#kmg racing
kmg-racing · 2 years
The most wonderful time of the year 🎅🏼 🎄 via @girardoandco 
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girlwithfish · 1 year
my bf has so many records he has a whole box of them in our apartment
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gyuzgrl · 20 days
her //kmg// pt.2
pt 2 of 'her'- the morning after reveals much to y/n, and she makes a difficult decision- one that neither her nor Mingyu seem to escape from unscathed.
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Dread, shame, confusion.
The morning after a night of love shouldn't leave one feeling this way, yet here you are, lying paralysed in bed, next to a man you can't seem to figure out.
Why did he find solace in another's bed? Why was it the same woman every time? Were his words from last night even true?
Questions haunt you, floating around inside your head like ghosts in an empty castle. When one fades, another takes it's place, poking holes in your rationality, mocking you for what you've done.
How could you give in so easily? After everything he's done, after the betrayal- how could you let him in? Vulnerable and exposed, you let him see you, hear you, touch you?
Embarrassment doesn't even begin to cover what you feel.
Your skin feels sticky and each spot he touched burns into you, like red-hot metal, sizzling tender flesh. The kisses, the grip marks, every point of contact feels wrong. Of course, last night was consensual- two grown adults made a decision to spend a night together- but you can't shake that sickly feeling taking over you; a thick, dark oil, staining your skin as you sink further and further into despair.
Turning over, you let your eyes scan over Mingyu's face- sleeping peacefully, unaware of the havoc he's caused in your mind. The gentle sighs of breath, the way his lashes tickle his skin, how his lips settle into the prettiest pout- it isn't fair. None of it is.
He doesn't get to sleep like this while your mind races at a thousand miles per second. He doesn't get to live ignorantly like this.
You won't let it happen.
You won't swallow your pride and pretend like everything's okay.
Slipping out from under the covers, you head straight for a shower. Silky, warm water embraces you, washing away the stains of yesterday, only for them to resurface and solidify the past. No matter how hard you scrub, no matter how desperately you scratch, the marks remain as they are- seething red reminders of how small you made yourself for Mingyu's affections.
Before you know it, tears begin to flow- tears of shame, of humiliation. All it took was for him to say he returned your feelings, and you forgave everything. You let him touch you mere hours after he'd laid his hands on another woman- god what has happened to you?
You step into your robe, the pearly white colour of the fabric mocking you as if to say- "you're the shell of who you once were."
Time passes as it usually does, and you find yourself at the breakfast table, staring into the distance. Your mind has finally settled to a conclusion.
This must end.
As you sit, unmoving, Mingyu begins to stir from his sleep. An arm extends itself out of habit, feeling for your body beside him, and he jolts awake when his skin comes in contact with cold, lifeless cloth.
Panic fills his nerves in the flash of a second and he scrambles out of bed, stumbling over to the hall. Clumsy, frantic feet thud along the ground and he calls out your name, voice hoarse as if holding back a sob.
"I'm here," you state, eyes still fixed at the wall.
Mingyu feels his muscles slump back into relaxation. You're still here. You didn't leave.
"I uh, I thought... Never mind, have you eaten?" he grins, eyes sparkling as he gazes at you lovingly, "I'll fix something up for us- what do you feel like eating? something soup-y? pancakes? eggs? I make really good eggs-"
"last night was a mistake."
His voice fades to a deathly still. The luster in his eyes dulls to a cold brown and he slumps down onto the chair opposite yours.
"oh." he says softly.
"I've had some time to think..."
"I don't think we should live together. Or be together. No matter what your reasons were, Mingyu, the fact remains the same- you cheated on me. Nothing will change that, nothing will make that go away."
Mingyu leans forward, tears springing in the corners of his eyes. "I'm sorry, y/n- I wish I could c-"
"I know you're sorry. Trust me, I know, Mingyu- but you've done this to yourself. You've been aware of every decision as you made it, you did what you did, knowing fully well that it was wrong. There's no forgiving that. Whatever our feelings are, it doesn't matter anymore."
His head hangs low as your words tear into him. You're right, after all. He did in fact cheat on you. It was his decision, his choice. It's unfair for you to suffer because of his mistakes.
"I'll come back for my things sometime this week." you sigh, moving from your seat, taking hold of your handbag, "Goodbye, Mingyu."
A few days have passed, and you've settled into an expensive hotel, gathering yourself together as other things call for your attention.
Formalities make divorces so much harder than they need to be...
While you sort through legal matters with your family lawyer, Mingyu finds himself falling into a dangerously dark hole. You've been gone all of three days and he's lost himself completely. He hasn't slept, hasn't gone outside, hasn't eaten- it's as if he's lost his will to live.
Your words haunt him, echoing in his head over and over. Desperately, he's tried to silence his thoughts, tried to chase away your voice, but he can't. What makes it all so much worse, is that he knows you're right.
