#kisuke answers
my-my-my · 2 days
Hello! I haven’t figured out if your requests are still open, in that case I apologize. You write Aizen in a magnificent way and I was wondering if I can submit a request. I was thinking of “Aizen x female reader”. To be specific, Aizen having sex with Urahara’s sister? I see him as the type to do that, help😽
Thank you for your kind words! Also I LOVE your idea. It took me a fair bit to grapple with it, but I hope you like and enjoy it! I've also been an AU mood, so I hope that's ok!
I low-key hc Urahara as a little brother since he gives spoiled baby brother vibes, so reader is his older sister for this 🤭.
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NSFW: Aizen x (Slightly) Older Reader, Kisuke's out-and-about... and may have an idea of what's happening.
Word Count: 3970 words
[Click here to read on AO3.]
This is arguably one of the longest things I've written. I really ran with this idea lol.
It bothered Sosuke to no end to see his lab mate, Urahara Kisuke, clumsily complete his portion of the PowerPoint presentation that they were both presenting… one hour before their class.
Beyond the fake, thick lensed glasses, and the tight, yet polite smile, Sosuke was seething that the clown in front of him was getting a higher grade in their Applications of Chemometrics class.
“Urahara-san, I can help with your portion of the PowerPoint.” Sosuke offered, to the bewildered-looking Kisuke. His pale blonde hair was disheveled, his clothes in disarray, and the dark bags under his eyes emphasizing how haggard he looked.
Kisuke made a motion for Sosuke to stop talking, as he focused on the screen in front of him, muttering his key points under his breath.
“Have this then.” Sosuke curtly said, handing him a medium cup of coffee with some sugar. The one thing he knew Kisuke wouldn’t say no to. Kisuke immediately grabbed the drink and chugged it down quickly, surprising Sosuke at how the man didn’t flinch at the hot liquid burning his throat.
“Thanks for that, Aizen-san!” Kisuke beemed at him, as if the coffee was key to transform him into his usual, lackadaisical self. The man had a large grin on his face as he happily typed the rest of his points on to the slide deck.
Sosuke looked at him, dismayed again, by the notion that someone of Kisuke’s intellect, was still so… foolish.
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“That went well, don’t you think Aizen-san?” Kisuke laughed as he patted Sosuke on the back.
Sosuke let out a sign, “yes, it did. But it surely would’ve been better if you spent more time preparing.”
Kisuke’s laughs increased, as if he was snickering, “and where would the fun be in that?”
“You call this fun!?” Sosuke asked, exasperated.
“Anyways, why don’t you come to my family home for Golden Week? And don’t tell me you can’t because, you’re going to be studying.” Kisuke said, drawing out his sentence in a teasing tone. “We’re taking the same courses, and we don’t have any assignments due for the next few weeks.”
Sosuke glared at him, “no.” Kisuke pouted, which Sosuke hated.
“C’mon!” Kisuke whined, “I know you’re just going to hole yourself in the library.”
“I don’t want to meet the family of whoever gave rise to you.” Sosuke remarked, making his way to the chemistry labs.
“I have it on good authority, that there is only one of me, Aizen-san!” Urahara said, snickering at him. “The rest of my family, is what you would call…” Urahara tilted his head to the ceiling, thinking, “normal.”
Sosuke scoffed again, “I doubt that.”
“Then let’s have a bet! If you stay with me for Golden Week, and you don’t find my family normal, I owe you 20,000 yen.” Kisuke said, grinning as he extended his hand. Sosuke glared at him, staring at Kisuke’s open hand and the smug look on the blonde man’s face.
“You have yourself a deal.” Sosuke said, shaking Kisuke’s hand in a firm grip.
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“And welcome to my humble abode!” Urahara exclaimed spreading his arms wide at the entrance to his home. The Urahara estate was surprisingly grand in nature. Well, Sosuke wasn’t too surprised, because the careless behaviour Kisuke exhibited from time to time always came across as someone who didn’t really understand the value of money.
The garden seemed well maintained, and the house was in perfect shape, with modest decor. A complete contrast to the utter disgust and horror of Kisuke’s personal apartment near campus.
Kisuke instructed Sosuke to leave his belongings near the entrance, as “the housekeeper will put in your room.” Which again, did not surprise Sosuke that Kisuke relied on a housekeeper.
“How long have you had a housekeeper for?” Sosuke inquired, as Kisuke led them to the sitting room. There were no family photos, but beautiful pieces of artwork and paintings filling the space.
Kisuke shrugged as he explained there was always one when he grew up. Sosuke made no remarks but noted that the man had some kind of upper-class upbringing.
“Oh Ki-chan, is that you!?” Sosuke turned around, seeing you enter the room.
Kisuke gave a sheepish laugh as he waved at you. “Aizen-san, this is my sister.” As he introduced you. Sosuke bowed towards you, “thank you for having me, I’m Aizen Sosuke.”
