quantumstarpaths · 4 months
@klasteris said: you know, i've been through a lot in the past six days, five minutes, twenty seven and a half seconds. - from ortegas
"We all have," he sighs. He doesn't mean it to compare, nor does he mean it to brush her off. It's only meant as a fact. It's been a long long week. "You know, I've always been impressed with the bridge crew's ability to handle stress." It's about as close to a compliment as she's likely to get from him. "I'm not saying that it isn't just as stressful anywhere else, because it is, but...the few times I've been on the bridge during...something...you all seem so...calm."
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lindscys · 5 months
@klasteris, continued from here.
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there was a reason why this method worked –– because it was so unbearable, for everyone involved, including them. they just had to make sure that they could hold out longer than those they were chasing down, and everything would go to plan. "me too, but i'd bet we won't get them. can you stick with a sweaty vest for the rest of the year?" she asked, voice lifting in jest while firearm remain fixed in position. if there was one thing that erin had learned over the years, it was that sometimes finding a moment of lightheartness was what would get you through stand offs like this. the thought of an ice cold drink at the end of this was as much as the detective needed to ensure they succeeded in their arrest –– it was always so much better once it felt as though it had been earned. "oh you don't have to say that twice. if this guy can stick out longer than fifteen, i'd be shocked." head moved quickly at the sound of an unidentified noise coming from above them, before turning back to august. "perhaps he's more easily swayed than we thought." she whispered, as feet stepped carefully up a couple more stairs.
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fyrewalks · 5 months
"if i had the chance, i'd do it all again." // @klasteris
Buck bounces his knee. He's not bored by the conversation, not really, but the casual chat turned more serious than he expected and the lack of movement is starting to make his skin itch. He kinda wants to stand, but he's pretty sure that would be rude.
Bouncing his knee is probably rude too, he knows some people hate it, but well, something's gotta give.
"I don't think too many people actually have regrets." It is a common enough occurrence - panicked, desperate people rambling on about their respective regrets as he and the team work to extricate them. In his experience, though, it tends to be just that, rambling and mindless conversation until they've calmed down. "I just think," he clarifies, "if someone's actually regretful, they end up changing." Buck shrugs. "Most people don't."
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wcrpbubble · 5 months
“   honestly ,   you’re  hopeless  without  me .   ” oberon at titania
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titania laughs - because it's really the only thing she can do. it's a bitter, tasteless laugh that stops short in her throat. she could point out she's ruled the seelie court for centuries without his help, but what would be the point? he holds the same for the unseelie as she does. she's had a nasty little inkling that one day it would come to something like this, being forced to rely upon the assistance of the unseelie. if they don't work together, they risk eradication of both courts by the mortals and their weaponry. illusions and glamours can only hide the courts for so long and when the mortals come looking, titania doesn't know how long she can hold them off. not that she'll readily admit any of it to oberon. she'd rather have her tongue nailed to the table every morning at breakfast.
"honestly?" she hums, gaze darting to who she had once sworn never to associate with. her husband had been more against it than her, but truthfully she still is not convinced that his death had not involved unseelie of some sort. her distance from that court is maintained by suspicion and wariness, but she can no longer afford it. not with the mortals so dangerously close to their goal of eradicating the fae. there will be nothing left of their courts.
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"you're hopeless without me." she echoes back rather matter-of-fact. it feels almost unholy to be standing in the unseelie court - they've been going back and forth for some time now, and while she can tell the other fae are unsettled by the king and the queen and their new, fragile but possible alliance, she knows it will be for the better could. if only she can set aside her pride long enough. ugh.
"perhaps that is our greatest fault." she adds, arms folded across her chest. "courts of night and day, always fighting each other instead of the true enemy. yet it seems we're both reliant upon the other. we can't win the fight each on our own. the mortals will have us to pieces before we could think to defend ourselves." she paces silently, before her gaze slips back to oberon. "much as we tend to hate each other, we're both hopeless without the other. i'm not saying yes to a permanent alliance - but with the humans encroaching i think it wise we come to a temporary agreement to fight. together." her lips twist wryly. "you may think all i conjour are sunflowers and rainbows, but i assure you i am as deadly in a battle as you. underestimating me and my court is a mistake you won't want to make again."
