#kittypet crew au
warriors-ideas · 11 months
fire x raven au where Fire is apprenticed to Darkstripe and they run away together because of the Tiger plans
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vickorydickorydock · 10 months
The Ravenpaw as Scourge aus are awesome but hear me out: Tallstar as Scourge au.
I can see this going two ways:
One, Talltail decides to stay with Jake. He makes an effort to live Jake’s lifestyle, but he really isn’t built to be a kittypet. He loves Jake, but when he can’t handle being in the house or around Twolegs anymore, he spends a lot of time exploring and getting used to Twolegplace. He ends up meeting the strays and alley cats that live there, and he’s appalled by the way they’re forced to live.
Some cats band together, and some cats control territories like Jay and her crew, but it’s mostly every cat for themself. The old and sick don’t have anyone to turn to, and there are constant fights over scraps. Talltail left to get away from Clan life, but he ends up introducing clan ideas. He makes allies, then friends, and starts to (accidentally) build his own clan where cats look out for each other. Cats look up to him, and life for the strays of Twolegplace becomes a lot less short and miserable.
He takes Tiny under his wing when the time comes, and wrecks Tigerstar’s shit when he comes sniffing around. Talltail and Jake live happily to ripe old age.
Two, the much darker option. Talltail does kill Sparrow, but it doesn’t fix anything. He still feels angry and lost, only now he’s alienated the visitors and Jake, and feels he cannot go back to his clan. He spends several seasons just wandering alone, struggling to survive, until eventually he winds up back in Twolegplace near the clans.
He’s a trained fighter, with a skill-set that makes him a fierce enemy, and he quickly gains a reputation. He acts as a vigilante almost, hunting down despicable cats and doling out his own brand of justice to those who "deserve it," because he hates seeing cats like Sparrow get away with things. He's like a vigilante avenger turned scary urban legend. This eventually goes much the way of Scourge’s path, with Talltail gathering a following and killing any cat who gets in his way, except he believes he's doing what is right.
Tigerstar, not knowing they’re led by a former clan cat, recruits the fearsome Bloodclan to help him take over the forest by telling Talltail (going by Scourge?) that the other clans are evil and need exterminating. Talltail seems to agree, but Tigerstar doesn't realize he's playing with fire. When Tigerstar's crimes are revealed, Talltail brutally murders him.
Windclan (and the rest of the forest tbh) is in for a shock when Barkface recognizes Talltail.
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jesse-pinko · 5 months
Not a dig at anyone bc different people find different story routes interesting but any Mapleshade au where she isn’t at least a little bit evil still is automatically boring to me, esp since I feel like there’s a pretty obvious and interesting path to take with the secret-never-revealed au specifically. Like Frecklewish and Oakstar were canonically planning to raise those kittens to get revenge on Appledusk, and he still would have been cheating on Mapleshade and gotten Reedshine pregnant… once Mapleshade found out, I can see her getting fully onboard with the plan to weaponize her kits against him with no further intention of revealing him as their father.
Patchkit, Petalkit and Larchkit are raised on somewhat embellished tales of their father Birchface’s heroism, and how he and his brave apprentice were sadistically drowned by a dishonorable Riverclan warrior. Their mother puts great emphasis on the pain this Riverclan warrior caused her, leaving her all alone with three fatherless kits to raise by herself, though their aunt Frecklewish always corrects her on this front, which seems to annoy Mapleshade greatly. The three kits are very close to their mother and feel very protective of her because of all she’s been through, especially Patchkit, who is the most susceptible to her manipulations.
