#kitri variation (series)
patricedumonde · 10 months
The Young Prima of the Bolshoi: Elizaveta Kokoreva
I have to preface this with the fact that I have been an avid Mariinsky watcher ever since my childhood. I grew up watching and studying the likes of Altynai Asylmuratova, Ulyana Lopatkina, Diana Vishneva, and Alina Somova. These dancers, to me, are the standard of classical ballet. The grace, the cleanliness of Mariinsky primas and the corps, has always felt transcendent. However, I have also found that Mariinsky dancers can sometimes lack passion and emotion on stage.
Bolshoi was a sharp contrast to this, as I found their dancers to be passionate and often, bravura. Sometimes though, in performing an exhibition of tricks (this, of course, is not exclusive to Bolshoi dancers), artistry and technique can get compromised.
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One dancer I have been watching since her days at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy is Elizaveta Kokoreva. I think it's rare to find a dancer who has impeccable technique, charisma, showmanship, and vulnerability on stage.
I think you all know by now that I am a stickler to rules. I don't care for extra turns nor extremely high jumps if dancers are unable to start and finish in fifth. I think Liza makes terrific decisions on when to add embellishments. I think she's perfect for the Bolshoi because she has THAT showmanship.
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Surprisingly, of all the variations she has performed through the years, her dream scene from Raymonda always stuck out to me because of her precision. If you were to cut her movement frame by frame, she is always picture perfect. If you are familiar with Lea Salonga and her diction, Liza is her equivalent in ballet! The clarity in each movement, it makes each step feel so crisp.
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As always, there's still room to grow for prima ballerinas. Two observations for Liza, first is she's very controlled with her center. We can see how strong her core is from her balancing acts, those heavenly arabesques! Sometimes though, there are dances that require more softness and flexibility with the torso. Think, Ashley Bouder as Dew Drop for Balanchine's The Nutcracker. I think the slight stiffness can be seen in these steps from Grand Pas Classique and Coppelia. A more pronounced cambré would elevate the step.
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Second, everything feels monotonous at times. She's already very reliable in executing every step with precision; she adds embellishments mostly by holding a balance a second or two longer or by slowing down a movement like an Italian fouetté. I would love to see stronger accents here and there, almost like an exclamation point. See below, when she prepares for her series of pique turns at the end of the Kitri variation. It's very soft when it could use more force.
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Although it isn't pictured here, I think she has made significant strides in terms of artistry. She has proven to be versatile. I thought that her personality would be limited to more bravura roles, but I have genuinely enjoyed seeing her in Giselle and Chopiniana, and even more modern works like The Seagull and The Winter's Tale.
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I think a lot of dancers can learn from Liza. It is evident that she is a thoughtful dancer as all her movements feel so sure. For those of you who don't know, Elizaveta Kokoreva graduated from BBA in 2019 and is now a prima ballerina with the Bolshoi Ballet. She is, in my opinion, still an underrated dancer.
Credits to TheBunduBallerina on Youtube for all of these clips
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ballet-symphonie · 2 years
Absolutely mandatory viewing - a truly spectacular DQ.
Highlights include:
0:00 Renata's stunning series of temps de flèche
2:57 Renata doing an assemblé so high that her head nearly goes outside of the camera frame
3:36 Act 1 Pas de trois, finishing with Kimin's signature consecutive double tours
4:14 Kitri's act I variation, complete with triple piqués en dehors and backbreaking leaps, all at whirlwind speed.
4:54 The superman Kimin, with one arm press lifts to both sides!
5:38 Charming Renata, so expressive in her eyes to go along with razor-sharp balances and mindblowing turns, ending the dizzying diagonal with a double piqués en dehors with her arms over her head.
7:58 Love how she jumps so freely into his arms with her head completely thrown back, so exciting!
8:40 Kimin's acting, so cute, he can't possibly even fake being angry with his Kitri, followed by lots of head-shaking DRAMA
8:58 That smirk, I'm dead. PLUS THE KISS TO THE AUDIENCE. Love the pandering that is DQ
9:47 Just too cute, have no further words. Renata's expressions are beyond adorable especially when she cheekily asks for more kisses. HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD YOU TWO
9:57 Ahh yes, she remembered now. Here comes the pageantry, especially effective with her fluttering her big doe eyes
10:25 Haven't seen this before, Kimin lovably tugging on Renata's skirt, "Hey, we're doing this gig to get hitched remember! Eyes on the prize!" Their expressions and chemistry is just pure gold.
