#kiyoko hcs
unlikelykidheart · 7 months
~ Karasuno High Bedtime Headcanons.
° Sawamura Daichi - Its either 9pm or 3 am there's no in between.
° Sugawara Koushi - Everyday he sleeps at a reasonable time like 2am y'know.
° Azumane Asahi - He sleeps at somewhere around 10pm to 11 pm on school days and when it's a holiday he blacks out at 8pm.
° Shimizu Kiyoko - Her sleeping schedule consists of just one time and that's 12am.
° Ennoshita Chikara - Normally sleeps at 12am or something like that but if he has to study then there's no sleep on the board.
° Narita Kazuhito - He sleeps during somewhere between 9.30pm to 10.30pm and sometimes it goes to 11 but nothing more than that.
° Kinoshita Hisashi - Its either "Sleep is for the weak." (Bedtime-Never) or " Never wake me up" ( Bedtime-Forever)
° Tanaka Ryunosuke - He's usually in bed by 11pm and he's already asleep but 11.01pm.
° Nishinoya Yuu - He sleeps a lot since he needs to grow so goes to sleep by 10pm to get his 8hrs.
° Hinata Shoyo - Takes inspiration from his Nishinoya senpai and goes to bed just as early as him.
° Kageyama Tobio - Goes to bed at 10 and falls asleep at 11.
° Yamaguchi Tadashi - If he doesn't have anymore work to do then it's bedtime.
° Tsukishima Kei - He's yams' inspiration for not having a fixed bedtime and sleeps when ever he feels sleepy.
° Yachi Hitoka - She goes to bed at around 10.30 and counts atleast 200 sheep before she actually falls asleep.
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loveephia · 1 year
kageyama with a girlfriend who acts a little too much like oikawa.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, reader and oikawa aren't related (they both don't know each other), kageyama is just.. amused (?), terushima makes an appearance, kiyoko is mentioned.
⚠ warning/s: none.
a similar post of mine.
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when kageyama first met you, he thought you were really charming and cute!!
which was why he was very awkward around you. listen, he really liked you 😔
he's practically the embodiment of that one standing emoji.
because of him being.. him, he didn't expect you to like him back at ALL
he never understood why there were always plenty of fanboys (from different schools) visiting karasuno during dismissal hours
but he recently learned that they were waiting for YOU
you wave at them, and some ask for a selfie or two. you nod and pull out your signature peace sign paired with a little wink!!
somehow, kageyama is feeling a sort of déjà vu..
"y/n, y/n!" a boy with faux blond hair calls out from the crowd of fans waiting by the gate of the school. you smile, and unlock arms with kageyama to head over to them, "yes?"
"can i have a picture with you?" he asks with a huge grin on his face. you nod and stand next to him, watching as he swiftly pulls out his phone to take a selfie.
kageyama watches the scene unfold, looking like there's not a thought behind his eyes. "isn't that the captain of johzenji..?" he tries to recall.
kageyama then remembers the flirtatious way he acted towards kiyoko, and suddenly, he has the gut instinct to pull you away from him as soon as possible.
right after terushima takes the picture, kageyama pulls you away with a gentle yet firm grip on your arm. he runs while dragging you along with him. the crowd of fans tilt their head in confusion on your sudden leave.
"waaa—! where are we going, tobio?!" you wail in confusion.
