#pod person belle
ohmerricat · 1 year
single? taken? in a parasocial relationship with a deceased late 90s cult classic am radio talk show host?
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fanficimagery · 1 year
The Lost Girl
You just wanted to travel and forget all about the drama you left behind. You didn't expect to fall in with four boys who would become another family. Maybe more.
[Part One of Three]
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm- I'm alive? Surprise! I'm still in a bit of a pickle with where I want part two to go, but I figured if I post this now then I can't back out and delete it. I need your help, but I'll ask at the bottom so I won't spoil this.
Words: 7.9K
Santa Carla is the total opposite of Mystic Falls and you couldn't have loved it here more if you tried. You grew up with pageants and balls and trying to stay at the top of the popularity totem pole, but you secretly loathed every second of it. Not to mention your sister was a beacon for the supernatural, attracting vampires like no one's business, which eventually led to you getting caught in the crossfire and being turned at the ripe age of twenty.
Stefan Salvatore did his best to teach you how to feed and control your blood lust, but his techniques just weren't cutting it for you. So Damon took over, leading Bonnie, Matt, Elena, Jeremy, and Tyler deeming you untrustworthy. You don't know why they disliked your friendship with Damon so much, but their wariness of you only grew when you eventually befriended the Original Vampires that once sought to kill you, your family, and friends.
The last straw was when everyone started fighting over a cure for vampirism. They all thought there was enough of the cure to go around for all those who wanted it, but nope. There was only a single dose, and both Elena and Rebekah wanted it. So when you saw the lines being drawn, you packed a couple of bags and left to see the world.
The only person who knew of your travel plans were, surprisingly, Elijah and Klaus. Elijah was sad to see you go, especially since you were one of the only ones who he could trust, but Klaus was all for you seeing the world and experiencing life as you should have. You were more than content compelling your way through the trip, but the Mikaelson's were having none of that and gave you a card to use since they amassed a ridiculous amount of money over the years.
After deleting all social media, with the exception of a traveling Instagram account that was newly made, you bought a new phone and only gave your new number to Elijah and Klaus. You traveled abroad first, touring the most beautiful cities, museums, and seeing every landmark you could. You kept the Mikaelson brothers in the loop about everything that they sometimes surprised you by showing up for a week before flying back home.
For a year you saw all you could and then headed back to the States. You wanted nothing to do with Mystic Falls, Virginia, so you settled in California. Santa Carla was the most nitty gritty town you'd ever seen, and it was the last place anyone in your family would expect for you to stay in.
It was perfect.
With a new hotel having been built in Santa Carla, you compelled yourself one of the suites indefinitely. You didn't want to purchase a house in case you needed to up and leave, and having a housekeeper stop by weekly was perfect.
You stood out amongst the locals of Santa Carla, it seeming like everyone walking around either had some crazy hairstyle, hair color, or numerous piercings. And then there was you, skin untouched and the only piercings you had being those in your ears.
So after a week of settling in and compelling those who needed compelling, you finally decided to hit the infamous boardwalk.
The boardwalk, for some reason, feels like you've stepped into the past. Could be because of the music playing or the way everyone dressed, but you know you didn't actually slip into the past given the cell phones in people's hands or air pods in people's ears. The bells, whistles, and flashing lights make you giddy, taking you back to a time when you were excited as a child to be attending the annual fair Mystic Falls put on, but the attendees were the total opposites of those you'd find in Mystic Falls.
The employees in charge of the various game booths attempt to entice you to play, but you rather spend your cash at the crafts section of the boardwalk. There was no use in paying for a rigged game that made sure you lost ninety percent of the time when you could buy handmade crafts and help support someone's living.
After buying some handmade jewelry and a couple of shirts, you decide to eat. There's a Chinese place that smells marvelous as you stroll by, so you turn back around and enter the establishment. And then almost as soon as you're seated, a waitress comes by to take your drink order. You quickly skim the menu as she gets your drink, then order a bowl of Hot and Sour soup, a plate of Chicken LoMein, two egg rolls, and a pan of fried dumplings. The waitress seems impressed, and you merely laugh it off before sipping your Coke.
As you wait for your food, you grab a napkin and start ripping it apart piece by piece as you stare out the window you'd chosen to sit by. People pass by, uncaring for what's going on in the small restaurant, but then there are two boys that you just so happen to clash gazes with. Both fit with the eighties aesthetic- one with wildly tamed blonde hair that only a true rocker could pull off and the other with a dirty blonde, curly mullet. Both hairstyles are wildly out of place, even if they're trying to make a comeback now, but fortunately for the boys they can pull it off.
"Hey, chika, you want some company?" The blonde with the teased hair shouts so you can hear him through the window.
Holding back a wince at his loud volume, you shake your head. "Maybe next time!"
"Aw. Come on, babe. You're breaking my heart!" He pouts, even as his friend smirks behind his fist.
You shrug, grinning, but are saved from having to interact any further when the waitress appears with your food. As the food is set in front of you and you thank her, you glance at the boys one last time while giving them a wink before digging in.
You casually devour your food bit by bit, asking for a refill on your Coke only once. Then when you've had your fill, you ask for your leftovers to be boxed up. And as you walk outside, you hand said leftovers to a couple of teens digging through a trash can.
Walking around, you soak in the night time atmosphere. The sweat from the humans and the oil used to deep fry all sorts of food is rather distracting from the ocean scented air wafting in, but none of it is as distracting as the copper smell you pick up on one particular gust of wind. There doesn't seem to be any panic-induced mayhem on the boardwalk, so you figure someone must have cut themselves and is getting bandaged up.
A diner further down the boardwalk advertises milkshakes on its main window, and suddenly a strawberry milkshake sounds superb. So after making a quick trip inside to secure yourself a milkshake, you're back on the boardwalk once again.
No one has bothered you the entire time, but the moment you perch yourself on the railing to sip and people watch, one confident individual saunters towards you. It hardly takes you two seconds to realize this individual is in his teens obviously thinking you're a teen as well. But given you were twenty when you were turned and have spent a few years undead, you're so not interested in whatever this boy has to offer.
Before the individual can open his mouth, you hold a hand up to stall him and shake your head. "Stop right there. Not interested."
The boy's expression drops into shock before quickly morphing back into his too confident persona. "Aw, come on, girl. You look like you're in need of some fun."
"I am, but you need to be at least this tall-" you say while holding your free hand at least a foot above his head, "-for me to ride that ride."
There's a snort to your right, but you ignore it, even ignoring the presence that jumps onto the railing next to you before sliding their arm around your shoulder. "Sorry, kid. Maybe the next girl you hit on won't have a height requirement."
There's even more laughter and the boy rethinks his approach before scoffing and leaving. You grin, wrapping your lips around the straw of your milkshake and turning your head to your new companions. "Blondies one and two," you muse. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Just thought we'd play knight in shining armor," blondie one says. "I'm Paul. My friend is Marko."
Paul practically vibrates with energy. "So do I meet your height requirements?"
You laugh, uncaring when he steals your milkshake to sip from. "You may meet the height requirement, but I don't go for blondes. Sorry."
"Aw, chika, you wound me!" He feigns his hurt, holding a hand to his heart as you take your milkshake back. Marko can only laugh, shoving at his friend's shoulder when he leans a little too far his way. Once he corrects himself, he doesn't remove himself from your side. "So what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone? Waiting for friends? Family?"
"Ugh, no." Your nose wrinkles. "Too much family drama for my tastes so I've been traveling the world for a little over a year now. Santa Carla seems like the least likely of places my family would think to look for me, so I'm staying as long as I can."
Marko seems interested as he leans around Paul to ask, "What's been your favorite place so far?"
"Tromsø, Norway," you reply.
"Because ever since I was a little girl, I've been obsessed with the aurora borealis. It's the best place to view it."
"Where are you staying?" Paul asks. "Maybe we can have a party one of these nights."
"Doubtful. I'm staying in a hotel suite and I have a feeling partying with you would lead to my place being trashed. No thanks."
Marko smirks. "Smart girl."
You grin and sip your milkshake as Marko comes around to lean against the railing on your other side. They ask some more about the places you've been, and you don't know what comes over you that you feel comfortable enough with these two to regale them with your tales of travel. In return, Marko and Paul tell you about themselves and their two other brothers. They tell you that they're all not originally from Santa Carla, but ended up finding each other throughout the years and made their own family unit in town.
Then just as you hop down to throw away your empty cup, the crowd seems to part as two individuals approach. Another blondie with a mullet and a brunette whose hair is almost as wild as Paul's. You can't tear your eyes from the brunette who is all too comfortable going shirtless with nothing but a weathered leather jacket hanging off his frame and some snug fitting jeans.
"Oh, I see how it is." Paul muses in your ear. "You like 'em dark haired."
You throw your elbow back, tearing your gaze away from the brunette in front of you to smirk over your shoulder at Paul when he grunts. Marko snickers at his brother's misfortune. "YN, this is David and Dwayne."
Both the new blondie and brunette nod at you, and you flash them back a faint smile. You're quick to toss your trash, then head back to your new friends. "Well, it was nice meeting you boys, but I should get going."
"Aw, come on, girlie. Hang for a bit more," Paul pleads, but you shake your head.
"Maybe next time."
"Will there actually be a next time or are you gently letting us down?" Marko wonders.
Your eyes roll. "We've only just met and you're already clingy?" You tut at him. Marko gapes and you wink at him. "Yes, there will be a next time. At least there will be if we cross paths again."
"We'll take that," Paul says. He slings an arm around Marko and smiles. "See you around, girlie."
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The next afternoon, you decide to have some fun in the sun. You spend the early afternoon in your room, ordering room service and having a nice steak and fry lunch. While eating, you post a few pictures you snapped of the boardwalk nightlife, ferris wheel, and carousel all lit up. Then afterwards, you dress in a bikini before pulling on a pair of jeans shorts and a tank top. Only after slipping your feet into a pair of flip-flops do you pack a backpack with a beach towel, your phone, sunglasses, and some cash before taking your leave.
You're surprised to find that the beach isn't packed, so you pick a spot on the beach to lay out your towel and backpack. You spend a bit of time searching for sand dollars and shells, then go swimming in the ocean. Afterwards, you lay out on your towel with your sunglasses shielding your eyes. You doze on and off, and then just as the sun is setting you start to get up.
Shaking off your beach towel, you get rid of all the sand before folding it and shoving it into your backpack with your clothes. Then heading over to the beach showers, you rinse off all the sand and ocean water, and let yourself dry in the lingering sun rays before slipping your shorts back on.
In the middle of choosing what to eat, you hear catcalls and wolf whistles. You try to ignore it, hoping they're directed to someone else, but nope. They're directed at you. However, when you turn to glare and give the boys a piece of your mind, you find Paul and Marko beaming at you with their other brothers Dwayne and David just watching on.
Your glare vanishes and you roll your eyes as you slowly untense. "Do you guys have nothing better to do than check out girls on the boardwalk?"
"Nope." Paul hops off his bike and practically skips towards you. "What are you doing?"
"Heading to dinner. I spent most of the day on the beach so I'm starving."
"Ohhhh. What are we having?"
"I'm having pizza and wings. If you want to tag along, you buy your own."
"Done." He turns around and shouts, "Come on, boys. We're getting pizza!"
You shake your head and greet Marko when he approaches, smiling at the other two who have yet to speak up. Paul takes the lead and you walk side by side with Marko. The pizza place isn't far and you all head inside. You place your order first- a medium Hawaiian and a side order of boneless honey bbq wings. You accept your number tag after paying and then wait for your new friends to order as well. Then once they've got their own number tag, Paul leads the way to a large booth meant for a large group at the back.
Paul and Marko slide into opposite sides of the booth, and it only takes you a second to scoot in next to Marko before placing your bag at your feet. Paul gasps and you chuckle. "What? Marko seems less likely to continuously elbow me as I try to eat."
"That's cold, girl."
You wink at Paul and are surprised when Dwayne scoots in on your other side. David settles in next to Paul and his ice blue eyes practically pierce you. "So what's a girl like you doing out here all alone?"
"You mean Paul didn't tell you?"
"I'm asking you."
The coolness of his voice makes you arch an eyebrow at him, but Paul's snickering keeps you at ease. So in the end, you shrug. "My siblings and I weren't seeing eye to eye for a while. I had some money put away to take a trip out of the States, but my new found family wasn't having any of that and gave me access to their money. I've traveled for a year before coming back, staying in a place furthest from my hometown."
"Dead." Paul's smile falters and you kick him under the table. "None of that. It's been a while. It's fine."
"How did it happen?" Marko asks.
You face him briefly before saying, "My sister had a fight with her boyfriend and asked our parents to pick her up from a party. They did, but on the way back home my dad somehow lost control of the car and drove off a bridge. A bystander found them, but by the time he dove under water, my dad made the bystander get my sister out first. My parents ended up drowning."
"Do you have plans on returning?"
"Eventually." Just then a waitress stops by to deliver your drinks. You grin as Paul immediately starts flirting, sipping your Coke as the waitress blushes and stutters before leaving. "These poor Santa Carla girls have no idea how to handle you, do they?"
"Not a clue."
As Marko and Paul laugh, you shake your head rather fondly. You don't know what it is about this group that makes you feel at ease with them, but you're glad to have some people to talk to while you're in town. Another group enters the establishment, a little unruly as they find themselves a table. One of them catches your gaze and you grimace when you notice him leering at you.
Feeling a little exposed, you reach for your bag under the table and pull free your tank top. You quickly pull it on and then free your phone while waiting for your food, not paying much attention to Dwayne who's shifting in his seat next to you. You do, however, notice when something is dropped on your shoulders and realize Dwayne has given up his jacket.
You freeze and quickly glance up at Dwayne, taking a moment to stare at all the bronze skin now on display, but his glare is directed at the table of troublemakers who are snickering among each other. "Uhh.."
"Just wear it."
Those are the first three words Dwayne has spoken to you and you absolutely do not shiver at the sound of his voice. Paul, Marko, and even David sense something else and you flip them off after slipping your arms through the sleeves of Dwayne's jacket. Then just as you go to sip on your drink, your phone starts ringing with a video call.
Big Bad Wolf, complete with a wolf emoji, is stamped across the top of your phone above a picture of a smirking Klaus. "Uhh, do you guys mind if I accept this?"
"Go ahead, girlie."
You accept the call, keeping it so that only you're on screen. "What do you want?"
"Is that any way to talk to me, love?" You roll your eyes, grinning, and Klaus chuckles. "What are you doing?"
"Uhh, I'm out to dinner with some new friends," you say.
"You've already made friends?"
"Mhm. Look." You turn so Marko is in frame. "This is Marko." Marko grins and nods. Then you flip the camera and catch Paul. "This is Paul and David is next to him, but David is glaring at me. I'm pretty sure he'd kill me if I put him on camera."
Klaus chuckles. "Fair enough."
"And then this.." You glance at Dwayne, but he merely arches an eyebrow at you. You grin and turn the camera on him. "This is Dwayne."
A split second later and then, "No."
"W-What?" You splutter. Paul and Marko choke on a laugh, and finally both David and Dwayne smirk. "What do you mean no?"
Your eyes widen. "Why are you calling 'lijah? Don't call 'lijah!"
Elijah appears next to Klaus and you groan. "Go on, sweetheart. Put your friend on."
"Marko? Or Paul?"
"Don't play dumb."
You grumble and put Dwayne on camera. "Absolutely not," Elijah says.
"You guys are embarrassing," you grumble. "He's literally only said three words to me."
"Mhm. And whose jacket are you wearing?" Klaus asks.
You pout. "I hate you." Just then you catch sight of two waitresses coming with your pizza. "Oh, look. Food's here! I'll talk to you gentlemen later."
"I'm fine, Klaus. I'm okay and I'm happy. I promise."
"Well okay then. Call me back when you get to your room."
"Will do, big bad wolf. Talk to you later."