11:19 Love how playful Renata is in the entree, with deep cambrés and bold arm and head movements, especially as she finishes the pirouettes. Very attractive to see the character of Kitri still shining in the grand pas.
11:54 Flawless lift. Notice Renata's superb coordination, in order to catch the music on time, she prepares her arms to start the turns while coming down from the lift.
12:20 Full split grand pas de chat with no momentum into the adagio preparation SO EXTRA, SO DON Q, I'M HERE FOR IT
12:30 "I'll just make a couple timestamps, I won't go crazy".....I lied to myself. But but this fouette is just too good, Kimin transitioning with both arms stretched wide to show her off. Renata's eyes just make me fall in love and I'm obsessed with her sassy transition into 4th position en pointe.
13:02 I promise I'll stop timestamping every 10 seconds but like, that arabesque balance is how every balance should be. Classy, without showboating, an active choice on when to exist, no needless 4th wall breaking, perfectly musical.
13:20 The pirouettes? Stellar. The transition out of it? Even better.
13:44 SHe's so confident here, she looks up and explodes her arms out before exiting the pirouette into the penché. That choice creates such feelings of elation.
14:11 Give me either one of their renveresé, thanks :)
14:16 Exiting this (gorgeously done) lift can be awkward, love how Renata uses her arms to transition into the next pose
15:02 YES to the traveling that's happening!!
15:33 Her smile. That's all. Delightful.
16:13 Kimin's variation starts. I mean come on. He's just flying around. THOSE OUTSIDE ATTITUDE PIOUETTES. Super stable tours to high arabesques. Just too good.
17:04 Renata's variation starts. Jawdropping footwork, the petit rond de jambes are so clean and so precise, and she's moving so much when she does them. HERE FOR THE RENATA SASS. THe way her face lights up when the crowd starts clapping is priceless
17:57 CODA TIME!!!! Legitimately think no one has ever done this jump better than Kimin. And that manage, just looks like it takes no effort for him to complete. He just floats around like it's nothing.
18:21 Holy shit her fouettes are insane, AND THEN ALL DOUBLES IN THe SECOND HALF???? Aish, her tiny frustrated face appeared for half a second because she was the tiniest bit off and had to do one single. But what a fight, she's such a spitfire. I was on the edge of my seat.
18:45 Speechless. Just what??? How????? Kimin Kim, explain yourself????
I did this during my first watch-through, I think you can gauge my level of excitement quite clearly ahaha. Let me know your favorite moments and if you enjoyed reading my first reaction :)
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tikitania · 1 year
Thoughts on Khiteeva in DQ…
Thanks to the Anon who sent me this link! I've watched it a bunch and learned quite a bit about Don Q in the process — at least Kitri's part. I'm going to share it here because I have some thoughts. It's just some snippets and I would like to see more, but it's a very strong for her second DQ.
Act 1 - Good, but could use more attack, music seemed a bit slow. The toreador diagonal was quite good! The "Plisetskaya jump" could be more explosive.
Act 2 - Dulcinea Variation - Such a natural here. Looked a little nervous or shaky at the start but overcame that quickly. Those hops on points - Bravissima! (Do I see a future Giselle?) However, as I was watching and comparing to others, I learned that there is another version of the Dulcinea Variation called the "Dudinskaya Version" and only a handful of dancers have been given the blessing to dance this one, Shakirova and Lukina both dance Dudinskaya's version, Shakirova seen here:
Act 3 - Kitri wedding variation - this one sent me into an internet rabbit hole because it raised a lot of questions for me. First, the run at the start - so pretty! Her legs are very shimmery! But where is the fan? I know that at the Mariinksy, fans are optional, but really…you need the fan! Secondly, I wondered if she got tripped up in the passes and improvised on the spot, or if this little triple step was intentional. Because of this question, I started researching and realized that there are many different approaches to this part of the variation. Some hold the passe a beat (Skorik), others go from a fifth to a wide second on point, but Ekaterina Maximova's is the the one I liked the most. Crazy fast passes! For Kitri, you really have to go for broke. No holding back, so there's a lot of room for improvement for Khiteeva here. It needs to be needle sharp, very picante! And that drama & flirtiness should build over the series of passes. But overall, quite charming!
