yukikorogashi · 4 years
💞💖💘💕 don't have to do them all if you don't want to, this just seems cute!
Positivity meme (Slowly Accepting)
Send 💞 and my muses will say something nice about your muse
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   FOR AS NERVOUS AS SHE WAS, there was no denying just how EXCITED she still was-- as she began making way up to the front of the classroom itself. Having even gone through the effort of asking for both her uncles’ feedback, when it came to both her written and oral presentation. Both-- that have certainly needed quite some reworking, as expected. Still, however, that night would prove itself to be exhausting and yet, surprisingly fun. Especially as she sat there and listened to TWO VERY DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEWS on the subject matter itself. Now rewritten and even typed out from the FAMILY TYPEWRITER itself (That she had an absolutely BALL typing on-- that was, until Uncle Hosea stepped in due to the typos she kept making). she was ready. At least, so she wanted to believe... as she looked over her entire class, and over towards her teacher then. As she straightened the essay held firmly within her very hands, Itsuki would clear her throat, straighten her back one more time, and began:
   “Ah ‘ave dreamed about the day dat ah would get ta find a place ah could call mah very own HOME. An’ yet, little did ah know dat he would come in the form of a man named ARTHUR MORGAN. A kind, an’ hardworkin’ man, WHOM ah had only gotten da chance ta meet wit’. When he had paid a visit to the ORPHANAGE-- jus’ so he could HELP OUT. An’ while he ain’t all dat-- oof, sorry-- is not much of a talker, his ACTIONS always spoke louder than words. The day we got ta meet an’ sit ta-gether at the swings, would be the beginnin’ of the BEST DAYS of mah life. As ah would soon enough, be allowed ta call this man... mah own FATHER.
    Now, as ah had mentioned earlier, mah pa-- mm, ‘cuse me-- father, is a hardworkin’ man. Who always gets up before the crack of every dawn, and works his fingers to the bone. On the ranch that he near singlehandedly takes care of. An’ despite that, mah pa still finds the time ta watch o’er me, an’ help me out wit’ mah homework, whenever need it. Every moment we get to spend ta-gether is an ADVENTURE. Even when it comes ta preparin’ DINNER, you’d ‘ave ta be there ta believe it.
  Ah love my pa, an’ uhm just so grateful ta ‘ave him in mah life. He makes me so PROUD ta be his DAUGHTER.”
   And she could only hope, that he felt the same way about her.
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   AND SO WOULD THE REALISATION strike her, so much so like a bolt of lightning shot down from the VERY HANDS OF ZEUS himself. For despite having known the other far longer than she had any other soul in these past few centuries. Kassandra was still far less inclined to openly express herself these days, when compared to how her younger self would most likely have had... so very long ago. Grimacing to herself then as she remembered her attempts. Of the words that she had dared deemed SACCHARINE, Kassandra believed then that it was perhaps for the best that she had long since grown past... such ways.
   “Something nice, you say...” It wasn’t to say that she had nothing at all to say (The complete opposite, in fact), but simply struggled to string those words together in a coherent enough manner, right then and there, “Hm, let me see...” 
   “It has been so long since I have met a man like him. A man as loyal as he. That by the Gods themselves, it almost makes the HEIREIAI’S own actually PALE in comparison.” Remembering back to the very day that he had come to her aid, Kassandra’s first impression of these lands had definitely been salvaged thanks to him. Unlike those MALAKAS to which she had been more than glad to offer a MUCH NEEDED PAY BACK to, later on. “He is a good man...” A wonderful man, A GREAT MAN, in fact. Especially to this Spartan warrior. These few simple words... to which she would continue to struggle in openly expressing, save through a soft gaze from her. Or a touch from calloused fingertips themselves.
   Drifting off for a moment with a gentle purse of her lips, Kassandra’s eyes would then wander off to where he would now stand. As a more evident smile would begin to make its way upon already thoughtful features.
   “... one who has made me smile, if not laugh, so many times now since I have arrived here...” As it became apparent that some playful rough housing had since begun to take place between him and one of the other gang members, Kassandra would snort as she continued to watch them off from the side, “... And one whom I cannot possibly imagine NOT having in my life.”