You end the call just as a pizza is being placed in front of Paul and Marko, then yours is placed in front of you, and then another is placed in front of David and Dwayne. You're handed your boneless wings, and you happily wiggle in your seat. You're starving!
After you take your first bite of the sweet Hawaiian pizza, David asks, "So was that your boyfriend?"
"Ew. No." Your nose wrinkles and you quickly swallow your bite of food. "Klaus and Elijah are like my older brothers. They're the two who are funding my whole trip."
"They sound fancy with those posh accents of theirs," Paul muses.
"They are fancy," you admit. "They host balls and everything. I seriously hated wearing those dresses with a poofy skirt. They're so uncomfortable to sit in."
"No way!" Paul laughs.
"Mhm. Look."
As you eat some more of your food one-handed, you open the photos app on your phone and seek out the album from all the parties you attended. You hand your phone over to Paul, and Marko actually leans across the table to get a glimpse of the life you left behind.
As the two of them swipe picture after picture, laughing, you eat in peace. You even crack a grin when Dwayne picks off your tray of boneless wings, chuckling when he tells you it's payment for wearing his jacket. You end up having to tell the boys who is who every time they ask and deny any romantic relationship accusations when a picture of you dancing with Damon pops up. You admit he was a good friend up until his feelings for your sister clouded his judgment and you'd had enough of their drama.
Dinner proceeds uninterrupted, but it's when you get up to leave that the table of troublemakers from earlier causes an issue. With Dwayne's jacket returned to him, you follow the group as David leads the way out. You've just passed the table of leering individuals when a loud smack! resonates in the room and a brief stinging pain blossoms on your butt. You freeze, your new friends freeze, and then you're whirling around to glare at the culprit. You slowly look at the smug individual as his friends cackle like morons.
Anger flaring, your hand whips out and grasps the guy by the back of the neck. You slam his head down onto the table, causing him to grunt and his friends to fall quiet. You lean down so your mouth is next to his ear and grit out, "Touch me again and I'll rip your fucking throat out." You put pressure on his neck, causing the table to groan under the weight of the pressure. "With my teeth," you hiss. Pushing off the too quiet guy and facing your new friends once more, you shrug. "What?"
David, Dwayne, Marko, and Paul just stare at you before chuckling.
"You're scary, girl. I like it."
With a roll of your eyes, you step forward and push past Paul. "Come on. Show me what Santa Carla has to offer."
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Over the course of a week, you hang out with who the locals have dubbed the Lost Boys. Paul and Marko treat you like a long lost best friend, Dwayne has taken to hovering over your shoulder, and David is pretty indifferent to your presence although he will stand up for you if need be. Your senses tell you there's something off about the boys, but you don't realize what it is until you scent the coppery fragrance of blood coming off of them one night they're late to meet you.
If they're vampires, they must be vampires who don't know who the Mikaelsons are because none of them recognized the family in your pictures. But you don't call them out, nor do you hint about yourself, at least not until you're walking on the beach one night and your senses are assaulted with the scent of a lot of blood and screams off in the distance.
Glancing around, you notice the boardwalk is empty and shutting down. The beach where you're at is empty as well, and as you speed towards the sound of terror, your suspicions are proven correct about the Lost Boys.
They're unlike any vampires you've seen, more brutal in their feeding than even the Big Bad Hybrid himself. Their vampire visages showcase a true monster, but for some reason it doesn't bother you as it probably should. They're sinking their fangs into necks, shoulders, torsos, and even skulls, laughing all the while their victims scream in horror.
In their feeding frenzy, they don't notice you standing just on the outskirts of the firelight. Limbs are ripped from bodies before being tossed into the fire, blood spraying carelessly across the sand. But the moment the frenzy dies down, you can't help but make an entrance.
Slowly clapping, you smirk as all four vampires freeze and turn towards you as you walk into the light. David snarls, his monstrous face still on display as Paul and Marko quickly change their features. Their expressions are a bit crestfallen as you continue to find amusement in this situation, so you walk towards Dwayne who has gone stoic. "I get the bloodlust, but do you guys have to be such messy eaters? Gross." You wrinkle your nose as you kick an arm into the raging fire.
"W-What?" Paul splutters.
Looking back at Dwayne, you reach over and run a finger through the blood staining his chest. Then popping that same finger into your mouth, you wrap your tongue around your finger and savor the fresh blood now coating your tongue. You feel the veins beneath your eyes slither to the surface and your fangs elongate in your mouth. Then meeting Dwayne's gaze, you flash him a fangy grin. "I prefer to compel, eat, and release, but you do you I guess."
"Holy shit. You- you're a vampire?!"
Meeting Marko's stunned expression, you wink.
"You have a lot of explaining to do," David says.
"Sure." You meet his now ice-blue gaze. "But only after you clean up after yourselves. This," you say while gesturing to their dismembered victims, "is sloppy."
You watch as David oversees the cleanup of their little section of the beach, burning the bodies and kicking sand over the spilled blood. Afterwards, they all take a dip in the ocean to cleanse themselves of their meal.
On the way to their bikes which are parked just a bit down the beach, Paul asks, "So how old are you?"
"Which age are you referring to? The age I was when I was turned or how many years I've been a vampire?"
"I was turned at twenty," you say, "and I've been a vampire for less than five years."
"No shit? How were you introduced to this world?"
"That.. is a very long story. Why don't we get someplace where I can actually tell it?"
As their bikes get nearer, you hiss at Paul when he pushes you in Dwayne's direction. Almost as if it was expected of you to ride with Dwayne, he settles on the seat of his bike before offering you a hand so you can situate yourself behind him.
Hanging on loosely, you enjoy the ride and take amusement in the sudden turns and jumps they take to try and startle you. But instead of being shaken, you merely laugh and pinch Dwayne's side when you're jostled too much.
The drive to the cliffs that you know to be Hudson's Bluff, overlooking the disgruntled sea, is rather short. You have a moment to glance down a rickety, wooden staircase before the group is driving down them one by one. You're jostled even more as the bike is driven over various rocks and through a gaping hole in the fence that's meant to keep trespassers out. They drive into a cave where the bikes are then parked, and you climb off to follow Paul down a very humid path.
Swiping cobwebs, vines, and roots out of the way, you're then led into a cavernous room. There are shafts of moonlight lighting up the space, and then Paul and Marko fire up barrels all around the space. The place is trashed, but you quickly realize it's not a normal cave. There's a sofa, chairs, and a broken water fountain. There's what appears to be a long counter- or was it a desk?- and a tattered portrait hanging behind it.
"What is this place?" You ask as you glance around in wonder. They obviously made it their own- seashells and broken CDs hanging from every place available, as well as hundreds of melted candles over every surface. You even spot a mattress, pillows, and blankets hidden behind some type of gauzy material.
"This was the hottest resort back in the day," David drawls. "Too bad they built it on a fault line though. When the big one hit San Francisco in 1906, this place took a header down into the ground when it split open. It's been our home ever since."
"Nice." You plop down on a couch, sighing as you stare at each boy. "So what do you wanna know?"
"Everything." David takes a seat on a wheelchair, staring right at you. "Start from the beginning."
"Fair enough. I was born and raised in Mystic Falls, Virginia to parents who ran their own business. I didn't want for anything and ended up being a letdown when I wasn't into pageants as my mother hoped I would be."
"Did your parents even die by drowning?" Marko asks.
"Yes. That was true," you tell him. "After their death, my aunt Jenna took in me, Elena, and Jeremy. Both my siblings grieved differently, but when the new school year started, my sister did a complete turnaround when Stefan Salvatore entered the picture."
"Why do I get the feeling this Salvatore dude is a major player in your story?" Paul asks.
"Because he is. Unbeknownst to any of us, Stefan Salvatore was vampire number one. He was drawn to Mystic Falls all because of my sister Elena."
"Why your sister?" Dwayne asks, startling you. He rarely spoke up, but when he did, you couldn't help but be drawn to him.
"Do you guys know what a doppelganger is?" At their nods, you explain. "Elena was the latest human doppelganger. The previous doppelganger, Katherine, toyed with two brothers back in 1864. The Salvatore brothers, to be exact."
"Shit." Paul giggles. "Talk about a vampire novella."
"Anyway, Katherine toyed with Damon's feelings and made him fall in love with her. When she tried the same with Stefan, he resisted so she compelled him to love her. And then when it came to light that there were many vampires in town, every vampire was rounded up, vervained, and anyone who associated with them were killed. As it just so happens, the Salvatore brothers' father found out his sons were romantically linked with Katherine, so he shot them. Unfortunately for him, Katherine had been feeding the boys her blood, so when they were killed, they didn't stay dead for long.
"Fast forward to the present time and both Salvatores are now salivating for the newest doppelganger. Only this time, Stefan has fallen in love with Elena without any compulsion, and so has Damon. Katherine's apparently been keeping tabs on the brothers and she's not happy that Elena has the love of the brothers."
David makes a motion with his hand to hurry you along. "How did you turn?"
"Katherine has made it her mission to make Elena's life a living hell, so what better way than to kill one of her best friends and older sister?"
Paul gapes. "You're joking."
"Nope. The crazy bitch fed me her blood before snapping my neck, then smothered Caroline who happened to have Damon's blood in her system. When we woke up in transition and fed on human blood to complete the transition, half of our friends turned on us. We had to rely on Damon and Stefan to teach us to control our bloodlust, but things were never the same. And to top it all off, learning to become a vampire was the least of our worries."
"What's more important than knowing you've died and have to kill people to survive?"
"How about that one of the Original vampires- who is over a thousand years old, by the way- needs the blood of a human doppelganger to break the curse on him, so he decides it's his turn to make your family's life hell as well?"
"Oh shit. What curse?" Paul asks.
You slowly smirk. "Niklaus Mikaelson is not just one of the original vampires, but he's the one and only original hybrid. He's half vampire, half wolf, and one of the most lethal individuals that still walks this earth."
The boys fall silent, but then Marko speaks up.
"Hold on. The dude funding your trip around the world is the same person who made your life a living hell?"
"Yep," you muse. "We were at each other's throats for the longest time, then his sister killed my sister which turned her into a vampire as well, and there was just a shit load more drama with doppelgangers, witches, werewolves, and hybrids." You shrug. "Elijah was never truly terrible, so I spoke more with him first, but then Klaus really took the brother role to heart. The Mikaelsons have kind of adopted me, and my siblings and friends didn't take too kindly to that. So, to avoid all the drama, I left. And now here I am."
For the rest of the late night and early morning, you answer all questions you can. Paul and Marko are interested to see the differences between you and them, but David and Dwayne are more interested in learning about the Original vampires and their unique differences. Their biggest hangup, however, is that the sun has no effect on you like it does them. Sure you both will catch on fire, but it doesn't pull you to sleep the day away like it does them. You're a bit jealous that they can fly, but you're so much faster than any of them.
The moment David mentions the impending sunrise is your cue to go, so you bid farewell to your friends before winking at Paul and disappearing before they can even blink.
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For the next couple of days, you keep yourself busy by running some errands for Klaus. You meet with vampires and piss off a couple of werewolf packs, but all in all the work gets done. You hadn't been able to keep in touch with the Lost Boys, so Paul and Marko whoop in cheer when they spot you.
"Well if it isn't Miss Mystic Falls," Paul muses. "Where the hell have you been, chika?"
"Sorry. Sorry!" You lean against the railing in between the group, grimacing. "I had a few things to do and since you're all allergic to modern technology, I couldn't text or call."
"Anything we need to know about?" David wonders.
Normally you'd say no, but Santa Carla is his territory and you don't want any bad blood with him. "Not really. I had a few things to pick up for Klaus and a few messages to deliver to some werewolf packs up North."
David frowns. "There are packs nearby?"
"The closest one is fifty miles out, but they're all pretty scared of Klaus and what he can do so they stay in line. If there's anything to worry about, it's any lone wolves who decide to take shelter in the woods around Hudson's Bluff and don't give a flying fuck about the Original Hybrid."
"Pft. We can take on a rogue werewolf if need be," Paul says.
"You say that now, but you won't be saying much when you get bitten by one. Remember, werewolf bites are lethal to us vampires." Paul's smugness dims. "Now who's good to eat around here? I didn't have time to grab some blood bags from the hospital."
"Stay away from the Surf Nazis," Dwayne says.
"Surf Nazis? What the hell kind of name is that?" Your nose wrinkles in distaste.
"A name that they've had since the eighties," Marko says. "It just stuck because they're still a bunch of racist and bigoted pricks."
"Fair enough. So, if I can't eat them, who can I eat?"
All four boys readily scan the crowd, excited at the prospect of picking your dinner.
"Do you have a preference? Male or female?" David asks.
"No junkies and I'm good with either male or female."
After mere seconds, David already has his pick. "On your three. Group of guys keep glancing this way. I'm pretty sure they're not checking Marko out."
You subtly glance at them and figure any one of them is good enough. "Alright. Since you guys are intimidating as fuck, you're gonna say goodbye and go do your own thing. Whoever approaches me first is dinner."
"Boo. You're no fun." Paul's the first hop off his bike, giving you a side hug. "We'll be watching from the roof."
"Of course you will." You roll your eyes, laughing.
Marko winks at you as he follows after Paul, David nods at you, but it's Dwayne who makes you arch an eyebrow at him as he glares at the group of guys before leaving. You chuckle at the oddness of it all before shaking it off and then pulling out your phone to kill some time.
It doesn't take long at all for someone to approach you and you easily fall into the role of the lone human girl way too easily. You chat for a bit and find out he's in fact in college, on break for a week and just looking for some fun. You tell him you're taking a gap year, just passing through Santa Carla and was hoping for some fun as well. His lecherous grin lets him know you have him on the hook.
"Wanna take a ride on the ferris wheel?" He asks.
"I'll do you one better. I say we visit an alley away from prying eyes without giving any ride operators an eye full."
"Oh, fuck yes."
Smirking in triumph, you hop off the railing and grab up the guy's hand. You briefly meet his friends' gaze before winking at them, leading their friend off to what they think is going to be a very good time. For you it will be, but for him? Not so much.
Once at an alley that doesn't have much traffic passing by either end, you lure the guy inside. In the middle of the alley, you turn so your back is against the wall and let him grab you by the hips. But as you cradle his face before he kisses you, you meet his gaze and say, "Don't scream. Don't fight. This will be painless."
The guy goes quiet, and you let your face change before his very eyes. He tenses, but he stays stock still without uttering a peep. Then reaching around to grasp the hair at the back of his head, you angle his head so you can sink your fangs into his neck. You drink and drink, satiating your thirst while listening for the first skip of his heart. When you've had enough, you clean his neck wound of any blood and then prick your tongue with a fang to smear your own blood on the bite wound. It heals after a minute, and you pull back to meet his gaze once more.
"When you get back to your friends, you're gonna be smug but also a little bit let down. Admit I'm the greatest kisser you've ever had, but before we could get to any of the good stuff, we were interrupted by a homeless couple."
"We were interrupted by a homeless couple," he parrots back.
"Good boy. Now to make things more believable..." You slowly smirk before pulling him close, capturing his lips with your own.
The guy is shaken out of his compulsion and his arms wrap low around your waist to pull you even closer to him. You kiss him roughly to make sure his lips appear swollen and even muss his hair up. But the moment you reach under his shirt and rake your nails across his back, causing him to groan, you hear someone drop down beside you.
One second, you're enjoying a kiss and the next your victim is shoved away from you. Dwayne practically puts himself between you and your meal as he snarls, "Get. Lost."
The other individuals drop down into the alley, and you meet three amused expressions. Paul and Marko are snickering quietly whereas David is smirking at his dark-haired brother.
"You alright there, Dwayne?"
Dwayne turns, expression unimpressed at David's question. Instead of answering him, he turns his stare on you. "What?" You feign innocence. "I had to sell it. His friends needed to believe I brought him in here for anything other than feeding."
"Whatever. Next time, just kill the guy."
As Dwayne stalks off, you smile at his back. The moment he disappears, you ask, "Was that- was that jealousy?"