“Oh of course! A friend of my brother is always welcome!” You beamed at him, taking note that how polite Aizen was, and quite handsome, albeit a bit nerdy looking with his glasses.
“I didn’t know you would be home” Kisuke explained, “mom said she’d be away for Golden Week. She didn’t say anything about you staying or anything.”
You laughed at his response and patted Kisuke’s hair, earning him a grumble of “I’m a grown man.”
“Midori mentioned you were coming over with a friend so I wanted to say hi.” Your head patting became slightly more forceful, “since someone doesn’t like texting me back.”
Sosuke stared at the scene in front of him, thinking of how Kisuke not only blew off his classmates and friends, but also his sibling.
“He doesn’t respond to my texts either.” Sosuke interjected with a soft laugh. “I thought he would at least have some courtesy to respond to his family.”
You sighed dramatically, letting go of Kisuke’s scalp, “See, Ki-chan? It’s normal to check-in every once in a while. Have you been to his apartment, Aizen-san?”
“Please call me, Sosuke.” Aizen politely requested, giving you a kind smile. Kisuke narrowed his eyes as he watched the scene unfold, but his expression was unreadable.
“Sure! Sosuke-kun it is. Have you been to Ki-chan’s apartment? Has he cleaned up after himself yet?” You giggled as you looked at your brother. Kisuke gave you a glare, but nothing you weren’t used to.
Sosuke shook his head, “I try to avoid it if I can. I don’t think it’s habitable for humans.” The two of you shared a laugh as Kisuke scoffed.
“Stop bothering Sosuke-kun and get out of here sis.” Kisuke said, as he tried to push you out of the room. Sosuke gave a pointed look at Kisuke at the use of his first name, but said nothing of it.
“Fine, fine! But let me make dinner for you two, it’ll be my treat!” Kisuke rolled his eyes and agreed for the both of them as you went about the rest of your day.
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Three days had passed as Sosuke stayed with Kisuke on his estate. He hated to admit it, but once Kisuke was serious about something, he was a great conversation partner. A larger part of himself also didn’t want to admit he enjoyed your company during dinner or lunch. You insisted that Kisuke eat homemade meals, and made “Ki-chan’s” favourites. Sosuke took in great pride watching Kisuke embarrass himself over your fussing. Sosuke also didn’t want to admit how attractive you were to him. It bothered him immensely to have developed an attraction so quickly to someone, let alone Kisuke’s sibling. So many things bothered Sosuke about this “vacation.” But there were only a few days left during this stay at the estate, and Sosuke was never one to quit.
Which is why he resorted to masturbating to fantasies of you during his routine showers.
As the water rained down his body, Sosuke stared at his growing erection, his thoughts still lingering of you from last night’s dinner. The way your eyes lit up as he complimented your dishes, the slight blush of your cheeks for every praise he doled out to you. Or the way you would bite your lip or pout whenever Kisuke did something that annoyed you (and Sosuke).
He slowly began to pump his cock, thinking about how you had tried to grab some ingredients from the top shelf of the pantry closet, and he held the small of your back. The soft gasp that escaped your lips and the way your eyes widened at his touch. The way your lips curved to give him a gentle smile.
Sosuke let a groan as he thought about the sound and looks you gave him, thinking of you underneath him. Groans were followed by pants before hot liquid covered his hand, that was sooner washed away by the shower.
Sosuke knew he had to get a grip. There were only a few days left and he would leave this estate and you behind.
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Walking through the estate, Sosuke couldn’t find Kisuke anywhere. In fact, it felt like no one was around, until he walked by the kitchen. Sosuke stood near the door, as he quietly watched you put away groceries, your eyes lighting up, from what he assumed over ideas on what to cook. You had music playing in the background, as you hummed and sang along. He watched you intensely as you danced around the kitchen, putting things away.
It amazed him how similar, yet dissimilar you and Kisuke were. You were thoughtful, respectful and generous. You took initiative in trying to understand Kisuke (and Sosuke’s) interests and hobbies, even if it went over your head sometimes. Yet at the same time, you and Kisuke had the same affinity for childish humour and pranks. You played along with his bizarre ideas, often encouraging him. Sometimes Sosuke felt that Kisuke was being spoiled, and that made him a bit jealous.
Just a bit, he thought to himself.
You were lost in thought and didn’t realize Sosuke was behind you until you turned around, faceplanting yourself in his chest.
“I’m so sorry Sosuke-kun! I didn’t notice you were here. I thought you went out with my brother.” You explained, brushing Sosuke’s shirt for nonexistent dust.
“It’s quite alright.” Sosuke said, with the ever so kind smile again. You couldn’t get a read off of him. He was incredibly polite and thoughtful, to the point you were surprised your brother had made such a friend. “Do you happen to know where he is?” Sosuke inquired, a puzzled look on his face.
“Sadly I don’t, and I tried texting him as well. I’m guessing he didn’t say anything to you either?” You asked, leaning your back to the counter. Sosuke shook his head, to which you sighed in response, “what am I going to do with him…”
Sosuke stood there, still with the same smile on his face. “Sosuke-kun, would you like me to make you anything in the meantime?”
