#kitten kept walking across the keyboard trying to keep an eye on the roomba
platypanthewriter · 3 years
The Devil Looks After His Own Ch.4
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Chapters One | Two | Three
Little Steve Harrington is so lonely he tries summoning a demon with a ritual advertised on TV–but luckily, it doesn’t work, and a  buff, non-human nanny hired by his mom shows up minutes later.  Years  later, they’re best friends, and Steve still doesn’t know the truth.   For @magniloquent-raven​!
Since Steve’s mom and dad had basically stopped doing anything around the house, Steve helped Billy with things like scrubbing the bathroom, and doing laundry, and vacuuming. They listened to music very loud if Steve’s dad wasn’t working, and if he was, they played charades with each other as they worked. That meant Steve sometimes got the parmesan cheese when he wanted the Ajax cleanser, and Billy got Steve yelling and climbing up the furniture, looking for a huge cockroach rat hybrid, when all he wanted Steve to do was move so he could pick up the rug, but it was pretty funny.
“They are paying you, right,” Steve asked one day, as he and Billy laid on the floor of his room, exhausted from scrubbing the entire kitchen after Billy accidentally boiled a pan of chili over the whole stove and proceeded to drop it on the kitchen floor. Steve’s stomach growled—it’d actually smelled pretty good, for something Billy cooked, and he rolled to bury his face in Billy’s shoulder, groaning.
“...I don’t have a lot of use for money,” Billy said thoughtfully. “They’re giving me some, though, yeah.”
“Let’s order pizza,” Steve moaned, stretching. “I mean, if—can you get the money? Do you know how?”
“I have a bank account,” Billy muttered, but from the red his ears had turned, Steve suspected it hadn’t been that easy, at first.
“...do you have a card?” Steve asked, holding his fingers up in a rectangle, and Billy rolled onto his side to tickle him.
“Yes, you little jerk, I have a debit card, and I can get us pizza,” he told Steve, as he giggled and kicked the air.
“You should use it to do things you want,” Steve told him, relaxing into the hug, once he smacked Billy enough times that the tickling stopped. “Buy—things. Things you want. Or—or go somewhere.”
“Where would I wanna go without you?” Billy asked him, laughing, and Steve’s face heated.
He snaked his arms around more of Billy, and squeezed him, sighing contentedly. “...we could go together,” he mumbled. “To—to the, um, like, the water park. Or somewhere. They have slides.”
“Oooo,” Billy said, but it felt like he was laughing.
“They’re really cool,” Steve huffed, and Billy noogied his head.
“What about, like...Disneyland,” he whispered, and Steve’s heart thudded in his chest. “Or like...Hawaii? Is that a thing kids like? Go snorkeling?”
“Holy shit,” Steve muttered, because it seemed like the situation deserved a swear. “C-can you pay for that?! That’s—that’s a plane ticket, Billy—”
“Two of them,” Billy said, and Steve nodded, his heart pounding with excitement, because vacations would be completely different with Billy—Billy wouldn’t leave Steve in the hotel room all day, or expect him to just sit on a bench for hours at the mall.
“I-if you, um, if you want,” he squeaked, and Billy rolled on top of him, squishing him, and being annoying, and saying things like ‘Oh no, gross, did I roll onto a bug?’ “Get off!” Steve yelled, kicking and laughing.
“Too tired,” Billy groaned. “I’m just gonna lay here on this gross bug.”
“I’m not a bug!” Steve yelled back, cackling helplessly, until Billy finally took mercy, scooped him up, and let Steve order pizza with anything he wanted.
It turned out kinda gross, actually, because Steve had ordered everything he hadn’t tried before, but they picked off the fruit and the weird fish.  The fried eggs and sunflower seeds were actually pretty good.
“I didn’t know you were such a good cook,” Billy told him, and Steve kicked his leg, snorting a laugh, as Billy flipped through channels.
He paused on a news show, the news person holding the microphone out to a being that was mostly fire and horns. “What do you think of this talk of requiring a license from both sides to summon demons?”