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evcryopeneye · 6 months
@klasteris asked: ❝ some problems can't be solved with the swing of a fist, no matter how strong you are. ❞ Noctis for Yuffie
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“Sounds fake but ok.” She didn’t believe him,  no it was pretty much the only solution to her problems. It was what she had always done, what she had been taught to do. After all, her homeland had been at war, and Yuffie had been raised knowing she was going to eventually fight for the cause. It was her job. No, every problem pretty much was solvable with a well aimed throw of her shuriken. 
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Shrugging her shoulders she took a bite out of her snack, she wasn’t sure what the name of it was but she knew that she liked it. Almost overjoyed, she took her next step onto a small rock poking up out the path, balanced for just a moment before spinning around.  With her oversized weapon in one hand, she leaned to the opposite side in an almost unconscious attempt to balance on the rock.  “Actually no you are right, sometimes you need a blade.” With that revelation she continued on forward as if nothing had happened. 
Yuffie would give this place credit where credit was due. It was beautiful. Yet she found it strange, to see the world not blighted by reactors that were draining the planet of its soul…that was strange. A vision of a world she hoped one day was going to come true. 
“So what would you do?” If he was going to try and wax lyrical about it he could at least offer some tangible advice or evidence for his point of view. Though it wasn’t like the conversation was going to hold her for long. If you let her, she would try and hold two conversations at the same time. “What is this called, this, snack? I like it.” well, he might also be about to find out the reason why her previous adventuring party had decided she was banned from sugar. 
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okiedokiegoosey · 5 months
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↳ @klasteris → "I've had worse. This is nothing." - eden {meme, accepting}
lucy wanted to argue, but how can one argue keeping sanity when in pain? she hums, lifting eden's arm once more to wrap the bandage a little tighter. she sets the limb back down once she's done cleaning and wrapping.
"that may be so, but this one isn't very good." she points out. "it's clean now, though. i wouldn't use it for a few days while it heals."
being out of the vault has changed her in that small fundamental way. she'll go out of her way to help someone, but not for self satisfaction in the way she used to look for it. no. now, she helped people because how many were left while she lived a privileged life in the best place on earth?
"if you don't mind turning for me. i just want to make sure i covered the backside well enough." she asks politely, smile a thousand watts too bright for the scene she'd walked in on.
that's the funny thing about wastelands. it isn't just the landscape being worn away; it's the people being picked up and spit out, too.
"it doesn't hurt too bad, does it?"
she'll never really lose that big sister nature, will she?
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galaeus · 5 months
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@klasteris / "how long have you been stood there?" - Eden!
Okay, maybe she should have offered to help. The girl had been minding her own business, checking out the building and its history with fresh eyes and all-too-optimistic joy. There were photos of strangers collecting dust on the walls. Little pieces of a life some people either left behind or lost. Although it ought to be depressing, she can't help but fantasize about what life could have been like if she'd been born up here instead of down there.
Would Eden like her more? Would they have been friends, rather than just two people reliant on the other two survive?
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Speaking of the devil -- the minute the other girl talks, Echo jumps out of her skin and blinks. "Hmm? Yeah, where else would I go?" she asks without thinking of the context behind her lack of cooperation in scavenging. A belated breath later, the recognition passes over her expression.
"...I'm... looking now, alright? My eyes took a mini-break." Her finger wags to the broken stairs. "I'll check out the second floor."
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wornkindness · 5 months
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
unicorns, without question. though any mythical horse can also be counted here tbh. i'm also going to mention that in her canon a lot of these mythical creatures do exist, though not a common siting depending on the creature.
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details about ocs. ┊┊⋆˚ *❀‧₊˚. accepting
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fangsremain · 5 months
@klasteris - ❛  scars  may  fade ,  but  they  last  forever .  ❜ -john @ beth [ x ]
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there’s an itch in her hands, a swelling urge under the paper dry skin of her fingers to trace the silk smooth streak on her cheek. seared along her face until the day she meets the devil to raise her green gaze up at him with a smirk & zero fucking regrets. three lifetimes of transgressions with her god given name written across every single one just waiting for her to atone. good luck with that, buddy she thought with a huff.
her throat constricted around the near laugh with a swallow, cutting off the oxygen to everything that was left unspoken between them && letting the tension get flicked away with the burning end of her cigarette. an ember lost in the dark expanse surrounding the porch. a guilty conscience might see the lingering accusing gaze of ones they wronged out there but the dutton’s had a whole family tree of not waiting around to let anyone get their pound of flesh.