Send 💖 and my muses will say something nice about you, the mun
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   “... Naw way... is dat... is dat rea-leh ya???” Oh Goddess, just look how much they have changed since she had last met them. As Itsuki would begin to amble through the thick snow, so would a brilliant squeal would leave her as she flopped forward and threw her arms around them in greeting, “It is yoooou! Oh, Rory, it’s been AGES! It’s so good ta see ya again!!!” All too abruptly however, would she stop in her hopping (Humorously sluggish considering how much snow there was out here, but all the same as ENERGETIC as it possibly could be), and give the most POWERFUL POUT that she could muster up at them, “Hmph! Took ya long enough ta visit! Didn’ ah tell ya dat ah was gonna cook us the yummiest din-din da next time ya dropped by? ... Wait, ah didn’? ... Well then.” Wasting no more time then, so would the child begin to guide them back to her hut. With their hand held in her well-worn, but all the soft white mitten. It would offer some semblance of warmth from the cold itself, before a far greater source of heat from the fireplace greeted them from beyond the hut’s entrance drapes.
   “C’mon, sit yerself down, now! Ya need a break frum all’a dat hard work ya’ve been puttin’ in, oh, ah can tell! An’ ‘ave ya been gettin’ enough sleep?” Itsuki simply couldn’t take her eyes off them, as she began setting everything up. Grinning over to them every now and then, as she got the bowls and utensils ready. “Omgosh ah jus’... ah nearly didn’ recognise yer fer a second, y’know? But... ah know it’s ya, da moment ah took a good look at dem PEEPERS of yers! Still as purteh as da last time ah saw am, hehe! Oh-- uhm jus’ so glad ta see dat y’ve been doin’ so well fer yerself, y’know? Ah mean-- ah heard ‘bout how yer doin’ fer da sis. But, uhm so glad dat ah can finall-eh see it fer m’self! An’ jus’ tell ya how PROUD ah am of ya! Yer jus’ kickin’ so much BUTT out there, an’ it shows!”
   As she handed a large bowl of OHAW over to them, Itsuki would still continue to chatter excitedly away.
   “Ya gotta share wit’ me what ya’ve been studyin’ over thar, hehe! Please!”
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   A KNOWING SMILE would begin to grace her lips, as she acknowledged the other with the slightest nod of her head. "And so, do we finally meet... Come, sit with me.” And as she would say those words, the immortal swore that she could hear IKAROS’ near indignant squawk amidst the red cardinals, bluejays, and goldfinches that have chosen to brave the coldest of seasons itself. To which she would silently offer a half-hearted apology, and a sigh through her nose in remembrance. For it was a pity, seeing as he would have liked them. 
   “... Malaka, it amazes me just how well you are able to withstand this cold during every single year!” The statement would leave her in an almost boisterous sort of bark, one that clearly bore jest (While also most likely causing any nearby to jump). If not a desire to lighten the somewhat awkward air between them. After all, while they have known one another for quite some time now-- it would only be now, that they would be allowed to meet one another FACE-TO-FACE. And all thanks to the FATES themselves-- and of course, one other soul that couldn’t be there, right then. “I have most certainly heard a great deal about you, Rory. A shame that it is only now that we would finally have the chance to meet, no?” For their eyes would bear a striking resemblance to the FIESTY CHILD that she would hold near and dear to her heart, after all this time.
   “Now, let me see... Allow this great and powerful immortal to peer into your very soul~” Even as she would snort at her little half-joke, the woman would continue to study the other intently. Reaching out to brush some strands away from their forehead, as she continued to smile down at them. Her expression almost unreadable, before another eventually nod followed, with this one being one of the UTMOST APPROVAL, "Ah, so the tales are true.” Carrying on in her theatrics, Kassandra would sit back ever so slightly as she lifted the STAFF OF HERMES TRISMEGISTUS up to the skies themselves, “You-- Rory--bear the SOUL OF A WARRIOR. A flame that has burned and braved through much.” As she would settle her free hand back upon their shoulder, that mirthful expression was almost comforting. Once again, knowing for all that she had seen, and yet, bearing such WARMTH that she had since begun to offer to only very few, “There is so much waiting up ahead of you, Rory. So much that we are all so excited to see you accomplish... And so, accept this one piece of advice from me: Keep fighting. Promise me this, will you?”
