catgirlbutthole · 1 year
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I did not read a word you said @kittycatpopprincess
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dailydianakko · 2 years
are you going to join the @kittycatpopprincess server for lwa? it seems like a lot of fun✨
Daily here! Personally I don’t think I identify as trans/nb, so probably not. It does seem like a fun idea though.
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kittycatpopprincess · 3 years
Kinda want to change my url to KittyCatPopPrincess
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mommybard · 2 years
Never tried banana milk, I always was that one basic strawberry milk bitch, but it sounds so delicious! Also, homemade Limoncello?? I have to say, as usual, every recipe you share makes me desperate for a taste!
Strawberry milk is absolutely wonderful. Used to always keep some strawberry nesquik stuff on hand to get it. And Limoncello is really easy to make at home! You just skin some lemons, let em soak in a high-proof alcohol, age it for a month, and then mix with simple syrup and you're done
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mommybard · 2 years
Okay but genuinely, related to your infodumping post: I love being infodumped to. I love it when someone I care about shares all of their knowledge on something I know nothing about. Growing up I did this too and was always told people don't care so I thought I was just annoying and should never talk but I love the possibility of learning new cool stuff and also seeing people being joyful and passionate and excited about something! It's so great!
Infodumping can be so much fun. And usually I've found that if someone is willing to/wanting to infodump around you, it's a sign they're absolutely comfortable. Especially since so many were treated like you mentioned, being shut down whenever they'd go off on an infodump over something they were passionate about
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mommybard · 2 years
Does sleeping for three hours a night for a week and then spending the next two or three days sleeping sixteen to twenty hours a night to compensate count as getting enough sleep? Technically it adds up to enough hours so I feel it should count
I feel like this would just lead to you basically collapsing on those two/three days and that can't be the healthiest thing hun
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mommybard · 2 years
Abandoned churches are great, but may I suggest: abandoned theater
Like a movie theater or like an opera one? Because two completely different vibes for those places xD
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mommybard · 2 years
Oh, a bass and vocal duet on Bad Guy could be so fun!
I make no promises on the quality of my singing voice. I enjoy singing, I don't know if I'm any good at it. I took a year of choir but all it taught me was how to sing Rockin' Robin
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mommybard · 2 years
May I bring a humble offering of genuine french bread, fresh from the bakery down my street?
As long as you can tolerate my badly done french accent going "Hon hon hon, monsieur bread, ze revolution has come for you!" as I cut it
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mommybard · 2 years
Hi! I just remembered that I sent an ask to this blog a few days ago and, like, wanted to genuinely apologise if it was disrespectful or made you feel uncomfortable in any way
Oh no you're fine hun. Your ask made me smile and feel a bit better, so thank you <3
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