"the vending machine, i need more milk!" he replies with a white lie.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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wonderoustime · 10 months
you: i think i'm falling for you
them: then get up
kageyama (he genuinely blanks out for a second and just heard "fall" with zero context), tsukishima, suna, ushijima (he doesn't know what else to say), kiyoko
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peppersapro · 1 year
How Karasuno would react to you having a tarantula
TW: My T. albo ( curly hair tarantula ) is shown
Authors note: Meet Bitsy<3
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Daichi & Kiyoko would find it fascinating and would constantly be asking questions , they would defnitely do research on T's and buy you another for your anniversary
Sugawara, Kinoshita, & Ennoshita hate it but admire how you view spiders despite their reputation , somehow watching you look at such hated creatures with so much love restores his faith in the world
Asahi & Hinata refuse to enter your room and freaks out when you send him pictures, they absolutely have nightmares of it getting out and just mentioning it makes the hairs on their neck stand up
Nishinoya & Tanaka act like they aren't scared but are internally screaming so when you asked if he wanted to hold it he made up excuses as to why he couldn't
Narita & Tsukishima Do research on the type of T you have, held it once while trying not to freak out , while he isn't afraid of it he's not the biggest fan
Kageyama & Yachi Are more scared of the beetles and other bugs you feed it then the spider itself, they admire it from a distance and seeing you looks so happy because of the T it changed their mindset on spiders
Ukai & Yamaguchi Hold it every chance they get, they love watching it move around the enclosure and enjoy feeding it and watching it eat, depending on the type of T you have they may feel inspired to get one themselves
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
i started writing this back in the last week of december going on into january bc we had so many karasuno bdays back then so uhhh TECHNICALLY this is a late bday post honoring like four people LMAO but let's go!!
during kageyama's first birthday at karasuno he gets a mysterious series of texts from an unknown number that goes like > happy birthday > not that this means you're forgiven > just thought it was the right thing to do > i know it's your first since. well. you know > you don't have to text back or anything!!!! > fuck fuck fuck just pretend this never happened BYE
he brings up it up two years later when he, kindaichi, and kunimi are better friends and kindaichi buries his red face in his hands and screams and kageyama isn't sure why
kunimi pats him on the back and tells him not to worry about it
ennoshita has a playlist that is solely just like white noise and creaking sounds and generally just things that would make you shit your pants alone in the dark and when asked why he just goes "it's the only way i can feel anything inside"
tsukki will NEVER admit it but he ASPIRES to be the level of deadpan that ennoshita is
tanaka: "so . . . why do you like him again?" ennoshita, watching a video he recorded of futakuchi walking straight into a lamppost bc he was playing pokemon go: "he makes me laugh"
no joke i think ennoshita is a dateko celebrity bc everyone knows about the guy that futakuchi kenji pines over bc futakuchi kenji is just known in a million ways and maybe like 90% of them are Not Good
a third-year has futakuchi by the collar and they're like "all right PUNK get ready to have your lights punched out you'll be seeing stars when i'm done with you" and futakuchi just sighs longingly and goes "ennoshita has eyes like stars . . ."
daichi is that type of upperclassman who knows very single friend of his juniors' but not in like a cool older sibling way he does it in a cringefail modern parent kind of way
kogane used to be soooooo scared of him before finding out what a huge dork he is
actually kogane isn't scared of asahi bc he's so used to aone and asahi cries over it
(sorry for plugging in dateko so much i just genuinely think they have such a fun relationship with karasuno i ADORE it)
onagawa: "man idk how you do it" narita: "do what?" onagawa: "being the only normal person on your team"
yeah no narita is carrying the weight of the world as the only person with the brain cell on karasuno
sometimes it's ennoshita but he's been dead inside since first year so
suga tells the first years he knows martial arts but all he really did was go to one (1) judo club demonstration during his second year of middle school and somehow managed to flip the captain over by sheer luck and never tried again
for takeda's birthday everyone teams up to get him a really nice fountain pen, a classical poetry book, and a quality bottle of sake. for ukai's birthday tsukki leads a powerpoint presentation on why smoking is bad for you and that he really should stop, backed up with everyone else standing behind him with their arms crossed and nodding along
okay that and they also get him a really cute apron (embroidered with crows!!) for him to wear around the store and a bag of good coffee
kiyoko has all - and i mean ALL - the snacks from the local convenience store on a tier list and when the vbc asked how the fuck she managed to do that she just went "my track team was a lot weirder than you guys"
actually the reason why daichi asked kiyoko to be the manager wasn't because kiyoko was the only one with no club activities going on it was because she gave asahi a hair tie when nobody else would and asahi had been trying to befriend her since (and also return said hair tie) but was too nervous to make the first move
asahi: "noooooo daaaaaaaiiiichiiiiiiiiii i caaaaaaaan't i'm so awkward and embarrassing!!!!" daichi, with all the confidence of a fifteen-year-old constantly winging it: "it's okay, i've got this!"