"Yep." Paul skips to you, draping an arm around your shoulders. "Dwayne's always been possessive, but it's been a long time since he took real interest in someone."
"This is going to be fun," Marko muses.
You roll your eyes and sigh but can't help but agree.
Over the course of another few days, it's now very obvious that Dwayne's hovering wasn't just because you were a female. He most definitely knows you can take care of yourself, yet he's still there, but now he's openly snarling when someone looks at you a little too long. To placate him, you only ride with him and pull him into the V of your thighs when you're sitting on the railing. He starts tensing up the moment you all people watch for your next meal and other guys stare back, but the tension drops from his shoulders when you hop onto the railing, pull him into the V of your thighs, and hug him from behind.
Nothing intimate happens between you and Dwayne, but it becomes an unspoken rule among the small coven that you're off limits.
Everything seems to be going well until you meet the boys on the boardwalk one night and David looks livid.
Your smile instantly vanishes. "What's wrong?"
"The woods smell like fuckin' dog," he seethes.
Immediately your gaze snaps towards the sky and your heart sinks. "It's a full moon."
"We know. We're gonna try and kill this wolf for stepping into our territory and pissin' all over the place."
"What?" Your voice is lethally quiet as you meet David's gaze. "You have to be joking. One bite- hell, even one nip!- is a death sentence."
"We'll be fine. We just thought we'd let you know."
As they turn to mount their bikes, you swear. "Goddammit. Wait for me. You're not doing this alone."
You climb onto the back of Dwayne's bike, wrapping your arms around his waist as you glare at the others for their idiotic choices. They're quite solemn as they drive to the woods, and you keep your eyes peeled for the werewolf in question. As they come to a stop, you climb off and glance around the eerily quiet woods.
"So do you have any tips on tracking a werewolf?" Paul muses.
You gulp. "It's a full moon and this wolf most likely claimed these woods as theirs. It'll be hunting us."
The boys chuckle and start walking, combing the woods for any sight of the wolf. It isn't long until a twig snaps- a twig that neither you nor the boys have stepped on. You all freeze.
"Showtime?" Marko wonders.
You sigh. "Be prepared to run. Werewolves can match a vampire's speed on the nights of a full moon."
"We'll be alright."
Almost as soon as the words leave Marko's mouth, the werewolf rushes in. It takes down Paul by his knees, standing on his back and snarling. Before he can snap his jaws, you rush over and kick the werewolf to send it flying.
"What the fuck was that?!" Paul incredulously asks as he hurriedly climbs back to his feet.
"A werewolf," you deadpan. "Keep your guard up. It'll come back."
For a few minutes, it seems like the werewolf is toying with all of you. It keeps knocking down the boys, snarling before disappearing. You've kicked it off your friends three times by now, but the second you hear a howl in the distance, you and the boys freeze.
"There's a second one?" You ask. David shrugs and you bite your tongue to keep from giving him a verbal lashing. "It was stupid to do this on the night of a full moon. We need to leave right now, and I'll do my best to sniff out the werewolves tomorrow so we can handle them when they're in their human forms."
"How much harder can two werewolves be?"
"Pretty fuckin' hard, David. I know you're a badass and all, but we need to do this another night."
Before David can answer, Dwayne shouts. You whirl around, eyes widening at seeing a werewolf pinning him to the ground with its sharp teeth inches from his face. Without thinking, you fly at the wolf, tackling it off of him. You and the wolf scramble for the upper hand and you hiss when there's a pain in your shoulder.
Eventually, you manage to pin the wolf to the ground by its neck and shove your hand into its chest cavity to yank out its heart. With the wolf dead, you toss the heart aside. "Now will you listen to me? This was such a stupid fucking idea." The boys remain quiet, staring at her.
Actually, they're staring at your shoulder.
Dwayne steps forward, carefully reaching for your arm and pulling you a step towards him. You frown, but then hiss when he moves the neckline of your shirt off your shoulder. "You're bit."
Your heart falls into your stomach and you quickly glance at the shoulder that you now realize is burning. Your eyes fill with tears. "O-Oh."
"Oh? Oh?!" Dwayne nearly shouts. "Werewolf bites are lethal, remember? How could you be so goddamn stupid?!"
Your bottom lip trembles. "I'm well aware of that, Dwayne. I was the one who told you to hunt the werewolf another night, remember?" You sigh and pull your hand free from his grasp. You take a moment to collect your thoughts before admitting, "There's a cure. Only a select few know and the cure is hard to get your hands on unless you're on friendly terms with those who have access to it. It's not my secret to divulge, so I was compelled to not say anything unless it was an emergency."
"What is it?" Dwayne asks. "We'll get it."
"You can't. But I can," you admit. "Let's just get to the cave. I have a phone call to make."
So, for part two, do we want the Mystic Falls gang to follow Klaus to Santa Carla or do we want the Santa Carla gang to visit Mystic Falls?
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tantei-chan01 · 9 months
The Giver. Mute Branch Au
Notebook talking has this "-"
Sign language is this "*"
A scrapbook opens as Poppy narrates, "Years ago, on the night of the Harvest Moon, a mysterious troll paid our village a visit and delivered gifts to everyone becoming known only as ... the Giver." On the page, a little troll in a hoodie leaves presents in the pods, stopping to pose in front of the moon. "Every Harvest Moon since has been the same, leaving presents under the veil of night."
The little trolls in the pod leave for a moment, missing the Giver leaving them a gift, "Yay!"
"Which everyone loves...." Poppy suddenly shuts the book, "but it drives ME completely insane!"
A crowd of trolls looked at her in confusion, chattering amongst themselves.
"When you give a gift, you’re supposed to receive a thank-you card. It’s what separates us from the animals. And this Troll is making a mockery of the whole thing. " Frustrated, Poppy throws the book on the mushroom, Smidge behind her with a stern look. "Ugh!"
The crowd gasped, Biggie covering Mr. Dinkles eyes. Branch tapped a dazed Suki's shoulder and held up his brown notebook, "- I think I might missed a step from being in my bunker the last decade. Does she do this every year?-"
Suki shrugged, "Pretty much. I just nap through it. Thank goodness, I learned to sleep with my eyes open, right?" She snores with her eyes open, making Branch gasp and drop his notebook.
"Well, listen up, Giver. You may have escaped me in the past, but this year I’ve rigged the entire village with hidden alarms." She points to Smidge, who pulls a conveniently placed vine. Red and blue bell like flowers beging blaring out an alarm. "Which means I will catch you and will get what’s coming to you."
Smidge pulls out a purple bat (which I hope is actually rubber) with an eager face. "Yeah!"
"This!" Poppy pulls out a blue thank-you card and opens it to show off her card, making skills
Smidge nervously laughs and hides the bat. "Uh, yeah, that."
"So this is your last chance. Come forward now and take your thank-you like a troll." The crowd looks at each other, but no one comes forward. Poppy then hears a certain breathing pattern that she definitely recognizes as laughter, "Something funny, Branch?"
Branch signs, "*Yes, you.*"
"*I realize I’m new to all this, but if “the Gifter” wants to remain anonymous, shouldn’t we respect that?*"
Biggie excitedly asks, "OH! Can I try translating?" Branch nods to the gentle giant. "Okay, you said something about making cookies for the Giver."
Biggie looks at Mr. Dinkles, "What do you mean I'm not even close?"
Reminding herself to help Biggie with translating later, Poppy responds as Smidge seems to be counting trolls, "It’s “the Giver.” If you’re gonna be a know-it-all, get your facts straight."
"Uh, Poppy, just did a hair count, and Satin and Chenille are absent."
Poppy quickly turns to her, "Absent?! On the Harvest Moon?" Her face switched to determination, "Let’s go, Smidge. We’ve got a new lead suspect."
"Uh, there’s two of them."
"We’ve got a new lead of suspects. "
The scene switches to Satin and Chenille's pod, only to reveal Satin sick in bed.
Satin sneezes and then blows her nose into a tissue, tossing it into a pile next to her. "I love being sick. It’s like my body has a whole other side to its personality for me to get to know. Don’t you think?" She turns to Chenille, who's wearing a gas mask and carrying a spray bottle.
Chenille sprays at her twin, "Back, vessel of pestilence! Back!"
Poppy and Smidge sneakily walk up to the window, "You ready to bust these gift-giving punks, Poppy?"
Poppy pulls out the card and preps it. "Locked and loaded." She hears crunching and sees Branch sitting in a chair, eating a bag of popcorn. "Ugh! Don’t you have better things to do?"
"*Than watch you make a fool of yourself? (munches) Please, I cleared my whole day.*"
Smidge looks at him, "OK he definitely said something about you embarrassing yourself." Branch tapped his nose twice. "Cool." She smiles, then turns her attention back to Poppy, "Ignore him. How do we get ‘em to talk?"
"By using the oldest Troll interrogating technique there is-good cop, great cop."
Smidge uses her baseball bat to shine light into Satin and Chenille’s pod. Directing it to face Satin.
She flinches for a moment and then relaxes into it. "Ah! Ooh, that sunshine feels so good."
Poppy leans in close to the sick troll. "You know what else is good?" She takes out a cookie. "Cookies. And you can have them if you tell me what I want to know."
She pushes the cookie closer, "Or if you don’t, either way."
Satin smiles. "That’s so nice."
"Oh, yeah?!" Smidge pulls a cake from behind and lightly slams it on the table, "I’ll give you an entire cake, no strings attached!"
Satin feels a bit conflicted, "Wow, I feel like I should at least tell you something."
Poppy gets right in her face, "Well, I’ll give you a back rub."
"I’ll write you a haiku."
Poppy bangs on the table, "I’ll be your best friend!"
Satin holds her head in what seems to be guilt, "OK. OK. I confess. I color my hair! I’m not a natural purple." She then points to her sister as the lights come on. "Neither is Chenille."
Chenille's eye twitches in disbelief, "You...are dead to me."
"Hold on. So you’re not the Giver?"
An unfamiliar laugh distracts the four, turning to see Branch leaning on his chair laughing, "*Bravo, Poppy. You really broke the case of the purple hair wide open.*"
Poppy growls, feeling a little conflicted, seeing as he'sactually laughing for others to hear. Chenille comments, "I only understood purple hair. "
Satin smiles a little, "Well, it's nice to actuallyhearhim laugh. "
Branch leans to far bach on the chair, knocking down the curtains, revealing what appears to be red wrapping papper. Poppy gasps, "That looks like the paper the Giver uses." She turns back to Satin and Chenille. "Explain yourself… ves!"
"That paper’s not ours."
Chenille explains, "Yeah, it’s so five years ago. Do you think we’ve been living under a rock?"
Smidge licks the paper, "It’s definitely the same-quality pulp, hand-cut edging," She then points to a logo, "and look at the insignia. It comes from Sky Toronto’s Party Shop.
Poppy turns back to the twins, "Ladies, I really hope Sky doesn’t tell me you’re the Giver, or so help me, I’ll thank you like you’ve never been thanked before." She walks backward and arrives at Sky Toronto’s Party Shop.
She walks with the older glitter troll as he gives out orders, "It’s crunch time, people. I need 200 piñata ideas on my desk by tomorrow morning." The workers walk away. "Queen Poppy, I’m honored, yada, yada, but let’s cut to the chase. There are 18 parties, 12 soirees, and at least five shindigs on an average Troll night all supplied by me, Sky Toronto." He snaps his fingers. "So time is glitter."
She holds out the wrapping paper, "Do you recognize this?"
Sky stops as a worker approaches him, "Pause."
The worker holds out the confetti samples, "Mr. Toronto, the new confetti designs for your approval, sir."
Sky throws each sample to inspect, "Pass, hard pass, too cliché." He stops at the fourth one. "Ah, that one. That’s the confetti of the now." The worker leaves, and he turns back to Poppy, "Yes, I recognize it. Not popular, except with one troll who picks up about 100 rolls once a year."
Poppy gasps, "Once a year?!"
Another worker walks up to him with a disco ball in her hand, "Hey, S.T. The boys in decorations just cooked up this new color. Thoughts?"
Sky thinks for a moment, "Hm. Not bad. But disco balls aren’t testing well. How about disco… cubes?" The worker gasps and walks backward, her mind blown.
Poppy tries to get his attention, "Let me get this straight. The Troll who gets this paper, you’ve seen him in person?"
"Many times." An explosion catches his attention and sees some workers running from it. "Don’t mind that. Accident in the trick candle division. We try to put it out, but every time we do…" Trolls bring in water and fire extinguishers to put it out, but the explosion gets worse. "I should ask Branch to see if he can come up with something to put it out."
Later, Smidge is getting a cup of water in the meeting room while Poppy is talking to Sky with Harper sitting with him.
"Okay. Just give Harper here a physical description."
Sky begins the description, "Body of a warrior. Earlobes of a poet. Butt that shimmers like the night sky. We done here?"
Poppy looks at the picture groans, "Describe the mystery Troll, not yourself." She turns Harper's clipboard to reveal a drawing of Sky.
Sky takes the picture Harper drew and hands it over to one of the workers, "My mistake. But I’m keeping that. The troll had dark eyes, a shrouded face, and hair the color of mystery."
Harper shows Poppy a picture of the Giver. Which is only a troll in a hoody wearing sunglasses. Poppy stammers, "What is this?! This isn’t helpful."
"I said I saw the Giver, not that it’d be helpful."
Harper takes back the picture she drew, "Wait. I’ve seen this Troll."
Later that night, Harper Poppy and Smidge go to find the Giver, "I saw the Troll down here this morning… over by the tree roots." She points to a large tree. They continue to walk as the fog clears. Poppy gasps to see several gifts ready to be delivered.
Smidge is a bit suspicious, "Uh…"
Poppy looks on in awe, "The Giver’s stash. They’ll have to come back here before delivering tonight’ gifts. This is where we make out stand." As she tries to walk away, she hears squishing sounds.
Smidge looks up at her, unimpressed, "Uh, we’re standing in mud."
The royal moves away from the mud, "This is where we make our stand.
An owl is heard hooting in the background. Poppy and Smidge are hiding in the bushes. "It’s just a matter of time. Eventually, our Mystery Troll will have to come back to get the gifts, only to find…"
Smidge pops out of some tall grass, "Whammo! It’s a stakeout, boy!"
"Oh, yeah!" The two hear rusting. "That’s the Giver now!" The troll appears and seems to go to the gifts. "Gotcha!" She pulls a vine, and many flowers pop up. They shoot balls and streamers along with a thank-you banner.
Spiders jump down and sing, "Thank you!"
Poppy runs out of her hiding place, "Ha! I thanked you! I thanked you so hard! Yes, yes, yes!" She turns on a flashlight and pulls away the flowers. "Now, what do you have to say for yourself?!" The flowers reveal that it was only Cooper.
Cooper gives them a clueless smile, "You’re welcome."
Poppy is shocked, "All these years, it was you? W-why did you - When did you…" She puts her flashlight away and tries to calm down. "You know what? Just start from the beginning and tell me everything."
Cooper looks at her, "Everything? Okay. Darkness. Then I emerge from the womb, wearing this very hat."
(5 minutes later)
"And then the theme of my 7th birthday party was invisible friends. It was very well attended."
(2 hours later)
"And then, after years of hard work at graduation, my classmates finally turned to me and said, “You’re not in class.” (chuckles) We laughed."
(Another 2 hours later)
"And then some weird Troll told me if I came out here, I’d find some empty boxed for my empty-box collection. And then you trapped me and said, “Tell me everything.” And then I said, “Darkness. I emerge from the womb”-
Poppy stops him, "Whoa! Just answer this question." She takes out the picture Harper drew. "Are you or are you not the Giver?"
He taps the picture, "That’s the weird Troll that sent me here."
They looked at him in disbelief, "The Giver sent you here?"
A random green spider set down a package and pulled back up. "Special delivery from the Giver."
Smidge opens the present and reveals a letter. “Dear Poppy, I’m sorry. This was the only way. From, the Giver.”