Send 💘 and the mun will say something nice about your muse
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   I will never forget the day when Rory and I started talking about you, after watching that very first trailer that featured you, Mister Morgan. We had such high expectations, and good lord, did you blow it all COMPLETELY OUT OF THE WATER! Heh, like, you aren’t just a handsome outlaw, are you? You ended up being so, SO MUCH more than that. And I thank the lord each day that Rory chose to pick you up as a much. And do SO MUCH JUSTICE when it comes to their HEARTFELT PORTRAYAL of you. We have had so many amazing interactions together, and one of the best things I got to be blessed with over these past years was Itsuki finally getting to have such a wonderful man as her father! And of course, not only that... I see you spending some time with a certain Grecian lady~ Oh, you know the one I’m talking about ~ 😏
   You are most certainly one of the most comforting presences to see now on this site... especially when times are admittedly as rough as they are. And, I hope you know how always make Itsuki’s day, whenever you choose to comment or pop in her inbox to say hi or chastise her, hehe. I just always love seeing you around on my dash, Mister Morgan. And don’t think I forgot those sweet words you left for me on my old blog during one rough day I had. I just wish I had been able to keep a digital copy of it, truth be told. But I will most certainly never ever forget them. 
   Now, forgive me for ending this off like a typical fangirl. But we love you, YES WE DOOOOO!!! And sorry, sir. But I’m gonna have to break social distancing and give you a big ol’ hug now... And of course, thank you so much for the JELLYBEANS! c:
Send 💕 and the mun will say something nice about you, the mun
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   WHEW, I’m sorry this took awhile, but I really wanted to make sure that I got all of this done properly (Especially with ol’ Kassandra, hahaha!). But oh man, oh man... Rory, please. You know what this is going to lead to. When it comes to me gushing about you. Say something nice? ONE THING? PUH-LEASE! You are one of my bestest friends, Rory... and I get so choked up, no matter how many times I say that. I thought you were going to be one of those super cool folks that I was going to just admire from afar. But no, the Gods themselves must be smiling down upon me because we ended up talking and well, the rest is history. We have done so SO MUCH together over the years that it still amazes me to this day, tbh... During some days when we reminisce together, another memory pops up that makes us go “HOLY SHIT, OH YEAH!!!” I am just so happy that we can talk about nearly anything, you know? How we can connect on so many things, tbh. No matter what the subject is, I swear-- we always get into some long-ass conversations, and I just love that so much!!! 
   But oh, what the heck am I doing? I’m suppose to be saying nice things about YOU! And the stuff before is just cheating, so get to it, Becky! Like, Rory... you are just an amazing friend to everyone that knows you tbh. A person that everyone is so lucky to have in their corner. I know so many people feel the same way as me, and can never express their gratitude enough for all that you have done for them as a friend. You are just such a kind, patient, genuine, and empathetic person, and that is honestly so damn rare to find in people these days. Which is why I am always so grateful that I can open up to you on my worst days, and especially when you yourself are so wonderful as to reach out to me and give me a hug first... I’m such a weenie that has since started to huddle in her corner. So when I hear you from behind me, tapping gently on my shoulder the way you do... I’m so grateful, Rory. I truly am...
   And not only that, you know by now that I stan TF out of your writing, and think that you are one of the most amazing writers I have ever known! You know I enjoy tf out of every interaction I get to have with you. Ever amazing interaction we get to have between our muses. And honestly, I will always be one of your biggest fans. Who will be booing and hissing at those who are too blind to see quality when its right in front of them! You are honestly such an intelligent, hardworking and talented individual, Rory... And I can’t say that enough, tbh. If you ever wrote and published a book one day, you KNOW I’m gonna be the first one to preorder it! So you better tell me when you do... catfish? B(
   But just in case I don’t find a good Christmas or EOY meme... I hope you know much I cherish you, bud. How proud I am to bear witness to how far you have come over these past years. I am literally already vibrating here for the day you graduate too tbh. Like ohhhh, I think I need to do a video recording to YELL over just how proud I am when that day comes for you!!! Please continue to fight with all your might, okay, bud? We are all cheering you on, and ofc, I’m always here whenever you need a breather from that tough ass battle. I love you so much, and can’t wait to our next chat on Discord!!!
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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@kismetwright​ asked: "... I never thought love was real. I didn’t. Now I think life isn’t real without it." Mushy af? Mushy af, but true. Maybe her saying this too when they reunite 7 years later? 8')
comet sentence starters -- no longer accepting
    Despite the dry HEAT that pressed down all around him, Arthur himself seemed pretty relaxed as he sat on the front steps of his home with her. 
    It wasn’t much, something that had been offered to him by the son of the previous owner upon meeting him a couple years ago. Sickly, dirty, exhausted, but BREATHING. He hadn’t been thinking he would make it THAT far before then. Arthur could see why someone would take PITY--not that he wanted to admit to how much that helping hand and helped him. It gave him a roof, some new place where people didn’t seem to know his face. Oh, he knew that wouldn’t always be the case. There was always that PARANOIA that sat in the back of his mind--couldn’t get too FRIENDLY. Too COMFORTABLE. 