“It’s ridiculous,” said the guttural voice in flames, and Billy shivered, his face weirdly blank, like he got at the beginning, when Steve ordered him around. “Expecting my people to agree not to tear anyone’s face off, or steal their soul, when they’ve been summoned and enslaved for millenia? Don’t make me laugh.”
Steve slid his hand into Billy’s as the news person interrupted. “Well, it’s supposed to end that—”
“My own son has been missing for nearly a year,” said the harsh voice, and Billy trembled again, lowering his slice of pizza to the plate. “Are you suggesting I report the summoner to the authorities, instead of punishing them for my son’s captivity myself? How would a slap on the wrist help us more?”
“...fuck,” Billy whispered, rubbing his face, and Steve squeezed his hand.
“It stands to reason that if there was oversight on who could summon demons—” the news person persisted, but the fire demon slammed a flaming appendage against the table, and ey jerked back.
“I will burn them from the bones out until their skin cracks off in lumps of char,” said the demon, “—and then I will reclaim my son,” and then the TV clicked off, and Billy was sweating and shaking, tears welling up in his eyes.
Steve dropped his pizza on his plate, sat it aside, and stood up to hug Billy, petting his hair like he was the neighbor’s cat as Billy laughed and shuddered against him. “Billy,” Steve whispered. “Are you a demon?”
“You think I’m like him?” Billy gasped out, his fists tight in Steve’s shirt. “You see him and you—you’re like—that’s Billy,” he choked off, crying, and Steve petted his hair some more, biting his lips, and trying to figure it out.
Before Billy, he’d never thought of teenagers as being just another kind of kid—they’d always seemed basically like grownups—but he was wondering more and more whether teenagers were just children who could drive. Steve wasn’t sure how he felt about that idea, it sounded kind of...bad.
“Do—did you used to summon demons,” he asked, cautiously. “Is—is that why you—is that why you’re magic—is—is—do you know a demon,” he tried, wondering what could have made Billy cry.
“Doesn’t matter,” Billy mumbled, and Steve raised his eyebrows.
“It matters,” he said, but then he felt Billy start to pull away, and hugged him tighter. “But, um. You—you don’t have to...tell me. Okay?”
“...are you serious,” Billy whispered, and Steve nodded, running his fingers through Billy’s curls. Billy sighed, squeezing him back.
“If, um, if you don’t...want to talk about it,” Steve told him, “—um, you—you don’t have to...tell me.”
“...sorry,” Billy sighed. He sounded exhausted. “I just...it’s, um. It’s sort of...safer. If you don’t know.”
“Okay,” Steve told him, wondering. Billy was right, he thought—even if he did have horns, the Billy that swung him around in the air, played LEGO, and bought him weird pizza was nothing like the fire demon that had threatened the news person, which he thought he should probably tell Billy. “You’re not like that,” he said quickly. “He was scary. He wanted to be scary. He wanted to hurt somebody. He...I know you’re not like that. I didn’t—I didn’t mean you were like that.”
Billy nodded, sighing. “I don’t want to be like that.”
“Who would,” Steve wondered, making a face. “What a jerk.”
“...yeah,” Billy said, laughing softly.
“Do you...know him...somehow?” Steve couldn’t help asking. “Is—is that why you yelled at me about demons? When you first came?”
“Demons are dangerous,” Billy bit out, “—and they will kill you. Don’t you fucking dare try that summoning shit again—”
“I wasn’t going to,” Steve said, shaking his head, and trying not to smile, because Billy’d turned to glower at him, wiping his eyes. “I mean it, I won’t—”
“You better not,” Billy growled, his mouth quirking as he slid his hand along the back of the couch to tickle Steve’s side, and Steve yelped.
“I won’t! I won’t, I promise, I won’t!” he yelled, squawking and giggling, and Billy yanked him in close for a hug.
“You’ll get eaten,” Billy said quietly, frowning like he was still worried, and Steve flicked his earring.
“I won’t do it,” he said again. “I won’t. I promise.”
“...okay,” Billy sighed, resting his face against Steve’s hair.
