#( --- character && beverly crusher )
loislaina · 8 months
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liquidatorbruntfca · 8 months
i love you nyota uhura i love you christine chapel i love you deanna troi i love you beverly crusher i love you tasha yar i love you lwaxana troi i love you kate pulaski i love you ro laren i love you keiko o’brien i love you jadzia dax i love you kira nerys i love you leeta i love you moogie i love you ezri dax i love you kathryn janeway i love you b’elanna torres i love you seven of nine i love you t’pol i love you hoshi sato
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peachviz · 8 months
The Measure of a Man (Reprise)
“I aspire to be better than I am.”
A massive character study edit on Data Soong. An edit I’ve been working on since I started TNG last year.
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pacificsaury · 8 months
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It's my birthday today, thank you everyone for coming to the party and hope you enjoy this totally normal saury fishcake ! 🎉
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cosmicam-art · 1 year
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Line-up of the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation (April 2020)
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spacefinch · 1 year
Asking my sister (who has never seen Star Trek TNG) to name Star Trek TNG characters
The blue text bubbles are me, the gray ones are her.
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✨ Mr. Clean ✨
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✨Randolph ✨
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✨Megara ✨
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✨Tink ✨
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✨Tobol ✨
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✨Arthur ✨
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✨Romeo ✨
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✨ Jessica ✨
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✨Lil Timmy ✨
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have you done your daily click
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Can't believe we're getting Beverly Crusher as Rachel Summers in X-Men '97.
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driftwoodthrone · 2 years
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Whatever your circumstances may be, you deserve the justice of courts, not criminals. To turn you over is to acquiesce. Worse yet, it betrays an old friend. But to harbour you risks the lives of everyone aboard this ship. Including hers.
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filmjunky-99 · 7 months
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h a p p y b i r t h d a y
Gates McFadden
2 March 1949
[pic: mcfadden as dr. beverly crusher, tng]
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cookiebeard · 1 year
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The incomparable Dr. Beverly Crusher!
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ussjellyfish · 2 months
Beverly Crusher and Tilly for the character ask?
Beverly Crusher
How I feel about this character
Beverly was a formative part of my youth and my Star Trek watching. She was intimidating when I was a child because she was so pretty and she knew so many things. I don't think she got enough screen time or character development on TNG (no one really did other than Data and Picard). I wish she had more episodes. When she has something to do, she is so interesting. I love how smart she is, how kind she is (it made doctors less intimidating when I was a kid), how she has hobbies in theater and dance, and she's a great mom.
I adore her. She's one of my favorite characters ever because she has flaws and she works through them and Gates plays her so well.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kathryn Janeway!! They've met now (thanks Prodigy!) and they'd be adorable. They're both so dedicated and also such cute dorks in their free time. They'd love holonovels and dancing together, and also be really adorable power admirals together. I particularly love them getting together in the Prodigy/Picard timeline because there's something really lovely about finding love later in life and that contentment.
Also Jean-Luc Picard, sometimes, he often annoys me (especially in ST: Picard) and then I struggle with my shipper googles. They had this really gorgeous trust in each other and comfort in TNG, where they loved each other, and maybe it wasn't romantic, but they were there for each other. I don't like what ST Picard did to their relationship.
I have a soft spot for Deanna Troi and Beverly too, they're just so lovely together.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Will Riker. I love how they're so supportive of each other. They seem to really get each other, and there's a great trust there. (might be the actors, they're not given much to work with).
My unpopular opinion about this character
I feel like the writers did her a disservice in ST Picard. I don't know if anyone in the writers room had ever been a single parent, but it is very very hard, especially without any support system. I can sort of work with Beverly didn't want to tell Jean-Luc about Jack (I think this name is so bizarre, but okay) but cutting out everyone, Will and Deanna especially doesn't make sense to me. She didn't get to meet their kids, and help with with Thaddeus, or even experience that grief together, and she didn't get to meet Geordi's wife or his kids, and she went through so much alone.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Beverly and Kathryn get together and raise Jack together. That sounds fun. They had really great chemistry in their two minutes together.
Sylvia Tilly
How I feel about this character
She loves math! She's a teacher!! She's so smart and funny and goofy and she's a teacher. I love that for her. I adore her and the journey she's been on and she's just a glorious being.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
No one really? I understand where the Tilly/Michael and Tilly/Rayner shippers are coming from, but I don't really ship either pairing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Michael! Her relationships with Michael is so lovely and deep and it grows and changes, they're so good for each other. I adore their friendship so much.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I love her being a teacher. (I don't know if that's unpopular). It's such a nice move for her, and when she wanted to be a cpatain, I was all for it, but guiding others is something she's so good at. I love seeing her with the cadets and Adira and I'm so excited to get more of her in the Academy show.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I'd like to have someone I ship her with. (Ideally a woman because I love femslash, but anyone would be fun).
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cchipollo · 7 months
i absolutely LOVE your tomodachi miis. they're beautiful. i've seen so many people couple up their male miis, how are you guys doing it?? i want my yaoi miis too
you gotta make some of the mii female. i have a mod that uses they/them pronouns for every mii and just groups miis into A or B (originally being male and female). it’s not really a proper fix and maybe if i looked a little deeper i could find the true gay tomodachi life mod but it’s the best fix i could find.
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divinemissem13 · 6 days
Doctor's Orders
No True Pair 8 Character Challenge Fandoms: Star Trek TNG, Major Crimes Pair: Beverly Crusher/ Sharon Raydor Word Count: 378 Rated: T Prompt: long weekend
Beverly is already in bed when Sharon gets home. She looks up from her book and takes in the sight of the captain — dark circles under her eyes, uncharacteristically disheveled clothes, flat hair — and she makes a decision.
"Did you close the case?"
Sharon responds with a wordless hum and a nod as she shrugs out of her blazer and toes off her shoes.
"Good. Then you're taking tomorrow off," Beverly declares. "Doctor's orders," she adds, firmly squashing the protests blooming on Sharon's lips.
Sharon finishes getting ready for bed and slides under the covers. She is almost too tired to be coherent, but she tries anyway. She kisses Beverly's bare shoulder and speaks for the first time since arriving home. "Honey, I can't. There's paperwork to do and what if-"
"You're telling me that Provenza has been on the force for 100 years but he can't handle a little paperwork?" Beverly teases, even eliciting a weak smile from Sharon. Beverly smiles back and turns to face the captain. She brushes the dark auburn hair behind Sharon's ear and then gently strokes her face, soothing away the worry lines that have become a near-permanent fixture lately. "They'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about. Let's take a trip — just for the weekend. Forget about dead bodies and the dregs of society for three days and then on Monday you can go back to work and resume your superhero duties."
Green eyes meet blue as Sharon tries to assess whether or not Beverly might be willing to negotiate, but the doctor is harder to crack than most criminals. "OK," she finally acquiesces with a sigh, and when Beverly smiles brightly, Sharon can't resist smiling back.
So they take the weekend and drive up the coast, and they stay in a little seaside Bed and Breakfast that serves incredible homemade scones, and they make love with the windows open, smelling the salty air and listening to the soothing sounds of the ocean. On Sunday afternoon as they drive back to LA, Sharon has to admit that riding in the convertible with the top down, the ocean breeze blowing through her hair and Beverly's hand resting on her knee as they talk about anything but murders is exactly what the doctor ordered.
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samabigailalan · 3 months
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