    Really, it was what kept him out so far west. What kept him from seeking people out. 
    However, that didn’t stop people from seeking HIM out--perhaps not intentionally. Arthur really should have kicked himself for not being more aware, that he had gotten relaxed enough to allow Kassandra to recognize him. That reunion had been a little MIXED--Kassandra called him that ‘malaka’ word he still didn’t know the meaning of, but from her usage he could assume it wasn’t GOOD. Still, she pulled him into a tight embrace once she had approached him fully. She hadn't aged a damn day, it seemed.  
    It had been hard to send her off after that. 
    Her words pulled him from his thoughts, hand resting against his chin as she filled the silence between the lull in conversation. Despite the seriousness of it, he couldn’t help raising an eyebrow at her for a moment as she said it. Love. He supposed she was right. Dutch had believed something similar, though it was hard to tell if he believed that in the end, or if he still did. 
    “That’s...that’s real nice,” he said, letting out a somewhat awkward chuckle. It had been seven years, she couldn’t possibly be talking about him…
    “Can be a hard life without folks.”
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wayofsparta · 4 years
@kismetwright // sc.
    Nikolaos spotted her sitting off near the small cliffedge out toward the front of the house. There had been a part of him that HAD been looking for her, much as he knew there were a number of people he SHOULD talk to before he should leave. Stentor and Alexios--Deimos, if that was what he wished to be called, were looking for an extended sparring from the one that had been started over dinner, which he could only assume Myrrine was looking over at the moment. He approached slowly, not too sure if he was pulling her out of a moment, but he found himself coming to a stop beside her as he held his hands behind his back.
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   “I had not been expecting to be seeing Sparta again so soon,” he remarked, looking out ahead of him for a few moments, before he glanced toward her. “...I wanted to thank you for inviting us. I did not have the chance over dinner.”
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amepcrdue · 6 years
⚔ @kismetwright has crossed paths with 𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖍𝖆𝖊𝖑 ⚔
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         it had been days since he was finally able to leave ostrheinsburg castle. his body had finally found the strength to move, pushed by some unholy power that surged through it. the medicine... it had kept him from becoming a complete monster, just as the scholar had said... but he wasn’t human anymore, that much he knew for sure. he was something else. he shouldn’t have survived his wounds. he should have died nameless on those unhallowed floors. blood stained his once noble clothes, black and soaked through the fabric as freshly red eyes illuminated his face with unholy light. all he wanted now was to get home to his precious amy, but that hunger gnawed at him, ate at his stomach and his mind until he could hardly think straight. ahead of him, he had spotted someone, a brunette woman... perhaps he could overtake her, satisfy this thirst that told him to kill. he could figure out the rest later.
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arcanawise · 6 years
🤨 Sit down across from my muse (Hi wife uwu
@kismetwright || Nonverbal Roleplay Starters || accepting!
    Far from difficult to notice, the CHALLENGE it is to blend with the crowds of this realm; on the precipice of metamorphosis—the very restructuring of civilization—the stars smile down, both from their refuge in the CLEAR skies and those still drifting so AIMLESSLY trying to find their way back. Such wanderers have fallen, shattered, and gathered their pieces beneath a dark cloak still threaded with the HOME calling them back; Aaravos has retained a shadow over his face beneath his large hood, but a tug at his sternum—like burning rope reeling him in—brings him to the denser POPULATION of this peninsula.
    Attika—no, Athens? Rolling murmurs on lips he chooses to watch, signs in a language he’s searched across the CONSTELLATIONS he can still reach to DECIPHER, he’s, in his characteristic quiet, ascertained information only relevant to establish a FOOTHOLD, but even then—curious and cautious eyes do not go UNNOTICED in their pricks across his skin, from all directions. A tall, looming, yet GRACEFUL figure, adorned in robes he seems to have stolen from the night sky herself…
    It is, perhaps, RELIEVING that there are enough thieves and those of a CRIMINAL nature to rob some percentage of the attention away.
    For a SHORT while.
    Certainly the odds would teeter in an unfavorable direction once tested for too long. It is now that this young woman, carrying herself strong, RESOLUTE—if not peculiar in her own rights: he senses something DIFFERENT in a mere glance… some outcast?—steps before him, filling a vision once LOCKED on the mesmerizing push and pull of the seas beyond. Aaravos reels his head back, chin rising to better meet the eyes across him, and all the while sheds sunlight across star-kissed cheeks.