It started to get hot and uncomfortable in Billy’s arms—he was squeezing really tight, and they were both sweaty from cleaning, and Steve was hungry— but he waited, petting Billy’s hair until he let go on his own.
“I promise not to kidnap anyone and get eaten,” Steve muttered into Billy’s curls, sighing, and Billy started snickering, and blew a raspberry on his neck with a loud farty noise. Steve’s dad stomped out of his office and yelled at them to be quiet, and they snuck the pizza into Steve’s room, and had a picnic on the floor.
A couple weeks later, Steve and Billy were leaving the LEGO store at the mall—Steve with his head stuffed with ideas and his hands on the Jungle Raider vehicle he’d finally picked up for his Ninjago set, Billy with the new bonsai tree set, because he and Steve had decided to add it to his house—when they heard screams. Steve was still looking at the cover of the box when he registered Billy shoving him behind Billy’s back, and a woman ran by yelling “Run, get out of here, there’s a man with a gun!”
Steve froze, clutching his Ninjago set, and Billy scooped him up, and frowned back atinto the LEGO store, and then down the corridor of the mall. More people were running by, and some of them were making phone calls, which was good, Steve thought dazedly. He should have thought of that, calling 911, like in a movie.
“Kiddo,” Billy said softly, “—those sets you gave me. They really mine?”
“There’s a man with a gun,” Steve said shakily. “Billy.”
“Yeah,” Billy said, sitting him back down. “And I don’t know where he is, or what’s going on, but if you—” he bit his lip, thinking.
“Billy, can you help?” Steve hissed, wide-eyed. “Don’t get hurt—”
“Pick a set to really never play with again,” Billy said, glancing back into the mall. “You have to—to throw it away, or break it, so nobody can use it again. Can you do that?”
“I can’t break it from here,” Steve whimpered, starting to panic. “I can’t—this one’s too small and dumb, isn’t it, it was only ten dollars—” he held up the Jungle Raider vehicle, his eyes blurring with tears.
“That would work,” Billy said. “You’ve never even gotten to play with it. You can’t just buy it again, though.”
“O-okay,” Steve said, nodding. He lowered it slowly towards the ground, and then jumped and dropped it as they heard a gunshot. He stomped on it a few times. There was a crunch, he flinched, and Billy yanked him into a quick hug, kissing his cheek, and then went all... pretty.
He grew, it seemed like, even from the tall horned man he’d been when he’d come to work naked that first day, and he had muscles everywhere, and Steve tried not to giggle nervously, because Billy was naked again, and Steve could see everything.
“Go hide behind the counter, or in the back, as far back and low as you can get,” Billy told him, and Steve nodded, grabbing Billy’s hands.
“Don’t get hurt, Billy,” he whispered, trying to let go, but he’d started to cry, and he couldn’t make his fingers let go of Billy’s.
Billy yanked free to squeeze him close, but they heard another scream, and Steve pushed him away and ran into the store, trying to cry quietly. He found the nice counter person hiding behind the counter, and yanked them into the back like Billy had said, then crouched with his arms over his head like in an earthquake because he didn’t know what else to do.
The counter person had a glittery they/them pin that caught the light from the front of the store as they panted, staring over his shoulder, and Steve watched it, remembering how genius he’d thought it was back when they first started working. One of the centaur twins in his class used ey/em like their art teacher did, but the other one used fae/faer, and they were identical palominos—and Steve had been so grateful when one of them started painting faer hooves and he could get it right.
He hoped he got to see them again. He hoped Billy got to see them again, and started to cry harder, thinking about Billy dead somewhere, full of bullets. The counter person yelped as Steve started to crawl away, asking him where he was going, but Steve couldn’t help it, he scrambled out of the store, and hid under a bench in the corridor, listening.
There were a bunch of gunshots, at least five, and Steve shuddered, covering his mouth so he didn’t make a noise, but then everything went quiet. He waited, tears dripping down his cheeks, until Billy stumbled back around the corner of the corridor, leaning heavily against the wall.