This is all his fault, after all. He really has done this to himself, and he's hurt you too in the bargain.
It's late in the evening, the sky outside flushes dark grey clouds along, as a faint outline of the moon peeks through. Winds howl terribly all around, hinting at the storm that is to come.
The doorbell rings, echoing through the empty house, startling Mingyu out of his daze. Sloppily, he treads to the door, cracking it open to reveal an unfamiliar face.
"can I help you-?" he mutters, eyes skimming lazily over the suited man before him.
"Mister Kim Mingyu? I'm Miss Y/n's lawyer. I understand you've separated, yes?"
Just when he thought he couldn't sink lower than he already has, Mingyu feels his stomach drop as he descends into anguish.
He's smart enough to gauge what's happening. You're legitimizing the divorce- making it real in the eyes of the law.
A voice pulls him back to reality, and he lifts his head up, nodding as he motions for the man to come inside. Dull, confused footsteps lead into the living area and Mingyu takes a seat on the couch, beckoning your lawyer to do the same.
"There are papers you are required to sign, sir." he begins, reaching into his bag to pull out a stack of crisp white sheets, stapled perfectly.
Mingyu stares dumbly at the paper, back hunched, throat dry. He's frozen. There's not a thought in his head, not a sensation in his body.
A minute passes in silence, and he stays unmoved.
The man clears his throat, clicking his pen open before handing it to Mingyu.
"here, you can use mine," he forces an encouraging smile, feeling his heart break at Mingyu's disheveled state. Although he's been made aware of your situation, Mingyu's helpless state tugs at his heartstrings and he can't help but feel sympathetic towards the latter.
"th-thank you,"
With shaky hands, Mingyu takes hold of the pen, stopping at the blank spot resigned for his signature. An indescribable pressure weighs him down. His future, his love, his sanity all sit under the blade of this guillotine- a mere pen.
This pen might just be mightier than any sword he'll ever face.
Sensing his reluctance, the suited man places a hand on his shoulder-
"Forgive me for speaking out of turn, I know we don't know each other- but I've, uh, I've seen this before. I've handled cases like this before and all I can say to make this easier is that you're doing this for her. Not for yourself. If you truly feel guilty for the past, if you truly love her, this is the way you give her her pride back. This is how you can do what's good for her."
His words spur Mingyu into action, resonating deep within the latter's being. Letting you go is unbearable. It stings and burns and swells all at once, but if it lets you heal, if it's good for you, he'll do it in a second.
Scribbling his signature onto the bottom of the page, Mingyu hands the papers over.
"thank you," he says, genuinely this time, "is she-" he hesitates, "is she doing okay?"
The man smiles sadly, rising to his feet- "I'm afraid that's a breach of confidentiality, sir"
And just like that, he's gone, leaving Mingyu alone once again. He settles into bed, draping your blanket over himself as his mind floods over with thoughts of you.
"I hope she doesn't think I gave up on us..."
Then, like a soaring wave, it hits him. What if you think he's taking the easy way out and that his feelings aren't real? What if you expected him to throw a fit and come swoop you up from whatever hotel you're hidden away in?
"fuck-" he curses under his breath, digging around the sheets for his phone.
Mingyu types out a messy apology, pawing at his phone with thick fingers.
"I hope you don't think I'm giving up. As much as I wanted to fight for you, as much as I wanted to rip those papers to shreds, I know this is what you deserve- a shot at real love. Love that doesn't hurt you like I did. I love you so much, Y/n, but you're right, this is my mistake. You shouldn't be the one to suffer for it. I'm sorry for it all. Letting you go is the hardest thing I'll do, but it's what I deserve now. I had the world in my hands and I gave it up for nothing."
Your lip quivers as you read his words. There's a sense of defeat in his tone, as if realization has finally hit and he's understood the gravity of his actions.
Despite his acceptance of your decision, you feel a sharp pang of hurt deep inside your chest. You're doing the right thing. You're protecting yourself. You're being strong.
So, why does it hurt this bad?
Unfocused eyes begin to water, dripping salty puddles onto the screen below, and you realize you're crying.
Mingyu's words from that night play in your head, like a devastating melody, planting seeds of doubt where revenge and empowerment were beginning to grow.
You need to snap out of this.
Surely, one text message shouldn't have you forgetting all the pain he's caused. You simply cannot give in.
"It's late." you tell yourself, hoping that speaking aloud will give you some semblance of authority over your frenzied feelings, "gotta get some rest"
While you drift off to sleep, Mingyu's thoughts hone in on you, just like they have all these nights. Lying on your side of the bed, huddled in a swarm of your blanket and clothes, he does his best to pretend like you're still here.
