#kitsowitz fuckery
pinchtheprincess · 7 years
I still have a complaint---you’re surprised?
Are they ever going to explain the bullshit of convincing Belle to take Gideon away from Rumple? 
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licieoic · 8 years
That’s just being too weak to be good. 
No. It’s not. He doesn’t trust that his son will love him. Because everyone is his whole life has betrayed him. He takes the hate as an inevitability unless he does something about it. That’s Rumple protecting his heart from further damage, because he wants love and family so desperately. It’s no wonder he goes to the lengths he does. Being ‘good’ is leaving his child’s love to chance, which are not 50/50 odds, because Rumple knows that his child will have opinions foisted on him from everyone else. He’s starting out with reduced odds because everyone in his son’s life will tell him what a shit Rumple is, whether or not it’s true. I see the measures Rumple tries to take as evening out the playing field. It’s not too weak to be good. It’s having the necessary strength to protect himself from further hurt, because he already loved that unborn child, so much that he couldn’t bear it if the kid turned out to hate him.
Maybe, instead of the writers making Belle behave as a heartless bitch, she could have said, “I’ll help you.” If she believes him weak, then she, as the “hero,” should have offered him help. That’s what heroes do, they help the weak. If she really wants him to be ‘good,’ then why would she go through with giving the kid to the fairies? Something that she knows would provoke him, something she could hold over his head. And he’s just supposed to go along with it? That’s like whacking someone on the head repeatedly and telling them not to get mad about it. And if they do get mad, then THEY’RE the bad guy.
The writing is SHIT. I don’t like where they’ve taken the characters, I don’t know how they’ll ever resolve this satisfactorily, along with all the other shitty things. I get that a story needs conflict in order to be interesting, but we as a fandom have come up with literally thousands of stories that would have been better than the mess we’ve had to endure for seasons now. And when the fans are better writers than the actual show, it’s time to leave that show.
I was hoping I could lift my personal ban on watching the show this year. Doesn’t look like that’ll be the case.
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S6E13 -- Ill-Boding Patterns
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
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Can you say STARVED FOR CONTENT?????
I have some issues with this episode, which I will discuss under the cut (most of them have to do with characters that have nothing to do with the two people pictured above) but overall it was fairly decent.  And as I said before -- the bar is LOW at this point, so anything that doesn’t make me scream and want to stab things already gets bonus points.  In this case, literally.  
So this is a Rumple centric -- when was the last one we had?  I think it was Devil’s Due which was a YEAR AGO in real time viewing.  This effing show, I swear . . . . . . . 
Anyhow, as far as Rumple centrics go, this was decent.  
I know that A LOT of people -- including Rumbellers and Dearies -- screamed “RETCON!!!” at this episode.
I was not one of those people.  As much as I bitch about the chronology and timeline of this series, trust me, if I saw a retcon I’d be yelling it from the rooftops here.
I did NOT see a retcon.  Based on the chronology, I can totally see, in the early days of Rumple’s Dark One life, Bae trying to protect his dad and Rumple erasing his memory to protect his kid.  NO it doesn’t damage the character of Baelfire, GTFO.  He had NO MEMORY of this, how could it damage him?  The only nit I have to pick regarding the flashbacks is I don’t think Rumple would be THAT sparkly at this point.  
Also I recall several people (again -- RUMBELLERS AND DEARIES!!!) disparaging this actor, this young man playing Baelfire.  
I’d kindly like to ask those people to please sit down and STFU.  This is a CHILD.  No it’s not the same as Dylan, but Dylan has aged out of the role at this point.  This young boy did a decent job of playing Baelfire.  That had to be a difficult thing as a KID to come into an established role 6 years after the fact.  Bobby praised him.  Anyone who said nasty things about him needs to look at their life choices.  And if you resemble that remark, yes I mean YOU.  
2017 me agrees with today me:
So there’s that.  Let’s get more nits out of the way . . . . 
First, there’s Kitsis who wanted to remind us in an interview before this episode aired that Rumple is a good dad.  Hey shithead, we KNOW THIS!  2017 me:
This episode hit a ratings low.  Which is sad because it was a decent episode.  But here’s 2017 me explaining this:
Also, why was Hook in this episode?  No seriously, WHY?  I mean, he served no purpose.  Not that this is new, he NEVER serves a purpose, but his whole thing this episode was moping around cause he killed his girlfriend’s granddad and doesn’t want her to find out.  And then he goes to Archie -- ARCHIE -- who sits there coddling him and telling him how amazing he is.  