Patchpaw is apprenticed to Oakstar himself, Petalpaw to Frecklewish, and Larchpaw to Bloomheart like his mother before him. During a confrontation with a Riverclan patrol, Patchpaw notices Appledusk staring at him and wonders if he knows Patchpaw is the kit of the cat he murdered. He also exchanges verbal barbs with Wavepaw (Applefrost in canon) Appledusk’s son by Reedshine. Oakstar compliments him on his ferocity afterward and compares him to Birchface . Later, Patchpaw goes patrolling with his mother, and they catch Wavepaw hunting alone at Snakerocks. Mapleshade encourages him to attack Wavepaw and instructs him on which battle moves to use. Wavepaw drowns while trying to cross the river due to his injuries and Patchpaw is horrified, but Mapleshade assures him it wasn’t his fault and that Wavepaw shouldn’t have crossed into Thunderclan territory. Meanwhile, Petalpaw and Mapleshade start growing apart due to her mother treating her differently because she is the kit that looks most like Appledusk, and she grows closer to her aunt and mentor Frecklewish. She also becomes friends with Perchpaw at the gathering, and the two start meeting up in secret after Petalpaw mentions offhandedly that she’d always wanted to learn how to swim. Perchpaw remarks that she’s surprisingly good at it. Frecklewish catches them one day and publicly humiliates Petalpaw by having her confess to meeting with a Riverclan apprentice in front of the entire clan, and she is ostracized by everyone but her brother Larchpaw, who, having not been mentored by any of their overbearing relatives, has slowly begun to recognize just how much the adults around them are using him and his siblings. Larchpaw becomes friends with a rambunctious crew of teenaged kittypets, and reflects to himself that they seem more free than he feels living in the wild. He starts to question clan life and Starclan altogether, and starts up a flirtation with a kittypet tom named Mister Mistoffelees.
The three kits become warriors and are given the names Patchface, Petalwish and Larchshade respectively, which Petalwish and Larchshade both resent. Petalwish begins meeting with Perchpaw again, now Perchleap, and soon finds herself expecting kits. Around this time, Thunderclan launches a massive attack on Riverclan, and the three find and corner Appledusk, who reveals he is their father to save his own life. Patchface cannot reconcile the thought that he had been responsible for the death of his own half brother and that his mother had lied to him. He yowls that Appledusk is a liar and slashes his throat, much to the stunned horror of his siblings. Perchleap attacks him in a rage but ultimately can’t bring himself to do anything to his mate’s brother; Frecklewish witnesses this and confronts Petalwish about the father of her kits, and Petalwish tells her the truth. Frecklewish is disgusted, and threatens to reveal her secret to the clan. Petalwish flees to Riverclan to be with Perchleap, and Patchface and Mapleshade both denounce her as a traitor, though Frecklewish seems to blame herself for Petalwish’s leaving. Larchshade, furious with his family’s hypocrisy, threatens Patchface and Mapleshade with the truth about his own parentage. Only when his mother insinuates to him that Larchshade needs to be “dealt with” does Patchface realize the true extent of her cruelty and selfishness. Mapleshade leads another attack on Riverclan, where she attempts to kill her expectant daughter, mistakenly calling her by Appledusk’s name as she raises her paw for the killing blow. Patchface jumps in front of his sister and dies in her place, with Frecklewish subduing Mapleshade and scratching her eyes. Mapleshade stumbles away towards the river and drowns. Petalwish reconciles with her aunt but ultimately decides to stay in Riverclan, though Frecklewish does insist to her that she name one of the kits Birchkit as they say their goodbyes. She becomes close with her two remaining siblings by Appledusk, and names her three kits after exactly no one. Larchshade says fuck this shit and goes to twolegplace to live with his kittypet boyfriend.
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hibiscuit-rose · 1 year
For the mlp warrior cats au, what is your take on captain celaeno and her crew?