He curses himself for that night, chastises himself for all the nights before. There really is no excuse, no explanation that could make what he did okay- he knows- which is why, he's leaving you alone. No matter how much pain he's in, no matter how many bottles he's downed, Mingyu doesn't let his toils bother you.
No drunk phone calls, no angry visits, not even a text. Not one attempt to try and beg you to change your mind.
Ironically, the respect he extends now, by leaving you alone, makes you feel worse somehow. Guilty, even.
Taking a deep inhale, Mingyu lets your fading scent flood his senses, and instantly, the memories come flooding in- how you kissed him so tenderly, how your skin tasted, how you came alive under his touch.
"fuck," he whispers, voice trembling, "if I knew that night would be the last time I could touch you-"
Oh, he'd worship you.
Mingyu pictures it- clear as day.
He would've held you tight in his arms, pressing his forehead to yours as you share one breath. He would've kissed you so deeply, making sure to commit your taste to memory, pushing further, harder, until his own mortality forced him to pull away.
When your face fell at the sight of her marks, Mingyu would've kissed your eyes and placed your hand on his heart saying- "you hear that? that's all for you, my love- no one else, just you". And if that didn't do the trick, he'd be more than willing to dig those marks out of his skin, no matter how much it hurt, no matter how much it bled.
Most of all, he'd savor you.
As he crawls down your body, he would kiss every inch of your skin, thanking you for letting him. No God could give him this power, no divine force could allow him to touch you- only you had that authority.
And that, makes you greater than any God he's ever prayed to.
Each kiss would be deliberate, slow. He'd close his eyes, brows set in a deep furrow as his lips take you in greedily, like Jesus' first disciple eating at the Eucharist.
Mingyu feels himself grow hard at the thought- being so close to you, kissing you, feeling you. He takes in a shaky breath to compose himself, but in vain.
It has no effect.
No number of breaths, no volume of alcohol, no hours of sleep will ever be enough to push you away.
So, he gives in.
A hand sneaks down under the blanket, beyond the waistband of Mingyu's sweatpants, ghosting over his cock. He hisses as his fingers graze the reddened tip, hips jerking up to chase that feeling.
Letting his thoughts resume, Mingyu works himself in time with his imagination.
His hands explore your skin, soothing their way down to where you need him most. You tremble under his touch, back arching when he puts his mouth to your cunt.
Eagerly, he laps at your slit, taking in your sweet-salt taste- so addictive he's sure this is all he needs now. Not food, not shelter, not money- just you.
You writhe under him, slipping your hands into his hair, tugging at his locks, and his eyes roll back. The sting of his scalp only spurs him on, and his tongue prods your clit in rapid bursts.
"Mingyu-" you choke out, his name like a plea on your lips.
He sucks harder, pushes you further, and dips his tongue inside you, nudging into your pulsating core. It takes you by surprise, and you can't help the cry that escapes you-
As you tighten around him, Mingyu devours you from the inside out, swallowing every last drop you have to offer, coaxing as much as he can from you until you're spent.
"Mingyu," you moan, clutching his hair tighter as you feel your release mere seconds away, "Min-"
A sticky white pool of shame sits at the groove of his thumb, collecting in the dip between his fingers.
Stupefied by disbelief, Mingyu stays deathly still. It's pathetic, honestly. He's aware of how he must look, aware of how wrong it is to use you for his own pleasure, but he just can't help himself.
He really can't.
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shina913 · 10 months
Breakfast | KMG
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Pairing: Mingyu x Fem!Reader
Rating: M 🔞; SFW
Genre: meet-ugly-turned-meet-cute!AU; fluff
Warnings: cussing; sexually suggestive language but not anything too explicit; mentions of alcohol consumption
Word count: 1.7K words
Summary: While on your walk of shame, you meet an unlikely companion who is doing the same.
A/N: Ah, my first SVT fic!!!!! 🤭 I've been spiraling for a couple of months now and felt the need to channel all of my brain-rot into fic. Please be kind 🥹
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You groan, squinting at the early morning sunlight peeking through the blinds. You quickly realize that you are not where you hoped to be— cozy and warm in your own bed—but rather in someone else's.
You glance over to your side but find it empty. Your random Romeo must have gotten up early for coffee or something, but you don't want to stick around to find out. Understandably, you made some poor decisions last night, but you live and learn.
Memories of uncorking and emptying bottles of wine between you and him flash through your mind, but you shake them off. You look around, awkwardly stumbling as you try to retrieve your clothes, phone, and whatever dignity you have left.
Once you’re clothed, you walk into the living room searching for your purse. You find it on the floor, next to the couch. As soon as you grab it, your body jolts when you hear the toilet flushing in the distance. You hastily grab your purse and shoes and race toward the front door. You want to make a quick and quiet exit without looking back before last night’s companion walks into the living room.