There was blood, smoking as it dripped over his jewelry. Steve scrambled out with a yell and ran to him, gathering him into a hug as Billy slid down the wall to curl up with his head in Steve’s lap. “I-I’ll call 911,” Steve sobbed, wiping his tears away to try and see, and Billy shushed him.
“S’fine,” he mumbled. “S’okay, mmm...m’fixin’ it. Need...need you…”
“What,” Steve asked him, petting his flamey hair, and patting his horns nervously.
“Talk to me,” Billy breathed, with a noise like he had snot or tears in his throat, and Steve realized it was probably blood, the blood soaking into his jeans from Billy’s chest.
Steve bit his lips together to keep from making a noise as his lungs jerked with sobs. “Y-you’re gonna be okay,” he whined unconvincingly, then yelped as he realized Billy was smoking a little all over, and he felt a little smoky, too soft under Steve’s fingers on his shoulder, and not nearly heavy enough leaning against him.
“Tell me about the picture, that first night,” Billy whispered. “How’d it go. Dis-distract me.” He reached out and ran his finger through his blood on the floor, drawing some of a circle, and Steve pulled Billy’s hand back.
“Don’t move,” Billy growled, pretty certain that made things worse. He drew what he could remember—the castle, and the horse—trying not to think about the sticky chill of Billy’s blood on his fingers. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and kept drawing, as Billy asked questions like ‘Wasn’t it in a circle?’ and ‘I thought there were symbols or something.’ Steve would have stopped, but it sounded like it was helping, as Billy got heavier.
His voice sounded stronger. “...what are you drawing?” he asked, sounding like he wanted to laugh, and Steve felt a strong temptation to do something annoying, like lick his ear.
“I don’t remember the symbols!” Steve hissed, guiltily, trying not to sob. “Hearts are good,” he sniffled. “I-it’s the Eu-Eurovision logo! And I love you.”
“...yeah,” Billy whispered, staring at the picture, as Steve added some clouds, trying not to think about how much of Billy’s blood there was on the ground to draw with. “...save me with the Eurovision logo, kiddo.”
Steve sniffled hard, wiping his nose again, and used his clean hand to stroke Billy’s hair at the base of his horns.
“Tell me why you drew that,” Billy whispered, and Steve hugged him, trying not to get snot in his pretty hair. “The—the first time. That first night.”
Steve could hear sirens. “W-wanted a friend,” he whispered, his lungs juddering so he kind of gasped it.
“Wanted me?” Billy asked, whispering, and Steve nodded, hugging him tighter, and drew another circle around the one Billy had started, and wrote some stuff in there, ‘I’ and a heart and ‘Billy’, and Billy snorted a laugh, relaxing into him. He felt more solid, less like Steve’s fingers were going to press through him, and Steve dropped a kiss on his shoulder, his tears coming even faster in relief. Billy’s wound was smoking still, but he pushed himself upright—as Steve waved his hands in panic—and took a deep, slow breath, and shrank a little back into grown-up nanny Billy, in a t-shirt and jeans, still clutching at his stomach. The blood on the ground was smoking away. Billy took another slow breath, closing his eyes, and the blood on his shirt smoked away too.
Steve reached over—gently—and tugged Billy’s shirt up to see smooth unbroken skin, and wondered whether it was real. “Is—is it gone? Or are you hiding it?” he asked, around the lump in his throat, and Billy leaned in to kiss his head.
“I’m okay,” he whispered, as the sounds of shouting got closer.
“How did you get hurt,” Steve asked, rubbing his eyes again as they spilled over. “You’re magic, how—how did you get hurt, Billy, you—you promised—”
“I didn’t promise I’d never get hurt,” Billy laughed, and Steve punched his shoulder, and Billy grunted, wincing.
Steve scrambled closer, patting at him more gently. “It’s still there,” he realized, crying harder. “You’re still hurt, Billy, you’re hurt— we have to go to the hospital—”
“No, no, kiddo,” Billy laughed, gritting his teeth. “I’ll be okay. I’m just...hungry.”
“How did you get hurt,” Steve breathed again, his brain stuck on the memory of blood on the floor, and on his fingers. He clenched them, clean now, but he could still feel the stickiness.