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    “Seems I am not alone,” he muses, effortlessly maneuvering a melodic tone into her BUZZING head. “And I mean that in several ways.” He blinks slowly, and a pacifying smile takes form on his lips. “Have you something on your MIND?”
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livesrot-blog · 5 years
@kismetwright // sc.
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    “Y’know, it was really nice what you did back there,” Brody pointed out, tilting her head slightly at the older woman as she gave her a soft smile. Uncertain, but grateful nonetheless. “Not a lot of adults feel the need to put themselves on the line for us. Not that we always need it, but...”
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badboysupr · 2 years
Brushes back some bangs, before placing a kiss to his forehead. uwu She is so proud of you, fledgling.
@kismetwright || leo's gonna straight-up perish from all this love is2g
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    She catches him off-guard in the most obvious way possible, as his hands once busy with coils of copper wire freeze when he feels fingers brush across his forehead. (What’s he making, by the way—? Gods knew. He’s just fidgeting at this point... Or, well, was.) He shrinks into his own shoulders at the same time as she gives him an encouraging kiss, practically melting.
    Thankfully, after he’s spent a moment processing what’s just happened, Leo manages a short and airy laugh.
    “Good little boys get smooches, huh?” He’s joking of course, but there’s a pleasant warmth in his smile. “Guess I better hurry up and figure out what I did to deserve that so I can keep doing it—”
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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@kismetwright​ asked: Pucker up 7! B)))) 
send me ‘pucker up’ to see how my muse kisses yours -- 7. lingering kiss -- selective, still accepting
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    It felt like a story as old as TIME in his mind, something that happened again and again throughout his life. 
    Dutch would get into a new area, bright-eyed and convinced of the opportunity whatever short lived anonymity this new place gave him. However, it really was just that: FLEETING. They were too big, too many personalities. Eventually someone would make too much noise, their crimes would catch up, they would catch suspicious looks from locals and law officials, and it would be time to move on again. Arthur found the life one WORTH living while he was younger, coming from a place where he didn’t have familiar faces or even a solid place to sleep each night. 
    However, he was...growing TIRED. It seemed like Dutch might be seeing that at the moment himself, talking about buying some land out west. Arthur was uncertain, but he trusted the older man’s judgement. 
    Moving his time felt different on a more personal front, however. 
    Arthur didn’t really know WHAT to make of his relationship with Kassandra. She was a...strange woman, out of touch in a way and yet very intuitive in other ways. A friendship had been very quick to form, Arthur picking it up through him trying to teach her to shoot. He wasn’t sure how useful she found it, nor was he sure if he’d pick up on her own preferred fighting style, much as she tried to teach him a thing or two. It eventually did settle beyond that, CREEPING up on him during quiet moments and mutual understanding--a closeness. Now, calling it just a friendship was hard, it was HEAVIER than that. He started thinking of her in a familiar way, something more than just someone he ran into from time to time, a little beyond that of a close friend. A sweet as the thoughts were, it brought about dread. He had seen how this played out before.
    It hadn’t settled in the same way like it did with Mary, but the feelings were similar to what they were early on with her. Really, Mary was a reason he didn’t want to acknowledge it, knowing how that ended. How everything ended with Eliza and Issac did, too. Yet...well, it had been years. Mary had gotten married, moved on. No letters and probably the assumption he had, too.
    It was a CONFLICTING feeling, one that settled in the tight fist of his free hand and an almost frustrated scratching at the stubble on his cheek as he explained the situation to her. He told her the name she could write to him under, but he had no idea where they were headed. Further west to look at this land that got Dutch’s interest, and where that would leave them after. Yet, that wasn’t really the end of his FRUSTRATIONS. There was a bit of a back and forth in his mind--he wanted to let her in, yet that familiar voice was telling him that he KNEW how this would end. He wanted to tell her what’s going on in his head--wanted to just keep her at a distance. 
    Yet, it was some closing of a physical distance that seemed to push thought into action. A lingering silence just seemed to push forward an urge, one that MIGHT help him to explain where he was at. Yet, the thought of that explanation didn’t linger too much with Arthur shifting to cup the side of her jaw, leaning in to close the distance. The kiss was a little hesitant at first, possibly unsure, before he was pressing his lips against her own solidly. 