You can’t remember much of what happened but you recall drinking enough to forget about something.
Fortunately, it's early enough on a Sunday that the typical neighborhood crowd isn't up yet. Since your phone is dead, you can't call an Uber to take you back to your apartment. Ten blocks shouldn't be too bad...for this walk of shame.
You stare down your path home in silent resignation and shrug. At least the pavement is all flat, and there are no hills to climb.
Everything seems to be going well until someone rushes out of a neighboring building wearing only his pants and a tie around his neck, with what appears to be his shirt balled up in his hand.
Seeing men walking around shirtless was not an unusual sight after living in the downtown area for a while. However, he was certainly a sight to see. Although you may be slightly hungover, it doesn’t stop you from taking a moment to appreciate the view. Suddenly, you find yourself craving breakfast.
“Oh shit,” he curses out loud, his eyes wide as plates when he meets yours.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “You too, huh?” you point at him in jest. 
The man scowls at your comment, seemingly offended that you’d insinuate such a thing. He drops his shoes, which you hadn't noticed in his other hand, begins to slip his feet into them, and walks off without saying a word.
You mutter, "Pfft, whatever," out of earshot as he walks away.
However, you happen to be going in the same direction for the next block and a half, so you awkwardly follow behind him as you both cross the street and continue onto the next block.
He unravels his shirt to slip it back on when he happens to glance behind him and finds you there. At first, he ignores it, but he hears the keychain on your purse rattling with every step he takes.
He pauses and abruptly turns around to face you. This takes you by surprise, and you nearly walk into his broad chest.
“What the—“
"You know, people will start to think we did something together last night if you keep following me like this," he accuses.
You raise your eyebrows and scoff. "Please, don't flatter yourself! This is where I'm headed, too." You scan the area. "Besides, I don't see anyone around here that I know. Do you?"
He doesn't respond. Realizing that he was being rude to a stranger, he turns sheepish and shoves his hands in his pockets. "Uh, so...what's your name?" he asks.
His sudden change in demeanor catches you off guard and you squint at him suspiciously. "You first," you reply.
“I’m Mingyu.”
You contemplate giving him a fake name but it feels way too early in the day and too many brain cells to gather for an alias, so you tell him your real name instead. 
Mingyu smirks. “Lovely to make your acquaintance.”
“Mingyu, huh?” you say curiously, eyeing his outfit. “Male prostitute?”
He throws his head back, laughing. When he recovers, his expression turns mischievous. "Well, as a matter of fact..."
"Mm...actually, don't answer that," you say as you brush past him, walking toward your apartment. “Good talk. See ya!”
“Hey, hang on! Do you live near here?” he asks as he runs to catch up to you.
You lie. “No. Stop following me,” you say as you try to lose him.
He catches up to you in two strides. “If I remember correctly, you came around the corner and you started following me first,” he says with a grin.
You groan in annoyance. “I was not! The building you ran out of just happened to be in the same direction I was walking,” you say with a frown.
“You’re not very pleasant in the morning, are you?” he remarks.
You stop and turn to him. "Well, sorry if I don't want to make small talk while dressed like this."
"Like what?” He takes a few seconds to rake you from top to bottom, checking you out. “I think you look pretty fucking great," he smiles cockily.
Admittedly, he's smooth, but you don't want to fall into that trap again as you just managed to crawl out of one.
"Likewise, male escort Mingyu," you smirk back at him.
“Don’t your feet hurt from walking barefoot?” he points out as he glances downward.
“No more than walking ten blocks in these heels,” you reply, picking up your stride again. “Besides, my phone is dead so I couldn’t call an Uber to get home faster.” 
“I can do that for you!” He chases after you again. “My phone’s got 20%.”
“You seem like a nice guy but I don’t even know you and won’t be able to pay you back.”
“You don’t have to! I’m feeling generous today,” he says with an air of confidence.
“Sure you are,” you retort.
He taps your arm to grab your attention. “Fine, if you won’t take my offer for a ride, here,” he says as he slips out of his shoes to slide them toward your feet. “Wear these.”
“What? Why?” You ask as you stare dumbfounded at him.
“I can’t in good conscience let you walk barefoot that far. Plus, who knows what’s lurking on these streets.”
“Trust me, I’ve walked farther,” you say, briefly recalling other regrettable nights from the past. “I can also put my shoes back on, halfway through.”
He’s still insistent. “Please? Or let me give you a piggyback ride for a few blocks, at least?”
You laugh out loud. “Don’t be ridiculous,” you say to him. Even though judging by the way he’s built, especially those biker’s thighs, he could very well carry you all the way to the next town over.
“As ridiculous as me inviting you for breakfast at my place?” he asks.
Your stand there slack-jawed for a moment. This walk has taken a strange turn but your growling stomach makes his offer tempting, more than his handsome face.
