#kit (hydrcloggd)
universalzones · 11 months
Continued from X @hydrcloggd
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It was hard for Surge not to smile seeing Kits reaction to the mountain of candy she got. The tenrec wasn't sure if she was a candy person, at least she had no memories of it, nor had she had any candy recently. Regardless, it was for the fennec and that was good for her.
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Surge was about to say she was gonna head out, though was a bit stunned seeing Kit invite her to take a seat next to him. The tenrec wasn't expecting this, just wanting the fennec to have some candy all to themself, though how could she say no seeing that smile.
Surge walked over, taking a seat next to Kit and crossing her legs. "Guess I should, uh, check the score. Make sure everything's safe and stuff." Yeah, that was a good enough reason to convince herself to hang out for a bit. The tenrec opened the bag, starting to dig through it.
'I wasn't sure what ya liked. Kinda just snagged whatever seemed good, or was full sized." Surge even found a neighborhood that every house had the big sized candy bars so hung around there the most. 'Geez, I sure grabbed a lot. I'm sure it'll last Kit awhile. Maybe me too if I like candy. Guess I'll have to try some at one point.' The tenrec would try to hold off of eating candy for as long as she could.
Surge was terrible a trying to chill and just hang out.
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vel0city · 1 year
❝  so is that a ‘no’ to solving this with murder…?  ❞ sidekick kit sidekick kit sidekick-
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    Oh jeez, what had she gotten herself into here..! Taking out some hooligans causing a mess in the area definitely shouldn't amount to any murder... Vel waves her hands in front of her face.
    "Definitely a no, Kit! Definitely a no! If we can just put a halt to their operations, that'll be enough to set 'em back a while. Murder's not really my thing, and it doesn't have to be yours either." She'll give a smile, placing a hand to the fennec's shoulder.
    "... You can knock them unconscious, but, make sure they're not in the water when you do, okay?"
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@hydrcloggd​ liked!     /     kitsunami & sucre!
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Sucre is many things — a medic — kind — the result of harm.  Accordingly, she knows what someone else who’s the same looks like.  This little fox is a stranger, but she recognizes something in his eyes — and even if she did not, she can’t leave anyone wounded.
She crouches to lessen the height difference, smiling as gently as the battered girl can manage.  “That’s a nasty cut you’ve got there.  I’d feel a lot better if you’d let me clean and bandage it.  Is that okay?”
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resolutewarrior · 2 years
❝for the record, i think you’re a lot cooler than sonic…❞ not that there was any need for a comparison.
kitsunami wasn’t the one to make an approach, but today they were a little more eager. taking a chance. it was always risky, but today provided him with enough courage to make the advance. he’d emerge from the shadows out from the alleyway, this was certainly one way to make a big introduction… not the best, but it was all made on a risk.
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" Hmph. It's not as though that's hard. " His intense gaze was fixed upon the child, usual scowl decorating his muzzle; making him impossible to read.
" Mind telling me why you're also wandering around dark alleyways? "
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ironbonds · 2 years
Anonymously my ass >:I I love how you have Tails natural curiosity down to a T and how it gets all excited over new things like when he saw all the tech on the sand streamer in our thread. 10/10 Tails
Anonymously send me your favorite detail about how I play my character. || @needlenxggin || accepting
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But nah seriously, I adore your Vash. As someone who's watched both series and holds it near and dear to my heart, that you have picked up on things you haven't even seen yet is wonderful. Vash is such a wonderful character and you have not only the bubbly excitement but the momentary lapses in his composure down so well. I'm so happy to be writing with you, but if you aren't careful Tails will take apart his arm before he realizes what is happening ...I mean what?
Tails literally wouldn't be able to stop himself at all and for all that Nai / Knives is really dangerous for anyone to be around, he'd be so fascinated and amazed that he has such control over those blades, nevermind how he can either summon them or transmute them to a cloth like substance. Literally, if he had a lab he would be analyzing everything and no one would see him for a week.