"It’s a setup. The Giver wanted us to come here!" She hears the alarms sounding in Troll Village.
Smidge looks over the horizon, "Oh, my Guh."
Poppy quickly runs toward the village, "Halt! Halt in the name of gratitude!" She looks up at the pods to hear the Trolls cheering because their gifts were delivered. She falls to her knees, leans up towards the sky, and exclaims, "THANK YOU!"
The Trolls are celebrating their given gifts while a sad Poppy sits at her pod. "The giver won, Smidge." She opens her card. "No point in holding on to this anymore. She rips the card to pieces.
Smidge tries to cheer her up, "Come on, Poppy, at least you got a present, huh?"
Poppy takes the present, "A horribly wrapped present. Who uses so much tape?" She sighs, "Chenille was right. This Troll really must live… under a rock! (gasps) Trolly-moley. I know who it is!" She gives her present to Smidge and runs. Then she comes back to pick up her destroyed card. "I really regret doing that." Smidge takes both presents to her pod for safe keeping.
We return to the tree to see a dark figure heading towards a cave hidden amongst the vines, "Hold it right there, Giver."
Poppy walks towards the figure and grabs their shoulders, "It’s time for you to be finally thanked." She turned them around to reveal, "(gasps) Mr. Dinkles!"
The hoodie falls off to reveal the cute little glow worm on top of some other pets. Smidge pops out of the bushes, "Wait, so it wasn't Branch?"
Poppy shakes her head, "If you're here, then who's with Biggie?"
We quickly go back to the village in Biggie's pod, "Isn't this wonderful, Mr. Dinkles?" He pulls out a brand new camera, showing it to a doll that looks like Mr. Dinkles, with a poorly hidden tape recorder on its back. "Meep"
"So if all of you are the Giver, why keep it a secret?" Poppy asks.
Poppy cooed, "Aww, you all just wanted to show your love for everyone by doing something nice."
Smidge pulls out a present from her hair, "Well, that explains the massive amount of tape. Must be pretty hard to wrap without thumbs."
Poppy cleared her throat, "OK guys, I still want to thank all of you, so how about you all come to my pod tomorrow for some special treats?"
The pets all agreed and waved goodbye to the two trolls as they walked back to the village. Once they were gone, they quickly ran into the cave. Dinkles flipped over a rock to reveal a pass code lock, he typed in some numbers, and a hatch opened. They all jumped in, landing in a very familiar living room.
"Meep." Well done, everyone. They all turned to see Branch taking off a dark hoodie and special night vision sunglasses. "Meep." She doesn't suspect a thing.
"Meep." Correct, Quiet One. Now, I believe we are to receive our payment.
Branch smiles and pulls out his special, pet friendly, triple fudge brownies. As he watches them enjoy the treat, he laughs silently, 'Sorry Poppy, but this is one secret I'd like to keep to myself for a while.
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cassie48 · 1 month
i love you, i'm sorry
pairing ; Conrad fisher x female reader
description ; You loved Conrad, you always had. Conrad had only ever loved you, or so you thought...
warnings ; angst,verbal fighting, kissing, crying, cheating
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Being the twin sister of Belly was hard at the summer house, It was like everyone favoured her over you, but would never admit to it. The only person that never seemed to favour you over her was Conrad.
Conrad was the typical first crush kinda guy. He was smart, a little older and totally gorgeous. You and him had always been close, two pees in a pod. However it seemed he had finally begun to see you the way you had seen him for years, more than a friend.
Secret kisses and touches in your Sophmore summer have led to the two of you starting a relationship. In the beginning it was lovely, he had treated you like the only girl in the world, you finally, felt like more than Bellys sister.
That was until you walked in on them kissing a year later.
you'll never forget the sickening feeling it gave you. You had even threw up that night from all the crying. You refused to speak to either of them for two weeks.
Conrad kissing Belly was the worst thing anyone had ever done to you, and you had gone through a lot of shit in your life. It was so cruel, because you had confided in him about how you always felt second to Belly, and he had listened, he had even comforted you.
"You'll always be first for me" he had said as he hugged you.
Although you had avoided the two of them like the plague, which was hard considering you lived in the same house as Belly, Conrad had caught you unexpectedly.
You had only ran to open the door because you assumed it was your package, you had jumped off the couch as soon as you heard the loud bell buzzing.
However your excited smile soon fell from your face when you saw Conrad. He looked so guilty, his face drained of colour, and he looked exhausted which made you glad, because you hadn't either.
"What are you doing here?" You said with a glare.
"I want to talk to you about..what happened" He declared.
You watched as he began speaking, presumably about the cheating incident, but you hadn't listened. Instead you watched him. He swung his arms around as he spoke, he had always used his hands while explaining something, it almost made you laugh. But you didnt.
"You cheated" You said staring at him.
He stared. He just stared for what felt like an hour, until he spoke again.
"I love you, i'm sorry" He whispered.
He looked so defeated, because he knew he had been. He knew you'd never ever take him back after what he had done. Especially since it had been with Belly.
"You cheated" You whispered back, repeating your previous words,
With that you shut the door on his devastated face. It felt so good. That was until he walked away, and you stood alone in the house.
As you fell on the couch crying your eyes out you had come to a terrifying realisation.
You were all alone again.
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: My Beloved Best Friend
Yandere Hector Doyle x GN Reader
Very slight Yandere if you squint
For my dear friends @hectordoylesmalewife & @amisalami03
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“Look at that outfit… that is a cry for help.” Hector Doyle sipped on his taro bubble tea as he pointed out a ‘medium ugly’ man to (your name) at the mall. “Doesn’t he know neons do not suit his skin tone?”
(Your name) put their chin in their hands to subtly glance over at the target of Doyle’s criticism. He wasn’t wrong about that man’s outfit being horrendous but he didn’t have to be so mean. “It is a terribly match up, but who are we to judge?”
Doyle clicked his tongue and uncrossed his legs. The redhead leaned forward and pouted at (your name). “Well aren’t you just a sweet little thing?” Doyle then gestures to their pastel purple outfit. “Little miss sugar plum fairy.”
“Oh hush, twinker belle.” (Your name) playfully hit his arm, the assassin blushed a bit. “You do actually look nice with red lipstick and that black dress on.”
“Of course I do. I look good in everything.” Doyle haughtily stuck his nose up in the air. “I’m beautiful.”
(Your name) giggled at their best friend. Doyle was such an enigmatic person but for some reason, he opened himself up to them. The two of them were two peas in a pod despite their vastly different personalities.
Doyle was never afraid to say what was on his mind while (your name) kept to themselves.
“As much as I’d love to keep making fun of people’s questionable choices in clothing, I would like to know what you have been up to lately. How did that date go the other day with that painter?” Doyle inquired about (your name)’s love life. The redhead already knew the answer but he still wants to hear it from their point of view. It wasn’t hard to hide a body.
“Well… he never showed.” (Your name) sighed softly with a frown. “I’m starting to think I’m cursed.”
“You have me.” Doyle grabbed their hand and ran his thumb over their knuckles. “I’m always here for you. You can just hangout with me.”
(Your name) smiled brightly at Doyle, his heart stopped for a second. They had no idea how enchanting they were… how they made Doyle’s heart leap in his chest. Of Doyle’s feelings.
“I do don’t I? You’re seriously the best, Doyle.”
Doyle quickly recovered, the man glanced over at a sweets shop in the mall. “How about I treat you to some sweets to cheer you up?”
“If you’re buying it with your own money and not someone else’s.”
“You know I’m a criminal so you can either accept my kindness or I’ll buy myself chocolates and eat them in front of you.” Doyle leaned on his hands and gave (your name) a grin.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh but I would. And I’ll lick my fingers in front of you.” Doyle places his palms flat on the sticky mall table. “Now do you accept my kindness or do you wish to be a voyeur to my voracious appetite for sweets?”
(Your name) sighed, “okay. I accept the exploits of your thievery.”
“Good because I also stole you some bath bombs from lush and a few products from Sephora.”
“You need to be stopped.” (Your name) giggled but Doyle only gave them a grin.
“But then who would take care of you?” The two continued to bicker between giggles and smiles. Doyle’s arm loosely wrapped around their waist. “I’d do anything for you.”
For now he’d accept his position in their life. He could be patient. He will continue to be their beloved best friend until the day (Your name) realized that Doyle was their soulmate. That they were meant to be…
“I’d do anything for you.” Doyle repeated softly to himself as he glanced down at (your name) bright smile. “Anything.”
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itsonlybaby · 5 months
𐙚ᣟ݂﹒𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 - 𝐣. 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲﹒
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playlist !
John Murphy - Polis
꒰ ୨୧ ꒱ ⸝⸝ When Titus died you set out in search of a new fleimkepa, only finding Murphy; a misunderstood roach. ﹒   ⊹  ⤷ cw: porn w plot, smut, angst, cheating, nsfw
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The day Titus died was a great tragedy for us all, questions had been shouted every time I passed through Polis, and Azgeda tried taking over my place. The people were scared of what the future may hold.
"Heda, what shall we do?" One of the ambassadors asked me, bowing down.
I thought for a second, "Search village to village for a fleimkepa, do not return to me till you've found one." I demanded, turning my head to the guards standing before the door. They nodded before taking their leave. Whispers were heard throughout the crowd.
"This meeting is done," I spoke loudly, tired of their questions.
Watching as they exited the castle my mind went back to Titus, he was a great flame keeper. He always knew what to do, having served 6 commanders before me. His death was unexpected, having passed in the dead of night, with no wounds. A peaceful death, something he deserved.
The only thing I could do was hope the next flame keeper was a good soul.
The sound of bells ringing and long distant chatter had awoken me, the sun beams hitting my face from the open curtains. A sight I had come to love while living in the tower.
Prying the blankets off my bed I shivered at the cold air, the fire at the end of my room doing nothing.
Placing my feet on the cold ground I rushed to the neatly placed pile of clothes sitting at the end of my bed, my shoulder gear and faded red sash included- it was important I'd wear the shoulder piece. It separated me from everyone else. I had been the second commander to rule over all 13 clans, Lexa being the first. She had united them into one coalition before her passing. Her spirit chose me wisely in the conclave.
Placing the small gear on my forehead I opened the doors to be met with guards.
"Heda, we've been waiting for you. We found a new fleimkepa,"
I had followed them down to the temple below the tower, a place Titus thought was sacred- only allowing specific people down there.
Walking down the steps I had grown nervous to meet this new flame keeper.
I stepped into the room, the only light coming from the torches lit around the room illuminating the drawings on the walls.
A pod stood on the back wall- which my new flame keeper was examining. He only turned around to face me when one of my guards coughed to get his attention.
Looking him up and down I took in his every feature, his middle part that's ever so slightly matted with blood and dirt, the stubble around his mouth, and his tall lean body covered by a dirty long robe. it all complimented him so well.
He looked quite handsome- this was supposed to be my flame keeper?
He hadn't even bowed to me when I entered the room, he stared at me awkwardly- as if he didn't even know I was the commander, I felt quite offended at his actions.
"So, you're the new fleimkepa?" I spoke as if the thought was absurd, and it was. To think this ragged man was a flame keeper, someone who was supposed to lead the commander's spirits, and keep them safe. He looked like he'd do everything but.
"So, you're the commander?" He returned my tone, offended by it.
How dare he speak to his superior like that?
"What is your name, fleimkepa,"
He looked at me completely unserious, "John Murphy, people call me Murphy, cockroach, you name it."
He spoke to me like he was having a conversation with any normal person like I couldn't end his life at any moment, like I don't have people willing to die for me just to take his.
I wondered why they called him a cockroach.
"Well then, John, where are you from?" I saw him stiffen at my question.
Before he finished his sentence I drew my sword, causing my guards to do the same.
"Wait, wait, wait,"
I began walking closer to him making him back up and trip on the carpet.
I knew he couldn't be a true flame keeper, Skaikru was the 13th clan but it didn't mean I had to like them, I knew how they were, knew of their lies, knew their ways. They may have been a part of the coalition but they'd never know our ways.
"I knew Titus!" He yelled, making me stop in my tracks.
"Don't you say his name, Skaikru!" My sword lept to his throat, keeping it still there. The cold metal nearly cut into his skin, causing a shiver to run down his entire body.
"It's true! He taught me some stuff, that's how they found me okay! I have his journal in my bag!" Murphy's breath became erratic, suddenly realizing what was at stake.
I looked back towards my guards, "Is it true?"
"Yes, heda, he was lying on the road, trying to rob us when we found the journal in his bag,"
I looked back towards Murphy, who looked scared for his life. After a few seconds, I huffed and sheathed my sword. Murphy released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
"Why were you trying to rob my people, John Murphy," I questioned, reaching my hand out to help him up.
"It's how I get by, alright?" He spoke, dusting himself off a bit before staring at me.
His answer brought worry to me, "Skaikru is low on resources? Do I need to send hunters to help?"
Murphy sighed softly, "They banished me for a bit," His face becoming one of solemn.
Before I could continue my guards spoke up making both me and Murphy look towards him, "Heda, the meeting to announce the new fleimkepa is starting soon, I don't want you to be late."
I nodded in his direction, "Let's go, John,"
The guards led the way to the top of the tower, and every person I passed nodded their head in my direction, something Murphy needed to take note of.
Whispers had quieted down when I strode along the carpet to my throne, Murphy following behind, taking his position next to me.
"This is your new fleimkepa," I spoke loudly for everyone to hear, questioning whispers rang throughout the room, looks of judgment and disapproval shaking of heads.
"If you have any disagreements about your new fleimkepa," I looked to Murphy, "They will be met with death," Looking back to the crowd the commotion died down.
"He's Skaikru!" I heard a person yell from the corner of the room.
"He could never be a fleimkepa!" Another joined
"Enough!" I yelled, standing up, "An attack against John Murphy, is an attack against the coalition!" My voice boomed off the walls, the room now becoming silent.
"Meeting is over,"
My guards had ushered everyone out, well, everyone but Clarke kom Skaikru.
"Can we speak," She glanced towards Murphy and back to me, "Alone?"
Looking at Murphy I nodded him off, "I'll send for you,"
"Sure thing," He rolled his eyes and made his way out the door.
"Why is Murphy the flame keeper?" Clarke asked, and I wasn't sure why she was questioning my motives. I had vowed to keep Skaikru part of the coalition after Lexa's death, and now she's questioning my motives? My motives?
"Are you saying you disagree with my choices, Clarke?" I question.
"Not at all, it's just I've spent years with Murphy, I know how he is," She paused, "He might not be who he says he is,"
I stared at her for a few moments, "Then who exactly is he?"
"A liar, a thief, and selfish,"
Her words were hypocritical, that's what everyone said about all of Skaikru.
"Thank you for the warning but I don't need it, he is the fleimkepa. If Titus trusted him, I trust him too. You may go now."
She scoffed and turned away, my guards leading her out.
I stood and headed to Murphy's room, it was one over to mine.
I didn't bother knocking, what could my flame keeper have to hide from me? But I soon regretted that decision, I saw a girl bearing the marks of a nomad.
She wore a dusty clothing piece atop her head, and many layers dressing her small body. I noticed she had a large glove covering one hand.
Murphy instinctively stood in front of her, shielding the view I had of her. Almost like he was scared I'd hurt her.
"Visitor?" I ask, looking up at his flushed face.
"My girlfriend." He replied, his girlfriend soon stepping forward.
"I'm Emori," She gave me a small smile, she was cute.
I felt my body stiffen at the use of girlfriend, though I couldn't stop their relationship, I could hate it. I wasn't sure why I had hated it, why I was so torn when she introduced herself, he had deserved someone like her, carefree from responsibilities. I was happy for Murphy.
"y/n." I returned her warm smile.
Murphy smiled as well, something that had looked good on him.
"First time I heard your name, and here I thought I was special." He teased playfully, keeping eye contact even when Emori looked back towards him.
