kirudrawsthings · 2 years
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Some commissions from this year.  Please don’t take or repost.
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mrpinchy · 6 years
Curious about your thoughts about some Sign Language stuff in Azeroth. So in your latest comic, you have Edi using ASL ( Azerothian Sign Language ) which is for those of 5 fingers, and myself and others have like, 3 fingered people who use Handspeak ( tauren, trolls and so forth ) but what about like, gnomes, who only have 4 fingers, and others that fall in between? Any ideas?
There are many different types of sign languages and dialects in Azeroth just like in the real world! 3-4-5 fingered languages for different races/cultures all exist together and sometimes blend into each other when those cultures share the same space long enough.
Of course signing is more than just how many fingers you have, it’s also about body language and facial expression, both of which can vary from race to race!  Even though both tauren and trolls have 3 fingers, tauren with their tails and wide bovine snouts incorporate different expressions in their signing than trolls with their long ears and tusks!  All elves express with their ears (to varying degrees depending on race) when signing.  Some undead may use their tongue in uhh creative ways when making facial expressions, especially if they don’t have eyes to make eye contact while signing.
AZEROTH SIGNING IS VERY INTERESTING AND COMPLEX, but for the sake of this post I’m focusing on just the hands! 
Troll signing is different from goblin or human signing, but on top of that, different troll tribes/cultures have different signals for the same things, so not even members of the same race are guaranteed to understand each other.  All language is complex, even the unspoken ones!  However many troll tribes have a history of trading with each other, so it’s likely a universal sign language grew between some neighbors and, over time, was shared with other tribes. Since troll tribes can be very isolated there are some tribes out there that still don’t share a universal sign language, or do not share the most common trollish one(s).
Other examples are different tauren tribes and goblin cartels.  Tauren are also travelers and traders + there are mass events where many tauren tribes gather, so they probably created a more universal sign language between them over time (though individual tribes still have unique signals for some things).  
Goblins have a standardized form of sign language recognized and practiced by all cartels just because communication is so vital for business. I would guess any business-minded goblins are eager to learn (or pay someone to learn) multiple languages, including signs.
As adventurers continue to travel the world and cultures blend into each other, more and more signs are being learned and shared between people, and the result is more universally recognized languages for 3-4 fingered users like what 5-fingered users have with Azerothian Sign Language.
Tauren and trolls likely have some similar signals between them now that they're bonded by faction.  Goblin and gnome alignments may differ but they too have learned signals between each other over time.
ASL is mainly for 5-fingered users like dwarves and elves, but thanks to the melting pot of cultures and languages being shared, ASL still incorporates many common signs used by 3-4 fingered users. This is especially important on the Horde where all but four races have either 3 or 4 fingers, and it’s possible Horde ASL is slightly different from Alliance ASL for this reason.
Undead signing can get creative because although they were originally humans with 5 fingers, many don’t have 5 fingers anymore lol.  Horde ASL is the easiest for most to use universally now.
Though their cultures have been separated from each other by thousands of years, night elves and blood elves still share some similar ancient signs. This can be useful, but also annoying. 
Pandaren were isolated from the rest of azeroth for thousands of years so their signing is unique. Other 4-fingered races like gnomes and goblins have the easiest time learning pandaren sign language but many (not all) pandaren are happy to teach it to anyone interested.  Most pandaren have learned the universal sign languages of their chosen factions by now and default to those signs in the company of their allies, but they can (and do) still communicate with their native signs between each other, even cross faction.
Worgen have had an interesting history with signing, going from 5-fingered gilnean humans (gilneas having it’s own sign language after years of isolation) to 4-fingered beast men.  Not only did worgen packs start creating a brand new sign language with their new hands/paws, but those who returned to civility and joined the Alliance then had to learn/relearn their faction’s universal ASL.  Thankfully gnomes, being the only other 4-fingered race on Alliance, we able to help many worgen acclimate.  Most worgen can temporarily transform back into humans, so it’s not uncommon for them to sometimes mix up signals between 5-fingered gilnean/alliance ASL and 4-fingered signing.