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okay im gonna use this to show designs of hippogriffs/griffins too
celaeno in particular is a small group similar to bloodclan, but not like killing others they just steal to survive
hippogriffs, like silverstream, are essentially daylight warriors (sea ponies are most similarly full kittypets)
gilda is a traveling wildcat who mostly stays with a group of others collectively called griffins
so basically, theyre differentiated by breed (i didnt have any particular in mind, i just based them as wildcats) but they are separate groups living outside the pony clans
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legthief · 2 years
ok i’m being serious now. please consider the warriot cats hypmic au.
the chuoku story can actually remain nearly identical because former kittypet otome works directly in line with the hypmic story. just a thought for you.
mcd and tdd are both rogue cat groups, and the different clans (divisions) don’t get recreated until otome splits up the massive population of stray cats into multiple clans for easier control.
buster bros - they were rogues taken in by the clan equivalent of ikebukuro after ichiro took jiro and saburo and ran away from rei. everyone in the clan is afraid of letting three kids lead, but ichiro has been good so far
mad trigger crew - haha police deputy jyuto. no i’m kidding but law enforcement is part of what the deputy does anyway. samatoki and nemu had parents who were abusive. i was gonna say twolegs but then i remembered that tigerstar is real and cats can be bad parents in warriors. so samatoki turned to a life of crime to support himself and nemu (working for a big rogue cat gang that is organized like the yakuza. they have these in warriors). rio was a warrior whose clan fell apart when otome took over and he lost his leader so he is trying to get him back or something. their clan is kind of silly it functions similarly to a rogue cat gang. did you know the cats can be gay? samajyu can be real here
fling posse - chuoku has ramuda microchipped but beyond that i have no idea how ramuda translates into this. i will figure out because i always find a way. gentaro is still stealing his brother’s identity (his brother isn’t in a coma but he got captured like graystripe). otome left dice at her old home when he was a baby
matenrou - i am so tired i should go to bed. jakurai’s hitman backstory works here, actually. he also had medicine cat training before becoming clan leader. hifumi and doppo grew up together in the same clan.
bad ass temple - i’m almost done. i’m almost done. so you know starclan? kuko is like a spiritual leader of whatever religion that is. mass cat hallucination religion. jyushi is a former kittypet who got bullied and hitoya stood up for him and so jyushi is now training to be a warrior under hitoya’s guidance
dotsuitare hompo - nobody knows sasara’s backstory. he and rosho met one day and traveled around as a duo from clan to clan until rosho couldn’t take it anymore and quit. rei is kind of just here i’m sleepy and i don’t know what to say for him
ok now i’m done. expect more catposting tomorrow when i am not delirious
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Best Au!
triple m has a few different aus and we’re joking about more all the time these are the nominees of those aus and what you need to know about them!
Triple M’s Pirate AU
the pirate au was created by quippy set in a world of pirating and adventure! the triple m cast take on pirate themed roles such as pirate crews, tradesman, travelling traders and noble aristocrats. clawdia leads her crew as captain with her crew consisting of lloyd, mango and morgz. the sauce siblings are tradesman who occasionally travel with clawdia and her crew. mitzi is a travelling trader who does her own thing mostly but sometimes hitched a ride with clawdia and co. keith leads another pirate crew which he’s using to hunt for an untold treasure with his crew consisting of the twins pepper and star. on the mainland are lillibelle, daughter of an aristocratic family, jenni and peaches, younger sister of mango who’s staying with the pair on the mainland currently.
Inverted Fate AU
the inverted fate au was created by soupy set in a world where everybody’s fates are flipped on their head and everybody is quite the opposite of his usual self. mango has turned from his mischief to being a good boy and miso has done the opposite and is getting into mischief instead. the same goes for the rest of the cast too!
Triple M’s Ace Attorney AU
the triple m ace attorney au was created by soupy set in the ace attorney games with each cat being assigned a character in the phoenix wright and apollo justice trilogies. featuring in the main role of Phoenix Wright is mango with his weird girl teen assistant and spiritual medium morgz as Maya Fey. this au was made for self indulgent purposes to fuel soupy’s ace attorney interest.