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“ didn’t plan on living forever anyway. “ she split her words with a slanted grin as she turned toward his figure half in the shadows && half bathed in the warm lights above her. “ maybe a few more years to see how grey i can make you but after that, i’m outta of here. “
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lindscys · 5 months
@klasteris, continued from here.
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the detective strained to hear the gentle thuds, the city doing it's best to drown out the noise with it's day-to-day hubbub. "you know morse code?" question came with an expression that suggested that perhaps she was more impressed than anything else, at the immediate knowledge that it wasn't some sort of coded message. erin's hand hovered carefully over her holster –– a slight over reaction if it really was a cat, but if there was one thing that she had learned, it was that you could never count on anything for certain. "a cat." she confirmed, as feet carefully crept through the alley to lead towards the noise that had caught their attention. "if it's not a cat, you're buying me a burger later." a hint of humour perhaps to detract from the uncertainty of the situation. eyebrows came together in a slight frown, as the banging noise seemed to get quieter the closer she stepped towards it. "are we sure it's coming from this way?"
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maidencfdeath · 5 months
@klasteris (august) [ sc! ]
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“Detective, what brings you down here to the crypts?” she quipped as she stood from her desk. Cassie had sent over her autopsy report on the latest John Doe this morning. It had all been pretty cut and dry on her end, a simple shooting victim. Unless something had changed that she hadn’t been aware of.
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momguilt · 6 months
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she had spent the last FOURTEEN HOURS elbow-deep in a soldiers chest cavity. he had taken a devastating gunshot wound point blank that ripped apart his aorta. abby had been tasked with repairing it. saving him. you're the only one who can. but fourteen hours was nearly double the time she went without her usual fix. that is , dry-swallowing a pill behind a curtain and relishing in the relief that it brought. they weren't hers to take. they were highly-effective synthetic painkillers that she stole from inventory. a dozen at a time. she fudged the numbers on patient records and made it look like nothing was afoot. but this time her body was betraying her. she was well into the first stages of detox , now. there was a cold sweat clinging to her forehead , and for the last hour of the surgery - her hands had an undeniable tremor. her head was pounding and old wounds were beginning to bother her. specifically the nerve damage in her leg where bone marrow had been forcibly extracted. she limps to the sink , shaking hands under the water as she washes away the blood. she just needed thirty seconds alone , but the assistants hadn't left her side throughout the surgery. balling up the towel , she tosses it into the hamper and removes her scrub cap , moving out of the operating room down the hallway into her office.
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" Captain. " she greets , when she finds him waiting. she's in no state for visitors. " the lieutenants surgery ran long , but he should pull through. have you been waiting long ? can i help you with something ? "
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wcrpbubble · 6 months
you couldn't have known it was a trap. Picard for bev
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of course she couldn't have known, but it doesn't make it any easier to swallow - she should have expected it. the borg queen would know they were coming for her, so why wouldn't she have a trap? both for jean-luc and anyone setting out to attack her . . . a desperate attempt to claim locutus and destroy any virus beverly carried. a hail mary made by a queen who knew they were coming for her. beverly can close her eyes and still see the interior of the borg cube imprinted in her mind, the screech of a dying queen echoing in her ears, in her head. the brief roar of the collective before - silence.
the metaphasic shielding had held long enough for her to reach the internal control chambers with the queen, who had been focused mostly on enterprise and jean-luc. she'd been primed to sneak up behind the queen, inject her with the cyber-organic virus they'd developed - and then she'd been surrounded. the central control wasn't normally so heavily guarded with drones, but it had been like the queen had expected the intrusion. surrounding herself with the stronger drones. the transphasic torpedos had done their work, along with a well timed em pulse that had disrupted the drones long enough for beverly to reach the queen, to shove the virus harshly into the grey skin of the nasty creature that represented the whole of the collective - the same time the queen had grabbed hold and dragged her straight into the collective.
