#klavquill 1
wowowwild · 2 months
Ace's All Time Best Fic Rec List (AATBFRL) April 2024: Ace Attorney
It's been a 6 months since my last list so here we go again! (I specified Ace Attorney in case I start doing this for other fandoms.) I originally planned to have all the old recs here as well but the list was too long so here's a link to the previous list. These aren't necessarily in any particular order, but if you can think of a good way for me to organize them, please let me know for future lists!
P.S. Anything rated over T mentions that immediately for your browsing convenience.
Doing more self promotion this year, so check out my pinned post or fic tag (desktop only)!
London, 2021- 7 yg Wrightworth hint of Krisnix. Phoenix is presently in London with Edgeworth. Phoenix is presently knowing that he knows about Kristoph but doesn't want to acknowledge it bc Kristoph has been really good to him and Trucy. But that doesn't matter right now bc they're going to the theatre.
if you leave the light on- 7yg Wrightworth. Nothing can happen until it's over but something Keeps happening. Miles will wait as long as it takes and Trucy decides he's part of the family.
In The Dead Of Night- During the 7yg Edgeworth invites the Wrights to Europe. Trucy has a nightmare and 'Uncle Miles' comforts her.
Phoenix's List- After getting his badge back, Phoenix has some regrets and sets about fixing what he can.
Perfect- I actually found this on another fic rec list and I can see why it was their favorite. Set towards the end of the trial of Bridge to Turnabout. TW if you have memory issues, it might be a little hard to get through parts bc of all the mindfuckery. I have to be really vague here so as not to spoil it. (Wrightworth)
Eo Nomine- Klapollo fake marriage turned real marriage but ig that's what happen when you get fake married while being real in love.
the best you'll never have- Rated M for sex reasons. I love the tagline: "Someone else's wedding is something that can actually be so personal". It's a Blackmadhi complicated relationship, what relationship, they weren't actually dating but also...
Apollo and the Artist (1975 - Oil paint, wax crayon, pencil, collage)- Rated M for mentioned sex reasons. Apollo is not an art person. But to Klavier he is art... and also a person. They've known each other for 8 years and it's probably been coming for just as long. It was a long time coming.
darling i'd wait for you (even if you didn't ask me to)- Wrightworth fake date bc Edgeworth needs a plus one to a wedding for some guy, it's not really important. But the cake sucks.
A Knight in a Loud Red Suit- oh my god oh my god oh my god Klavier gets shot and Apollo stabs a guy. And also love confessions at the hospital. They could have me also if they wanted.
Written- Rated E for sex reasons. Edgeworth moonlights as a Steel Samurai fic writer, and due to it being an obvious coping mechanism for his life and feeling Maya finds out... and accidentally sends a fic to Phoenix who... finds out. Half of the smut is Edgeworth's own fanfic, so we get like... fanfic-ception. That doesn't really work with more than one syllable words, huh...
Lover Be Good to Me- Rated M for implied sex reasons. 5+1 klapollo wooing each other.
Love Love Love- Rated M for implied sex reasons. klapollo is messy in a good way and takes wayyyy too long to call themselves boyfriends. Set from middle of aa4 to past aa6.
delicate- Rated M for sex reasons. klapollo is messy in a bad way (long distance is hard) and they break up but it works out, I prommy. If you don't like angst you'll want to skip this one, though.
(i was) enchanted to meet you- klavquill! I love them, I need to read more fics with them. They meet at the Prosecutor gala for the first time and sparks fly. Actually, they were fireworks, but that's not important.
Process of Elimination- Rated M for sex reasons. One day I will read a fic where Blackmadhi is not complicated as hell. Can they ever talk about their feelings? Apparently I like this, though, bc I keep reading and recc'ing them. Um, Nahyuta is looking for a fuck buddy and by 'process of elimination' ends up deciding on Blackquill but whoops! Feelings.
feel your skin- Rated M for one boner. Klavier is infuriating AND wearing lipgloss and Apollo can't take it. Cue making out in the janitor's closet.
moribund- I keep thinking about this one so I need everyone else to read and think about it with me. Pre Gant busting, POV Lana has to help clean up his messes. This a comedy, mostly of errors.
chronophobia- StarrSkye (AngelxLana) Be forewarned, you are going to cry. Lana has done her time and is trying to find a way to reconnect with the most important people from her past.