"Well, John, you never asked." I returned his tone, for once being playful, "I'll leave you to it, and do remember I am next door."
I took one last glance at them both before exiting and heading to my room, but before entering I heard Emori speak up, her voice echoing through the hall.
"She calls you John, too?"
I couldn't stop my smile from forming at the thought of making Emori jealous over something so personal. Though sadness swept in, thinking of what they might do alone in the room.
"I want a guard in John's room tonight." I told one of the guards outside my room, one of them springing into action and entering Murphy's room. I heard complaints from the couple, Emori blaming me for this.
The night came and went and the familiar golden trails landed on my face again, the sound of birds outside as my own personal alarm clock.
I stood up with a stretch and a yawn, going for the clothes placed on the table by one of my guards.
I did my usual routine and exited my room, my guards greeting me with smiles which I returned- having a good feeling about this day.
I didn't bother knocking on Murphy's door once again, this time seeing Emori had left.
Murphy's body was sprawled out on the bed, still in a deep slumber. It must've been the best sleep he'd gotten in a week.
I smiled at the sight, his eyelashes were illuminated by the sunbeams hitting his face, making him look so at peace. I only now noticed the rest of his body. He was shirtless, and his muscles were defined despite his lean body. I snapped out of my daze when his body shuffled, moving his face away from the bright beams pouring into the room.
"John." I spoke, walking closer to his resting body.
"Hmm." His voice was muffled into the pillow.
"It's time to wake up."
He lifted his head up a bit, still into the pillow, "Why?"
"We need to make appearances," I giggled at his need to stay in bed, "People need to think you're a pleasing person today."
I walked to the edge of his bed and took a seat, eyes still on his back.
Murphy rolled over, looking at me still lying down, his hair now more disheveled, "You don't think I'm a natural charmer?" He gave me a smile after I snickered at his question.
"I think you're quite the charmer, but the people need to see that too."
I stood up and walked to his pile of now clean clothes, picking them up and tossing them on the bed.
"You have five minutes."
Murphy only sighed, getting out of bed once I left.
I was watching over Polis from the balcony in my room when I heard the door open, looking behind I saw Murphy, his hair now a neat and clean swept-back middle part.
"You're ten minutes late, John." I say, averting my gaze back down.
He came to my side, resting his elbows on the balcony walls while overlooking the view, "Your guards made me wash my hair," He snickered, "Said head can't be seen with a man like me."
I laughed at this, though it was true, he desperately needed to wash his hair.
Moments of silence passed before he spoke up again, "Must be nice being in control of everyone."
My smile faded at this, it wasn't like what everyone made it out to be. It was tough, watching over 13 clans, the responsibility of them all fell on my shoulders alone.
"It gets lonely." I muttered, turning to look at him only to find he was staring first.
Our eyes made contact, he had never looked more perfect in this moment, the yellow haze lighting up one side of his face, making the blue in his dark eyes lighten, his brown hair hanging just above his ears, strands falling on his forehead.
I hadn't even noticed I was leaning in till he pulled back awkwardly, "Emori." He spoke softly, reminding me he still had a girlfriend.
I shook my head as my face flushed a deep red, my body now full of embarrassment.
"Right, right, appearances, elevator," I muttered.
Turning towards the doors I headed to the elevator shaft; Murphy following after muttering a series of curse words.
Making it to the bottom of the tower my mind was still flooded of previous events, the way he slept, the way he looked on my balcony, the way he rejected me. I hadn't ever been rejected before, I hadn't ever felt romantically towards someone. If this is what it's like, I don't ever wanna experience it again. Is that what this was? Was I feeling romantic feelings towards John Murphy?
"So, what are we doing again?" He broke the awkward tension.
"We are here to show people you aren't as bad as they think, you're from Skaikru." I didn't need to elaborate fuller, Murphy already catching the drift of what people thought about Skaikru.
Walking through the shops of Polis we got many stares from people, the smells of cooked meat filled my nose, my stomach growled and Murphy took notice. He looked around before grabbing my hand and leading me through the streets to a deer meat vendor. The feeling of his rough hands in mine sent a shock to my body. The guards struggled to keep up.
"Heda! Beja!" The vendor spoke, handing me a piece of meat, and asking me to try.
I gratefully took the piece and ate it, my eyes sparkled when the flavors hit my tongue, looking at Murphy excitedly. The vendor had a huge grin on her face.
"Mochof!" I thanked her, glancing back at the vendor and back to Murphy.
"You have to try this." I exclaimed as the vendor handed another piece to Murphy.
Murphy placed the piece in his mouth after repeating my phrase, and his face instantly lit up. I giggled at his expression. We thanked the vendor once again before walking off.
We had passed by many shops before one caught my eye, they had an assortment of necklaces made of thread with silver pendants.
I was going to grab his hand to lead him there but I realized he never let go since the first time he grabbed it. My heart could've pumped out of my chest.
I began leading him toward the necklace vendor, my eyes practically glowing while examining the finds.
"Heda," The vendor spoke, his voice rough. He bowed to me before standing up a second later, looking towards Murphy he just nodded.
Looking through all the hanging jewelry my eyes landed on two specific ones, a sun and a moon, both in a matching set. Murphy's eyes must've seen it too as he felt the object. He took it off the rack and examined it further.
"For you and your girlfriend?" I asked. If someone listed close enough they could hear annoyance.
Once I said the word girlfriend I felt Murphy's hand slowly fall back to his side, my palm now feeling cold, missing the touch of his; a shield from the cold.
Murphy didn't answer my question, instead, he dug through his pocket and handed the vendor a silver pendant of a heart. We didn't use currency, instead we ran the shops through trade.
Once the vendor nodded Murphy tucked the necklaces into his pocket.
The awkward tension had crept onto us once again like the summer heat melting away snow.
"I'm going back to the tower, I'll leave a guard here with you." I spoke, needing time away from him, needing to catch up with my thoughts and get rid of this sickening feeling deep in my stomach.
Before he could reply I was already heading up towards the tower, tears threatening to pour down my cheeks. My people couldn't see me crying, my people couldn't know I was weak, weak for a boy.
My mind had gone back to a saying Lexa would tell me when she met Clarke, 'love isn't weakness', love may not be weak but crying sure was.
The moment I stepped into my room and shut the doors the tears came out on their own.
I didn't attempt to stop them, knowing any try would be futile. Instead, I let them drop, I let them hit the floor, it was as if they held enough emotion to crumble the entire tower. I shrugged off my shoulder gear and it hit the fur carpet with a soft thud. I walked over to the balcony- my favorite place in this tower- and watched over Polis once again; getting deja vu from previous events.
My forearms were resting on the balcony wall. I opened my palm and stared at it, the feeling of his against mine still evident; like it was just a second ago mine was intertwined with his- all the creases, lines, and spaces were engraved into my memory.
Clenching my fist I heard the door open, I was thankful the tears were long gone.
I didn't have to check to know if It was Murphy, the way his shoes hit the ground had a familiar ring to it.
"Deja vu," He spoke, I could hear a smile in his voice.
"You said it was lonely," He said, much softer this time, "How can it be when you get everything you want?"
His question was genuine. He wasn't trying to insult me or make me the butt of the joke. I could feel his eyes watching my every move before I looked into his deep blue eyes, eyes you could get lost in and never come out.
"Not everything," My eyes trailed down to his lips, they were wet but chapped; he probably licked them before entering.
We were now inches apart, I could feel the heat radiating off his body, the only thing keeping us apart was morals.
It took such little effort on his part; just the dizzy, relieved decision to give in, just an infinitesimal push toward me as his morals seemed to fade. I placed my arms around his neck, keeping him as close as possible while my eyes fluttered close. Everything at this moment just felt right, the way my arms felt around him, the way he kissed me with such passion and devotion.
I felt his hands snake down to my waist, leading me to the bed while not breaking apart, laying down below me his hands fell up and down my body. Exploring every nook and cranny; like untouched land. Tattooing the way his hands felt on my skin, goosebumps appeared on my arms, his hands were warm- he was always warm, it was a cooling contrast to my cold exterior.
Before I knew it he withdrew completely- the warm feeling of his palms roaming my body stopped, his lips devouring mine faded and it left me lost.
"Did I do something?" I said between breaths, looking down at him cluelessly.
"I can't do this, not to her." I had felt anger bubbling inside me, I quickly stood up off him as he sat up.
"Your mood swings are giving me whiplash, John," My voice sounded like I was going to break at any given moment, "Get out."
He didn't try to defend himself, or argue with me, he accepted my wishes and left. Left while the familiar tears found their way out again. I undressed and lay in bed, the comfort of the pillows taking me in; my fur blanket acting as an anchor while I drifted off to sleep as the stars illuminated the room.
Days had passed since then, and Murphy had been avoiding me.
The only times I'd see him were during meetings and occasionally passing by him in the hall.
The only time I'd hear him was late in the night, their headboard banging against the wall- a constant reminder of the rejection I had faced.
A reminder of the night when his lips were on mine, his hands exploring my soft skin.
I spent the nights wishing it was me below Murphy, I knew I shouldn't, but how could I not? I knew she had been moaning louder on purpose every night, taunting me, telling me it was her who got to be with him.
Sometimes I'd feel shivers in the places he touched me, ghosts of his fingers, places I craved for him, places only he could touch.
I jumped slightly when I heard yelling beyond the wall, I tried to listen in but the wall was too thick.
I knew I shouldn't but I grabbed a robe and placed it around my uncovered body, opening the doors and gushing the guards before getting close to the door.
The yelling became much clearer now, but too bad I missed out on half the conversation.
Emori burst through the doors, staring at me with eyes full of anger, she glanced between me and the guards before leaving with heavy footsteps.
I entered Murphy's room, he was sitting on his bed with his elbows on his knees, hands resting on his head, and the sight of him upset made me angry.
I grabbed his attention when I shut the doors behind me.
"Never did know how to knock, huh?" He asked, still very annoyed.
I giggled at this, taking a seat next to him, my robe glided up my thighs which he noticed.
"What happened?" I asked, placing a hand on his comfortingly. He stared down at our hands, processing what had just happened.
Murphy sighed, rubbing his thumb along your fingers, feeling your cold skin. "She found the necklaces, and wanted to wear one, I wouldn't let her."
I was shocked at the new information, "Werent they for you and her?"
His eyes turned to look into mine, "They were for us."
My mind went blank, "I don't understand, John."
"That heart pendant I traded? She gave it to me." He paused, finding the words, "Ever since I've met you, things have felt real. I'm not surviving with you, I'm living."
I smiled at his words, heat rising to my cheeks.
It took me one second to realize we were leaning in.
It took me two seconds to realize we were kissing.
It took me three seconds to realize his hand was snaking up my thigh.
The feeling of his hand warmed my body- a feeling I've come to love, to crave. His hand made its way to my chest, pushing me down on my back while he stood in between my legs.
Murphy separated from the kiss to take his shirt off, revealing his toned, lean body. I took this time to undo the robe and slip out of my bra.
Murphy just watched in 'awe' at my body, his hands instantly feeling the new unexplored areas. His palms instantly groped my breasts, earning a sweet, sensual moan from me.
"So beautiful." He whispered under his breath. My face couldn't possibly get any redder, but I was growing more needy by the second.
As if knowing what I needed most, one of his hands trailed down to where I needed him most. He slipped my now-soaked panties to the side, revealing my wet pussy. Murphy bit his lip at the full view of me.
"Why didn't I do this sooner," He teased, lightly rubbing up and down my pussy, lubing his fingers up before pushing one in.
The feeling was sudden, making my body tense at the newfound warmth. I stared into his eyes as he pumped his finger in and out, lewd sounds slowly filling the room along with my moans.
His thumb circled my clit while he entered another finger, only enhancing the pleasure, causing me to throw my head back and buck into his hand, starting to need more than just his fingers.
"So needy," He snickered, curling his soaked fingers, and using his other hand to keep my thighs open.
"Shut up," I said between moans. My hands found their way to my breasts, kneading them myself. The lewd scene made Murphy's bulge even bigger, he bit his lip to hold back a moan caused by the friction of his jeans.
A feeling I knew all too well slithered its way down my body, and Murphy's pace on my clit quickened.
"John," I moaned out, feeling the climax come closer and closer until everything stopped.
Murphy pulled his fingers out with a sly smirk, bringing his fingers to his mouth and cleaning them off.
"You jerk!" I yelled out, practically whining at the loss of contact.
"You're not gonna cum until I do," He said, sliding off his jeans and boxers to reveal his protruding cock.
I stared at his dick, craving it more than anything already, not caring how he will fit it in.
He brought his tip to my clit, rubbing it in circles and groaning at the contact. Murphy couldn't wait any longer, without warning he trusted me, leaning down to kiss and suck on my neck.
I let out a lust-filled moan, "John!" I shrieked in surprise at the sudden filling. My hands roamed over his back, nails digging in with every thrust of his cock.
The feeling was overbearing, the way his tip hit all the right places so roughly.
"Needed you so bad," I moan out into his ear, only causing him to pull out slowly and slam back in roughly.
Murphy was marking my neck, wanting to let everyone know I was his, only he could touch me, only he could make me feel this good.
The same feeling was coming back with every thrust that hit my sweet spot, "I'm so close," My hands held the back of his neck while my thighs tightened around his hips, bringing him closer to me.
"Not yet, baby, wait for me, you can do it," He praised between kisses.
He couldn't have been far off his own climax, as his thrusts got sloppy and erratic, dick twitching in me, begging to release his cum.
Murphy leaned back, grabbing my thighs and spreading them wider, having my control of his thrusts. They became deeper and faster. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold on for.
My moans became louder, I was sure the guards were worried but I was too focused on how good Murphy's cock felt to care.
Murphy's jaw tightened before speaking, "Cum on my cock, baby,"
He didn't even need to finish his sentence and I was already cumming, arching my back in pleasure and letting the moans slip out freely. My legs shook in his grasp and my pussy clenched as I painted his dick white, the sight alone had him cumming in me, unable to control himself for much longer.
He kept thrusting, fucking me through both our highs. Our bodies were now sweaty and humid. Pulling out of me he watched the cum drip onto the floor, fighting the urge to go another round he picked up one of Emoris shirts to clean me up. He tossed the now dirty shirt aside and just stared at my exhausted body with a smile.
He looked to the dresser and picked up one of the necklaces, it was the sun. He motioned for me to sit up and I did. Moving my hair out of the way he tied the necklace neatly around my neck, admiring me afterward before placing his own on with a goofy smile.
I smiled at him, the exhaustion becoming too much I crawled under the bed, making enough room for him to crawl under with me which he gladly did, taking hold of my body and causing me to grow warm.
"I love you," He whispered sweetly, rubbing my shoulder with his thumb.
"I love you too,"
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hi, is it okay to request in Transformers Earthspark?
so since we have a twin sister for TFA Elita-1, is it okay to have a twin sister for TFE Elita-1?
Buddy as the TFE Elita's twin sis.
TFE Elita's twin sis has the different/opposite of Elita, like Buddy's meek/shy, pacifist (yet has passive-aggressiveness), nurse, and/or mom friend. Or similar to Disney Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
"Buddy" is not their original name, used to be named "A-2 or E-2".
With Optimus (Orion Pax), Megatron(us or D-16), and Elita (Ariel) from their Pre-war times. You can put romance if you like
You can add this idea/s if you like:
takes place on pre-war Cybertron
TFE Elita's twin becomes techno-organic (like TFA Elita's (twin) ), or something else that is somehow related to Quintus Prime (something like, Quintus left his homeworld, using his Emberstone to seed life across the galaxy. Let's say there's an unknown/undiscovered planet related to Quintus Prime, and somehow Elita's twin landed/crashed/stranded on this planet), or not
then something happens to Elita's twin, became a missing/'dead' bot, she lost contact with her sis and friends and/or Cybertron. Later, she's found by the Decepticons, and she joins the cons, still has the same personality, also she didn't know there's a Bots Vs. Cons war happen before her missing
become a missing con, again, during the (nearly end) war on Earth, and only Megatron knows about it (ex. He and Elita's twin had a secret meet and he somehow found a stasis pod and hid her (in Witwicky near the Terran cave), or other ideas of your own)
And I'm stopping here for now since this long request, i'm putting the part two of this, and I'm so sorry if it's too much/been making too many requests
Thank you so much and also stay safe and healthy!
