marcuslash · 4 months
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Thundercats crossover com os felinos: Pantera com de rosa, Hello Kitty, Garfield e Manda chuva 😂👏👏
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starjunco · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis Additional Tags: Humor, kitty!Nyx, Shifter AU, NyxWeek2023, Day 7 Series: Part 3 of Kitty!Nyx Summary:
Nyx's late night "feline tactical training" is interrupted by his boyfriend. And, more importantly, his boyfriend's cellphone camera.
A Kitty!Nyx story. Does not require knowledge of previous stories.
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garbria · 2 years
Flufftober Day 22
Have You Heard?
can be read on ao3 here
“Now that the main business is over with, I did have something else to discuss.”
Cor raised his eyebrows at Regis and picked up his pen again. This hadn’t been on the agenda for this meeting, which meant it was either personal or very bad news.
Clarus crossed his arms. “We’ve been getting reports from the staff that there’s a stray cat wandering around, causing mischief. Some of the council have reported paperwork chewed, and Lord Bosphorus found a hairball in his shoe.”
Cor coughed to hide a laugh. 
Drautos frowned. “I found a dead mouse on my desk the other day, along with some shredded paperwork.”
Cor coughed again, and turned away. Nyx was going to be in so much trouble.
“My son tells me he found a stray cat recently, and you promised to find it a good home. Did you?” Regis looked at him expectantly.
“Ah, yes, your Majesty. He’s in a good home,” Cor answered. He personally thought Nyx’s apartment was a bit of shithole, but Nyx was over at his place more often than not these days, so he guessed it evened out.
“Did you keep it?” Regis asked, surprised.
Cor kept his face blank as he considered how to answer that. 
“You have a cat?” Clarus’ face was incredulous.
“Yeah, I guess I do.” Cor tried to keep the fondness from his face.
“And you just let it run around?” Drautos was frowning at him.
Clarus shook his head. “Pets come with responsibilities. You can’t just let it wander around wherever it wants.”
“And you should at least let Noctis visit it.” Regis was giving him his disappointed look.
Cor sighed. “I’ll see that he doesn’t cause more trouble. And bring him over to see Noctis sometime.” 
“See that you do.” Regis nodded, and dismissed the meeting.
Cor left, dodging Drautos’ attempts to talk to him. Nyx had better make this up to him, no matter how much his victims had deserved it.
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epidesmos · 4 months
guys submit asks or somethin sigh
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kitties by the way
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delphinecore · 9 months
✧⠀🫶🏻⟆ׁ⠀ִ⠀𝟏𝟎𝟎⠀𝒻 𖹭𝑙𝑙᥆𝑤ᥱ𝑟᥉ׂׂ⠀!!
eu fui dormir com 99 e agora já somos 106! nossa eu tô muito feliz, não pensei que fosse crescer tão rápido assim, mas acho que isso só mostra que meu trabalho está indo certo!
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não sei como agradecer por todo o carinho que estão me dando, não sou boa com palavras e também ainda não consegui pensar em nada para fazer para vocês! talvez eu disponibilize um efeito para vocês poderem usar! mas vou continuar postando moods e mais estéticas livres! falando nisso, irei abrir as asks para pedidos também por um tempo limitado!! quando voltar a fechar, não se preocupem que eu aviso.
muito obrigado por estarem aqui comigo, obrigada pelas quase 400 notinhas no mood da karina, as 100 notinhas no mood da miyeon, com o da sana estamos chegando lá e com as estéticas também! isso significa muito para mim, me anima bastante. fazia meses que eu estava desanimado com meus moods mas finalmente está dando certo e tudo graças a vocês!
aproveito para dizer que na votação venceu o perfil com moods todos rosinha, o que eu gostei KKK, mas não significa que vez ou outra não farei com outra cor, só para variar um pouco ou caso não ache imagens rosinha como eu quero. eu sou meia fresca com imagens e tals..hehe. e o que acham de eu fazer uns post com headers? em vez de postar o tempo todo mood, posso postar uns header para usarem com os moods que eu faço! ficar tudo combinando e tals, às vezes dá jeito para ser usado em blogs, então!! só comentar o que acham da ideia!