“Well, he was human,” Billy said slowly, trying to push himself to his feet, “—and I’m not, so I was trying not to hurt him.”
“He had a gun,” Steve squeaked, stumbling to his feet to try and help Billy heave himself to his feet. “He had a gun, Billy—”
“But he’s human,” Billy said softly, glancing up with the smile he put on when he didn’t want to smile. “Like you. I can’t go around hurting humans.”
“You can if they have a gun,” Steve growled, steadying Billy as he stood, finally, staggering.
“Naaah,” Billy said, hugging his head. “You might stop and think twice about being my friend, seeing me do something like that.”
“I would not,” Steve insisted, huffing. “Not if they’re shooting at you—”
As they walked out, around the EMTs and a man in cuffs, screaming about demons, Billy flinched. Steve turned on his heel to go yell, because Billy was nice, and pretty, and he’d gotten shot, but Billy grabbed him up around the waist and kept walking, telling everyone that stopped him that they hadn’t seen anything, and they were fine.
“I hope they put him in jail forever,” Steve muttered, squirming to get down, because he was starting to get why parents got mad when they were worried. He wanted to shake Billy for not understanding he was important. Steve couldn’t stop snapping at him, either, even when he tried to be nice, stopping for a milkshake on the way home—Billy asked what kind Steve wanted, and tried to suggest vanilla when Steve paused, and then Steve went and said strawberry, just to prove him wrong, and he didn’t even like strawberry. Billy’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel as he drove, and Steve tried not to cry over his gross strawberry milkshake, and the remembered feeling of Billy’s blood dripping between his fingers and soaking into his jeans.
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to keep quiet about this, okay?” Billy told him, and Steve laughed, wetly, because it wasn’t like he could tell anyone anyway. Steve’s parents would have questions if Steve told them Billy had been naked.
“I won’t tell,” Steve said thickly, and Billy grinned at him, like everything was fine.
It was weird, being really, really mad at Billy. Steve wasn’t used to being so angry at somebody he loved, and it spilled out, everywhere, at his parents, his teacher, at his friends—and particularly at Billy, who glared in confusion as Steve stomped past when he offered a hug, or ignored Billy saving him a seat in the cafeteria, or refused to eat the awful food Billy cooked for dinner.
It was worse that he couldn’t even tell anyone—there was nobody he trusted enough, except Billy. It seemed so obvious, now, that Billy could be hurt— everyone could, Steve told himself, and it had been stupid to think Billy couldn’t be hurt just because he could do magic.
He wanted to scream because Billy would hurt himself to save Steve, or that he almost died, and acted like that was normal, and he yelled into his pillow until he cried.
“Don’t be pissed,” Billy hissed, yanking Steve around the back of the gym during recess, after Steve had picked Tommy first for his soccer team. “You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.”
“I know,” Steve muttered, his eyes stinging, because being angry all the time made him want to cry all the time, which made him angrier.
“You are fine,” Billy whispered, sighing, like Steve was being a brat.
Steve figured he probably was being a brat, if Billy thought so, and kind of wished he could just say thank you, but it stuck in his throat, and he shoved Billy away.
“I protected you, you’re fine, I’ll always protect you,” Billy groaned, like Steve was stupid, and Steve pushed him again.
“What about you,” he yelled back, too loud, and started to cry again. The shouting of three classes at recess pretty much drowned him out, but it was still embarrassing. “Y-you keep saying I’m fine, what about you?!”
“I’m fine too,” Billy told him, rolling his eyes. “I healed, I’m okay, Stevie.”
“Don’t call me Stevie,” Steve said, and Billy blinked, probably because Steve had always kind of liked having nicknames, just like normal kids.
“...Steve,” Billy corrected, watching his face, and Steve realized he’d given Billy an order, and felt worse.
“Y-you keep saying it’s fine and it’s not fine,” Steve shouted at him, and Billy frowned harder. “It’s not fine if you get hurt,” Steve tried to yell, but his throat closed, and he kind of choked it out.