“What does breakfast at your place look like? Cold cereal and burnt toast?”
“Ouch,” he clutches at his chest, feigning offense. “I may not look like it but I actually know how to cook,” he says, sweetening the deal.
You purse your lips. Were you actually considering his offer? “Hypothetically, if I accept your invitation, what would you make for me?”
“Bacon, eggs–cooked any style you want. Maybe some waffles,” he replied with a broad smile. “Hypothetically speaking, of course,” he says with a wink.
He had you at ‘eggs cooked any style you want.’ You sigh at your weakness and look downward at his shoes. “Okay, but these are way too big for me. I could trip and fall into a coma before I even make it there.”
“The piggyback ride offer stands.”
You snort in amusement at how unbelievable this morning has turned.
“I live right over there, see? The blue one.” He juts his chin toward a light blue-hued Victorian duplex at the end of the block.
He's conventionally attractive and his body looks nice, but you literally just bumped into him on the street and now he's inviting you to breakfast at his house? He could be a murderer or some kind of sexual deviant, for all you know.
“I promise I’m not a murderer,” he says, quelling your unspoken suspicions. “If it makes you feel better, my next-door neighbor is a 75-year-old grandma who likes to sit on her front porch during the day. She's practically the neighborhood watch! If I were up to no good, the cops would show up at my door in minutes.”
Just then, your stomach growls embarrassingly loud enough for him to hear.
He smirks in amusement. "At least allow me to make you a fresh pot of coffee. You can recharge your phone and call a car from there. No harm done!"
"Why are you being so nice? I'm still a stranger, you know."
He shrugs. "We both had our own versions of interesting evenings we'd rather forget. Starting the new day on a promising note would be nice, don't you think?"
Your eyebrows quirk at that. Something about his carefree optimism draws you in. And the fact that he can see past your slept-in eye makeup and poor decisions from the night before makes you feel that maybe there are still some genuinely good guys out there.
He holds out his hand, earnestly anticipating your response. You glance at it for a second, sigh, and think, what the heck?
Relenting, you nod your head, and he crouches down, bending his knees to the right level. You step closer and position yourself behind him.
With his gentle assurance, you reach your hands forward and wrap your arms around his shoulders and neck. As you rest your legs on either side of him, he asks for your consent to grip you behind your knees. You give him permission. Despite anticipating it, his strong hands still take you by surprise. You wonder quietly what else they're capable of.
Once you both have a solid hold on each other, he shifts his weight to stand up. After making sure that you are both stable, he turns his head to check on you.
“All good?”
“Yep,” you answer.
“Alright! Let’s make you some breakfast!”
As he carries you toward his building, you smile to yourself. Maybe the walk of shame wasn’t so bad after all.
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Main SVT Fic Masterlist
Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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TAGS: @roaminginthenights @yoongukie-ff
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
🤕 Getting Injured + 💋 Kisses with KMG! Mikey?
Thank you my lovely mutual <3
Also make sure to take care of yourself and take breaks! If you don't feel like writing that's totally ok, you can always come back to them later :)
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Mikey's grip on you tightened when you stirred in agony, pushing you closer to his chest as he carried you bridal style to his room in the base.
"It's okay, we're here now." He spoke lowly, not wanting to stress you even more. He couldn't afford to let his anger overtake him, not when you weren't in the best condition, bloodied after a confrontation with a rival gang.
You were lucky he made it in time, seeing you hanging from a thread as you took down as many as you could. You were doing fine until one of them grabbed you from behind, trapping you in a headlock and cutting off your airway as your eyes fluttered and lungs struggled to gain air.
Let's just say the person who brought you harm has their blood all over Mikey.
He was always gentle when touching you, but now he held you like a priceless artifact, like your skin was porcelain and you'd shattered any moment. Carefully, he placed you on the nearest counter, keeping you steady with his hands on your hips as he stood between your legs. You had no choice but to hold his upper arms to balance yourself, but Mikey didn't seem to mind.
However, a frown tugged at your lips, your chin hanging low, as your down casted eyes avoided his charcoal ones. Though Mikey wasn't physically hurt, he felt a pain in his chest seeing you like this, but before he could comment on it, your voice broke through the air.
"I'm sorry," You muttered out, fingers curling deeper into his uniform. The dam of your eyes broke, hot tears quickly following in suit and racing down your burning face. Weak. You felt so weak and pathetic, "You always save me and..."
"And I'll do it again," Mikey affirmed, cold digits tracing up your neck and cupping your chin, tilting it up to meet his solemn expression as he wiped your tears. Your glassy eyes widened when he lent in, head pressing against yours and blond strands draping over your face like a silky curtain.
"Close... close your eyes." Your breath hitched at his command, but you still obeyed, slowly closing your eyes as you waited for his next words. But instead of hearing his soft voice, you felt his lips engulf yours, his hands pulling you closer into him without restraint.