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That guy.  The one being tortured.  BY HOOK.
Did we ever see Hook apologize for this?  Cause I’m gonna be like the CS fans who had little snits every time anyone not in their Hook bubble commented on something negative about Hook that Colin said at a con:
So . . . links?
No pun intended.  
Speaking of CS fans . . . . 
Also remember the ABC Hook Advisory Board that banned me?  Heh.
The Gideon and Rumple scenes were wonderful.  But should Belle -- you know -- be INVOLVED in this, since it was HER ACTION that started it all in motion?
Yup, me, a “Belle hater,” complaining that Belle is being shunted by the show.  Again.  Just saying . . . . . 
Also . . . . regarding Belle and the hug scene -- it would have been nice had it not been for THIS BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE:
Do we have a running tally of how many times Belle said “For the first time” to Rumple?  Because if the number is more than ONE (it is), this is some shitty writing, AND it also implies that these two had no real relationship at ALL because they didn’t have any real conversations.  THIS is why I hate these fucking writers. 
Lastly, I want to comment on Snowing.  Namely, they weren’t IN this episode.
Eddy Kitsis (its ALWAYS him) stated early in the season that S6 was going to be the “year of Snowing” and . . . . . for about 8 episodes, one of them is in a sleeping curse so they can’t even be in scenes together, and now they’ve just flat out been taken out of an episode.  In the YEAR OF SNOWING.  So yeah.  These writers suck.  
Here have some fun flashback posts on Kitsowitz fuckery and why their show is TANKING at this point:
Points tally:
40 points to start
15 points for Rumple centric
10 points for Rumbelle hug
10 points for Papafire
10 points deducted for Zelena and Hook
5 points for in character Rumple
25 bonus points for this one just because I think it is deserved and not even deducting for the Hook shit because we have 3 episodes of Hook shit to look forward to that I will have PLENTY to deduct from.
Total points:  95
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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i thought i was the only person who hated c@ptain sw@n when that happened. i hate when creators make het ships canon even when it doesnt work just because fans for some reason like it, but i doubt... okay more like HOPE... it doesnt happen with re//ylo its so f*cking stupid
There was a whole bunch of us back then. The backlash against CS was what introduced me to the concept of anti blogs, after all. To be honest, for me it was less about CS being a het ship and more about how it was done. I mean, SQ would have been great but I was fine with SF (let’s not go into how SwanFireQueen was the biggest missed opportunity on the show) and I know I wasn’t alone. The fuckery that was S3 and beyond was the main reason for me leaving that fandom.
As for r3ylo, I do hope that Abrams has more artistic integrity than Kitsowitz did. Which shouldn’t be that hard (l’ll never forget “fun in Vegas” and “she’s saying no but her eyes are saying try harder”).
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gch1995 · 6 years
The Big Problems With OUAT’s Writing:
My favorite characters were Rumple, Belle, Emma, and Nealfire. Once Nealfire got killed off though, their characterizations and their relationships, as well as everyone else’s thereafter, went to total shit in canon. Adam and Eddy obviously couldn’t come up with any more than two-and-a-half seasons of organic or satisfying character growth for the original main cast, and it should have ended in 3x11, in my opinion. I’m pretty sure that Damon Lindlelof helped them out with the writing a lot for the first two-and-a-half seasons, which is why the story is at least coherent enough to be enjoyable up to 3x11.
But after 3A, Lindlelof’s plans for the show were butchered, Kitsowitz completely took over the show with Captain Fuckboy, PLOT, and making money their main focuses, so they kept it on air for the next four-and-a-half seasons not knowing what else to do now that they had run out of new story. Thus, it got to the point where it essentially devolved into such badly written crack!fic soap opera on screen by the end of 5A where the writing for everyone’s characterization had become so unbelievably OOC, annoyingly self-contradictory, changeable, hypocritical, illogical, melodramatically problematic, and toxic in favor of the PLOT that I had to quit to preserve my sanity.
I enjoyed reading Rumbelle fanfic moreso than the actual show because it made sense and felt more satisfying, well-written, in-character, and entertaining than the nonsensical toxic garbage the show had devolved into.
After 5A, Eddy Kitsis said in an interview that he thought “good storytelling” was making sure the audience goes “WTF? This makes absolutely no sense! This isn’t fair! This totally contradicts everything that I was shown before, and feels too stupid, too contrived, and too OOC to even believe possible.”
