#anti Belle Gold
rumbelle-scream · 5 months
rumbelle haters really deceived themselves saying Bobby was fed up with OUAT coz of rumbelle 😭 BOBBY??? Mr. i-prefer-to-kiss-my-onscreen-wife??? EM-IS-MY-BESTIE CARLYLE? they were spreading fake news in 2023 😭 they got hurt or smth?
#rip to y'all #not me tho #robert carlyle captain our captain
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(it was also a belle-anti who said it 😂 they hated her being a series regular)
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ryik-the-writer · 6 months
No one:
Me: You know who would have been better as Belle's infidelity partner than Will Scarlet? Jefferson.
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Before I begin, THIS IS NOT A BELLE HATE POST! Yes, I am going to address IT, but I am not putting her down for this...and I'll tell you why.
So after that god-freaking-awful twist in 4x11 when Belle sends Rumple over the town line, both he and Belle are left shattered at their dubious betrayals, the latter of which so much so she sought additional comfort (again, not hate, just hear me out).
That love interest ... for whatever reason ... was Will Scarlet, a cameo from Once Upon a Time's short-lived spin-off OUAT in Wonderland, which had ended a few months prior.
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I, along with a good chunk of the fanbase, thought it was a unique choice, and most likely a way to acknowledge the spin-off in canon.
Don't get me wrong, I like Will as a character in OUATIW, but he was just off to me in OUAT. Like he was just shoved in there without a real purpose. Even his scenes with Robin Hood felt forced to me.
And honestly, it seemed strange to me that Belle, the logical scholar and fruitful romantic, would break her wedding vows of all things even after what Rumple did.
BUT THEN AGAIN, I also don't think it's established how intensive wedding vows are in this universe. I mean, Snow technically cheated on David with Dr. Whale, and while it's addressed comedically, it's not really addressed as an issue in their marriage but they comfortably move on from none the less.
Of course, it's obviously just the show's weakest attempt at *drama* and a way to baffle the Rumbellers into stunned silence so they can focus on *other things* (I am NOT going THERE today.)
And I think I remember an article or something about Will's actor's Michael Socha, feeling underused and wanting out especially since he had a kid at home. While he has a few zingers between him and other characters like Rumple and Hook, he looks so awkward when he's on-screen with Belle, like even he doesn't know why he's there!
But for the sake of *drama* Belle needs some side yum. Cool. Girl's gotta work out her frustrations some way right? But WILL SCARLET?!
This Will Scarlet?
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"I love you Anastasia Tremaine" Will Scarlet?
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Who ripped his heart out because her betrayal was just too much?
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For freaking sake, they had a TLK!!!
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I will only, and I mean ONLY accept the following two theories as a reason why...this happened...
1. This takes place during Will and Anastasia's break.
It's established in the OUATIW that the events in the spinoff are happening sometime in either late-season 1 or early season 2's canon. I think. But maybe, just maybe, it was actually around season 4's timeline? The timeline is screwed to hell anyway so...
Ana's presence is established in OUAT after Will, who broke into the library and vandalized a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is arrested and held indefinitely. And while Will looks distraught at the mention of his former love, but he's not devastated enough
The scene subsequently serves as a pointless but sweet way to introduce Belle and Will. I myself wrote a fic few years back as a way to fill in how that played out afterwards. But the actual writers just kind of tossed it in there.
And dropped it.
Yeah, WIll just kind of disappeared after season 4. Thanks for stopping by, I guess.
And btw, you cannot convince me that a guy who reacts like this after watching the love of his life get killed in front of him:
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Like I kid you not, Will's screams and cries were stuck in my head after that episode. I gasped and covered my mouth. I remember feeling the same way when Graham died in OUAT because Emma's grief was just as raw as this. This is not the kind of grief you just up and move on with so casually. This sticks with you.
Okay, I swear, I have a point.
Again, if Belle just *needed* a love interest during her break from Rumple, fine, but why not use the opportunity to do some freaking fan service after that Frozen mess?
Bring. Back. The. Hatter.
Why Jefferson?
He has an established relationship with Belle.
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Even if the ugly truth is Jefferson had to know Belle was being held captive in the hospital asylum, Belle would still, begrudgingly, be grateful he freed her and reunited her with Rumplestiltskin. Maybe he tried apologizing with coffee, and...things happen.
Plus he has an established relationship with Rumplestiltskin PRIOR to Belle.
No. You cannot tell me these two:
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...were just "business associates". No these two were hitting shroons in Wonderland every Tuesday at happy hour, do I make myself clear? It's obvious they weren't friends but they worked well together.
That scene in the shop would have been BANGER if Jefferson had been in Will's place. I mean the possibilities are endless with their establishment. They could have opened up an opportunity to explore more of Rumple's deals with Jefferson to find a way to the Land Without Magic, or even their shared connection with Regina, established, beloved connections in the series the audience would be comfortable with.
And honestly, I think Belle and Jefferson could have very nice chemistry too.
Their both worldly, and I can see these two sitting at a booth in Granny's forever as Jefferson told her her stories about his travels, maybe even a few tales about his deal and possible friendship with Rumplestiltskin. And maybe he helps her heal a bit.
That scene in 4x12 where Belle and Hook talk about Rumple really rubbed me the wrong way. What Rumple did to Belle and, yes, even Hook, was awful, but Hook never had to answer for his part in Rumple's decline. What did he think would happen if he threatened to blackmail him with Belle of all people?
Not to mention, Belle and Grace would have gotten along so well.
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At this point in the series, Grace is a young teenager, and could possibly use a female presence. She like Henry, would probably understand that her father needs more companionship and would support their relationship. And it would be great foreshadowing to Belle's own relationship with her child later on. And Belle LOVES kids and could have formed a very promising bond with Grace. Regardless on how her relationship with Jefferson could have ended, Belle would have this girl over for sleepovers every week.
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hitchell-mope · 2 months
(The Riot Act)
Belle: why did you bring us here?
Henry: it’s a library. Our family loves a library
Gideon: answer my mother’s question nephew.
Henry: or what? My father, your older brother is already dead. So you can hardly fling him into a herd if stampeding wildebeests and blame me for it so shut up and sit down. Good. Now to answer your question grandmother. I’ve brought you here to uh lay down the law as it were.
Belle: this is about Rumple isn’t it? He asked you to talk to us didn’t he?
Henry: yes and no. This is about grandfather but he doesn’t know I’m talking to you about him.
Belle: whatever it is I don’t want to hear it. He’s let me down too many times.
Henry: really? Is that what you think? Because from where I’m standing you’re the one who let him down.
Belle: excuse me?
Henry: true love. From my understanding it means you accept and embrace everything about a person. Including their less agreeable parts.
Belle: of course I love Rumple.
Henry: yes but I don’t think you like him very much. You refuse to accept his darker inclinations and keep insisting he change into something he isn’t to please you.
Gideon: he betrayed her trust. And mine.
Henry: boohoohoo(.) Grow. Up. Rumple would do anything for you. For the both of you. And therein lies the problem.
Belle: what problem?
Henry: Rumple is too caught up in trying to earn your unneeded forgiveness that it’s distracting him from what truly matters. Saving my mother from the joker sitting next to you. My plans hinge on Rumple having his mind focused on the task at hand and you stringing him along like a cat with a laser pointer isn’t doing me or Emma any favours.
Belle: he made his choice. He loves power more than he loves me.
Henry: of course he loves power more than he loves you. When it comes down to it everybody chooses self preservation over everything else. And if you’d had the shitty live that Rumple had you’d understand. He needs magic. Otherwise he’s just a cripple whose wife abandoned him and their son because he chose to do the responsible thing instead of the honourable thing. Milah and their village called it cowardice. I call it strength. He is probably one of the most strongest people I know. And I’m including my mother and her side of the family in this. It takes a lot of strength and courage to mutilate yourself just so your son doesn’t have to grow up fatherless.
Belle: I. I never thought about it that way before.
Henry: of course you didn’t. Because as far as you’re concerned. To be good is to have an extremely narrow viewpoint in morals.
Gideon: leave her alone.
Henry: and now we come to you. You who thinks he is so hard done by because he was raised by a malignant narcissist who saw him as an accessory and extension of herself. Well I got news for you Uncle Gideon. We’re in the same boat. Only I managed to weigh anchor in my momster. And you’re still following your one’s every whim and blaming your father for it.
Gideon: he abandoned.
Henry: Reul Ghorm lost the fight against the black fairy that ended with you being raised and abused by your grandmother for decades. Not Rumple.
Belle: what do you need us to do?
Henry: forgive him so he can focus on helping me save my mother.
Belle: okay.
Henry: and you.
Gideon: what?
Henry: you need to lose the fated fight. Understand?
Gideon: or what?
Henry: you will me to answer to.
(End of The Riot Act)
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.20--Episodes 20-21
I have watched through S2E21; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Nailed it! Lo and behold, there is drama about the beans.
—Snow White telling a random stranger *wink wink* about how Regina saved her as a kid is terribly sad. I despise Regina for making that lovely woman so unhappy.
—Has Snow been vibing with Robin Hood? I hope we get to see some of that eventually. Maybe Marion and Snow were friends.
—The Maleficent beast is disgusting. I hate it *truly hateful* *horrified* *screaming in the corner*
—The teardrop potion! Gosh that’s freaky.
—Wendy is a fink. She promised Bae she wouldn’t open the window, and then what did she do? SHE OPENED THE FRICKIN WINDOW!
—This is possibly the most appropriate level of malevolence ever attributed to Peter Pan. He’s creepy. He steals children. He uses them as child soldiers to fight pirates. Also, I’m pretty sure he kills Lost Boys every now and then (but don’t quote me on that one, because I don’t know if it’s from the source material or from an adaptation). Either way, Peter Pan is one of the most disturbing mothertruckers to ever exist in a fairy tale.
—Lol they put an army hat on the dog :)
—I hate both Tamara and Owen. I’m supposed to; I’m supposed to see them as fanatics, and I do. They must be among the most boring, soulless people walking the planet, because for many of us the idea of magic is a beautiful thing. Now, granted, I don’t know what I would actually do with a world of magic, but it’s not like humans never do evil things with the world as it is. Magic is the escapist fantasy of many. It’s an idea that brings a spark of otherworldly joy into our lives. Magical or fantasy worlds have brought me a lot of comfort and inspiration over the years. I can’t even comprehend despising the idea of magic so much that I would be willing to snuff out every single piece of it that showed up.