yeah he's just as surprised as you are that it worked out
especially considering he pitched it to her like a used car salesman
kiyoko carries a lot of hair ties with her when she starts just for asahi and when he leaves the team she doesn't stop bc she tells suga, daichi, and the second-years, "he'll come back, just wait and see"
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acinonyxxx · 5 months
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keisuke takahashi u mean so much to me (evidently)
i am only halfway thru stage 4 pleeeease pretty please dont spoil anything :P
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trappolia · 1 month
back with the headcanons (my tattoo was acting up most of the day then dinner crying)
jamil definitely is the most chill, although he thinks sometimes your energy is concerning and a bit too much, your someone he quite likes to hang with!
jamil definitely gossips with you, your probably the only one he knows he can talk shit with without consequences
floyd literally bites you bro, he thinks the sound of your screams are funny <- will also chase you around im so sorry
floyd def invites you to the lounge, and hes actually more chill there after school hours then during. you guys can actually just chill without you fearing your gonna lose your legs
ace fucking hates you bro but he wants to kiss you.
ace talks about you to his friends NONSTOP BRO... all negative too, he ain't even spreading positive word (his friends call him out on his bullshit and just ask him to admit he maybe likes you)
they're literally the best pair for you idk what to say
JAMIL .... holds him delicately in my hands; i know i'd treat him right i'll be his bff we do chores together and we shit-talk the students in nrc ... meanwhile me and floyd exist on a whole different spectrum HELP like what do you mean he bites me !!!
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striped-carpet · 2 years
M. List
Haikyuu Characters When You're on Your Period:
Includes: Kiyoko, Oikawa, Kuroo, Suna, Tsukishima
This can be read as either platonic or romantic, but it leans slightly more towards romantic. As you can tell, reader is someone who gets a period but no gender is explicitly stated for them
A/N: Currently trying to convince my friend to get out of a toxic relationship so that's kinda draining. Anyway, I once again hope that you're all doing well!!
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As someone who gets a period herself, Kiyoko is pretty experienced with them
If you need more pads, tampons, pain meds etc. she either has spares with her or is willing to run to the store to get some for you
She'll also pick up some of your favorite snacks if you don't have any
When she gets to your place, she'll put on something that both of you are up to watching and cuddle with you while eating said snacks and occasionally discussing things about your day or whatever you're watching
Another thing that she would do in those situations is get you a heating pad or something of the sort if you're having particularly bad cramps, or maybe just want it with you
I headcanon that she's the type of person to carry period supplies with her in case someone else needs something
That being said, if your period ever sneaks up on you in public, trust that she's prepared
While Kuroo canonically has a sister, I don't feel like they were particularly close as she probably went with his mom (yes, we're going with the headcanon that Kuroo is a fellow child of divorce)
But that doesn't mean that he's unaware of periods, especially with how smart he is
Much like Kiyoko he would buy you snacks, extra supplies, give you a heating pad, etc.