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unworthy-stars · 7 years
“Lead” (Kitri Variation Series)
(You didn’t reply to your request @mimizuku9 so I am tagging you in this one as well in case you missed One Last Time the week before)
'I am too short to be lead, teacher.' Wang lowered his head in sight of his teacher.
'But I cannot think of someone more fitting for the role. You have the technique and the expression, you have the full pack and I will be ashamed of myself and my work if someone like you gets a secondary role.' Ivan tried to persuade him.
'Between us, teacher, I believe that I can dance five different parts in each act instead of being the lead. I am honoured but it is a huge responsibility.'
Ivan had thought that if he gave the role to Yao then he wouldn't force himself to dance on stage an other time. He had promised himself that he wouldn't dance ever again and Mariinsky forcing him to do the big comeback wasn't his cup of tea.
Moreover he wanted to stress on the choreographies. He enjoyed making female parts into male and the opposite. He would experiment them on Wang Yao, his best student. Not a female talent had been approved by the teachers of the female section so he was being patient until the moment had come.
'Wang. Listen to me,' Ivan put his hands on Wang's well-built shoulders 'This is your big chance. You have to chase it. Trust me, you are destined for big things and this might be the very beginning!'
Wang moved his hands over Ivan's and softly put them down. Wang's touch made Ivan screech and blush, mostly because Ivan had a soft point for this specific student. At first he loathed him for all these qualities he owned and Ivan had to gain but that envy grew up to be awe and that sense of admiration and fear evolved into something bigger that Ivan could not explain in words nor acts.
'In contrast with my classmates all I want to do is dance. They seek for something more complex something that requires more responsibility, more patience and less talent, less feeling,' Wang sighed 'My simplicity does not allow me to become something flamboyant. And I honestly prefer to become someone with a life full of dancing alone rather than a puppet dancing for an audience who only applauses.'
Ivan wanted to slap him because he knew very well what happened to those obsessed with dancing. They were moody and stubborn, seeking for loneliness and isolation. Then they start to dance because they are sad and Ivan thought that was exactly on the edge of being pathetic.
However Wang's fiery black eyes stopped him from scolding him. He simply looked down on their naked feet and smiled.
'They say that to learn you have to fall. So I will just stop here and let you do as you wish. If you want to try out, I'll be here teaching.' Ivan tried to move towards the exit so he could leave the dancer make up his mind.
Wang ordered him to wait and with soundless steps on his toes he reached Ivan. The teacher turned around and saw his student with that stubborn, furious expression he would never get used to see and not admire.
'Why don't you dance the role? Why don't you dance again?'
Normally if a student spoke to that tone, Ivan would have slapped him and then told him to behave. Nevertheless he couldn't do it to Wang because as mentioned before he was his weakness. He hadn't had such a brilliant student in years.
'I cannot say. Sometimes dancers hide their pain instead of talking about it to some sorts of documentary. I prefer to not talk about something that makes me feel pathetic.' Ivan said and quietly left the room.
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themetaphorgirl · 4 years
what are your top 10 comfort films? or do you have a top 5 favourite ballet variations? just want to say that your stuff is ON FIRE lately 🙌🙌🙌🙌
okay first of all don’t judge meeeee
-The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
-the Hunger Games series (which counts for four movies...)