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Sosuke sat in the parlour room with you as you had prepared him a pot of your favourite Western tea. You explained to him how you enjoyed “afternoon tea” lately, and the variety of sweet and savoury dishes that accompanied it. Sosuke, of course, had already known about the concept, but indulged you as you explained it to him. His eyes would soften as you looked at him with smiles and the fluttering of your voice as you shared favourite aspects for him.
“I hope my brother hasn’t been too much of a bother for you, Sosuke-kun.” You said, refilling his porcelain cup with more of your favourite tea. “Ki-chan can be peculiar about things, and he never was great at keeping friends.” You had admitted, “well there’s Yoruichi-san and Tessai-san, but he doesn’t bring them up anymore. It’s been years since I last saw them with him.”
Sosuke vaguely recalled Yoruichi, but Tessai was someone he was unfamiliar with. “I see, well we’ve been classmates for years, at differing moments of our life, but I suppose you can say that graduate school is where we got to know each other.” Sosuke explained, taking a sip of the tea.
“Really? You’ve known Ki-chan for longer? He’s never mentioned you before.” You were shocked at the revelation, but Sosuke didn’t seem bother by it.
“We went to the same elementary and high schools, but weren’t in the same classes, were in different friend groups and had different extracurriculars.” Sosuke continued on, unsure as to why he was sharing this with you.
You laughed to yourself, “extracurriculars? Ki-chan wouldn’t even bother. Our mother tried so hard to get him to do something with his time, but he had no interest in it. I’m honestly surprised he mustered up the discipline to do his PhD.” You said, swirling your teacup before taking a sip.
“He’s a brilliant man,” Sosuke admitted.
“Yes he is, but so are you, Sosuke-kun! Don’t sell yourself short.” As you gave him a big grin.
For once, Sosuke felt flustered at your response. He felt his cheeks warm and muttered a thank you. He thought he was used to praises and admiring remarks from men and women alike, but from you, it was different – it felt heartfelt and sincere.
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in quiet conversation, from the weather outside, to childhood memories and everything in between. But still, Kisuke was nowhere to be found.
Sighing in defeat, you began to gather the tea ware to clean, but Sosuke, ever the gentleman, helped you carry some of the fine porcelain pieces back into the kitchen.
“I don’t mean to offend,” Sosuke said, calling your name, “but I’m surprised you cook and clean. Doesn’t your housekeeper do it for you?”
“Oh, Midori-san? When I was a teenager, it didn't feel right with me to have a housekeeper, so when our mother was away, I asked Midori-san to teach me things. I never saw myself living in this house forever, so I wanted to know how to cook and clean on my own.”
“Hm, so Urahara-san never bothered to learn with you it seems.” To which you laughed in response.
“Yes, I suppose so!” You smiled at him, as the two of you quietly cleaned the cups and cutlery together.  
“Sosuke-kun, do you know how to play Koi-Koi?
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Koi-Koi was a game Sosuke knew of in passing but had never actually played. You provided him a cheat sheet with all the possible pairings and explained the rules to him. His face as emotionless, but your excitement over the game was cute.
“Do people make bets with this game?” Sosuke inquired, as he inspected his hand.
“Oh, I suppose some might. Would you like to bet something, Sosuke-kun?” You asked politely.
Sosuke nodded his head, “how about we decide after we play?” He suggested, giving you again, the same kind smile. You didn’t think he was being genuine this time but wanted to play along.
“I’ve never made a bet playing koi-koi, but I also don’t play it as often as I’d like. Ki-chan hates playing it.” You said sadly.
“I think it’s because this game is left to chance, and he is someone who always works with plan after plan. He may have devised a strategy to secure whatever combinations with what he was dealt with, but koi-koi can be unforgiving.” You explained, as you dealt the cards for the table. “He can build the combinations he has planned out, but he will never know when I can end it for him. I think it’s for that reason, it bothers him.” You surmised, a wistful look on your face as you neatly arranged the cards for the table.
Sosuke had to agree to play for three rounds, which he learned, were also referred to as months. He inspected the cards and noticed that they were fairly faded, with the black edges fading to white. He was also surprised by how small the cards were, his hands engulfing them, while again, you looked cute holding yours.
Sosuke had drawn the better card, determining him to go first. You had offered to go “easy” on him by showing your hand and he would show his, but he explained it wasn’t necessary. “You said I was a quick learner a few days ago.” Sosuke said with a chuckle.
He played conservatively the first round, securing five points after building “Blue Ribbons,” which allowed him to go first again for the second round. Confident with the rules of the game, Sosuke could see what possible combinations he could make with his hand, and repeated “koi-koi” as he built his growing point pile.
Then you had to ruin it. You made a measly junk pile, worth one point and refused to call koi, ending the round.