—Also, that’s another thing. Keeping magic out of our world at the gate would be one thing. Wiping it out when it already exists is a different one entirely. Especially considering this means killing a whole town’s worth of people. No matter your opinion on magic, what Tamara and Owen are doing just isn’t right.
—Lacey is so trashy. She disgusts me.
—But I think I understand now why Mr. Gold is with her. He can’t have Belle, but he can have the woman who looks exactly like her. And, I’d like to believe, he’s still holding out a tiny bit of hope that she could be Belle again someday. His turn back to darkness is both displaced anger about his situation with Belle/Lacey, and the fact that this is the last guy who needs an enabler. Darkness is frankly easier, and Mr. Gold is still afraid of the hard work it would take to be a good person again. He does alright when he has loved ones to keep him on the right track (although he still has the occasional slip-up) but with an enabler, with someone who actively encourages him to be his worst self, of course he’s not going to choose good. Not to mention, he’s so desperate for any remnant of Belle, he wouldn’t risk losing Lacey by trying to be good, even if he wanted to.
—I’m also pretty sure Rumbelle can’t be endgame at this point. Even if Belle does get her memories back, she’s going to be appalled with herself and disappointed in Mr. Gold. Or maybe, just maybe, her getting memories back will involved Mr. Gold doing something genuinely heroic, and that would make them a bit more plausible as a couple. Either way, they’re gonna have a lot of work to do.
—On the bright side, this lil romantic misadventure has given me proof that Mr. Gold is factually the kind of man to help his lady put a necklace on. That is quality boyfriending right there.
—I refuse to believe that Bae is dead. It just can’t go down like that.
—At least he and Emma finally got honest about their feelings. It took them bloody long enough.
—Emma still isn’t being honest with Henry though. I get that it’s a complicated situation, but she promised him a couple of episodes that she wasn’t going to keep him in the dark anymore, and now she’s trying to do exactly that.
—Charming is being a great father/husband right now. He’s there for Emma in her heartbreak, and he’s there to support Snow in her troubles with/about Regina.
—I think I may have to apply the rule of “hoes mad” to anyone who’s still acting like what Snow did was cold-blooded murder. Looking at you, Regina. Cora was ready to kill Emma, Charming, Mr. Gold, Snow, or Bae. Several of those people had swords pointed directly at Cora at varying times. It was a very twisted form of self-defense.
—I appreciate how hard Snow is trying to fix her heart. Maybe saving Regina will help…but then where would the drama be?
—Regina is getting worse. Trying to kill everyone and abduct Henry to the fairytale world is intense even for her. Although, maybe she’ll do better now. At the end of episode 21, she seemed a little more tame.
—You know what, I don’t think it would even surprise me if Lacey stabbed Mr. Gold with the *magic dagger*. And now I get to panic about that for a while. YAY!
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spnangelsanddemons-rb · 4 months
2024 Reverse Bang Master List
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Thank you to all the artists, authors and betas who contributed to this year's Angels & Demons Reverse Bang!
What an amazing and varied collection and fic and art you all created. Please be sure to check everyone's work out for yourself and share some love, reblogs, and comments with our creators.
The complete list of posted stories & art is as follows:
The Angel Next Door (and the Zombie Squirrel) - art by @jollyrolls, story by @friendofcarlotta
Blood Stained Gold - art by @katfixation, story by @12gittens
Paradise Lost - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @adunaphel-the-quiet
Almost Home - at by @jollyrolls, story by @tragidean
Parousia - art by @myimmanence, story by @panthera-dei
By the Grace of an Archangel - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @celestialstarlight27
On the Anti-Christ's Altar - art by @diminuel, story by @butterflyslinky
She's Trying to Make a Devil Out of Me - art by @acaademicqueer, story by @doctorprofessorsong
Sunflowers and Pussywillows - art by @sidewinder, story by @mbqnoyolo
Sirens, Bells, Heaven, Hell - art by @rezal-art, story by @arlington-chamber-of-gay
The Righteous Side of Hell - art by @midnightsilver, story by @samanddean76
The Bees Say - art by @sketcheun, story by @bleuzombie
To Play The Part - art by @bakh-meliorism, story by @michaelmilligan
The Fourth Archangel - art by @free-to-be-impaled, story by @pyoyobell
Red Motel Reprised - art by @midnightsilver, story by @pregstiel
The Mortal Angel and The Devil's Prisoner - art by @hawkland, story by @avalonsilver
Desperation Breeds Madness - art by @katfixation, story by @xx-blueboy-xx
A Domesticated Demon - art by @sketcheun, story by @mbqnoyolo
Take Me Out - art by @golby-moon, story by @crematosis
Late Night Visitor - art by @ladyknightskye, story by TwinOne
not him/not her/not me - art by @hawkland, story by @autisticandroids
Walk Away: I Will Follow - art by @hawkland, story by @mercurialkitty
Salvation - art by @coydahlia, story by @elsasigyn
This is Our Get-Along Impala - art by @cowerandprey, story by @ladyknightskye
His Unicorn - art by @midnightsilver, story by @samanddean76
Devil's Best Friend - art by @coydahlia, story by @12gittens
The Fool's Journey - art by @demonicsoulmates-art, story by @ladyknightskye
To Be Forgiven For Your Sins - art by @espressosaur, story by @arlington-chamber-of-gay
Something Borrowed - art by @ladyknightskye, story by @hawkland
Crowley, Bobby and Juliette - art by @midnightsilver
In about a month's time I'll be getting ready to announce the next round of the bang, which will be a regular (non-reverse) angels and demons mini + big bang. So stay tuned for details, once I've had the chance to plot out the schedule and make preparations.
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I'm thinking about how some people STILL claim Edward wasn't abusive but just defending himself against Izzy's supposed abuse. And I'm thinking about the symbolism in 4 and 5 and I'm losing my fucking mind.
Izzy still doesn't feel like he belongs, even after everything the crew have done for him. His prosthetic leg is super wobbly because he STILL doesn't believe they want him now that the immediate danger is over. He has no idea how he fits in now or what is expected of him and his fragile new leg is a symbol of that. He keeps to himself, he drinks constantly and he snaps at every attempt at interaction from the crew. He believes he is alone, even among the crew.
Then he tries to intervene to save the crew *yet again* (if he was the selfish asshole the antis like to paint him as why on earth would he even bother to do this?) and the leg breaks - and Izzy is sure he is alone with it, as proven by his "we are born alone and we die alone" mantra. And what do the crew do? They fucking fashion him a new - much more stable and durable - leg. They go out of their way to fucking paint it gold. They drop it off at his door without any attempt at talking to him, which is a wonderful gesture of kindness on their part, proving that they know *exactly* what he needs.
And it literally changes Izzy, even if he doesn't like to show it. He finds his footing again, both figuratively and literally. He becomes more open towards Stede, offering to train him (also great character development for Stede, realizing just how incompetent he is and who to turn to for help). He starts fucking whittling to deal with his trauma (as unhealthy as this is, it is at least *an attempt* to deal with it). He pretty much returns to his pre-Kraken ways, going on raids with the crew and even getting complimented by Stede on his swordsmanship (because that's just *what he does*). An most importantly, he is treated by everyone as one of their own, meaning that they care for him and provide whatever help he needs.
Meanwhile, Edward starts as everyone's enemy. Stede is the only one who wants him around, with Izzy being unable to properly voice his feelings. They vote him out. They ALL want him gone, and not just his old crew. Everyone. They realize that at his worst he's capable of killing them all on a whim and they don't want him in their safe space. They LITERALLY call it a walk of shame because they realize Ed deserves punishment for his actions.
They DO eventually let him back in, but the circumstances of this are so damn telling. He's standing before him like a penitent, confessing his sins. He's wearing a sackcloth AND a bell that adds to his humiliation while making sure he doesn't sneak up on anyone ever again. This is LITERALLY a medieval penance ritual and he doesn't even try to argue with it because he knows that he deserves it and that it is necessary if he wants to be allowed back aboard the Revenge. So he just goes on slowly repairing the damage he's done one crew member at a time, knowing he has to put work into gaining their trust back.
It is all so beautifully written, with Izzy's new leg making him confident enough to sit around in Stede's room and put his fucking leg(s) on the desk and Edward owning up to his actions and allowing Lucius to punish him in whatever way he wants. It is CRYSTAL CLEAR which of them is fully redeemed in the crew's eyes and which has to work very hard to earn forgiveness.
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shiftingmuse · 2 months
True loves kiss can break any curse and Rumpelstiltskin literally chose not to believe his and Belle's kiss was true love.
Yet, still throughout the series believes she is his true love and yet only one time in their existence could her kiss break his curse!?
Does that mean the dark one's curse can't actually be broken by true love, or the writers were like...well shit we have to keep Emilie around but how do we make Belle and Gold work!?
We got it, he doesn't believe Belle could ever love him so they can kiss and get closer without it ever hindering his magic and keeping him the villian/anti-hero.
I'm really never getting over that shitshow, of a show. lol
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The Mario Movie Is Not Canon To The Games P2
Part 1
Now for other things that are extra details that separate the movies from the games.
Toad a close friend of Peach and member of the Mushroom Council in the games has not meet Peach in the movies. Toad is also dressed more like Captain Toad which is a separate character in the games.
Super Star is treated as a rare object that must be heavily guarded in the movie. While in the games they are extremely abundant even used without a care in Party events or part of a special move in SMRPG. In addition their more Power counterparts which Bowser usually goes after are also still pretty abundant. With Power Moons which are Power Stars in another shape being extremely common. Honestly the way the Super Star is treated in the movie is more like the Star Rod.
Fire Flowers are merely touched in the movie while they are established to be eaten in games.
Mario hates mushrooms in the movie while in the games has loved them since he was little.
Mario uses a Cat Suit in the movie while he didn't get this Power-Up until the events of Super Mario 3D World.
Pauline is the mayor of New Donk City. While in the games Mario was dating Pauline and it's implied she hadn't become Mayor yet.
Kamek acts more like a yesman with Bowser never questioning him. In Bowser has been shown to question others to insure his plan goes off right, and Kamek is acting more like Kammy Koopa in the movie. Kamke isn't really a yesman and often advises Bowser, which has even lead to arguments between the 2.