The AU Where Everybody Is Part Of The Circus
this au with the very lengthy name is set in a world where all of the cats are in a circus and act in different roles. it was created by both quippy and soupy stemming from a joke about mitzi running away to join a circus (a now canon point). there’s a whole lot of clowning around.
Warrior Cats AU
the warrior cats au takes place in the world of warrior cats and focuses on Rowan Clan which is a small clan of cats who are recovering from a war that killed many cats in the clan. the clan consists of both the cats but also some of the dogs who were made into cats for this au such as doug who is Dogstar within the au and acts as leader of the clan. the story focuses on the kittypet mango running away from his twolegs and becoming a warrior apprentice by the name of honeypaw.
that’s all of the au nominees, you can vote for the best au of the year here!!
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the-unknown-void · 2 years
Half-Life x Warriors AU Vague plot summary(Gist of it) PART 1: Main
Before you read this, read this. Or don’t , idk I’m not in control of you ANYWAY WARNING THIS IS GOING TO BE VERY LONG
This is going to be a vague summary of what I have down so far for my AU, be warned my thoughts tend to be very disorganized so this will be too since.. I haven’t thought of absolutely everything so there’s quite a few holes. There’s a whole slue of stuff I haven’t even confirmed or decided on yet, and this story may change through time, it’s not even entirely complete man- Most of this of thought of on a whim
You may notice, this is a Part 1, because this is only the story based around the main Half-Life Series. (HL, HL2, Episode 1, Episode 2) What’s Part 2 gonna be? Hunt Down the Freeman or ValeClan’s story Part 3 will then be Portal/Portal 2′s story, RiftClan in this case
Things like Opposing Force, Blue Shift, and Decay will likely fall under like.. smaller individual character-related stories that I’ll maybe get into eventually.
Yet ANOTHER disclaimer: Some parts are not entirely based on canon, some are made up by myself for the sake of fitting into a Warriors style story. Plus a lot of things from canon had to be cut in order not make this TOO convoluted and messy. For example, Skipping over the Xen invasion for the Combine invasion. Though they’re still might be aliens in this story for the sake of being Half-Life.
Feel free to use my askbox or comment if there’s something that confuses you or you’re just curious about something! Or feel free to give suggestions and ideas! Hope you enjoy!
Here’s the clans and who they are in case you don’t read the original post:
MESACLAN This is Black Mesa(and a few other related characters) DARKCLAN These are the Black Ops UNITEDCLAN This is the entire US Military RIFTCLAN This is Aperture Science EASTCLAN These are the resistance or Black Mesa East SNOWCLAN More rebels, this is White Forest VALECLAN This is the crew of the Avalon Vale (Hunt Down the Freeman) OVERCLAN This is the Combine Overwatch
Everything else like Starclan, the Dark Forest, Loners, Rogues, and Kittypets are all the same. And I’ll tell you who’s who as I go, names with brackets around them and no warrior name means I haven’t given them one yet. (which may change sometime)
Want the allegiances? Here they are!
Now that you have that, let’s get into it- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
One upon a time there were thr- Actually four clans. DarkClan, UnitedClan, MesaClan, and RiftClan. (Most likely living in a mesa? Unconfirmed) As you’d expect for clans in Warrior cats, these clans never quite got along. MesaClan and RiftClan sure as hell didn’t! MesaClan’s leader, [Dr. Breen] seemingly insisted on creating as many territory disputes as physically possible, cutting down on RiftClan’s territory bit by bit, this created a pretty hostile environment for RiftClan and they were getting pretty tired of it, their warriors were getting injured pretty much anytime they left camp so what did they do? They left. They straight up left, and the other clans didn’t do anything about it.
Little do they know, that would be their greatest mistake.  MesaClan’s medicine cat, [Eli] receives a message from an unknown “Starclan” cat, “Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences.” [Eli] tries to warn his leader, that they should try to get RiftClan back because they were going to be punished be the ancestors, but [Dr. Breen] didn’t care to listen, he thought it was good thing that RiftClan was gone.