All the points Sosuke had built, the Rainy Four Lights, Red Poetry Ribbons and both Moon and Cherry Blossom Viewing… all gone.
Sosuke furrowed his eyebrows and exhaled. His eye twitching at how quickly it came apart, remembering your words about Kisuke’s disdain for the game, “but koi-koi can be unforgiving.”
You gave the same wistful smile at him and prepared for the final round. Since you had one the second round, you went first. Cards were taken, others were put on to the table. Sosuke felt vindictive as he saw you growing “Boar Deer Butterfly” in your pile along with “Three Lights.”
Yes, koi-koi was unforgiving. As if to punish you for ending the round with one point, he had built “Red Poetry Ribbons” again and snagged the Butterfly you needed for your own pile, “I end the round.” Sosuke said with a smirk.
“You really are a fast learner, Sosuke-kun!” You smiled at him as you began to pack the cards away. But as soon as your hand reached out to grab his pile, Sosuke caught your risk, catching you off guard.
“Since I win, I know what I want.” Sosuke said, staring right at you. It was the first time you gave a good look at his face, noticing how sharp and intense his eyes were beyond the lenses. It startled you, but you again, played along, curious to see where this would go.
“And what is that Sosuke-kun?” You politely asked, relaxing your hand in his grip, leaning closer to him over the table.
Without saying a word, Sosuke pulled you in for a kiss, sealing the distance between you two. Your eyes were wide open, shocked over what was happening… but you didn’t mind it. You gently pulled him away and watched him take off his glasses, both of you breathing heavy.
Nothing was said between you, just stares and heavy panting, with Sosuke’s grip on your wrist still ever present. Closing your eyes, you took an inhale, knowing you two were going to cross a line (what line? A small part of you wondered.)
“Maybe we should stop, Sosuke-kun.” You said, regretting each word escaping your mouth. “Kisuke won’t like this.”
“I don’t care what he thinks.” Sosuke said in a pointed tone, his eyes narrowing in anger, “the man plays by his own rules. I think it’s time we play our own.” You were transfixed by his voice, nodding and agreeing with what he was saying. “Let’s finish this elsewhere, Sosuke-kun.” You murmured, pulling him away from his seat. The grip on your wrist tightened as he led you to the guest bedroom.
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Clothes were strewn about in Sosuke’s bedroom, as he pulled you against him for more kisses. Sosuke hated how needy he felt, but wanted more of your kisses, more of your attention on him. He held your face in his hands as he peppered kisses across your face, paying special attention to your lips.
He pushed you on to the bed, and continued down your body, nipping across your neck and chest. The greediness he felt grew the more he touched your body, leaving him with the urge to mark you. Harsh bites and sucks across your neck and chest, surely strong enough to bruise later, but you welcomed you. Curiosity and excitement grew in you to see Sosuke go further.
Sosuke parted your bare legs and dipped between them, as he immediately lapped at your wet pussy. He took care to with gentle licks to your clit, then pushed one finger inside you. You moaned loudly, without a care as to who would be able to hear it. You chanted Sosuke’s name, praising him with how good he made you feel.
Your orgasm was approaching, and you had a feeling Sosuke knew that too, with the way he began to pump his fingers faster inside you and the licks to your clit growing more intense. Your legs shook as you felt your orgasm crash around you, a loud scream piercing the room.
Sosuke dropped your legs and pushed his hand through his hair, a lone strand in front of his face. He watched you with a satisfied smirk as you tried to regain your strength. You were shaking trying to sit up, and he watched you with glee.
His cock was hard and erect, with precum dripping down the tip. He gave himself a pump as he watched you struggle to get up. Once you managed to do so, you leaned towards his cock, pushing his hand away.
His cock was thick in your mouth, but you wanted to reward him with the same pleasure you felt. Wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, you began to suckle on his tip as you pumped the base of his shaft. Sosuke threaded his fingeres in your hair, pushing you down further along his cock. He groaned your name as you swallowed his cock whole.
You bobbed your head up and down, keeping the pace as you savoured the precum escaping from Sosuke’s cock.
Until you heard the familiar, sing-song voice of your brother. You tried to pull away, but Sosuke gripped your hair tighter, forcing his cock in your mouth.
You could hear Kisuke’s footsteps coming closer, and then a sudden knock. “Aizen-san, are you there? Do you know where my sister is?”
You looked up at Sosuke, eyes widen while your mouth was filled with his cock. He grinned menacingly at you, shoving your head further towards his crotch. “No, I haven’t. I didn’t see her at all today.”
“Oh…” Kisuke said, “Can I come in? I have some exciting news to share.” He said in a sing-song voice.
“I’m about to take a shower.” Sosuke said, his voice even as if he wasn’t throat fucking you, “I’ll meet you at your parlour room.”
Kisuke made an appreciative sound and went away, with Sosuke letting go of the grip on your hair. Your hair was a mess, with drool and cum dripping down your mouth on to your body, your lips swollen from Sosuke’s kisses and from sucking him off.