He would probably be one of those people to tell you that you should drink more water while you're on your period as well as telling you that you shouldn't eat certain things during it since they'll make your cramps worse
But if you still want to eat the foods he told you not to he won't stop you
And when you complain to him about cramps later on, he would just say "I told you do" or make some other snide remark
I feel like Kuroo would lay on top of you and act like a makeshift heating pad just so he could cuddle you more
If you tell him not to do that, he would stop but would also quietly whine about it to himself
He would still try to drape an arm around you at the very least unless you tell him directly that you don't feel like being touched at the moment
mf would also try and drag you outside to exercise if you complain about cramps meanwhile you just want to lay down 😕
Oikawa's another one who has a sister, although I feel like he would be closer with her
I like to think that he went in her room one day, found a bunch of period products, and proceeded to ask her what they were that night at dinner
That's when he found out about periods and was probably disgusted at first (mind him, he was more thank likely around 9-12 since he's an uncle when he's 18 anyway)
He's another one who would like to drape himself over you, but he doesn't lay directly on top of you like Kuroo does
I feel like he would ask his sister for advice on what to do if you start complaining about your period to him since she's the one who told him about them in the first place
If you needed period products, he would probably send you a picture of a bunch of different pads or whatever you use and ask which ones to get since he doesn't know what you want until he buys them a few times and finally gets it down
While he wouldn't try and make you exercise with him, he would try and find some better ways to sit/lay down to make things more comfortable for you at the very least
Suna would be one of those guys who has a period tracker installed just so he knows when to expect you to get more irritable and all that
He's also another one with a sister, except she's younger than him so Suna most likely found out about periods through the internet or something
Unrelated, but I feel like his sister would be around 14
Suna would be another one to send you a picture of a bunch of period related things and ask what things to get
He would also be one to put on a movie or show while cuddling with you if you wanted
I feel like Suna would have a weighted electric blanket or something like that since I feel like he gets cold kinda easily
That being said, he wouldn't see a need to invest in something like a heating pad
He would also be the type of person to lightheartedly joke about your cramps or something like that until you throw a pillow at him
That would then start a pillow fight and the rest is up to you
When you first tell Tsukki that you're on your period, he would more than likely feign disgust until you lightly slap his arm, to which he'll apologize
He's another smart one, so at the very least he knows a little bit about periods
That and Akiteru probably taught him a bit about things like that for future reference
I feel like he would be another one to carry period products with him, but it more than likely started after the two of you started going out
And, much like Kuroo, he would be the type to tell you to drink more water and to cut back on certain things if you get bad cramps
He also bought a heating pad for when you stay over after you complained to him about your cramps one day
He would never admit to it though, and just says that he had it lying around somewhere and decided to put it to good use
Any further questions about it will be ignored
I don't feel like he's a big cuddler in general, but he would probably be a bit more lenient with you about it during your period
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and have a great day/night! :D
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calqlate · 11 hours
INCLUDES: asahi + bokuto + daichi + futakuchi + kiyoko + oikawa + sugawara
CW(S)/TW(S): coarse/foul/strong language used + includes sexual content
A/N: posting a day late cuz i forgot abt it 😭 n e ways enjoy! :D
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daichi: i hate this group all y'all talk about are fanfics and sexual shit related to that without being actually like involved in sex
daichi: it's amazing
futakuchi: exactly
futakuchi: this is the ideal group dynamic of questionably horny teenage boys
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oikawa: @/kuroo we were broskis
bokuto: NOSKIS
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asahi: ok i should uh start finding some facts
sugawara: thailand is in southeast asia🤩
sugawara: they speak thai!!!
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kiyoko: asahi and daichi will disown you
sugawara: ngl they probably almost did several times
kiyoko: not surprising
sugawara: 👎
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© CALQLATE. all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, or translate my works on any platform.
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unlikelykidheart · 8 months
~Tsukishima Kei Headcanons
° He loves plushies especially the dinosaur ones.
° Is the constant victim of the deez nuts and your mom jokes during practice.
° Only lets Yamaguchi to wear his headphones when he seems to be stressed.
° He likes strawberry shortcake and has the recipe printed.He sometimes tries to make it and it's fine.(If you could say that.)
° When he's hanging out with 1st years, he doesn't play music in his headphones and listens to every thing they talk about.
° Pays attention to little details about the people he cares about but often hides his feelings.
° He doesn't like borrowing stuff from other people so he has everything that a person might need.
° He has lots and lots of stationary and enjoys having beautiful notes but doesn't share it.
° Likes to listen to slow music as it helps him concentrate better.
° When he grows out his hair in 3rd year everyone is swooning over him.(As if that's a surprise. )
° Tutors the 1st year gang while acting all irritated but he actually enjoys studying with them.
° He starts wearing contacts in his third year and let me say that the students in his class haven't been paying attention in class.( I can confirm cause I'm the teacher.)
-Here's a song I think would be on his playlist
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monstrsball · 1 year
semi posting over, let's talk about kanoka. do you guys think her little sister plays volleyball? i could maybe see that... or maybe she plays some completely unrelated sport because she didn't want to be in her big sister's shadow...