enfim, não quero me alongar tanto porque se não, acho que ninguém vai ler KKKKKKK, mas obrigado por tudo, espero que continuem aqui comigo e vamos crescer juntos!
deixarei aqui embaixo vários blogs que eu aprecio muito e me ajudaram a chegar aqui. não tem ordem, amo todos e se o seu blog não estiver aqui, peço desculpa, minha memória é péssima, eu deixo vocês reclamar comigo KKKKK.
besos besos 🫶🏻💕
@nick-web @sunniewr @d-aezs @soullinie @asherisc @fraisesstuff @folkblis @soocats @artquarius @paper-heartt @harumi-web @whitoshi @venomme @bonnie-bweb @bourijhw @tata-kitty @kalee-world @cafeinesstuff @charlieweb @v1llain-web @yasneyz @belle-web @mirtle-webs @haeg0yangi @sushi-yo @sxline @ttypearl @cowtey-mii @transaseamores @6inchis
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littlfrcak · 4 months
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ter um dia livre para se divertir em um parque era o sinônimo de que não precisava se esforçar para pedir ajuda a kitty, podia apenas vestir qualquer uma de suas vestes. a calça preta com rasgos nas coxas e nos joelhos, a camiseta preta com a estampa adaptada para o seu chalé, botas pesadas e claro, seu novo amuleto. a peça era nova e tinha uma magia mais forte, se ele caísse de seu pescoço, voltaria para seu bolso rapidamente. era a mesma magia que tinha em seus aparelhos auditivos de que se caíssem, voltariam para si.
a caixa de afrodite trouxe uma surpresa triste e desesperadora para sasha: suas roupas eram cor de rosa. a única coisa que tinha realmente gostado ali era o sapato. o estilo da peça era algo que facilmente ele vestiria em alguma festa chique... mas se fosse preto. seu guarda-roupa não tem peças daquela cor, foi até estranho encarar aquilo e saber que era para vestir. não arriscaria se encrencar com afrodite então realmente vestiria. por causa da magia da deusa, mesmo sem o amuleto percebeu que não havia cicatrizes em sua face; uma olhada dentro da camisa e realmente até o braço e o lado direito de seu torso estavam limpos, lisos. a pele enrugada da cicatriz do fogo não existia. estava sem imperfeições. talvez aquela roupa não fosse tão ruim, afinal. mas era triste saber que considerava as cicatrizes imperfeições ao ponto da magia de afrodite corrigir isso. iria confiar em afrodite uma vez na vida e não usaria o colar, deixaria ali no chalé. se até o aparelho auditivo fornecido ali era cor de rosa, a deusa merecia uma chance de confiança.
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hefestotv · 4 months
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Bem-vindos ao TOPTVE onde cada melodia é um convite para se apaixonar, eu sou Eros e vou te fazer flutuar nas nuances do amor até o final do programa!
Ah, o amor! Quem nunca se perdeu em um olhar ou encontrou poesia em um simples gesto? Nosso programa de hoje está recheado de MVs e dicas de músicas que vão aquecer seu coração e te fazer suspirar. Vamos embarcar juntos nessa jornada musical que nos lembra que, mesmo nas noites mais escuras, sempre há uma canção para nos guiar.
Semideuses, convido vocês a se prepararem para cantar junto comigo, dançar coladinho com a pessoa amada ou simplesmente deixar que a música leve você para aquele momento especial com alguém que você ama. No TOPTVE, o amor está no ar e, com certeza, na sua playlist! Basta apontar seu celular para o QR code que aparece no cantinho esquerdo de sua tela, sim, do mesmo lado onde fica seu coração, e mergulhe comigo nessa experiência. Então, aumente o volume, abra o coração e deixe o amor entrar.
Love is in the Air: Para os apaixonados clássicos! Aqui você encontrará as maiores letras românticas do mundo mortal. Nomes como: Lionel Ritchie, Elvis Presley, Elton John, Whitney Houston, Cindy Lauper e muitos outros!