“We don’t have a lot of time,” Sosuke said, pushing you back down, “but we can make up for it later.”
You gave him a kiss as a sign of agreement, as he spread your legs apart again. He pushed the tip of his cock into your wet pussy. The slopping noises echoed in your ears.
Sosuke put a hand over your mouth as soon as he saw you moan. He slowly pushed himself in and out of you, your eyes rolling at the sensation of him repeatedly filling you up. Soon his pace quickened, and from your earlier blowjob, Sosuke knew he wasn’t going to last long. He pushed himself down against you and kissed you deeply as his thrusts became erratic. Then, without warning, and your own orgasm approaching, he pulled out his cock and came all over your pussy, rubbing his tip along your clit, earning him a small shriek from you.
You sighed, knowing that you couldn’t bask in the moment with Sosuke, so you quickly gathered your clothes and slowly opened the door, peering down the hallway to ensure no one was around. But before you could leave, Sosuke’s strong arms were wrapped around your waist, as he nuzzled your ear.
“Let’s continue this later tonight.” You turned around, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ll be waiting, Sosuke-kun.”
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Thanks for reading!! I had a lot of fun writing this 😅.
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imaginingbleach · 2 months
urahara headcanon?
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I'll give you two since my boyfriend and I were recently chatting about him.
1. He's an introvert.
Hear me out-
As a captain he struggled to get close to those under him and only tried to get close to Hiyori for HER sake; not his own.
It's clear he knew Tessai before their interactions during TBTP, but they didn't really interact much.
His only friends are Tessai, Yoruichi, Ururu, and Jinta.
Even then! He still refers to Yoruichi (at least in the VIZ translated) as "Miss Yoruichi".
He's openly saying that he feels there's a disconnect between the two.
He and Mayuri are similar, but Mayuri doesn't bother to mask his weirdness and is more open with his thoughts than Kisuke.
Kisuke knows how to mask and blend in to a situation to push people in the right direction.
2. Kisuke has a weakness for take-out/fast food.
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Who are your favorite characters from Bleach?
Ugh this is always such a hard question! I’ll just do top 3 since otherwise this list will get quite long.
Ichigo Kurosaki - I think it’s sweet that this little 17 year old just wants to see his friends and family safe. Even if you take away his powers, he’s still a grounded teenager with a solid head on his shoulders.
Jushiro Ukitake - The man can fight, and has the gentle wisdom of a sage. I think he’s constantly stuck trying to do the right thing even when circumstances look bad.
Kisuke Urahara - Scientist, levelheaded, cocky. What’s not to like?
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howlingday · 1 year
There's a reason Jaune knew only defense and dodging.... .it's cause of his trickster as afather
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Not gonna lie, I DID consider him as an uncle, but I decided on someone else to be his relative. And I am expecting mixed reviews on it.
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uraharashouten · 7 months
“ Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ” Shinji @ Kisuke
"Shin-chi~~" There was a plaintive note in the shopkeeper's protest.
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He glanced downward, gesturing palms-up at his standard green samue. "Are you saying that loungewear is neither fun nor sexy?~ I cannot imagine the alternative wardrobe you're suggesting could be comfortable enough to be either!"
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lilacwriter07 · 11 months
I'm supposed to be sleeping but when did ao3 make Yandere Urahara and Yandere Ichigo a tag finally?! 🤯
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Somewhere in the summer I noticed it when I was posting an other Yandere Urahara fanfic, when I saw it in the tags . I soon posted about it how they finally accepted the tag, Yandere Ichigo followed soon after I believe 😍
Happiest day of my life 😌now go to sleep and have sweet (yandere) dreams ~
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tenshusuto · 1 year
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) @kakimushire : "Can you stop wasting time drinking with Hirako-Taichou? It's interfering with our work." [turn back the pendulum.]
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The personified ardor of unspoken merriment chose to valiantly not flinch away from his daring task to creep back into the barracks. Stealthily -- head leans in first and sneak-peeks further into the door frame of his quarters trying to avoid any unnecessary motion or sound to awaken the ever-so-overworked collective. He could pinpoint the absurdity of every situation with a snappy wisecrack but he had no words for a twist of latest ongoing. Alas, the President was already waiting for him in the corridor with gaze scorching as never. Even with the question mark present, it was hardly a question but rather a demand; Mayuri hated when he engaged in obscurities as trivial as sitting on the grass enjoying sunlight or going to visit another Division in affairs other than undertaking. But then -- isn't the working hypothesis tested and refined through discussion? Ah, well then.
Those demanding crimson sparks in the backdrop as part of the scenery in charcoal irises flashed gone with a camouflage of his typical, puppy-eyed demure, giving space to an expression of surprise and more than minutely long stare pretty much akin to the phase of hypnosis provoked by the surface of smallest things.