(You’re going to have to see Part 3 when I get to it for what really happens to RiftClan)
Now we’re onto the actual story, there were three clans.  And one day, a great storm occurred, and a powerful army of rogues(These are OverClan later, unconfirmed whether they’re aliens in this) attacked MesaClan. DarkClan and UnitedClan struggled with the storm, living on much lower ground than MesaClan, their territories were getting flooded.  Both clans decided their best bet was to take the high ground and invade MesaClan territory, thinking they could take on a wild pack of rogues, that the rogue attack would just make it easier to claim the territory.
They. Were. Wrong.
DarkClan and UnitedClan were unaware they had BOTH went to take the high ground and now they were fighting each other as well! It was the bloodiest battle anycat had ever saw, no one would be left victorious.. That is, except the rogues. The clans were done for, any who survived had no option but to flee. Or.. Join sides with the rogues, like [Dr. Breen] had done.
Now scattered, some tried remaining with what was left of their clans, some went to become rogues themselves, or even kittypets.
What was left of DarkClan and UnitedClan had decided to join up and create a new clan together, ValeClan. At an abandoned fishing dock with a boat (Will be explored in Part 2, Hunt Down the Freeman)
Now what happens to MesaClan? Well they have no deputy, they no longer have a leader. The only cat left who can lead them is their medicine cat, [Eli]. [Eli] leads MesaClan’s remnants to what they hope will be safe new territory, unfortunately it’s the alleys of a twoleg city. Leading to a portion of the clan to go on a mission to travel even further in search of more optimal territory for their clan. (This group becomes SnowClan in the forest) The cats left behind decide to call themselves EastClan, with [Magnusson] leading the cats who decided to journey farther, there’s dispute about who will be the leader of EastClan. (and Freeheart[Gordon] is missing if you can’t tell)
Eventually a majority of the clan would vote upon promoting [Eli] from medicine cat to leader for his efforts to guide them safely to their new territory, even losing the use of one of his hind legs in the process. [Eli] was initially hesitant about taking on this role but seeing how much his clan saw in him, he felt honored and took the role of leader over the new EastClan.
New Problem: How do they contact Starclan? They’re too far away from their (unconfirmed area of moonstone/pool use?) To possibly go all the way back, not to mention the danger of the rogues still there. [Eli] despite even having been a medicine cat, hadn’t heard anything from their ancestors since the great battle occurred.. However he has seen the same mysterious cat who told him about the “Unforeseen Consequences”. (StarClan is literally blocked rn. [Eli] doesn’t have his 9 lives) Except this time, the message he receives is this: “The right tom in the wrong place can make all the difference.”
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That’s not the end, that’s just all I have already written down. Half-Life 2′s parts are.. currently still extremely fuzzy in my mind.
But back with the rogues, [Dr. Breen] decided to talk with them and join them. Offering that they’ll be even stronger if they become a clan themselves, creating OverClan, which he leads with his new deputy, Mossstone[Mossman].
And of course Freeheart[Gordon] returns, OverClan finds EastClan. EastClan is forced out of its territory to become one with SnowClan again. [Eli] steps down as leader after Mossstone[Mossman]’s betrayal, making Freeheart[Gordon] the new leader, Freestar.
Suspiciously, Freeheart/Freestar does have 9 lives, despite Starclan being gone for ages.. Hm.