I Will Survive: Para os corações quebrados, para aqueles que sentem que o amor está em seu momento mais difícil e precisam se recuperar de uma perda. Deixe que Troye Sivan, Olívia Rodrigo, Sam Smith, Lewis Capaldi e muitos outros acalentam seu coração... pois você não está só!
My Dirty Secret: Ah, a luxúria! O amor não é apenas calmaria e tranquilidade, é também fogo! Paixão! Luxúria! Aqui você encontrará Anitta, Arctic Monkeys, Bruno Mars, Camilla Cabelo e muitos outros para embalar sua noite sexy.
Arrasta!! O chifre no asfalto: Como nem tudo são flores no amor, também temos uma programação especial para os... cornos. Não há jeito melhor de dizer isso. Para os que a testa está coçando e o cotovelo doendo, também vamos dividir a atenção com Priscila Senna, Marília Mendonça, Matheus e Kauan e outros sofredores!
Fallin' for each other: E claro, para aqueles que ainda estão no caminho para se apaixonar. Onde tudo é novo e bom, onde o mundo parece cor de rosa e o sentimento é tão jovem que tudo o que você consegue fazer... é flutuar nesse amor. McFly, Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Meghan Trainor e outros irão te guiar por esse arco-íris fantástico.
E o melhor de tudo? Você pode nos enviar sugestões que elas serão adicionadas às playlists do programa! Ouça tudo e respire fundo pois O Amor Está no Ar!
ATENÇÃO: Para não atrapalhar a dinâmica, o conhecimento dos casais que estão em encontros são apenas em OOC, em IC, os personagens só sabem quem foram se os colegas contarem.
Alina e Raynar: Campo de tiro ao alvo
Fahriye e Alexander: Cachoeira mágica
Sawyer e Victor: Lago com pedalinhos
Evelyn e Leonardo: Corrida de Pegasos
Kerim e Candace: Jantar perto do lago
Styx e Charlotte: Observatório Astronômico
Donna Jo e Stevie: Passeio no lago
Kitty e Veronica: Arena
Marlowe e James: Anfiteatro
Junho e Kit: Campos de morango
Pietra e Liam: Cozinha
Olivia e Amarantha: Canoagem
Indigo e Yeon: Observatório Astronômico
Estelle e Bishop: Caverna dos deuses
Hwon e Brooklyn: Cerâmica
Tadeu e Sasha: Passeio a cavalo
Aurora e Duncan: Riacho zéfiro
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scarriestmarlowe · 11 months
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my dndads2 main pcs nd npcs lineup! left to right (mildly obvi) is linc, scary, normal, taylor, hermie, and dood!
zooms as well as minor details and headcanons downstairs.
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i themed him after purple because i relate grant to red and marco to blue!
i honestly don't quite have a reason for why i made his soccer number 15. i did google it though, and apparently, it indicates a major turn, as well as relationships and love. crazy how that shook out, huh?
he's autistic, special interest in soccer (ofc)
he's got a major crush on taylor!
favorite bands are tv girl, the cranberries, and of course, olivia rodrigo. also maybe taylor swift the woman not taylor swift not that one
genderfluid lesbian, she/he/bat pronouns, oscilates wildly between high femme and stone butch in a way i find inspirational!
north indian!
of course themed her pink, it's her favorite color, gotta love it.
adhd girlie <33 as well as HPD. never seen a boy with more hpd than shes got!
cute little crush on erica. erica has one on her as well.
her favorite bands are type o negative, kittie, and evanescence
ambiguosly queer, and transmasc!!
mex/italian/irish, i just forgot to add that hes irish
i themed him brown because i consider his mom like. beige. and i think he takes a lot after his mom just a more saturated, extreme version imo.
of COURSE, hermie and dood crushes. gotta love it. hes polyamorous and disastrous and fighting for his life.
his favorite bands are all obviously, big band and school band versions of any song ever, one i can't write the name of because it's not got any kind of letters.