The flow of his breath thickly shifts with a sense of edginess. Prying question hanging upon tip of tongue : jeez, how'd ya know? But he would swallow the sentence back along with the lump that suddenly manifested among walls of his throat. Of course, he would know, somehow he always would. In Kisuke's absence, Mayuri was always in charge, he trusted him and Hiyori enough to sometimes stroll out without announcing be within hour of day or night. The last resort obtained via willpower pushed him to speak and not run away from the question as he typically does.
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'' Now, now, Mayuri-san ... I'm sure I wasn't gone for that long to call it a waste of time, '' shoulders slump, who knows if partly in defeat or just unreasonably so, '' my absence had a beneficial purpose that could contribute to my new study. '' The Captain once again ponders the issue 'of waisting time' at tangible length yet he inconspicuously glides old-fashioned style to the topic of unsolicited visit, mayhaps thinking of unveiling whether it was the reason for his sudden visit in case he wasn't ready to divulge any other motives for his presence. The former Onmitsukidō member somewhat suspected Hirako-Taicho wasn't a part of his fond eye but he would not voice that for time being.
By all odds, he veiled the unspecified mystery with a slight tease, '' -- maybe you can consider joining us next time if you'd like.~ ''
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despairforme · 1 year
Hands him a bunch of snacks from his shop for taste testing! :) 🎶
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SNACKS?? Say no more! Even though this dude looked shady as fuck ( and that was saying something, coming from Nnoitra ), he happily accepted ALL the snacks that were handed to him. Good thing he had big hands, so he could balance them all! So these all came from the guy's shop, huh? Nnoitra really... Had limited knowledge and idea about how a shop functioned in the first place. They didn't have anything like that in Hueco Mundo. Having to PAY for something? That concept was wild to him. In any case, he'd be happy to do some taste testing! It was remarkable how cooperative he could be when you fed him.
❝ Taste testin', huh? What'cha need me 'ta do? ❞ Should he review the items, or??
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cinghialefedele · 1 year
hands him the (already signed) adoption papers :D 💕 that grants him access to the Urahara Shōten and basically any of Kisuke's property he wants to stay at AND to whatever candy he would like to have
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Tesla doesn't understand how this happened. How he got here. Holding these papers, signed by a man he didn't know, claiming him as his adoptive son, and granting him access to a store also named after this strange man. And candy.
Lots of candy.
He stares owlishly at the papers (when did he tell Kisuke his last name?!), and to his horror, they seem legally sound. Were laws even binding to Arrancar? Probably not, but this was odd as all hell. He didn't know anything about families, much less about being a son or having a father. Vaguely, in blurred memories, knew he had one, and he might have been blonde as well, so... at least they had that in common; family often looked similar to each other.
But still, he had a burning question in all of this, especially since it seemed he had no real say in the matter.
"...WHY ME?"
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sasayakc · 1 year
:D 🎶
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No thank you. That was his immediate reaction to the aura of this Shinigami. It was unpleasant to him. Like murky water. Something sinister. Not evil, but - not with good intentions either. His eyes fell to the cane. The man's Zanpakuto, hidden - but not to him, of course. Her name? Benihime. His name? Unknown. ❝ I think that's close enough. ❞ Muramasa stated, tempted to hold out a hand to stop the other from approaching him any further. He didn't like him. Didn't like him at all.
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
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SENT FROM @akiiyamashun​​​​​​ ―         ( Daigo’s birthday 2023 / accepting )
The celebrations for Daigo’s birthday were quiet and intimate - while the moneylender wouldn't have minded more fanfare, he knew the day was about what made the ex-chairman comfortable. And these days, staying at home with his husband and son without needing to deal with judgmental stares or mindful of his reputation was a relief. A baseball game on television, take-out from the former yakuza’s favorite barbecue place and the company of the small family that he never thought once would be formed... These seemed to be enough for him. Even procuring a gift for Daigo was an annoying task - he had everything money could buy; and the man frequently dodged questions about anything he could be wishing for on the grounds that he had already attained such things. Akiyama sighed with fond annoyance - his husband was terrible where birthdays were considered; it really left the loan shark no other choice but being a scheming bastard back. On that night, during the break of the game, the younger male made a sign for Kisuke - and the kid suddenly went into action, moving from his father’s lap onto the ground and then disappearing from view as he went into his own bedroom and then took some time there. The sound of closet doors opening and stuff tumbling to the floor followed, but before Akiyama went to check on him, he returned. In his hands, a rectangular package was immediately delivered to Daigo, showing he had been successful in his mission of retrieving the secret present - whatever mess remained in the bedroom could be tidied up later. “Happy birthday, dad!” Kisuke exclaimed excitedly, climbing back onto the couch to drape himself over the ex-yakuza, eager to see his father tearing the wrapping paper away as he did with his own gifts - unaware that it actually