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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         ❝  i’m  not  about  t’say  i’m  not  down  for  the         occasional  PAYBACK  PARTY  but  maybe   ...  not  THE  KILLING  kIND?   ❞
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cynicallyscorned · 10 months
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@hydrcloggd said:
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fennec just sitting on your couch looking at you just like this. what's your next move, chief?
Y'know, it really shouldn't come as a shock to him that Ellen would make weird friends. She is a weird kid after all. He catches the fennec looking at him with a raised eyebrow, turning his attention back to the tv with a scratch of his neck as he flips through the channels.
His next move?
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" ...Y'more of a cartoons kid or a science channel kid? "
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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@hydrcloggd sent: if…if they made a purse for boys would they call it “piss” ( any one who wants to humor this child — ) ?
There's a pause while Amy's brain tries to process the question directed at her. If they made purses for boys.. would they call it...
Amy was a firm believer in the message that there weren't such things as stupid questions. Even still, she looks positively flabbergasted for a moment. Mouth slightly agape, staring at Kit for a heartbeat while she did her best to not let the sudden shock expose the hilarity of the question being asked. The best she manages is to cover her slowly spreading grin while the laughter is bit down. Right, okay, that.. that was probably an honest question. Stars, she hopes it was.
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"Ah, n-no, Kit. I.. I don't think they would call them.. er.. that, per se. They're called stuff like 'satchels' or 'messenger bags', really." A brief cough to mask the giggle that escapes her. "That word you used is.. well, it would make some people upset to hear, okay? So let's not say that one if you aren't around friends - did you want a purse?"
She is changing the subject off 'piss' RIGHT NOW.
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timelocker · 2 years
LOVE METER. > accepting.
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Between you guys, You don’t love the other because he/she is perfect; you love them in spite of the fact that they’re not
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... huh.
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hydrcloggd asked:
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❛... and so i stole the bleach from under the cabinet. ❜
ㅤㅤ" You got the bleach??? " her excitement is barely contained to a whisper, tail wagging wildly behind her. Her hands are clutching a successful grab of her own, but in terms of that which they absolutely shouldn't have, Kit's find is leagues higher, in her opinion. " You're so cool -- you're really good at this, ya know? "
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ㅤㅤThe little bag of whole roasted coffee beans is held slightly more upwards, sharing her own victory from their tag-team heist. " I got my part, too! It was hard climbin' on the counter without makin' a lotta noise, but I did it!! Ya think if we hide 'em really well, we'll be the only ones who can find 'em, forever? It can be like our own personal special stash! "
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
the floor is believing (Kit)ty / @hydrcloggd is a bad guy instead of the fuzziest, wuzziest, cuddliest floofer 🌼
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archive-gaiaplanet · 2 years
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@hydrcloggd ━━ ✰ . ❝hey.. surge..?❞ well aware that the tenrec was asleep, he prodded at her shoulder anyway, respectfully whispering. he knew there were repercussions that followed with ruining her well deserved rest, though he was plagued with troubles on the brain. he was seeking an answer. something to soothe. ❝…d..do you think we’ll ever find a place to call home…?❞ their head held high, for once, only to stare aimlessly into the starry night sky. they hoped that one day they could. the both deserved it. to be happy. to find the ones that loved them…
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When sleep finally blessed the tenrec with it's grace... well, SHE SLEPT QUITE LOUDLY. Snores echoed throughout their little makeshift den, the hammock she made for herself just slightly swaying from Kit's disturbance. It took a few minutes and QUITE a bit of pokes to finally awaken her, seafoam eyes opening to land on her companion. Surge begrudgingly sat up to reply once his question processed in her exhausted brain.
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❝ Eh? Where'd ya get that idea, drippy? ❞ Her tan hand came up to gently ruffle his hair before pulling away.
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❝ C'mere squirt- ❞
With a surprisingly amount of care, Kit was lifted into the hammock as well; there was enough space for quite a few people, actually. She continued to look at them before letting out a small sigh- looking... quite vulnerable for once.