Foreman Spike end sup on good terms and cheering for Mario and Luigi by the end of the movie. However, in the games Spike doesn't see Mario in a better light until after Wrecking Crew 98.
Karts in the movie are the modern karts while in the games at this point they only had pipe frame karts. The anti gravity can also go atop water in the movie unlike the games.
Rainbow Road breaks due to a Blue Shell in the movie, which never happens in game.
Speaking Blue shells. The Blue Spiked Shelled Paratroopa in the movie is not a thing in the games. In games Blue Koopa Troopas aren't the highest rank and if anything it Gold Shells would be a rank above. But regardless it's actually the Koopatrol that are the elite Koopa Troopas. Adding on to that, the Blue Shell is not a Koopa Troopa Shell in the games but rather a Spiny Shell. They also didn't look this at this point in the timeline.
Fire Donkey Kong in the movie doesn't look like his game version.
Super Bell Trees don't show up in the Mushroom Kingdom but rather the Sprixie Kingdom. The same goes for the Clear Pipes.
Peach's Castle already has a stain glass window, while in the games it's established this was added due to Bowser's constant invasions.
Toad Guards in the movies are far more effective than they are in the games.
King Boo and his Boos were probably not working for Bowser at this time and it would be until future entries would they work together. The same goes for King Bob-omb and his Bob-ombs, who also doesn't have a fuse in the games.
Dry Bones and Chain Chomps were not part of Bowser's Army in SMB and wouldn't join until SMB3.
Koopa Troopas unlike in the movie were not wielding spears and wearing armor in the early games. The majority of them were also quadrupled in the games until Super Mario World when they finally went bipedal. While in the movie they are all bipedal. The same goes for Paratroopas. Peach also mentions all turtles being evil in the movie, while this is far from the case in the games. As evident by Koopa Village which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom.
The majority of Hammer Bros. in the early games didn't have shoes early on while in the movie they do have shoes
While Shy Guys were part of Bowser's Army at this point, they were not part of the events of SMB.
Bramballs are in the Grasslands instead of Jungle Biomes.
Lakitus which are major members of Bowser's army which show up in SMB are absent from the movie. Bloopers and Cheep Cheeps some more major minions of Bowser are also absent from Bowser's army in the movie. Both of the enemies show up in SMB as well.
The Adult Penguins in the movie are closer to the size of Baby Penguins in the games. They are also inhabiting the Snow Kingdom in movie which should actually be inhabited by the Shiverians. In the games the Penguins are primarily found in around places like Cool Cool Mountain which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom and not too far away from the Grasslands.
Speaking of locations, the map from the movie looks nothing like the one from games. The continent the Mushroom Kingdom is on seems to only have Grasslands and not the Eastern or Western side of this Kingdom, places like the Beanbean Kingdom, and more on it. Which includes the Koopa Kingdom as well. It also has a different shape from the Mushroom Continent. Mario, Peach, and Toad also go to Yoshi's Island which the Bros. and Peach did not go to until the events of Super Mario World in the games. Yoshi's also seems to lack the surrounding area of Dinosaur Land, let alone isn't in the Cheep Cheep Sea which located in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Also, we see a Yoshi egg in the sewers of New York in the end credits and is implied to be Mario Buddy Yoshi. However, Mario's buddy Yoshi is the Star Child Yoshi and hatched on Yoshi's Island probably during the events of Yoshi Story. They also first met during the events of Super Mario World when Bowser trapped Yoshi and his friends in eggs probably because of an previous encounter.
So yeah, I think with all that being said it should be clear now the Movie cannot be canon to the Canon of Mario Tales.
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6-and-7 · 3 months
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Hues of June 15 Doctor Whooves in An Unearthly Filly! Bonus, I've hidden one reference to every TV First Doctor story in this image -- how many can you spot? (Answers below the cut) (Monochrome TV version also below the cut)
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An Unearthly Child - The whole Junkyard, but also pipe, top of lower left crate The Daleks - Anti-Radiation drugs, upper left The Edge of Destruction - Scissors, lower right Marco Polo - Backgammon set, right of TARDIS The Keys of Marinus - DE3O2, upper left The Aztecs - Gold bracelet, middle right The Sensorites - Sensorite Poster, upper right The Reign of Terror - Guillotine, upper right
Planet of Giants - Telephone, top of lower left crate The Dalek Invasion of Earth - TARDIS key, middle right The Rescue - Spaceship Poster, upper left The Romans - Harp, center left The Web Planet - Spider & Web, middle right The Crusade - Flag, upper middle The Space Museum - Penny-farthing, above Barbara's head The Chase - Camera, by the Doctor's hooves The Time Meddler - Viking helmet, upper right
Galaxy 4 - Chumbley, just below the Viking helmet Mission to the Unknown - Varga plant, upper edge above Ian's ear The Myth Makers - Trojan Horse, right of the Doctor's tail The Daleks' Master Plan - Mavic Chen Poster, above Barbara The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve - Bell, between Ian and the TARDIS The Ark - Monoid Poster, left of Barbara's tail The Celestial Toymaker - Trilogic Game, directly under mannequin hoof The Gunfighters - Cowboy hat, upper right The Savages - Big clear box, behind Barbara The War Machines - War Machine, lower right
The Smugglers - Pirate hat, upper right The Tenth Planet - Cyberman Poster, upper right
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Jottings: Season 7, Episode 3. Bloody newspapers, never get anything right
You will not need any tissues for this sort of dependable wrap-up episode, that probably packs a punch with regard to the books' timeline and helps explain some obscure points to show-only people, like me. Ice-cream is still a welcome side addition (B&J's Cookie Vermont-ster, this week), though: it is, after all, a very hot, sleepless summer in Europe.
Timeline and our attention are split between 1776 at Fraser's (f)Ridge and somewhere around 1978 in Inverness. While there is drama at the Ridge (the fire at the Big House, the Bugs, the Jacobite gold), in Scotland all the emotions of homecoming are quickly turning into a muffled affair, thanks to SS's evergreen DGAF monotony.
Spoiler: Bree's line while seated with Roger on the front steps of a -now- derelict Lallybroch ("I'm really happy right here") sounds and translates exactly like the supremely anticlimactic "I'm your daughter" (The Birds and the Bees). I will never, ever, ever forgive SS for that and I can only be relieved this time it wasn't such a big deal, in the great scheme of things. Or was it?
Unpopular opinion: Claire's Ave Maria fell a bit flat in these Catholic ears. I was expecting more, given the uber-dramatic context, and found it wanting. But this fleeting disappointment was soon enough redeemed with the soulfully subtle wink to Robert Frost's Death of a Hired Man ("Yes, what else but home?/It all depends on what you mean by home. /(...) ‘Home is the place where, when you have to go there,/They have to take you in.’). Immaculately delivered by C. - the woman does understand and feel poetry, and that, my friends, is a rare gift.
John Bell will surprise you in a very, very good way. Puck grew up. I see great things.
The J&C/S&C bubble: unsinkable. Because 'a thing of beauty is a joy forever'. And, it is my absolute conviction (along with Keats', of course) "it will never pass into nothingness".
Overall, we get all the right vibes from fizzled out Season 4 and underrated Season 5 in this episode that brings the Frasers back to Bree & Roger's humble pioneer cabin, for lack of a better solution.
For obvious reasons, I cheered and booed at the 'blood of my blood` scene, featuring C's new sgian-dubh (FYI, the handle fits perfectly in her palm). I admit, I sometimes am a vainglorious cretin (wee joke, Antis), but hey: it's been a while since we haven't seen knives and blades so prominently featured in this gunpowder, treason and plot segment of the saga.
With Vandervaart still off my radar, this rushed transition left me a bit hungry for more. Ever the optimist, I can only hope next week will be bigger, brighter, better and more. And the kilt is back (what's not to like, I wonder), because tee-hee, J&C are on their way to Scotland, too.
Little do they know, however. Onwards!
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86 notes · View notes
deevotee · 8 months
its such a shame that antis ruined dadbastian/mombastian for everyone because its such a funny fucking concept when you consider how terrible he is at being a parental figure
ciel gets kidnapped in the beginning and he makes fun of him for it, he lets finny just fucking mow him down with minimal reaction, ciel tells him to be strict with allowing sweets and then actively argues with/ignores his authority on that all the time, like its such a comedy gold mine of a headcanon but it sets off alarm bells in everyones brains if you try to talk about it 😭
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rumbelle-scream · 19 days
i've probably ranted about it a hundred times already...
but BUT the way regina stole belle's heart? the scenes don't make sense. the characters don't make sense.
i liked the rumple&will team up to steal belle's heart, but on belle's side, it's not making sense! regina asked belle for her heart, and yet she's clueless when it was returned? regina's not supposed to pull hearts and order people against their wills either! there was no need! she overstepped! and did i mention how it never got brought up again!?
the subplot ends with belle looking at rumple longingly, like she remembered that "oh! i love him." then follows the apparent breakup between belle and will. (oh, and his place in this show also doesn't make sense!)
ergo, this is my most hated plotline. above all the s5-s7 weirdness, this is one where i don't even consider it canon. there's always a better, alternate version of the situation in my head. my headcanon pieces this stupid stupid situation together.
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princesssarisa · 4 months
Let's celebrate a little Christmas in June and vote for the most annoying takes on A Christmas Carol.
**Not to let Dickens off the hook for the actual antisemitism found in Oliver Twist. And it is valid to argue that Scrooge can be read as a subtextually Jewish-coded character who undergoes a symbolic Christian conversion. But that doesn't mean he's actually Jewish or that the story is innately antisemitic.
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vinetae · 2 years
Park Jimin as the hot professor who finds his goodie too shoes of a student in a strip club. It's safe to say that the classes after the encounter will be interesting.....
Ahaha! Perfect timing! I just came down with a really bad cold so I've got nothing better to do than to just sit in my reading chair and let my groggy, drugged imagination run wild LOL
This doesn't really make a lot of sense with the grant talk and stuff but IT'S A FANFIC, NONE OF IT IS REAL.
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Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Pairings: College Professor!Jimin x Student!Reader
Warnings: Angst. Sexual content, foul language, 18+
Summary: You had asked your Psych professor for his signature in signing off your volunteer hours. Only a few weeks later, you two are caught at the same club.
Strip club to be exact.