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beverly doesn't think she's been fully assimilated - she can't have been. but the queen's touch had been enough to activate the latent borg tech she'd used to disguise her human signature. they'd attached themselves in some places, embedding deep into her skin as she'd watched the queen writhe in pain, her connection severed. for a brief moment, beverly had been overwhelmed with the noise in her own head, the roar of the collective, before everything had gone blessedly silent. the queen hung gruesomely from the cabling that connected her to the hive - dead.
data had removed most of the tech that had latched onto her, though it had been painful. the dermal regenerators wouldn't touch some of the places, so beverly is left to heal outside of sickbay - mostly because it's being repaired. the borg had done their damage on the enterprise too - no one unscathed. beverly's fingers uneasily trace her neck, where she knows her skin is still mottled and tendrils of grey stretch out across her pale skin. leftovers that haven't yet faded despite the nanites being removed from her system - the borg tend to leave marks that last, both physically and emotionally. she's only had a taste of what jean-luc had gone through and frankly she doesn't know how he's managed this long. even without the collective noise, beverly still wants to rip her own skull to pieces now that she's felt the violation of it all.
"it doesn't matter anymore. trap or not." she murmurs, closing her eyes as she tries to fully accept that she's back to normal - as normal as she can be after such an ordeal. "she's dead. she won't be back."
her fingers drop from the sensitive spot on her neck; there are other spots on her skin that are grey or angry and red from having the tech removed. she looks awful, she knows. feels it, too. the exhaustion of it all weighs on her shoulders. she should be celebrating, but she cannot muster the energy.
"you're free."
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quantumstarpaths · 5 months
Alias / name: jamie
Birthday: november 1
Zodiac sign: scorpio
Height: 5'4.
Hobbies: photography, reading, writing, video games, crochet
Favourite colour: turquoise and hot pink
Favourite book: ummmm i always put a monster calls by patrick ness here. what IS my favorite book....the phantom of the opera? oh! fuck that. the only good indians by stephen graham jones.
Last film / show: a.rgylle. it was Okay. sort of stupid.
Inspiration: star trek babeyyyyy
Story behind url: a couple of quotes from the i believe it was 2018 star trek annual, describing the stella as meaning 'star paths' and the network as quantum.
Fun fact about me: my go to has always been that i have a twin :D
tagged by: @klasteris tagging: you!
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okiedokiegoosey · 5 months
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↳ @klasteris → "I've got work to do, so let's wrap this up." - cooper {meme, accepting}
she won't treat him poorly because he treats her that way. she won't treat him poorly because he tre- her fingers hoover over his shoulder as her travel companion grunts at her. work, indeed. he was a piece of wor-
she won't treat him poorly because he treats her that way.
"i understand you've got grand ideas of running off into the dwindling daylight like the gunslinger you are, but i don't think you should be doing any of that with a hole in your shoulder." she lectures, wincing to herself as she goes back to dabbing away at the opening.
she won't treat him poorly because he treats her that way.
lucy pulls another roll of bandaging from the bag she'd amassed since they'd set out together, nervous chattering beginning to bubble. she can't imagine that a bullet in the shoulder feels nice, even for a jerk.
"when i was younger, i fell and scraped both my knees. i tried to be brave and hide it. i didn't want my dad to know, because i didn't want to disappoint him. it hurt for days, and he found out when i was wincing around with norm; he's my little brother." she murmurs, all the while cleaning and wrapping his wound. "i thought i'd done something wrong, but all i did was extend my suffering by not saying i needed help."
she didn't know if he'd even need it. she just knew if she showed him a kindness, he could eventually show her one, too. it was the golden rule after all, and she'd just keep telling herself until then:
she won't treat him poorly because he treats her that way.
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galaeus · 5 months
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@klasteris / it’s not the first time i was tossed out of a window, and it won’t be the last. - Eden
Truthfully it's on Echo for worrying so much. By now she should know Eden has her shit together, but that doesn't make the vault dweller panic any less. At its very core, Eden's probably the sole reason why she hasn't stepped on a landmine or gotten sold off to an organ harvester by now. In such a short amount of time, she's learned a wealth of information from the surface dweller -- and without her, Echo isn't quite sure where to go from there.
So she can't die, because she said so.
Scrambling down the side of a dilapidated apartment building, skidding awkwardly down the debris-ladened slope, Echo rushes her movement to get to her. The attack had been swift -- in a blink of an eye, really, so the fact that she'd survived getting tossed out of a window is equal parts a relief and a miracle.
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"Eden! Eden, are you okay?!" Echo hisses quietly, dropping to her companion's side with wide eyes. She checks over her for puncture wounds -- but quickly forgets the second she suggests that this isn't the first time this has happened to her.
"I don't understand, how is not your first..." Trailing off, the brunette centers herself with a calming breath before bursting out in a yelp: "Wait -- what?! What the fuck is wrong with people up here?"
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