I’m a major TV binger so I’m including some of faves too
-30 Rock
-Great British Bake Off
-Parks and Rec
and BALLET VARIATIONS AHHHHHH I am so hoping I can start taking in-person ballet classes before the end of the year!!! these are all variations that I love watching since at the moment I’m more of a ballet fan than a student
-the Lilac Fairy 
-Giselle’s Act 1 variation (with the diagonal hops on pointe, HOWWWW. also Giselle in general, it’s my favorite ballet)
-the rose adagio (alternatively: the tart adagio)
-Swanhilda’s variation when she’s pretending to be Coppelia
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jubelleblue · 8 years
Kapitonova FX
Actually decent - some sort of Don Quixote music at the end, Kitri variation I think
Piked full in, nearly stuck but low chest
2.5 to front layout, at least one foot out but could’ve been 2
Double L spin, actually nice
some sort of leap
another sort of leap
Double tuck, low chest, step back
Sloppy leap series
Double Pike, low chest step back
she stayed on her feet I guess
Okay it was 2 feet out, 13.133, 5.2 D score and I didn’t see the Execution
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unworthy-stars · 7 years
“One Last Time” (Kitri Variation Series)
The request to continue writing about Ballet RoChu AU was made by @mimizuku9 (I am sorry for the delay)
I have other two stores one-shots, if you want (please tell me if I want to tag you or not)
The series will be called “Kitri Variation” but it will just be random one-shots.
Wang Yao was heading to the showers after a tiring day of practise. He didn't have the luck of meeting Braginsky that day. The female choreographer in the room next to his said that he was present but she had heard no music nor steps from the room next to hers. Wang barely understood her words since he wasn't familiar with Russian but got the conclusion that only Braginsky's ghost had appeared that day.
He tried to forget it and focused on going to rest. After all tomorrow would be a new day and his teacher woul surely appear to show him more tricks.
'Hey Wang. Want to come with us tonight? There will be hot chicks involved' one of his comrades during team practise suggested while passing by his side.
'That sounds lovely, I may meet you.' Wang replied with a smile and the guy nodded back.
As Wang was walking he heard a familiar tune. Of course he recognised Tchaikovsky's pas de deux for Swan Lake for the role of the Black Swan. It was one of the duets he'd like to dance even once, either dancing as Von Rothbart or the prince charming of the ballet play. The music was splendid, expected from a master of the masters in romantic music, and it just made him dance along without thinking.
He went towards the source of the sound only to realise it was playing from the small room for the beginners. The beginners had already finished their daily routine and Wang estimated that they would be home resting or eating a proper meal. There was no way that someone hadn't left.
Wang opened the door only to see Ivan Braginsky dancing along the famous tune. He was wearing a really glamorous and shiny costume which must have cost more than two hundred euros. He was jumping here and there in delicate sissones like a flying bird. The choreohraphy was altered significally like it was adjusted for a male protagonist. But his moves just blended beautifully with the music.
His only fault was his expression. Ivan looked scared, afraid of the floor like it was lava. Not only that but his icey blue eyes spotted on the ground like he would fall. Probably he hadn't danced in a long time.
Wang shook his head amazed by Ivan's marvellous technical skills. However, the moment after the music stopped and Ivan wasn't wearing the fancy costume but mere black shorts and a white ragged T-Shirt.
It had all been Wang's imagination. That was Ivan's power when dancing; dazzling everyone with his skills.
Soon Ivan started doing a series of turns, including pirouettes and fouettes. Ivan however stared at the ground which caused him to fall on his thighs.
Wang ran to help him get up. He had fallen enough times to know what to do whenever in pain. He guessed that Ivan knew better than him, however he could never stay apathetic about someone's pain.
'Thank you Wang...I am sorry for keeping you.' Ivan was held by Wang and got up within seconds 'For your petit shape, you are actually quite strong.'
'Despite your immense height, you are actually as heavy as a feather.' Wang replied and looked down 'Your dance, professor...I haven't seen something like that. It was inspiring!'
Ivan wasn't listening to Wang. He had formed a nice well-built body, worthy of a ballet dancer. He wished that he still had the same shape as before. But he prefered to see someone else take his place rather than toiling himself all over again.
'Eh...ah...at least I fell forward. To be honest, I wish I don't dance again. When I was young and ambitious, I hoped that my last dance would be on stage somewhere in Australia. It turns out that the last dance I truly wanted was this.' Ivan admitted as he approached his sport bag to find some water.
Wang remained in the center of the room. The wooden floor was designed like this to make every single false detail echo. However Ivan didn't make a sound. His landings were perfect.
'I want to see you dance more, but you cannot tame a dancer. His soul is wilder than a lion's. At least I saw you dance once and that is more than enough for me.'
Ivan stopped drinking water and closed the bottle furiously and with two big steps he was a breath away Wang. The student gasped by the Russian teacher's strictness. His moves were sharp and fast but omitted a certain sweetness and passion at the same time just like Prokofiev's pieces.