“It’s okay if I’m helping you,” Billy said, smiling like Steve was being funny, and Steve wanted to hit him.
“No,” he rasped out, and Billy cocked his head. “If,” Steve started, not sure how he was going to finish, “—i-if—if you keep saying—if you keep saying you don’t matter,” he forced out, swallowing hard, “—I—I’ll—”
“You’ll what,” Billy laughed, raising his eyebrows, and Steve set his jaw.
“I’ll believe you,” he threatened, lying, and Billy went still. “I—I’ll believe you. That you don’t matter. L-losing you doesn’t matter. M-my best friend doesn’t matter. If I—” he sniffled hard, wiping his face, “—if I don’t like you anymore, it won’t be so scary—”
“No,” Billy interrupted, wide-eyed, grabbing Steve’s arm. “No, no, no— Steve —”
“It’s fine if s-some—if something...happens to you! R-right?!” Steve insisted, crying too hard to pretend he wasn’t, and pushing Billy, who staggered back. “If you’re just gonna die I—” he cut off as his lungs seized at the idea of Billy dead, Billy in a pool of blood, still on the floor, Billy gone. “I-if you’re gonna die,” he started again, miserably, “I don’t wanna be your friend, I—I can’t—”
“Fucking hell,” Billy muttered, his hands twitching towards Steve, and then flinching back. “I’m sorry, okay, I’m sorry, please—please don’t—”
“Wh-what if you die and it’s my fault,” Steve moaned, hiccuping sobs, and trying to wipe his face, and Billy stepped in close again, grimacing uncertainly, wiping Steve’s face with his sleeves. He smelled like smoke, a little, like he did when something scary was happening, and the laundry detergent from when Steve helped him out at the laundromat, and Billy had chased him around and tickled him on one of the dryers. “What if you’re gone,” Steve wailed.
“No, no, no, c’mon, no, no—” Billy muttered, pulling him into a hug. Steve tried to pull away again, but Billy held on, warm and strong, and Steve finally just bawled into his shoulder, sobbing so loud everybody came to look, two different teachers, and all three of the classes at recess. Steve buried his face in Billy’s shoulder, and Billy hugged his whole head as Steve’s new favorite teacher squeezed both their shoulders, and whispered that she was glad they’d made up, and then ushered everyone away, even Tommy, who looked torn between triumph and worry.
“I’m s-still mad at y-you,” Steve told Billy, gulping for air. “I-I’m so mad at you—I—I’m so mad—” he wheezed out, his breath gone from crying, and Billy squeezed him tighter.
“Sssh, ssh, ssh, I’m sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong,” he whispered, and Steve relaxed, a tiny bit, wondering if Billy got it, finally.
“You c-can’t do that again,” Steve told him, feeling a sick guilt for ordering Billy around, but pushing on, because it had to be okay to not let Billy get shot.
“I don’t think there’s probably gonna be that many shooters at the mall, kiddo,” Billy whispered back, laughing, and Steve stomped on his foot.
“You have to promise,” he hissed, and Billy laughed again, but when Steve shoved away to glare at him, Billy was crying too, his eyes red and wet. “...you promise?” Steve asked, softening a little, and reaching up to wipe Billy’s tears off his round, freckled cheeks. Billy nodded, smirking a little, and Steve frowned. “You can’t just—get hurt. Not for me.”
“Because I’m so important,” Billy said, his smile widening a little as his eyes spilled over again. “And you’d be super sad.”
“Yeah,” Steve told him, narrowing his eyes, because he wasn’t sure Billy was really getting it, yet. “I’d probably cry for— forever.”
Billy made a weird noise in his throat as he laughed, leaning in and kissing Steve on his cheek, and his ear, clumsily, and squeezing him tight again until his fingers hurt against Steve’s arms and sides, but Steve didn’t care, because he was hugging back just as hard. “I—I’ll be more...careful,” Billy mumbled, sniffling. “Since I’m...important. So you don’t have to get so scared.” He took a shaky breath, burying his face in Steve’s shoulder. “...just...because of me.”