Where you work, to be exact.
Find my main masterlist here
Find part 2 of this - here
The clock's rotating tick echoes through the hushed, crowded room. Pages flip, textbooks slam, and the sound of pencils scratching against the papers could only be heard. The professor's hands clap, as he explains. 
"Let's go over the basics for this class." His hand follows up the path of the beautifully sketched cortex of the brain, showing his students their materials. 
"What is this?" He asks, turning his body towards the class. A few laughs and mocks enter, as he keeps his professional stance. He chuckles, shaking his head. 
"This is called the brain. Many of you seem to not have one, apparently." 
They all 'ooo' at his comment, as the chalk clacks against the blackboard. His hands draw a new image, as a smile tugs your lips. This had been your favorite subject for psychology. 
"Mental disorders, such as Anti-social personality disorder and Borderline personality disorder are in the category of.. ?"
The class goes silent. He sighs, flicking his chocolate irises towards you. A smile peaks his expression. "Miss Choi?" You take a stand, making your way to the blackboard as he hands you the little piece of white chalk. You raise the chalk to the board, starting to explain out loud. 
"Anti-social Personality Disorder and Borderline personality disorder is in the name. Personality disorders. Therefore, they would be categorized under personality Disorders." You finish filling in the blanks, as you continue. 
"Mood personality disorders are far more common. Such as the notorious; Depression. While other disorders such as anxiety and PTSD, would be filed in Anxiety Disorders." You set the chalk down, turning to the class as you noticed some had rolled their eyes. 
"Indeed, Miss Choi." He flashes you a smile. He watches as you return to your desk, sneaking a peak at the way your hips sway in your stroll. He clears his throat before continuing. 
The classroom bell rings, signaling for the rest of the bunch to hurry onto their next class for the day. You're quick to rush as well, throwing the ton of your things carelessly into your bag. You hear the clicks of shoes, eyes glancing to catch sight of someone's expensive Dr. Martens. 
"Leaving so soon, Miss Choi?" His voice was smooth like skates gliding on ice. The mixture of new-shoe-smell and his orange blossom cologne had almost stopped your senses. You straighten your back, flashing him a smile. 
"I've got study group today." He hums, as you watch the sole of his expensive-looking shoes tap on the hardwood. He takes in a deep breath, admiring the peace and quiet. "Well, get home safely." He's about to return to his desk to clean up his workspace, as he turns around, sending you a little smile as he adds; 
"Wouldn't want anything happening to my favorite student."
The beat had boomed through the darkened walls. The red and gold lights stream all around the expensive looking establishment. Your feet stride to the bar, greeting your favorite co-worker. "Well if it isn't miss priss" She comments, sending you a wink. You chuckle, taking a sip from your sparkling water she'd slid to you. "Do you really have to use that name when I'm off the clock?"
She chuckles, flipping the hand towel over her shoulder. "Do you really have to look like the mother mary when you come in here to clock-in?" You giggle, taking another sip from your bubbly water as you shrug. She smiles, sliding over your new outfit. "Kim's changed the theme. Tonight it's mystery and masks." You nod, taking the little pieces of cloth before making your way over to the changing rooms. 
You take a step back, admiring the seam work on your expensive looking attire. The golden, sparkling jeweled piece cups the curves of your breasts, blue butterflies clasp in the front to give a little peak to your cleavage. The matching sparkles trail down the front of your torso, meeting to clasp with the golden jeweled undergarments that barely covered anything. You sigh, slipping the final touch on before making your way out of the changing rooms. 
Loud music echoed through the place. Jimin's head turns to the side, looking to find an empty seat. His chocolate irises flick off-beat to the music pounding in the area. A soft female voice calls out, as his head cranes to the sound. "First time?"
He chuckles, nodding softly. She smiles, cleaning the inside of the shot glass. He watches, eyes narrowing on the way her breasts peak out to give him a little taste. His tongue unconciously comes out to lick the pad of his lips. She smirks, sliding the filled glass over his way. "I'm not part of the show, you know." He's quickly pulled from his trance, nodding before bowing slightly. "Sorry.." 
She nods, a smirk tugging her lips. "Anybody catch your eye yet? Well, besides me." He takes a look around, watching the women take a spin around the metal and golden hued poles, legs coming out to give hint to everything they hadn't even tried to hide. He internally cringes at the sight. Spinning his chair back around, he shakes his head. 
The bartender hums, before a wide smirk paints her darkened features. The red and gold lights bounce off her powdered face. "I've got just the girl."
His eyes take a second to adjust to the dimmed lighting, as the large framed man had lead him to a narrow hallway before opening the door to a large room. The walls decorated with splashes of reds and golds, with a hint of black to draw some in. "Here?" Jimin asks, as the large man had nodded, before shutting the door. He takes in a deep breath before walking over to sit on the red leather seats. He leans back, legs spreading apart just a bit to seem a little more experienced. 
He's never actually been to a strip club you see. 
Of course, this might've been obvious already..
He actually had to Wikihow how to act a strip club. Of course he knew the basic rules, but was he allowed to converse with them? No talking? How much would it cost? Even though money hadn't been an issue but still..
He didn't want to upset any of the.. uhh.. dancers.
The price wasn't bad at all. He had no idea what the hell he just paid for though..
This all seems confusing.
Don't worry.
He's just as fucking lost. 
The music starts to fade in, a familiar song echoes through the empty room. His eyes trail up, watching as a fit, young looking women had appeared on stage. Her body decorated in revealing gold and black laced jewels, her hips sway to the music beat, as she's now standing right infront of him. He clears his throat, shifting in his seat. His eyes glance up to meet hers, but she's quick to dismiss the contact. Instead, her legs swing over, as she straddles his lap. He swallows the lump in his throat, as her fingers come to toy with the clasps of his white button up, her manicured nails scrape his adam's apple gently. Her body slides down before returning to the pole. The red lipstick that had been plumping her lips had smeared just a bit, giving her a more sultry expression. 
He watches the way her legs wrap around the pole, watching as her body gracefully spins around the golden pole. Her soft moves reminded him of someone he knew. The way her head follows the beat of her own rymth, eyes peaking through the golden mask that had hidden her features, adorned with a innocence he felt too familiar with. The bottom of his lip pulls in, biting on the flesh as his mind wanders around her body movements and language. She was excellent at hiding what she had truly been feeling. Yet, he saw something he'd seen too many times before. 
___ (Two Weeks Before) ___
The school bell had rung once more, another day complete. Jimin's eyes lay upon the only body left in his class, as she strides over, settling some papers onto his desk. "Can I help you?" Her smile beams with confidence, as she taps her finger against the papers she'd laid down. "I'd like to apply for being your assistant." He chuckles at her cute expression. It had been filled with so much confidence and determination. "I don't really have a need for a class assistant." She takes a seat in front of him, a pleading look plasters her features. 
"Mister Park, I know it's too early in the semester right now, but this is for a very good cause." He leans back, hand coming to run through his blonde locks before questioning her. "Is that so? What's this cause." His fingers come up to quote her urgency. She nods, sliding the papers closer to him.
"The mental institute that I'm applying for is wanting me to have more volenteer hours. I've already tried with the community service department, but they said they only take juveniles."
He hums, pondering her proposition. Her eyes burns his own with passion. He saw how much she wanted this. 
"What about your other classes?" She shakes her head. "Miss Lee already had an assistant." 
"Aren't you in humanitarians as well?" She nods. "Mister Im was quite upset at the request.." Jimin silently chuckles to himself at her formal language. He sits up in his chair, nodding.
Her face lights up as she watches him skim over the papers. "Really!?" She stands, excitement bursts in her veins. He nods, standing to settle her down.
"You can start today, actually." She nods, her smile being brighter than the sun. He packs the rest of his things, flashing her a quick smile.
"Start by organizing the class's extra supplies." She nods, as her hand reaches out to his. 
His hand comes to meet his, watching as her sleeve lifts to reveal a small, magnolia shaped flower wrist tattoo.
Fuck. Oh fucking shit.
Everything hits him at once. The small tattoo the performer had, had matched Y/n's perfectly. The lump in his throat growing twice in size. 
What does he do? 
He can't just pause this session and say 'Oh by the way, I'm your psych professor.'
If he knows it's her and she's wearing a mask, and he's not.. 
Does she recognize him??
Her walks strides close to him, her body standing tall between his legs. Her body sinks down, knees resting between the space of his thighs. Fingers trail along the zipper of his trousers before her head rises up to meet his. She watches the way his blonde locks fall to the front of his face, head tilting to the side. She leans up, whispering into his ear softly. 
"Are you nervous?" Her voice sounded like smooth honey. One he'd heard too many times before. Usually, just asking if he needed help filing the class's test sheets. He gulps, feeling the way her body turns around, giving him a beautiful view of her backside. Her torso rolls to the beat, hands coming down to hold herself in place as she grinds against his hardening cock. He groans, hands fisting at the sight. His head lulls back, trying to think of himself anywhere but here; 
Where his best student is giving him a lap dance. 
He couldn't do this. 
He's quick to gently push her off, rising to make his way to the exit. 
You pause, scoffing.
"What's his problem?"
Your eyes glance down, taking notice of a little ring settled in the crease of the club's leather couch. You reach down, admiring the expensive looking band. 
He takes in a deep breath before walking into his empty classroom. He smiles at the emptiness, setting down his  Prada briefcase. Just as he's about to start writing the lesson down on the board for the day, a voice calls out to him. 
"Mister Park!" She smiles, running over to his desk, setting her pink and blue backpack onto his desk. His jaw tightens, ignoring her. She pouts, standing in front of his body.
"Mister Park, I've completed the spreadsheets for this year's schedule." She smiles, taking a few steps back to stand at his side. Explaining her ideas, while he's writing today's lesson on the board.
"I've also come up with a new item list for all the students to follow so they can pass your class with flying colors! Here-" He turns away, checking his sheet of paper summary on his desk before continuing to jot down the lesson. Her eyebrows knit together in questioning.
"Mister Park..? Is something the matter?"
He finally turns to meet her frown features. Body slouched and mimics one like a puppy getting kicked by it's owner. He internally breaks at her pout. 
"Miss Choi, this is my class. You have no say in how I run it." 