'I was wrong. I do not want that to be my last dance. Wait here.' he said with his hoarse voice and ran as fast as he could after having fallen on the floor.
Wang waited patiently. He was curious but couldn't go and see himself because that would be disrespectful to his teacher. A teacher in ballet is a master and his advices should be taken as orders.
Within a minute Wang saw Ivan's beautiful round face. He had brought the pianist of the Academy, the bald man that Wang had previously danced for. The pianoman smiled at the student and sat on the chair in front of the piano of the room.
Each room had a piano and a CD player. It was said that each piano had a different voice and every piece could be heard differently in each room even if the same notes were played.
'Kitri Variation, Act 1' Ivan ordered and the pianist nodded and prepared himself 'Wang, you know this is for Kitri, the female protagonist of Don Quixote. Follow my steps; we will make Kitri Variation a pas de deux for Romeo and Mercutio.'
Wang and the pianist nodded at the same time. Wang winked at Ivan who was heading towards corner six.
'Okay. On forth with the left foot in front, you know like the Spanish. Rond de jambe en dehors with the right foot in front ending to a bend knee transfer of weight in forth while the left arm is in sixth and the right in fifth. Chasse with the left foot and then grand jeté at three, sissone over and then four pas de chat at seven. Fouettés en dedans and then improvise.'
Wang understood and got in the mood. His furious death glare was accompanied by Ivan's bright smile full of pride.  Two different expressions for the same piece, like fire and water.
They both stood in forth waiting for the pianist to start. With a single note both dancers began to move around the room.
Ivan's jumps almost reached the sky while Wang followed staying relatively low but sharp and in character. Their en dehors were parallel with the walls like someone had hit them with a pan. Ivan looked happy and Wang knew that he was also giving it his everything.
Wang started to improvise but could not resist following his teacher's steps. He admitted himself that he was not creative, but a strong learner. He was like a parrot, repeating sounds but by itself it produces only a chirp.
The fast tempo started and the ballerina was supposed to do a series of pirouettes on pointes while men appeared at the side keeping her in line. Ivan started to do a circle of pirouettes all over the room. Wang stopped and started to clap to give him a standard tempo, just like an actual audience would do. The teacher finished with an arabesk and then landing on his knee.
'Bravo Mr. Braginsky! That was amazing!' Wang clapped more.
Ivan turned to the pianist and leaned forward. He did a big step to the right and bowed in front of Wang as well. His smile reached his ears and his eyes were shining. His face was red and covered by a thin layer of sweat. His muscled pale arms were wet too.
Ivan exhaled and ran to embrace Wang. He did as said and I may add tightly. He then kissed his two cheeks and smiled.
'Now I am done with dancing.' he said and patted the student's wide shoulder.
Wang had forgotten about the meeting with his classmates and he honestly didn't care. He prefered his teacher's company and he also loved to hear more of the sentimental piano pieces the pianist played. 
'For someone who has decided that dancing is not anymore his possession, you surely do own the stage Mr. Braginsky,' the pianist said in English so Wang could comprehend.
Ivan sighed and replied 'Dancing was never my possession. No one can own any art. Dancing was merely my obsession.'
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unworthy-stars · 7 years
“Pink Roses” (Kitri Variation)
Always for @mimizuku9
Ivan pressed the button Wang had instructed him to and waited for the student's response. He fixed the position of a flower's leaf so the bouquet was perfect. It is a tradition to bring a bouquet of roses at a dancer's performance. And Wang was performing in the kitchen that night, which is also a kind of performance. Moreover it was kind to bring the host a gift for all his effort to prepare both a course and the house.