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Okay it’s the end for real this time, I think.. that felt like eternity to write I really hope you enjoy cuz I enjoy thinking about it Idk if you tell I was getting a bit tired at the end heheh;;
I decided I will probably talk about this enough, I made a separate blog @hlwcau So um.. go look at that for when I post more on this AU PART 2: HUNT DOWN THE FREEMAN/VALECLAN >> I’m dead after writing all that, I’ll get back to you soon I promise
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stargleam-star · 5 years
Thunderclan!Princess and Smudge AU
Smudge joins thunderclan after running into Firepaw during his assessment. He loves his life as a kittypet, but like his friend he's scared of being fixed. Plus he sees how well Firepaw is getting along so he figures he should be ok too
Tigerclaw is not at all pleased by this and tries to argue, but Firepaw counters that it should be Bluestar who makes the decision. So they bring Smudge back to camp with them
Bluestar is hesitant at first but Firepaw reminds her that she said the clan needs warriors. She agrees and reluctantly accepts Smudge into thunderclan's ranks
Smudge is renamed Magpiepaw and is given to Spottedleaf to train. She needs an apprentice after all
A short while later, Magpiepaw decides he does not like being a medicine cat apprentice. Ravenpaw, however, he thinks would be better in his place. So the pair request a role switch. Magpiepaw is reassigned to Tigerclaw (much to his disappointment) and Ravenpaw joins Spottedleaf in the medicine den. Later Ravenpaw's training is picked up by Yellowfang and he is eventually named Ravensong (Cinderpaw/pelt still has her accident but stays a warrior since another medicine cat is not currently needed)
Tigerclaw is harsh on Magpiepaw, pushing him harder than most apprentices. But Magpiepaw can handle the tabby's aggression well, much better than Ravenpaw could. Tigerclaw is impressed by this but would never admit that to anyone. Secretly he prefers Magpiepaw to Ravenpaw
Moons later, he given his warrior name: Magpiefur. He is named alongside Sandstorm and Dustpelt
A few moons later Fireheart runs into his sister, Princess, in the forest. He starts to speak to her and tells her about the clans. Princess becomes intrigued, and asks to come home with her brother
Fireheart at first is adamant about letting his sister come to Thunderclan. She's pregnant, and it's Leafbare, how will she handle being a wild cat in such conditions?
Princess, however, is stubborn. She threatens to follow Fireheart whether he takes her willingly or not. Plus she says that with her in the clan, Thunderclan can have even more warriors once her kits are born
Not wanting to argue, Fireheart reluctantly leads his sister back to his territory
Bluestar seems annoyed that Fireheart has brought home yet another kittypet, and is ready to turn this one away. This is encouraged further by Tigerclaw as he states Fireheart is trying to ruin Thunderclan by introducing in more weak housecat blood
Princess steps forward and says Fireheart had nothing to do with her arrival here. She explains how even he tried to convince her to stay in Twolegplace, but she did not want to stay. It wasn't the life she wanted for her kits, especially when she now knew there was more to life than lazing around being pampered by twolegs
Magpiefur also steps forward to speak out against Tigerclaw's claim. He says that even though he and Fireheart may have been kittypets, they were just as strong and fought just as hard as any clanborn cat
Bluestar finally agrees, but gives Princess the same ultimatum that Lionheart had given Fireheart all those moons ago. She especially stresses the hardships of Leafbare and how dangerous it may be for her kits
Princess is willing to take the risk. If Fireheart and the clan's queens could handle it, then so could she
Though she is still not too pleased, Bluestar accepts Princess into their ranks. She promises to give Princess a warrior name after her kits are born and after she's completed training. Bluestar then assigns Fireheart to keep an eye on his sister and her kits, to make sure they don't fall back into their kittypet ways
Mousefur is assigned to be Princess' mentor. The two get along, their personalities bouncing off each others surprisingly well
A moon later, Princess has five kits. Cloudkit, Birdkit (Nami, calico molly), Applekit (Livy, torbie and white molly), Cricketkit (Zack, grey and white tabby tom), and Fogkit (Taylor, white and grey patched tom). The other queens help to look after them, mainly Brindleface, while Princess trains
A few moons later, she is named warrior: Larchfang. She remains a permanent queen, and is a fierce protector of young cats, especially kits.