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simpsocial · 1 year
Haikyuu boys as even more Things that have happened to me
|1| |2| |3|
Genre: crack (naturally)
Characters included: Nishinoya; Tanaka; Daichi; Suga; Asahi; Takeda; Kuroo; Tsukishima; Lev; Ukai; Kageyama; Yachi
Warnings: sex stuff ig (mentions of cum, dicks, etc); cursing; minor violence
A/N: literally just teenage bullshit except this has all most likely happened at school or at school events, I hang out with a lot of guys so yes most of this did happen with actual dudes! Enjoy!
Called me a cumslut after I called him a cocksucker bc he called me a bitch
Nishinoya; Tanaka; Ukai (I could just see it happening)
Let me use their coffee maker at school bc I woke up late and hadn’t had any caffeine yet <3
Daichi; Suga; Asahi (I’m a softie for the Karasuno third years okay?); TAKEDA; Kiyoko
When asked why they where looking at my tits responded “well they’re right there!”
Kuroo; Yachi (she’d be so flustered tho)
Asked why I always dress like a dude as soon as I walked into class
Tsukishima (he’s an asshole idc); Lev
Got into an argument over nipple piercings
Nishinoya; Tanaka; Suga (he’s pro male nip piercing); UKAI
Threatened to fight me bc I made fun of their typo
Tsukishima; Kageyama (I dOnT nEeD tO kNoW nO eNgLiSh); Kuroo
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afairywithacrown · 2 years
My favorite LGBTQ+ headcanons
haikyuu edition / karasuno
disclaimer: They are headcanons, please relax. If you don’t agree it isn’t really my problem so please keep it to yourself.
Hinata: pansexual vibes honestly.
He is the type of person who thinks everyone feels that way. He thought people were attracted to people and that was it, no gay or lesbian or straight.
It wasn’t until Yachi was talking about it that he realized he was pansexual and just stayed like that and continue to live his life.
Kageyama: “I like Hinata”. Gay just doesn’t know yet.
His gay awakening was Hinata but couldn’t really explain why he felt all fuzzy inside.
He is the type of gay that picked his crush only because people around him seemed to have one.
Tsukishima thought it was the most obvious thing so when he pointed out he was genuinely surprised to see he had no idea of what he was talking about “you figure it out”.
Asahi: Unlabeled, they/he pronouns. Probably demisexual too
Baby is just vibing. Doesn’t care about labels and isn’t interested in finding out, they are just waiting for the right person to come.
Hopeless romantic too.
Asahi uses they/he pronouns because i say so.
Daichi: Bi. 100% bisexual
Look at me in the fucking eyes and tell me this man isn’t a bisexual.
His first romantic partner was a girl, but later on he found himself crushing on a boy in his class so you can guess how conflicted he felt.
Suga was the one to solve his questions. “You can like both genders, Daichi. That doesn’t mean you are cheating on your girlfriend”
Suga: Pan, uses any pronouns.
Just vibing too.
“You are such a girl” ok
Feels specially happy when people use they/them pronouns.
Crushes easily too.
Noya: Gayyyyy
Now listen to me. He likes kiyoko, ok? But is mostly platonic.
Tanaka knows this so everything is pretty chill with them.
I feel he felt pretty ashamed at first because of his sexuality so he did everything in his power to convence others he likes girls, hopefully he could convince himself too.
Then he told Tanaka how he really felt, poor boy was in the verge of tears and tanaka was like “oh you are gay? that’s cool man”
Tanaka: Bicurious.
I don’t think he is straight tbh. He is discovering his sexuality.
Is completely ok with kissing a dude and if he is being honest, he kinda likes it.
I don’t see him getting into a relationship with a guy but i do think he is sexually attracted to them. Just like a thought in the back of his head.
Yams: Bisexual and ftm
Has a weak spot for blonds.
Baby wants a beard sooooo bad. The testosterone shots won’t give him much facial hair and it upsets him a bit.
At first he thought he was genderfluid, but then he realized there was something wrong. He didn’t like himself.
Tsukishima went on this journey with him, gives him his shots and bought him his first binder.