    He leaned into the gesture, relishing in the familiar yet wholly different feeling that had been lacking for quite some time. Holding her face in his hands for a few drawn out moments as he held the kiss, letting a part of him lift at finally taking a step forward before it came CRASHING back down with a familiar hiss in the back of his mind. THE HELL’RE YOU DOIN’, YOU DAMN FOOL? 
   “Ah, shit--I…” he cursed, stepping back as a part of him was scrambling to pull that wall back up, “I’m sorry, I weren’t thinkin’. Ain’t sure what got into me. Damn it.”
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wayofsparta · 4 years
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@kismetwright​ asked: ❝ if you try, i’ll try. ❞
g/od of war sentence starters -- slow, still accepting
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    Despite his composure, he still found himself turning slightly to face her more at her words, eyebrows raising slightly in mild surprise.
    However, despite that, Nikolaos still managed to look rather UNCERTAIN. It was certainly about the implications behind her words, but less so about himself. Of course, if he had known...well, it was then a question of FAMILY over DUTY. Still, the fact that she was stood there before him in the moment made him doubt a number of things. Where had she been this whole time? What had she been doing? Did the gods plan this all along? He wasn’t sure, he didn’t like to QUESTION it but...well, he knew he SHOULD.
    He knew what she was talking about when she mentioned trying--he just didn’t think he was ever going to hear that.
    She was helping SPARTA, not him, and Nikolaos wasn’t a fool. He had no hopes of seeing her again after, that he SHOULDN’T. Yet…
    He found himself giving her a soft nod, the confused and uncertain expression still weighing heavily in his features.
    “If that is what you wish,” he replied, gripping the handle of his spear a little tighter, “I can not change the past, Kassandra, or the pain I have caused you. It is truly your choice.”
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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@kismetwright​ asked: ❝ life is... full of pain. but there is also love, and beauty. ❞
red d/ead redemption sentence starters -- no longer accepting
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    Arthur let out a small noise from the back of his throat at her words. 
    Not quite agreement, not quite disagreement. Much as they had drifted FAR from how they used to be, how things were SUPPOSED to be in regards to everything Dutch had told him his whole life, the country sure was PRETTY in parts. He missed the open spaces of the west, the heat. Arthur had his memories, good AND bad, yet in light of everything he had to wonder if those really were like he remembered them.
    His chest burned, taking in a small breath--really, he had become rather GRATEFUL for the days where he could take one in with little issue. However, that PAIN in his lungs always lingered and it was just a reminder that he should have seen this coming. Paid attention. Still, despite the situation, there was a part of him that appreciated Kassandra’s words. 
    This wasn’t fair on her, either. He KNEW that. It was supposed to be different. 
    “Guess so,” he replied after clearing his throat somewhat, voice a little RAW, “Though, I...I guess y’ get quite a bit of one when y’ ain’t deservin’ of them other two.”
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matteredloyaltyaa · 4 years
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@kismetwright​ asked: ❛ what does it take to impress young people these days? ❜ B^)
s/kullduggary pleasant sentence starters -- slow, still accepting
    “Hah! You’re askin’ the wrong feller here.”
    Truly. Arthur...well, he had a hard time CARING what people thought of him most of the time. At least, complete strangers. Kassandra was a rather...strange woman, he had to give her that, but he had warmed to her fairly quickly in the few encounters he had with her. Still, it was a STRANGE question to ask in his mind. It was certainly something to ask of someone other than HIM. Maybe Hosea or Dutch, those two knew how to impress and charm their ways out of anything, much as they had tried to teach him to do the same.
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    “Though,” he continued with another soft chuckle, “If you’re lookin’ t’ impress someone ‘round JACK’S age, probably won’t take much unless their a real wise kid.”
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badboysupr · 2 years
‘  how’s  your  head  ?  ’
@kismetwright || Misc Sentence Starters || accepting!
    At the moment, Leo was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that this supremely badass lady found the time to care about him, but— He’d say, given that, he had to be doing pretty well, right? Even if his head still vaguely ached and the bump likely would not be going away anytime soon... Kassandra was concerned! She was going out of her way to check on him. That always meant something.
    Gods, how pathetic did he have to be to get so excited about someone worrying about him?
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    “Wh— Me? Psh. It takes a lot more than falling hundreds of feet to get rid of me; I’m like a cockroach.” Which was insanely flattering; well done, Valdez. “I-I still think Festus took more of the damage there.” Speaking of, he really needed to get going on those repairs. The poor dragon had been out of commission while Leo was forced to nurse his injuries; he couldn’t keep lying around like this.
    Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, “I’m good, though. Sorry for getting you all worried over nothing.”
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