This... this is good.
A chance on writing Elita Ones's twin sister in a different way?
Count me in!
Friendly reminder this has nothing to do with TFA twin sister
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister pre war backstory
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Mention of injury, Angst, Cybertronain reader
Buddy and Elita were the best of sisters.
But they weren’t always known as Buddy or Elita One.
Before the war, Elita One was known as Ariel.
Buddy’s original name was E-2.
Ariel was the more outgoing twin who always tried to get her twin to go outside of her comfort zone and to make more friends.
E-2 on the other hand was much quieter than Ariel, still held a strong presence with her.
Ariel was the one who introduced her to Orion Pax and D-16.
“E, this is Orion and D-16. Guys this is my twin E-2.”--Ariel
Orion waves at E-2 with a warm smile on his face.
E-2, who was partially hiding behind Ariel, waves back shyly.
Ariel gently pushes her forward at D-16.
D-16 smiles at E-2.
E-2 smiles back.
Ariel swings both of her arms around them all.
“I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”--Airel
E-2 gives them all a shy smile.
The four of them were a nearly inseparable group.
Orion and E-2 got along well, looking after Airel and D-16.
The two often had data pads they exchanged every other cycle and little chat about what they were about.
They were also the second voice of reason for Ariel and D-16 when they thought of activities or thoughts.
Ariel and D-16 looking at the tall drop off towers.
“I wonder what would happen if we went up there…”--Airel
“And what if we jumped off?”—D-16
“And just hear us out, we DON’T jump off of the building, hmm?”—E-2
“We’ll be fine E.”--Ariel
“Ariel, just because I’m close to becoming an actual nurse doesn’t give you and 16 a free pass into a hospital.”—E-2
“Of course not, we have you and Orion for that.”—D-16
“D-16, you and I know that Orion is terrible at patch work jobs. Seriously just ask Ratchet.”—E-2
“Hey! I’m not that bad.”--Orion
“You fainted when you saw D-16’s injured servo. You’re not ready for any patch work.”—E-2
D-16 and E-2 got along like a house on fire.
Both wanting a better change for Cybertron, they found many things they could agree on.
Often D-16 would come to E-2 for help on his upcoming speeches and practice in front of her.
E-2, Ariel and Orion often went to D-16, now named Megatron, speeches about change on Cybertron.
The group could agree that changes needed to be made, but Buddy thought that maybe a more peaceful approach would be in the best interest of the bots.
This would soon cause a rift between the groups as Ariel backed Megatron’s bit forceful approach while Orion tried to play mediator.
It was around this time another one of E-2’s closest friends had offered her a chance to go on an expeditionary trip.
It was just to look at some planets then return to Cybertron.
Out of pure spite, E-2 agreed to go.
Anyways, he needed a medic with him in case something bad happened and E-2 had just finished with her tests and licenses.
“I’m sorry, you’re what?!”--Ariel
“Ariel calm down, I’m just going on a quick trip and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. Two months the most.”—E-2
“Why can’t he just go by himself? Doesn’t he have a lab partner?”--Ariel
“His lab partner had something going on at the last minute and couldn’t go. Anyways he needs a medic in case something goes wrong.”—E-2
Ariel had a frustrated look on her face and crossed her arms.
Orion looked at E-2.
“When will you be leaving? The docking ports are notorious for taking long time to—”--Orion
“I’m leaving tomorrow.”—E-2
“YOU’RE WHAT?!”—Ariel and Megatron
E-2 flinches at the loud noise.
“How can you leave at a time like this?! We need as many bots on our side as possible! Not galivanting through space like its some sort of vacation!”--Megatron
Buddy feels her servos tighten as her anger rises.
“This is not some sort of vacation Megatron. I’m being a good friend—”—E-2
“If you were a good friend then you would stay here!”--Megatron
E-2 takes a step forward, surprising all three bots.
“And if I don’t?”—E-2
Megatron angrily takes a step forward almost menacingly.
“Do you want to find out E-2?”--Megatron
E-2 clenches her servos and walks away.
“And where are you going coward!”—Megatron
E-2 turns on her pedes fast and angry.
“I’m going before I say anything that I might regret!”—E--2
E-2 storms off into the night.
Orion looks at his friends.
Ariel looks a bit conflicted.
“…She should be supporting the movement Orion.”--Ariel
Orion looks appalled before starting to walk in E-2’s direction.
“Orion? Where are you going?”--Ariel
“To check on your twin sister.”--Orion
E-2 was honestly still surprised to see them all at the gates for the launch.
Buddy said her goodbyes in hugs.
Orion hugged her tightly and wished her the best.
Ariel gave a halfhearted hug.
Buddy tried to hug Megatron, but he moved away.
Hurt, Buddy waved goodbye instead.
Megatron just huffed despite Ariel slightly jabbing his side.
Buddy grabbed her kits and began walking to the front of the door to wait for her friend.
Her friend came rushing in, giving her a hug, and thanking her for wanting to join.
“You’re a life saver E! Star had something wrong with his tanks and—”
“Is that him?”—E-2
E-2 sees a seeker lingering around the drop off point not too far from where her friends and family were.
“Yeah, that’s him. He wanted to see how the launch went.”
E-2 smiles at the seeker and waves at him.
The seeker looks a bit shocked but waves back.
“Are you ready to go?”
He stretches his servo for E-2 to grab.
She does looking up at her friend.
“Lead the way Skyfire.”—E-2
They made their way into the security area before reaching their pods and shooting into the starry sky.
None of them knew it was going to be the last time they were going to see each other.
The two came across the planet Skyfire had been raving about.
It was a smaller planet splashed green and blue.
It looked like a peaceful world.
Skyfire wanted a closer look at the planet.
E-2 was a bit hesitant, but she followed her friend downward.
Neither were expecting the harsh jet streams to be so strong.
E-2 felt everything about this being a bad omen and tried to radio in Skyfire to start getting out of the area.
Skyfire reported that his pods navigation systems weren’t responding.
E-2 tried to fly closer to Skyfire’s pod in attempts to attach a cord to get him out when her pod suddenly went dark and dropped.
E-2 screamed in terror as she plummeted to the planet below.
Skyfire managed to get out of his pod and managed to get to E-2’s pod opening it and dragging her out.
He tried to fly with her out of the Jetstream and back into space, but the winds proved too cold and strong.
Next thing E-2 realized was that she was falling again while the stream carried a screaming Skyfire far away.
She tumbled onto the cold ground below and rolled into a hole in the ground.
With all her tumbling, she accidentally caused a cave in.
E-2 hit her helm against a boulder before landing in a pool of cold water.
Her helm was bleeding profusely as she tried to stand up.
Trying to get up, she noticed a strange rock in the center of the cave and a small organic creature on her armor.
She didn’t notice the rock glowing until it was too late.
Her entire frame felt like it was on fire, screaming in pain.
When it was over, she fell backwards into the cool water, slowly closing her optics from the pain.
The last thing she thought about was Ariel, Orion and Megatron.
They were probably thinking she was going to come back home any day now.
She wanted to say sorry to them…
Sorry that she wasn’t coming back home…
Back on Cybertron the life signals on the pods had turned dark.
The station had called Orion, Areil, Starscream and Megatron to tell them about the freak accident.
Most likely faulty wiring on the pods.
Either way, none of the passengers survived.
Everyone was in shock.
Ariel then started to sob horribly.
Orion immediately came to her aid hugging her tightly trying to keep his own tears at bay.
Megatron just stood there in shock.
Starscream demanded to know whose fault this was.
He nearly clawed at the poor bot across the table if Megatron hadn’t grabbed him back.
He held Starscream noticing the shakiness of both of their frames.
There was nothing they could do now.
One of the biggest regrets Megatron had in his entire life was not hugging Buddy that day or trying harder to make her stay.
Elita regretted not being able to stop her twin from leaving and not saying love you one last time.
Orion regretted not going with her.
Maybe he could have done something to help with the faulty wiring or something.
They weren’t going to see her again, not until it was their time to go to the Allspark.
Until then… till all are one.
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OKKK OK look technicality speaking,,, i'm supposed to be indulging in the sleebies rn. BUT my brain would NOT let me sleep until i commished this to ya!!

your peepaw leo answer? fantabulous. jaw dropping, awe-inspiring, hit just the spot. Extravagantly whimsically stupendous. ultra super mega amazing. need i say more? YES AND I WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO-
yet. ☝🏼 & hear me out here.
*folds hands all neat and preppy in front of me, leans in close so we're nose-to-nose, all business* 
I have a storm a-brewin'. Up in the ole noggin'? Knock knock.
SPECIFICALLY ABOUT Reader and how they interact with Present (or to them, Past!) Leo!!
They're not as forthcoming as Casey, and I imagine that even after the war is won and the apocalypse is therefore prevented, that initial hostility would fade! … but instead it’d become … kind of awkward? They don't hate Leo, it's just. 
Not the Leo they know.
Not the Leo they know and love and miss and mourn and glory to be, they’ve got their work cut out for them.

Reader is still coping with the loss of everything. the breathing techniques alongside Master Michelangelo's high EQ teachings on handling emotions help a lot more than they'd expected.
And!! The present (past??? aughguhghhhh) Hamatos are a big help too!! With time, it all does get better ^^)
(AKA: everyone's ✨traumatized & coping together✨, m'kay? m'kay.)
This all boils down to Reader and how they re-evaluate (rebuild?) their relationship with Leo. The Leo in THIS timeline that they helped save. How they heal from their wounds, inside and out, and try to make the best of what they’ve got. Because if the future taught them one thing: it was that no matter what, you've gotta keep going. Don't give up.
Canon plotline following n' stuff before the fluff downpour!
Here's a hc format for random moments in the way I see it bc it's easier? Is it? (/lh)
When Leo was finally released from the Escape Pod and everyone took in how haggard he looked— pale, shaking, horrified at what he just witnessed,
When he snapped and lunged at Casey, 
Reader’s reaction was swifter than a bullet. 
They swept in front of their brother, effectively and terrifyingly going toe-to-toe, snout-to-nose with this Leo, snarling out a bite of their barely-concealed rage. Their eyes are slits, their teeth are fangs poised to strike, and the venom is promised.
They’re just as dangerous as him at that moment.
The threat goes unsaid: Back. Off.
Their heart is racing like crazy, alarm bells ringing in their head and frustrated tears build up in their eyes. They're swimming— no. Drowning in confusion. In feelings. In dread. In nausea. In grief.
They didn't care what iteration of Leo this was or what they'd ever face: the image of Papa, whatever version it was, even thinking of bringing harm to Casey was enough to send them teetering over the edge.
Time travel. Alien invasion. From “Apocalypse Is The Norm” to “You Can Stop This Hellscape From Ever Happening BUT You Wipe Out Everything You've Ever Known Along With it.”
yeah that's enough to make a grown man cry.

Reader quickly realizing that, amongst their simmering anger, there was a kind of fear. Not just the impending sense of anxiety at everything that was happening around them, but this was familiar.
Papa had never been an inherently volatile person (turtle? snrt), but he was a Leader.
His very presence demanded respect. 9.∞ times outta 10, he got it.
Despite the image of their beloved dad momentarily crumbling within meeting his younger counterpart, Reader can’t help but cling to that familiarity.
The familiarity of that intimidation – that regard – in Leonardo. 
He was pissed, that’s for sure. And Reader was actually kind of scared. Their Papa never was a violent person per se, but he’s had his moments. 
It was kind of uncanny, seeing the young shards of those traits come to be. To see this young Leo, with so much ahead of him, slowly but surely become the man you knew and was raised by. 
In spite of yourself, you could feel that same reverence and respect bloom in your chest. It hurt too, because it felt like it was for the wrong reasons. 
Yet, you digress.
Besides, you were never one to hold fast to grudges – it was poisonous. And despite feeling like you were being poisoned slowly, in to out, you knew it’d pass. 
It was along the lines of something Uncle Mikey had told you once ...
“What a caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.' Never forget, sunshine. Even when it feels like your world is ending, and you're caught right in the midst of it all?
... You can choose to birth a beautiful butterfly, ready to take on the world. You're a butterfly; every great thing starts small, no?” 
So. You watched Leo out of the corner of your eyes. Listened to Junior as he sparkled and praised your young uncles, telling them the truth of their characters in your timeline.
—andddd a flash of hot annoyance flared up in your chest when your brother piped up something about Papa’s rescue of a resistance camp to the teenager him,
You tried to settle the war within yourself. How would you fight both at once? Not when there was an entire one unfolding right in front of your very eyes. 
. . . you wanted your Papa.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ;༊
this has been,,, the first part of many a Wal-Mart ad. BA-DUM-TSS!
i'd add way more but my eyes feel like they're about to fall out jsjsj
*air kithes (ง ˃ ³ ˂)ว ⁼³₌₃⁼³ /p and lounges on your back porch, cracking open a cold juice pouch* Penny for your thoughts, toots?
Ok, first of all: Dear (/p) you are a freakin genius- now let us discus some things over a juice pouch.
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You are 100% percent correct about all of that.
Firstly, when April manages to knock both of you out and drag you back to the Lair,
Casey is much more open, and excited.
You're treating them as a potential threat.
I'm talking resting bitch face, broski.
Sure, in the future, these people raised you, but this isn't the future.
So you glare and let CJ do the talking, because at the moment your still processing,
And your anger could lash out at anyone in this room.
When Leo turns on Casey, your reaction was like second nature.
You had alot of moments during the apocolypse where if you took to long to assess the threat, you were dead.
So when Leo lunged at Casey, and your mind locked him in as a threat,
Those familiar instincts of, "Danger: protect family" kicked in.
Weapon drawn, teeth beared, you looked more feral than Leo,
But you were scared too.
You were so fucking scared.
You knew this wasn't your papa,
You knew that.
But to see his younger counter part so angry, so ready to be violent was terrifying.
You'd only ever seen your papa angry and violent one time in your life.
It happened when you had to drag Casey back to base, half dead and yourself much worse for wear.
You'll never forget the violence that shone in his eyes at the sight of his children.
One unconcious and bleeding,
The other hardly able to stand.
You have no idea what happened to the officer that sent you and Casey out,
But he wasn't seen around much after that, most said he was demoted to work in the more... laboring parts of the base.
Looking into Leo's eyes at this moment, you see a very similar violence to that day,
But what scares you is that violence is now directed at your brother.
After Casey explains none of this happened in your guys' time,
Leo shoved past you, and had his little, "We're going because I say so" moment.
You were beyond pissed.
Here was his team, telling him to wait,
To hold on a second, to come up with a plan,
And he was just- ignoring them.
But, you kept silent and followed Casey when he left with Leo,
You'd be damned if you left your brother alone with this idiot.
In the turtle tank, while Casey practically sings his praises, you can't help the scowl that builds on your face.
Casey kept using present tense, "You are.", and, "you were" in Donnie's case,
He just couldn't seem to grasp that this wasn't your family, future tense should be used.
Not past, not present, future.
Because he's not technically wrong,
But it still rubs you the wrong way for him to compare your Papa, to this guy.
In the subway tunnels, you get seperated from Casey, you end up with Donnie and Mikey.
Mikey had to physically pull you into the tank kicking and screaming.
You needed to be next to your brother.
You had always been right beside each other your whole lives,
You were terrified.
When you were in that tank, and it was on the verge of crumbling, you started having flashbacks of the time Kraang had attacked your first home.
You were so small, just a little kid waiting for Papa to come find you.
You were on the verge of sobbing as you desperatly tried getting ahold of Casey.