Crash! Landing- Junithena, fantastic traumatized autistic representation, if I do say so myself as a traumatized autistic person. It is very sweet and Juniper is a real one. I need me one of those.
In Pursuit of Justice- This one is not yet complete, but I preemptively j'adore'd it. It's a klapollo. Sebastian is great. He says Apollo looks like a frog (accurate).
Witcheln Woes- Secret Santa klapollo and they are cute and Clay is alive and it is sooooo fluffy.
Samurai Swear- Maya making besties with Edgeworth! Maya and Phoenix being besties also! Dash of mutual pining wrigthworth.
Missing You/Missing Time- Ok, hear me out, yes, the mystical bullshit tag is accurate, and de-aging is a weird concept, but !!! It actually serves this story very well! It is a fanfic that feels like a fanfic, but sometimes you want that, you know? Not every fanfic needs to feel like Little Women. Established klapollo first I love yous.
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dornada · 5 months
Hey, Klavquill enjoyers
I posted a fic over at AO3. You should definitely go and check it out.
It's something like 4+1 where we look at the developing relationship between Simon and Klavier as they are going through it.
Beta read by @mittenlady!
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chibistarlyte · 11 months
hi!!! for the ask game, 1, 5, 6, 12, 14 and 15 for klavier?
My first impression of them
I immediately loved his character design, and then ofc his opening line with Apollo made me think, "OH, DAS GAY!!" Just overall I had a good feeling about him from the get-go, and he turned into my favorite Ace Attorney character by the end of AJ.
5. My favorite ship of them
Sorry not sorry but I'm such a SLUT for Klapollo. Their dynamic is just so fascinating to me, how they have similar ideals and morals but TOTALLY different personalities and approaches. But recently I've also been having Klavquill on the brain (totally not me just putting two of my favorite characters together...nope...). I just think the idea of them interacting is funny and ripe with potential because, again, their personalities are SO different.
6. My least favorite ship of them
HMMMMMM I don't necessarily have a least favorite ship with him, I'm just so strongly a Klapollo monoshipper that I don't really pay attention to/think about shipping Klavier with anyone else (besides Simon, as mentioned above)
12. Sexuality hc!
Does my icon give me away? xD This could be me projecting onto Klav, but I personally headcanon him as bi. Though I think pan would also be fitting for him.
14. Best storyline they had
Turnabout Succession, man. Hundred percent. Klavier being faced with the fact that he unwittingly had a hand in destroying an innocent man's career, and realizing that he was just a pawn in his brother's game? And then standing up for what's right, regardless of his personal feelings in the matter? Fucking chef's kiss. I know I speak for a lot of people in saying I wish Capcom would have given us more Gavin family backstory. There's so much to be explored there, and I think it really speaks to Klavier's strength to be able to stand on the side of justice and convict his own brother.
15. Worst storyline they had
As much as I enjoyed Turnabout Academy, probably that one. Like, I enjoy the idea of Klavier being a guest lecturer at a law school and I LOVED that he got to help in the investigation, but I wanted more. I wanna know more about his time at Themis, about his relationship with Prof Courte. Again, just wasted opportunity on Capcom's part for more backstory!!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!! n_n
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tabithwaslost · 11 months
klavquill headcanons vær så snill!
Klavier was absolutely DEVASTATED upon hearing the news of Simon's arrest and Klavier got Simon the best attorney he could. He was tempted to forge evidence or even bribe the prosecution but he didn't do such thing.
Although all evidence was against Simon, Klavier believed in his innocence just like Aura. They were both not convinced that he was a murdered and they visited him regularly.
When Simon first dated Klavier, Aura was ridiculous about it and she made Klavier sign papers that say "If Mr. Klavier Gavin breaks Mr. Simon Blackquill's heart or hurts him in any way, Ms. Aura Blackquill has every right to stab Mr. Klavier Gavin."
They met through Miles when Klavier was 17 and Simon was 20 a little after 19th of April 2019. They became friends and Klavier would go back home, Kristoph is there waiting for him and he would rant about every single thing that Simon did. Younger Simon was canonically pretty respectful and a gentleman so Klavier would be like "There's this guy called Simon, he's 3 years, 2 months and 9 days older than me, he's nice and he's such a gentleman he's the best friend ever and-" and he would keep on talking for like 6 hours, it was the same on Simon's end. One day, Kristoph jokingly said "Are you in love with this Simon?" and Klavier just said "I... might even actually." meanwhile with Simon and Aura, Simon would be like "Yeah, so Klavier is that rockstar guy on the news and he is amazing and nice-" and Aura would be pulling out her shotgun from her bag.