“You’re the most important person I know,” Steve told him, his breath going shaky again. “Just—just you, you have to—you have to be okay—”
“I gotta make sure I’m okay so you’re okay,” Billy whispered, nodding a little, and Steve groaned, but it was close enough, he figured, so he sighed a ‘yeah’. “Because I’m important,” Billy said, laughing a little, like he didn’t believe it, and Steve growled into his neck.
“I’m not lying,” Steve growled.
“No, no, yeah, I know,” Billy told him, giggling, and Steve pulled back to stare at him. He was laughing and crying, pink-cheeked. “I-I know. I’m—I’m important.”
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bungeegumsurprise · 4 years
(Headcanon) Super Fluff!: Benimaru, Obi, Hinawa, Karim x Reader As a Cat
What your life as a cat would be like if your owner was Benimaru, Obi, Hinawa, or Karim.
Original Request:
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A/N: I made this as fluffy as I could XD Reader is a different kitten for each one. :)
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How you met:
-He was sitting out on the patio in the backyard of the guardhouse, taking a break from filling out boring paperwork while snacking on some fresh mochi.
-He was about to take another bite when he heard something rustling in the bushes and paused to look over towards the tall wooden fence.
-He could hear something faintly meowing, as he leaned forward and squinted his eyes. 
-You had wandered in from your owner’s yard, which happened to be home to the same grandma that had made him the mochi.
-That’s when he saw a small fluffy ball of half-light grey and half white fur, crawl out from underneath the bushes. 
-When he called her over to take you back home, she said that her son had recently gotten you after getting married, but it turned out his wife was allergic to cats and had no choice but to look for a new owner.
-The grandma said she was simply too old and frail to take care of a cat, and had insisted that Benimaru was somehow destined to be the one to take care of you. 
Random Facts:
-At first, he liked being left alone in peace and quiet when duty wasn’t calling him, and actually wasn’t too keen on keeping something that would keep nagging in his ear for attention.
-But to his surprise, you were actually a good nap buddy.
-Whenever he would lie down to get some shut eye, you would quietly circle around your spot once, before curling into a ball and cuddling up against his side or climbing onto his chest, sometimes letting out the occasional yawn before you closed your eyes and drifted off together.
-He also thinks it’s cute how you stretch out your arms and limbs after waking up, and he’ll actually ask you if you had a good nap.
-If you did: You’d meow, and he’ll pat your fur from the middle of your forehead down to your tail.
-If you didn’t: You’d let out another yawn, and he’ll tell you to go back to sleep with him.
-Both of you like it when he lets you crawl into his haori, riding shotgun to wherever he has to go next (that is kitten safe of course).
-You guys played hide-n-seek once and he got worried when he turned the entire guardhouse upside down and still couldn’t find you.
-You actually fell asleep in the laundry basket when Konro found you.
-That’s how you ended up with a little golden bell dangling from the middle of your light blue collar.
-He thinks that dried cat food is like eating dried rabbit poop (idk how he knows this), and that wet cat food smells like spoiled fish.
-So he has Konro make your daily meals with only the freshest and healthiest ingredients for his, “little princess.” (He named you “princess” but only adds the ‘little,’ when you’re both alone, because everyone else would guarantee not to let him hear the end of it if they did.)
-He likes feeding you the juicy and sweet strawberries from the center of his daifuku, to which you happily oblige.
-He likes staring at you while playing with your ears. 
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How you met:
-Despite how he looked, he was more of a cat person.
-He was at the local pet store to pick up more food for his pet goldfish when he saw you speeding around the other cats in a game of tag, in the little playpen the store’s owner had set up near the entrance.
-He liked how this adorable creamsicle-furred kitten was so carefree and happily playing around with its friends.
-You were like the little ball of energy he needed in his mundane bachelor life. 
Random Facts:
-He likes how your brightly colored fur looks even more orange in the sunlight.
-He got you an orange colored collar to match the color of your fur and the fact that you liked the smell of oranges.
-You like it when he feeds you wedges of sweet tangerines from time to time.
-He named you “mittens” because of your fluffy white paws.