dependent personality disorder is just. GOD hes so dpd coded.
autistic with a teeny special interest, and adhd.
intersex, also ambiguosly queer, nebulously trans.
chinese + native hawaiian (on his mum's side)
autistic, anime special interest, adhd and npd coded. my sweet sweet npd boy. its so obvious. hes got it. his dads got it. his granddads got it. his great granddads got it. if youre a streep/close/foster/swift boy then chances are you've got npd
i themed him orange just cause honestly? i was originally gonna go for red but i was gonna theme hermie all red and then i just didnt like that for him. taylor fucking swift (not that one) is orange coded and i cant explain why.
he also has a little nerdboy crush on linc theyre both terrible with it.
shocking nobody, weezer, viagra boys, and system of a down.
also intersex, and omnisexual
half chinese half scam
autistic with a theatre special interest.
crush on normal. hates that hes got it.
i themed him after grey because hes just all things merged to me in my soul. i nearly made him rainbow then almost threw up at the idea of coloring that.
his favorite bands...cor, i think i'd call him a listener of...gosh, david bowie, pansy division, and glass animals. also duh, musical theatre.
pansexual and agender
nebulously eldritch
audhd king
crush on normal...maybe baby platonic crushes on the others as well, but major romantic crush on normal
i themed him after white! i originally planned to build him as purple themed, then black themed, then screwed with him a light more, and ended up going into white and lovin it.
listens to everything, but his favorite bands are laughter, and music, and love
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shadottie · 7 days
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Drawing this was a comfort this weekend 🧡 I'd like to think Ellie will make great friends with the beautiful Aiko, Cor's little angel ❤️🐾
I miss her so much-- and grief is a silly thing, worrying about her being lonely in kitty heaven when I needed to say goodbye. She always loved sharing a space with me, Cory, and Desmond. So.. yeah, may these two be cute fluffy princesses over in those pastel clouds <3
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revenant-coining · 2 years
1st Person Pronouns
Last Updated: 10/6/22
[s] = singular, [p] = plural if specified
We/us/our/ours/ourself or ourselves
Ci/cm/cy/cine/cyself [s]
Ne/nuis/nur/nurs/nurselves or nurself [p]
Nit/vunce/vuns/vuns/vunselves or vunself [p]
Si/sey/sy/sine/syselves or syself [p] [intended for systems, not exclusive]
Wit/unce/uns/uns/unselves or unself [p]
Wei/muis/muir/muirs/muirselves or muirself
Themed: themes in brackets, [like this]
An/ant/antl/antlen/antlerself [antler]
​Cer/cerv/cyn/cervine/cerviniself [cervine]
Claw/claw/claws/claws/clawself [claw]
Co/coi/coin/coine/coinself [coin]
Cor/cors/corni/cornis/corniself [cornibus]
Dai/daim/daim/dais/daiself [demon]
Da/dae/daem/daine/daemself [daemon]
De/dec/decay/decays/decayself [decay]
Di/rays/dior/diors/diorself [radiation] [p]
Ea/lea/leafs/leavs/leafself [leaf]
Eye/eye/meye/meyen/meyself [eye]
Fa/fall/fallen/falline/fallenself [fallen]
Fae/fae/faes/faer/faeself [fae]
Fae/faer/faen/faens/faeself [fae]
Fa/fang/fangs/fangs/fangeself [fang]
Fai/fairy/fair/fairs/fairyself [fairy]
Fel/fle/flesh/fleshs/fleshself [flesh]
Go/gor/gore/gores/goreself [gore]
Haz/haz/hazar/hazars/hazardself [hazard]
Hex/hex/hexx/hexx/hexxelf [hex]
Ho/hor/horn/hoine/horself [horn?]
Jinx/jinx/jinxx/jinxx/jinxxelf [jinx]
Kei/kein/keiy/keine/keinself [kenochoric?]