Kristoph and Aura hated each other in university so they would give each other deadly side glares and try to ruin each other's day for literally no reason at all. You can just imagine the pain when they found out about Simon and Klavier.
Klavier and Simon are evil because they made a plan that if Klavier is ever asked about his love life in an interview, he would say: "There's this person I saw once. They're taller than me, they had short, curly black hair. They were a fan of mine and I only saw them once but at that moment I knew that I loved them."
They are made Klavier's fans go crazy, some people even cut and dyed their hair.
They would stay up, late at night playing video games and Simon would get mad at the game and be like "BLASTED CONTROLS!!" "THIS DAMNED GAME IS AWFUL!" but at the same time, seeing Klavier so happy is worth it.
Klavier always rants about his day to Simon whether it was good or bad.
Simon gets way too jealous when Klavier mentions any other person. [It's in a comedic and lighthearted way though, a jealous partner can be concerning if it crosses the limits.]
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maki0725 · 7 months
I added new chapter (chapter 10) to my life work. I opened my grammar book for the first time in a while (despite having an English exam on December 10th).
I have one more chapter untranslated and I want to write the sequel in Japanese. Klavquill gives me energy to live.
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blackquillkatana · 2 years
hello i saw your klavquill investigation post and ADORED IT i feel like you have opened up POSSIBILITIES ENDLESS. Do you have other klavquill ideas? :D
If you’re specifically talking about pre-UR-1 then of course I have more!
Simon used to gush about a little girl he babysat constantly. He always talked about wanting to bring her out to certain places but her mother was fairly strict when it came to her safety due to an auditory processing disorder. Klavier, as a teenager, didn’t think of it much until he noticed a little detail about the psychologist. Simon is a creature of habit, always wearing black and white. When Klavier had pestered him before about wearing something a little more colorful, Simon sheepishly admitted that he doesn’t look good in color, he always looked best in monotone. Klavier doesn’t believe that, but one day he notices a small handmade bracelet with colorful blue and yellow rubber bands on Simon’s left wrist. When Klavier points it out Simon suddenly gets very flustered, especially when Klavier points out it contradicts Simon’s statements about color. Simon responds with saying that he would never ever take off the bracelet and to keep quiet about it, especially at work, as he hides it up his sleeve.
There’s an idea where Klavier is tagging along with Simon’s investigation cause he’s so cool. And Simon realizes, too late, that this is an actual dangerous thing Klavier is now involved in. Since he doesn’t want to freak out the young prosecutor he pretends that everything is fine but behind Klavier’s back, Simon manifests the scary demon that runs in his family. Using his eyes as piercing tools to keep the guilty back in the corner and his words to keep them tangled until help can arrive. Klavier isn’t dumb, he realizes Simon’s change in behavior when he pretends to be distracted. But he refuses to leave. He knows he can help. And he so desperately wants to show off to his older brother, to maybe get the same praise Simon always gives him.
Now, if it’s post-Ur-1, I have plenty of thought for them as well.
Klavier doesn’t make any new music for a while, but it does help his head think. After testing some new cords he asks Simon to listen to a demo and to give his suggestions. Simon agrees and Klavier strums and sings the work in progress song until he’s rudely interrupted by a loud snore. Looking over, Klavier realizes that Simon fell right asleep. That’s not exactly normal, Simon usually complains about his insomnia and how hard it is for him to sleep. Even if he does fall asleep at work, it’s usually a very slow and painful road of Simon nodding off and jolting back awake. Klavier gently shakes Simon’s shoulders and Simon is very clearly embarrassed about falling asleep. Klavier tries again with his song and once again, Simon conks out almost immediately. Klavier takes it to mean that Simon loved the peace in the melody so much that his body felt comfortable enough to fall into slumber. Now Klavier uses Simon’s sleepiness to see how good his demos are, to the protest of the samurai himself.