"Yeah but I was thinki-"
"That's the thing! You don't think. You're here to clean up the gum from under the desks, and maybe sharpen a few extra pencils. The only reason I let you be my assistant was because it was for your resume so you could look like a perfect little straight A student." She backs away, a hurt expression paints her features. 
"I- I was just trying to help.." He scoffs, pointing at her desk.
"Take your seat, Miss Choi."
You knew you shouldn't have gotten too friendly with your professor. You just thought that he'd be a lot less stressed if he had a schedule for his classes. A few new pencils in line, and an organizer you'd bought him for secret santa a few months ago before winter break. You'd been in this class for almost two years, and he'd always been so kind and friendly towards you. You thought that returning those gestures would be the right thing to do. 
Apparently, he actually hated you. 
Your eyes screw at his words, the feeling in your chest tightening, remembering his cold tone.
'Little straight A student..'
You sigh, slamming your laptop shut. You couldn't get his harsh tone out of your head. 
Jimin lets out a deep breath, pinching the space between the bridge of his nose in frustration. Maybe he'd been a little too harsh on you. You'd just been trying to help.,
Hell, maybe you didn't even recognize him that night. 
He groans, plopping down onto the comfort of his bed, a hand coming to shield the light from his eyes. The room had gone quiet, as his mind gripes at him for ever saying those harsh things to you. The more he replayed the scene in his head, the more of a dick he felt like. He sighs, sitting up, reaching over to grab at the TV remote. Once he's settled in, he flips through the daytime channels that had been playing some stupid rom or sit coms. Just as  his eyes were about to lull asleep, the ding from his phone jolts his body awake. 
His leg eagerly taps against the marbled floor's flat. His eyes flicker around the restaurant, as he takes in a few deep breaths. The moment he'd gotten that text a few hours ago, he'd been nothing but a nervous wreak. He'd gotten a random text from an unknown number, asking for him to meet up at a nearby place to give his ring back. 
Stupid fucking idea to have your name emblemed on his ring. 
He mentally groans at the thought, taking another sip from his drink. The ding of the restaurant makes his heart drop, as his eyes set on you. Your mini-skirt that revealed your tight-covered legs had made him more drunk than fifteen beers ever could. Your black turtleneck had wrapped around your neck, a golden, small necklace decorated your neck gracefully. You're quick to take a glance around, before stopping on him. You smile, making your way over to his table. You slide in the booth, flashing him a professional smile. 
"I assume you're aware of why I asked you here." He tries to keep the atmosphere light and short. He chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. She smiles, straightening her back. "You seem to be in a better mood." She comments, as the waitress takes her order. 
"I was feeling a little sick this morning." He watches the way her eyebrows knit together in concern, hands coming to clasp on the table. "Are you feeling better?" He nods. 
"I went home to take a quick nap, but then you texted. How'd you even get my number, by the way?" She smiles, leaning down to quiet her voice. "That's a secret, Park." He chuckles at her cute expression. Your light rosy cheeks and lips had been stained by the winter's harsh blows. The tip of your nose had resembled Rudolph's. That made him melt inside faster than Olaf. 
"So." She starts once more, sliding a small folder over the table top. He takes a silent gulp. 
"This was what I was trying to explain earlier this morning. This schedule has everything for this semester. You've always complained of struggling with organization, so I thought this might better with that. It contains contexts, a glossary, an index, cards, empty spaces for students to write their own thoughts, a feedback page so students can also make any comments about how well they're understanding the materials. What would need to be improved about it, and what you could do to possibly help them through the semester so they can do more than just just skim by."
He'd been all ears with your suggestions, until from the corner of his eyes, a familiar gold and black band wrapped around her index finger. He pauses, taking notice of the diamond placed right in the center of the ring. 
His ring. 
"So, what do you think?" He's pulled out of his thoughts by your voice. His throat clears as he takes a few glances around. You frown, leaning closer.
"You can just say you hate it, you know. No reason to avoid me.." He shakes his head, eyes glancing back to you.
"No, I'm not ignoring you, Y/n." You chuckle at his words.
"Loosing formalities, Mister Park?"
He chuckles, trying to hide the nervous tone in his voice. You watch as his eyes take a glance to your hand. 
"That's a nice ring." You nod, trying to be non-chalant about the story as possible.
"Yep, got it from work. Someone left it in one of the booths.." 
"I thought you said you worked at an animal shelter." Your eyes go wide at the realization. 
"I.. quit a while back. I work in a restaurant outside of town now." He hums, taking a sip from his glass. "You don't think it's owner is missing it?" 
You shake your head. "Like I said. No lost and found, so my boss says we can keep anything we find." You watch as he raises as eyebrow. "That's odd. I used to work as a waiter as well, but we never got to keep anything we found. Seems like rules more fit for a club of some sorts." You choke on your water, turning away as to not cough in his face. 
He chuckles, setting his drink down to hand you a napkin. "Like a golf club of some sorts." You laugh along, trying to cover the absolute terrified tone in your voice. 
"You.. caught me. Hah.." You chuckle nervously. He smiles, taking a bite of his salad before continuing.
"Funny, Y/n. There's not a golf club around here for miles." 
You pause, trying to think of an excuse. "My.. father owns one. We go every Saturday." You watch as he raises an eyebrow. "Your dad makes you work at his golf club?" You nod.
"Well- I volunteer. Been doing it since I was 14." He nods, downing the rest of his glass.
"Does the ring have any writing? You might be able to return it to it's owner. Who knows," He takes a look at your folder, continuing. 
"Might even get something bigger in return." 
You sigh, spinning the circular golden jewelry piece around your index finger. His words ring in your mind, as guilt sets in. Even though it had been fair game, you still felt bad for taking the ring. It's not like you were going to sell it on the market or anything. You'd really loved the designs, especially the clear diamond set in the middle. It had reminded you of flowers for some reason. You loved it..
But it wasn't yours. 
So now here you were, sitting at the bar, waiting for your brain to make a decision. On one hand, you knew how important something can be to someone, and how it must feel horrible to loose such a precious item. On the other, you knew the ton of the men that come in and out of the club had been filthy rich, and probably could buy a million of these silly rings. 
Taking in a deep breath, you spin around to scan the club. You tried to remember what the man had been wearing. Something of a white button up and black trousers. 
Well this won't be difficult at all.
You make your way around the club for a few hours, pushing past the crowded groups of horndogs and co-workers who are giving lazy lap dances. After a while passes, you groan, taking a seat away from all of the crowded groups. You sigh, toying with the little golden and black band that wraps around your finger. The diamond shines through the dark atmosphere, glimmering even in the darkest of places of the club. Your eyes catch on a pair of black shoes stand right in front of you. Your eyes glance up, noticing the same sandy blonde hair illuminating more than the red lights. His hand reaches out, face being concealed with aid from the dark area.
"Care to dance?" 
Honestly, you denied. 
At first.
Hey man, listen. 
... *insert cricket noises here*
Okay there was nothing to explain it. 
You just wanted to have some fun, okay? You're off the clock anwyays. What's a little dance?
His hands come to gently trail up your sides, as your hips sway side to side along with the deep beat of the music. His lips come to tease the skin of your ear, as you felt his large arms wrap around your torso. Your body had been perfectly slotted between his chest and forearms, as he guides you through the songs. You felt high. You'd only ever watched from above, seeing all the crazy people going at it on the dance floor. You'd always scoffed at it, wondering why people just couldn't keep it in their pants but now..
Now you knew. 
"So what brought you here?" His voice is drowned a bit by the blaring music. Yet, you can still make out what he says. You tilt your head, giving him more access to the side of your neck, yet; he doesn't go for it. 
"I'm here with a few friends." You're quick to lie, reaching back to try and guide his lips to your neck. Yet, he stays right where he is. It felt more like a loving embrace than a quick grind on the floor. 
"Friends abandoned you I'm guessing?" You nod, turning around in his arms, but he keeps you still. Something about this felt off. 
"Who brought you?" You question, pressing your ass into his crotch. His hips move away, as you groan at his deny. He chuckles, a hand coming up to pet the crown of your hair gently.
You really weren't in a loving mood right now. You wanted to get fucked, and that's it. Yet, this asshole had the decency to keep his hands to himself. 
Little fucker. 
"So why are you here?" You ask, reaching back behind to palm over his crotch. Yet, he's as soft as a pillow. His hand takes your wrist, as he chuckles against your ear, guiding your hand up to cup his jaw.
"Why so many questions?" He smiles, twirling you softly before pulling you back into his arms. You scoff at the move. You pull away, as he lets you go.
"You came to a club to spin a girl around?"
He shrugs. "Would you rather me be a creep?" 
"I'd rather you act like a normal person in a strip club." He raises an eyebrow at the comment. "How I'm acting should be the normal for any guy." You roll your eyes, walking away. He chuckles, following in your steps. You huff, spinning back around to face him.
"Listen man, this isn't the ninth-grade school dance. Either fuck me or go find a virgin mary to creep to." His eyes roll at your comment, as he folds his arms across his chest.
"So you'd rather have an asshole fuck you in the dirty alleyway of this club for maybe, what? A few minutes at most, than to have a real man take care of you like how it should be?"
You groan out, pushing at his chest a bit as you let out all of your frustration. 
"I don't need a gentleman, I need a good fucking. And your little goodie two shoes self ain't what I'm looking for." He chuckles at the name. 
"Thought you'd have the most experience with being a 'goodie two shoes', Y/n." 
You're quick to back away, but stand nowhere near as strong as he had. His arm comes out to catch your wrist, pulling you back into his sight of vision. Your eyes flash up to meet his, the professional aura had slipped with each passing second. The internal clock inside your head telling you to hurry up was ticking with cold blood. 
A smirk plasters his face, as he takes a look around the place. "So this is your father's golf club?" Your throat goes dry at his sentence. 
"Obviously not.." 
He chuckles, nudging your body forward before letting you go. His eyes take a glance back down to your hand, admiring the ring decorating your left index. 
"Got a reason for my ring being on your hand?" 
"Obviously I didn't know that it was your ring.." Your face lights up with idea to turn the tables. Your arms cross over your chest, finally finding your confidence his aura had drained of you. "Got any reason for being at a strip club?" 
"I was just about to ask you the same thing." 
Even though the music was blasting louder than a rock concert, the silence between you two had been deadly. His eyes matched the same, fierce and confident look you'd been trying to give off. 
"You grinded with one of your students." He chuckles at the accusation. 