Ki/kit/kitty/kine/kittyself [kitty]
Li/le/lix/light/lightself [light]
Li/min/nal/limin/(limi)nalself [liminal]
Mag/magi/magic/magis/magicself [magic]
Meow/meow/meows/meows/meowself [meow]
Peb/pebb/pebble/pebbles/pebbleself [pebble]
Pie/ma/pies/mags/magpieself [magpie]
Pix/pixie/pixx/pixx/pix(x)self [pixie]
Phy/phi/phiy/phyn/phyself [phylum]
Rai/rain/rai/rains/rainy [rain]
Rat/rat/rats/rats/ratself [rat]
Ray/di/dy/rad/dyself [radiation] [s]
Rei/rod/rodent/rodent/rodentself [rodent]
Riv/river/rivers/rivers/riverself [river]
Sa/san/sang/sangs/sanguiself [sanguine]
Sli/me/smy/slime/smyself [slime]
Sli/slim/slime/sline/slimeself [slime]
Si/sin/sinner/sine/sinself [sin]
Si/spe/spi/spir/spirself [spir]
Spell/spell/spells/spells/spellself [spell]
​Sta/ste/steig/stein/stagself [stag]
Squi/squid/squids/squids/squidself [squid]
Twig/twig/twigg/twiggs/twigself [twig]
Un/un/uncan/uncans/uncannyself [uncanny]
x/x/xs/xs/xself [x]
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treecakes · 5 months
what are your top fav talking cat characters? 🎤
SO TRUE. thank you cor for the distraction from assignments i appreciate it 👍
FIRST PLACE!! is nyanko-sensei this is totally not predictable for me i love him he’s the perfect mascot character because he’s actually important to the story and natsume’s development and he’s a great reference point for any situation!!! great old man kitty cat character :3
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[ID: nyanko-sensei from natsume’s book of friends]
SECOND PLACE is xiaohei from the legend of hei. WHAT A KITTY CAT!! he’s so funny i love his personality and i like seeing him grow and change and i’m excited for more of the series :3
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[ID: xiaohei from the legend of hei webseries]
THIRD PLACE is da qing. “meow,” said da qing the cat is the best literary quote in history truly
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[ID: screenshot of the line “‘meow,’ says da qing the cat, and da qing from the guardian drama]
FOURTH PLACE is jiji he doesn’t do much but he’s the talking cat from my first ghibli movie so i love him
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[ID: jiji from kiki’s delivery service]
ummmm i can’t think of any others unless warrior cats counts i haven’t read that series since 6th grade but jayfeather you’ll always be famous to me !!!!!!
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[ID: warrior cats jayfeather plushie]
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starjunco · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pelna Khara & Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric Characters: Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Pelna Khara, Monica Elshett, Clarus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: kitty!Nyx, Shapeshifter!Nyx, AU-gust | August Writing Challenge 2023, Pet Sitters, Humor Series: Part 4 of Kitty!Nyx, Part 4 of AU August 2023 Summary:
Nyx and Pelna are up to something in the halls of the Citadel. It's going mostly to plan until the Marshal shows up. Hyjinks ensue.
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garbria · 2 years
Flufftober Day 17
Animal Shelter
can be read on ao3 here
Cor heard whispering, and headed in that direction. He found the two boys huddled together in an alcove off of one of the main passages.
“Prince Noctis, Ignis. Everything alright?”
Noctis squeaked and clutched something to his chest. 
“Marshal.” Ignis turned around and adjusted his glasses, a nervous tick Cor had noticed the boy picked up recently. 
Cor knew the boys could be lonely, even Gladio had Iris to look after, but Ignis’ uncle had sent him here to serve Noctis alone. He had hoped Ignis would be a good influence and keep Noctis out of mischief. Apparently he had underestimated Noctis’ influence.
“What are you hiding, Noctis?” Cor gave Noctis an even look. It wouldn't be the first time Noctis had tried to sneak an animal into the Citadel.
“Uncle Cor!” Noctis whined, curling his body around what he was hiding. “I found him wandering around, lost! I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t hurt. Are you sure I can’t keep him?”
Cor sighed and shook his head.