As we all know, Miles Edgeworth has not known any peace since Klavier found it his main mission to get Simon to become his BFF. The matching friendship bracelets Klaveir got custom made didn’t work but Klavier did find out from a very reliable source (Apollo) that Simon loves pranks (Apollo did not say that, he said that Simon was terrible for his mental health) and the two of them have not let the office know peace since. It’s mostly lighthearted bullying towards the other, harmless dares to confuse their coworkers, or even something as simple as moving everything in the break room a centimeter to the left.
Vongole gets to live with Klavier because he deserves her. Unfortunately for Klavier, Vongole has a new favorite best friend and that’s Simon Blackquill. Simon can scoop her up and hold her like a puppy even though she’s a big dumb stupid friendly dog (affectionate). She’s very well behaved but she has decided that Simon gets “run and jump at” rights cause Simon will always catch the good girl Vongole. Also she loves wrestling with Simon, even if she can be a dramatic baby at times. Klavier is a little jealous at first but loves how Vongole has boosted her happiness and in turn it has even made Simon smile. Sure it’s still a scary toothy smile but it’s genuinely happy.
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agentangeles · 2 years
okay i love klavquill and klaviers character is so hard after kristoph
klavquill is a ship that has grown on me! I like the concept of them having known each other before the UR-1 incident, and I think that it sets up for some really interesting feelings during Dual Destinies.
Klavier's characterization post-Kristoph comes... a bit easier to me than I think other characters do. Maybe I've just got a whole lot of projecting in my brain because same hat trauma, or other reasons, but he's fun to write when I get to sit down and do him justice!
I should,,, really get to working on that fic.
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acutelyrelated · 2 years
I just checked my art blog's (extremely low) activity and I was delighted to 1 - see anything at all recent 2 - be reminded I have three finished klavquill pieces and 3 - be reminded of that because all the recent activity is people liking those three pieces
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Intro chapter for my Klavquill fic has been published come get ya'll juice besties 💛💛💛
7 years later, Blackquill's past comes back to haunt him in more ways than one.
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twistedsamuraizine · 2 years
hi! I have a handful of questions regarding ship content in the zine, I asked something similar on curious cat but I'm not sure if it's been answered so I'll pop it here too! <3
1. In ur info doc you discuss not wanting abusive/incest etc. ships in the zine (which I whole-heartedly agree with dw) but I was wondering about the specifics of this? are there unhealthy dynamics outside of the ones explicitly mentioned that will or won't be allowed - not just as romantic but as general explorations of them?
2. Are there any specific ships that will/won't be allowed in regards to popularity? for example, would rarepairs such as blackskye, klavquill, etc. be allowed in addition to popular ships like blackbright/blackmadhi?
3) would ship content have to be canon compliant (ie. make sense within the ace attorney timeline)?
4) would there be the ability to explore gender/sexuality (since those hcs tend to vary from person to person)?
5) would there be opportunities to have separate versions of the zine with or without certain ships or ship content altogether?
Sorry if that's a lot! I'm looking forward to the zine!
Do not be sorry! We will answer by the number so we can get everything out and as clear as possible we hope!
1) This one was also asked and we tried to explain but let us do so again: so of course, romantic exploration of things like Phantom/Simon or Athena/Simon is not allowed in our zine. We do not want any kind of minor/adult, incest or abusive/toxic relationships portrayed in a romantic light. These relationships of course, especially things like Athena/Simon, can be familial or platonic! Dare we say they are family, your honour.
These pairs, let’s say for example Phantom/Simon, this can be explored and done as a piece, it’s a huge part of DD as well! However, just cannot be romantic explicitly. If you wanted to say, do a piece about Simon tracking him down/figuring him out, something that sits within exploration of character and story, that is 100% fine!
2) No! Absolutely not, rare-pairs are just as amazing and we do not have some kind of count on how popular the ship must be to do certain pieces!
3) Yes, this is a canon-compliant/canon-divergent zine so there cannot be for example an AU of them in another show/media form.
4) Yes absolutely, you can have Trans Simon written/drawn or him with different spectrums of sexuality.
5) This idea is actually quite brilliant as in an idea to do perhaps a separate zine just for any ship/romantic content, we will look into this.
If you ever have any other questions you can let us know!
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24kaicy · 3 years
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I posted 5 times in 2021
2 posts created (40%)
3 posts reblogged (60%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.5 posts.