Your mind didn't register what was happening at first, but your body moved on its own, hands tangling in his blond locks as your knees kept him in place. A whimper escaped you when you felt his hand creep under your shirt, caressing your skin as he swallowed all your cute noises.
When he parted, the both of you were breathless, but Mikey continued to plant open mouthed kisses all over you, slowly kissing the bruises that littered your neck. "I'll kill whoever hurt what's mine."
A yelp bubbled in your chest once you felt him pull you in by the waist, prompting you to wrap your legs around him, arms making their way to his shoulders.
Now looking up to you, Mikey smiled, pressing another quick kiss to your lips before heading off.
"Let's get you cleaned up."
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Wanna join my 300+ Event? Shoot me an ask from my Emoji Prompt List or 100 Dialogue Prompts !
comfort writing this hello :]
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harinishivaa · 10 months
Not me just falling in love with Keshava over and over...
 His friends and officers, each separately and all together, approaching him said,--'The time hath come, O exalted one, for thy sacrifice. Let arrangements, therefore, be made without loss of time.' While they were thus talking, Hari (Krishna), that omniscient and ancient one, that soul of the Vedas, that invincible one as described by those that have knowledge, that foremost of all lasting existences in the universe, that origin of all things, as also that in which all things come to be dissolved, that lord of the past, the future, and the present Kesava--the slayer of Kesi, and the bulwark of all Vrishnis and the dispeller of all fear in times of distress and the smiter of all foes, having appointed Vasudeva to the command of the (Yadava) army, and bringing with him for the king Yudhishthira just a large mass of treasure; entered that excellent city of cities. Khandava, himself surrounded by a mighty host and filling the atmosphere with the rattle of his chariot-wheels. And Madhava, that tiger among men enhancing that limitless mass of wealth the Pandavas had by that inexhaustible ocean of gems he had brought, enhanced the sorrows of the enemies of the Pandavas. The capital of the Bharata was gladdened by Krishna's presence just as a dark region is rendered joyful by the sun or a region of still air by a gentle breeze. Approaching him joyfully and receiving him with due respect, Yudhishthira enquired of his welfare. And after Krishna had been seated at ease, that bull among men, the son of Pandu, with Dhaumya and Dwaipayana and the other sacrificial priests and with Bhima and Arjuna and the twins, addressed Krishna thus,--
'O Krishna it is for thee that the whole earth is under my sway. And, O thou of the Vrishni race, it is through thy grace that vast wealth had been got by me. And, O son of Devaki, O Madhava, I desire to devote that wealth according to the ordinance, unto superior Brahmanas and the carrier of sacrificial libations. And, O thou of the Dasarha race, it behoveth thee, O thou of mighty arms, to grant me permission to celebrate a sacrifice along with thee and my younger brothers. Therefore, O Govinda, O thou of long arms, install thyself at that sacrifice; for, O thou of the Dasarha race, if thou performed the sacrifice, I shall be cleansed of sin. Or, O exalted one, grant permission for myself being installed at the sacrifice along with these my younger brothers, for permitted by thee, O Krishna. I shall be able to enjoy the fruit of an excellent sacrifice.'
Thank you, Sabha Parva, Mahabharata, for doing this to me. This is from KMG translation of the Northern Recension of Mahabharata.
And thank you for all the analysis and citations that have now enabled me to start with Mahabharata.
Tagging people I think will be interested, let me know if I should add you to this in the comments or in DM.
@vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @celestesinsight @krishna-sahacharini @kaal-naagin @krishnapriyakiduniya @nirmohi-premika @chemicalmindedlotus @whippersnappersbookworm @sakhiiii @ambidextrousarcher @willkatfanfromasia @nspwriteups @dr-scribbler @rupkatha-banerjee @theramblergirl @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @moon-880 @thegleamingmoon @drauni-dhuta Please let me know you thoughts, and do let me know if the rest of you want to be added to the list. 
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bambi-marquez · 4 years
pahahha we forget mick is the king of starts
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neojet280 · 4 years
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G0X-PCT-DTG  4P Tower Race
Q27-R11-KMG   4P Ice Race
Q0G-9QS-SHG    1 Key Nightmare
Two (2) multiplayer versus level that have a spectate mode (though Ice Race spectator mode might be broken because I went for Esthetics) and a troll level : }
Also if you get 1 Key Nightmare in multiplayer versus, I'm sorry.