It wasn’t worth getting emotionally or mentally invested in this show or any of the remaining characters as written in canon anymore post 3A because A&E and these writers formula kept becoming more and more of “We’re doing our jobs if we can trick our audience after deliberately teasing them by dangling the carrot of organic growth of character that we’re too lazy to follow through on by yanking it away from them as soon as they start making logical predictions abruptly, cruelly and inorganically with constant twist of ’HOLY SHIT, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED?”
When Eddy basically said that at the end of 5A, I realized I was done with having any hope for this show, and I decided to finally quit watching after 5B because I knew every time something started to seem to make sense and go in a direction of organic growth for the characters, A&E and these writers would deliberately pull the rug out from under them and their audience for trying to get invested in them with some inorganic contrivance that ruined everything in an unfair way that made no sense and never would make any sense in canon from what we were led to believe would happen beforehand on this show by them because that was the whole point: A&E and these writers so often didn’t want you to make sense of their show because they were lazy hacks who didn’t know how to write a cohesive plot or organic character growth/realistic characterization after 3A.
They admitted that they liked whiplashing their audience for using common sense and logic in regards to fans whenever the story and the characters would seem to be potentially headed in a way that would make sense. They considered that “genuis” storytelling with their overinflated egos, rather than just very cruel, mean, lazy, and low bad writing that ultimately destroyed most of their main characters’ credibility and their fans willingness to stay emotionally invested in their canon show that the creators/writers refused to let unfold organically in a way that made consistent sense long term.
Instead, they used a constant series of contrived magical macguffins and twists of “WTF just happened? This makes no damned sense from what was just previously established on screen, and does not at all relate to it! This is unbelievably absurd! The characters would never do or say this shit in real life!”
It destroyed the credibility of most of their characters’ in canon and their fans willingness to stay emotionally invested in their show, and it was insulting, especially when you had showrunners like Eddy Kitsis admitting to the fans “As always with this show, once the audience gets onto what we’re doing, we have to change it.”
When they said “We hope things will be ‘fun’” for the character assassinating, wildly OOC, nonsensical, and melodramatic garbage writing of 6A for Rumbelle with the Morfetus bs twist or in 5A of the Dark Swan arc, they didn’t mean that we would necessarily be legitimately entertained as an audience when they threw in a character destroying inorganic magical contrivance or bizarre twist out of nowhere that forced the characters into weird directions that made no sense from what had been previously established.
Adam and Eddy meant that they would be having fun pissing those of us in their audience off by insulting our intelligence and common sense by constantly giving us inorganic contrivance of OOC characterizations, magical macguffins, and bizarre PLOT twists and contrivances that didn’t consistently, logically, and thus satisfyingly add up with what had been previously established, rather than entertaining us with organic character growth that made satisfactory sense by letting our predictions for characters come true in their sheer laziness to slow down and write organic character development.
There were even hints of this problem before 3B-S7 that I was seeing potential for in 2B. OUAT could have gone strong for longer than two to three ish seasons if A&E and these writers had slowed down from 2B, not gotten obsessed with Hook, not gone to Neverland, and not gotten so obsessed with the next big, bizarre, and contrived magical PLOT twist or macguffin that, oftentimes inorganically forced their characters to 180 regress in ways that made no sense for moments of “HOLY SHIT! WTF JUST HAPPENED?”
I have no problem with characters regressing when it’s done organically, slowly, relatably, and realistically. The problem with OUAT was that they used inorganic contrivances to push them back-and-forth between increasingly bizarre extremes that made no sense, rather than focusing on human or realistic motivations to get them from point A to point C organically. It felt fake, and it felt forced. I know it was fiction, but it felt like lazily badly written fiction when the characters swung back-and-forth by the writers playing God with them on the strings of their asinine PLOT twists inorganically.
It had gotten beyond exhausting trying to invest in a show run by petty hacks who were never going to allow their audience’s common sense and intelligence lead them through an organic path of growth for these characters with the writers dangling the carrot in front of them for a story that actually could make sense, and then abruptly, cruelly, and inorganically yanking it away from them with an absurd twist because they were too lazy to come up with any more ideas for organic character growth after 3A.
Let’s talk about Hook and CS becoming such a main focus on this show, and the romantic male lead/couple.” It’s not that Hook couldn’t have been organically developed into a sympathetic character worthy of redemption in his own right. A&E couldn’t write that, though. He also didn’t fit together with the ensemble main cast in the place of Nealfire as Emma’s main love interest. He and Emma had absolutely no chemistry. Hook’s sudden interest in her was bizarre and creepy.