Seasons later all of Larchfang's kits are named: Cloudtail (obviously), Birdpelt, Appleface, Cricketstripe, and Fognose. By this point Larchfang has taken a liking to Longtail and they will eventually become mates
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miscklaire · 2 years
Can't sleep thinking of aus:
- Warriorcats: bonnet leaves his kittypet life behind to go live the life of a loner. Tries changing his name to captain but it takes a while to stick. Runs into the infamous Blackpelt and his right paw cat, Dizzyfur.
- Stede is a Shakespearean actor and gives it up to join the late night improv circuit, where he runs into Blackbeard's Crew, the very famous (to the specific cool improv fans that Stede wants to impress) improv troupe. There's a scene where Ed teaches Stede how to take a comedy punch. "You let it happens off your cheeks and hit your nose. Your nose is mostly cartilage so it can't actually get broken."
Stede cleared his throat. "that's- that's not exactly..."
"c'mon, let's work with stage sabre next."
- au where Stede is the swashbuckling adventure-type and Ed is only just starting out. I don't know how this one would work but I'm thinking this Stede starts as a bit of a gilderoy Lockhart type (minus the lying)
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icefang100 · 2 years
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Full-body cat designs for the Mechanisms crew (that is, the characters the band plays) with the intent of a Warrior Cats AU. These are expansions to the headshots I posted about a month ago, so explanations on color choices and facial features (ex. scars and eye color) can be found on that post.
In order of left to right for each row, these designs are for: Jonny D’Ville, Nastya Rasputina, Ashes O’Reilly, Drumbot Brian, Ivy Alexandria, Toy Soldier, Gunpowder Tim, Raphaella la Cognizi, and Marius von Raum.
See the read more for some bonus information (some design details and a bit of lore)!
I don’t have a whole lot to say about these designs that I didn’t already say in the headshot post, but here’s a few notes:
Ashes O’Reilly: Not a whole lot to say about this design - their markings, as mentioned in the headshot post, are meant to be reflective of fire. I did change their color scheme a bit, though - seemed to light for their overall outfit, and not red enough either, so I made the colors both a bit darker and redder.
Ivy Alexandria: Ivy’s shoulder marking is meant to look vaguely like the American Sign Language symbol for “library” (An “L” shape with the pointer finger and thumb, moved in a counterclockwise circle). I’m not sure if it comes across, but I like the thought.
Toy Soldier: TS has a collar with scratched out information - it was a former kittypet (house cat). It knows how to take the collar off, but chooses not to / will find a way to put it back on if it’s taken off.
Gunpowder Tim: Tim’s missing an eye, with extensive scarring from the right side of his face to his shoulder due to being too close to an explosion - similarly to his canon story (though I’ve yet to decide how to make that work in the Warriors universe). There’s also some deeper scars from shrapnel.
Raphaella la Cognizi: Raphaella has scars across her shoulders to represent whatever damage was involved with the addition of her mechanized wings - in this AU, maybe from being grabbed by a hawk (yet undecided)? She also has a wing-like mantle marking.
Marius von Raum: Marius is missing his right front leg, in accordance with his mechanism being his right arm - I haven’t yet decided how he lost in in this AU.
Also posted on DeviantART.
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noodles-07 · 3 years
Las Nevadas crew for the warriors au? 👉👈 with ur headcanons as well i just wanna HEAR EM
okay I don't remember who's all in las nevadas but
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Quackity (kittypet)
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Foxkit (child)
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Totempelt (ex loner, father)
and uhh the other one is Purpled right
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Swiftpaw! Formerly Hannah's apprentice and currently Foolish's! He's just vibin
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I did some Star wars Rebels and one Star wars Resistance warrior cat AU. I used a picrew by Felidaze_felidform.
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First off, we have Jacen Syndulla, aka Juniperflame. He's a cream and brown tabby. The son of Kestrelpelt and Heronwhisker and brother to Berrymist and Poppywing.