Orcs and draenei are aliens and have their own sign languages separate from any native azeroth race.  Orcs born on azeroth are more likely to learn Horde ASL nowadays over more traditional orcish signing, whereas the long-lived draenei enjoy learning Alliance ASL but don’t necessarily forget their ancient signs.
Speaking of alien worlds, the ASL taught in places like Outlands Shattrath may not be pure Azerothian Sign Language but an amalgamation of mostly ASL + signs from other races seeking sanctuary in the city.  
As far as allied races go, highmountain tauren were surprised by how many of their signs were identical to the tauren. Now that HM tauren are part of the horde they are eagerly learning troll signing too and Horde ASL.
Nightborne have been isolated for thousands of years and have their own unique signing, though much of it is recognizable to night elves and (to a lesser extent) blood elves.  Like the HM tauren they are eager to learn Horde ASL and communicate with their new 3-4 fingered allies.
Lightforged draenei have spent thousands of years planet hopping while chasing the Legion. Though they still use the same native signs as alliance draenei, lightforged have some very unique, even other-worldly signs in their vocabulary too.
Void elves are discovering Horde ASL and Alliance ASL are not exactly the same thing, but it’s nothing a little practice won’t help.
Zandalari trolls are ancient and use ancient signs, however they are also master seafarers who’ve traveled the world’s oceans and encountered many other troll tribes and races over time. It’s possible some zandalari know a universal sign language used in azeroth, or even multiple ones.
Kul Tiran humans use a very similar sign language to what we know as Alliance ASL, however there are some key differences, namely the incorporation of special 3-4 fingered signs and one-handed signals for fishermen and sailors who've lost a finger or two or 5 to the sea. Like the zandalari they are master seafarers and probably know other forms of sign language used by other races/tribes along the coasts of azeroth.  Some pirates prefer to use those languages depending on.. circumstances.
5-fingered users are still common enough overall that most 3-4 fingered people can read some ASL even if they cannot speak it.
In general it’s easier for 5-fingered sign users to learn how to speak the common/universal sign languages for 3-4-fingered users than the other way around.
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gpainfox · 6 years
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I've been practicing using the water tool on SAI
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Rules: We’re snooping on your playlist.
Set your entire music library on shuffle and repost the first 10 songs that pop up.
Choose 10 some victims.
1. Justice - Fire (Sped up remix)
2. Buckethead - Game of Death, Bruce Lee
3. Susanoo Terumi - Must Die
4.  Akiko Yano - Ai Ga Nakucha Ne - 7  Aisuru Hito Yo
5. Soul'd Out - Magenta Magenta
6. Doom - Kitchen Ace remake by Andrew Hulshult
7. Lustt - Pillow Talk
9. Murs ft. Rob Feature- Room 3:16(One of my favorites)
10. Handsome Boy Modeling School - Sunshine (Another favorite)
TAGGED BY:@veequeent (Thanks Bud. Mondo appreciated.)
TAGGING: @kirukakiru @voqurnen-jovein @magician-stuff @arkanik7th and anyone else who follows me who wants to do this.
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rudemonkeyy · 7 years
For ALL of them 👘 💡 🌠
I already answered 💡 in my last ask
👘- A memory associated with an article of clothing they have
Fishuli -
Answered already, it was his old crew clothes and weapons.
Rei’hua and Dazzil -
They’ve both don’t really have anything special but maybe in the future they will.
🌠- A time they wished upon a falling star
Fishuli -
Never has he wished upon a star, probably cause he’s a grouch or something.
Rei’hua -
He’s made plenty of wishes to stars, mostly for the health and good fortune for others. He just wants other’s to be happy.
Dazzil -
He did make a wish the one rare chance he saw a falling star to become rich and live in comfort. Hasn’t gone well for him so far.