-You like sitting on his stomach or on top of the barbell when he’s working out.
-He got you your very own cat wheel so you work out with him.
-He always buys you the newest cat toys.
-You like riding on top of the Roomba when it’s vacuum day.
-You like it when he takes you to work with him because Shinra and Maki are the only ones besides Obi, that can keep up and play with you until it’s time to go home.
-You like bathing in the sunlight while he’s out on the front yard or at the beach, trying to get his tan on.
-He’s actually pretty good at skateboarding, and you like riding between his feet on the board.
-He’s trying to get you to ride with him on a surfboard, but you don’t see that happening any time soon.
-You earned the nickname “speed racer,” from the time you were running around the office and zoomed across all the desks, sending the paperwork flying all over the place.
-Both of you like it when you’re both at home sitting on the sofa and he puts on a good action movie.
-Both of you agree that the “Rush Hour” movie series, are your favorite movies to watch over and over again.
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How you met:
-Your previous owners had turned infernals and sadly died when company seven was the ones to put them to rest.
-Hinawa rescued you from your burning home.
-You were feeling scared, lonely, and sad as Hinawa carried you out; and the way you looked up at him with your big round eyes, he couldn’t bear to give you up to the local animal shelter. 
Random Facts:
-He named you “angel” because of the disaster you miraculously survived, and because of your pure white fur.
-Hinawa lets you pick your collar for the day, between either the white or pink one, both with a small metal heart hanging from the middle.
-He was patient with letting you adjust to him and your new home.
-He actually took a week off from work to spend time with you.
-You loved the smell of the delicious food he would cook both at home and at work, and had your own designated space on the counter so you could watch.
-He would place your homemade cat-friendly food in the pretty dishes he had bought for you.
-He would always say that, “taste is half the battle, the other half is presentation.”
-You like crawling under his hats and walking around with them.
-You like crawling around his paperwork and keyboard when he looks like he could use a break.
-He sighed at first, but found it cute how you walked into the stamp pad filled with black ink, and left your paw prints all over the place.
-He likes uploading photos onto the company website, of just you, or with small random objects on your head.
-Both of you like it when you nap on his lap while he’s reading manga at home or at a manga café that allows pets.
-If they don’t, he’ll try to sneak in with you under his hat, claiming it’s a hat that happens to look like a cat is sleeping under it.
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How you met:
-His neighbor’s cat had given birth, and he went there with the intention of only dropping off some blankets he no longer needed.
-He kneeled down to spread them out onto the ground, when a new born kitten with fur that looked like a caramel mocha latte, shakily crawled towards him with its eyes still closed.
-“Aww, I think she likes you.” Karim wasn’t the best with animals, completely disagreeing with the owner’s statement; when you decided to crawl onto his lap, and meowed so preciously.
-He sat like an ice sculpture not knowing what to do, when the owner scooped you up in her hands and showed Karim how to hold you.
-When you licked his face and purred as he held you, he was in kitty love. 
Random Facts:
-He took FOREVER trying to come up with your name.
-The old man that was in charge of engraving a pet’s name on their collar at the pet store, said it was confusing if Karim kept repeating the same name on the collar, and because 20 letters would no way fit.
-He finally settled on “brownie,” because of the color of your furred patches.
-He bought you a grayish-blue collar because it matched the color of his hair, and added a little sparkly star accessory to your collar.
-He asked the veterinarian almost a 100 questions because he had no idea of how to take care of a cat.
-He isn’t as nervous as a wreck as he was before with taking care of you.
-After a few years, you were just the right size to crawl from one of his shoulders to the other, and settled on sitting on his head.
-He could watch you run around his room all day.
-Both of you like it when he lets you lie down on his pillow, as you curl into the crook of his neck, and he turns on some soft music for you.
-Though he can’t feed you chocolate like your namesake, he’ll feed you frozen berries and thinks it’s cute how some of the juice from the berries got on parts of your white fur; making you look like a “berried kitty berry.”
-Captain Burns has a big soft spot for you, and likes to play with you when he should be working.
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