Ivan had no idea why he had chosen pink roses and not a more common gift, like a box of traditional desserts. He thought that the pink roses had a certain sweetness and delicacy that suited Wang compared to the hurtful thorns of a red rose which would represent his passionate aggressive moves on stage. In addition, the pink roses were less expensive than the red ones and Ivan was fully aware of Wang's simplicity issues. On the other side of the wall, Wang had prepared nothing. He was so anxious he wouldn't sit down for a second. He was always on move, jumping here and there, when he was stressed. He hadn't cooked because sautes were his only worry. He hadn't even put his concealer correctly. Dancers had no shame when it came to make up. A concealer was a basic need for a dancer especially after nights of eternal dancing. Dark circles were unattractive and perfection is obligatory in ballet. There is no space for faults nor weaknesses. When the bell rang, Wang shivered out of fear. He didn't expect him to arrive so soon, even though Ivan was almost five minutes late. Wang returned to reality and remembered he had made nothing, his clothes were sweaty and his make up was in a worse condition. He quickly tried to fix his hair and stayed with his white T-Shirt- the jacket was already wet and smelled worse than rotten eggs. He ran towards the entrance clumsily. He exhaled and dried the sweat of his ashen forehead- hosting a dinner for your teacher was a big deal. There stood Ivan with his bouquet of pink roses. He wore an intense cologne and he didn't smell unpleasantly, like Wang. He wore an over-sized blue sweater with a dull blue pair of jeans. 'Hello!' Ivan broke the ice and stepped into the small appartment. Ivan was secretly more nervous than Wang, with the only difference that Ivan thought it was a date. Wang had the feeling that he'd have dinner with his teacher, but Ivan was completely aware that he would eat dinner at a male's house. He had almost no fear of making an impression, he knew that he already had caught his attention. His mind was set on discovering whether or not Wang was queer. No one in the world of professional dancing gave much attention to relationships. Homosexuality was a common occurence so it wasn't something pioneering. However everyone was devoted to art and not love. Perhaps Wang was not even interested. 'Hello prof-' 'Ivan, just Ivan.' Ivan hestitated at first but then chose to admit this secret desire of him to be called by his first name. Wang was honoured thus continued to call him by his first name, Ivan. Perhaps they were equal outside the academy.
Wang closed the world silently behind him and Ivan. The Russian was inspecting each corner of the tiny apartment. Wang followed him from behind, just in case he pointed out a detail he hadn’t noticed.
‘This spot.’ Ivan pointed at the middle of the living room ‘Here you do your pirouette practice. The little bump shows your effort!’ he giggled.
He knew exactly how to detect these faults on the floor. He had experienced them first hand. If much pressure was burdening the floor, it would simply give up. Simple physics, ballet logic.
‘Yessum, I actually do.’
‘Don’t push yourself to hard. Already your dancing is professional.’ the teacher sighed and fixed his collar ‘So, what for dinner?’ 
‘Take away is the way to gain a man’s respect yay?’ the student repeated the motto of his former classmates back in the Chinese Academy.
‘I like your way of thinking.’
‘I think just like any normal dancer would. With ambition and perseverance, ready to sacrifce a healthy way of living for a stage full of passions.’
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unworthy-stars · 7 years
For the fanfic author ask meme: 1, 2, 5 and 6! ^^
Aiya! Merci Kimanda~ (I haven’t had an ask in years lol)
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
My first fanfic is actually unfinished! Its name is “Universe” and it was a part of my huge contribution to the Harry Potter fandom. I haven’t written the end yet woopsie. And YES I would still read it today. It was too good. 
2. What’s your most recent fic and how far do you think you’ve come?
I am writing a fanfic at the moment (I actually write three). Their names are “The Marked”, “The making of a self” and “Kitri Variation Series”. All of them are Hetalia. I think that I have actually got worse at writing, in my opinion, but that must be the transistion from one fandom to another. I am in this fandom for about a year and I do not think it is enough since I was in the Harry Potter fandom four around five.
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
Of course. My gem fics “Ai Ya Ya” and “Birds”. “Ai Ya Ya” was my very first fanfic in Hetalia and I have to admit that it has been my best work so far (considering it took me three months to write it). However I do love the following One-Shots too: “Janez”, “Der Freund, der Geliebte der Bruder/ Alles für Bayern” and “Tragic Irony” (for personal reasons. I will post this fanfic on October 28th)
6. Is there any fic that makes you super embarrassed to reread and remember you wrote that?
Has any writer answered negatively this question? I suppose I am embarassed of my Undertale fanfic “Purple Soul”. I do love how I wrote it, but the plot is too irresponsible. 
Thank you for asking! Sorry I answered late, I had no access to PC.
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