Then, they killed off Nealfire through absurd means for Hook to take his place in the picture where he didn’t fit in the family circle, so they could have CS. They broke their own rules to bring Rumple back from the dead to turn him into the wildly OOC on-and-off-again “big bad” scapegoat cartoonish villain PLOT twister “foil” to Hook, even after having been given two-and-a-half seasons of the most well-written and well-earned sympathetic reforming anti-villain/tragic hero backstory and redemption arc from S1-3A. They destroyed Emma’s, Belle’s, Snow’s, David’s, and even Henry’s original sympathetic characterizations by obliterating their self-respect, intelligence, self-awareness, and moral integrity, so that they could inorganically force this bullshit narrative of Hook/CS being the “best hero” ever in a world of now meaningless, shallow, and simplistic black versus white hypocritical morality that Nealfire and the common goal of family balanced out with a sense of realism, common sense, organic growth and emotional depth that got lost with his death in favor of contradictory character destroying magical PLOT-twist driven Drama™️ soap opera “hero versus villain” fuckery and Hook/CS.
No wonder they lost more and more viewers as every season passed...Getting emotionally invested was no fun when the writers deliberately pulled the rug out from underneath your favorite characters whenever things started to seem making sense by totally ruining it with some bizarre magical contrivance or characterization that doesn’t add up to what we were shown before, and your logical predictions for stories that made organic and consistent sense for character growth were mocked by these writers because they refused to slow down and develop the characters after S1-3A. You were punished for being smart and using common sense, and that’s why most of these main characters’ credibility and integrity got completely destroyed in one way or another by this very lazy, petty and unfair bad writing technique of theirs that made them mostly feel like pod!people after just the first two-and-a-half seasons of the series.
tldr; You could only suspend your disbelief by turning off your brain to disregard the bullshit writing choices on OUAT and just blindly enjoy the show by getting invested in the characters for so long as written in canon without asking any questions before the writing became too infuriatingly repetitive, too contrived, too OOC, too character assassinating, and too stupid to believe. Also, Captain Fuckboy ruined the show after 3A, and he should have died and stayed dead back in early S2. It could have been different if A&E were good writers who could come up with organic character growth, and not shoehorned him in as Emma’s love interest in a way that ruined the whole show’s dynamic and sense of emotional depth by replacing Nealfire with him.
Nealfire’s death was the metaphorical death of the show’s canon, though. My personal headcanon was that the real show ended with “Going Home” (3x11) because that’s the last time there was any sort of compelling, consistent, organic, realistic, or relatable characterization or growth. After that, it all went to hell (literally), and I had to finally quit watching after S5 to preserve my sanity before anything got any worse, and on this show, it only would because A&E and these writers never learned.
A&E didn’t trust or respect their audience, so after awhile it felt like why should I respect their shitshow’s canon if it doesn’t make any consistent or well-developed sense, and they don’t care that it doesn’t themselves anymore either?
#anti ouat#anti kitsowitz#anti ouat writers#anti ouat 3b s7#anti hook#anti cs#rumplestiltskin#belle#nealfire#emma swan#swanfire#rumbelle#snow white/mary margaret#prince david/david nolan#snowing#henry mills#I think trying to watch this show after 3A started eating away my brain cells with its sheer ridiculousness!#Mindfucking your audience with bizarre and stupid ass contrived twists is NOT good storytelling!#You don’t punish your audience by changing the plot out of nowhere just because your audience uses logic to predict where it could go#because your fragile egos and lazy asses are too lazy to write organic character development#since you’d have to slow down and do something NEW then instead of recycling the same old storyline by going back to the status quo#and fans would recognize that your creator pets/self-insert ship suck anyway#You don’t outright destroy sideline and/or kill off other characters/ships because they could be competition#for the characters/ships YOU want your general audience to like as a creator/writer of a work of fiction#because you’re too fucking lazy to actually organically develop Hook as a likable individual character!#That’s so fucking petty and unprofessional!#I’m NEVER going to watch another movie or show with A&E’s or ANY of these writers names attached to it EVER AGAIN!#I’m so bitter about how much they abused and misused their main characters for PLOT fuckery and Hook/CS ESPECIALLY the Goldstiltskin family#I’m pretty certain Lindlelof outlined most of S1-3A for them. It’s probably why 3B-S7 feels so ooc cheesy shallow repetitive and stupid
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ladywingless · 8 years
When you see spoilers about a show you really used to love before it get beyond nonsense and now you're glad you finally give up on it. And most important you make sure to never ever watch shows made by the same creators&writers. Because you already know it'll be bad. Pretty sure they will keep lie and ruin most of the good stuff they made. :(
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thestory812 · 7 years
I realize what makes OUATs downfall the worst
Other shows go off the rails and I stop watching but I can still watch old episodes or clips with enjoyment.