Tsukishima: gAY
Has the best gaydar too.
He was never confused about his sexuality either, his family was really accepting and never questioned if he liked girls, he just didn’t.
Girls crush on him all the time, right? well at first he is pretty gentle about it and rejects them softly (?. But if they insist he would bluntly say “Im gay” and leave.
Kiyoko: Lesbian (fight me, honestly)
In a universe where she and Tanaka don’t end up together is because she is a lesbian.
Kiyoko was very confused about her sexuality at first. Because she heard liking girls being a girl was wrong and in high school she learned how much lesbians were hyper-sexualized.
She has learned to love herself slowly and accept that the blue prince wasn’t in her path.
Yachi: Bisexual with a preference for girls. Genderfluid.
She had a big fat crush on Yamaguchi for a while but she always comes back to Kiyoko.
“I don’t like girls what are you talking about” *sweats*
Discovered her sexuality in middle school and reaffirmed it in high school.
Their gender on the other side took a while. She liked when people referred to them as he so at first she thought he was trans. Then non-binary.
Then, as an adult she learned the term genderfluid and was like “omg that’s me”
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All rights reserved © 2022 afairywithacrown. Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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dragonlover56 · 2 years
Honestly, as much as I liked Velma x Shaggy when I was a kid, I am absolutely over the m o o n that we finally got confirmation that Velma is canonically gay
I could’ve used that kind of representation as a kid, (even if my parents probably would’ve banned the show in our house bc ooga booga gay people bad) but that wouldn’t have made it any less important just by it’s existence
I do kind of wish it could’ve been a more permanent character (maybe even bring back Marcie bc I adore Marcie), but we don’t know if Coco will be reoccurring just yet (unless she was actually the villain, but I haven’t watched the movie yet so I digress), but that’s honestly probably an entire other bridge to cross in probably not the near future just because it’s taken us t h i s long to get confirmation of what I think we all know
Also bonus note: I had no idea that Haley Kiyoko was Velma in the 2009 film series until just before writing this post, but my gods talk about dramatic irony lmao
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bananafishiguro · 1 year
z for the ask game (haikyuu!! headcanons maybe??) 💞
hi gab thank you for the ask!!
i’m always so happy to talk about my haikyuu headcanons one of them that I hold very dear to my heart is that daichi is super into pranks like he doesn’t get the luxury of messing around like tananoya or doing mean but funny jokes like tsukki or yamaguchi but he plans ELABORATE HIGH STAKES PRANKS and he pulls them off with sugas help and plays it off like it’s all sugas idea but he has that slightly sinister calculating brain plus an extremely repressed sense of immaturity that make him an absolute master prankster ((have you seen those videos where people convince their kids that they have turned invisible? he would absolutely do that to hinata))
the second part of this hc is that tanaka and kiyoko actually got together because of a daichi prank. ok so obviously tanaka has written kiyoko many, many unintelligible highly chaotic extremely wild love letters in his life and she has never responded. daichi obviously sees this as an opportunity and with sugas help (and kiyokos permission) they write a fake love letter back from her with the assumption that tanaka will simply explode. absolutely destruct. WHAT THEY DIDNT EXPECT was that tanaka, seeing this as the first time kiyoko has actually shown some kind of interest, writes another letter back but this letter is real. like three pages written in pencil on notebook paper where he not only gives a more serious confession about how even though he knows he’s been way over the top he actually really likes kiyoko and why. and not only that he uses it as an opportunity to talk a little bit about himself on a serious note and some of the stuff he’s into and all that. daichi could not have anticipated this and starts to feel extremely guilty about this prank going too far. but because kiyoko has been in on this from the beginning she ends up reading tanakas note. daichi is in the middle of confessing his sin to tanaka and just sincerely apologizing to his friend when kiyoko comes in the door with the note in her hand. she tells tanaka to ask her out one more time and this time she says yes. it’s a happy ending for tanaka but daichi who has nearly gotten an ulcer from this whole affair swears off pranks forever. suga, on the other hand, definitely does not swear off pranks and punishes daichi for the rest of their married lives
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