Skipping ahead to the end of the movie,
You didn't wanna let go of Casey's hand.
It's odd, knowing that you don't need to see what's lurking in every corner,
Because there's nothing there anymore.
You don't have to be scared.
That's when you notice the shimmer of something clipped to your boot.
Looking down, you see a blue, star shaped hair clip.
How it had managed to stay on your boot this entire time was a mystery,
But what was less of a mystery was how it got there.
You knew your papa had placed it there.
You grabbed the hair clip of your boot, tears welled in your eyes,
Then you let out a choked sob.
You clutched the hair pin so tightly you might draw blood, and you sobbed and sobbed.
It was like all your emotions poured out at once, you didn't even know which one you were feeling.
It was a mix of grief, sadness, anger, and anguish.
Casey pulled you close, muttering how proud he was of you, you'd done so well.
"Sensei would be proud." he said, "Papa would be proud of you."
You clung to your brother like he was your life line, because in a way he was.
He was all you had left of your life before.
Post-movie, you're awkward around Leo to say the least.
During the movie, you were angry with him, mostly because of the paralelles between him and Master Leonardo.
But post-movie it's just awkward,
You can't look at him without being reminded of the father figure you lost.
All you wanted was for your papa to hold you,
To sing you to sleep like he used to do to hide the sounds of the monsters lurking above.
You just want your papa- no, you need your papa.
You need to hear his voice again, sure, technically you hear it every day but it's not the same!
You need to hear him.
You've taken to replaying audio recordings through your own mask.
Laying in your bed late into the night, replaying the same video's until your papa's voice lulls you into an uneasy sleep...
My thoughts for you my dearest! (/p) free of charge!
I plan on writing some fluffy Papa Leo oneshots sometime soon, not to worry!
For now, have these!
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leoprincess777 · 2 months
23º 20’ Capricorn – 6º 40’ Aquarius “Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.” The Dolphin: Alpha Delphini, Beta Delphini, Delta Delphini, Gamma Delphini Ruled by Mars Star of Symphony. Power to give abundance and fame. Symbols: empty drum, an hourglass, bells and bulbs.
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Dhanishta is like a death of the inner child. Its essentially inert like sand, of coal or oil. Even the system is a dead thing unless the people actual show up to support it. The death of the spirit begins in Dhanishta and is completed in Purvabhadrapada. The machine  is just a dead thing. There is a suffering here as one is constantly striving to stay ahead of the curve.
Struggles of being controlled by other people, feelings of emptiness and superficiality. They devote themselves to a purpose or a person to deal with emptiness.
As it is within Dhanishta's power to give fame, they enjoy popularity and are often local celebrities. If well placed, they have a good reputation and are loved by people. They tend to mask their inner struggles with a bubbly persona, become an entertainer for other people, play the jester (performative) and seek out external stimuli as a way to fill the emptiness.
Major karma with marriage. Ashlesha is direct across so they often get into manipulative relationships do things they don’t want to do. They display big devotion towards their spouse and are service orianted, however they can get manipulative and use marriage as a means to an end. Often as a result, they are prone to getting controlled by their spouse. They enjoy material comforts.
Planets here are more likely to have feminine characteristics. It may also be seen that women with this placement have a somewhat easier time with the energies of this nakshatra.
Rakshasa: Belonging to the clan of the demons. Less practical, more hedonistic, often many ups and downs in life as the guru of the demons has the power to raise from the dead. Rebirth, transformation, redemption are all part of the system. Cyclical sense of time; mystical sense of reality. Marriage matching with another Rakshasa is best.
Dhanishta's stars form the diamond shaped Delphini constellation. Dolphin’s are unique creatures thought to be even more intelligent than human’s, and with that intelligence comes a childlike nature, playfulness, understanding, and selfless nature. They have a unique way using sonar & echolocation for communication, navigation and understanding the world around them. They are friendly, curious, peaceful, carefree creatures who live in harmony with humans as well as most other creatures of the sea. But they are also fearless in the face of predators and will sacrifice themselves to protect the pod rather than show any fear.
The Vasus such as Agni (fire), Vayu (wind), etc helps lord Indra in his fight with the demons and hence this nakshatra can also indicate some type of fight, competition, and competitiveness in a person’s life. Dhanishtha is also linked with land, real estate and may attain multiple properties. Suitable for real estate business.
Dhanishtas should keep musical insturments in their house as a remedial act and practice performance arts, music, communication and diplomacy.
"Most scientists and historians are born in Dhanishta. Since there is an inherent talent of keeping secrets, you are quite suitable for secret service, private secretaries to senior executives. Whatever may be your academic background, your intelligence is beyond question. In argument you are much ahead of others. Lawyers profession is excellent for you. From the 24th year onward will show progress in the earning field. Any improvement in the financial field will be only after marriage."
Shil-Ponde Female with Dhanishta Ascendant: “This is a talkative and interesting person, particularly successful in lecturing and debating. She is capable of writing mystic novels and is good at story telling. She will be happy in domestic life. She loves nice dresses, especially blue, pink, and purple, and likes curios and antiques.”
pada 2 (virgo): They can do very well in public service, administration, communications, or managing public affairs. They can be very good at the rhetorical, persuasive side or languages, marketing, and communications.
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linktoo · 2 years
Watching Alien 9 - how it's perceived and what it wanted to say
Warnings for themes of abuse and implied sexual assault. 
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Two things before I start: I watched the subbed version of this, and also there are only 4 episodes if you want to check it out yourself, it’s very short.  
I started watching Alien 9 basically knowing nothing about it. It's an older anime, released back in 2001 so there isn't much internet discussion about it for each episode. But I remember watching it slowly realizing there’s a lot to unpack here. The art direction is beautiful and the dialogue is actually really strong. I went out of my way to look for analysis I could find on the internet because there was a lot that I couldn’t really put into words… but I very quickly came across an ongoing issue.
I guess this is probably a common problem with a lot of media that came out before the internet became the juggernaut that it has become today. The discussion you tend to find doesn’t seem to be very cleaned up or very nuanced - a lot of it is also probably lost to time with discussion forums and personal websites shutting down. But all I saw were really outdated remarks, like “oh kasumi’s the lolicon" and "this is pedo bait”, etc. It was gross and frustrating. So I wanted to talk about it in-depth.  
The anime is initially presented to be a cute slice-of-life anime. Set in a regular school with a sci-fi twist, it gives off a cheery sweet vibe, but even from the very beginning, there was always such an off vibe to it all. With the music fluctuating between cute and off-kilter and discordant. Every shot feels vaguely oppressive, trying to hide something that should be immediately within your line of sight if you were there yourself. You immediately get a sense that something is wrong. 
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Not to mention so many silent shots of this looming, grotesque-looking alien pod that looms over the school with weapons. 
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Someone commented that the OST for this anime like “a child with anxiety” which is such a great way to describe it! It’s filled with lots of very juvenile, bouncy tunes (like lots of recorders and kazoos and xylophones and horns), even with motifs that sound similar to nursery rhymes like “Mary Had a Little Lamb” but in a minor key. It gives a very jaunty feeling while distinctly feeling off. I think it also has a very soldierly, elementary school vibe to it - like the sound of a bell and young students chanting together in unison like a military cadence. There are instances of kids singing as a choir, giving a religious, holy aspect to certain tracks. It also mixes in synthy, crazy bonker wet sounding and snappy sound samples for the alien feel of it all. It’s erratic. And it’s so cohesive!! I really don’t know much about music composition, but it’s so distinctive to fit the narrative and themes of the show and I love it. Check it out if you’re interested, it’s so funky: [x]
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The show focuses on three 12-year-old girls, being tasked with capturing and subduing aliens  with guns, roller skates, and symbiotic aliens that are attached to their heads and feed on their body fluids. Yeah. That’s a bit overwhelming. 
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And Yuri Otani, the main character, gets so much shit for hating it. She was forced into it, in a very isolating method of basically the entire classroom ganging up to all vote for her to join (no one wanted to join themselves). The other two, Kumi and Kasumi, are very competent in their own way, which makes Yuri’s inability to capture these very understandably disturbing, pulsating creatures look foolish in comparison.
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She cries. Yuri cries a lot. She’s already had a very overwhelming fear with anything that pertains to aliens and left to her own devices she collapses, faints, shudders, wails, and shuts down throughout the entire show. 
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And understandably so, it’s creepy and gross and absolutely horrid! It doesn’t get any better!! But everyone around her acts like fighting these aliens are completely normal. Her peers are passive about her distress. Her one kind classmate friend tells her it’s not that bad because of the emergency perks. The adults around her tell her to just stick it out. The other two peers in the alien fighter club frankly have their own concerns and it’s more than just a bit of a liability that Yuri can barely defend herself at all. 
Yuri in turn struggles with depression every moment she isn’t fighting aliens. She can't get out of bed in the morning. She zones out, at home and at work. It’s very resonant with me, because that kind of depression is debilitating and takes over so much of your life - you’re seen as lazy when really, you quite literally can’t function unless someone firmly and continuously forces you to do something. It’s upsetting to watch. 
There are invasive, sexual overtones to this story. A lot of people have likened it to an allegory of puberty where your body is rapidly changing and just in general everything feels very confusing and upsetting. Being taken advantage of because you aren’t experienced. The danger that these adults put these children in and tell them just to figure it out or basically die trying, is very reminiscent of a lot of real societal pressure for kids to grow up with very little emotional support. To “toughen” them up, because one day they have to face this big scary world alone. It’s uncomfortable and it gets worse as the story progresses. 
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I don’t want to get into it too much, but there is an allegorical gang rape scene that occurs to Yuri in episode 2. The Hunt club advisor already recognized that she was struggling with alien capturing and was instructed to feed the aliens alone, without the help of the other two members to keep her safe. There, three boys who willingly attached aliens to their head and have had this odd fixation on Yuri for several days, find her all alone. It’s violent. Their drills are overtly phallic themed. I can’t get over the haunting statement of her friend calling her “miss popular” just a few hours beforehand. Their attention was NEVER wanted and that framing is so unsettling to me, like the way people say women who were sexually assaulted were “asking for it”. It’s one of the most disturbing parts of the whole show.
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It’s repulsive what they do to her. And her pain is destructive not to herself, but everyone around her. 
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And how she immediately collapses when she sees the one person that has always been the closest thing to emotional support throughout the entire show. 
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There are very human moments in the show, when there are people that show signs of affection that they didn’t have to do, but did it because they cared about her and it makes all the difference.
Yuri’s one friend Miyu always waits to walk home with her. The alien capturing duties are very isolating from the rest of the school, and forces Yuri to stay very late after everybody leaves. But Miyu waits long hours, and at the end of the day, excitedly meets up with her. She invites Yuri to go shopping with her. It’s very obvious she looks forward to the time they spend together.
(E.g. Miyu reading the shopping manual, passing a note to Yuri in class, the way she runs up to meet Yuri when she’s free. It’s so sweet.)
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You can even see the beams almost being prison bars that Yuri is momentarily free from. She’s the reason why Yuri gets enough courage and resolve to try her best again with alien fighting and bonding with the others of her own accord. It shows a lot about Yuri’s desire to do well with the insane tasks and responsibilities her adults give her, even when no one else notices. 
The other two members of the alien capturing club are Kumi and Kasumi.
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And though they help Yuri out, it’s definitely a little of a drag for them. Kumi in particular has this deep rooted anger when Yuri begs for help. Her own situation at home reminds her that she is constantly relied on; to be the good sport, to be the mature one in every situation and make all the decisions for everyone. 
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“I don’t feel like being nice. Not anymore.
You know something? I was the class leader from grade one onward. Being class leader sucks. All you do is look after other people and you even have to be responsible for what they do. I always got stuck doing all the crappy jobs. That's why I have this position now. So nobody can say to me ‘YOU be the leader.’ Back off and take care of your own problems.” - Kumi
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You can even see her wardrobe tends to be clothes that make her more mature than she actually is, especially her black turtleneck. But she’s just a kid, too.
And to her, Yuri is another pathetic whiny colleague asking for her help. Again. And she’s tired.
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Kasumi's own narrative definitely is its own disturbing, isolated situation. She’s seen to be the least upset out of the three of them in the whole series, always with a level head and a smile on her face. She’s a prodigy, and seemingly enjoys what she does. She loves everything - sports, playing music, scoring high on tests. But you can see how it feels rather empty, how she’s put herself in this situation to constantly affirm to all the adults in her life that she is well adjusted and super talented. I get the feeling she was not given the love and attention really needed as a child, and did everything she could to get some form of acknowledgement. Notably, her big brother who is noticeably absent the entire time. For… disturbingly what was implicated to be because of incest and grooming. She never quite recovers from the yellowknife alien taking advantage of her unhealthy dependency on him, as they weren’t able to save her before it symbiotically fused with her.
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It's not until the traumatic incident Yuri goes through that it’s revealed that the three of them are emotionally bound and feel Yuri’s distress as if it's their own. It’s startling, like they realize that they all experienced that same terror individually, but Yuri’s is much more paralyzing. And understanding that distress, they become particularly protective about her. They only have each other that can ever fully understand what they’re going through at the moment. A classmate couldn’t ever really see that, and Kumi and Kasumi become the people in Yuri’s life that truly empathize with the situation.
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and with all of them, Yuri SHINES.
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Every time there is a kindness that someone extends to her, her eyes light up. She goes quiet and says, “I think I can stick this out, I think I can keep fighting for a little while longer” and god honestly it makes me feel so weepy. Being shown even one ounce of love, one little action that says “I want you to be here with me,” it gives so much weight to her as a person, someone that keeps her being like. I don’t know! Just a little kid!! Doing random kid stuff!!! It’s genuinely healing and the things they do to coax her out of her shell just a little bit brings levity of the show and moments that she can feel safe again.
You also really get to see as she’s encouraged to get over her fears on a much lower level of danger (swimming in an ocean, running through a “haunted” shrine) with her friends. Even when she’s heavily reminded of her traumatic experiences, she can always run away, back to her friends' arms. 
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Notice I didn’t point out her advisor leading the alien capturing duties, because she obviously has no real care towards these kids. It’s honestly a little insidious, because every adult Yuri comes in contact with is female, and have this like, motherly/teacher tone that can SOUND nice and polite, but it’s cold. It’s distant. The three go through harrowing experiences and all the advisor can focus on is her job, and what it means for her. Just that it’s just a nuisance to her. 
“This is strange. I didn’t ask for this. I wonder if it got here by attaching itself to a spaceship. I haven’t even finished checking everyone’s summer homework. This is the last thing I needed!”
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Obviously, that doesn’t even begin to talk about how she and the other adults are not transparent at all and have hidden intentions for the girls.
And I want to get into that as a narrative with the discussion online, because holy FUCK. 
It’s time to talk about the obvious Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) inspiration that touches the show, from the stark compositions and beautiful animation and notably, how the main character is struggling with depression and the overwhelming responsibility that’s piled onto him. It’s honestly such an interesting comparison to me especially since the two main characters are in starkly different (yet overwhelming) situations. While Shinji is a 16-year-old boy, Yuri is a 12-year-old girl and their societal expectations based on each identity sets them apart. 
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Everyone really loves to compare Shinji and Yuri, even going so far as to say “Alien 9 is basically just NGE.” God. That’s a bit reductive of a comparison. You can see the way they talk about both of them, how useless and crybaby and whiny they both are perceived to be by this audience. 
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They call Yuri “bitchy”, they call her “useless crybaby”, they call her stupid and moronic, but most importantly, they say she has 0 character development throughout the entire show. I want to take a second to process that, because trauma does NOT equal character development. 
And finally, I want to talk about one of the most casually unsettling parts of the show for me, personally:
Yuri’s teacher notices that she’s distracted and detached. She can’t focus on school. And her assumption?
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That she’s thinking about summer vacation. And then, in the very next scene, Yuri asks to quit the alien capturing duties because she can’t take it anymore - and the teacher says THIS.