I added 16 tags in 2021
#simon blackquill - 3 posts
#klavquill - 2 posts
#aceattorney - 2 posts
#i drew this - 2 posts
#klavier gavin - 2 posts
#i wrote this a while ago - 1 posts
#isis richardson - 1 posts
#velia badd - 1 posts
#ace attorney - 1 posts
#do they know - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 24 characters
#i wrote this a while ago
My Top Posts in 2021
Food klavquill nation
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11 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 09:04:15 GMT
I finished my klavquill fic
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See the full post
17 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 21:51:37 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jake-marshall · 3 years
Writer Asks - 20 Questions
Was tagged by the fabulous @beck-a-leck Better late than never I guess? 1. How many works do you have on AO3? 76.  I have a couple others on my ff.net that i don't feel like moving over because I'm pretty sure they'll forever remain incomplete.  Everything on ao3 is either completed or something I would like to someday complete. 2. What's your total AO3 word count? 673,709
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Just a handful.  If we're lumping all the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons together, that cuts it significantly since I have fics for several different games.  But yeah, other than HM/SoS, there's Ace Attorney/Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, Rune Factory, Reservoir Dogs, Inglourious Basterds, and Harry Potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by Kudos? Made of Honor - 166 Price of Admission - 164 The Road Less Traveled - 153 Redefined - 139 Going Postal - 136 5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always.  Some comments are ones I respond to outside of ao3 if I know the person but otherwise I always try to say, at the very least, a simple "thanks!” 6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? I mean, I have a couple fics where the POV character just straight up fuckin dies at the end so.  Those I guess? ("better wake up and apologize" and "The Good Fight" come to mind.) 7. Do you write crossovers? Not in a true sense.  I mean stuff that's considered to take place in the same universe (like, my one fic has a lot of focus on the Vega brothers, who are from two different Tarantino movies) isn't really a crossover by my definition.  Crossovers usually don't interest me - the only one I can think of that I've put any thought into is my idea with with Freddy + Larry (Reservoir Dogs) and Ruth + Idgie (Fried Green Tomatoes). 8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not directly, that I can recall?  I do remember when I posted my newest Fredrick/Shosanna fic back in May, someone posted in the main fandom tag on tumblr that people need to "stop shipping them/making content of them!" and considering it was like, my fic + an edit by another user as the only recent "content" of them, that was a pretty thinly-veiled shot xD Although, I'm prepared to get hate if I ever complete my Gina/Ashley ideas to which I will just pity the fools who can't have as massive a brain as mine. 9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do!  All I have posted is M/M and F/M, if that's what "what kind" means? 10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I've had parts of the "The Road Less Traveled" plagiarized, to which I lit up the perpetrator and they deleted their fic. 11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I known of lol 12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Me and @belleofhell are co-writing a ficlet collection for RF2, called "You're My Light" but we don't write the ficlets together.  @canis-raine and I have collaborated on writing some Landstrom stuff though, which for me was quite fun to do. 13. What's your all-time favorite ship? I don't know if I can really pick an all-time fave.  Miego would probably be up there, though just because of how long I've liked it. 14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? WIP as in something I've actually started/posted?  Probably "The Devil's Den" which is my 1920s Klavquill AU.  I like what I have so far and really would like to come back to it but... I dunno. xD 15. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and writing characters IC.  Developing OCs.   Some of the biggest compliments for me is when people point out that either they really love an OC I included, or that I've written a character I consider complex/complicated as "in character". 16. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like I get too wordy at times.  Too many em dashes rofl.  Probably pacing, too. 17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? Haha well I've tried my very best to do this with my Inglourious Basterds fic and I've probably fucked it (German) up.  I don't like it done too much but sometimes using/learning native words for the characters fits better, if that makes sense (like, as an example, I almost always write Hellstrom using German curse words/insults versus English.) 18. What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? I'm not really sure?  I feel like I had to have written something before that cursed Simpsons self-insert fic but maybe not. 19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? My gut reaction to this was "Round & Round" just because writing it when I wrote it was something that really needed to happen.  And also "The Road Less Traveled" just because, to date, it's my longest complete fic and I'm so proud at how it turned out.  There's really not much of anything I'd change in it. 20. Who do you tag? Anyone who wants to do this
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tabithwaslost · 1 year
Klavquill Rollerskating, requested by @snowkit-and-blackquill AKA my online brother-
So, the guys were both in Klavier's home because he has a fear of being alone. Perhaps it could be related to his trauma as a child, no one knows.