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rheaitis · 5 years
And the palace that Maya built consisted of columns of gold, and occupied, O monarch, an area of five thousand cubits. The palace, possessing an exceedingly beautiful form, like unto that of Agni or Suryya, or Soma, shone in great splendour, and by its brilliance seemed to darken even the bright rays of the sun. And with the effulgence it exhibited, which was a mixture of both celestial and terrestrial light, it looked as if it was on fire. Like unto a mass of new clouds conspicuous in the sky, the palace rose up coming into view of all. Indeed, the palace that the dexterous Maya built was so wide, delightful, and refreshing, and composed of such excellent materials, and furnished with such golden walls and archways, and adorned with so many varied pictures, and was withal so rich and well-built, that in beauty it far surpassed Sudharma of the Dasarha race, or the mansion of Brahma himself. And eight thousand Rakshasas called Kinkaras, fierce, huge-bodied and endued with great strength, of red coppery eyes and arrowy ears, well-armed and capable of ranging through the air, used to guard and protect that palace. Within that palace Maya placed a peerless tank, and in that tank were lotuses with leaves of dark-coloured gems and stalks of bright jewels, and other flowers also of golden leaves. And aquatic fowls of various species sported on its bosom. Itself variegated with full-blown lotuses and stocked with fishes and tortoises of golden hue, its bottom was without mud and its water transparent. There was a flight of crystal stairs leading from the banks to the edge of the water. The gentle breezes that swept along its bosom softly shook the flowers that studded it. The banks of that tank were overlaid with slabs of costly marble set with pearls. And beholding that tank thus adorned all around with jewels and precious stones, many kings that came there mistook it for land and fell into it with eyes open. Many tall trees of various kinds were planted all around the palace. Of green foliage and cool shade, and ever blossoming, they were all very charming to behold. Artificial woods were laid around, always emitting a delicious fragrance. And there were many tanks also that were adorned with swans and Karandavas and Chakravakas (Brahminy ducks) in the grounds lying about the mansion. And the breeze bearing the fragrance of lotuses growing in water and (of those growing on land) ministered unto the pleasure and happiness of the Pandavas. And Maya having constructed such a palatial hall within fourteen months, reported its completion unto Yudhishthira."
Sabha Parva, Section III, Mahabharata (KMG trans)
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kmg-racing · 2 years
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A$AP // #KMG #KMGRacing 📸 @mark_scenemedia // @needforspeed
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kiwonvld · 5 years
when: 2019.09.15 where: Yeouido Hangang Park what: three-legged race; KMG Entertainment company picnic with: @honeyvld
“Stand tall” was never an issue. At six feet, "standing tall” simply meant not slumping forward, not that doing so would help him in a moment like this as it was.
Beside him stood a trainee, one he’d held pleasant conversations with on and off over the years, and quite frankly he like the lad better than he did many debuted idols. If anything, he felt a kinship to the younger, as if he were to make sure to protect him whenever called for. He couldn’t help it. There was some sort of innate reaction that pushed him towards that, but never so much so that it was overbearing.
It was all but a hope that it didn’t annoy his hoobae.
As a staff member began to tie the boys’ ankles together for the race, Kiwon gave a slight bow to the trainee coupled with a tight-lipped smile.
What else was he supposed to say?
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jetrenu-blog · 6 years
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💥Collaborative Repost👉🏼 We are proud to Announce this years @rwbpokerrun . We all have been working very hard this year to make this event more epic than last year! The Free style show is one not to miss brought to you by Azfreeride, KMG Racing and Jet Renu! You will see Tanner “Tanman” Thomas and Mark Gomez along with several other top leading athletes giving you an awesome show! Anyone interested in competing in the freestyle show let us know. We are adding a slalom timed course brought to you by Prowatercraft Racing that anyone can participate in.... The Raffle ski is coming along nicely and we will have more updates soon! Plus all the other usual antics we do every year! #azfreeride #azfreeriderz #kmgracing #jetrenu #freerideinnovations #freeriderzinc #carvecomposites #pokerrun #freestyleshow #freeride #freestyle #parkerstrip #epicindustries #jetrenukeepsthetoysclean
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indieshuffle · 7 years
● B.Visible's "Early" on Indie Shuffle → http://ift.tt/2na4Rjc ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Support the artist, Hykuu: ● http://ift.tt/1hTkdAa ● http://ift.tt/1cM6bLZ ● https://twitter.com/BVSBL Support the label, Bonfire Records: ● http://ift.tt/2ljBQm1 ● http://ift.tt/2o27Xcy ● https://twitter.com/MassFlowCrew ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Our review (23-03-2017): We're all moving to Austria. Apparently this time of year there's a festival called Grübschrubben-klast met Gibben (For Austrians that takes about a second to say, I'm going to abbreviate it though). G-kmG is an annual event where locals gather to race animals riding other animals. The month long festival plays host to almost every combination of non-lethal animal pairings in the world. Provided certain animals can't partake due to size differences, the races are both entertaining for humans and animals alike. This years peripheral theme is electronic music and Vienna's own B.Visible is headlining the main stage. He'll be backed up by HVOB, Cid Rim as well as a pretty all-star animal cast, most of which are birds, but there are others too. ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Original photography by Angus Mackinnon ● http://ift.tt/2inHaDi ● http://ift.tt/2iKJ8eY ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- by Indie Shuffle
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maehemthemisfit · 2 years
Did someone say KMG!Mikey hc's? Cause I got a few:
He uses the cup that you drink coffee/tea/any drink in when you're not around, no matter how funky or stupid it is. He'll gladly carry it around to meetings since it comforts him to have something of yours with him while you're away
You introduced him to a lot more different foods, that resulting in him having more than 1 or 2 comfort foods.