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Next is Ezra, aka Berrymist. A blue-gray tom with cream tabby patches. A former loner and son of Elk and Midge. He becomes Kestrelpelt's apprentice after stealing food from the crew. (Heronwhisker, Kestrelpelt, Poppywing, Hopfoot, and Garazeb)
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And finally, we have Kaz, aka Turtleleaf. He's a tortoiseshell tom with half a white muzzle and a ginger forepaw. With help from Piperjaw, Cherryfoot, and Barkear, he decides to spy on Duskclan on an abandoned twoleg air base by posing as a former kittypet named Turtle. He meets Nettle, Deerpaw, Aunt Z, Flax, Hog, Tam, and Jumptail. He also meets a traveling loner named Echoflight and his brothers, Riverheart and Leafwind.
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cm8x-arts · 4 years
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Oh yeah, I don’t think I ever posted these on here!
Back in May I was messing around with a Warriors AU of the Starfinder campaign I’m in, where the Chroma Crew came from clans that replaced the planets they came from. Phantom himself being a Kittypet that bailed (but eventually returns). The prophecy itself being a Warrior-fied version of what’s happening in the campaign. Added a Kitten Phantom in later.
Honestly though I just wanted to practice real cat proportions and reinterpreting these lads as actual cats. I put reference sketches on top of actual cat pictures and freehanded the lineart on top of them (since I’m not totally confident in Actual Cat Anatomy just yet). It did help me figure out how to draw better cat faces and better builds in general though, which is something that’ll become more obvious in the CH7 pages coming up in Fighting Dreamers (my webcomic) and could be seen in some Warriors fanart I did after this.
I also added in reference pictures of the main crew looked before I made them cats. All of  them from the different players Kat/Retro with Kiko , @radioactivesupersonic with Zensa (the red beardog), [Nami do you have a tumblr??] with Socks, and @pinkcatninja with Pepper (that concept art from a different artist that I do not remember the name of) and I can’t forget our awesome DM @catcomixzstudios
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qrowpilled · 7 years
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so uh,,,,,,,,,,anyone remember that,,,warriors au,,,,,,,
more info under the cut
fjskdfls idk why the McFuck i brought this back i dont even care about ew anymore i just wanted to draw cats. idk what clan they’re in or if its diff clans but w/e
main crew
oakberry/edd - chocolate ticked tabby, bobtail+also a muchkin mix. medicine cat. he’s half kittypet and was brought to the clans as a kit, him becoming medicine cat was a bit controversial but everyone eventually got over it and he’s Great at it so i mean. best friends w/ stonetail and sorrelface. lowkey misses russetwing.
stonetail/tom - blue pointed siamese. constantly annoyed warrior whose Too Tired for this and just wants to cuddle with his bf (big frog). best friends w/ oakberry and sorrelface. has half-clan blood, became friends w/ oak as apprentices bc they both got made fun of and were seen as untrustworthy bc of their roots.
sorrelface/matt - red van bicolor tabby. self-absorbed warrior who spends more time in the nursery helping queens than doing warrior shit like fighting and hunting (what if i ruin my pretty pretty face??). likes to stare at his reflection in puddles. best friends w/ stonetail and oakberry.
russetwing/tord - cinnamon tabby. warrior turned loner/rouge. exiled after making an attempt to usurp the current leader and make himself leader+take over the clans a la tigerstar. got all McFucked up in the battle that took place. wanders around the city with paul and patryk (both keep their names in this au and are loners) gathering cats to join their “army”. misses his friends but wouldn’t admit it.
cedarfire/eduardo - black(brown) spotted tabby. bitch. deputy of rival clan, thinks he’s 1000x better than oakberry bc hes deputy. probably around 3.5 years old.
golden-nose/mark - cream bicolor tabby. warrior of rival clan. around 4 years old.
slatecloud/jon - blue mink point. medicine cat of rival clan. just wants eduardo to Calm Down. 
paul+patryk - both solid chocolate. loners/rogues that follow russetwing. gay.
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