"Actually, I danced. You were the one trying to grab my dick, were you not?" Your mouth screws at that. 
He was right. 
"Well you were the one to ask." 
"didn't recognize you at first." He bites back. 
"At first?" Hah. You've caught him. 
His smirk screws tight on his face, the red and black strobes illuminate his aura even more. "I didn't want to be rude." 
"So you knew that I was one of your students? Yet, you still asked me to dance." 
"To dance. Once again, you were the one trying to implement more." 
You huff, tightening your arms in frustration. "Because I didn't think my professor would be at a strip club!"
He chuckles, voice lowering to a deep tone. "You don't think I have needs?" Your heart drops to your stomach. His smirk only urks him on even more. He leans forward, leaning against the bar's surface, sporting a relaxed position.
His lips brush past your cheek, tickling the shell of your ear as you hear the husk in his tone. 
You shake your head, pushing him away quickly. "Well if you knew it was me, why'd you continue?" 
He chuckles, tilting his head to ask the bartender -your best friend- for whiskey sour. His head cranes back to you, smirking. She could obviously sense the tension between the two of you, but she had her own problems to deal with right now. 
His finger lifts, pointing around the room before contuining; "Does it look like we're at school right now?" 
You scoff. "You're a pervert." 
"Oh really? How so? I was just here, wanting to take a beautiful woman dancing, and she kept trying to grope me like a drunkie." He takes a sip from his glass, before settling it back down on the bar.
"If anything my dear, you're the pervert."
He chuckles, taking the extra lemon between his lips, watching as you swallow at the action. 
"I mean really, who's that desperate for a fucking that they just go at it with the first guy they see? That's how you get kidnaped." He shakes the lemon, acting as if he's giving you a lesson in morals. 
"For a psych major, Miss Choi, you're not very smart." Your hands fist at your sides. His pride swells a little too much in his chest. 
"Why are you acting like such an asshole!?" His eyes flick to yours, scoffing. 
"Why are you acting like such a brat?" You uncross your arms to hit his side. He's quick to catch your throw, eyes baring into yours.
"Not very professional of you, Y/n. What would the club think of their employee hitting a customer?" 
Your eyes blow wide. You can see his cocky smile from miles away. He takes another sip, watching as your forehead peaks a little vein at the top, your face completely red. 
"If you tell anyone I'll-"
"You'll what, Miss Choi? I'm the only psych professor on campus, and no other college will accept you so late into this semester." Your teeth grind at his words. 
"You're stuck with me, My dear." 
"Fuck. You." 
He sucks in a breath, before laughing at your anger. "Seems like that was your plan, wasn't?" 
You sigh, giving up. You had to suck it up to this asshole, at least for the remainder of the year. Your eyes shift from fierce and vexed, to soft and calm. 
At least you tried to give that off. 
He takes notice, laughing at the quick change. "Are you seriously worried THAT much about me telling someone?" His demeanor switches to one that mirrors yours as well.
"Who would I tell, huh? I've got no grudge against you, Y/n. You're my best student." You take in a deep breath, kind of agreeing silently to his words. He pats the barstool parallel to his, motioning for you to join him. You take a seat, sipping on the sparkling water you'd ordered previously. 
"It's just.. I don't come from a rich background like the other students on campus. There only reason I got in was because of my GPA and SAT scores that were through the roof. I had a three-thousand dollar grant along with the hope scholarship but.." You laugh at the reasoning for your job. 
"But?" He questions, leaning in to give you his full attention. 
You lift the can to your lips, taking a swig before continuing. "Tuition was fucking expensive.. I can't afford things like-" You take a glance down before motioning to his black suede Louis Vuitton suit. 
He glances down, chuckling at your pout. "I have noticed your style to be a bit.. diverse than the other students." 
Your eyes roll in your head at his choice of words. Of course your walmart plaid skirt and clearance section white button up from the men's department you tailored yourself was unusual. It didn't look like the other students Armani and Gucci outfits..
"Thanks for that." You laugh sarcastically. He taps on the counter as Milana sends him another whiskey sour quickly.
"Do you really have a passion for this?" He motions for you to take a glance around, watching as your co-workers dance on the laps of men who looked like they could already be considered for retirement settlements. 
"Oh of course. I just live for twearking on old geizers laps for a few bucks. Who fucking wouldn't." Your hand reaches out to ask Milana for another bubbly water but she hands you a shot glass instead.
"Trust me girly, you look like you need it." She pours the dark, syrupy liquid into your glass as your hand hesitates to pick it up. 
"Well did you run out of time for applying for more grants?" He questions, watching your hesitation towards your drink. 
"No. When I tried applying for the five-hundred grant, they denied."
His eyebrow raises at this. "Well, how many did you apply for?" 
Your voice goes silent. He takes that as a challenge to question it.
You shake your head. He continues. 
You take in a breath, laying your chin on the bar's surface. "Try.. fourty-two?"
His eyes widen like cartoons at that. "Fourty-two grants?! Holy shit- You must have the money for sure now though, right?"
You shake your head. "Have to live on campus for at-least two years, remember? That's an extra eleven-thousand I didn't have." 
He scoffs, getting annoyed by your situation as well. His eyes soften, laying his head down to match your own. "I didn't know it had costed you this much, Y/n." 
You nod, straightening your back before shaking your head. "No matter. It's just life, you know? Gotta do the shitty stuff to make your future bright.. or whatever the fucking board says." He chuckles, before nodding in agreeance. 
"You know if you were to ask, you'd been doing such an amazing job at being my assistant, I would've paid you for it." You let out a short laugh, shaking your head. 
"Wouldn't be considered volunteer work then, would it?" He sighs, nodding. "You're right."
He takes another sip from his refill, teasing the cherry stem between his teeth. "There's has to be a better way than just being these asshole's wet dream." 
You shrug. "It's not really something my professor should be worrying about anyways." 
He takes in a deep breath, glancing around the room before an idea pops into his mind. 
"I can just write it off as volunteer work. You only need my signature as confirmation, right?" You nod at his question.
"Wouldn't they be suspicious of it?" 
"They've got too many things on their plates than worrying if a teacher is paying his student to help out in his classroom." 
Your voice lowers, only really wanting the idea to be heard by you.
"Sounds like the beginning of a porno.." 
He however, is quick to catch on, chuckling.
"dirty way to put it, I would say." Your cheeks go red at his tone. His eyes glance up to yours, lips wrapped around the edge of his glass, giving you a teasing 'what?' look. 
He sets his glass down, holding his hand out to reach yours. 
"So, deal?" 
You extend your to meet his, giving a firm shake. 
Taking in a breath, his smile radiates confidence and joy as he walks through the halls of the corridor where his classroom is. Students crowd around the halls, splitting down the middle as he makes his way through.
He greets them all with smiles and hellos before reaching his classroom. He takes his keys out to unlock the door, walking in, his eyes set upon your little figure fitting up under the empty space of his desk. He chuckles to himself, walking over to set hi briefcase on top. He bends down, tilting his head at your knelt position. 
"Cleaning included?" 
You're quick to jump, which makes your head bump on the desk's underside. You whine, scooting out from up under before rising to meet his level. "A screw was loose under here. I thought I could tighten it with my hand." A greasy smile spreads his face.
"Now that sounds like the beginning of a porno." 
You scoff, turning your body away to place the stacks of paper in front of him. He glances down with a confused look. 
"These are the index and glossary portions of the guides I talked to about at the resturant." He nods, flipping quickly through the pages before taking a look up to meet your eyes. 
"Very.. thick." He awnsers, scanning over bits of the papers. Leaning back in his chair, his legs spread wide a bit, carding a hand through his blonde locks. "Did you have breakfast?" 
He watches as your eyes glance down quickly to his lap before switching back up to meet his own. Your cheek sinks in a bit at his physic as you shake your head. 
"I don't usually eat breakfast." 
He hums, leaning up to push his metal bento box to your side of his desk. You shake your head in denial. 
"Come on, breakfast is the most important meal. Here," He sits up, extending his arm to hand you his sterile chopsticks. His eyes narrow in annoyance at your stubborness. He leans forward, picking up a small bite of rice and spam before holding it up to your mouth. "Eat." 
"I'm not hungry." 
He scoffs lightly, scooting his chair closer to yours. "Bite." 
"I said I'm not hungry-"
It took you a few minutes to realize his knee was slotted between yours, body propped up, barely being a few inches from yours. He's sat on the edge of his chair, as you take notice in how large he actually was compared to you. 
"I-..I'm not hungry.." 
"Did I ask?" 
You're quiet. 
He takes it as a notion to edge you on even more. "It's not polite to ignore your superior, Miss Choi. Once again; did I ask?" 
Your throat dries at his words. He's seemed to keep his professional tone, yet there's something else lurking behind it's superiority. 
"N.. No."
"Then open." 
Your mouth slowly falls wide just before the bell starts to ring, as students start flooding classrooms. You're quick to rise from the chair, returning to your desk. Jimin sighs, closing the lid on his bento box before standing to write the lesson of the day. 
Your stomach starts grumbling quickly as soon as class had started. Students starting pouring in like fish as the seats had been quickly filled. You groan silently, hand holding your stomach in agony. Usually, you'd be fine right now. But ever since you got a whiff of his ham and rice meal, your stomach could not shut up about it. Your vision had even started going wonky only a few minutes in. 
"Young-il's mother has been suffering from hysteria, paranoid ideation, and hallucinations. Which of these could Young-il's mother be diagnosed with?" His voice is drowned out by your gurgling stomach. Your eyes wince in pain, tapping your leg on the floor as a vice to gain some relief. 
"Miss Choi?" 
Fuck you were hungry. 
"Miss Choi?" 
If only you had taken that damn bite when he offered!
"Miss Choi.. ?"
"Fuck!" You whine, watching as all of the student's attention flashes straight to you. 
Oh shit..
"Are you feeling alright, Miss Choi?" Your eyes glance up, as he watches you wince in pain. He notices your hand clenching your stomach.
"U-huh." Your eyes switch to the board, squinting to try and figure out what the fuck he was explaining. 
"Uhm- I think his mother's diagnosis would be stimulant p-psychosis." He nods hesitantly before returning to his board.