I can't ever watch even a clip or image from Season one now.  The fuckery has tainted any nostalgia for me,
Congrats Kitsowitz 
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pinchtheprincess · 7 years
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(EOnline, Sun, May 7, 2017 9:19 PM)
Ohhhh, Eddy, you card! “ . . . it will be complete . . .”  “Everyone should be satisfied.” 
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“ . . . ranging from the best ever to the worst ever because that’s the internet.”  
::sigh:: Sure. That’s why people are critical. Only because “that’s the internet”. 
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pinchtheprincess · 7 years
Stepford Swan, part elebenty:
Emma: You know what we have in common?
Hook: No, what?
Emma: I almost orphaned my little brother! Just like you did! Isn't that amazing? We're so alike!
Hook: No, Swan, that's---that's really not a good thing.
TFW:::even your villainous boyfriend starts to realize you're acting pretty "off"::
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pinchtheprincess · 8 years
I keep seeing all these happy, bouncy, positive posts about Belle and OUAT
And I just don’t see it. I won’t reblog them and proffer my bewilderment, my point-of-view, because it won’t be wanted. I can see that. 
Many fans are acting like 6A’s crazy plot has all been explained. Hallelujah, they’ve seen the Light! Belle’s behavior all makes sense, now . . . in that her poor choices are being focused on and, inexplicable though they are, she thought she was doing the right thing. Um, what? 
Am I the only one who wants to scream that the Emperor is still fucking naked? 
I don’t see her taking responsibility for arranging the kidnapping of THEIR baby (not “hers”; the baby was theirs)---nor its horrific outcome. I see no apology for trying to hurt her husband so deeply as to rip another child away from him to another realm. Fathers deserve to be in their children’s lives, and even the show creators have reminded us that Rumple is a great father. I see her making no apology for the pain she inflicted with her needless hurtful words. I don’t see her puzzling over how she could have possibly believed that nonsense she was given in her dreams. I don’t see the absurd behavior all making sense with the plot now anymore than I did, before, because they’re still working from the same narrative they always have: Rumple bad, Belle blameless. 
Where is this? 
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I know he’d never want to hurt Belle this way, but I think we need to revisit this. I see the Belle of 6x11 wallowing in self-pity, but refusing to accept the harm she’s done her husband and their relationship. She’s accepted some blame for Gideon, but doesn’t seem to give a solitary thought to the potentially irreversible harm she’s done to their marriage . . . and how that damage may have, or already has, affected the outcome with Gideon. Rumple has mentioned---numerous times, now---working together to try to fix things. Not once has Belle accepted this offer, nor ever suggested it herself. Does she seem relieved he’s willing to offer an olive branch? Nope. It barely registers.
Twice in 6x11, Belle expressed that she didn’t know if Rumple wanted to help Gideon kill/wanted Gideon to succeed in killing. Who is this Belle? Where did this pod person!Belle come from?! This Belle doesn’t have the first clue who Rumple is. How could she be that far removed from knowing him? 
I don’t know if it’s Emilie’s acting, or what is striking such an odd note for me in her scenes. Belle seemed insouciant at the well, similar to how she came off at the well in “Broken Heart” (5x10), when she met Rumple there to break his heart. “I know you’ve just become what I always said I wanted, but I no longer want that! See ya!” 
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I can’t find the GIF, but I’ll never forget this scene and her mocking duck-lips (the still on the bottom left happens to stop on the nanosecond where she actually looks sad; the GIF shows how much it looks like she doesn’t have two fucks to rub together). Then, the incomprehensible return that night, the exhaustive makeup sex, followed by the problems in 5C, culminating with the sleeping curse. I’ll never forget the scenes in the pawnshop in “Heartless” (6x07), where she curled her lip and told him how his weakness was worse than pure evil. Okay, Milah 2.0, that’s enough! 
I did NOT start writing this to be an anti-Belle post, but I just can’t seem to help it. I had to examine what I felt was wrong with “Tougher Than the Rest” (6x11), which is best done by comparing her behavior and dialogue from before. It’s best done by looking at how little Belle’s motivations are explained, or how they’re handwaved away with “Rumple, EVIL”. I was only going to express my puzzlement at what seems like 95% of the fandom which is giddy with joy. Are they faking some of it? Agreeing with the Emperor to come off as “good fans” or perpetually positive ones? 