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❝ Look, kid... I'll be honest wit' ya- I got NO idea... but y'know what I KNOW? That we don't need anyone or anythin' t' take on th' world. Home... home ain't no place anymore- home is whatcha WANT it t' be. Got it? ❞
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❝ Now.. get t' bed. Growin' kits need their uh, sleep, or whatever BULLSHIT they say these days . ❞
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badnikbreaker · 2 years
@hydrcloggd​ : he isn’t entirely all that familiar with her, though… she seemed sad. perhaps a hug would help? (shut up and let him hug you amy)​
Amy’s not unused to children doing this — children who know the story of the hero Amy, who admire her, look up to her, think she’s stronger than she is.  Sometimes they run to her, take her hand or tug on her skirt, and Amy — every time, no matter how tired she feels or how frightened she is, how much the touch aches or burns — always makes time for them, smiling and sweet and gentle, like a creature unharmed.
Every time, too, she has to ——
It’s familiar.  Someone who knows her well might see it; her hand flexes, in that habitual way it does, right before she summons her hammer.  Green eyes dart to find her hand / they widen, she mouths something to herself, voice too low to catch / and the light that had been a precursor to her weapon disappears before it was anything more than a spark / before the vast majority would notice anything at all.
“Hey, hon,” Amy says to the child wrapping her in a hug; she bends a lit to lessen the high difference, not that it’s enormous — their smile’s gentle, easy.  They don’t tremble.  The momentary fight - or - flight response is crushed ‘neath their heel, the way they respond to every strange touch like it’s a sign of danger.  Amy Rose is a hero.  Amy Rose is kind.  Amy Rose is not war - torn or aching.  And Amy Rose takes care of children.  Their hands wrap gently around the other’s back.  “Thank you!  I was feeling sort of down, but I feel much better now!”
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They don’t.  It doesn’t matter.  They pull back enough to see the fennec’s face.  “Are you out here all by yourself, little guy?  Can I help you get back to your parents or guardian by any chance?”
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
@hydrcloggd replied:
as long as there’s apple slices — **the only menace willing to eat those mf things**
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{{ L }} "With or without caramel dipping sauce?" A Kit of culture it seems.
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ironbonds · 2 years
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" KIT! "
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spiinsparks · 1 year
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spill it / @hydrcloggd / ACCEPTING !
( spill it. ) “ i saw how you hurt her… how you **both** hurt her.” don’t even try to deny it kitsunami is riddled in rage, yet he’s not bothering to attack..yet. behind his hushed tone, there lied eyes that were wounded. the spark of magenta that illuminates is flashing like a light bulb on the fritz. there’s so many thoughts. too many thoughts. but the only thought that’s screaming in their head remains mighty among the rest.
with a hushed breath, their hues pierce like daggers into emeralds orbs. he has the right to know. he deserves to know. “you said she was hurting herself but all i see is you behind her… hurting her… why..?”
            MIND RACED ALMOST SO QUICKLY that even sonic himself couldn't keep up. ping-ponging thoughts bounced inside of his head. something like frustration . something like hurt . something like sympathy . a whistle of breath sang from between sonic's teeth. ❝  ...aw , kid.  ❞  
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he shifted his weight from foot to foot , UNCOMFORTABLE , at first , as he rolled his wrist in a stretch. ❝ 'cause ya DID get hurt. ❞  he settled with a small , blink-and-you'd-miss-it grimace. ❝ look , i'm not gonna say you didn't. that's not right. what starline did takes twisted to a whole 'nother level.  ❞  
❝ i didn't mean she's hurting herself literally. i meant it more like— ❞ geez , how did you explain something like THIS to a kid? especially one who's ten steps from putting you in your own PERSONAL water bubble? sonic sighed and rubbed at the nape of his neck. he gestured to kit with palms upraised. ❝ ...like i WANNA help you guys. but i can't do that so easy , if we're all always two steps from fisticuffs , see?  ❞
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