"Correct. The usual symptoms for stimulant psychosis are paranoia, disorganized thinking, hysteria, hallucinations, and many more. Very good, Miss Choi." You nod silently, patiently waiting for the bell to ring so you can get some food in your stomach. 
Having prayers anwsered, the bell comes quickly after as the students clear out as quickly as they had flooded in. You stand up in a hurry, packing your thinks before making your way towards the exit. His voice catches your attention before you're able to leave. 
"Are you alright? You look a little pale-" You turn around, nodding. 
"Lunch time." You hurry towards the door before turning around. "Are you not coming?" 
He shakes his head, motioning to his bento box. "Cafeteria's too loud a lot of the times. I just sit in here and grade papers." You nod before rushing to the lunch room. 
He chuckles, watching as you run for the exit, taking a bite of his lunch. 
"Thank you." You bow before taking your tray of goodies, quickly making your way back to class. After you had a few bites of the rice, you felt a lot better. Your hand reaches for the knob, before you heard a giggle coming from inside of his classroom. You move away from the glass so that you're not seen. 
"I just wanted to thank you for last night. Those papers never would've been graded on time if it wasn't for you, Jimin." 
"No problem. I had a little extra time on my hands anyways." Your eyes peak through the glass, gasping silently, watching the way the woman's legs swing back and forth on the front of his desk. Her hand reaching down to tug at his loose button up, manicured nails trailing along the prominent line of his jaw. 
"You know, I've always loved pyschology as well." His eyebrow quirks, lifting his eyes to meet hers. "Really? You seemed more like a sorority type of girl." She smiles, flashing her pearly white teeth, brushing his shoulder. "Ah, you're so funny! So what, am I like a sexy cheerleader or something?" 
He thinks for a second before replying. "No, more like the girl from Legally Blonde." She straightens at the comment. "Oh, so the sexy lawyer?" 
He shakes his head. "Nope, just look like you belong in a sorority. You know, with all the glitter and stuff." She chuckles before pulling on his collar to straddle his lap. Her hands drape down to grab at his, to steady her by the waist. 
His eyes widen at the sudden move, eyes flicking to the classroom door. "Uhm Miss Kim I don't think is a good ti-"
Her finger comes to press against his lips as her head lowers down to his waist. "Think of it as a 'thank you'. You know, for helping me with the papers?" 
He clears his throat, as his body goes stiff at her touch. 
"It's lunch period right now and I have another set of students to te- oh fuck.." His hands grip the arm rests, head lulling back as her lips wrap around the tip of his cock. She moans, coiling her hand around the rest of his length before moving it up and down. 
His hand comes to tug at her loose bun, carding through her black locks. His head falls back against his chair, mouth parting to let a certain name slip from his lips. 
"Fuck.. Y/n.."
Miss Kim's too deep into her own thoughts to notice the slip up. 
"Mmm how dirty of you, Jimin. Getting blown in your classroom.. what if a student was to walk i-"
At that, your body flies forward, the door slamming open as your figure hits the floor. Your lunch tray spilling all over the cold flat as the two stumble to fix their clothes. 
"Oh fuck!" He yelps, pushing the teacher off to fix himself. Your jaw drops at the scene. 
"I..I-" You're frozen in a pile of cold wheat noodles, kimchi and rice. Miss Kim is quick to adjust herself before trying to shoo you out. Mister Park just sits there with eyes just as wide as yours. 
"What the fuck are you doing!? Get out!" She yells, stomping her expensive high heel on the floor. 
You stutter, trying to pick up your things as your mumble a string of sorries. 
Once you've got to you're feet, you rush out slamming into a few people on the way. 
The following few days were a nightmare. You'd been extremely silent, and honestly? Jimin didn't blame you. 
You watched your professor get blown by another teacher.
He groans stuffing his face into the palms of his hands, wanting to crawl in a hole and die. 
He watches from his desk as you bend down to scrape the last bits of gum from up under the tables. He'd been pretending to grade more papers for the last hour and he had enough. He quickly stands, packing the rest of his things into the pockets of his briefcase.
Once he's gone, you bang your head onto the floor, not caring if it was goin to leave marks in the morning. 
You groan, standing to finish the rest of your duties. You're just about finished wiping down his desk before your hip bumps into the corner. 
"Fuck.." You whine, rubbing at the raw skin before taking notice of the little crack that had appeared. Your eyes squint some more, seeing a little shiny thing hidden away from sight. Looking around the room for any witnesses, you let curiosity get the better of you. 
Your hand wraps around the metal handle, popping the drawer open easily. 
"Y/n?" You jump from your spot, quickly shutting the drawer to back away from his desk. Your eyes flash up, seeing his large frame sling his briefcase onto his shoulder. A concerned look paints his expression. "Why were you in my desk?" 
"I- Uh.." Your eyes trail around, trying to find anything to back up your story. 
Truth is, you didn't even know why you were going through his drawers. 
You'd never been one to snoop around other people's belongings..
His arms cross his chest, eyebrow quirking at your stuttering self. "You..?"
Think, Y/n!
"I was looking for a pen!"
He quirks, walking over to his desk to shake the pen cup in the corner. "You were saying?"
Your hands comes to clasp in the front, head bowing from shame as you avoid eye contact. 
"I.. don't know why I was going through your things.." 
He hums, leaning down to catch your eyes, bringing your gaze to follow his back up. "You don't know why you invaded my privacy?"
You huff, biting the inside of your cheek from frustration. "It was her fault! She should've locked the fucking door at least!" His eyes widen at your tone. "You mean Miss Kim?"
You nod, not even realizing that's why you were snooping in the first place. 
"That doesn't explain why you're going through my stuff, Y/n." Your hands clench into balls at the thought. "I don't know, okay!? I hit my fucking side on your damn desk and it popped open! When I tried to go and fix it, it opened even more and I saw-" You stop, not really remembering what you had seen. 
Until some remembered what was next to his desk.
"You saw... ?"
"I saw my papers." Your eyes glance up to his, your blood starting to boil. "I saw my papers.. in your trash can." 
He quickly leans over, seeing your once neatly folded and organized ideas for the classroom thrown carelessly into garbage. His eyes widen, reaching down to pull the folders out. His eyes take a quick glance back to you before continuing. "I didn't throw these away, Y/n. You remember when I said how much I loved your ideas." 
Your head shakes, tears starting to well in your eyes. You worked for hours on end trying to perfect those. You wanted to do good in his class, and maybe he'd even give you some extra credit points for having such a high work ethic. 
"You never said how much you loved them.." 
"What? Of course I did." 
You sniff, drying your cheek with the puff of your sleeve. "In the restaurant.. Before class.. You kept changing the topic." He shakes his head, trying to catch your gaze once more. 
"Y/n, I loved your ideas." 
Your cheeks flush red, finally looking into his eyes. Yours, being glassy and watery. "Why did you keep avoiding them, then?" 
He reaches over, handing you a tissue. "They're thick folders, Y/n. I've had three classes today, I just haven't had the time." You wince from his words, replying. 
"I gave them to you over a week ago.." 
His eyes widen, mouth dropping to the floor as he tries to find something to stop your crying. "Y/n- I- I'm sorry.." 
Your face burns as your voice amplifies. "I worked forever on those! The estimated reading time was only about an hour!" 
He chuckles. "Estimated reading time? I didn't know you put so much effort into them-" 
"Of course I did! I wanted you to be proud of me!" That makes him pause. His hands suddenly felt heavy, as everything in the room had felt like it was more noticable than before. 
"Y.. You wanted me to be proud of you?" He watches as you sniff, teary and glassy eyes delve into his. His voice felt faded and nearly gone. He searched for any words, but nothing came to mouth. 
You take a deep breath, wiping the rest of your tears away before finishing. "Guess it doesn't matter anymore." 
You reach down, slinging your backpack over your shoulder about to make your way to the door before his wrist catches yours, pulling you into his chest. Arms coiled tightly around your frame, as his chin rested atop of your head. 
"I am proud of you, Y/n. You're my favorite student, you know that." You half-heartly laugh at his words. Eyes glancing up to meet his. 
"Do I? You seemed pretty occupied with Eun-ji."
His eyes bare into yours. "You mean Miss Kim?" He chuckles, loosening his grip on you. "She's your superior, Y/n. We don't use informal with teachers." 
Your arms reach around to clasp his waist, pulling your body flushed against his. "Really? What will happen if I do, Jimin."
His throat swallow a large gulp at your words. Your grip doesn't faulter on his body. 
"Y/n I don't thi-" 
"No. Don't you fucking tell me about formalities when you're supposed to be calling me by my last name as well." He's frozen. 
Because you're right. 
He's let it slip one too many times. 
He watches your frown slip into more of a smile-smirk at his silence. "Teachers don't pay their students. Teachers don't hug their students. And teacher for sure don't moan their student's name. Do they?" 
Your grip loosens to snag his tie, pulling his body closer to yours. He groans as you rub your thigh against the tent of his suit pants. 
"Fuck.." He chuckles, running a hand through his hair before giving you a smirk. "You were watching me?" 
You lean back, planting your ass on the flat of his desk, pulling him between the space of your thighs, guiding him like a puppy by his tie. "How could I not? You could practically hear her from the other side of campus." 
His hands comes to caress your waist, leaning his head further down to meet your level. "How dirty of you." 
"Mmm, taking dirty talk from her?" You bite back, watching as his jaw tightens at the catch. His head lowers, nose brushing the side of your neck, inhaling your flowery scent. 
"Don't like it?" He quirks, leaning back a bit to watch your expression darken. 
"I want you to use your own words." 
A smirk tugs the corner of his lips. 
His hand comes to trail and back of your spine before reaching inside to quickly pop your bra apart. You gasp at the sudden movement, his hand coming to kneed your outer thigh. His breath trails along your cheek, brushing the shell of your ear. 
"On one hand, I want to stay true to my promise and take you on a date, eat out at a nice restaurant, and take you back to your place like the gentleman I am." 
You scoff, caressing the side of his cheek, whispering. "And the other hand?" 
His voice lowers to where not even an echo can pick it up. "I want to put you in your place for ever using informalities with me." 
You smirk, rubbing the inside of your thigh against his outer thigh. "So I'm not allowed to use your name?" 
He chuckles, pressing you further into the surface of his desk, whispering into your ear. "Only when you're moaning it." 
"Fucking fine by me." A light slap to your out thigh makes you jump. "Another thing. It's not very ladylike of you to curse like that, now is it?" 
