a Sure Thing: 1,600 fic about pro-hero's izuku, shouto, and katsuki date night
To the Feeling: 1,700 fluff where pro-heroes izuku, shouto, and katsuki attend a hero convention disguised
Dinner Plans: 2,200 quirkless college (?) au in which izuku, katsuki, and shouto make some plans together
I'm Home (in Your Arms): 2,600 fic where aged-up katsuki and izuku pick shouto up from the airport. both established relationship and getting together.
Gezellig: 3K domestic fluff where izuku, shouto, and katsuki are pro-heros and dads
Love in Three Parts: 5K fic set during deku's dark hero arc. katsuki and shouto worry about him and everyone pines
The All Might Trivia Contest: 5K fic in which all might leads facilitates a class 1a trivia night. background erasermight and kamishin
I Was Hurting And You Knew (So You Showed Me What To Do): 6K fic where aged-up katsuki and shouto (established relationship) care for a sick izuku
Triptych For the Heart: 11K fic in which shouto is a pro-hero and a little lost, but izuku and katsuki are by his side
Communication Breakdown: almost 16K fic where shouto thinks he has two boyfriends but neither of them know. very funny and cute fic.
Bakugou Katsuki's Guide to Ignoring PTSD: 86K quirkless college au. katsuki has ptsd from a past car crash. he doesn't deal with it well, but his friends (and eventual lovers) help him along the way. great depiction of ptsd. background kamishin and miritami
The Distance of Differences: 86K fic where pro-hero izuku gets amnesia and doesn't remember he has two boyfriends. shouto and katsuki are so patient and caring to him. wonderful read. background erasermight.
Small World: short almost 700 abo fic with omega shouto and alpha izuku and katsuki
Trains Run Late: 1,500 quirkless au fic where izuku makes out with a beautiful man (shouto) and his boyfriend (katsuki) at a bar
Without Me?: 1,600 aged-up fic where katsuki helps shouto get with izuku (and also himself in the process)
Mates: 2K aged-up abo fic where katsuki returns from a long shift at work and is greeted by his sleepy husbands (one being pregnant)
You're Okay, Sweet Prince: 3K aged-up fic in which shouto's boyfriends help him cope with his past
Before Dawn (I'm With You): 3K fic where shouto and izuku have food (and more) ready for pro-hero katsuki when he returns home from an overnight shift
Pandora: 3K pro-hero fic where izuku, katsuki, and shouto are trapped in a quirk-deactivating box
Beginning to End: 3,500 pro-hero fic where katsuki and shouto try to make izuku's birthday special
All or Nothing: 4K todobakudeku first time
Fluffle: 5K aged-up fic where shouto gets a fantasy fulfilled by izuku and katsuki
There's a Little Me That Lives in You: really creative 8K soul marks fic in which our boys are oblivious
I'd Love to See Me From Your Point of View: fun/funny 9K body-swapping fic
Touch Me, Touch Me Not, Touch Me: almost 13K fic where izuku, shouto, and katsuki each get hit with different quirks and need to figure out how to undo them
Rock, Paper, Scissors: 20K fic with pro-heros izuku, shouto, and katsuki being messy and drunk, and eventually getting together
When It's Sunrise: 22K pro-hero angst-with-a-happy-ending fic
In Media Res: 74K+ (still ongoing) bakudeku + todo slow burn into todobakudeku endgame. this is honestly my favorite todobakudeku fic, by a long shot. the pacing is superb. the writing and flow are just amazing. and the characters feel so real. i love love love it! (plus it has a companion called Interlude where we see other characters' POV's of main plotlines!)
The Beating of My Glass Heart: 209K angsty soulmate slowburn fic with happy ending. super good, but damn get ready for some angst.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
(Not-So) Silent Loving: 2,400 cute fic about katsuki mixing up some words
Feels Like Home: 6K fic where class 2a has a party and izuku and katsuki get a little drunk
Sing One We Know: 33K post-war fic where izuku and katsuki navigate life and figure out their feelings for each other
What's Your Type: 20K pro heroes bakugo and deku go on a game show to test their knowledge about each other but miss one question... that leads to something more
Your Hand in Mine (In Every Universe): 56K really cool alternate-timelines-clashing au where we see different katsuki's realize the same thing about izuku
Philophobia: 10K fic where izuku, and katsuki, take care of eri and eventually confess some things in the process
Half Drunk, Happy: 13K post-graduation fic where izuku and katsuki hook up and then figure things out
Go Get Your Man, Young Bakugo!: 16K fic where all might misinterprets izuku and katsuki's relationship but the miscommunication leads to something more for them
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
Baby Fever: 1.3K established todobaku visit shouto's new nephew in the hospital and seeing shouto hold a baby makes katsuki feel things
Love is an Accident Waiting to Happen: 7K married todobaku + todofam interactions
When We Did Not Know the Answers: 67K shouto-centric slow burn showing shouto's dating experiences while he figures out what he likes
Yuck!: 34K abo todobaku with oblivious katsuki and uncommunicative shouto
Triple Dog Dare: 50K post-breakup katsuki finds friendship (and more) with shouto
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Want It All: 29K fic where tododeku and kiribaku figure some things out [related to Ten Years, One Torch]
Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
To Sleep At Your Side (an Act of Trust): 3K tamaki-centric fic about trust and sharing a bed
A Job That No One Wants: 5K fic where mirio is babysitting eri and it's clear his care for her and tamaki come from the same place: love
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
We Are So (Not) Married: fun 53K fic where present mic and erasherhead figure some things out while under the guise of being married
Kuduo | Second One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User
Iridescent: almost 2K fic of yoichi fluff
Candescent: 1.7K fic where yoichi gives kuduo ofa
Todoroki Touya | Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Primal Factor (Unfinished): 2K unfinished fic (but i think it's fine as a one-shot) that's mainly smut
Incendiate: 8,500 angsty enemies-to-lovers fic
Yakitori: 80K fic with mpreg trans keigo and touya figuring things out
Rhapsody: 188K fic where keigo and touya get hit by a quirk that makes them realize some things (read trigger warnings before reading)
Carrying a Villian's Kid Arc I, Arc II & III: 16- and 25-chapter abo wip with mpreg keigo and touya figuring things out
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