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The hypocrisy and apathy in these two scenes. The way adults pretend they care but also assume every sign of distress means you're just lazy. It’s heartwrenching. Which one is it? Stop relaxing, or don’t be so uptight? It’s maddening to me. To change the narrative to suit your own assumptions about this child because really, Yuri doesn’t have a choice in the matter. And she continues to collapse under the weight of these responsibilities, and continue to be locked into something that she is completely incapable of handling. 
Yuri is so overwhelmed all she can do is shut down and cry and everyone just tells her to get over it like one day she'll snap and do her job no problem like she's not going through the most harrowing shit no one should ever go through ever in their lives. And she ends up screwing up more and more because they keep withdrawing all support to "toughen her up". They NEVER take her seriously, they never let her breathe because she's just a little crybaby girl who doesn't know what's best for her and it just keeps getting worse.
And that’s what is so haunting to me, to see such a common response from the audience watching this same show, to sound exactly like these adults. To take away from the show that Yuri is useless and bratty and should have snapped and fought back at one point, like a main protagonist in a hero’s journey converting their trauma into a badass version of themselves or something. I don’t know, there’s something to be said about how these tone deaf reviews were written and discussed by cis men, while one of the few blog posts I actually liked about Alien 9 was posted in 2021 by two women. There’s a bit of a whiplash to how people received this show on the internet based on who was watching and when.
Anyway, there’s still way more to unpack in terms of the other characters in the show, but I’ll leave it here. Alien 9 in all of its flaws and open-ended questions deserves to be engaged head on. It has its flaws and due to cancellation and budget cuts, was forced to leave on a cliffhanger on its fourth and final episode. A lot was left open. 
But it had a very particular set tone from the beginning, and there was a lot of deliberate intention behind their creative decisions. I’m tired of seeing people say “it’s sooo weird” and “they didn’t know what they were doing” for discussion. It’s definitely a show I keep thinking about on and off again.
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pushing500 · 3 months
Can we see mechis full base please?
You most certainly can! Mechi put so much effort into it (or rather, Wire and Megabyte the constructoids have) that it would be a shame not to show it off.
Behold, the colony tour of Sparks!
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Here's a quick overview of the whole base as it stands currently. Nice and simple with room for one colonist and nobody else.
(putting the rest under here so it's not clogging up people's dash)
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Here's the Void Monolith, well-lit and surrounded by chain link fences... Just in case.
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We have a cemetery outside the main wall, which came from a prefab that some traders sold us. Mechi added the flowers and grass, just as a show of respect for the dead. He doesn't hate dead people as much as everyone else, I assume, since they don't try to talk to him.
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There's our containment facility with platforms for Ms Clarabelle the sightstealer, Susskind the ghoul, and Kitschy Flamingo the fingerspike. They are very well-behaved, and Mechi seems to enjoy studying them.
To the right is the hospital, with one bed, because only one person will ever need to use it (that's Mechi). Anyone else can make do with the "guest room," which we'll get to in a bit.
At the back of the hospital is the shelter where Cowgirl and Georgia, our tw wildebeest, sleep at night.
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On the other side of the containment facility is our lovely picnic area and fountain, next to the psychic ritual spot in a suitably spooky countryside hedge-box.
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Then we have a killbox, which has only recently been constructed. It seems to work well enough so far, but it hasn't really seen much action. I suppose we'll find out in time, though.
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We have a power grid of solar panels and wind turbines overlooking our farm, with lots of nice plants to keep us sustained. The farm is tended by Astro, Mechi's agrihand mech.
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Mechi likes sitting on the verandah to drink coffee sometimes, but it's nothing too fancy. We have a ground-penetrating scanner set up, but not much time to actually scan for stuff. I think we've found a fossil deposit since we set it up, but that's all.
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The kitchen/dining in Sparks is pretty barebones. The most important part is the coffee machine, everything else is just sort of there.
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Mechi has a lovely bedroom and a private bathroom, with a comfy cat tree for Charlotte and plenty of things to keep him entertained when he's not researching.
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There's a crowded storeroom beside Mechi's bedroom, and outside is the stonecutting bench and the spot where Butter the boomalope sleeps alongside Belle and Mariana the sheep.
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Mechi's research lab/robotics workshop/library is full of things to look at and workbenches to play with. It's his most-frequented room in the colony, I think.
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The "guest room" we mentioned earlier, which has stuff needed for people to survive comfortably as long as they get frequent deliveries of nutrient paste. The top half of the room will eventually be home to our ripscanners and the like once we've defeated enough mech bosses to get to that stage.
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And finally, the "temple", which is just a hastily cobbled room to make Mechi stop griping that he didn't have one. He's got a neural supercharger (which he uses every day) and a biosculptor pod (which he never uses) and that seems to have appeased him for now.
And there you have it! The colony at Sparks, home to one snappy mechanitor, a lot of robots, and the few pets that are allowed to stay without being shipped off to Arwell the first chance we get 😁
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eliteseven · 1 month
Not me thinking Serena might remember the familiar hair piece when she sees Shadowheart dropping from the pod but unable to place it in the situation.
Not me thinking Serena even feeling extremely confused after the "first" kiss and remembering she kissed the pretty but secretive half elf before but got abandoned. Unsure what her role was back then but unable to ask because Shadowheart has no recollection.
Convo pre Nightsong situation:
'Have you ever been to any of the patriar events in Baldurs Gate?'
'Oh, I'm pretty sure I had a mission or two to get information from some of the nobles of the city. A drunk noble usually had many a things to say with the right motivation.'
Not me thinking about Serena secretly being crushed at the thought she might have been a target and nothing more.
The possibilities for the angst! I can't!!!
?!!!! You guys are on one with this prequel but I am living for it 🥹
Also, ouch. Let’s address this pain you caused me:
Oh my god??? I was (stupidly) thinking Shadowheart might leave behind a glove or something to that effect (residual romantic movie brain rot, sorry) but Tav remembering the hairpiece is so good 🥲💕 it’s her signature thing, along with the circlet.
The hairpiece setting off alarm bells in her head, followed by confirming her suspicions when she kisses Shadowheart??? The emotions Serena would feel…(this was her first love, I’m realizing 🥺❤️)
…And then later learning that Shadowheart frequented patriar-backed events with the sole purpose of serving Shar: getting information, killing, planting false evidence- it could’ve been any number of things! Shadowheart remarking how easily “poor fools” would fall into her honey traps…ouch. Surely Serena would keep quiet on the matter, after that.
Her abrupt change in demeanor would confuse and possibly hurt Shadowheart, who doesn’t understand why the only person she’s ever been close to (that she can remember) is pulling away.
Maybe Shadowheart was originally there to seduce or target Serena for something, too. She just…couldn’t go through with it.
Delicious angst, thank you chef 🫡
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Alright then
Record of Ragnarok where the humans and valkyries are having to deal with Reader who has the personality and powers of Fat Gum from MHA
Reader can be a champion for humanity or not that’s your choice
General HCs
-First of all, you and Raiden are BFFFL, Best Food Friends For Life!
-You are the only one who can match him when it comes to his appetite and vice versa! It is a bit intimidating to others but the two of you are like two peas in a pod, enjoying the good food and each other’s company.
-Raiden thought you were a rikishi as well, due to your size and he could tell that you were strong, asking you for a match the first time you met!
-He was even more surprised to learn about your abilities, they were so unlike anything he had ever heard about before, but it also made him even more excited for a match!
-You two did have a fight and you beat the hell out of each other before bonding over a huge meal, becoming instant friends!
-Goll was a little scared of you at first, due to your massive height and size, but when you first saw her, as she saw you before you saw her, you beamed brightly at her and almost instantly you became a close friend, constantly carrying her on your shoulders, getting a good view of the fights, and just having fun with you!
-Jack wasn’t sure what to make of you, he had never met a person who almost constantly read as ‘hungry’ but your cheerful nature was quick to help him warm up to you and you just like to sit and listen when he recites Shakespeare, you’re very laid back and calm, as long as you have food to munch on while he talks.
-When Tesla found out about your abilities, you had to power spring away from him as he had a glint in his eye, wanting to study you, a huge grin on his face.
-You surprised both gods and humans alike with how fast and agile you were trying to avoid Tesla.
-Once he had you cornered and told you what he wanted, you calmed and agreed, as long as he got you a sammich since you burned off some of your energy running from him.
Fighter HCs
-Brunnhilde swapped you out with Adam, wanting him to stay on standby as a wild card fighter, you weren’t bothered as you were feeling antsy, wanting to let loose a little.
-When you saw your opponent was Zeus, you watched his entrance with a smile on your face, seeing that he was quite eccentric, but you could tell that he was tough.
-When the two of you came to blows, you earned Zeus’ respect, being able to stand his blows and showed off more of your own fighting prowess, dodging his blows and ringing his bell a few times.
-When he charged at you with his barrage of fists, your arms and fists came up to block your face, absorbing the blows. You heard the crowd cheering for you, begging for you to fight back.
-You finally dodge a blow, shocking Zeus who felt like he was in slow motion as you look up, a wide grin on your face, your right first glowing brightly as you swing with a punch, using all of the absorbed blows, sending Zeus flying.
-You didn’t realize that you won as you had collapsed to your knees, energy completely spent, until hear the crowds roar with cheers.
-You look around as the dust settles, smiling before the ladies in the crowd went wild, you blink in confusion as you stood before you realize your shirt had shredded, revealing your less seen jacked figure.
-You met up with Brunnhilde and Goll backstage, who were both gawking at your figure before you were led to the med bay to be patched up.
-Once you exited, Raiden was there to meet you and whisked you away to a massive feast!!
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year
I'm thinking of so many ideas for Richie rn and I need somewhere to put them lol But first, hi!! I hope you're having a great week! I have you to thank personally for making me love Richie lmao
a major one in my head right now is what he would do if reader had the munchies. I don't know how you feel about weed so feel free to skip this! But the idea of reader being high and needy while BEGGING Richie to get them McDonald's or something has me down badddd lol
(if you don't feel comfortable writing this I definitely have other ideas to send in ♡)
THANK U IM LITERALLY SO FLATTERED <3 🥲😭im literally in the munchies trenches rn so trustttt me I understand this all too well lmaoooo!!
For the better part of an hour after you and Richie had smoked up in the roof, neither of you spoke, too immersed in the movie you were watching. Your head lay on his lap as he absently played with your hair.
Your stomach rumbled as you watched somebody cooking on screen, but it wasn’t any sort of fancy food that you started craving.
"Oh my god, you know what sounds so good right now..." You said, rolling onto your back to look up at him. “Some cheesy roll ups from Taco Bell.”
You groaned a little as if to emphasize your point, and he chuckled.
“We’ve got the ingredients here, I could make some for you,” he said, lovingly tracing a finger down the side of your face.
“Listen, I love when you cook for me but right now… it just wouldn’t be the same,” you countered with a pout. “Fuuuck, I just thought of some BK chicken fries, too. And some nuggets. AND a vanilla frosty. What if we just had a mukbang?”
“A what?”
“A mukbang. You know, just like… getting a bunch of different things and then just going to town.”
“Oh I don’t know…”
His amused grin broadened as you shifted to press yourself closer to his chest, wrapping an arm around his midsection.
“Come on babe, pleaseeeeeee,” you pleaded, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Do you want me to starve to death? Is that it?"
"No, of course not!" He said, bending down to kiss your forehead. "I would never, ever let such a thing happen. What else do you want me to get you?"
"Actually, I'd love some water. I've got hella cottonmouth right now."
"So do I. I’ve just been too lazy to get up.”
The two of you laughed, and you stretched up to kiss him, affection swelling in your chest. You were truly two peas in one pod.
"Just use my phone and get anything you want," he said, getting up to go to the kitchen. "Oh and get me a chocolate frosty and some fries. Can’t believe you got me into that monstrosity of a mix.”
“How dare you! Fries dipped in ice cream is a true delicacy!” You yelled as you scrolled through doordash on his cellphone. “Carmen’s been putting too many ideas in your head!”
“Yeah maybe you’re right. What does that jagoff know about good food, anyway?”
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Because you know a lot about nature - what tips might you have for beginner gardeners? I've been growing for a year or two now - my first year, I used a small pop up greenhouse to try to grow some plants, and had little success. Last year was lettuce in some planters on my porch, which was much more successful, and this year I expanded the planters to include cucumbers, parsley, bell peppers, and basil and I had mixed levels of success - the basil was great, and my pepper.plant gave me a few peppers, but the rest past that was really kind of sad.
This coming year, I plan to expand again to the box gardens we have in the back yard, and I've started composting to try to get things to go better.
All this rambling to say - what could I do better? What might I have done wrong this year? (Besides left town and forgot to have someone water my plants - I think that's what made things go so poorly)
You can do everything right and sometimes your plants will still die. If that was not so, "Will the crops fail??" would not be like...the dominant human concern throughout time since agriculture. Luckily, you don't starve when your crops fail!
This year, the raccoons got to ALL of our corn before we could harvest it. They knocked down entire stalks and left corn cobs gnawed and shredded everywhere. We didn't get a single ear of corn. However, the tomatoes were so productive that about half wound up rotting on the vine because it was simply too many tomatoes to handle. We had to put off our summer vacation by a day to get the canning done. The okra and pole beans got neglected, but the hummingbirds loved the beans in flower, and birds come to peck seeds out of the dried out okra pods. Nothing gets truly wasted...
It happens. Now is a good time to start planning out what you want to grow and sourcing seeds and sprouts etc. If you have access to a farmer's market, maybe chat up some people in your community? I received three big sweet potatoes in exchange for some farm work, and baked and ate them, and saved the sprouted end of one of the potatoes to grow it into a new plant. It's in a big pot now and it's a 2ft long leafy vine. Exciting.
And the neat thing is...they were purple. The sweet potatoes, I mean. The vegetables you buy at the store are very generic-ified, so most people are only familiar with a couple varieties, but there are SO MANY weird variations of them.
I'm not joking, look at how purple this is
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The sheer novelty was so fun, but it also tasted great too. Very starchy and smooth textured. How many of us think we hate vegetables because we've never tasted any but the Walmart-sold variety...
Every plant has its own oddities, but you're almost guaranteed to get something out of a garden if you do the basics of sticking seeds in the ground and watering them...but water is often the deciding factor, yes.
It takes practice and trying new things. Try growing a great variety of stuff and you'll find some plants you vibe with that don't die if you look at them funny. Sometimes a particular type of plant just doesn't like your soil, or doesn't like your shade, or doesn't like your humidity, or doesn't like your zodiac sign and/or mother's maiden name. Basically, learn from your mistakes (maybe it was because they weren't watered when I was out of town?) but don't interpret every failure as a Personal Failure.
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itsmarsss · 2 months
omf i just thought of what if reader (talkin ab scandalous LOL) also had a baby- a fur baby LOL a little hell cat (or wtv, i prefer cats so its a cat here) that she raised since she was a kitten, and she has been with her through thick and thin. no one but partners and friends know about her, bc to reader, her sweet kitty is her ride or die and there is no way she is going to bring people with so much negative energy around her baby. she would name her some sweet sounding like belle, or princess (the prettiest cat to ever)
and when she does introduce stolas and blitz to her baby, the cat takes a full on liking to stolas but has beef with blitz (yk..dog person vibes LOL) but when blitz and belle do get along, its two peas in a pod.
the cat is SO called Lady dude that’s not even a question
omg yes blitz has such dog person vibes and I think he’d have beef back with the cat too like he is NOT beyond beefing with a pet
but when he starts giving the cat attitude back shes slowly like you know what I kinda like him and then he becomes so soft for her like secretly giving her too many treats and insisting she sleeps by his feet when he sleeps over and announcing he’s going to court over her custody if you even think about ‘divorcing’ him lmaoo
I do think stolas has big cat person vibes too! it’s a right away kind of thing. cats are cool you respect their space and give them your affection when you’re allowed to and if they really like you they can get really cuddly but they’re not as overwhelming as he feels dogs are
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