Ignis shifted. “I was just about to arrange to contact the animal shelter. It has no collar, but they’ll be able to see if it’s microchipped.”
At that moment, a black head popped out from Noctis’ jacket, where he was being kept. The ears twitched in his direction as a very familiar cat wriggled out of Noctis’ hold.
Cor repressed a sigh, and plucked the cat from Noctis’ shoulder before he could jump. “I’ll see that he finds a good home. Now, I’m sure you both have lessons you’re late for.”
“Of course, Marshal.” Ignis steered Noctis away as Noctis looked sadly at the cat.
Cor waited until they were out of sight, and waited some more just to be safe. “What were you thinking, just wandering the Citadel like that? And letting yourself get caught by the prince?”
The only response was a dismissive ear flick.
Cor snorted. “Next time, I will let them take you to the animal shelter.”
The cat’s ears went flat against his skull and his tail thrashed.
“Don’t give me that look, you know better.” Cor scratched his head until the ears relaxed, and carried the cat back to his office. 
The cat curled up on his couch, sleeping as Cor finished paperwork. A couple hours later, there was a rush of air, and his couch was occupied by a sleeping glaive.
Nyx yawned, and stretched as he woke up, then rolled over to eye Cor. “You wouldn’t really let them take me to shelter, would you?”
Cor didn’t look up from his paperwork.
“Cor, come on,” Nyx whined. 
“You know better than to let yourself get caught,” Cor said again.
Nyx buried his face in the couch. “I know, but they just looked so lonely.”
Cor sighed and stood up from his desk to lean on the arm of his couch. He ran his fingers through Nyx’s hair until Nyx lifted his head to look at him. “Just don’t get caught.”
Nyx smirked and pushed himself up to kiss Cor, who smiled into the kiss.
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yuliangs · 16 days
hi mateo how are u i hope your saturday is being nice and gentle to uuuuu 🩷🩷🩷🩷
hiii cor 💖 today I'm just going to relax maybe watch a movie later. I've been too scared to finish mysterious lotus casebook since it's my favorite thing I'm watching currently but maybe I'll finish that soon. I hope you're doing well 💖 pet your kitties for me !!
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ghcstlly · 4 months
MAEVE NUNCA TEVE MUITOS AMIGOS - era egocêntrica & ambiciosa, não via o valor das pessoas e sim, das coisas ; tudo que podia possuir. talvez se voltasse no tempo, sem suas lentes cor de rosa , entenderia que pensava assim pois sempre foi tratada como investimento e nunca uma criança, uma filha ou colega. sempre queriam algo de si , e desta forma aprendeu : relações eram descartáveis, a não ser as que mantinha com seus relógios da cartier. quem sabe, tinha medo ? de se envolver e ser ela o descarte, melhor manter distância - melhor não se apegar. melhor deixar de lado o anseio por conexão que as vezes vinha na solidão da noite, especialmente agora que não tinha um centavo a oferecer.
mesmo assim, kitty tinha insistido em ser parte de sua vida - duas pobres coitadas ? provavelmente, mas não sentia pena emanando dela ou desdém . talvez realmente estivessem no mesmo barco & se a outra era bondosa o suficiente para remar, ela podia sentar e curtir a brisa.
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❛ aqui, ❜ tirou da pequena bolsa que carregava consigo, mais uma clutch com alças que qualquer coisa , uma caixinha de veludo & passou para a outra, sentada ao seu lado no auditório . mae bebia de um cantil, a pequena fórmula de vodca e suco de frutas , e depois de um gole, disse : ❛ achei no fundo de um dos meus baús. veio do brasil. ❜ dentro da delicada caixa sentava um anel, rosé & prata com um laço, encrustado em pequenas pedras, correndo círculos ao redor do dedo. ❛ pode ficar com ele, se quiser. é um favor que me faz, eu meio que 'tô enjoada de julio okubo. ❜
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lesbiancloudtail · 4 months
happy birthday/kitty day!!!!!
thank you so much cor!!! currently peluche is dead asleep on my lap :) she's soooo cute
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