prevented Daigo from opening the present and making Akiyama laugh, pulling their son into his own lap so the ex-yakuza had some room to work with. “We made it together!” Kisuke announced with a proud nod and a smile that melted hearts every time; the chocolate eyes of Akiyama were locked onto Daigo as he opened the gift, and a free hand smoothed and combed the wild locks of the kid back into place to the best of his abilities. Inside, there was a heavily tailored scrapbook - the album was filled with not only pictures (sometimes of the three of them, other times just Kisuke and Daigo when Akiyama was clearly behind the camera), but other sentimental tokens such as amusement park tickets, postcards of nearby cities they visited on weekends, handwritten notes and the like. It covered their life together - a simple yet nice way to show Daigo just how great of a father he was. The concerns he nurtured about that role were many; it cost him a great deal of strife with his mother, too. Akiyama knew that the other man had sacrificed much to have his own family, and all he wished to do was to show how it had been worth it all - and how loved he was by his son and husband. “One of my clients at Sky Finance makes these professionally - she was the one who gave me the idea and did this one for you; it's themed after the Wyverns, you see?” Akiyama chuckled, and Kisuke pointed towards the stickers he had added to some of the pages before adding, “And pokémon!” “That’s right, kiddo. Baseball, pokémon and a bunch of pictures of us together - or just the two of you when your father wasn’t looking,” Akiyama grinned, and if the ex-yakuza had noticed that the loan shark had been taking more pictures than usual with his phone... Well, good thing he never asked, because Akiyama would run out of corny excuses about loving to watch the other two playing with each other. “Happy birthday, Daigo,” he murmured, closing in for a quick peck on his husband’s lips because that was all that a very excited son would allow for the moment, flipping pages to point at his favorite shots here and there, “I hope you like these because you sure as hell did not make this easier. I love you, but I hate how hard it is to find a good present for you.”
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★. ―
“ You have got to be  ―  ”  Daigo stopped mid - sentence, suddenly mindful of Kisuke’s weight in his lap. He bit off the few choice words that would have followed and leaned back farther into the sofa. One of his arms was looped around their son to prevent him from falling ; Daigo’s other hand rested leisurely on his husband’s thigh.
          “Fuck you!” Kisuke said suddenly at the television, sitting up straight.
          Daigo blinked and glanced down at their son. Akiyama burst into laughter. The moneylender knew exactly where that particular way of shouting the expletive came from. He had warned his husband a few times this past year that Kisuke watched his father during game time ( which was practically sacred in their home ) more than the match. You can’t get upset if he’s copying you, Daigo - kun. 
          “Kisuke?” Daigo asked quietly, stern expression almost compromised by the curve of his lips. Oh, he was trying hard not to join in with the loan shark.
          “Remember, buddy : baseball talk is just for dads,” Daigo corrected with as much of a serious tone as he could muster.
          Kisuke screwed up his face indignantly but opted not to argue. It was his father’s birthday, after all ( and if he wasn’t good, he would surely miss out on the very sweet chocolate cake in the fridge for later ). He nestled back into the former Chairman’s broad chest, unable to see the relief on Daigo’s face. Akiyama collected himself, cleared his throat, and continued to wait.
          At the first available break in the game, the moneylender sent Kisuke on his mission. The boy practically lit up as he squirmed free of his father. Sock - covered feet pounded down the hallway to his little sanctum. Daigo took a drink leisurely, unbothered by the ruckus coming from their son’s room. It was only when the child reappeared that the ex - yakuza hastily swallowed and returned to his position, as he didn’t know to whom Kisuke would run.
          What he didn’t expect, though, was for the boy to approach him excitedly with a  .   .    .  present. Daigo was dumbfounded for a moment. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought about the prospect of receiving any ; his birthday was perfect as it was. Just getting to relax and share his favorite barbeque with the two most important figures in his life was more than enough for the ex - yakuza. Nonetheless, he accepted the gift from Kisuke with thanks. Daigo chuckled as the boy was positioned by his dad. Kisuke really had limitless energy.
          “Together?” Daigo repeated, looking out of the corner of his eye at Akiyama. He had to smile at the sight of the loan shark attempting to fix Kisuke’s hair ; that was almost as impossible a task as getting their son to fully sit still. “That’s very sweet of you, Kisuke - kun.”
          The ex - yakuza opened his present slowly for their son’s benefit. Kisuke collected the paper and strings that previously held the surprise closed, crinkled them together experimentally, and then handed them to his dad. Akiyama helped him make a ball to play with later while Daigo absorbed the gift in his lip. 
          Coarse fingers turned the pages carefully, taking in the expanse of the volume in his lap. It covered so much  ―  the amount of precious memories represented on the pages from this year was almost overwhelming. Daigo attempted to hide the trembling of his hands as he surveyed every reminder that their little family was a happy and comfortable place for their son. That was what Daigo always hoped for : he knew the world could be cruel, but he tried his damnedest to make sure Kisuke saw more of its beauty than its ugliness. To see the proof of that laid out with some clearly personal touches stole his breath away.