Where’s my joy? I loved Belle. They took everything about her that made her special and soured it. She’s not compassionate; she’s cruel. I hear her spout things that I’ve only heard from Rumple-hating fans. I feel robbed. I feel tricked. Where’s my joy? Belle’s a hypocrite, embracing the worst of Storybrooke and giving them a free pass---but not Rumple, saving all her judgement for him. I hear you saying,”Well, can’t Belle have flaws, too?!” Yes, but it would be nice if they meshed with her earlier characterization. People have excused the banishment with the trait “impulsiveness”. Okay, but, upon reflection, where was the regret? How is impulsiveness even recognized if no questioning of one’s actions occurs? (There was that brief moment at the well in 4B, but Regina made her forget that, so---never mind.) Instead, she doubled-down on insisting she was right and consorting with her husband’s long-time enemies. Earlier Belle had a deep streak of curiosity that was almost reckless. Where were her questions for her husband in season 4 or season 5 or season 6? What happened to digging into the puzzle that was him? 
Where’s my joy? I think it left when OUAT started doing everything they could to destroy Rumbelle, and to embrace this nonsensical view of morality and “heroes and villains”. Life isn’t black and white, kiddies. It never has been. OUAT purported to be “twists” on fairytales. I expected shades of gray, unlike traditional fairytales. I thought we had that, but OUAT left that behind.
The writers have ruined canon Rumbelle for me, and they’re not even on the road to fixing it. I have no hope they will fix it, since they couldn’t find that road with their own, personal, dedicated satellite system.
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pinchtheprincess · 8 years
quinninthenorth replied to your chat “David: blah blah blah I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pay you...”
Totally agree with your tags. I'm also out of fucks about whether it was "blessing" or "permission". I've had a person comment that he said it was Emma's decision. That doesn't change a damn thing. What kind of message does it send when a man agonises over how to talk to his gf's father about marriage, rather than focusing on his relationship and thinking about whether this is something Emma would want in the first place.
Exactly. Having their approval is SECONDARY. She’s an adult. She’s not a commodity nor a liability, nor does she need anyone’s protection, whether that’s physical or financial. I don’t care how “old-fashioned” one is; there are some traditions that should be discarded, because of what they indicate by their very existence. 
If Emma weren’t the pod-person she’s become, she’d be the first to make that clear. 
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pinchtheprincess · 7 years
shadedmoon replied to your post “I still have a complaint---you’re surprised?”
Of course not... They expect us to forget as much as them.
I know. I’m good at the rhetorical question/bitch/complaint though, aren’t I? ::sigh:: 
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pinchtheprincess · 8 years
I knew it. Once Upon a Retcon.
Fuck you, OUAT showrunners. Just . . . fuck you. 
You destroyed the beauty of “The Return”. Memory potion or no, Rumple was certain his son would never control him. 
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pinchtheprincess · 8 years
Those simplistic minds who write OUAT are pretending there’s a huge gulf between intent and action.
I’m sorry, that’s not the way people work. I realize this is a fairytale show, but this is ridiculous. If I hire someone to commit a murder, I’m guilty. Intent to bleed/suck the magic out of/kill the Blue Fairy is as immoral as doing it. It doesn’t make Gideon less “dark” because Rumple did the action for him. 
Just as it didn’t make Baelfire less darkened to make his father do it for him. 
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pinchtheprincess · 7 years
TFW you’re afraid to turn up the volume on what you’re watching, because you don’t want the neighbors to hear what it is. It’s that bad and embarrassing.
#not porn #it’s OUAT
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pinchtheprincess · 8 years
I rewatched that Rumbelle well scene in 6x11, “Tougher than the Rest”. Several times over.
I tried to hear Belle with a “fresh ear” and watch to see if I could take away any other meaning. I’m not hearing or seeing self-deprecation or sarcasm. However, that’s the only explanation that works, because otherwise that exchange is horribly nonsensical. 
I’ll venture this: The poor writing was not enhanced at all by Emilie’s acting choices. Especially between 20 and 30 seconds in this clip (and even up to about 1:30), it looked and sounded like more scathing judgement to me (with the usual M.O. of basing it on little information). It’s almost like Emilie is so used to the routine of Belle + Rumple = hostility that she forgot how to act any other way. Sorry, rabid Emilie fans, but if she was supposed to convey something other than distaste for her husband . . . 
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