"Oh? So you don't want, Oh Jimin! Oh fuck, Jimin! Oh my God." Your faked moans make a little deep growl emit from his chest. 
Your tongue comes out to lick at your lips, sucking on your bottom one. "Yes?~" 
He chuckles at that, shaking his head. "Dirty girl. Was this your little plan all along?" 
You shrug, innocent look peaks your expression. "Maybe, maybe not." 
"Volenteer service?" 
"Oh, that's real. I've got 82 hours left." 
He hums, watching as your eyes flash a little with your cute demeanor once more. "And the money situation?" 
"Broke as shattered glass." 
He chuckles at the joke. "Cute." 
You pout, wrapping your legs around his waist tighter. "Not sexy, stunning, gorgeous?" 
He shakes his head. "More than appearance, my dear. Body language?" 
You scoff, loosening your grip from his neck. "Yeah? What does my body language say?" 
He quicks a smirk before tugging on your white button up collar, face flush to his. "Needy." 
You whine, hips unconsciously grinding up against his own. He chuckles at the motion. 
His hand comes to trail along the skin of your neck, using his other hand to support your back. 
You whine out, pulling at his neck to bring your body closer to his. -if that was even fucking possible-
"You take too long." 
He laughs, watching you fidget in his arms. "And you're too impatient." 
"You know, I think Eun-ji tried doming you." He chuckles, pulling you up with his body a bit to get more comfortable. 
"Still naughty of you to be watching." 
You shrug, contuingng. "Just saying. I think she was like a domnatrix or something." His eyes roll playfully. 
"Why? Jealous?" 
"Of you? hell yeah. I mean she's pretty hot teacher, not gonna lie. I mean I'm sure some of the other students have thought the same-" 
He scoffs, pulling away. "Then go fuck her." 
You pout, playing with the fabric of his tie. "I'm not gay, dude." 
His eyes narrow, gripping your wrists to pin on each side of you. "Call me dude again and I'll make your ass redder than santa's fucking sleigh." 
You smirk, wrapping your arms back around his neck to catch his anger. "Oh so it's fine for you to cuss? Yeah, cause that's fair." 
"I'm older." 
"Psh, by a few years." 
"six years." 
your eyes roll at his words. "Psh, ain't nothing." 
His hands slam onto the desk, reminding you of how trapped you actually were. "You know what?" 
He backs away, leaving you frustrated on the desk. He starts buttoning his shirt once more, fixing his tie before picking his briefcase he'd thrown down for a hot minute. 
"Hey wait where are you going-" He smirks, walking over to the door, acting like he's about to walk out before you yell out. 
"Hey! You! Come back here and fuck me like a man!" 
He turns around before sending you a wink. 
"I'm good." 
Haha. Oneshots are the easiest AND hardest things to write. This took about three days I think? I've lost count with all of my works.
For the person who requested this, you can ask for a part two if you want. (AKA lots of smut lol)
I hope you enjoyed!
©vinntaege 2023. I do not condone any translations, copies, modifications, or repostings anywhere for ANY of my works.
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barclaysangel · 6 months
Junior Wheeler Playlist
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*pats playlist* This bad boy can fit 207 songs that lasts in total 12 hours and 27 minutes. I fixate too much on Junior. But I got inspired by @high-functioning-fang1rl Nica playlist so I had to do one for Junior too.
This is on my iTunes account and idk how to manage Spotify so if y'all wanna listen to it, I'm going to put all the songs down below. The ones with * on it are the ones I 1000000% relate for Junior. And feel free to send asks about any of the songs and I'll legit do a lyric analyst to explain why I chose it for Junior.
Anyway, enjoy :)
Avril Lavigne
Losing Grip*
Wish You Were Here
Let Me Go
Billie Eilish
you should see me in a crown*
bury a friend
everything i wanted*
Therefore I Am
Happier Than Ever*
Christina Perri
The Lonely*
Digital Daggers
Where the Lonely Ones Roam*
The Devil Within*
Can't Sleep, Can't Breathe
Still Here*
Bad Intentions
Raise Hell*
Wicked Ones
Beetlejuice the Musical
Dead Mom*
Say My Name
That Beautiful Sound
Going Under*
Bring Me To Life
Everybody's Fool*
My Immortal*
My Last Breath
Sweet Sacrifice*
Weight of the World*
Like You
Lose Control*
All That I Am Living For
Made of Stone*
The Change*
My Heart Is Broken
The Other Side
Lost in Paradise*
Never Go Back
A New Way To Bleed*
Even in Death
Farther Away
Fall Out Boy
I Don't Care*
My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark
Alone Together*
Young Volcanoes*
Empty Gold
Hold Me Down*
New Americana*
Colors, Pt. II
I Walk the Line
Now or Never
Good Mourning*
Angel on Fire*
Devil in Me*
Forever ... (is a long time)*
Finally // beautiful stranger*
Still Learning
Bells in Santa Fe*
Easier than Lying*
People Disappear Here*
Hollywood Undead
Paradise Lost*
Another Way Out
We Are*
Imagine Dragons
I'm So Sorry*
Who We Are
What I've Done*
Marina and The Diamonds
Oh No!*
Teen Idle
Melanie Martinez
Training Wheels
Pity Party*
Milk and Cookies*
Mad Hatter*
The Principal
Show & Tell*
Drama Club
Lunchbox Friends*
Orange Juice*
High School Sweethearts
Olivia Rodrigo
Can't Catch Me Now*
Bohemian Rhapsody*
Under Pressure
The Show Must Go On*
Set It Off
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead*
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Falling Inside the Black*
Taylor Swift
I Did Something Bad*
Don't Blame Me*
Look What You Made Me Do*
my tears ricochet
this is me trying*
You're On Your Own, Kid*
Vigilante Shit*
Three Days Grace
Just Like You*
I Hate Everything About You
Born Like This
Animal I Have Become*
Let It Die
Bitter Taste*
The Good Life*
Someone Who Cares*
Chalk Outline
Misery Loves My Company*
Human Race*
Pain Killer*
Fallen Angel
So What*
Nothing's Fair in Love and War
One Too Many
twenty one pilots
Stressed Out*
Fairly Local*
Other Artists
Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin
Here by Alessia Cara*
Panic Room by Au/Ra*
I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha*
Dark Side by Bishop Briggs*
idfc by blackbear
Break the Rules by Charli XCX
Arcade by Duncan Laurence
The Monster by Eminem*
Gorgeous Nightmare by Escape the Fate*
Seven Devils by Florence + the Machine*
You Found Me by The Fray
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths*
So Alive by The Goo Goo Dolls*
Blood // Water by grandson*
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
Impossible by James Arthur*
Human by John "The Ragin Cajun" Jones*
Broken by lovelytheband
How Villains Are Made by Madalen Duke*
Twisted by MISSIO
Voices by Motionless In White
Funeral by Neoni*
How You Remind Me by Nickleback*
Don't Let Me Get Me by P!nk
Cradles by Sub Urban*
Bad Things by Summer Kennedy*
Shattered by Trading Yesterday*
Unsteady by X Ambassadors*
Heads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
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saintsenara · 1 year
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death (eaters) in paradise bellatrix lestrange/lord voldemort mature | 7.3k words
‘this is lovely,’ she said to the muggle bell-boy, who gave her a cheeky smile.
‘i asked for a twin,’ said the dark lord.
the bell-boy looked at bella, and then looked at the dark lord as though he were insane. ‘sorry, señor,' he said, not sounding very sorry at all, ‘but this was all there was available. you’ll be fine to share with her, no?’
a spanish anti-muggle group wishes to meet with the dark lord in marbella. so, it makes perfect sense for his favourite lieutenant to go with him. after all, she could do with a holiday.
this piece was written for week six of @ladiesofhpfest, on the theme of hot girl summer [you can find the masterlist for this week's fics here].
authors notes under the cut
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and it's too hot here to think to much about anything, so this is not a particularly deep story - the inspiration was entirely the fact that the idea of bellamort on holiday in marbella is funny. these are not two people who can be easily imagined lounging by a pool - although it has always tickled me that lord voldemort is ascending to the height of his powers alongside a period of luridly-coloured pop culture. the tiki cocktails of the late 1940s and the disco drinks of the 1970s shouldn’t be something one associates with him. and yet.
but there is something serious underneath all the brits-abroad capering [rip to the german tourist, hated by a nation for hogging the sun loungers]. i’ve always been struck by the fact that - even though jkr considers it to be more egalitarian than the muggle world - the wizarding world is constrained by extremely restrictive gender roles.
and i am convinced [and have explored more seriously elsewhere - especially in my piece nor all that glisters gold and its notes] that one of the reasons why bellatrix is so easily radicalised into being an enthusiastic death eater is because voldemort gives her a chance to transcend the expectations placed upon her by her gender and her social class. in death (eaters) in paradise she finds herself free - for the first time in her life - of pureblood modesty standards [after all, in canon, wizarding clothes seem to cover much more of the body than contemporary muggle fashions], of the need to pretend her marriage is happy, and of the need to pretend that she isn’t a sexual creature.
in death (eaters) in paradise [as, again, i’ve explored more seriously in my piece other women and of purer blood and its notes], there’s the idea that bellatrix’s lack of interest in pregnancy - and her desire to see sex as something with value beyond society’s belief that she should want lots of children, as is her duty as a pureblood - is considered quite scandalous in the circles in which she moves. that voldemort should be the only person she knows who doesn’t think this may not initially seem to be in line with his character - but, actually, the canonical voldemort tolerates a huge amount of casual affection from bellatrix. until the last stages of deathly hallows, he allows her to be physically very close to him, to touch him, to allude to the relationship between them, and so on - and my justification for why they are a sincerely plausible couple is directly connected to this. both bellatrix and voldemort want to be really known and really understood, and they provide a level of recognition and comfort to each other which is there in canon and really fun to draw out in fan-fiction.
plus, him giving her a horcrux is - and i’ll die on this hill - weirdly romantic.
[why i always write him as an arse man is unknown to me, but good for him.]
three final points: yes, i’m aware what the real-life john lewis incident was; rookwood’s hot daughter has turned up in other women of purer blood as well, and maybe she deserves her own story; and this is the dress jane russell wears in gentlemen prefer blondes which is seared into lord voldemort’s retinas:
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