Randomly gets emotional behind closed doors when you do the littlest things, he's just so great-full to still have someone after everything that has happened to him is kinda overwhelming :(
LITTLE TOUCHES OUT IN PUBLIC OML like his hand on your lower back guiding you, holding your hand under a table, letting you play with his hands ect.
Death grip on you at night. If you're someone that gets up in the middle of the night, you'll just have to start wearing diapers /j
Both of you share jewelry. Sometimes you'll see him wearing a ring that was originally yours, or he might see you wearing a necklace or bracelet that was originally his.
He loves to read to you until you fall asleep after a long day. Tbh he loves anytime he gets to spend time with you.
Please constantly reassure him that you will always love and take care of him when he asks. He doesn't think he deserves someone as good as you so he try's to get better for you :(
I love soft broken Kanto Mikey. Every bit of this is just 😔👌🏾
but on a real note
KMG!Mikey who comes home from a really tiring day, and nearly breaks down from everything crashing down on him again, like violent waves ready to take him underneath with no hope of coming back up.
He hasn't seen you all day which mostly contributed to his sour mood. The darkness was already creeping in, suffocating him until he was surrounded by it and nothing else.
He couldn't sleep like this.
KMG!Mikey who drives to your place in the middle of a storm, ungodly hour and all just because he needs to see you, hear your heartbeat, feel your small breaths of life to ease his racing mind. He didn't want to feel empty. Even with exhaustion weighing him down, he couldn't go to sleep without seeing you once.
KMG!Mikey who has a spare key that he always keeps close to him, sometimes holding onto it whenever he's feeling stressed and you're not in his sight.
KMG!Mikey who enters your apartment, drenched in rain, and shoulders slouched, not expecting you to be asleep on the couch, towel off to the side of you and two cups of tea on the table, cold but still filled.
The thought of you staying up and waiting for him almost brings him down to his knees, wondering what he did right to have an angel like you in his life. And if anything were to happen to you...
KMG!Mikey who nearly jumps at the sound of your sleepy voice and his mind goes blank upon seeing your soft smile. That suffocating feeling gone without a trace and his burdens seemingly nonexistent in this moment with you.
The way you wrap your arms around him, a whisper leaving your lips of how you missed him, eyes closed and uncaring of the water that latched onto you. And like the clingy kitten he was on the inside, that little boy who had everything and nothing, crumbled in your embrace, face buried in the depths of your neck- as if he was lost treasure waiting to be found. No matter how many times he was lost, he hoped you would always be there to find him again and uncover him from his dreadful solitude.
The grip he had around you threatened to squeeze to air out of your lungs, but you knew he had no ill intentions. He would never hurt you. He never did.
Delicate fingers ran through his golden locks, and he purred from your touch, bringing you even closer than you thought possible, lips trembling though you couldn't see. His harbored breaths told you everything you needed to know as you soothed him, rubbing soft circles on his back in hopes of calming him.
Nothing but the two of you existed in this moment as all the bubbling anger and sadness evaporated, now replaced by you and only you. His savior, his love, and safe haven all in one.
The world would see ashes the day something harms you... but for now, he'll snuggle in your warm embrace he'd often compared to wings, shielded from all the violence and misfortunes of the world that dared to consume him whole. For he was no longer the invincible Mikey, or the monster people painted him to be.
He was Sano Manjiro, vulnerable and soft in your arms. And most importantly, he was yours to love.
He'll try his best. If not for himself, then he'll give everything and more if it meant you were happy and safe in his arms.
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neojet280 · 3 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
1). 21 notes - Jan 17 2020
This is from @lynxgriffin deltarune fanfic Paper trail that you should check out if you haven't already I love this panel by the...
2). 1 notes - Mar 12 2020
G0X-PCT-DTG  4P Tower Race Q27-R11-KMG   4P Ice Race Q0G-9QS-SHG    1 Key Nightmare Two (2) multiplayer versus level that...
3). 0 notes - Nov 8 2020
I'm so glad the first month of November is over.
4). 0 notes - May 19 2020
Okay I'm done with phone calls. Please try calling me next year or next decade to play it safe
Created by TumblrTop10
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