Klavier was wearing one of Simon's t-shirts and they are wayyyy to big for him because the ex-inmate is taller than him. The t-shirt had "My Chemical Romance" written on it due to the fact that Aura made her little brother listen to that band despite the fact that he was too young to listen to them.
"Herr Samurai?"
"What is it, Gavin-Dono?"
asked the samurai in reply to the rockstar.
"Do you remember that time when we went... uhh..."
The blond had forgotten the word. He paused for a solid 10 seconds as the samurai was waiting for a reply and then he uttered:
"Shoe driving?"
questioned the taller guy.
"We were 17 and 20! Don't you remember?"
"Remember what? Explain the event because you seem to have forgotten the word for it."
and then there was a silence that lasted for about 3 seconds before the shorter guy said:
"We were 17 and 20, and we had those shoes that had the circle car things that made the car move...
And then Klavier explained:
...it went something like this:
asked the 17 year old prosecutor.
"Yeah? What is it?"
was the reply that he got from the 20 year old law student. Both have no stress, no work, and definitely no trauma. Or at least that's what we think.
They were at the space center, in Simon's own room there. It was turned into a laboratory after UR-1. They were sitting on his bed, chatting.
"There is something I want to do to you."
said the 17 year old prosecutor.
"E-excuse m-me? Klavier, that's-"
before the older guy could finish, Klavier continued:
"Ja! Can we go roller skating?"
then the 29 y/o Simon Blackquill asked:
"When you said 'shoe driving' did you mean roller skating?"
Klavier who was explaining the story answered:
"Ja! That's the word! Now, shall I continue?"
"Do so."
The 26 y/o prosecutor continued explaining the story:
And then:
"But where are we gonna go roller skating?"
"Oh! There's this skating... Was was it called again?"
The German forgot the word.
"You seem to be talking about a skatepark, right?"
"Ja! That's the word!"
"You always forget words, don't you?"
"That doesn't matter! I got us some rollerblades!"
The blond had a bag that he brought with him. He took out 2 pairs of rollerblades from them. His has the letter "G" on it and was dark purple and black, meanwhile Simon's had the letter "B" on it and was black and white.
"Auf geht's!"
[Let's go!]
said the German.
They went there at approximately. Simon had to beg Aura for permission because he was still her baby brother and she was worried about what might happen to him, he could break a bone or something bad might happen but then Klavier reassured her that everything was gonna be alright. As they were leaving the space center, they had a small conversation
"You actually convinced Aura to let me go! I- even I couldn't pull it off."
said the young samurai.
"Frau Blackquill said that as long as I'm with you and I don't leave you, then we can stay here until 10 P.M."
explained the young rockstar.
"Yeah, but if anything bad happens to me, she will be going for your head."
Klavier gulped in fear because he knows how overprotective Aura is of Simon. When Simon first introduced Klavier to Aura, she made him fill 15 papers and sign on a paper that says that he will never cheat on or betray Simon and if he does, then Aura will bring out her shotgun.
"Your sister cares about you a lot."
"I know. She would kill for me."
They reached the park and then they started skating.
29 year old Simon Blackquill asked:
"Shall I finish the rest of the story?"
"Ja! Of course!"
Then, we went there and a lot happened.
The 17 year old blond tripped and was falling backwards, suddenly a hand caught him. and was caught by the short curly black haired guy.
"K-Klavier!! Are you okay?!"
He had never seen the blond with a face THIS red.
"I... was ist gerade passiert..?"
[I... what just happened?]
"I- uh- Klavier I'm sorry! Are you okay?!"
the black haired guy's face also went slightly red.
"Aura won't kill you don't worry. But Mr. Gavin will surely kill me!"
They left the park and the blonde was still red faced.
They went back to the space center and told Ms. Blackquill what happened. She laughed so hard.
"A-Aura! Why are you laughing?"
"Nothing nothing, it's just that this little boy always seemed to flirt with you but went red faced and hella embarrassed over nothing."
Author: Simon was described as a gentleman and as a weird-ish boy before UR-1, so I tried to write him like that. That's why he seemed so different from his 28-29 year old self.