Thanks for the asks!
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cyborgraptor · 7 years
kirukakiru replied to your post: One day I need to sit and go through my followers...
…. i do that like at least once a week cuz ick….
honestly I should’ve done that from the start but it’s never really occurred to me until now with all of this non-ns-fw crap being autoflagged
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solfantasyart · 7 years
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Bust commission for kirukakiru of their tiny fluffy troll Minzun! Hope you like it!
If you’re interested in a commission, check out my information here!
Note to self: Never draw braids again
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Credit: kirukakiru
“My entries for the #STVBB2020 all together here.  Lots of cuties to be had! Lots of fun too!  I hope to actually see you guys at the bash and at least say hi!  But I'm a shy person so I might be too scared to come find you myself lol“
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mostlycatsmostly · 6 years
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Nidalee presenting leg/foot/beans? She’s a character. And Momiji trying to headbutt the camera as usual. He is a goober.
(submitted by @kirukakiru)
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thedovahcat · 6 years
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Ko-fi commission for @kirukakiru !
Interested in a Ko-fi commission? Info here!
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kirudrawsthings · 2 years
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Characters belong to me!  Please don’t take or repost.
Art of various characters of mine, if you have questions about any of them pls ask!
These are some of my DnD characters + friends characters.
Pride chibis of Duzz, Mina and Vrjn
Bunny Buddies, Hibi and Mina : Spouse Bunnies Minty, Niji and Piero
Maha being soft firbolg
Maha’s adopted kids Mori and Mu
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namedyoro-blog · 6 years
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Zhakka and Khe’hara for @kirukakiru
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doodlingleluke · 7 years
 kirukakiru said:  i dont trust DA cuz of their TOS...... they can literally use your art without your permission and make a profit
I haven’t heard anything about that, but if its true that is pretty scummy.... tho honestly I don’t really see how any of my stuff would be profitable, and in any case I mainly want to go back because I want to make some more dress up games and dA is a good place to host them
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What are Jang's top 5 things to grow? Kratzul's top 5 thing's he's built?
 Jang:“Top five tings ah grown? Das a tough’n. I ‘preciate everytin’ ah grow, realleh. Da’ top five dou’ be...” He strokes his chin in thought. “Out een th’ green’ouse, I got some dreamin’ gloreh. Alwehs sweet smellin’, ‘n gives ya’ th’ energy y’ need t’ start th’ day. Da’ oda’ I got some Fiyah Leaf ‘n some Gold Clovahs. Out ‘n th’ field, we got some Green Tea Leaves fah th’ native market. Een ah room, ah got m’self a planted Astral Gloreh from Draenah. ‘Eets trouble t’ keep eet growin’, but th’ fact eet ees makes meh ‘appeh.”Kratzul:“You can’t begin to imagine how difficult it is for me to pick solely five of my favorite toys. What qualities and merits do I base my answer upon?” A heavy sigh, and the Elf crosses his arms. “Then I’ll have to go with an old favorite; my Rocket Launcher. It’s served me well through the years and I can’t imagine how my life would have been without it. Following that, the tanks I’ve worked on both on the field, and off during the Northrend Campaign. Third, a number of odds and ends like music boxes and wind-up animals. Various other items I can’t quite talk about in good company...” He smirks. “Then, I must admit I’m a bit simple; Bombs. There’s nothing quite like the art of making them. Except perhaps using them.”
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rudemonkeyy · 7 years
Minzun would go fishing with FIshuli if only to have fish to drop on people in Orgrimmar... also fishing buddy.
I’m sure Fishuli would love some company! And I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the extra fish, just means he can whip up a few snacks.
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Credit: kirukakiru
“ Someone get this out of shape blue berry some sunblock before she turns into a burnt berry.... I think @CupCakeTea 's Lytasima likely picked out the swimwear for Yaliinia #STVBB #STVBB19 #draenei  Will she actually go? WHO KNOWS!? “
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