           Daigo inhaled shakily as Kisuke and Akiyama explained the scrapbook. His thumb brushed over a Pichu sticker at the boy’s proud mention of his contribution. “It’s beautiful,” he said softly. The former Chairman leaned in to accept the brief embrace from his husband. A bit of pink stained his cheeks. “Thank you, Shun. I lo  ―  ”
          Whatever sentiment he would have said was interrupted by Kisuke worming into his father’s lap. He was determined to sit under the scrapbook and go through it with Daigo, and the ex - yakuza quickly rearranged things to give Kisuke his space back. Later, the older man’s expression promised his husband. Daigo held the book open while the boy showed off the pictures that he liked best ( as well as the additional pocket monsters planted throughout ). 
          Kisuke paused as Daigo grew silent. He looked up, confused, and saw that his father’s cheeks were wet. “You’re leaky,” the boy said with a frown. With his sleeves grasped in his fingers, he made an effort to pat the former Chairman dry. 
          “Good job, kiddo,” Akiyama said appreciatively, sliding closer to help. His fingers tucked stray strands of gray hair behind Daigo’s ears. “What do you remember about that post card there? The Ferris wheel?”
          Kisuke brightened again and went back to the page, chattering about the souvenir in question. Akiyama settled his arm over Daigo’s shoulders and placed some of his weight against the ex - yakuza’s side comfortingly. He felt his husband take a deep, steadying breath.
          “That was a good day,” Daigo said in response to the boy’s chaotic rambling. The ex - yakuza glanced at Akiyama out of the corner of his eye, smiling. “They’re all good ones.”  ―  with the two of you.
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Hi Vee! I saw you reblog my bleach ask game.
My questions are 1, 14, and 21.
Who are your top three favorite characters and why? This is so hard. But: Ukitake - I know he's not one of the hotshot captains but in the SS arc he was so sure that Rukia's execution was uncalled for and then fights everyone who was supporting it. He's the best moral compass imo. Byakuya - the way he changes, becoming one of the best older brothers on the show, his insane raw talent and continuous character development
Urahara - the laid-back nerdy science guy with all the answers. No further explanation
14. Most heart-wrenching death?
Honestly, for me, it was Kaien's. The circumstances surrounding it, losing his wife, then getting possessed by the hollow and asking Rukia to kill him. Scars left on so many people everywhere. 21. If you could be in the Bleach universe would you be a soul reaper, visored, human, quincy, espada or arrancar?
Maybe a little controversial but I think I'd make a good Quincy. I have a thing for bows and arrows 😜
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bh-52 · 13 days
How would Yoruichi feel about birds landing and nesting on her nose?
Those birds will be roasted for Christmas lunch at Kisuke's.
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uraharashouten · 9 months
Despite all the random embraces and the way he had been a little more cheerful as of late, she has still arrived to deliver her present. It may be a little late- an unusual occurrence considering how punctual she usually is... but she knew he had gone on vacation earlier and therefore she has opted to stay a little away for now.
The fair-haired girl arrived in her usual, churlish manner and then shoved a present towards her former captain. It is wrapped a lot more carefully than her usual affair of hastily wrapped packages. Instead, the small blue box she hands him is neatly wrapped in a bright, red bow. She knows it seems a little unlike herself, but after years and years of knowing him... more than a century...
She is no longer embarrassed to hide that she may just like Kisuke sometimes.
"Some cufflinks. I know ya don't wear a lotta shirts-" she's almost scowling, because Kisuke enjoyed wearing loosely fitted kimono that showed off his broad chest- "but these outta make ya look nice for yer dates and all."
"Hiyori-san!" he crows, moving toward her with outstretched arms as if to sweep her up in his embrace— yet stopping mercifully short this time, sparing her and holding his hands forth to receive what appears to be a package meant for him. "You've... brought something for me, have you? Why thank you~"
Bemused, he turns the neat package over in his hands, then tugs nimbly at the bow until it comes free— and smirks as she anticipates his opening it, spoiling the surprise. But not by much.
"Ooo~" His mouth shapes around the soft reaction as his eyes take in the stylish accessories. "It's true that when it comes to shirts with cuffs, I don't have much occasion to—" But her words overlap his and he's brought up short when she mentions dates. His mouth and eyes continue moving soundlessly, uncertain what expression to settle on, and he can feel his ears becoming a bit warm. Eventually a guilty chuckle wins out. "Haha—"
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"It seems to have gotten out lately that I've gotten out lately..."
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lilacwriter07 · 11 months
Ok this isn't an ask but I liked your yandere kisuke concept
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I humbly gift you these 4 panels
(top 2 are actual frames bottom 2 are edited)
sorry for the late reply, thank u for the delicious panels of Urahara I humbly accept them (and use them 😈 to my heart's content 🤭💖)
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tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) anonymous : Any useful advice how to unleash some gay tension?
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ㅤ'' ... ''
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ㅤ'' There is one ... and very useful; go get LAID. Bonus points if it's ( with ) the person causing that tension. ''
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ㅤ'' And good news for you, Nony, I won't charge you fee for this advice, you're welcome!! ''
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