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maki0725 · 4 years
Klavquill 1-7
In Japan the New Year’s Day is so important, especially for an old-fashioned person like Simon (or Jin Yuugami?).
Many Buddhist temples hit the bell 108 times as New Year’s Eve bell, the number is said to be the number of the worldly desires. They want to expel them and many Japanese people feel sacred only at that time of the year. Though once the day changes the New Year’s Day, they get into worldly desires again(almost all Japanese have good food and drink).
And drunk driving is strictly inhabited in Japan, usually people never drive when they have alcohol even a little, just one sip. Some countries (states) have lax restrictions about blood alcohol concentration though Japanese one is rather strict.
Simon listens New Year’s Eve bell through the TV having Soba delivered just before midnight. The bell is said to expel worldly desires, Simon is wondering if he still has that kind of desires.
Right after midnight, Suddenly TV gets noisy, tuning to new-year atmosphere. They start preparing for going out lazily. Phoenix has declared that he wouldn’t go because of the cold outside air and he wanted the younger people to enjoy, he withdraws into the corner of the office.
“Do you do something like disguise , Prosecuter Gavin?”
Athena asks Gavin anxiously but partly out of curiosity.
“If it’s not so crowded, it’ll be okay if I take care a little. A hat, cap or something......I put on the coat different from usual today”
He has had his hair ponytail unusually, wearing the plain black turtleneck black sweater instead of open-necklined shirt(although he never forget the big “G”).
“Do you take Daddy’s beanie? I knitted it!”
“Thank you, Fraulein, but I have one”
Gavin takes a black beanie out and put it on after doing his hair in a bun after putting the duffel coat like a student. Then he doesn’t look like “Klavier Gavin” at a glance.
“Don’t you wear sunglasses?”
“It’s already dark outside, it makes me blind”
Trucy yells in a shrill when Gavin says “Next time we hang out daytime”, Apollo hurries them sighing and saying “Don’t let Mr. Wright hear” and they leave.
In the cold air, Apollo, Trucy, Athena, Simon and Gavin are going to the shrine near WAA.
“Do they have some food trucks? Like grilled corn?”
“Can you eat something more!?”
Apollo is surprised at the junior colleague’s great appetite.
“I suppose not, there weren’t last year”
Athena replies and she thinks that’s right, that reminds Simon of the memory exactly one year ago. He was just released from the prison and lived in Aura’s place tentatively, had nothing to do new year holidays. Then Athena called him to stay with WAA members and went to the same shrine. He vaguely remembers Ema Skye was there and Klavier Gavin wasn’t but it was his first first-visit in seven years and something or other, he couldn’t recognize who were there. Athena was so excited as same as today.
They come to the empty shrine. One year ago, Simon taught them how to prepare for a worship (wash your mouth and hands to purify before approaching the shrine, there are a lot of detailed rules to be exact but it’s not a big problem if you don’t know that) but they seem to have forgotten almost all of the manners. Gavin proceeds it smoothly following the manners beside the other members being confused. His move is quite smooth and natural, he seems to know the way of worship well. Simon looks away before Gavin notices his gaze. There seems to be nobody to look at Gavin.
They come back to WAA after visiting the shrine(unfortunately no food trucks were there), they are breaking up the meeting. Apollo says that he is going to the international airport located in the suburbs, he seems to be annoyed with the crowded all-night train but Gavin suggests a unexpected plan.
“Can I take you to the airport? I’ve come here by car”
“Are you kidding? You had alcohol”
Apollo replies in amazement. While Simon thinks that Gavin never seems to do drunk driving, he declares.
“No, I didn’t”
“What? You had wine......”
“It was grape juice. I’m glad to have had it with Mr. Wright”
Gavin takes a look at him. Phoenix nods and says.
“High-class grape juice is really excellent, isn’t it?”
Trucy looks up at Apollo with an enthusiasm.
“Polly! It’s the 3rd place for ideal new-year situation with Klavier to have him send you to the airport!”
“What’s that survey?”
“A project on one of his fan sites”
“What’s the first place, by the way”
“To see the first sunrise together! Like having him all to yourself, don’t you think?”
“Do your fans have nothing to do?”
Apollo looks being turned off but Gavin says proudly.
“They have a rich imagination”
If Apollo accepts the suggestion, it requires Simon to come with them. Gavin signals to him with his eyes and smiles as if to apologize. He doesn’t mind if he only rides in the car together though Apollo might wonder why Simon comes with them.
“Can I drive you home too, Fraulein Cykes? If you don’t mind I get your address”
“Of course no!”
“Hehe, don’t let a man get your address easily”
“Hey don’t you have second thought?”
Simon knows he is overprotective of Athena although she is almost 20 year-old. Gavin never does inappropriate things but he can’t help raising his voice. He seems not to be annoyed and chuckles.
“I never tag along a girl who isn’t interested in me”
“Okay, okay, you say so. You’ve got girls falling all over you”
“Oh are you jealous? Never mind, you have the love of your life somewhere, it’s not the matter of number”
“That’s right! Don’t hate him just because he is beautiful”
“What the hell, I’m not jealous of you, I’m glad to hear you’re popular”
“......I’m not so glad”
Apollo says “Let’s get going”, Gavin’s voice sounds faintly.
Gavin’s car that Simon has never seen is a large German one. Its rear seat has a enough space for even Simon.
“I didn’t know a Mercedes-Benz like this”
“This huge size definitely makes it ridiculously expensive”
“Mercedes is a practical car. I wouldn’t say it’s low-priced in Japan”
“Isn’t Toyota good enough? You can get one for one tenth if it’s second-hand”
Gavin laughs at Apollo in amusement.
“This is ‘G-Class’, who gets this other than me?”
“Did you choose it by the name!?”
“That’s not all what I meant, then, it’s sad to leave but shall we get going?”
Simon gets into the seat right behind Gavin considering Athena will get out of the car. He can see the back of Gavin’s ear with twinkling pierced earring.
The seat that must be the most expensive than any other chairs Simon has sat on is getting warm right after the engine was turned on. The seat seems to have a heater.
“I use the seat heater of the rear for the first time”
“I’ve never seen a car like this......doesn’t it have too many buttons?”
“You are sharp, I’ve never used some of them”
Usually girls go crazy about Gavin himself but Athena looks interested only in car equipment. She might resemble her mother in this respect.
“Look, Simon! There’s a speaker here!”
“Hey, don’t break it”
Simon feels anxious about Athena tampering with the inside of the car. Gavin won’t be angry even if she breaks something but that will make them awkward. The car starts going smoothly after Simon managed to have her fastened the seatbelt.
「パパの帽子、被ります? みぬきが編んだんですよ!」
「なんか屋台出てますかねえ? 焼きとうもろこしとか」
「空港まで送って行こうか? ぼく、車なんだよ」
「え⁉︎ だって、ワイン……」
「オドロキさん! ガリュー検事に空港まで送ってもらうなんて、ファンが選ぶ年末年始理想のシチュエーション第3位ですよ!」
「初日の出を一緒に見ることです! 独り占めって感じですよね」
「希月弁護士も送らせて貰えるかな? ぼくに家を知られても良ければ、だけど」
「なに、僻んでるの? 気にすることないよ、どこかにおデコくんの運命の人がいるはずだから。数じゃないよ」
「そうですよ先輩! 美男子に嫉妬なんてカッコ悪いですよ」
「トヨタじゃダメなんですか? たぶん10分の1くらいで買えますよ。中古ならですけど」
「だってこれ、Gクラスっていうんだよ? ぼくが買わなくて誰が買うのさ」
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nothlits-archive · 6 years
1. Klavquill 2. Axolotls3. that one picture of the fish with human legs laying on the beach you had as your icon for a long time that vexes me to this day
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zarduhasselfrau · 7 years
So, a few months ago I started work on a long fic called Celebrate The Irony. A fanfiction about Klavier Gavin and Simon Blackquill starting to recover from the events of aa4 and dual destinies. It’s about the two of them finding a connecting thread between them and then - over a year, leading up to the narumitsu wedding - moving from work colleagues -> friends -> boyfriends.
Today, I finished publishing it. It’s 146,850 words long over 27 chapters. I’ve never written anything this long or like this before, and I’m not sure I’ll ever manage to again. If you’re looking for a long fic to read but you like to see they’re completed first, here you go. If you’re unsure about klavquill as a ship, this is the longest testimonial I could possibly offer you.
And of course, if you’re already following it then here you go. The final chapter. It’s been a hell of a ride to write.
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